Phoenix Ch 12 free porn video

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He sounded his deck horn to see if any nearby craft would respond. Only the brisk wind whipping the fog around responded, seeming to pick up as he faced into it. He leaned against the side railing, hoping the wind would blow the fog away, but glad that the water was relatively calm. The boat moved gently in the long, slow swell of the waves beneath it, the hydraulics easily holding the deck level as the surrounding hull gently rocked back and forth.

It was a warm evening – well, sixty-seven degrees, a higher than normal temperature for a brisk, late August evening. It was almost ten p.m. and if the sun had been visible, which it wasn’t, it would be disappearing beneath the southwestern horizon any minute. With any luck, the fog would lift enough so that he could spot the lighthouse, or, it would thin out so that he could see a few overhead stars. Either circumstance would enable him to determine which way to steer toward the safety of the harbor and a soft bed.

It was growing darker by the moment. He grinned at the thought of the fog ‘visibly’ becoming darker. It was becoming invisible instead, and therefore more dangerous. Jake tightened his jacket zipper up against his throat and pulled the narrow fur collar up to protect his neck. He sounded the deck horn again, like he had been doing every few minutes whenever he thought of it. He wasn’t trying to be rescued – he just didn’t want to be run down by a fishing trawler coming into port using GPS while he was waiting for the fog to thin.

'I really oughta get that thing fixed,' he thought to himself, then sighed, knowing that, until he was ready to sell this little craft, he probably wouldn’t get it fixed up.

It was after midnight when he got back to his hotel. There were several bags next to the check-in desk that Jake had to wade around.

“Anything in the kitchen?” he asked the thin, tired-looking man behind the check-in.

“I’m sure you’ll find something, Jake,” the clerk replied. “Don’t suppose you wanna help lug these bags upstairs… ta’ elevator’s out, agin.”

The odd little hotel was located on the western tip of Yunastka Island; the most western of several Aleutian Islands called the Islands of Four Mountains. The hotel was old and weatherworn, having been built thirty years before, during a time when development of the Aleutians as a tourist attraction, like Hawaii, seemed a good investment.

A small nuclear war, a giant tsunami and several volcanoes coming to life as a result of said war, a plague two years later and the resulting collapse of the U.S. government ended any entrepreneurial interest anyone had in the Aleutian Islands.

Over a period of several years, The Aleutians (and Alaska, itself), abandoned by the United States, became independent of any neighboring governments and currently lay unclaimed by any other nation, American or Asian. There simply wasn’t anything there that anyone thought they might want.

Transportation was privately hired if anyone wanted to travel, as there were no regular flights coming or going anywhere from here. As business gradually recovered and took over the running of… well, business, most of the world was able to continue where it left off. The Aleutians, however, lay stretched across the Northern Pacific, mostly forgotten by everyone but a few fishing corporations.

That was why Jake was somewhat surprised to see travel bags shoved up against the check-in desk. In order to get here, someone would have had to hire a private jet or a boat to ferry him or her out to this vast chain of islands.

“Who’s our guest?” Jake asked, stepping around the expensive looking bags and toward the door marked ‘Employees Only’. “Some rich old fart come out here to pit himself against the raw elements of nature?”

“Nope!” Caesar, the hotel clerk replied, suddenly more cheerful. “It'sa dame! Gorgeous, too! Young, blonde, makes a man hurt inside just t’ look at ’er…”

Jake grinned. “I know what you mean, old boy. I’ve known a few like that.”

“Not like this, I’ll bet,” Caesar challenged. “She is heavy with money! Arrived here four hours ago in a air limo, no less! Sez to the driver, ‘I’ll call you, Charles, when I’m ready to leave.” The last part was spoken in a high, falsetto voice to mimic the dame.

“The limo driver’s name was Charles?” Jake asked, not believing the tall tale his friend and fishing buddy was telling.

“Well,” Caesar replied, shrugging his shoulders, “I don’t really know that, but he sure didn’t wanna leave her here in this two-star diarrhea dive. She practically threw him back into his limo and told him to ‘scat’!”

Jake laughed. “Does this rich, blonde diva have a name?”

Caesar didn’t have to look at the registration console; he’d spend the last four hours memorizing her name. “It’s Burke – like in Burke Industries; Mrs. Barry Burke. Her first name’s Alicia. I looked it up. Barry and Alicia Burke. She was probably his trophy wife! Fucking cradle-robber was sixty-eight when he croaked last week! When you see ’er, you’ll know what killed him!” Caesar grinned victoriously at Jake.

“Well, I’ll not be stalking her tonight,” Jake replied, turning away and heading into the kitchen. “I’m too tired and hungry to woo some old geezer’s rich trophy widow.”

Jake was browsing through the wide refrigerator shelves for something to nuke when Caesar came into the kitchen.

“Jake, guess what?” he asked, grinning and pointing toward the ceiling. “Mrs. Burke wants to know if she can have some room service.” He snickered, then wiped his mouth with his shirt collar.

Jake found some cold hot dogs and got them out. “What’d you tell ’er?”

“I tol’ ’er,” Caesar snickered into his collar again. “I tol’ ’er I’d check the kitchen and see if anything was available.”

Getting a can of bean soup off an overhead shelf, Jake fed it to the food processor. When the red light came on, he added four hot dogs. “Well, ask her if she likes franks and beans.”

“I bet she was thinkin’ more ’bout caviar and smoked salmon,” Caesar replied. They both laughed.

A few minutes later, a ‘ding’ signaled to Jake that his dinner was ready. At the same time, Caesar came back into the kitchen.

