- 5 years ago
- 23
- 0
I hated hospitals. The smell, the sterility, the shiny floors ... Soap stations were parked next to every door. Nurses walked around with cheery scrubs that somehow seemed wrong against the backdrop of the suffering. Even worse, the frantic and heavy expressions of loved ones were haunting and inescapable.
The employees at the front desk were assholes. They gave me a hard time when I said I was there to see Rose, telling me they were supposed to receive a list of visitors and my name wasn’t on it. I fought with them, getting more and more pissed until they caved. A girl called someone upstairs, gave them my name and asked for permission. When she got off the phone, she tossed me an eye-roll and told me I had to wait.
While I stood there, I prayed hard for a miracle. Life had been strangely good to me lately. For the first time in a long time my love life wasn’t a punchline. I met a good woman who loved me, who patiently waited while I got over my hangups, who thought I was worth waiting for. My career wasn’t going very well, obviously, but it didn’t seem as important anymore.
I wasn’t so sure if I had done anything deserving of a miracle, but I got one when Olivia walked up to me that first night at the gallery and asked my opinion on her painting. It would be hard to summon yet another miracle, but I prayed and prayed, begging the universe on Rose’s behalf. She needed one. She needed to survive.
Then suddenly Rose’s father was beside me, silently taking my arm. I only met Frank once before, and only briefly. I expected him to yell at me, to blame me as if I was the symbol of the system that had let him down. That had let his daughter down. Instead he nodded towards the elevator and I followed.
Once the doors closed, he exhaled and looked at me with a smile. “She’s okay.”
It took me a minute to realize what he’d said. Everything tingled. “What? Really?”
“She’s gonna wake up. They have her under, in an induced coma, but she’s gonna wake up. The bullet was in her gut. But it came in at a weird angle, so it’s a shallow wound. Nasty, they said, but the bang on her head was worse. He ... he hit her over the head. Hard. They say the coma is a precaution.” He fidgeted. “Of course, you know, it might take some time to heal but she’s okay. Alive. They might move her out of the ICU soon.”
“That’s ... wonderful.” Then I burst into tears. Her poor father had absolutely no idea how to handle me, and so he patted my shoulder awkwardly until we were finally upstairs.
I hadn’t stopped crying, but at least I wasn’t wailing anymore. A tentative smile crossed my face as I followed Frank through a series of doors and hallways that didn’t make much sense to me in the mood I was in. Finally we were in the ICU.
A woman who looked exactly like an older Rose—clearly her mother—talked intensely with the doctor near the nurses’ station.
Frank cleared his throat and I looked back at him. “Felicity’s with her now. You should join her.” I went to take a step but he put his hand on my arm. “I need to warn you. She doesn’t look great, but remember she’s much better than she looks. It’s gonna be a long way back. That’s what the doctor says.”
“Thanks for the warning.” I smiled and impulsively hugged him. I was just so thrilled that she was still alive, that she still had a chance. Then I let go, rubbing at my tears and laughing at Frank’s uncomfortable expression. Rose had told me once her father wasn’t very touchy-feely, and neither was I. Usually. “Thank you.”
Then I pushed the door open. I couldn’t imagine what state Felicity was in. Rose often referred to her a hot head, and I couldn’t disagree. Felicity felt with every atom she possessed. I admired her for that.
I slipped through the curtain and there was Rose, pale and nearly lifeless against the stark white sheets—not much whiter than her skin. Thank God Frank warned me.
Felicity was in a chair beside her, toying with the fingers of Rose’s right hand. She looked up when she heard the sound of my footsteps and greeted me with a small smile.
I took a seat on the other side and stared at Rose.
“Rose always kinda expected to end up here. Morbid girl,” Felicity eventually said. Her voice was a whisper. “She said Dan wouldn’t ever let her go. That he’d rather she died than live her life without him.” I glanced at her and saw she was watching me with tears in her eyes. “I feel like I was so busy telling her to be strong, reciting all that shit from online message boards and books, that I wasn’t listening to her. I didn’t hear what she was saying.”
“There wasn’t anything you could’ve done, Felicity.” I listened to the beeping of Rose’s machines for a moment. Her heartbeat on the monitor was an amazing sight to behold. “You have to give yourself a break. The world doesn’t rest on your shoulders.”
“I was showering. When he came. I didn’t hear anything else but the gunshot. I came out and he was standing there, fiddling with the gun. He gave me such a hateful look.” She took a deep breath. “I couldn’t run. I couldn’t scream. I just panicked, frantically scanning the room for Rose. He lifted the gun and tried to shoot. It jammed or something, I don’t know. And then he ran.”
