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I Told You So. Sue was dressed in a black crushed velvet pantsuit, that at first glance could be mistaken for a man's tuxedo. Her broad shoulders and her salt and pepper hair was pulled back in a severe bun on the back of her head only added to the illusion. It would take a trained observer to detect the very feminine voluptuous body concealed behind the manly fa?ade. Her face was the antithesis of masculine. For her age she was considered a raving beauty. Tonight, her beauty was enhanced by the dramatic nighttime makeup, that really made a statement. Expertly applied by her husband and personal cosmetologist Matilda. Sue was restlessly pacing around the bedroom, waiting for her husband George Henderson to finish getting dressed. Even though she was married she refused to give up her family name, rather she was known as Ms. Howell. She momentarily stopped before her framed Army commission and her diploma from the only real university in the state of Ohio. It brought back so many memories. She had always been a brilliant student, with hard work she graduated as the class Salutatorian, a reminder no one finishes on top all the time. Those were heady breathtaking times, being one of the first woman to attend school on an Army ROTC scholarship. She stared at the wall. With a sense of satisfaction, tried to visualize where to hang the award she was receiving tonight. It was an honor being selected woman of the year from the local chapter of The National Organization of Woman (NOW). Sue turned her attention back to her hubby. She watched as he applied a slick coat of lip gloss on silicon enhanced lips that made them standout as a focal point on his artistically made up face. She stood motionless and observed his actions with a sense of gratification. It had taken years to reach this point. Tonight, was the culmination of her long-term design on the state of her marriage. There had been minor delays along the way, but no real setbacks. She wouldn't allow that. When Susan was crossed or disappointed, she had the reputation of becoming Attila the Hun in a dress. George had experienced her wrath on more than one occasion. Once she had broken his spirit and gotten him into dresses her greatest challenge had been George's vocal training. It took months and months of practice with a speech therapist before he mastered the ability to replicate feminine speech patterns, and was able to get and keep his voice consistently into a believable higher feminine pitch. Now he couldn't sound like a man if he tried, which he knows better than to try. Her life had always been focused on the long term. It was during her time on active duty that the Army recognized her aptitude and sent her to school to learn strategic planning. All her planning and scheming regarding her marriage was finally coming to fruition. She had married a meek mild man who obviously loved her. A love that she used against him to cooperate and bend him to her will. It wasn't until after the ceremony when he started up his own company that she discovered he had a well concealed misogynist trait. He consistently refused to admit the superiority of the female of the species and properly reward the women who worked for him. Being a dyed in the wool feminist she couldn't let that stand. She sat done and designed a plan that she thought of as a long-term campaign rather than a battle to correct his flawed personality. She developed her strategy for how her married life was going to play out. It started with using bedroom activities or lack of, to convince him to follow her to Germany. Putting off the startup of his company until she completed her military obligation. It was just the opening skirmishes of her campaign and was pre-Matilda time as she insisted, he become a house husband. It took some arm twisting but eventually he stayed home taking care of the house while Sue went off and played soldier. He dutifully performed the duties expected of an Army wife. He stayed back and made their military quarters a home. George played his part well attending all the wife's social events, and charities. Never once complaining. The other ladies accepted him as a househusband. Sue thought back to those times and at the time thought that would be enough. But she came to realize she wouldn't be truly happy until she took George to the next step and became her de facto wife. She turned to face her husband and marveled at what she had produced. Granted she had the perfect blank canvas to start with; he had a slender short build and after 20 years it became obvious, he has good genes as he still has all his hair with no sign of male pattern baldness. Today, it was kept at shoulder length. When the first gray hairs emerged, Sue made the decision Matilda would be a platinum blonde. He had been one from then on. She later modified that by adding honey highlights. His face had long ago been eliminated of all hairs by weeks of painful electrolysis. With the aid of hormones his skin was now as soft and smooth as velvet. In bed at night the feel of those cheeks against her thighs as Matilda ate her out made all her efforts worthwhile. She was anxious to be going she asked what was taking him so long. This was one event she wasn't going to be late for. "I'm sorry Sue. I got a late start on the housework. Then the guest bathroom failed your white glove inspection. It took more time than I had allotted to get it to your liking. "Not trusting me to get my corset tight enough you took extra time lacing me into it. Then I got out of rhythm when you insisted, I do your makeup first. I took my time wanting everything to be perfect for your big night." He paused believing he had made his point and took the chance to question his authoritative wife. "Why is it, I am the only one to do cleaning? Growing up I was taught that was strictly woman's work." Sue smiled. "Dear back in the 50s and '60s when we were married, relationship roles were definitely differentiated along gender lines. I went along with that at first. I complied with your Neanderthal expectations. You were suffocating me with that stereotype. I had to take action or we were bound to lose each other. From what you have told me your father had imparted a basic belief of male superiority. Thus, you were easily susceptible to the antiquated antebellum philosophy toward woman. I couldn't let a husband of mine exist believing in male superiority. That is why when I was transferred to Germany, it was necessary to teach you the errors of your belief system. That is why I passed the mantel of the household chores to you. When I left the Army, it continued to be your responsibility because you do it so well and I wasn't convinced you had changed in your soul. I appreciate how difficult it was for you being the house husband and building your company simultaneously. Yet you were still able to get your company up and running. I think I deserve some of the credit, forcing you to learn to multitask. That is one reason I am disappointed in your lame excuses about having too much to do." Having made her point, Sue asked her husband, "Dear do you remember how we met?" "Of course, I do. You sat next