“She's comin’ down!” he gasped, not believing it himself. “She said, ‘Franks ’n beans sounds wonderful,’ and she’s comin’ right down! Oh my God! I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see ’er again, today!”

“But you said she’s beautiful,” Jake replied, grinning at his love-stricken friend.

“Oh, she is!” Caesar exclaimed. “It hurts me just to look at ’er! An’ she’s comin’ down here expectin’ t’ be fed!”

“Well, I’d better get another bowl down, then,” Jake said, pretending to yawn with boredom just to irritate Caesar.

“You’re gonna feed her in the kitchen?” Caesar yelled, trying to make an impact in Jake’s mind about what was happening.

“Well, yeah,” Jake said, frowning. “The dining room’s closed. Has been for a week, now, since your last guest left.”

“Yeah, just me ’n you,” Caesar replied, sighing heavily. “I’m glad I didn’t put any o’ my money into this little venture.”

Jake laughed. “But you did, oh mighty Caesar, and so did I, fool that I was.”

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing money’s worthless now, eh?” Caesar asked, then staring at the entranceway into the kitchen, “Ooh, my…” His voice died away.

Jake looked up. His mouth dropped open.

“Uncle Jake?” Alicia cried out, raising her hand up to her mouth and pretending to be surprised to see him. “My God! Is that really you?”

“You KNOW her?” Caesar asked, recovering first.

“Uh, yeah?” Jake replied intelligently, then continued to stare at the tall, blonde goddess rushing across the room with her arms held out to embrace him.

Almost bending him back over the counter, Alicia warmly hugged Jake and kissed him passionately right on the mouth.

“I guess you do…” Caesar muttered, watching this rich, gorgeous woman throw herself all over good old homebody Jake. “Tha’s a funny way to kiss an uncle…”

Jake finally freed his face from Alicia’s lip lock. “What in the world are you doing here?”

“Just thought I’d look you up and drop by for a visit,” Alicia replied smiling, then kissed him again, on the cheek this time. “It’s been ages since we’ve seen each other! What’s wrong, Uncle Jake? Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Suspiciously holding the vivacious blonde at arm’s length, Jake said, “I seem to recall the last time I saw you, you tied me to your bed and tortured me for three days, trying to get me to marry you!”

Jake felt a hard set of knuckles rap the side of his head. “Ow! What the fuck did you do that for?”

He looked at Caesar, who was glaring at him, still waving his knuckles in front of his face.

“Don’t use that word in front of a lady! It ain’t polite!” Caesar fumed. Before Jake could react, Caesar rapped him again up alongside his head.

“You had a chance to marry her and you turned ’er down, you Jack Ass?” Caesar yelled right into Jake’s face. “I just thought you were a damn fool to invest in this flea-bag hotel, but I’m sure of it now! Pardon me fer swearin’, Ma’am.”

“Well, I seem to have a knight in shining armor,” Alicia said, ignoring Jake’s cool ardor and smiling at Caesar. “I apologize for kissing the wrong man…”

She draped her arms around a suddenly terrified Caesar and kissed him squarely on the mouth. When she released him a moment later, he swayed sideways a bit, his mouth hanging open and his eyes glazed over. Jake reached out, fearful that Caesar might fall over.

“Well,” Jake admonished her, “you haven’t changed a bit. A little older around the eyes, maybe.”

“I may have made a mistake in coming here,” Alicia admitted. “But now that I’m here, I’m not leaving for awhile.”

“I heard about your husband,” Jake replied. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s it?” Alicia asked, disappointed in his brevity. “I’m surprised you even knew I got married.”

“Caesar told me,” Jake admitted, “about ten minutes ago.”

“Figures,” Alicia smirked. “The joke’s always on me. I still love you, you know.”

Jake sighed, not wanting to be even crueler than he already was. He didn’t believe she knew what love was. Alicia was a sex addict. It was probably the vampire blood in her veins, but she made up for the sexual aversion Tanya, her mother, used to have toward him.

“You’re not hiding anything from me, Jake,” Alicia said, after a moment of silence. “I know you don’t approve of me. But, I’ll have you know that while I was married, I was completely faithful to my husband, and I bore him six children. I’ve lived a complete lifetime denying you.”

“And now you’re here,” Jake said simply.

“And now I’m here,” Alicia replied. “I know you still love ‘her’, and I’m not trying to interfere or take that away from you. I thought maybe we could… console each other.”

“You live because she did,” Jake accused, almost snarling at her. “You’re a part of the world she left behind. Why would you believe for a minute that I want to be reminded of her?”

Alicia thought for a moment. “I’ve been flying over these islands for the last two hours before we landed here,” she finally responded. “The desolate wildness of this place tells me a lot. It’s beautiful, but it’s a lonely land. It’s the last wilderness, isn’t it? Someplace she’s never been?”

Jake pushed his way past her and through the kitchen doorway. She couldn’t see the expression on his face. Embarrassed at witnessing that very private moment, Caesar blushed and blinked rapidly, his breathing shallow and nervous, as well.

“Um, Ma’am,” Caesar stammered. “There’s, um… There’s soup.”

He gestured nervously at the counter behind where Jake had been standing. Two bowls of bean soup sat steaming, waiting for whoever would consume them.

Tearing her eyes away from the swinging door, Alicia gazed at the frightened clerk, then at the counter where he was trying to direct her attention. She gazed at the counter for a moment, realizing that she’d interrupted Jake’s… supper, breakfast, whatever meal it was for him.

She looked up at Caesar, smiling, trying to get him to relax. He was obviously terrified of beautiful girls. She had no idea why, but she had run into that problem all her life. The only way she’d ever learned how to handle that problem was to simply ignore it and pretend that the other person wasn’t acting completely freaked out.

