On Call free porn video

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Karen walked into the nurse’s lounge, removed her lab jacket, and sighed. It had been a long and stressful day. She enjoyed her job as an operating room nurse, but because of the recent nursing shortage, her increased workload was pushing her stress level to the breaking point. She was quickly reaching burnout. And because of this, her social life had rapidly deteriorated. It seems all I do is work, eat, and sleep, she thought. There is more to life than this.

“Do you have plans for the weekend?” Beth asked. Karen was so wrapped up in her thoughts she didn’t hear Beth enter the lounge. Beth could be a poster child for type A personality. She was twenty-one, petite, with short cropped fiery red hair. She bounced from one activity to another seemingly never satisfied. To Beth, there was always a crisis. Nothing was ever simple. Karen was convinced Beth would be on some form of mood altering drug and something for high blood pressure before she reached thirty.

“I don’t have any specific plans,” Karen said, as she opened her locker and retrieved her clothes. “Why do you ask?”

Beth was pacing back and forth. She would never stand still and make eye contact during a conversation. This irritated Karen.

“Well, I’m having sort of a crisis,” Beth said.

Oh no, here it comes, Karen thought. She wanted to say, “Beth you ARE a crisis,” but instead asked, “what kind of crisis?”

“Well, you know my boyfriend, Rick? Anyway, he thought he was going to have to work this weekend, but it turns out his boss wants him to work next weekend, and I’m scheduled to be on call this weekend instead of the next . . .”

“You want to switch call, right?” Karen interjected.

Beth was removing her name tag and shuffling papers in her locker. Without turning to face Karen she said, “Yes, if that’s okay with you? I don’t want to mess up any plans you may have.”

“I guess I can,” Karen said. “Let me check and see if mom can watch Kali for me, okay? Can I let you know later this afternoon?”

Still fumbling in her locker, Beth said, “Can you call your mom now? I really need to know as soon as possible.”

“I’m sure it will be fine, Beth. Go ahead and make your plans.”

“That’s great. Thank you. I’ll pay you back sometime for this favor.”

Yeah, I’ll bet, Karen thought.

Beth quickly changed her clothes and was ready to scurry out the door when she turned to Karen. “Oh, by the way, guess what surgeon is on call this weekend?”

“Who?” Karen asked.

“Skyler,” Beth said, drawing the name out for emphasis.

“You mean Dr. Randall?”

“The very same,” Beth said with a smile. “So even if you get called in, you can at least be working with a hunk.” Dr. Skyler Randall was one of the newest surgeons to join the medical staff. He was thirty-two and fresh out of his residency. Being single, he was the most talked about, and sought after bachelors in the hospital. Karen had to admit upon meting him for the first time she was struck by his appearance. He was tall, tanned, with dark brown eyes, and short black hair that looked good either combed or uncombed. He was one of those men who got a second, and even a third glance from women in public.

“Besides,” Beth went on, “I think he likes you.”

Karen felt herself blush. “I’m sure he’s much too busy to be interested in me.”

“Are you kidding? You’re a doll. You’re what, 5’7′ or 5’8?” I know you couldn’t weigh more than an ounce over 130lbs. You have gorgeous blond hair, and bright green eyes, and a set of boobs I’d die for. Of course he notices you.”

“I’m not sure if I’m ready to start another relationship,” Karen said.

Beth turned back from the door. “Karen, it’s been over a year since your divorce. You need to get back in circulation. Jim sure didn’t waste any time, did he?”

Karen frowned and turned back toward her locker.

“Look, I’m sorry,” Beth said. “I shouldn’t have brought him up. He’s a creep for ever leaving you and Kali. I mean, how can you leave your own five-year-old child?”

“I don’t know,” Karen said, biting her lower lip.

Beth patted Karen on the shoulder and said, “I need to get going. Thanks again for trading call.”

“It’s no problem,” Karen said, without turning around.

After Beth had gone, Karen walked around the corner to the lavatory. She removed her scrub clothes, and took stock of herself in the mirror. True, for thirty-one, she still had a youthful figure. She had no stretch marks and no signs of cellulite. Was Beth serious? Had she seen Dr. Randall watching her? I doubt it, she thought. It was 4:15pm and time to pick up Kali from her parent’s house.

