- 2 years ago
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“Ladies, address your partner’s please,” a female voice announced.
God, she looked stunning!
Standing close enough in front of me that I could feel her breath on my neck. Looking so much younger than her thirty-five years, her right hand holding the stick to the white lace Venetian mask that covered her beautiful clear blue eye’s. The same eyes that seemed to be staring into my soul. Her gorgeous long blonde hair was delicately styled in a tight French Braid that still reached halfway down her back. The elegant white dress she was wearing flattered every wonderful curve on her sexy body with its single strap over her left shoulder. Her lightly tanned skin seemed to glisten under the lights that shone on all the people in this great hall. Her bright red lips were not smiling as I would have hoped and her jaw seemed to be set in a silent grimace.
Oh, Dear!
To her left was her closest friend from forever, a complete opposite reflection to blonde in front of me. Wearing an identical dress but in black, the figure it hid had been part of my dreams for all of my teenage years. She was also using her right hand to hold the stick to her black lace Venetian mask that hid her emerald green eyes. Her jet black hair was cut in a short bob cut which framed her gorgeous face, Again a face that showed a lot of ill intent.
I was starting to feel very nervous! I could feel the dampness of sweat behind the full golden mask I was wearing. I had a distinct feeling that my great idea was backfiring on me.
“Ladies, it’s time to prepare these Men!” The same female voice said.
The ladies dropped down onto their knees in front of me with the blond reaching for the laces of my shiny black brogue shoes. The black-haired beauty reached to start undoing the belt of my trousers Looking around, all the ladies in the hall were repeating the same process with the men that they were stood with them.
Maybe now would be a good time to introduce myself,
I am Sam Pope. I’m nineteen years old and have just returned home in time for New Year to surprise my parents. They had been expecting me to spend Christmas and New Year with my girlfriend, Claire, and her family. Unfortunately, all the best-made plans came crashing down the day before when Claire’s mother announced that she was leaving to live with her lover. If that wasn’t enough she then announced that her lover was my father! Suddenly I was not very welcome with the group around me. Claire announced that she didn’t want anything to do with me and they had the door open for me very quickly, with it slamming shut as I just stepped narrowly missing me.
Shit, what did I do wrong!
Maybe a bit more background information would help here.
Claire and I had been a couple for over four years, having grown up next door to each other, we had been close all our lives until we took what most felt was the inevitable step into a relationship. We had left to go to the University of Birmingham two years ago, with Claire studying Law and myself studying Architecture. When we left, Claire’s father decided the time was right to move closer to his sick mother and his roots back in Ayr in Scotland. Both of Claire’s grandparents on her mother’s side of the family had passed a few years previously, meaning she felt duty-bound to agree to the move but everyone knew she wasn’t happy.
I guess we now know why!
When things happen so quickly and emotions are involved, you forget things. Well, I happened to forget that we had used Claire’s car to get to her parents home, leaving me four hundred miles from home with no transport at seven PM. Which if you didn’t know the west of Scotland, means your up the creek without a paddle. To top it off, the moment I left the house, the snow that had been threatening, started to fall. Wearing an unsuitable light jacket for the conditions and carrying my holdall I had brought, I started to walk towards the town centre.
The Train Station was actually quite easy to find and wasn’t too long of a walk. Unfortunately, it was completely deserted. December 30th at 7.30 pm was not a busy time it seems in this remote part of the world! All that was left for me was to start walking and pray that I could hitch a lift.
“Ladies, my daughters, Jess and Becky will be coming round with clothes baskets that will include capes for our men! They will also help with, huh hmm, other things if you require!” The female voice informed us, causing a little giggling from around the hall.
My shoes and socks had been removed, and while the black-haired beauty was lowering my trousers, My blond assailant had removed my jacket and was now starting to unbutton my shirt. All the while she continued to stare directly into my soul, through my eyes. Her expression hadn’t changed at any point, and I could feel her quiet anger seeping out of her. Neither of these ladies had said a word since I arrived, and to be honest that would have broken the spell of what was occurring. After a few moments, the girl with the clothes basket appeared in front of us, Jessie Nugent, a Girl I had fantasized about on many occasions. She had been ‘The Girl’ at my school. You all know the one I mean, we all had one, the body, the looks, the complete package. The girl that was like a magnet to all others both male and female, All the guys wanted to bed her, all the girls wanted to be like her! But Jessie Nugent didn’t date, she always went solo to any event or party, she was always social to everyone but was never part of a group. Yet here I was in a place that all my peers would die to be in, looking directly into the eyes that so many fantasies were built on. Standing completely naked in front of me, showing no shame or hesitancy with her lack of clothes. Her stunning red air and hazel brown eyes seemed to hypnotise me, her body was flawless, totally in proportion with her stature. her breasts were neither big or small they were just right, topped by quite pronounced nipples that seem to grow under my gaze. Her taut flat stomach drew my eyes further south towards her hairless valley of promise. Her shifting from one side to another allowing her legs to part further alerted me to her knowledge of my inspection. Looking back to her face her lips gave me a smirk. The blood flow to my lower regions that I had been fighting for the last few minutes become a losing battle. Then my brain engaged, that meant the voice I had been hearing was Ms Nugent, my old English teacher, or Jody as she introduced herself to me at my graduation. The type of teacher that always had your attention, utterly beautiful with a slender body and waves of dirty blonde hair. She looked at least 10 years younger than she actually was. No one ever missed her lessons because she was in tune you and everyone loved her.
Jess addressed my companions, “Ladies, if I could give you any help, it would be my pleasure. Please consider that a plea more than an offer!” she smiled at the two ladies in front of me before continuing on to the other people around.
