13th July 1985 - Can You Remember What You Were Doing? free porn video

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13th July 1985 - can you remember what you were doing? Can you remember what you were doing that day, I can, it and the day before and the day after were three days that would change my life forever. Firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Robin Sherwood (no men in tights jokes please) and in 1985 I was 17 years old. I lived in a bleak northern town in Thatchers 80's Britain, having moved there to be closer to my grandparents after my parents divorce. My father with his Yuppie girlfriend still lived in the Home Counties whilst the rest of the family had moved into the small 3 bed semi in this ex mining town. Mum and me had our own small bedrooms whilst my sisters Ashley (21) and my twin Lyndsey (17) shared the largest room, ( yes we all had unisex names as our parents were probably too stoned in the 60's to be original) The move north had been hard, I was the posh boy from down south, a symbol of Thatcherism and hated by the kids at school, many whose fathers had joined some of the 3 million plus unemployed after the pit closed down. Slowly, as a way of blending in I began to rebel, my hair got longer and greasier to match my new Heavy Metal rock idols. Very gradually I came to be accepted. Then I fell in with what to me were the right crowd, John Theakston and his gang. John even though he was only in the lower Sixth Form like myself was a lover of heavy rock, but as the school bully he offered me something that the scrawny southern kid needed - protection. As my first year in the Sixth form came to a close I dropped A level Chemistry and attendance to History and Geography wained too, but nothing but wild horses would not drag me away from English. Not because of my love of the subject but because of Miss Brown. Friday 12th July 1985 11:57 am I sat in one of the front row desks. I had been moved from the back of the class at the start of the year for twanging Mary Duffields bra strap, beside my desk a large Adidas bag which contained my books but today also jeans, trainers and a black Iron Maiden t shirt. I had been invited to spend Friday and Saturday night at John Theakston's house. While the world watched insincere pop stars make lame speeches and sing flatly to the world in the Live Aid Concerts, I would be enjoying the first weekend of the summer break listening to heavy rock, drinking snake bites and watching porn on the VHS that John had in his room. I shifted slightly in my seat in the hot class room, aware of the growing bulge in my trousers as I focused intently on Miss Brown. She was young, straight out of teacher training college, and had a soft Irish accent that was like hypnotic music. Her long dark brown hair fell in gentle curls to her shoulders. Today she was wearing a cream silky material blouse tucked tightly into a lime green tight pencil skirt, with tall black ankle strapped heels, that clicked seductively as she walked around the classroom, my gaze followed. The summers day heat had made her blouse cling to her body showing the outline of her lacy white bra through the thin semi transparent material. In my mind the lace covered small pert perfectly formed breasts and in the style of Kenny Everett and Benny Hill I had mentally stripped her of her skirt and blouse. She sat on the corner of the desk, and my heart rate quickened as I thought I glimpsed the tell tale hints of suspender strap through the tight lime green material. Yes matching lacy knickers and god I hoped a suspender belt and that she was wearing stockings and not tights. I was brought to my senses as a piece of white chalk flew past my right ear and smacked into the wall I was leaning against. "Robin Sherwood!" I snapped out of my day dream to the tittering laughter of the girls in the class at the use of my full and what they thought girly name. (I had used Rob for short since moving north) "Perhaps you can explain what Shakespeare meant in that paragraph", I subconsciously had turned a bright red and simply looked blank. I was quiet literally saved by the bell, the lunch time bell. Frantically 20 hungry teenagers picked up their books and joined the crowd of pupils packed into the small corridors of the old school building. "Not so fast young man" I sat back down as she clicked her way over to my graffitied wooden desk and bent over hand on each corner of the desk, affording me a glimpse of her pale cleavage and the pink decorative ribbon of her bra, her perfume sweet. She had my undivided attention as she spoke and I looked directly into her deep brown eyes surrounded with mascara long lashes and green eyeshadow. "Really Robin the day dreaming is going to have to stop if you want to continue in my class next year, I presume you do want to continue?" I mumbled an embarrassed "Yes Miss" to which she straightened up and headed back to her desk, as I began to pack my books away. "Good, I am pleased about that" she said glancing over her shoulder. Then as I headed to the classroom door "oh Robin" I stopped and turned "and yes I am wearing stockings". I blushed a bright red and scurried from the classroom her laughter following me. I made my way down the twisting dank pre war school corridors, now empty of pupils towards the boys cloakroom and dumped my bag and blazer and headed out into the July sunshine. John Theakston, along with Tony Birch and Chris Ford were waiting not far from the school doors.. They saw me coming and jumped off the low wall they had been sitting on. Theakston spoke first, "Where the bloody hell have you been, starring at Brownies tits I suppose" I blushed slightly at his comment but fired back "and where the hell where you three yesterday lunchtime" still slightly miffed that my three new friends had deserted me. Theakston wrapped his arm around my shoulder and turned me towards the school gates. "This you got to see Rob my boy, that Irish totty has got nothing on this" We made our way through the school gates and down the road, crossing at the Zebra crossing near Woolworth's. Theakston unfastened his tie, his collar already undone, and I followed suit unfastening my collar and shoving my tie in my trouser pocket. We then went down the back alleyways of several rows of back to back terrace houses before popping out on the road that headed out of town. We reached the point where the road went over the old disused railway line and climbed over the broken wooden fence. We part slid, part forced our way through the under growth down the railway cutting on to the cinder track bed of the disused railway line. I stopped and looked puzzled as to where Theakston was leading me, but he said "come on Robo" and headed off down the disused track out of town. Although it had been a colliery town, not far outside was a private school where the middle classes and rich farmers sent their daughters, some as boarders, to be educated rather than the rough town comprehensive. I could see Longridge Towers School for Girls in the distance and as the disused track got closer Theakston slowed his pace and held his fingers to his lips. Slowly almost in comic commando style we left the track and climbed and part crawled up the embankment. At the top of the old railway cutting there was a 6 foot high fence, beyond it the playing fields of the school, around which a group of girls in sports skirts and coloured blouses ran fiercely brandish hockey sticks. I looked at the girls then back to Theakston, I glanced at my red digital casio watch, aware that lunch break was nearly over and I was slightly annoyed that we had come all this way to see a group of girls running around, hell we could have sat on the wall at our school and done that. As we lay there in the long grass I whispered "all this way for that!". Theakston shook his head and pointed to the end of the closest building which looked like a gym, some 20 feet away. At that point Tony Birch peeled back the broken section of fence and we crawled and wriggled trough the small gap, then dashed to the windowless end wall of the building. Tony closed the fence back up and joined us beside a Fire Exit that was slightly ajar at the end of the red brick building. Slowly, very slowly Theakston opened the warped door and peered inside, then opened it a bit more. "coasts clear" he whispered and the other two slip through the door. I hesitated but Theakston gave me a little push and I slipped through the gap into what appeared to be a boiler room for the sports block. It was dark, only a little light came through some high level slit windows. In one corner sat what I presumed was the boiler with pipe work leading out and through the wall, on which there was some racking, presumably used by the caretaker as it was stacked with cleaning fluids, and had mops and brushes leaning against it. At floor level there was a grate in the wall, that Fordy was attacking with his Swiss army knife. It clattered slightly as it fell on the dusty floor, and I jumped slightly expecting the noise to have drawn some attention to our presence in the girls school and for the door to come flying open. Theakston pointed down at the hole the removed grate had left "go on Robo have a look, about 5 mins and those girls will be in" I looked slightly puzzled, but I presumed he meant the girls playing Hockey. Slowly I got down on the dusty floor, very aware that my shirt was already covered in grass stains was now covered in thick dust. I looked into the hole, and could make out light but nothing else. "You need to get your head right in" whispered Theakston. Slowly I wriggled forward so that the whole of my head was in the hole. Through the metal floor level grate I could make out a white tiled room, with several shower heads on the far wall. At that moment I felt a growing unease, yet as a hot blooded teenager I wanted those girls on the playing field to pile into the shower. I lay prone on the boiler room floor with my head in the hole oblivious to the whispered comments of the other three, then I felt a huge weight on my back. I tried to wriggle back but couldn't, my head