Lesson Learned
- 3 years ago
- 29
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The unfortunate guard was standing his post, watching the countryside below. He hated this shift, midnight to dawn. The cold wind from the north, blowing down off the Westron Mountains made his loose long hair blow erratically and penetrated through his threadbare cloak like icy fingers. He scanned the valley below, noting that once again, there was nothing to see. He paced down the crenelating for a few paces and peered out again. Wizards are so damn paranoid, he thought. His fingers were now numb from the cold and clutching the heavy fighting spear they forced him to carry, though no good reason could be given for a man fifty feet up on a rooftop to carry one.
A dark shape slipped up behind him, having oozed over the edge of the serrated wall. His pot helm protected his head, but not his neck and the shape struck for that spot. It was a well-aimed and well-delivered blow, with almost surgical precision. The guard slumped against the low wall and slid down. The hooded figure looked about quickly, then silently glided across the rooftop of the tower, heading toward the little hut in the center of the roof. The shape slid through the doorway and into the little room, a set of spiral stairs, a flickering torch lit the staircase with jumping, inconsistent light.
Down the spiral stairs the cloaked shape went, still silent, its black mantle fluttering in odd gusts of breeze that penetrated even into the stairwell. At the bottom, the figure stopped at a heavy oaken door. The thumb latch clicked gently and the figure flowed through the door as it opened a crack.
In the hallway, the figure again stopped. Oddly thick hands came up to the collar and opened the enwrapping cloak, unfastening a small clasp at the base of the hood. The backs of the hands were furred, as was the face and torso that were revealed when the cloak moved to the sides. Shedding the cloak like a snake's skin, the person slipped down the hall, revealed now as a female form, though definitely not a human one.
Her long feet, where she walked on her toes was the first sign, though there were other, more obvious ones. As she moved down the hallway, her triangular ears twitched and angled, searching for errant sounds. Keen emerald eyes scanned the corridor, with its flickering torchlight. Her long, sinuous tail trailed behind her, as if remembering, belatedly, that it was needed on this journey, as well.
As she neared the next door down the hall, her feline face broke into a wide smile, revealing her inch-long fangs and smaller sharp teeth. She pressed her ear to the door with a cautious motion, listening intently. Apparently satisfied with what she heard, she reached for the thumb latch and toggled it.
The door opened quietly. Three cheers for good maintenance, she thought. And slipped into the darkened room.
She silently shut the door, holding down the latch to prevent the spring-loaded bolt from making its traditional click as it locked into its catch. She sniffed the air, her small, inverted triangle of a nose flexing in the darkness. Again, she seemed satisfied and there was a soft rustle of leather then light filled the little room. She held a glass ball, about the size of a fist, and it glowed quite brightly with a somewhat blue tint. Peering into the room she saw where she had been told the vault laid. In the middle of the floor's timbers was a spot obviously marred by the repeated movement of something heavy, and the something was the vault's trap door, she knew.
Her gray-blue fur caught the light and shone as she moved, highlighting her long, slender musculature. She held the stone aloft and out of her field of vision. Her shadow loomed beside her, looking like a giant protective feline, with its mouth agape and fangs revealed. She padded to the spot, her thick toes with their soft pads making her very quiet without trying, and nearly silent when she was.
She scanned around the scratched section of floor and saw a discolored spot nearby, where many grubby hands had touched. Pressing this spot with one thick finger, her claw retracted, she heard a loud click. A moment later, a square section of floor raised up evenly, then slid aside, making a little noise as it did so. There were narrow, steep stairs downward under the boards. She stepped down the stairs and descended to the floor below. Above her, she heard the wooden floor section moving back into place a few moments later.
The light from her globe filled the hallway and she saw the glinting from the iron bands that held the heavy door together. As she neared it, she saw the keyholes for its three internal locks. Her smile broadened as she neared the door. This was going flawlessly, as most of her little forays did. She knelt before the door and unrolled a small pouch onto the floor. Tiny, delicate tools filled the pouch, and she selected two of those. Holding the stone in the crook of her neck with her shoulder, she pried the two tools into the topmost lock and began working the tools around the guts of the lock. After a moment, she put one tool down, then picked out another. A moment later, the lock clicked and she began to purr.
Still purring, she started on the bottommost lock, it yielded almost as quickly as the first, and her self-satisfaction glinted in her large eyes. Her tail had also begun to twitch side to side in quick, sharp motions.
The informant had said that the middle one was the trap, and she assiduously avoided it. She reached for the thumb latch when she heard the trapdoor opening above and behind her. She glanced left and right, but the hallway provided no chance of cover, pushing into the room as she covered the orb with her shirt she shut the door behind her. In the hall, she could hear the soft tread of feet as they descended the stairs. With a start, she remembered the lock picks in their pack just outside the door. There was a noticeable gap beneath the door and she extended her finger under it and could barely touch the cloth of the roll. One three-inch claw extended from the grasping finger and caught the cloth, she pulled finger, claw, and roll back under the door and quickly rolled it up.
