HitwifeChapter 3 free porn video

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I didn't know what happened, but I was probably gonna wind up in a hole ... or digging a hole, and I wouldn't know which until it was too late to do anything about it. If there was any good news at all it was that maybe Bert and the Don were coming to their senses.

"Problems?" Jimmy had caught the look on my face.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "You guys take care of my fiancé get him drunk, get him laid." Jimmy nodded. "And make sure he wears a rubber!"

"Sure, Rache." Jimmy grinned and left the room.

I managed to scrounge up a decent dress, black and strapless, put my .380 on my thigh, my hushpuppy in my purse, and fixed my face. A sit down was a serious thing, like diplomacy for Wise guys, and I always wanted to look good for Bert. That man ... I checked my pad, it was clean, so at least my period had stopped. Four days was short, but I wasn't complaining. I called Tony the Barber and told him I wanted that kid I was with earlier to meet me at the Pony, a little joint a couple block's from Mixie's in the Queens.

"Make sure he's dressed right, too. Like a fuckin' date," I warned him and Tony just laughed.

I was stressing a little. Partly from PMS, partly from moving, a little maybe because it was just really sinking in that I was getting married in two days, and mostly because I was sure I was gonna get whacked. I had that little paranoid voice in my head telling me that Bert was thinking I'd been wrong about Vic, maybe on purpose, because I hated the guy. I imagined Vic talking to Bert, or the Don maybe, telling them that it was really me making the move. That I'd just covered my tracks, blamed it on Vic, and was just waiting to try something else. It sounded crazy and made no real sense, but it frightened me a little too because it was the things that didn't make sense that got you killed in this business.

But there was nothing I could do about that.

I picked up Tommy and he looked good. He got into the car and smiled at me. "Hi, Rache ... Wow! You look great!"

"Thanks." I smiled back at him.

"I, uh ... didn't have a lot of time, but I got you this." I noticed for the first time that he was carrying a single long stemmed rose.

"What's that for?" I laughed.

"Huh?" He looked confused. "Tony, he said, um ... we were going out, on a date."

I rolled my eyes, wondering how the wops ever got off fucking Sicily, we were so stupid sometimes. "I told Tony to dress you like we're going on a date." I looked at him. "This is business."

"Oh." He looked suddenly very sad. "But, uh ... you like the rose anyways, right?"

I stopped at a red light and took the opportunity to lean over. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his mouth to mine. "It's very sweet, Tommy," I breathed and then we kissed deeply until someone behind us honked impatiently.

"Mmmm..." Tommy was all smiles again. Goddamn! That boy was sexy.

"Maybe after business we can do something about that rose, okay?" I rubbed his leg and pulled up in front of Mixie's, a little club that Vic owned. "Right now you keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. You loaded?"

"Always." He patted the .38 in a shoulder holster.

"Good, leave it in there." I took a deep breath and got out, walking into the club with Tommy close behind.

"Rache ... Hey, Rache ... Yo! Rache ... Rachael, how ya doin? ... Hi Rache..." A half dozen people greeted me as I walked through the club.

The place was lively and there were a lot of customers, mostly civilians, but quite a few buttons too, out with their girlfriends. I walked through to the back and up a curving stairway to Vic's office. He had a guy standing outside who knocked for me and let me in, leaving Tommy to wait outside.

I smiled and walked in to give the rising Bert a hug. I let out the breath I'd been holding. If I was gonna be whacked it would have happened as soon as I walked through the door. I never even would have known what was going on, I'd just be dead.

"Rachael, nice to see you again." Bert kissed my cheeks and grabbed my ass affectionately.

"Always good to see you, Mr. Capris." I smiled.

"Mr. Capris, is it?" Bert laughed. "She thought she was getting clipped!"

"That's cute," Vic said, smiling beneath his cold, unfriendly eyes.

"Vic ... Nice place you got here." I shook hands with him.

"It pays good," Vic the Prick shrugged and we all sat down.

There were two guys against the wall, Ritchie and someone else, both Bert's. The guy outside would have to be Vic's.

"So..." I looked at Bert expectantly.

But it was Vic who did the talking. "Danny Pats did Carmine. I got the word from his gun, a contractor named Riggio. He said Danny paid him two grand for the job, no questions."

"I know Riggio." I didn't add that I thought he was a dirtbag who'd do his own mother for a dime. "Why'd Danny go out of town?" Riggio was from Pittsburgh. "Why not just do it himself?"

"Hmmm ... Why?" Bert looked at me. "That's what we were wondering as well."

"And why Danny ordered the hit the same day you found Frankie and the coke." Vic stared at me.

I stared back. Everything was pointing to Danny now. Carmine had been Danny's boy anyway, so they set up the deal to steal a million dollars worth of coke. It falls through and Danny cuts the only tie between himself and the job. Carmine's dead, he points his finger at Vic, Vic points at him, and nobody can prove one way or the other. The only thing that really bothered me was Riggio. Why was he still breathing? Unless...

"Where Riggio?" I asked, getting that feeling as I resisted the urge to look over my shoulder.

"Back in Pittsburgh," Vic nodded. "He got the word off the street that some people were interested in Carmine so he figured coming clean was safer than forgetting about it."

"He talk to you Bert?" I looked at the old man.

"He called me," Vic said, giving Bert a quick glance and then boring into my eyes with his, daring me to say what was on my mind.

"Riggio called you." I shook my head slightly. "Now why would he do that?"

"What's a matter? You pissed cause I got a little something before you, Rache?" He looked like a shark. "Or maybe cause Riggio ain't done talking yet?"

That was the threat, why Riggio wasn't breathing mud at the bottom of the Hudson. Maybe Danny was the bad guy, maybe he had some help from me, and I knew that ratfuck from Pittsburgh would sing any tune that paid.

"You know, Vic, you never know when to shut the fuck up." I slipped my hand into the slit of my skirt, down between my thighs. It was getting tense in that little room.

"I know better than you," he gloated. Oh yeah! He had a real surprise waiting for me; I could see it in his eyes. "One of these days, Princess..."

