Failures Of PerfectionChapter 14 free porn video

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Ruben parked his car a few blocks away from his apartment, a routine he had always done since he was ambushed in his own place. Just at the moment he began to step out of his car his phone started to ring. He was still a bit shaken after what happened this afternoon and answered the call with an unsteady voice, “Hello?”

“Hi love, it’s me,” a warm female sounded in his ear.

Ruben’s heart skipped a beat as he instantly recognized the voice of his spy at the GIS.

“Hey Darling,” he said softly, realizing he desperately longed for female affection, “Your call is unexpected, something wrong?”

“No,” the woman sighed softly before she continued, “Not really. I, I just happened to be in town and I miss you.”

He closed his eyes, remembering her pretty face and he knew he could jeopardize his whole project when he replied, “So do I darling.”

“Remember when I said rosebud?” she asked with a small voice.

Ruben wrecked his brain until he suddenly realized to what she was referring. With a huge grin plastered on his face he remembered her provocative action and chuckled. “You naughty girl.”

“I can be there in 15 minutes,” the woman said huskily.

He checked how much cash he had and smiled as he replied, “Alright, ask for Mr. Brune,”

He heard a little squeal and then apparently she had composed herself as she said with a sultry voice, “You won’t regret it, Mr. Brune.”

He wasn’t surprised the line was disconnected and with renewed energy he stepped out of the car: hotel ‘The rose garden’ was only a few minutes’ walk away. He looked around before he stepped resolutely the opposite way to the hotel. He knew it would delay him 5 minutes but he wanted to be sure he wasn’t followed by anyone.

The idea of having the beautiful woman in his arms made his blood run a little faster in his veins.

Sweat drops were running down Natalia’s face as she followed the kata Jeanette was performing.

“I must admit, “ remarked Pamela dryly, “It’s great I have more nanites, now I can control how much I feel.“

“Uh huh,” huffed Natalia as she wiped the sweat away from her eye brows, “I have to work a lot harder since I have gained weight.”

Jeanette stopped and turned around to look at the redhead as she said jokingly, “Surely you’re exaggerating, it can be only a few pounds.”

As she was resting her hands on her knees Natalia chuckled, “Pam and I are just bantering.”

“Good,” said Jeanette calmly, “Now, show me the first two sequences. I want to know how much you’ve remembered.”

“Alright,” Natalia replied a little subdued, “I’ll give it a try.”

She shook her arms and blew out some air as she closed her eyes trying to recall the first kata.

She moved her body into the first position and slowly opened her eyes as she let her muscles guide her into the next position.

Jeanette smiled as she positioned herself in front of Natalia and started to perform a counter act, faking attacks.

After a while Jeanette stopped and as she handed Natalia a bottle of chilled water she said enthusiastically, “Well done! We’ll take a break and then you try to use the kata which is most effective for blocking my attack.”

“That’s going to be hard,” pondered Natalia, “How do I suppose to know which Kata you’re going to use?”

Jeanette patted Natalia on her arm as she said, “Let your body do the work, Natalia. You’ll be surprised.”

As Ruben inspected the hotel room he was pleased it was clean and comfortable, perfect for having a great afternoon with a beautiful woman.

The moment he took off his jacket, someone knocked at the door.

Surprised, he checked his watch because he was convinced only 10 minutes had passed. He still was a little shaken by the threat Mr. Sinter had given him and he knew the man sometimes had the nasty urge to convince one he was not to be ignored. He had heard stories about men paying a visit to convey Mr. Sinter’s message.

“Who’s there?” he asked as he kept a safe distance from the door.

He sighed of relief as he heard the warm and sultry voice of his lover, “It’s me, my love.”

He opened the door and was not prepared for the force the woman used to push him against the wall.

Warm soft lips were pressed against his and he enjoyed the fresh minty taste of her tongue which had claimed his mouth. He was faintly aware of the door slamming shut because slender fingers were unbuttoning his shirt and it was not long before those warm fingers were tracing sensual lines across his chest.

She stopped the kiss and said softly, “You smell like cigar smoke.”

“I, I’m sorry,” he said as he kissed her forehead, “I hadn’t the time to have a shower.”

As she pulled his shirt out of his trousers she chuckled. “I like the variation, it gives your aftershave an interesting twist.”

“You want me to smoke a cigar before we meet?” he asked her teasingly.

She pinched one of his nipples as she growled, “Don’t you dare. Kissing you would like be kissing an ashtray.”