She let a tiny sliver of light out of her shirt and peered into the barely-lit room. Her objective was right there. A wand. It was crafted of some white material, ivory perhaps. It was not the material she was interested in, it was the ten thousand marks that the magician in Vilders had offered in payment for her to get it for him that interested her. Delicate runes marked its surface and silver tracery glinted from over its head.
Whoever was in the hall had stopped before the door and was fumbling with the locks. She turned and looked down. There the two mechanisms were quite visible, being bolted to the door from this side. She also looked at the middle lock's place, though that was the trap, she knew. It fired a spring-loaded dart, tipped with paralytic poison out of the keyhole, she had been told, and any sharp motion would trigger it. With what seemed a rather mischievous grin she drew forth a small crowbar. As she heard the person outside jiggling the lower lock she brought the crowbar down on the mechanism behind the middle keyhole. It made quite a lot of noise, but she was rewarded, also, with the sound of a metallic pinging sound. The person in the hall grunted and then there was a thudding sound, like someone had dropped a sack of potatoes.
She bolted across the room, and grabbed the wand. Stuffing it into a long, leather tube on her belt, she looked quickly around the little treasury. The magician had warned her that the man who owned this tower was crafty, and to beware any baited traps. She looked at a chest set against the wall, with gold and silver chains dangling from its mouth. No, she decided, no side money on this one. She slipped back to the door and unlocked the locks that the person on the other side had inadvertantly locked when they tried to re-unlock them.
Opening the door a few inches, she saw a man wearing a black outfit, reminding her of the warrior assassins used in Niliwan, this man, however, was no expert of stealth and combat. He was a common rogue. Probably hired by the same magician as hired her, as insurance. The idiot had just chosen the wrong night to try his caper.
His eyes were open, and he watched her as she stepped over him. A hoarse whisper emerged from his lips as she walked down the hall, causing her to turn around.
"Sharesh." He whispered, his eyes rolled up to look at her at the edge of his field of vision. He looked over her slim body and partially smiled.
She stepped back. "You know me?" She asked, eyeing him suspiciously. In a fit of uncharacteristic generosity, she bent over and plucked the tiny dart from the middle of his forehead, flicking it negligently toward the corner...
The man nodded. His mask had fallen from his face and she looked at him carefully. "Well, I do not know you, human." She said. "If you are not found before the poison wears off, I recommend you leave quickly. The wizard is fond of traps, and I would warn against trying to abscond with any baubles."
A minute nod of his head told her that the poison was already weakening, else he was a very tough man. She smiled down at him. "Good luck." She said, and headed for the stairs.
Moving up the stairs with speed and agility, she was through the trap door before it finished opening, and out into the hall again before it closed. Her emerald eyes scanned the hallway quickly and she swept through the door up to the roof, letting it hang on its hinges. In a few moments, she would be completely free of the tower, and leaving a trail behind her was not to be worried over once she was on the ground.
As she ran up the stairs, she hunched over and started assisting her motion with her hands. By the time she cleared the lip of the topmost stair she was speeding along almost twice as fast as a skilled human runner. There were shouts from down the stairs. Then sounds of alarm. She grinned. "Too late, fools." She said as she sprinted on all-fours across the open rooftop. The guard she had blindsided as she came in was just standing as she bounded off his back and leapt into the darkness beyond the crenelated wall. His head bounced off the wall with her absorbed momentum and the man groaned and slumped back down, his lips flapping in unconsciousness.
Sharesh tucked herself into a ball as she fell through the cold air. Fifty feet was a bit much for even a rakasta, but she would manage, though it was likely to hurt some. She uncurled and landed on both hands and feet, splaying them apart and the digits of each, as well, with claws extended. It was reflexive, the distributing of her weight, but it served its purpose.
She landed hard, her body nearly hitting the ground before her springlike muscles in her arms and legs absorbed enough of the kinetic energy to stop the downward motion. Her arms and legs all stung from the shock of the landing, and her left leg almost collapsed as sharp pain shot through it. She had pulled a muscle. Not terribly surprising, considering the fall, she thought, but stopped only a few seconds before launching herself, despite the pain in her leg, off into the night.
On the rooftop, two guards were helping up their fallen comrade. "Did you get a good look at him?" One asked.
The injured guard shook his head, and immediately regretted the move. He felt as if his brains were going to run out of his ears. The other two said that they needed to go tell the wizard something was amiss, and they both headed down the stairs.
The guard remained on his post, having two near concussions marring his night. He looked around and finally found his spear. He reached down to pick it up when something hit him in the head again, ringing off his helmet like a gong. He collapsed over onto his face, and never saw the slim man slipping over the wall and down a black rope into toward the ground.
Sharesh stopped near Vilders at a nice inn on the highway between that city and Malin. She checked in with the bartender who gave her the key to her room that she had rented earlier that week. She ignored the smell of cooking breakfast filling the common room and walked with a noticeable limp up the stairs. It had taken all morning to get here, even with her ground-eating lope. Her leg screamed in protest at its abuse.
She looked around her room, then smiled at the soft bed. Curling up in it, she fell asleep almost instantly.
She awoke the next afternoon. Her leg ached, but was now healed enough to walk without a visible limp. Her hands ran over her fur. She felt nasty, too dirty to clean with her own tongue. As much as she hated bathing 'human-style' she called down to the innkeeper from the doorway. "Landlord, I require a bath and raw meat, please, sir."
