Wings As EaglesChapter 13 free porn video

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We arrived at the Denton Airport Friday afternoon. Sue's mom and dad were waiting to pick us up. During the flight, Sue and I had discussed the acceptance of Lin into her family. She said not to worry, she had talked to everyone in the past and everyone was looking forward to seeing her. Sue had a way with people and especially our families. If she accepted something, everyone respected her opinions and accepted. I knew this because I valued everything she said.

Mom and dad came out to the plane to greet us. I knew they were anxious to help with the kids and to get a first look at Lin. Sue got out and hugged her parents and I followed.

"Hi mom, Hi dad! I said as I hugged her and shook his hand.

"Hi son, how was your flight?" dad asked.

"Great! We could not ask for better weather. How have you been?" I replied returning to the door of the plane to get the kids. I got Jay out and handed him to mom then picked Lin up and held her.

"Let me see her." Dad said reaching his arms out. I handed her to him.

"She is beautiful!" mom said looking at her.

"She is isn't she?" Sue replied. Dad did not say anything but the way he held her, I knew he would accept her. We loaded the luggage and drove to the house. As usual, the kids were waiting on the porch.

Mickey ran to me and jumped into my arms.

"Boy you must weigh two hundred pounds and have grown four feet since I last saw you! He just smiled and hugged me.

"I missed you!" He stated.

"I missed you too Mickey." I said putting him down as he ran to Sue and hugged her. By this time, everyone was around greeting us. JJ and Taylor were not home this weekend. We all went inside and sat at the dining room table. Sammy, Josh, Lisa and Joni had Lin in the den fussing over her along with Ray. Doug and Mickey were at the table with us. Genie was at work and would be home in an hour or so. We sat around and talked for a while. Dad seemed to be enjoying his last few months in the army before retiring.

After a while, I went onto the front porch to smoke. Ray and Doug followed me.

"How have you guys have been doing?" I asked.

"Fine! I am working on post with a civilian contractor as a Plumber." Ray answered.

"I'm still behind a desk working for Mutual Finance." Doug responded.

"Has anything changed on post?" I asked Ray.

"Nothings changed, but I heard they are not shipping as many men to Vietnam now. I think the war is about to wind down. Dad says we are losing over there."

"We are not losing, they just don't want to win outright. If they would go all out, we could win easily. The politicians are afraid to do that and I can't understand why." I explained.

"Money!" Doug stated.

"Yeah, that is it in a nut shell." I said agreeing.

"Jay, what happened to Lin's mother?" Ray asked.

"I'm not sure. They told me she died in a bombing or a mortar attack. I don't know any more than that."

"I bet you were shocked to find out about Lin, weren't you." Doug stated and laughed as he pushed me on the shoulder.

"More than I was with Jay." I said smiling back as we began laughing together. "You guys are not angels either."

"We are next to you!" Doug said laughing as Ray joined him.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny" I said pushing him on the shoulder.

"We're joking with you Jay! Don't take us serious." Doug said continuing to smile.

"You guys hurt my feelings."

"Bullshit! We know you better than that!" Ray stated. I smiled at him.

"Uh Oh! Her comes the devil!" Doug said as Genie pulled in the driveway. We laughed together as she got out of the car and walked toward us.

"What are you guys up too?" She said as she approached.

"Hi Genie!" I said standing up and hugging her.

"Hi Jay! Is Sue inside?"

"Yes, everyone is inside." I said as she continued walking in the house. She looked good but I was not going to tell her.

We stayed on the porch and joked for a while until Sue yelled for me to come in. She was on the phone with Bess discussing going out tonight.

"Bess and Jen want to know if we want to go out tonight."

"That's fine with me. Where do they want to go?" I asked.

"They want to go to the Straight Jacket."

"That's a good drive isn't it?"

"You have been there?" she asked.

"Yeah, a couple of times."

"Well, do you want to go there?"

"That's fine with me." I answered thinking it did not matter. She told them we would as they continued talking. I walked into the den where Genie was holding Lin.

"Jay, she is beautiful. But of course all of your kids are probably beautiful." She said not looking up at me. For a second I was angered but I held my composure. I leaned over to her ear and whispered.

"Kiss my ass!" She was not shocked by what I had said. Looking up at me, she wagged her finger indicating she wanted to say something. I leaned over to listen.

"Kiss Mine!" She said returning my smile.

"She is beautiful. Isn't she? I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the Straight Jacket with us tonight but I don't think I want to be around you tonight." I smiled again and walked back onto the porch. I was alone until Sue came and joined me. She sat next to me wrapping her arms around mine and leaning her head on me.

"What do you want pretty girl?" I asked thinking she had something on her mind. I put my face in her hair. "You smell good."

"It has been a while since you have done that." She responded.

"If you showered more often!" I said jokingly.

"Genie asked if she could go with us tonight." She said waiting for me to give an answer.

"I don't think she needs to go."

"Is there a reason?"

"I always have a reason for what I say." I knew Genie went to Sue thinking she could talk me into it.

"Are you going to tell me why?"

"She said something to me I didn't like."

"What did she say?"

"She made the statement that Lin was beautiful but all my kids were probably beautiful. I told her to kiss my ass. I was going to invite her but changed my mind. I wasn't really going to but I used that to get back at her." I said explaining.

"You know how she is sometimes. Do not pay her any attention. I have been getting along with her lately. I want her to come so we can spend time together."

