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“Ladies, address your partner’s please,” a female voice announced.

God, she looked stunning!

Standing close enough in front of me that I could feel her breath on my neck. Looking so much younger than her thirty-five years, her right hand holding the stick to the white lace Venetian mask that covered her beautiful clear blue eye’s. The same eyes that seemed to be staring into my soul. Her gorgeous long blonde hair was delicately styled in a tight French Braid that still reached halfway down her back. The elegant white dress she was wearing flattered every wonderful curve on her sexy body with its single strap over her left shoulder. Her lightly tanned skin seemed to glisten under the lights that shone on all the people in this great hall. Her bright red lips were not smiling as I would have hoped and her jaw seemed to be set in a silent grimace.

Oh, Dear!

To her left was her closest friend from forever, a complete opposite reflection to blonde in front of me. Wearing an identical dress but in black, the figure it hid had been part of my dreams for all of my teenage years. She was also using her right hand to hold the stick to her black lace Venetian mask that hid her emerald green eyes. Her jet black hair was cut in a short bob cut which framed her gorgeous face, Again a face that showed a lot of ill intent.

I was starting to feel very nervous! I could feel the dampness of sweat behind the full golden mask I was wearing. I had a distinct feeling that my great idea was backfiring on me.

“Ladies, it’s time to prepare these Men!” The same female voice said.

The ladies dropped down onto their knees in front of me with the blond reaching for the laces of my shiny black brogue shoes. The black-haired beauty reached to start undoing the belt of my trousers Looking around, all the ladies in the hall were repeating the same process with the men that they were stood with them.


Maybe now would be a good time to introduce myself,

I am Sam Pope. I’m nineteen years old and have just returned home in time for New Year to surprise my parents. They had been expecting me to spend Christmas and New Year with my girlfriend, Claire, and her family. Unfortunately, all the best-made plans came crashing down the day before when Claire’s mother announced that she was leaving to live with her lover. If that wasn’t enough she then announced that her lover was my father! Suddenly I was not very welcome with the group around me. Claire announced that she didn’t want anything to do with me and they had the door open for me very quickly, with it slamming shut as I just stepped narrowly missing me.

Shit, what did I do wrong!

Maybe a bit more background information would help here.

Claire and I had been a couple for over four years, having grown up next door to each other, we had been close all our lives until we took what most felt was the inevitable step into a relationship. We had left to go to the University of Birmingham two years ago, with Claire studying Law and myself studying Architecture. When we left, Claire’s father decided the time was right to move closer to his sick mother and his roots back in Ayr in Scotland. Both of Claire’s grandparents on her mother’s side of the family had passed a few years previously, meaning she felt duty-bound to agree to the move but everyone knew she wasn’t happy.

I guess we now know why!

When things happen so quickly and emotions are involved, you forget things. Well, I happened to forget that we had used Claire’s car to get to her parents home, leaving me four hundred miles from home with no transport at seven PM. Which if you didn’t know the west of Scotland, means your up the creek without a paddle. To top it off, the moment I left the house, the snow that had been threatening, started to fall. Wearing an unsuitable light jacket for the conditions and carrying my holdall I had brought, I started to walk towards the town centre.

The Train Station was actually quite easy to find and wasn’t too long of a walk. Unfortunately, it was completely deserted. December 30th at 7.30 pm was not a busy time it seems in this remote part of the world! All that was left for me was to start walking and pray that I could hitch a lift.

“Ladies, my daughters, Jess and Becky will be coming round with clothes baskets that will include capes for our men! They will also help with, huh hmm, other things if you require!” The female voice informed us, causing a little giggling from around the hall.

My shoes and socks had been removed, and while the black-haired beauty was lowering my trousers, My blond assailant had removed my jacket and was now starting to unbutton my shirt. All the while she continued to stare directly into my soul, through my eyes. Her expression hadn’t changed at any point, and I could feel her quiet anger seeping out of her. Neither of these ladies had said a word since I arrived, and to be honest that would have broken the spell of what was occurring. After a few moments, the girl with the clothes basket appeared in front of us, Jessie Nugent, a Girl I had fantasized about on many occasions. She had been ‘The Girl’ at my school. You all know the one I mean, we all had one, the body, the looks, the complete package. The girl that was like a magnet to all others both male and female, All the guys wanted to bed her, all the girls wanted to be like her! But Jessie Nugent didn’t date, she always went solo to any event or party, she was always social to everyone but was never part of a group. Yet here I was in a place that all my peers would die to be in, looking directly into the eyes that so many fantasies were built on. Standing completely naked in front of me, showing no shame or hesitancy with her lack of clothes. Her stunning red air and hazel brown eyes seemed to hypnotise me, her body was flawless, totally in proportion with her stature. her breasts were neither big or small they were just right, topped by quite pronounced nipples that seem to grow under my gaze. Her taut flat stomach drew my eyes further south towards her hairless valley of promise. Her shifting from one side to another allowing her legs to part further alerted me to her knowledge of my inspection. Looking back to her face her lips gave me a smirk. The blood flow to my lower regions that I had been fighting for the last few minutes become a losing battle. Then my brain engaged, that meant the voice I had been hearing was Ms Nugent, my old English teacher, or Jody as she introduced herself to me at my graduation. The type of teacher that always had your attention, utterly beautiful with a slender body and waves of dirty blonde hair. She looked at least 10 years younger than she actually was. No one ever missed her lessons because she was in tune you and everyone loved her.

Jess addressed my companions, “Ladies, if I could give you any help, it would be my pleasure. Please consider that a plea more than an offer!” she smiled at the two ladies in front of me before continuing on to the other people around.

