Coven Ch. 01 free porn video

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It was Saturday Night, the first night that the girls would be a formal coven. Each felt differently about it. Lilith was excited, hoping that the excuse of a coven would grant her some of the fantasies she’d had about her friends. Morgan was nervous, the world of magick was a bit out of her favored domain of logic, but it held an intense draw to the fantasy nerd within. Kimmy was happy, she knew that magick was bunk and a bunch of empowering nonsense and she really liked empowering nonsense, it brought people together. Thessaly was ambivalent, why though is too shrouded in mystery to tell.

They would each walk into the clearing of the woods off campus at around midnight. There they would perform a couple of little works, nothing too intensive. Until then, they waited, prepared, and thought.


Kimmy lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. Hers was the closest apartment to the woods so she wouldn’t have to leave until 11:30. It was only 8 now. She had called up her current boyfriend Chris, president of the Christian Legion, to schedule a bit of relaxing time before she had to leave, but he wouldn’t be able to come here for another 30 minutes. She thus had that much time to kill. She grimaced at the thought.

She hated having free time, time alone with one’s thoughts. Too much happened during those times, the mind had a tendency to rebel. All of one’s doubts and insecurities attacked a woman if she wasn’t using her time on something. Kimmy avoided these attacks of introversion whenever possible. The reason being that she was an extrovert and thus a bit shallow.

She hated to admit this, that deep inside she was just another self-centered blonde girl who would be crushed by the real world. She tried everything to rebel against this tendency by volunteering, being empathetic, striving as hard as she could in her classes and job, and most importantly keeping herself too busy to fall into these thoughts.

She needed something to do. She couldn’t do any assignments, nothing was really do the next week. She could study, but she had spent all of Friday studying and wanted a break today. She could masturbate. It was always a good way to waste the time. Maybe a little later, she thought as she looked in the direction of the drawer with the vibrator.

She cuddled with her teddy bear for a second. She thought about him for a second. She knew what bringing a teddy bear to college said about one’s maturity and what it inferred about a woman’s naivety, but she didn’t really care. Mr. Snuggles had been her closest confidante since she had been a little girl and hugging him had always made her feel good.

Eventually her thoughts, in desperation to avoid the deeper thoughts at the edge of her psyche, turned to the night that they had decided to become a coven. They had been watching a series of witching movies at Morgan and Lilith’s apartment. It had been after Witches of Eastwick when Lilith brought it up.

“Have you ever thought about doing that?”

“What? Throwing up cherries,” she had asked confusedly. She hated doing this. Whenever she showed confusion, she felt an undertone of blondeness. Not that she was ashamed of having a beautiful head of blonde hair, of course. It just was, she hated bringing attention to it.

“No, being witches, like in a coven.”

“I don’t know. I don’t think that’s something you can be,” she had replied.

“Of course you can, it’s easy,” Thessaly had said disinterestedly. She had always been the most serious one of the group. “People have been doing it for centuries.”

“My cousin in Florida is in a Wicca group down there. She says it’s really empowering and stuff. She…uh…sent me some books on it, if we decide to do it,” Morgan had ventured shyly.

And so had gone the evening. The idea of the coven grew slowly from this distorted idea to something genuine, an itching by the group. She remembered feeling excited by the idea. A lot of the recent gatherings she had had with her friends had seemed a little forced, mostly revolving around watching movies and the like. She hoped that the whole thing would bring everybody together. She liked being brought together.

She looked at her Garfield alarm clock. It was 8:35 pm. Where was Chris? She fumed angrily for a second and then sighed. Well, while she was waiting, she could enjoy herself a little. She went to her vibrator drawer and shuffled through the random papers she placed to keep them hidden from any guests who had a curious streak. Eventually, she pulled out her most favored one, a 3-inch pink one that was great for those “small urges.”

Looking around in the way that all masturbating people have of doing before they begin. She slipped out of her pink panties leaving her bare except for her white heart camisole. She rubbed the dildo softly against the short hairs of her pussy, turning it on to its lowest setting as soon as it hit the clit. The vibrations caused her to coo softly, she always loved the first touch.

