A Helping Hand
- 4 years ago
- 19
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It was Saturday Night, the first night that the girls would be a formal coven. Each felt differently about it. Lilith was excited, hoping that the excuse of a coven would grant her some of the fantasies she’d had about her friends. Morgan was nervous, the world of magick was a bit out of her favored domain of logic, but it held an intense draw to the fantasy nerd within. Kimmy was happy, she knew that magick was bunk and a bunch of empowering nonsense and she really liked empowering nonsense, it brought people together. Thessaly was ambivalent, why though is too shrouded in mystery to tell.
They would each walk into the clearing of the woods off campus at around midnight. There they would perform a couple of little works, nothing too intensive. Until then, they waited, prepared, and thought.
Kimmy lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. Hers was the closest apartment to the woods so she wouldn’t have to leave until 11:30. It was only 8 now. She had called up her current boyfriend Chris, president of the Christian Legion, to schedule a bit of relaxing time before she had to leave, but he wouldn’t be able to come here for another 30 minutes. She thus had that much time to kill. She grimaced at the thought.
She hated having free time, time alone with one’s thoughts. Too much happened during those times, the mind had a tendency to rebel. All of one’s doubts and insecurities attacked a woman if she wasn’t using her time on something. Kimmy avoided these attacks of introversion whenever possible. The reason being that she was an extrovert and thus a bit shallow.
She hated to admit this, that deep inside she was just another self-centered blonde girl who would be crushed by the real world. She tried everything to rebel against this tendency by volunteering, being empathetic, striving as hard as she could in her classes and job, and most importantly keeping herself too busy to fall into these thoughts.
She needed something to do. She couldn’t do any assignments, nothing was really do the next week. She could study, but she had spent all of Friday studying and wanted a break today. She could masturbate. It was always a good way to waste the time. Maybe a little later, she thought as she looked in the direction of the drawer with the vibrator.
She cuddled with her teddy bear for a second. She thought about him for a second. She knew what bringing a teddy bear to college said about one’s maturity and what it inferred about a woman’s naivety, but she didn’t really care. Mr. Snuggles had been her closest confidante since she had been a little girl and hugging him had always made her feel good.
Eventually her thoughts, in desperation to avoid the deeper thoughts at the edge of her psyche, turned to the night that they had decided to become a coven. They had been watching a series of witching movies at Morgan and Lilith’s apartment. It had been after Witches of Eastwick when Lilith brought it up.
“Have you ever thought about doing that?”
“What? Throwing up cherries,” she had asked confusedly. She hated doing this. Whenever she showed confusion, she felt an undertone of blondeness. Not that she was ashamed of having a beautiful head of blonde hair, of course. It just was, she hated bringing attention to it.
“No, being witches, like in a coven.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think that’s something you can be,” she had replied.
“Of course you can, it’s easy,” Thessaly had said disinterestedly. She had always been the most serious one of the group. “People have been doing it for centuries.”
“My cousin in Florida is in a Wicca group down there. She says it’s really empowering and stuff. She…uh…sent me some books on it, if we decide to do it,” Morgan had ventured shyly.
And so had gone the evening. The idea of the coven grew slowly from this distorted idea to something genuine, an itching by the group. She remembered feeling excited by the idea. A lot of the recent gatherings she had had with her friends had seemed a little forced, mostly revolving around watching movies and the like. She hoped that the whole thing would bring everybody together. She liked being brought together.
She looked at her Garfield alarm clock. It was 8:35 pm. Where was Chris? She fumed angrily for a second and then sighed. Well, while she was waiting, she could enjoy herself a little. She went to her vibrator drawer and shuffled through the random papers she placed to keep them hidden from any guests who had a curious streak. Eventually, she pulled out her most favored one, a 3-inch pink one that was great for those “small urges.”
Looking around in the way that all masturbating people have of doing before they begin. She slipped out of her pink panties leaving her bare except for her white heart camisole. She rubbed the dildo softly against the short hairs of her pussy, turning it on to its lowest setting as soon as it hit the clit. The vibrations caused her to coo softly, she always loved the first touch.