to me in our entrepreneur class and asked to borrow a pen. After class we went for a coffee, I told you my life's dream was to own my own company. You invited me to come watch you play ball that afternoon. I was really impressed, you playing centerfield and batting cleanup on the schools fast pitched softball team. You were a star and probably the best player on the team. I knew by the third inning I was going to try and make you my girlfriend." Fingering the large dinner ring on his right hand he never realized at the time the consequences of that dream. Thinking back to the ball game he made the observation, "You really appeared to love the sport." "Sue thought back briefly before answering, "Actually I played more so for the social aspects of being a team member. The after-game parties are still legendary, and then there was the road trip sleepovers. I wonder how I had the energy to do anything." Her husband put the cap back on his ruby red lipstick and watched his wife in the mirror as he inquired. "When did you know we were going to be together?" "That's easy, it was the night of the sorority costume party we went to." George thought back to that night with a mixture of dread and excitement, "Yes dear, you talked me into going as Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke, you went as Matt Dillion. I had a hell of a time learning to walk in those heels. It's a good thing for me, I always had a slender build or that corset would have cut me in two. That corset you laced me into did wonders for my figure but was pure misery." Sue almost let too much information slip out when she said. "That was all part of my masterplan. From where I sat, you sure seemed to enjoy your evening in high heels and skirts." Catching herself before she said too much she went on. "My goal was to demonstrate to you that beauty has its price. You were so sexy in that Saloon Girl Costume. When we walked into the room with you on my arm, every eye in the place turned to us. I towered over you in my cowboy boots and 10-gallon hat. Being unsteady in the heels, to steady yourself you clung to my arm with a death grip. I thought that was so precious, my girl needing her man for support. You were so hot; I couldn't keep my hands off you all night. You took a terrible ribbing from your mates when the hostess asked you to get off my lap and help serve drinks for the party. I was so proud of you, even in those heels you never spilled a drop. The climax of the evening came when you showed them what a great sport you were. You got up on your own and did the cancan. You were the hit of the party. I knew then you were the man I needed in my life. One that was secure enough in his masculinity to be a woman for me. That was the night I put my brand on you. I let it be known to all the other ladies you were off limits to them." What Sue didn't relate was the fact she had done her homework and knew George came from a wealthy family. It was well known; his father had promised to set him up in business after graduation. He told his son he would stand back and let George run with the ball. It was the perfect solution for an ambitious, strong woman in a man's world. A man she could control, yet be able to provide her the financially secure life she wanted. It turned out George was a brilliant hardnose business man at work. Away from the office he showed all the signs of being compliant to her will. He did almost anything she asked of him. All that confirmed her selection of him as her mate. With his father's money and support he took the ball and built a multimillion-dollar company with over a thousand employees. While he ran with the ball at work, she knew at home she had his balls safely tucked away in her purse. @ @ @ @ Sue put aside her reminiscences and strolled back to her husband. She had to step over his gorgeous, retro-styled nightgown, that he had discarded on the floor after their morning bout of sex. Sue came to a stop behind her husband who was sitting at his white vanity with its lighted mirror. A tingle raced through her body as she watched him sitting ramrod straight his feet demurely crossed at the ankles. His new shiny black patent leather stilettos resting next to his padded seat. His long sparkly earrings lightly touched his shoulders. She commented, "I love those new earrings. Are those the ones Paul gave you? "Yes, I think they really go well with this dress." "They really compliment your outfit perfectly. Aren't you glad you took my advice to get your ears pierced? You fought me on that saying a businessman would stand out with pierced ears. Like a little girl you were afraid it would hurt." He unconsciously reached up with his hand and touched the earring hanging from his right ear. He replied, "Well it did hurt a little. But looking back you were right it was nothing compared to the pain of a night wearing clip-ons. "Didn't I tell you they would not be noticed hidden by your long hair." "You were right. I let my hair grow out so it covered my ears. I didn't even have to take out the studs while at work. Yes, dear you were right, again. I wish I had done it sooner pierced ears give me so many more options for my jewelry." Sue stood behind her husband and prodded him on his intentions for the night. "This is Matilda's and Paul's third date. You know what his expectations will be, custom dictates this is where you finally give it up to him. I am so happy you decided the night of my recognition would be your deflowering. As my mate it would have been terribly embarrassing if you had not agreed to go to my dinner. You were not ready to go and sit buy yourself. I will be seated at the main table. So, you invited your boyfriend Paul." Matilda squirmed in his seat, "Now hold on! I'm not so sure. I know you have insisted that I am missing something by not being with a man. Despite your track record on providing me sound reliable advice, I am conflicted on this one. This is one decision there is no going back from. It just seems so final; my manhood will be lost forever." Sue did a barrel laugh over that one. "Honey you gave that away years ago." The opportunity for Sue was too good to pass up so she pointed out, "I saw the enema bag, and empty deuce bottle in the bathroom. It seems to me you have already made your decision." "I hate to damage your record, that decision is still up in the air. I just wanted to be prepared, in case." @ @ @ @ Sue watched with fascination as her man meticulously put the finishing touches on his dramatic nighttime makeup. Looking in the mirror she couldn't but help to notice the concentration on his face as he checked and rechecked the blending of his eyeshadow, below his permanently arched brows. She impatiently tapped her toe. Tonight, was unquestionably special, but enough was enough. She was running out of patience she had been ready for twenty minutes, waiting on Matilda to put the finishing touches on his appearance. Finally, she was forced to ask, "Matilda, what's taking so long. We are going to be late." The comment brought a chuckle from both of them. Once Sue got her composure back, she commented, "My, the tables have been turned haven't they dear? How long ago was it, you were