Reginald's WivesChapter 5 free porn video

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“Gosh, we never thought of that!” Frances blurted out.

“It is a common occurrence, Mrs Robertson. Only one needs to be agile and take the risk of climbing through, past broken glass.”

“Yes. That is so. Reg noticed a drop of blood on the carpet, so we kept away from the spot until the forensics people arrived.”

“A wise precaution, though not every blood spot leads to a culprit, if the lad had never been in the hands of the police before. You need a match, you see, and if he is not already in the police database, you can’t make a match.”

“You seem to know all about it, sir.”

“I started off in the police, before I found there was more money to be had by working for an insurance company. I had to retrain for an assessor’s post, but I enjoyed it, and I have never looked back.”

“So what do you think of our claim, over this break-in?” Frances wanted to know.

“One like yours is pretty straight-forward, as a rule. There are always variables in the assessment, but where a client insures a number of properties with one policy, we tend to be less officious, less going by the letter of the law. We try to treat our better clients with a more sympathetic approach. Your building is part of a blanket policy for over twenty buildings, so this makes your building one of those meriting a sympathetic approach.”

They continued walking round the house, visiting each floor in turn. Once the tour was finished, Seb Cornwall asked Frances, “Is that all the electrical items that were removed? I would have expected the thieves to have targeted mobile phones, portable radios, that sort of thing.”

“We all carry our mobiles with us, for we need them at the university, and none of us have portable radios. We use our phones to listen to music.”

“I must be getting old. You young folk use your mobile phones for everything, these days.”

“By the way,” said Frances, “We are getting enhanced security for the building as a result of this break-in; triple-glazing, alarms, and so forth.”

“Make a point of notifying the insurance company. They may be happy to lower the overall premium when that is done.”

Prudence Gower’s father was also busy, getting his own research done. He had staff checking facts in the original military award records of the period, including the report from the Squadron Leader and a couple of members of his team. The researcher noticed the vagueness of the man in the pit when the other man fell, a Richard Bell. Bell claimed they were working in semidarkness at the time, which might explain why his colleague tripped. There was no mention of the fallen man’s head hitting the bomb, just that he fell and landed on his head. It was only the Squadron Leader who referred to the exposed bomb in the pit. Another witness was actually reporting what he had seen come daylight. He described looking into the pit and seeing the bomb waiting to be defused. It was assumed that this confirmed evidence of the bomb situation of the night before.

The researcher took copies of all these reports, and added photocopies of newspaper reports of the bomb being defused, and the later award to the Squadron Leader. The news reports of the defusing were vague, as no-one was allowed to be close at the time, for safety reasons. The award announcement in the press was based primarily on the Squadron Leader’s testimony.

All the documentation went back to Mr Gower. He perused it attentively, then demanded a search for the man who had been in the hole, if he still lived. The RAF Benevolent Fund had records of his pension being paid to him at a retirement home in the Cotswolds, near the village of Painswick, so Mr Gower paid him a visit. He phoned the home in advance, explaining that he was researching heroes for a book, and wanted to get testimony from Mr Bell. The home’s administrator explained that Mr Bell’s short-term memory was a bit hazy, but otherwise he was generally healthy except for walking ability. “Don’t expect Mr. Bell to get up to meet you, Mr. Gower.”

“That is fine, sir. It is his mind I am seeking, not his legs.”

The meeting took place within Mr. Bell’s private room, with the Administrator standing near the door, observing events.

Mr. Gower spoke up. “Mr. Bell, I am researching the UXB event where Squadron Leader Aitchison won his DSO.”

Bell’s face turned into a scowl. “Won his DSO, eh? Damn fools at the War Office: believe anything an officer says.”

Gower allowed a look of surprise to come over his face. “You mean, it didn’t happen exactly as was described on the award documents?”

“Of course not. These records seldom do. They make the officer look good, that’s what was wanted. Most of these awards are dished out like sweets.”

“So what exactly happened, Mr. Bell? You were in the pit, were you not?”

“Sure, just waiting for my mate to come with the tools. I was in the hole with the detector, to find where the bomb was nearest the surface, and the idiot lost his footing on the excavated pile up on top, and then the tools pile down on me, don’t they? I was lucky not to be badly hit.”

“So the other guy fell on top of you, did he?”