banged against the side of the duct as I frantically tried to free myself. My shoes were pulled off then in one fell swoop my trousers and boxers were yanked down and off as I tried to kick back. I want to scream abuse at the three of them, but next door I could hear girls voices as they entered into their changing room. Then I felt my arms being pulled behind my back and held firmly in place as they were secured by what felt like my school tie. Suddenly the weight from my back that had crushingly restrained me was gone then someone grabbed my shirt collar and pulled, buttons popped off as it was physically ripped off me. Then just brief laughter as I heard the fire door bang shut. It took a while to wriggle back out of the hole with my arms bound behind me, even longer to stand up. I was naked bar one very dirty white sports sock, my body dirty and grazed from my struggles and attempts to free myself. I looked around the boiler room but there was no sign of my clothes. I doubted very much that the three of them would have taken them far, no doubt discarding them along the disused railway line somewhere. Cursing them I went to the fire door and tried to open it. Even standing on tiptoe, I could not get enough leverage to push the bar down and open the warped and badly fitted door open with my hands bound behind me. I tried the other door, very carefully as I was unsure what was on the other side, but it was locked. The sound of running water had stopped from next door, and I became aware how quiet everything was again. Slowly the gravity of my situation descended upon me. I was stark naked in a girls school miles from town - fucking brilliant! I knew I was in a world of shit. Despite the hot day outside the virtually windowless boiler room was, with no clothes on was cold, I sat in the corner near some hot water pipes shivering, plotting my revenge as I tried to free my painful tightly bound wrists. 3:17 pm I heard water and voices from next door, 3 times that afternoon, I had no idea of the time but guessed the voices I could hear now were those of girls getting changed from the last lesson of that Friday afternoon. Once it had gone quiet again then I would try the doors again this time with more force. Then I heard it, a key in the door that I was beside, I was shaking, partly of cold but mostly of fear of who would discover me and what they would do. The handle turned and the door swung open hiding me behind it. A girl, well more accurately a young woman walked in. In the dim room I could tell she was wearing school uniform, a black pleated skirt that came to just below the knee and pale pink blouse, she was obviously one of the older pupils as she wore natural tights not white knee socks and her long blonde her was pulled back into a high ponytail. I held my breath as she went over to the rack with the cleaning products on and picked up a brush, she turn back towards the door and that's when she let out a scream. She made to dash for the door but as I lurched with my bound hands to stand up I knocked it closed, blocking her exit. She span around pleated skirt flaring outwards and retrieved her discarded brush. Now on my feet I turned my back to her, to hide my manhood but to also show her my bound wrists "please untie me" i pleaded. With jabbing motions like a soldier with a bayoneted rifle she used the broom to force me away from the door. She opened the door slipped through it with the broom she had come to collect and quickly pulled the door shut locking it behind her. Frantically I began to struggle with my bound wrists, ignoring the pain as I expected her to return any minute with a teacher or even the police. It felt like ages, I'd given up hope of freeing myself, and was slumped back in the corner of the room again, the building in total silence. I heard the key again, and this time decided not to stand but look as pathetic and helpless as possible, drawing my knees up to my chest. The door opened and the girl, still clutching the broom defensively walked in followed by two identically dressed girls, one with fiery long red hair the other with shortish almost unisex dark brown hair. The dark haired one spoke first, she removed her hand that had been clasped to her mouth and said "oh my god Claire was right, it's a naked boy". I presumed Claire was the blonde who once again jabbed at me with the broom, more confident now with her two companions "what are you doing in here?, where are your clothes? and why are you tied up?" with each question a prod of the brooms bristled head against my naked body. The red head spoke next "never mind that Old Jensen will be cleaning up soon, if you want the answer to those questions we all need to get out before he comes in here to clean up the showers and changing room." The short brown haired one spoke again "Nightingale?" the other two nodded in agreement. I started to make a plea to them to let me go but got no further than a please, when Claire slammed the brush into me and told me to shut up. I said no more, just crouched naked and shivering in the corner, wondering who the hell Nightingale was - Head Mistress?, teacher. The red head disappeared back out through the door, whilst Claire and the other one, who I guessed from there whispered conversation was called Gina stood guard over me. A few minutes later, the red head Helen was back carrying a jumble of clothes, "all I could find in the lost property bin" she said almost apologetically, she dropped them on the floor and gave Gina a hand to pull me up off the floor in a standing position, with hands bound there was no way I could cover myself up and the girls let out a little giggle. The brown haired Gina went behind my back to untie my bonds, but the defensive Claire stopped her with a " leave it we don't want him running away, he's guilty of something." was all she said. The other two helped me into a tight high cut pair of white shorts and a pale blue T -shirt that was way to small, especially as it was pulled over my arms bound behind me making me even more unable to run. The combination of the cold and the restrictive T shirt made my nipples poke through the thin material. Helen took hold of my hair and let out a "yuck" as she pulled it up into a high ponytail. Claire nodded in approval, and said "that will do till we get him to Nightingale" With Claire, now minus her broom leading the way and tightly grasped by Helen and Gina on each side, we headed out through the previously locked door and into a brightly lit corridor. We set off down the corridor, which seemed so modern and clean compared to my comprehensives old buildings. Passed the changing room door and out through the main double doors. A covered walk way flanked by borders of shrubs headed up to the main school. It was thankfully deserted, the day boarders had all gone home for the weekend as we headed up the paved path and stairs up the slight hill to the old Gothic style building that contrasted with the more modern 70s and 80s school blocks. A shiver went down my spine as we went through a set of large oak doors into a large hall area. We immediately turned left and went up the wide staircase to the first landing and off down a corridor. Each door we passed had a plaque on it, Edith Cavell, Emilly Johnson, Emily Pankhurst then at the very end Florence Nightingale. I am sure I let out an audible sigh of relief at its sight. Nightingale wasn't a person but a room, more correctly a set of rooms. Claire opened the door and I was pushed unceremoniously into what was a small foyer, cloak room area, coats hung on pegs on the far wall, with shoes and muddy training shoes on the racking beneath it. We turned left through another doorway into a small sitting area, a tired looking sofa and two arm chairs were in this spartan room, a small television with a VHS recorder underneath and in the bayed window a small desk. The girls had brightened it up with pop posters of Wham and other trashy teeny bop pop stars. I paused to look around but the brown haired Gina pushed me after Claire through yet another doorway into what I presumed was the girls small dormitory. 4 beds with iron bedsteads where in the room, two either side with a small bedside table, chest and wardrobe each. Another girl with long dark curled hair styled like Miss Browns jumped up from her bed at the far end of the room, a puzzled look on her slightly made up face that hid the last traces of teenage acne. As she got closer her eyes widened in shock as she realised that the strangely bound person with her three girl friends was in fact a boy. The girls now excitedly talked amongst themselves, who? Where? When? And what to do with me. It was the red headed Helen, backed up by the blonde Claire that seamed to call the shots. Once again I was pushed around, down the dormitory and forced onto the chest at the end of one of the beds. Claire helped by Gina pulled the pale blue t shirt over my head and then took a dressing gown cord and tied my already bound wrists to the iron bedstead. The red headed Helen had pulled up a chair and placed it in front of me. She sat down in a very lady like fashion smoothing her pleated skirt as she sat down and then brushed her long red hair back over her shoulders as she waited for the others to sit on the surrounding beds. Then she began. "What's your name" she asked, I remained silent trying to show some back bone in what's was clearly an impossible situation. She nodded and Claire who had sat on the bed behind me yanked on the pony tail they had put in my hair, then painfully dragged her long finger nails down my bare back. I mumbled "Rob" and she instantly fired back "Rob who?" I stammered out " RRobin Sherwood" and noted the Miss Brown look alike scribble it down in what looked like the back of a diary. She asked several more questions, how old was I, where did I live, each answer was studiously noted down. Then she got to the point. I had since my discovery been trying to think up an excuse for why I was tied naked in a Girls school - in the end I decided upon honesty. "What were you doing in the gym boiler room" she finally asked, I looked up again