Suddenly Rich KidChapter 25: A Wedding free porn video

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By the time Liza had to leave four days later, she had become a full member of their patchwork family. She had completely fallen in love with Larissa, she had impressed Tyler and Marsha, and she had been impressed herself with Irina who had overcome so many adversities. She received an open invitation to use Philadelphia as her home base for whenever Uncle Sam granted her leave, and she promised to visit again. She also promised to ask for leave for her sister’s wedding which was now planned for July 3, and she would give Lynn away.

By this time, Trudy’s house had been assessed and valued at $395,000 which Trudy dismissed as theoretical value. She renewed her offer of $400,000, fully renovated and upgraded, and the lawyers were unleashed to write up a contract. The house would be ready for them to move in as soon as Ashley and Lynn would return from their honeymoon ship cruise through the Caribbean.

Tess DiRosa provided a contact at their construction company, and a representative would inspect the house and give an estimate of the necessary upgrades and the costs. That would be Trudy’s responsibility. At the same time, Ashley used a contact also provided by Tess to inquire about the necessary safety features. A specialist would make an appointment with Trudy to inspect the house based on the expected security needs and threat assessments. As Danny well knew, the little enamel shield with “Protected by DiRosa Security Inc.” would already deter most sane-minded criminals. It had been an open secret in South Philly that the DiRosa considered criminal acts against their clients a personal insult. Things were moving at a comfortable speed for them, and they were already looking forward to the move.

Then, a week after Liza’s departure, Danny and the rest were sitting at dinner, his cell phone went off. The caller was shown as ‘unknown’ and Danny was tempted to refuse the call, but since he was holding the phone anyway, he answered.

“Hello. Who’s speaking?”

There was a pause, and then a voice he knew well spoke up.

“Hey, Danny. How are you?”

“Doing great,” he answered automatically. “Look, I’m going to put you on speaker. The others are all here. Guys, shut up! It’s Lucy.”

“Hey, guys,” Lucy’s voice could be heard from the tiny speakers of the smartphone. “Long time, no see. I just wanted to say hello. Things were a bit difficult in the last months, and I didn’t want to burden you with my problems. That’s in the past, though. How are you guys?”

Ashley looked at Danny and he nodded.

“Well, Lynn and I are engaged. The wedding is set for July 3rd. You’re of course invited.”

“Oh, crap! I’ll be on some studio promo tour. I signed up months ago. Look, I’ll try. That’s all I can promise. But it’s great news from you. Lynn, you must graduate this year, right?”

“Yeah. I’ll be joining Westbrook as a management trainee. But that’ll be after our honeymoon.”

“Family business, right?” Lucy chuckled. “What about you, Danny?”

“Helen and I plan our wedding for next year, after graduation,” Danny answered lightly. He was still peeved about the reasons why Lucy had ended their relationship, but also about her long silence. There was a long pause as Lucy obviously had to digest the news.

“You and Helen, huh? I saw your picture in the Inquirer. Is this serious?”

“You bet. We would have let you know, but your old mobile number is dead, and you didn’t answer my emails.”

“I know,” Lucy sighed. “I broke off the contact. It’s what my agent told me to do. Well, my former agent. She really fucked up my life. I’m sorry, Danny. Is Helen there?”

“Yes,” Helen answered. “Hi, Lucy! We’re all happy to hear from you.”

“Hey, Helen. How did that happen?”

“Long story. Let’s just say we left our hang-ups behind and found that we really love each other.”

“Great!” There was real warmth in Lucy’s voice, and Danny reconsidered. He was happy with Helen now. That would have been impossible if he had still been seeing Lucy.

“So what happened with you?” he asked.

“Well, you know that I was given a temporary role in the Denny Menendez Show?”

“I ... Sorry, Lucy. You know I don’t watch TV that much.”