Once dinner was finished, Karen played three games of chutes and ladders with Kali, watched two Barney videos with her, and tucked her safely in bed. Fixing a glass of wine, Karen leaned back on the sofa in the family room to relax. It was 8:30pm on Friday evening and she was exhausted. Her call wouldn’t begin until 7am the following morning. Refilling her wine glass, Karen ran water for a bubble bath, and thought again about Beth’s comments. Maybe she should seriously consider dating again. Honestly, between her hectic work schedule and taking care of Kali, little time was left for herself.

Reclining in the tub, Karen used her hands to swirl the hot bubbly water across her stomach and chest. Her nipples hardened in response. She lightly touched each nipple, savoring the sensation. She raised her right leg, using her hands to massage the tension from her calf and thigh muscles, repeating the same with her left leg. She stood and squeezed out a liberal portion of raspberry bath oil in her hand. Beginning with her neck, she rubbed the sweet-scented oil over each shoulder and then down each arm. Her dark pink nipples were extremely sensitive, and she involuntarily flinched as her fingers circled each one with the slippery oil. She put more of the oil in her hand and rubbed it along her stomach and legs. When her fingers reached the soft golden hair that formed a triangle between her legs, a low moan escaped her lips.

Karen was a very sexual person. Despite the many problems she and Jim had, which eventually led to their divorce, sex was not one of them. Honestly, the good sex was all she missed from her marriage. But she wasn’t the type of woman who would enjoy a one night stand, and she certainly wasn’t going to see Jim again just for sex, even if he wanted to, no way. She would see him and deal with him because of Kali, and that was all. And since she had not dated since her divorce, or been involved with anyone else, masturbation had been her outlet for times of sexual frustration.

Even though masturbation brought some temporary relief, it didn’t take the place of a lover talking to her, touching her, and being inside of her.

After bathing, Karen planned to relax in bed with a new novel she had purchased, but she was just too sleepy. As she drifted toward sleep she realized although Beth could be annoying, she had a good point. I’m going to let myself get involved again, Karen thought.

Karen awoke ten minutes before the alarm clock rang, and five minutes before Kali leaped into the bed with her.

“Can we go to the park today and feed the geese and ducks?”

Karen yawned. “Honey, mommy’s on call this weekend.”

Kali frowned. But just as suddenly she beamed, “Maybe daddy can take me?”

“Maybe he will” Karen knew Kali needed to spend more time with Jim, and this might be a good opportunity for them to have some father/daughter time. She would call Jim and see if Kali could spend the weekend with him.

“I’ll call daddy and see, okay?”

Kali jumped up and down on the b
ed. “Goody, goody,” she squealed.

Surprisingly Jim was at his apartment and answered on the second ring. After some coaxing and a little guilt tripping, Jim agreed to pick Kali up at 10:00 and keep her until Sunday afternoon. Kali was thrilled.

Even after a year, it was still awkward. Jim waited at the front door for Karen to get Kali’s suitcase.

“Have fun, and be careful. I love you,” Karen called as Kali climbed into the passenger seat.

“I love you too,” Kali said, as Jim closed the door.

Karen called her parents to let them know they wouldn’t have to be available to watch Kali in case she got called to the hospital.

Karen took her beeper and spent the afternoon shopping. She was surprised she hadn’t been called in.

At home she fixed a light dinner and was watching the classic movie channel when the phone rang. The hospital operator said Dr. Randall had scheduled an emergency appendectomy. Karen looked at her watch. It was 8:30pm.

Oddly, the operating room nurse’s lounge was dark when she arrived. Jill was the other nurse on call with her. She lived closer than Karen to the hospital and usually got there first. Changing into her scrubs, Karen walked into the operating room area and began turning on the lights. She was just about to pull the instrument packs needed for the surgery when a sound from one of the operating rooms startled her. “Jill? Is that you?”

No answer.

Frightened, she was about to call for a security guard, when she heard a familiar voice. “Karen?”

“Dr. Randall, you scared me,” Karen said, blushing. “Am I late? I was just about to set up the instruments and visit the patient. Have you been waiting long? I haven’t seen Jill yet, but I’m sure she will be here any minute.”

Dr. Randall stepped from the darkened operating room into the hallway where Karen stood. “You don’t need to set up the instruments or visit the patient, because there isn’t a patient,” he said, smiling.