"Alright." Bert held up his hand, though I sensed he was enjoying this little contest. "We're all friends here."

"You gotta watch that pet of yours, Bert, she's liable to get hit by a car crossing the street." Vic chuckled.

Oh, the subtle wit of Vic the Prick. So that's the way he wanted it. No matter what else happened at this meeting, it was clear that I was going to have to bury the bastard before he buried me. Bert wasn't stopping it either, since he probably figured it had already gone too far anyway. At least now I knew. Vic really was pretty stupid.

"Maybe I should pay Riggio a little visit." I was talking to Bert, but staring at Vic. "Just to get his story straight."

"Maybe you should get on your fuckin' knees and..."

"You ain't the Don yet, you piece of shit!" I stood up just as Vic started reaching in his desk and I had my .380 pointed at his face, freezing him. "Give me the word, Bert."

"That's what I love about you, Rache." Bert was laughing. "You always say what's on your mind."

Vic was staring at me with a look of pure hatred in his eyes. "Bert?" His voice was uncertain suddenly. "You gonna let the bitch get away with this? She's in it too, pullin' the strings, her and Danny Pats..."

"Ritchie." Bert nodded with his head and the button walked over, reaching slowly in front of Vic, taking the pistol out of the drawer and handing it to Bert. "I talked to Mr. Riggio, Vic, and he told me the same thing."

Vic exhaled then and I thought I saw a little smile creep across his malicious face.

"Until Ritchie put his hand in the garbage disposal." Vic looked at Bert then, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "Then he told me it was you, not Danny, and you gave him an extra grand just to finger Rachael."

"No, Bert ... Mr. Capris, look he set me up here..."

Bert waved at him to shut up. "I figured you'd want to be here, Rache. Kind of an early wedding present." The old man winked at me. "We're still on for tomorrow, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it, Bert."

"Good." He stood up, handing the pistol to Ritchie and kissing me on the cheek. He smiled. "Good bye, Vic." The Consigliore walked across the room, his two guys following.

Ritchie paused briefly, handing me Vic's gun and giving me a little smile of his own. "See you tomorrow night, Rachael." He was cute.

"Send Tommy in on your way out, would ya, Ritchie?" He nodded and I knew they'd take care of Vic's boy outside too.

Tommy stepped in and looked at me holding two guns on the Boss of Queens. "Holy shit! That was Mr. Capris!" Tommy grinned at me. "And that's..."

"Vic the Prick," I answered drolly, handing him Vic's gun. "If he moves shoot him."

"Rachael, look..." Vic started saying. "I know we never really hit it off, but I swear, this is all a misunderstanding..."

I was nodding my head as I screwed the silencer onto the hushpuppy. "Say hello to Carmine for me..." I was going to enjoy this, " ... you fuckin' prick."


I shot him four times in the chest with the little .22 and then walked to where Vic sat behind his desk. The man's breathing was labored and raspy as blood spilled out of his lungs. He looked at me dumbly and I pushed the gun into his open mouth and pulled the trigger...


... angling upward so the bullet went into his brain, rattling around in his cranium without exiting.

"Goddamn," Tommy breathed as I took my gun apart and put it back in my purse. I looked at him and smiled. "What do we do now?" he asked.

I straightened my dress and checked myself in a mirror hanging on the wall. "Well, first we go eat, and then I feel like dancing." I glanced at my date. "You do know how to dance, right?"

"Oh! Hell yeah!" He grinned. "I'm from Brooklyn!"

"And then, if you dance real good, we're going to fuck until we can't see straight." I jerked my head at the door.

"Oh shit! Yeah, Rache!" He fairly ran to open the door for me.

We went to dinner at the New York Strip, which was a first class restaurant just off Broadway. Tommy kept me entertained, talking about his old neighborhood mostly, which made it easy for me to relax. Poor Vic, I couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. He should have whacked Riggio the first chance he got and just let things play out. But he had to get cute and push it. It was going to be trouble, clipping a Boss, some of his boys wouldn't take it well. He had a kid running around too, an illegitimate bastard who was just out of high school. He'd need some watching.

I didn't know who the Don was going to give Queens to either. It was never good leaving a hole, one of the other Families was bound to move and take up the slack. But Bert knew enough to deal with that. I figured he'd already lined someone up before we'd even sat down with Vic. Probably since Monday, when I'd told the old man that I was sure Vic was dirty. I'd never been wrong, that was why I got the calls. I still needed to sit down with Danny. He and I got along okay, but he didn't trust me. I didn't know if it was because I was a woman or too damn young, or both, but he'd made it plain he thought I had no business being in the Family. I needed to straighten him out.

"You got a girlfriend, Tommy?" I asked him later, we were going to a dance club in Manhattan. I'd decided I'd feel safer on my own turf. It was new place, mostly Goth/Techno with a stage. Swan was playing tonight, Billy Corgan's new band, and the line outside was ridiculous. We walked past everyone, moving toward the velvet ropes.

"Yeah, I gotta girl." Tommy had his arm around me. "But I forget her name." He nuzzled my ear and I laughed.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Some guy in a double breasted suit with his girlfriend, dressed in diamonds, gave us a look as we pushed by. We ignored them.

"Bitch!" the girl said.

We were almost at the doors, maybe ten yards further down the sidewalk, and I sighed as Tommy turned around. I stood there, wondering why boys had to be boys sometimes. But it would be interesting to see Tommy trying to impress me.

"Keep it in your pants, Tommy," was the only advice I gave him.

Tommy smiled at me and then turned to the couple. "Excuse me?" Tommy was about 5'10" and real pretty, like I said before. The other guy was a couple inches taller, blonde and blue, with a lot of jewelry. I figured him for somebody's kid and he had his own girlfriend to impress too. One of those clenched teeth WASP bitches, probably from Vassar.

"There's a line pal." The guy looked down at Tommy and put his arm protectively around his girl.

Tommy ignored the guy and stared at the woman. She was beautiful, in an aristocratic sort of way, like she might have married a Kennedy ... if there were any available. "What the fuck did you say?" he asked her.