“Well,” Alicia said, making up her mind about eating, anyway, “it was nice of him to leave me… something to eat.” She sighed. “Would you stay and eat with me? I don’t like eating alone.”

“Uup, well… no, Ma’am,” Caesar stuttered. “I, um… I’ve already had supper… but, um, well… I’ll stay and just watch you…” He frowned quickly and clamped his mouth shut, then continued, “I’ll, uh, keep you… company, if you want me… um, want me to…”

Alicia smiled at him as sweetly as she could, then looked around, found a stool and sat down on it, soup bowl in hand. Her robe slid open, revealing one very long and beautifully slender leg. Realizing she hadn’t picked up a spoon, she started to get up.

“Wait… wait,” Caesar said quickly, almost yelling in his anxiety. “I’ll git it!” He grabbed a soupspoon and reached it toward her so quickly that he accidentally rapped her knuckles with it. Clack!

“Damn! I’m sorry!” Caesar yelped, as surprised by the impact as she was. “Here’s your… um, your spoon.”

He sat back, staring at the gorgeous blonde who was still staring at him in surprise. Blinking nervously, Caesar looked away, blushing a deep shade of red. The image of that bare leg was burned into his retina. He could even see it with his eyes closed. He took a deep breath, trying to keep from trembling in terror of making an idiot of himself, knowing it was already much too late.

Hearing her giggle quietly, he jerked his head back and glared at her.

“It’s alright,” Alicia told him quietly, “I know it was an accident.”

He watched her for a moment while she started eating. When she was about half done, she looked up at him.

“You can have the other bowl if you like,” she offered. “I won’t be able to eat both of them.”

“Um, no,” Caesar said, some of his nervousness gone. “That’s Jake’s. I’ll heat it up and take it to him in a bit.”

Alicia knew that the shy hotel clerk didn’t want to share soup with her. He didn’t want to share food with her, or talk with her, or anything ‘with’ her. He wanted her. She knew the type – shy, lonely, never reaching for what they want. They either broke and became serial rapists that buried their unwilling victims deep in the woods, or they broke and crawled into a hole, unwilling to harm these beauteous creatures that unknowingly caused them so much personal anguish.

Caesar chose to live in a hole. He lived here on this wild island so he wouldn’t have to be around people like her. People like her didn’t come here. But here she was, and Caesar was trapped in the same room with her. She felt sorry for him, but realized that any move she made to ease his mind would be interpreted (correctly) as pity, and she would be vehemently rejected. She had played this game before. Only men with a measure of self-confidence were comfortable around her. Her beauty didn’t allow men like Caesar to trust her.

“Would it be all right if I took it up to him?” she asked. “It’s very good, and I’d like to thank him for preparing it for me.”

Caesar didn’t answer for a minute, realizing that he had somehow blown any chance of being with this incredibly stunning creature. She was going to try for Jake again, although he had already rejected her (The fool!). He relaxed, knowing that he was out of the game, now. It was more comfortable this way; not competing for her. He realized that she was more comfortable with that, too.

Smiling in relief, Caesar told her, “His room number is 410 – the big one at the end of the hall. You can see the ocean and the Amukta Volcano from his window. If the fog has cleared, you should be able to see it, ’specially at night. The volcano is still erupting.”

“Thank you,” Alicia said, sincerely. She didn’t add, ‘You’re very nice,’ knowing how that would be interpreted. Putting down her half-eaten bowl, she picked up the other one and left. “Good night, and… um, thank you again.”

“Yeah,” Caesar replied.

He got up and stood for a moment, then picked up the bowl she’d left behind. He reverently lifted the spoon to his lips and tasted. Her lips had been where his lips were, now. The spoon was cold and empty. There was no life in it. Somehow disappointed and not quite understanding why, he shoved the spoon and the bowl into the sink and turned on the water to rinse them clean.

Jake stood in the darkness of his room and stared out the window. Beyond the dock lights was the deep blackness of the Pacific except for an orange-red spot on the horizon. If he were closer, he would be able to tell it was molten lava that made that glow. He’d spent most of the last week tramping around on the parts of that lava field that had cooled, simply exploring during the day and sleeping in his boat at night. The days were long, this time of year, and he’d covered great distances. But he never actually got close to the volcanic crater itself. He was unwilling to spent a night on the lava fields, and the crater was more than a day’s walk inland. He knew what hell looked like, now. It was an entire island covered in lava with a giant crater in its center that spewed out smelly gasses and molten rivers of black rock.

A soft knock on the door interrupted him. “Yeah?”

“Room service,” a soft, feminine voice replied. “Your supper…”

Jake walked quickly to the door and pulled it open. Alicia was standing there holding his soup bowl with both hands as though she was offering it to him. He lifted it out of her hands, unable to do it without touching her soft skin. Even in that fraction of a second of physical contact, he felt her – her mind inside his, his mind inside hers, then it was gone as he lifted the bowl out of her hands.

He stared at her for a moment, realizing that he’d felt a new depth to her that wasn’t there forty years before. She waited patiently, knowing full well her violation of his privacy.

“Come in,” Jake said, finally breaking the awkward silence between them.
Alicia walked into the darkness of the room and let him close the door behind her. She heard him set the soup bowl down, then his hands were on her shoulders as he stood behind her. In physical contact again, she could feel his mind questing on the edge of her consciousness. He didn’t want her; he needed her. And he hadn’t known it until she was standing there, offering herself to him.

She turned halfway around to meet him, wanting to please him, happy for the fact that he needed her. Jake’s mouth met hers and crushed her lips against her teeth, giving her no chance to respond to his kiss, if that was what that cruel crush against her mouth was. His hands weren’t gentle, either, reaching around and grabbing her breasts more firmly than she liked, right through her nightgown.