As she walked off I couldn’t believe how lucky I was at this precise moment.

While I had been walking too and now from the station, my thoughts had gone back to my Dad and the I anger I felt at being put in this position.

My parents had been thrown together because of me. They had been fooling around, and as my mum admitted, they had been virgins together before the night I was conceived. Mum was fourteen and Dad was sixteen, Mum was a grade A student, Dad was more hands-on excelling in sports and engineering side of things. Mum had dreamed of going to university and getting a degree while Dad dreamed of playing football or rugby professionally, he was good enough I had been told. His other passion was engines, it didn’t matter for what, Tractor, cars, lorries or machinery. He had a knack of getting any of them working when no one else could.

The night they lost their virginity all those dreams changed. I say changed but in reality, they both achieved their goals to a point but it was a lot harder.

My Mum’s family threw her out at the scandal that ensued, my dad’s family gave them a couple of rooms at the farm they owned, to try and start there life together but they didn’t have the money to sport them. This meant dad had to work as soon as he left school, starting as a labourer from a family friend while still dabbling at repairing things when he could.

Mum finished school, still achieving her potential but had to get a job when she turned sixteen. While working in local pubs and restaurants, she carried on her education at night school. Their early life was hard financially and strained due to the constant need to be working or studying.

They married after my mum’s seventeenth birthday with a small ceremony and were lucky enough to get themselves a council house locally. Their luck started to change by chance a year or so later when a guy my dad and been repairing lorries for offered him a broken-down rig that had thousands of miles on it for pennies. Mum convinced him to take the chance and Dad got his full HGV license while getting the old Volvo lorry back to its former glory. This was the turning point in there lives although it was still hard work. Dad started to get contract work for his Lorry that brought in a hell of a lot more than he had been earning up to then but meant he would be away for a couple of nights at a time. Mum used this time to do an Open University course in accounting, some of my earliest memories were with her having books spread over the kitchen table with her head in her work. That wasn’t to say that I was forgotten, far from it, she would give me all the time I needed. Taking me to the park or friends, playing outside with me or just being there. The same could be said for my Dad as well, when he was home he would take me to football or rugby with him in the winter or Cricket in the summer, which we all attended as a family on those Sunday afternoons.

Mum finally qualified as an accountant, which wasn’t her dream really but she openly admitted that she really didn’t know what she wanted to do so she was pleased that found some direction. Dad continued to succeed with my Mum’s backing, to a point six years prior that meant he won a large contract that meant he needed additional wagons and drivers. That was when Pope & Son Haulage was born. His contract was with Rolls Royce, moving newly built engines around the country and Europe and was highly lucrative as well as being extremely specialised.

It was then that my parents became free of the financial hardship that had dogged them up until then. we moved one village over to a lovely 3 bedroom Cotswold stone cottage that epitomised the area of the Cotswolds we called home. Claire and her Family lived directly next door to us and the families became very close, as I’ve already explained, closer than I had realised.

Mum excelled at her job becoming a consultant tax accountant for companies as far east as Oxford and west as far as Cheltenham.

My Dad and I become very close, that I grew into a replica of him in size and shape caused more than the odd comment. He taught me to drive and I shared the same passion for engines as he did. Between us, we built my Golf GTI up from broken up shell to the pride and joy that it was now. Before I had passed my test, he had also taught me how to drive all the different rigs he had, obviously not on the road but enough that three months after my seventeenth birthday I had passed my HGV and PSV license. That I could get insurance until I was Eighteen didn’t matter.

Through the anger I was feeling for my Dad I started to look at their relationship with each other instead of the shared relationship they had with me. As I just explained, my relationship was brilliant with them, no one could have better parents. Whereas their relationship seemed to purely based on me and not each other. I couldn’t remember when they had ever gone out without me or catching them smiling at each other or interrupting them cuddling. More often than not they would be in different rooms doing different things. The more I thought about it the more I realised that they had very little in common except for me. my anger slowly ebbed away to be replaced by sadness, Sad at the fact that they couldn’t be who they wanted to be because of me.

God, what a selfish Arsehole I am!

I stood perfectly still as the dark-haired beauty finally slid the trousers from my feet. After delicately folding the trousers and placing them in the provided baskets that already held my shoes, socks and Jacket. She then turned her head slightly to bring herself eye to eye with my painfully hard cock, covered only by boxers I was wearing. Just using her fingertips, she traced the line of my erection all the way down to the balls. Reversing the action, she used the back of her index finger to slowly go back all the way to the tip.

The feeling was like being stroked with a feather, so light and erotic. Without realising it I had held my breath and exhaled deeply when she released my manhood to take hold of the elastic of my boxers.

I also hadn’t noticed that the blonde bombshell had stopped what she was doing with my shirt to watch here partner who she stopped from proceeding further. Her face had changed and showed some confusion. Thank god I thought, I might still get out of this with my balls intact. Quickly unbuttoning the rest of my shirt and pulling it clear of my boxers. yeah, I know what you’re thinking, but I like to tuck away my shirt tidily.

She had a focus, a destination in mind and quickly found it. A small scar on my abdomen from when I had my appendix removed. lightly tracing her fingers over it I could see that she was conflicted. The anger had gone and now was the moment to either stop or move forward.

I lifted my head up to look out into the room, finding my eyes locked with Jess who stood thirty foot away with an intent stare at me. Her mouth was slightly open as her tongue lightly traced over her lips.

Our quick interaction was interrupted by the Blonde moving to quickly fold the shirt she still held before she returned to her knees before me. Her confusion had obviously cleared as a broad smile now showed on her face. After sharing a quick look with her accomplice they both took hold of the elastic.


