Wheals of Fortune Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 47
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Everyone in this story is over 18, and so should you be! It’s a fantasy, carrying on the saga of Julie, which has occupied three parts of this story already, so it will make more sense if you’ve already read them. As with all my stories, the emphasis is on consensual relations – I have no truck with rape and suchlike unpleasantness, and am an ardent feminist at heart.
Pilar had left, to become slave to Rosa’s sister Maria, and I was left alone in the house, save for the silent – and usually invisible – cook, Lola, who seldom strayed from the kitchen. Only when Rosa and her husband, the stern and mysterious Mr Gordon, were at home, did I have company. I was told that, at all times I was in their presence, I had to be similarly dressed – or undressed.
My sole items of clothing were a flame red whale-boned corset, which must have been two sizes too small for my already slender waist, and felt at first as if it would cut me in half. Clipped to its long garter-straps was a pair of seamed black stockings. The corset left my breasts uncovered, and I was required to wear silver nipple-clamps, their connecting chain weighted with a jewelled silver ball, which matched a similar one dangling from the ring in my clit, and two smaller ones on long pendants depending from my earlobes. Silver-heeled stilettos completed my outfit, apart, of course, from my Mistress’s precious collar, which I wore with much pride, day and night. My long hair was to be left brushed straight, cascading to my waist.
On the occasions when my Mistress and Mr Gordon wished to take me out, I simply put on a dress over my indoor apparel. Once we went to lunch, and I put on a knee-length black silk button-through dress with full skirt, whilst when we went out to dinner, I wore a long shimmering gold organdie gown, the skirt tight about my ankles, the bodice translucent, so that my clamped nipples presented tantalising glimpses.
‘You looked lovely tonight, Julie,’ said my Mistress, when we arrived back at the mansion, ‘do come to my room in ten minutes, please!’
I did as she ordered, and, trembling slightly, knocked and entered, hobbling in the tightness of my skirt. My Mistress stood my the window, already changed from her grey velvet gown into a sheer white nightgown, her black hair loosened from the French knot she had worn it in at the restaurant, and falling luxuriously down her back.
‘Take your dress off, dear,’ she said, gently enough, and I reached behind and unzipped it, the quickly wriggled out of it, so that I stood in front of her in my habitual ‘slave’s uniform.’
‘Let me look at you, darling,’ she said, coming up close, so that I couldn’t fail to inhale the scent of Guerlain she carried with her. I was filled with desire for her, as she ran her fingers over my breasts, but I realised she was inspecting my most recent stripes, the ones she had made two days ago when she had whipped my breasts with the small dog-whip, before her husband had perforated the tender skin just above my breasts with two long needles. The memory of her then tightening fiercely my clamps, while Mr Gordon thrust his great cock deep into my anus almost made my cum again, as I had on that occasion.
‘I notice your skin is still marked, Julie,’ said my Mistress, ‘but we must repeat that some time soon, don’t you think?’
‘Oh yes, Mistress, yes please,’ I said.
She kissed me, and I pushed my studded tongue gently between her teeth, knowing what she liked, and drew a moan from her. Soon her hands were behind me, busily unlacing my corset, and I felt the instant relief and freedom as its constriction fell away.
‘Don’t move!’ ordered Mistress Rosa, though, and stepped away to her dresser, returning with a pair of handcuffs, which she clipped around my wrists. She then led me to the wall close to the window, where a thick metal ring was cemented in to the brickwork just above head-height, and a snap-link hung from it. Without ceremony, she clipped my cuffs to it, and swept my long mane of hair over my shoulder, and out of her way.
As if by magic, she produced a long, leather single-tail whip.
‘I’m going to hurt you, darling!’ she said. She always announced her intention beforehand, and I think I savoured the anticipation of the pain she was about to administer.
‘You want that, don’t you?’
