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‘Fuck me!’

Holly gripped the sheets tight as she pushed herself against his massive erection. She had been begging him to be rough and he was still being too gentle. She gritted her teeth.

‘Seriously Cavan. Go harder!’

Holly grunted and reached her hand down under her body. She ran her hands over her hard nipples and down her firm belly. She didn’t linger her fingers against her bare mound. She went straight for her pulsing clit and rubbed hard. She had buried her head in the fluffy pillows and was trying to reach her peak.

‘Oh you feel so good baby. Let me cum all over your cute face.’ Cavan pulled out and stroked his cock. He was standing next to the bed and his chest was covered in a thin layer of sweat. They had been going at it for almost an hour and he was ready to orgasm.

Holly flipped over and held her massive breasts together as she stuck her tongue out. She watched as he jerked twice and then exploded all over her face. She felt his cum land on her cheeks and tongue. She left her mouth open until he was finished then watched as he walked off to the washroom.

Holly tried to calm her breathing. She was exhausted and sore. She saw Cavan turn the light off and then walk back to bed. She grabbed some tissues from the nightstand to clean herself up then lay waiting for him to return.

‘You are an amazing fuck. I have a thing for redheads with big breasts. Good night.’

Holly smiled and then closed her eyes. At least he had had fun. She knew exactly what was going to happen in the morning. They were going to have sex again at least once in bed, maybe again in the shower and then she would leave and he would never call. It was the same routine. The moment he mentioned her red hair and big breasts she knew there was no use in even trying with him.


‘So how was your Saturday night? That guy you were with was pretty cute.’

Holly glanced up from the newspaper. She hated when one of her coworkers invited themselves in for morning coffee break. Holly wanted time to herself and was not even granted that. She smiled and replied.

‘It was good. His name is Cavan.’

‘Cute name. I was so excited to go out with you and the other lawyers. I had so much fun.’ Miranda was practically jumping up and down and Holly was not normally a mean person. She held back what she wanted to say.

‘It was fun to have you come out with us. After a stressful week it’s nice to unwind.’


Holly was about to be sociable and ask her how she was going to spend her Christmas. It was two days before Christmas but almost everyone was going to be working tomorrow. Holly looked at the clock. Her break was over and she was thankful she no longer had to talk to Miranda. Miranda was new and acted like an annoying little yappy dog. She was eager to please all the other lawyers and since Holly was one of the top performing female lawyers, she had attached herself to the older redhead.

‘I need to get back to work.’

‘Right. Thanks for letting me have break with you. I hope you have a productive afternoon.’ Holly watched as Miranda fluttered her way back to her desk. Holly wanted to slam her door shut but felt that would be rude. Instead, she closed it gently and got back to work.

Holly was a defense lawyer with a very reputable law firm. She had been here ten years and had made a name for herself. She was not a partner and no matter how much progress occurred in the real world, this law firm was still an old boy’s club.

Holly looked out at the downtown area and tried to figure out the impression she had made on Miranda at the bar on Saturday. She had gone out with some of the other lawyers and inevitably had attracted the attention of a handsome guy. He saw her as a short red head with big breasts and she reluctantly gave in. The sex was good but as always, she had gone home the next morning.

Miranda was probably in awe of how easy it was for Holly to pick up guys. At thirty-three, she was too old to be having one-night stands. She wanted more but there was no way she was going to get the perfect guy, especially with her work schedule.

Holly got back to work and typed up five pages of information to be used for the case she was working on. It was a tragic case of spousal abuse. She was defending the wife, who had been charged with killing her husband. It clearly could be construed as self defense and that was going to be her whole case. She was going to show the jury that this small defenseless woman had no other means to remove herself from the tragic situation then to stab her husband.

Holly left the office around eight. She worked late almost every night but it didn’t matter. She was single and didn’t even own a pet. She entered her empty condominium and after getting a bite to eat settled into bed to read her novel.

‘I hate my life.’ Holly spoke those words aloud and then realized how silly she was. Miranda loved Holly’s life. She bet if she asked her, she would switch places with her. She had money, power, a great job, and great looks. Holly looked around and wondered what would happen if she had made different choices so many years ago.