Slowly, she let the dildo trace the folds of her labia, increasing the power slightly with each pass over the clit. When she had passed medium power, she slowly inserted the dildo, letting it enter just deep enough to brush up against the g-spot. She began to slowly move it along and around the area when a hand fell on her shoulder.

“Yah,” she screamed letting go off the dildo and it clattered to the floor noisily and begun to slowly vibrate in circles.

“It’s just me, Kim,” Chris said apologetically. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Why didn’t you say anything when you came in,” she asked, still a bit shook up.

“Well…I…You were well and…um…I didn’t want to…well,” he blustered, his face growing as red as a tomato. Kimmy smiled. She knew deep down why he had snuck up on her, but also knew he was too proud and “good” to admit that. Still, he looked cute when he was embarrassed. The red of his cheeks matched well with his red hair and freckles.

“It’s okay. Well, now that you’ve interrupted me, I suppose you’ll want to take over the job.”

“Damn straight,” he said, moving out of the embarrassment and into machismo in an instant. He removed his shirt over his head revealing a young hairless chest. Shirtless, he was not much to look upon but at least his sexual tastes closely matched Kimmy’s. In other words, plain vanilla.

His pants soon followed the shirt and he stood there briefly clad only in boxers as if waiting for Kimmy’s approval. She nodded appreciatively, as she figured that was the polite thing to do in these circumstances. Having dispensed with the ego gratification he moved to the more pleasurable aspects of his visit.

He pulled up Kimmy’s camisole just high enough to reveal her breasts. They were normal sized, maybe a little bigger. After all they were c-cups and they went well with her not-quite lithe, not-quite pudgy body. She was in all essence of the word, perfectly healthy, though in the tradition of most women, felt herself to be a bit on the heavy side.

He touched them softly as he leaned in to kiss her on the mouth. He gave a few daring darts into her mouth, but it was overall very plain. That was okay, because she liked plain. After a minute of rubbing and foreplay, Chris’s boxers began to tent. She rubbed the protrusion lightly and asked a single word.


“Oh, yes, baby,” he moaned slightly. At this Kimmy pulled down his boxer shorts and led him to her bed. Lying down softly, she waited patiently for him to climb on top of her and enter her. He did so hesitantly starting extremely slow. The masturbation earlier had wetted her enough that she didn’t need this tenderness as much, but it had been the way they had always had sex. Kimmy wasn’t about to change what worked.

The thrusts came slowly as well, taking agonizingly
long times to pull out to the surface and thrust home to the deep. Eventually, he began to quicken his pace and Kimmy fell into it feeling the slow buildup to orgasm boil up to the surface with each passing minute. At this pace and with the missionary position, it took quite a while for both of them to reach orgasm. When it did, Chris quickly pulled out and carefully came on her belly so that they could wipe it up with a Kleenex afterwards. Like all the times before, it satisfied Kimmy and she had cum, but somewhere deep inside, she felt that she was missing out on the whole point of the exercise. She looked at the clock again: 10:45. She might have time for one more act before she had to go…


Morgan listened patiently to the moans in the bedroom. Lilith was yet again entertaining a classmate in the bedroom. Morgan ceased to care anymore. She had grown so used to it that all of her stuff had slowly moved into the living room over the months. In fact, by now it was fairly agreed upon that the living room WAS her bedroom. It was an arrangement that worked for both of them.

Morgan was reading a stack of books she’d had her cousin had shipped from Florida when she heard that she was interested in Wicca. She also had a stack of “other” books that she’d been collecting over the years. These detailed types of monsters, demons, and beasts one could summon, even train to do one’s bidding. She’d never believed one word of it as she was very much a woman of science, yet deep in her mind she thrilled in it. The unknown created an incredible fascination in her and she drank thirstily of any tales of it. The never-weres of fantasy had an attraction on her almost as strong as science did and her bookshelf reflected this. Grimm’s Fairy Tales sat next to the novels of Hawkings. Chemistry textbooks were shelved with old style grimoires and Charles Darwin sat next to the Bestiary of Mythological Creatures. It was a twisted double fascination.