Her aggressive behavior made him wild and he suddenly turned his body, forcing her against the wall with a thud. He smothered her moan by claiming her mouth with raw passion and he loved the frantic duel with their tongues.

Realizing he desperately wanted her, he pressed his hips against her soft but firm body. He was taken aback by the agility of her nimble fingers because he felt his trousers getting loose and as he pulled away from her, gravity pulled the slippery fabric down to the floor. Pleased he was barefooted, he kicked the trousers into the corner of the room,

He loved the naughty grin plastered on her beautiful face and as he tenderly moved an obstinate strand of her glossy brown hair behind her ear he said, “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

“Little hook on top and zip it down,” she replied as she moved away from the wall, while slipping her hands towards the small of his back.

His fingers traced up the zip of her dress and found the tiny hook which was quite hard to unhook. After a few attempts it finally budged and with a healthy dose of anticipation he slowly pulled the zipper down.

She was wearing a short sleeve slim fitting dress; and as soon as he had completed her request, she walked away from him, swinging her hips whereby, with each swing, the dress slipped down a few more inches.

When she had reached the desk, situated opposite the large double bed, the dress slid over her hips and pooled around her 4 inch heels. She gracefully stepped out the circle of shiny fabric and as she looked over her shoulder she asked with an innocent voice, “You help me with the bra?”

Only then he saw that the brunette was naked except for her lace stay-ups and her bra. As a predator: he walked slowly towards the brunette, admiring her unblemished skin. The heels she was wearing made her toned legs look enticingly sexy which was a huge turn on for Ruben. He traced his finger over her firm bottom, following the soft curves of her amazing body, until he had reached the lace fabric of her bra.

He knew how to unhook a bra with one hand; and, within a split second, the sides of the bra moved forward. He kissed her shoulder blades as he moved the straps down her arms and gently gave her a signal to turn around.

After she had dropped her fancy bra she turned, resting her behind against the desk.

Ruben saw the raw desire in her chocolate brown eyes and couldn’t stop himself stepping forward.

As he looked at her perfect body, images of Sindy’s voluptuous body flashed through his mind.

His heart was in his throat, not really knowing what was happening to him and he suddenly lifted her on the desk as he hoarsely commanded, “Spread your legs.”

With a sultry moan she instantly obeyed his wish and whispered, “Please.”

Natalia was enjoying the hot water flowing around her body and massaging her sore muscles as she nibbled the special fruit that would speed up the recovery of her abused muscles.

“How are you doing, Pam?” she asked.

“Busy fixing the damaged muscle cells, “ her accomplice said with a slightly irritated voice.

“I’m sorry, Pam,” she meekly responded.

“No you’re not, “ Pamela retorted.

Natalia sat up straight, the water sloshing over the edge of the tub, knowing there was something else bothering her friend.

“Whoah, Pam,” replied Natalia softly, “What’s wrong?”

“I told you to take it easy! And what do I have to do? Fix your muscles because you don’t listen to me.“

“Oh come on Pam!” Natalia said a little shocked, “It can’t be such a strain on you anymore. The last time you only had 30 percent, and I didn’t hear you complaining then.”

“I know, “ Pamela sighed, “But you don’t know how complex those new shield nanites are. It completely takes all my spare nanites to process the new data.“

Natalia was dumbfounded by her mate’s comment, making her really angry until she realized that what Pamela was doing had an instant effect on her well-being as well.

“Okay, okay,” Natalia said trying to keep her own emotions at bay, “How long does it take you to fix my muscles?”

“Oh I don’t know, “ said Pamela, “Maybe an hour.“

“Right,” the redhead said slowly, “I need to train to keep us safe and you are studying the armor to keep us safe.”

“Erm, yeah, “ she responded, “that part I already have figured out.“

Natalia inwardly smiled as she realized she finally got Pamela at the point she was going to tell her why she was upset and asked with interest, “So what have I missed: what else is important?’

“Well, erm, I was at the point where I was about to get some insights, but suddenly I just didn’t have enough nanites, “ Pamela said with a small dose of irritation.

Natalia could relate to that and said genuinely, “I’m sorry Pam, I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay, “ her companion said softly, “It’s just frustrating because you think you finally have enough nanites and then those bloody Enzuins come up with something incredible.“

“Oh that really sucks, Pam,” the redhead said as she allowed herself to relax in the warm water again, “But can you give me a laymen version of what you’ve found so far?”