Slowly, she let the dildo trace the folds of her labia, increasing the power slightly with each pass over the clit. When she had passed medium power, she slowly inserted the dildo, letting it enter just deep enough to brush up against the g-spot. She began to slowly move it along and around the area when a hand fell on her shoulder.
“Yah,” she screamed letting go off the dildo and it clattered to the floor noisily and begun to slowly vibrate in circles.
“It’s just me, Kim,” Chris said apologetically. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Why didn’t you say anything when you came in,” she asked, still a bit shook up.
“Well…I…You were well and…um…I didn’t want to…well,” he blustered, his face growing as red as a tomato. Kimmy smiled. She knew deep down why he had snuck up on her, but also knew he was too proud and “good” to admit that. Still, he looked cute when he was embarrassed. The red of his cheeks matched well with his red hair and freckles.
“It’s okay. Well, now that you’ve interrupted me, I suppose you’ll want to take over the job.”
“Damn straight,” he said, moving out of the embarrassment and into machismo in an instant. He removed his shirt over his head revealing a young hairless chest. Shirtless, he was not much to look upon but at least his sexual tastes closely matched Kimmy’s. In other words, plain vanilla.
His pants soon followed the shirt and he stood there briefly clad only in boxers as if waiting for Kimmy’s approval. She nodded appreciatively, as she figured that was the polite thing to do in these circumstances. Having dispensed with the ego gratification he moved to the more pleasurable aspects of his visit.
He pulled up Kimmy’s camisole just high enough to reveal her breasts. They were normal sized, maybe a little bigger. After all they were c-cups and they went well with her not-quite lithe, not-quite pudgy body. She was in all essence of the word, perfectly healthy, though in the tradition of most women, felt herself to be a bit on the heavy side.
He touched them softly as he leaned in to kiss her on the mouth. He gave a few daring darts into her mouth, but it was overall very plain. That was okay, because she liked plain. After a minute of rubbing and foreplay, Chris’s boxers began to tent. She rubbed the protrusion lightly and asked a single word.
“Oh, yes, baby,” he moaned slightly. At this Kimmy pulled down his boxer shorts and led him to her bed. Lying down softly, she waited patiently for him to climb on top of her and enter her. He did so hesitantly starting extremely slow. The masturbation earlier had wetted her enough that she didn’t need this tenderness as much, but it had been the way they had always had sex. Kimmy wasn’t about to change what worked.
The thrusts came slowly as well, taking agonizingly
long times to pull out to the surface and thrust home to the deep. Eventually, he began to quicken his pace and Kimmy fell into it feeling the slow buildup to orgasm boil up to the surface with each passing minute. At this pace and with the missionary position, it took quite a while for both of them to reach orgasm. When it did, Chris quickly pulled out and carefully came on her belly so that they could wipe it up with a Kleenex afterwards. Like all the times before, it satisfied Kimmy and she had cum, but somewhere deep inside, she felt that she was missing out on the whole point of the exercise. She looked at the clock again: 10:45. She might have time for one more act before she had to go…
Morgan listened patiently to the moans in the bedroom. Lilith was yet again entertaining a classmate in the bedroom. Morgan ceased to care anymore. She had grown so used to it that all of her stuff had slowly moved into the living room over the months. In fact, by now it was fairly agreed upon that the living room WAS her bedroom. It was an arrangement that worked for both of them.
Morgan was reading a stack of books she’d had her cousin had shipped from Florida when she heard that she was interested in Wicca. She also had a stack of “other” books that she’d been collecting over the years. These detailed types of monsters, demons, and beasts one could summon, even train to do one’s bidding. She’d never believed one word of it as she was very much a woman of science, yet deep in her mind she thrilled in it. The unknown created an incredible fascination in her and she drank thirstily of any tales of it. The never-weres of fantasy had an attraction on her almost as strong as science did and her bookshelf reflected this. Grimm’s Fairy Tales sat next to the novels of Hawkings. Chemistry textbooks were shelved with old style grimoires and Charles Darwin sat next to the Bestiary of Mythological Creatures. It was a twisted double fascination.
