Silk free porn video

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Silk by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved-may not be posted to any other site-period. It was our fifth wedding anniversary. We'd talked for a couple weeks about how we were going to celebrate and I'd decided to get Lorianne a string of real pearls. I'm 27 and she's 26 & figured it was about time I gave her something really nice. After all, I was doing well in the insurance business even though I wasn't making full commissions because of working for a general agent but that was OK. One of these days I'd be opening my own agency. Barney couldn't count on my being there forever. I was good with people and he was already needling me about when I was going to strike out on my own. Not that I would 'strike out' . Barney is not a large guy but he surely is dynamic. Selling ice cubes to Eskimos comes to mind. Lori is a beautiful girl and although we've been unsuccessful in our attempts to have kids, we have a good marriage. We seem to fit together very well. Oh now, cut that out. Of course we 'fit' together in bed. We were made to after all but that's not what I mean. Lori is a little happy go lucky, very personable and sweet although she is a bit of a tart in the bedroom and has a sometimes strange sense of humor. Most guy's ideal woman I would imagine. She has only one fault that I can see and that is that she is a little bit of a control freak. She does want her way but, since I am very easy going it works out fine. I usually just let her have it and go along for the ride. Lori: I really love Carl. Ever since we met at Penn State he's been a really sweetie. He's been considerate and he puts up with my quirks and believe me, I have a few that even he doesn't know about. Although Carl is very attractive he isn't much in stature so I usually don't wear my prettiest or highest heels when we go out. I think he's a little self conscious about my height or perhaps his own. I'm 5'7" and I'm sure he isn't over 5'9" if that. He couldn't outweigh me by more than ten pounds either but he does look fine with a nice suit on, especially if it is cut right and the shoulder pads do wonders for his slender shoulders. Then there is his butt. He has got the cutest butt! It really belongs on a girl but that's OK. I just love it. More to hold on to. Been trying to have kids for about three years now and I'm about to suggest that he go and be tested for fertility because I already did and it has to be him, though I don't want to strike a blow to his ego and therefore haven't mentioned it---yet. Our anniversary is coming up shortly and I've gotten something I'm really hoping he'll enjoy, a very fine quality silk shirt, white of course. Naturally I'll give it to him before we go out so he can wear it that night. He's never experienced silk in his entire life, or so he has told me. I'm hoping he likes it as my playful side could have a lot of fun if he does. He wears the old style thin undershirts with the shoulder straps so I know that he'll get maximum exposure to the fabric. I just love silk, don't you? Carl: On the day of our anniversary, I took off a little early so we could get ready and be at the restaurant by seven. I was eager to give Lori her pearls. She had mentioned wanting them about two years ago but I couldn't afford them then. I wonder what she has in store for me? Whatever it is, I'm sure it will something interesting and I'll like it. When I got home at 5:15, Lori was doing something in the dining room. She had on a 'little black dress', not much more than a slip really, braless and with her patent pumps on. "Wow, baby. You really look foxy...and TALL!" "Why, thank you kind sir. I try to please . She walked over to me and vamped me, running her index claw down my nose. I do like claws on a girl. "I already ran your bath. I know you like showers but we have time for you to luxuriate a little. Your present is on the bed. Open it when you get ready to dress, OK?" "Sure, whatever you say, Sexy." I thought about giving her the pearls then but why not wait until I was cleaned up too? As advertised, the bath was ready. Lori had put in some of her bath oil beads and the water felt slippery as I entered it. *Oh, that feels good*, I thought. I lay back for about ten minutes and enjoyed a good soak. *Now I think I understand why she does this. It does feel good.* After toweling off and freshening the pits, I shaved again just for good measure although I couldn't feel much stubble. Then I went in to get dressed. Donning fresh briefs and an undershirt, I then opened the box containing my present. *Wow! It's a silk shirt. Hey, this feels really neat. It's soft and slinky just like Lori's stuff.* I tried it on and turned around to find Lori in the doorway just watching. "Well? How do you like it honey?" "This is really nice Lori. It feels so soft and slippery and if feels great on my skin too" I said as I slipped it on. "I don't even want to KNOW what you paid for it but I really love it. Thanks. If this is what the wealthy wear, I think I better get established soon. I could get used to this." "Oh, Im SO glad you like it Carl. I was hoping you would. I know how silk feels and was hoping you'd appreciate it too. You have no idea how pleased I am that you like it + . NO idea! As I approached her, "Uh-uh! Don't you DARE muss me with one of those passionate kisses of yours. You can muss me later." "Well, if that's the way you're going to be, here's your gift sweetheart." I then handed her the box. Lori tore at the paper eagerly and opened the box to find the hard case inside. Gently, she opened it and her deep blue eyes got big. "Oh, Carl! These are gorgeous. Thank you. She threw her arms around my neck, pressing her soft flesh into mine. Part of me sprang to attention. That dress felt pretty good from this side too. "Is that dress silk too honey?" "As a matter of fact, yes. I just love silk. I'm sure you will too. Will you put these on me please?" "Sure." "Alright Carl. Finish getting dressed. It will take us at least a half hour through traffic to get to the restaurant." I put on my dark blue suit and a complimentary tie and my black slip -ons and we were out the door in 15 minutes. Now, I'd like to give you a blow by blow description of the rest of the night but let me just say it was filled with laughter and later culminated in a satisfying roll in the hay and let it go at that. Aside from Lori getting ogled quite a bit at the restaurant, which made me quite proud, there wasn't much more to it. When we got up to dance, she really got ogled and she was taller than me too in her pumps as I mentioned, but I wasn't noticing much except how she felt in my arms. Lori: Carl mentioned how much he liked the shirt at least six times over the course of the evening. It looks like I'm going to have some fun after all. If he really likes the shirt, there are lots of other things made of silk he is bound to like too and I'm just the one to introduce him to them. Slowly of course. But I know his appreciation will increase the more he has of silky things and I know how to enhance his appreciation too. Carl: Lori sure looked great last night. I can't get over how nice that shirt is. Hope I didn't overdue the praise. Knowing Lori, she'd be likely to go out and get me six more. Well, she didn't though. Instead she got me some silk over the calf socks