Flex Appeal
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Flex Appeal
Copyright 2012 von Stormbringer
" Ich liebe diese Reise", sagte Marisa und starrte auf die vorbeiziehende Landschaft.
" Ich auch", fügte ihr Ehemann John hinzu. „Hier ist die große Brücke. Nicht mehr lange. "
Marisa lenkte ihre Aufmerksamkeit vom blauen Wasser und den Palmen auf die berühmte 7-Meilen-Brücke in den Florida Keys. Big Pine Key war ihr Ziel. Es war nur auf der anderen Seite der Brücke. Es war leiser als einige der Keys, aber nahe genug an Key West, brauchten sie nur eine kurze Fahrt, um gut essen zu gehen, Sehenswürdigkeiten zu besichtigen oder in den berühmten Bars von Key West zu trinken. Marisa und John bevorzugten ruhigere Dinge, besonders mit einem neuen Baby, und sie freuten sich darauf, Johns Freunde und beste Freundinnen zu sehen.
Die junge rothaarige Frau drehte sich um, um nach dem Baby zu sehen, aber es schlief friedlich auf dem Rücksitz. John hatte eine Tasche auf dem Boden und sie sah Zeitschriften herausgucken. Sie nahm sie beide. Eine Zeitschrift hieß Iron Man und die andere "Flex".
Der gleiche schwarze Mann war auf dem Cover von beiden. Der Mann war eine einzige pralle Muskelmasse. Seine Haut war so dunkel wie Marisas weiß und er hatte sie als das weißeste weiße Mädchen bezeichnet, das er jemals gesehen hatte. Normalerweise war er kein attraktiver Mann, und noch weniger, wenn er posierte, die Muskeln angespannt waren, die Venen über seiner Stirn anschwollen, die Haut war geölt und glänzte.
"Warum hast du die mitgebracht?" sie fragte ihren Mann.
„ Ich dachte, ich würde Flex dazu bringen, sie zu unterschreiben. Ein Scherz natürlich “, antwortete John.
Der Bodybuilder war einer von Johns Freunden. Sein Name war Shane, aber alle nannten ihn Flex nach der Zeitschrift, die ihm sein erstes Cover gewidmet hatte, und die aktuelle Ausgabe war sein drittes Mal. Zuerst war er Token genannt worden, da er der einzige Schwarze in der Bruderschaft war, aber er hatte sich nicht um diesen Spitznamen gekümmert. Er war mit Flex einverstanden und sagte allen, sie sollten ihn so nennen. Marisa kümmerte sich nicht um den schwarzen Mann. Er war arrogant und platzte fast vor Stolz.
Er hatte kein Problem damit, mit ihr oder einer anderen Frau seiner Freunde zu flirten. Er trank mehr als sie billigte und hatte normalerweise mit ihr geflirtet, wenn er nicht an Wettkämpfen teilnahm. Sie hatte ihn jetzt dreimal getroffen. Das erste mal war bei ihrer und Johns Hochzeit. Shane war damals 26 und ging mit der Frau aus, die seine zweite Frau werden würde.
Sie war ein hübsches schwarzes Mädchen namens Lola. Lola trat auch an und sah großartig aus, wenn sie nicht posierte, was sie männlich aussehen ließ. Marisa hatte sie ein Jahr später wieder getroffen, als sie Shane heiratete und dann wieder auf einem ihrer Wochenendausflüge. Lola war angenehm und lustig, total begeistert von Flex. Ihr einziger körperlicher Fehler war, dass ihre Brust so flach war wie die von Marisas Mann, John.
Sie hatte fast 0% Körperfett und äußerte oft, wie sie sich Marisas Brüste wünschte. Marisa war immer drall mit schweren C-Cup-Brüsten gewesen. Warte bis sie mich jetzt sieht, dachte Marisa und warf einen Blick auf die milchbeladenen Titten, die sie seit Jack vor acht Monaten hatte. Sie freute sich darauf, Lola wiederzusehen, auch wenn sie ein Wochenende mit Shane verbracht hatte.
