ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 28
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“Gosh, we never thought of that!” Frances blurted out.
“It is a common occurrence, Mrs Robertson. Only one needs to be agile and take the risk of climbing through, past broken glass.”
“Yes. That is so. Reg noticed a drop of blood on the carpet, so we kept away from the spot until the forensics people arrived.”
“A wise precaution, though not every blood spot leads to a culprit, if the lad had never been in the hands of the police before. You need a match, you see, and if he is not already in the police database, you can’t make a match.”
“You seem to know all about it, sir.”
“I started off in the police, before I found there was more money to be had by working for an insurance company. I had to retrain for an assessor’s post, but I enjoyed it, and I have never looked back.”
“So what do you think of our claim, over this break-in?” Frances wanted to know.
“One like yours is pretty straight-forward, as a rule. There are always variables in the assessment, but where a client insures a number of properties with one policy, we tend to be less officious, less going by the letter of the law. We try to treat our better clients with a more sympathetic approach. Your building is part of a blanket policy for over twenty buildings, so this makes your building one of those meriting a sympathetic approach.”
They continued walking round the house, visiting each floor in turn. Once the tour was finished, Seb Cornwall asked Frances, “Is that all the electrical items that were removed? I would have expected the thieves to have targeted mobile phones, portable radios, that sort of thing.”
“We all carry our mobiles with us, for we need them at the university, and none of us have portable radios. We use our phones to listen to music.”
“I must be getting old. You young folk use your mobile phones for everything, these days.”
“By the way,” said Frances, “We are getting enhanced security for the building as a result of this break-in; triple-glazing, alarms, and so forth.”
“Make a point of notifying the insurance company. They may be happy to lower the overall premium when that is done.”
Prudence Gower’s father was also busy, getting his own research done. He had staff checking facts in the original military award records of the period, including the report from the Squadron Leader and a couple of members of his team. The researcher noticed the vagueness of the man in the pit when the other man fell, a Richard Bell. Bell claimed they were working in semidarkness at the time, which might explain why his colleague tripped. There was no mention of the fallen man’s head hitting the bomb, just that he fell and landed on his head. It was only the Squadron Leader who referred to the exposed bomb in the pit. Another witness was actually reporting what he had seen come daylight. He described looking into the pit and seeing the bomb waiting to be defused. It was assumed that this confirmed evidence of the bomb situation of the night before.
The researcher took copies of all these reports, and added photocopies of newspaper reports of the bomb being defused, and the later award to the Squadron Leader. The news reports of the defusing were vague, as no-one was allowed to be close at the time, for safety reasons. The award announcement in the press was based primarily on the Squadron Leader’s testimony.
All the documentation went back to Mr Gower. He perused it attentively, then demanded a search for the man who had been in the hole, if he still lived. The RAF Benevolent Fund had records of his pension being paid to him at a retirement home in the Cotswolds, near the village of Painswick, so Mr Gower paid him a visit. He phoned the home in advance, explaining that he was researching heroes for a book, and wanted to get testimony from Mr Bell. The home’s administrator explained that Mr Bell’s short-term memory was a bit hazy, but otherwise he was generally healthy except for walking ability. “Don’t expect Mr. Bell to get up to meet you, Mr. Gower.”
“That is fine, sir. It is his mind I am seeking, not his legs.”
The meeting took place within Mr. Bell’s private room, with the Administrator standing near the door, observing events.
Mr. Gower spoke up. “Mr. Bell, I am researching the UXB event where Squadron Leader Aitchison won his DSO.”
Bell’s face turned into a scowl. “Won his DSO, eh? Damn fools at the War Office: believe anything an officer says.”
Gower allowed a look of surprise to come over his face. “You mean, it didn’t happen exactly as was described on the award documents?”
“Of course not. These records seldom do. They make the officer look good, that’s what was wanted. Most of these awards are dished out like sweets.”
“So what exactly happened, Mr. Bell? You were in the pit, were you not?”
“Sure, just waiting for my mate to come with the tools. I was in the hole with the detector, to find where the bomb was nearest the surface, and the idiot lost his footing on the excavated pile up on top, and then the tools pile down on me, don’t they? I was lucky not to be badly hit.”