“Alright, “ she responded a little reserved, “There are loads more but it takes time to discover.“

“I know,” said Natalia soothingly, “I don’t mind and I’ll try to be less enthusiastic at Jeanette’s lessons.”

“Uh huh, “ bantered Pamela back and then said with a gleeful tone, “I can transform your ‘fluffy’ stomach into a rock hard six pack in a second.“

Natalia squealed as she felt a strange sensation at the region of her stomach and as she lifted her body out of the water she couldn’t believe her eyes.

With trembling fingers she traced the clearly definable bumps on her stomach and to her astonishment those little hills were really hard.

“OMG Pam!” she gushed.

“Knock on it with your knuckles, “ Pamela said smugly.

She did what her friend asked and she realized she hardly felt the impact even when she forcefully stumped her own stomach with her fist.

“This is amazing, Pam,” she whispered.

“Yeah, “ her accomplice replied, “According the Enzuins a solidified shield should withstand any sharp object and even a small caliber bullet.“

“Wow,” said Natalia totally flabbergasted, “You could protect us completely.”

“Hmm, not completely; you still want to be able to move but I think we can sort that out later, “ Pamela explained.

“Yup, you have a point.”

“Alright, now I show you something very practical, “ said her companion.

Natalia gasped as she felt her breasts getting deformed and as she looked at them she instantly understood what Pamela had done.

“Oh, that is perfect!” she exclaimed, “No more sweaty sports bras!”

“I thought you would like that, “ Pamela said warmly, “Now watch this.“

Natalia giggled as she saw her breasts lift and pushed together as if they were confined in a pushup bra but then gasped as she saw her nipples pushed into the flesh of her breasts.

“Any wet T-shirt contest will be disappointing for the boys, “ said Pamela jokingly.

“Hmm,” Natalia pondered, “This is absolutely useful when it’s hot weather because I bet you can project a bra fabric on top of this.”

“Oh, smart thinking Nat, “ Pamela said approvingly, “Let me see. Like this?“

As she saw the blood red fabric painted on her skin she gushed, “I need to see this via a mirror!”

Natalia stepped out of the bath and walked to the mirror and stared at her reflection, noticing she still had the six pack stomach as well.

“Looks great,” she replied with a smirk, “Missing the pants though.”

“No you don’t, “ Pamela instantly shot back playfully.

“Jesus,” Natalia whispered in awe as she saw she was wearing a matching lace slip which covered her private bits completely.

“Yes, you can call this a fancy chastity belt, “ Pamela said with a smug tone.

Natalia couldn’t resist checking what Pamela just blatantly had said and was truly shocked when she felt a strange rigid structure, preventing her from touching her vagina. With interest she studied the construct Pamela had created and could not find any flaws.

“Now that is something very interesting,” Natalia said with a smirk, “I’ll bet you can create spikes as well.”

“Spread your legs a little more, “ her mate suggested, “I don’t want to hurt you.“

Natalia instantly followed Pamela’s instruction and gasped as she saw the shiny silvery spikes shooting out of her chastity belt.

She giggled nervously and said, “I hope we always agree who’s going to have fun with us.”

“Ow, I didn’t think of that Natalia, “ Pamela conceded, “But you’ve given me some interesting ideas.“

“Glad I was of some help,” Natalia murmured softly.

“Nat?“ Pamela asked softly, “Are you okay?“

Natalia took a deep breath as she noticed her partner gradually had removed all the enhancements.

She nodded to her reflection and said softly, “When I decided to keep your nanites I did it because I couldn’t bear the thought of banishing you to the jars again. But I know we’re getting closer every day and it’s normal that our budding relationship will have its ups and downs. Actually I’m glad you have gotten those extra nanites because now you have gained some control over my body.”

“Oh Natalia, “ Pamela said softly, “You have no idea. My previous life pales in comparison with what we have together now.“

“And your relationship with Gregory?”

“Look who’s asking, “ Pamela grumbled, “Don’t forget I know exactly how your body is responding if you’re in the same room with him.“

Natalia slumped down her shoulders as she knew Pamela was right. But she also understood that her life had been turned upside down.

“I’m scared, Pam,” Natalia said with a small voice.

“I know, “ her friend said with a soothing tone, “We are not ready for a lover.“

Natalia gasped as she realized that her amazing partner hit the nail on its head.