“Nah. He missed me and landed on the spilled gear. Banged his head on a lump hammer, he did. Knocked him clean out. I used the walkie-talkie to tell the boss that Hawkins had fell into the hole and was unconscious. He rushes over with a torch, and between us we get Hawkins back to the ground level. The boss says, “I’ll get him back safe, Bell. You make sure that everything is okay here.”

“‘Yes, sir. Will do.’ and he goes off with Hawkins over his shoulder. I gets back down, and pulls the tools to one side. Then I excavate further, to get a look at the bomb. You have to see it to work out its size and type of munition; and whether it was correctly fused. That gives you some clues for the defusing operation. Some of these fuses had been sabotaged by slave workers, and that is why the bomb failed to go off. I needed to find if that was the case here.

After a while, the Boss comes back with his torch, and shines it down on me and the bomb. “Ah, you have the beastie identified, have you?”

“500-pounder sir. I haven’t managed to locate the fuse details yet. I think we’ll need daylight for that job.”

“Very well. Have you got the drill and saltwater pump for disabling the fuse? Did Hawkins deliver them?”

“No, sir. I expect he was going to go back to do a second run and deliver them safely. You know how delicate these items are.”

“Indeed, Bell. By the way, Hawkins must have landed on the bomb when he fell in. I presume I am right, Bell; eh, Bell?”

“Of course, sir, if you say so, sir.”

“Excellent. I had meant to say that you deserve more than a medal for your stalwart work, Bell. How about I arrange a donation towards your retirement; a sum of 500 pounds sterling? It might seem appropriate, eh, being a 500-pounder?”

“That would be most generous of you, sir.”

“Don’t rock the boat, Bell. That is all I shall expect; understood?”

“Yes sir. Whatever you say, sir.”

“Good man.”

Bell looked into Mr Gower’s eyes. “500 pounds was a lot of money to a squaddie back then, sir, as I am sure you know. So I didn’t rock the boat, and he got his DSO. Job done. That money came in handy, sir, I can tell you, but I won’t talk about it in public.”

“I can understand that, Mr. Bell. You secret is safe with me.” Gower was satisfied. He made his excuses and left Mr. Bell in his comfortable armchair.

Moving outside with the Administrator, Mr. Gower commented quietly, “For a man with a bad memory, he did very well, I think? Reliable, would you say?”

“Quite so. For such an old memory to remain so clear, it must have made a tremendous impact on him. I never knew he was a bomb disposal man. A brave man indeed. I think I shall inform the staff that our Mr. Bell is a hero; but quietly.” He smiled almost shyly. “Mr. Bell is not a man to brag, so we shall not brag, either.”

Gower responded, “And as I said to him, his secret is safe with me. Thank you for your help. I suggest you write down what you have heard, for future reminiscences shall we say?. I can do my story as a tale of an unidentified hero, and leave it at that. It will still have an impact, showing one of the many pressures on the UXB men. You will possess the full tale, young man; an honour, I think.”

They parted with a handshake, both happy with the outcome.

Prudence got a call from her father, during one of her lectures. She had her phone on mute, so all she felt was the vibration, and she sidled out of her seat and out to the hallway. There she took the call.

“Daddy? What’s up?”

“Nothing to worry about, my pet. I have been visiting one of Aitchison’s disposal team, and he tells a different story. There was no heroic action.” He related the story, and added, “Unfortunately, the guy was bribed at the time, and is not prepared to go public, but at least we know that Aitchison was a fraud, and the home’s administrator heard the full story at the same time. We can do whatever we like to bring him down, knowing what he is really like.”

“Thanks, Daddy. Please don’t do anything immediately, until we can talk it over: me, Reg and the others. There are other factors at play here. But, Daddy? I think you are wonderful!”

“Thank you, my dear daughter. Anything I can do to help, let me know.”

Prudence called the family together, and informed them that the Squadron Leader was not the hero he purported to be. “Daddy found a team member who was bribed to stay quiet about what actually happened. The bomb was still covered by soil at the time of the accident, so there was no real danger involved, thus no justification for the DSO. The man is a fraudster, so it is not surprising he is trying to cover up for his grandson’s criminal activities. The point is, do we do anything about it?”

Reg looked around for opinions, but no-one seemed to be willing to step forward. He offered his own view. “We have two distinct options: take his money or refuse his money. If we refuse his money, we can still get our insurance money to reinstate the house. That means we get less than he is willing to pay. Of course, he is again offering a bribe to stay silent, just as he did with his bomb disposal man. Any comment?”