deciding that I should look as dejected as possible hoping they would be sympathetic. "My friends brought me here, I guess as a joke". " so where are your clothes" she fired back. I could feel my throat tighten and tears welling up which I fought back "the...they took them I think" I said and instantly regretted adding the I think bit, but it seemed Helen had not picked up on it. "Great friends" she said and continued "tying you up naked, but why do you only think they took you clothes, you weren't blindfolded" I looked back down and was rewarded for my silence with another tug of the ponytail and nails dragged down my back. I looked up scared of the admission I was about to make, "because I had my head in a duct trying to spy into the showers" there was a stunned silence, no frantic note taking, no painful encouragement from behind. Helen stood up, the chair scrapped menacingly on the linoleum flooring. Just a swish as the liner of her skirt moved across her nylon clad legs. Then slap, her hand with full force across my face so hard that it flung me on to my side "you perverted little shit" Gina pulled me back up into a sitting position, and I mentally braced my self for another blow. My cheek was burning from the blow but also the embarrassment of my admission. "Stand the little pervert up" said Helen and I was dragged to my feet. "We'll what goes round comes around, you wanted to see naked girls so let's see a naked little pervert" and with that she yanked the tight high cut white shorts down. Bound as I was I was unable to do anything about being totally exposed, but this time in a brightly lit room. The blonde headed Claire let out a little shreek and said "gosh it's even smaller than I thought", Gina had come from behind me and giggled "is that normal?". Whilst the silent Miss Brown look alike stared silently on wide eyed, Helen pleased with her initial humiliation of me decided to carry it on. She went down the small dormitory to what I presumed her area and retrieved a glossy magazine, "lets see shall we" she said and held up the opened magazine with the article - How big is your man! The three girls looked at the studious girl that had been making notes up until now, and it was the girl with short Brown hair, Gina, who spoke first "Go on Jenny, you've got a ruler there measure his thing", Claire and Helen whooped and laughed and egged Jenny on until she reluctantly climbed off the bed. Blushing profusely she carefully knelt down and held the ruler near my penis and mumbled "6 centimetres". Claire bounded off the bed from behind me and grabbed the ruler off Jenny, "not like that" she said and snatched the ruler off the bright red Jenny and thrust it into my groin, "no man can be that small" she said and then she took me completely by surprise and grabbed my penis to hold it along side the ruler. I had never been touched there before by anyone, let alone a girl and in cold shocked humiliation it did the natural think, it seemed to shrink. Claire giggled and said " it's not even that, more like 2 inches" then let go. I hung my head in embarrassed shame, and to hide the tears I could feel start to roll down my cheeks. Gina turned to Helen who was reading the magazine article, "we'll what's it say". Helen had sat back down, "oh listen to this girls, there's no 2 inches but for 3-4 inches it says Why bother with him! - at that size you'll be better of doing it yourself as your fingers will hit the spot every time, spoil yourself and get a decent Dildo or better still a real man" I finally cracked and began to sob unashamedly, between each little sob I pleaded with the girls to let me go. Helen, flush with her new found power was having none of it and again she slapped me across the face and I fell painfully back onto the chest at the end of the bed. "Shut up dickless!", which caused Gina and Claire to giggle, "we haven't even started with you, you little pervert" she glanced at her watch "Dinner time girls, then we'll have some proper fun. Gina you stay with Jenny, Claire and I will get something and swap with you." I was surprised when Jenny spoke next, "it's ok I am not hungry, you three go ahead" Helen looked concerned for a while, then nodded "ok but if your staying by yourself, Claire pull those shorts back on for now, Gina check his wrists and tie his ankles too, oh and best gag him incase he tries to plead to Jenny to let him go." 6:12pm 5 minutes latter I was standing at the foot of the bed bound at knees, ankles and wrists by dressing gown cords and my own school tie, and gagged with a pale pink handkerchief. I must have looked a sight, dusty and grazed dressed in tight white girls shorts with my greasy long hair pulled up into a ponytail, I could presume no other reason why Jenny sat on the far bed starring at me. Then I had a horrible sensation, I needed to pee and right now! I tried to say something but it just came out as a mumble through the gag, as I began to struggle frantically with my bonds. Then it happened and I felt a horrible warm sensation as my bladder let go, darkening the white shorts. I stopped struggling and just hung my head in shame. Jenny got up from the far bed, "oh golly you poor thing, lets get you tidied up before the others get back". She disappeared off into what looked like a bathroom area and returned with a mop, to mop up the small but growing puddle at my feet. Having returned it she came back with a small basin of very scented soapy water. She untied my ankles and knees and carefully removed the sodden girls shorts and the single damp once white sports sock. Slowly with a pale pink sponge she began to wash the grime from my body, being extra carefully with the grazes on my chest. Then slowly and very sensually around my groin. I should have been totally humiliated at this point, but her touch was so gentle and as I hung my head I could see her knelt before me in her school uniform her pink blouse gaping to show her pale cleavage and her white bra. I tried not to but it was all very erotic and it began to show. She let out a little gasp and rocked back slightly, but then resumed her rubbing. Suddenly a hot jet of sperm let forth, narrowly missing her and splattered across the linoleum floor. She glanced around then quickly sponged me clean and wiped the floor. As she stood up she put her finger to my lips and said "that's our little secret". I stood there head spinning, in a daze as I watched the lovely Jenny move around the dormitory, towelling me dry and then slipping something up my legs and up to my waist to give me some dignity, before re tying my knees and ankles. It was almost 7pm when Claire, Gina and Helen returned to the dormitory and gave out a collective shriek that brought me around from day dreaming about the lovely Jenny. Helen said "Jenny you little minx, have you been taking a sneaky peek". The other two just giggled wildly as Helen continued " but what an absolutely fabulous way to humiliate the little pervert." She stuck her finger in the waist band and let it twang back. It was then I became aware that I was wearing pale pink panties, decorated with white lace, worse still my day dreaming about the Miss Brown look a like Jenny had caused me to become fully erect and the panties strained tightly at the front. "But he does seem to enjoy his humiliation" The girls disappeared into a huddle on the far bed and began a hushed discussion, occasionally letting out a loud giggle or looking over at me. All the time I stood bound in pink panties and gagged staring at the clock on the wall contemplating my fate and knowing that no one would know I was missing until at least Sunday night. 9:27pm My arms legs in fact my whole body seemed to ache and my mouth felt dry. I watched as Helen once again sat before me smoothing her pleated skirt then brushing her long red hair back. The girls had removed the school tie that had bound my wrists and I rubbed them, pins and needles painful in my hands as the circulation was restored. My gag had also been removed and I took the glass of water I had been offered by Jenny and sipped it. "Well well well, what are we to do with you Robin Sherwood. Your a real conundrum, a pepping Tom, who likes wearing girls panties." I sat motionless on the chest and kept my head down saying nothing, out of the corner of my eye I saw Jenny give me a brief smile. "If it was down to me, you'd regret the day you came to this school, then I'd hand you to the teachers and police" I looked up briefly but kept my head down, my voice weak from my dry mouth "Not that please" she gave me a wicked smile, "you may regret saying that". She stood up and walked around to the back of the chair, her heels clicking on the linoleum floor. She held the back of the chair bending over slightly. "The others have decided we should let you go", I whispered a "thank you" but Helen merely dismissed it with a wave of her hand "that's after we've had our fun with you" she left it hanging in the air, "but tomorrow we'll send you on your way" and she let out a vicious laugh. Gina untied my ankles and with the help of Claire made me bunny hope across to the far wardrobe. Jenny's clothes had been pushed down the far end and the top of a raised draw area cleared for me to sit on. I looked confused. Jenny said "it's ok we need to hide you before 10pm when the duty teacher comes around" I sat down on the draws and whilst Gina tied my ankles to the bottom shoe rail, Jenny gently tied my wrist in front of me then secured them with a long loose dressing gown cord to the clothes rail above. Claire mean while took a thin looking tan stocking from the draw a dragged it into my mouth tying it behind my head. Helen nodded her approval ."sweet dreams dickless" she said as she closed the wardrobe door and turned the key in the lock. I lent forward in the darkness, the only light coming through the key hole now that Helen had removed the key. I sat silently and watched as the girls appeared walking back and forth in various states of undress, but through out it was Jenny that was the closest and remained in view through out. I am not sure if she was being total naive or whether