Better Life Revised Part 1
- 2 years ago
- 32
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The next morning, Will saw Claire off to work, and then requisitioned her vacuum cleaner to do some final clean-up work on Bob's truck.
Like polishing a turd, he thought as he laboriously cleaned the nooks and crannies of the old Dodge, sucking a motley collection of coins, ancient French fries, and other debris into the refuse container of Claire's bagless vacuum. It's not like they're going to allow more than the junkyard value of this thing on the trade.
It turned out that he had underestimated the willingness of the car salesman to move last year's models off the lot. Christa wasn't working today, so Will picked her up after driving the truck through a car wash one last time, like taking a death row inmate to a final shower. They drove out to the highway leading to the airport, which had the highest concentration of car dealers in the area code.
"The world-famous airport motor mile," Christa said, mimicking the local television advertising in an exaggerated Southern drawl that reminded Will instantly of Erica's renditions. "I wonder on which basis they claim some international connection. I've never seen anything but local license plates. Hell, our local sales tax rate is almost ten percent. I can pretty much guarantee you there aren't even any out-of-staters shopping here."
"They probably had a customer once who may have been a foreign exchange student," Will remarked, and they both laughed.
Bob's new ride would have to include enough cargo space for passengers and a wheelchair, which limited the suitable range of vehicles greatly. In fact, the only thing suitable for the task was a minivan. They went to four different dealerships on the Motor Mile to compare different kinds of minivans and gauge their suitability for wheelchair use. At the fourth place, a Dodge dealer, Christa and Will took a test drive in a Grand Caravan. Will preferred sports sedans, so he had no favorite among all the vans they had tested so far, but Christa immediately fell in love with the Dodge, and when the salesman demonstrated that all the seats save the two front ones could be folded into floor bins with very little effort, the deal was sealed.
Will wasn't very good at haggling, but Christa was an expert. She took charge of the negotiations, and got the salesman to concede fifteen hundred dollars as a trade-in value on Bob's old truck. Will suppressed a smile when he understood that Christa maximized the trade allowance by letting the dealer assume she'd finance the rest, and the salesman barely managed to avoid a nonplussed expression when she informed him that the rest of the vehicle's value would be paid in cash. Will had checked with his accountant earlier in the morning, and the money earmarked for his own traditional biannual car trade would have paid for two minivans. For the first time in ten years, Will labeled the practice wasteful, and his accountant practically cheered in response.
Christa further proved her financial shrewdness by rejecting the purchase of a brand new Grand Caravan, and instead opting for a lightly used one from last year's lineup. It was fully loaded, with electric sliding doors and virtually every option from the accessory catalog, and the twelve thousand miles on the odometer meant that the grand total rang up to almost ten thousand dollars less than a brand new model. Christa agreed to an extended warranty, which added another fifteen hundred dollars to the bill. In the end, Will signed over a check with a lot of numbers on it, and they drove off the lot in a forest-green Grand Caravan that still smelled like a new car.
They met up with Claire for lunch at an Applebee's a short distance from the bookstore. Will smiled when Christa was eager to show Claire the features of the new minivan, and walked inside ahead of the two women to claim a table.
"That's a swank ride," Claire said when they finally joined him at the table a few minutes later. "I love all the extras. It has like three cup holders for every passenger."
"It's pretty cool, isn't it?" Will replied. "I've never been a fan of minivans, but that thing is almost enough to make me want to buy one, too. It's like a rolling living room."
"And you know what else is cool about it?" Christa said as she reached for one of the menus on the table. "It's a minivan. It's big and boxy and uncool. That means that Erica is not going to ask to borrow it when she gets her license this year."
"Are you buying her a car?" Will asked.
"Well, that's the thing. Bob says she should spend some of her savings, so she'll appreciate it more, and we were going to match that dollar for dollar. The problem is that I don't want her driving around in a two thousand dollar shitbox with no safety features."
"You don't want her to ding up a brand new car, either," Claire said.
"Go to one of those city and county auctions where they sell old government vehicles," Will suggested. "Get her an old police cruiser, one of those Crown Vics. They have a lot of miles on them, but they come with cow catchers and heavy-duty electrical systems. She'll be safe in one of those. Plus, people are going to slow down on the highway when they see her car. They'll think it's an unmarked cruiser."
"That's not a bad idea," Christa said. "Those things are ugly, though. She'll want to borrow the van instead after all."
"Nah, it's Erica," Will shrugged. "She won't care about what it looks like, as long as she can come and go without having to ask anyone for a ride."