“You’re right,” said Natalia relieved, “Gosh I didn’t know it was that simple.”

Pamela laughed. “Dream on girl.“

Natalia grinned as she knew she had cut some corners here and there and replied, “Hmm, I love it.”

Ruben dozed a little, enjoying the soft body of his lover pressed against him. He loved the way her fingers were lazily playing with the tuft of his chest hair. He closed his eyes savoring her accompany, knowing it would end eventually.

She sighed happily as she snuggled up even closer, crossing her warm leg over both his legs.

“My love,” she suddenly said with a serious tone, “You seem a bit distracted.”

He was silent for a while.

She lifted her head to look him in the eyes and kissed him softly on the cheek. Then she lay down again, tracing with her soft fingers over his well-developed six-pack.

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5 weeks into the coronavirus lockdown, my resistance finally cracked. My roommate, John, and I were broke as hell and we had been fired from our workplace at the local mall. The landlord, who was a Mexican gangster, wanted rent paid on time or else we were in serious trouble. We had only a few days supply of food remaining. I was horny and I had not heard a girl over in months.John, my roommate, had broken up with his girlfriend over a year ago. And now since we were both broke and about to be...

3 years ago
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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 6

It was late August and the summer was starting to cool down. I was just finishing up my shift at the adult book store when I saw a customer come in through the back door. Lots of people come in through the back since the bigger parking lot is in the back, but something about this guy caught my attention. He was heavyset and older, probably in his early 50's. His hair was still fairly dark, but had some silver/grey coming in at the temples. He was wearing a polo shirt and loose khaki shorts. He...

2 years ago
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Hard Guys and HostagesChapter 10

Max led the little Winslow cunt into the kitchen and put her to work setting the table and getting something ready to eat. "Could I have my robe?" she asked. "It's dirty." "Well, maybe there's another--" "You look fine the way you are." "Oh. Well, then could I have a towel? I'm--" "It'll evaporate. Get your ass in gear." She worked fast, almost feverishly, and first he thought it was just to keep her mind off of her own nakedness and wetness. Then it occurred to him that...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Kali Ryder Fucks Juan

A boring day around the house, cooking and cleaning, becomes much more exciting for 42-year-old Kali Ryder when her daughter’s boyfriend shows up. He’s Juan “El Caballo” Loco. Juan, who looks like a kid, doesn’t seem disappointed when Ms. Ryder tells him that Pam, her daughter, won’t be home for a while. He’s happy to just sit and talk with Ms. Ryder. She’s a cool mom. Kali is intrigued by Juan’s tattoos. It quickly becomes an...

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My Lover Knows

I’m waiting by the doorway of the hotel suite’s bedroom. I can hear the electronic key card sliding and unlocking the door. My lover enters the room after a long day of work and a two hour drive to our secret place. He gives me the shy smile I have come to adore, as he places his suit jacket on the chair. I’m dressed in lingerie he bought me a month ago and sent to my work. He can’t send it home to me, my husband, nor his wife for that matter, would appreciate it. It’s a push up lacy bra that...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 04

Chapter IV   The 15-mile drive into town Mike's mind went over the list of item he needed to pick up. The first stop would be the Boat Marina to pick up the new ski rope for the boat then over to the small grocery store on the Westside of town. He and Terri always shopped there because the owners were such nice people and they always treated everyone with kindness.   Arriving at the Marina , Mike pulled into the large lot and parked the near the front door. Then going inside he saw that...

Wife Lovers
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"Honey, it's time for your paper route!""Alright mom! I'm coming!" And Carly Simpson wasn't k**ding. She was coming, hard. As she spoke to her mother, she had three fingers of one hand jammed up her tight teenage cunt, and she was using the other hand to rub her swollen clit. She stood in front of the full-length dressing mirror on the back of her closet door, and watched herself as she orgasmed. The nipples on her perky tits stood out like bullets, her curly blond hair bounced on her...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 13

Terri gazed with smug satisfaction at her handiwork, smiling at the sounds of Heather's grunts and moans. Heather was turned in her seat towards the side, her hips thrust forward, her hands gripping the edges of the chair. Her clothing lay strewn around her seat. Perspiration glistened in the fluorescent lights. Her legs were wrapped around an invisible lover, hips jerking in rhythm to phantom thrusts into her pussy. Around her, the rest of the class plodded through their assignments,...