"Go out and have a good time then." I said. She sat quietly a few minutes then got up and walked back into the house. I did not really care if Genie went but I wanted to make a point. I knew she would apologize to me if she wanted to go and that was my objective, to make her beg. She would at least have to sound as though she was begging. Everyone let her get away with these things but I was determined not to. I waited on the porch because I new she would eventually come out to apologize.

Mickey came out and sat with me wanting to throw the football. We walked into the yard and began throwing.

"Are you going to play school ball when you get older." I asked.

"If mom and dad will let me!"

"I'm sure they will if you want to. You need to practice a lot so you will be good at it."

"I do practice all the time." We threw a few more times and Genie walked out onto the porch and sat watching us. She did not say anything but I knew she was waiting for me to come over so she could talk. I ignored her until she spoke up.

"Mickey! Throw it here! She said. Mickey threw it to her and she almost caught it but it bounced off her hand. She walked a few steps and picked it up. She tried throwing it to me but it fell a few feet short.

"You need to practice with Genie!" I said to Mickey. Genie walked over and stood next to me.

"That's enough right now Mickey! I need to talk to Jay!" She said looking at him.

"Keep throwing Mickey!" I said to keep control of the situation.

"Please Jay. I want to talk." She said with a submissive voice.

"OK Mickey. We'll throw later. He stopped almost ready to throw.


"If we have time, OK." I said knowing we probably would not. He walked away throwing the ball up to himself.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asked.


"You act as though you are. You told me to kiss your ass. That sounds mad to me." She said. I acted as though I was not thinking about it but I was thinking about her. She had changed clothes and was wearing very short, shorts; with it looked like one of her brother's shirts. She tied it at the bottom just under her breast with the top three buttons undone revealing part of her. She had a very sexy look about her but I was not going to let her know I thought that.

"If you came out here just to ask if you could go with us. I don't think I want to be around you tonight." I stated.

"I'm sorry for what I said. It was thoughtless of me."

"Genie, I'm not like your family or friends. You know I have a very good sense of humor. If you had said that to be funny, I would have laughed. However, you said it to be an ass. I am not mad; I just am not going to put up with your spoiled rotten ass. If you came out to apologize just so you can go tonight but continue to be an ass tomorrow it won't work." I said as I began walking slowly down the sidewalk. She stood still thinking I would stop but I continued.

"Wait a minute!" she said jogging to catch up. I felt at this time I had control of her. She was being very apologetic. "Jay, I am really sorry. Not just for tonight but I want us to be good friends. I don't know why I say some of the things I do." She explained.

"I do!" I said.

"Then tell me."

"First of all you have gotten away with these things all your life and no one ever stood up to you. Your family is that way because they are your family and they have to."

"Go on!"

"Your friends let you get away with it because they accept that it is the way you are and they just want to be friends. Although they wish you would not be that way. Guys are a different story."

"What is so different about them?" She asked as she put her arm around mine as we continued walking.

"With guys it is different because they don't look at you the same way as everyone else. First, you know you can twist men around your little finger by your sheer beauty. You are very intelligent which is also intimidating to them. But I am walking here with you, your arm around mine, letting you think that by doing that you are going to make me melt as the others do. But I am letting you do it because I want you to think that."

"Are you reading my mind?" She asked.

"No I am reading your heart. Which is much easier." She continued holding my arm.

"There is another reason for me holding your arm." She said looking into my eyes.

"I know!" I responded.

"What is it smarty? If you know, tell me."

"You know I know what it is. I do not have to say it. But even if you don't understand all the reasons, I do." I said enticing her to ask. I thought about the letter that I had read when Sue wrote she would do anything to take me away from her.

"Tell me!"

"No, you tell me. If you have something in your heart, you want to say. Be honest with yourself and say it. I promise I won't embarrass you."

"OK then, I want to be with you. I care about you. I have every since you came back from Vietnam." She said turning loose of my arm.

"Do you want to know the other half?" I asked.

"Yes!" She answered.

"You want to be with me because Sue has me. I will always love Sue more than anything. I will tell you what is in my heart. I want to be with you too but I could never love you as I do her. We could only be something in passing. Do you understand what I am saying?" I asked.

"Yes, but I still want to be with you." She said putting her hand to my cheek. We had walked far enough from the house that being seen did not worry me.

"We understand that this could never lead into something serious, don't we." I said so that she would know exactly how I felt.

"Yes, I know." She answered.

I turned us around and began walking back toward the house. We did not say anything for a ways. I knew she was thinking the same as I. Debating whether we should attempt anything. We knew if caught, that would be the end of me, and they as sisters. I was in another one of my moods that caused me to take chances, not caring now what the consequences could be. We reached the driveway and turned in.

"When everyone is asleep tonight, will you come to me? I will leave my door unlocked." She asked.

"I want to but I will have to wait and see what the situation is at that time." I said with uncertainty. "By the way, you look very sexy."

"I wore these to seduce you." She said cocking her eyes at me.

"I thought that much!"

"It worked didn't it. She said with a grin.

"Not yet!

"You still can't go with us tonight!"

"Why?" She asked jerking her head toward me.

"Just Kidding!" I said smiling. We went into the house and acted normal. I asked where Sue was and Lisa said she was in her room. I went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Jay!" I answered. Unlocking the door, she was wearing only her panties and was holding a blouse covering her breast. She turned to walk to the bathroom as I took her arm and stopped her. She turned facing me. I took the blouse from her and dropped it on the floor. I looked over her body as she stood still and let me. I knelt down on my knees and slid her panties down her legs. I realized that the last couple of months I had taken her for granted. Suddenly I noticed again, how beautiful her body is. I put my mouth to her stomach and began kissing her. Kneeling down with me on our knees we kissed. She unbuttoned my shirt and helped me removed it. Then she began unbuckling my belt and undoing my pants. After they were loose, I pulled them down and stood up to remove them all the way. She was fondling me. I knelt down with her on the carpet and we were face to face.