As she walked off I couldn’t believe how lucky I was at this precise moment.
While I had been walking too and now from the station, my thoughts had gone back to my Dad and the I anger I felt at being put in this position.
My parents had been thrown together because of me. They had been fooling around, and as my mum admitted, they had been virgins together before the night I was conceived. Mum was fourteen and Dad was sixteen, Mum was a grade A student, Dad was more hands-on excelling in sports and engineering side of things. Mum had dreamed of going to university and getting a degree while Dad dreamed of playing football or rugby professionally, he was good enough I had been told. His other passion was engines, it didn’t matter for what, Tractor, cars, lorries or machinery. He had a knack of getting any of them working when no one else could.
The night they lost their virginity all those dreams changed. I say changed but in reality, they both achieved their goals to a point but it was a lot harder.
My Mum’s family threw her out at the scandal that ensued, my dad’s family gave them a couple of rooms at the farm they owned, to try and start there life together but they didn’t have the money to sport them. This meant dad had to work as soon as he left school, starting as a labourer from a family friend while still dabbling at repairing things when he could.
Mum finished school, still achieving her potential but had to get a job when she turned sixteen. While working in local pubs and restaurants, she carried on her education at night school. Their early life was hard financially and strained due to the constant need to be working or studying.
They married after my mum’s seventeenth birthday with a small ceremony and were lucky enough to get themselves a council house locally. Their luck started to change by chance a year or so later when a guy my dad and been repairing lorries for offered him a broken-down rig that had thousands of miles on it for pennies. Mum convinced him to take the chance and Dad got his full HGV license while getting the old Volvo lorry back to its former glory. This was the turning point in there lives although it was still hard work. Dad started to get contract work for his Lorry that brought in a hell of a lot more than he had been earning up to then but meant he would be away for a couple of nights at a time. Mum used this time to do an Open University course in accounting, some of my earliest memories were with her having books spread over the kitchen table with her head in her work. That wasn’t to say that I was forgotten, far from it, she would give me all the time I needed. Taking me to the park or friends, playing outside with me or just being there. The same could be said for my Dad as well, when he was home he would take me to football or rugby with him in the winter or Cricket in the summer, which we all attended as a family on those Sunday afternoons.
Mum finally qualified as an accountant, which wasn’t her dream really but she openly admitted that she really didn’t know what she wanted to do so she was pleased that found some direction. Dad continued to succeed with my Mum’s backing, to a point six years prior that meant he won a large contract that meant he needed additional wagons and drivers. That was when Pope & Son Haulage was born. His contract was with Rolls Royce, moving newly built engines around the country and Europe and was highly lucrative as well as being extremely specialised.
It was then that my parents became free of the financial hardship that had dogged them up until then. we moved one village over to a lovely 3 bedroom Cotswold stone cottage that epitomised the area of the Cotswolds we called home. Claire and her Family lived directly next door to us and the families became very close, as I’ve already explained, closer than I had realised.
Mum excelled at her job becoming a consultant tax accountant for companies as far east as Oxford and west as far as Cheltenham.
My Dad and I become very close, that I grew into a replica of him in size and shape caused more than the odd comment. He taught me to drive and I shared the same passion for engines as he did. Between us, we built my Golf GTI up from broken up shell to the pride and joy that it was now. Before I had passed my test, he had also taught me how to drive all the different rigs he had, obviously not on the road but enough that three months after my seventeenth birthday I had passed my HGV and PSV license. That I could get insurance until I was Eighteen didn’t matter.
Through the anger I was feeling for my Dad I started to look at their relationship with each other instead of the shared relationship they had with me. As I just explained, my relationship was brilliant with them, no one could have better parents. Whereas their relationship seemed to purely based on me and not each other. I couldn’t remember when they had ever gone out without me or catching them smiling at each other or interrupting them cuddling. More often than not they would be in different rooms doing different things. The more I thought about it the more I realised that they had very little in common except for me. my anger slowly ebbed away to be replaced by sadness, Sad at the fact that they couldn’t be who they wanted to be because of me.
God, what a selfish Arsehole I am!
I stood perfectly still as the dark-haired beauty finally slid the trousers from my feet. After delicately folding the trousers and placing them in the provided baskets that already held my shoes, socks and Jacket. She then turned her head slightly to bring herself eye to eye with my painfully hard cock, covered only by boxers I was wearing. Just using her fingertips, she traced the line of my erection all the way down to the balls. Reversing the action, she used the back of her index finger to slowly go back all the way to the tip.
The feeling was like being stroked with a feather, so light and erotic. Without realising it I had held my breath and exhaled deeply when she released my manhood to take hold of the elastic of my boxers.
I also hadn’t noticed that the blonde bombshell had stopped what she was doing with my shirt to watch here partner who she stopped from proceeding further. Her face had changed and showed some confusion. Thank god I thought, I might still get out of this with my balls intact. Quickly unbuttoning the rest of my shirt and pulling it clear of my boxers. yeah, I know what you’re thinking, but I like to tuck away my shirt tidily.
She had a focus, a destination in mind and quickly found it. A small scar on my abdomen from when I had my appendix removed. lightly tracing her fingers over it I could see that she was conflicted. The anger had gone and now was the moment to either stop or move forward.
I lifted my head up to look out into the room, finding my eyes locked with Jess who stood thirty foot away with an intent stare at me. Her mouth was slightly open as her tongue lightly traced over her lips.
