Cornsilk free porn video

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Cornsilk By JDG Her name was Rebecca Ann Simpson. She looked to be all of seven years old. She wore a worn blue gingham dress with tattered little Red Ball Jets tennis shoes. Her eyes were a sun washed blue, and her hair was that rare yellow/white. Like cornsilk. It was from her hair that she got her nickname. Cornsilk. Not many of the people from the sleepy South Georgia town of Wellsville knew her nickname, or much else about her. She lived on an ol' ramshackle farm on the outskirts of the county of Macon. It was a blazin' hot August in 1962 that this happened. I know because I was there. Everyone was happy about the prosperous times and all. We had a handsome young president in the white house, and the coloreds were shoutin' about civil rights and all. Now Cornsilk, she lived on the old farm with what everyone assumed to be her grandmother and grandfather. Everyone was wrong. But then, they was wrong about a lot of things when it came to Miss Rebecca Ann Simpson. Now, I know the truth. Me and Bubba Lee Jones. But ain't either one of us ever gonna' tell anyone. No Sir, not me, and certainly not Bubba. See that hot August day, it was the 6th of August; it was the hottest day on record. 105 degrees in the shade. They didn't do that fancy stuff with humidity back then. No that was an honest 105. Bubba and me, we was workin' on roadside reclamation for the Macon County Correctional Facility for Wayward Youth. A fancy name for a reformatory. Bubba was 18 and I was 17. He was big and meaner than a snake. When he turned 21 they was gonna transfer him to the State Correctional Facility for adult offenders. Me, well if I had kept my nose clean, I could of gone free when I was 21. But I was young, and stupid, and full of myself. Bubba was in for robbing a liqueur store and killing an old colored man who he ran into as he was leaving. It was Bubba's fault that he ran into the old man. Knocked the old fella right on his keester too. But Bubba didn't care. He shot him dead anyway. A 12 gauge Mossberg, fired into a man's face, from point blank range, tends to do that. Least ways when it is loaded with .00 buckshot. In a way it was the old man that got Bubba caught though. See when Bubba ran into him, his wallet fell out of his hip pocket. In his rush to kill the old colored man and get away, Bubba never noticed that his wallet had been left at the scene of the crime. If it had been a white man he had killed then Bubba would have probably gotten the death penalty. Instead he got 25 years at hard labor. I had been runnin' moonshine with my Uncle Jake. Uncle Jake was a great driver and no John Law could catch him. I wanted to be just like him. I thought I already was. I wasn't. I got caught and I got sentenced to 5 years in the State Correctional Facility. Provided I kept my nose clean and did my time sweet. That was where I met Bubba. Guess I always had a problem with hero worship. Anyway we was out doin' roadside reclamation, which is really just pickin' up trash and cuttin' weeds and such, down on a dusty clay back street near the south Macon border when Bubba suddenly tells me to grab my stomach and fall over moanin'. Bubba wasn't one to argue with, and I wouldn't have crossed him anyway, so I did like he told me. Bubba hollered for the guard and he came strollin' over like he had nowhere to go and all day to get there. "Whatsa' mattah Bubba?" He says. "Yore little Girlfriend gone off sick on ya'? She got her period or sumthin'?" He seemed to think that was real funny. He liked to rile Bubba sayin' how I was his little faggot and all that. That made Bubba go all black eyed. Maybe if that big fat guard hadn't taunted Bubba like that then Bubba would have let him live. I guess we'll never know now though. As the guard bent down to look at me Bubba brought the shovel he had been usin' down across the back of his neck. The edge of the blade bit into his big, sweaty, red neck and cut through his spine as clean as a knife. Bubba grabbed his keys and his shotgun. The other guard was facin' the other way. Watchin' the other boys. He never knew what hit him. One shot and his head was gone too. Bubba liked shotguns. The other boys scattered like scared rabbits or somethin'. They was all scared of Bubba. Especially when he had the black eye on him. He yelled at me to get in the work truck and we was on our way. We figured we would have a few hours before anyone found out. We would have too, if the new Warden at the Correctional Facility hadn't decided to pull a surprise inspection of the street work crews. Guess it was a real surprise all right. Anyway it was less than a half hour before we heard the alert go out over the radio. We needed to find us a bolthole and quick. Them State boys wouldn't care that we was just a couple of kids. All they would