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This story may be posted on any free site. The Envy Skull By Allison Voorhees [email protected] She found the skull pendant at an antique store, and gave it to me. I normally dress rather Goth, with a classy twist, so the simple pendant was just discreet enough to suit me perfectly. "This is cool!" I told her. It was a simple skull, about 2 inches wide and a quarter- inch thick, with green gems inlaid into the eye sockets. "Yeah," she replied. "Let's go get a chain for it." We took off for the mall, and after picking up a simple silver chain from the Silver Gallery; we decided to check out the new stuff at Hot Topic. I couldn't find any new shirts this time, so we wandered towards the back of the store and she started looking at the lingerie. She picked up a black bustier, three sizes too small for her, and complained, "They never have anything like this in my size." Candice, who was a "full-figured" girl, always seemed to have this problem. She's about six feet tall, with long black hair to her mid-back, green bedroom-eyes, and a sweet face. No one could call her fat, but she *was* extra-curvy and very well endowed. Her frame was simply too big for most of the clothes she wanted to wear, though she would be VERY attractive if she could find something like that in her size. I tried to comfort her, because she's very sensitive about her size. "You know they generally only stock clothes for bony little girls in these stores. Perhaps they'll have your size online." "It's more fun to actually try it on in the store and buy it. Why can't I just be one of those girls that wear a 36C? I wish I would just step into the dressing room, put this on, and fit into it properly!" Immediately I was filled with a strange compulsion. I grabbed the bustier from her and took off for the dressing room. Oblivious to Candice's attempts to stop me, I entered a stall, removed my shirt, and slipped the bustier on. I adjusted it so that it seemed comfortable, and dumbly stared at my image in the mirror. There was a distant churning sensation throughout my guts, and I watched as my waist contracted. A few seconds later, I felt a pressure in my chest, and waves of tension rippled from my nipples throughout every nerve in my body. I stared in shock as breasts grew on my chest, perfectly filling out the bustier. In the mirror, I finally registered the sight of Candice gaping at me in shock. "What the fuck just happened, Michael?" she whispered, as dumbfounded as I. Once I was able to think clearly again, I put two and two together. "I got your wish. This skull seems to grant wishes, but it messed up and I got yours." "How do you think that happened?" she stammered. "I wish I knew," I replied, hoping the wish would be granted. Nothing happened, of course. "Well, let's get home and figure this out," she said, throwing me my shirt. "Don't take that off, just give me the tag and I'll pay for it. Just put your shirt on over it." Feeling the weight of my new chest pulling on the small of my back, I complied. I didn't need these things bouncing around too much. She paid for the bustier and I tried to walk discreetly out of the dressing rooms. I felt like everyone was staring at me, and I told Candice I was nervous. Of course, this would be the perfect time for me to run into someone from school. No surprise that Aaron, the school bully, was stepping out of the Electronics Boutique, starting to head this way. He always gave me a hard time because I'm so small, only five- foot-six. The last thing I needed was for him to see me now. Candice, reading my thoughts, pulled me through a door. I realized I was in a ladies room, noticing the pink decor, feminine hygiene product dispensers, and lack of urinals. We heard the door opening, so she shoved me into a stall. "Wait here," she whispered. I couldn't see who came in, but I heard a conversation between two different girls. "Your new perm looks great! How long did it take?" "TOO long! I don't like waiting forever like that. I wish my hair looked like this naturally. It gets so frustrating to have to find time to get my hair dyed and permed." I could feel the long wavy tresses sprouting from my head. "Where did you get that skirt? I love it!" .. And so on. It seemed that I was in the stall forever, waiting on the girls to leave. When they finally left the restroom, Candice opened the stall door and gaped at me. "Well, now we know a bit about whatever the hell is going on!" she laughed. "You're getting whatever anyone else wishes for. I know how to get you out of here safely, now..." She flashed a mischievous smile at me. "I'm going to have a little fun with you, now that I think I can fix this once we get home. I wish I was wearing a black vinyl miniskirt, black fishnet tights, and black patent leather Mary Jane's." I saw my pants and shoes dissolve into the described clothing, and glared at her. "Why didn't you just change me back?" I asked her. "I told you I was going to have a little fun. I'll change you back later. Those legs don't look right. Too muscular, and you need to shave. I