As should be evident by her choice of literature, Morgan was a nerd in the highest sense of the word. She was a true seeker of knowledge of any kind and though this aided in her schoolwork, it created a never-ending thirst in her to learn. Every year, she would find herself with another bookshelf or wobbly stack of books of an advanced, even bizarre nature. And though she would never in her life tell anyone this, it brought her excitement and even stimulation.

Today, in preparation for the night’s meeting, she had been buried in the books of magick looking over the strange and mysterious things one could supposedly do. The current volume in her hand was the Bestiary of Demonology and she found it quite engrossing. Her hand darted in her panties as she read the passage for the incubus. In her imagination, dreams and half-sorted fantasies jumbled and collided. Her hand feverishly rubbed over her clit as she imagined running from the incubus and in doing so only getting closer. She imagined her strength fading away, her own body betraying her as she fell helpless to the demon’s lust. Her probing fingers plunged into her pussy at this point, massaging her deep inside. She could only get about two in, but this was about normal. She, as a virgin and an extremely undersexed one at that, was a very tight individual.

It also didn’t help that unlike her friend and roommate, she was truly lithe as a faerie. She was half-Asian and that had blessed and cursed her with a skinny and short frame. It had also seen to grant her a beautiful head of long black hair and to her dismay, two small cherry A-cup breasts. Because of them and her bookish demeanor, she always failed to attract the attention of any mates. Not that it would have mattered much if they had noticed her. She had slowly over the years built up a sort of disdain for morons that transcended deep in her soul.

She thought more about the demon, becoming hotter and hotter. Soon he would thrust deep inside her. His dick would be large. 14 inches, no, 16 inches and she would be able to take it all. Her tiny pussy would truly be filled to the brim. She squirmed to the fantasy, her fingers whirring in tune to the imagined demon’s attack.

Perhaps, he would maul one of her small breasts, taking it and twisting it. She copied the imagined action and her pussy spasmed in reaction. It would not be long before she’d go over the edge. He imagined a second dick rising out of the demon. This one would penetrate her ass. She moved the hand that twisted the nipple behind her and shoved a finger as deep in her ass as it would go. The sensation gave her another push and a scant minute later she bucked and moaned to an orgasm.

Basking in the afterglow with the book spread eagle in front of her, she smiled in delight. If these sessions could make fantasies like these come true eventually, safely, then she’d have to thank Kimmy personally for coming up with the idea of a coven. She’d actually been surprised when she’d mentioned it. After all, Kimmy seemed the most normal one of the group, the token extrovert in a group of loners and outcasts. Still, she had to have a bit of tweakiness to want to hang out with us, didn’t she, she thought.

Shaking her head, she cleared her head to go back to work. She had a lot of reading she needed to get done before midnight and she’d have to change her panties as well. Maybe a couple of times…


Lilith was a slut. Or at least that’s how she described herself. She was horny nearly constantly and surrounded by so many beautiful women at college, she felt like an adolescent male. She’d already changed her major three times to maximize the amount of cute girls in her class and now with a double major in literature and gender studies, felt that she had found her peak.

And peak she found, as she moaned in orgasm. The hot little number from her Feminism class had done a fine number on her box and to think that less than 6 hours ago, she had said she was straight. Lilith laughed. She’d had a talent it seemed for bringing out the question mark in other women’s sexuality. At least she called it a talent. It was really sheer determination and bloody-mindedness that lured the women in.

Still for all her skills, she was never able to convince her friends to join in her Sapphic explorations much to her sadness. In fact, the reason she had agreed to the crazy idea of a coven was the underlying promise of a “sisterly togetherness.” Yes, she owed many thanks to Thessaly for coming up with the idea. Or had it been Morgan? She couldn’t remember. All she knew was it had been on of the more boring ones and she knew she would exploit the situation for her pleasure. Besides, a couple of naked sabbats would be nearly worth it in their own right. She nearly came again at the thought. That reminded her…

Rolling off her classmate’s face, she started to walk for the door. “I’ll be right back,” she said. “Don’t move a muscle.”