the following week. I guess you'd call them hose really but they have neat patterns in them and they feel good. I must say, I do like them and they make it easier to get my shoes on and off again. I've put my other socks aside and am just wearing the silk ones now. I'm glad they have elastic tops like her knee highs because I can remember my Granddad and his garters. "Carl, I got you something I think you'll like today." "Really? What?" "Just these lovely silk pajamas is all." "Hey, neat!" Taking the set out of the box, I marveled at the feel and texture of this garment. I donned the bottoms and then the top after shucking my undershirt. "Oh, Lori, this is really nice but you shouldn't have. I mean, I think I really do love silk but...well, thanks. You realize you are spoiling me don't you?" "Oh, I think you will keep without refrigeration indefinitely honey. Besides, I just love silk and I'm looking forward to running my hands ALL over your bod. I think we'll both love it, don't you?" "Too much I think." They WERE too much of a good thing too. I almost died from rapture as Lori explored every centimeter of my newly silk clad body. Wow, that was fun. Sensory overload. I loved it! "Was it good for YOU", she asked? "Puh-leeze! Not that old clich?! Yes, it was wonderful. Thanks. I'm really going to enjoy these a lot and orchid is one of my favorite colors too." "I think it should be honey. Being a red head, you look great in any shade of purple. You don't mind the white piping do you?" "No, it's fine. They button a little different but I'll get used to it. Where did you get them?" "Kauffman's." The next thing in the purple palette to arrive in my wardrobe was a half dozen pairs of various shades of satin PANTIES minimally adorned with lace but nonetheless lovely ladies panties. "Are you sure about this Lori? I mean, after all, it's no secret the effect silk has on me but PANTIES? I won't be able to stand up to pee at work." "For heaven's sake Carl. You've only got a one person bathroom there anyway. What difference does it make? Don't you like them? Try a pair on and then decide." "Alright." I slid them up my legs and goose pimples sprouted from every pore and standing my leg hair on end. This was forbidden territory, a bit of erotica. None of this silk stuff so far was really feminine as far as I could tell but these, these were VERY feminine and what's more, I liked them. "OK. You win Lori. I'll wear them. They look a little lumpy in front but they feel wonderful. Thanks again sweetheart." . Lori: Well, with Carl's acceptance of his pretty panties, the game, as Sherlock would say, was afoot. There are only a very limited number of things one can get for a man in silk, ties, shirts, pajamas and socks. Of course suits too but they don't go next to the skin. If I am going to get Carl into silks, I'm afraid it's going to have to be girlie things so we're going to have to make some adjustments to compensate. I need to call Brandi at Dr. Tuttle's office (which I did & with the desired result). Now, Carl loved his celery juice and it's pretty weird tasting stuff, fortunately. I don't think we need to go into that now. Less than a week after he had accepted his panties, I set about adjusting him on a daily basis to accept all the silks he could handle and many other things he would come to love. Carl: So, I got used to wearing lovely ladies panties over the next two weeks. I must admit there was a certain naughtiness about it what with it being just between Lori and me. I'm sure no one can see my panty lines in heavy men's suit pants. Gee, I hope not anyway. Besides, Lori doesn't have any problem getting them off of me when she wants to . So, every other day or so I would have on my silk shirt and silk hose and always my pretty silk panties. This was nice and I was getting comfortable about my unusual underpinnings. Lingerie. Wow. I was actually wearing ladies lingerie to work with my wife's permission and blessing and it felt wonderful. I was coming to appreciate a woman's viewpoint about lingerie. Well, they don't make men's' in silk, do they? Not in OUR town. Lori usually made sure that my jammies were clean and hanging in the closet. Today was a little different. "Where are my pajamas Lori?" "In the wash, silly. Not to worry. I got you some lovely replacements for the occasion. Just look in your lingerie drawer." "I didn't know I HAD a lingerie drawer. All I have is panties" I replied with a grin. I looked and what to my wondrous eyes did appear but two gorgeous silk NIGHTIES dripping with lace and in 'our' size, medium. I'd never seen them before so I just knew they were for me and got a little excited again. As I was pulling one from the drawer and caressing it I'm afraid I said, "Lori, these are beautiful but I'm already wearing panties and now you want me to wear these pretty nighties too? They are just too pretty honey. I can't do them justice even though I'm sure they feel wonderful." "Hogwash Carl. Surely you know I love you in silk and this way I can have you in it for less money and around the clock. It's about how they feel. Gowns aren't nearly as expensive as pajamas. Put it on. You'll love it." "Alright. You asked and you shall receive but I think we're getting in over out heads here." I slid the gown over my head. It was a pale pink and well, I was a bit embarrassed. Lori stepped up to me and began caressing me again just like she did with the pajamas. Oh, did that feel good! All I could think of was, "please...don't...stop" as we fell into the bed. Darn, she is good at getting my panties off me! After we were done, I put a clean pair on as I had gotten used to the feeling of their caress. I fell asleep in that lovely lightweight silk nightie and it was SO comfortable I never wanted to get out of it. So, next morning, I didn't. I came to breakfast in it. I may have looked a little silly in my scuffs and nightie but the feeling of it was just too good to part with so soon in my semi- aroused state. "You look...very...attractive this morning Carl. Enjoy your new nightie?" You know I do Lori but now I'm in two kinds of trouble, panties and nighties. What next?" "Oh, we'll think of something." "I'm sure. That's what I'm a little afraid of ".. Lori: Alrightie. Now I've got him in a nightie and he looks half cute, and hasn't said a word about that swelling on his chest yet but I just know he's going to notice it now. I mean, he HAS to right? In a nightie? I and we continued to enjoy my new nighties over the next couple weeks and I must admit that when the pajamas became available again, I opted for the nighties anyway. And there was something else going on that was a little odd. My gowns didn't hang flat against my chest. Let me put that another way. My chest seemed to be tenting my gowns a bit like I was growing...breasts?? The gowns were SO comfortable and I liked the way they felt about my legs as I walked. "Is this what a long skirt feels like Lori?" "Pretty much, except without the hairy legs of course. They feel much nicer without the hairy legs. Would you consider shaving your legs honey? You'll love the way the nightie feels against them then for sure." "Uh, I don't know Lori. I think I'm already in a lot of trouble already as much as I like the panties and gowns." "Not nearly enough sweetie. Not NEARLY enough," she said, laughing. I really don't care how much silky clothing you take a liking