“I don’t understand,” Karen said.

“I made it up. I had them call you in because I wanted to spend some time with you, alone. Are you upset with me?”

“I’m not upset, just confused. If you wanted to spend some time with me alone, why didn’t you simply ask me out on a date? Why go to all this trouble?”

Dr. Randall shrugged, “I must confess I asked around about you first. I knew you were divorced, but I didn’t know if you were dating or involved with anyone.”

Karen smiled. “Well, what did your detective work uncover?”

“I discovered you weren’t dating, in fact, as far as anyone knew, you haven’t dated since your divorce over a year ago. That’s why I chose to do it this way. I guess in some ways I’m like a high school kid. I was afraid you would turn me down. This way, I was sure to at least get to spend a few minutes alone with you. I know it’s a sneaky and underhanded way to go about it, and I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, and I will understand if you want to leave right now and never speak to me again unless it pertains to work.”

Karen thought a moment before answering. “I’m not angry. Actually I’m flattered. But I must agree, it certainly is an unusual way of going about a date.”

“I know,” he said.

“Dr. Randall, I . . . “

”My name’s Skyler. It’s okay for you to call me that, at least while we are away from work.”

“Okay . . . Skyler. Where do we go from here?” Karen watched him. He seemed somehow different, less assured of himself. He was an excellent surgeon, confident with his treatment of patients. And yet, here he stood before her, a tall handsome man, obviously nervous and at a loss for words. Then she realized . . . he was shy with women! There was a momentary silence before Karen said, “May I ask you a question?”

“Of course”

“Have you ever been married?”



“No again”

Before Karen could ask another question, Skyler said, “ I want to explain something, okay?”


Skyler walked over to the surgical scheduling desk and sat down. He motioned for Karen to join him.

“I’m sure you find it odd that I am thirty-two and never been married or engaged,” he began. “To be honest, I’ve never been very good at . . . relating to women in an emotional sense.”

Karen looked puzzled. “Are you saying you’re . . .?”

“No, I’m not gay.” Skyler said, smiling. “I guess I’m just not very good in the romance department.”

“Haven’t you ever had a girlfriend?” Karen asked. As soon as she asked this, she saw a pained expression cross his face.

“I was very close to a girl in college. We were both preparing for medical school. We spent hours together talking, studying, going to parties. We were very close.”

“What happened? Did you break up?” Karen asked.

When Skyler looked up at her, his eyes were red.

“A drunk driver crossed the center line. She was on her way home for break our senior year. It was a head on collision. She was in a coma for a week before she died.”

“I’m so sorry,” Karen said. “What was her name?”

“Amanda,” Skyler said, slowly.

“You loved her,” Karen said, taking his hand.

“Very much,” he said, and began to openly sob. Karen put her arms around Skyler and he cried against her neck for a long time. When the tears began to slow, he pulled away and looked at her.

“I’m sorry. It happened more than ten years ago and I still can’t seem to get past it. I shouldn’t be burdening you with this,” he said, wiping his eyes.

Karen took his hand again. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. You lost someone you loved dearly. It’s painful. You need to talk about it.” Karen felt her eyes burning.

“I’ve never talked about this with anyone before. Sure, I got condolences from my family and friends, but I’ve never been able to really share the pain about it until now, with you. I guess you’ve lost some respect for me, huh?”

“No, not at all,” Karen said. “I hate men who act so macho as if nothing ever affects them emotionally. To me, a man who is able to express his deepest feelings is both masculine and sexy.”

“Really?” Skyler asked.

“Really” Karen said, and kissed his forehead.

“Would you like to get some coffee?” Skyler asked.

“I’d love some, but please, not the hospital cafeteria,” she said, laughing.

“So, I’m not the only one who gets tired of this place,” Skyler said, and he was laughing.

“If you want, we can change our clothes and go to my house. I can make some fresh coffee, and cut both of us a big slice of peach pie I baked yesterday. Besides, it will be quiet there and we can talk.”

“I’ll meet you in the parking lot,” he said.

“You have a nice home,” Skyler said, as he followed her into the kitchen and watched her measure out the coffee. He pointed to the pictures attached by small magnetic clips to the refrigerator door. “Is that your daughter?” he asked.