pressuring me to hurry up?" Looking at his wife over his shoulder he thought before answering, "I believe it was about eleven years. About the time you started my complete male to female conversion." Sue smiled, "Right you are. Oh yes. I remember that weekend so well. We were going to your retirement party. I wanted to look my best. At the time your health was failing. You were overweight, and had high blood pressure. Our marriage was on the rocks too. All you did was work, work and more work. I had just gone through the Change of Life, I was having mood swings, anxiety, and depression. With you never home I was ready to leave you. "I had to talk you into accepting that buyout offer for your business. You finally took my advice. Because of that you made enough from the sale to put us on easy street and all your stress just disappeared. You will never have to work again. I was right, wasn't I?" "Yes, dear like always you were right." "Not always dear, but close. Documented 99.6% of the time." As it turns out the one positive thing about menopause meant I had an unending access to female hormones. I decided to take advantage of the serendipity event. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. I made sure you were getting the same dosage of estrogen as I was on a daily basis. It just took you a while to figure that out. When you did it was too late to salvage your manhood." "Oh my god Sue why would you do that?" "To save your life of course." A shocked George asked "How could turning me into a woman save my life?" "I did my homework while you were doing the housework. Women, typically develop heart disease 10 years later than men. They're protected from it since their bodies churn out estrogen, which helps keep arteries strong and flexible. It's documented. If you don't believe me look it up." @ @ @ @ She stood behind him with her hands resting on his bare shoulders. "Remember how mad you were at me when your little man became a limp worm? You couldn't understand why. You swore you still found me desirable. I wasn't upset at all and you couldn't understand that." "My ego was crushed, was more like it." "Right. I tried to comfort you by explaining I was sure it was just a reaction to stress. Retirement meant no more stressful days, that would rejuvenate our sex life. As your wife you trusted my judgement." "Your worm never returned to normal. Our sex life did jump precipitously as you learned the finer traits of oral sex. By flowing my instructions, you became a master of cunnilingus in no time at all. You seemed totally satisfied at first and did everything I wanted to give me more pleasure. You were the best pussy licker I have ever had." Matilda stiffened at that but tried to not show it in his face he simply inquired, "Were?" Sue chuckled at her husband's insecurities. "Sorry honey, a slip of the tongue so to speak, you still are a virtuoso at muff-diving. It was when you started to develop breasts and started to mimic my mood swings that I started to lose control. You became frantic and stopped listening to me. When we argued and you lost control of your emotions, there was shrillness to your voice. When that first happened and I couldn't help myself I laughed myself silly, you went crazy." "I kept you away from the doctors as long as I could. You eventually ran to the doctors for answers to your changes. They took a multitude of tests. When they came back they told you your system was flooded with estradiol. Which after you did some research found out was a female bioidentical hormone given to woman during the change of life. That led you to me." You sensed I was the one giving them to you. You were spitting mad at me and ready to leave our[jk1] marriage. You had all the evidence you needed. You packed your bags and went looking for me to say goodbye. You happened to find me in the bedroom thankfully. I cried which I had never done before and pleaded with you not to go. When you came over to console me, I drug you into our bed and demonstrated there are more than one way to enjoy sex. I must have spent 45 minutes playing with your baby boobies. I have never heard you so vocal during sex than that night. Once you recovered from our lesbian sex, you unpacked and pleaded with me to do that again. Which we did until we both collapsed from exhaustion. Once we were over that crisis, I continued to surreptitiously feed you the hormones and I added tranquilizers. Once they took effect you mellowed out. Our bedroom gymnastics showed you the benefits of your new body. You were content exchanging two pleasure points for one. Giving up your peewee for two glorious feminine breasts. @ @ @ @ Sue had remained standing behind her husband during this harangue, slid her hands down his d?colletage and under his bodice. Her hands lightly fondled with his perky nipples. Which generated a contented sigh from her husband. "See honey you still respond to nipple manipulation. The novelty has never left has it?" "No dear, if anything they are more sensitive now than when they first surfaced." Sue continued trace their outlines and remarked, "Your nipples seem larger and more sensitive than normal. Have you been doing something different?" Matilda boasted, "As a matter of fact, I doubled up on my breast pump time. I did a full hour today. I think it is making a difference in the size and sensitivity of my nipples and areolas." "I hate to tell you I told you so. When I gave you the breast pumps you thought I was crazy, why would a man need a breast pump. Now they are a major part of your favorite morning routine. In fact, I loved when you came to ma and begged for an upgrade to the top of the line symphony double breast pump." As Sue cupped her husband's breasts, she felt their heft. "Your breasts appear to be larger too. What is your cup size?" Looking in the mirror Sue could see the disappointment in her hubby's eyes. "No, sadly I am still a B cup. My doctor told me because I started on hormones so late in life, I'm as big as I'll get. Their current appearance is a result of the new padded pushup bra I bought at Fredricks." "Well they look scrumptious; your date is going to eat them up." "Do you think so. I am so nervous. I hate my body." "Your face is flawless, that plastic surgeon did a fantastic job. Leonardo da Vinci couldn't make any improvements." Sue vigorously pulled on his nipples. "Damnit Sue leave me alone; you are trying to distract me, let me finish with my makeup. I want everything to be flawless tonight." Sue gloated and lectured, "Sending you to that beauticians qualifying course was one of my better ideas. My lord what a row we had to get you to agree. You whined about being the only man in the class." "Once you acknowledged I was right again. You reluctantly enrolled in the course." Sue continued to lovingly play with her husband's nipples making him squirm in his seat. "What did you find once class started? Let me remind you there was none of the ridicule or rejection you were afraid of. All the ladies took care of you. In fact, Matilda became the unofficial school's mascot. It took you almost eight months to get your cosmetology certificate. At first you complained vociferously but you weren't fooling