to." "OK. I'll consider it but what do you suppose is going on with my chest lately? I seem to be getting awfully soft and fluffy and not just there either." It became a rhetorical question as Lori never answered me. While I was considering shaving my legs in order to achieve even more pleasure from my nighties, a move that could have both positive rewards and negative repercussions, two more silk shirts showed up hanging in my closet only they didn't button the same way as the first one, and they had these little seam things on the sides of the chest. "Lori, these can't be shirts. Are these blouses" I asked as I was putting on the one with the lace overlay down the front. "At half the price of a shirt, I would think you'd be happy." "Now I guess I have the answer to what next huh?" "OK, sue me Carl. Yes they are blouses and that one looks very nice on you. They look just like a shirt. Well, mostly. Nobody will notice Carl. They don't have a Peter Pan collar or anything. Besides, you do look like you might be growing a little bit. You might appreciate that extra room soon. Enjoy them." "Very well but I'm not going to ask you 'what next' EVER again. It's dangerous!" So that day I went to work in my panties, silk hose and blouse and she was right. Nobody noticed. After all, the tie covered the buttons nicely and my undershirt was barely visible. I did think to myself though the inevitable 'what next?' And having that blouse on seemed to give me sort of a sexual buzz as well. I didn't have long to wait. A few days later..."Oh, what a pretty robe! Silk I'll bet and for ME Lori?" "Well, I already have two thank you. Of course for you dear. It will keep you from getting jam or something on your nightie when you wear one to the table. Actually, it's just satin finish nylon so it will clean up well but it feels like silk. However, I think you would look sweeter if you would accept the other half of a panty set. Here" she said as she handed me a well padded satin bra. "I think you'll feel a little less out of place with your own bumps and the gowns will hang so much better, don't you think? Please, take it and try it on." "Aren't we taking this...oh, never mind. Not far enough, right?" "Exactly muffin. Exactly. You can't ever have too much silky lingerie in your life now can you and you really should let your hair grow in some too, don't you think?" "I'm not sure about anything at this point. How do I do this?" She showed me and presto, my own modest B sized bumps and with a surprising amount of cleavage as well. Apparently that extra fat I had on my chest now made me look very authentic with a bra on. I looked at myself in the mirror and had to admit the gown hung much nicer. "You really like on me? It makes me look an awful lot like a girl." "I don't mind honey, and the gown does look much better now," she said. It deserves to be lumpy in the right places. So do you sweet cheeks." "Funny you should mention that Lori. I think I really AM getting lumpy. My chest is becoming terribly soft and fluffy lately and I think my butt is getting even bigger." "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that sweetie. It will make nice cleavage for you now." "I see that, but I'm so sensitive there now too. It really itches something terrible." "Oh, I'm sorry. Here, let me scratch it for you." Instead, she just rubbed and teased me and for crying out loud, I got a raging NIPPLE erection. My head was beginning to spin. Wow! Neat! I began to wear my bra. MY bra and my blouses at home all the time. Never did I dream in all my life I'd be talking about MY bra, panties, blouses and nighties. It didn't take me long to figure out that my blouses looked better as well with something to fill up the darted area and began putting on my bra when I got home. Geeze it was strange having tits, even if they were mostly foam. That was the scary part. I mean, they were really only about HALF foam. The rest was ME! Was there no end to this silk thing? Were we silk fetishists? Perhaps. She was right about silk though. It was addictive for sure. I didn't want to give ANY of it up now, even the bra. I rather liked the effect of the extra fat on my chest. It made my bra look really authentic and my gowns were beginning to 'drape' a little at the front even without my bra. One thing I noticed right away was that the bra kept my nipples from getting irritated at home and made me wonder what I could wear short of a bra that might do the same for me at work. Whatever was happening to my chest, I surely didn't want to make 'the most' of it with a regular bra at work. I definitely do NOT want to be shaped and lifted although it was kind of turning me on at home. . Lori began to change her clothes well before bed time and lounge in her nightie, robe and her sexy high heeled mules. "Honey, why don't you get changed before bed too?" "Sure, if that's what you'd like Lori." I went to change and found, not much to my surprise, a pair of sexy wedge heeled mules under my side of the bed. *Uh-huh. TRAINING mules.* [sigh!]. Tap, tap, tap on the wood floor of the hallway. "I see you found your new slippers. Do they fit?" "Of course they fit my FEET! It's the fit on the REST of me I'm worried about. These make me feel even MORE feminine and vulnerable. Just look at me all decked out in panties and gown with boobs and now high heeled slippers. What do slippers have to do with silk?" "Did you shave your legs yet?" "Yes, and you were right. I love the way the gown swishes around my bare legs." "Well, see? You aren't THAT opposed to a little femininity are you?" "On YOU no, but I never said I wanted to be FEMININE Lori, just that I liked SILK. I'm beginning to think you really want to Feminize me and make me all girlie." "Oh, pooh! You look darling, darling. Have you ever taken a good look at your hips and butt compared to your shoulders? You're built like a girl anyway. Stop complaining and sit down and enjoy your new slippers and your pretty silks. We need to give you a nice pedicure though. Those nails look awful all bare like that. Here, let me get the kit and I'll fix you right up." "You'll fix me alright. Ten red toes I'll bet." "Well, of course. Maybe just pink though. Your slippers will look so much cuter. Now, hold still." Seems I was holding still for quite a lot lately. From then on, after dinner and dishes were done, we'd get into our lounging gear. I was getting really good at managing my heels. Even though they did impart a sway to my fanny which, incidentally seemed to be getting heavier every week, they weren't very high, not over 2 inches I'm sure. My new 'breasts' were becoming second nature to me too, both the foam ones and the puffy flesh ones. Then I made a serious error. One night I was taking off my bra and said, "Lori, I wish I didn't have to wear these dumb pads in my bra. They don't bounce right at all." I could see Lori's eyes light up. "Really Carl? I'm sorry. I never considered you might want them to bounce like mine. I'll see what we can do. Maybe we can find some mastectomy pads or something to replace that foam." I should have paid more attention to detail. 