She got up and grabbed her high school yearbook. It was displayed on the bookshelf in her room and she flipped to the same page she always did. She smiled down at the picture of Connor Farren. She couldn’t look past the picture because if she did she would see what he had written in her yearbook. She closed her book and got back in bed.


Holly woke up with a start. She looked around and saw that it was daylight. She blinked and saw that her alarm clock read ten. She had slept in. That had never happened. She rushed out of bed and quickly got dressed. As she slid on her nylons, she rang her office. She was partly relieved when Miranda answered the phone.

‘Dale, Brown, and Roberts.’

‘Miranda it’s me Holly. I slept in. I will be there in thirty minutes. Tell John to postpone the meeting until eleven and confirm the court date for the twenty-seventh.’

Holly hung up the phone, not even waiting for her to respond. She didn’t care. She had answered the phone and thus needed to handle the duties given to her. Holly slid on her black skirt with the silver jacket. She put her red hair in a bun and then grabbed her briefcase.

The drive into work was horrendous and it unfortunately gave her time to think about the dream she had had the night before. She rarely dreamt but this was so vivid. She dreamt that she had met her high school boyfriend, Connor Farren, at a bar. It was a weird dream because instead of Cavan, or whatever his name was, it was Connor whom she had gone home with last Saturday. She had woken up horny and had it not been a workday she would have done some naughty things with some of her sex toys.

Holly stomped into the office and was all business until the court appearance in the afternoon. She had no time to think about anything until five when she and one of the senior partners were the only ones left in the office. She sat down and Connor’s face flashed before her eyes. It was strange really.

She logged on to her computer and decided to do something weird. She was hooked up to a few databases and she typed in his name. Three links popped up and she looked at each one. One was detailed including date of birth, address, and marital status. It was not the same person since the birth date was ten years off. The next link was general with only a name and phone number. The third made Holly’s heart skip a beat. It was Connor. She looked at the picture that was linked to the account and glanced at the address and birth date. He hadn’t changed in fifteen years. She was about to scribble the phone number and address but was startled by John standing in the doorway. He had coughed to announce his arrival.

‘You work too much Holly. You know that, right?’

‘You’re here too.’

‘Yeah but I’m in a h
orrible marriage and prefer to be here than at home being nagged to death. You’re young. You should be going out meeting guys, having wild sex.’

Holly laughed. John was only five years older then she.

‘You are silly. I’m done with relationships.’

‘You can’t be serious. You had at least three guys all over you at the bar on Saturday. How you have stayed single is unfathomable.’

Holly stood up and leaned against her desk. John was one of the only males in the office whom she trusted. When she first started working there, many of the guys had made passes at her and had expected her to fall at their feet in worship. She had done no such thing. John was different. He was actually loyal to his wife.

‘The guy I went home with showed promise until he asked me over breakfast how much I made each year. When I told him that was a rude question he pouted and started talking about how he always wanted a sugar momma.’

‘You serious?’

‘Yep. Guys look at me, see the red hair, petite frame, and big breasts, and assume I’m a sex toy. Or they find out I’m a lawyer and decide I should spend money on them. I’m through with dating. No one was as good as my high school sweetheart.’

Holly was blushing now. This was a personal conversation she was having with John but she didn’t feel uncomfortable. She was more embarrassed at how she was reacting to talking about Connor.

‘I bet you’d love to go back in time and change the decisions you made.’

‘Huh?’ Holly blinked. That was exactly what she was thinking and she was not accustomed to John being so in tune with her feelings.

John just smiled. ‘I’ve been there and done that Holly. I get sappy romantic at Christmastime. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like had I not gone away for school.’

Holly was about to respond when her phone rang. She saw that it was one of her clients. She waved at John and just as she was about to answer it, he blurted out.

‘Go buy a lottery ticket at the store downstairs before you leave. Merry Christmas.’

Holly answered the phone and quickly focused her attention on her frantic client who had just been locked out of her house by her husband’s family. Holly was professional and calm and without fifteen minutes had everything sorted out. She enjoyed the high profile cases but sometimes they turned into melodramatic annoyances. It was a small price to pay to get your name in the paper every few months.

Two hours later Holly finally left the office. She stood in the elevator and was about to push the button for P4 but then remembered John’s suggestion. She instead hit the button for the ground floor and soon her high heels were clicking along the marble floor of the grand foyer. She walked outside and then quickly turned left and rushed into the small convenience store that was on the corner.