2 years ago
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What A Girl

What A Girl I was forced to attend yet another family reunion. Would you believe that it was my forth family reunion this year? Each one was more boring than the last one. I found a chair in a corner in a room that almost no one entered. They constantly walked by the doorway, looked in, and asked me to join in the fun. What fun? One of my little cousins came in and sat in my lap. That little minx squirmed around in my lap until she gave me a boner. What a girl! Then she giggled,...

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Chrysalis BugChapter 2

We had to manage our space, considering that we HAD to eat, and everything else could be found again elsewhere. We did over-stack those semis, though. Since we never went over 45, who cared? We started to think about making a wider sweep for equipment, but decided to limit ourselves to passing thru areas with the places we wanted to salvage from. For example, Bass Pro Shops and Cabella's were two national sporting goods chains. We wanted to hit a couple of military bases to see what was...

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English Teacher

English Teacher?Christ, I can?t do this.  There is no way I can walk into the building today,? Jodi whispered to herself.         Going into the school this morning would be the end of a long night, or the beginning of a tumultuous day.  Her hands where shaking.  She reached into her purse to find a pack of gum, which would give her something to do so that she could focus some of that nervous energy.  Her stomach turned, and she bit back the hot acidic bile that burned her throat.  ?Please...

1 year ago
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Cat fisher

Cat Fisher Short Fiction by Liam Slade Copyright 2020 Liam Slade, all rights reserved. To be reprinted only with permission of the author. Find more fiction from Liam Slade at When I came back to high school for senior year, I thought I as a shoo-in to make starting quarterback. I had drilled all summer and was a favorite of the coach. It was my dream. First this, then college football, then hopefully get drafted into the NFL. What I didn't count on was...

2 years ago
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Crystal builds a college fund

"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

1 year ago
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Exposed Again

In the weeks that followed that crazy night my wife exposed me to all of her friends I noticed things in the neighborhood had changed. "Honey" I said one evening as I was setting the table for dinner, "I'm not sure but I think your friends have told others about my...habits." My wife looked me up and down. I was wearing a short maid's uniform that she had gotten me a few days back. "Well, I can't swear them to secrecy you know, women talk and when we encounter someone as special as...

2 years ago
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Floor ExercisesChapter 2

"Coach Carson?" I said. I approached her when she was lunch monitor on Tuesday during the following week. "Hi, Jack," she said. "How are you doing?" "Um ... well, I've been thinking about what you said before about ... um ... gymnastics." "You have?" she said with surprise. Her face lit up. With the excitement in her face and the big smile, she looked very pretty. I could now see why some guys thought she was sexy. She stood only about five four compared to my five ten but she...

4 years ago
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I had trouble believing my eyes. I recognized her right away even though the last time I had seen her was fifteen years ago and three thousand miles away. I stood there and watched her as she circulated and socialized and I couldn't help but wonder if she would recognize me without the beard and glasses. If she did it could possibly prove to be embarrassing for the both of us. I decided to err on the side of caution and I kept a close eye on her and whenever she started to move toward my part...

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Southern belle sure is kinky

After being seduced by Tina that night she kept coming back for more. I thought her Daughter was a good fuck she couldn’t hold a candle to her mother. Sure Carla was young ,super tight and could last a lot longer; she didn’t have the oral skills her mother had. While Carla was having fun in college fucking all the college boys ,her mom focused her attention on me.Her experiences with other men through out the years had made her suseptive to exploring new men to get off.She was still deeply...

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Ana neeeds a very huge and hard cock

That late evening my sensual wife admitted she was completely horny and she wanted more than my hard and thick cock inside her. Anita told me she really needed some “black action” and then she convinced me to attend an interracial party out of town. The place had been recommended by her slutty girlfriend Helena, of course…We arrived there early, finding that were already several couples and single black studs at the party house. After about an hour of chatting with many of the dark skin men,...

2 years ago
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Neighbors Daughters

One day I was working on my property when I decided to walk down to the local river. As I approached the river bank, on my property, I saw a ATV parked. I slowly approached and looked out on the sandbar and in the sun I saw my neighbors daughters. They were actually step sister. One I knew just turned 18 and was in high school and the other I knew was older and had been away in college for a year. They are both hot, one brunette with large tits and shapely ass and a hot red head, the...

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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 21

If you listen to Gaen, you will hear things. Learn things. If you listen, you will come to know Gaen's will. The philosophers have long said this, but to my knowledge, they did not listen as I have learned to listen, and perhaps none have listened so. Just as I have come to learn about my own song, I have come to understand that if I leave the song alone as it comes to me, rather than grabbing it — ah! Well then there are things to be learned in the song Gaen sings. Some of what is there...