“So the other guy fell on top of you, did he?”
“Nah. He missed me and landed on the spilled gear. Banged his head on a lump hammer, he did. Knocked him clean out. I used the walkie-talkie to tell the boss that Hawkins had fell into the hole and was unconscious. He rushes over with a torch, and between us we get Hawkins back to the ground level. The boss says, “I’ll get him back safe, Bell. You make sure that everything is okay here.”
“‘Yes, sir. Will do.’ and he goes off with Hawkins over his shoulder. I gets back down, and pulls the tools to one side. Then I excavate further, to get a look at the bomb. You have to see it to work out its size and type of munition; and whether it was correctly fused. That gives you some clues for the defusing operation. Some of these fuses had been sabotaged by slave workers, and that is why the bomb failed to go off. I needed to find if that was the case here.
After a while, the Boss comes back with his torch, and shines it down on me and the bomb. “Ah, you have the beastie identified, have you?”
“500-pounder sir. I haven’t managed to locate the fuse details yet. I think we’ll need daylight for that job.”
“Very well. Have you got the drill and saltwater pump for disabling the fuse? Did Hawkins deliver them?”
“No, sir. I expect he was going to go back to do a second run and deliver them safely. You know how delicate these items are.”
“Indeed, Bell. By the way, Hawkins must have landed on the bomb when he fell in. I presume I am right, Bell; eh, Bell?”
“Of course, sir, if you say so, sir.”
“Excellent. I had meant to say that you deserve more than a medal for your stalwart work, Bell. How about I arrange a donation towards your retirement; a sum of 500 pounds sterling? It might seem appropriate, eh, being a 500-pounder?”
“That would be most generous of you, sir.”
“Don’t rock the boat, Bell. That is all I shall expect; understood?”
“Yes sir. Whatever you say, sir.”
“Good man.”
Bell looked into Mr Gower’s eyes. “500 pounds was a lot of money to a squaddie back then, sir, as I am sure you know. So I didn’t rock the boat, and he got his DSO. Job done. That money came in handy, sir, I can tell you, but I won’t talk about it in public.”
“I can understand that, Mr. Bell. You secret is safe with me.” Gower was satisfied. He made his excuses and left Mr. Bell in his comfortable armchair.
Moving outside with the Administrator, Mr. Gower commented quietly, “For a man with a bad memory, he did very well, I think? Reliable, would you say?”
“Quite so. For such an old memory to remain so clear, it must have made a tremendous impact on him. I never knew he was a bomb disposal man. A brave man indeed. I think I shall inform the staff that our Mr. Bell is a hero; but quietly.” He smiled almost shyly. “Mr. Bell is not a man to brag, so we shall not brag, either.”
Gower responded, “And as I said to him, his secret is safe with me. Thank you for your help. I suggest you write down what you have heard, for future reminiscences shall we say?. I can do my story as a tale of an unidentified hero, and leave it at that. It will still have an impact, showing one of the many pressures on the UXB men. You will possess the full tale, young man; an honour, I think.”
They parted with a handshake, both happy with the outcome.
Prudence got a call from her father, during one of her lectures. She had her phone on mute, so all she felt was the vibration, and she sidled out of her seat and out to the hallway. There she took the call.
“Daddy? What’s up?”
“Nothing to worry about, my pet. I have been visiting one of Aitchison’s disposal team, and he tells a different story. There was no heroic action.” He related the story, and added, “Unfortunately, the guy was bribed at the time, and is not prepared to go public, but at least we know that Aitchison was a fraud, and the home’s administrator heard the full story at the same time. We can do whatever we like to bring him down, knowing what he is really like.”
“Thanks, Daddy. Please don’t do anything immediately, until we can talk it over: me, Reg and the others. There are other factors at play here. But, Daddy? I think you are wonderful!”
“Thank you, my dear daughter. Anything I can do to help, let me know.”