Our quick interaction was interrupted by the Blonde moving to quickly fold the shirt she still held before she returned to her knees before me. Her confusion had obviously cleared as a broad smile now showed on her face. After sharing a quick look with her accomplice they both took hold of the elastic.
About ten minutes out from the last house showing the outskirts of Ayr, my luck finally broke. Not soon enough I may add as I was freezing, the snow was started to fall harder and walking was beginning to be challenging. An Eighteen wheeler pulled up beside me, I hadn’t noticed it was a foreign driver until he stopped and was leaning out of the window and was thrusting a cheap pay as you go mobile at me. With some confusion, I raised it to my ear.
“Hello my name is Dita, the driver is my brother Pieter, who doesn’t speak any English, is lost and in a bit of a bad situation with his company.” She said.
“What kind of situation, I really don’t need any trouble.”
“His Company seemed to have closed down. No one is answering the phones, his company card has stopped working, His company mobile and navigation system has been turned off.”
“Where does he have to get to?”
“I live near Birmingham, I don’t know where you need to be but if you can help him, we would be very grateful.”
“I take it that you wouldn’t believe that that’s where I’m going. in fact, I need to get to Edgbaston where the university is.”
“Oh that is great, let me speak to Pieter.”
I passed the phone back to him and very soon he gave me the universal thumbs-up sign so I went and got in the cab. Very quickly we were on our way as I started to point directions until I realised that I could just program google maps on my phone for him. which I did and after a quick call to Dita I found out that he was Romanian so I programmed the phone to give directions in his native language. Which sounds like an easy thing to do but in reality it must have taken fifteen minutes to actually do. With the lack of conversation, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.
I woke with a start a little while later, to the sounds of a horn being sounded and quickly realise that we were drifting on to the wrong side of the road. I shouted at Pieter who quickly corrected the rig and signalled that he pull over. We had just got to the M74 just north of Gretna, and it turns out that I had slept for nearly 2 hours while he had navigated all the twisting roads to get to this point.
Picking up his mobile I called his sister. I needed to find out how long he had been driving today as he was starting to fall asleep. After some discussion, I discovered he hadn’t stopped since he had got off the ferry at Dover just after six AM this morning. It was now 9.30 pm, so fourteen hours driving. If we got stopped he would be forced to stop and be arrested and his company was seemingly defunct, all the shit would stop at his door. I explained and showed him my HGV license and insisted via Dita that I would be taking up the driving from here on, not that he argued very much. making sure that he hadn’t signed the tachograph yet so I could claim to have been driving since Ayr, we started our journey. at a solid Sixty MPH, we would make it back by 3 am.
That is exactly what happened. Pieter slept the whole way, including when I stopped to take the required break and refuel as the tank flashing red since I had taken over the driving. He didn’t even wake when I called Dita to tell her that I was coming off to get onto the Hagley Road at junction 3 which was close to where she was living.
What a delight she turned out to be, sparkling blue eyes, long black hair and a very nice figure that was showing from the skin-tight clothes that she was wearing. She arrived at the pre-ordained meeting point with a large Latte from the all-night Starbucks, which was a perfect tonic for the way I felt.
Ironically the moment I stopped, Pieter finally woke.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” She said flinging her arms around in a friendly way. More friendly than I expected from someone that I had never met before.
“How about dinner sometime?” I asked thinking, “well hey I’m a free agent now so why not!”
“I would love too” she answered straight away still with her arms around my neck and her face inches away from me.
Pieter came over to where we standing, chuckling, shaking his head and tapped me on the shoulder. Indicating his sister he said the first English word I had heard him say in the eight hours I spent with him, “Trouble”.
Well, that riled his sister and the tirade of quickly spoken conversation where I didn’t understand one word but got the gist that she was giving him a bollocking, which he found hilarious.
He caught a break when she turned to me, not believing that I had refilled the tanks. Insisting that I hand over the receipt and promising that the money would be paid back in full.
As promised, she drove me to the digs and after a quick exchange of numbers and continuous expressions of thanks from Dita, I went be bed alone.
New years eve started at 11 am for me when I finally got up from my pit. The day before had been a real roller coaster and with the late-night journey, I was exhausted both mentally and physically. Checking my phone, I still didn’t have any messages from my parents, even after the calls and messages I had left for them. My usual routine when at uni since arriving this year would have been getting up and spending an hour at the gym. I hadn’t done any activities in my first year so had gained a few pounds and started to get lazy. This year I had turned that around, joined the rugby team and hit the gym hard, with Claire. I had never been fitter or more toned in my short life and loved the feeling it gave me. My flat had no food left in it as we weren’t expected to be back for another two weeks. So after showering, I packed a few fresh things to last a few days at home and made my journey back to my folk’s place. The journey would normally take ninety minutes but due to the seasonal traffic, it took an extra hour.
My folk’s place was deserted. as I looked around it seemed like my Dad had packed a bag and left. His mobile and wedding ring had been left with a note on the kitchen table, The note just had the word “Sorry” written on it.
In my parent’s bedroom there had been a suit hanging and a pressed shirt, polished shoes and a gold mask. The was written list of instructions from my Mum and an invite to the ‘Decadent Masquerade Ball’ at Taynton Manor.
The Instructions said that time to live one of there fantasies, he was to be ready for a taxi that would be picking him up at eight-thirty Pm and he wasn’t to speak when he saw her that evening until she told him too. It explained that she was staying with a friend and would be meeting him there. She had purposely left her mobile at home so he couldn’t talk to her about it until he got there
This all seemed a bit secretive and intriguing. I couldn’t help but wonder if my mum knew what had happened with Dad and Claire’s mum. If she had not got her mobile, she would be in the dark about all of this. I sat on the bed contemplating what to do. It was only five-thirty so I had three hours to work out the best way to tell her.