“Oh! Well, I was filling in for Lucia Herrera, who is pregnant. She plays Denny’s daughter in the show. I was to play her student exchange partner from Canada, to account for her temporary absence. It was a disaster from the start. I was to embody each and every Canuck stereotype the writers could think of. Get this: I was supposed to be a high school hockey player! I couldn’t relate to that character at all. I sucked. Then Denny started hitting on me. Placing flowers in my wardrobe, putting his arm around me all the time, paying me phony compliments, the works. Then he started talking about a new project, a movie, A-list director, big budget, and he saw me as the perfect female lead. Me! Long story short, one evening after we closed down, he came into my wardrobe uninvited. I was changing and only wearing underwear, so I told him to leave. Then he turns and locks the door from inside.”

“Shit! What then?”

“I had heard things and I was prepared. I tazered the shit out of him. Then I opened the door and cried for security. Since he was still flopping on the floor, I got my version on the record first. I got lucky too. Mark Gingham was on the set. He’s the network’s production head honcho. The producer wanted us to hush things up, my agent called me and told me I had fucked up, and Menendez wanted to have me arrested. Gingham told everybody to shut the fuck up, secured the surveillance tapes and called in the cops. I was told to go home and to get a good lawyer. I though ‘Shit, this is it.’ Then I remembered somebody I had met two weeks earlier at a Lakers game.

“You know Melanie Renault? Well, she’d gone through much worse shit, and I thought, maybe she has some advice. Before I knew it, I was represented by a partner from her uncle’s entertainment law firm, even pro bono at first. Her name is Jane McCauley, and she was a life saver. In less than a day, she had the preliminary police reports, and two hours later she had me suing everybody under the sun, Menendez, the producer, the studio, you name it.”

“That’s not going to help you long term, will it?” Danny interjected.

“No, this was just a preemptive strike. Meanwhile Gingham had done some digging. I mean, Menendez may be a big name, but a VP for production can twist arms even better. Turns out, Menendez had settled lawsuits and hushed up stuff for years. Gingham made him knuckle under. He’s got a wardrobe in a different building now, and a beefy rent-a-cop is watching over him at all times. He has to undergo counseling too.”

“Bet that made you popular among the cast,” Ashley commented.

“Yeah, I was pretty much persona non grata. Gingham realized that, and in return for withdrawing my lawsuit against the studio, I was given a fresh start. I’ll be a recurring guest star on Utilities Included.”

That show even Danny knew a little, mostly because the male star was Ricky Ryder, an ex porn performer, whom Irina knew and liked. She had bugged Danny and Helen to watch some episodes of the show with her. He was paired up against the lead actress, Jennifer Saint David, a classically trained English actress, in a serialized screwball comedy. The setting was a Malibu beach house rented by Jennifer Saint David where she had to accept housemates to make ends meet. Early on, when the show was on cable only, she had to take in Ricky Ryder, and the two had such a good chemistry that he was made her co-star.

“Wow, that’s a real break,” he therefore answered, knowing that a show like that would be much better for Lucy.

“Isn’t it? I’ll play a social media influencer, a batshit crazy chatterbox. The dialogue I’m getting is just awesome and funny. The first episode with me is coming out on Friday evening. You’ve got to promise me to watch it!”

All the consternation about him and Helen being engaged had disappeared, and Danny realized that being out on television was what really counted for Lucy. He and she would have never worked out, even if they had tried. He looked at Helen and realized how much better he was off with her. He was a little bit late in joining the chorus of promises, but he added a bit of information.

“Do you know that Ricky Ryder worked with my mom too?”

“No way! I’ll ask him if he remembers her. What was her nom de porn?”

“Iris Angel, or sometimes Angel Iris.”

“I’ll ask. He’s quite open about his past. Umh, don’t give your mom hopes. Ricky and Jennifer are a couple,” Lucy giggled.

“I’ll tell her. She’ll get over it,” Danny said dryly.

“I bet. Guys, I’d really like to see you again. I’ll do my best to come to the wedding. I’ll talk to Gingham. By the way, is Lynn going to wear a tux again?”