wish I had perfectly smooth, womanly legs." She looked at the results, and laughed. "Hips! You need hips! I wish I had feminine hips and a really great ass! I wish my arms and hands were feminine and dainty." She looked me up and down again. I blushed as I saw my new figure in the mirror. "Take that shirt off. The bustier is enough. Now we can walk out of here without a problem." "But why don't you just change me back?" I asked, getting frustrated. "I wish my voice was feminine and sexy. I wish my face were sweet, angelic, and perfectly girlish. I'm having some fun. Go with it, or I'll leave you this way. It's up to you." Looking like a woman was frustrating, but I could deal with it. Trying to survive with no identity would be my greatest problem, I realized, so I just said, "Whatever." in my newly feminized voice and meekly followed her out of the restroom and out to the car. While walking, I noticed the new sway in my hips, the jiggling in my chest area, and my new smooth legs encased in fishnets. I couldn't help but get aroused. I've always been fascinated by the feminine form, but I never imagined how it would feel. It was incredibly erotic. In the car, she noticed my erection straining against the fishnets and skirt, and giggled. Laying a hand on it, she whispered, "I see you want to have fun with this, too." I didn't really consider the sexual possibilities of this until that moment. I blushed, and Candice giggled some more. "I wish I were wearing a garter belt, and that the fishnets were attached to it," she whispered. Immediately, my dick was freed from its fishnet prison, and it pushed the miniskirt out of the way. "Now, just wait until we get home." When we arrived, we ran into the house and up to my bedroom. I'm just glad my mother was working second shift now, or it could have been disastrous. As soon was we got into the bedroom, she threw me onto the bed. She climbed beside me, and kissed me. I got even hotter, listening to her aroused, heavy breathing combined with my own. She started caressing my neck and back, sending tingles all over my body. While gently removing the bustier, she ran her fingers through my long, wavy blonde hair and I moaned in anticipation. I pulled her shirt off of her and unclasped her bra. Once her luscious, DD breasts were freed, I started sucking her left nipple and playing with her right breast. She pushed me away, and started kissing my breasts. Ripples of pleasure combined with wonderful tingles shot from my nipples throughout my body. I shuddered in passionate arousal. "Now you know why I like them," she whispered. She kissed me more, and caressed my side from hip to ribs. It was the most erotic feeling I'd ever experienced, and I loved every second of it. Within minutes, she was completely naked and on top of me, my engorged member pushing out from under my skirt. She climbed over me, and slid me deep into her. We made love for only a few minutes, when we orgasmed together magnificently. "That was the most amazing sex we've ever had!" she exclaimed, both of us still twitching and basking in the afterglow. "Are you sure I have to change you back?" "Tempting as it is, and as pleasurable as it is, we don't know how long this thing will work. We need more information or we could end up in a bad situation." I responded, still amazed at my new, sexy, breathy, feminine voice. "I wish I knew how this thing worked." she said, and my head tingled as information poured into my brain. I sat up, my bare breasts jiggling erotically. "It's called the Envy Skull. It grants the wearer any wishes made around them. A wizard named 'Breandos' in what is now Iceland in the year 1264 B.C created it. He made it both indestructible and unalterable, even by the power of the wishes made around it. He created it to teach his King a lesson about coveting other people's belongings. After some unusual events, the queen wished she were never born. Therefore, the king ceased to have ever existed, creating a paradox about the creation of the skull. It was found in Iceland in 1998, and found its way here. No one realized how old it was because it cannot be destroyed or even show signs of wear and it was assumed to be someone's dropped belongings. It cannot be removed except by external magic, such as a true wizard. "Which means I cannot take it off, but at least we can unwish any wishes." "This will be more fun than I thought. Can I try something?" she asked. "Sure, why not?" I replied. "I wish your breasts were three times as sensitive." She reached down, and flicked my nipple. I moaned a little, but it was no different than before. "No change." I told her. I reached over and cupped her breast, and she started shuddering. "Oh my GOD!" she moaned. Apparently, by wishing for something for me, she got it. She started touching me all over, trying to get me aroused, but I was still spent. "I'm sorry, I still haven't recovered, Sweetie." "Damnit! Oh, yeah, no problem. I wish I was hornier than I'd ever been in my life, and no matter how many times I orgasmed, I wouldn't be satisfied until you were." I was instantly horny. Yes, more