care about was that we was cop killers. That's when we saw them rollin' fields of corn and the old farmhouse. I wish to God we had taken our chance with the State Boys. I surely do. Bubba wheeled the truck into the dirt path that led to the old outbuildings of the farm. He pulled up behind an old barn and we used pitchforks to shovel hay all over the truck. Then he had me go sweep out the tracks while he took the shotgun up to the house. As I was sweepin' I remember seeing the most God awful scary lookin' scarecrow I had ever seen. It was hangin' out in the middle of all that corn. Just hangin' there. Nothin' to scare a big strappin' 17 year old kid like me. But it gave me the sweats I tell you. It surely did that. When I got done I went up to the house. I peeked through the screen door and saw Bubba standin' there with the shotgun in his hand and an old, and man I do mean O-L-D, couple sittin' on the couch in front of them. A little golden, haired girl stood nearby. She was lookin' at Bubba like she wasn't scared at all. It made me feel all protective toward her. This tiny little thing just standin' there and lookin' at big old Bubba. Her eyes all wide and innocent. Not a trace of fear in them. I suddenly felt like I wanted to grab her and take her away from all this ugliness that was gonna' be comin'. But I couldn't. Nobody crossed Bubba. Well Bubba he was layin' down the law to them old folks about how we was gonna' be their guests for a few days and they was gonna' be quiet and do what they was told and all. He told them that if any law dogs came around we would hide in the cornfields with a shotgun to the little girls head. One wrong word. One wrong move, and no more little yellow haired granddaughter. Somehow though, this really didn't seem to shake them up so much as I thought it should. I figured they was just too old to be as shook up as someone more in possession of all their natural faculties might be. But I was wrong. They wasn't scared of what we would do to the little girl, and she wasn't their granddaughter. Of course I didn't find this out 'till later on. Oh, would you like a bit more chamomile tea. It is so soothing on the hot August days to have a cooling glass of chamomile tea I always say. NO? Ok then. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, now I remember. Well Bubba and I settled into a kind of routine. We got no trouble from the old couple and no trouble from the kid. She never spoke, and they spoke damned little too. Bubba made the old folks sleep in the root cellar at night, and the kid he kept between us. A kind of insurance against them causin' any trouble I guess. We had been there about a week I guess and Bubba was gettin' itchy about movin' on. He figured the heat might have died down enough for us to make it into Florida. See he had this idea about goin' down to the Keys and then gettin' on a sponge boat and killin' the crew after we got out a ways, and then takin' the boat to Mexico. He said we would be home free then. Every day I sat watch up in the barn. Watchin' the road for John Law. And watchin' that damned scarecrow. It seemed like the eyes followed me wherever I went. They was almost like human eyes. A deep brown. It gave me the willies, I tell you. Maybe that's why I never wondered why John Law never came around. Anyways Bubba he gets itchy feet and wants to move on. He has the old lady pack us up some food and such and then he takes them and the little girl out into the cornfield. Now I was gettin' scared along about now, but I seemed to be the only one. The old folks seemed to be happy, like they didn't have a care in the world. Almost like they wanted to die. The little girl just skipped ahead and hummed to herself. "Bubba?" I said to him, in a low whisper so they couldn't hear me. "We got their old truck. We done tore out their old telephone. It's a good five miles to the nearest town and old as they are it would take them at least a day to make it, even assuming they could. Couldn't we just leave them here and take the car and supplies and go?" "Don't you be talkin' so gall darned stupid Billie Joe." Bubba hisses at me. "We need more than a dang day. Besides I don't believe in leavin' loose ends around. They may not talk much to us, but you can bet they will sing real sweet to John Law. No, they got to die." What? I'm sorry I didn't hear your question clearly. My name? It is Abigail Simpson. But back then it was Billy Joe Taylor. Don't worry; I'll get it all explained to you. Anyway Bubba gets them into the middle of the cornfield, right beside that damn scary scarecrow and tells them to kneel down. The two old folks kneel down just as sweet as you please. Then they did somethin' real strange. At least strange for two old people, kneelin' in a cornfield and lookin' up the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun. They smiled at Bubba. And