“Are you going to blame yourself for showering, now?”
Her eyes slid to Rose’s sleeping body. “No. I’m not. I know it’s not my fault. I just keep playing the look he gave me over and over. It makes me sick.”
We were silent after that. I wondered if the police had tracked Dan down yet. A dark part of me hoped he killed himself. The world wouldn’t miss him. Another part of me hoped they caught him. Seeing him in jail would possibly bring satisfying closure to everyone. It would be extremely rewarding to see him trapped, to show him that he hadn’t won, to taunt him with the realization that Rose would go on living her life without him.
“What happens next?” Felicity asked.
“He’s definitely going away. There’s no avoiding it.”
Felicity kissed Rose’s hand.
We sat there in silence for what felt like hours. Felicity had fallen asleep with her head against the bed, her hand still clasped with Rose’s. I knew I had to go. I stood and stretched, stifling the sound of a yawn behind my hand.
“You’ll keep me updated?” Felicity asked.
I jumped. She was sitting up with bleary eyes.
Felicity stood up, carefully pulling her hand away from Rose, and came around to my side of the room. She studied me for a minute, a smile creeping across her face. Before I knew what was happening, she had me in a bone-crunching hug. After a few seconds I lifted my own arms up to reach around her.
“Thank you,” Felicity breathed. “Thank you. I don’t know what we would have done without you.”
“I didn’t do—”
“Hush. I’m actually thanking someone for once and you’re spoiling it.”
My eyes started watering but I commanded myself not to cry. “I wish I could’ve stopped him.”
Felicity pulled back, a soft smile still on her face. She smoothed my hair down and then lovingly rested her palm against my cheek. “Remember how you told me to stop blaming myself earlier? I think you need to start doing that, too.” She gave my face a pat. “You’re wonderful, Elizabeth. You’re too good for those dicks who tried to demote you. You’re just right for Olivia ... I’ll even admit that. I’m glad you found her. And you’re just right for Rose and me. You’re a fantastic friend. We owe you more than you know. And we certainly don’t blame you for one move you’ve made.”
I blew out a heavy breath. “Thank you.”
Felicity stepped back and returned to her chair, closing her fingers around Rose’s pale hand. “Please keep us posted.”
“I will,” I said. “I promise.”
I was exhausted when I got back to my apartment. All I wanted to do was climb into bed and sleep and sleep. Unfortunately I had to go to work, and while the weight on my heart had lessened after learning Rose was going to be okay, I was still feeling the withdrawal of having so much shock and anxiety coursing through my system. I’d been so fucking terrified. It seemed impossible to go into work after the night I had, but it was imperative. Things were shaky at work, and I desperately wanted to know what Robert and Roger’s plans were.
I talked with Rose’s parents before I left, offering them as much comfort as possible. They wanted answers I couldn’t give them. Luckily they got in touch with Robert, and he was supposedly heading over to the hospital to talk things over. I hoped he’d be at the office soon.
Olivia called me and I told her what happened immediately.
“Dear Lord. If he isn’t dragged away after this, then I give up on your country. You and I will move to Paris.”
I smiled. “Paris? I could definitely live there. What would I do for a job?”
“Be serious, Elizabeth! It’s a travesty that it got this far.”
“He will be held accountable for this. I promise you.”
She was quiet for a minute, but I could hear her breathing. “And how are you, my sweetheart? You must be so exhausted.”
“I’m okay. Relieved, more than anything.”
“Would it ... Would it be in bad taste if we went out for a romantic dinner tonight? I know that it isn’t a wonderful time for you but I’d like to tell you I love you all night long.”
Her words strummed a tight string inside of me. I understood what she meant; it did seem like an unfortunate time to be celebrating while Rose lay in the hospital and Dan had yet to answer to his despicable actions. And yet it seemed so important to give ourselves this night. We’d been balled up with worry for a long time. Olivia had stood beside me through it all. Now the nightmare appeared to be ending. It was time to start looking forward.
“I’d love to go out with you. Text me where and when, okay?”
“I love you.” I could hear the smile in her voice.
“I love you, too.” We disconnected. I stood there for a moment, marveling at how easy it was for me to express my feelings to her. It felt good and natural.
I didn’t have much more time to linger. Toronto needed another quick walk. When we got back, I knelt down beside him and gave him another one of his favorite belly rubs. I got a nice lick on my face as thanks.
“I love you, you crazy dog!”
Toronto stretched out and gave me those eyes that all dog owners know ... that subtle “pleeeaaaasseeee” in their eyes that is so damn hard to deny. I gave him attention for another five minutes because I was happy and feeling generous but then I really had to go.