“That was a pantsuit,” Lynn clarified. “And no, we’ll be wearing nice dresses. Get this: I have reconnected with my kid sister. She’s in the Marine Corps, and she’ll give me away in her mess uniform.”

“Wow! Can I be bridesmaid for any of you?”

“Sure!” Ashley said. “You can be my bridesmaid. Larissa will be the flower girl, and Danny will be Lynn’s best man.”

“Damn it, count on me. This is going to be fun. By the way, Helen, what’s with the Melville. That’s Trudy’s last name, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s also my true mother’s last name. Trudy had a second daughter named Grace. She died shortly after my birth, and the Gundersons talked Trudy into letting them adopt me. Realizing that the Gundersons are not my parents had a lot to do with me leaving my hang-ups behind.”

“I can imagine that. Danny told me about your ... well, stepparents, right?”

“I’m calling them ‘the Gundersons’. I also found my real grandfather and his family, the ones on my father’s side.”

“I’m sure we’ll have a lot to talk about,” Lucy laughed. “Look, maybe when we’ll start filming the next season, you could come out here and visit. I can get you studio passes?”

Danny looked around, and everybody nodded. “We’re on board. We’d love to see you at work for once. Think you can get my mom in too? She may have unresolved issues with your leading man.”

“Wiseguy! I better talk to Jen and Rick before I commit myself. I hope to stay on the show, so I better not piss off the producer. Guys, it’s been great. I’ll send you all my contact information. Next time maybe we can Skype. I gotta run now. I’m taking acting classes. See you all soon! Bye!”

“Bye!” they all choruses before the connection broke, then Danny looked around.

“Talk about ‘out of the blue’.”

Lynn nodded. “No kidding. She was a bit stumped about you and Helen being hitched.”

Danny rolled his eyes. “That picture in the Inquirer didn’t give her a clue? I mean, come on. We were basically occupying the same space.”

“Give her a break, Danny,” Helen defended Lucy, surprising the others. “She probably thought you needed a date and I was the only available option. There’s also a difference between attending a social function and planning a wedding.”

“Granted. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. The way she ended things burned me just a little.”

“What happened? You never told me.” Helen said.

“Look, she about told him that being with him, seeing who Irina was and is, would endanger her career and her prospects. I mean, she used to be one of us, and then she goes and tells Danny that he’s toxic,” Ashley explained. “That was shitty. Yeah, I get it, her agent made her do it. But she dissed my brother and she dissed Irina, and I’m not ready to make nice again. I’m happy that she didn’t fall prey to that asshole Menendez, but it’ll take some time for me to see her as our friend again.”

The other three looked at each other and nodded.

“I get it,” Helen said. “I agree that she could have handled it a bit more diplomatic. Still, I’m reluctant to throw stones when I’m sitting in that big old greenhouse.”

“That’s you, Helen. I’ve been perfect,” Ashley countered, then giggled. “Yeah, I know. Let her come and be my bridesmaid. I still like the little chatterbox. How about that. I mean, her playing one of those social media types. Art imitating life?”

“I guess the writers of the show just went with the obvious,” Danny speculated. “I mean, according to my mom, they wrote the Ricky Ryder character to match his real life persona. Lucy’s probably just playing a satirized version of herself. It’ll help her make a name for herself, for when she’ll try to gain a footing in infotainment.”

“Let’s wait and see the show,” Lynn cautioned. “She’s liable to steal the show, even though that English girl, Saint-something, may just match her syllable for syllable. It’ll be like the freaking Gilmore Girls.”

“Oh, yeah, there’s a motor mouth too. You remember how she slaughtered that blowhard, Hugh Dumont?” Helen threw in.

“Yeah, she was awesome,” Ashley agreed. “He was always trying to keep up, but she outpaced him mercilessly. He had replaced Ricky Ryder, right? No wonder she destroyed him.”

Later, as they were lying in bed, Helen cuddled close to Danny.

“You know, I’m not jealous over Lucy. You can let her into your life again.”

Danny considered his answer.