Flex war 6'2 ”und wog laut Magazin 320lbs und nichts davon war Fett. Seine dunkelschwarze Haut war ein Problem für ihn gewesen. Er war afrikanisch schwarz und musste beim Posieren immer einen hellen Hintergrund und viel Licht haben, um seine Muskulatur zu zeigen. Seine Pose auf Iron Man war frontal und alles wölbte sich, es sah sogar so aus, als hätte er Muskeln unter dem engen Schritt, der den Schwanzsack umarmte, den er trug. Jesus, das war aber auch eine große Ausbuchtung. "Was ist das für ein Ding unter seinem Anzug?" fragte sie und starrte genau auf das Cover des Magazins.
"Äh ... ähm", stotterte ihr Ehemann. „Äh… sag ihm nicht, dass ich dir das gesagt habe, aber er stopft sein Höschen voll, damit es so aussieht, als hätte er eine große Ausbuchtung. Du weißt, was sie über Bodybuilder sagen. “
" Nein, weiß ich nicht."
" Steroidgebrauch macht den Schwanz klein und schlaff, also stopfen sie Socken in ihre Anzüge."
" Oh", antwortete sie.
" Das findest du nicht attraktiv, oder?" er hat gefragt. John stellte jedes Mal dieselbe Frage, wenn sie Shane sah. Der riesige schwarze Mann war ein männlicher Mann, und obwohl John und sein anderer Kumpel Grant beide gut aussehende, fitte Männer waren, nahmen sie Shane als Alphamann in die Gruppe auf.
" Gott nein", sagte Marisa und beruhigte ihren Ehemann. „Ich kenne keine Frau, die das attraktiv findet. Lola ist da eine Ausnahme. " Marisa neigte ihren Kopf näher zur Zeitschrift. Es sah nicht so aus, als hätte Shane seinen Anzug mit Socken gestopft, sie konnte fast den Umriss eines Penis unter dem engen Material erkennen, einem wirklich großen Penis.
Als sie hinstarrte, tropfte etwas auf Shane's Schritt. Die Flüssigkeit war eine milchig weiße Flüssigkeit und sie sah zu, wie sie sich ausbreitete, und Shanes penisförmige Ausbuchtung bedeckte. Marisa warf einen Blick auf ihre Brüste. Die Brustwarzen waren steinhart, und an den Spitzen erschien jeweils Milch. „Oh Gott John, ich tropfe. Kannst du mal anhalten? "
" Wir sind fast da."
" Ich weiß, aber meine Euter schreien danach gemolken zu werden."
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This is part two of course – check out part one in my stories*********************We fucked a lot. By that I mean every moment we could get a reasonable amount of time and quite a few times when we couldn’t. We took risks. Lisa gave me a blow job in the parking lot of Harris Teeter. It took twenty minutes because she had to stop a couple of times when people walked by or once when a car pulled in next to us. She nearly gave me a foot job at the dinner table with the parents. She finished...
This was easily the finest room that Malik had ever been in and for this reason he was suspicious. Ordinarily, a man in his line of work wouldn’t expect to do business in such a well-furnished space. He could feel his boots sinking into the carpet beneath him. It held an unnatural softness, yet there was no place else to stand. The desk, behind which his would-be employer sat, held a similar flair to its design. The corners were carved in a way similar to the figureheads that one might see on a...
Author’s Note: This chapter will introduce a new character who I need to address preemptively. I’ll try my best to do so without spoiling anything. Everything that I’m about to say will be quite confusing until the character is encountered. This character is one that had always existed in its current form before my submitting of anything to this site. There is nothing significant about this character beyond that which is suggested in the story. Any connections that you will no doubt have...
Flexible $i$ter - This is the third part – check out the other chapters on my profile. This story will make more sense if you do.Susan has just walked in on her best friend and her friend’s br0ther having sex… ******************************************************************************************Susan’s face melted from complete astonishment to a sinful smile in just a matter of seconds…“Oh my – you two have been baaaaad!” I was struck dumb, I mean really what could I say about what she...
This is an original story – enjoy.*********************************I’m Ted, and I have a story that I have to share with somebody because it is just too amazingly sexy not to tell you. My little sister, Lisa, can lick her own pussy, and I have watched her do it, many, many times. There now you know. Yeah, there is more to this story of course, and so here is what happened about how she found that she had this exceptional skill, and how I became involved in her sexual awakening. We live in a...