"What?" She looked at Tommy in disbelief.

"Say it again, cunt." Tommy glared at her.

"You better back off, man." The guy started moving his girl behind him.

"Say it again." The girl was hiding now, barely peeking around her boyfriend. "Go on," Tommy dared, "just say it, slut."

"Look, man..." The guy gave Tommy a little push and that was all it took.

Tommy hit him in the jaw, snapping the guy's head back and then gave him a good hard shot to the solar plexus, doubling the guy over. Tommy brought his knee up into blondie's nose, while he pulled the poor guy's head down. There was a loud, sickening crunch as some bones cracked and the guy dropped to the sidewalk. It had taken all of three seconds, probably less.

The girl stood there, staring at the lump her boyfriend had become, and Tommy dusted himself off. "I see you in Manhattan again and you're fucking dead." Tommy spit on the guy and kicked him in the head for luck.

"Oh my God! Jamie!" The girl knelt down and her boyfriend just groaned.

Tommy looked at the girl and shook his head, turning back to put his arm around me. "They probably live here, Tommy." I grinned at my new knight in shining armor.

"Then they better fuckin' move." He chuckled, giving me a little squeeze as we walked up to the doormen, two big guys dressed sharp, and another big guy holding a clipboard.

"Name?" The guy with the clipboard sounded disinterested, like he didn't really believe we should have been bothering him. But then he had to deal with a couple hundred people trying to get past him every night.

"Tommy Figaro." He smiled.

The guy ran his finger down the page, flipping it over. "Nope."

"No?" Tommy looked shocked. "You know who I am?"

The other two guys looked over, wondering if there was going to be trouble.

"No. You're gonna have to wait, sir."

"You know who I work for?" Tommy was distinctly unhappy and I was getting bored. "Tony the Barber? Ring any bells, jack off?"

"He ain't on the list either. Now beat it, punk, before you embarrass yourself."

"He works for me." I rolled my eyes. "Rachael Rossi."

One of the other guys looked at me.

"So?" he shrugged and I narrowed my eyes. This guy with the clipboard wasn't gonna last long. Thankfully, one of his friends knew the deal.

"Miss Rossi, it's a pleasure. I'm Dave and I apologize, we, uh ... didn't know you were coming." The guy who knew my name stepped forward quickly, unclipping the rope and smiling nervously. "Please, come this way. I'll show you to your table. We're really very sorry, Miss Rossi. Carl is new, it won't happen again."

Carl, the guy with the clipboard, didn't have a clue what the fuss was about. Tommy looked a little downcast, so I put my arm through his and pulled him tight as we entered.

"Don't take it so hard, Tommy, the guy's new!" I giggled, but I knew he was embarrassed, not getting respect in front of his new boss like that.

All the good clubs in Manhattan paid respect. It kept their deliveries on time, the cops off their backs, pimps and dealers stayed a respectable distance, and the place didn't burn down. It was good insurance and a place like this put up $1500 a week or more. Nobody opened a joint in Manhattan without talking to me, or Sonny Sabo, who worked for the Bardino Family. We shared Manhattan in an uneasy sort of truce, the lines had been laid out after the last real war and for the most part we stuck to them.

I came to a decision before we even sat down. "I want to see Mr. Loris first," I told our escort, having to shout above the music.

Dave nodded, taking us behind a large bar and into a hallway, then up some stairs, pausing to knock at a door marked 'Manager's Office' and beneath that, 'Peter Loris' in gold lettering. Dave opened the door without waiting for a reply and let us in. It was quiet in the office, spacious with a large picture window looking out over the stage and the dance floor. Another wall had several TV monitors, showing the sidewalk outside the entrance, the bar, the crowd, and the stairway we'd just walked up.

"Rachael." Loris was already standing up and smiling, walking over to shake my hand. There was a stunning young woman sitting on a red leather loveseat in front of the big desk, she looked at us and started powdering her nose.

"Peter," I smiled back. "This is my associate, Tommy Figaro." He shook Tommy's hand too, exchanging pleasantries.

Dave leaned against the closed door, frowning. He was probably thinking I was going to clip somebody, probably Carl, and the thought almost made me laugh.

"Come, please, sit down. Would you like some champagne?" Loris looked at us and waved at the girl. "Amy, get some champagne. Dave, help her." He watched the girl get up reluctantly, snapping her little compact closed, and Dave escorted her out of the room, closing it behind them. "Now, what can I do for you, Rache?"

"Tommy's going to be collecting from now on. You got troubles, you go through him." I could feel Tommy's eyes on me, the kid was surprised, but I ignored it for the moment.

"Okay, I'll get the word out." Loris nodded, glancing at my boy.

"Give him a number, Tommy."

"Here." Tommy had his own business cards and I suppressed a giggle. "My office, home, and cel are on there. I'll be around every Tuesday, 1pm sharp, you run late and it's eight points off the top."

"We're not late," Loris promised.

"You have any problems Peter?" I asked him.

"Yeah, matter of fact, I was meaning to call you. We've been trying to get some parking, get our valet service up. There's a lot around back, maybe you saw it? A dry cleaning place. I made 'em some offers, you know, and I thought we had a deal. Now some guy named Joey Meese... ?" Loris dug in a little wallet and found a card. "Yeah, Joseph Meese. A Jew lawyer. He's working the deal and every fucking time I get that cocksucker on the phone the price goes up."

He handed the card to Tommy.

"I can handle this, Mr. Loris," Tommy assured both of us as he pocketed the card.

"Thanks, Tommy." Loris nodded. "Other than that ... Hell, business is good."

"Good. Now, I think it's time for some dancing." I stood up and the two men did the same. "Always nice to see you, Peter."

"All mine, Rache." He walked us to the door.

"Oh, Mr. Loris..." Tommy turned around. "One thing. Next time I come here, if my name isn't on the list..."

"Whoa! Say no more, it's done..." Loris held up his hands. "My regular guy is out sick, you know him, Rache. Eddie Summers?" I nodded, I knew Eddie. He used to break legs for Charlie. "That new guy, Carl..." Peter shook his head. "He's from Coney Island, doesn't know shit about shit. I'll straighten him up."