Freda said, “My Dad would not like us to do anything illegal, and taking a bribe is illegal.”

Reg pursed his lips. “In this case we can view it simply as a recompense for the distress caused to family members. That need not be a bribe. In fact, if we don’t sign anything, we can still assist the police to indict the grandson.”

“Won’t he want us to sign a promise not to testify against his grandson?” Erika posited.

Freda laughed. “Us signing such a document is tantamount to him admitting to a crime. He wouldn’t dare put anything in writing!”

Frances interposed, “I see what you mean, Freda. Your father’s law knowledge is rubbing off on you.”

Prudence said softy, “So, we could take his money, and still stick it to him?”

Reg agreed with this interpretation. “Yes, that is correct, but whether we think it is right, ethically, is another matter. For a start, if the insurance company pays out, should we expect him to pay us the same again?

Freda was not impressed. “We should be ethical with a man who got a medal by fraudulent means, and is now trying to cover up a crime by his grandson? Give us a break!”

Reg did not agree. “The way I look at it, Freda, is that we have consciences, even if he doesn’t. I would feel bad about not acting ethically, for MY conscience, and nothing to do with his lack of ethics. He didn’t do anything directly against us. He is trying to protect his grandson for some unknown reason. If the lad was my grandson, I would want him to take his punishment as a deterrence against doing such a thing again.”

Prudence asked him, “Then why DOES he want to do such a stupid thing? Do we know anything about the lad?”

Reg was thoughtful. “You raise an interesting point, darling. I wonder if the police have information about him? Could we ask our friendly Sergeant Phillips?”

“We can but try,” exclaimed Prudence. As we have the phone number on his card, let me ask him.”

She swiftly got her phone out and dialed the policeman’s number.

“Sergeant Philips? Mrs Prudence Robertson here. We are puzzled about why the boy needs to be protected from the consequences of his actions. Do you know anything about him?”

“He is still at Secondary School, Mrs Robertson. We asked about him and the headmaster reported that the lad is a bit of a tearaway but within limits, good at maths, languages, and one or two of the sciences. He attends school scrupulously well, and has no demerits on his record. The Head thought the boy’s father was grooming him for a career as a stockbroker, or in banking: he was not sure which.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. Nothing else?”

“Nothing noteworthy. The family has money, but you knew that! I think it is Old Money, inherited for generations.”

“Thanks again, Sergeant. You do you best for everyone, don’t you? Goodbye.”

Reg had been listening closely. Now he remarked, “Earmarked for a career in finance, eh? I do believe that a criminal record is a deal-breaker for such a career. I read somewhere that sensitive jobs to do with finance are among ones where government regulations bar people with convictions for theft and other financial crimes. I wonder if that is why they don’t want him to be convicted?”

Frances offered, “So, such a conviction merely deters him from a career in finance?”

“I expect so,” Reg declared as his opinion. “Does that change our attitude, ladies?”

Erika was forthright. “Reg, I think we treat that family as a bunch of criminals, and deal with them accordingly; primarily, steer clear of them. If we get decent recompense from the Insurance Company, I would be happy to leave it at that. We do nothing to make things easy for the boy.”

“Thank you, Erika my love. What do the rest of you think?”

Grudgingly, they followed Erika’s example, and opted for the law to take its course.

Reg declared, “I am proud of you girls for taking a principled stance once we knew the full story. I agree with you, so we can tell the Sergeant we want to leave the charges to be pursued with full vigour. But first, we need to send a message to the Squadron Leader that conveys our decision in a friendly fashion.”

Frances told him, “You had best draft out what we should say, Reg. You are more conciliatory than we are.”

He worked on that for a while, and came up with this message, to be handwritten for delivery to the man.

“Dear Squadron Leader Aitchison, we understand that you have offered reparations for the break-in at our home recently. While we admire your generosity, we feel that we should pursue recompense through our insurance policy. Thank you for that offer, which we have thus to refuse with regret. We have noted that you were awarded a DSO some time ago, and feel that it might be for the best if you resigned from the Police Committee on grounds of ill-health, rather than discuss publicly your relationship with Mr Bell, who now regrets his time on your team.”

From: The Robertson family.

Freda was not so sure. “Reg, I like your wording, but I think it is too forgiving of the Aitchisons. I would like to see a bigger threat hanging over them, should they not mend their ways.”