“That’s sweet of you. I just need to get over a few things, like her putting her career over everything, even the friendship that we’d had. For years she flew into Philly, bunked with me, and pretty much expected me to be her booty call for two days. If you think about it, we talked her into auditioning for the commercials, I helped her memorize her text, I made myself free for her visits, and I put my social life on hold. Then she wants to move on, and I’m just some embarrassing dirt on her heels.”

Helen kissed him softly. “And I’m grateful that she made you put your life on hold. If you had been looking for a girlfriend, let’s face it, you’d be married by now, and I would be shit out of luck. She kept you busy until I was ready. Of course, it was convenient for her too, and for you, but the net result is that we were both single and looking on New Year’s Day. I just can’t bear a grudge against her. Plus, you became quite a good lover in your time with her.”

“That’s how you figure it? Jeez! I guess in some strange way, you’re right. Let’s see if today’s call was real, or just something she did to let us know she succeeded.”

Helen wisely changed the topic.

“You think Irina wants to come along to California?”

“I wouldn’t put it past her. Let’s face it, she’s not had a lot of fun in her life. Her best friend in my recollection was Sly Damiani. He found her the jobs, even the last one, but he was killed by the guys who tried to break into our apartment.”

“She doesn’t seem to be that anxious for male company.”

“I don’t know really. It’s not something I can bring up, but she’s not yet forty.”

“And she shouldn’t have a problem finding a willing partner.”

Danny shrugged. “It’s a bit complicated I guess. Most guys will be leery of dating an ex-porn star, and the ones who are attracted to that are likely expecting her to do kinky shit all the time. You know, doing the stuff they’ve seen in the clips.”

“Shit, you’re right. That probably sucks. She needs a nice man but she attracts the douchebags.”

“That’s it in a nutshell. Another thing: most guys won’t put up with the hours she spends working. Plus, she’s a grandmother already.”

“You’re right. It’s sad though. She is such a great person, she’s looking great too, and she’s got that dry sense of humor. A guy could do so much worse!”

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Eloise Goddard plugged her earphones into her iPod and picked up her book. The plastic sandwich that she’d been served didn’t appeal to her and she could smell the food being served in front of the curtain. She giggled at her envy. She could’ve been up there if only she’d agreed to her boss’s request. At 22 years old she was, in her boss Peter’s words, the world’s best PA. Obviously not good enough to put on a permanent contract, as she’d temped as his PA for the last two years. But she was...

4 years ago
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I blew my new fatherinlaw at our wedding

Introduction: It was a lovely wedding. I was not expecting to give my new father-in-law a blowjob. We had the most beautiful wedding on the shore of Lake Tahoe. It was mid-May. The weather was just perfect and so was the setting. We had decided on a sunset wedding and fifty friends and relatives were there. Both of my parents were there and so were both of my new husbands parents although they never said anything to each other. They had been divorced for four years and it was not an agreeable...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 The Wedding

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 - The Wedding For weeks Beth basked in the memory of their trip to Disney World. She was thankful that she had a trip to see her former family and speak with Ken's mom one more time. She would treasure that moment always, especially when Carol said that if she had a daughter she would have liked for her to be like Beth. She was debating whether she should send Carol a baby picture. It might be a way to keep the communication open so...

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I stood there on her porch wearing my best blazer and slacks fresh from the cleaners, real shoes instead of tennies, and a nice long sleeved dress shirt. I even had my hair cut the day before to make sure I looked as groomed as possible. I had never been to a Mexican wedding before so I wasn't sure exactly how to dress, but I wanted to make sure Chanticleer wasn't ashamed of me, and suffer the consequences. I also didn't realize that they had weddings in the evening... I'd never been to an...

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Indian Model Richa8217s Live Nude Bathing On Cam

Hello friends; my name is Raghav Trivedi (age 26) from Coimbatore. A few days ago, my partner had gone for an overnight stay at her friend’s house. In the early evening, I did not feel her absence because of routine work and a crucial cricket match. Later on, I ordered dinner from outside and enjoyed it whilst watching a romantic movie. There was a scene in the movie in which the hero was having a sensual online chat with the heroine over a webcam. Their passionate conversation reminded me of...