Of course, you know what I decided to do. there was no way I was leaving my mum hanging on New Year’s Eve. I ate and then had a bath, chilled out until just before the Taxi arrived. Being the same size as my Dad, everything that had been left out, fitted me like a glove. I night of drinking and dancing was just what I needed and after I had time to talk to her, I was sure it was what my mum needed as well.
The Taxi dropped me off outside the main entrance to the manor house, I walked and was immediately met by mother, Dani and her best friend Alana. Both looked very surprised to see me and not very happy. The sudden realisation that they knew about what my Dad had done and that they thought that I was him made me think that maybe I had done the dumbest thing in my whole life. All thoughts were quickly dispelled when I heard the ladies voice make the announcement.
“Ladies, address your partner’s please.”
Mum and Alana had just pulled down my boxers, freeing my manhood that now was no more than three inches away from my mother’s mouth when Jess reappeared.
“I take it that a closed room would be your choice Dani, so I have reserved the first room on the first floor. Can I ask to join you, I always promised my virginity to Sam if I ever got the chance. Not that I ever told him,” she giggled “well obviously he knows now!”
My Mum gasped, “You knew it was Sam?”
“Sam! your kidding right?” Alana said staring at me.
“I have spent my whole life lost in his deep blue eyes, I would recognise him anywhere!” Jess answered with true conviction.
“What the hell is Sam doing here? I thought he was up in Scotland with Claire!”
“Well if was to hazard a guess, knowing my son, He has come tonight to comfort his Mum after her husband left her. I would also guess that he knew before me due to Tina saying or doing something back at her place. Is that close enough sunshine? Mum asked me.
“That kind of sums it up,” I said finally finding my voice. “Although my idea of comfort didn’t match yours!” All three women laughed at that.
“You deserve some explanation to quite a few things, but that will happen tomorrow. I need to ask are you happy for things to continue tonight?. And before you ask, I am!” My Mum said
“I don’t think you could ever accuse me of being stupid, so I’m more than happy to follow your lead.”
“Oh Goody.” Alana blurted out.
“Get that robe on him before you have a queue of ladies wanting the attention of that monster,” Jess stated. Causing her and Alana to affix the robe around me. “Mum will announce the start of events I guess in the next fifteen minutes. so get a drink and something to eat until then. I will come back before then.” she directed before kissing both Mum and Alana quite passionately and disappearing back into the crowd.
“Are you sure about this Dani, he’s your son!” Alana whispered.
“Don’t Laney, when you said about tonight you told me it was about love. Well, there is nobody I love more than Sam, Nobody!” Mum growled quietly. “How many times have you said that you would love to wake up in his arms? I never once said that was wrong or not to say those things because that was always the way I had felt. Everyone here thinks this is Rob, so I am going to indulge that dream I have like you, and hopefully wake up in his arms. I will worry about tomorrow when I wake up.”
I pulled both women close to my side and each of them put her head on my shoulder. “So, you wanted to wake up in my arms. Wow, if only I would have known!” I said in a surprised tone.
“Oh god! It’s going to happen isn’t it!” Alana said with a contented sigh. “You better get some energy Sam, you have a busy night ahead of you!” She giggled. I couldn’t help but gulp, causing my mother to giggle as well.
A little while later, Jess returned. Now wearing a gorgeous red dress, which made her just as desirable as when she was naked. We had been making small talk with other couples, or should I say my Mum and Alana had. I had been surprised and the people in attendance, people from our community that had grown up to respect and revere were now here, in this house, all with a common goal. All three girls had been propositioned and declined politely and quite a few ladies had made it clear that they were available to me at any time, some were very desirable ladies, some were definitely not.
Jess’s mum finally made the announcement and some points that needed to be adhered to and then I was being led up the huge staircase. I suddenly started to feel nervous, like a lamb to the slaughter. Anyone that thinks that this would be the epitome of there lives needs to really think what it would be led to a bedroom by three beautiful women who had already stated their intentions, one of them being there mother!
My robe was removed before the door had been closed and again I stood naked around three fully dressed ladies My mum came in front of me and finally removed the full gold mask I had been wearing to my great relief. What I didn’t expect was the full french kiss she gave me. After a moment’s hesitation on both of our parts, it felt like the most natural, loving kiss I had ever had. We moulded together and I’m sure that it would last forever if we hadn’t been interrupted.
“Oh come on Dani, don’t hog the meat!” Alana protested with a snigger.
“Meat” I exclaimed faking being hurt, “Is that all I mean to you!” I was still holding my mother to me closely and in return, she wasn’t moving to leave my hold. Ignoring my mother, Alana came and kissed me just as strongly as my mum had.
“Dani said it earlier Sam, we will talk tomorrow but tonight you have three women you need to unwrap and love. None of us expected to be in this position. That doesn’t mean it’s not what we wanted. I can tell you without a second thought that you are the number one person I would love to be in my life,” Alana said passionately.
“Hmm, it may actually be four women to unwrap, I might of let it slip to my Mum about my intentions. She said she wanted to show her favourite ever student what he meant to her.”
By this time my mum had stepped back to allow Jess to hold me while she also kissed me.
“I just don’t get it, how did I not know how you all felt,” I asked no one in particular.
“It was because of Claire, You have been so besotted with for so long that you were blind to everything else around you. Not that I could have told you how I felt, but I know Alana has flirted with blatantly over the years. Jess even told me that it’s the reason she has gone to the states.” My mum explained quietly.