A moment later, the man who ran the bar, a tubby little man who seemed unable to stop sweating or staring, for that matter, called up. "Yes ma'am, right away."
She smiled at his quick response, but given how much she had paid for the room for a week, he could be solicitous toward her. A few minutes later, a young man came to her door, and rapped gently. She opened it and he held out a long robe. "If madame wishes to bathe." He said, quietly. He was perhaps twenty years of age, though human ages were sometimes hard to guess for the rakasta, and she only concerned herself with them insofar as the younger ones usually had protective parents. Rakasta have, relative to humans, short life spans, only about fifty years, assuming old age takes one. Sharesh, herself was but twenty years of age, though that made her almost thirty-five in human terms.
With a wide grin she nodded and took the robe. Without closing the door all the way, she slipped off her shirt and skirt, making sure to stand where he could watch her if he liked. She had liked his dark eyes and olive skin, and wanted to find out if he had other curly brown hair anywhere, as adorned his head.
She slipped the robe on and went back to the door. His expression told her that he had indeed opted to watch her change, and she smiled at him. "What is your name?" She purred, her tail sliding over his bare legs beneath the long tunic he wore.
He stammered a bit. "Ah... Alan." He said as her tail explored up under the hem of his tunic.
"Please, Alan, lead the way to the baths." She said, and followed him as he turned down the hall. "I must say, I am impressed with the forward thinking of this establishment, to send a young man to help me bathe. Very metropolitan." She murmured as they walked.
His back stiffened at those words, and his walk became much more mechanical. She grinned softly at his discomfort. Her mind ran through the odds of his taking her up on the bath or whether he would bolt, like a scared deer.
"Um... Yes ma'am." He said, and tried to smile casually. It looked more like he had something in under his tunic too tightly cinched. He would accept, she decided, and her tail started twitching in anticipation.
The pair entered the bathing room, where a large tub sat in the middle. It was half full of water, as she watched he began letting water in from a large barrel suspended over a warm vent from the kitchen fireplace below. It ran steaming into the tub, and he finished filling it with the hot water. "You are certain you need assistance?" He asked, the nervous expression on his face finally made her take pity upon him.
"Only if you wish dear." She said, touching his arm with a padded palm.
His nervous expression changed quickly to a relieved one. "Well, ma'am, as far as what I wish," he said, his eyes drifting down the length of the robe, which outlined her curving figure well, "I would wish you to have me do so, despite my own fears."
She giggled, the sound through her alien larynx rather peculiar, but obviously a soft laugh. It sounded almost like hissing. "You do as you wish." She said and turned her back to him and held out her arms.
She felt his arms wrap about her slim waist and reach for the tied belt of the robe. He pulled the ends of the cloth belt apart and the robe fell open. His hands moved to her shoulders, never quite not touching her, and took hold of the material there and pulled back gently as she moved her arms to her sides and back a little. His breathing became a bit short as he revealed her softly furred back, then her firm, round rump, with its long, sinuous tail.
Turning about, she smiled at the lad, his eyes widened as he took in her front, from her large firm breasts down her flat, heavily muscled stomach to the tight mound of her pubis. She gently pushed his mouth shut with a wide finger. "Remember to breathe." She whispered to him.
He inhaled with a massive gasp and watched as she slipped past him, again trailing her long tail over his upper thighs and letting the tip explore up under the edge of his tunic a bit.
She walked over the lip of the tub and her expression became one of anticipation mixed with disgust. She finally sat and started scooping up water and running it over her soft fur. At first it beaded on the slick fur, but she picked up the bar of soap and ran it over the water and the fur lost its cohesion and became thoroughly soaked. She peered over her shoulder to the young man. "Alan, you may wish to disrobe." She said. "I'm a messy bather."
He gulped but followed her advice, lifting his tunic over his head and revealing his slim loincloth beneath, tied with a cloth belt. Indeed, it did seem to be cinched too tightly, she thought. She smiled at the bulge in the front of that loincloth and gestured for him to approach her. He was a bit skinnier than she preferred her men, but would fill out in time. The expression she wore now was positively predatory as she handed him the bar of soap and said. "My back please."
He scooped up water with one hand, while rubbing the soap into the wet fur with the other. She arched her back at the sensation and began purring. Her fur, while beautiful when she was dry, was clingy and flat when she was wet. Still the muscles and skin beneath were a pleasure to run his fingers over as he scrubbed. He hooked his fingertips now, and laid his nails to her spine. She growled this time, somewhere deep in her throat. When he looked up, she was watching him intently, staring into his light brown eyes.
Her own eyes drifted down to his loincloth, and while he had both hands occupied, she reached up with her free hand and pulled at the bow knot holding one side of the cloth belt. The loincloth fell aside partially, giving her a tantalizing view of the head of his organ, and the thick tangle of dark hair over it, that matched the hair on his head, a rich mahogany brown.