than I'd ever been in my life. It felt fantastic. We made love for over three hours before she was truly satiated. I'd never experienced satisfaction like that before. Truly amazing, it was. We napped for a couple hours, awakened by the sound of the front door opening. "Michael, are you home?" Mom yelled from downstairs. "Oh shit! Change me back before mom finds out!" I implored her. "I wish my mother would never notice anything was unusual, no matter what happens with us," she said, grinning at me. Oh well, better than nothing. Mom knocked on the bedroom door lightly, and walked in. "What would you two like for dinner?" "Uh, it doesn't matter," I told her, amazed she didn't even seem shocked at the sight of her feminized son lying topless on the bed, beside a completely nude Candice, while wearing a miniskirt, fishnets, and Mary Janes. "I'll order a pizza. You two get dressed," she said, walking back down the stairs. "I wish you were the same size I am," Candice said. I watched in amazement as she shrunk down to my height and size. "I'll never get used to that kind of thing," I sighed. "Let's see," she said. "Oh yes, here we go. I wish I was wearing a black fine-mesh fitted shirt with a low cut black vinyl purple laced bustier over it, a dark-purple knee- length straight skirt with black lace overlay, very sheer black stockings and garter belt, black thong panties, and knee high black vinyl boots with pointed toes and purple sparkled laces. I wish you were wearing low-slung vinyl jeans with silver sparkles, a black fishnet shirt, a midriff-length black slashed-up shirt with a silver anarchy symbol on the chest, held together with safety pins, and black combat boots with silver sparkled laces. Oh yeah, I wish your hair was dark red." It felt strange when my clothes appeared and morphed, and seeing hers do the same was odd. You'd think I'd be used to it, but no. "These thong panties are uncomfortable," I told her. "I don't have enough room." "I wish my panties fit comfortably," she said, and my discomfort vanished as the fabric expanded in front to cover me properly. We went downstairs, and sat on the sofa in front of the television to wait on the pizza. Mom came in and sat on the recliner. "It's been a long day," she sighed. "I want to go to bed, but I can't relax. I wish I was drunk." The room started spinning, and I was lightheaded, giddy, and aroused. "Let's go upstairs, Candice," I whispered, way too loudly. I leaned into her and kissed her clumsily, drunkenly groping various parts of her anatomy. She smacked my hands, and laughed a little. "I think this could get dangerous," she said. "I won't be able to leave you for an instant, until we know how to get that pendant off. I wish I was sober." My head cleared immediately. "I'm sorry, Candice. I don't know what came over me." "It's not your fault. I wish my mother was able to relax," she said, and my mother instantly dozed off. We half- dragged, half-carried Mom to her bed, where she snored happily. "We have to figure out a way to get this damned thing off. It's got its fun side, but when we go back to school Monday, I'm in deep shit," I said. "The first time someone makes a fucked up wish, there's no telling what'll happen." "Why don't we wish it off? I wish the pendant would come off," she said, and tried to take the pendant off my neck. She couldn't touch it. Her hand slipped around and over it, but she couldn't grasp it. "I already told you it could only be removed with another source of magic, so let's get to work." We went up to the bedroom and I went straight for the Internet. I searched, and the only thing I could find was a collection of short stories about a place called "Spells 'R Us," so we figured that was our only option. The doorbell rang. Pizza! We went downstairs, opened the door, and a zit-faced pizza boy looked me up and down, obviously drooling. I felt violated, being looked at like that. "Nineteen-eighty-nine," he said. I handed him a twenty and shut the door. "I wish you'd have given me a decent tip," he said under his breath as he walked away. The doorbell rang again. I opened it, and the pizza boy handed me five dollars. "I forgot to tip you. I'm sorry." "Thanks," I said, snatching it and slamming the door. We both burst out laughing. "Yeah, that was cool, but he could've made a more fucked up wish. I got lucky." We took the pizza up to the bedroom to keep searching. Still nothing. We figured our only option was hoping Spells 'R Us was real and would show up in our mall. Candice spent the night, so it wasn't long before things heated up again. While basking in yet another afterglow, she asked me a question. "You know, tomorrow, this pendant could be out of our lives forever. Would you like to be a woman all the way first?" I thought about it for a while. So far, I've really enjoyed this whole experience. I still really can't believe I'm lying in bed with my girlfriend, both of us nude, both of us feminine, sharing clothes, sharing everything. Sure, why not go all the way. "Let's go for it," I replied. --- Is this intriguing enough to continue? Let me know.