Bubba, well he shot them in the face. And then they was dead. The little girl just goes on skippin' around the scarecrow and hummin' to herself. She weren't scared or nothin'. Bubba then calls her over to him. She comes over and smiles up at him too. He starts to swing the shotgun over toward her head and I snapped. I screamed at him and jumped at him. Boy was that a stupid thing to do. Bubba clunked me upside the head with the barrel of the shotgun and I saw stars. I hit the ground and I could feel the dust of that powdery clay grit in between my teeth. My head swam and then I saw the barrel of the shotgun pointin' in my face, and I knowed I was gonna' die. I tell you I was so scared I wet my pants. Not because of the shotgun pointin' at me, no... that didn't bother me near as much as the little girl did right then. See she was laughin'. Cacklin' would be closer to it I guess. And her hair was standin' up all around her head like there was static electricity in the air or somthin'. You know, like right before a big ol' electric storm? Then she started sayin' some of the eeriest words I ever heard come out of anyone's mouth. Much less a little golden/white haired girl in a southern Georgia cornfield. Bubba must have been unnerved to, 'cause he just froze there. Not doin' nothin'. Just standin' there with his teeth clenched and the sweat runnin' off his forehead. Then she started to dance around me and Bubba. Chantin' in a singsong voice some kind of eldritch words that no human tongue was ever meant to speak and no human ears was meant to hear. It felt like the words scorched my brain. I saw Bubba's eyes fair to bulgin' out of his head. See that was the thing about Bubba. He was a handsome rascal. With the prettiest blue eyes you ever saw in a man's face. Right then them blue eye's of his was lookin' like they was gonna' explode out of his face at any moment. I thought I must have fallen on a red ant bed because I felt like I was covered with them critters. All crawlin' on my skin. But when I glanced down there wasn't no red ants on me at all. But my skin was crawlin'. And so was my flesh. I could feel my insides churnin' and changin'. I felt liquid run out of me and I thought I saw it steam from the fever heat that had taken' me. It felt like my whole body was changin'. Then the pain hit. Just as I blacked out I noticed that my hair had gotten real long and gone all golden/white... just like the weird little girls. I woke up back inside the farmhouse, on that very couch you are a sittin' on. I was wearin' a nice gingham dress, and some, I think the word is sensible, shoes. I had on no stockin's, but I could feel strange undergarments on me. At least strange before that moment. Not so strange now... not after 36 years of wearin' them. I know... I know I don't look a day over 25 even now. Just let me finish. I'm almost done now. You see I had woken' up a woman. A young woman. Just about old enough to be the little girl's Mother. She was standin' there smilin' at me. I was still too dazed and confused to be as shook up as I guess I ought to have been. It felt funny to stand up and be so short, I'm only 5'5" inches you know. I had been 6' before. It felt funny to move around with things movin' around where there hadn't ought to be anything, and an emptiness where there had ought to be somethin'. My butt felt too big, and my chest swung around some even with a bra on. Course with a chest as big as mine I guess I had to expect that. See we didn't have no cow, and the girl she likes fresh milk. If you take my meanin', and I see you do. The girl took me by the hand and led me out into the cornfield. Out to where the scarecrow hung. Only now there were two of them. And one of them had blue eyes. The prettiest blue eyes you ever did see on a man like thing. As for the two dead old people, well they was just gone. Who they really were I never did find out. Now I can see you don't believe a word I have said, Mr. Fuller Brush man. No you think I am just some looney young woman, with a cute little girl, livin' out on a run down old farm in south Macon county. But you see there was a reason you came here today. There was a reason I told you all this. See little Rebecca Ann, or Cornsilk as everyone who ever sees her is like to call her, wants a baby brother to play with. A nice little 5 year old boy, with washed out blue eyes, and golden/white hair. Here now. Don't you cry none sugar. Your gonna' be just fine here. Let me get you out of those big ol' man clothes and get you into a nice clean jumper. Cornsilk's waitin to play hide and seek with you in the cornfield. But mind the scarecrows when you play. I don't want you to have bad dreams and, sometimes, if you get too close and it's real quiet, you can just hear Bubba whisperin' with his straw filled throat, "Help me. Someone... anyone... help me please." The End