"Great." Tommy smiled and shook Peter's hand. "I feel better already."

We left Peter's office in a good mood, which doesn't always happen in our line of work.

"You giving me this joint, Rache?" Tommy was all smiles as we made our way back to the club proper.

"See how you do with it," I agreed as we checked Tommy's jacket and my purse. If Tommy did good, and this place would be a cakewalk, I could move him up quickly. He seemed bright enough, eager too.

"I won't let you down. Really, all I ever wanted was to work for you," he said. "I'll check the books next Tuesday and..."

"Tommy..." I looked at him.

"Yeah, Rache?"

"Shut up and take me dancing." He grinned and I giggled, finally feeling good as we found ourselves in the middle of a hundred other people, all moving to the loud beat pressing against us, driving us to move. I hadn't been dancing in ages and I loved it.

Tommy was a good dancer too, and he liked it close, which I didn't mind one bit. All the excitement at Vic's had gotten me warm, the way it always does, and I pressed my back against Tommy's chest, working my ass against his crotch while he rubbed my body from my hard nipples down to the tops of my thighs. I could feel his hardness, working against me, and I dry fucked him in the middle of all those people, under the dazzling lights.

Tommy had worked my skirt up in the back, exposing the thong I was wearing and I moaned, sweating and breathless. I turned my head and reach up to pull his mouth to me, kissing him as we moved, heedless of the people around us. Corgan was doing a soft acoustic medley of Today/1979/Adore and the lights were low when I felt Tommy pushing his exposed cock into my soaking pussy. He was nice and big, just like I knew he'd be and I had my arms over my head, behind me to hug his neck while we slowly fucked in the middle of the crowd. We just moved together, swaying together, my ass doing little a grind against him as he rocked himself a fraction in and out.

It didn't take long to make me cum, especially with Tommy's hands on my tits, squeezing them and thumbing my prominent hard nipples through the sheer material of my dress. I was gasping and jamming myself down on that sweet impalement, my cunt muscles contracting around him and it was a moment later I felt Tommy giving it up, groaning and shooting his seed deep inside me. God! What a glorious fuck that was and I nearly collapsed with the pleasure of it.

I turned my head again, kissing Tommy hard, sucking his tongue with the man's cock still embedded inside me. I heard some people whispering as the music stopped momentarily, but I didn't care. I was the Capo Regime of Manhattan, this was my town and I could do whatever I wanted. If that meant fucking my boy-toy in the middle of a club, so be it.

The lights had come up and the band was launching into Bullets With Butterfly Wings and I separated from Tommy, both of us flushed and smiling and fixing our clothes. I pulled my thong back in place, feeling our fuck juices running down my legs as we started dancing like normal people. I loved that song.

Tommy leaned close to me at one point, his eyes shining. "I love you," he told me, yelling it into my ear and I smiled at him, shaking my head.

We danced for a good half-hour before we needed a break. Dave had set us up with a reserved table in a decent spot to see the stage, up on the mezzanine looking down on the crowd. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were sitting a few feet away, along with a couple girls who looked like they were doing tampon commercials. On the other side of us I saw Derek Jeter sitting with a couple girls who weren't even that shy. I thought about asking for his autograph, not because I knew anything about baseball, but just because he was definitely hot. The Prince of New York. Jeter was a made guy and he didn't even know it, but if he ever signed with another team? Fuck. I'd clip him myself.

We drank champagne and laughed a lot, Tommy and me, thoroughly enjoying ourselves now. During a break in the music Loris came up to give personals to the VIPs. He started with me, just shaking Tommy's hand and kissing me on the cheek. I might not have been the most famous or richest person there, not by a long shot, but I was an act of God waiting to happen and Loris knew it. He made his way to Jeter next, and then around the tables in order of importance. It was a nice touch and I could see why his club was so popular. It got my mind back on business.

"I'm going to bring you up," I told Tommy. "Into my crew."

He nodded. "I figured that, thanks." He really didn't know what to say and I'd just as soon he didn't say anything, so I held up my hand to keep him quiet.

"I've been short a guy since Little Paulie fucked up." I stared into Tommy's eyes. "You ain't a made guy yet, remember that. I haven't told my boys either, so just keep your mouth shut and your ears open. I'm gonna have you driving me and doing collections."

He nodded. "Okay."

"What's your girlfriend's name?"

"Clarice." Tommy smiled almost apologetically. "She goes to Julliard, plays the violin." He shrugged. "Why?"

"You fuck Clarice, you wear a rubber. Got it? You fuck anybody but me, you stay clean ... and you better not be fucking anybody but me and Clarice, you got that? I'll give you one girl, but that's it. I don't share too good."

"Okay, yeah, I heard that," he smiled like a little boy.

"You heard what?"

"About the condom thing. Shit, Rache, Sal told me he don't even fuck his wife no more without a raincoat!" Tommy laughed and it made me grin. "Serious though, Rache, I'll give the bitch up. I love you."

"No, you keep the girl, spoil her." I rubbed his hand. "I'm getting married on Saturday; you bring her to the reception. I want to meet her."

"Uh, okay."

"This girlfriend, is she at your place?"

"Yeah, we live together up in the Village." He grinned a little sheepishly. "It's her place, technically."

"The Village?" I laughed at him. "Okay, let's go to my place."

We were in the middle of our third good fuck of the night, fourth if you count the club, when I heard the boys coming in with Paul. It was 3:52am according to the little clock next to the bed and I was on my hands and knees with Tommy kneeling behind me, sliding his beautiful prick in and out of me easily. He paused and I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Don't stop, baby, just keep going." I was panting because I'd been cumming over and over again, seemingly without stop for the last hour or so, having reached some emotional-physical-psychological plateau that I'd never even dreamt existed. Whatever this kid was doing to me ... Oh fuck! I hoped he'd never stop.