“Yes, that’s Kali,” she said.

“She’s beautiful. How old is she?”

“She will be six next month”

Skyler leaned closer to get a better look. “She has her mother’s gorgeous green eyes.”

“Thank you” Karen said.

“Where is she now?” he asked.

“She’s spending the night with her father.”

“I see” he said.

Karen poured the coffee and heated the peach pie in the microwave. They spent the next two hours talking about family, work, her divorce, and life in general. For the first time in years, Karen felt an emotional kinship with a person of the opposite sex. Even though she love
d Jim at one time, she never felt completely at ease with him. With Jim, she always seemed to either say the wrong thing, or do the wrong thing. He would pout and sulk, and make her feel as though she had somehow disappointed him and couldn’t live up to his expectations. Unlike Jim, Skyler was genuinely interested in her thoughts and opinions. He was neither judgmental nor condescending. Karen was seeing a new side of Dr. Skyler Randall. More than just a competent surgeon, he was handsome, caring, and sensitive. A man, Karen thought, with whom she could easily love.

Karen placed the empty cups and dessert plates in the dishwasher. Skyler followed her into the kitchen.


“Yes?” she said, looking up.

“This is the first time I’ve spent any amount of time with a woman without thinking about, or comparing her to Amanda.”

“Oh” was all Karen could manage to say.

Skyler went on, “What I’m trying to say is, I know I have to move on and love again. And I know I’ve been wrong to expect women I meet to be Amanda, or live up to her memory. But it’s different with you. I don’t want or expect you to be Amanda. I’m attracted to you as you are, not how she was.”

“Oh Skyler,” Karen said, feeling tears forming in her eyes.

He put his arms around her and pulled her close. His embrace made her feel warm and secure. She felt needed and desired. He gently lifted her chin to look into his eyes. Slowly, he lowered his lips to meet hers. It was a soft and gentle kiss. Karen put her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer for the second kiss. This kiss longer, more deliberate. She felt lightheaded, her heart rate increase. This was how it was supposed to be, how it was supposed to feel.

Without any words, Karen pulled away, and taking Skyler’s hand, led him down the long hallway toward her bedroom. Stepping inside, they embraced again. Their kisses were now long and passionate. The combination of her desire to please Skyler and her undeniable lust for sex was overpowering, almost intoxicating.

Still kissing, she felt his fingers release the first two buttons on her blouse. Skyler felt her momentary hesitation. “Is it okay? Should I stop?” he asked.

“No, it’s okay,” she said, smiling. “It’s . . . just been a long time for me.”

Pulling her face close to his he whispered, “It has for me too.”

Never taking her eyes from his, Karen finished unbuttoning and removing her blouse. She could see the desire in his eyes as she reached behind and unhooked the light-blue bra that barely concealed the outline of her swollen nipples. He pulled her close and kissed her again. She unbuttoned his shirt as he gently ran his tongue first along her neck, and then to her ears. His breath was coming in shallow pants, and she could feel his arousal hard against her stomach.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he panted in her ear. “I want you so much.”

“I want you too, Skyler,” she whispered, as she ran her hands over his naked chest and arms. Stepping away she said, “I’ll be right back.” She went to her closet and returned with a sweet-scented red candle. After lighting it and placing it on her night stand, she closed her bedroom door and turned off the overhead light. Skyler watched as she reclined on her bed. Seeing her lying there in the flickering light and shadows cast by the candle was extremely erotic.

“I’m ready,” she said softly, as she reached her hands toward him.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, as he moved above her. He kissed her again, first on her forehead, then again on her lips. He ran his tongue along her neck and ears. Karen ran her hands through his hair encouraging him lower. She sighed as he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked gently. His fingers traced a path along her calf and thigh. Instinctively she opened her legs. As his tongue moved from one nipple to the other, she took his hand and guided it to the warm, and now moist area between her legs.

“Oh . . . yes” she moaned, as he began to massage her. When he unsnapped and unzipped her slacks, she arched her hips allowing him to easily slide them off. Covered only by her sheer white panties, Karen felt Skyler’s tongue as it moved away from her nipples, and slide slowly down her stomach. As she drew her legs up and apart, Skyler slid further down on the bed, and placing his hands on her waist, pulled her close to him. She could feel his warm breath against the soaked crotch of her panties, as he teasingly licked along the inner part of her thighs. The sight of her wet panties, with a few soft blond strands of hair protruding from the side, and the musky smell of her arousal, was more than Skyler could stand.