Prudence called the family together, and informed them that the Squadron Leader was not the hero he purported to be. “Daddy found a team member who was bribed to stay quiet about what actually happened. The bomb was still covered by soil at the time of the accident, so there was no real danger involved, thus no justification for the DSO. The man is a fraudster, so it is not surprising he is trying to cover up for his grandson’s criminal activities. The point is, do we do anything about it?”
Reg looked around for opinions, but no-one seemed to be willing to step forward. He offered his own view. “We have two distinct options: take his money or refuse his money. If we refuse his money, we can still get our insurance money to reinstate the house. That means we get less than he is willing to pay. Of course, he is again offering a bribe to stay silent, just as he did with his bomb disposal man. Any comment?”
Freda said, “My Dad would not like us to do anything illegal, and taking a bribe is illegal.”
Reg pursed his lips. “In this case we can view it simply as a recompense for the distress caused to family members. That need not be a bribe. In fact, if we don’t sign anything, we can still assist the police to indict the grandson.”
“Won’t he want us to sign a promise not to testify against his grandson?” Erika posited.
Freda laughed. “Us signing such a document is tantamount to him admitting to a crime. He wouldn’t dare put anything in writing!”
Frances interposed, “I see what you mean, Freda. Your father’s law knowledge is rubbing off on you.”
Prudence said softy, “So, we could take his money, and still stick it to him?”
Reg agreed with this interpretation. “Yes, that is correct, but whether we think it is right, ethically, is another matter. For a start, if the insurance company pays out, should we expect him to pay us the same again?
Freda was not impressed. “We should be ethical with a man who got a medal by fraudulent means, and is now trying to cover up a crime by his grandson? Give us a break!”
Reg did not agree. “The way I look at it, Freda, is that we have consciences, even if he doesn’t. I would feel bad about not acting ethically, for MY conscience, and nothing to do with his lack of ethics. He didn’t do anything directly against us. He is trying to protect his grandson for some unknown reason. If the lad was my grandson, I would want him to take his punishment as a deterrence against doing such a thing again.”
Prudence asked him, “Then why DOES he want to do such a stupid thing? Do we know anything about the lad?”
Reg was thoughtful. “You raise an interesting point, darling. I wonder if the police have information about him? Could we ask our friendly Sergeant Phillips?”
“We can but try,” exclaimed Prudence. As we have the phone number on his card, let me ask him.”
She swiftly got her phone out and dialed the policeman’s number.
“Sergeant Philips? Mrs Prudence Robertson here. We are puzzled about why the boy needs to be protected from the consequences of his actions. Do you know anything about him?”
“He is still at Secondary School, Mrs Robertson. We asked about him and the headmaster reported that the lad is a bit of a tearaway but within limits, good at maths, languages, and one or two of the sciences. He attends school scrupulously well, and has no demerits on his record. The Head thought the boy’s father was grooming him for a career as a stockbroker, or in banking: he was not sure which.”
“Thank you, Sergeant. Nothing else?”
“Nothing noteworthy. The family has money, but you knew that! I think it is Old Money, inherited for generations.”
“Thanks again, Sergeant. You do you best for everyone, don’t you? Goodbye.”
Reg had been listening closely. Now he remarked, “Earmarked for a career in finance, eh? I do believe that a criminal record is a deal-breaker for such a career. I read somewhere that sensitive jobs to do with finance are among ones where government regulations bar people with convictions for theft and other financial crimes. I wonder if that is why they don’t want him to be convicted?”
Frances offered, “So, such a conviction merely deters him from a career in finance?”
“I expect so,” Reg declared as his opinion. “Does that change our attitude, ladies?”
Erika was forthright. “Reg, I think we treat that family as a bunch of criminals, and deal with them accordingly; primarily, steer clear of them. If we get decent recompense from the Insurance Company, I would be happy to leave it at that. We do nothing to make things easy for the boy.”
“Thank you, Erika my love. What do the rest of you think?”
Grudgingly, they followed Erika’s example, and opted for the law to take its course.
Reg declared, “I am proud of you girls for taking a principled stance once we knew the full story. I agree with you, so we can tell the Sergeant we want to leave the charges to be pursued with full vigour. But first, we need to send a message to the Squadron Leader that conveys our decision in a friendly fashion.”