"I'm worried about letting her drive out on the road by herself. People drive like retards. The other day, I almost got clipped by this old bat who had to do fifty in the grocery store parking lot."
"Just wrap her in two tons of surplus cop car, and she'll be okay. She's a smart kid. I'm sure she'll be fine."
"I suppose," Christa sighed. She looked at Claire and smiled.
"Just wait until you have kids, Claire. You have no idea how much can worry about someone until your child leaves the house by herself for the first time."
Will cringed inwardly at Christa's innocent remark—he had never shared the story of Claire's miscarriage with anyone—but Claire merely returned the smile.
"Oh, I don't doubt it. I have a hard enough time leaving Oliver at the vet's overnight." She caught Will's glance and gave him an almost imperceptible little smile.
"Well, that settles it, I guess," Christa said. "She'll get a police cruiser. Maybe they have one that still has the cage in the back seat, so she can make sure her dates keep their hands to themselves."
After lunch, Will and Christa returned to the house, where Christa spent a half hour filling up the storage bins of the Caravan with various items from the garage.
"This is awesome," she proclaimed when Will came out to check on her. "We can haul around all the junk that's usually cluttering up the garage, and it all just disappears under the floor."
He watched as she arranged the contents of the storage bins until she was satisfied with the results. When she was finished, she closed the lids of the floor bins carefully, and then stepped back to appraise the clean interior of the van. Then she walked over to Will and hugged him firmly.
"Thank you for that loan, Will. You have no idea how much this is going to help. I couldn't have budgeted in another car payment."
"Don't mention it," Will replied, and patted Christa's back lightly. He felt a flush of embarrassment at her praise.
"It's not much of a sacrifice for me to have to keep driving an almost new BMW, is it?"
In the afternoon, Will decided to get back to work for a little while.
Living with Claire and being around his brother's family had emphasized the point that he didn't have much of a work schedule even on his most organized days. Claire got up every morning at five thirty, and she opened the store every day at eight thirty. Christa went to work almost every day now, and Erica spent the same predictable eight-hour block of time in school. Bob was still in the hospital, of course, but Will knew that his brother's writing schedule had been set in stone before the head injury. That left only Will looking for something to do during the day.
Back at home in Maine, he had followed a comfortable daily routine of sleeping in late, going for a run or a gym visit, eating lunch at one of his half dozen regular favorites, and then taking a nap before playing with his laptop keyboard until happy hour. On most days, the nap stretched right into happy hour, and then he would go back out to have some dinner before returning home to his well-stocked bar. Now, surrounded by people who had well-defined work schedules, Will felt like a slacker, and he knew that it was an accurate self-assessment. He was also bored out of his mind during the day, and he had spent so much time at Claire's store lately that even Libby had come to take his presence in stride.
Now, with no other distractions or excuses presenting themselves, Will dug the new laptop out of the computer bag that had not left the corner of Claire's bedroom since the first night he had spent here. Oliver had accompanied him into the bedroom, delighted to have unexpected company in the middle of the day, and now he wagged his tail at Will in a tentatively optimistic manner.
"Sorry, buddy," Will said. "I think I'll drive over to the café and do some work. They don't like doggies there."
He laughed when Oliver managed to look dejected, undoubtedly reading the tone of his voice.
"Tell you what. I'll give you a pig ear to make up for it. Want a treat?"
Oliver's ears perked up at the mention of the magic word, and he followed Will into the kitchen, tail wagging furiously. Will went to the pantry where Claire kept the dog treats, and reached in to extract a roasted pig ear from its container. They smelled awful once they got moistened by dog saliva, and chewing them produced a horrid crunching noise, but Oliver loved them, and just one of those pig ears usually kept him busy for a good ten minutes. Will handed the treat to Oliver, who took it gingerly before trotting off into the living room with his prize.
"See you tonight, buddy."
Will left the house and locked the door behind him. The air outside was cold and clean, and he paused to study the clear winter sky. A pair of crows circled overhead, cawing a dialogue, and Will watched them for a few moments as they flew their unhurried pattern above the quiet neighborhood.
He remembered reading that crows were monogamous, mating for life to a single partner. If one of those birds was blotted out of the sky by a hunter, or run over by a car while scavenging roadkill, the other one would be lonely for the rest of its life. The thought depressed him.
And they say monogamy is an unnatural state, he thought. Once upon a time, he had bought into that theory, but now he wasn't sure about the validity of it anymore.