About ten minutes out from the last house showing the outskirts of Ayr, my luck finally broke. Not soon enough I may add as I was freezing, the snow was started to fall harder and walking was beginning to be challenging. An Eighteen wheeler pulled up beside me, I hadn’t noticed it was a foreign driver until he stopped and was leaning out of the window and was thrusting a cheap pay as you go mobile at me. With some confusion, I raised it to my ear.

“Hello my name is Dita, the driver is my brother Pieter, who doesn’t speak any English, is lost and in a bit of a bad situation with his company.” She said.

“What kind of situation, I really don’t need any trouble.”

“His Company seemed to have closed down. No one is answering the phones, his company card has stopped working, His company mobile and navigation system has been turned off.”

“Where does he have to get to?”

“I live near Birmingham, I don’t know where you need to be but if you can help him, we would be very grateful.”

“I take it that you wouldn’t believe that that’s where I’m going. in fact, I need to get to Edgbaston where the university is.”

“Oh that is great, let me speak to Pieter.”

I passed the phone back to him and very soon he gave me the universal thumbs-up sign so I went and got in the cab. Very quickly we were on our way as I started to point directions until I realised that I could just program google maps on my phone for him. which I did and after a quick call to Dita I found out that he was Romanian so I programmed the phone to give directions in his native language. Which sounds like an easy thing to do but in reality it must have taken fifteen minutes to actually do. With the lack of conversation, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke with a start a little while later, to the sounds of a horn being sounded and quickly realise that we were drifting on to the wrong side of the road. I shouted at Pieter who quickly corrected the rig and signalled that he pull over. We had just got to the M74 just north of Gretna, and it turns out that I had slept for nearly 2 hours while he had navigated all the twisting roads to get to this point.

Picking up his mobile I called his sister. I needed to find out how long he had been driving today as he was starting to fall asleep. After some discussion, I discovered he hadn’t stopped since he had got off the ferry at Dover just after six AM this morning. It was now 9.30 pm, so fourteen hours driving. If we got stopped he would be forced to stop and be arrested and his company was seemingly defunct, all the shit would stop at his door. I explained and showed him my HGV license and insisted via Dita that I would be taking up the driving from here on, not that he argued very much. making sure that he hadn’t signed the tachograph yet so I could claim to have been driving since Ayr, we started our journey. at a solid Sixty MPH, we would make it back by 3 am.

That is exactly what happened. Pieter slept the whole way, including when I stopped to take the required break and refuel as the tank flashing red since I had taken over the driving. He didn’t even wake when I called Dita to tell her that I was coming off to get onto the Hagley Road at junction 3 which was close to where she was living.

What a delight she turned out to be, sparkling blue eyes, long black hair and a very nice figure that was showing from the skin-tight clothes that she was wearing. She arrived at the pre-ordained meeting point with a large Latte from the all-night Starbucks, which was a perfect tonic for the way I felt.

Ironically the moment I stopped, Pieter finally woke.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” She said flinging her arms around in a friendly way. More friendly than I expected from someone that I had never met before.

“How about dinner sometime?” I asked thinking, “well hey I’m a free agent now so why not!”

“I would love too” she answered straight away still with her arms around my neck and her face inches away from me.

Pieter came over to where we standing, chuckling, shaking his head and tapped me on the shoulder. Indicating his sister he said the first English word I had heard him say in the eight hours I spent with him, “Trouble”.

Well, that riled his sister and the tirade of quickly spoken conversation where I didn’t understand one word but got the gist that she was giving him a bollocking, which he found hilarious.

He caught a break when she turned to me, not believing that I had refilled the tanks. Insisting that I hand over the receipt and promising that the money would be paid back in full.

As promised, she drove me to the digs and after a quick exchange of numbers and continuous expressions of thanks from Dita, I went be bed alone.

New years eve started at 11 am for me when I finally got up from my pit. The day before had been a real roller coaster and with the late-night journey, I was exhausted both mentally and physically. Checking my phone, I still didn’t have any messages from my parents, even after the calls and messages I had left for them. My usual routine when at uni since arriving this year would have been getting up and spending an hour at the gym. I hadn’t done any activities in my first year so had gained a few pounds and started to get lazy. This year I had turned that around, joined the rugby team and hit the gym hard, with Claire. I had never been fitter or more toned in my short life and loved the feeling it gave me. My flat had no food left in it as we weren’t expected to be back for another two weeks. So after showering, I packed a few fresh things to last a few days at home and made my journey back to my folk’s place. The journey would normally take ninety minutes but due to the seasonal traffic, it took an extra hour.

My folk’s place was deserted. as I looked around it seemed like my Dad had packed a bag and left. His mobile and wedding ring had been left with a note on the kitchen table, The note just had the word “Sorry” written on it.

In my parent’s bedroom there had been a suit hanging and a pressed shirt, polished shoes and a gold mask. The was written list of instructions from my Mum and an invite to the ‘Decadent Masquerade Ball’ at Taynton Manor.

The Instructions said that time to live one of there fantasies, he was to be ready for a taxi that would be picking him up at eight-thirty Pm and he wasn’t to speak when he saw her that evening until she told him too. It explained that she was staying with a friend and would be meeting him there. She had purposely left her mobile at home so he couldn’t talk to her about it until he got there

This all seemed a bit secretive and intriguing. I couldn’t help but wonder if my mum knew what had happened with Dad and Claire’s mum. If she had not got her mobile, she would be in the dark about all of this. I sat on the bed contemplating what to do. It was only five-thirty so I had three hours to work out the best way to tell her.