As should be evident by her choice of literature, Morgan was a nerd in the highest sense of the word. She was a true seeker of knowledge of any kind and though this aided in her schoolwork, it created a never-ending thirst in her to learn. Every year, she would find herself with another bookshelf or wobbly stack of books of an advanced, even bizarre nature. And though she would never in her life tell anyone this, it brought her excitement and even stimulation.
Today, in preparation for the night’s meeting, she had been buried in the books of magick looking over the strange and mysterious things one could supposedly do. The current volume in her hand was the Bestiary of Demonology and she found it quite engrossing. Her hand darted in her panties as she read the passage for the incubus. In her imagination, dreams and half-sorted fantasies jumbled and collided. Her hand feverishly rubbed over her clit as she imagined running from the incubus and in doing so only getting closer. She imagined her strength fading away, her own body betraying her as she fell helpless to the demon’s lust. Her probing fingers plunged into her pussy at this point, massaging her deep inside. She could only get about two in, but this was about normal. She, as a virgin and an extremely undersexed one at that, was a very tight individual.
It also didn’t help that unlike her friend and roommate, she was truly lithe as a faerie. She was half-Asian and that had blessed and cursed her with a skinny and short frame. It had also seen to grant her a beautiful head of long black hair and to her dismay, two small cherry A-cup breasts. Because of them and her bookish demeanor, she always failed to attract the attention of any mates. Not that it would have mattered much if they had noticed her. She had slowly over the years built up a sort of disdain for morons that transcended deep in her soul.
She thought more about the demon, becoming hotter and hotter. Soon he would thrust deep inside her. His dick would be large. 14 inches, no, 16 inches and she would be able to take it all. Her tiny pussy would truly be filled to the brim. She squirmed to the fantasy, her fingers whirring in tune to the imagined demon’s attack.
Perhaps, he would maul one of her small breasts, taking it and twisting it. She copied the imagined action and her pussy spasmed in reaction. It would not be long before she’d go over the edge. He imagined a second dick rising out of the demon. This one would penetrate her ass. She moved the hand that twisted the nipple behind her and shoved a finger as deep in her ass as it would go. The sensation gave her another push and a scant minute later she bucked and moaned to an orgasm.
Basking in the afterglow with the book spread eagle in front of her, she smiled in delight. If these sessions could make fantasies like these come true eventually, safely, then she’d have to thank Kimmy personally for coming up with the idea of a coven. She’d actually been surprised when she’d mentioned it. After all, Kimmy seemed the most normal one of the group, the token extrovert in a group of loners and outcasts. Still, she had to have a bit of tweakiness to want to hang out with us, didn’t she, she thought.
Shaking her head, she cleared her head to go back to work. She had a lot of reading she needed to get done before midnight and she’d have to change her panties as well. Maybe a couple of times…
Lilith was a slut. Or at least that’s how she described herself. She was horny nearly constantly and surrounded by so many beautiful women at college, she felt like an adolescent male. She’d already changed her major three times to maximize the amount of cute girls in her class and now with a double major in literature and gender studies, felt that she had found her peak.
And peak she found, as she moaned in orgasm. The hot little number from her Feminism class had done a fine number on her box and to think that less than 6 hours ago, she had said she was straight. Lilith laughed. She’d had a talent it seemed for bringing out the question mark in other women’s sexuality. At least she called it a talent. It was really sheer determination and bloody-mindedness that lured the women in.