Walking toward the kitchen and the hall closet where she kept her bigger and more interesting toys, she passed the moaning form of her roommate, fingers deep in her snatch. She took a moment to appreciate her friend’s horny predicament and wondered briefly what it was in these old books that kept turning her on so. Secretly, she hoped that the desperation of using books to cum would eventually force Morgan into her experienced arms, but so far it hadn’t happened yet.

Continuing to the closet, she opened it to reveal Black Betty, her double-ended strap-on. It was her pride and joy of all her toys and she’d used it to many, many shared orgasms in the past. Stopping at the kitchen to get some whipped cream and in the living room again to watch her friend approach orgasm, she went. Eventually, she returned to the bedroom, before either her classmate started looking for her or Morgan caught her peeping.

Entering in with the strap-on firmly locked in place, she looked like some transsexual’s wet dream. She was not lithe, mo
re like anti-lithe. Not that she was fat or obese or anything of that type. She was just stocky and stacked. Her shoulders were as wide as a man’s and because of them, she’d sort of fell into the role of tomboy when she was younger. However, having such big and strong shoulders was an absolute boon in the assistance of her boobs. They were a glorious DD-cup and she prided over them like a tomcat prided over his whiskers. Since, her shoulders and her back was strong and wide, they carried very little sag and did sort of jut out sensually. Complimenting that was a waist that had meat to it yet still emphasized the hourglass figure. On top of that, she was blessed to be a true raven-haired beauty and her slick black hair fell just short of shoulder-length to carry a twinge of the exotic. She was not one of those silicon model whores she lusted after in magazines, but she could turn the heads nearly as easily.

That this was all sporting a 10-inch plastic erection brought an air of the exotic to the long coitus and her classmate cooed in anticipation. Lilith smiled jauntily and shook the can of whipped-cream in her hand sensually, letting the metal ball clang with exaggerated punctuality. Once the drama had been set, she sauntered over to her classmate and spread the cold cream in a line down from the cleavage to the pussy, letting it cover the hairs and labia messily.

Then moving down, she let her mouth suck the breasts cleans off cream and let the lips follow the trail, spreading cream over her belly and nether regions. When all had been cleaned but the pussy, she paused and then greedily sank in tonguing the labia, the urethra, the inside, the clit, everything. The cream spread everywhere in the wild frenzy of licking and the coldness of it combined with the hot wetness of her mouth was driving the classmate halfway to an orgasm. Once, the pussy was completely clean and more than ready for a penetration, Lilith continued the drama.

Stroking the plastic dick with her hand, she asked her classmate if she wanted it.

“Of course, now come on and do it already.”

“First say the magic words.”

“Do I have to?”


“Fine. Fuck my pussy,” she said, spreading herself as close to 180 degrees as she could.

“That’s my girl,” Lilith said as she rubbed the plastic cock along the folds of her labia. With each upward trip, she sank a little bit in to wet the tip and she would rub it along the clit. After a little bit of this, she began to sink the cock in a little bit at a time, pushing in a little bit further and pulling back to the front. In this way, she could get used to the length and thickness of the rod in increments. She always found this the best way to go, unless they were experienced enough to take it all in one go. Now, those were fun ones, she mused.

Coming back to the task at hand, she sunk the whole ten inches, until she was balls deep. The action pressed back into the dildo in her own vagina and she thrilled to the sensation. Once there, she left it and began to slowly rotate it around, feeling her classmate contract her pussy around the large dildo. The action gave an extra sensation of thickness, but more selfishly, it ground the end inside of her against her g-spot. After this brief flash of selfishness, Lilith was ready to continue.

She began to slowly back out and thrust home hard, thrilling to the twin sensations of a withdrawn cock and a hard slam. She had never gotten to care for male love (there was almost always a male behind it), but she loved simulating it with her toys. After a few strokes as the moans of delight began to erupt from the cute figure beneath her, she grinned mischievously. Reaching down, she found the switch on the side of the dick that made it a double vibrator. She flicked it on as soon as she’d thrust all the way home again.