‘Yes Mistress, yes please,’ I heard myself say, and her first awful stroke fell across the tender flesh of my shoulder blades, a stinging, cruel lash, that made me moan , and brought tears flooding down my cheeks.
‘This will make you very beautiful, my dear,’ said my Mistress, ‘and it’s already making me terribly excited!’
Another fearsome, whistling stroke flew through the air, and landed with a crack on my pale skin, raising a bright red welt, the very end of which I could just see by peering over my shoulder. I cried out loud, but felt the inevitable tingle somewhere deep in my groin which signalled a building orgasm that I knew was not going to be denied.
My Mistress caressed my breasts tenderly, tugging gently at the chain of my clamps, then, taking me by surprise, lashed me again, much lower down, just above my buttocks, so that I writhed and bucked as the awful thong bit into my naked flesh. Another blow followed on straight away, and I came, instantly, noisily, squirting my fluid messily down my leg as I was overtaken by the sort of orgasm only pain and pleasure can combine to bring.
Mistress Rosa released me immediately, and cradled me in her arms, guiding me infinitely gently to her bed. Once there, we kissed and made love, so that time stood still. No longer Mistress and slave, we were two eager, passionate lovers, sharing a night of tenderness and giving that lifted my heart to a new dimension. During the night she whispered to me that I must call her by her name when we made love like this, and also told me that one day soon she would want me to play a reverse role and punish her as she so frequently did me. I answered her by grazing her pussy with my tongue-stud, in a way that I knew drove her wild, then plunging my tongue deep into the smooth, dark velvet cavern of her anus, so that she groaned and writhed as an instant climax took her.
In the morning, after we had slept entwined in each others’ arms, a surprise awaited me. Mistress Rosa couldn’t wait to go down to breakfast to give me the envelope she had ready for me in her drawer.
When I opened it, I gasped. For it contained a return ticket to Madrid, in my name, for the next day.
‘What…what the…?’ I spluttered.
She enjoyed my surprise.
‘You deserve a holiday, my dear,’ she said, ‘and my other sister, Ana, whom you haven’t met, still lives in Spain, where she has a hotel and restaurant. She will pick you up at the airport, and I have arranged for you to relax there for two weeks.’
‘Oh, Mistress Rosa, you are so kind,’ I said, and kissed her.
‘There’s some sort of method in my madness, however,’ she said, ‘I’m never going to find a maid here in England. It’s not a condition of your holiday, but if you can keep your eyes open for a likely recruit…………?’
‘Of course I will, Mistress,’ I said, ‘it’s the least I can do.’ Then, as an afterthought, ‘does your sister speak English, by the way?’
She laughed, ‘Not very well, but you’ve picked up a bit of Spanish from Pilar – you’ll be OK.’
The Iberia flight landed on time at Barajas airport, and I noted the pleasing increase in temperature as I nervously awaited my suitcase, wondering how I should recognise Ana.
I needn’t have worried. As emerged from the flight area, a slightly shorter, chubbier version of Rosa, dressed in jeans and a floppy tee-shirt, was holding up a piece of cardboard with ‘JULIE’ printed on it.
She kissed me in the Spanish manner I had by now become used to, and we found her big, untidy Mercedes on the third floor of a big parking stack.
She chattered away
in a horrible mixture of Spanish and English as she drove equally badly through the busy Madrid traffic, then we were out on the open motorway, and I felt I could relax a bit.
An hour later, after a fast run along a quiet motorway, and a long, undulating drive through sunlit rolling uplands, Ana announced that we were almost there. I knew that the hotel was close to the ancient city of Toledo, and I could see its spires sticking up over the horizon as we approached along a fairly busy stretch of main road. The hotel was bigger than I had envisaged, standing back from the highway, behind a huge parking lot, which just then held a couple of big articulated lorries and three or four new-looking cars. The bar, which occupied the whole front of the ground floor, was ablaze with light, and music issued forth as I took my suitcase from Ana’s car. The light was just starting to fail, but it wasn’t yet time for dinner. The air was warm and fragrant, and I was soon made to feel welcome, first when I was introduced to two young lads, Sergio and Ramon, who worked in the bar, then when Ana’s husband, Paco, emerged from the kitchen in his chef’s uniform, to give me a bear-hug.