"I love looking at you." I said sliding my hands over her body onto her breast. They felt so firm. I thought. I continued to feel of her body as she looked into my eyes. I put my palms to her face and pulled her to mine kissing her and laying her back until we were lying on the carpet. I put my mouth on her breast and began sucking and licking them. Moving my tongue down her body, I put my mouth between her legs and began licking her. She spread her legs allowing me in. For several minutes, I remained in that position until I moved my tongue down licking her thighs down to her feet. I put her toes in my mouth and began sucking them and licking around her feet. Moving from one foot to another, I began moving up her body until I had my mouth on her breast sucking and moving my tongue around them. I rolled her onto her stomach and began caressing her with my hands until I had felt all of her. She had a beautiful body and all of her curves were perfect.

I moved my hand inside her thighs caressing her at the same time sliding my tongue around her lower back and onto the cheeks of her butt. I began biting her lightly on the cheeks until she spread her legs allowing my fingers easy entry. Positioning her arms underneath her body, she raised her butt up suggesting to me. I positioned myself behind her and put myself into her. I began pushing hard as she grunted with every push. As I came in her, I grabbed her waist and rolled on my side holding her until I was empty and exhausted. She turned her body facing me as we wrapped our arms around one another in silence. We lay a few minutes knowing we needed to get dressed.

"I have missed that lately! She stated looking at me with a beautiful and innocent look to her face.

"I had almost forgotten how good it is with you. Making love to you is the most wonderful thing in the world. Not just the sex but loving you and you loving me." I said not wanting to get up.

I tried not to think about tonight, going to Genie's room while I was lying with Sue. Why did I even consider doing it? I love Sue so much and she does not deserve it. Is there something wrong with me? I could end up throwing everything away over a sexual fantasy. I think it is the idea of having sex with beautiful women.

"We need to get dressed. It is almost seven. Bess and Jennifer should be here soon." She said patting my shoulder. I got up and went across the hall to take a shower as she followed me. We washed each other for fun, enjoying the time together.

After showering, Sue dried her hair and went back to the bedroom as I shaved. While I was still in the bathroom, I heard Jen and Bess knock on the bedroom door and enter. A few minutes later when I had finished, putting my pants on, I went to the bedroom to finish dressing. When I entered, we greeted each other with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Are you two beautiful ladies still on the market?" I asked being funny.

"Depends on who is shopping!" Jen said looking at Bess as they laughed together.

"Sue, when we go out tonight I am going to find these old biddies each a man to marry." I said smiling at them.

"Did you decide about Genie? Is she going?" Sue asked.

"She apologized so I told her she could go."

"You got Genie to apologize. For what?" Bess asked.

"She told him that Lin was beautiful and probably all of his other kids were beautiful. Suggesting he had more than Jay and Lin." Sue explained.

"Damn! That girl has nerve. What I want to know is how you got her to apologize. I have never heard her do that before." Jen stated.

"It was easy. I told her that if she ever said anything like that again I would sneak up behind her and slit her throat." I said with a serious look. They looked at me a second in shock.

"Just kidding!" I said as we all laughed. I sat on the edge of the bed putting my socks and shoes on looking up at them smiling.

"I'm ready to go are you?" Sue said.

I'll be down in a few minutes." I said not having a shirt on. I opened my suitcase looking for a t-shirt and noticed the letters I had packed. I pulled one out and read.

February 18, 1970, 3:15 am.

My Love,

I fell asleep just after supper because I have not been sleeping well. Our son was dancing inside of me a little while ago and awoke me. Since I was up, I wanted to write and tell you how much Little Jay and I love and miss you. I am sorry I waited until last month to tell you about Jay. Maybe if I had said something before you left it would have made a difference in the way you thought. I may never know. Sometimes I think we may never see you again and that is almost too much to bear.

Am I wrong for not telling you about Jay? Will I hate myself forever if something were to happen to you, knowing I kept it from you? Would it have made a difference? Will life be cruel to me because of that? The guilt I feel now is overwhelming but I did not want to alter your convictions, "I love you that much".

Even though I carry the hope of seeing you again, I understand reality only too well. I know the possibility exist that you may not come back. Even so, you are the dearest thing to my heart and I need you here with me. Please come home to me. Jay will need you to teach him about life. He will need you to love and care for him with me by your side. I need you because I feel so lonely without you. I need you to put your face in my hair and tell me how wonderful I smell. I need you to tell me that you love me in that soft special way that you do. I want you to touch me in a way that only you can.

I feel better now that I have said these things to you. I have only two more months of carrying a part of you inside me. You are closer to me than you realize.

I know I can fall asleep again now. Kiss me in your dreams.

Your faithful love, Sue

We got in the car and drove to the Straight Jacket, which took us thirty-five minutes. While driving I thought about Joanna, the girl I had met while stationed here. I wonder what David and James are doing now. Did David marry Lynn or James marry Joanna? I know they were hooked on them. I laughed thinking about how much fun I had with them, David and James that is. It was a crazy time for me.

Pulling in the parking lot, we could hear the loud music.

"There is suppose to be a live band tonight. Some group called the Royals." Bess said.