'Or something' was a 'wild card'. I know men don't really listen to women as a rule and I was no exception at this point. Lori Well, there we have it; implicit permission to mess with the flesh some more. Of course, we already ARE but Carl doesn't know that. He should be blossoming nicely any day now I think but, in the meantime, I'll get him some small gel inserts so he can feel more authentic. That WAS a cry for authenticity wasn't it? Of COURSE it was! A couple nights later, Lori was doing her nails and after she did hers, I became her next customer complete with hardener and clear polish for my hands. All I could do was sit there and watch the tube. There was no point in arguing with her. Lots of men get manicures only mine looked a little less than masculine. OK, a LOT less than masculine! Just like hers! ALL of me looked definitely less than masculine. There I sat in lingerie and heels and now pink toes and shiny rounded longish fingernails. The repercussions of this silk thing never ceased to amaze me. It was just an innocent silk shirt for Pete's sake!! "Honey.." "Yes Lorianne?" "Would you like to have something really nice next to your torso all day instead of that old cotton undershirt?" "What in the world could that be Lori? I already wondered what I might wear to cut down on this abrasion but couldn't figure it out. My nipples are really tender and hard underneath." "This beautiful nude colored camisole, that's what. It will look just like your undershirt from the outside and with your suit coat and tie on, nobody will see it. You can have all that silk next to you all day. Won't that be scrumptious?" "I don't know. Will it? These straps are stretch LACE!" "Oh, take my word for it. Those pert little bumps will be in seventh heaven. Of course the bodice will still be pretty empty but that's OK for now." "For NOW?" "You did lament about your chest not bouncing right, did you not?" "So?" "Well, I got you something. Had to pull in a favor but I got it." "And what might that something be?" "Something to help you with that. Bend over and drop 'em slim." "Oh, you've got to be KIDDING! You're going to pump me full of ESTROGEN? Now I'm going to grow my own voluptuous set of titties?" "You love mine don't you? You can learn to love your own just as well and it will be such fun." "Lori, now we ARE going over the top. This isn't just about silk anymore, IS it?" "Well, yes and no. This way, you don't have to apologize for your love of silk and you have such feminine potential honey. I hate to see you waste it. With a little effort you could be really hot, a major fox, I just know it, and it would be such a turn on to go out and tease guys." "Suppose I don't WANT to go out and tease guys? Suppose I don't want to run to the hounds in a dress and spikes?" "Would you just drop them please?" "I know I'm going to regret this" I replied. Of course, I dropped my panties then and for the next nine months every week. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Over the next month I got rather good at what I was doing and enjoyed it more even though I protested loudly at first. Lori got me another cami and another pair of mules, a little higher ones with a slender heel like hers and I wore my bra all the time at home with blouses that were becoming ever more feminine and colorful and filling up with bouncy flesh. That's a little redundant I know. I mean, what blouse ISN'T feminine? You know what I mean, lace, embroidery, darts, pleats, detail and such. I don't understand it, but I couldn't fit into my jeans anymore so Lori got me a couple pairs of new ones. They are a size 10 and they fit really nicely and show off my cute tush. I seem so terribly round these days though just like Lori. She always did like my tush though and it seems to just be getting better. It sort of turns me on too. And my chest. My chest is getting to be so much FUN! I really think I'm going to like having my own breasts. Could I be getting vain about my body? Was she right about my feminine potential? "You know Carl, you are putting your bra on when you get home now but the picture looks a little strange with your boy suit pants and shoes. Why don't we get you some nice skirts and a dress or two, maybe some pretty 3" pumps as well?" "You really want me to have pretty dresses and high heels and the whole magilla, just like you, completely decked out?" "Yes, I think you would look lovely if we do something with that mop of yours and get you into some nice makeup and trim those brows a little. Come on, let me show you how cute you can be. Come sit at my vanity and let me do your makeup." "Do you realize how easy it would be for me to fall in love with all of this? I may never be the same Lori. I may not be able to go back. I'm feeling very strange and oddly comfortable with all of this lately. Have you considered that? Have you thought about how addictive all these beautiful, feminine things are and how much I'm coming to love them?" She took me by the hand without a word and led me to her work bench. There, I received 'the works' and was instructed to pay close attention, so I did. *Dresses? High heeled pumps? Makeup? Me, a hot looking babe? Could I be?* Chills ran through me in waves as I experienced spontaneous contractions in my shrinking little love muscle. Ooh, that felt GOOD! After Lori was done with my first makeup lesson and had done the best she could with my hair, she spun me around for a first look. Wow! I suppose we could have some fun after all. I admit to being a little dumbfounded. Not that I could enter the Mrs. America contest but a dog I was NOT. Over the next couple weeks, Lori did my makeup less and less as I learned how to do it myself and it took me less and less time for a competent job. I think we could safely say I was 'hooked.' Then I encountered a drastic wardrobe change one day when I got home. My closet was now adorned with several dresses including but not limited to house dresses, several pairs of pumps and flats, slacks and skirts and blouses. "Where did you get all this?" "Well, most of the clothing came from an upscale resale shop but the shoes are all new. What are you going to wear tonight CARRIE?" "Oh, I've been renamed? I'm Carrie now? OK, the way I'm beginning to feel about myself and to jiggle, I suppose I'll be Carrie for REAL soon enough if we keep this up. I'm going to wear this print shirtwaist and these black pumps, OK?" "Good choice hon. You'll need some hose and a garter belt too. I want to be able to get 'at' you. They're in your lingerie drawer. I think you can handle that. Just slip the garters under the panties so you can pee. Do your makeup darling and get dressed. I want to see what my new girlfriend looks like in a dress." "Why am I going along so willingly with all of this Lori? I should be on a rooftop somewhere shouting Hell No, I won't GO!" "Your mind is changing darling. You've got lots of lovely girl juices now replacing the nasty old boy stuff and you are softening and looking very sweet." "And I'm acting like a princess too, aren't I?" "Well, yes, to some extent. You are becoming a feminine creature slowly. Not entirely, but then it's too soon for that. Now run along and get ready Carrie and make yourself pretty for me." I did my best, I really did. Realizing I did indeed have feminine potential, I gave it at least what I thought a regular girl would and did my makeup with care. "Is that all you in that dress?" "Almost. This only has light padding." "My, you HAVE filled out a bit in the last few months dear. Let me get my tape measure. Well, you are now 34B-26-35, not bad for a budding young lady. How do you feel?" "In these three inch