anyone. Towards the end you couldn't wait to get to class. As a Graduate you are qualified to work anywhere as a makeup artist and hairdresser. Was I right or was I right? "Yea, you were right. It was still embarrassing. For a graduation test we had to do our own makeup and show up at the school. I about died when I walked in and saw all the spouses were there to rate everyone's performance. For the graduation ceremony there I was in full dramatic makeup in a man's suit and tie, while all the other graduates were dressed in fancy gowns. I felt like an unmitigated fool." "Didn't I tell you to were a dress?" "Yes, but I still felt like a man at that point! I sure wish you had at least dropped a hint, who was going to be there. The other ladies knew about me, and had excepted me. I had attended all the classed dressed as a man. Therefore, I didn't feel embarrassed going to graduation as one." Sue grinned then replied, "I know I kept who was going to be there to witness the ceremony. I gave you my best advice and look at what happened when you ignored it. I did notice after that night you never again went against my wishes. I was so proud of you when it was announced you graduated with honors, top of the class." Matilda puffed up remembering that night, "I admit I was happy at the honor, not so much when they handed me a large bouquet of roses and spent 20 minutes taking pictures with me surrounded by all the other students. You know the ones, there is a framed one hanging in the hall." @ @ @ @ "Enough of the musings on what got us to this point. The fact is now you do both of our makeup. Neither of us leaves the house without looking like we just stepped out of a spa. Your skills have saved us a fortune on beauty appointments. Your reputation was such that ladies came to you asking for your help. Do you still have your own customers?" "No, I only go into the beauty shop when they are swamped, like during the holidays and prom season." "That explains those Saturdays when I get home from Pilates to find you gone. I trusted you, so I never asked you to explain why you were away for half the day." @ @ @ @ "I am the one that brought you to this point. Was I wrong in letting you experience the softer side of life?" Without hesitation he answered, "No dear it saved my life. Before I retired, I was on the expressway headed for a stroke or heart attack. You and your drugs gave me a whole new prospective on life. You not only change my body, but also my psychological perspective as well. I have never been happier." "Even the boobs?" "At first I hated being a man with boobs. Now I can't imagine life without these incredible breasts you gifted me with. At times they seem to be the center of my universe. As George my clothes were simply something to cover my nakedness. Living as a woman they are a way of expressing my feelings at the moment. The lovely lingerie and amazing assortments of dresses give me the freedom to be who I want to be, from day to day." George stood and headed for the toilet to relieve himself. When he stood Sue stepped back and watched her creation. As he headed for the door Sue marveled at how far he had come. She commented, "Honey you handle those stilettos with amazing grace and self-confidence." He turned address his wife, "Well dear based on your orders, I have been wearing nothing but high heels for three years if I couldn't handle them by now, I would be in a walking cast." "Yes, I told you all those weeks stumbling around it heels would pay off. Look at you now, you could probably do calisthenics in five in heels. You walk in them better than any woman I know this side of a Paris runway. Matilda blushed at the compliment, and closed the door behind him. Sue felt a rush of affection and waited for him to return. After washing his hands, he returned to check his makeup one last time. As he stepped through the door Sue announced, "Darling the unvarnished absolute, god's- honest truth Matilda, is a ravishing beauty. She is the very embodiment of eye candy. Your date is going to eat you up." "Thank you, Sue. At the moment I am blissfully happy! I am afraid your observations aren't exactly objective; I still feel like a fraud." Then he stood and announced, "I'm going down to the living room and wait for Paul." Sue stood open mouthed watching him as he walked toward the door. If she didn't know any better, she would have sworn she was watching a runway model. Sue followed a few minutes later, gathering up her and Matilda's purses. On the way down the stairs Sue took the opportunity to examine what Matilda had in her purse. There was makeup a hair brush, perfume and a coin purse. She was shocked at what she didn't find. No protection or lube. Sue found Matilda sitting waiting for her date looking very prim, proper. Her finely manicured nails that Sue insisted be maintained at half an inch past the ends of his fingers were hidden by his voluminous skirts. Matilda stared straight ahead lost in her thoughts. Sue stood in the hall peeking around the door surreptitiously watching her feminized husband and thought 'How I wished I knew what he is thinking. Is he excited about tonight or scared shitless and only doing this to please me? I have pressured him for months to take this step. She had never actually asked her husband how he felt about being changed into a sexpot of a woman. That was a conversation she would have with him in the morning. If it goes wrong, he might end up hating me. I love him so much I don't think I can live without his love.' Sue felt it best not to interrupt his contemplation by asking what was going on in his head. She decided.it was best to give him a few precious moments in solitude contemplating his feminine future. It had taken years of planning, conniving and scheming to reach this point. Sue felt she had done her job so well. Her husband was not only ready but she hoped anticipating his final step into womanhood. Tomorrow at this time George will be gone for good, it will only be two women living in this house, albeit one with an oversized clit. @ @ @ @ She sighed remembering there were times George threatened to reappear. His time spent as the honcho of his business, ingrained some outdated theories about male superiority in his personality. She had to quash those ridiculous antiquated ideas. Why he occasionally brought up the idea of going back to a conventual male dominated marriage. I couldn't allow that. Once his anal virginity is taken from him. He will still be technically a male but will never think himself a man. Thus, he will never challenge my position as head of the household. He will always be my sissy roommate. He will never leave me. @ @ @ @ She walked into the room and sat across from Matilda, and asked, "Well are you ready for tonight dear?" "I think so. I just wish we were sitting together. You know how uncomfortable I am attending those NOW meetings, some of their ideas are just too far out there for me. The way they denigrate all males makes me uncomfortable." "Honey we have been over that. You are only an axillary member, I am at the head table, there is no room for you and your date. There is room only for my plus one." Matilda looked like she was about to