“Well, I didn’t want to accidentally just bump into the only person I have loved, knowing that they didn’t even know I existed. By the way, Claire knew how a lot of people felt towards you. That’s why she never let you out of her sight.” Jess added.
The door burst open and without a word, Jody Nugent was attached to my lips without a thought for any of the other ladies in the room. “I have wanted to do that to you from the first moment you walked into my classroom,” She took a step back, “and now seeing all of you I am so pleased I have the chance.”
Mum and Alana grabbed the Nugent ladies and they lined up in front of me. “So, Sam are you ready for the challenge ahead of you?” Mum asked with a mischievous smile. She handed me a small blue tablet and a bottle of water. “I wouldn’t want any of us to be disappointed!” she added.
I grabbed her wrist as she tried to stand back again. Pulling her into a kiss as I released the back of her dress and allowed it to slide down her body. Revealing that it was the only clothing she was wearing, her smallish breasts with long rock hard nipples. Her slender figure with taut stomach above her small waft of nearly clear Blonde pubic hair shaped in a ‘V” above her pussy. After another kiss, she started to kiss down my body. Starting by nibbling at my neck she trailed kisses down to my nipples, which was a new sensory experience for me, before lowering herself onto her knees before me and kissing me all around my groin. Alana had stepped forward to be with me and I repeated the process of unfastening her dress which fell in a puddle around her feet before she kicked it away from her. She had a Mediterranean complexion, her dark tan skin looked very exotic. Her breasts were larger than my mother but not big enough to sag. her hard nipples were like small peanuts framed on her tight small body. what a joy she looked. When she was naked she dropped to her knees and along with my mother she started to worship my cock with her lips and tongue.
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xmoviesforyouRhonda had told the 2 men at work she needed some help moving some furniture. She poured her self a drink sipping it as she thought about the 2 men. John was a tall skinny muscular white guy while George was a heavyset black guy. She wondered how big their cocks were as her tongue circled the edge of her glass. Raising the glass, she slowly let the booze fill her mouth before swallowing. She went into her bedroom and removed the business suit she wore that day. She looked at herself in the...
The transport ship's hold was filled far beyond capacity. An extraordinary number of people had just been extracted from the Queen's garden party. The noise level increased, a symptom of the rising sense of fear and loss as many in the crowd began to realise what had happened to them. At Princess Elizabeth's suggestion, the Royal fanfare briefly calmed and quieted the confused group. Overly-loud instructions to sit down were immediately obeyed, but the noise level soon began to rise...
Mallory Malone could not believe her luck as she stepped over the threshold and into the main foyer of the impressively large manor home. Once inside, she followed the gentleman who had helped her with gathering her bags from the cab she’d taken from the airport, as he led her to the large ornate front desk that was located in the small alcove to her right.He was a nice looking well-built young man, but she did not sense anything from his demeanor that would tell her what she was in store for...
SeductionI was just sitting there relaxing after writing Mya and logging off Lush. She'd joined about a month before I did and she contacted me first. I'd been there for a couple of months just reading the stories before I joined. As we got to know each other we became true friends. I'm 71, white with long white hair and a beard, she's in her early 50's and African American. She'd had a problem with someone who didn't like that she was black, but that worked for me. I loved it. It seemed to work for us...
Straight SexHello indian sex stories dot net friends main Sandy ek bar fir se apkeliye ek new story lekar aya hun. Agar app mujhe msg karna chahte hai toh par bhej skte hai. Mai jald se jald reply ke koshish karunga. Yeh story maeri aur meri mami figure 38 36 36. Meri mami kafi hot thi.mami ko dekh kar kafi larko ke lumd khare ho jate ths. Mami ke boobs toh sbse best. Soft gol pink nipplesmza aa jata hai soh kar he. Story par ata hun. Mere mama aur mami ek bar mere ghar jalandhar aye. Unho ne ludhiana...
I looked awful. I smelled even worse. My fresh washed body clashed with the underlying stench of raw garbage. Even I couldn't stand to be near myself. How could I expect anyone like my Master to bear up standing near me? My shoulders sagged, I guess I'd just have to grin and bear it. I parked my car to the side of the KMart store, finding a fairly secluded spot from other shoppers. I got out of the car and headed to the building. I hated that I couldn't avoid not going in, but I knew that...
The Redsticks were coming our way! We got the word by a militia horseman who was following the same road the Redsticks were expected ta use. They were marchin' through the territory killing an' burning everythin' they came ta. All of the towns they had hit so far had been burned ta the ground, an' all of the people had been killed, but none of those towns were as big as Henryville, so we were hopin' fer the best. However, we were, very sensibly, preparing fer the worst. The word wuz...
For all peeps who have not yet read the 1st part, I suggest you to enjoy. As usual comments / critics please welcome. Continuing from where I left, the threesome was now getting too hot to handle. With the beauties only now in G-String and exploring each other’s bodies, it was turn to indulge in the exploration as well. I pulled Archana to my side and started caressing her boobs and I Jessy slowly feeling the wet pussy. Both the ladies, pulled my short and they were astonished to see my 7 inch...
About a week after our evening with Mark, Alicia got a call from her sister in St Louis. I was watching the baseball game when the call came and knew something was wrong by the sound of my wife’s replies. After a few moments she retreated to the bedroom with the phone and left me to watch the game. It was almost two hours later when she emerged from the bedroom and came to sit by me. “Jim left Marcie,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Why”, I asked, surprised. Alicia shrugged. “He has some bimbo...