heels, a little fragile. They ARE cute though aren't they? I love what they do for my feet and legs and they aren't too bad to walk in either. Thank you sweetheart. Maybe I'll like looking hot after all." "Get comfortable with yourself Carrie. You have a LOT to learn. Voice and mannerisms and deportment are going to be a nightly study program for you my silk encased princess." And so it was that for the next two months I was drilled and schooled in the feminine arts and all the while I was getting my hormone shots every week. Lori was patient with me and I became very proficient with my makeup. I also expanded to a very full 34B+-25-36. I had a tush that looked very good in tight jeans and boobs that jiggled nicely now, lovely breasts that had to be bound in the tightest sports bra we could find when I went to work. I also had a case of diminishing returns going on in my panties. Nothing was happening there at all and 'they' were shrinking, everything, definitely shrinking. Actually, I was rather happy about that. I was beginning to resent that stupid lump and I'd been squatting to pee ever since I began wearing panties anyway. It ruined the line of my panties. How odd! "OK Carrie. Let's go out to a movie tonight. Wear something casual like a skirt and blouse with flats or slacks." [gulp!] "Out, as in leave the house, in PUBLIC out?" "Of course in public silly. You didn't think we were going to spend the rest of our young lives inside this house did you?" "Well, no I ready for this?" "Oh, you're more than ready Carrie. You pass honey. You're enough girl for anybody now except in bed. Put a control brief on though just in case. Get a wiggle on. The movie starts in 30 minutes." That was an illuminating experience. Nobody gave me a second glance. Well, that isn't exactly true. There were two cute guys who took a fix on us but we ignored them and they went about their business. What a rush. I suppose I had become a babe after all. A 'she-male' to be sure but a babe nonetheless. Fascinating. Even more fascinating was me thinking of them as 'cute' guys. Or, for that matter, ME thinking about them at ALL! I had learned to modulate my voice, to giggle like a girl and to express myself as such to the point that it was now virtually automatic and then it hit me, *I'm acting like a girl without even thinking about it. Lori's had me in school for months, my muscles are history and I've acquired a 'figure' in place of a build. Even my work shoes are now girl shoes. I'm wearing silky girl stuff from the skin out all the time now. What am I acting like at the office?* Well, I now came home every day, got rid of the remnants of Carl as quickly as possible and blossomed. Carrie was now in charge. My feminine wardrobe continued to expand and WE went shopping for it. I cannot tell you what a rush it was to have a shoe salesman looking up my mini skirt the first time. I wore my prettiest panties for him too, the dog. Hope he got a good show. Carl's bulge has gotten smaller and doesn't do much of anything now except lie there. It's ok though. Lori says what we do is just as much fun now as before when little Carl was alive and well. "Carrie, we just have to make a stop before we go home. Come on girl." I soon found myself sitting at an earring booth having my ears pierced and gold studs put in. I just let it happen. The repercussions of what Barney would say never entered my mind. What a ditz! Did I not understand that this might be the straw, that one little thing that Barney could NOT overlook? I'm really not sure of the time frame but at some point, I began to resent going to work wearing anything masculine. I resented having to act (and now it WAS an act) masculine. Femininity felt very comfortable now. I wore dresses at home and out shopping. Carl earned a living for us but beyond that was a mere figurehead in our lives. "Carl?" "Yeah Barney?"I answered liltingly. "Come in to my office and shut the door, will you?" "Anything wrong?" "I don't know. Come in. Sit. Now, tell me what's going on." "What do you mean? My sales are up 5% this month." "I'm not talking about sales. I'm talking about YOU. You have been...EVOLVING for well over six months. It hasn't affected your work, so I've been quiet but I've just got to know. I don't feel any malicious intent but you are hiding something. Your appearance and clothing have changed. Your mannerisms have changed and now I see earrings. I listen to you talking to your female customers especially, and if I close my eyes, it's like I've got a WOMAN working for me. When you button your jacket you look like you have a very cute figure. What have you been doing and what am I supposed to do with you? Have you gone gay on me? Talk to me." "Oh, Barney, I just don't know where to begin. I...I.. oh, Barney... " Suddenly, my tongue didn't want to work and I began to tear up. I could see my vision begin to blur as the tears began to well up inside me and I could feel my chin begin to tremble. Here I'm faced with a little crisis and I'm in the throes of emotion, beginning to CRY for Pete's a GIRL!! Here was a man who has trusted me, given me a job and trained me and now the person he knew was almost gone from sight. I knew it and could see that he did too. What could I say? How do you explain to your boss that you have jumped ship, that the pleasures of all things feminine have outweighed the gender of your birth, that nothing else matters? "Barney, you may find this hard to believe, but it started with just a silk shirt. I just really like silk and anything that feels like it. After that single shirt, one thing led to another and after a few months, I just couldn't get enough soft, silky stuff. The only way I could satisfy my desire was to embrace some feminine things, lingerie. So, I began to wear lingerie to work. I found out how wonderful a nightie feels to wear and finally realized that the only way to really satisfy my desire for sensual clothing was to embrace my feminine side completely. I live as a woman now except when I'm here. Lori and I never go anywhere or do anything as man and wife anymore and yes, there IS a cute figure under this jacket. I'm wearing a blouse, women's slacks, shoes and blazer and lingerie and my chest is bound. I'm almost a C cup now. I'm sorry Barney. I feel like I've really let you down. If you want to fire me, I guess I understand." "Well, what I think I'm going to do is give you another chance." "Elaine. Come in here please." "Yes sir?" "Effective tomorrow, Carl here will be coming to work looking a little different. You will refer to him as...?" "Oh, uh, Carrie, Elaine. Carrie Anne." "Right", said Barney. And she will dress appropriately for that name Elaine. Is that clear?" "Yes sir. I can't wait and about TIME too." "Alright Carrie, I think you'd better take the rest of the day off and prepare to double your efforts tomorrow and you're going to pay to have your OWN business cards re-printed, hear?" "Yes, sir. Thank you sir. Barney, sir ." "Try to contain your hysteria kid. What the heck am I going to do with you Carl, sorry, Carrie? In 20 years I've never had anybody in here that I liked more or who produced more. What do YOU think I should do with you? Well, never mind. We'll play it by ear but you are definitely on probation again." REALITY CHECK: Could this possibly go this well? Sure it could. Barney may have an agenda. The end? Probably not!