Alicia didn’t cry out or protest. She knew that if she ever sought out Jake he would probably rape her, as he seemed bent on doing, now. She was willing for him to treat her like that. It would make him more tractable, later, when his guilt kicked in.

As he pressed her against the wall, Alicia gazed out the window across the room. Far off in the distance was a tiny speck of red.

'That must be the volcano,' she thought to herself, 'fiery red and full of pain…' like she would be if she could feel any pain. But since her husband died, all she felt was… numb. That was why she’d sought out Jake; she didn’t like feeling numb.

Jake had her dressing gown pulled up around her waist by now and was feeling between her legs, forcing his fingers into her, making her wetter with her need for him. Any pain she felt was cast out through that window across the room, across the sea and into that tiny fiery glow, far away.

She closed her eyes, limiting her awareness to physical sensation as her body responded to Jake’s rough handling. Jake was shoving his cock up inside her, now. She heard a feminine sigh as he rammed all the way in and realized the sound had come from her throat. She sighed again, just to make sure it had actually been her making that erotic, lonely sound.

This was the first time in months that anyone had touched her sexually, and she badly needed what Jake was doing to her, despite his roughness. Noticing that she was simply leaning against the wall with her arms dangling and limp, she raised her arms and put them over Jake’s shoulders. That seemed to flood his mind with anger, but right now she couldn’t figure out why.

Alicia was an Empath, and, in her opinion, a very good one. She had been the brains behind her late husband’s increase in wealth with her ability to ‘read’ the other players in their high-finance world. After having not taken her advice twice, the Honorable Barry Burke created the position of Vice President in Charge of Planning and offered it to his wife. In the ensuing thirty years, she 10x’ed his fortune. At his death, he was about the fiftieth wealthiest man in the world.

And it all belonged to Alicia Burke. The first thing she did was proxy everything out (she’d had years to set that up) to her children, giving most of her power to her oldest daughter, Jacqueline, her staunchest ally in her planned matriarchy.

Then she started looking for Uncle Jake – not her real uncle, of course, but he and her parents were blood sisters and brother to that mythical vampiress who had given them immortality. She had a very special purpose for seeking out Jake after all this time, and, right now, he was making it very easy for her to succeed in that purpose.

As she became more aroused, it became easier to reach into Jake’s mind and sooth his anger and his pain. She’d had a lifetime of practice (almost forty years) controlling her late husband’s thoughts and desires – Uncle Jake wouldn’t be that much different, would he? The last time they’d been together, she hadn’t even known she could do stuff like that and had tried physical coercion, locking him in her room and fucking him blind for however many days it took until her body monitor informed her of a change in her physical status. That first time, it took three days for her to get pregnant. Her first child, already thirty-eight years old, should live as long as Alicia, herself.

Sometime during that last few minutes after Alicia embraced him and wiped out any illusion that he was raping her, Jake’s rage smoothed out into a seething heat – a need to devour this blond creature who reminded him of everything he’d lost or left dozens of years behind him. She grunted with each savage thrust into her body, passively accepting his cruel invasion of her most sensitive parts. She was even starting to thrust back.

Her acceptance of what he was doing wasn’t what he had planned when he’d pulled her into the room. Jake had hoped that his cruelty and coldhearted meanness would drive Alicia away. Instead she acted like she accepted his raping her. It occurred to him that she had come to his door, expecting, or perhaps even hoping, to be raped. His estimation of her courage went up considerably in that moment of realization, and he started thinking about how to give her more pleasure.

Alicia could feel the change in his emotions and knew she’d won, again. He would let her stay with him for awhile. Perhaps he would marry her, this time. If not, she had another husband picked out, primed and ready in Baltimore. In the meantime, Jake was hugging her sweating, thrusting body against his, driving steadily toward orgasm and an explosive eruption of sensation inside her.

She rode him, now, every nerve in her body alive and ready to explode – her hard, sensitive nipples rubbing against his heaving chest. With one leg already being held up, Alicia wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck, pulled her other leg up, and wrapped it around his waist. Another instant of rage flooded through her and she realized that she must have imitated a position that reminded Jake of Béla.

Dropping her free leg back down for support, she arched away from him and let him pound harder into her pussy, their stomachs not touching while their pelvises slammed against each other – letting him dissipate his newfound rage back down into the sensuality that she could use to control his needs and desires.

Another moment of that intense pounding and she was ready to come. She squeezed hard against his cock with his next thrust, increasing the intensity of the sensation he was receiving from her hot, wet insides. His body responded to her new tightness and she felt his orgasm approaching with a sigh of relief. She hadn’t wanted to continue that merciless pounding after having an orgasm. If they came at the same time, they could both stop, after.

Jake’s cock started to jerk as he ripped in and out of her, and suddenly, he rammed in hard and stayed there, pumping jets of semen deep into her cunt. Alicia gurgled in response as he nearly crushed her body in his arms and against the wall, her pussy quivering and pulsing with her own orgasm. They both relaxed at the same instant and Jake nearly dropped her to the floor as she began to slide down the wall, her legs unable to hold her up any longer.

Instead, he managed to land her, in a controlled slide down the wall, with her legs twisted and bent beneath her sweating, weary body. Gasping for breath, he gazed down at her in the darkness of the room. He could make out her shimmering blond hair. Her eyes were almost invisible pinpricks of reflected light from the docks and he realized that she had been staring listlessly out the window the entire time he’d been fucking her.