I took a quick scalding shower, pulled on an ugly but clean dress and twisted my hair into a wet bun. I glanced at my clock; I was going to be late.
Then Steve called me while I ran around my apartment, looking for a missing heel. I’d texted him earlier, asking if he knew the cops looking into the incident and if they had any information.
“Hi. Any news?”
“Yep. They have him. He went to his mother’s.”
“Jesus. Is he hurt?”
He sighed. “No, he’s fine. He didn’t resist or anything. Surrendered right away. Gave the gun up. Gave the story up. Ray told me his mom was sobbing the whole time.”
“God, Steve. That makes me sad.”
“They think he was so cooperative because he thought Rose was dead. They said I should’ve seen his face when they told him. That he screamed and screamed. Now he’s freakishly silent, they say.”
Good. “Has Robert been down there yet?
“No. His attorney is already here, though. We haven’t been able to talk to him since he got here. Slimy prick was waiting for us. His mother called him, I guess. Still feel sorry for her?”
I picked up my bag and keys. “Yes.”
Steve snorted. “Anyone protecting that piece of shit is an asshole, in my opinion.”
“Mine, too, but she’s his mother. She loves him.” I left my apartment and headed for the subway. “Thanks for keeping me updated, Steve.”
“How’s the girl?”
“Not great, but she’ll survive.”
He cleared his throat. “I know it’s none of my business—but how are things going with your friend?”
I knew immediately who he meant, and that he knew she wasn’t merely a friend. I was speechless, mindlessly sidestepping people who rushed by me. A woman knocked into my shoulder with incredible force and I gasped.
“I shouldn’t have asked,” Steve mumbled. “It was out of line.”
Jesus Christ. This was so hard. I’d “come out” to Jacqueline but I blocked out the reality I’d have to “come out” over and over again. It would be something I’d always have to explain. I knew I wanted to be with Olivia. I wasn’t ashamed or flakey about it anymore and I’d made up my mind. But this was different. Steve was my friend. He was one of the best people I knew, and perhaps I was doing a disservice to him by projecting my fears of rejection and disgust onto him, but his opinion mattered a lot to me. I would be wrecked if he decided I was sick, and I couldn’t handle that on top of what happened to Felicity.
“It’s okay.” I took a breath. “Um, we should probably meet for drinks to discuss this, you know? I’m on my way into work and it’s not something to talk about on the phone.”
“Are you happy?”
My breath caught and silly tears sprang to my eyes. He didn’t sound judgmental or weird at all. He sounded curious in the nicest way possible.
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TJ is my husband's nephew and after some problems at a college down south involving a fraternity party and a few girls, he transferred to the college where I work as a college guidance counselor. Wendy & TJ TJ is my husband's nephew and after some problems at a college down south involving a fraternity party and a few girls, he transferred to the college where I work as a college guidance counselor. I will never forget picking him up at the airport. I had not seen him since he was 10 and he...
MILFCHAPTER 4 "So tell me, who are you really?" asked Ivy. Lyla kept quiet for some time looking at Ivy. Her secret was out. No one has figured out her secret until now. Even when she was working other cases before. Shit! That asshole really messed up her mask she thought looking the attacker on the floor. May be she should have made her mask attached with her suit. Or maybe you couldn't control your feelings for Ivy and you got sloppy said a voice in her mind. "Are you gonna talk or...
i was sixteen when i lost my cherry. my best friends family had arranged to go to a nearby holiday camp and had invited me along. my best friend had already lost his virginity a few months earlier and he was adamant i was to lose mine. it didnt take long before we met 2 local girls who were both the same age. we paired up with them but i soon realised i was out of luck as mine confessed she had a boyfriend and wasnt prepared to go all the way. my friend then politely suggested that i could have...
This is the twenty-second story in my Legacy Universe and was written as a serial over a several month period. Normally, this is where I'd point out that the story could be read on its own, but in this case, it helps to have read some of the previous Legacy stories. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. The Return of Nevermore By Morpheus Part 1 It was early afternoon but Julie Matthews...
Todd was at it early Friday morning. He had left with Ami and Cara shortly after the sun had come up, and they were at the studio before 8:00. Todd had quietly slipped out of bed leaving his two lovers to embrace each other in sleep as he dressed, ate with Ami and Cara, and driven to the studio. Vanetta had come down when she heard the door open and helped Todd as he worked on the gymnasts' make-up. Then the girls had gone into action. Robert came down at 9:00 and had breakfast with Vanetta...
