A Bettered LifeChapter 14 free porn video

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"Have I been an insufferable prick for the last ten years?" Will asked his mother as they drove across the Memorial Bridge into New Hampshire. It was well before dawn—they had left Augusta at four in the morning—and he had sipped an entire twenty-ounce cup of cappuccino to infuse himself with some caffeine.

"Not exactly," Kate answered after a moment of consideration. She gave him a guarded look, but there was the faintest hint of a smile playing in the corners of her mouth.

"But kind of, sort of?" he pressed.

"Well, sometimes. Especially towards your brother, but you know that just as well as I do. You don't need me to tell you that, do you?"

"Not exactly," he conceded, using her exact tone of voice, and she laughed softly.

"You give a guy a bag of money and tell him he's the cream of the crop in his profession, and it'll go to his head," Will continued. "I was a complete shithead when I was in my twenties, and the stupid medal made it ten times worse."

"I didn't really get to see you all that much back then," Kate said. "You were always on the road on one of your research trips. Don't tell me you really went to Ireland and New Zealand and all those other places to get ideas for another book."

"Hardly," Will chuckled. "I was mainly researching booze and women, to tell you the truth. Never did have to look far for either."

"I figured as much," Kate said. "For a while there, I thought you'd take after your father, you know."

Will's dad had won fifty thousand dollars on a lottery ticket he'd bought at a gas station on the way home from work three days before Will's twelfth birthday. Ed Liebkind had decided on the spot that a wife and two sons were too much of a weight around his neck, filled up the family's Dodge Dart, and then headed south to Key West. At the time, nobody had known where he'd gone, of course, and it was only after his dad contacted Will after reading about the Nobel prize and its attendant monetary component almost two decades later that Will learned where his father had steered the Dodge on that September night in 1982. Ed Liebkind was a smooth enough talker to convince Will to meet him at the Howard Johnson's at the Bangor airport, but the meeting had been less than productive. Will had been aghast at the deteriorated appearance of his father, who by then had looked nothing like the picture Will had kept in his memory. Whatever Ed had spent his winnings on in Key West, dental care and hygiene had not been a priority for him. During their strained conversation over dinner, Ed had told his son matter-of-factly that he had lung cancer, which may have had something to do with the two packs he'd been smoking daily since his Army service. He'd wasted no time hitting Will up for a loan—actually, more of a grant, since the word 'loan' implied some sort of payback schedule—and Will had made it clear that the only money his father would see out of him was the balance for the dinner tab that evening. Ed Liebkind had shrugged in a noncommittal and un-offended sort of shrug that said 'no harm done', and that was the last Will had seen of his father before hearing of his death less than two years later. He was buried in a welfare plot in some coastal town near Fort Myers, and Will would have had no desire to visit the grave even if it hadn't been an unmarked plot.

"That's pretty harsh, mom," Will said. "I didn't leave my family to drink Coronas on the beach at Key West for ten years."

"No," Kate conceded. "But I think I got to see you three times a year at the most for the last ten years, so it was all the same in the end, don't you think?"

"I wasn't that bad," he protested weakly. "I was on the road a lot, you know."

"You just admitted that it was more by choice, Will. Besides, I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I had a pretty good idea that you were banging everything in a skirt."

Will almost choked on his cappuccino at his mother's statement. He coughed as he placed the paper cup back in the cup holder, and gave Kate an accusing glance.

"Hell, mom. What's gotten into you today? You've never showed any sort of interest in my love life."

Kate merely shrugged, and pointedly studied the exit signs for downtown Portsmouth.

"I'm really not a prude, Will," she said after a while. "I used to think you'd get it out of your system after a few years. But you know how I could tell you've never been serious about any of the women you've bedded?"

"Do tell."

"You've never brought any of them home to meet the family. Until this Christmas, that is."

The thought of Claire made him feel warm in a way the twenty-ounce cup of gas station cappuccino could not hope to achieve, and he only realized he was smiling when he caught his own reflection in the passenger side window.

They drove through New Hampshire and Massachusetts, circumventing Boston to avoid the rush hour traffic there. Will stopped for gas and snacks in Rhode Island, and at noon, they were already past New York City, driving south on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Later that afternoon, Kate scanned through the radio frequencies for some music, and Will cracked up when she found a station broadcasting in some strange-sounding language that was only barely recognizable as German. Kate had learned German from her husband, but she pronounced the station announcer's German as almost incomprehensible.