Still for all her skills, she was never able to convince her friends to join in her Sapphic explorations much to her sadness. In fact, the reason she had agreed to the crazy idea of a coven was the underlying promise of a “sisterly togetherness.” Yes, she owed many thanks to Thessaly for coming up with the idea. Or had it been Morgan? She couldn’t remember. All she knew was it had been on of the more boring ones and she knew she would exploit the situation for her pleasure. Besides, a couple of naked sabbats would be nearly worth it in their own right. She nearly came again at the thought. That reminded her…
Rolling off her classmate’s face, she started to walk for the door. “I’ll be right back,” she said. “Don’t move a muscle.”
Walking toward the kitchen and the hall closet where she kept her bigger and more interesting toys, she passed the moaning form of her roommate, fingers deep in her snatch. She took a moment to appreciate her friend’s horny predicament and wondered briefly what it was in these old books that kept turning her on so. Secretly, she hoped that the desperation of using books to cum would eventually force Morgan into her experienced arms, but so far it hadn’t happened yet.
Continuing to the closet, she opened it to reveal Black Betty, her double-ended strap-on. It was her pride and joy of all her toys and she’d used it to many, many shared orgasms in the past. Stopping at the kitchen to get some whipped cream and in the living room again to watch her friend approach orgasm, she went. Eventually, she returned to the bedroom, before either her classmate started looking for her or Morgan caught her peeping.
Entering in with the strap-on firmly locked in place, she looked like some transsexual’s wet dream. She was not lithe, mo
re like anti-lithe. Not that she was fat or obese or anything of that type. She was just stocky and stacked. Her shoulders were as wide as a man’s and because of them, she’d sort of fell into the role of tomboy when she was younger. However, having such big and strong shoulders was an absolute boon in the assistance of her boobs. They were a glorious DD-cup and she prided over them like a tomcat prided over his whiskers. Since, her shoulders and her back was strong and wide, they carried very little sag and did sort of jut out sensually. Complimenting that was a waist that had meat to it yet still emphasized the hourglass figure. On top of that, she was blessed to be a true raven-haired beauty and her slick black hair fell just short of shoulder-length to carry a twinge of the exotic. She was not one of those silicon model whores she lusted after in magazines, but she could turn the heads nearly as easily.
That this was all sporting a 10-inch plastic erection brought an air of the exotic to the long coitus and her classmate cooed in anticipation. Lilith smiled jauntily and shook the can of whipped-cream in her hand sensually, letting the metal ball clang with exaggerated punctuality. Once the drama had been set, she sauntered over to her classmate and spread the cold cream in a line down from the cleavage to the pussy, letting it cover the hairs and labia messily.
Then moving down, she let her mouth suck the breasts cleans off cream and let the lips follow the trail, spreading cream over her belly and nether regions. When all had been cleaned but the pussy, she paused and then greedily sank in tonguing the labia, the urethra, the inside, the clit, everything. The cream spread everywhere in the wild frenzy of licking and the coldness of it combined with the hot wetness of her mouth was driving the classmate halfway to an orgasm. Once, the pussy was completely clean and more than ready for a penetration, Lilith continued the drama.
Stroking the plastic dick with her hand, she asked her classmate if she wanted it.
“Of course, now come on and do it already.”
“First say the magic words.”
“Do I have to?”
“Fine. Fuck my pussy,” she said, spreading herself as close to 180 degrees as she could.
“That’s my girl,” Lilith said as she rubbed the plastic cock along the folds of her labia. With each upward trip, she sank a little bit in to wet the tip and she would rub it along the clit. After a little bit of this, she began to sink the cock in a little bit at a time, pushing in a little bit further and pulling back to the front. In this way, she could get used to the length and thickness of the rod in increments. She always found this the best way to go, unless they were experienced enough to take it all in one go. Now, those were fun ones, she mused.
Coming back to the task at hand, she sunk the whole ten inches, until she was balls deep. The action pressed back into the dildo in her own vagina and she thrilled to the sensation. Once there, she left it and began to slowly rotate it around, feeling her classmate contract her pussy around the large dildo. The action gave an extra sensation of thickness, but more selfishly, it ground the end inside of her against her g-spot. After this brief flash of selfishness, Lilith was ready to continue.
