Pancho and Lefty
- 3 years ago
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A Lesson Better Left Unlearned
Part One
By Razor7826 (Copyright 2009)
Thoughts? Encouragement? Email me at [email protected]. I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author. It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only. Any resemblance to persons real or imagined is entirely coincidental.
Livia sipped her latte while she leaned against the building's wall and stared straight ahead, focusing intently on a couple sitting together at a diner across the street. Livia's glare followed every single action of the woman, trying to read the subtleties of her every move. She paid little attention to the lecherous glare's from every man and boy that stared at her black lace bra through her semi-transparent blouse.
The unknown woman smiled and laughed at everything Livia's boyfriend uttered. The woman reached across the table and grasped Robert's hand. As the conversation continued, Livia's contempt for the treacherous whore grew and grew.
The moment the secret lovers kissed, Livia knew she would get revenge against them both.
Livia Olivier stumbled through the garage door of her house in a blind rage and yelled at the top of her lungs, "How dare he cheat on me? How dare he!?, her voice full of unbridled rage. The thought of Robert cheating on her after dating for three years was incomprehensible, at least until his attitude towards her changed suddenly two weeks ago. Her deepest fears were now confirmed.
She rushed upstairs to her bathroom and began to cry.
How could he do this to me?
She looked up and stared at herself in the mirror.
How could he not love this face?
Livia was proud of her physical appearance. She ate healthy, worked out, and took perfect care of her white skin and long black hair. The constant stares from men of all ages fueled her ego, and she was long used to bagging every man she desired.
However, Robert was different. Robert, the 6'2", muscular, tan, power-lawyer with short brown hair was the first man that Livia had to actively pursue. Sultry glares were not enough, and she had to go out of her way to be nice to him before he would pay any attention to her.
The chase was what made him special. The fact that Robert chose Olivia of all women soothed her fiery soul.
Now, unfortunately, the soothing effect was gone, and Livia burned with revenge against both Robert and his unnamed whore. Livia would teach both of them a lesson that would damage them for the rest of their lives. All Livia needed to do was recruit some help and figure out the woman's identity.
She picked up the phone and dialed her friends.
It didn't take long to figure out who Robert was cheating with. Her name was Korin Laurence, a secretary at his law firm. From the photos taken by Livia's friends, she knew that Korin was 5'7", blonde, with 34C breasts. In each of the photos, her round face wore little, if any, makeup, in stark contrast to Livia's crimson lipstick and heavy blush. The woman always seemed to show the same goofy smile, hinting at the type of perky, flirtatious attitude that Livia loathed.
Livia’s twin blonde friends did little to persuade her from one scheme to another, but after hours of planning and plotting with Jake and Hank she decided that there were more effective ways of punishing the whore than outright murder.
As Livia relayed the plan to Jake and Hank, all three members of the sadistic trio grew excited. The twins were willing to follow Livia's scheme, no matter how dark, as long as they got a piece of the action. Livia was tempted to fulfill her urges, then and there, but she stopped herself. The era of their m?nage-a-trois was long passed, and Livia prevented herself from falling back into the blissful and mindless lust.
Livia called Robert and scheduled a date for 8:30 Friday night at their favorite restaurant. She eagerly anticipated her moment of triumph over those that wronged her.
Friday night came, but Livia was nowhere near the restaurant at which Robert was waiting. Instead, she was fourteen miles away, sitting in the passenger’s seat of Jake's SUV. They watched for signs of activity inside of Korin's Cape Cod style house, as they had been for the last two hours. At 8:43 PM, the lights of Livia's bedroom turned on, and her silhouette could be seen from the street below. It was time for the trio to make their move.
Livia made way to the front door. Her friends flanked her sides. She looked through the window set into the top of the front door and saw that no lights on in the house, save one coming from Korin's bedroom and illuminating the second floor landing. She leaned against the frame of the door and rung the doorbell. Through the window, Livia saw Korin stumble out of her bedroom, half-dressed and buttoning up her white blouse.
As Korin walked down the stairs in her pantyhose, skirt, and blouse, she yelled "Who is it?"
Livia smiled. "I think you accidentally took something of mine!", she answered, trying to sound like a neighbor that's lost something.
Korin opened the door and glanced at Livia and her two friends. Livia returned the glance with a smirk on her face.
"Yes, you've definitely taken something of mine." Livia eased her foot inside the doorway.
Korin politely responded, "I think you have a mistake. Good bye." She tried to close the door, but it was too late. The door bounced off of Livia's shoe, and the trio muscled their way in for the capture.
The trio returned to Livia's house with their bound and gagged prisoner in tow and began the interrogation.