“Yes . . . that’s it,” Karen moaned, as he moved his tongue along the wet fabric, tasting her. As the warmth, pressure, and speed of his tongue increased, Karen felt as though she were on a slowly ascending roller coaster. Closer and closer, she could feel herself approaching the crest. Then, when he pulled the fabric of her panties aside, and worked his lips and tongue along her wet slit and her rigid clit, she toppled over the crest and shuddered, arching her back in a powerful orgasm, causing her muscles to contract in pure ecstacy. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her until she thought she would lose consciousness.

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Part IV From Parts I – III: I returned from Afghanistan, having been shot in the shoulder and having two surgeries to repair it. I got out of the Army to help my mother who had bladder cancer and ran into the high school girl on whom I had had a crush. I found out she was a single mother of a young daughter and tried to ask her out, only to have her accuse me of treating her like someone who I thought couldn’t take care of herself and needed to be saved. She realized her mistake and we dated...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part XI

Mark: Wednesday marked the start of a period of upheaval for me. Apart from it being one day nearer to when Jane would be going away to see Alex, Mick the builder started work on installing the en-suite bathroom. Jane and I had to move a lot of the furniture out into the other spare room and we also had a load of bathroom fittings delivered which we had to find room for and which added to the upheaval. I was also on edge with the prospect of Jane and Mick fucking. He was clearly interested...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Chloe Cherry Nothing Gets Chloe Wetter Than A Big Black Cock

Horny blonde babe Chloe Cherry loves those tough guys and can not wait to get Donny Sins big black cock out of his pants. It is so hard for her and she wants that rock hard beast stuffed down her throat. She wants to deep throat it all and gag from size as it goes all the way down. It makes Chloes mouth water and pussy drip! She loves how it feels once it slides in that pussy one inch at a time until he is balls deep making those balls smack that ass with every hard thrust! Chloe absolutely...

1 year ago
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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 8

While Sissy was changing out of her clothes Joni was finally able to stop laughing and called out, “Still think this is funny Sissy?” “Shut up Test. Or I’ll come over there and ... aaaahhhhh.” Sissy screamed. Joni and her sisters looked towards where Sissy had been stripping and saw that Sissy had fallen down. She wasn’t moving so without thinking Joni panicked and ran over to see if her friend was okay. Mary and Susan set up a machine that scanned Sissy. Susan then stated, “Okay there’s...

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Turned for the first time

As soon as I walked in, I felt like I didn't belong. I'm sure some of them had real problems or situations similar to mine, but a lot of the people seemed like white trash trying to find the easy way out. So as I was sitting there, waiting to talk to someone, I got to talking to some of the other people in there. One guy, Mike was his name, seemed fairly friendly. He looked like he was 34 or 36 judging by his weathered face and specks of grey in his hair, about 6'4" over-weight with a big...

3 years ago
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Waxy dips his wick

My name is Waxy, and the map to my life is on my face, bodyand hands: a patchwork of scars and badly healed fractures. I first got pinched when I was eleven, stealing fruit from the back of cart vendors as they moved through the neighbourhood and then selling it on for a dime a piece. It was as honest as work as I could get and when you’re born into poverty, right and wrong don’t factor in life too much. That is, unless it’s the right way and wrong way. In the world I grew up in, wrong was...

2 years ago
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Hath EyesChapter 3

Larry brought around Jake’s assignment Monday morning. By noon, he was deep into it. They ate in the break room, but none of them went home until late. By Thursday, his vision was blurring and his ass was aching. He went to the john, got coffee in the break room, and consulted his cell. It was shortly after 8. He went into the hall and called Cheryl. “Jake?” she answered. “Where are you?” “At work. At work for hours yet. Is it too late?” “Not at all.” “I love you,” he said. “I’m not sure...

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I WAS EXHAUSTED when I went to bed last night, but my mind was in turmoil. I had flashes of naked models dancing in my head, moving around downstairs like chess pieces on a board. I’d shift one and then another, trying to get the perfect pattern. It’s not like there weren’t obvious focal points that could create a path that the eye would follow. But getting the right one—the one that would say more than here’s a party of naked college students—was the hard part. If our theme was Bacchanalia,...