she knew I was looking at her from the key hole as she faced the wardrobe and began slowly to undress ready for bed. I sat mesmerised as she looked down coyly and slowly began to unfasten the small buttons on her pink short puffed sleeved uniform blouse, then gentle slipped it of her shoulders, revealing her white lace bra, with a pink ribbon in between the cups, just as Miss Browns had had, was that only 10 hours ago. Then still facing me she unfastened the side button and zip of her pleated black skirt. She gave a little wriggle and it slipped with a whoosh over her hips and down her nylon clad legs. She disappeared from view but returned quickly her natural coloured tights removed. Her back was to me now as she bent over to retrieve her discarded skirt and blouse, the satin of her white panties pulled tight across her buttocks. She placed the clothes on the bed and then reached around her back and unfastened the clasp of her bra which she slid from her shoulders and placed on the bed. She turned away from the others arms crossed hiding her nakedness. As she dropped her arms I starred intently at her pale pert breasts with her nipples standing proud. Slowly she slid the white satin panties down her smooth legs and stepped out of them standing totally naked before me, just a small triangle of brown curls hiding her most intimate area. It was then I knew that she knew I was watching, she paused totally naked before turning slowly around back to the bed then disappeared from view. The other girls had changed for bed when I heard the door open and the click of heels across the floor. Framed in the doorway a woman in her late 30's looking almost triangular in shape due to shoulder pads on her jacket "good night girls" she said and switched the lights off plunging the dormitory into darkness. Saturday 13th July 1985 08:02am It had taken a while to get to sleep sat upright in the wardrobe, bound and gaged wearing pink girls panties. I had heard no movement when suddenly the wardrobe door was pulled open, the daylight dazzling me. It was Jenny, already dressed casually in a pale yellow slash neck dress that came to mid calf length, belted at the waist. She looked over her shoulder and quickly began to unfasten the bond at my ankles, knees and from the clothes rail above. I could feel my heart racing, was she going to set me free, whilst the others still slept. My hopes were dashed when she left my wrists bound and then Jenny and the blonde Claire dragged me blinking into the daylight of the dormitory. My heart sank, my brain needed coffee and I tried to focus my blinking eyes. Before me and both dressed in black swimsuits were Gina and what I now decided was the leader of the coven Helen. "Morning dickless, welcome to your day of dreams" she let loose with her scary laugh again "so you wanted to see what us girls get up to in the shower, well time to find out". From behind either Claire or Jenny pushed me and the other two grabbed me on either side and dragged me through the doorway from where Jenny had retrieved a mop yesterday. The room was spartan, plain white tiles, down one wall 4 sinks, each with a cabinet above. Down the far end three doors, which I presume contained toilets, but one was ajar showing a large bath. On the opposite side two showers, with curtains pulled back. The two swimsuit clad girls dragged me to the shower and quickly secured my wrists to the shower head rail. Then without warning the shower was switched on without having had time to warm up, I would have screamed out had it not been for the stocking gag. The icy water also had another effect, when Gina dragged the sodden pink panties from me Helen exclaimed "I sure that's smaller than yesterday if that's possible" a comment not helped by the fact she was squeezing my balls "having fun yet". The water had warmed up now and Gina joined me in the cubicle. "So what do you think we do in the shower Robin" said Gina and I watch fascinated as she reached out and touched Helen's breast, then she reached up and produced a bottle of something that she looked like she was about to squirt down her cleavage. She looked at me coyly as I tried to focus through the streaming water "why silly we wash our hair" she said as she squirted a large dollop of heavily perfumed shampoo on to my long hair. For what felt like the next 10 minutes Gina pummelled my scalp with shampoo and conditioner, her body close to mine only the thin material of the costume between us. Satisfied with her handy work Gina stepped out of the shower, to be replaced by Helen who lent forward and whispered in my ear "know what else us girls do in the shower" she winked and from behind her back she produced a pink razor which she held at groin height. My eyes must of widened in terror and despite the noise of the running shower my muffled protest must have been heard through the now sodden gag. She smiled, the razor disappearing from view and just as suddenly the water stopped, at last I thought another ordeal over with before they sent me on my way. How wrong I was. Soon Helen was working some lotion all over my body, and I mean all over, underarms, around my groin which she treated like a butcher would some meat, her nails scratching cruelly when she wanted to. But that wasn't painfully if was the stinging sensation that followed, my whole body seemed to be on fire and I struggled to free my bound hands, Helen just stood there in her swimming costume and laughed, glanced at her watch then turned on the shower. At that point in my life I had hardly heard of conditioner let alone veet, some god damn witches potion that burnt like hell and with the shower switched back on allowed all my prized manly hair to be washed away down the drain. The bitch Helen had done the last bit deliberately on fully cold and now hairless and shivering uncontrollably I was lead naked from the shower. Jenny hurried towards me and despite protests from Gina she wrapped a large white fluffy dressing gown over my shoulders. A chair had been placed in the centre of the bathroom area, and I was made to sit in it, quickly Helen and Gina secured my wrists to the chair arms and ankles to the chair legs. I glanced around, there was no sign of Jenny, just the blonde haired Claire who had discovered me naked yesterday. She was dressed in baggy jeans, with a orange top that only had a single shoulder strap. She walked slowly around the chair, her bare feet silent on the tiled floor. Disappearing from view behind me. Slowly she began to brush out my long hair, taking great effort to untangle the years worth of manly neglect. Helen and Gina appeared in the dormitory doorway, "Think you can do anything with it" asked Helen. From behind me Claire replied "Think so, seen my mama do it often enough. Will need to cut some layers into it, but should be able to keep it long. Maybe curl or perm it too." That last bit grabbed my attention, but my protests came out as a mumble through the damp stocking. "Oh look, he's so excited about it" teased Gina "that's going to take a while" said Helen "why don't you get Miss Sherwood a magazine". Giggling Gina disappeared from view but soon returned. The chair to which I was bound had a desk part that swivelled from one arm and she pulled that across in front of me. She laid out some magazines, Vogue Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire. "Oh silly me your a little tied up" and she picked one up and opened it up before me laying it on top of the others "you may find this interesting" I glanced down and instantly felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment at seeing the title of the article "Give your man the perfect BJ" For what felt like an eternity I sat there Claire moving my head around, but mainly chin down so I was staring at the embarrassing article. Considering she was keeping my hair long, large amounts seemed to be falling to the tiled floor, then she stopped there was more combing, then what felt like she was tightly rolling my hair up. At last she was done, she came around the front and said "just needs to dry now, I'll pop back in an hour see how your getting on" then walked out the bathroom leaving me alone. I was not alone for long, Helen came back into the room her damp hair pulled back in a pony tail, she was wearing jeans and a tight white short sleeved top the seem to cling to her every curve. She had a small bottle in her hand which even I recognised as pink nail varnish. I screwed my hands up into fists, at which she just flicked the dressing gown open exposing me. She looked over her shoulder and called for Jenny to come through. "If he doesn't let me do his nails or he moves squeeze his balls until he screams". I believed her so unclenched my hands. Jenny sat on the tiled floor beside the chair, smoothing out her pale yellow dress before covering up my manhood back up. Helen went to work on my finger and toe nails, filing them then painting them a deep dark pink colour. I sat there motionless head down confronted by the girly magazines, I glanced down to my left at the cute Jenny, she smiled at me and I gave a brief smile back, her hand was under the folds of the dressing gown ready to carry out Helen's threat. Instead her hand slowly moved across my smooth thighs and down ever so slowly so that her fingers brushed along my penis, which responded to her touch. All the time that Helen worked on my nails Jenny maintained eye contact and unnoticed by Helen teased me under the folds of the dressing gown. I became harder and harder especially when I noticed Jenny's nipples through the thin material of her bra and dress. Then she stopped, giving me a slight wink, and now that Helen had finished withdrew her hand and stood back up, but Helen had not done completely. She pushed the desk arm back, and straddled me sitting on my knees. With her left hand she grabbed my chin and forced my head back and to one side so that I could not move. I had thought that the veet had been painful but what followed next was excruciating and I surely would have cried out in pain had in not been for the stocking gag as Helen took some tweezers and plucked my