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Hi everyone, my name is Vikram a big fan of ISS and have been reading stories for a very long time. I am from Delhi, 5’7″ tall, aged 41 years, very fair, good looking married guy. This is a true sex story which happened three months ago. I went to south Delhi to an astrologer to show my horoscope and on reaching there I found that it was a bit crowded and my number was 10th on the waiting list, so I sat in the waiting area for my turn. Just after me, a lady came with her kid who was just one...

3 years ago
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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 08

Part Eight of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. Cracking along now, no more than eight months late… The Twelve Lays of Xmas Eight Maids A-Milking Early to bed, early to rise. Well, almost. It’s hard work receiving this many presents. Imagine how many thank you notes I have to write. I made breakfast at about 6am – and far too much of it too, forgetting that only Jessica, Orla and myself were in the apartment. Still, we were all famished, and tucked in with gusto. Lisa must have...

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Dads Trip Made My Mom Strip

by Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (Incest, F/m mother & son) If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn’t seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say...

2 years ago
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The Training of Jody Part 17 Learning to Please

After Caroline had made her promise to help with Jody the three of us drove away in Evelyn's Escalade. We drove for sometime and arrived at a private house just outside of town. Jody's enormous erection made the wearing of pants uncomfortable so we allowed his cock out during the drive. I forebade him any release, as I wanted him to achieve a constant state of arousal. His huge cock was throbbing with desire and I was hard put not to open my cunt fot him. But I remembered Sabrina saying that it...

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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt3

By now, it was about 1 in the afternoon. Daddy wouldn’t be home till after 6, my little s*s was going to a friend’s house for studying, and my big s*s had cheerleading practice. The thought of my big s*s in her tight uniform had me bothered again. Mommy placed me back in my bed, but I knew something was different. She had a slightly glazed look in her eyes, and it made me excited for some reason.Then, a crazy icky idea hit me. I had no idea where it came from or why, but once it popped in my...

2 years ago
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My abc of sex 4

I told her, Veena that was real awesome, she replied saying you haven’t seen anything yet my baba.. I have more to teach you…. I was just dumb struck. So this was my third lesson of SEX.. Till this you read how veena became my sex teacher.. Now my fourth lesson…Veena asked me to follow her to my bedroom and she told me to rest a while, as she needed to go to bathroom. I lay down on the bed still nude.Veena entered the bathroom as I was going through at just what had happened in my head. The...

2 years ago
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Will I Like IT

Will I Like It I think I might, in fact I do! After my first taste (no pun intended) , I thought I must try and resolve my doubts. I joined an internet chatroom, and got chatting to a young TV from the north of England. He asked me to call him my special little girl friend, we were just posting photos and messages to start. As time passed she asked if she could e-mail me, at first I was unsure (my wife used the computer). I set up another e-mail alias on the computer, and agreed to her...

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This Little Piggy

A plethora of emotions ripped through her, anger, shock, fear and undeniable abject desire. Her heart pounded up into her neck and shoulders and her face surpassed the color of the pretty box by at least three shades. With shaking hands she reached in and pulled up the papier mache half mask with the pink forehead and cheeks, tiny black eyes and darker pink snout of a pig. Her eyes filled with tears and she let out an involuntary gasp at what lay under it. The coiled tail attached to a plug...

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Why Me LordChapter 3

About four hours of napping was enough and I was up just after dusk. Dressing again I went to the kitchen and warmed up a can of Wolf Brand Chile with some more Ranch Style beans. I even broke out a bag of Fritos to go with it. After I'd eaten I went out and watered a mesquite. I took my binoculars with me but couldn't see shit through them. I went back to the top of the hill and took my time looking around for any sign of light from any direction. There was no light except for stars; the...