Malik glassed his gaze over the floor of the kitchen, trying hard as he could to keep the sight from affecting him. The couple lay dead and bloodied. The husband had tried to put up a fight but it was plain that the extent of his magic had never been the in realm of combat. As such, Malik had easily paralyzed the two Vocals while Biris and Firis did the deed. The killing was never easy, though it was certainly easier than when he had first begun. Something about the way a life slowly faded into...
Author’s note: This probably won’t be relevant in the future but I’m taking a break from Arms of the Ocean for a while because I can’t get it to work properly in my head and I need it to brew some more. In the meantime, I give you this, a story that I wrote a while before I began submitting things to Literotica. It takes place in the same universe but the names of races, locations and a few other things have all been changed (Mostly as a way of separating erotic from non-erotic in the event...
‘I mean, when you think about it, the whole thing don’t make sense.’ ‘You don’t make any sense, Biris,’ retorted Firis. Trailing behind the two brothers, Malik could only roll his eyes. They had been like this for the entire journey, never tiring of their back and forth. Occasionally the endless quarreling came to blows but it was never anything severe, unfortunately. Just the semi-good-natured jostling of siblings. He couldn’t understand it. Maybe the men had been dropped on their heads as...
The kitchen was filled with the glorious smell of frying meat. It hung in the air like a cloud, hinting and teasing at the tastes to come. There were other smells, too, though none quite so pleasing as that of the sausages cooking over their fireplace. Phyre watched them, her mouth watering. For now, she had only a bowl of porridge to sate her appetite. She took great care not to eat too much of it. No need to fill up while the best was yet to come. There was music in the kitchen, too. Her...
Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. Shutting down my laptop I sigh and lean back as my chair creeks. I work from home, I had never been great with people in person, they thought I was too feminine so I started doing remote contracting and consulting work. It didn't pay a whole lot but it helped pay the bills I thought looking around. Looking down at my desk I see a picture of me and my girlfriend. Well back then I guess she was...
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
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The first ‘selfie’ we sent to Ginger from Houston, was a carefully crafted picture of my head cushioned against Tara’s thigh so that her pussy was visible and showing the leaking semen from her vagina. Right beside her on my left was Nancy’s similarly leaking cunt, while on my right Cindy’s sweet slit also oozed some white jizz. I had an angelic look on my face. Immediately after the successful selfie I deemed to clean each of the available pussies, as the women kissed and hugged each...
Gaya..sarita ki gaand puri tarah se fat gayi thi aur ab uski gaand se khun bhi nikalne laga tha…alka ne 5 ladke se bola…are tu aiasa kar iska muh bhar de aur ab tino auro se meri behan ki chudaai chal rhai thi…niche se chap chap ki aur uppar se thak thak ki awaz aa rahi thi. Jabki uske muh se gogogog ki awaaz aa rahi thi…ab jitu fir se jhadne wala tha usne apna lund sarita ki gand se kincha aur uski gardan par shower kar diya…ab chaata ladke ki baari thi jo bahot der se intezr kar raha...
. A little later, my head started getting a little fuzzy, and I excused myself to go lie down on the couch. I flicked on the TV and quickly fell asleep. When I woke up the house was dark. I stubbed my toe and cursed, regretting letting myself falling asleep. I was supposed to go over to my girlfriend’s house after dinner for some fooling around. “That ship has sailed”. I thought, “might as well find somewhere more comfortable to sleep than this couch.” On my way to the basement (which I...
we arrived at home went inside,i poured myself a wee scotch as she went into the bedroom, returning dressed in her P.J.s sat down and asked me what else i wanted to know..well i said the k**s are asleep so tell me what happened after he sucked your tits..so she continued, he took my top off, then my skirt n pants ,i in turn stripped him,my hands found his balls and hard cock,he asked me ,have you sucked a cock before, i answered in the negative finding my panting to get a breath as i jerked...