"It's a Pennsylvania Dutch radio station," Will said. "They speak some sort of regional dialect that's hard to understand even for a native German speaker."

"And how would you know this?" Kate asked. "You quit German in college because you'd forgotten all the stuff your dad tried to teach you, remember?"

"Oh, I dated a German exchange student once," he replied. Anja from Kassel, he remembered, smiling at the fond memories of a booze-fueled road trip from New York to Los Angeles. Six days of debauchery.

"So what's going on with you and Claire?" his mother asked, disrupting the thought.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, are you two an item? You sure spend an awful lot of time with her, don't you?"

"'An item'," he repeated with a chuckle. "Mom, we're long out of high school. We like having each other around, I suppose."

"Oh, I think it's a bit more serious than that," Kate said. "After all, you've spent the last month and a half in Knoxville with her—and don't tell me you've only stayed around for your brother to get better."

"She may have had something to do with that, too," he admitted.

"No shit," Kate said, and Will had to stifle a grin at his mother's uncharacteristic vulgarity.

"Alright, alright." He shook his head at his mother with a resigned sigh. "I'm nuts about her. She's absolutely everything I ever wanted in a woman. She's sharp as a tack, she's a knockout, and she knows what she wants out of life."

"And you don't think you'll get bored with her sooner or later?"

He considered the question, and then shook his head firmly in response. Kate smiled at him, but it was her maternal smile, the one she reserved for occasions when she observed her sons doing something that she knew to bring them grief before too long.

"I really hope so," she said. "We all like Claire, you know."

"Not nearly as much as I do, mom."

Under normal circumstances, Will would have made the eighteen-hour drive from Maine to Tennessee non-stop, and the prospect of getting back to Claire did weigh his foot down on the BMW's accelerator. Kate, however, was intent on enjoying the trip. She asked Will to take detours through places she had never seen, so instead of a relatively straight trajectory from Augusta to Knoxville, their travel route had as many bends in it as a strainer of cooked spaghetti. They stopped in Pennsylvania to see Gettysburg, a sight that was still fresh in Will's memory from the Christmas trip home with Claire. Then, when his mother mentioned that she'd never seen the White House, he took her into Washington, D.C., even though it was a detour of two hundred miles. They parked the car near the Vietnam Memorial and spent the early evening walking around to see the sights for three hours. When they finally left D.C. with the tail end of rush hour traffic, it was too late to even consider pressing on to Knoxville, so Will took the first Virginia exit that had a decent-looking motel in sight of the Interstate. They found a clean-looking Hampton Inn with an adjacent Outback, so Will treated his mother to a steak dinner, during which they polished off two bottles of red wine along with their ribeye steaks.

They shared a room with two double beds, Kate adamantly protesting the unnecessary waste of money when Will proposed separate rooms, and the combination of the wine and the day's driving had Will fall asleep not ten minutes after his head hit the pillow.

In the morning, they had breakfast at a nearby Cracker Barrel. Kate, who had spent a great deal more time in the south than Will, and whose stomach's tolerance for southern cooking was superior to that of his own, ordered up some sort of country breakfast whose overarching theme seemed to be gravy. The menu called it "sawmill gravy", and it was so thick that Will could have stuck a spoon into a bowl of the stuff and have it remain upright for a while.

"Yuck," he said as he watched his mother ladle a spoonful of the gravy onto her breakfast biscuit. "Look, mom, it has sausage bits in it, as if there's not enough fat and grease in the gravy itself. For the love of all that's holy, don't even think about eating that."

Kate cut a piece of biscuit with the edge of her fork, speared it, and then brought the bite to her mouth, smiling sweetly in response.

"You should try it. With the way things are going, you're going to have to become a Southerner eventually, you know."

"Like your daughter-in-law will be happy to tell you, Southerners are born, not made. You can't move to Knoxville and become one just by getting a Tennessee driver's license. Not that I have a terrific desire to claim that title, anyway."

"So what are you going to do about Claire? She seems quite happy where she is, don't you think?"

"She likes what she has built," Will replied. "I don't think it matters to her whether that bookstore is in Knoxville or Bangor."

"So you're going to ask her to move north for you?"

The waitress arrived and brought Will his continental breakfast—or at least the closest facsimile the place offered.

"Yeah, I guess," he said. "Otherwise I'd have to get used to stuff like country ham and grits for breakfast, and eighty-degree weather in October, and I don't see that happening. I'm more of a hot tea, English muffins with jelly, Indian Summers sort of guy."