The door opened and Paul staggered into the bedroom, smiling and giggling like a drunken schoolgirl. His clothes were a mess and he had six different shades of lipstick all over his handsome face. I guessed his bachelor party had been a success. He stopped abruptly when he saw me with Tommy's large erection working slowly in and out of my glistening cunt.

"R-R-Rashael?" His eyes opened wide and he blinked as Tommy and I both turned to look at him. "Wha's going on?"

"Tommy, this is my fiancé, Paul," I sighed. "Paul ... mmmm ... this is Tommy Figaro, my ... uh ... driver." I was moaning softly as the experience of having Paul see me getting fucked like this brought another little climax.

"Yeah. How ya doin?" Tommy asked, never missing a stroke.

"Tha-Tha's my wife ... you're drivin' there!" Paul slurred just a little. He shook his head and turned around, wandering out of the room mumbling drunkenly and I giggled.

"You're gonna marry that guy?" Tommy jammed his long prick inside me hard, as if to make his point.

"Oh!" I gasped. "Yeah, don't worry about it, he's a sweetie."

Tommy just laughed.

We slept until noon, when the phone woke me up. Tommy was spooning me, his chest to my back and his morning erection pressing against my ass. I moved slightly, reaching for the phone and he sighed in his sleep, pushing slightly with his hips and I spread my legs for him, feeling the thick, dry head pressing against nicely against my anus.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"Rache? Tony ... You comin' in today?"

"No, I got..." I shifted a bit as Tommy pushed again in his sleep. "I got stuff to do. Why?"

"We got a problem with Manny. I tried to fix it, but he wants to talk to you." Tony sounded apologetic. Manny was a union guy connected with Vic. We'd had an accommodation for some trucks, but now Vic was dead, so... "He wants a new deal."

"What are we giving him now?" My brain was a little fogged.

"We give him three bills a week." That was for schedules, invoices and insurance, police reports, that kind of thing. We pulled a lot of good stuff down from lost trucks and he made sure we found the right ones.

Same as Hitwife
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Jenna Sativa is getting undressed in the bathroom. When she puts on a new set of clothes and leaves, she forgets her panties on the floor. Her step-sister is ecstatic when she walks in to find her discarded panties. What Jenna doesn’t know is that Lena has been sniffing her panties in secret and developing quite the crush on her. Lena starts moaning loudly as she plays with herself. When Jenna walks into the bathroom to investigate, she finds her step-sister with her panties in her mouth....

2 years ago
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CivilityChapter 7

I spent a leisurely Friday night and Saturday with the Conroys. It was as pleasant an experience as I've ever known. We lounged around the house, watched a movie and took a short walk around the property. We had settled down to a board game — which Janet and Lila had the foresight to bring with them — Saturday afternoon. I was in the process of getting abused in my third consecutive game when my cell phone chirped. At the time, I viewed the interruption as a welcome respite from my losing...

1 year ago
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Black Cock Owned Again

About 6 months ago I began dating a man who I met off craigslist. His name is Barry. Barry is a very handsome 50yo white man. He has a nice athletic hairy body and a 7inch uncut cock, not very thick. I hooked up with him from a post i made seeking tops into watersports. He and I hooked up 5 or 6 times after before he started hinting at wanting something more. It was a very romantic relationship and we shared many similar interests. I moves in with him and he even told me he loved me. I was...

2 years ago
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My Childhood Friend Fucked Me

Hi everyone, My name is Simran. This is my first time writing something on Indian sex stories. Please comment or message me and let me know what you think about the story. I hope you guys enjoy my world of fantasy. I live in California. I’m petite, fair with thick thighs and ass. I workout so I can maintain my hourglass figure. I just got married with no kids. We went to India, Chandigarh after our marriage to meet up with family and friends. This story starts when my husband went to see his...

1 year ago
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An 18 year old and two of his former PE teachers

It is the summer after I graduated from high school. I am 18 and half and using a fake id to get into a gay bar. I am chatting up a handsome guy in his mid 30’s when I am pulled away by two of my old high school physical education teachers, Mr. B and Mr. J. Mr. B is in his late 50’s and Mr. J is in his early 40s. Both are physically fit. They know I am not old enough to be in the bar. They threaten to tell the bar manager that I am only 18 unless I go with them to be punished. They include...

3 years ago
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Spontaneous public nudity some highlights Part 1

I have been a devoted and obsessive exhibitionist for nearly sixty years. If it were legal, I would never wear clothes. Almost daily, I put myself in a position where I might be seen naked. I thrill to the danger of being caught. It is my equivalent of sky-diving. I like to be completely naked, rather than merely flashing my cock, a technique I find quite tawdry (sorry other flashers, we all have our preferences). It makes me feel more vulnerable, more committed to the task. I believe that my...

3 years ago
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This Is The Start

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston…Myself aastha,mai 21 saal ki hu.. Its my real story of how I learned about sex.This story is too lengthy.. Yeh kahani tab ki hai jab mai 10 mai padti thi ( but I was 18 years old )..So I will narrate it in parts. Coming to story.. At my home there are 3members ..My mom me n my little sis… My father died in an accident.And I was living at my uncles home mamaji. My mom got married to an uncle whim I don’t like..He used ti drink ,used to come home late,and used...

3 years ago
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Moms Best Friend

Mom’s Best Friend “You are joking. Please tell me you’re joking?” I doubted my mother understood the desperation in my voice, but I was disgusted and disappointed. How could she do this? “I’m not joking Chris.” My Mom was still calm, oblivious to reality as usual. “I told Megan to call you. She’ll be in town next week and I thought it would be wonderful if you could take her to dinner. It’s not like you have this busy social life and you can’t fit her in. You’re always telling me that you...

2 years ago
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Cataclysm sneak thief Germany team returned 5 copi

legendary stealth team is back, I was f***ed f***ed f***ed to. . . . German thief b*****rs, efficiency, waving to us a long article on the stealth team is not interested can skip or look directly Scarlet conclusion, after all, this is only a small minority to see the article written (sneak Well, on Druid and a thief, and had thought to be camouflaged hunters have joined, the test does not work) these days have been a long-time copies of worry. Office workers, after de house, commuting time...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Bella Rico Dirty Double Dare

The new maid, Bella Rico, just arrived, ready to get to work. She gets comfortable and reveals a skin-tight uniform. You can’t help but give her all your attention. She can’t help but notice your presence. You dare her to get naked. She seems hesitant, but you persuade her with a bit of cash. She strips down and continues cleaning. You have a massive erection. You Dare her to clean your cock. She gets to work by sucking your cock. She’s nice and wet, so you fuck her on the...