Same as Silk Videos

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She entered the room softly on bare feet, midnight blue silk of her robe skimming her curves and fluttering around her thighs with the gentle sway of her hips. She saw him sitting in the chair, candlelight glinting off the silk of his black robe. He held a crop in one hand, tapping it into the palm of the other. Their eyes met and electricity crackled in the air between them. Her arms reached up to loosen her hair, the lustrous black mane flowing about her shoulders, tumbling to her waist and...

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The swim

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The Wrong Bar at The Wrong Time

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Consequences 6 Surrogate Wife

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LimitsChapter 14 The Inner Circle

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Schoolgirl Fantasies Ch 01

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A Royal Reunion

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Mother and Daughter part 14

"And remember to be careful, okay?" Janet said, trying not to smirk as the eighteen-year-old girl rolled her eyes before getting out of her car. "I will," Ellie replied with a sigh. "And thanks for the lift, but you don't need to do this EVERY day." Hint taken, Janet thought to herself. "Well, it's your Oyster Card," Janet shrugged. "Give me a text when you're on your way home, okay?" "Sure," Ellie replied with a nonchalant shrug of her own. "See you later, Janet." "Bye!" Janet...

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Deciding MomentChapter 66

It was Sunday night, and school was out. Monday morning there was no one that would be home ... that is, home chaperoning Jessica and I. The topic had come up, again, over dinner. Tim had been invited over. Jessica was ecstatic that her mother had invited him. Theresa apparently had ulterior motives. Tim asked if they could talk about that after dinner. After being asked, Jessica pulled me away from the table and out into the living room. Theresa told Jessica to stay there. That was...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 26

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Spring Break Corona Style ndash Part 2

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Daydreams of a Knights Wench

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Author's Note: Hey, everyone! This is my first posting ever to Fictionmania (I've posted many many other stories to different sites but never to this one) This story was meant to be a satire on the bizarre transformations Spider-Man has undergone over, but really it ended up being a story about Spidey turning into a mannequin! I also noticed a severe lack of straight-up mannequin transformations on the site and hope to rectify that with this posting. Please enjoy and if you wish...

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Friday Night2

I’d met him through work three years before, and we’d been living together for a year now. He had, in the last year, become gainfully self employed as a drug dealer. I’d fancied him from the first time I saw him. He was tall, dark, muscular, with piercing green eyes, and a rugby player’s physique. And he looked dangerous, which nice, but obviously stupid girls like me always love! One of the first things that I’d noticed about him were his huge, strong hands, and long, thick fingers....

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Suzanne and the church janitor

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Marcie teaches me

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It took a lot of convincing (and a bottle and a half of her favorite wine), but my wife finally consented to a threesome with another guy. Hell, if she'd have suggested bringing a woman to our bed I'd have jumped at the chance. But women are different -0- in more ways than the obvious — than men. Anyway, the night we invited Jay over for a barbecue he didn't have an idea of what was in store for him. He was one of my oldest friends and we spent lots of weekends fishing and drinking beer....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 264 Getting My New Car

Thursday, June 23, 2005 When we got the call to come get my new car, I said, "We'll need to get a taxi there, otherwise how will we get the Honda back?" "We'll tell the car lot to lend us someone to drive it back. You just spent $60,000 with them." "Ahh, yeah. Good point." As I'd promised, after driving Julia home, Donna was the first Anderson family member to get a ride. She was with some friends, so they got rides too. They all loved it, especially when I "put the lid down,"...

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Alberts family 2

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Bells Book and Candle

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Me Next Please movement

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Lost FoundChapter 41

Saturday, June 11th I woke to the sound of my cell phone ringing. Groggily I answered, "Yeah?" "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED, LITTLE BROTHER!" my brother Will commanded. "We got work to do at camp today." "I said I would be there by one o'clock," I replied. "I'll be there. I just want to enjoy one more morning of sleeping in." "One o'clock sharp!" Will said. "I'll be there," I agreed before I clicked my phone off. Will could just leave me a message on my voice mail if he...