"That means there will be seven dollar cover charge." Jen replied.

"I would rather see a live band." Genie stated. As we entered, the music sounded better. Through the night, the band played a variety of songs with many of my favorites. The band was good too. We got a table near the center with three chairs. Bess, Sue and Genie sat as Jen and I waited for chairs at the bar. We wasted no time in having fun.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked Jen.

"Yes!" she replied. We danced a couple of songs until Bess waved to us pointing that there were chairs for us so we went and sat with them. We were almost yelling to each other to hear what the other was saying because it was loud.

The first slow song that we heard, I asked Sue to dance. I loved slow dancing with her. There was something so romantic about slow dancing with her it was irresistible to me. While we were dancing, it seemed as though I was falling in love with her for the first time.

"I love you so much." I said with my mouth close to her ear.

"I love you too. I wish we could dance like this all night long." She replied. After that song and part of the next, we continued in each other's arms. Finally, as we sat down, Jen said.

"I don't know if you two knew it but that last song wasn't a slow one." Sue and I looked at each other and smiled. Genie and Bess were dancing with two people. Jen and I danced a couple of songs again. As I looked over Sue was dancing with someone I did not know. I immediately became angry. I never minded if she danced with someone I knew but I had told her I did not like her dancing with a stranger. After the song, Jen went back to the table and I went to the bar and sat as I drank a beer. I was pissed at Sue and I suppose I was sulking but at this time, it did not matter. I could feel myself going into a mood.

The person I was sitting next to began talking. I was glad to have someone to talk to and get my mind off Sue for the moment. We discovered that we were in Vietnam at the same time but in different places. I did not look back at the table where they were sitting out of spite. She would probably be looking at me wondering why I was not sitting with them. I wanted her to realize that I was pissed without telling her. Sam the person I was sitting with and I had talked through several songs discussing our tours in Vietnam. We were laughing at some of the things that happened to us during that time when Genie interrupted.

"Do you want to dance?" She asked putting her hand on my knee as I sat on the barstool. Sam looked at her then me as I hesitated answering. I could see the expression on his face. He could not understand why I did not say, "yes" immediately. As always Genie looked beautiful. She wore a loose white silky blouse opened at the top revealing a lot with black pants that were very tight. Her long blond hair was flowing down the sides of her face over her shoulders making her picture perfect.

"Sure! I said stepping down from the stool. "Genie, this is Sam. Sam this is Genie." I said introducing them. They said hi and we went to the dance floor. We danced to fast songs as I waited for a slow one. They began playing a slow one. We got close, she put both arms over my shoulder, and I put mine around her waist. I could feel it coming. I was in that mood again not caring about what Sue or anyone was thinking. She put her cheek to mine, as I could smell her hair and perfume.

"You smell good."

"Thank you. Are you coming to my room tonight?" she asked softly in my ear teasing me.

"Yes, unless Sue stays awake all night." I replied.

"Your angry with her aren't you. She told me you were. One of her old classmates asked her to dance and she thought you would not mind. She wants to explain to you but she is afraid to say anything right now because you are angry. She says that you say things sometimes when you are angry." She explained.

"You mean like Fuck Her! I blurted out.

"Yes, or something like that."

"If we are going to talk of her then I need to go back to the bar." I said angrily.

"OK, Let's change the subject." She responded.

"You look beautiful tonight. I want to kiss you." I said.

"We can do a lot of kissing tonight." She said.

"Are you trying to arouse me?" I asked.

"Maybe." she said as the song ended.

"I'm going back to the bar. Do you want to join me? Sam might ask you to dance." I stated.

"I better check him out first." She replied. We walked to the bar as I helped her onto the stool. I told Sam she was my sister in Law. I stood between the two of them listening to Sam try to make conversation with her. I knew he was about to ask her to dance so I said I needed to go to the restroom.

I turned to look as I entered the restroom and they were walking to the dance floor. I hoped that would make things look less conspicuous between Genie and I. As I came out of the restroom Sue was waiting for me.

"I'm sorry Jay. I thought about it after it happened but I hoped you would not be angry. He was an old friend of David's and mine from high school I hadn't seen in a long time." She explained.

"You knew how I felt. You could have at least introduced us then it would have been OK with me. Sue, I do not want to talk to you right this moment. We better drop it for now." I said. I might say something ugly while I was in this mood. I went back to the bar. Sam and Genie were still dancing.

While drinking, I compared Genie to Cathy, the girl I had known when I was first stationed here, and in certain ways, hoping Genie was not as bold as Cathy was. I new it was best to give Genie a little latitude to go and come as she pleased. I would even encourage it so she would not think I was trying to dominate her.

"Is anyone sitting here?"

"No, your welcome to sit." I said looking at a beautiful brown-haired woman.

"I'm Carlie."

"I'm Jay! How are you tonight?" I asked.

"Great, I noticed you from over there and it looks as though you are having a nice time tonight."

"I usually do when I go out." I replied.

"I came with my girlfriend tonight. She told me the band was good and I think they are." She explained.

"Me too! Better than I expected.

"Are you with anyone tonight?" she asked.

"Well, yes and no. My wife and her friends but I am angry with her at this moment."

"Should I leave you alone?"

"No! I need a little company right now, although she may get a little jealous of me talking to you. Do you mind?" I asked.

"It doesn't bother me if it doesn't you. Which one is your wife? I saw you dancing with three."

"The second."

"She is very beautiful. Aren't you afraid to leave her alone with all these guys around here?"