At that moment, he realized that she’d found a place to put her pain and emotional distress. She’d cast it into the volcano, the same as he had with his own pain over the years he’d spent here. He helped her up and practically carried her to his bed, then gently dropped her down. For the time being, he recognized that she belonged to him – some sort of rite of passage that had occurred in the last fifteen minutes. He hadn’t planned it, and he certainly didn’t want her, but for now, at least, she was his.

Alicia was grateful that Jake didn’t try to talk – to put his feelings into words. He’d carried her to his bed. That was enough for now. And her body was finally sated after months of frustration and the pain of watching her husband fade and age into a hollow husk from his cancer and the brutal ‘treatment’ that weakened him as much as the disease.

Jake left Alicia on the bed and went into the bathroom to wash the sweat and sex off of him. When he returned to the bed, Alicia was asleep or, more likely, unconscious, having been brutalized enough that Jake felt rotten regarding his treatment of her. He got a washcloth and wiped her down as best he could, then crawled in next to her on the bed. He lay there, gazing at her in the darkness, wondering what had driven her to seek him out, then suddenly remembered that she’d brought him a bowl of soup. That was the last thing he thought of before he fell asleep.


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Travis and Elwood had hidden in their cabin since raping and killing Cathy Melton. They had spent the first couple of days laughing and bragging, exchanging crude and insulting remarks about the dead woman. But, by now, the thrill had largely worn off and the two were simply horny again. "You gotta admit though Travis, she was purty tight, especially at first." "Well the next one is gonna be even tighter." "We gonna git us another one?" "Sure. They's plenty whur she come from. But...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 414

I walked to the elevator to greet whoever was coming to see me, just as door was opening. Phil, Robin and Bob Jackson stepped off the elevator. “I get another look at the inside of the lion’s den; you have expanded a lot since I was here last time,” he said. “Yes, we have and all of Lorrie’s division was moved to the Morton building; she has offices both here and there.” “Bob, are you going as chaperone?” I asked. “Yes. Mr. Gifford sent an email that the medicines being donated for...

1 year ago
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Baseball The AllAmerican Sport

I was sitting in the stands watching and recording each move of a baseball game, keeping a watchful eye on every tight ass on the field - especially the one belonging to the pitcher. As the game drew to a close, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Before I knew it, I was wiggling in my seat! When the game was over I took off for my post-game interviews. My press pass got me into the locker room area where I congratulated the team. When I finally made my way to my favorite player, I...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 55

It wasn’t in Emily’s nature to be overly reflective about her life, but as Nick’s jet ascended into the sky above Paris, she found herself thinking back on how much her life had changed in the last two months. For years before she met Nick, she’d worked very hard to maintain something close to stasis in her life. As long as Clive didn’t throw her out or start hanging around more often, as long as she worked enough to have some spending money, as long as people didn’t ask too many questions...

1 year ago
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Feels Like Rain

    We stand together on your porch, looking out across the prairie.  Green signs of spring are just beginning to show in the late afternoon light of this March day.   I sigh as your arms settle around mine, and you breathe into my hair.   It has been too long since I was able to relax in your embrace, share a bottle of wine, and just listen to the sound of your voice.   I can feel the tension melting away, as the heat from your body seeps into my skin.   In the distance, the sky is...

2 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 52

I had a very nice day in school today. Next week would be a school holiday, so we had been having some fun today in school and there were no classes. However, when I got back home, I was home alone again. My mother was still in Brussels, to sign her new contract and to check the place where she would be living until she found something of her own. And my sister, well she had decided to stay with our dad for a day. My mother and sister would return home tomorrow the earliest. So, here I was...

2 years ago
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An unexpected meet

It was a typical day, woke up horny, wife uninterested in sex. No opportunity for a quick wank to relieve the aching balls!I decided to take out my photography gear and go to a local (ish) reservoir and indulge my passion for photography.I duly arrived at the reservoir and started taking pictures, as I walked around I noticed that there was a fair proportion of cars parked up occupied by guys on their own, just sitting there, nearly all of them about my age.I thought to myself I bet they're...

1 year ago
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A year

08-24-2008 First day of class I love being a ministry major here at Mid-south Bible University. Today classes we amazing all Bible classes loved it . 08-25-2008 Second day of class I realize that we must some understanding of the world in order to better fight of f Satan but why must we have such worldly people teach the general education classes. My biology professor thinks that Darwin had some good points. My sociology professor thinks that we should be understanding of homos...

2 years ago
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The Swap Ch 02

The order of my stories to read is: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, Case of the Executed Evangelist series. The Swap series Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are...

3 years ago
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First Letters To Gails Husband Michael

Michael,Your wife wanted me to write this letter to you. She will not tell me if it is to punish you or to excite you. She has only said that if I won’t do this for her then she and I can not continue. I believe her. She is a determined woman so I will do what she says to maintain my access to her. So that I can continue to fuck her. Strong words I know, to hear from another man about your wife. But she has demanded them of me. Telling me that I must be brutally candid, as that is the...

1 year ago
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KellyChapter 31

Kelly kissed Mike goodbye early the next morning. So far, except for a slight swelling of her breasts, there was no sign of her pregnancy. She was in the office at seven o’clock and found an answer to her facsimile message of the day before. For a change, the seven-hour time difference to Moscow had come in handy. She took the sheets to her office, sat down, and started to read. It was a personal message to her, signed “Uncle Mischa.” Mikhail said he was replying in Russian on the assumption...

2 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome 2 Jans Toybox and Cedrics Pleasur

I stared blankly at cedric’s smiling face. He looked so cute half asleep, I couldn’t help myself the full moon was still in the morning sky… I kissed him, our tongues dancing inside each others mouths. It was turning me on so much, through sheer force of will I stopped kissing him and managed to choke out. “so… uh… how’d you sleep?” I asked him fearfully. “I slept great” he said. “uh Cedric, listen…” I began but what he said totally blew my mind (and made me horny automatically)...