Sergio showed me to my room, trying out his English, and very eager to please – I thought he might well be seeking a little reward for his services at some point, and he was a nice-looking young man!
I hadn’t the energy then for any more than dinner – which was very good – and an early night.
Next morning, I went down to look for some coffee, and found Ana bustling around in the bar, cleaning ashtrays and polishing tables. She offered me the use of her moped for my visit, and I took her up on it, not without a little trepidation.
For the next few days, I explored the alleyways, museums, little shops and churches of the wonderful old city, taking my time drinking my cafés cortados outside on the pavements of the squares and plazas, watching the world go by, and being, inevitably, chatted up by locals, and tourists alike. Mindful of Rosa’s quest for a new maid, I spotted plenty of suitable young women, but they all seemed to be either on the arm of a handsome young man, or somehow unapproachable.
About a hundred metres from the hotel, and on the opposite side of the road, was a massive night club, called ‘Las Flores’ which at night sported more illumination than Christmas on Regent Street, reds, blues and greens flashing on and off.
I asked Ana if it was worth going there for a dance.
She laughed. ‘That is what we call a puticlub,’ she said, ‘only men go there!’ And she made a lewd gesture, thumb and forefinger making a circle through which her other forefinger passed. ‘We are on a main road, you see – there are many such places in Spain.’
About a week into my stay, when I was no longer spending the whole of my days in the city, and tended to relax a bit more, I noticed that girls from the club frequented the hotel bar, to sit and talk and drink coffee, at around midday. They didn’t look Spanish, any of them – largely, I thought, Eastern Europeans, and a few obviously Caribbean or South American girls. They sat around chatting amiably over their coffees, dressed informally in jeans and tee-shirts, but they carried with them that aura of the professional girl that can’t be shaken off.
One girl interested me. A dark blonde, her shoulder-length hair caught up in a pony-tail, she seemed to set herself subtly apart from the rest. She was always on the periphery, or even sat alone, and invariably wore a skirt and blouse, as if she were deliberately making some kind of statement. When all the others seemed to smoke, I noticed that she didn’t, and when all the others flirted with Sergio and Ramon – and even with Paco when Ana wasn’t around – she remained quietly withdrawn. I decided, on one of these occasions, to try and talk to her, and wandered alongside her with my coffee in my hand.
‘Hello,’ I said, ‘I’m Julie, here on holiday. Mind if I join you?’
She smiled wanly at me, showing pretty brown eyes, in a rather sad, oval face.
‘I am Greta,’ she said, ‘I speak not good English.’
Despite that assertion, I soon established that she was Romanian, and that she had been brought to the club on false promises that she was going to be earning big bucks as a dancer. The villains who had come to her village had shown her photos of plush night-clubs, with girls wearing exotic costumes, dancing on huge stages, surrounded by elegant diners. She had been buttered up with flattery about her youthful beauty, and her family’s poverty had been a deciding factor. She had also been told that she would be able to work in France and England, which was where she really wanted to go.
I listened to her with sympathy, but she was dry-eyed, and when I asked her about the club, she said, ‘The girls are OK, but most are Russian. I like best the Brazilians.’
‘And the customers?’ I asked.
‘Most of the men are nice – good to me,’ she said, ‘some are horrible, of course!’ She made a face. ‘But very bad is the boss, who takes nearly all our money, and wants to fuck in the morning, when we want to sleep. He is a horrible, smelly pig.’
I liked Greta, instantly, and immediately started to think of her in terms of my Mistress’s quest for a maid, without knowing whether it would be possible to snaffle her away from the club. I could see huge problems there, so I just asked her if she would like to come to England with me, without entering into any details. She was ecstatic at the suggestion. ‘I do anything, anything, to come with you, Julie,’ she said.