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my soul mate never thought to be part 5

my eyes open I realize today was gonna be the day that changed my life I was gonna become the next Harrington to get married I was excited nervous scared but undoubtedly in love. " I'll be out in a minute " I looked over my best man and best friend jack was looking at me, my dad and brother standing next to him. " jack im happy your here bro I can't tell you how happy you and Megan are out of the hospital and doing good i love you man, dad you've made me the man I am...

1 year ago
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Pay day for my Black Stud

Oh so grateful to my black stud for arranging his ‘Bro’s’ to sort out my little situation and leave my life Tracy free now….yipppeee xxx.So back to normal in our house, lovely. I wanted to say a huge thanks to Jazz my big stud, in a way he knew best…mmmm!Mick my small cocked useless hubby was in town midweek with his mates. They had gone to some snooker thing to watch a game, so I knew he would be out all night. My chance to play with Jazz at home then, oh yes.I waited until Mick had gone and...

4 years ago
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College Education Part 3

College Education - Part 3 Spending time at the club as a girl did wonders for my confidence. Guys were checking me out, dancing with me, buying me drinks, and giving me their phone numbers. I was never very popular as a boy, but as a girl, I was the center of attention! I liked the feeling. As Stacy and I left the club, I put a little extra swish in my walk. The doorman, the one who had let me in without an ID, extended an arm as I walked out and wrapped it around my waist,...

2 years ago
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iCarly iEscape The Rain

It had all began on a warm and sunny Saturday morning on which a young girl named Carly Shay had left the apartment that she shared with her 26-year-old brother and legal guardian, Spencer Shay, to go out with her two best friends, Samantha Puckett and Freddie Benson. The three of them were to go to a local park and see if they could find anything which could inspire them for some new material for both Carly and Sam to use for that day's taping of the internet program which had made their name...

2 years ago
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First Time In USA Sex With Friend

After having sex with my brother for months and my neighbors son, I knew I had corner for guys, that’s when I came to US, heaven for hot Indian guys. My first month in school I noticed this quiet slim, 6 feet tall wheatish guy sitting in the back of the room. When the teacher was called everyone’s name I found out his name, I conveniently moved next to him and started talking to him. He said he doesn’t know English that much, I said don’t worry I speak Gujarati. I asked him where he lived he...

1 year ago
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Shayla and Robert

Shayla felt physically ill when Robert came back to the shack after work. He told her that he had been last in the field today and the overseers had ordered him and her to the barn tonight. She had been working hard why hadn’t he done his part how could he have done this to her, to them. They had been doing so well. They had not been singled out before and she hadn’t burdened him with the few times she had been used in the field by the overseers. It had been bad but when you were used in the...

4 years ago
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Burger Khate Khate Bhabi Ki Boobs Bhi Kya

Hi, my sexy girls and fucking boys. This is my first story of iss. My name is krishna me ab degree final year me hu mera age 21 he.Me assam me rehta hu. Mujhe baare boobs wali ladkiya bohut achi lagti hai.Aur married and baby ho to aur mazza ata hai unka dood pi ke. Any 1 want to satisfy their pussy my 6.5 inch can satisfy you.You can email me at story real hai.Mujhe aapki feedback ka intazar rehega .   Story shuru hota hai. Mere family me me maa papa aur didi hai. Hamare pados me hi mere...

4 years ago
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This experiment is very simple and very accurate…It must be done exactly as I say so follow the diretions!now before you start you should have TWO things…1. something to stick in your ass like a butt plug2. a dildo or something like a cock for your mouth to suck on(lube for jerking off is optional)~ you will be doing this experiemnt while watching porn on the internet so I suggest a site like redtube.comYou will have to have some control while doing this… you must NOT cum the first two times...

3 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 18

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter Eighteen “So boys, do we have a deal?” Mack stared at Tara’s body intently, her breasts shuddered enticingly in front of him, mere inches from his face. “I won’t ask you to sell me the bitch now, but take the other...