eyebrow. My erection soon disappeared and tears rolled down my face as she worked on one eyebrow then the other. Satisfied she stood up and as she left someone from the other room yelled through "hurry up its about to start" 12.01pm From the far room on the other side of the dormitory, I could hear Status Quo singing "rocking all over the world". I sat there contemplating how I had ended up like this, what ever this was. I glanced around the plain white tiled room, the bathroom cabinets with their mirrors too high up the walls to see Helen and Claire's hand work, well apart from the bright pink finger nails and toe nails I now had. I glanced down at the girls magazines, the only thing I had to focus on as I wondered when this would end, how I could get away with it, and plotted my revenge on Theakston, knowing far well that that wouldn't happen. It felt like an age, god knows what time it was but Ultravox I think we're singing Vienna. Jenny came back alone into the room. She paused in the doorway the light behind making the skirt of her yellow dress almost transparent. "Just thought I'd come and see how your doing Robin Sherwood, I don't really like what's coming on next" She was smiling at me as she removed the stocking gag and I smiled back, any thought of escape gone "I could do with something to eat and drink oh and the loo" she giggled "don't want any more accidents now do we" she said as she knelt down on the tiled floor and began to fasten my bonds. I stood up unsteadily and made my way to the toilet cubicle to relieve my self. I tied a knot in the dressing gown, the only thing protecting my nakedness from the 4 girls and emerged from the toilet. "Now what" I said lamely. Another smile from Jenny, "we'll I suspect Clare wants to take those curlers out, but there's no way to drag her away from the telly. Are you going to be good boy or do we need to tie you back up" I nodded "good" said Jenny and lead me through the dormitory and down to the small common room area. I must admit Helen looked a little cross at first that Jenny had released me without her permission but that soon disappeared as Claire went to work removing my rollers. She brushed my hair out and I don't know what was worse having to endure the giggles of Gina and Helen or the music of Nik Kershaw The girls eventually stopped laughing. I sat there on the small couch totally humiliated. "God he looks pale" said Gina. "I'll get him a drink and something to eat" said Jenny, but it was Claire's comment that stopped the room dead " or a fake tan!." There was a long pause, Helen had a troublesome twinkle in her eyes "What an absolutely fab idea Claire give him a bikini line ", everyone bar Jenny dissolved into absolute hysterics even drowning out Sade A few minutes latter Claire reappeared with what latter Timmy Mallet would describe as a tinny Weeny yellow polka dot bikini. Whilst Sting and Phil Colins played in the back ground I slipped the very brief bikini briefs up my smooth hairless legs, only just hiding my small man hood. Then the girls made me unfasten the dressing gown, and I let it slip to the floor. By now I had figured total submission was my best defence, hoping they would bore of theirs games, set me free and watch the rest of Live Aid. I stood here meekly as the bikini top was slipped onto me and Gina fastened the clasp at the back. I was so relieved that there was no mirror in the room so that I hadn't to endure the humiliation of being stood before these 4 girls in a bikini. Again it was Helen and Gina who were at the forefront of my humiliation covering me from head to toe in the foul almost yeast like smelling fake, yet taking great care to ensure none went under the bikini. Happy with their work I was made to stand on the desk in the bay window through which the sun light streamed as they watched Live Aud. I don't know what time it was but Elton John and Wham I think were playing when I eventually plucked up the courage to speak "excuse me but when can I go home" Helen hit the mute button on the matsui portable tv they were watching "we'll if you want to go home like that dickless, right now!" The thought of walking home in a northern industrial town early Saturday evening in a skimpy bikini scared me shitless "no no it's ok " I said, Helen smiled, "in the morning I promise, but its to late now and Live Aid s on" With a nod from her Claire and Gina took me down from the table and secured me in Jenny's wardrobe again. Tired, dejected and Hungry I soon fell asleep. Sunday 14th July 1985 07:32am If Saturday had been a day of slow humiliation I soon realised that today worse was in store. The cupboard doors were yanked open, sunlight blinding me as the girls untied my bonds and I was dragged blinking into the daylight wearing just the yellow bikini. A pink shower cap was pulled on my head and my newly acquired mass of curls shoved underneath. I was half dragged then pushed into a shower cubicle and I braced myself for the shock of the cold running water, yet it was warm and as I glanced down the bottom of the shower cubicle turned a sandy brown as the last residue of the foul smelling fake tan was washed from my normally pale skin. I was soon dragged dripping on the floor straight through to the dormitory were Claire and Gina towelled me dry, of Jenny there was no sign, but from the corner of my eye on I saw an out fit and some underwear layer out on her bed. Helen was dressed in baggy white shorts and a sash pastel pink top with citrus yellow cardigan tied around her shoulders. "Last part of your punishment dickless" she said then made her horribly laugh. If yesterday the girls had kept my appearance a secret, today they had not, and I almost let out a sob as I caught sight of myself. Think dark shoulder length curls that made my hair shorter, but so much more fuller and unmistakably feminine, especially with the thin arched eyebrows. My mind raced trying to think up excuses and solutions for when I got home. Grease it all up and get a crew cut was I figured the easiest option and shave the eyebrows off and explain it away as a practical joke when I was drunk. Then my heart sank, with a tahdah and a flourish, Gina whipped off my bikini top to reveal two very pale triangle shapes around my nipples where the bikini had been, and I just hoped it would fade come September and the start of school again. Then they made me strip completely and I was left standing with only my hands to hide my nakedness, stood in the centre of the dormitory surrounded by the 3 girls. Gina retrieved a pair of white lace panties with a large pink bow on the front waist band from Jenny's bed and I took them gratefully and slipped them on to hide my nakedness, though my small penis still showed through the thinness of the lace. Then Gina and Claire took an arm each and quickly secured me by my wrist to then bed end either side of the dormitory. My head was spinning with how quickly events were moving. I felt something soft and lacy being wrapped around my waist but had no view off a mirror to see what it was before I was pushed unceremoniously into a chair. That's was once again Claire's cue and she removed the shower cap, and brushed out my hair again. Satisfied she sprayed it with what felt like an entire golden can of Harmony Hairspray. Then it was Helen's turn, again with my head pushed fully back she attacked my face with creams powders and brushes, and I dare not flinch as she moved a sharp pencil around my pulled eyelids then a thick black brush along my eyelashes. There was a stunned silence as Helen stood back and admired her work. I looked around to see if I could catch sight of myself in a mirror but I couldn't. "Let's get him dressed" said Gina giggling as she went over to Jenny's bed a picked up a white very lacy bra with the same pink bow in between the cups that matched then panties. The girls were still cautious, thinking I'd try and escape, so one arm at a time the unfastened mybwrist, slipped the bra strap on then re secured my bonds. Gina pulled it all into place, then fastened the bra on its smallest setting so that I could instantly feel its constriction. Helen pulled the cups back one at a time and shoved what looked like a chicken fillet into each cup and pulled my own chest up and over it, the result small but convincing breasts that filled Jenny's bra. I was pushed back onto the chair again and one foot at a time I was instructed to point my toes like a ballerina. Each time Helen put a donut of pale whitish nylon around each foot and slowly very slowly unrolled the pale almost white stockings up my leg till she reached the deep lace top and attached it to what I now guessed was a lacy white suspender belt wrapped around me. Gina was in a fit of giggles and Claire was trying to control herself, but Helen just went through to the lounge area, music came on I suppose to hid the giggles. As Wham blasted out Helen returned with a small tube of something. The liquid was cold and gel like as she squeezed it on the stocking clasps and the hook and eyes at the back of the bra and suspender belt. Gina stopped giggling "what's that Helen" she enquired. "Why it's Super Glue so he enjoys it a little longer" and with that all three burst out laughing again. Next came the shoes, three inched heeled navy blue shoes with an ankle strap that would make sure I couldn't just kick them off. The girls pulled me tottering to my feet and the chair was taken away. The girls were more confident now that I wouldn't be running away dressed as I was in heels stockings and suspenders underwear and full make up and hair, without it looking like some Benny Hill scene. The ropes around my wrist were untied and I massaged them trying to restore some circulation, hoping that the girls would give me more clothes to wear. I did not have to wait long they instructed me to raise my arms and a long spaghetti strapped slip was pulled over my head. It was creamy white with a deep lace hem with lace also up the two side splits. Then came the dress, dark blue with small yellow flowers on the print. I saw the label as it was pulled over my head, Laura Ashley size 10, which