The store was tiny and if you were larger then normal you would not fit down the aisles. Newspapers and coffee were the two important purchases that most customers made and a few years ago someone had won the state lottery with a ticket purchased at this store. Some people wondered why the storeowner hadn’t sold his store but he kept saying that he would retire after the next lottery winning.

‘Can I buy a lottery ticket?’

‘Of course my dear. That will be one dollar.’

Holly looked a little confused and was about to ask why the ticket was so cheap. The older man behind the counter answered her unspoken question.

‘It’s almost Christmas. You are my last customer of the night. Just answer one question for me.’

‘O.K.’ Holly was searching in her purse for a dollar because she felt bad about giving him a twenty and make him have to make change.

‘If you could make a wish what would it be?’

Holly smiled and placed the twenty on the counter. She thought about the question and then responded like a lawyer would. ‘Aren’t you supposed to keep your wish secret. I was told that if you told, your wish wouldn’t come true.’

‘I’ve been at this shop for over forty years. I can keep secrets.’

‘I’d love to go back in time and make the right decision regarding my high school sweetheart.’

‘That is a nice wish. Have a merry Christmas.’

Holly left the twenty-dollar bill on the counter and walked out with the lottery ticket in her hand. She stuffed it in her purse and then rushed back into the office building and walked towards the bank of elevators. She wasn’t wearing a jacket even though it was freezing outside. She rarely went outside as she parked her car in her underground parking spot. She went from house to car to office and back again. The law offices were a short cab ride from the courthouse and there was always a waiting taxicab available.

Holly entered her quiet apartment and after showering and changing into her silk red pajamas, she felt the all too familiar tingling feeling between her legs. She reached over and chose her pink rabbit vibrator. Lying back, she pulled down her pajamas pants and quickly moved the vibrator exactly how she needed it. This was a nightly activity and she could shut down completely after a few orgasms. Her body was used to the stimulation, so much so that when she was with Cavan, or whatever his name was, last Saturday, she hadn’t been able to cum. Her body was trained to orgasm from her vibrator, beads, or dildo.

Holly’s body was shaking as she was brought closer to the much-needed inner explosion. As she came hard against the pink vibrator, she thought of only one thing – Connor Farren.


Holly opened her eyes and was very confused. She closed them and tried to think. She was laying on her back on a very uncomfortable bed. She tried to remember what day of the week it was and decided it was a Thursday. There was no reason why she would have been out on a Wednesday night so she was even more confused as to why she was in some strange guy’s bed.

She opened her eyes again and saw that she was a in a small bedroom with green furniture and beige and green walls with a flower border around the top. Clothes were scattered everywhere and then she felt the scratchiness of cotton against her body. She never wore cotton, and never wore cotton that was worn and disgusting from too many washes.

She sat up and tried to figure out whom she had slept with the night before. Had she gone out after buying the lottery ticket? She couldn’t have gone home with the shop owner. That was not a possibility. She looked around and heard voices coming from the other side of the bedroom door. She had no idea why there were so many voices and so she looked on the ground for her purse. It wasn’t there. She needed to know what time it was and she needed to remember the name of the guy. It was going to be very embarrassing trying to explain herself since she didn’t remember having sex with him.

Suddenly the door opened and in barged two small children. They ran and jumped on the bed and hugged Holly tightly. The girl was about four and had dark black hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a pink nightgown and was smiling brightly. The boy was about two and had red hair that was curly. He struggled to climb onto the bed and was finally helped by what Holly assumed to be his father. Her heart was pounding for a million different reasons. The questions spinning in her head was giving her a massive migraine. She had never met the children of any guy she had slept with and she never went for guys with kids. It was too much baggage.


‘Mommy it’s seven. You said we had to wait until then to wake you up. Can we open presents now?’

Holly then glanced up and saw Connor standing next to the young boy. She had only noticed his hands as he helped his son up on the bed. Now she saw his face and was shocked.


Holly was so confused. He looked different. Very different then the picture she had seen at work the other day. Had it only been yesterday? He was thinner and younger
looking. This didn’t make sense. Was this a dream?

‘Good morning baby. I hope the kids didn’t wake you. They have been up since six.’


‘You seem a little out of it. Let’s go unwrap presents and I’ll make you a cup of tea.’