Of course, you know what I decided to do. there was no way I was leaving my mum hanging on New Year’s Eve. I ate and then had a bath, chilled out until just before the Taxi arrived. Being the same size as my Dad, everything that had been left out, fitted me like a glove. I night of drinking and dancing was just what I needed and after I had time to talk to her, I was sure it was what my mum needed as well.

The Taxi dropped me off outside the main entrance to the manor house, I walked and was immediately met by mother, Dani and her best friend Alana. Both looked very surprised to see me and not very happy. The sudden realisation that they knew about what my Dad had done and that they thought that I was him made me think that maybe I had done the dumbest thing in my whole life. All thoughts were quickly dispelled when I heard the ladies voice make the announcement.

“Ladies, address your partner’s please.”


Mum and Alana had just pulled down my boxers, freeing my manhood that now was no more than three inches away from my mother’s mouth when Jess reappeared.

“I take it that a closed room would be your choice Dani, so I have reserved the first room on the first floor. Can I ask to join you, I always promised my virginity to Sam if I ever got the chance. Not that I ever told him,” she giggled “well obviously he knows now!”

My Mum gasped, “You knew it was Sam?”

“Sam! your kidding right?” Alana said staring at me.

“I have spent my whole life lost in his deep blue eyes, I would recognise him anywhere!” Jess answered with true conviction.

“What the hell is Sam doing here? I thought he was up in Scotland with Claire!”

“Well if was to hazard a guess, knowing my son, He has come tonight to comfort his Mum after her husband left her. I would also guess that he knew before me due to Tina saying or doing something back at her place. Is that close enough sunshine? Mum asked me.

“That kind of sums it up,” I said finally finding my voice. “Although my idea of comfort didn’t match yours!” All three women laughed at that.

“You deserve some explanation to quite a few things, but that will happen tomorrow. I need to ask are you happy for things to continue tonight?. And before you ask, I am!” My Mum said

“I don’t think you could ever accuse me of being stupid, so I’m more than happy to follow your lead.”

“Oh Goody.” Alana blurted out.

“Get that robe on him before you have a queue of ladies wanting the attention of that monster,” Jess stated. Causing her and Alana to affix the robe around me. “Mum will announce the start of events I guess in the next fifteen minutes. so get a drink and something to eat until then. I will come back before then.” she directed before kissing both Mum and Alana quite passionately and disappearing back into the crowd.

“Are you sure about this Dani, he’s your son!” Alana whispered.

“Don’t Laney, when you said about tonight you told me it was about love. Well, there is nobody I love more than Sam, Nobody!” Mum growled quietly. “How many times have you said that you would love to wake up in his arms? I never once said that was wrong or not to say those things because that was always the way I had felt. Everyone here thinks this is Rob, so I am going to indulge that dream I have like you, and hopefully wake up in his arms. I will worry about tomorrow when I wake up.”

I pulled both women close to my side and each of them put her head on my shoulder. “So, you wanted to wake up in my arms. Wow, if only I would have known!” I said in a surprised tone.

“Oh god! It’s going to happen isn’t it!” Alana said with a contented sigh. “You better get some energy Sam, you have a busy night ahead of you!” She giggled. I couldn’t help but gulp, causing my mother to giggle as well.

A little while later, Jess returned. Now wearing a gorgeous red dress, which made her just as desirable as when she was naked. We had been making small talk with other couples, or should I say my Mum and Alana had. I had been surprised and the people in attendance, people from our community that had grown up to respect and revere were now here, in this house, all with a common goal. All three girls had been propositioned and declined politely and quite a few ladies had made it clear that they were available to me at any time, some were very desirable ladies, some were definitely not.

Jess’s mum finally made the announcement and some points that needed to be adhered to and then I was being led up the huge staircase. I suddenly started to feel nervous, like a lamb to the slaughter. Anyone that thinks that this would be the epitome of there lives needs to really think what it would be led to a bedroom by three beautiful women who had already stated their intentions, one of them being there mother!

My robe was removed before the door had been closed and again I stood naked around three fully dressed ladies My mum came in front of me and finally removed the full gold mask I had been wearing to my great relief. What I didn’t expect was the full french kiss she gave me. After a moment’s hesitation on both of our parts, it felt like the most natural, loving kiss I had ever had. We moulded together and I’m sure that it would last forever if we hadn’t been interrupted.

“Oh come on Dani, don’t hog the meat!” Alana protested with a snigger.

“Meat” I exclaimed faking being hurt, “Is that all I mean to you!” I was still holding my mother to me closely and in return, she wasn’t moving to leave my hold. Ignoring my mother, Alana came and kissed me just as strongly as my mum had.

“Dani said it earlier Sam, we will talk tomorrow but tonight you have three women you need to unwrap and love. None of us expected to be in this position. That doesn’t mean it’s not what we wanted. I can tell you without a second thought that you are the number one person I would love to be in my life,” Alana said passionately.

“Hmm, it may actually be four women to unwrap, I might of let it slip to my Mum about my intentions. She said she wanted to show her favourite ever student what he meant to her.”

By this time my mum had stepped back to allow Jess to hold me while she also kissed me.

“I just don’t get it, how did I not know how you all felt,” I asked no one in particular.

“It was because of Claire, You have been so besotted with for so long that you were blind to everything else around you. Not that I could have told you how I felt, but I know Alana has flirted with blatantly over the years. Jess even told me that it’s the reason she has gone to the states.” My mum explained quietly.

“Well, I didn’t want to accidentally just bump into the only person I have loved, knowing that they didn’t even know I existed. By the way, Claire knew how a lot of people felt towards you. That’s why she never let you out of her sight.” Jess added.