Livia pushed the adulterer onto the carpet of the guest bedroom with her heel. Korin let loose a grunt of pain as she fell onto the floor face first. Her hands were chained behind her back by the same padded leather wrist cuffs Livia and Robert had used dozens of times.
The scorned lover stood over her captive, a cool malice controlling her actions. "What made you think you could steal my man from me?" She dug her heal into Korin's back, and the gagged woman squealed. She bent down, grabbed Korin's hair, and yanked her head up she they could look each other in the eyes. "Tell me, and be honest." She reached out and tore the tape off of Korin's mouth.
Korin Laurence gasped for air and closed her eyes, savoring the opportunity to breath freely once again. "Did you know he was planning to leave you?" she asked.
Rage burned inside Livia's soul. She slapped Korin across the face with all her might, sending the blonde girl back down to the floor. "Liar! That was just what he told you so he could get in your pants."
Korin flipped into her side. "No, its true. He called you a crazy bitch that he couldn't wait to find the moment to break up with. He was just waiting for the opportunity. Honest."
Livia yelled in frustration and approached her captive and pressed her foot against the side of Korin's face, contemplated crushing the bound woman’s skull.
No, the original plan is best.
She bent down and reattached the tape to Korin's mouth and left her with Jake and Hank while she went downstairs and called Robert. He answered on the third ring, just like usual.
"Hey, Livia? Where are you at??
"I'm at home. Sorry I didn't call. I got hung up at work. How about you just come here and we can skip right to the fun?"
Robert paused, reaffirming Livia's fears that Korin was speaking the truth. He normally jumped at the offer of sex, the slight delay signaling that their spark was truly dead.
"Sure, I'll be there in twenty minutes."
Livia closed her phone and waited for the prey to enter her trap.
Robert knocked on Livia's door, exactly on time. The lovers kissed in a passionate embrace that Livia knew would be their last. Rather than heartbreaking, it was satisfying; she looked forward to the torture she had planned. Livia grabbed his hand and led him upstairs, tearing off his clothing as they ascended. She unzipped his pants as they passed the closed door to their guest bedroom. Livia thought she heard a grunt coming from the room as they passed, but Robert paid no heed.
Livia pushed Robert onto the mattress in her bedroom and pounced on him with unusual aggressiveness. She straddled him and caressed his chest, his shirt unbuttoned, revealing his hairless well-toned chest.
Robert looked at her, puzzled, and asked "What's gotten into you?"
Livia placed her right index finger against his lips to and shushed him quietly. She ran her red fingernail playfully across his lips and leaned closer. She stared him in the eyes, and said, "Let's just have some fun tonight, okay?" She leaned further and kissed him. Their lips locked and her tongue explored his mouth, but she could tell Robert was not as into it as he normally was.
He's really been stolen from me, hasn’t she. Well, I guess there's nothing left for me to do except this.
She reached into her nightstand and pulled out four pairs of cuffs. Robert raised his arms above his head like a well-conditioned pet. Livia grinned at him and cuffed his hands against the bed posts and his ankles to the far corners. She placed her hands on the sides of his clean-shaven face, still as smooth as he was every day.
"I have a surprise for you, Robby. I know you'll love it." She yelled for her friends. Moments later, they arrived, their captive in tow.
Roberts eyes went wide when he saw his lover, bound and gagged, being roughly pushed by Livia's friends. He yelled, "Korin! Livia, what the hell are you doing?" He struggled against his handcuffs, their metallic frame cutting into his wrists.
Livia laughed in glee, "Hahahaha, I know all about you and this whore, Robert. Did you think you could slip it by me?"
"Let her go, you crazy bitch! This is the sort of shit that made me want to leave you in the first place."
"We wouldn't be here right now if you had just broken up with me rather than messing around behind my back."
"I was going to break up with you tonight."
"Well, consider us broken up," said Livia, "but why don't we have a little bit off fun one last time? I know how much you love the rough stuff, but does your little whore feel the same way?". She turned her head towards Jake and Hank and nodded.
Hank let loose a sign of satisfaction. "Finally. I thought you were going to let her go for a moment."
Jake chimed in, "What are the limits?
Livia laughed. "There are none." She looked the tearful captive straight in the eyes, and smirked. "Have fun." Livia reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her roll of tape, tore a piece off, and placed it firmly over Robert's mouth. He screamed and tried to buck off his former lover. "Oh, Robert, can't you just relax for once?"