Frances told him, “You had best draft out what we should say, Reg. You are more conciliatory than we are.”
He worked on that for a while, and came up with this message, to be handwritten for delivery to the man.
“Dear Squadron Leader Aitchison, we understand that you have offered reparations for the break-in at our home recently. While we admire your generosity, we feel that we should pursue recompense through our insurance policy. Thank you for that offer, which we have thus to refuse with regret. We have noted that you were awarded a DSO some time ago, and feel that it might be for the best if you resigned from the Police Committee on grounds of ill-health, rather than discuss publicly your relationship with Mr Bell, who now regrets his time on your team.”
From: The Robertson family.
Freda was not so sure. “Reg, I like your wording, but I think it is too forgiving of the Aitchisons. I would like to see a bigger threat hanging over them, should they not mend their ways.”
“What would you like it to say, Freda?”
“I want it to be clear that we know what their intentions were. Something like, ‘While we welcome your apparent generosity, it has been revealed by our own investigations that the intention is to allow your grandson, Eric, to become a career financier. This must not happen, for the benefit of the general community. In addition, your DSO award has now been revealed to us as suspect, and we have witness corroboration for that claim. Your position on the police committee is therefore untenable, if you wish to retain your DSO.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
“When we were set Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ to crit, I was left unsure where to start. That book was notorious when it first came out, I read, so how do we view it without prior bias?” Reg gave a little laugh. “I suspect that was a trap, Frances. We were expected to find reviews from the period, and simply slap together a melange of them, under the guise of our own intellectual examination. We would be slapped down for that. Like so many other examples, the reviewer...
She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
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Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
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Lucky NathanBy: Londebaaz Chohan Hanna, used to live not far from the house of Nathan’s parents. She was a divorced mother of a lovely daughter Julia who soon after school, got married to Nathan’s elder brother James and as the couple moved away, Hanna also sold the house and moved to a small town near the beach. Nathan’s mother always stayed in touch with Hanna and now came the time for Nathan’s 18th birthday. As she was speaking with Hanna and mentioned her younger son’s birthday, Hanna...
"Hey, Mom, and somewhat older Mom?" she asked, peeking at them as we walked in the living room."Yes, Joy?" Sage asked, glancing at us. "You two make a cute couple.""Hey," Joy objected, shaking her head no and placing her hands on her hips. "We're not a couple; we're just best friends. We have been for six years now, but we're not thinking about taking this to the next level. I know you two would support us even if you weren't lesbians, but that's not us."I looked over Joy's backside. 'Maybe,...
LesbianDown in the dungeon, Hiryu made up his mind. “Demon.” He said. When that failed to get a response, he said sharply, “Eigis!” The demon’s orange ears pricked. He glanced up. “What is it, human?” “I refuse to hang around here for the next few days and watch you devour me. Slash me up instead. Make me bleed until I lose consciousness, and finish eating me up.” As the demon sniffed and promptly ignored his request, bending down to eat more, he added, “You said you hate noisy and flailing prey....
Pamela had been one of the most popular girls in her high school. She been in the high school girls' sorority, served as one of the varsity cheerleaders and she'd been voted as "Most Popular" by nearly all the guys and girls in her class. There was no question that Pamela was one of the most attractive and sexiest girls in the school as well and the only problem with Pamela was that she knew she was hot, she knew she was in high demand and she knew she could have her choice of any guy in...
Katherine was dreaming, although she didn't realize it. In her dream she was lying naked in Alan's bed, getting fucked by him from behind. However, this wasn't an ordinary fucking, because she was eight months pregnant, with a heavy belly the size of a beachball. Instead, it was more like they were cuddling, except that Alan's erection was fully sheathed inside her, just the way that she liked to hold him. Sometimes he would twitch or move his dick inside her just a bit, and sometimes...
Jade spoke first; looking up from behind Ulrich's blond head. She seemed a little embarrassed but only for a moment, "Come and join us guys," she said huskily. Next to Jade, her husband Zane was seemingly lost beneath Loretta's long, strawberry blonde locks. His arms circled Loretta's tight waist and both his hands grasped her butt cheeks. There was no getting away from Loretta once you were under her control. I smiled and nodded then Kayla suddenly said, "We've been out...
Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years later. Because of her...
Hi, my name is vibhor as you knw, this is my real incidence happened, i lives in a village with my grand parents,my parents are in uk, jaise k aap ko pata hi ha villages me kafi relatives hote ha aise hi mere ek taauji the unki ek beti thi or beta beti ka naam deepa tha jo ki mujhse age me thodi badi thi or ladka rahul jo meri hi age ka tha. Rahul foriegn me settle ho chuka tha or uss time mein bhi apni higher studies k liye city padhne gaya hua tha. Asli story yaha se start ha Jabb mein city...
It was another one of those encounters with my girl friend. We had been messing around after school at my house out by the pool. I was just 16 and Shannon was a year younger then me. We had been going together about six months now and she was just starting to let me eat her pussy. We had a lot of petting and rubbing but every time I tried to put my head between her legs she would stop me and say it was dirty. Fuck girl! My mom never thought it was dirty and I have been watching her and dad...
For the past few hours, you have been reading stories about online mistresses and their male sluts. You never really considered yourself to be a submissive person, but your cock is currently throbbing with excitement as you imagine yourself in all the scenarios you've read about. You imagine ejaculating without permission in front of your mistress and being forced to put on a chastity belt and mail the key to her. Then having to watch her strip and pleasure herself each night, with no ability...
BDSMMy husband Ed works for a large public relations firm headquartered in Boston, and he had recently been promoted to director of communications. This is quite an accomplishment considering that he is only thirty-eight years old, had only been with the company for five years, and the competition was stiff for that position. He is six feet and one inch tall and weighs one hundred and ninety pounds. His good looks and boyish charm no doubt helped him move up quickly in the company.My name is Beth,...
CuckoldPortsmouth, December 1808 Harriet and Anita Heyworth were both delightfully naked. With a wicked smile, Harriet had just latched her mouth on Anita’s extended nipple, and Tony was preparing himself to climb between Anita’s thighs, when John Little’s voice shattered the life-like illusion. “Sir, sunrise in a half hour!” “Er ... whatisit ... oh, yes, right,” Tony mumbled, embarrassed over the obvious erection that tented his blanket. John Little looked pointedly elsewhere to give his...
Diana Masters quickly figured out one constant about prison: It turned her favorite hobbies into the day’s worst moments. She used her fork to move around the putrid viscosity the administration dared to call mashed potatoes, swearing she just saw a drowning bug. Having a baby turned Diana into a ravenous eater who’s stomach always growled. She sat alone at the cafeteria table, raucous behavior swirling on either side. It’s for that reason she didn’t hear Jackie’s first question. “I said,...
Today, I decided was the beginning of the rest of my life, I also new that I might be able to move on with the right person. But one thing was for sure I needed to get laid!!! I had missed the sensual touch of a caring and needy lover. How I was going to meet someone, I didn’t know how, however, I knew that if I did, I was going to make the most of it. I had a shower cleaned up the mess from my earlier fun with Jane, I could almost here her laughing at me as always did after we did something...
This happened quite some time ago, shortly after Stacey and I were married. She was 27 at the time and I was 28. We were married for just over one year, but had dated all through high school and college so we were quite comfortable with each other. As with most couples, even though we had been having sex since high school, after getting married we went at it like rabbits. I think partly because we just thought that's what newly married couples did. Well after about a year of marriage we found...
Tall, sexy and a phenomenal body, that’s right it’s none other than the gorgeous Lina Luxa who returns to today in Private Gold, Family and Friends looking for an older gentleman to satisfy her needs. Lina loves a mature man with some experience and that’s why she decides to seduce her boyfriend’s father using her sexy lingerie and stockings as she gets to work with a nice deepthroat sloppy blowjob. Then watch this beauty in action as she takes a hard pounding on the bed before some...
xmoviesforyouThis is a work of erotic fiction, which includes graphic sexual situations between women and hermaphrodites. If this offends you, read no further. A golden-orange sun rose ponderously into the deep green sky, reflecting brilliantly upon the broken metal and glass of the deserted metropolis before her. April had been told by the village elders that once, the sky had been a vibrant blue, but that was before the War. Once, the City had had a life of its own, lighting the night like millions of...