The door burst open and without a word, Jody Nugent was attached to my lips without a thought for any of the other ladies in the room. “I have wanted to do that to you from the first moment you walked into my classroom,” She took a step back, “and now seeing all of you I am so pleased I have the chance.”

Mum and Alana grabbed the Nugent ladies and they lined up in front of me. “So, Sam are you ready for the challenge ahead of you?” Mum asked with a mischievous smile. She handed me a small blue tablet and a bottle of water. “I wouldn’t want any of us to be disappointed!” she added.

I grabbed her wrist as she tried to stand back again. Pulling her into a kiss as I released the back of her dress and allowed it to slide down her body. Revealing that it was the only clothing she was wearing, her smallish breasts with long rock hard nipples. Her slender figure with taut stomach above her small waft of nearly clear Blonde pubic hair shaped in a ‘V” above her pussy. After another kiss, she started to kiss down my body. Starting by nibbling at my neck she trailed kisses down to my nipples, which was a new sensory experience for me, before lowering herself onto her knees before me and kissing me all around my groin. Alana had stepped forward to be with me and I repeated the process of unfastening her dress which fell in a puddle around her feet before she kicked it away from her. She had a Mediterranean complexion, her dark tan skin looked very exotic. Her breasts were larger than my mother but not big enough to sag. her hard nipples were like small peanuts framed on her tight small body. what a joy she looked. When she was naked she dropped to her knees and along with my mother she started to worship my cock with her lips and tongue.

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My wife Linda and I have solved most all of the world's problems over coffee on the deck of our favorite coffee shop. It's a small, privately owned shop a couple of miles from our townhouse. The best parts about it are that it's not part of the large mega-coffee chain with it's pretentious customers, the owner who seems to be always there, and the huge deck over looking the scenic parking lot of the small strip shopping center the shop is located in. The shop is fairly small and intimate...

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NaughtyRichGirls Kimber Lee 23435

Rich girl Kimber Lee wants the walls in her home painted eggshell, no matter what her dad says! That’s what she tells the painter who’s about to roll satin all over them. But he’s only doing what Daddy Richbucks is paying him to do, so he’s not too worried about what Kimber’s telling him. When the spoiled brat hears that, she throws a tantrum and tells the painter she’s going to get him fired! The tradesman can only mutter under his breath that this rich chick needs to get laid, but Kimber’s...

1 year ago
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You’re looking to jerk off at Joys Porn? That’s why you’re here, not? And you don’t want to settle for any dumb ass porn tube sites that barely have any content or have a site chock full of shitty videos that look like they were shot by someone with Parkinson's. You want quality videos from a quality site so that you can have yourself one quality fap. It shouldn’t be too much to ask, but it can be hard navigating the quagmire of terrible sites. That’s why I’m here. I’ve done the digging and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Laundry Room MILF BBW

Walking by the laundry room I see her loading a basket with something on the floor behind her. I notice it looks like some yellow panties of which I instantaly make a move to pick up. She is wearing a very light weight cotton nighty style coverall that contours her large curves very well. I can see she has slightly hard nipples as I catch her chest out of the corner of my eye when I say "looks like your missing something". She turns around quickly with a smile and says "oh my gosh, thank you so...

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Dream Weaver 1 The Well

Dream Weaver 1, The Well (c) 2002, Deanna Lea Life in the seventh grade was a living Hell. The girls wanted to know how I had such "cute" eyelashes and the boys thought I was a girl because I had started growing little girl boobs. Junior High School is tough enough for most kids, you don't know where you fit in. Are you still in grade school or have you graduated almost to high school. And for many this is where puberty begins its torturous journey. In my case it was...

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Nicoles Ultimate Payback

Nicole stormed through the hallway as angry as can be. She passed by Andrea, who used to be her friend but now was her enemy when she betrayed her and left her just to be Reha's friend. Reha was good at winning friends over people, nobody even knew how a 5 foot tall indian girl was so popular, a lot of girls really liked to chill with her. It all happened the last week, Nicole was texting her then best friend of 5 years, Andrea. But Reha decided to put things in her hands when she spread rumors...

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Growing UpChapter 9

I heard them talking and felt the cold cloth on my face. I opened my eyes and saw four people staring at me, Rita, Walter, Nina, and Gay. I wanted to get up but Walter stopped me. "Just lie still a couple of minutes and you should feel better, besides you probably couldn't stand anyway.," Walter said. I knew he was right because I couldn't feel my legs at the moment. I knew I was on the kitchen floor and I wondered why. Rita placed another cold cloth on my head, removing the old one. I...

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Destress Weekend Part 2

Not bothering to beckon Max now, she strolled confidently back to her room after finishing her drink, Max on seeing her leave followed doggedly behind her. A poorly trained dog might have jumped up against her legs and demanded more attention, but Daisy had been sure that Max’s behaviour was perfect. Afterall, he was almost the same size as her, perhaps a bit smaller, but with plenty more muscle. If he wanted to force her to do something, he could very well do it if he didn’t hold back. The...

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In Sickness and In Health

She's so fucking beautiful, amber eyes wild as she struggles naked on her marital bed against the silk scarf that secures her wrists. Her breath snorts hot against the hand I've clamped across her mouth, the phone in my other.The call connects. "Oh hi, this is Leah's... husband." I flick my gaze down to meet hers, flashing with anger. "Sorry to bother you so early, but she won't be coming into work today." I listen a moment. "Oh no, she's just-" I'd love to say something sassy like...