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Badi Behan Richa ko Choda

Hi friends , i am ansh this is my first story and this is very real . Let me tell you about my self. i am 23 yrs old guy with a good built up and I have an elder sister richa.she is 26 right now. I am working in janakpuri delhi in insurance as an asst manager . My sister is MCA and she teaches in a school. Ye story aaj se 2 yrs pahle ki hai jab main job search kar raha tha aur richa MCA kar rahi thi. Hum ghar par sirf 4 log hain . papa , mummy, richa aur main. papa ki job delhi se bahar hai...

2 years ago
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Lynns Wedding

On Saturday, August 23, 2014, I attended the wedding of my friend Lynn and her boyfriend Steve (well, Steve is her husband now). My girlfriend/lover Kat couldn't attend this wedding. She doesn’t really know Lynn, and her husband might get suspicious if she disappeared for a whole weekend. Besides her husband Frank (who she doesn’t sleep with) and me, Kat also has a boyfriend on the side, named Dave, who she has known longer than she has known me. And has been fucking longer than she has been...

Straight Sex
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A Family Reunion Chapt 4 The wedding

NOTE: You know the deal by now...if you have not read the previous three chapters...well, what are you waiting for?It was morning back at the Red Roof Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania the day after my cousin Nick's wedding rehearsal. Once again, I was sitting in a chair pondering my situation. Here I was back in the town where I was born for my cousin Nick's wedding. I came here with my step-sister Marcy with whom I was living with as a couple. I had just met my sister Laura the day before. It...

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Ricky8217s Sex Adventure With Richa Bhabhi

Hi friends, My name is Ricky, I am from Jammu, J&K. I am 33 yrs old, 5ft 10 inch height and having an athletic body. Well I am good looking and leading a happy married life. Here I am sharing my few experiences of life related to sex and adventure. All what I am telling you is all truth. I hope you will like my story. Well I don’t have much experience in writing but trying my best and if there are some mistakes please do forgive me. This incident which I am going to tell you happened in 2010....

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fantasy of rich

my very first inclination 2ward being gay was always fantasizing about my friend rich, back when we were both very young & chasing girls 2gether, but i never had the nerve 2 do anything about it... even though i always seemed 2 get more women, he always claimed that his cock was a lot bigger than mine, but i had never actually seen it, until i saw a picture that one of my ex-girlfriends had taken & he had not been lying about his impressive endowment !! his cock was a full foot long...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 28 Wedding

Elaine had to leave to spend the week supporting her brother. His wedding to Patsy was slated for Saturday afternoon. Donna was gone back to Chicago by three. Sora and Whitney each wanted some private time with me before they had to be back in their dorms by team curfew. In exchange, we got Josh, Cassie, Nicki, and Liz added to our tent. We switched the trailer back to the use of the younger girls and Leonard who had finally received permission to join us. The real surprise was when Mom and...

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Incestuous Bedtime TaleChapter 7 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Wedding

Avalon Young – May 2048 Vanessa, my now fourteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now fourteen. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into her mouth. It squirted into her mouth. My cunt squeezed. I rubbed my thighs together. I groaned, the pleasure rippled through me. I gripped her hair as I...

4 years ago
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MrHottie And The Wedding

The sound of my phone is going off; it feels like its right in my ear. ‘Who the hell is calling me so damn early?!’ I growl to myself, as I roll over, not even looking at the screen and answer. “Who’s dead, or dying? This best be important.” “Good morning to you to, Sunshine.” I hear him chuckle, I can almost see his smile. I bolt right up and look at the time. Its 8:30 in the morning and Mr. Hottie is giving me a wake-up call. I can’t help but smile. “Well, good morning to you, Harris.”...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Horny Wife Fucks At A Wedding

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends. This is Rocky, 29-year-old, a fitness trainer from Delhi. I am 5’11”, muscular guy. I chose to become a fitness trainer out of passion. I want to share a hot encounter I had at a friend’s wedding. He was my childhood buddy and has settled down in Delhi. It was a Punjabi wedding on a Friday night. Luckily my parents have provided me with sufficient treasure and I earn enough to lead a healthy and luxurious life. I wore a designer black sherwani with a red...