4 years ago
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Davids Wife

This story is entirely fictional. However, it contains elements of coercion and deceipt, and has a slightly sinister side to it. Please do not read if this may offend you. -------------------------------------------- "I still love her, you understand," David said earnestly. "And I'm sure she loves me. But physically, our relationship is non existent. For the first few years of our marriage the sex was great, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. But since the kids came along......

2 years ago
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Birthday Suprise

I have had a bad run with women over the last year. I tried online dating, speed dating, the clubs, and no luck.To say the least it has been a long time since I got some pussy. I have been so horny lately that I have been consideringseeing a prostitute. My birthday was this Thursday and one of my male coworkers wanted to take me out with his wife to show me a good time. I agreed, and we set up a night out on Thursday. Parker and Emma picked me up at my apartment around 8 pm. Emma...

3 years ago
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Alice Embarrassed in Wonderland

Eighteen year old Alice Liddell was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?” So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be...

2 years ago
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Servicing Celebs british edition

I'm John Doe, the dirtiest kept secret in London. For all the obsession with tabloids and paparazzo trying to get the upskirt photo, they truly had no clue what the women of Britain were up to. When they want a good time, they call me. or text, but never over the internet. too risky. hell even cell phones were becoming risky. So who am I exactly? Well some would say I'm a lover of women, others a sleazeball, and some a gigolo. To put it bluntly, I'm who the stars call when they need a good...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 43 Jackie Elyse Pam and a Surprise Phone Call

February/March, 1982, Chicago, Illinois I made good time on the drive back to Chicago despite the light drizzle that I ran into just south of Gary. I walked into the apartment to find Stephie and Elyse stretched out on the couch, each one leaning on an arm and their legs alternating so they could put them out straight. “You two look comfortable,” I said, taking off my shoes and coat and dropping my bag. “Hi, Steve,” Elyse said. “Hi, Steve,” Stephie echoed. Neither of them moved to get...

2 years ago
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Rosies First Day

Rosie stepped out of the cab, avoiding a puddle to preserve the shine of her three-inch patent leather heels.  She had bought them specifically for the occasion - her first day at her first college internship - and meant to keep them clean.  As she walked into the swank Manhattan high-rise, she reflected that she was lucky to have this job at all.  At nineteen, she was younger than most girls admitted to the world of business.She knew she was very young to be taken seriously, and so she had...

1 year ago
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Community Involvement Ch 07

Forlornly, I waved goodbye to Michelle as she drove off to do her school pick up run. As I went inside I reflected on the amazing day we had spent together (the last full day we would have for quite a number of weeks); two squiring orgasms for Michelle, a first time tit fuck for me (for both us to be exact) and a very deep and meaningful discussion about relationships. In particular, our respective marital relationships and some of the previously undiscussed circumstances that, without any...

1 year ago
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My First time

I recently had my first gay experience and wanted to share it... It was Halloween night, and my longtime friend John and I had decided to go out and hit some clubs. His girlfriend was out of town, and I was recently split up from mine, so we thought about going out and having some fun. We got out to the club, and everyone was in their Halloween costumes. We grabbed a few drinks and headed out onto the dance floor. We danced for a while, and decided to go grab some more drinks. After some time,...

1 year ago
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Exploited18 Scarlett Sage Cute Teen Scarlett Sage is a Porn Virgin No More

Innocent as she is pretty, fresh 18-year-old teen, Scarlett Sage thinks she’s ready to become a porn star! After flashing her I.D to prove she’s legal, she prepares to get bottomed out by the notorious John Strong. First, he’ll see if her purty little mouth can fit his wide-ass cock and she passes…barely. Sticking her gorgeous ass in the air, Scarlett readies herself for her first, genuine porno cock. And from the looks of it, she’s bitten off more than she can...

3 years ago
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Hamara pariwar

Dear friends, mene bhi aap sab logo ki sacchi kahaniya padate-2 himmat karke aap sab ke sath apane anubhav share karne ka socha, aur aaj to me tyyari ke saath samay nikal kar likh hi dalta hun. Yadi aap logo ko pasand aaye to muzhe jaroor batana.mein patiala .punjab ka rehne wala hoon. Ye baat tab ki hai jab me laghbhag 18-19, saal ka tha, ghar me mere allava mummy-papa, aur do bahane bhi thi. Papa ko apane kam se fursat hi nahi milti thi, isliye hum bhai bahan mummy ke saath hi gumte phirate...