She smiled as his breathing again became short and forced. She reached around with her long fingers and pulled the other knot, and the loincloth and the belt fell to the floor. She took in his manhood with her eyes. It stood upright, and curved noticeably upward. It was a good one, she decided, neither too large, nor too small for her needs. Indeed, she had found few were too large or small for her rather widely varied needs.
"Bathe with me." She said. "My front needs a good washing, as well." She purred. Her eyes followed him as he walked nervously around the tub and then stepped into it. As he sat down, she felt his legs around hers, and his toes against the inside of her upper thighs. Her own toes were against his, in much the same manner.
As he began to soap and lather up her stomach, she moved her feet down to either side of his engorged cock's base. He gasped as she ran her claws over his skin, extending them slightly and using them to trace circles around his organ.
His sudsing hands moved over her breasts, and she arched forward to press against his fingers harder. Her bald nipples and areolas attracted his touch as much as the furry portons, and he cupped both in his hands while scrubbing the fur as best he could, kneading and rubbing the round breasts and enjoying the hard nipples as they slid, slippery with soap, over and through his fingers.
She leaned back as his hands moved again to her belly and she pushed her lower half down toward him. Her feet left his groin area and came up out of the water to rest on either side of the tub's lip. He watched her lay her triangular head back onto the ledge behind her and sigh as he ran farther and farther down her tight stomach.
As his fingers moved over her pubis, she gasped and then moaned as he rubbed soapy water into them, and she pushed upward, lifting her crotch free of the water. He scrubbed gently and her moans intensified. After a brief few moments, he dropped all pretense and the soap, too. He dove to the joint of her thighs, and clamped his mouth over her raised pubic mound. She gasped as his tongue dove into her slit, and parted her labia wide as he lapped at her insides. Her legs went rigid holding her body up and she braced her neck on the back of the tub. This freed up her hands which grabbed his hair and pulled him tighter to her cunt.
He moved slightly as he shifted upward. Now his tongue lapped over her clitoris and her purring intensified as he flicked and sucked on that nub. Soon, they had a rhythm and she began to pant and grind her pelvis up and down against his eager mouth and tongue.
With a sound that was remarkably similar to a domestic cat being run over by a wagon, she wailed an orgasm. Her claws left their protective sheaths and met at the back of his head, scraping his scalp, but not quite breaking the skin. As her climax subsided she slumped into the water completely, even her head disappeared beneath the sudsy surface. She popped back up, though, spitting water and grinning widely. "Well done, human." She purred. "Are you as adept at using other body parts to help bathe women?"
He shrugged and blushed deeply. "I wouldn't know, ma'am, my girlfriend only lets me do that." He said, his expression sheepish.
She widened her emerald eyes. "Is that so?" She asked. "What a greedy girl." Leaning forward, her hands both wrapped around his swollen pole. "You are a virgin, then?" She finally asked after stroking his organ a moment or two.
He nodded nervously, then said. "If you wish to reconsider, I'll understand, ma'am."
She grinned again, her ears laying flat to her head. "I think not, Alan." She said. "The question is whether or not you wish to loose your innocence to other than a human girl."
He thought about half a second before nodding slowly. "I don't think I'd mind that, at all." He said, quietly and with a slight quaver of fear.
She nodded. "Good, then, we shall both have something we desire." She let her smile lower its intensity to a low simmer. She then turned over and lifted her backside out of the water. As the suds cascaded down her flanks and thighs she spread her legs apart and her tail twitched aside, revealing her opening to him. "Take me, lover." She purred, peering over her shoulder at his eyes. "I am yours."
He stood up and stepped forward, splashing water over her knees. He pushed down the purple head of his penis, noting that she had pushed back his foreskin as she had fondled him in the water. "Should I aim, or you think you can manage?" She asked, then added. "I think you'll do fine."
The head of his organ slipped over her labia a couple of times, then he pressed forward as he centered on her slit. She felt herself open to him, and she welcomed the sensation of her vagina filling with his manhood. Pushing back, she helped him enter her fully, and then groaned out his name. "I am no waif, Alan, take me as roughly as you like." She whispered.
His hands clamped to her generous hips and he thrust into her firmly, their bodies slapped together, sending water flying from her fur. He set himself to a pattern of deep, forceful thrusts. Sharesh loved young men and their power, energy, and most of all, enthusiasm. Her grunts of pleasure became faster and faster as the lad gained confidence and started to really let his body do as it desired with her. Her hands left the tub's edge and clamped around his wrists, forcing her back to arch upward, she twisted her neck and shoulders around in a way no human could match, and kissed him as he thrust into her repeatedly.
The lad was talented with his cock, she decided as she neared her second climax. However, her leg was beginning to hurt again, and she needed to stop the tensions on it. Her tail slipped out of the water and crept around his thigh, then forced its way between his clenched butt cheeks. The feeling of her flexible tail rubbing over his anus brought him over the edge and he yelled out and sprayed her tight womb with his seed in powerful spurts. He did not slow, however, another charming feature, in her mind, of young men. As soon as his orgasm subsided, he renewed his thrusts into her clenching cunt.
A few moments later the straightened back out from the kiss and braced herself against the tub again, pushing back to meet his thrusts with all her strength. She wailed out another of those loud and quite demonstrative orgasms, her claws chipping the enamel on the side of the metal tub with loud pings. Just before he legs buckled under her, she managed to moan out "Catch me."