The bookstore café wasn't nearly as busy as it had been the evening Will had joined the Friday Night Literature Club. There were a handful of people scattered at various tables, college kids with laptops and retirees perusing the store's variety of newspapers for free while sipping coffee. Will bought an iced coffee and picked a table by the window, as far away from the occupied tables as possible.
It felt strange to open the laptop and bring up a blank word processor page, and Will realized that it had been months since he had last put a word down. He briefly browsed through the documents he had salvaged from Erica's laptop recently. There was a novel that was a third of the way finished, a half dozen first chapters that had never made it beyond page ten or twenty, and various bits and snippets that didn't even look familiar to him. He opened the abandoned novel and read the first few pages, only to shake his head and conclude that this particular one wasn't likely to see the light of day. The idea had been good enough—it was supposed to be an insightful and clever story about a small Maine mill town that finds itself hosting a few hundred refugees from Somalia—but he hadn't even thought about the story in over a year, and it was as dead as freeze-dried fish.
Maybe I should stop poking at leftovers, then, he thought. He reopened a blank page in Word, collected his thoughts for a moment, and then started typing.
Surprisingly enough, the words came easy.
A good while later, when his wrists were starting to hurt, and the second refill of his iced coffee was drained, Will took his hands off the keyboard again and leaned back in his chair. When he checked his watch, he was surprised to find that he'd spent two hours hunched over his laptop. He brought up the Word Count feature, and let out a low whistle when the computer told him that he had just cranked out almost four thousand words. His usual daily quota was a thousand words, and on rare occasions he had been on a roll and managed two and a half thousand, but he could not remember having written this much in one sitting since he was working on the second half of Crow's Lament over ten years ago.
Will saved his new file with a feeling of satisfaction, and then closed the lid of the laptop.
That's more like it, he thought. And maybe, when I read through it tomorrow, only half of it will be unmitigated shit.
He had just left the bookstore when his cell phone rang. He switched the laptop bag to his left hand and pulled the phone out of his pocket, answering it without checking the caller ID.
"This is Will."
"Will! Are you sitting down?"
"Hi, Rachel. I can sit down, if I need to."
"I think you do, Will. I'm in the middle of a major bidding war regarding that manuscript you sent me."
"No shit," he replied. His stomach suddenly felt strangely buoyant. There was a green cast iron bench next to the door of the bookstore, and he walked over to it and sat down.
"No shit," Rachel affirmed. "I have the Big Five trying to outbid each other, and a dozen of the smaller houses."
"Good God, Rachel. How many places did you carpet-bomb with that manuscript?"
"Everyone who has something on the New York Times list this week, and then a few more," Rachel laughed. "Will, they're tossing numbers around that you wouldn't believe. I could pretend I'm not excited about the agent's cut on this one, but I'd be lying through my teeth. Doubleday is offering an advance that has more zeros than a History Channel special on Pearl Harbor."
Despite the sudden dread he was feeling, Will had to laugh at this.
"Oh, crap, Rachel. I'm in deep shit now."
"If by 'shit' you mean hundred-dollar bills, then yes, you're in it up to your eyeballs."
"Not exactly." He paused, trying to think of a way to dampen her excitement without making her hang up on him.
"Rachel, can you promise me something here?"
"What's that, Will?"
"Sit on the manuscript for a while. Compare the offers, negotiate better deals if you want, but don't commit to anything yet. I'm going to have to clear something up here, but I'll call you back as soon as I can. Just don't buy a bigger condo on the Upper West Side yet, okay?"
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***Authors Note*** Well life is still keeping me rather busy, but other than that things are slowly starting to settle down for me. This chapter shouldn't be a cause of tissue use, but we will start seeing a bit of more the tenacity that is packaged in the petite 5'4" Jordan. Hope you all enjoy
***Rebecca's Note*** Just had a momentary break in the madness of my life and was able to get this out, hope you all enjoy. ~~Rebecca Chapter16 Later that evening I was standing there in my bathroom admiring my boobs... Yeah, I never thought I'd have ever thought that, let alone admitted it to anyone either. Sam's administrations earlier that afternoon had caused a shift inside me, one I couldn't define but I definitely knew things had changed for myself. No, I wasn't...
There is no sex in this story, sorry. As always constructive critiques and comments are welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy. "You should go. It will clear up a lot of problems that we have," Jessie (Jessica) told me. "I don't want to go, don't need to go, don't plan to go," I responded. "And you're the one with the problem." The ongoing debate continues. The action being debated was the 10 year reunion of my high school class. We had been discussing, more...