She began to slowly back out and thrust home hard, thrilling to the twin sensations of a withdrawn cock and a hard slam. She had never gotten to care for male love (there was almost always a male behind it), but she loved simulating it with her toys. After a few strokes as the moans of delight began to erupt from the cute figure beneath her, she grinned mischievously. Reaching down, she found the switch on the side of the dick that made it a double vibrator. She flicked it on as soon as she’d thrust all the way home again.
The sensation suddenly hit both their clits together and Lilith’s classmate gasped to the sudden feeling of ten-vibrating-inches suddenly filling her womb. The sensation released in her a cacophony or more tellingly a symphony of moans and shudders. Lilith thrilled to it and took the opportunity to lay across as she thrust, bringing her large breasts to her classmate’s eye-level. She didn’t need another hint and began to nurse the swinging breasts with the rapt attention of a starving babe.
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Based on comments, I could see people DON'T like cliffhangers or anything seemingly episodic... So let me preface this by saying this series WILL BE EPISODIC. Stories will end suddenly, and if you're reading this fresh off the presses, may not be updated immediately, so you have been warned! Now then, on with the show. Please continue to offer comments and keep them constructive, please! :-) Please be sure to read "An Account of an Arch Cocksman" for the pre-origin to this...
Adrienne was new to the city, and didn't know anyone. After a few weeks of stifling solitude, she had decided to visit the local equivalents of her old haunts. Part of her hoped that the city would change around her, spitting out her old friends and familiar environs. The corner pub had been nearly deserted, and it was hard to make new friends at the mall, so Adrienne found herself alone at the gay club. She wasn't expecting to be alone for long. With her shock of long blonde hair and cute...
Dear all ISS reader I am a new visitor to the site. Recently only few months ago I came across this site while searching for sex movies as my wife has been away from me, due to her pregnancy. I like the stories I read on the site and now it has inspired me to share some of my own experiences in the past as well as in recent times. I will try my best to share all the experiences one by one looking to your response to this one. Now about me, I am Abhinav with an average built up body with fair...
IncestThe wedding was over. Linda and Bill were gone. The guests were gone. Only Helen, Dan, and the best man were left in the church basement, and it was letdown time. "What's on your schedule now, Tom?" Dan asked. "Probably go back to the motel and get my stuff. I might cruise up to Chicago. My mother lives in Chicago." "You can do all that tomorrow. Let's all go to a bar and have a couple of drinks. I have the blahs." Tom looked at Helen, who was already feeling pretty...
The plan was simple. Hop the fence in the southwest corner of the property, move through the trees to the tall bushes along the side of the house, pick the lock on the side door just off the laundry room, and disable the alarm. Advance to the second door passed the kitchen, the safe is located in the wall behind a framed, signed, personal letter from John F. Kennedy, out the same way you came in less than ten minutes. Like taking candy… It had been a year since I got the job in the law offices...
I have long been an enthusiastic participant in phone sex especially during the days when I travelled a great deal. Travel simultaneously limits and expands opportunities. On the plus side is the provision of long distance relationships and opportunities for honing one’s proclivity for talking dirty. The negative side should be obvious and flows directly from the positive. Still, the s**ttered moments of sheer exhilaration should not be denigrated. One morning of a trip, a friend called me...
Christmas TruceBy oggbashan©Copyright Oggbashan November 2013; Minor edit April 2017 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. *************************************************I was sitting at my small easel, painting yet another watercolour of the Essex countryside. I produce...
"Ooooh, lover, that was good. I didn't think you'd have anything left after servicing your little bitch." They were lying in Damon's bed, still panting from the exertions of their latest combative coupling. "You just bring it out in me, I guess." "So, where do you keep her? I can't see you letting something that needy out in the world. She'd fuck every pair of pants between here and there and still want more." "Yeah, she is a demanding little cunt. Kind of like someone else I...