3 years ago
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A fun night out

There she went, petite, with long, sexy legs, wearing extremely short jeans, stressing your small, but well-shaped arse and a nice black top. Her hair was dirty blonde, tied up in a cute little ponytail and her dark eyes were casting a flirtatious look at Alex as she passed by. Alex and I exchanged a quick look and he whistled after her. She turned around instantly, walked uo to Alex, who looked puszzled.But instead of telling him off or slapping his face, she asked in English, in an innocent...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Daisy Bean Tiny Flat Teen Daisy Bean Swallows and Rides a Big Dick and Gets a Facial

Daisy’s lost her voice, but she doesn’t need it for what she wants to do. Her brother’s friend is around, and she uses her body language to let him know she’s down for sex. Daisy sucks his cock and even gags a little. The guy pulls off her shirt to reveal her tiny, perky tits. Daisy is an extra-petite teen who looks like she could get knocked over by a gust of wind. She hops on top of his cock, keeping quiet so she can focus all her attention on her pussy. Aside from her...

3 years ago
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A Son A Soldier And A Lover 8211 Part 2

David couldn’t believe his eyes as he reread his Mom’s email for the second time. She seems to have changed her persona. The ‘spare no details’ part made sure that she wanted him to talk more openly and naughtily. He made sure to reply with as much openness and vulgarity as he can. He knew that a few more spicy emails from his end would make his Mom fall for him. Looking at the photos, he immediately knew that his Mom had put in some extra effort to show off her cleavage. She should have used a...

2 years ago
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Lonely Night at the Gym

All that matters now is that my day is finally over. I get home after 9PM. I’m so exhausted, I throw myself on my couch in the living room and pass out for a good two hours. I wake up and feel a bit more energized. Deciding I wasn’t quite ready to hit the bed and knock out for the night, I throw on some gym clothes. It’ll be nice to get a late night workout at my gym less than ten minutes down the street. Looking at my watch, it reads 12:22AM. I’m not used to going this late. It should be...

1 year ago
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A Run In With The Police

Liz was driving Jim's van to visit her son, Steve, who had been moved from Strangeways Prison to a new open prison outside Manchester, just off the M62. Today, for a change, she wore a trouser suit, white shirt, a pair of 5 inch high heels, g-string and no bra. As she was cruising down the motorway, the van began to stutter, and as she pulled off onto the hard shoulder, the car died. 'Fuck, ' she thought, as she climbed out of the van and walked to the phone and rang for assistance. Sitting...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 70 Straight Talk

Nadia was surprised that King Joseph permitted her to stay in the office while he met with Remulus. The room was a bit crowded with two large soldiers also present so Joseph moved her chair behind the desk with his. It wasn’t until he handed her a dagger that she understood; he moved her for her safety as well as comfort. Remulus entered with his head bowed and waited for Joseph to offer him a chair before sitting. He kept his eyes downcast when he started to speak. “Your Majesty, King...

2 years ago
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The Adventure Of Our Lives Part 6

The rest of April and the first half of May were the usual for us. Nothing was remarkable, just our usual episodes of fucking. Not that it was boring, fucking is always fun. Brandi was so into it that it was always exciting to be with her as she had so much enthusiasm for it and her enthusiasm was contagious, plus her cunt was always ripe and ready. Then one Friday we were on our way to the drive-in when she called out “Crazy Fucking." “So where do you want to go?” “I want to go to a graveyard....

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Paradoxical ChauvinismChapter 4

Homicide Detective Abel Lee pulls up to the Star Genetics building. Already a crowd has formed, but thankfully the patrol officers are here already to control it. Lee parks a little the street and pushes his way through the crowd. It is easier than pulling right up to the front and being hounded by reporters. He flashes his badge and one of the officers lets him through. Of course the moment the reporters see this, they try shifting in his direction, shouting questions at him. Lee doesn’t...

4 years ago
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Were You Hit With a Slut Ray Book IChapter 20

The first place that I hit as soon as we arrived in that town was the First Baptist Church. We walked into the evening service, full of folks all clutching their weapons while engaged in prayer for their community. The recent events had them more than a little scared, after all. It was understandable, even if their chosen solution, that of prayer to a false and impotent deity, well, left a lot to be desired. Thankfully for our cause, Ben, Julia, and Claire removed anyone underage from the...