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Denises Erotic Porn Star Life

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ManuelFerrara Keira Croft Gets Her Throat And Ass Destroyed By Manuel

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Dorm Chapter 2

I slid my hands up and down her body as we danced, and on one pass I caught the hem of her skirt and gave her a deep kiss as I pulled it up to tuck into the back of her shirt. I scanned the room as we danced for anyone eyeing my wife's panty-clad ass, and saw a group of five guys sitting at a table pointing at her and talking amongst themselves. I made sure to move so that she had to stretch her legs out or bend over, giving them an eyeful and keeping their attention. After a few songs my...

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Bigger is better

On a warm summer evening, I stopped by the local hair cuttery for a trim. It was almost nine o'clock, and I wasn't sure that the place was still open. I couldn't see anyone inside, but I parked anyway and tried the door. It was open, and I called out to get someone's attention. A woman's voice answered, telling me she'd be right out. All the chairs in the main salon were covered with those aprons they throw over you, and I thought I'd hear that it was to late. A young woman, maybe twentyfive,...

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Luck Ch 09

Rip was going to see Aries at least 3 times a week. They were always unscheduled visits and he always had new developments in the case to share. After he was finished seeing him he always took the long trip to see Mimi and check up on her and give her all the new information he had. Only today was different, Rip was not here yet. He had called Mimi very early this morning to let her know He had received some information of several witnesses spotting a woman who matched Lana’s description and he...

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Deadly Sins Ch 02

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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 14

‘We should go down to the arborium!’ Beth cried in Béla’s mind. ‘One last time, Sister!’ An anxious lust accompanied her thought. They teleported down to the arborium to see what they could find to use on each other. There was nothing left except the bows and a few arrows, several hatchets and some rusted, bloody knives. They had used up absolutely everything else. There were shell casings everywhere, but no guns. As the weapons were emptied, one or the other of the sisters had simply...

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Riverdale Flip

WARNING: Contains adult themes, profanity and sexual situations. This story is intended to become a part of an on-line graphic novel. It is, therefore, dedicated to rusty and his skilled pen! Riverdale Flip By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] Part I Hiram Lodge paced the floor nervously at the vast estate in the wooded hills overlooking Riverdale. It was past 11:00 p.m., and his daughter Veronica was late returning from the rave. She'd been escorted there by the...

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The Master WarriorChapter 4

The problems started when I exited the George Washington Parkway in the unincorporated community of Langley in Fairfax County, Virginia. There is an exit off the Parkway that goes directly to the main gate of the George Bush Center for Intelligence, which is the name of the CIA’s headquarters complex. It is located on some 258 acres of land near McLean, Virginia. The several buildings there are surrounded by huge parking lots and parking structures. There are small internal buses that move...

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No Room in My Truck

It was a nice little Sunday afternoon, a "ladyfriend" of mine who I had known throughout junior and senior high school, had given me a call to go out for a nice Sunday drive and catch a movie. I drive a black, lifted 1975 Chevrolet Silverado that runs very good. I came roaring up to her small house on the very outskirts of town that was surrounded by woods. Pulling up the driveway, there she stood. Her name was Tate. She was a beautiful blonde haired blue-eyed woman. She was wearing a green...

Straight Sex
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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 10

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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part II

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Sharing Dick with my GirlfriendTrue Story

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Arlene and JeffChapter 193

As soon as he stepped through the hatch, Jeff could feel Little One tense. Instead of the Ship greeting him as she always did, she remained silent. When he walked down the corridor toward the bridge, the feeling of ... wrongness increased – nothing easily identifiable, just something a little off. The lighting was, perhaps, a shade darker and maybe with more of a blue cast, the temperature a degree or two cooler. Something that only an Alpha would notice. The bridge, on the other hand,...

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Trapped Part 1

This is a story of a married woman named Mona. Who was mother of one and her husband worked at a respectable position. Her husband had to travel a lot. She was 35 years old and her husband was 43. She kept herself well maintained. Her sizes where 36 32 36. 5 4’ in height. She was very beautiful and sexy MILF. She was a very honest lady towards her husband. Her husband was the first in her life regarding sex. She had a high sex urge but she controlled her urge and was honest with her husband....

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The RescuedChapter 80 Tau Conference Center Day 12 Noon

Rebecca and Dawn entered the conference center, and asked where they could find Roger and Tom. A floating ball of light appeared, and they followed it to a small conference room off the main lobby. In addition to her two would-be husbands, Rebecca found Stacy Collins sitting at Tom's feet, while he chatted amiably with Lamont Anderson, the least closeted gay in the Navy. Before Rebecca could ask Roger and Tom to speak to her privately, they looked at each other, smirked, then looked at her...

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INHERITANCE PROLOGUE: This is a story about a life found and another saved. Jeff Anderson had just returned from the lawyers reading of his late sisters will. Michael, his sisters son had not attended, which for now Jeff was thankful. Entering the mansion, Jeff greeted the staff cordially and invited all of them to a staff meeting in the formal bar and advised those responsible to have the coolers well stocked. He asked Winston the butler where young Michael was and the...

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ts charlee the terms of interracial sex 52

* 5/26/2017 *Heeeeeya!been a busy gurl lately sorry I haven't gotten back with anybody. workin' a lot.Well, until last night... WHOA!not to get into to much detail but I met somebody through a mutual acquaintance. he is really sweet, tall, sexxy/smooth. he's older, late 50s. he's black, very dark black. very cool and is experienced with tgirls. he repeatedly asked me out for dinner and a nightcap. we talked on Kik for a couple of days. I told him I didn't want to be anybody's girlfriend or...

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27 Arranging Substitutes

12:18 P.M., Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Honolulu, HI It was recess, and Paul Macon was finally able to get his friend Sam Diamond by himself. The favor Paul was going to ask was one he couldn’t ask in front of everyone. “I know you kind of like Paula,” the little boy told his friend. Sam’s eyes got big. “Well yeah,” he said. “Me and George both. But, she’s YOUR girlfriend. I wouldn’t try to kiss her or anything.” Paul smiled. It wasn’t a cheery smile, but it was the first smile Sam had...