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The following story is fiction. It could happen, it didn’t happen with me. Credit for the plot must go to Softly. * * * * * I was sitting at the computer staring and thinking. “Life isn’t working out. Sex is no fun and Molly is a bore. A chubby bore.” He hit “hypnosis” on the search engine. There were thousands of hits. I arbitrarily went to the tenth page and found “Creative Hypnosis, we solve your problems creatively.” They seemed to be located in my area. “Maybe this will solve my...
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Better Day -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...
Better Days By Lyta Somabre This is my first try at this, so please add a review with any comments or constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. ******** Neil despised autumn. The falling of the leaves only served as an omen of the cold weather to come. If there is one thing a bike courier doesn't need its frostbite on his hands and face. As if this job didn't take enough out of you all ready. It was only 10:00am and he was dead tired. Neil Horowitz...
FOR BETTER OR WORSE Part 1 I should introduce myself, my name is Josh Martin, and I was 12 years old, an only child and in the sixth grade at McAllister JR high when my story starts. I was tall for my age, 5'8 but very thin. I was always thought of as a 'wimp', but once I get into a fight, I earn the other's respect. So I was one of the guys. I am very mature for my age and roll with the punches well, so to speak. I played lots of sports and was finding girls very attractive. This...
Chapter 5 I'd like to say that I was able to focus and catch up on the reading that I didn't get done last night due to my meltdown. I couldn't though, my mind kept drifting back to how much the changes terrified me last night and then just now how I seemed more than okay with the possibility. I didn't think I was okay with being a girl, just the thought of my body becoming all curvy sent a shudder through me. I spent most of the two-hour study hall in thought, the only thing I...
Tiffany wrapped Amy in a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you.” She held her at arm’s length. “How do you stay so tight without plastic at our age?” Amy dimpled. “An hour and a half workout a day and lots of sex. You’re looking pretty good yourself.” Tiffany laughed. “I get my workout keeping a fourteen-year-old in check. Do you have any other luggage?” “Nah, just my carry on.” “OK. Want to get a bite on the way back?” “I’m good. I’m ready to relax a bit.” She sighed “I hate flying. I get...
Act 5 Tuesday, July 20th, 8:45am "Good morning, Warren. You're back safe and sound. How was the Keeneland Concours?" "Excellent, Valentine, excellent. We won a couple of special awards, but more importantly, we learned just what it's going to take to win the larger prizes. We certainly turned heads with our two vehicles, though." "So ... it was worthwhile ... in your opinion?" "Very much so. I spent as much time reviewing the other entrants as I did answering questions about our...
Act 3 Friday, January 1st, 2:15pm ‘Hi, Val speaking.’ ‘Did I embarrass myself badly last night?’ It was a voice from the bottom of a gravel pit. Doreen was obviously suffering. ‘No, Doreen, you didn’t. You had fun. You let loose and had fun. And so did I.’ ‘Are you sure. I have some very strange memories from last night. How did I get home?’ ‘Well, you were very tired, so I brought you home and made sure you were comfortable.’ ‘I was still wearing my dress when I woke up this morning....
Chapter 14 – Andrea Having a glimpse of Robert and his life outside of what we had shared over these past few months made me find him all the more attractive. I got to see him as a good brother, a good brother-in-law, and a good friend among some of the people with whom he spent time and had a long history. I’m sure it was a big step for him to bring me around and make that introduction to everyone. I felt as if I fit right in. I also knew we had a long way to go to see if there was that...
I'd always been a bit uncomfortable with my sexuality. Being raised in a painfully conservative home, where I had to abide by my parents' strict rules every single second, was a big reason for that. When I started feeling sexual urges as a teenager, I tried my best to repress them. Discovering that I was also attracted to girls wasn't a very welcome surprise either. Alexis Rheaves was not the type of girl to have sex before marriage, I kept telling myself. However, things were fixing to change...
Straight SexOral sex is fine, Chris thinks, as long as he is the one getting. He definitely does not believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive.He's always been that way, even before we were married-even when we were having raucous, no-holds-barred sex (well, obviously, almost no holds barred sex). Chris has always been up (so to speak) for any kind of sex, straight or kinky, except licking my clitoris. In fairness to him, he did sort of try it once or twice, half-heartedly and only for a few...