I would latter learn was about as Girly as you could get. The dress had short puffed sleeves and had a sweetheart neckline that was pushed slightly out by the padding of the bra. The bodice was tight once one of the girls had fastened the back zipper that was concealed behind a flap that was secured by small cloth covered buttons. The skirt flared out from the tight thin blue velvet waist band, and was slightly pleated and came down to just below the knee. The girls nodded there approval to each other, but it was Claire who said "he needs some jewellery" she ran across to Jenny's bed side table and pulled out a box. Very carefully she fastened a long pearl necklace around my neck then attached the matching clip on earrings to my ear lobes, nipping painfully. "Shame Jenny can't see how good he looks in all her stuff" said Claire, "oh but she can" said Helen, and with Gina she went through to the living area. What I saw next shocked me, her hands were tied behind her back and there was is big bruise on her upper arm so bright against her pale skin. The thin strap of her nighty was broken and the material slightly ripped so that her nipple was just visible from the drooping material of her cup. I must of looked shocked and was about to say something when Helen said "we caught her last night snooping around for the wardrobe key to set you free." She paused "we'll what do you think of your new boy friend now, quiet a dish isn't he" then that same mischievous look across her face, she walked across to her "oh Jenny you could make an effort for him" with that she grasped the remains of her nightie and ripped it from her. She collapsed to the floor in a futile attempt to hide her nakedness, but she was pulled to her feet by Gina and held there. I turned my head, but Helen grabbed my chin and turned my head towards the naked Jenny. Then slowly she ran her hand down the front of the dress I was wearing and paused over the bulge in my groin. "Well well well, someone's happy". She gave me a wink "now shall we see if its because he likes the look of pretty little Jenny here or just wearing her pretty girly clothes" The chair was brought back scrapping on the linoleum floor. I was pushed back down and my hands secured to the back of the chair, my ankles to the legs of it. Helen then pulled up the skirt of my dress and slip up to my waist exposing my lace top stockings and white panties which she pulled aside allowing my small penis to spring to attention as it was at the sight of the naked Jenny. Poor naked Jenny was dragged forward and pushed to her knees before me. Helen grabbed her long Curley brown hair and twisted it, causing Jenny to yelp in pain. A real man would have sprung from his bonds at that point and saved the poor girl, instead I sat there helpless as Helen said "suck it" and cruelly pushed her head towards my groin. I felt Jenny's warm breath then her soft lips close around my erect penis. It was something I had dreamed of all my teenage years a BJ from a pretty girl, but not like this, yes oh god from Jenny but not as she was being forced to do it. With her hair held tight by Helen, Jenny was forced back and forth along my small erect penis. God I wanted to cum, but at the same time knew it was so wrong. Desperately I tried to imagine people Margret Thatcher, Edwina Curry, Alison Moyet, Nina damn even with her hairy armpits that wasn't working, oh god Arthur Scargill, thank god that did it, despite Jenny's forced efforts I could feel my penis becoming smaller and softer. Tears ran down Jenny's cheeks and onto her breasts and I stared mesmerised as a tear drop hung from her right nipple. In the end Helen, could see her little game was going nowhere and she pulled the naked Jenny back, and untied her hands allowing Jenny to flee sobbing into the bathroom. I was left tied to the chair for about an hour with my panties pulled to one side. It was only when Jenny reappeared dressed in a white and blue vertical stripped belted dress that I was released. With Jenny's help I stood up and adjusted the lingerie, swaying slightly as I became accustomed to the high heels. The other three girls where present in the dormitory. Helen stepped forward and grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards the small lounge area. "Time to go home dickless" she said as with the help of Claire I was practically frogmarched through the room and small foyer and out into the corridor. I couldn't believe the racket just my heels made on the wooden floor as we made our way along the corridor, back towards to stairway in the large entrance hall, down the stairs and through the huge wooden doors to outside. In the distance I could see the fence and for a brief second I though of making a dash for the hole in it that I had snuck through on the Friday in a hope of finding my male clothing but immediately realised that I would not be able to out run the girls wearing flat shoes and trainers in my high heels. As we made our way through the school grounds to the main gate I became aware of the new sensations I was experiencing. The light breeze ruffled my hair and moved the skirt of the dress. Each step I made allowed the warm summer breeze to find the tops of my stockings, the suspender straps of which seemed to pull with each delicate carefully placed step as I was taken to the school gate. I felt slightly breathless when we reached them, part through fear, part from the tight constricting bands of white lacy lingerie wrapped around me. At the gate Helen and Claire let go of me and I looked around slightly puzzled, "We'll go on then trot off home like a good girl" said Helen making the other two giggle. I turned grateful to be finally free, hoping that this wasn't some trick. Wolf whistles followed me down the path, then I heard foot steps quickening towards me, scared I turned around, the three girls were about 50yards behind cat calling as Jenny rushed towards me. She stopped beside me and took my hand "I'll come with you Robin" she said and we turned and began the long walk into town in silence just the other three behind us making the odd comment. A dark blue Ford XR2 went past and sounded its horn at us as we walked into town. I didn't know what to say to Jenny then decided on just a simple "thank you". She looked at me slightly puzzled, so I continued "for trying to set me free last night and for walking me home now" we walked in silence a few more steps " i am sorry they did that to you" I took her other hand and she looked down coyly "I am sorry you didn't like it Robin". I could feel myself blushing "I didn't want Helen to humiliate you anymore than she had - it took all my will power". Jenny smiled and we continued to walk towards the town heels clicking on the pavement. As we reached the town I was grateful that the other three girls had bored of there humiliating name calling and now just followed behind. My heart rate quickened as we walked through the streets towards my home, fearfully that every passerby would see me for what I was a boy in pretty dress. Thankfully it being a Sunday all the shops were closed and the streets were relatively quiet. Eventually we reached the top of my road I stopped, no one was in the street, just the sound of a lawn mower. Jenny held both my hands again. "So this is where you live" she said looking down the row of small semi detached houses, I nodded "just down there number 7". "Will you be able to get in ok" asked Jenny. I hadn't thought about my house keys being in my school bag, and I hoped my mother had left a key in the pot by the garage. I nodded to Jenny and she stood slightly on tip toe to kiss me full on the lips. A tingle ran through my entire body. "Good luck Robin - I'll see you on Wednesday about 4pm to collect my clothes if that's ok". I replied yes happy that I would see the lovely Jenny again, maybe kiss her, but this time in trousers. I asked Jenny if she would be ok with Helen and the other girls, she smiled and replied "my mother is one of the school governors, I'll be ok". Having said our goodbyes I made my way as quickly as heels and a dress would allow me down the road to my driveway. I looked back but Jenny and the girls had gone. Thankfully Mums red metro wasn't in the drive, quickly I felt in the pot and found the back door key. Very slowly I eased the kitchen door open and listened, the house was silent, hopefully mum had taken Ashley and Lyndsey to see my Grand parents, even so I was still careful. I closed the door quietly behind me and tip toed the best I could across the tiled kitchen floor, trying to avoid my heels clicking. Down the hallway, where I caught a glimpse of myself in the long hallway mirror, looking like my twin sister, but only dressed more feminine than she ever did. I snuck up the stairs and into my bedroom and froze. My mum was bent over changing the bed linen, she must have seen the heels as she didn't turn around at first but just said " your back early honey" thinking it was one of my sisters. I was frozen with fear, I had no where to run or hide as my mum straightened up and turned around. A puzzled look came across her face then her hands went up to her mouth in shock then she said "Robin! Oh gosh it is you" I had finally come to my senses and had decided to flee to the bathroom but my mum grabbed my hand. "Oh no you don't - you have a lot of explaining to do" she said with a look in her eye that could still strike fear into a 17 year old boy. Half an hour latter I was sat at the kitchen table still wearing the blue Laura Ashley Dress, a full mug of cold tea still in front of me. Things had gone from bad to worse, Ashley and Lyndsey had come home and had sat in disbelieve as I tried to explain how had come to be dressed and look as I did. My mums mood had gone from shock to mad to furious as I explained what I had been doing at Longridge towers school for girls. She had calmed down now though, she stood up "I think those girls were right to punish you, you need to learn a lesson young man or should I say lady" the girls giggled "it's going to be a long summer for you Robin Sherwood" To be continued in the "Summer of 85"