I was awakened again by Suenee shaking my shoulder. There was barely enough light to see in the room. "You must return now," she said, when she saw that I was awake. I reached out and pulled her to me. She offered no resistance and came into my arms for a long kiss - but not too long. "Shower," she told me in a no-nonsense voice. We adjourned to the shower again. I was better prepared this time, but that water was still cold. We both showered and dried off. When I came out of the...
By the time she’s showing Chuck house number 12, Lacy Lennon has had enough. It’s been seven days, and Chuck, in addition to being annoying and bratty, can’t make up his darn mind! Frustrated and exasperated, Lacy rhetorically asks Chuck if a blowjob would get him to finally buy. To her surprise, Chuck agrees. Hoping post-nut clarity will finalize this deal, Lacy strips out her perky tits, then shows off her banging booty, before getting on her knees and giving Chuck some...
xmoviesforyouIt was late summer, the weather was still hot and sunny, and Melanie and I were making a long weekend of it. Jake and Sue, the other two parts of our four-member pseudo-family, were away spending a week with relatives in Halifax, so Melanie and I decided to have a date night on the Saturday. There is a local restaurant/bar that serves good food and has live bands on a Saturday night, so that was selected as our destination.When we go out on a date during the summer, Melanie always wears some...
Group SexI wake to the alarm and look at the clock. I jump up. I am already running late. I think to myself how happy I am its Friday; I pull out a pair of jeans and jade green silk blouse. I pull out the dark brown pantyhose. I ball the leg up and pull them up my slowly as to not snag it. I do the same and cover my left leg with the dark brown nylon. I rub my hands up and down them smoothing them out. I pull the jeans over them. What a shame I have to cover them like this. I walk back to my closet...
Much later in the afternoon I did go back into the office, if only to say hello. As I'd expected, both Naz and Seff were about and looking extremely busy ... even before they saw me. In fact the office was pretty much as I'd left it, except that Naz had sort of expanded his workspace across both my and Debbie's desks, occupying the space with some large format print outs of code models - all heavily annotated, I noticed - while Seff's desk had accumulated a variety of accessories - in...
W.I.T.C.H. A story about a group of men duped by their wives into attending the W.I.T.C.H. Institute in order to learn more appropriate behavior. They are forced to do many humiliating things to "earn" tokens acknowledging their accomplishments.W.I.T.C.H.Women's Institute for Training ......... Husbands Some of them were caught cheating on their wives. Some were caught invarious ways while wearing women's clothing. Others were miscreants whohad in some way so displeased their wives that...
I am Faizal 31 years old 6 ft tall and with a gym body. I am working as a Software Consultant in Chennai. It all happened on rainy day.. I was traveling from Chennai to Thiruvananthapuram. It was Deepavali season and there was absolutely no reservation available. There was no other choice, I bought an unreserved ticket and boarded the Thiruvananthapuram Mail. I was lucky enough to get a window seat. It was a very old compartment. There was no light in our row. When the train reached Katpadi it...
My name is Marie and I'm twenty-four years old. I was raised solely by my Dad since the death of my mother when I was six years old. We built a special bond between us since it was just us together. I did have two sets of Grandparents but they both lived out west where my parents were from. According to Dad I was born a California girl. We, Mom, Dad and I, moved to Ohio when I was two years old. Dad was in the insurance business and had got a big promotion so we moved out east. Eventually...
Finally, everyone seemed to come to a stopping point for the day. Sarah, the Colonel, and their hands headed back to his place and Maybel put on her first feed at the big house. I had everyone eat with us tonight, so we could get acquainted. Frank brought his wife Cara, and Bob had fetched Roberta after lunch was done, so she was with us for supper too. I'd hired the two men Frank found - Chad James, and Slick Williams - but they wouldn't be living at the ranch, so they weren't here for...