‘Go now,’ I told her, ‘and I’ll see what I can do. I can’t promise anything, you understand?’
She nodded, and, looking back with a smile, went out and across the road to her night’s labours.
I set about contacting my Mistress right away. She seemed pleased to hear from me, and happy that I was enjoying my stay. When I told her about Greta, she wanted me to describe her minutely. I did my best.
‘She sounds lovely,’ said Mistress Rosa, ‘and I trust your judgement, Julie. Let me talk to Ana, and we’ll see if there’s anything we can do, eh?’
With that, she got me to transfer her to her sister, who was the only other person in the TV lounge, where the telephone was, close to me, and I heard part of their long exchange, in rapid Spanish – it went on for almost half an hour.
‘OK,’ said Ana, when she put the receiver down, ‘tomorrow, midday, we get this Greta, and we go to town, yes?’
I nodded my assent, wondering what they had planned, but knowing not to underestimate the two sisters.
Next day, Greta came in as usual, and sat apart from her workmates – also as usual. I walked past her table, and said quietly, ‘Stay behind when the other girls go.’ She looked up at me and smiled, giving a small nod of her head.
As soon as the coast was clear, the three of us got into Ana’s car and went into town, where we parked in an underground lot belonging to a modern office complex. In a few minutes we were in the fifth floor office of her lawyer, Señor Tabernas.
A slick-looking forty-something, wearing a button-down striped shirt but no tie, Tabernas was impressively bilingual, speaking to me in BBC English. He quickly pointed out that Romania was now a EU nation, and that Greta should have no trouble either in travelling to Britain, or working there. He said he would set about obtaining a passport for her immediately, in any case. The only problem he foresaw was with her existing employer, at the Club Las Flores, but he thought that a word with a friend in the Guardia Civil would soon smooth that out. Did we wish to go ahead, then?
I said yes, we did, and Tabernas suggested that Greta didn’t return to the club again, but stayed with us in the hotel. I was due to return in three days’ time, and he thought he could arrange for Greta to leave with me.
‘But my clothes?’ she asked, in the car, on the way
‘We’ll get you some new ones,’ I said, without really knowing whether I could make such an offer.
She smiled back at me in a trusting way, and squeezed my hand as we drove along.
Ana suggested that Greta remain in my room, rather than show herself in the bar, for the remainder of my stay. I had agreed to share with her, as I had a double bed, and the room was quite spacious.
That evening we dined together in my room, off trays brought up by Sergio, who lingered as he opened the wine bottle, wondering, I could tell, if there was an opportunity of any kind for him. I didn’t want to discourage him too much – he was really a very attractive young guy.
Afterwards, I showered, and returned, my hair wrapped in a towel, wearing a robe, to find Greta still dressed in jeans and tee shirt, nervously drumming her fingernails on the bedside table.
‘You can take a shower, Greta, now, if you want,’ I said.
‘But I don’t have a nightdress,’ she blurted.
I laughed, and threw her one of my silk slips from a drawer. She smiled gratefully, and went into the bathroom, while I set about drying my hair.
She took her time, and when she came back, her hair was now loose – the first time I had seen her without the pony-tail – framing her small face, now devoid of make-up, but still pretty, and she was wearing the maroon silk slip, her nipples thrusting out hard against the soft material. By then, I too had changed into a slip, mine a pale blue one, and my hair was well on the way to being dry. I was sat at the dressing table.
Greta came up behind me. ‘You are very pretty, Julie,’ she said, ‘are you a model?’
‘No,’ I laughed, ‘I work for the lady you are going to work for – in a different capacity.’
I didn’t think she would understand my role as a slave, and certainly didn’t want to frighten her off. She seemed satisfied with my reply.
I took her hand in mine. ‘I hope you will be happy working for my Mistress, Greta.’