The sensation suddenly hit both their clits together and Lilith’s classmate gasped to the sudden feeling of ten-vibrating-inches suddenly filling her womb. The sensation released in her a cacophony or more tellingly a symphony of moans and shudders. Lilith thrilled to it and took the opportunity to lay across as she thrust, bringing her large breasts to her classmate’s eye-level. She didn’t need another hint and began to nurse the swinging breasts with the rapt attention of a starving babe.

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Mafia IV Return of the Marcano Family

(Barclay Mills, New Bordeaux) Tobias sat in His Chair, Sipping A Glass of Triple Malt Whiskey from Scotland and Smoking A Cigar Straight Outta Havana, Cuba. He Had Been Awaiting A Phone Call From A Contact with Information The Rackets in Barclay Mills. A Lot Had Changed Since His Families Heyday, Barclay Mills Still Ran a Gun Smuggling and Arms Dealing Racket Out Of the Train Yards, But The Garbage Rackets Had Since Been Replaced With A Counterfeiting Crime Ring and An Additional Two Crime...

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Gujrati ladki lali

Ek din mai kisi kam sai unke ghar duphar ko 2 baje gaya tha, mai jab wanha pahuch toh unhone hi darwaja khola, who kuch hafti si lag rahi thi us waqt. Unhone muje andar bethaya aur boli ghar par koi nahi hai bahar gaye hai aur kal tak wapas ayenge, maine kaha teek hai mai baad mai aa jaounga, unhone kaha ki jaldi kaya hai bahar kafi garmi hai kuch thanda pi jao, phir woh hum dono kai liye thanda bana kar le ayi, us waqt who kafi sexy lag rahi thi aur unhone dress bhi kuch aise pehan rakhi thi...

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Big boy 1

​Back in the late seventies after divorcing my second wife I started to hit the party sceene again.. Met this woman in a bar one night, Got pretty wasted and horny so we decided to go to my place.. On the way there we passed an adult book store, She asked if I had ever been in there and Of course I said yes because the owner was a customer and friend.. She said that she had never been because she was to shy to go by herself.. I offered to escort her if she would like to check it...

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Impregnated By Black Cock

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 32 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband Ed is 35 years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm DD-cup breasts...

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Laws of Attraction The Playgirl

Monday, September 7 2015 5.13 AM Pacific Time Attraction has got laws too—like a ‘bitch’ dog wants certain principles followed before she goes on hit and starts having intercourse anyhow. From my perspective, these are the major Laws of Attraction I picked up from experimenting with both love and sex. 1. Never ask a man for sex. Yes, you got me right. Men don't like it when women ask them for sex. They will pretend they have not heard what you said correctly, or switch the topic...

2 years ago
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Life with Jenna

When we grew up she married twice and had one kid. Both her husbands were handsome, they both were charmers, I liked them both, but they both turned out to be cheaters. I was married only once, but I had two kids. My wife came from a family of heart disease victims, and she died very early. It took a while for me to get over it, but the kids helped. I knew I had to be there for them. Jenna was through with men after her second marriage. When I say that she was gorgeous, she was...

4 years ago
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Experiment With Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

Back in my 11th class, when I was learning more and more facts about a human body, as I was a Bio student, I always had the urge to see what it meant in reality. I lived in a two-storied house with my family in the first floor and my Uncle’s in the ground floor. As the house was built in old days, there was a room half way up the stairs to first floor. And it was my room. Beside the stairs, to its left was this hallway about 10 feet long and then was this room of mine. It was thus away from the...

2 years ago
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Submissive NeighborChapter 4

I had just unloaded my balls in my mother's pussy. I hadn't gone soft at all. I was very turned on by the fact that I was fucking my own mother. I began another slow, deliberate stroking of my teen cock into my mother's cunt which was already sopping wet from a mixture of our juices. While I was leisurely fucking my mother I could see out of the corner of my eye that Gail who was still standing naked facing the far wall was peeking over her shoulder watching us. "Eyes front Gail!" I...