"At this moment it doesn't matter to me."

"To change the subject, why are you not with someone tonight? Is your husband or boyfriend not careless to let you out alone tonight? I asked smiling.

"My husband and I split up three weeks ago. He went back to Florida where he is from."

"Looking at you I think he is very stupid! I can tell it wasn't your fault."

"What do you mean?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Just talking to you this short time, I know it wasn't your fault!" I said.

"We met and married while he was stationed here. After he got out things were good until he started getting letters from his old girlfriend. He then just up and left one morning saying he was leaving me and moving back to Florida."

"See, I knew it wasn't you." I said.

"That's amazing! How did you know, really?"

"I just knew." I said.

"I'm looking at you too and wondering whose fault is it with you and your wife?" she asked.

"Probably mine. But that is why I am sitting with you so I don't have to think about it."

"Sorry! Do you want to dance?" She said to change the subject.

"Will you give me a minute to think about it? I am very vulnerable right now." I said smiling. "I want to but I don't know if I should with her sitting over there." I explained.

"Do you want to go dancing another night?"

"I would if we were with one another. However, I am only here for the weekend. I am going back to Memphis Sunday."

"Are you leaving your wife too?"

"No, we are visiting her family."

"Gee! Too bad!" she said.

"You have my sense of humor. I think I'm going to take you home with me tonight." I said as we laughed.

"327-8376, or remember the word, Eastern. If you are around tomorrow or come into town soon, give me a call."

"I fly all over, I might be coming this way sooner than you think."

"Oh yeah, what do you do for a living?"

"I am a pilot."

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Wings as EaglesChapter 4

Fort Rucker Alabama! I had signed up for aviation training when I joined the Army. I was glad when I arrived at Fort Rucker. We began school right away and I was enjoying it, especially not being under the same restrictions as I was in basic. After classes we were allowed freedom until roll call the following morning. Things were going great until this other soldier and I began arguing about Football and Baseball. The argument got out of hand and before I knew it, we were slugging it out. I...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 5

Finally, my new assignment! I had finally gotten a job when I reached Fort Knox. They assigned me to the airport. There I worked on T-71 airplanes, which the instructors used for training. A week after I was there I was given a jeep to drive back and forth to the airport and to give anyone a ride that needed transportation but everyone had his or her own vehicles. The Company assigned the jeep to our group and I was the only one that needed it. It was not bad working there and I loved...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 6

A New friend! I met Jason in the spring; he was from my hometown. He and his wife Cathy were living off post and Jason began inviting me to dinner a couple of nights a week. I was beginning to spend a considerable amount of time with them on weekends. They had a two-year-old boy Terry who was a cute little kid and funny at times. We were sitting around the television one-night drinking coffee. Jason was getting up from the couch, accidentally spilling his hot coffee on Terry. We rushed him...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 7

Vietnam! After thirty days leave, I was sitting in the airport in Anchorage, Alaska. It was cold outside and my destination was Vietnam. I was wondering what it was going to be like. Probably nothing like all the stories I had heard. They were calling for us to board, and I heard we were going to stop in Hawaii on the way there. We did but I never left the airport. I did walk around for a couple of hours and it was beautiful and warm. I told myself that if I ever get the chance to move here...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 9

Beginning a new chapter in my life! I was holding Jay with a blanket around him as I knocked on the door. "Hi Jay! Come on in". Wesley said answering the door. "Hi Wes, how has everything been going." Cynthia, his wife came in to meet us as I shook their hands. "Sue, this is Cynthia and Wesley. This is Sue and Jay, my son." I said introducing them. "What a beautiful baby, come in the den where it is warm. We have a fire going." Cynthia said directing us to the den. I laid Jay on...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 10

The Reunion! I had decided to get my Pilots license, and then go for my commercial license. I took the money I had saved while in the service to get an apartment. I also got another job at the airport working on commercial airplanes. It paid more than what I previously made at the plant. Times were good during this part of my life. After months, I had gotten my private and instructors license, making extra money on the side giving flying lessons. Sue was working in a doctor's office part...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 11

My sins catching up! The next day while at work, I received a call from the Health and Human Services department. "Mr. Lamour." she asked. "Yes, this is he." I answered. "This is Elaine Johnson, Your wife gave us this number to reach you. I discussed nothing with her. We have a letter from the Human Services Department in Los Angles saying they have a child of a Lin Chi in their care that you may be the father. "Ms. Johnson, I have never been to Los Angles. I believe you have the...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 12

Lin Chi is well accepted! We returned home Wednesday evening. It had been a nice but tiring trip, but we were happy to be home. We drove to mom's house to pick Jay up. As we went in the kids were watching television, mom was on the phone talking to someone. We walked into the kitchen where mom was and I sat the car seat on the counter. "Come here kids, I want to show you something! They all hurried in to find out what I had. "It's a baby! Where did he come from? Bill asked. "It's...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 14

Missing My Family! Another year had passed and my new job was taking me farther from Sue and the kids. Against all advice I had received from friends, I had accepted a job with a group of Japanese investors, the Yakima Investment Corporation. They were buying properties all over the United States, which kept me away from my family six days a week. They were paying me above average but after three months, I began wondering if it was worth it. However, I had a goal of owning my own plane one...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 15

The beginning of an Airline! Another year and a half passed and I had purchased my own Lear Jet. I was finally going into business for myself. We had sold the house and used that money for collateral along with three contracts I had signed with companies that saw the benefits of using another company to fly their corporate people. The money was better and I spent less time flying. I hired Richard Withers to co-pilot and to take over flying when I bought another Jet, which was my plan, to...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 16

A Growing Airline! Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and...