3 years ago
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Sweetie8217s Hot Indian Wife Fantasies 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, Sweetie here – an Indian wife, aged 29 years, height 5’6″, vital stats 34B-30-32. I got married at the age of 23 years. And I will narrate the story of my sexual encounters. Sex has always been on my mind and I really like when someone looks at me with sexual desires. I had my first sex at the age of 19 years and from there on, there has never been a pause to it. My husband Amit is also very active in the bed and we both share an amazing sex life by trying multiple things and...

1 year ago
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After a night in a rest stop

I lay here in my bed with my panties and leggings on and my poor shirt the front covered in cum my ass is red and sore with I think a load of cum in it. my pants are stained with sperm mostly around my butt and between my thighs and my stomach full with sperm.One evening I decided to go out and check out a local spot where people have been known to come and have sex with complete strangers. It was a rest stop on a highway near by me. It just had the one building with restrooms in it and a...

3 years ago
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Chennai Salesman 8211 Part I

Hi ISS i’m karthi from chennai gonna share some awesome moments of my life with u ppl.i’m a marketing professional i do door step marketing for some electronic company i give demo abt the products and convince pplto buy my producet the is my brief intro abt me Lets go to the incident i forgot to describe me anyways i’m just 23 average built average height i’m not a cool dude or a funky guy but i can make girls to give a second look.this incident happened before two months exactly in mid...

2 years ago
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A Genny Story Prudence

  Here is another adventure that Melly and I had while on vacation. It is the only threesome that we have ever had (together). I don’t know why we haven’t done it again, we just haven’t. As always I would love to hear from anyone that would like to write. If you do write I promise that I always return e-mails, A Genny story…. Prudence I am Genny. It was the second winter that Melly and I lived together. We were looking to escape the Michigan cold, and Melly has a cousin Joe that works in...

1 year ago
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A New Life across the pond

I was running late. Though thats like saying 'every day starts with a sunrise' always happens. I'd managed to gather all my clothes into a couple of suitcases, and one big black bin bag, and take them to my brothers. Then it was back to the university library with a stack of ten books. And a £20 late fine. I was fine then, plenty of time nothing to worry about, I could get the bus and be over at Jo's in ten minutes. I walked from the library through the university atrium and out about to...

4 years ago
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The Learning Curve

THE LEARNING CURVE This is a largely true story. The two people are known to us and have asked us to write it for them. They want to let others know that if you focus on exactly what you want, and are patient, it can happen. We have obviously changed names and one or two other details to protect their identity. There is more which we are allowed to tell if readers would like it. We needed your feedback: tell us what you like about the story (if you do) and what it does for you. If there is the...

3 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 13

“Gene, you are the stupidest fucking idiot who hasn’t Darwined himself out of the gene pool yet.” “OK, that really doesn’t help me.” I shook my head. I moved my phone off the white prints and changed the page. Jesus, it was like they didn’t even teach the basics of construction to architects. “I mean, the three of th--” “Three! Three! Fucking three nineteen-year-old college girls want to share your dick. Share! Women!” he shouted. “Women take to sharing like octopi take to space...

4 years ago
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Mami Ko Apna Banaya

Mera naam Ronit hai, 24 saal ka ladka hu. Yeh story uss waqt ki hai jab mein 19 saal ka tha. Jab bhi chuttiyan hoti thi toh mein apne mami ke yaha chala jata tha. kabhi 15 din toh kabhi ek mahine tak. Ghar me sirf mama mami rehte the, unki ek choti beti bhi hai lekin woh hostel me rehti thi, kabhi kabhi hamari chutti mil jati thi toh hi usee mulakat ho pati thi. Ish bar mein karib 45 din ke chutti par gaya tha. Mama subhah 9 baje khana khake office chale jate thein. Mami ghar ka kam karti...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Baby Girl

My mom had become a "cold fish" I believe the term is. She didn't give daddy sex anymore and he had tried to find it outside of home. When he contracted a STD though, he quit having outside flings. Unfortunately, his anger would flare more and I knew it was from his frustrations. I felt sorry for daddy and since I was eighteen, I decided that maybe I could help.I knew that daddy had a vasectomy after I was born because the doctor told him that if mom got pregnant again, it would kill her. He...

2 years ago
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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 2 Into a Black Forest Night

A pothole bounced her awake. Gretchen felt like hands pressed against her temple, squeezing and releasing. Strong hands like Wolf's. Not a headache exactly. More a painless throb. A canteen hung beside her cot, swinging as the vehicle swung it. Tape attached a note to it saying, "Drink this." The choking chemical dryness in her mouth made the message intensely appealing to her. With groggy hands she lifted the strap from the hook and opened the canteen and drank. It tasted like highly...

1 year ago
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The ArcherChapter 5 The Hunt

To pass the time Lee, waxed both of the bow strings, massaging the wax deep into the strings. She sharpened the knives she'd be using if he did bring home a wild pig. She dug in the supplies for the rope she knew he'd need to hang the meat from a tree. She moved around the camp restlessly, really having nothing to do at all but wait. She did check the first aid kit again. "Frigging men," she said to the silent camp. How long in history did women sit around waiting for men to come back,...

3 years ago
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Jamies Watching Ballet

Jamie's Watching Ballet It was certainly innocent enough - I mean, I was just looking at their costumes. You know, the standard black long sleeve leotard, ballet pink seamed tights, the white daisy ballet slipper, with the white ribbon across the foot. They were standing in line at the ballet bar practicing positions. My sister, Tammy, was standing third from the left; next to Connie, as usual. I didn't think she could see me peeking through the window. "Stand up straight girls, and...