Wife LoversHelping my Mom Introduction: A story about a son helping his injured mother and being well rewarded "Helping my Mom"Remembering back, it's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a boner recalling those splendid days. When I was fifteen, my mom slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had just left for a one year tour in Korea. He was a sergeant in the army. The doctor...
I have never wrote anything ever so hope i do ok. I am just going to tell the truth i did not know if should be in Taboo but i did and are true. I guess the place or area does not matter but after talking to ex and going back and forth i agreed to go to this Adult Bookstore we always see from the freeway coming back into town and home. We decided on a date night that we had just started to do it i was told it was like a movie theater but with porn.We go to eat and have a drink prior to going to...
I want to introduce you to the main characters of this story first. My mom, Padma is a 45-year-old housewife living in Idukki District in Kerala. She is 5 foot 2 inches, big boobed, nice ass, and wears nighties at home and sarees when she goes out. Her measurements would be 36DD-32-36. She takes good care of herself. My mom does yoga and maintains a healthy routine to stay fit. Even after two C-sections, she has a nice tummy someone would like to grab. She has a good sexual relationship with...
IncestI had always been a horny child. Ever since my first innocent fumbles I can remember the sensation in my cock when another boy was with me. I would always want to see what they had hidden away in their trousers. This was no truer than when I started at my new school. I had lived in the city for the first 18 years of my life and had always attended the same school and been friends with the same people, and now I was to start at a school in the country with new friends and more importantly…new...
GayI waited for her in the bathroom. It was around 2 in the afternoon. I had it all planned. She usually came to my bathroom around this time to collect the clothes for laundry. I would usually have bath before she came as per my mom’s instructions, but that day no one else is at home. I took that opportunity to seduce her. I had not locked the door. I stopped the shower so that she does not know that I’m inside. I had applied soap on my body and my dick was hard and I was stroking my dick with...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers..!! Kaise ho aap sab log is.. Mera naam arhaan hai or meri age 20 saal hai me thane me rehta hu agr koi thane me female interested hai to wo mujhe mere email address pe contact krskte hai mera email – Haa to dosto ye story mere sth hui real incident story hai to zyada bore na krte hue me shuru krta hu.. Haa to dosto is kahani me or ek aunty hai ye kahani ab se 1month purani hai or is kahani ki shuruwat kuch aesi hui thi ki me ek din football khel k ghr...
A few years ago I was painting some rooms for a hot older lady. I was in her bedroom painting the walls. I had to move her dresser away from the wall so I could place my dropcloths down.When I had the dresser moved, I decided to peak in the top drawer. I noticed it was her panty drawer full of sexy little panties. This got me quite excited. I took some out for closer inspection. They were clean but still were stained. I started to get a boner. I took all of the panties out and placed...
Pre storyi have a online mistress since 5 years and we play on Second Life, Skype and write emails and send pictures.Then a few months ago i startted to meet as well with my co-worker. a very hot, slim, naughty and amazing woman 13 years older then me. After a x-mas dinner we started to meet once in a while and play in her apartment when her k**s are in school. this is the story of one of our playtimes. Story:its 8:30 am i ring at your door. you buzz me in. i go into the door and find a little...
My name is Duncan Faulkner and I was born in Olivine City in the Johto Region where I grew up with future Gym Leader Jasmine. We were in love at first sight, but our paths diverged after she became the Gym Leader, not just in the directions we took or our personalities, but our Pokémon as well. My first Pokémon was unique, as it was A Riolu. We were as inseparable as Jasmine and I before she became Gym Leader. Eventually it evolved into Lucario, and Lucario became my signature Pokémon. Amongst...
Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. MY FIRST THREESOME I have told you earlier that I will tell you about my threesome experience. So, here it is. Before starting the story, I would like to bring back the other two characters involved. They are Suja aunty (the woman to whom I lost my virginity) and my aunt (her name is Rosy). This happened to me during my first semester break. We got a SEM...
I knocked on her door and rearranged the panties hanging around my neck so they were obvious if the scent of feminine arousal wasn’t enough to tell the tale. She opened the door and shook her head. “What have you gotten yourself into this time?” she asked with a chuckle, letting me in. “I could tell you I took a job as a part time carpet cleaner, but that would be a lie. There was no carpet,” I told her lightly. “And are those Ingrid’s size or Samantha’s?” she asked, hooking a finger in...
At work I got another cup of coffee and stopped to chat with Grace for a few minutes. I’m not as pressed for time as I was yesterday. Mel and Peter came in while we were talking and admired our outfits. Grace was her usual sexy self, although I notice she’s ramping up the sex appeal lately, too. Not that we’re competing. But she isn’t worried about offending me anymore. I was surprised when I learned that had been a consideration for her. We always comment on how sexy our outfits are now....
A follow-up tale that mixes a lot of true life experiences with a touch of fantasy. Let’s not kid ourselves, I’m a male pig, apparently with canine genealogy, who totally lacks the sensitivity needed to understand a woman’s plight post-pregnancy. At least that is how I was portrayed by my wife, LeAnn, when trying to help her lose some extra weight so that we might be able to help her restore her self-image and get our sex life back on track. After all, I’m a fit, testosterone laden 44 year...
New experience Where to begin? I’m sixty nine years old male, feel about forty, am still working and keeping fit. I’ve had a varied life, done the wife swopping and been to a number of swinging parties. I have watched my wife having sex with up to four guys at a time and also with two women. The most I have had, was two women at the same time. Well my wife and I parted company about six years ago. We are still friends, but not for sex. Over the past couple of years I have been...