Alan was quick-reflexed, she discovered, as he scooped his arms under her waist and prevented her falling into the tub. She moaned and sighed as he picked her up, and he realized she did not weigh as much as he would have imagined, perhaps six stone. He carried her over to the massage table and laid her gently upon it. He went over to the towels and took one down and began to dry her dense fur coat. She began to move again as he ministered to her and the landlord opened the door, with an expression of worry on his face.
"Is all well?" He asked, and noting the lad's nudity and Sharesh's obvious purrs of contentment, decided that he should probably go tend his bar.
The cat giggled as he left. "I'll speak to him about this." She said quietly.
Alan nodded. "Thanks, ma'am." He said, getting a new, dry towel to finish drying her fur.
She sat up and kissed him again, sliding her abrasive tongue into his mouth and licking the roof. He returned the kiss, exploring her sharp fangs with his tongue and then the ridged roof of her mouth. Laying back down with a sigh, she said. "I definitely owe you a tip, Alan." She murmured as he dried her tail. He pulled his tunic over his head, as well, but neglected his loincloth.
Soon she was dry enough, and she slipped off the table and put her robe on. "Come with me." She purred and led him to her room. She walked in and gestured him to follow.
She dug into her stash of belongings, coming out with a parchment, quill, and ink. She popped the cap on the ink and began to scribble on the parchment. Soon she handed him a crudely-drawn map. "This will bring you to my home in Vilders. Stop by anytime, and see if I'm in." She said. "If I am, you can stay the night, or weekend, or week, whatever you like." She smiled widely, then kissed him again. "I would like you to come by." She said.
He grinned as he folded the parchment and stuffed it into the pocket of his tunic. "I'll definitely be by soon." He said. "I should get back to my duties, though." His face looked concerned.
Sharesh packed her belongings into a large duffel bag and heaved it over her shoulders, like a fat backpack. She left her room and spoke a short while with the landlord, explaining that it had been her idea, and tipped him five marks to forget it, it was so embarrassing how she lost control of herself around a young man. He nodded in sympathy, saying he had the same problem with young women and they parted amiably. Sharesh swishing her tail in an exaggerated echo of her rump's movements as she walked, even more so than the slinky skirt she now wore, crafted of silk.
Throwing her pack onto the floor in the foyer of her small villa in Vilders, she sighed and arched her back. Sharesh looked about the room and smiled. Only eight years ago she had been a virtual slave to a shogun in Niliwan, and now she owned her home, and had money with a banker. Her people may have regarded their expulsion from the island nation as a blow to their pride and power. She regarded it as a opportunity to turn their energies into new directions. She walked into the little atrium in the center of the home and looked at the plants. Theresa had taken good care of them while she was out of town. Her tiny banzai trees were looking good and she took the opportunity to use her claws to snip off a couple of errant branches that were trying to bud in the 'wrong' places.
Sitting in the middle of the garden was a huge silk pillow, she squatted upon it and sat, taking in her little sanctuary and letting its serenity flow into her mind. So rarely among the peoples of Feldare did she get a chance to truly unwind.
Her people were too few, and the men overbearing to the point she could not stand them, for the most part. She had to make do with human companions, and found human lovers to be quite adequate to the task. She longed for a sharp fang, though, or a claw down her spine. A deep sigh came from her lips as she thought on this, then she let the serenity take those thoughts away, too. The price to her freedom would be too high.
For almost two hours she meditated there, and listened to the wind move through the humming chimes about the edge of the atrium along the house's roof line. Fully soothed for the first time in days, she rose languidly from the pillow in one fluid motion and went on to her chambers. She snatched up the duffel on her way and lifted it much more lightly than when she had dropped it.
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LesbianI was thinking to myself one day while lying in bed. If men think with there dicks, what do women think with? I realize that not all girls have this nympho desire or nothing. But, you see, I know some who like to be bad, do bad things. Are we just that type? I was trying to come up with a story to write. A good one. Then what do I think about doing to someone. But noooo. I go start to the sex. It was like saying: heyyy, no waiting here! And hurry up I need some! Went to this chat room. And...
"Jesus, Sybil. These kids are so dumb." Stanley Wojnak said, slumping into a bar seat. The bartender waved to him, and began to pour him a bourbon. "Slow learners?" Sybil asked, nursing her gimlet. He'd been a little late for their accustomed Friday after-work drink, and she'd started without him. "Naw, naw. Hell, they're brighter than I am. I think Sesame Street's covering SQL these days. They knew more about Oracle outa college than I knew after ten years of database wrangling. I...
Cindy Tyler felt good as she pulled into her family's driveway. She attended UC San Diego School of Medicine, and she enjoyed living on her own, but as corny as the saying was, there was no place like home, and currently, she was back in Los Angeles for spring break."Mom, Dad!" she called as she walked in the door. The house was fairly small, so her mother wasn't far away, and she leaned out from the kitchen to greet her daughter."Hi, honey!" she said with a warm smile. "Your father's still at...
Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...