3 years ago
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Bi Sexual Boy Chapter 1 My First Encounter Part 2

"Go away!" He yelled. So I rushed out of the room still nakedand went down stairs to watch TV. After about 20 mins. I went back upstairs to my door and opened it a crack. Blake was laying on my bed with only the whity tighties on. He was asleep, and there was a wet stain on the front of the undies. He must have masterbaited in them after I left. I quietly got on the bed and ran my fingers up Blakes leg up to the underwear leg hole, and back down again. I heard hi, yawn so i quickly got up and...

2 years ago
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Of Intimate Moments and Laundry

The key clinked into the lock, and I was already tired before it even finished turning. I opened the door to my apartment and lugged my workout bag with me. I ached everywhere and I needed a shower, and I was pretty sure I had the start of a black eye, which wasn't anything particularly new. There was a commotion of noise and chaos storming from one of the back rooms, but for the moment the living room was blessedly empty, and I wasn't about to go running off to investigate. It didn't sound...

1 year ago
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One Big Horny Family Family Bonding Old Version

I woke up looking at the ceiling and glanced over at the clock. I still had two hours before I was suppose to wake up but knew as I rubbed my eyes I would never get back to sleep. It had been a week since me and my girlfriend had officially called it quits. I suppose I should be mad or something but I wasn't. She be going off to college and I would be staying here. There was no denying that it would be though to make things work. Truthfully I had other women on my mind. My mother and sisters. I...

4 years ago
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Good Friends Pt 2

It had been a week since I sucked Waynes cock and tasted his hot juicy cum and I can't stop thinking of what it would be like to have him fucking me silly. It's Friday again and I'm hoping for another get together with him and just as I'm thinking of calling Wayne my phones rings. Hello says Wayne, how have you been this past week? great I say back. Say Wayne are you coming over tonight for some beers and smokes? Yeah man I'm in, do you want me to bring anything? he asks. No Just bring yourself...

3 years ago
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Meri Hot Nida Girlfriend

hello to all ISS readers.hope all of boys are shaking their penis well and girls are doing fingering their hot pussies.Lets come to main point story.i am amjad from lahore pakistan.this is my 1st attempt and real one,hope all of you will like this and if any girl esp virgin,aunties,bhabhis and widow like to contact me then they can mail me mai lahore Pakistan mai rehta hou aur call center mai job kurta hou,meri height 6″ aur body attelete hay,age 24 hay.dehkny mai bht smart lugta hou aur...

4 years ago
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My sexual fantasy

So I always believed that my thoughts were just that until recently I started reading the stories on this site and realized my thoughts are actually a fantasy I have always had not just thoughts....So its late and i am home alone and decide to get into the shower and when the water starts to hit my already sensative nipples I start getting a tingly feeling as i am washing my body I slowly slide my hand down between my legs and gently rub my clit working myself up I realize I need to move this...

3 years ago
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The Guy at the Y Part 1

My wife and I were never blessed with children as early on in our marriage she had some issues with her ovaries.  We tried all types of fertility treatments unsuccessfully and after some years we had to give up and face the fact that it wasn’t going to happen. We love each other and have a reasonably successful marriage. The baby thing, however, pretty much ruined our sex life. My wife went through depression but recovered by throwing all of her energy into her work and established a successful...

Gay Male
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The Notsougly Duckling

Margaret, or Maggie, as everyone called her, smiled as her parents told her she was being sent to her Uncle Bob’s farm for the summer. Her parents were archeologists, and during the summers, when they weren’t teaching, they usually went off to some far off place to dig up what Maggie thought of as ‘dead things’. And then Maggie always got sent off to Uncle Bob’s farm. Her parents had been working on their PhDs for the last two years, though, so it had been two years since she’d spent the...

2 years ago
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Better than your brother

She opened the door and stormed in. Alec was on the bed, in his boxers. “What the fuck?” He started to get up but she pushed him back down on the bed. “Bailey,” he said, “what are you doing?” “Your brother cheated on me,” she replied, “now I’m going to give him a taste of his own medicine.” She was on the bed, on her knees. She was wearing her old grey off the shoulder t-shirt, a black g-string and no bra. “I just found some very incriminating messages on his Facebook.” “What do you mean?” he...

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