cry. Sue jumped in, "Stop that this instant. Don't you dare spoil my night. Keep you hurt feelings to yourself. I am sure having Paul all to your self will be more enjoyable. Let me have my night." Matilda slumped in his chair. He realized, 'She wants the spotlight on her and having a sissy as her plus one didn't fit into her plans. She would rather have that muscle-bound behemoth of a Pilates instructor on her arm.' Sue handed her purse to Matilda. She asked, "I am very concerned about your wellbeing. Why don't you have protection in there, or any lubrication?" Matilda didn't like his judgement being challenged. "I don't have any rubbers because I won't need them. Because if I do the dirty deed, I don't believe they will be required. Paul is a surgeon, if anyone is safe it will be Paul. As to lube it's in my coin purse." That got a quizzical look from Sue. "A tube of lubrication can't possible fit in that tiny coin purse." "You are right, I don't need an entire lube. There are two very special rectal suppositories each about three times the size of large Tylenol capsule. Once I insert them, my body heat will over time melt the coating and I will produce secretions like a real woman. I am told the discharge smells and even taste a lot like pussy juice. I will only put them in; if I decide to have sex with Paul." Sue smiled and announced, "If you go that way, and decide to consummate your relationship at our home, remember I have claims on the master bedroom. You will have to make do with the guest room and its Queen size bed. I plan on bringing Steve my Pilates instructor back for a romp in the hay." When Paul arrived, Sue answered the door and let him in introducing herself as Matilda's house mate. She shouted "Matilda, your date is here. Don't keep him waiting." Sue led Paul toward the living room where his date was nervously waiting. Matilda stood and met Paul in the doorway. She moved toward the front door with a grace and style one would normally associate with a movie starlet. She kissed Paul on the cheek and took his arm. Only his smile - a nervous one - gave any indication that anything was other than it appeared to be, just another mature worldly woman going on a dinner date. Paul walked his date to his BMW and graciously opened her door and helped her in. The ride to the country club was sent in silence. They pulled up to the front door and Paul handed his car keys to the valet. Matilda led her date to a sitting chart posted by the open entry doors. As they passed, they could tell the room was already packed with partying couples all in formal attire. Matilda scanned the chart and found her seats in the far corner near the exit from the kitchen, thus confirming her status with the club. The two found their seats, Paul went off to get them something to drink. Matilda was normally a white wine drinker but tonight she felt the need for something a lot stronger. She asked Paul to bring her a Long Island Iced Tea. Paul brought it back along with beer for himself. The two sat and chatted, they were virtually ignored by everyone, until Sue, who sought them out and sat with them for a few minutes. It was going well until Sue reached into her purse and brought out a cigar. When Paul didn't have a light. She disappeared into the hordes and thick clouds of cigar and cigarette smoke. Paul made a surprising observation. "You know all the conversations and speeches have been about the superiority of women over men. Then I notice all the woman here tonight is doing their best to mimic male behaviors." Matilda made a confession, "Paul I am a due paying member of this organization. Sue insist I come to all of their meetings. There was a time I was asked to stand and testify to the inferiority of the male of the species. Sue made me rehearse my presentation until she felt I was convincing. It got to the point I almost believed what I was saying. All the woman members know my true nature and got a great deal of pleasure out of me standing up in front of them, degrading my gender. I even received a standing ovation for my performance. That is why even though I attend these meetings and pontificate their philosophy I am treated as a leper. Yet I keep coming back because it is what Sue wants." Matilda looked to Paul to see if there was even a hint of rejection at his lack of backbone. Paul thought how to phrase his words, not wanting to upset his date. "Matilda you look exceptionally pretty tonight. Am I right it was at Sue's direction?" "Not all of it. I wanted to be attractive for you." "Well you have succeeded. I have never been a player. Of all the women I have been with. You are the most beautiful." Matilda blushed, "Why thank you kind sir." Matilda I get the impression Sue is pushing you be as feminine as possible, which I find strange for a wife." "Paul I have known from almost the beginning, she wants to change me. I love her. She hates men. Yet she loves me. The only way she can handle the incongruity of hating men and me being a man was to change me into something more compatible with her core beliefs. I loved her enough to go along with her needs. Giving up my manhood was the greatest gift I could give her. George looked into Paul's eyes expecting rejection or ridicule. What he saw in Paul's eyes was sympathy and understanding. It was at that moment Matilda knew this was the man he wanted to make him a woman. Holding Paul's hands, she asked, "Paul I gave my greatest gift of my manhood to Sue, I would like to offer you my second greatest gift of my virginity to you if you will accept it? Paul leapt from his seat, "I can think of nothing I want more. Can we go now?" "I'm would love too sweetheart but I really must stay until Sue gets her award." The couple stayed until Sue received her award and gave her acceptance speech. By that time Matilda had decided to give up his female virginity tonight to Paul. He grabbed his purse with its suppositories and made his way to the bathroom. He got there just as Sue was exiting, Sue saw the purse and raised an eyebrow questionably. Matilda answered with a smile and a slight nod of his head. Sue response was to say nothing just gave her husband a high five as they passed. Matilda found an empty stall and dropped her panties; he took the first suppository out and used his finger to push it in his canal as far as his finger would allow. He then followed it with a tampon to prevent the fluid leaking out before it was needed. @ @ @ @ The next morning Sue was sitting at the kitchen table dressed in her white robe drinking coffee and munching on toast covered with orange marmalade. Matilda gingerly walked in and lowered herself slowly into a chair across from his wife. Sue smiled knowingly and asked, "What's the matter?" "If you must know I am really sore, you know where." Sue chuckled, "Don't tell me it isn't worth it, or you didn't enjoy last night. From what I heard coming from your room it sounded like you loved your initiation into womanhood. You really had the bed rocking all night long. The headboard banging against the wall was like a lullaby to my ears." Massaging the kinks out of his jaw muscles he explained, "OMG Sue you were so right I should have listened to you a