4 years ago
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Teacher Ne Uksaya Aur Mast Chudvaya

Yeh pichle saal hui ghatna ki story hai…main 11th class me tha aur padhai me bahut acha hun.class me top karta hun.hamari maths teacher ka naam nirmala tha aur mujhe unka asli rup pichle saal dekhne ko mila..jabki main unke under 3 saal se padh raha tha Main dikhne me kaafi thik hun..saanvla rang. 6 foot ki height aur santusht karne vaala lund.nirmala ki umar 34 saal hai aur figur 34-28-38 hoga.muh dekhne me utna khaas nahin tha…lekin unka badan…uff..maano malai lapeti hui ho… Ek din nirmala...

2 years ago
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Cute Teen Cuckold Bet

(True incident of 16, march ‘2012 Friday evening) I am Asad khan from Delhi, studing with my girlfriend disha sharma in **** university. we have been in a relationship since 11th class, and now we are doing and are in 2nd year. I am 5’7″ weighing 65 kgs, having fair color and good personality. my gf disha, is an extremely cute and decent looking girl.. she hight is 5’5″ , extremely fair, weighing 60 kgs, she wears nerdy spects which just add to her cuteness. People often want help her...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Aidra Fox Adira Allure Adira Allure fucks her therapist in front of her cuckold husband

Adira and Marcelo are going to see a therapist to help with their failing marriage. When they arrive the smoking hot therapist Aidra Fox asks Adira if she can step into the other room for a private conversation. After a little bit Marcelo hears some strange noises and decides to go check but he finds the therapist’s tongue deep in his wife’s pussy. Marcelo is told to shut up and watch as the therapist shows Adira a good time a lets her release her frustrations with some hot lesbian...

1 year ago
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Blow my mind

As Chris watched Sally walk towards him, he licked his lips in anticipation, Sally was drunk and had decided to find out how big Chris was, they had been good friends for a real long time, always having a giggle and flirting but the flirting was getting more intense every time, Sally had just been given good news that, she had been given a job with a huge advertising company in the city, she had been nervous for about a month, since her interview, as they sat drinking Sally said she had always...

1 year ago
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How My Student Took Me Out Of The World

Hi friends. Yash is here. I am गोइंग to narrate another sex story of my one student whose encounter is the best fuck ever. If you like story then respond me on If any girl or lady wants to communicate me, they are always welcomed but remember I am performer, not entertainer. Jab mene unki school join ki to mujhe 12th science ka class teacher bana diya gaya because first I teaches physics, second I have lots of academic experience. I am very funny in my class so every student enjoy it but...

3 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 5 Man in the Mirror

Beth tumbled gently to the floor beneath, flipping her body at the last second to land on her feet. Staring up, all she could see were the clouds she had passed through on the way down. She had several red marks on her left arm, each one from a nasty pinch that she gave herself to try and wake up from this strangest of dreams. Now that she was on the ground, she saw that she stood in a beautiful garden with a large marble gazebo in the middle. “How peculiar,” she said, expecting her voice to...

4 years ago
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Straying WifeChapter 8

The car, a Mercedes, was right on time and the driver was none other than Klaus! Kim turned a deep crimson when she saw him, but he was all manners and made no allusion to their night in San Francisco. They drove through the quiet streets of Carmel with Kim looking out the window and. wondering what was in store for her. At the guarded gates of Pebble Beach, the old guard in the toll house waved them on. They drove past the stately mansions of Pebble Beach, passing Hank's parents' house on...

1 year ago
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Breaking Article 134 Ch 08

The jangling ring of the phone woke me up a few hours later. ‘Hello?’ I rubbed my face and tried not to yawn. ‘Are you okay?’ I frowned and rubbed my face again. ‘Sir?’ ‘Yes. Are you okay?’ I could hear the sounds of people behind him. He was in a store or something. ‘I fractured my foot, sir.’ He muttered something. ‘What’d they do?’ ‘Put it in a cast. How’d you get this number, sir?’ ‘Are you on Quarters?’ ‘No, sir. Don’t call me again.’ ‘Remember the arrangement we made?’ ...

2 years ago
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New Years

New Years funWe had a small party New Year's Eve with a few people, 3 cpls and 4-5 singles, nothing big. I had a alternate plan for late that night and this was a great way to get it rolling. My wife gets a little wild when she drinks, so my plan was to feed her drinks all night and as the night went on I started adding some Molly to her shots. So by the time everyone was leaving (12:30ish) she was drunk and a little high too. I told her she and I needed to do a shot for the new year, just us...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Lacy AssFucked By Her Daughters Fiancee

“I have three kids and two grandkids,” said Lacy Cummings, a 52-year-old divorcee with a tight, slim body and long, beautiful, blond hair. Lacy has kids, alright! For example, in this scene, she has a daughter. We don’t see the daughter, but we do see her daughter’s fiancee…Lacy’s future son-in-law. He’s sitting on the staircase in Lacy’s house, thinking he’s all alone. So he whips out his smartphone and starts watching a video. The video is...

3 years ago
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Jeff and his Daughter Part Two

Part IIThere was a knocking at the door. Jeff looked a little surprised but it only slowed his fucking by a little bit. “Expecting some one?” he asked. “Oh yea dad, Caitlyn said her dad had that thing you need done, and was going to bring it by today.” Jessica breathed in between Jeff's thrusts into her love slot. “Should we move some where more private?” Jeff asked. “No, Caitlyn's cool. If your lucky maybe she'll join you,” I said putting the camera down and walking to the kitchen to answer...