My last outing for cock was back in February when I visited the Taboo cinema in Birmingham, I had heard many good reports about the place and it had been on my to do list for years!I told wifey I was meeting up with some old mates and not to expect me back until the evening, she has no idea about my secret sex life and I find this an incredible turn on! she has always been a prude and never really enjoyed sex, but being a dirty perv wanker and cock addict it’s a perfect situation for me as I...
"You have such a beautiful girlfriend," my landlord always said.It was many years ago when I was with her. When we met she was still seventeen years old, but she was already eighteen when our relationship became more serious and we moved in together. I was six years older than her, and much more experienced than she was.She was a gothic Lolita and it fit to her, because she was very small girl. She looked like a doll. A gothic doll, to be precise. But don't get me wrong while she was short and...
CuckoldNote : This story is completely fictional! I foundmy sister quite attractive when i was 19 and she was 18. She was 5 foot 2 3ec tits and a tight firn ass.I was and still are quite muscular as i played alot of football as the quarterback, and i was a handsome guy so i was told as i had a few girlfriends in my life but my sister was always in my fantasies. Anyays when it all started i was on my computer looking at porn.She came in without any notice but i was fast enough to put myself away so i...
IncestJessica is the normal girl next door. The good sweet girl. All then neighbors know her and adore her. She is kind, caring, smart and beautiful. She the kind of girl who would do anything for anyone. She is the an angel among man. All her life she has been in love with him, the boy next door. Alex was much older then Jessica, by 10 years in fact. He was always protective of her. When she was bullied, he was the hero. When she is sad, he is her clown. Jessica wanted Alex to be her first for many...
I am Arun.Around 50 years and working for a company as consultant. I have to go to company office twice in a week and occasionally visit the residence of the owner if there was some urgent work.I was very close to all the members of the owner’s family. There was this girl, the owner’s daughter. She is 25 when I met her.Her name is Preeti. She is fair looking and had very good body statistics viz.36-24-36.She was also very open minded and use to chat with me very freely. I use to occasionally...
As I was putting on some clothes jake asked me where I was going. I told him hunting... He said okay and jumped in the bed and turned the T.V on to his favorite show. CSI. I hoped out the window and landed swiftly on the ground. I jogged into the forest and transformed into a grey wolf with a black spot on my eye. I dashed into the woods going predator mode. Ducking and dodging every branch and fallen tree. I stopped in my tracks and spotted a deer. Crouching down and getting ready to attack,...
My name is Joe. I live with girlfriend, Jenna, in the suburbs of Seattle. Jenna runs an insurance company called Brestana Insurance. Jenna makes all of our income, because I don't have a job. Ever since we started dating toe years ago she has been urging me to get a job. I like to think that I haven't found a calling yet, but it's more that I just haven't tried to get out there. Jenna and I met two years ago in college. Immediately after college Jenna started her company. Jenna's...
Beth had always been close to her mother, the pair had been inseparable since her father's death 9 years ago. Beth's mother never re-married, nor dated much for that matter. Her job kept her pretty busy and often she was not home when Beth went to bed at night. She didn't mind though, she had weekends with her mom, and that seemed to ease the pain of being alone so much.Beth's mother was beautiful for her age, at 36 years old, she could easily pass for 25. She had taken care of herself over the...
The dialectic Philosophers have worked with various formulation of the dialectic, comprised of: Thesis: an idea Antithesis: its negation Synthesis: resolution of the conflict. Georg Hegel used the principle but not the words, calling them concrete, abstract, and absolute. Karl Marx merged them with additional ideas of materialism, calling his synthesis dialectical materialism. They also occurred to me when appreciating a lovely pair of female legs. After a long day at the Newark...
At the dentist office My husband has had a tremendous obsession since a long time: he likes to show me off around in the city so everyone will stare at how I shake my ass cheeks in the open. He claims this will make him having an instantaneous hard on and then we go back home to fuck and nail me with his hard shaft. Each day I try or do my best to make an impression on people. That's why that morning I put on my new black winter dress, well, it actually was a mini skirt with round low...
AnalAdventures of Donna–Part 5 (Gagging Amanda) Amanda jumped back as soon as she opened her eyes and saw Eric laying on the bed. He still had his eyes closed, smoothly jerking his enormous cock. ‘Donna, who is that? What’s that thing sticking up? Is it his penis?’ ‘Yes, Amanda. This is my friend Eric. And that thing is his penis, but you should call it a cock. When I was younger, I had some experience with penises, but I soon realized that a penis is not what I needed. I like to have very large...
My vacation with GabikaThis is an old story I published in a known story site. I have change some names, though.Chapter 1.In which we meet Eva, Gabika's daughter - I go to the all-female choir convention in Hungary and meet Eva. We promise to meet again.This is a story about the best lover I have ever had, and believe me, I've had a quite few. You might tend to think that this lover is a gorgeous young blond with a terrific figure, big fat bust, athletic and slim, long legs and all. A Barbie...
For all those who don’t know her, my mom is a prostitute. Now let me directly go into the story. It happened when I was at the age of 12. All I would like to say is BHANU mommy I love you a lot.Day by day mom was getting fucked and her rate was increasing. She became the best prostitute in our area and the kindest. As she used to give her customer’s to other prostitute if they never got customer for many days. One of her regular customer, a rich man named Sanjay always proposed to marry her...