3 years ago
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Sucking Young Black Cock on the Trail

My name is Ed, and I had just turned 45 years old and my wife Sue was 43. Sue had been encouraging me to start exercising to stay in shape. She was going to the gym near our home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, but it was more convenient for me to exercise at work. The insurance company I worked for also encouraged its employees to exercise. They installed a work-out area and shower facility in our building. That made it very convenient to go jogging either before work or over the lunch hour, and I...

2 years ago
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Everybody loves a Stranger

The day had been long, I was tired and needed to go home. My head had been full of meetings and deadlines, and now, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. There was a small bar across from my office, a quiet place, that seemed a perfect respite before my journey home.Crossing the street, full of traffic and commuters, I was so relieved that this bar was here. I ordered a drink, a long vodka and tonic, full of ice, so refreshing.I looked around and saw a nice quiet place to sit, away from...

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HardWon Attraction Ch 04

Just as Cadee came back from the bathroom, she saw the end of the fight, in the most dramatic way. The big shot from the first fight had an arm-bar on the grappler and the grappler refused to give. Just as Cadee got back to her seat, the grappler’s trapped arm broke with an audible POP. The entire audience winced in sympathy, then some of the sadists in the crowd began cheering along with the supporters of the big shot. The rest of the crowd, including Cadee and her friend’s began booing them...

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Delta OriginalChapter 1 To Futura

At long last, Lee had finally given the Captain and the helm the all-clear. They could get back underway, as the main repairs had been completed. They spent the next three days getting back up to jump speed. They deliberately took longer than required to ensure all systems worked as required and to keep an eye on the stresses on the hull. Lee had every system checked and was happy with the operation of the ship. She always made sure she was at the team meetings at the start of each shift....

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A present and a deal for the son pt 2

That night I set my alarm and got up early the next day. I found a spiral notebook lying on the floor in front of my bedroom door, with a pen sitting on top of it. I picked it up and sat back down on my bed.I opened the notebook."MASTER LIST" was written at the top of the first page. The next two and a half pages were a list of chores on the left, and their point value on the right. All the chores I did the day before were on there, as well as a host of new ones. Some of the chores, the ones...

2 years ago
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My second visite to you chanell my private prosti

Yesterday I had another adventure with Chanell the prostitute where I had been for the first time a few months ago.As a man alone you sometimes really want to feel a woman physically.After the last experience with her, I decided to visit her again yesterday.I have not regretted it!Chanell is a latino woman with wonderful breasts and a very feminine body.Very sweet atracctive and sexually knows what she is doing ..When I arrived, I was asked which girl I wanted, Chanell saw me ... she smiled at...

3 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Ten

Betrayed By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Ten: Everything That Has A Beginning... I would have loved to be waiting at the gate at O'Hare when Dianna de- planed from L.A. that Sunday night. I had to settle for the Baggage Claim Area. Those people working for the Transportation Security Administration have no sense of humor. I guess at eight dollars an hour, they can't afford one. Then again, the other passengers were treated to quite a show, right there in front of the...

2 years ago
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SisChapter 7

When the girls came out, Darlene led. My eyes bugged out. She had dressed originally pretty much the way Steph had: tight skirt, a top, and a short jacket. She walked out with most of her legs showing below the skirt. Her belly, too, was bare, since she had unbuttoned her top and tied it just under her tits. I also could see that she had gotten rid of her bra. When she bent to enter the car her tits almost fell out. Steph was similarly undressed. The biggest surprise to me was Cindy. She...

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A Run and a Fuck in the Park

I had always liked Adam. I had known him since high school. He was one of Maxx's boyfriends and they had this on and off relationship over a period of almost 15 years. He knew, like all of us did, that our options after school were very limited so he joined the army as soon as he left school. He would be away for months at a time then come back and hook up with Maxx until he went away again. He was one of those strong, silent men I adore and kind of worship. When I was young my father used to...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20 Going Home

“Are we going to see him again soon?” Maya asked. “We are going there to have breakfast with them,” Vid advised. “Vid, are you taking bodyguards?” Maya asked. “If we took bodyguards, we might have to protect them. Demetri or Kozlov will be enough.” Vid Pusin laughed at the idea. Then he remembered, “Honey, I wear the Black Lanyard. I transported 225 people to the goldfield on the Arctic Circle. Need I remind you; you now wear the Red Lanyard? We can protect ourselves.” “Oh! Now I...

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Rachels Ravishment Pt V

As I knelt, naked, next to the table scattered with the remains of the evening’s refreshment and picked through it for something to still the gnawing hunger in my stomach, it occurred to me that these people had no more regard for me than the lowliest slave who only ate after her betters and then only what they’d deemed not suitable for themselves. I’d seen myself in the small bathroom mirror, smudges of drying semen under my lower lip, my breasts reddened from being slapped and squeezed, my...

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Hot Girl To Make The Day Great

Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also, do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. HOT GIRL TO MAKE THE DAY GREAT This is a sex story about how I had sex with the daughter of our hostel caretaker, with whom I have had sex earlier. This happened during pooja holidays of 2013. As I had visited home a week back and for us, we only had 3 days for pooja holidays, I thought of not going back home for pooja holidays and rather stay at the...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 2

After putting on the red tee-shirt, Ed picked up the gun and checked to make sure that it was properly loaded and ready for action. Satisfied, he walked over to where John, Beth, Kelly, and Ling were planning their strategy. He listened with interest as Ling and John argued a strategy for attacking. Ling said, “They are going to come at us in a group. If we spread out, we can ambush them.” Shaking his head, John said, “They are going to come at us from every direction. If we divide into two...