long time ago." "Well tell me all about it. I want to hear every last detail." "When we got home, I invited Paul in for a nightcap. We sat on the sofa and each had a large sniffer of brandy. We sat, drank and talked for a while. Paul eventually worked his arm behind me. We put our glasses down and things got serious we kissed for an hour. As he pulled me toward him, my hand fell on his lap. Where I felt his arousal. Not being able to retain myself any longer I excused myself and went and changed into my sexist neglig?e, you know the pink one with all the lace that almost covers my crotch. I waited out of sight just long enough for Paul to finish his second drink and I made my appearance in the living room. I took Paul by the hand and led him to bedroom we started the night's activities by me slowly undressing Paul. I was on my knees when I got his shorts down to his ankles. I raised my gaze up to his manhood. I about lost my nerve looking at the size of it. I have never seen a penis that large, from my perspective a few inches away it looked like a monster, albeit a beautiful one. Of my two available orifices I was sure neither could accommodate that behemoth. I reached up with both hands and slowly stoked it along its satiny sides. My heart was beating wildly. My ministrations, lord help me, only made it swelled up further. I had a hard time getting my hand around its massive girth. I took my time suckling on the magnificent mushroom head of his one-eyed willy. It took me the longest time to work up the nerve to put that massive knob in my mouth. I had to stretch my jaws as wide open as I could to feed it into my waiting aperture. I was literally drooling by that time. It took everything I had learned from you about giving blow jobs and applied those lessons as enthusiastically as I could. When he came, I was afraid I was going to drown in his spunk." Sue was transfixed listening to her husband's description of his night's activities. He paused so she encouraged him to go on. "Go on dear, did you like giving your man a blow job?" "Sue to be honest, I didn't. There was a sense of satisfaction from the idea of me giving a man I like pleasure. So emotionally I enjoyed it. Physically I didn't get any pleasure from the act. My jaw muscles hurt, I gaged from its length." Sue was confused, she commented, "From what I heard it didn't sound like you were suffering too much." "That was a different matter entirely. What you heard was Paul fucking me. He was very gentle and took his time, he inched his tool in a little bit at a time. Once he was all the way in me, the excruciating pain I had initially experienced transformed into the most blissful joy imaginable. I must have sucked on the gorgeous cock a dozen times last night. I did it only to bring it back to life so we could make love again. That is why my jaw muscles are so sore. You know why my ass is tender. It was the most glorious night of my life. I now feel like a real woman, minus the monthly menses of course. "Where is Paul now? I didn't hear him leave." "He had to leave early he has surgery today." "My lord after last night I hope he is up to it." "I am sure he is. He sure kept it up long after I was exhausted last night. Besides I saw him out to his car. My goodbye kiss was performed on my knees. He left with a present from me." Matilda trying to change the subject asked Sue, "How was your date? I didn't hear him leave either." No, he wasn't anything special I sent him home early. From the sounds coming out of your bedroom it was about the time you were into your second orgasm." "I'm really sorry to hear that. If you don't mind my asking what was wrong with him?" Sue sighed, "He was hung like a horse, but he just didn't do it for me. You have spoiled me for other men. Your bedroom performance has only gotten better since you stopped trying to pleasure me with your little man. Your hands, and mouth have always drove me wild with desire. Over the years I have interviewed many a man to replace you in my bed." "Now don't look like that. You must have suspected I was stepping out on you. No one has ever come up to your techniques. I always came home to your loving embrace. Tell me about the future you see with Paul." "Well I definitely want to see him again. Paul certainly seemed to enjoy himself I know I did. I am not sure I am ready to take it to the next level as Paul puts it. When, he left he promised he would send over a couple of tickets for a Carbonian cruse. One stateroom for us and another for you and a plus one. With you being without a current boyfriend I guess that won't work." "Not so fast sister. It's no big deal, I'll take the tickets I already have my next stud lined up." "You do realize a cruse will necessitate the wearing of a bathing suit. If I remember right when I tried to get you to wear a bikini you said you would die first. You were embarrassed by your Itty Bitty Titties." Matilda blushed crimson and looked down at his hands. "When I mentioned that to Paul, he said he hadn't had a proper vacation in years. He would give me an early wedding present, a new set of boobs. Since he is the towns best plastic surgeon, I couldn't turn down his offer. The only question is what size do I want. Paul said he would give me whatever I wanted. Sue ignored the elephant in the room for now so asked, "So what size are you thinking about?" "My first inclination was to go massive. After sleeping on it I decided on something a bit more conservative. What do you think?" "Let me give you some advice, don't do anything half way. Go big or stay home, I am a full D cup, please don't go larger than me. It would be awkward if my husband was better developed than his wife. If you went there, we can share underwear, aside from the aesthetics.it is the most practical. Matilda laughed and replied, "I wouldn't want that. It's agreed I will be a full D. we can share our wardrobe. How does that sound? Sue looked at her mate and observed, "Great, you will need to lose 10 pounds for you to fit in my sexy dresses." That settled Sue returned to the big question, "You said the trip is a wedding present. Could you amplify on that please?" "Sure, Paul asked me to marry him!" "What did you say?" "I told him I would think about it." "But we are already married!" "No, WE aren't! Susan and George are married. Most people define marriage as between a man and a woman. As you have so succinctly pointed out my manhood as long since been abandoned." "OMG George it sounds like you are going to say yes." "I haven't positively made up my mind, but I am leaning that way." Sue dropped to her knees and begged George not to leave her. Matilda calmly replied she will still be around after all Paul leaves in the area. "Sue we can still see each other and continue our friendship." The spark of hope showed in Sue's eyes. "Can we still occasionally share a bed? I don't know how I can get along without your loving." That took Matilda off guard, he spent several minutes before replying, "No Sue, what you are talking about is sex, not love. George never violated his wedding vows, I can assure you Matilda will never violate hers." "I will always love you. I am just not in love with you anymore." Fin.