1 year ago
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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 8

"Come in," responded the Baroness to the timid knock on her bedroom door. Adrienne slowly opened the door and took a hesitant step inside. "You... you wished to see me, Ma'am?" she asked timidly. "Yes, yes, do come in," encouraged the Baroness. The girl took a small step or two. "If it's about this afternoon..." she began. "What about this afternoon?" "The... duster... and cloth... and..." Adrienne stammered. "Oh, my dear girl, Lars found them in one of the...

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 06

Chapter VI   When Mike opened his eyes from his nap, he caught sight of Terri standing naked in the kitchen drying her long blonde hair. She appeared completely revived after their long afternoon of lovemaking and he assumed she must have gone for a swim before he woke up. Then looking over at the clock, he noticed it was getting late and that he’d better get up so they could head back to the dock before it got dark. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bunk and standing up, he walked over...

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Bhabhi ke sath

Hello ISS readers I’m Jek from Mumbai 21 years old 5’8″ ab me apko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hu jo aaj se karib 1mahine pehle ki he hamare ghar me mera bada bhai(anuj),bhabhi(neha) or mummy,papa rehte he bhai ki sadi aaj se 2sal pehle hui thi me or bhabhi us waqt humumar the bhai ek travel company tour ko arrange karte he or tours k sath jate he kabhi kabhi to 1 mahine ki tours pe jate he kyo ke unko tours walo ke liye khana-pina, hote etc. Karna padta he ek din ki bat he bhai tours ke sath...

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Monkeys PenisChapter 4 Sons and Daughters

Three hours later, David was in his room with the door shut, all the Playboys and Penthouses that he owned on the bed and opened wide as he fumbled at his crotch, trying hard (pun intended) to get an erection. He wore no pants, but had a flannel shirt buttoned up the front -- he'd rather not look at his own chest right now. David jumped, startled, as the door swung open and Lydia stepped in, wearing only a sheer blue nightie and blue high heels. David scrambled to sweep all the magazines to...

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A Night to Remember Wizards of Waverly Place Fanfic

Title: A Night to Remember Summary: Max and Alex share a erotic night that neither would dare to forget. WARNING: Incest. Implied Jalex. They spooned the entire night. His arm draped over her hip as he held her naked body close to his own naked body. His face in her hair as she gently caressed her fingers up his arm with a satisfying grin plastered on her face. Max laid a little tired, but he was also satisfied. Alex moaned as she thought about what happened almost an hour...

2 years ago
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Help My girlfriend is a Unicorn Chapter 7

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 7 Despite the fact no one at school remembered the "food fight", I discovered that there were some changes in people the next day. Boys especially, were looking at me differently, but even some of the girls seemed to be more aware of my existence than before, even though I had returned to a more "tomboy" look. But the biggest change was internal. Once I had relaxed, there had been something freeing in being "pretty", although it was...

3 years ago
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Cliteckas Seduction Part 2

Clitecka’s Seduction – 2 My name is David and I have a problem. I’m 38 years old, living on the outskirts of Fuggledix, Alabama. I’m a fairly good looking guy, if you ignore the wheelchair. I had polio at the age of ten. That’s not my problem at all. My problem is I’ve become involved with a black girl named Clitecka. I’m white. And this part of Alabama has only been integrated for seven years. Anyway, finding a girlfriend has always been a challenge for me. Mostly, it’s because the women I...

2 years ago
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My slut wife

She was trapped in her own trap. She seduced our servant Raj and in tern got raped by sex crazed raj. I found the video in the security camera of our bed room which was secretly installed. It started like this It shows my young wife in the bed wearing a flimsy buttoned up front opening half sleeve nightie calling out for our servant raj.As he arrived she asked him for a foot massage.she pulled the nightie slightly and lied sideways. Raj startred to massage her foot .he started at her toe, her...

4 years ago
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Naturism was my catalyst

Growing up in a naturist f****y, the idea is universally accepted, but you have no choice, so you display all to the most prying eyes and learn not to hide, but relax and let all enjoy. I realise the true naturists among us will object to these comments but as a p*****n girl I really was schooled into walking around nude amongst men who sat there with their cocks in my face and occasionally had a few strokes just for my education, when they saw no one was looking, only me. In the summer we...