[I puzzled over where this story belongs. I’m pretty sure I got it right, even though some readers may disagree. It’s not about having sex. Not even a first kiss, most of us got our first kiss on the day we were born. Mark was forty-six when he got his first introduction to ‘loving.’ Enjoy.] * ‘We want to get married!’ She stood in front of me and it was pretty evident from her body language and her tone that she really wanted to scream it out. She didn’t. The man standing beside her was not...
The phone rings and I sleepily reach over to answer it. Who would be calling me at this hour? I looked at the clock. It read Five AM. I pick up the receiver and answer with a half asleep tone in my voice. "Hello?" "Slave I want you prepared for my return. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Master." I reply. Now fully awake. "Good." He says and hangs up. I could not have gone back to sleep if I wanted to. The tone in Master's voice had been very harsh. He did not sound happy at all. I...
“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...
“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...
LesbianI had just parked my car on the 5th floor of the car park when I saw in the rear-view mirror how a lady, dressed entirely in black nappa leather, got out of the Mercedes behind me. Wearing a fitted leather blazer, gloves and tight leather trousers, she strutted along the corridor on the probably 10 cm high heels of her knee-length leather boots. Strictly tied back long black hair framed her beautifully cut, stylishly made-up face, whose dark glowing eyes sparkled. In her mid-40s her body was...
Bill awoke the next morning with his usual morning wood, and smiled thinking about what he was in for as the continuing education of his twin sisters. Anna and Louise had really gotten into it yesterday and he felt like it would be better today. He tried to compose himself and went to the shower to ready himself for days adventure. Anna and Louise awoke with a yell from their mother that breakfast was almost ready and for them to get up and get going. The girls looked at each other and...
You are Mr. Saunders, a new teacher at Phillips Preparatory Academy. It's your first day on the job. You quickly straighten your tie (how nerdy of you) and walk out your room at the school. Phillips Academy is a school where the rich bastards that own the economy send their children, and you have been warned about not crossing them, but you know yourself: your anger management, and your slightly-shaded past. As you walk in, you are greeted by a lovely brunette lady who introduces herself as a...
BDSMEric's instructions were clear. "Four things, Sweetheart. Nothing on but a black thong. The butt plug in place. The implement box on the dresser, with the blind wand across the top. Pillows off the bed." I flipped and flopped all night, knowing full well that Eric was very serious about these consequences. We'd been playing around on the phone, laughing about little flirtatious infractions that were used to get our juices flowing before he came home again. A mouthy text. A naughty picture. My...
SpankingMy name is Josh and this is a story about my girlfriend, our teacher and me. My girlfriends name was Ashley and we had been dating for over the past 2 years. We both were 18 years old and seniors in high school. I was 5’11”, had long black hair and since I was on the soccer team had an athletic build. Ashley was 5’3”, had straight black hair and an amazing body (34C-24-32), she was a cheerleader. During high school we both were parts of the popular crowd. Ashley and I had been very experimental...
Group SexBy the time I was approaching my seventeenth birthday I had been with a couple of girlfriends and fucked a few other girls. All around my age. Quite frankly that was all I was hoping for until one day when I was returning home from my girlfriend of the time. Just as I neared the flat I lived in with my parents I was passing a lady who lived two doors away from us. She was about mid fifties I would guess and although I only knew her by her surname I knew that she knew everything about...
Like I said, I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak, so my man and I came up with a vague plan of action during a very satisfying session one evening. It would probably take three or four sessions to teach Rick the lessons we'd identified, but as he was just twenty-three, we figured he'd have the stamina.Lesson One was set for the Wednesday evening.Answering the door to Rick, he was suitably nervous but managed to appreciate my skirt and shirt combo. Offering him a drink, my man tried to calm...
Wife Lovers“Eddie? This is Lisa. How are you? I’m moving into my new place, and I need your help. Do you have time?” I asked. I was so excited to be moving into my new place, but I had so much stuff! I decided to call my cousin, Eddie. He’s a big, tough guy and can handle moving the big stuff. “Of course. It’ll be no problem. I’m on my way over,” he answered. A few minutes later, Eddie was knocking on my door. “Come on in, Eddie! The door is open!” I yelled from the bedroom. I heard footsteps coming down...
EroticLesson Surprise part 2 To find out how I ended up in this situation read Lesson Surprise Part 1 ...... I looked at the clock on the wall - it was only 5 pm - it was going to be a late night. After all, during the last 4 hours I have been fucked twice by Brads 11 inch monster. I was standing there with huge EE false tits in a black lace bra, Black lace suspenders and fishnet stockings, red G string with black trim, a tiny black mini skirt and tight black top that enhanced the...
Valerie Parker sat in her car outside the coffee shop trying to stop the tears that were falling freely from her swollen eyes. As her sobs slowly subsided, a knock on the side window brought her back to reality. Standing beside the car was Jim, a boy she dated from time to time, giving her his usual big smile. As she slowly rolled down the window, Jim could see her tear stained face, as she tried to return his smile. Seeing that something was bothering her, Jim quickly went to the other side...