2 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 1 Changes and Celebrations

We arrived in the Valley during one of Mom and Dad's increasingly rare absences, a trip to Precipice for some white water rafting adventure with Vic Greene and some other friends and acquaintances from the war there. That timing did give us a chance to get settled in a little, and established into a routine before having to deal with any family-related stresses. It also meant I missed seeing Coral again right away. She was staying with her grandparents on Meadow while Mom and Dad were on...

1 year ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 7

Susan sat on the couch with her hands folded. She had spoken to Esmi Perez and the woman said she hadn't really noticed much change in Brock's demeanor. But Susan had seen that portion of Brock's personality before. He had the ability to compartmentalize his emotions. He could put away his frustration and anger when he was around others and only let it out when he was alone. It wasn't a healthy outlet for his feelings and Susan worried about that. The fact the Esmi didn't know for...

3 years ago
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Business Only Business

The hotel was the most extravagant yet for the company’s annual party. I knew a few wives and did my best to mingle while Simon played the appropriate politics with business associates. I made my round and ran out of familiar faces. I looked for Simon and saw him involved in conversation. As I made my way to the bar, the bartender caught my eye and smiled. He was young and very attractive. I smiled back to let him know how flattered I was by his silent compliment. I ordered my drink and he...

2 years ago
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A beautiful sight

I was still dating kylie at the time. And her parents had gone away on a business trip for a week. She didn't stay far away from school about a 10 minute walk. The Monday at school we discussed to bunk school the next and after my mom dropped me off in the morning I would walk up to her house and spend the day there. The next morning after getting dropped off, I walked to her house, kylie in her pj's still opened up for me.  Putting my school bag down and greeting her with a passionate kiss, we...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was the summer of '65 and a bunch of my mates and I traveled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island New Zealand, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of girls...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Maja With MIL 8211 Part II

Hi.. I am sam continuing the story” maja with Mil” .After marriage function I separated saradha from the crowd, rushed towards our room and pushed her on the bed. I immediately locked the door and jumped and hugged her tightly. She was I red silk sari with matching blouse and looked like bride with lots of flowers on her back. The jasmine flower smell tempted me more. I kissed her like a hungry dog and bited her lips cheek chin … licked and tasked her lips hardly. She screamed loudly due to my...

2 years ago
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Mothers Model Son In Black Lace Lingerie Part Two

Frankie was so relieved that he would no longer have to dress like a sissy, that the young man practically flew down the hallway. His mother was off in her sewing room, but Valerie Paine had just told him that he did not have to be a sissy anymore. Frankie's high heels clicked a beat across the bare wooden floor as he walked to the bathroom, reminding himself to take small steps as he had been told. Frankie quickly seated himself on the low backed chair of the vanity and settled in...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Amina Fara Newbie Amina Fara

Sexy brunette Amina Fara may seem a little shy but this girl is ready to have some sex and can’t wait to do it with all of you! She strokes Charles hard cock with her hand giving him a handjob he will not forget! He loves how her hands run up and down his shaft knowing how great it will feel to get that wet pussy wanting more of his cock! He fucks her in doggy and gets her on the floor so you can see that ass while he fucks her in cowgirl! Amina wants to feel all that cum on her feet and...

2 years ago
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Masishen StrandedChapter 22

Everyone to Punta Arenas "What is our schedule looking like?" Mike asked. "We're supposed to meet your friend Corky and his ocean-going tug on the 30th, right?" "We're right on schedule for that. In fact, we're running ahead of ourselves; it's only a week into September. We don't want to get into Punta Arenas too early, unless you'd care to hunker down in a small hotel room with the wind howling around you for a week or more?" Steve answered. "But something is nagging at me,"...

2 years ago
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Fallout XXX

War...War never changes. These words are the motto of the post-apocalyptic series fallout, which argues that nuclear Armageddon won't end humanity, but will add another bloody chapter in humanity's history. however, like any species, for it to survive it must reproduce and go onward from there. These will explore those areas of the game that most of the series will not show. These stories will allow you to chose what happens in the Five canonical fallout games: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3,...

1 year ago
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Jean the Artiste

By Roger with a nod to Nin and Mel ‘20 Chapter the First…A P L A Studio in Calais In the northeast section of the city of Calais and very near the channel waters was a small colony where there lived many painters, writers and sculptors, including a particular artiste, our young, innocent Jean. The colony near Calais was known by the residents as La Petite Artiste or simply as LPA. It was a gay part of CalaIs whereat music and laughter were often heard as there were many small...

2 years ago
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My Dream Of Being A Sex Slave

Thinking of being used as a femdom sex slave makes me happy. I am fond of femdom videos. I have seen many femdom videos over my laptop and I have enjoyed every bit of every video. So let’s come to the incident which happened to me 6 months before. We have one neighboring couple. The man is an IT engineer and woman is a housewife, both aged between 28-30 years. I used to call them Manish bhaiya and Shilpa bhabhi. I want to tell you about Shilpa bhabhi. She is a sex goddess with firm boobs, round...

3 years ago
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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Suggestions Questions and a Part Answer

Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...

2 years ago
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Remembering Scott

Close your eyes darling and imagine our bodies naked, pressed together. You bend your head down towards me and our lips connect. I break the kiss off and slowly push you onto the bed. Once you’re on your back, I resume kissing you passionately…all the while running my hands lightly over your chest. Again, I break off our kiss and whisper “I love you” as I start to lick, nibble, suck and gently nip my way down your body. My hand finds your rampant staff and I gently grab hold and start to stroke...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens Pristine Edge After School Special

Pristine Edge finds her student Ulan with whom she’s in an illicit relationship waiting for her after school. She tells him to go, but Ulan insists on giving her a hug and a kiss. They’re nearly interrupted by a janitor, so Pristine shoves Ulan under the table. He takes advantage of his new position to push up her miniskirt and bury his face and fingers in her bald pussy. As soon as the janitor leaves, Pristine returns the favor by dropping to her knees in front of Ulan. She strokes...