Same as I Told You So Videos

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

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Pausing Youtubers

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

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SRU Thankyouverymuch

_________________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. This is a little something I came up with while trying to work out the kinks in another story. I only wish it had come a couple of weeks earlier. _________________________________________________________________________ ...

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Rendevous In Her YouHoo

I have this thought of meeting you in a cabin. Somewhere a little ways out so that it would be hard to spot from any road but easy enough to run to town if needed. I would have arrived around 6am, put some coffee on and then sat on the front veranda/porch to drink it under a blanket as the sun comes up. The air crisp and clean, with snow lightly dusting the ground the night before, had warmed up this morning. I sit looking around, taking in the scenery and the birds. Seeing the colors of the...

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The violation of Kokutou Azaka Based off Kara no Kyoukai

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LONDON, ENGLAND - July 2107 Colin Foster settled his muscular, tanned body back in the comfortable, overstuffed leather chair, his feet resting on the back of a beautiful, young redhead who was squatting on her knees and elbows before him. Colin smiled as he looked at the naked woman who would obey his every whim and, not only that, was paying him a foolish amount of credits for the privilege. Glancing at the mirror mounted on the ceiling, Colin admired his perfect physic, his muscular...

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Model EngineerChapter 2 Sodyou

Saturday was bright and clear and warm without being over hot. Tom tried to mix with the guests for a while but quickly became bored with idle conversation and most people were chatting in groups on family matters and he did not want to intrude. In any case they were well dressed and while he was in his best casual clothes, against the others they seemed ill fitting and his straggly beard suggested to them he was a hill-billy. Indeed he heard one woman enquire of her friend if he was one of...

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Converting the NeighborsChapter 5 Seducing the Youngs

Chloe was hurt. The physical pain was gone, but the bruises on her arms where her father than grabbed her were still there, as were the welts from the riding crop. She wore long sleeves to cover the bruises; the welts were more discreet, in places others couldn’t see. The hurt was mostly psychological. She had realized that her father was a monster. Before, his bedtime “lessons” were something she didn’t quite understand, something she could take his word for as being important, and then...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 3 George Bruce Cortelyou

The first thing I did was change the bedroom and bathroom linens in Matt’s apartment. Everything in the washer; then fresh sheets, pillowcases, towels. Kitchen napkins too. I wasn’t trying to remove the Matt-scent; that was baked into the condo. I just liked ... fresh. Clean. I didn’t even try to not think about the times, good times, that he and I had spent here. Laughter, bed, laughter, food. I got a little teary a couple of times, but my sobbing days were in the past. At least I hoped...

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Oblivious Youtubers

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Your Amateur Porn is one of the OG's! Amateurs have always been one of the best categories around. One of the reasons for this is the fact that amateurs are so damn sexy with their inexperience. They also tend to be a lot more personal and intimate, unlike professional porn stars. And of course, there’s the fact that there are just so many fucking amateur porn videos out there that it’s an unlimited source of sexual pleasure. And where can you find all those videos? Well, I’m glad you asked...

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Submit Your Flicks! Got it? The world of professional porn is always perfect and all that crap, which can get boring after a while… believe me. This is why, from time to time I prefer to browse the homemade section instead since we all know that the amateur community tends to post some of the weirdest yet most satisfying porn shit out there. If you share my opinion, and I am fucking sure you do, then you will enjoy what submityourflicks.com has to offer.There is no need for me to discuss the...

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You Porn (not "uporn", but pronounced as "u porn")! I’m not a picky porn fanatic. Yeah, I can get down with some crazy shit. Watching some 10/10 cumslut get tied up and placed on a Sybian until she’s dazed, drooling, and dumb always gets my dick rock hard. I’m also just as happy kicking back and jerking off to a couple of hot lesbians making out and scissoring. But I don’t need any single site dedicated to just that shit. Those sites usually cost money and get way too insane for my tastes.Ropes...

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Your Daily Porn Videos is a website that looks quite promising, right off the bat. I mean, there are tons of movies right there on the home page, and they are surely videos that you'd love to see, judging by the thumbnails. Not just you, or me, but I firmly believe that these are appealing to all men all around the world. Oh well, there also seems to be a lot of unnecessary info on the home page for some reason. First off, there's the tab where all the information about the twitter account of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sexy Porn, aka YourPorn.sexy (not youporn.sexy) is quite the name for a page, huh? You really had to let the people know that you've got the hottest movies up on your website with that domain name, did you? That's fine. I like how bold the person who came up with the name of the page was. However, this raises a single question. Are the movies here that great? Well, there's only one way to find this out, so, we will make our way inside Your Porn Sexy and see what kind of content hides within!The...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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You AV! If you’re anything like me, then you are always looking for your next Asian porn fix. There are tons of fucking awesome sites out there that all focus on different things related to Asian porn. You’ve got sites for Japanese babes, Chinese sluts, Malaysia girls, you fucking name it and it’s out there. But sometimes I want a taste of everything. A buffet of bitches if you will. Some of the more popular porn sites out there usually have sections for Asian girls, but I want a whole site...