The twins went to work on Korin, with Jake in Front and Hank at her rear. Hank reached around and wormed his hands insider of her blouse. The buttons burst off and fell softly to the carpet floor from a single tug. He grabbed a hold of each side of her bra and pulled, which he tore through with little resistance. Korin let loose a gasp, finally accepting what was about to happen to her.
Hank rolled up her short skirt and tore at her pantyhose. He reached out with his right hand and rubbed his finger hard against her panties. "Oh, a nice little bow on your panties. Cute." He tore the thin piece of fabric and it fell to the floor.
"Mrrrfffff!" Korin yelled against the tape that locked her lips together. The tears flowed faster. Her assailants unzipped their pants and pulled out their eight inch cocks. Hank grasped her thighs while his brother grabbed her in a bear hug. His arms supported her and his hands grabbed her tits. In unison, they lifted her into the air and penetrated her holes with their cocks. A pained squeal escaped her throat as the pounded her from front and back.
Livia rested beside her former lover, stroking his chest as they watched the fruits of her revenge. She noticed that his previously flaccid penis was slightly erect. "Oh? Watching your new girlfriend get raped is turning you on? I wonder if you ever had that same fantasy about me..." She kneeled on the bed and caressed his cock and balls with her hands. He grew more and more aroused as she did her work. He closed his eyes and began mumbling to himself, but it did nothing to subside his arousal.
It did not take long before he was ready for action. Livia slid off her panties while still wearing her skirt, bra, and fishnet shirt. She mounted Robert and accepted his cock into her cunt and began using her former boyfriend's body like a piece of meat. He resisted the entire time, but was helpless against Livia's control. She bounced up and down on his defenseless body.
She continued to use and abuse his body, coming to climax after climax, enjoying the final dance with her boyfriend. After hours of abusing him, she collapsed in exhaustion and rested aside Robert. Tears streamed down his face. It was the first time that Livia had seen him cry.
Hank and Jake were finished with their prey too, at least for the moment. She sat on the floor, leaned back against a dresser, her face flush with tears that streamed down her cheeks and across her tape gag while cum dripped from her holes. Hank and Jake were beside her, sprawled on their backs, enjoying the moments rest after coming the same way they did pretty much everything-- in unison.
Livia Olivier stood up off of her bed and looked over the four exhausted bodies in front of her and accepted a simple truth, that ‘all good things most come to an end’.
However, then was not the time. Livia still burned with contempt for the cheating boyfriend and his whore, and they had all weekend to learn their lesson. She headed to her closet to get more toys, and exited with a dildo in each hand.
There were many more lessons for her to teach.
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"You can't spend another week in Knoxville, Will. You have a speaking engagement at Brandywine in Burlington on Monday morning, remember?" "Brandywine College." Will closed his eyes momentarily, suppressing the urge to slap his forehead. "Shit, I completely forgot about those people. I'm sorry, Megan." "I could cancel for you on short notice, but they'd want their speaking fee back." Megan had been his publicist for the last seven years, and Will had developed the ability to...
"Did you really come back to Knoxville just to go on another date?" Erica asked as they pulled out of the driveway. "I suppose I did," Will admitted. "I was going to make something up about some college speech, just so your dad wouldn't be able to make fun of me, but then I figured he'd want to come and listen to it." He glanced at Erica and saw that she regarded him with a cryptic little smile. "Why do you ask? Is that such a weird thing?" "No, no. Not at all. It's just...
The speed limit on I-75 in northern Tennessee was seventy-five miles per hour, which was precisely five miles less than the top speed of Bob's geriatric truck. Will drove almost all the way back to Knoxville with the gas pedal firmly pressed to the floor, and only the slow traffic just before the downtown interchange forced him to take his foot off the gas. "I should trade this piece of crap in on a real car while your dad can't protest," Will muttered when they pulled into the parking...
The next morning, Will saw Claire off to work, and then requisitioned her vacuum cleaner to do some final clean-up work on Bob's truck. Like polishing a turd, he thought as he laboriously cleaned the nooks and crannies of the old Dodge, sucking a motley collection of coins, ancient French fries, and other debris into the refuse container of Claire's bagless vacuum. It's not like they're going to allow more than the junkyard value of this thing on the trade. It turned out that he had...
In early April, Will hired a real estate agent out of Bangor to put the house in Ellsworth on the market. He had tossed around the idea of selling the place since Claire's tentative agreement to move north together, and he made the final decision when he realized that he hadn't been back to his own house in over two months. The bills were paid by automatic deduction from one of his accounts, and he could have afforded to keep the place empty for an indefinite amount of time, but he wasn't...