She put her other hand on my shoulder, and then stroked my hair. ‘I shall be happy to be with you, Julie,’ she said.
I put my hand around her neck and pulled her head down to me. Her mouth met mine with a hunger which took me by surprise. I was missing sex – that I couldn’t deny, it had been almost two weeks since I had slept with my Mistress – but Greta? She must have been fucked scores of times in that period. I pulled gently away.
‘You like girls?’ I asked her.
‘I like you,’ she replied, and I couldn’t help noticing that her nipples had visibly grown and hardened under her slip. I touched them and she moaned softly, throwing her head back in response.
‘I think we’d better go to bed, don’t you?’ I suggested.
‘Yes, please,’ she said, and followed me eagerly, when I climbed between the crisp white sheets. Our bodies entwined, and I let my tongue-stud play over her super-sensitive nipples, making her writhe in anticipation, before coursing down her body, over her flat stomach, pushing up the hem of her slip, finding the trim triangle of springy hair, then down to her neat, fragrant pussy, whose labia she obligingly parted with two long fingers so that I could lap the length of her slit, my stud bringing long, ecstatic sighs and moans of ecstasy from her as she mounted rapidly towards an orgasm.
I knew had the power to make her cum, and teased her, gently flicking at her clit, pulling it out from beneath its protecting hood, before licking her again, then encircling her anus with my tongue. When her breathing became shallow and rapid, and I knew she could hold off no longer, I simultaneously plunged my tongue deep into her cunt, and my forefinger as far as it would go into her arsehole. She screamed, and squirted her fluid into my face.
When her breathing recovered, she said, ‘I’m sorry, Julie!’
‘Don’t be,’ I said, ‘now it’s my turn!’
I manoeuvred around on the bed, pushing a pillow under my arse, and, grabbing the Romanian’s hair, roughly impelled her to put her head between my legs. This was no time for ceremony – I was on fire! She knew what I wanted, and her tongue and fingers soon had me close to the edge. But I needed more, and reached over to the bedside drawer, for one of the dildos I had brought. I passed the tapered ‘bulb’ model, and she started to insert it in my damp cunt.
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Society has successfully broken down all inequities, leading to a world in which anyone can have sex with anyone they want. Consent was not abolished, but all barriers that would cause someone to resist consenting have been eliminated. Additionally all sexually transmitted diseases have been eradicated and birth control is 100% effective. In this new world businesses have taken advantage of the relaxed laws around sex in order to drive more customers to their establishments. It is your job to...
Nate was at the end of a long business trip. He'd just worked three-and-a-half weeks straight and finally closed a major deal. It was a deal that would most likely give him a major promotion. Nate essentially focused exclusively on work, leaving most of life's other pursuits behind, including dating. Not that he wasn't good looking or socially skilled; he simply didn't make the time. All of his efforts went into his career and if he looked deep down, he knew he really didn't have what he...
I guess this story starts with a man I never knew. I knew of him, but I'd never seen him or even seen a picture of him. My mother had two brothers named Wendell and James. Some time before I was born James did something that shamed or badly embarrassed the family and he split. As I grew up I would occasionally hear my mother or grandmother say, "I wonder where James is right now" and when I would ask who James was there would be a sudden change of subject. It wasn't until I was seventeen...
Kyle and Lee didn’t want the smaller boxes shown to the ship. It was decided the books and the strange boxes would be stored in the storeroom beside Lee’s Room. They were Kyle’s finds, and that was where he wanted them. Only he and Lee would be able to decipher them anyway. In addition, this area was limited to select personnel. The team told everyone else about the books. However, Lee, Kyle and even Sparky had insisted that the smaller strange boxes should not become general knowledge....
Missy?s Misfortune ?????????????????????????????? Missy?s Misfortune The bus seemed to be taking ages to get to the city, Missy thought, it was only 30 miles from her home town but she seemed to have been on it for ages. Even though it was past 6pm the sun through the windows was still hot enough to make her feel slightly uncomfortable in the school-uniform she was wearing under her long coat. Her mind drifted back a couple of days to that moment at school when she?d finally decided to...