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Tuesday July 4

The Visitor Monica's Diary Tuesday, July 4 "Consternation to the enemies of the Republic! God save the United States of America!" This is how Nathan usually greets the holiday, after he has awakened us by firing a blank black-powder charge from a miniature cannon he took in payment for some carpentry work many years ago. He always takes this day off and always uses it to catechize the children on the Declaration of Independence. Hannah has memorized the preamble paragraph, the...

4 years ago
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Mr Millers 4th of July Party

Authors note: This is a sequel to Mr. Miller's Christmas story. You may wantto read that one first. Mr. Miller's 4th of July Party By Deputy Duffy Time moved slowly between Christmas and the 4th of July. Not a day went bythat I didn't think about the events that occurred at Mr. Miller's Christmasparty. It didn't help that I'd frequently run into people I saw at the party,but couldn't say anything because they didn't know I was even there. No onedid, aside from the Millers and the other Santas,...

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4th of July Parade

The 4Th of July Parade, By G. lacy panties It all started with a string of bets, and ended up with me walking in the 4th of July Parade wearing a Red, white and blue dress, with a giant petticoat, stockings, high heeled shoes and a giant floppy hat. My wife and I are fiercely completive and constantly make bets with each other over the silliest things! And push the losers willingness to do outrages things eat things that are disliked, do all the chorus around the house for a set...

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French NieceChapter 2 New York Summer 1985

My sister, simply Mary then, was born six years before me, and was probably more surprised by my sudden appearance than my father. Dad was sixty when I was born, and greeted the son he had given up hoping for, a son who could carry on the proud tradition of the New York Browns, with jubilation. In one day Mary went from being the only child of a wealthy family, an always spoiled girl who had been the most important person in the Brown household, into almost an afterthought, the arrival of...

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BurrChapter 5 Labor Day 1985

Later that day when I spoke to Ellen she told me that she had been upstairs, making the beds. "You didn't drink your orange juice," she said accusingly. "Do you know how much a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice costs in a restaurant? Your family can afford fresh squeezed orange juice and blow jobs and you rich boys take it all for granted. I don't want anything else to do with you." "But Ellen, its not that way," I tried to reason with her. About that time Suzanne came in from...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 1 1985 1994

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. Government is a pleasant facade -- one most of our kind can live with. We often just leave such niceties to the mundane. It's not like we don't care about our day to day needs; we can still die of starvation. We die of thirst, and of cold. Like all living...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

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July July

July is my favorite month as it’s beach weather in New England and I love the beach — and, of course, sex!  The month had started with a few great swingers' parties but nothing worth recording as it was my husband and I who had fun together.But I also had fun on my own. I met the gym boys for a threesome, but it ended faster then it started. I love those guys, but it’s becoming routine and I hate routine.Then there was Nate (see Stanley Cup Part Two). I was absolutely in love with him, and he...

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Fourth Of July Party

+++++ Fourth Of July Party My wife and I decided to host a family “Forth of July” party on our farm. We have several hundred acres of land and can do just about anything that we want to do. It was planned several months in advance so that I had plenty of time to prepare a field up in the back forty to hold the party. Since the forth was on a Wednesday this year we invited everyone that we knew to spend the entire week and both weekends too. People could bring their tents or...

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Fourth of July Texas Style

Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...

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Gay 4th Of July

Gay 4th Of JulyBy: Londebaaz Chohan College had notified Dylan in writing that from next semester, he will not be given a room in the dormitory and still having no otherwise arrangements made, Dylan moved back home and at home he was given the news that if he had to continue his education, he better look for some financial aid, some scholarship or get his ass off to some work every morning and save a decent amount of money showing his will to study and also to pay for the room rent. His mom had...

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Hot Fourth of July Pool Party

My Fourth of JulyMy boyfriend and me were having some problems. Well, I was having a problem that he wasn’t turning me on anymore. I liked him, but I didn’t want to be with him anymore. There were so many hot guys that I wanted to play with. I wanted to play with others and him, experiment with fetishes like leather, BDSM, lycra/spandex, web camming, etc. And, he thought I was sick and pervie. He wasn’t up for it at all, so when I got a call from a buddy inviting me to a pool party on the...

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Fifth of July Hangover

Fifth of July Hangover by Deputy Duffy It was Independence Day when I got a phone message from my Aunt Peg.When I heard her whiny voice, I knew she wasn't wishing me a happy fourthor inviting me over for a cookout. She seemed to call only when she neededsomething. I wish that included something provocative, since she looked anddressed sort of like Peg Bundy, and that would have fulfilled a couple oflong-standing fantasies of mine. But usually it was just some sort of householdrepair or...

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The 4th of July Massacre 2

As Cap approached me with his enormous smile which matched his cock he was stroking, I attempted to climb to my feet. The swelling in my pussy and asshole was increasing with every second. I continued to wipe the large amounts of cum from my eyes, tring to clear my blured vision. "That's ok doll stay on your knees, that's were I want you," Cap said as he made it to me. I glanced his direction and his fully erect cock was dangling in front of me. He lifted it up with one hand, taking my face...

Group Sex
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July 1966

Of course, I had attempted the juvenile fumbling with friends but, coming from a strict catholic family in the North of England, the very idea of any form of sex was likely to send me tumbling into the pits of hell, or so I thought. This was 1966; 9 years after Lord Wolfenden had advised the British government that homosexuality should not be a criminal offense and one year before they partially decriminalized gay sex. I was eighteen years old, naive, cute with dark eyebrows and curly blond...

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The Tale of Two Julys

I hadn't seen him at all in nearly 20 years and it has been 23 since we first met. We had a hot night of sex when I was 19 years old on a hot July night. Twenty one years is a long time, he had found me on social media just two weeks ago. We had been emailing and texting almost non stop and here was the day I would see him again. The past 2 weeks we have flirted online with each other talking about what an incredible night we shared on a late night 4th of July after he had seen me earlier in my...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 3

The more she talked the harder my cock got. She told me that starting at the age of 8 when I tied her up, she would go to her room afterwards and play with her slit. When she was 9 her clit made its' first appearance and she began getting mini orgasms. By the time we quit when she was 10 she was having orgasms while I was tying her. That was one of the reasons she quit, she was getting embarrassed about it and didn't want me to see. She continued to play with herself, but to make up for not...

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13th I Join Up

Now my mind was made up that summer seemed to pass slower than ever. I had written to Alan and told him of my plans and his letters got fewer and fewer. He had moved back home after his school year ended, so I managed to take a few days off to go home and see him over one weekend. Emma was off on her holiday to the continent somewhere, so I didn’t tell her about going home. I was able to go dancing with Alan on the Saturday night and had a wonderful time, we left the dance early to go and...

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13th I Join Up

Now my mind was made up that summer seemed to pass slower than ever. I had written to Alan and told him of my plans and his letters got fewer and fewer. He had moved back home after his school year ended, so I managed to take a few days off to go home and see him over one weekend. Emma was off on her holiday to the continent somewhere, so I didn't tell her about going home. I was able to go dancing with Alan on the Saturday night and had a wonderful time, we left the dance early to go and...