Asian Porn Sites
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Web Young! No site on the Adult Time network will lead to a typical porn review. Especially not since the porn studio recently merged all of their channels into one … creating one convenient membership price and area to allow you to access any of their content. This means that whether you’re looking for the hottest lesbian action from channels like Mommy’s Girl or Web Young, or you’re really into seeing girls’ asses get ravaged by giant cocks and might be more into Anal Teen Angels or Asshole...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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It's YouPorn, people! It's that brand name which makes you happy on a daily basis, with the tube that it offers. Today, YouPorn has a brand new product which costs, since it delivers premium materials! Basically, they decided to approach the paid niche, too! All videos are in HD or even VR and they are taken from famous studios like Brazzers, PublicAgent, DigitalPlayground, FakeTaxi and so on! YouPorn is part of Pornhub's network, which also owns some other nasty sites, like RedTube. I am...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Nyou Booru is an erotic image board site that features animated drawings of women in different ways of farting a.k.a fart fetish. It is a kinky kind of porn that some people may think has no business being on the internet. I personally don’t get off this kind of stuff, but I’m old enough to know some people do. Nyoubooru allows users to submit their own kinky drawings of women of all sizes and builds in their farting business, because, you know, there are people who find the lingering wafting...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Bitch Your Famous! If I was writing this review for any other website, I’d probably start off by saying I’m about to ruin your day. The thing is, I know you sick fucks all too well. Bitchyourfamous.com definitely ain’t a website for everybody, but you’re going to love it if you’re the kind of freak who likes the seedier side of the Internet.Let me give you a word of caution before we dive right in. If you’ve got a weak stomach, a weak heart or a noble one, go watch something else....

Extreme Porn Websites
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Your Daily Porn Movies! Looking for a new source of full-length porn movies? Don’t know where to look for all of the most amazing pornos that the industry has to offer for free? Well, I wish I could help you if there was a place like that but… Oh wait, there’s a place that fits that description perfectly and it’s called YourDailyPornMovies.net. Now, I don’t think you need to wonder too much about what you’re about to find on YourDailyPornMovies.net since they have everything that you need for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Fap Me If You Can! Are you looking for a new porn site that solely focuses on getting you off? Well, you can’t get much more fucking blunt than FapMeIfYouCan.net. This free tube site has only recently entered the game, but they already have a plethora of content across all types of categories. If you are looking for something a bit newer and tired of the same old porn site visits, give Fap Me If You Can a shot and see how hard it makes your cock. It made me cum – are you up to the challenge,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Reddit IfYouHadToPickOne, r/IfYouHadToPickOne! When you look at pictures of gorgeous women, do you often like to pick your favorites? Like a chick, you’d most likely take for a ride or whatever the fuck? Well, I think that that nicely explains what r/Ifyouhadtopickone/ subreddit is all about. However, there is obviously a lot more to this subreddit than just that one sentence, and I shall explain it all.First of all, Reddit is a free site. Other than r/Ifyouhadtopickone/ subreddit, there are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit YouTubeTitties, aka r/YouTubeTitties! Let’s be honest; most of us think that YouTube is filled with only SFW type of content; sure, a lot of us can find sexual themes, but that mostly includes talking. What I am saying is that you cannot really see nudity on YouTube, right? Well, wrong. There are lots of hidden gems, where you can actually see nudity on YouTube.com, but they are difficult to actually find.Well, well, well… that is why r/youtubetitties/ was created. I mean, the name...

Reddit NSFW List
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As you can already expect, this subreddit is dedicated to the lovely teen girls who are in the porn industry. From what I have seen, r/youngporn/ does not really have any amateurs here, and while you can find amateur content, usually, it is made by actual pornstars who just love to film dirty videos in their private life and share it with their lovers.Reddit is a free website with thousands of NSFW subreddits and even more subreddits that are not pornographic. This is why I always like to...

Reddit NSFW List
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I assume you are here to see lots of lovely women show off their goods… and when I say ‘lovely women’, what I really mean is ‘Young Pretty Hoes’, which is essentially the name of this subreddit. I think the title should already tell you what the fuck to expect, and unless you are a moron, you will be able to take the hint.However, there is a lot more about r/YoungPrettyHoes/ and Reddit.com, in general, you might not know, and that is where I come in. If you would like to learn more about...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit YouBoobers, aka r/YouBoobers! I’m sure we are all aware that YouTube loves to make everything friendly to the audience… and by that, I mean that usually, you cannot find any sort of nudity... that is why my fapper friends tend to visit actual porn websites instead. However, I am here to discuss a subreddit that has found all kinds of nudes on Reddit, mostly showing tits. But that can be debatable.The subreddit is called r/youboobers/, and I think the name itself ironically explains what...

Reddit NSFW List
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Your Doll! Today, we’ve gathered here to talk about why you should go over to YourDoll.Com and buy a sex doll today. But first, the humor!Back in the early 2000s, I used to think sex dolls were cringy as fuck; then I tried fucking one. I still remember the first sex doll I ever touched. I damn near blew my lungs out, blowing her up. I didn’t have one of those air pumps, because I bought the damn thing out of the back of a dude’s truck. Long story short, I ran her through the wash to make sure...

Sex Doll Shops

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