Calculated Misfortune, Chapter 1 Stingray I recently took a vacation to a town where a friend of mine lives due to some work related stuff. I haven't seen my friend for almost two year’s and I looked forward to seeing her. We had always been close to each other and had a special friendship, which allowed us to be there for each other without getting lost in the throws of a relationship. She had moved away and we had always kept in touch with each other, a call every month was always welcomed...
April is a 26-year old woman. She has long dark brown hair and emerald eyes. Her body is extremely beautiful and tall as well. April finds herself in many unfortunate situations constantly, it’s like a curse.
(Lil warning, this is my first story so I am truly sorry if shit turns stupid) Description Piper is a recently turned 18 year old girl who's a blonde with green eyes and has messy curl hair. Her chest size is a d-cup and with pink colored nipples, she as well has a great ass and thighs that are worth dying for. Story time The sound of the alarm brought Piper back from the dream world. She groaned and tried to find her phone by digging her hands into the bed sheet that layed on top of her....
Update 1: Story revealed. Update 2 will host several chapter depths to a path or two. Stay tuned! Preface: This story will take you down different roads rather you are a male or female. Generally the same sort of kinks will play out with differnces peppered around to make them unique in some fashion. The end story should be different regardless what path you take. What to expect from this story is gender transformation, race transformation, all the different kinds of naughty sex and a few...
Fantasy“Oh hi Annie, what’s up?” I asked my sister. “Andy will you come over please, I need to talk to someone,” she sniffled, she’d been crying, that was evident from her voice. “Sure, I’ll be there in thirty minutes, what’s the matter?” I asked. “Just come, please,” there was a plea in her tone. “OK Princess, I’ll be there,” I said as we ended the call. She’d been Princess to me as long as I could remember. Annie is the prettiest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met. I’m twenty-seven,...
Since Wendy’s school trip to Paris, we had become very friendly with her teacher, Miss Roberts. Angela, as we had come to know her proved to be a good companion, and what is more interesting, an insatiable and imaginative lesbian. She often used to visit us and her relationship with Wendy blossomed into a passionate love affair. I was never excluded, however and after they had slaked their lust for each other I was always invited to join them for many come soaked sessions. Angela often...
Kevin 10:30am, October 28th, 2006. I watched Jacob's ship land at the side of the school field. He got out and came over. As he limped my way, I saw he was dressed in his normal outfit. That was going to have to change. Then again, I really wasn't comfortable with what was going down here anyway. Jacob had little sports experience outside of watching the Olympics. It was true he was the manager of the soccer team. Sports wise, that's mainly a social job. He didn't need any sports...
Being Naughty for Daddy, H my name is Christy and I love telling stories, especially ones where my daddy and I are fucking the hell out of each other. Its just so happens that I have one of these naughty little tale that I wound love to share with you tonight. You see a little over a week ago daddy and I had one of the best fuck sessions, I can not remember the last time we had sex like that. I knew that mother had stopped giving up the pussy years ago, I guess that is why he turned to me...
Wearing bright blue fishnet stockings, tattooed redhead Penny Archer makes stunning eye contact with the camera. She fills her asshole with a clear butt plug, and porn pro Mick Blue licks her wet pussy. He thrusts his big cock inside her cunt. Penny gives him a spit-soaked blowjob. The dirty girl licks his balls and gives him a rim job! Mick shoves a dildo in her asshole as he fucks her cunt from behind. When he slides his thick erection inside her eager asshole, Penny gasps euphorically. She...
xmoviesforyouDay Four Snuggled against him, Thomas thought if felt right, her being there. They’d spent the night having the best sex of his entire life, Thomas was drained by the time they drifted off to sleep around 4 AM. Cherie snuggled into him and he didn’t mind that a bit, it was comforting having her close. He was awakened from a peaceful slumber by the slamming of the cabin door and a slough of profanities. Cherie awakened a few seconds later, when she heard all the commotion, she said ‘Uh-Oh’. ...