3 years ago
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Mallu elder sister my sexy photoshoot model

Hey everyone, this is my real-life story. I am Arjun from Kerala and 20 years old. My elder sister’s name is Anuja, she is 23 yrs old. She looks like south Indian actress Anushka Shetty, only much fairer. She studies in Delhi. She only comes home once a year. During the lockdown, my elder sister was fully at home. I used to have an attraction to her from a very young age itself. But she was very orthodox and traditional. She only wore traditional dresses. Jeans were the most modern dresses that...

1 year ago
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A squabbling father and daughter have a meeting with fate on Halloween eve

The man slipped his cigarette out the narrowly-opened driver’s side window and hurriedly cranked it closed, crudely cursing the torrential rain outpacing the frantic windshield wipers. His daughter sulked moodily against the far door, curled into a limber knot. Her finger sketched a pattern on the fogged glass that had meaning only to her. “Give me a smoke, Dad. I’m out.” Her voice held a mocking, wheedling tone. His voice was raw. Damned sore throat just wouldn’t...

3 years ago
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Bua Jungle Mein Mangal

Hello.Mein aaj aap sabko ek secreat bataunga, jo ki mera sex ka experience se bhi baahut aage tha.Toh aaj jo bhi mein bolu itna seriously maat lena, toh start karta hoon Baat us time ka hai, job bua unke ghar ko chod kar us budhe ke sath choli gayi thi, haamne uske baad kabhi bhi unke bare mein nahi pucha,toh job bua ur us budhe apne hawas ko sant karne ke liye bahut nayab kosis karte the ,use sun kar toh mein kabhi kabhi heiran ho jata hoon.Ye tub hua job unka pehla bachha gujar gaya,toh bua...

4 years ago
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Groupie for the womens college basketball team

You had just started dating Chloe a few weeks ago and things had been going well. You, a tall 6'5" guy and her, a 5'11" chick with a fit body and curves to go crazy over. She often wore compression shorts that showed off her ass and legs. She almost had some sort of control over you with her sexiness. You started dating after talking casually with her after going with some of your friends to a women's basketball game. She was the starting point guard for the UCUNN Hussies. And damn, did she...

Group Sex
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 8

As Dannie approached the beach and the dock she slowed down and caught her breath. Checking her watch she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized she was actually a few minutes early for her meeting with Ben instead of late as she had expected. "Ben?" she called as she neared the dock. "Over here Dannie," Ben called from a few feet down the beach where she could just make out his shape in the starlight as he bent over the eyepiece of his telescope. "I'll be with you in about five...

2 years ago
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Baba ji ka ashirwad

Mera naam neelima hai aur sab mujhe nilu kahte hain. Meri umar 21 saal ki hai. Meri shadi ho chuki hai. Jahan meri shadi hui waha ka pariwar bada hai. Mere pati, 3 nanad, sasur hain wahan. Meri physic bahut achhi he aur meri frnd mujhe sexy bolti thi. 32 size ke boobs, 26 waist, 34 chutar. Jab main chalti thi to mere chutar upar niche hote thay aur bahut sundar lagte thay. Yahan main apko bata du ki main collage ke jamane se chudti rahi hoon.. Mujhe chodne walo me school collage ke teacher,...

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Best Blow Job Ever

So this girl named Victoria was going out with this guy named Ron and they went on a fun wild date when they ended up back at his place… Ron was setting on the couch looking up at Victoria, who was standing in between his legs. She kissed him passionately and slowly started moving her hands down his body till her hands reached the top of his jeans. She slowly undone the button on his pants and ran her finger over top of the zipper gently teasing his hardening cock. She slowly kissed down his...

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House Slut 30

“Uh… what’s going on?” Brandon asked as he sat between them. It was possibly a stupid question because he could hazard a couple of guesses, but it helped fill the awkward silence. Tegan and Yeong exchanged a bashful glance and slight giggle. “Tegan and I got to talking.” Yeong started, kissing his cheek. “And we thought that you might be open to a little… exploration.” “Yeong was feeling a little left out over dinner, being the only person who hasn’t fooled around with me.” Tegan continued,...