2 years ago
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Son Still Able and the Mother Still WillingChapter 5

When they got into the room it was obvious Brian would have to be the first to get into bed. He pulled his wheelchair beside the bed and removed his armrest. Just before he scooted into bed he took a quick look at the others. His mother stood directly in front of him. She was topless and the light pink panties were so sheer. Therefore, he was able to clearly see the two things he had remembered so vividly from when they were together six years ago. Her very small and petite breasts were...

1 year ago
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Her Own Skin

Janet climbed out of the car and pulled her top over her head, baring her breasts to the bright, warm July sun. “Look at you,” Mary teased as she did the same, letting her much larger breasts tumble free. Janet tossed her top into the car, smoothed her shoulder-length blonde locks, and said, “Oh, stop.” She knew there was little chance of that, though. Only two years ago, on their first visit to the nudist camp, she had been nervous to the point of feeling ill. It had taken three monthly...

3 years ago
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Sissy Downfall 2

Sissy Downfall 2*My new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress; hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really...

1 year ago
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Cheerleaders Never CryChapter 3

Pretty teenaged cheerleader Sue was not quite as innocent as she looked and pretended to be to her parents and most of her friends. In fact, she was in the “Virgin until married” club at her local church and the Pastor was convinced she had never been touched below the waistline. Now that her convicted but paroled uncle Donald had been sponsored by her parents and housed in the basement, she had plenty of opportunity to have him tutor her on the deviant practices he had employed in a way...

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Caught in the Rain

A Summer shower can be a delightful experience.  The warmth of the day and the feel of soft rain against the skin is often followed by the bright sun chasing the clouds.  Sometimes rainbows appear as the sun scatters leftover raindrops.  A sensuous experience.  I love getting caught in a gentle rain.  Perhaps because it led to one of my favorite erotic experiences.I was 20 years old, a junior in college.  I had just begun dating Melissa, a freshman beauty.  Brown hair down below her shoulders,...

College Sex
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 6 Sistersrsquo Naughty Roleplay

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was getting bigger by the day. Once we hit him, we could hit so many others. The administration of his high...

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Do Not believe your Eyes

Do Not Believe your Eyes. Not all Plane Jane's are Plane Unattractive The high school I attended only had about 200 students. In our first year, there were three of us named Charlie. One, everyone called Car, because he was the only freshman to have his own car. They dubbed me Lee for some reason, and the third, we all called DS for dip shit, but someone told him it meant Distinguished Student, and he believed it, so we never told him any difference.All through high school, I held a B average....

2 years ago
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I fancied my landlady from the first time I met her. I had been wondering how I could orchestrate a situation where bye I could expose myself without making it too obvious and possibly being thrown out into the street. Then one morning my patience was rewarded….I was in the shower, lazily enjoying the sensation of the hot water spraying like rice grains on my swelling member which was resting in the palm of my hand. As it swelled I went into that world which is private to all except the one who...

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The Weekend Away

It was now into 2010 and my Aunt and I had struggled to get much time to ourselves, only managing a few little quick sessions here and there but nothing to fully satisfy is both to the degree that we wanted. During a phone coversation with my Aunt she had the perfect excuse to get away for a weekend and take me with me so once we worked out the date it was only a matter of time before we had our dirty little weekend away together. We didnt go too far, only into the north of scotland. It was...

3 years ago
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Face the Strange Chapter 711 How Many Special People Change

FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 7: How Many Special People Change Mom's words instantly swept away all of my thoughts and feelings and plans for the immediate future, together with the remnants of my inebriation. Their place was taken by one single overwhelming emotion, anxiety. I had feared precisely this moment ever since I had been told my transformation was probably irreversible, and hoped that I might somehow be able to avoid it; but now there was nothing I could...

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Dead Girls Dont Cry

Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...

1 year ago
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I Love Hookers 3

Introduction: Wife gets into the action I Love Hookers – Story 3 We used to have a lot of Peep Show places around town. They ranged from a small shop with maybe 10 little viewing booths, to few big ones that have up to twenty viewing rooms, sold sex toys, and even some live girl rooms. I first went to one of the smaller ones for my first adventure. I got a hand full of quarters from the guy behind the booth and made my way to a booth. It was quite dark, because everything was painted black,...

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My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story Part II

This is a continuation of "My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story". It is recommended that you read that chapter before reading this chapter. After my appointment with Dr. Samantha Johns, I wrestled with my emotional ups and down. I felt I had become jaded by my past sexual activities and could no longer have a sexual relationship unless it was taboo or kinky. Actually, I had no control over my sexual desires. My wife controlled me. It did not seem normal but I was addicted to it. I showed up at Dr....

Wife Lovers
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Vijaya the real beauty in Ballygunge

Hi, this is Raja from Kolkata. Raja Roy!!!! I’d like to share a most erotic encounter I had with my friend’s mother. We were in the twelfth standard, and I was already fantasizing about older women and had had some hot encounters with some aunties. My friend, Saradindu, on the other hand, didn’t look as though he’d even achieved puberty then. His face was still smooth, no hair on his legs, and whenever I’d talk about sex, he’d put off the topic. Saradindu and his elder brother were staying in...

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My New years party

I was sitting at home feeling down because my HRT treatments had to be stopped, I'm allergic to them You see I'm a transitioning male to female. My body had changed. I now have not quite a C-cup and I can't get a hard-on anymore. Like anyone would know from my little 2 incher. I'm 5’6” 120 lbs with a slim build except my ass is a bit big I think. That's when the phone rang. It was Jim, a guy I met at the bar back in October. We fooled around a bit and I ended up giving him a blowjob...

2 years ago
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jack and amnada 2

Introduction: this is the 2nd part to my story i hope u like it. oh and it is incest so dont read it if your not into it you should know there will be incest in this story so if u dont like it then done read it. this is the 2nd one to the story so you should read the first one Jack decided to head home because it was getting late and he didnt want his mom to freak out although his head was anything but clear. Amanda was on IM talking with her friend So what did he say when you made your...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 13

In honor of shark week... Two great white sharks swimming in the ocean spied survivors of a sunken ship. “Follow me son” the father shark said to the son shark and they swam to the mass of people. “First we swim around them a few times with just the tip of our fins showing.” And they did. “Well done, son! Now we swim around them a few times with all of our fins showing.” And they did. “Now we eat everybody.” And they did. When they were both gorged, the son asked, “Dad, why didn’t...