4 years ago
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Wing Girl

In high school, my best friend, Dave, was a stud. He dated so many hot girls I couldn't keep count. On the other hand, I couldn't get to first base with girls. I was awkward and shy. I felt silly, I looked silly. I was silly. I would have been a totally isolated, outcast nerd, had it not been for Dave. We had a lot of fun hanging around, cruising in his Camaro. I was his wing man. I felt cool as hell riding around town in that car. We'd go to a drive in, where Dave inevitably...

4 years ago
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Wing Night at Stingers

Once the snowbirds begin returning to Florida every bar seems to have a gimmick to get their wallets open. My favorite hang-out when I do get out is Stingers. They have a 30-cent wing night, and a buy one, get one, fish night. We, my ex-wife and I, were regulars there and after our divorce I began to straggle in stag as I began to date and fish around for female company. I had a friend from high school, Florie, who had moved to the area and looked me up. Now, Florie and I got together in high...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Swings and Things

In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:25:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, XASpecialWishX writes:"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "OOuch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck, low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and...

2 years ago
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Swings And Things

"Did you write today my sweet peach?" A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. "Ouch," I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. "Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your...

1 year ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

3 years ago
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Wing Girl Episode 2

The day had started with my best friend Dave taking me to a department store to get clothes for a Halloween party. Dave had the idea that we'd go the the party as the celebrity couple, David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer. Dave was going to be the magician Copperfield, and I was to be Schiffer. For Dave, it was going to be easy, since he was a handsome guy with fabulous black hair, and he liked to do magic tricks, so he already had a hat, and a cape, and a wand. For me, though, it...

2 years ago
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Wing Girl 3

I was lost in distraction all day at school. I sat in classes looking at my nails and running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't wait to get home so I could work on my makeup. Teachers would be talking about algebra theories, or important dates in history, and I would be thinking about how to run a line of mascara, and how to taper off eye shadow. The girls mostly wore subtle makeup at school, and I'd get lost noticing how they did eyes or their lips. I was starting to see how a...

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Wing Girl Party Prep

The drive from the mall to the salon was something of a change of momentum. After talking with Diane, mom sort of grilled me about my relationship with David, and about whether I knew that he was purposely encouraging me, maybe even using hypnotic suggestions, to come out as a girl. The encounter brought out a lot of emotion in me, and I nearly cried as I tried to explain that, yes, I knew David was encouraging me, but that I didn't think he was doing it to take advantage of...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Natalia Nix Fathers Day Stepdaughter Dick Down

Natalia Nixs mom totally forgot today was Fathers Day, and her man is sure to be disappointed when he comes home to find she did not get him a gift. But this lady thinks fast. She knows that her husband has always had an eye for her daughter, Natalia, so she dresses the sweet girl up in some extra sexy lingerie and gets her ready to service her stepdad for the first time. Natalia is nervous, but she has always wanted to feel her stepdad inside of her! When he finally gets home, he sticks his...

3 years ago
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Staling First MILF Real Beauty felt Heaven

Hello, Im Shan , Im going tell you the story I fucked a milf for the first time ever. Im twenty one years old now, and this happened four years earlier. I had several times experience with my ex girl before but only with that person and few hand job experiences at my favourite spa.It was a Morning, I found an adult site on the internet a forum that let people chat and get to know each other and have fun. I searched their for a lady ,a younger one and got down , their wasnt any real single...

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My Girlfriends Family P3

So I had just fucked my girlfriends sisters at the same time with her joining in as well, and this was apparently fine and normal thing for them in my girlfriends family.And as we strolled out of their dad's art studio naked, sweaty and sticky, and along the hallway back to the main part of the big country house they lived in, Katie the youngest sister cried "Oooh! Look at mum go!" and glancing out of one of the windows we could see Mrs Green their mother, naked as we were, sucking off their...

4 years ago
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Insemination "This is your last chance," Mazie said. Mazie was my best friend. Her son, Terry was the same age as my son, Danny."You tell me the same thing every month," I said as I poured her another cup of coffee."Some month it's gonna be true. If it already isn't true.""What are you saying?" For the first time, I was scared.Mazie took a sip and hesitated before saying, "Well ... you don't even know if YOU can get pregnant anymore. It might not just be Mel. It's been so long.""I still get my...

3 years ago
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Sophie Part 3

The bag went back to its owner on Saturday with a new pair of stockings in that I had carefully worn and then taken off to try and hide the fact that they were brand new. I had to hide a blush as Vicky thanked me for holding on to it for her. I found myself imaging what she looked like wearing the gear contained in it and what she looked like with the dildo firmly embedded in her teenage pussy!‘Err, you didn’t look inside did you Sophia?’ Vicky asked obviously noticing my blush.‘Well, yes. I...

First Time
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Nathan Brewster was having a blast. He had bought a hundred acres of land, at a thousand dollars an acre. It was in a remote area, and he was busy exploring his purchase. Oh, he had gone to see it with the original owner, previously. But when they had come out, it had been a short day trip. Now he was ready to look it over carefully and explore all the nooks and crannies of his newly bought land. It was heavily wooded, and had water on it. This pleased him, as he wanted to build out here, and...