Straight Sex
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 3 Like Werewolves Ate The Cashiers Coupons

I stepped out on the roof of the building. Bianca had sent me to get Professor James. I wondered if he would mind being called PJ. "Hey, Professor!" I called out. He stood at the edge of the roof facing the street. I preferred the river view since zombies couldn't walk on water. "We're ready to go." "So Bianca settled on you being her errand boy," he said smiling. I walked to his side to get a look down at the street. Not a lot of zombies. Too bad! "Much better than Stephen and...

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Ms Americana The Palace

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS.   Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.   Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.                 MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall              Sugar...

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A Lily in July

I am an only child. My mother died during child birth and my father never remarried. My father died in a car accident the summer after I graduated; a drunk driver crossed the double lines and hit him head on. I sold the house and his business. Between the money from the sales and his life insurance, I was able to buy a house close to the college I was to attend and have plenty of money left over that I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. It was a nice little neighborhood;...

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E072 Fourth of July

The next month or so flies by for Donald and Emma.  Plans for their pool are developing, and the building of it will soon begin.  All the work needed to be done on Emma’s house is finished, and a realtor has placed in on the market.  The asking price amazes Emma some as she did not realize the value of the property. The furniture auction is complete, there are still a couple more things to sell, but her bank account is rising substantially.  The one-hundred-dollar bills are saved for future...

Love Stories
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Sharing CIndy Chapter 28 4th of July Fun

Introduction: My wife teases in the pool and the shower. Sharing Cindy Chapter 28 A Fun Fourth Of July I have always loved the Fourth of July holiday. I love watching the fireworks. I love the food, the fun and being together with friends, having a great time, celebrating the independence of our great country. I also love the fact that it falls right in the middle of summer, meaning the women are usually wearing very little clothing or simply bathing suits. When Cindy and I purchased our...

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Lactating Hot Wife Chapter 5 Fourth of July at Vail CO

The relationship: In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. In the weeks following my decision to open my marriage, as well as my thighs to my husband's best friend, Glenn, the emotional entanglements became more obvious and real. Glenn claimed that he was in love with me. If I am honest, I shared those feelings towards him as well. My emotional connection to Glenn was not surprising since he was only the second man with whom I had made love, and the second man with whom I had ever...

Wife Lovers
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Jock TalesHappy 4th of July

Happy 4th of JulySummer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase--“one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But—I could...

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Fourth of July breeding bang Day 1

My Master decided to breed me. He took me off birth control last month, and had me count the days to my ovulation this month. He settled on the 4th and 5th of July which is my most fertile time. He wants me to have a black baby without having any idea who the baby daddy is so he set up two breeding gang bangs for me. Last week I got my underarms, legs and pussy waxed so I’m nice and smooth and I got to go shopping for some new slutty clothes. The first gang bang was set up for July 4th. When...

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Micha and George on the Fourth of July

Micha and George on the Fourth of JulyMicha is a very sexy latina girl that I met just a couple of weeks ago. We had already spent several hours exploring and becoming intimately familiar with each other, body and mind. We discovered that we were both bisexual and had discussed a threesome, but made no firm plans. When she called me and asked me to join her and her boyfriend George for a holiday picnic, there was something in her voice that made me wonder. "Is there a threesome in the works?" I...

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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party.It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt like...

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July 4th Celebration

On July first I returned home from our health club. Ann was packing my suitcase for a mini vacation at a bayside resort. My suitcase was filled with all my girlie things: lubes, vibes, wrist and ankle restraints and the paddle she used on me when I was bad. She also said Ben, his brother Josh, and two others were joining us. Before continuing, I should mention how I became the man I am and how Ann took charge of me. My wife Ann and I met in college and had been married for twenty-five happy...

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Happy 4th of July

Our son and his college room mate named King Hut (nick named King, were home for the fourth of July and my birthday. King's dad was a military man and his family was stationed overseas so it was natural for him to me with us for the holidays. King is a very good looking black guy with lots of personality and is very polite. He is the kind that makes a woman wish she was young again and hoping to date, well... wonder if he would date a white gal? or would I date a black guy? The answer for me...

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As a brief résumé of my situation,my name is Shirley,i run a lesbian escort agency and have a lovely clientele of gorgeous ladies,many of whom are married,yet crave the sexual attention of another woman.Yes,i was married to Paul for 3 years and our sex life was good while we were together and I loved sucking his big black 9 inch cock. I refer you to my early blogs where I describe my lovemaking with him. I may be a lesbian,i have discovered my true feelings,but please do not be surprised at my...

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Memorial Day Memories 2 Fourth of July Feelings

Memorial Day Memories Part 2: Fourth of July Feelings End of Part 1: And harder I went. In and out, back and forth, harder and deeper. One of my hands roamed to her tits, the other to her clit. Pulling on her nipples and massaging her tiny button she began to moan loudly and thrash back and forth on my cock, nearing her orgasm. Nearing my own I started to lose my rhythm, and mercilessly pounded her. Jocelyn’s arm’s finally gave out and she rested on her chest and head as I came deep insider,...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Friday July 7

Monica's Diary: Friday, July 7 After clearing our visits to Amarillo with Nathan last night, we packed our lunches and laid out our clothes. He did point out the need for more prayer on this matter, since we were now placing Timothy into the hands of what he called the "system." I must confess that at first, I did not understand what he meant. "It's not like we're taking Timothy to a physician to diagnose the meaning of physical symptoms," Nathan said as we were getting ready...

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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party. It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt...

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A New PastChapter 53 July Fireworks

“Do you have time to talk to Mitt Romney?” Tamara asked as we headed from a conference room to my office in our Dublin building. Mitt, the former CEO of Bain Capital, had taken over the leadership of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics following a bribery scandal the prior year. PT Innovations, as one of the larger employers in Park City, had stepped up as a sponsor immediately after his announcement. I recalled just enough history to know they would be successful...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 57 Independence Day and July 5th

Year 4 Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays because I am one of those right-wing nut jobs that loves his country and loves to celebrate it. My wives are pretty much the same way. Very unlike my second wife who left me because, “I can’t stay with someone who would not vote for that wonderful man, Barack Obama.” Yeah, that’s right. I came home from a competition and half the furniture and all her clothes were gone. I called her. “Hi. Is there something you want to tell me?” “I am...

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RecoveryChapter 6 July

Greg was preoccupied as June moved slowly toward July and freedom from Bonner with finishing his classes and dealing with the rapidly transforming shape of his personal life. He had let his dad and Debbie organize their return to St. George. Once he had established that the condo would be in the right location he had lost interest in it. A few friends who had lost touch over the winter months started to make contact with him. He welcomed it, but found he had separated wheat from shaft and had...

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Fourth Of July

My husband has been trying to get me to participate in a threesome with another woman, now I'm not averse to the idea, the problem has been trying to find another girl who turns me on. I've met two so far, one in a restaurant bathroom, she did make my pussy get wet, but she thanked me for the offer and said no thanks. The other I met in a supermarket and when I made the offer to her, she called a fucking pervert and stormed away, so I'm still looking. Our annual Forth of July Bbque was coming...

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Sallys Fourth of July Picnic

“I’ve got the cooler all packed,” said Sally. “We have chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and plenty of beer. I think we’re ready to go.” I grabbed Sally by both ass cheeks and pulled her to me. “I’ve got the buns.” She laughed and pushed me way. “Angela will arrive any minute so cool your jets and load the car.” I grabbed the cooler and put it in the trunk of the minivan with the rest of the picnic supplies. We were going to the lake with Angela, Sally’s best friend. Angela had gotten...

Group Sex
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Daris Hilton Hates Ms Americana

Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rat Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rather than by pool. That would be wrong?Daris is a creation of my own. Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X. I hope you like this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL STORY. [email protected] If you are a minor, you shouldn?t be reading this story since...

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Mistletoe Candy Canes a Lesbian

Introduction: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian Summary: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Note 1: This story is dedicated to DAVE who requested it for his wife. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, goamz86 and LeAnn for editing this story. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian You havent had sex in over a year! I asked my colleague Dave, stunned by his admission a moment ago. He shook his head as he took another...

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