A Lesson Better Left Unlearned Part One By Razor7826 (Copyright 2009)Thoughts? Encouragement? Email me at [email protected]. I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author. It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only. Any resemblance to persons real or imagined is entirely coincidental. Livia sipped her latte while she leaned against the building's wall and stared straight...
What follows happened - about three hours ago. I have changed the lady's name, but should anyone who knows either of us read this, the game - as they say - is probably up.I teach EFL at a number of companies here ('here' will be obvious if you've read "Oh, Canada!") - have been doing so for thirteen years - and have had several hundred students in that time. Until today I have never had anything more than fantasies about a few of them......... At the turn of the year I started a...
When I walked into the club for Gina's bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I'd left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music and whirling...
The Lesson My name's Joe, and yes I'm bisexual. I have a friend named Tom who's also bisexual. Were in the electronics business together. We do very well, well enough too not have to work. We have a huge house with our own little dungeon. That's where we give our "lesson's". We have 4 special friends that come over and give the lessons. We've been doing it for a few years now, and so far we haven't got caught. Both Tom and I work out on very regular basis and are quite strong....
Lesson Surprise - Part 1 I was a completely straight guy, and used to have a different girl every week. Now I am the different 'girl' every week. I met Brad and everything changed to where I am now. He had made heaps of money and said he was "out in the mountains looking for a new opportunity." Here is my story. Brad had booked me for a week of private ski lessons. It was the first day and a bad weather day and Brad decided that he had had enough skiing and wanted to return...
If I told you that I was just a little nervous and only slightly intimidated from the view in front of me, that would be flat out lying. I am hoping that when you read my story about this one day in my life, you will understand why it is that I feel that lying isn't always the best answer. So I bring you this story with as much truth as I can remember and leaving out as much lying or stretching-of-the-truth as I can. I was so scared I was shaking in my seat as my mother's car(with me in the...
Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...
Living in the rural area around Winston-Salem allowed him to hunt and fish when he wanted and still be able to go to town and have all the amenities of the city. Plus North Carolina is famous for being loaded with very attractive ladies who are extremely friendly and fun loving. Not that there weren’t a lot of wonderful ladies at school, it just seemed like they had a different attitude. Bill had a couple regular girls he dated and fooled around with, but he had not met anyone that really set...
LessonOfPassion, aka LOP Gold! Porn isn’t all about watching videos and jerking off to them for years on end until you can recognize most famous pornstars at a glance – there’s much more to it than consuming overly-stimulating visual content on a daily basis and getting so addicted to it that your social life falls into shambles and you don’t know how to talk to women anymore. There are lots of different, healthier and more interactive ways to consume porn – and by interactive, I don’t mean...
Best Porn GamesIntroduction: Alyssa gets more than one lesson from her big brother Alyssa walked into the house, throwing the keys, along with her backpack, down on the kitchen table. She smiled, satisfied with the jingle they made, as she had just gotten her license two days before. Just then she realized she heard music from upstairs. Brad?! she cried, racing toward the stairs. She ran up them with her long honey colored hair streaming behind her, thinking this was way too good to be true. Her older brother...
For a week or so after our encounter with Rick, my man and I would debate whether there was more to teach the youngster. His oral skills had been improved, he'd had tips for his self-control, and there was nothing to improve in regards to his cock. During many sex sessions, we debated and reminisced.Then decided. Rick arrived one Saturday afternoon, looking a couple of inches taller and a lot more confident. He told us he'd been practising what we'd taught him with a girl he'd met the day...
Wife LoversWe were out one night, having a nightcap in a busy hotel bar, when a youngish lad tried chatting me up at the bar. Pretty average looking but had a sparkle in his eye and his cheek; had me shaking my head in wonder. He couldn't have been above twenty-five at the most, and I was approaching forty.I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak so I just gave him cheek back and headed back to my man. As I sat, my mister told me the lad hadn't taken his eyes off my rear the whole way back to our table. I...
Wife LoversThe last thing you can remember was the wine, and how it went to your head so quickly. But now, as you wake there's something wrong. Very wrong. Where is this? You are captured within a strange device made of steel pipes bolted to the floor. It is a series of clamps that hold you completely immobile. Cold metal holds you down at the ankles and wrists. The wood under your hands and knees is rough and hard. As you try to look around the room, you see that there's is really no escape from this...
SpankingThe last boyfriend I write about was a special person. Jack was a lover, a friend, my disciplinarian [when I needed it] and a gentleman. He’d had a good marriage, with a loving woman but, told me several times that, I was more female than she was. After being together [but not living together] for about six months; he not only started telling me that he loved me but…proposed.He could be very strict with me, as I said above, when I needed it.He was one of the three or four guys that, after being...
This afternoon my ass still hurts. Ken calls and asks if I can prep a larger dinner as he is bringing a friend home.Sure. Veal Marsala for 3 versus 2 is no big deal.Thank god I do not know this guy. A c***dhood pal I'm told and I swear he was around 350 pounds. I clean up after dinner, come back and I don't see him. Bathrooms empty too and Ken is putting on his hat. "Ken, I didn't hear him leave. Are you guys going out?". Ken says "You still need to learn. This is the last lesson. He...