2 years ago
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Moms Girl Revised

Mom's Girl Part One "William," Mom called, "Come here my Sweetie." I came to her bedside. I guess I was Mom's favorite, if you call it that. Being quiet and shy, I didn't have many friends and I liked to read and help around the house, like pick up my things, make dinner, and help my younger brothers with their homework. I guess Mom was my best friend. I could tell her anything and she'd never get mad at me and we'd talk about lots of things. "I need your help with the house...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Cuckold 1

Becoming a Cuckold, Ch. 1by DirtyMindedMinxI blew my load and immediately felt like crap. I closed the browser and just sat there in the dark. My orgasm gave me a few seconds of pleasure, but the moment was fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying. How had I been reduced to this?I love my wife. Irene and I have been married for almost twelve years, we have two beautiful chïldren, and we hardly ever fight or even get into arguments. She’s a great mom and a loving partner. I do all I can as her...

2 years ago
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Dressing up as a girl

When i turned 16, I moved out. I was pretty skilled so i made good money freelancing. After i moved out i would often cross dress. I would buy nice dresses and lingeries then try them out. At first it was in my apartment only, but slowly i pushed myself. I would go out dressed as a girl. No one could say i was a boy from the inside. One night i wore a nice skirty dress and red panties then went towards a nearby park. It would make me alot excited. Although i never felt sexual attraction or...

1 year ago
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My Home Delivery Experience

This is another experience which I had with my customer Bhabhitha madam, let me introduce you about myself, I am Manu from Bangalore. I am 28 now, Average looking boy; I am working with one hyper market as store Manager. Here I am narrating the story about my Customer called Bhabhitha. For safety I have not publishing my real name and her name and my profession, so I did some changes on the story for not to identify us. She is my regular customer at store. Fealty rich lady, Let me introduce to...

2 years ago
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Meet Virgin Fucked Her 4 Times In 3 Hours

Hello Friends! This is vishwa from chennai i’m here to tell you a story how i meet a gal and fucked her very next day any aunties and gals need secret full satisfied sex, mail me ( com) This is my first story here, so please excuse for mistakes. The story begins here, one day i went to one of my branch office to meet my friend, there was a cute girl sitting and speaking to him. i went there and had a chat with my friend but actually sighting her. Her name is sukanya. she is a perfect fuckable...

3 years ago
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The Singer

  I have always mocked those who are obsessed with celebrities, or such.   But what bugged me the most are people who are obsessed with singers! Calling what they feel “love”! How can you fall in love with a complete stranger just because of his voice? You’ve heard countless times of love at first sight, but have you ever heard of love at first hearing? It can’t possibly exist… Or can it? I have spent most of my high school years with the most “popular” guy at school.   And he was my...

Straight Sex
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The Slave Princess Part 1

The sword says swiftly What the brush takes time to say. As the years go by, The sword’s words are forgotten While the brush’s words live on.– The Canticle of Menkeret.………………………………………………..The ropes dig into my wrists but I feel no pain. I face the setting sun across a boundless sapphire sea but I am only vaguely conscious of the marvelous beauty before me. I am naked but clothed in resignation. I am hungry but know intuitively that soon I will be replete. I should feel fear but prefer to trust...

4 years ago
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I had known Harriet for a few months, every since I took early retirement and moved to this beautiful, remote, rural spot in North Florida. She had a trailer too, but it was much larger and nicer than mine and situated on a piece of property that must have been at least double my five acres. She had been a casual acquaintance, as neighbors often are, until she had a problem with her car and I offered to take her somewhere if she needed. She took me up on it one Thursday and had me drop her at...

2 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve - Grace Does Dallas Redoux I don't remember at what point my worry turned to sleep. I don't even know how long I'd been asleep when I felt Grace stroking my penis. Her long nails gently scratching my shaft felt amazing. "Time to wake up sleepyhead. I need you to help me pack for my trip. Hurry! Get up!" I pressed back against Grace, grasping her dildo between my thighs. I couldn't believe I was trying to get her to do me again. "Come on baby," Grace spoke...

1 year ago
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At home with my sister and a friend

When I was 18 and still living at home, I had an encounter with my younger sister Vicky who was 17 at the time and the daughter of my mom’s best friend.   Both girls were juniors in high school at the time and Sandy was proportionally about the same size as my sister in every aspect.   They both had beautiful perky breasts that fit perfectly in my hands, not too big, but defiantly big enough to play with and had the hardest nipples for sucking.   The biggest difference between the two was Vicky...

3 years ago
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Working Girl

Amber placed her hands on his chest as she moved her shapely hips up and down. He felt good, damn good. His thick shaft stretched her tightness like it had never been stretched before. She could feel her orgasm nearing.She leaned back and moved her hands to his knees. She shivered as she felt his hands move down her chest between her perky breasts. Her body began to tremble. She could not hold back the moans.She gripped his shaft as her orgasm hit. She gasped loudly as her fluids washed over...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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My Little Sister Vinoothna Part 8211 2

Hi guys! This is Vivek again. I know I bored you last time. But this story gonna be hot enough to cum. People who didn’t read my previous story read the story for completeness. All your suggestions are welcomed. A guy with full sexcitement is waiting for a hot chat and real fun. Mail me at Just a simple description. I’m not too handsome but also not too ugly. 16cm long tool. My sis is white in colour. Super ass and awesome boobs. Now let’s get into the story. After the day of my sex...