‘Tea?’ Holly hadn’t drunk tea since high school. She was a coffee drinker and this just created more confusion. Her head felt like it was going to explode.

‘Let’s give Mommy some time to wake up. We’ll be in the living room.’

Holly watched as Connor and the two children made their way to the living room. The moment they were out of sight she jumped out of bed and looked around. She was wearing a cotton nightgown that was a strange combination of pink, green, and blue. She could smell baby powder, strawberries, and toast. She was frantic. She stumbled over the clothing, trying to find her purse. Lying on the dresser was a purse. She opened it and began rifling through the contents.

Car keys, credit cards, gum, and a soother. Random things but nothing that would help her explain what had happened to her. She kept waiting to wake up from this dream, or nightmare, but it wasn’t working. Finally, she grabbed the wallet and opened it. She gasped. Her right hand gripped the wooden dresser for balance as she stared at her driver’s license.

The license had a picture of herself but much younger. Her name was listed as Holly Kathryn Farren. She flipped the card over and gasped. Everything was coming together now. The date of expiry on her driver’s license was five years ago. 2003 to be exact. Holly took a deep breath and rushed to find the bathroom. She stormed in and barely had time to close the door before she threw up in the sink.

After washing her face with a nearby washcloth she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked younger. Things were making sense in a weird way but she couldn’t believe it. She was in some alternate past. A past where she married Connor and obviously had kids. She was twenty-eight and so was he. She did the math and realized that meant she had kids when she was still in law school. She had no idea where she was though. It was their house obviously but in what town or state she had no idea.

‘Holly. Can I come in?’

Holly looked over and heard Connor’s voice. Now that she had calmed down a bit, her body responded to his voice. It was such a soothing voice and although they had not seen each other in fifteen years, he was the closest thing she was going to get to familiarly.


Connor walked in and closed the door. She then noticed that he was taller then when he was eighteen. He was very muscular and wasn’t wearing the geeky glasses he had worn all through high school. His black hair was cut short and he was wearing a gray t-shirt and black boxers. Holly felt her hand hurting and looked down, noticing that her left hand was gripping the counter so tight that one of her nails was bending back. She let go and noticed for the first time the wedding and engagement ring on her finger. The engagement ring was a tiny diamond on a yellow gold band. The wedding ring was plain gold. She immediately thought to herself how embarrassing it was to be wearing such plain jewelry. She would be the type to have a two-carat solitaire on a platinum band.

‘Are you feeling alright? You’re looking pale. I heard you throw up. Are you pregnant?’

Connor walked over and rubbed her arms. He then leaned down and nuzzled her nose. ‘I love you so much baby. Jackson and Ashley are waiting patiently. They want their Mom.’

Holly nodded and followed Connor to the living room. The kids ran and hugged her again and this time she hugged them back. She sat down on the ground and remembered back to when she was a kid. She smiled, laughed, and saw the kids opening their presents. She was thankful that Connor passed out the presents. She had no idea what present was for whom. The whole time her defensive lawyer mind was working, trying to get as much information as possible. By the time the presents were unwrapped and Jackson and Ashley were playing with their coloring books and toys, she had figured it was a dream. It was a vivid dream brought on by her conversation with John the night before.

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SRU Friends are Thicker than Wishes

Here's my SRU anniversary story that I mentioned last week. I had hoped to have it ready for the October 8 anniversary, but fell a little short. Either that or I got a little longwinded ... again. This story is a little different from the others as I've written in the SRU universe in that its also a prequel of sorts to one of my non-SRU stories posted last month. It didn't start out that way, but given some of the characters I needed for this, I think it worked out better. You...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

2 years ago
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Unlimited Wishes

2020, Somewhere in the UK, a universe right next door. “So I get infinite wishes?” “Yes.” “That seems weird.” “Ok.” “You get that it seems weird, right?” “Not really.” “Well who gets infinite wishes? There’s always a limit. Like three. Three wishes I would have understood.” “...You could stop wishing after three if you like. But you can have as many as you like.” “And out of curiosity have you made this offer to many people before?” “No.” “So how many people have received infinite...