4 years ago
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Wife Fucked At Her Sister8217s Wedding

My wife Mona had a sister whose wedding was arranged and the date was near, Monty had ditched her by saying that he had work. She was very angry. He tried to console her but Mona was so angry that she didn’t let him touch her for a whole week. Finally the day before wedding she went to her house without Monty. Once she reached there she forgot all about the fight and started enjoying the pre-wedding celebrations. On the mehendi night there was sangeet arranged and everyone had come, she was...

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My Big Sisters Wedding

My Big Sister's Wedding. By Tanya H. My Big Sister's wedding got off to a good start; by nine pm on the Friday night I'd already lost my virginity to the groom's mum. With her husband not due to come down until Saturday morning, she blatantly flirted with me, ordered me up to her bedroom and followed me there a few minutes later. "Has anybody ever done that for you, Stirling?" she asked, the words a little clotted, in the electric moments after she made me cum in her mouth. I was...

1 year ago
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The Dancers Wedding

" Come on you! Quick shower and then we are out!" said Ashleigh, one of the maids of honour. " Stay right there Jacob and keep your eyes closed!" Narla said, another maid of honour. " Its bad luck to see your bride before the wedding." " We have 30 minutes Chris. Shower now!" Jessie commanded, the third maid of honour. Ashleigh pushed Chris out of the room and into the bathroom. Narla went to the kitchen and Jacob grabbed hold of Jessie. " Take care of him." Jacob said....

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My Cuckold Wedding

My Cuckold WeddingI stood at the altar alone with Rev. Carl, the minister, looking out at the wedding guests. It wasn't a large wedding, still to me it seemed there were a lot of people looking at me. I saw my parents and my brother, as well as a handful of cousins, all with big smiles on their faces. My family had approved of Laurel as soon as they met her. My father and my brother kept telling me how lucky I was to be marrying her. On the bride's side of the aisle there were many more guests...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 21 The Morning of the Wedding

At long last, the morning of the weddings arrived. After much, much, much discussion they had decided to split the weddings into two groups. Leigh and DT, Anita and Terry, and Sandra and Dave would be married in the morning, and they would have a wedding lunch. Queen Sparky and Prince Ross, Tony, Debora and Kyle, and Sean and Lee would be married in the afternoon with a wedding dinner. This way, one set of the crew could enjoy the first wedding and the second set the second wedding. Almost...

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The Preachers Daughter The Wedding

After dating Sarah for over two years, I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I couldnt be happier with anyone else. Im just your average guy. I'm 5'10" and around 200 pounds with brown eyes and hair. I'm a web master of a very profitable company. Sarah is a very beautiful woman. She is 5'7" with long red hair that fell half way down her back and had the most sexiest blue eyes I have ever seen. She had nice firm 36 c breast and nice curvy hips. Sarah is a lawyer at the biggest firm...

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The Failed Wedding

‘What do you mean he ran off with Karen? She’s my fucking Maid of Honor,’ Betty yelled hysterically. ‘The wedding is in an hour.’ ‘Uh, I saw them getting into the limo about nine this morning and driving off,’ Betty’s mom said softly, trying to stay calm herself. ‘They haven’t come back and the limo service said the car was back on their lot after dropping the couple off at the airport.’ Betty staggered back and sat down hard on the bed. ‘I’ll kill both of them.’ ‘Now dear….’ ‘Fuck you!...

2 years ago
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Lyn and Rons wedding

The story until now.I had just returned from the US. Julie came back with me with the intent that I would coach her in her barefoot water skiing. To allow that to happen, I had helped her obtain a job as a support person for my administrative assistant, Ronny who was grossly overloaded with work. After spending the night at home with Sue, I was heading across to Julie when I had noticed Sue following me. I managed to give her the slip but it told me that Julie and I needed to be very careful if...