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Captain GoldChapter 7 Hide and Seek

"How are you feeling this morning, sir?" Rand hesitated before opening his eyes. He braced himself as his body remembered pain. It didn't come, and he finally let himself relax. "Pretty good." He smiled up at the wrinkled face of Nurse Third Class Imrud. The little man was incredibly old for a space hand, with a lurid store of even more ancient jokes. Rand hadn't particularly liked him, the few times they'd talked, but right now any human contact was welcome. He wondered idly just...

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Too Hot To Handle

Hi guys this is Raj here well I am back and thanks for all the feedbacks and yes in case if any girls or women in Chennai are interested in having some fun Pls do get in touch to and other readers pls give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let me not waste time and get started. Well after a night that made Riya and Raj get a bit tipsy and leads to fore play, Well the next day I (Raj) wakes up rubbing my eyes and removes the blanket and then it strikes me that I am all nude and all...

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Best Friends

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Best Friends By Patricia Walt and I had been best friends since middle school. We were both awkward geeks that found friendship and sympathy in our shared rejection by the rest of...

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Ghosts of the PastChapter 3

Charles Richards rejoined his friends at their table in the nightclub toward the end of the Christmas Party on Friday night, December 14, 1956. His wife Diana was onstage again for her last set. He had called his and Tom's boss at the FBI and told the Assistant Director about the night's developments. Peter Woods was going to call it in to Washington. But he was worried because they'd gotten this information through a social situation. He was sure headquarters would still require some...

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Always hard the beginning Chapter 2

Summer of 1953 Discovering His Manhood It was July of 1953, and the two Eddies and Vic had gone to Astoria Pool to go swimming, nothing else. They never even talked about girls, let alone looked at them. They were just three young k**s looking to have fun the only way they knew, and that was swimming at the pool, playing stickball and riding their bikes. Girls, no matter how nice they were, just never fit into their plans. They didn't want them, didn’t need them. At least that's what they...

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Youre the One that I want Part 9

You're the One that I Want By Jena Corso Edited by Typsie Chapter Nine With Bryce oblivious to the latest tirade, he had his makeup touched up and met up with the squad. Out he'd come on cue, doing his cheer and then sat doing his job without issue all game. He thought it was odd that Brooke didn't cheer but when he noticed her up with Gracie in the crowd barely paying attention to the game thought little of it. He'd be stuck kissing his boyfriend at half court for the cameras...

2 years ago
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The Challenge of a Younger Wife

I’m turning fifty and my new wife is half my age. She is very pretty, built nicely, and loves sex. I do too but realize that I can’t keep up with her youthful libido. Here is how we got together. We worked in the same building and parked in the same lot. Our arrivals coincided quite often and I’d briefly visit with her as we walked. One Friday morning she seemed very out-of-sorts so I asked her what was wrong. She was near tears as she explained that a boyfriend had promised her a weekend at...

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The Taxi

I decided a few years ago that driving a taxi wouldn't get me too far in life, so I developed a new plan. I bought my taxi and decided to freelance. I approached some of my friends that I knew would agree to my idea and they were my first clients. I would pick them up and than drive the streets. I wouldn't pick up any woman flagging me down unless my client approved of her. Once we picked the 'customer' up I would drive my client to wherever he choose, usually somewhere dark and quiet, and...

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Hallelujah Ch 09

The podium wobbles a little as I reach out to grip it. It’s made of compressed wood, a dark and somber shade of brown, and from afar it looks nice and mournful. But now that I’m right next to it I can see that one of the casters is either loose or broken, and the whole thing is just waiting for someone to lean on it wrong and send it crashing to the ground. I adjust my grip to prevent both the wobbling and its accompanying squeak. It occurs to me that this is exactly how the bored-looking...

4 years ago
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Breeding Mrs Gray pt 2

My second time with Mrs. Gray and the start of something new…maybe. I spent the rest of the night in a dream. I couldnt believe I just fucked Mrs. Gray and she really wanted it. I jerked off twice since last night and my dick was still rock hard. I couldnt wait to do it again, but I wanted it to be another surprise, so she could really get what she wanted. So I had a plan to wait a day or two and then surprise her at your home or something. So I spent the rest of the day just cleaning around...

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