1 year ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 52

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick was pacing the deck as Tempro scanned Shelly for what had to be at least the fortieth time. What was taking so damn long Derrick thought? Tempro had the most advanced medical center in this time....

3 years ago
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Brandy and the Exchange Student Chapter Three

It had been two weeks since Brandy Arianna and I had visited the cave, each day bringing forth the memories of such a sweet adventure. Again it was Saturday, my day to play and write tales of erotica and pleasures. Little did I know what lay in store for me as a car pulled up in the driveway, Brandy’s car at that? I could tell by the sound that my granddaughter had come to visit her G-pa and her lover. I kind of hoped she had come alone, but when I had shut off the screen of my desktop and...

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My older brother and I P1

Introduction: I got into a little situation with my brother. My Older Brother And I Part 1 (The beginning is the intro so just bear with me) My Name is Ashlee and I am 19 years old, although I was 14ish when this happened. (So starting now everything will be according to when I was 14 and although this is a true story I did add in a few things to spice it up). I am about 52 and I would not say that I am little but I would say I am about average. I have blonde hair a couple inches past my...

1 year ago
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When Your Cocks are In Us We Cant Think

Have you watched the videos here? Sure, some of them are fake, clearly staged, and have no connection with reality. But there's one aspect to many porn vids that is absolutely authentic:Ever notice how, even when the woman initiates sex, she always ends up under the man's control?This is not coincidental, gentlemen. Whether you realize it or not, hard cock, has an enormous amount of power over us! As women, we don't like to admit this (that would be telling, after all), but when you're in our...

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MyWifesHotFriend Jane Doux 23189

Ryan’s so sick of his wife’s college friends coming over and staying for days — weeks — on end. He’s so sick of it in fact he tells his wife this over the phone, all the while one of those said college friends, Jane Doux, is already at the house, waiting for Ryan in the bedroom, in lingerie. He walks right into her trap and gets the first impression of her that she was hoping to give him. And once his hard dick meets her mouth and pussy, Ryan learns that his...

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A Beautiful MessChapter 39 Breaking It Down

"Charlotte," I said, swallowing what felt like twenty or so dry cotton balls. I was pale and weak and feeling light-headed. "Huh?" she asked, snapping out of a daze. "I was looking at the wrong side." "What!?" "It's positive. Look." I showed it to her. She looked. Her lip trembled, and then she rolled away from me, suddenly shaking with silent sobs. She cried hard and long and suddenly Stephanie was knocking on the door. I shoved the pregnancy test back into the box and...

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Locked In

I was so busy painting the set of “My Fair Lady” for the Drama Department’s annual spring production that I didn’t even notice him as he walked up behind me. “Are you almost done?” I screamed and dropped the paint brush to the floor, splattering paint everywhere. “Oh!” I screeched. I turned to see Mark Carter, a junior, staring at me. “What?” I asked. “Are you almost done? They lock up at 7:00 every night. It’s 6:50 now,” he said looking at his watch. “And they don’t check to see if everyone is...

First Time
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Keeping A Rein On Mom Chapter 1

It was three o'clock in the morning on a Saturday night and time once again to go out searching the streets and back alleys for Mom. Mom had a drinking problem and had been battling the bottle for a little over two years now. And being her only son, it was my job to take care of her and make sure she was safe.Mom's problem with alcohol started right after the divorce. Dad was away from home more than most fathers, due to his work. And Mom spent more nights alone than she liked. Dad was a good...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jade Nile Second Appearance

It’s been a while since Jade Nile has seen one of her very favorite men — Prince Yashua — so they decide to spend a bit catching up. Soon, they’re reliving an experience…the first time they fucked! The conversation gets so heated, soon Prince’s girthy piece of black meat is as hard as quantum physics! “You know what,” Jade says…”let’s make this hotter than the last time we banged!” Prince thinks for a long minute, then...

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Rachel Crossing the Line IV

Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel ? Crossing the Line I / II / III' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...