Chapter 2 I'm not going to lie, I was stunned. I wasn't trying to be rude, but this cute girl in front of me just admitted that she was a friend of mine that I had known as a guy... I was looking at her face, and I could then see the Sam I had known, well sort of. Sam had always had this look... I mean we all have a look, but his was like he was always concentrating. He had been a good damn player, and I mean totally focused, even for a kid. Now though, that intense look that he...
Chapter 11 When I regained consciousness, I was almost blinded by the bright light that was in the room. I quickly shut my eyes and groaned, my entire body felt as if I'd been run over by a truck. I tried to open my eyes again, this time much more slowly. As everything slowly came into focus I recognized the room I was in as a hospital room, I've been in enough to know. I also realized that I was hooked up to monitors with an IV, I immediately started wondering how badly I had screwed...
***Authors note*** Life is slowly starting to return to a semblance of normalcy, at least enough that I have a bit of time to write now. I'm just having to catch up with three writing projects I'm currently behind on. Alternative is of course one of them, along with another story I am slowly starting to write (Muse is not staying focused), and a collaboration I'm writing with a good friend of mine. I can't really say more, but hopefully it will be awesome. Hope you all enjoy, hugs....
*Authors note* Hey y'all, I hate that it's taken me this long to complete this chapter. Life unfortunately has caused me to have to place my writing pretty low on my priority list. Between work and my kids I just haven't had enough time in my days to write much at a time. To those following this story I will repeat my promise to you, I WILL complete this story. I just apologize that it's taking me longer than it should. Hope y'all enjoy. ~Rebecca J. Chapter 18 Sam gasped, "Oh my...
***Authors note*** I just wanted to let you all know the muse right now is on fire and hope she'll keep it up until the conclusion. I do want to thank you all for reading and commenting... Oh and Don... You guessed it first. :p Enjoy, ~Rebecca Jane Chapter 20 The next morning as we sat around the breakfast table, I told my parents what I had finally decided on what costume I had decided on. Mom was immediately ecstatic thinking that I was suddenly embracing my femininity, Dad though...
??????????? I was walking home from the market in my usual brown dress, my brown hair up in a bun, and I didn?t have anything to cover my blue eyes from the sun. I may have been considered a free woman but I didn?t feel like it. Always having to do what my father told me when he told me, or I would get the paddle. Some freedom, I wasn?t even going to know the man I was to marry. He could be an old man and I would have had no clue. I carried with me only what I had bought with the money he...
"Ai!" said Rosa, sweating in her apartment and borderline bored.Rosa worked for a large company and due to the pandemic, had been told she needed to work from home for the remainder of the year. To make the time more convenient for herself, Rosa moved from New York City to near a beach in Florida. Despite being fifty years old, Rosa was in phenomenal shape. The woman had shredded abs, a nice body, and looked exactly like Jennifer Lopez. Despite her age, Rosa was single which allowed her to...
Office SexIf it was one thing Ken Cramer didn’t enjoy doing it was attending funerals. His attendance at this funeral was mandatory as it was for his long time law partner and friend Gordon Price. Gordon at fifty five years was ten years Ken’s senior and besides being his law partner was a longtime friend. Gordon was driving home from dinner at a restaurant with a female companion when he suddenly slumped at the wheel. His companion had managed to stop the vehicle and with the help of some passing...
Act 3 Friday, January 1st, 2:15pm "Hi, Val speaking." "Did I embarrass myself badly last night?" It was a voice from the bottom of a gravel pit. Doreen was obviously suffering. "No, Doreen, you didn't. You had fun. You let loose and had fun. And so did I." "Are you sure. I have some very strange memories from last night. How did I get home?" "Well, you were very tired, so I brought you home and made sure you were comfortable." "I was still wearing my dress when I woke up...
Since I found out that Janet and Patty were experienced, I decided that I needed a new formula for my experiments. I then got on the internet and researched to find what I had read about. What I needed was a dis-inhibiter drug that would do away with roadblocks to my sexual pursuits. I could do almost everything using my sleepers but after a while the thrill started to fade. I got physical reactions from my test subjects but I wanted to get more. I wanted to experience emotional responses...
After Aiden and VIC left, Jack was finally alone in the apartment. Without psycho biker bitches, homicidal reptilians, wide-eyed teenagers and annoying robots to pester him, Jack decided to reward himself with a quick shower. He showered with the shotgun, and with the door ajar, although he had little reason to believe anybody would burst into his apartment looking to kill him twice in a day. Not even he was that unlucky. After the shower he changed into some fresh clothes, except for the...