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The Ultimate Incest Part 2

This is Yash(from Rourkela, Odisha) again with the second part of “The Ultimate Incest”. First of all, I want to thank everyone who read the first part of the story and gave feedback. Many of you requested that I write the second part as soon as possible. So, here it is. Enjoy and don’t forget to send feedback at Me and my mother watched the movie and came back home. She had already given me a blowjob in the bathroom there. I was so horny. My dick was tight all the way back. My mother’s...

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Remote Control Slave Part 11“Is there a problem here, boy?” asked the mall security guard, his hands on his hips, his biceps stretching his brown uniform shirt.I was just leaving the women’s clothing store. In one hand I held the package with my new panties. In the other, the butt-plug I had removed in the dressing room.I was sweating, despite the tiny flimsy pink shorts and top I was wearing. Over the guard’s shoulder, I could see Piss-Master and cock-master across the mall aisle. Piss Master...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 23

I am almost sorry that Danny must leave. I have come to like him well in the days he has been here. And I think he feels so about me as well. Before he leaves he reaches out again with his hand to touch mine, and when I extend mine to him he grips it as before and then pulls me to him for an embrace as a brother. He clasps my shoulder as he says his farewell. Afterwards Linda and I spend our time together as before, and she teaches me again. At first it is still language, but as time passes...

3 years ago
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Penny and her first monster cock

Penny’s encounter with a monster cockSome years ago when I was with my first wife Penny, I was working for a major UK company as regional engineer and was living in North Yorkshire from where I controlled a number of the company’s activities throughout the North of England. Part of my job was to acquisition fleet commercial vehicles and at the time many of these were purchased through a Darlington based company. They employed a senior salesman named Russ Blackstone who at the time was in his...

1 year ago
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How Traditions Start part 7

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: The house was dead quiet as Jack lay on his bed in the dark bedroom. His mind was wandering as he stared at the digital clock on the nightstand. He looked at the red digits, lost in thoughts as they changed. Jack smiled to himself as the clock read 00:00 and he closed his eyes. He was eighteen, finally an adult, and in just over a month he would be leaving home and going off to college. He couldn't wait. Growing up on a remote farm and being home...

2 years ago
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Voyeuristic IncestChapter 2

The kids had certainly seen Jackie and I in the nude in times past, though not in quite the way they had seen us the night before. So it was that Jackie didn't overreact to Rob's sudden unexpected appearance, and made no move to make any attempt at covering herself up. And it wasn't like we flaunted our being naked in front of the kids either. But we certainly never made an issue of nudity in the home as we'd long ago agreed upon when raising them. "It's a long story," my wife began...

2 years ago
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The Fantasy continued

The Fantasy Continued. What had I started? We fucked all week as she chatted about the imaginary guy we had met. I don’t know where she got the energy as she told me she had to work late 3 nights that week. She always seemed horny and turned on. I ran her a bath when she called to say she would be home soon. She loved to soak in the tub and it was not long till she slipped her naked body into the bubbles. I enjoyed picking up her dirty clothes to take them to the laundry basket her panties...

Wife Lovers
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The Pool GirlChapter 6

“I’m horny.” Melissa said it, almost at a whisper, while lying against me. She sounded a little sad and a tiny bit annoyed. She had cleaned the pool, which she did every day first thing after getting here. Each day was different. We didn’t have a ritual but each day she came over and we were together. That was enough. Some days we just sat and talked. Some days we read and then talked to each other. Not every day, but nearly, we had some form of sex. Sometimes it was just fucking. When one...

1 year ago
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Ryan and Billy Make a Noise

“Out here you two.” Ryan and Billy knew they were in for a spanking. They had pushed their luck and were now going to pay the penalty for disobeying their Mum’s. Audrey sounded really annoyed. The two boys stayed inside the tent. Audrey said again even more sharply “I will not ask you again boys, out here now.” Ryan and Billy appeared from the tent looking sheepish. Billy saw his Mum, standing, arms crossed, not happy at all he thought as he eased himself out of the tent and stood up. He...

3 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 5

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand closing on my shoulder gently. “Hi Matt,” my father said, coming around the table and taking the seat across from me. “Hi,” I greeted him with more warmth than I had all week. I figured if I was going to give him a chance to explain, I could at least be civil while we were talking it out. “Look, before we start, I just want to say I’m sorry for how I spoke to you the other night. I’m reacting a little better now. I’m not going to lie to you and tell...

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Crossing Lines The Point of No Return

He tells me how good I made him feel which in turn makes me feel good. I know he’s been aching to feel desired again. I mean isn’t that what we all want – to be desired? Wanting to return the favor, he instructs me to slide my shorts and panties down. Now, it’s my turn to listen. Of course, I had already played out some fantasies of him in my head. Would he match my fantasy? Yes, he does. Showing me his gifts in erotic romance, David makes my pussy explode with his words. Everything he says...

4 years ago
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Premature Ejaculation Man

In a world where the internet is overflowing with well-endowed male porn stars who can fuck for hours and women across the globe are expecting an orgasm with every sexual encounter—where every spam folder is brimming with adverts for performance-enhancing drugs and men everywhere have started doing Kegel exercises—there is one man who will stand up and speak out against the injustice and discrimination the ordinary lover faces, one man who has made it his life’s mission to awaken delusional...

2 years ago
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My 30th Birthday

Earlier that memorable day, my wife Rhonda, told me not to make any plans for that evening. I was thinking great, probably a nice dinner and a great night of lovemaking, can't complain about that. The evening rolled around and yes, she made my favorite dinner, and we sat drinking some wine, but I noticed she kept looking at the clock on the wall. At 8 o'clock sharp she announced that it was time for my "special" birthday present, and I shot into the bedroom and quickly undressed, waiting for my...