I am 28 years old and married to Kulsum who is two years younger than me. Although I was born in India, I have lived in Sydney, Australia with my mother since I was four years of age. I would like to share with you the story of my sexual life which may seem quite extraordinary, but quite commonplace in a city like Sydney. My story takes you through my sexual awakening in early childhood right through my experiences to my present day situations. I hope to make it as detailed an account as...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke with a start as Sheila was gently shaking my shoulder. "I'm afraid that we have to go Doctor Gance." She told me. "It appears that the town is being evacuated, I detected a message about an operation gas. It fits all the parameters that are taking place now. Please Doctor Gance we have to hurry!" I groaned as I rolled out of the cot that I was on. "How long?" I asked...
Holly drove through the upscale neighborhood of Richmond Hill on her way home from school. After climbing a half-mile up the gently curving residential road, she pulled into the parking area in front of the garage to her family's two story home. Slinging her book bag over her shoulder after she exited the car, she slammed its door as hard as she could. She hated the three year old Toyota. It was a nondescript tan color, and it certainly wasn't a BMW or Lexus like most of the kids drove who...
My parents took my sister and I to a store in the mall to by school clothes. My dad really hated to shopso my sister and I went with mom to look for clothes while dad went to a bookstore in the mall.After purchasing my clothes, my sister wanted to look for clothes so we went into the miss's section. I was really bored and suddenly had to pee. So I asked my mom if I could go to the restroom. She wasn't crazy about it but knew I was bored and that they'd have to cross the store to find the...
Hi friend’s main SAHIL yaani aapka SAAHIL well friends main apko bata nahi sakta ki kis tarah maine isha ko choda. Well maine apna second part sabko bhej diya hain even maine use iss me submit kiya parantu koi fayda nahi well friends I will try again to submit my second part well here is latest 3rd part . Well friends when I was in Chennai came for counseling I got one flat room for one month as rental. Well dosto Chennai me kafi garmi hain its latest story actually here Chennai was closed for...
For readers that are not familiar with the story, this is a brief explanation of the stories that I have been working on for the past few months. Please, fell free to read the stories: Long Road, Highsider, and Traject all located in the Loving Wives category. To say that it is not your everyday ‘loving wives’ story would be the understatement of the century. Even if that particular category is not your normal fetish, I would appreciate non-loving wives readers reading and commenting on the...
I peered through the half opened door. She had her back to me. She was fully dressed from the waist down. She had nothing on above her waist,, naked as a jaybird. I suspect the door was closed when she went in there, but it slipped open a bit She began to turn around. I backed up a little bit making sure I was not in plain sight. She turned around and her giant tits swayed back and forth as she did. Wow they were amazing, well to me at least. These tits were not a man's' ideal tit. These tits...
A Friend in Need, Part 10. Tony's Story, the Parting If you have followed this story, this continues on after the attempted rape of the new Christina until Tony leave after the New Year, it is told from the recently changed Tony's male point of view, I am trying to show the differences in feeling and attitudes now that Tony is a man rather that the woman (s)he once was. I fetched the brandies and we sat for a while sipping them, I got up to phone the barmaids to ask them to cover...
Most of them got at least two hours sleep as they traveled, since it was after two o'clock in the morning by their local time when they arrived at their own trading post. Tika spent most of the time working on her screen, reading and answering messages, communicating with the Meds and mothers of her breeding program, conducting business and research, and issuing her own Challenges to the Tiger People of the Shiva Region. At one point she sat thinking for a minute, then wrote a text message...
I guess some background would be in order. I was a virgin when I met Sandra, and so was she. We dated through our junior and senior years of high school, though she would tell friends things 'weren't serious' until college. I always wondered about that, since after my 'always ready' attitude she'd given in and we had sex the 1st time shortly before graduation. Honestly I don't remember much about it ... I was nervous, she was scared, neither of us knew what we were doing. I got the...
My wife's new fuck buddy turned out to be a good bit more than just someone to have sex with. She met Paul when one of her regular boy friends introduced him to her . She had gone over to Mike's apartment for a quick and when she got there Paul and Mike where watching a ball game on the TV. She said she thought about just leaving but her pussy really wanted to feel Mike's thick black cock . Mike introduced my wife to Paul as a friend's wife. He told him that her husband had a small thin dick...
Wehler und Richter saßen zusammengekauert im Sicherungsabteil einer Mitternachts-Minna. Wehler, riesig und haarig, starrte mit einer dumpfen Ungläubigkeit auf die elektrische Handschelle, die seine Arme lähmte. Richter, schmächtig und dunkel, atmete schwer und versuchte immer wieder, ein Gespräch mit dem Bullen anzufangen, der sie hier bewachte, von Hals bis Fuß in Nex-Kevlar gehüllt und einen Tazer stets in der Hand. Die Autoritäten gingen kein Risiko ein. Wehler und Richter hatten sie ein Mal...
THE DAYS WERE A BLUR of confusion and if not for Kate and Bree, I wouldn’t be able to remember any of it. Police. Doctors. Reporters. Some of this probably isn’t in the right order, but it’s what I remember. Neither Kate nor I left Wendy. Bree slipped in and out to get us food and fresh clothes. Word spread that I was the one who called 911 and alerted the camp before the explosion and they cut me a little slack. I think they admitted me instead of treating and releasing so I could stay. I...
Kait looks at me giving me a knowing smile. Busted! " Damn." I said to myself as I see her catch me staring at her body. I smile. " Hmmm," Kait thought, " John is horny and checking me out." " Would you like something to drink?" I ask. As she talks with me Kait found she was mentally undressing me, it was embarrassing, she couldn't seem to help herself. It has been just been five days since we had sex. To her embarrassment, her eyes keep drifting to the enticing bulge in the crotch...