Eighteen Months Later "How's Erica liking her graduation present?" Bob asked, speaking up to make himself understood over the noise coming from the other end of the phone line. "Oh, she loves it," Will replied. "What do you think? We had to extend our stay in Paris for two days because we sort of underestimated the size of the Louvre. You should have seen her--it was like locking a toddler in a candy store." "I can imagine," Bob laughed. "What's all that noise in the background?...
"What do you mean, 'I'm not coming?' It's Thanksgiving, Will. You've never missed Thanksgiving with us." His mother sounded positively indignant, as if he had proposed to cancel the holiday season altogether, but he was prepared to make his case. "I am not interested if it's at Bob's place this year, mom. Why can't we do it over at home just like every damn year? Bob doesn't even have the space to put us all up for the night. I'm not sleeping on a camping mattress again, and...
Will's little travel alarm clock went off at six in the morning, and he silenced it swiftly before it could wake up his mother sleeping in the guest room next to the living room. He raised himself from the couch and ambled over to the bathroom, where he opted for a quick and quiet cat wash in the sink instead of a shower. When he left the bathroom, the kitchen was lit, and he could hear someone rummaging around in the cabinets. He finished dressing and then went over to investigate. "Mom,...
Claire's place was a small single-level brick house in the suburbs, on a street not too different from Bob's neighborhood. There was a small covered porch, and a tiny strip of garden right underneath one of the windows where Claire was growing a variety of kitchen herbs. The front lawn was as modest as the rest of the place; Will guessed that it probably only took a half dozen passes with a push mower to traverse the front yard. The other houses on the quiet cul-de-sac looked like they had...
"So this is it?" Claire asked. They had turned into the entry gate of a condominium complex, an expensive-looking property with a ten-foot high cast iron fence surrounding it. The gate itself was automated, and it only gave access to the community through a key card or a resident's electronic go-ahead. Will pulled up to the visitor gate, where a large computer screen displayed a long list of last names and condo numbers. "Yep, this is the place," Will replied. "I think it's way too...
They spent the next few days taking turns holding vigil at Bob's bedside. Will had ceded the spare bedroom in Bob's house to Kate, and taken up quarter at Claire's place instead. There were usually two people by Bob's side at all times, and when New Year's Eve came around, they all gathered in the ICU together. The doctor had upgraded Bob's prognosis to a cautiously optimistic one earlier in the day, and they allowed themselves a little levity, putting on party hats for the midnight...
"Oh, my God, it's really him!" Will heard the exclamation halfway across the café as he crossed the room to where Claire, Libby, and a dozen other women were sitting around a joined cluster of tables. Each of the women had a book and a café beverage in front of her, and fourteen pairs of eyes were suddenly on him. There was an empty chair next to Claire, and he strolled over and sat down. "Good evening, ladies," he said. The women all beamed at him, and there were some gasps when he...
Bob came home from the rehab hospital three months to the day of the robbery. It was a pleasant and unseasonably warm afternoon in late March, made all the more sunny to the Liebkind family by the fact that Bob walked from his room to the waiting minivan without any assistance save that of a sturdy hospital crutch. The paralysis of his left side was very much in evidence—he dragged his left foot, and his gait was laborious and unsure—but two months under the tutelage of a very skilled and...
When Will pulled into the parking lot of the strip mall behind the two police cruisers, the flames were already high enough to light up the night sky. Claire let out a little groan when she saw the thick smoke billowing from the front of her store. When they got out of the car, they could hear the fire alarm in the front of the store screaming furiously. "Stay back, please, ma'am," one of the deputies warned her as they approached the store front. "There's nothing in there that's worth...
This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...
Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...
I was sixteen, an awkward teenager that wanted to do the things that any male teenager would want to do, but shy and nervous around women. I was not too bad looking, being tall, blondish, and evenly featured. But I suppose I was a bit of a geek, being scientific- minded and wedded to my schoolbooks. I'd also been a bit socially handicapped by the fact my father's job had us move to a new town every year or so, which is not really enough time for a teenager to break into any really cool social...
Lessons in Lust From Allison Part 2 Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily. She moved up the couch until her lips were on my cheek. Her hand ran gently through my hair as she whispered, “ I think you’ve earned a reward for all your work tonight Greggy. You like the sound of that?” I nodded...
IncestJason Fremont calmly sipped his beer. Bouncing his foot casually he flipped through the TV, looking for something to watch, not really interested in watching anything, just trying to find a way to kill time. Glancing at his watch he noticed that it was almost 6pm. "Hmm.. going on 4 hours now." He thought to himself. Flipping off the television, he set the remote on the living room stand and started heading to the basement, whistling a tune as he went. Opening the basement door, the...