1 year ago
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GenerationsChapter 25 Babysitting

“So, we’re baby-sitting tonight?” asked Robby. Heather shrugged. “Is it baby-sitting when I live here?” Heather was in the kitchen, frying hamburgers in a cast iron skillet, while Robby sat at the kitchen table. Jimmy and Holly were in the living room playing a video game. “Besides, it will give us a chance to study later. I’ve got a chem test on Monday.” Robby shrugged in acquiescence and stood up. Sneaking up behind Heather, he gave her both a quick kiss on the back of the neck and a...

3 years ago
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Abduction of BeatriceChapter 4 The realization of hopelessness servitude

Beatrice's body, turned into a steaming froth, came slowly down, three hours later, as Madison flipped the switches that reduced the size of the phalluses, then retracted them into the polished face of the table's attachment. Beatrice closed her eyes and panted at the agony of their withdrawal. Madison leered at her violated bottom, her cunt gaped impossibly, it was sodden. It drooled onto the large pool on the table that she was lying in. Her asshole, although reddened with her prior...

4 years ago
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Start of a Beautiful Threesome

I went in to the gym, which was not very full, and the only people I knew were a mature couple. She was very attractive, short blond hair, in her late forties, with a very impressively enhanced rack. He was slightly older, but in good shape, quite athletic, with a not inconsiderable dick. This evening he was wearing tight Lycra shorts which revealed a big bulge. His wife must have been the envy of many women. I certainly envied him. I had shared a shower with them a couple of times, and...

1 year ago
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Ticonderoga Episode 4 Shattered Dreams

I am sorry this one took so long to come out. I have been busy writing my latest novel Saving Mouse. It is now available through Amazon and Smashwords. You can look it up by searching for Sean M. Campbell on those sites. If I get a lot of comments asking for it I will post the first three chapters of Saving Mouse here for your perusal. I now give you the next episode of Ticonderoga. ———————————————————– We were drifting through a dark nebula. We could not use our drives here because the...

2 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 1

Ashley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. ‘Daaa… deee!’ she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...

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Best night ever

You remember my girlfriend Laura from my previous story and how I watched her getting fucked by my best mate and totally enjoyed spying on them and wanking my little stick? Well... She knew! I don't think she actually knew at the time, but she figured it out somehow, I guess that's just what girls are like? I never talked to her about that night but there was a difference in the way we were together that changed everything about our relationship and I still can't say if it's for...

4 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 53 Hard Decisions

Charlie POV: Everyone who’d been at McCormack Place all reappeared one after the other in our parents’ great room. The night’s activities were the primary topic of discussion and as I looked around I realized that all of our family and extended family was present. Well, all except two that is ... Greg and Sally. Even Diane and Bruce were here. Despite the fact that it was nearly 4 o’clock in the morning it was obvious that the adrenaline rush hadn’t completely worn off yet. Many that were...

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Delayed Inevitability Part 1

 I am in a state of suspended passion! A night of passion with my married, undeniably sexy lover!For one night - mine! To do as I wish with!!  I love these illicit nights!We meet, as always, in our favorite restaurant. The same table, the same night of the month. When I know my love is all mine for the night.I sit nursing my drink eyes glued to the door - he's late!A soft smile spreads across my lips as he appears, rushing in the door and straight to me apologizing. Cupping my face and bending...

1 year ago
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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

Es geht um den 27. Geburtstag von Thomas. Thomas war bereits voller Vorfreude, gleichzeitig zog es ihn aber auch etwas herunter, dass er schon wieder ein Jahr älter geworden war. Club 27! Am Donnerstag stand sein Wiegenfest an, da sollte es aber nur einen gemütlichen Restaurantbesuch mit seinen Eltern geben. Die richtige Party sollte am folgenden Samstag steigen. Spätestens mit 25 war Thomas klar geworden, dass es nicht immer so toll ist, ein weiteres Lebensjahr zu erreichen. Naja, letzlich kam...