Laying in bed, Saffron reflected upon the moment at hand, she poured another whiskey for herself, but left the man beside her to sleep for a moment. Slowly, she sipped the fiery liquor and smiled as it warmed her. Neat bourbon was hardly her drink of choice, but she didn't exactly object to its sharp sting, either.Noted as one of the most exotic and skilled employees of Mad House, Saffron merited one of the large rooms on the top floor. A long, ponderous moment passed as she gazed out her open...
MoneyTodd and Becky had been happily married for nearly 15 years. He loved her very much and never even looked at another woman. And Becky couldn't imagine life with anyone but him. They lived a pretty idyllic life too... a nice three bedroom house with a white picket fence located on a tree-lined street in a nice neighborhood. They had a good circle of friends and were pretty well-liked. Todd had a good job as a lawyer, and she was perfectly happy being his devoted housewife, taking care of the...
Straight SexIt started out with a drunken dare. Steph was out with her girlfriends for an end-of-week drink. They always did this on a Friday night. They enjoyed each other’s company and had a lot of fun. None of them were looking for any action so they kept to themselves but had a good time anyway. This particular evening Steph was venting about Phil, her husband. He was a kind-hearted man who loved Steph to death. He was always buying her little gifts or flowers. He was a considerate lover and always...
CuckoldI walked into a room ahead of you. I hear the soft click of the door behind me and feel your burning gaze upon my back just before you put one hand on my stomach and the other gently, but firmly, upon my neck, pulling me to you. My arms stay at my sides as my head rests on your shoulder. Your beard tickles a little but your breath is warm. I feel your hand that is on my stomach move up ward, stopping to fondle my breasts through my favorite bluish-green dress before continuing its journey to...
Karma Rx has had it with her so-called “man.” That fool has stood her up again! He’s supposed to meet her at a party, but he claims to be working late again. Psshhh, yeah right! She’s thinks he’s probably cheating on her, but even worse, she’s embarrassed to all hell because most of the party is couples, and, without her arm around a bf, she’s sitting around with her big tits hanging out and her thumb up her butt. Their friend JMac steps outside to see what’s up with her, and when she learns...
xmoviesforyouFoster sent me and George right back to New York as a team. We had our separate tasks but worked several times together to achieve our ends, either for ourselves or the Continental Congress. George would sometimes rescue a damsel from my attentions or I would come upon my friend trying to rob or assault someone, drive him off and earn his or her gratitude. One of the people Foster told me to see about was a colonel of artillery who supposed knew all about forts and gun positions, numbers of...
Neferusobek sensed that her days were numbered. Fearful of palace intrigue, she purged the bedchamber slave-girls by having them fed to the revered crocodiles lazing just below her windows on these hot summer nights. She watched in excited rapture as each of the lovelies was torn asunder by the powerful Godlike creatures. It was so inspiring to her that she summoned 2 inner sanctum guards to fill her rectum with their sweet cream. They followed each other in lusty turns on her naked rump as...
“So now you’re wearing..” “… Nothing.” she completed my sentence with a devilish glint in the eye. I don’t know how many minutes may have passed before I could utter the next sentence. Whatever transpired when Vineeta was in the washroom, I guess she had made up her mind. My eyes followed her as she gracefully sat down on the chair, moving her hand over her ass and straightening the seat of her dress before sitting. “Stop looking at me like that!” She snapped shyly. Her cheeks were turning...
Janet was preparing the salad when she heard Martin's car, with her husband and Martin inside, pull into the driveway. She put the bowl on the counter and walked toward the door to be ready to meet him when he entered; she hoped Martin wouldn't insist on coming in the house. She didn't want to see him. Though she knew she would have to face him on Friday, perhaps she would not have to go through looking at him just now after the humiliation he had subjected her to earlier in the...