“What would you like it to say, Freda?”

“I want it to be clear that we know what their intentions were. Something like, ‘While we welcome your apparent generosity, it has been revealed by our own investigations that the intention is to allow your grandson, Eric, to become a career financier. This must not happen, for the benefit of the general community. In addition, your DSO award has now been revealed to us as suspect, and we have witness corroboration for that claim. Your position on the police committee is therefore untenable, if you wish to retain your DSO.”

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It was the day after my very first time n i was in the bath,shaving my hole,thinking about how much of a slut id been the previous day. Once my little hole was totally smooth i started to finger it,teasing it slowly,inserting 2 then 3 fingers knuckle deep.Suddenly my phone rang, so i answered ,without taking my fingers from my ass,and to my delight another guy told me he wanted to fuck me,the sooner the better. i took his address and quickly got dressed,jumping into a taxi and setting off...

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TandraChapter 49

"That is great. Let's use it." "The override is only possible when the Empress, herself, personally makes a call on ships. Any other person to do this will mean immediate death. This is also programmed into the circuits." "Where did you find this out? I never heard of it before." "This hull was purposefully made for the third daughter of Gozel 53, and as such, had all the imperial protocols, and special access codes, to almost every other ship." "Tell me more about this...

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Dawns Night Out

It was Saturday night in Sunnydale. Dawn sat on the edge of her bed in her bedroom. She felt restless and bored. Buffy had told her that she had to stay home tonight. She was mad about some silly incident at school. Dawn had gone to Willow, but she wouldn’t help. So here she sat all alone in the big house. She kept trying to think of things to do, but all she wanted to do was get out of here. No one understood her. She felt like no one paid much attention to her anymore either.The group of new...

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Still Another Dress Code

Still Another Dress Code I was surprised when I was called in for an interview, and even more surprised upon being informed that I got the job. It seemed to me that applying for a teaching position at an exclusive, elite secondary school for young ladies would be seen as the arrogance and perversity of a young man with the hots for teenaged young ladies. I never admitted to that motivation. My application had been little more than a self-dare. I thought it would be paradise, amid...

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Soft 3some With A Friend And His Wife

have been a big fan of all the stories here and read them quite regularly. This real story is about 4-5 years old when I had a soft 3some with my friend & his wife. This story is completely real as well as all the characters described here in. You can send your comments on the email address below.I am Rohan Sippy from Ahmedabad, married and 32 years old now. Am 5’9″ with an athletic build (32″ waist). The other 2 people in this story are Raja, same as my age, a little taller and a little...

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MAN OF THE HOUSE:Your flight arrives early 6:30 in the morning. OMG, you are so handsome, and with those sleepy eyes you look soo sexy. I pick you up in my office dress, mid thigh length business skirt, white shirt, short black jacket, stockings and heels. We hug and kiss at the arrival area then with your strong arm around my waist we walk to the parking side. We talk, giggle and chuckle, I am feeling so happy with you. Suddenly, I feel your hand slide down over my womanly behind, I smile and...

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DevilsFilm Maxim Law Interracial Anal Gangbang

Sultry Maxim Law can’t stop thinking about getting gangbanged. All she wants is her every hole stuffed. Luckily Donny Sins, Isiah Maxwell, Jack Blaque, and Tee Reel are there to fill every single one of Maxim’s juicy holes with their hard cocks. Their hands all over every inch of Maxim’s tight body make her pussy dripping wet instantly. Her mouth watering for their cocks, she gets on her knees and with her expert hands and throat, devours all four of them balls-deep. But this...

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SweetheartVideo Mercedes Carrera Carolina Sweets Naughty Neighbor

Buxom MILF Mercedes Carrera has been watching her new neighbors, three hot flight attendants, and is very turned on by their sexy activities…in fact Mercedes would love to get in on the action with young all-natural blond Carolina Sweets. Mercedes makes the first move making out with Carolina, but Carolina is anything but sweet and innocent as the two strip and begin to suck, lick and fondle every inch of their perfect bodies. Carolina’s wet cunt begs for Mercedes tongue as she...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 27 Solution

Martha returned to the sittingroom to find Hugo on the 'phone to Karl. " ... as long as it is a foreign-language dormitory and she is the only woman they have and she never leaves the dormitory for any reason, that will do. Thanks." Turning to Martha, he ordered, "Get a cover on her for the journey; she's going to Karl's mine. He has persuaded me to let her go straight into a dormitory when you get there. It is one where none of the miners speak English and the other two women will not...