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It could be you

It’s been a long journey but we’re here at last in the bijou cosiness of this quaint country cottage. Why we’re here and how we got here doesn’t matter, but we were really lucky to find that little diner on the way and now all we want to do is relax and unwind. It’s early autumn and the sun illuminates the golden leaves on the trees outside as it slowly sets in the western sky. It isn’t especially cold right now but there’s a basket of logs by the inglenook fireplace and plenty of kindling, so...

Straight Sex
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a night away

I was on secondment to a local authority for 12 months and the team I was working with had a conference someone had to attend providing a promotion stand. For various reasons none of the permanent staff were able to attend as it meant an overnight stay, so Sarah my boss and I were the delegates.We arrived at the hotel late afternoon, went to our rooms to clean up and agreed to meet in the bar for a pre-dinner drink.Showered & changed, at about 5, I wandered down, Sarah arrived only a couple...

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His wet tounge

I had known him for the longest and also knew he had the biggest crush on me. one day riding in a school bus, we were playing cards. angry that I had won, he told me to suck his cock. I playfully responded "pull it out" and he did exactly that. his hugee cock was rock hard ! his big black dick stood invitingly before me, the veins all popped out jus the way I liked it ! however at the time I was way too young and felt disgusted. as I grew older, I began to fantasize more and more about his huge...

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Borrowed Money from the Wrong Guy Gay

That moment when you realized that you had borrowed money from the wrong person!Your best bud of over 5 years cut you in on a sure bet deal! You need $1000 to get in, it was "guaranteed" to pay back 7 to 1!So I borrowed $1000 from a guy who knew a guy. I knew it was not the right thing to do, but Jason was positive that it would pay off! He and two other buddies put money in it too, the difference was they had the $1000 to lose, I had to borrow mine! But the guy gave me what he called the...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 22 Resolutions

February, 1985, Chicago, Illinois The flight back to Chicago was uneventful and when we arrived home, dinner was almost ready. Kara and I put our stuff upstairs and joined our housemates at the dinner table. “How was the weekend?” I asked. “Quiet, like usual when you aren’t here,” Elyse said. “Not that it’s rowdy or anything when you are, but some people don’t show up when you’re going to be out of town.” “Joyce is coming to town on Friday. She’s probably going to stay the entire weekend,...

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Washed UpChapter 16

Our imposing man had an imposing horse as well. It was a huge gelding that Andy said would carry him all day without getting tired. He also had a young, strong pack mule. We made quite a procession as we rode out of New Brunswick. Andy kept us entertained all day with tales of his experiences while he was trapping. I'm sure some of the stories were even true. Well... At least some of them had parts that were true. Well... Maybe some of them had a small part that was true. Others, I'm...

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A Day at the Beach

The last month at work had been extremely stressful and Dawn was going to enjoy a much needed day off. It was a beautiful sunny day and she planned on taking full advantage of it at the beach working on her tan. She put on her favorite pale blue string bikini, packed a small cooler with some ice water, grabbed her beach towel and sunblock, and headed out the door to her brand new red convertible. The beach was only a couple of miles away but she was looking forward to enjoying the wind in her...

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The Cabin Adventure

Chapter 1- As the adventure begins Around 2005, Jessica and I were having problems in our marriage. Between our kids and our jobs, we are constantly fighting. One day, we both were hollering and screaming. Jessica finally broke down and cried. Jessica said, "We can't keep going like this. Something needs to be given before something bad happens." I said, "Maybe we need a week away from everything. I have an idea. I will get my and your parents to split watching the kids, and we...

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A new friend

As I had a nice, big empty house I did what any good 17 year old would do. That first weekend I had a massive house party! I took a night off from dressing up and invited everyone I knew and when it came to the big night there were plenty of people, including a few I didn't know. I chatted to people and made new friends, sharing drinks and having fun. There was one girl there in particular who caught my eye. She was quite petite but curvy, long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes and her name...

2 years ago
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SleeneChapter 5 Saturday Brunch

I almost laughed when I entered the spare room and saw what lay on the bed. "Well, this won't take long," I thought. Lying on the bed was a matching skirt and top, and garter belt and stockings, all in black. It wasn't until I lifted them from the dark bedspread that I realized that the skirt and top were quite sheer, maybe more than the stockings! They were made of a loose nylon mesh. The top flowed from my shoulders to just below my breasts, with long sleeves ending in ruffles. The top...

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