I woke from a sound sleep to a hand lightly caressing my cock, and a voice whispering in my ear. "Nate ... Nate." That was my wife Sue. "Oh, Nate, you hot sexy guy. There's a cunt that needs your attention, a lovely smooth cunt, can't you feel it as you slide in?" She paused. "It's a HOT one, too." "Laura?" I asked. "Yes," said Sue. Laura had been sick, and she still had a fever. My cock rose rapidly, though the rest of me was still climbing out of a deep sleep. I sighed. I...
They had me chained to the roof by my wrists, my feet dangling freely. I was completely naked and a cool breeze played across my erect nipples. They captured me last week when they invaded Earth. They looked exactly like us, but had more advance technology, and had more knowledge in the sex department. Those, like me, who had been captured were taken deep into outer space and were chained up. My feet hadn’t touched the ground since. They had only touched me once, giving me great pain and...
Revanche sat on a log in the forest tossing rocks into the stream, it was eight months since the gathering, he had woken up the next morning to Laurel having gone back to the tinker's wagon, angry that she hadn't even said goodbye he also had been rather jealous of all the attention she had gotten from the other dragons. That's all anyone had talked about for the rest of the gathering had been the little dragoness who sang, every time he tried to say something someone would bring up...
“So why is everyone in here now,” Judy asked. “Well, it sounded like you were playing football or some shit in here. So we came in to check up on you. But I guess you are just having rough sex,” Jane replied. “Yeah pretty much. Can we have our privacy now,” I asked. “Sorry guys. But you were the ones making all the damn noise,” Tim replied. “Well sorry, we'll keep it down now,” I said. “OK, see you tomorrow,” Connie replied. Then they all left. We weren't horny anymore, but not because we both...
IncestCome Again Another Day by Frances LaGatta/ copyright 2004 High atop Machu Picchu the weather changed faster than a female's moods andarchaeologist Blake Sevenson hardly noticed when it began to rain.... and rain.. And rain. Yet, rather than wishing it would go away, he was too busy tryingto stop his chest from heaving. "First you tell me to fuck off. Then you puton a sex show for me. What's your game, Hope? Are you trying to drive me outof my mind?" His assistant gave him a small decisive...
The following is a recollection of actual events from my youth. I was never pressured to do anything I didnt want to and was a willing participant in everything I did with any of the individuals I had sexual contact with. I look back on these events fondly, and enjoyed them very much at the time they occurred. I have always wanted to share these experiences and am happy to do so now. I hope you find these events as erotic as they were to me back then. I have tried to keep the events in...
With suitcases and bags packed, they were ready to check out of the hotel. Rebeca was anxious to return home, feeling much better since she left the hospital three days earlier. She was there for four days, receiving intravenous fluids on a continuous 24-hour basis the entire time, going through tests and evaluations. Most of the other women were released after only two or three days of treatment and evaluations. The receptionist behind the polished marble-top counter refused to print their...
Ich war gerade 25 geworden als ich den Hauptgewinn in der Lotterie abräumte. Ich konnte mein Glück damals kaum fassen und wusste nicht dass dies dazu führen würde dass ich bald meine eigene kleine Sex-Sklavin besitzen würde. Eins nach dem anderen. Ich machte damals eine Weiterbildung und als ich mich eines Abends spät auf den Weg nach Hause machte sah ich auf einer Bank ein weinendes Mädchen sitzen. Sie sah abselut bezaubernd aus. Schwarzes glattes Haar eine schlanke Figur mittelgrosse Titten...
BDSMSeamus – The Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz When I scaled the cliff with Fiona, I expected to rescue our wife Aoifa from the leotaur that had kidnapped her. Thanks to Fiona’s witchcraft, we had rushed up the cliff far faster than a pair of humans could, enhanced by spirits. But when we got to the top, we found Aoifa naked, recently fucked by the leotaur, and with a big grin on her face. Kelmam, the leotaur, held Viora in his arms, kissing the young girl. She was also recently fucked....
My wife and I had a terrific sexual relationship, she was very accommodating and willing to experiment, and pretty much always ready. One couple we used to hang with, Dave and Denise had a relationship almost as good. Over the last months, our conversations had gotten a little racier, and Denise was always quick to blush, but eventually even she would joke about a bit. Cheryl and Denise sometime talked about their sex lives, and I would occasionally hear bits and pieces of theirs; it just...
Franklin sighed heavily as the phone on his desk rang loudly. He had just been promoted to a management position in the sales firm he worked at, and after a long day of wrangling unwilling underlings, the last thing he wanted to do was take another phone call. But duty was duty, so he picked it up. ‘Hey, babe!’ The chipper voice on the other end of the line made him smile. Hope always seemed to know when he needed cheered up. ‘I just wanted to make sure the man I love isn’t working himself to...