Wife Lovers
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The Wedding

THE WEDDING BY JANICE In my mailbox that day I found an envelope from Karol. She used to be Carol but she moved to California and became one of the in crowd, now she is Karol. It was a wedding invitation. She was getting married to her life partner, Rose. I knew Rose and liked her, so I was happy that they were getting married. The only thing that would make me happier would be if she were marrying me. The...

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The Wedding

"Let's go for a walk," begged Eric. "It will be chilly soon, and then it's too late."He did not have to ask twice. Stella could not think of anything she liked better than walking in the park with Eric, except maybe listening to his deep, soothing voice.  A voice she could listen to forever and not get tired of it.As usual, he took her arm as they slowly made their way to their favorite park bench. It was empty as they arrived, just as the sun started to disappear behind the tall trees to the...

Love Stories
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My Husband Beats Off When I Share The Details Of Getting Fucked At A Friends Wedding

My name is Carol and I'm thirty-four years old.  I am very pretty, or so I'm told, with large natural 32D tits and tight abs.  This is a real story that my husband, John, is obsessed with.  He beats off as I share the details of me getting fucked at a friend's wedding.I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist.  I love to wear low cut tops that show off my large tits.  John encourages my behavior and likes to see other guys check me out, which they do all the time.  I don't always close the drapes...

Wife Lovers
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MasterPC The Eclectics Edition The Wedding

Xanthos -- A Saturday Morning in January I guess it's time to take care of another detail. I picked up the phone and called my best friend -- from before I found Master Control -- who was currently living near Dallas, Texas. Ken is 6' tall, slim (the last time I saw him), 27 years old, with grey hair. He says that the grey hair (that he's had since High School) was genetic... I prefer to believe that it has something to do with his getting hit by lightning twice when he was still in...

4 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 46 The Wedding

It was a simple ceremony, with only a small contingent of guests in attendance: our parents, of course; Allison ... sorry, 'Charlotte', and Molly, who were bridesmaids; and Rod and Selena, who were using the trip as an excuse for a second honeymoon – the kids were flying out the following week for a family vacation. Rod was also standing in, along with Bob, as one of my groomsmen to balance out the girls standing up for Lizzy. Lizzy had asked Amber to be her maid of honor; my Dad was...

2 years ago
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Busty Richa And Her Slutty Tales 8211 Part 1

Hi Everyone, I have spent lots of days and nights reading countless stories at once to get me off. Sometimes it was when I got frustrated by my office work and sometimes in toilets of my own or other’s house. It is time for me to contribute to this amazing forum. The names in this story have been obviously altered for privacy reasons. The characters in this part one of the story are as mentioned below: Rahul, aged 24, dark and little plump but smart. Currently studying abroad in US, the one...

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My Best Friends Wedding

My Best Friend's Wedding Ben pulled out a shoebox from the back of the cupboard and opened the lid. In it was a pile of old photographs, some of which he hadn't seen for almost twenty years. Flicking through them brought back memories of his teenage years, trips away and parties with friends from school. Most had been taken on his cell phone at the time, but he remembered making a special effort to print out and keep the ones he liked the most, so they would not be lost as...

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CollegeChapter 10 Freshman Wedding

When I saw what Karen was going to wear at breakfast I decided to dress similarly. My v-neck tennis sweater over an open-necked shirt, white pants and sneakers matched her outfit so nearly that if it had not been for her longer hair and cute little boobs poking out on her chest we would have been mistaken for twins. Well, I would have to admit that the way her pants hugged her shapely ass was another thing that distinguished us from one another, but the red and blue trim on our sweaters was...

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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now, three years later, Natalie had obtained a user contract with a local private kennel to act as an animal obedience instructor. During the intervening years, Natalie had gone to the excellent little library that Dewberry Place boasted and had read extensively both on...

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