Kate accepted his response without a comment, studying him impassively as she took another bite of her gravy biscuit.

"Don't tell me you are ready to sell the condo in Augusta and move to Knoxville," Will said with a grin.

"No, of course not," she said, waving off his remark. "I quite like it right where I am, and Bob and Christa won't need as much help anymore once he's back home."

"They'll need a bunch of stuff done to that house, you know. Hard to get a wheelchair up those stairs."

Kate's expression turned pained very briefly, undoubtedly at the thought of her son being confined to a wheelchair, the muscles in his legs withering from disuse.

"He'll walk again," she said with determination.

"Sure he will," he agreed. "But until then, he needs a way to get up to the bedroom, you know. Unless you just want to dump him on the living room couch at night until he's able to walk up the stairs again." He chuckled at the thought of such an unsympathetic treatment. "Come to think of it, that might be one hell of a motivator."

"Oh, come on, now," Kate said, but her smile told him that she knew he was merely kidding.

Was there ever a time when I would have said something like that, and meant it? he thought.

"He'll need one of those elevator thingies for the stairs, and maybe an electric wheelchair to get around. I don't have a fortune saved, but I think I can help them manage."

"Don't even worry about that," Will said, shaking his head. "The insurance will pay up whatever they have to, and then I'll cover the stuff they won't. You keep your money."

"What else am I going to do with it?" she asked. "I don't go on cruises, I'm not interested in time shares, and I have no expensive hobbies. The way things are going, I'll be leaving a bunch of money to you kids when I die."

"Don't leave any to me," Will replied. "I'm doing okay. Leave it to Bob and Christa, and Erica. Better yet, spend some of it while you can. Maybe you should take up an expensive hobby, just for the hell of it. Or go on a trip to Europe, or Asia."

Kate shook her head dismissively.

"That's not me, Will. I'm too old for skydiving or flying airplanes, and I hate going on trips. The only reason I even come down to Knoxville is because I hate not seeing my son and granddaughter even worse than I hate flying."

"Well," he grinned. "I guess between the two of us, Erica is going to have one hell of a college fund waiting for her when she gets out of high school. She'll be able to pay for four years of Harvard for herself and three of her closest friends."

They made it to Knoxville in the early evening of the second day of their trip. There had been no sites of interest for Kate in Virginia, and Will was thoroughly grateful for that. The long drive south with his mother had been mostly enjoyable, but the last stretch of the trip through southern Virginia and northeast Tennessee was the most boring one, and he was eager to see Claire again.

"So I got my schedule from Megan for the first ten or so lectures and book signings," Will said to Claire at the dinner table. She had cooked a "quick dinner" of Shepherd Pie prepared with ground lamb and fresh garlic mashed potatoes, and Will had helped himself to seconds despite his resolution to watch his intake and lose the ten pounds he had gained since coming to Knoxville.

"Oh, yeah? Where at?"

"The first two are in Manhattan and Boston, respectively. For New York, it's a book signing at one of those trendy Greenwich Village bookstores, and in Boston it's a lecture at Boston College. Interested in coming along for either one of those?"

"Oh, hell yes," Claire said with conviction. "I haven't been to either in ages." She bit her lower lip in thought briefly.

"New York, huh?"

Will nodded.

"We could hook up with my sister, you know. I'm sure she'd love to meet you. Are we going to have time for that kind of thing?"

"We'll have as much time as you want," he said. "The book signing's on Saturday, but we don't have to fly back right that Sunday. We can stay an extra day or two, if you'd like."

"Ooh, that's tempting," Claire smiled. "We could do some Big City stuff. Go see a play, take a walk in Central Park, have one of those gargantuan New York style pizzas..."

Will laughed at her sudden burst of enthusiasm.

"You're actually craving junk food for a change? Wow. Now I want to take you along just for the chance of seeing you try to eat one of those things without getting grease all over your face."

"I've done it before, silly," she replied. "You just fold the slices down the middle, and then eat them from the pointy end."

They went to the airport together once more, but instead of seeing him off, as Claire had done twice already in as many months, they checked in together. They had arrived early, and the run through the security gauntlet had taken no time at all, so they killed an hour of waiting time having an early lunch at the Ruby Tuesday restaurant in the gate area. Will allowed himself a tall Guinness with his crabcake burger, and Claire followed suit.

The flight itself was tolerable. Claire had never flown in first class before, and Will was amused at her continued amazement at all the extra amenities available to the folks on the expensive side of the privacy curtain.