4 years ago
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Reward For Wishes

I had the idea for this while writing "A Strangeness at the Sorority," but it just didn't fit into the story line. This would have been posted earlier, but I didn't like my first ending. The story uses language that may be offensive to some. It may be archived at any *free* archive site. Just let me know you're archiving it. A Reward of Wishes by Bill Hart part 1 I awoke, sweating profusely, with a start. It was dark outside. And for a moment or two, until I...

1 year ago
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Can of Wishes

This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...

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Ronnies Three Wishes

Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...

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Consequences of the wish

Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...

4 years ago
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Making Wishes

Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...

2 years ago
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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

3 years ago
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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

1 year ago
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Simple Lesson For SimpleMinded Son

“Ssssaaahhh..Mmmaahh!!!” Sanju moaned in ecstasy when Madhu sucked his penis for the first time. She was running her tongue along her twenty-year-old son’s uncircumcised penis as he caressed her long black hair. Madhu licked her son’s balls and foreskin and flicked his orifice with her tongue which made him gasp. His ball-sacks were hairy and had a musky odor. Madhu was only wearing a bra and was completely naked beneath. Her son’s peepee was so wet from her drool that it made wet plops for...

1 year ago
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Simple Widwa Bhabhi Ki Sewa

Friends baat kuch ek week pahle ki hai.Meri fb par gurgaon ki ek widow bhabhi ki request aayi mujhe laga koi boy hai,so maine usko pahle massage karne ki sochi to dekha ki usne already mujhe hi likh kar msg kiya tha but wo massage request mein aaya hua tha isliye mujhe malum nhi chala tha. Maine usko reply msg kiya are you girl or boy tell me truly to usne kaha I am widow 34.Maine kaha sure to usne kaha yes but mujhe add mat krna yahi baat kro.Maine ok bola.Hum dono mein baat suru hue to usne...

3 years ago
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Simple Plan

A Simple Plan It had started out as a simple plan. My business meeting had ended early allowing me time to stop at the lounge for a couple of drinks providing the courage I knew would be needed later. I had planned this painstakingly in all details. I had requested a room at the end of the hall adjacent to the exit door allowing me easy access to the parking area. Prior to going to the lounge to unwind I had waited for just the right parking space to become available. Everything...

4 years ago
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Simple Yet Seductive Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part 3

Hey its kk again, with the continuation and the final part of this story. After that day, aunty and me, both were just craving for each other. Both of our sexual desires were on the peak. So after that day’s mind boggling sexual encounter, when i reached my home, my mom said, what took you so long. I was smiling in my mind and my face looked red as if i were blushing. I said aunty wanted to talk to me as she was feeling so alone and bored with uncle always working. Aunty’s husband was in the...

2 years ago
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Simple Yet Seductive Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part 2

So I am, KK from Mumbai, with the second part of my earlier story, simple yet seductive aunty. Sorry I forgot to state my email id in my earlier story. So my email id is So coming to the story, she caught my t-shirt at the neck area, pulled me downwards close to her face and whispered, o you young 19 year old kid. You have how desperate I have been to have sex with you. The only thing that has been stopping me is my relation with your mother. She’s my best friend. And also you were less than...

3 years ago
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Bad Wishing Erins First Wish

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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The Wish

One day, there was a young Trans-woman named Sandra Lee. She had begun transitioning in high school with her parents consent and love and was ready for the final transition when tragedy struck. Both of her parents died while on vacation, leaving Sandra all alone with a farm to run. She called upon her best friend to come help her as she was not a farmer. Bobby Joe agreed to help her as he loved farming and was sweet upon her. He fell in love with her and she with him. In school,...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

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Make a Wish

© 2009 All rights reserved. * ‘Miss Morgan?’ the nurse said quietly. Julie turned in response, her face pale as she sat between the two hospital beds holding her parents, both in comas. ‘Yes,’ Julie said, her voice rough. ‘Dr. Terrance would like to speak with you, and I’m sorry to say that visiting hours are over.’ The nurse, Alia Easton, spoke very gently, trying to be as kind as she could to the young woman sitting between the beds. Jim and Ilsa Morgan had been recovered from the site of...

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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

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One Wish

Dark coffee slopped over the side of the wimpy styrofoam cup as Trish banged her fist on her desk. “God, I can’t seem to make a break on this case,” she groaned. While tangling her fingers in her hair, long tendrils escaped their braid to rest along her forearm as she leaned over the case file. She’d been working with the police department for two years, and they’d finally given her a “biggie.” ‘ Well, if you can call a string of break-ins with the homeowners bound naked in bed with duct tape a...