3 years ago
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A Confession A Night of Firsts

Introduction: A teen girl meets the guy she wants to make her a woman. Hello! Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me to keep writing. This story is not intended to be part of a series, but I hope it is well received. I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there… I strongly suggest reading them as...

4 years ago
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I fucked my best friend

We grew up together in the same house untill we were 11 and I moved with my family to Italy. Two of those 11 years Nick was completely in love with me. We kept in touch and Nick flew to Italy every summer untill we were 16. I wasn't popular at my school and everyone made fun of me. They bullied me so much I began to cut. That summer when Nick came to visit he saw my wrists and...

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Alexa Chapter 28 London Baby Part 3

Alexa Chapter 28: London Baby, Part 3 Marty stood as we entered the lounge area. The look on his face was priceless. His eyes were wide, his mouth was open. Jenny and I looked at each other and let the smiles on our faces grow. Marty began to say something. "You two, ah um." You could see the frustration at the inability to speak come over his face. We both walked over to the man who has become like a father to me and each kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks" Jenny and I said in...

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Ass Loving Couple

Ass Loving CoupleBy: Londebaaz Chohan Imelda and Richard were together for couple of years by now and no one was in any hurry to say, “I do’s” any faster. What the fuck, the sex was great. Richard was well hung and Imelda was far deep. They were sophomore at college, living in a rented house near the campus instead of living in the college dorm. He was studying to be a double major in finance and economics while she was targeting to be an architect and knew, one day soon they will be living a...

2 years ago
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Sarah and I Part 2

It had been a week since Sarah and I had our fun on the sofa and I hadn’t forgotten about it. There was still a deep burning desire inside of me. I had tried to relieve myself multiple times during that week but nothing was working, I needed her. Don’t get me wrong things didn’t get awkward between us but more a lust for each other and wanting to get our hands on each other. Just our luck though that when our Mom arrived home after our passionate night, she announced that she had taken the week...

1 year ago
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NaughtyMag Ava Sparxxx Fire Bush

With her ginger locks, sweet, innocent face and tiny tits, Ava is sure to become your new favorite. She’s an eager little cock-sucker who slurps up this guy’s stiff pole while bobbing her head up and down. Her teen pussy looks hot getting fingered and fucked, especially with that smattering of red pubes. And what’s even hotter is the way she squeaks and moans while getting drilled. There’s not a dull moment in this scene because Ava truly loves to fuck! Watch it through...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 133 A battle of wits

This is incredible! To think that this citadel has been in existence since the time of the Kyth’faren! Tashana gasped, gazing up in awe at the majestic high-arched ceiling as they walked along the corridor of the Kyth’faren castle. Yet it still looks like construction was only completed a matter of days ago! How old is it exactly? Alyssa asked in a hushed voice, gazing at the elegant architecture that precisely matched the design of the fortress in her pocket plane. John shook his head....

3 years ago
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Barb the Bitch

Barb the BitchMy wife, Erica, and I are doms. While both of us being doms has provided more than its share of conflicts, we both enjoy life to its fullest.This story is a little different than most stories in that it is intended to be interactive. The story is meant to be read by a female sub. At points, instructions to the reader/sub are given so that the reader/sub will appreciate the story all the more. INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN CAPITALS. If you have comments about the story or technique, you may...

2 years ago
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A Bride chapter 13

Mum wanted to stay in that night because, she said we'd been going through money like water over the last few days and although she was right, I insisted on taking her to the local pub just for a couple of drinks to celebrate her birthday.We ended up with a compromise by going early and staying just for about an hour, then it was back to the garden she'd fallen in love with and couldn't wait to get back to!I called in at the shop on the way back to inquire as to how our vegetables had gone down...

3 years ago
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Wife Conversion Part 4

The next day when I got to work, I found out that I’d be traveling for business starting tomorrow and lasting a week. I called Kathy and told her. I told that since we always do things together, she should not see Pat without me there. She said that she would call her mistress and let her know that we always did everything together and she’d have to wait until I got back. When I got home, my wife said that her mistress was OK with waiting a week. I left the next morning heading for the ...

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Glory hole

I’m writing this remembering back to when I was 30 and had just split from an 8 year relationship. I’m married now to a wonderful wife, with a beautiful daughter who is now in her second year in high school. The girl I was dating had met in college and had been inseparable, but for no reason, she just decided to leave, to move to the far side of the country and that was it. I was in a good job, programming, so decide a new apartment and a fresh start was the order of the day. My new place was...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbour 5Backseat Car FuckPart 1

My neighbours husband works away all week so when she was going to pick up her new car i agreed to go with her.As we were driving along she pulled off into a layby.I said, "Is this where we were meeting the bloke who was selling the car".She said that it wasn't but,"I have had some fun times in this car of mine(For fun times read hot fucking sessions)and i fancied one more before it goes.At this she leaned over and undid my trousers.She took my cock in her hands and began to wank it before...

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WIFE'S BLACK FUNI wrote earlier about my Mother's long term affair with a Black Man while we lived in Virginia in the early 70's. Despite my Mother's affair with a Black guy I never imagined that my wife would ever do anything like that. She was very conservative as a young women having grown up and attended college in Kansas. She had only been intimate with 3 guys before we met and married. I met her after I moved to Kansas City to take a job with a local television news show. Susan was a...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 51

I walked in the front door of the manor and two priestesses, who seemed to be waiting for my return, greeted me. They both quickly stood from a pair of wooden chairs by the ornately carved door that hung from the wall as a decoration. Both temple women were particularly slender, dark and short with fine-hair framing their face. Their hair style was strikingly different from any other woman I'd seen on this planet. A memory of another woman in a second-year cadet uniform sprang to my...

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