"It does have its perks, your job," she declared as she was sipping on her beverage, comfortably reclined on her armchair-like leather seat.

"Just wait until we get to the hotel," Will smiled. "They don't put their Nobel laureates up at the Holiday Inn, you know. Last time I did a signing for them, they booked me a room at the Waldorf."

"I could get used to this," Claire proclaimed with a satisfied sigh. "It's nice to be able to finally go with you, instead of having to say good-bye at the airport, you know."

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Better The Second Time

In high school, I was a good girl and wanted to save myself for the right guy. Um, well, I guess the honest truth also includes the fact that I never knew any guy in high school who I either wanted or trusted to take my cherry. Mom always said to be honest. I was a junior and it seemed that most of my friends had lost their virginity well before now. I couldn’t help but hear so many of my friends talking about how wonderful sex was, how great it was to have your boyfriend eat you out, then fuck...

4 years ago
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Better The Second Time

In high school, I was a good girl and wanted to save myself for the right guy. Um, well, I guess the honest truth also includes the fact that I never knew any guy in high school who I either wanted or trusted to take my cherry. Mom always said to be honest. I was a junior and it seemed that most of my friends had lost their virginity well before now. I couldn't help but hear so many of my friends talking about how wonderful sex was, how great it was to have your boyfriend eat you out, then fuck...

First Time
3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The next morning as Sam and I left my house I asked her the question that had been bugging me since her text last night. "I was wondering... Why do you want me to go with you on Friday? Would it be okay for me to go? Aren't those supposed to be private for the safety of the group?" She glanced at me with a slightly raised eyebrow, it must have been something I wasn't supposed to know. She responded, "Usually they are invite only by the mediator... Occasionally, like every...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 14

***Authors Note*** Well life is still keeping me rather busy, but other than that things are slowly starting to settle down for me. This chapter shouldn't be a cause of tissue use, but we will start seeing a bit of more the tenacity that is packaged in the petite 5'4" Jordan. Hope you all enjoy

2 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 16

***Rebecca's Note*** Just had a momentary break in the madness of my life and was able to get this out, hope you all enjoy. ~~Rebecca Chapter16 Later that evening I was standing there in my bathroom admiring my boobs... Yeah, I never thought I'd have ever thought that, let alone admitted it to anyone either. Sam's administrations earlier that afternoon had caused a shift inside me, one I couldn't define but I definitely knew things had changed for myself. No, I wasn't...

2 years ago
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Better as a Memory

There is no sex in this story, sorry. As always constructive critiques and comments are welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy. "You should go. It will clear up a lot of problems that we have," Jessie (Jessica) told me. "I don't want to go, don't need to go, don't plan to go," I responded. "And you're the one with the problem." The ongoing debate continues. The action being debated was the 10 year reunion of my high school class. We had been discussing, more...

4 years ago
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Better Choice

"Is that all you are going to do this summer?" I couldn't but ask my nineteen-year old daughter as she started to squat down for what had become a daily diet of yoga. It is not that I have anything against the practice - but to see my daughter sitting cross-legged, with those long, tanned legs wearing just the tightest of shorts and a shirt with the top three buttons undone to allow me peeks of the elastic band of her bra... it evokes feelings that are not exactly yoga-solvable. On this...

4 years ago
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Better Marriage Through Hypnosis

The following story is fiction. It could happen, it didn’t happen with me. Credit for the plot must go to Softly. * * * * * I was sitting at the computer staring and thinking. “Life isn’t working out. Sex is no fun and Molly is a bore. A chubby bore.” He hit “hypnosis” on the search engine. There were thousands of hits. I arbitrarily went to the tenth page and found “Creative Hypnosis, we solve your problems creatively.” They seemed to be located in my area. “Maybe this will solve my...

2 years ago
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Better Ch 16

Chapter 16 – Michael I thought I would have been better prepared having given myself 24 hours to have ‘the talk’ with Kathy, but the truth was, I was more concerned that I hadn’t heard from Andrea. It wasn’t like her to not get back to me promptly or at least as soon as she could. If she was out all day for work or went out for the evening, I understood, but it had been almost 24 hours since I sent her the ‘urgent’ text message, and the worst of my imagination was getting the best of me. If...

1 year ago
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Better Day

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Better Day -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...