Albert Grimshaw looked on wi pride. “Eee Lad, afore long thee’ll not see nowt for smoke from Grimshaws in’t valley.” he said jokily. Young Bob Fairlie looked out on’t scene and all. “So what you want wi me gaffer?” Bob asked. “It’s me eldest, Elsie,” Albert said warily, “ ‘Tween thee an me her needs a good seein to.” “See in to?” Bob enquired. “Bit of how’s yer father,” Albert explained, “Her’s nigh on twenty three and never been fucked, head in a book all’t bloody time, what good’s...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with a new series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is another fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. So this is what happened next. After she finished using the bathroom, I took her to the kitchen. Me: So… Are you hungry? Amy: Are you kidding? I’m starving! Me: All right! Let’s get something to eat! Listen, honey, I was going to prepare...
IncestThis is Sam’s story though the words are mostly mine. He has lived with it for most of his married life. It’s an unusual tale. You might think it’s based on little or no hard evidence but remember that suspicion and jealousy are never objective. Far from it; they are deeply personal, needing only the flimsiest of evidence to work their evil tendrils into the minds of their victims and torment them horribly.And though by no means conclusive, the evidence here is by no means flimsy.For most of...
CuckoldKat hesitated, her mind flashing through different options. She briefly considered turning around and going back towards the passenger elevators, but rejected that option as too revealing. She didn't want Paron to know that she was aware of his spying. She was more interested in why he would be so blatant, so obvious about his interest in her. If he was a spy for InterSys, then he shouldn't have been so clumsy. Kat entered the elevator, nodding at Paron but not saying anything. They had...
Horny blonde Alyssia Kent takes two massive cocks for a fun ride in today’s Hands on Hardcore porn episode by the DDF Network. The sexy brown-eyed girl goes for a run in the snow and runs into Yanick Shaft and David Perry. She immediately feels attracted to the Czech stud and that handsome Frenchman and invites both over to her place. Yes, this curvy Romanian dreamgirl is super ready to fuck – and she wants both of those dicks inside of her dripping wet pussy! Alyssia Kent grabs...
xmoviesforyouAuthor’s note: Chapter 10 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 10 I felt the inside of my head before I felt anything else. The blood sloshed around in the most painful way possible at the slightest movement. My forehead was damp and cool and my mouth was moist. I tried to open my eyes, but the light hurt so I left them closed. I was on the filthy hotel carpet, that much I could feel. The place smelled of stale bourbon. My head was cradled softly. I...
I know of a beach that seems quite secluded and is only 20 minutes away from the hustle and bustle of the city. On one particularly hot day, I was lying out at the beach alone, enjoying the sun and enjoying the group of asian girls that set up about 10 feet away from me. There were three of them, and they looked to be Filipina. They were reading their US Weeklys and People Magazines, face down on their towels chatting about celebrity bullshit and giggling like schoolgirls. What I was more...
It had been simple, a drugged drink and the next thing she knew she was in a strange room, a decorated basement in some remote canyon of northeastern Los Angeles. Upon awakening she had found herself nude and held captive in this big room. Shortly after she awakened, two women walked in. “Hello Kerry,” one of them spoke. “My name is Abra and this is Amelia.” “Who are you? What am I doing here?” Kerry demanded. “We’re lesbians. Real dirty lesbians...
DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....
"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked awkwardly as she tied the belt of her robe a little more securely. He sat down on her sofa, without looking at her again, and nodded. "Yes, a coffee would be nice, thank you." James used the time that she took to make the drink, to regain his composure, after seeing her 'dressed' like that. What had she been thinking? Greeting him in that tiny, sheer robe which just managed to accentuate her glorious figure, rather than conceal...
"Do you ever feel like we're losing track of time?" I asked James one day as we lay together resting after a very satisfying bout of lovemaking. "Maybe a little," James said looking thoughtful. "Why do you ask that?" "Because without consulting the AI I'm not sure I could tell you how long we've been on Heinlein Station," I answered, blushing a little. "Why don't you write your story? Not just what has happened since you got picked up, but what brought you into the Starbucks...
There’s quite a lot of tension built up between new roommates Alex Coal and Liv Revamped. When Liv returns from the gym one day to find Alex pouring herself some coffee while wearing just a shirt and a thong, she can’t help but check Alex out. Alex does notice, and the roommies exchange a quick convo about blowing off tension in the gym versus relieving stress via masturbation. Speaking of tension and stress, both girls are feeling it. Each in their own rooms, they slip their hands...