3 years ago
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You Cant Be Serious

I write little sketches... I do not weave epic tapestries. I have fun writing these short stories, I hope you have fun reading them. That's the end all and be all of my little romps. This is for all those who know not to take me too seriously... * * * Morgana Talon was not going to get tenure. I would see to that. Being the deciding vote, I had the power to prevent the college from retaining her. It wasn't that she couldn't teach - she could,...

3 years ago
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Motherfucked by curiosity

I was always a shy kid. So having girlfriends was out of question. I was so shy that when I heard my classmates joke about hand practice I would fucking blush. Without knowing what it meant. One day a friend said just grab hold of your dick and rub it from top to bottom. It will harden. After some time you will feel funny. And something will come out. Fuck that was never so. I nearly hurt my dick by rubbing it for an hour. And God only knows if anything came out. Such was the level of my sexual...

3 years ago
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A Decade of Dicks Part 1

by Chico Brisbane My fascination with men and their dicks began during a school fieldtrip when I was 11-years old. I was the only child to a single mother, and had never seen another penis except for mine and two younger male cousins. One cousin was about 6 years old and had no problem with being seen naked, and the other was just a baby who's penis I'd seen during diaper changes. Our fieldtrip was to a municipal swimming pool in the park across from my school. My classmates and I...

2 years ago
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the tree surgion

Hi, I went to a club and met a guy who was visiting from up North of the uk my fella and I invited him home because we found out he was a tree surgeon and we wanted some trees sorted in our garden. Well we didnt want to pay any money so i decide that he could fuck me. After a few drinks things happened that night, I had jeans on and a top but underneath I was wearing fishnet stockings and half cup bra. We danced and kissed, my fella decided to film us, he slowly undressed me playing with my...

1 year ago
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Awakening From A Dream

Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...

1 year ago
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Tube Gals! I am quite sure you have already stumbled upon sites that are similar to, and I say this simply because I have already reviewed a couple of websites that look the same as this place. That is probably because they have other sites within their network, and I am sure that you must have heard about them.Anyway, this place is quite simple, and there are not that many options given, which just means that you will find what the fuck you are looking for with ease. If for some...

Porn Aggregators
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Super Liked To Have Sex With The Tinder Guy

Hey, this is Aana….I m 20 yrs old n have good assets to lay eyes on…I m 5-5 inch tall. This is my first sex story, so pardon me for any mistake. I m a regular reader of ISS, n it’s him who told me about this site.This sex story is based on the true incident of my life. So not taking much of your time I begin with my sex story… The sexy n handsome (n not to forget muscular ) hero of this Sex story is Sudh….We met on Tinder…Super liked each other. N our match was made on 31st December 2016. We...

3 years ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 18

"Can we do this without the gag?" Jay asked. "Yeah, I guess so; if you can stay quiet while we shoot of the fuck scene," Shaniqua replied. Jay was bound with Velcro straps to a hefty padded hotel desk chair to the left side of the queen-size bed in the room. His fingers were visible, especially the one on his left hand that now wore a gaudy wide man's wedding band that he had been provided from the set's prop handler; Catherine had been given a matching woman's wedding and engagement...

3 years ago
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Kitty stretched as she awoke, the rays of morning sun fell across her face, its strength warming her body in readiness for the day ahead.She lay on the hard floor reliving last nights experience, thinking of the tall stranger who had silently commanded her obedience, who had used her for his pleasures, whom she had willingly attended to partly out of a need for human company, party out of a need for physical release, but mainly because her need for subservience had been left unattended too for...

1 year ago
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Susanne in Africa

It was in 1993 that I first happened to meet and talk with Susanne and Klaus Beidermeir. I was working on my first assignment as a trade representative in the American Embassy, but of course, as you now know, that was only my cover story. I was just out of my primary intensive training course with the Company. I had been 'lent' to the American Embassy, and I was tasked to gather as much information as I could about several different areas of life in Uganda. In particular, since I was more...

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All American BoyChapter 53

“Rick, this is Marc Crosby, my senior supervisor. His dad is the store manager and Marc is the top team leader in sales and promotions. “Marc, meet Rick Dalton.” “Good to meet you, Marc. You’re a junior in high school and you’ve already made senior supervisor in sales here?” “Yes and believe me, Dad makes sure I work harder than anyone here too. I knew who you were before Gage told me your name. Everyone in school knows who Rick Dalton is. You’re my grandfather’s hero too, Rick, just in...

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Airport Layover Encounter

I used to fly frequently to the upper Midwest, connecting on Comair airline through the Cincinnati airport (actually in northern KY). The regional jets were not always reliable, and I found myself on more than one occasion with a cancelled evening flight, and no available connections until sometime the next morning. As soon as I was aware of the likelihood of a cancelled flight, I would immediately call for a reservation at a nearby hotel, since rooms quickly filled up when bad weather forced...

3 years ago
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the toilet brush part 3

I was lay on a dirty cold floor. I didnt know where i was. I remembered what had happened with masters wife, the coward he had been. It must have been her that did this to me.I tried to move but my hands were tied behind my back, and my feet were tied together. My breasts were still in their tight bondage, god they must have been atleast dark purple by now. And god they ached.The room was very dark and i couldnt see anything. I hated it, not knowing where i was and what was happening. I could...

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