1 year ago
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Better Days

Better Days By Lyta Somabre This is my first try at this, so please add a review with any comments or constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. ******** Neil despised autumn. The falling of the leaves only served as an omen of the cold weather to come. If there is one thing a bike courier doesn't need its frostbite on his hands and face. As if this job didn't take enough out of you all ready. It was only 10:00am and he was dead tired. Neil Horowitz...

1 year ago
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Better or Worse Part 1

FOR BETTER OR WORSE Part 1 I should introduce myself, my name is Josh Martin, and I was 12 years old, an only child and in the sixth grade at McAllister JR high when my story starts. I was tall for my age, 5'8 but very thin. I was always thought of as a 'wimp', but once I get into a fight, I earn the other's respect. So I was one of the guys. I am very mature for my age and roll with the punches well, so to speak. I played lots of sports and was finding girls very attractive. This...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I'd like to say that I was able to focus and catch up on the reading that I didn't get done last night due to my meltdown. I couldn't though, my mind kept drifting back to how much the changes terrified me last night and then just now how I seemed more than okay with the possibility. I didn't think I was okay with being a girl, just the thought of my body becoming all curvy sent a shudder through me. I spent most of the two-hour study hall in thought, the only thing I...

2 years ago
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Better Than the Jackpot

Tiffany wrapped Amy in a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you.” She held her at arm’s length. “How do you stay so tight without plastic at our age?” Amy dimpled. “An hour and a half workout a day and lots of sex. You’re looking pretty good yourself.” Tiffany laughed. “I get my workout keeping a fourteen-year-old in check. Do you have any other luggage?” “Nah, just my carry on.” “OK. Want to get a bite on the way back?” “I’m good. I’m ready to relax a bit.” She sighed “I hate flying. I get...

2 years ago
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Better Than NewChapter 5

Act 5 Tuesday, July 20th, 8:45am "Good morning, Warren. You're back safe and sound. How was the Keeneland Concours?" "Excellent, Valentine, excellent. We won a couple of special awards, but more importantly, we learned just what it's going to take to win the larger prizes. We certainly turned heads with our two vehicles, though." "So ... it was worthwhile ... in your opinion?" "Very much so. I spent as much time reviewing the other entrants as I did answering questions about our...

3 years ago
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Better Than New Ch 03

Act 3 Friday, January 1st, 2:15pm ‘Hi, Val speaking.’ ‘Did I embarrass myself badly last night?’ It was a voice from the bottom of a gravel pit. Doreen was obviously suffering. ‘No, Doreen, you didn’t. You had fun. You let loose and had fun. And so did I.’ ‘Are you sure. I have some very strange memories from last night. How did I get home?’ ‘Well, you were very tired, so I brought you home and made sure you were comfortable.’ ‘I was still wearing my dress when I woke up this morning....

2 years ago
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Better Ch 14

Chapter 14 – Andrea Having a glimpse of Robert and his life outside of what we had shared over these past few months made me find him all the more attractive. I got to see him as a good brother, a good brother-in-law, and a good friend among some of the people with whom he spent time and had a long history. I’m sure it was a big step for him to bring me around and make that introduction to everyone. I felt as if I fit right in. I also knew we had a long way to go to see if there was that...

1 year ago
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Better Than I Imagined

I'd always been a bit uncomfortable with my sexuality. Being raised in a painfully conservative home, where I had to abide by my parents' strict rules every single second, was a big reason for that. When I started feeling sexual urges as a teenager, I tried my best to repress them. Discovering that I was also attracted to girls wasn't a very welcome surprise either. Alexis Rheaves was not the type of girl to have sex before marriage, I kept telling myself. However, things were fixing to change...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Better Licking Part 1

Oral sex is fine, Chris thinks, as long as he is the one getting. He definitely does not believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive.He's always been that way, even before we were married-even when we were having raucous, no-holds-barred sex (well, obviously, almost no holds barred sex). Chris has always been up (so to speak) for any kind of sex, straight or kinky, except licking my clitoris. In fairness to him, he did sort of try it once or twice, half-heartedly and only for a few...