Over the next six weeks Shaun was assisting Aunt Vicky and learning the administration of The Crater and animal reserve. He and Sharon had driven to Nairobi for him to inspect the processing plants there and for Sharon to have some clothes made and also select some furnishings for the home. The war was continuing with advances in Italy and everyone was speculating when the invasion of Europe would begin. Sharon had begun teaching some of the classes in the Crater’s school, the children...
In my fantasy, we work at the same company. You are on the clerical staff, and I am responsible for the computer network and software that is used at our company. I have a secret crush on you. You are always fun to be around and your shapely tanned body is definitely eye candy to me. One day after you returned from lunch you had to run back to the office through a rain shower. I was fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of your wet blouse as you returned to your office. Your shapely...
CHAPTER 1: HANDS OF FATE I stretched, cat-like, my arms pushed out above my head and my back bowed. Umm… I was wonderfully exhausted! I looked over at the giant of a man sleeping next to me. I’d never made a habit of picking up stray men. But this one… this one was different. He was my cousin’s, husband’s fraternity brother and best friend and had been best-man at her wedding. That made it sticky. I’d made it a policy not to date or sleep with friends of relatives. The fall out was just too...
Jessica Denver removed her glasses and propped herself onto her elbows. Her gaze moved across the yard and settled on her son, Jason as he lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it onto a table beside the pool. He had grown up. He'd grown up a lot. His body was lean and tight, every muscle in his body defined and youthful. Before diving into their newly installed pool, Jason noticed his mother watching him from across the way. He smiled brightly and waved. Jessica smiled back. She loved her...
Two Brenda watched in the mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform, 6’2′, 210 lbs, wide shoulders and narrow waist and as always, the mirrored sunglasses. He carried a small black bag with him, the bag he always brought to their meetings. Even though Brenda was never sure what would be in the bag, she knew from past experience the contents would both frighten and excite her. He walked up and put the bag on top of Brenda’s car. Brenda’s...
"This could be a long night." she said. I just laid my head back and sobbed. My wife had finally managed to drag my lazy ass out to actually look inside of houses for sale, we were in the market. I wasn't enthused, I hate shopping for anything. I'm more of "hands off" kind of guy. I was missing a foot ball game on the tube, to freeze my butt off waiting for the realtor to show up. When she did, my mood definitely kicked up a few notches. Terry was gorgeous. She was an older woman,...
Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. Dirty Doctor, Naughty Ashley. Hello, The characters name is Ashley. She is 18years old. Description: Dark blonde hair, long Big breasts, 36D Tall, long legs Round ass, smackable A bald tight cunt Lovely pink sensitive nipples with perfect sized areolas ~~ Chapter 1 I am a horny girl, Always had many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral. Both giving and receiving. I was popular in my school for my slut image and...
A Willing Subject is about the length of a short story and should pay off slowly. ***** 1 ‘Oh please! I’m sure Heather won’t mind.’ Sarah pleaded, her expression affecting helplessness. Sam couldn’t remember her so animated. Blythe and always indifferent to him, she hadn’t given him the time of day for years. ‘There’s money in it for you.’ Sam was torn. As a struggling acting student about to become a struggling actor he needed an ear to the ground for the next gig. And as gigs go this...
Bhabani bhaban-r cid wing-r office-e se rokom kaj-r chap chilo na, tai ektu relaxed mood-e econonic times kagoj ta porchilam, desh er arthik hal chal kemon cholche bojhar chesta korchilam. Hotath internal phone ta beje uthlo, amar boss mane dy. Commissioner mr. Singh er phone, ekbar oner chamber-e jete bollen. Ami, nripen bakshi, cid department-e ekjon jobordost inspector, onek jotil case handle korechi, ar solve-o korechi. Boss er ghor-e giye dekhi public relations officer bose achhe, samne...