My urgent shout must have impressed upon Sarah and Jessica that I wanted us out of there right away. To be immediate about it, they just teleported the whole area rather than each of us as individuals. That's the only way I can account for the medium sized fire that we had burning in our living room when we popped back into the house. I thought the teleport for live animals and humans was different from the teleport for objects, but maybe they just used everything they had to get it done...
My name is John, age 22, unmarried. I have been watching porn since the age of 19. I have always been fascinated about men and the kind of muscle they have, their biceps, chest, and hunky. I masturbate thinking about men. My parents have been searching for a girl for me to get married. I was unable to let anyone know about my sexual preference. I never let my parents know about me. I masturbated once a week by sliding my foreskin back. At times it used to hurt while retracting the foreskin but...
Gay Male"It could have been worse," Mike commented in the cab of Mark's truck on Saturday, as they rode towards town. "Yeah," Mark agreed. "I think Jackie was expecting it, anyway. But, I'm glad we caught them all nice and mellow in the hot tub. How much did that thing set you back, anyway?" "Couple of grand," Mike said. "But, we wrote it right into the mortgage. It was worth it, though. Once Kirsten realized we could have it, she didn't have second thoughts about moving out from town....
Elaine invites me to their place supposedly while Gordon is out for some 3 hours I arrive dressed in leathers (Chaps, a silk loin cloth, a leather waistcoatand hat) and am invited in by Elaine who is beautifully dressed and I takeher in my arms and kiss her very gently. I swing her around to carefully fondleher tits and feel them hardening as I gently kiss her neck I feel myself hardening as she pushes her backside into my groin and I whisperto her that she is a slut while pushing her slowly...
We were spending the night with my good friend Jay. My wife, Mellonee,and I decided to sleep in his room with him. Actually my wife just kind of blurted out, "Hey why don't we just all sleep in the same room?" Jay and I just both looked at each other and said, "OK." Jay and I didn't think anything of it and when we got into his bedroom, he started to make a pallet on the floor and he said "You guys can have my bed. I'll take the floor."Immediately Mellonee said "No way Jay! This is your house...
Wife LoversI grew up on the outskirts of Indianapolis and attended a catholic school until I turned a freshman. At that point I had to go to a public school which was completely different. The northeast side of Indy has a pretty dense population of black people in the town of Lawrence where I lived. During my time in public high school I interacted more with blacks than I ever had in my life. To be honest, I never associated with blacks because I pretty much felt that they were more rough than I cared to...
7 AM, Saturday, 9/30/06 At the Grimes household, things were not going as smoothly as the family might have hoped. Margo had woken up at 6 AM and begun fretting about everything – the family's outfits for the evening, the caterers, transportation, and a thousand other things she didn't even bother putting into words. Candy was the second one up that morning, rolling off her air mattress on to the living room floor. She scratched herself and went stumbling toward the kitchen, only to hear...
The doorbell rings, snapping me out of a daydream. I rise from my armchair and make my way to the front door. Through the frosted glass I can make out the frame of a young woman.I open up and am immediately struck by the vision of loveliness standing on my step, she had long black hair, brown eyes and a waif like figure. I find myself staring into her eyes for a second longer than I really should do. Coming to my senses I ask if I can help her.“Ross, Ross Bradley?”“Yes, that’s me.”“Hi Ross, I’m...
Straight Sex“Amy? Ha no way,” Bill Rolen responded. He stepped over to embrace her. “What's it been? Four years? How are you?” “Five actually,” she said with a roll of her eyes to indicate she was wrapping up a ‘five year program’. “I'm doing great! So are you going to offer me a job?” “Maybe. Do you have any employees willing to sponsor you?” They both laughed. “Are you going back to Chicago tonight?” “No, actually. We’re going to be part of a symposium with the Computer Science...