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You want my Cock Bitch PT 2 Gay

I had a free day and the house to myself when my phone buzzed with an email from Paul. "Are you free slut?" Is all it said. Yes I responded, saying I could be ready in a hour or so. I wanted to get my ass nice and clean for a serious fucking and needed some time to do it, already my cock was growing hard with anticipation. He informed me that he didn't have too much time and could only come over right away. I told him I didn't have time to get cleaned up but we could do another quick blow job....

4 years ago
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Aunt submits part 4

Be sure to read these in order or they wont be as good or sensible all true stories enjoy.... Gawd Joan you really gave it to me that time,her butt gas smelled like shit but tasted sweet like cotton candy.She pulled her niteshirt back down and sat back down blushing as red as a beet.Oh David she said that was over the top Im so embarrassed I dont know how it happened so spontaneous....sorry. Its Ok Joan you know I luved it...

2 years ago
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Made My Maid Servant A Sex Slave

I was in my early 20s and was living with my parents. One day my mother appointed a new maid. I was extremely shocked while looking at her. She had a beautiful face, fair skin tone and sexy figure like an actress. She was in her late 20s. She used to wear a thin transparent sari and a low neck sexy blouse having a nice view of her back. The most exciting part for me was her bra strap usually come out of her blouse due to that sexy blouse. Whenever she mopped the floor, she bent down which let...

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My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for over forty years and have had an open marriage for all of that time. We were careful about our activities while we were raising our daughter but still got away to an on site swing club once in a while. The club we went to was couples or single women only. We had made some good friends there as well as some fuck buddies.Our daughter, Darlene, was to put it mildly a wild c***d. She was more interested in partying than school and 2.0 her way to...

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Danis New Life

Dani Evans sat, rather uncomfortably, at one of those small, tall tables in the lobby bar of the Beacon Marriot in downtown Boston. Surrounded by half a dozen coworkers from around the country gathered at their Quarterly Sales Conference, she felt alone. And when she drank, feeling a little lonely, as always she started to reminisce. She sipped at her dirty martini and nodded appropriately to those around her, while trying to understand what was happening to her.The years had been more than...

2 years ago
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One Dark NightChapter 13

Weeks went by now and things were pretty much routine. Raven didn't see Rick very often. He was always at the garage or at the tattoo parlor. Or worse, out drinking with Justin. She had been after Rick to get Justin a place of his own. She was getting tired of him living with them. It was just too small for the 3 of them. And tension would arise. But Rick always seemed to take for Justin's side. It was very frustrating for her. Those two seemed to be attached at the hip. She was lonely....

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Wife Sells My Ass Gay

Over the years of our marriage, my wife and I have been very open sexually with each other. After 15 years of wedded bliss, my sexy wife and I have come to a mutually satisfying understanding. I am sexually submissive and bi-curious, while my wife is sexually dominant and loves to humiliate me like I so desire.In the last few years, we've really enjoyed more and more experimentation. Lately, my wife loves to watch me eat my own cum. For the last year or so, whenever I orgasm, my wife is finding...

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Sisters Sexy Friend

It was early afternoon before Dave Kelly got out of bed. It wasn't very often that he had the house to himself so the 20-year old wanted to take full advantage. His younger sister and parents had gone away on a short vacation for a few days and Dave was looking forward to his few days in control of the house. He wanted to throw a party that night and was just thinking about who to ring up, when there was a soft knock on the door. Opening the door, he couldn't help but admire the thing of beauty...

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Cabin Story 3Chapter 5 Threesomes and twosomes

All three of us crawled onto the full size bed in the cabin. It was adequate for two. It was crowded with three but it was the softest and most comfortable place for sex in a 10-mile radius. "We'll try two basic three-some positions Max. You'll see the advantages and disadvantages to each. There are other positions of course but they are usually just variations on these. The first position is to have you on your back while one girl straddles your hips to fuck your cock. The other girl...

4 years ago
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The right couple

We had been looking for the right couple for a few weeks as we both thought it was time you played with a girl, I had been chatting to a couple for a bit and Guy the partner told me that Lynn was very Bi and experienced. I liked the sound of that and also their pictures so I agreed that we should meet up for a drink and go from there.We were meeting in London and I had booked a suite in Covent garden hotel for the night as neither of us was going to travel later, we met up with Guy and Lynn and...

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