So sorry about the wait guys I had to take my time with this and be careful not to end the story too early, I would like to thank everyone of getting behind this series and express how grateful I am for all your encouraging comments.I have received some pm's asking me to include the younger sisters as I had not considered that the story would take off with this much success I will see about adding them in later chapters but for now please...
Kiera King couldn’t believe her eyes when Penthouse male pornstar Nick Manning came into the bar where she was having a drink. All of Kiera’s friends think she’s a prude, but they don’t know the demure brunette has a naughty side watching porn and thus knew exactly who the well-hung stud was. His rough appearance made her horny and soon she was seeing and feeling the monster hard rock rod for herself deep down her throat and filling up her pussy until he unleashed his...
xmoviesforyouAfter we landed and exited the choppers, they flew on to Entebbe International. The spare was going back into the hangar fully fueled; it would receive a thorough post trip inspection - by the book – tomorrow, since the flight today was over 500 miles and the first long flight since leaving the shop. The other one was coming back fully fueled in case it was needed for emergency embassy business. It needed a full tank. After a long hot shower at the Hilltop Hilton and a change of clothes to...
Hi, folks, this is Raj here. Most of my readers know me as I have received emails from many girls and aunts to make them satisfied. Some of them for sex chat and sexual encounters. I feel so honored and privileged that I made some of my female readers satisfy their sexual needs once they mailed me. Thanks for all your responses which I got for my previous story “Fucking a Cute Banglore ISS goddess.”. U will definitely like it. **Coming back…* I got some emails from some guys asking me to...
Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to ISS for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is Akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you can contact me. My mailing id is Boys stay away from...
Ryouko Murakami is so hot and her brother in law knows it. He comes over today and he seems to know what she did with the stranger the other day when he came to confront her about her online panty sale. She has been caught as she let that stranger in to watch her masturbate and then she sucked him off. What kind of good sister in law is this that will blow a stranger while her husband is away at work? Well now it is time to give her brother in law some love as well. She has such a hot body it...
xmoviesforyouBast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of...
“I am the one destined to be alone.” It stood out. Prophetic, intuitive, whatever it was – this written phrase was a cold study of intimidating pen-blue scrawl on shredded, mangled miniature lined paper. If a diary could be threatening, this diary would both terrorize and mystify. The statement bared its teeth like a beautiful, radiant tiger leaping out of a dead, desolately charred jungle. Sam sighed and tore her stare away, resting her gaze on the soft, headache-inducing rapping on her...
LesbianMichael Shae had just graduated from college and was excited to be starting his new job. He had landed it even before he graduated and it was finally his first day. He graduated nearly 4 weeks ago and had moved into a single bedroom apartment downtown with the money his grandfather had left him. It was quite a spacious apartment with a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and toilet, and even a small dining area Michael had turned into a workspace. There were only 2 apartments on his...
I'd been reposting images on tumblr for a little while. I used it mainly to keep track of dresses, art, captions, etc., that I liked/had found elsewhere on tumblr. What I didn't know was that my mom had found out about it. The first thing I knew was after I repost an image of a dress that had text "reblog if you'd wear this" over it. Image my shock when a couple of days later I get out of the shower to find the same dress on a hanger hooked over the wardrobe door in my bedroom. My mom...
Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...
My older brother and I had this bet every baseball season, that the Cardinals would win over the Mets. I was for the Cardinals, and of course he was a Mets fan. The bet was everytime, the Mets scored a homerun, I had to give him a blowjob/handjob, if they won...I had to do whatever he wanted. If the Cards scored, I would get my pussy licked for an hour and if they won, we had sex whereever I wanted and how I wanted.We always made sure we had tickets on the first base line, just a few rows...
I stood and watched as she clipped the top of the stocking to the susspender against her milky white thigh before smoothing down the crease in her knee high skirt. She Had never worn stockingsI, at least not in the six years we had been together, this was all becoming a bit surreal. It had started when I got home, a case packed, the c***dren at her mother's and a hotel in the countryside booked for the evening. Well I wasn't complaining, from my current view it looked like I was in for a fun...