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Dark Horse Farms

As I step out of the stable into the yard I gush on and on about how grateful I am, how I wouldn’t tell anyone about this place. Still early morning, the Farm is just beginning stir in the dim light and it looks like any other horse farm. As I’m walked towards the center of the yard, I don’t pay much attention to the different pens, corrals, sturdy posts, fence like structures many of which are hard to make out in the gloom. Suddenly I’m firmly steered towards a grassy area where two other...

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BrattySis Kyler Quinn Sis Loves A Man In Uniform

Kyler Quinn is looking fine as fuck in a bikini. Her stepbrother, Codey Steele can’t keep his eyes off of her. Too bad for Codey that Kyler only wants a man in uniform. She belittles her stepbro while simultaneously giving him hints that if he were to become a real man she might think better of him. Codey does go ahead and enlist. A year later, when he’s fresh home from boot camp, Kyler approaches him wearing the same bikini but with a different attitude. She asks Codey if he...

3 years ago
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My fantasy You decide the ending

My fantasyWe have booked another night away in derbyThe look in vickys eyes has been naughty all the time we have been traveling. she is up to something but what ?Suppose I will find out soon. We go to our room I am tired cause of all the work and overtime I have been doing lately. We open the vodka and wine. I have a couple the decided I wanted a smoke so I go outside and find somewhere quiet to get high. When I return to the room the handcuffs are out. Blindfold. She tells me get in the...

4 years ago
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Fond Memories

Not to her face of course, but that was her nickname. And yes, she had huge tits. She was a junior in high school, and she had the biggest breasts I'd ever seen. (She still ranks in the top 3 even now.) Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. My name is Gary Boyd, and I was a junior too and easily the biggest geek in our class (it doesn't really matter to the story but just so you know), but back to Melissa's tits. Spectacular doesn't begin to describe them. They were like two...

4 years ago
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The Journey Ch 06

Val and Zeke swore profusely almost the entire way down the steps. What the hell was down here, that the alarms had been designed to last a couple hundred years. Val looked over at a torn decal on the inside of the door. Tricom Industries, apparently. Were they still out there? If so, he was buying stock. Actually, first he’d tell their exec’s about the century out alarms, pitch an advertisement idea, then he’d buy the stocks. He almost laughed out loud. Even after all this time on the ground,...

2 years ago
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Gym Membership

Jenna walked into the gym. For being a Saturday it was pretty empty. Scanning the room she saw a brunette with a tight ass running. In the back weight area she noticed a man chugging a jug full of water… Typical gym rat. Jenna geared up for the stair stepper so she could stare at the brunette. She was now stopped and bent over, what a nice round tight ass she had. Jenna’s pussy started to get real wet. She turned around and said "What the fuck are you looking at?" Jenna was startled. She...

3 years ago
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One if by Son Two if by MomChapter 8

Helen was surprised to find Eric less interested in sleeping with her. Although she had decided to control their sexual explorations, her resolve weakened as opportunities failed to present themselves. He began staying late after school, and when he finally got home her son would act too tired to respond to her subtle suggestions that she was interested in continuing the games they played one morning not so long ago in her big bed. Helen was too shy to try to entice her son more openly....

1 year ago
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Jeanrsquos Surprise

It was a warm spring midday in a southwestern desert city. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She wanted to know if I would meet her somewhere for a drink. She said she wanted to asked me something very personal.Having nothing pressing at the time, I agreed to meet with her. I suggested a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective homes.On the way to the bar, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to ask...

3 years ago
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A slut her mistress and Lady Sapphire

Introduction/Prologue/Message from Lady`Sapphire Introduction/Prologue/Message from Lady`SapphireThe following story is selectively autobiographical/biographical/really honestly true, and selectively made up out of whole-cloth. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decipher the truth from the fiction. (Names may or may not have been changed to protect... this writer from accusations of libel. ;) IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Lady`Sapphire is a firm believer in Safe, Sane, and Consentual (or,...

3 years ago
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The Fat GirlChapter 9

This was a Thursday and he had told me earlier that he would not come home Friday since he was going to be away for a 'conference' on the weekend. He returned in high spirits Sunday night from that 'conference' and Monday morning over breakfast he looked somewhat nervously at me and said "About Christmas, ahem, I, we, I thought it would be nice with company for Christmas Dinner. How about that?" "Sure!" I replied. We've just been Dad and me like forever, but I'd welcome a bigger...

3 years ago
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Dog LoversChapter 3

David and Goddess were waiting for me near the covered bridge, which was very real and very old. It had been turned into the centerpiece of a small park just outside of town. I thought my new friend would be more comfortable hanging out there than he'd be watching me pack my things. David needed a little time alone. "Hey!" I smiled at the sixteen year old boy as Shadow, my boyfriend and three year old black lab, bounded eagerly past me. Dogs love parks. "Hi, Ms. Sands ... Uh, Julie."...

4 years ago
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A Clear Picture

A Clear Picture by Erin Tyler You probably think life with The Mistress was rough for me. Don't get me wrong: it wasn't all fun times. She was just as cynical and misanthropic as she had ever been. However, it wasn't all bad. In fact, it was actually pretty nice. The Mistress -- my mistress -- recognized that her mistress, Sheila Tucker, had been completely insane. Mistress Sheila had been a slave driver to my mistress and a nightmare for the town of Parkside. My mistress...

1 year ago
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something strange and new part I

I'd never been with anyone who was just so damn Hot before. Blonde, cute nose, big eyes, fantastic tight ass, beautiful, near-fucking-perfect tits (unenhanced). And she seemed to really, really want me. Could this really be my lucky day?Ok, we were more than slightly drunk. And we had all the shenanigans of getting out of the party without anyone noticing we were going together, seeing as we both had proper, back-home partners. But holy shit, here she was undressing right before my very eyes in...

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