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Ty and Charlie Part 3

Introduction: All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. A.N. First off, this will likely be the last one I write for while. Im back from break and taking classes again and Charlie is going to study abroad this semester, so unless one of us finds a way across the pond, we wont see each other for a while. And secondly, I want to say thank you for reading whats been going through my mind and...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Bella Rolland Lucky Landlord Rent Is Due

Bella Rolland, a masseuse, welcomes Evan Stone into her massage parlor, asking if he’s her next client. However, Evan explains that he’s actually the owner of the building, and he wants Bella out so he can have his own business set up here. Bella tries to convince him that she gives the best NURU massages ever, so she can bring him far more success than any other type of business. He agrees to let her massage him, so he can see just how good she really is. Bella gives Evan a sensual...

3 years ago
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Club Voodoo Part 3

Club Voodoo, Part 3 By Suzette We got back to the club at about 5. Tawny helped me take my bags up to my apartment. As I opened the door my heart nearly stopped. My wife was lying almost nude on the big blue velvet couch in the center of the living room. I was so happy to see her I could hardly breathe. She had one of her long legs draped over the back of the couch. A long black stiletto pump hung lazily off of her foot. Her other foot was lying on the floor; her long fingers...

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Visit to Aunt Vicky Ch 5

It was nearing the end of the summer and also the end of my stay with aunt Vicky. Soon my parents would be returning from their trip to Europe, and that would mean that I would have to go back home again. But more importantly, I wouldn’t be able to screw my aunt and cousin Brigette just about every day. Fucking my mom had just about always been my ultimate fantasy, but lately, getting both Vicky and Brigette together in a three-some had become my main goal.Now, Vicky and Brigette both wanted me...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 11 Captain Hollins

So far as the FBI can determine, there are four Mr. Television victims: > Mildred Hawkins, a Northland waitress found by the banks of the Missouri river. She was the first. The first that we know about anyway. Two dogs. Rabies. TV tie-in: “Borderland”. > Alice Rancher, a Pembroke teacher whose posed body in a red dress was placed in Loose Park. “Hinterland”. Tentative cuts around her eyes. > Juanita Gomez, a maid at the Westin Hotel. Found near an abandoned meatpacking plant off...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Some People are Never Happy

Lee woke to the feel of a hand sliding over her arse and acted instinctively. She rolled away from the hand, grabbed it in a vice-like grip and bent it backwards. Her brain finally registered whose hand it was so, she didn’t continue with what she was going to do. “Sorry,” she said and pulled on the hand before letting it go, so Sean could arrest his fall. He landed on his knees beside her. With one hand beside her head and the other by her other side. “Damn girl, remind me not to surprise...

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Massage To My Innocent Chachi

This story describes sex with my chachi. It happened when I was 20 years old. I, with my parents, went to my grandmother’s house which is in a village. My uncle also lives there. He is not much educated and run a shop. My chachi is illiterate and does house work. She has a son. She has got attractive figure. She has curvy waist with average size boobs and fleshy thighs. Her skin colour is whitish. She always wears saree. I was dying to have sex with her. When we reached there, we were made sit....

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Lesbian Ultrasound Tech

For my first job out of Junior College, I was lucky enough to land a position with a successful Medical Company as an Ultrasound Tech. I specialize in doing ultrasounds on pregnant women in determining the sex of the expectant child.I thoroughly enjoyed my work as I got to view semi-nude women and have access to their bare abdomens. As a lesbian, this gave me thrills that I would not have otherwise experienced. I would sometimes let my hands stray near or actually touch pussies. Sometimes...

1 year ago
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CumBang Jayden Starr 04132019

An American rite of passage: The Bachelor Party. You’ve probably been to one…but I bet you’ve never seen one as crazy. Enter Jayden Starr. She’s the hired entertainment. This is the bachelor’s last day of “freedom”, and he’s going to enjoy every minute. His buddies didn’t spare any expense, either; they knew what they were getting when they gave the voluptuous ebony beauty the gig. Jayden’s giant boobs are matched by her equally giant...


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