John and Wanda, our next door neighbors, won a free trip to Las Vegas and they asked me if I would feed their cats while they were gone. My wife Phyllis was out of town visiting her folks and I didn't have anything better to do so I said that I would. John gave me a key, showed me where the Meow Mix was and then he and Wanda took off. When I went over to feed the cats on the first day I saw a picture portrait of Wanda on the wall and it got me to thinking. John was an amateur photographer and...
Izzy Lush, Samantha Hayes, and Avery Moon are incredibly adventurous young women with a thirst for knowledge. Today, they go out camping with a survival guide who is chock full of useful information on how to make it in the wilderness. Little does he know, all the knowledge he is dropping is turning these horny girls on. When they finally get their chance, the babes ambush the nature boy, showing him what a gang of horny girls can do to a dick in the wild. They take turns swallowing his...
xmoviesforyou4th Dimension: Men In Dresses By Busko John is a bodybuilder. All that is male in society is common to him. John is more Rambo than Sylvester Stalone will ever be. Heavily built by his 5 days a week at the gym he is a hunk to all the girls. They all want to date him. John however is very shy, everybody thinks. John has a secret. He loves to wear female underwear. He would even wear dresses if he could, but western society 'prohibits' men to dress the way they want. Women can...
Having friends who have a heated pool is a major perk. Of course, having friends who live in one of the nicest developments in the city helps, too. They’ve kept me busy and distracted since the break with Michael and the weird hook up at the club. And yes, they’re the kinds of friends I can confess weird hook-ups to.Finding myself in a gold bikini, sitting by a heated pool, with a very strong drink in my hand is something I could get used to. That particular night was supposed to be a night to...
MatureThe Emperor didn't fool anyone. Not his close advisors, his wife Poppea, the Praetoriun Guard, nor the people of Rome. Penelope was the very first to guess that he was behind the fire that destroyed the center of the city followed by the others. Both Lucius and Agrippa felt betrayed. They were the first to hear the grumblings of other men of the Guard who lost everything. Family, house, and the meager belongings they had. The men were always promptly paid by Nero but that was for his own...
I was just walking alone in the park at night when I just so happened to walk into an old friend of mine. His name is Dale. Dale has short cropped brown hair and sexy brown eyes. He is roughly 6 feet tall, taller than me.Dale was one of those guys in high school who would make friends with a girl and toy with their emotions. Trust me I was one of them. But he was a very passionate guy. I used to like him before I found out he was just trying to score in my panties.I was hoping he wouldn't...
First TimeCHAPTER 25 -If you don't like something, change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Needless to say, Ellen was thrilled. It was getting late and they had to pick up Ariel from the sitter. Ellen put her daughter in her car seat, but, rather than heading home, she drove to the mall. George felt a sinking in his stomach and asked, "What's up?" "Dear I am sorry; it appears you are going to have to stay as Heather for a while longer." "Wait a minute! I...
Introduction: Is it a good or bad thing to tell others about your sexlife? My wife made the mistake of telling several of her married girlfriends on two separate occasions that we had a great sex life and that I tied her up and took her out into the woods naked bound and blindfolded for kinky sex! One had shown up at our house unexpectedly and I had my wife naked blindfolded bound and tied face down on the bed for a noon-er,when I heard a knock at the door! Still dressed and wondering who it...
My wife, Leslie, and I have been married for over twenty years. We also have a home based internet business that has started to take off. We needed to hire someone as she and I were becoming overwhelmed. We hired Linda to help us out. Linda stepped in and had no problem taking some of the strain off the two of us. She was great and she and Leslie soon became good friends. I mean it was like they had known each other forever. We started to have "happy hour" on Friday afternoon, Linda and Leslie...
“Be back in the evening,” I yelled as I left for school. I was back to living the mundane life I had lived before I had discovered ‘The Dimension’ and all that came with it. It seemed it had been eons ago that I had last been to school, taking my exams while being sick to my core. After that, it had been a whirlwind of activity. Training, some weird mishap leading to a crisis, unexpected guests from different planets. Not a chance to take a break and enjoy all that life had to offer. The...
Hi everyone, so enjoying the winters, well how much good it feel if you get the chance for new encounter in such chilling month of Jan. Anyways I am not teasing anyone and just coming to story, well this is the incident which happened in new year party . This time I planned to celebrate the party in our own society and the main reason was the safety concern and also the hot and young bhabi whom I stare every day and was getting restless to at least fuck one among them. Even though I have many...