4 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 2

Chapter 2 I'm not going to lie, I was stunned. I wasn't trying to be rude, but this cute girl in front of me just admitted that she was a friend of mine that I had known as a guy... I was looking at her face, and I could then see the Sam I had known, well sort of. Sam had always had this look... I mean we all have a look, but his was like he was always concentrating. He had been a good damn player, and I mean totally focused, even for a kid. Now though, that intense look that he...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 11

Chapter 11 When I regained consciousness, I was almost blinded by the bright light that was in the room. I quickly shut my eyes and groaned, my entire body felt as if I'd been run over by a truck. I tried to open my eyes again, this time much more slowly. As everything slowly came into focus I recognized the room I was in as a hospital room, I've been in enough to know. I also realized that I was hooked up to monitors with an IV, I immediately started wondering how badly I had screwed...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 17

***Authors note*** Life is slowly starting to return to a semblance of normalcy, at least enough that I have a bit of time to write now. I'm just having to catch up with three writing projects I'm currently behind on. Alternative is of course one of them, along with another story I am slowly starting to write (Muse is not staying focused), and a collaboration I'm writing with a good friend of mine. I can't really say more, but hopefully it will be awesome. Hope you all enjoy, hugs....

2 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 18

*Authors note* Hey y'all, I hate that it's taken me this long to complete this chapter. Life unfortunately has caused me to have to place my writing pretty low on my priority list. Between work and my kids I just haven't had enough time in my days to write much at a time. To those following this story I will repeat my promise to you, I WILL complete this story. I just apologize that it's taking me longer than it should. Hope y'all enjoy. ~Rebecca J. Chapter 18 Sam gasped, "Oh my...

2 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 20

***Authors note*** I just wanted to let you all know the muse right now is on fire and hope she'll keep it up until the conclusion. I do want to thank you all for reading and commenting... Oh and Don... You guessed it first. :p Enjoy, ~Rebecca Jane Chapter 20 The next morning as we sat around the breakfast table, I told my parents what I had finally decided on what costume I had decided on. Mom was immediately ecstatic thinking that I was suddenly embracing my femininity, Dad though...

4 years ago
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Better life

??????????? I was walking home from the market in my usual brown dress, my brown hair up in a bun, and I didn?t have anything to cover my blue eyes from the sun. I may have been considered a free woman but I didn?t feel like it. Always having to do what my father told me when he told me, or I would get the paddle. Some freedom, I wasn?t even going to know the man I was to marry. He could be an old man and I would have had no clue. I carried with me only what I had bought with the money he...

3 years ago
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Better Than a Coffee Break

"Ai!" said Rosa, sweating in her apartment and borderline bored.Rosa worked for a large company and due to the pandemic, had been told she needed to work from home for the remainder of the year. To make the time more convenient for herself, Rosa moved from New York City to near a beach in Florida. Despite being fifty years old, Rosa was in phenomenal shape. The woman had shredded abs, a nice body, and looked exactly like Jennifer Lopez. Despite her age, Rosa was single which allowed her to...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Better Loving Through Chemistry

If it was one thing Ken Cramer didn’t enjoy doing it was attending funerals. His attendance at this funeral was mandatory as it was for his long time law partner and friend Gordon Price. Gordon at fifty five years was ten years Ken’s senior and besides being his law partner was a longtime friend. Gordon was driving home from dinner at a restaurant with a female companion when he suddenly slumped at the wheel. His companion had managed to stop the vehicle and with the help of some passing...

3 years ago
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Better Than NewChapter 3

Act 3 Friday, January 1st, 2:15pm "Hi, Val speaking." "Did I embarrass myself badly last night?" It was a voice from the bottom of a gravel pit. Doreen was obviously suffering. "No, Doreen, you didn't. You had fun. You let loose and had fun. And so did I." "Are you sure. I have some very strange memories from last night. How did I get home?" "Well, you were very tired, so I brought you home and made sure you were comfortable." "I was still wearing my dress when I woke up...

4 years ago
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Better Living Through ChemistryChapter 3 Sally

Since I found out that Janet and Patty were experienced, I decided that I needed a new formula for my experiments. I then got on the internet and researched to find what I had read about. What I needed was a dis-inhibiter drug that would do away with roadblocks to my sexual pursuits. I could do almost everything using my sleepers but after a while the thrill started to fade. I got physical reactions from my test subjects but I wanted to get more. I wanted to experience emotional responses...

3 years ago
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Better Alive Than DeadChapter 4 Omicron Station pt 2

After Aiden and VIC left, Jack was finally alone in the apartment. Without psycho biker bitches, homicidal reptilians, wide-eyed teenagers and annoying robots to pester him, Jack decided to reward himself with a quick shower. He showered with the shotgun, and with the door ajar, although he had little reason to believe anybody would burst into his apartment looking to kill him twice in a day. Not even he was that unlucky. After the shower he changed into some fresh clothes, except for the...

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