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Sabrinas request1

"Hey Sam, thanks so much for coming over. How have you been?" She said stepping back allowing me into her home. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "It's no problem, what do you need help with?" I said looking at her and she flashed me a smile. "This is going to sound crazy, but first can we head down to the basement?" She said, and I'm slightly confused but just said sure and she turned around to guide me to the basement and I snuck a glance at her ass, and it was nice and...

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The ArrangementChapter 6

The atmosphere in the Robbins house was once again icy. "Kevin, how could you?" Denise asked both hurt and anger in her voice. He had returned to the studio as the drug was wearing off and had helped Denise, who could hardly walk after what she had been through, to the car. The advantage of being absent from the studio was twofold. First, he did not have to actually witness what his beautiful wife had gone through. Of course he had been reassured she would not be permanently injured, but...

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Aunt Marilee 2

I hadn’t seen Marilee in over 35 years. Since then I have been married for 20 years to a wife that was very similar in features to Marilee. I have two great kids and have kept myself in great shape over the years. I wound up getting a job with a computer startup company that was later taken over by a major computer firm. I was kept on because I knew more about the system than anyone else, eventually becoming Assistant Vice President of research and development. My wife knew about...

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The SisterhoodChapter 31

It was only a day later when the great 767 with Doug and Karla Whitfield aboard settled onto the runway at Columbus, Ohio. The weather was lovely for their visit, very clear, but cold. There were only traces of snow on the ground but all the road surfaces were dry. Although theirs was a private aircraft, the general aviation facility at Columbus didn’t have the capability to handle a plane of its size. However, since the plane was maintained and crewed by United Airlines, they taxied to a...

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My New Friend Jasmine

Just a short time ago, I came across a website that offered Love Dolls and fascination got the bestof me. I thought it out long and hard and decided to order one. I choose the color of her hair, the eye color, the lip color, etc. After two hours picking the Doll of my Dreams, Jasmine was her name, chosen by me. When checking out the site, I read that the delivery time would be around six weeks, enough time for me to get ready for Jasmine's arrival. I bought her clothes, shoes, bras, panties;...

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A World of Wonder CHYOA Edition

[Author's Note - This began on AI Dungeon as a sci-fi story about anthropomorphic animal aliens coming to Earth for asylum after their planet was destroyed. It has now morphed into a long term project where I will archive all of my currently published works on in one place and put the originals up for adoption to anyone that is interested. I want this to be a place where anyone in the community regardless of their level of skill as a writer or creator can post something and have fun,...

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21st bday

Last week my younger sister turned 21, she has just recently gotten engaged as well so since we hadn't had a chance to celebrate either occasion we decided to celebrate both. My friend Kim and I had special plans for her. My sister Tonya has only been with three guys in her life and she is marrying her third. We decided to give her something she could never dream of.The day of the party we (Five of us girls) took her for a day at the salon for hair, massage, and make over. We then all went...

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The Orgasm Hunger Games

The Orgasm Hunger Games by Impaler49152 in February 2015Chapter 1Jennifer was excited when she heard about the new game show right away. Her friend and co-worker Vicky told her about the show this morning and since then she could not wait to get online and check it out.  She did a little google search and found the web site right away. Could this show really get her legal and safe orgasms? Something she and half of the countries female population craved ever since the orgasm control laws went...

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465 yes gran

465 yes gran It was a long week especially for Tina, who having seen what Beryl and her son Alec has endured over the last weekends, knew that this weekend, Specifically Saturday would be hard for her. On Tuesday Alec slept with her, very vanilla but hard and most enjoyable, she slept with Beryl on Wednesday, a nice gentle all girl night, that was over by midnight and both sleeping the sleep of the well satisfied by five past, it was soon Friday all too soon and Beryl off out to WI again the...

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Little brothers little girlfriend

Introduction: How I fucked my brothers little middle school girlfriend So, yeah, Im 27, and this story is as much a confession to get off my chest as it is a fucking boast, its not like I can go around to my friends and brag about this little hot thing. No names will be used. I guess Im a perv, sure, I figured this out quickly. I was always sexual and aware of girls sexually quite early and as I grew older I couldnt help notice that I am still attracted to the same kind of girls I was attracted...