Another lesson.Being bi-racial, I grew up in two cultures.I recently discovered that two cousins of mine (same ages now in 50s) have always liked me, especially one.She is a bit chubby, but with a nice face, a nice girl in other words.But her hubby was a player with younger women at his business and divorced her.She spent last summer with me and we went out and pretended to be man/wife, boy/girl friend etc, as a woman had dumped me and was at same places. After a few drinks one night we danced...
Doctor John Holcomb turned away from the old gentleman in the hospital bed. Intern Holly Jackson could see the sadness in his eyes. It's never easy to tell someone they are dying, and it is especially hard when the man's wife of fifty four years is in the room. John turned to her in the hallway. "That was a tough one," he said. She nodded. "I felt sorry for his wife," she told him. John nodded and smiled gently. "You handled it well, though," he told her. "A lot of interns...
My name is Jasara. I'm 22 and in college. My skin is the color of coffee. I have jade green eyes and long flowing hair the color of a raven's wing. I stand 5 feet 6 inches tall and have 32DD breasts. My waist is tiny. Last semester, I was in danger of losing a scholarship because I was failing African History. I remember the day that I found out. "Jasara, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Of course, Professor Swanson. What is it?" "Jasara, I hate to tell you this but as things stand right now,...
InterracialFirst day at Center Hill High. After your Aunt who you live with got a new job in the city, it was either move in with your older sister or move to the city. She's a nurse, your Aunt, and works long hours to keep you kept. "Love you, seeya!" You call out, after eating a burito and a sausage egg and cheese sandwhich from the microwave and drinking some OJ. Your bookbag on your back, your dressed in black pants a little short and tight for you, and a red shirt with an old black leather jacket you...
InterracialI knew that I wasn't going to be able to talk my stepmother out of giving me a spanking, rules were rules, as she so often said. She wasn't the real mother of any of us, but she had been married to our fathers and ended up with us. She always said that none of us were too old to be spanked if we were still living under her roof, so the fact that I was eighteen didn't matter. My stepbrother, Jeff, and I were the only two still living at home, and both of us were seniors in high school. I had...
Taboo"What do you think is in it?" Sabrina asked eagerly, standing over the dark blue duffle bag. Becca shrugged and tossed her long blonde hair back over her shoulders. "I don't know, but we're going to find out!" She answered, drawing back the zipper. The two young women had been going through some old boxes in the basement storage unit assigned to Sabrina's new apartment. Someone had left a bunch of stuff in it and never cleaned it up. Half of the boxes had been full of garbage and the other half...
BDSMJack grunted and stopped, looked at her. He had been in a bad mood for the last three days. Half buried memories had haunted his dreams and even being on the road for eight hours straight yesterday had not helped blocking them out. He had planned to travel on, spend the night at a bus station and take the first bus available to anywhere. And now, at just three in the afternoon she wanted to stop. “Come on, a real bed, pizza and some beers. You look like you need it.” He grunted again. What...
By: YT Chapter 1 Houston, Texas Monday, June 23rd, 2016 9:00AM Roger Healy pulls his car up in front of Maj. Anthony Nelson’s house in Houston, Texas, on a beautiful sunny Monday morning. For years Roger and Tony have been riding together to the NASA base several times a week. Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left but he decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks...
Well, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...
In each shed, contained some kind of torture, or breaking machine. Designed to break the will of the boys or girls he took, he didn’t care what happened to them so long as he got his money, that’s all that mattered. Most of the kids wouldn’t last out the year, supply and demand. Some of them did, and they were the ones who were returned to him, in trade for new ones. On this particular evening, Michael, was down at the pub, getting a drink, everyone here knew what he did, they didn’t try...
Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...
And so he learned, as did all members of his race, how to destroy. He was taught first how to destroy on the basic levels. He was taught how to destroy thought. He repressed what he chose, ignoring his emotions, thoughts and memories. Those that he deemed dangerous were gone. He learned to destroy without thinking about the consequences. He was adept at learning. Soon he knew how to destroy without the realization that he was destroying. He could break down all facets of his being. first level...
This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...
Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...
I was sixteen, an awkward teenager that wanted to do the things that any male teenager would want to do, but shy and nervous around women. I was not too bad looking, being tall, blondish, and evenly featured. But I suppose I was a bit of a geek, being scientific- minded and wedded to my schoolbooks. I'd also been a bit socially handicapped by the fact my father's job had us move to a new town every year or so, which is not really enough time for a teenager to break into any really cool social...
Lessons in Lust From Allison Part 2 Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily. She moved up the couch until her lips were on my cheek. Her hand ran gently through my hair as she whispered, “ I think you’ve earned a reward for all your work tonight Greggy. You like the sound of that?” I nodded...
IncestI thought this up and threw it down over the course of like three days, like the first Black Heart Procession album; so, like the first Black Heart Procession album, the spirit is there, but the execution may be a tad spotty. Big ups to everybody who likes my work. (Note: there's a reference to Speilberg/Kubrick's A.I. Nothing big, but ah, it may be a spoiler. Just so you know.) Oh, ah, right, this is filthy: there are drugs and sex and tolerance of homosexuals and stuff. If your...