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A Christmas Wish

Lauren watched her younger brother play basketball with his best friend, Jeremiah. At twenty-one, they were only six years her junior. She had just come home for college, only to find that both her step brother and friend had grown into very attractive young men. Garth was the shorter of the two. But he still towered over her 5'10" height. And Jeremiah actually made her feel like a midget with his 6' '7" frame. It was obvious that both men had played basketball in high school. It showed...

1 year ago
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The Wish

The two friends were having a coffee, a ritual that had been in place since they both retired from the workforce. "You know mate" said Trevor who was just a few months older than his companion. "It amazes me how people can fall for this sort of rubbish". "What rubbish is that", Harry replied. "These fortune telling advertisement", Trevor replied. "This one for example says 'Your wish is guaranteed, just a small cost of ten dollars and what you have wanted will be yours within...

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Not Quite Three Wishes

After reading a lot of stuff I've finally written one for everyone else. Sort of a return favor. -This is my first story of this flavor, so bear with me. But I written many stories before, and published a few. So I can't imagine it being too difficult. But I may be wrong. Oh and feel free to post this anywhere.- -Suzanne Not Quite Three Wishes by Suzanne Dave walked lazily along the street. He noticed that the sun seemed particularly bright this autumn day, but other...

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Three Wishes

Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty. There appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling around in the...

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A Naughty Christmas Wish

A Naughty Christmas Wish                                                                                     I shopped quickly and hurried home to pack.  Robbie was taking me to a little chalet in the mountains for the Christmas holidays and would be arriving very soon.  Since I’d never been skiing before, he thought it would be a special time for us and a great way to spend the holidays together.  I was actually quite nervous about it.  As I am not the most graceful woman, the fear of breaking...

Love Stories
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Three Wishes

Just another short, classic genie and 3 wishes story I had in mind for a couple of years but never wrote down and why you never found the genie afterwards... 3 Wishes As I walked by the beach I noticed a glince in the water. I walked towards it and found a bottle with dirt all over it. Curious about its contents I took the bottle home with me. At home I opened the bottle and as in all classic movies a cloud came from the bottle and a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the...

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I Wish

Hello everyone out there. I have a new story that I've been working on. It's pretty much done so I hope you all enjoy it. Post it anywhere you'd like except pay sites. I've gotten so much from the net so I'm trying to give something back without people having to pay for it. Thanks... Your standard disclaimer should go here......x But of course you should know what it is by now. If you are too young, too old, too offended, not offended enough, too disturbed by TG or a conservative...

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The Wish

Her alarm went off with a steady buzz. It was 5:30 in the morning. The only redeeming thing about the day was that it was a Friday, the last day of work. Anne got slowly out of bed, her cat falling away from over her legs and made her way to the bathroom. She looked into the mirror and thought, ‘I’m 32 years old and if I weren’t so plain looking I’d be happily married with at least two kids and I wouldn’t be living in this stupid apartment.’ This had become almost a ritual for Anne. She...

1 year ago
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As You Wish

Hi! My name is Sakshi and I am from Rajasthan. This is my 1st story. I am publishing it because my boyfriend wants me to share this to you all as he learn (and also tought me) many things from stories posted here! I study in a college in Bangalore. The duration of our course is long. So, rarely you can find anybody, who is single in our class, I am no exeption, in fact I’ve steady boyfriend from first year. He is from Haryana. His name is Akash. We loved each other from very begining and...

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Two Wishes

Introduction: For the man who has everything. Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didnt know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always says: So I can wish for anything I want? Almost anything, Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café, table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldnt give them. The waitress brought more coffee. They waited...

1 year ago
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Two Wishes

Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didn’t know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always said: “So I can wish for anything I want?”"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them."The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm...

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A Simple Wish

A Simple Wish by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 This short-short can be posted to any free site. It was a lovely warm Summer afternoon, so Paul Jeffers decided to walk through the park. He didn't feel like going home anyway. There was nobody waiting for him. Besides, sitting at home would only remind him that he'd just been fired. Again. He'd tried to make a go of the job, but things had just seemed to work against him. They always did. At forty-one, he was a man...

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