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Chakras Rock

Chakras Rock by Miss Anonna I got an email from someone who claimed an acquaintance had told him he needed an energy realignment. He mentioned that his friend had recommended that he contact me and make an appointment so I gave him a few little details about this particular massage and my availability. He quickly wrote back and after a couple of notes back and forth an appointment was set. When I arrived at his home he took some time to answer the door but when he opened it, I found myself...

Oral Sex
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Cousins helping hand part 2

I took care of what things the others needed. And they were fighting about staying up this weekend. However Jessica didn't put her foot down like she normally would. Instead she said she was going to my room to do her homework. And for them to put a movie in the vcr as long as the lights were off and no fighting. I must have had a dumb struck look on my face or she had to be reading my mind. As she started down the hallway because she said If she needed anything she would holler for me....

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Beths Awakening Ch 01

Chapter One, Beth Makes a Discovery Now and then I awake in the night, scarcely able to believe my good fortune. I’m going to share with you how I, Elizabeth, Beth, for short, blundered into an alternate universe, and discovered the ongoing amazement my life has become. I’ve always considered myself an average middle-class housewife and mother. I met my husband of eleven-plus years, Rick, when we were in college. We dated and eventually did the ‘beast with two-backs’ a few times before Rick...

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Unintended Consequences Again

I was now safely retired for the third time. I was hoping it would take, but if past history was any predictor I would be employed in a gainful way very soon. Sometimes you should keep your thoughts to yourself, or better yet, don’t even think them. I had been playing at being an author for the last eight or so years. It all started with a long road trip where I started telling my wife a story about a kid hitchhiking to California from Ohio. It had some of my life and times as a loose...

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L Divorce

Jimmy was at the office late again, for the sixth night in a row. It never seemed like his desk was getting cleared off at all. The paper work just kept creeping up on him. Jimmy's a financial consultant for Premier Bank Corp. and since rates are down, his piss of an ass manager is more interested in her big bonus then more hands in the cubicles. With that said, Jimmy's home life aunt been to hot. In fact, it down right stunk like shit. Hi wife-Lenora-of 14 years marriage had been in a rut...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 36 Shooting Star

The scene at Smith Park, when we pulled in around noon, was rather astonishing. The light scaffolds loomed over the stage, and for a long moment I stood by the car door in complete shock. We’re going to be playing on that... ! “Are you coming, lad?” Tommy asked, having already seized his guitar and equipment bag from the trunk. I snapped out of it and went to grab my own things. “Yeah. It’s just that ... it looks pretty damn neat, man.” He grinned. “I’m sure it does. Now let’s go set...

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An Eye on the Housekeeper

I graduated college with a degree in journalism and mass communication, so when I was offered a position at an affiliate television studio in Seattle, and began earning a steady, decent wage, it was natural for me to begin collecting an array of video equipment. Although I had no real solid plans, the idea of running my own video production studio was rather appealing to me. I enjoyed the work and applied vast amounts of effort and time to the job. As my responsibilities grew, so did my income...

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Untold Tale of Alan And Elena Do You Feel What I Feel

"Do you feel what I feel, can you see what I see, can you cut behind the mystery, I will meet you by the witness tree, leave the whole world behind" Broken Arrow, By Rod Stewart This story happens Before "Make Me Happy" Alan is very tired today, he has done an all night job on a project and has just put it in the mail to be delivered, and has done a meeting with another potential client, if he get this one gig it'll make his year, and for the rest day of he doesn't have another job to...

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Home StudiesDay 15 Wednesday

Oh hi, there you are. I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up. I hope you don't mind that we've already started. Well, just. You see, we have a little surprise for you today. You remember how I was whipping Anna last Thursday with the wooden spoon? Well, I guess that left a few marks, and some chick from her class saw them on Friday. She didn't say anything then, but yesterday she approached Anna and asked about it. And Anna, apparently, told her quite the tale of bondage and torture...

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The Engagment Party

Christine had thought of her two encounters with Mr. Dunn often. Over the summer she would catch a glance from him, a nod, maybe even a smile that would thrill her world. However, that was all she would get. She ached for more of his attention but was unsure of how to arrange another meeting. The invitation to the engagement party would give her an opportunity. The invitation arrived on a Wednesday for Jasmine Dunn and her fiancé Scott Randall. The party was scheduled for this coming weekend at...

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Wicked Wife Sleeping Daughter

The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.They glistened.The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she...

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