Group Sex
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Betty and Scotty Teen Lovers

Betty loved Scotty. Scotty loved Betty. Neither of them could ever remember not knowing the other. Their mothers were sisters, albeit adopted sisters, and not blood-related.While cousins, technically Scotty and Better were not related. They were born three months apart with Betty being the elder, which she never ceased lording over Scotty. She would tease him and call him youngster. The teasing stopped being a sore point with Scotty when he first realized how much he loved Betty and wanted...

First Time
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Drycleaner Delivery

When I turned 16 and got my driver’s license, I began driving a dry cleaning delivery truck on weekends and during the summers.   My little home town of Mayberry had a population of about 5,000 souls and was small enough that everybody knew at least something about everybody else.   There were advantages and disadvantages to that.   I got used to having women answer the door in various stages of undress….some in nightgowns, often wearing braless house dresses and a few times wrapped in a...

1 year ago
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auntie and her little toy

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

2 years ago
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Michelles New Babysitter

       I love my wife.  One of her best qualities is how she let’s me treat her thirteen year old daughter, Michelle.  My first treat was when she informed me that I should be the one spanking her, and that she would be stripped first.  I went along and spanked her thinking it was just the way they did things in their family; the fact that I was enjoying myself I kept to myself.  Than one day I came home to see that my wife had invited all of her friends over and had Michelle in diapers on the...

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We picked up the wrong guys

My name is Sami, I’m 24 years old, with the help of a skilled plastic surgeon, I have a body to die for. Tits are 34 Double D’s, nipples extremely sensitive, so much so, that when they are played with, I can easily loose all sense of where I am or what is happening to me, until they have had a chance to relax. Being gifted with my father’s darker skin tones, the blonde hair gives me a hungry sexual look. My closest friend, Erika is a brunette, almost the same size tits that I have, but her skin...

2 years ago
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Love SpellChapter 10

He stood there watching them, all 6' 2" of him. A big burly of a man. Dressed in his dark blue policeman's uniform with his gun at his side. How long he had been there was anyone's guess. "Well, well, well... what do we have here?" he said looking down at them. His big square German featured face framed with blonde wavy hair. They both looked up, startled. They hadn't heard anyone creeping up on them. Christina hastily pulled her cape around her naked body to cover herself. And...

3 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 58

Once I finally had my breath back and I was able to get the stars out of my eyes, the first thing that drew my attention was Amy and Becky still in their 69, as they had been ordered to do. Just that quickly, the evil thought hit me to turn up the heat on a certain “Blonde Bitch”. “Amy, stop worrying about that slut’s nasty pussy. I give you permission to grind just as hard on her mouth and tongue as you need to so that you can get off, and I mean that I want you to fill her mouth with so...

3 years ago
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Part 1. It was the first week of school and I got into a fight with a 8th grader who kept making fun of my height. The fight lasted 25 minutes, then the Principal and teachers showed up to stop our fight. We were then sent to the principals office, the 8th grader went first to talk to the principal. When he came out it was my turn to talk to him.I was in his office for about an hour. He told me that he would have to expel me from school because of how violent my fight was, he then told me to...

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Steve giving Julie to another man

We are meeting at the premier Inn for a meal at 6:45 The table in the alcove is booked and the hotel room is booked You and Julie sit well into the alcove and I sit on the end and once you have chosen from the menu I go to order. Julie is dressed in a white blouse, black skirt, white bra, white panties and white suspender belt with black stockings We have had sex every morning and every evening for a week and she has squirted each time and she has not had a bath for a week She...

3 years ago
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My Mum And Her New Young Boyfriend

Hi I'm Kyle 17 M Uk My Mum is called Suzanne - She is 48 years old , 5 ft 7 , slim , Tanned ,Shortish Blonde Hair , Natural 38c tits , Blue Eyes She's In Good Shape For Her Age and Looks After Herself .My Dad Sadly Passed Away 5 Years Ago and since then she has only had one boyfriend which only lasted a few months .About a year ago my mum joined the gym to get in shape and lose abit of weight , since then she's turned into a fitness freak She goes to the gym most days of the week and works hard...

4 years ago
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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Lovely Lust Lusty Love

Hello guys …This is Sunitha again !! Back with the incidents that happened the next day !! If you havent read my previous episodes please read them under “Trapping my Father in law.” I feel going straight into the story is bit boring !! So guys lets add some spice !! Put your hand into the pant around your dick…Now stoke it up and move it to your to your left..up and down..up and down..right and left..If you are hot enough and bit wet , lets go into the story !! I hate dry dicks !! I...

3 years ago
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Caught in the act8

What I was doing was surfing various porn sites with my pants around my ankles while I stroked my cock. Not an easy thing to do might I add as I tend to jerk off with the same hand I use for mouse moving! The pic that was on the screen when she walked into the room was of a beautiful blonde about my wife's age taking a huge load of cum onto her face and tits. Which, I might add, is something I love doing to her on the rare occasion she is in the mood for a face full of cum. Now...

2 years ago
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A Special Introduction

I had lined up a "double" with Angela, an escort that I had seen before. I knew she was a bit of a loudmouth and more business than pleasure, but she always did it for me, and she had a rocking body. She had also described her doubles partner, Mia. Mia sounded hot, and I had some extra cash on hand so I decided a three way would be a fun way to spend some time.When I arrived at the a nice apartment that Angela was apparently using for her activities, I was pleasantly surprised to meet Mia. ...

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