3 years ago
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Kick Start To Her Scooty

First Story out here Feed backs – This story is a work of fiction and resembles to no reality “Should we cook or order something from outside?” I said “Do we still need to get something for dinner when we have each other to satisfy our hunger and quench our thirst” Damn! She is so good with words that one would run searching for place to jerk off after hearing her words. This memory still stays afresh in my mind. I had newly shifted to this area where I am staying currently. My name is Rahul...

2 years ago
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The hated stepmother

My mother died when I was six years old. This was obviously a crushing blow to one so young, but my dad did his best to make me normal. My father honored the memory of my mother and didn't date for a few years. However, he was a handsome man and a great catch for any lucky woman. Finally, my dad met a woman named Angie and eventually married her when I was ten years old. Angie and I got along pretty well the first two years or so but then she got pregnant and gave birth to my half-sister...

2 years ago
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A College Freshman Gender Swapped

You let out a sigh of relief after dropping your hand at your side after waving goodbye to your parents. Their blue Sudan had finally turned out of the parking lot and were out of sight. Your mom's teary face and tissue wave would now just be a memory, until of course the next time she has a new precious moment with you to share. You were luckier than most, your parents understood that you just wanted to explore your dorm on your own, so they kept the hugs of goodbye quick, it helped that your...

2 years ago
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It is late evening and I have put the kids to bed. I quietly slip into the bedroom and put on a sexy pink teddy. I have turned the lights down and have started some soft music playing. I have lit candles to give a nice aroma to the room. And then I stroll into the living room. I climb onto your lap, which is something I almost never do. I lay my hand in your crotch and begin to rub your cock a little. And then I begin to rub my body on top of yours like I was performing a lap dance. After a...

3 years ago
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Doc and the French WhoreChapter 3

My shoulder was bothering me something fierce and I was certain they didn’t get the entire bullet out when they operated. I figured the projectile had shattered a bit when it hit my bone and a piece of the lead was still inside making me sore and feeling a mite bit tender on that side. Luckily, Kate showing me her new French undies took my mind off the pain and I made a point of pulling them down and spanking her good and proper right in front of Carmelita, the third leg of our nocturnal...

4 years ago
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Youre Going to Eat My Load Today Gay

I am again taken aback by how sexy he is. My breath catches in my throat. I open the door. Matt says hi and smirks, reading my obvious excitement. His smirk is an adorable half-smile that makes his eyes twinkle and his sexiness go through the roof. He walks through the open door and turns to shut it. I cannot wait any longer and need to kiss him right away. I step closer and lean in; he puts his hand on my chest, holding me back, and says firmly, "Down, boy."I must look like he slapped me. He...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 47

"Can I help you?" Angie turned to a red haired woman about her age. 'Deity. Who is she? The way she holds herself;' "The lounge? I was told ... directed to the lounge. I believe there is be a confidential discussion and I have yet to complete my business." "I'm Sally McGraw, dogsbody and general factotum, the lounge is over here. Coffee?" "Angie Merton. Thank you. Both please before you ask. Have you any idea how long they'll be?" Sally shook her head, returned to her office...

2 years ago
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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 12

Mother lent us Ben to cook up a storm for us. Of course, we sent him back before the festivities began. Some things you keep private. Cassidy cooked her delicious Irish Lamb Stew with soda bread. We had a California King in our bedroom, but even that wasn’t big enough. So, we had a second one delivered the day before and they set it up right alongside the other. It made for a huge, soft and comfy love platform! The meal was out of this world with Irish Lamb stew, steamed lobster, Cherrystone...

2 years ago
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Fun And Games

After the incident in the woods, I pretty much resigned myself to having to service not only my best friend Ted but also his older brother Dan and their buddy Mitch. I thought about all the time we spent in touch with each other and since we all hung around with different groups I figured the only place that might be uncomfortable was on the bus to and from school. In the morning the bus ride wasn't too uncomfortable. I was conscious of smirks on their faces and some snickering between them but...

3 years ago
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Masishen StrandedChapter 16

Sudden Terrors The days of August slipped away with warm days and cool nights, broken only once by a late summer thunderstorm. It dumped a brief but torrential cloudburst on Silver City and the surrounding mountains. A flood of water and debris surged down Jordan Creek through the center of town but did little damage, other than making it difficult to ford the creek near the small south side campground. When late August arrived the high desert nights turned chilly. Yellowing leaves appeared...

3 years ago
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A Slut Like MeChapter 7

The last thing I wanted to do was stop my conversation with Megan at that moment. I felt my walls coming down. And it seemed that hers were never as high to begin with as I had thought. I was beginning to relax a little. Megan was handling the things I was telling her better than I could have hoped. I wanted to tell her more. But I had no choice but to stop. I wasn't about to make this a four-way conversation. Things were complex enough already. I had to continue to keep everything in its...

2 years ago
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Massage Mat Pt 02 Ch 01

‘To Paint the Portrait of a Bird’ This is a story about how Beth and Angie continue to evolve as their unique life journeys continue. Some disclaimers are in order: This story contains no incest—actually the proportion of sex to story is relatively small for a Literotica story. It’s therefore not really an erotic story that’s intended to turn you on (but if it happens, hey, go with it!). The story focuses on love and passion rather than on lust and sex. It’s about struggling to become an...

1 year ago
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Melvin and His Python

The first boy that fucked me was very hot, I was like 16 and he was 17. He had like this Jock look, when he took his shirt of he had this perfect body that i loved to leak. But, when we had sex he just wouldn't make me cum right you know.But any ways his name wasnt Melvin so... Melvin was this nerdy k** that lived down the street he was very good with computers, he would never charge me for fixing up the viruses and stuff.So one day am talkig to my friends and i see him getting picked off by...

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