Elaine free porn video

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Elaine invites me to their place supposedly while Gordon is out for some 3 hours

I arrive dressed in leathers (Chaps, a silk loin cloth, a leather waistcoatand hat) and am invited in by Elaine who is beautifully dressed and I takeher in my arms and kiss her very gently. I swing her around to carefully fondleher tits and feel them hardening as I gently kiss her neck

I feel myself hardening as she pushes her backside into my groin and I whisperto her that she is a slut while pushing her slowly forward and quickly handcuffingher wrists behind her back. I continue to kiss and fondle her while using astrap to buckle her upper arms reasonably tightly together so her elbows areforced toward each other behind her back and her nipples, by now rock hardare thrust out in front of her.

I walk her to the bedroom telling her she is wicked to have me here when Gordonis away, but also that I have plans for her as my newest slave.

She looks hard at me and shrugs in her bondage but I tell her to relax andlook at herself in the mirror

When she does she sees just how good she looks with her tits that I have freedfrom their bra and the dress thrust out, her nipples hard, her posture enhancedby the bondage.

I fondle, kiss and caress her further as I slip her panties off and feel thetell tale wetness in her crotch. she slumps back into my arms and I carry herto the double bed and lie her down while I go to work with my ropes.

She is helpless and I hike up her dress exposing her to me and gently kissand caress every inch before tying each ankle spread eagle fashion to the bottomof the bed. I then work my way back up my victims body slowly running my fingerseverywhere until I sit her forward and undo the cuffs and the strap.

I straddle her body while I remove her dress and any last vestige of clothing,I then smother her with kisses and at the same time bind each wrist stretchedout and spread at the top of the bed.

I climb off and admire my handy work. My own hard is clearly visible to herthrough the light silk of my loin cloth and I am panting with desire. I runmy fingernails around her nipples until each is as hard as a rock.

I trail my hand down and bring her the first orgasm with my fingers all thewhile kissing her and telling her that she is now my naked pleasure slave andthat before Gordon returns she will have had many orgasms and will look flushedand ravishing when I take her away naked and securely hogtied in my van tomy flat where later my buddies were due for a game of poker and I have promisedthem

a slut pleasure slave for the winner.

I told her she would be on display naked throughout the game and able to befondled and finger fucked by anyone who was interested during the many drinkbreaks. I kissed away her protests then stripped and mounted her, my rock hardcondom covered cock sliding effortlessly into the warm sanctuary of her wetcunt.

I rode her until I came and then flopped exhausted on top of her.

Suddenly I felt an iron grip on my wrists and the steel cuffs I had so carelesslythrown on the floor were snapped into place on my wrists, a cock gag was jammedinto my mouth and buckled tight behind my head and the same belt I had usedon Elaine was forcing my elbows together behind my back.

I rolled off Elaine to find myself looking into the angry eyes of Gordon whohad returned early. I was in trouble and I knew it as he forced me to my stomachon the floor and hog tied me with more rope. I lay there while Elaine toldhim how I had broken in and raped her. I struggled and yelled but only gurglesemerged as I was well bound and gagged.

He released Elaine who dressed, asked for a strong drink and when Gordon leftthe room to fetch it she bent, lifted my head kissed my gag and told me whata pretty slave I would make for them and their friends.

She then left the room and I went in to a frenzy of struggles against theropes but quickly stopped as they both re entered the room a glass in theirhands, Gordon looking grim and Elaine flushed and beautiful as I had predictedbut fully clothed and looking sophisticated rather than naked as I had predicted.

The only person naked was me and most stringently bound and silenced at that.I pleaded with my eyes as they sat on the bed and calmly discussed my impendingpunishments while sorting through my bag of gear and giggling as they cameacross ankle chains, suspension cuffs, butt plugs, whips, ropes, gags, nippleclamps and more leather gear.

They pushed me on to my side so I lay bow shaped at their feet and Elainetoyed with my nipples and hardened my cock with her toe.

Gordon then helped Elaine lift me onto the double bed and they lay my hogtiedbody across it. Gordon announced that he had an afternoons work to do but wouldlike to play in the evening. They both sat on the edge of the bed either sideof my head and while Elaine held my head toward her so she could watch my eyes.Gordon's hands strayed to my butt where his fingers trailed softly toward andthen suddenly invaded my arse.

I jerked away as best I could but was able to do little being so tightly ropedand hogtied. Elaine had a very wicked twinkle in her eye as she asked me whatwas wrong and did I perhaps not want to be a slave.

Gordon then released the ropes connecting my wrists to my ankles and allowingmy feet to flop back on the bed. I immediately rolled onto my back to preventhim exploring my unprotected arse any farther.

He then suggested they get me to the garage before he went to work and setabout undoing my ankle ropes, while Elaine climbed on top of me, sitting, facingme, just in front of my cock and balls and began to play with my nipples whichhardened immediately. My cock was also hardening as her control and beautifullywicked smile combined with my rope bondage and utter helplessness was excitingme despite my previous feelings.

Elaine once satisfied that my nipples were hard enough applied an old Japanesechopstick torture by taking a chopstick snapped in two. The two short sticksare bound at one end by a tightened rubber band and after she had gently teasedmy right nipple to hardness she gripped it strongly and pulled it upwards,at the same time opening the two sticks at the unbound end and then closingthem behind the full nipple, she then tightened them by tying the other endwith another rubber band. This trapped the full nipple out in front of thesticks in a most painful way and like a ball tie, trapped the blood makingthe nipple engorge and swell.

She then did the same with the left nipple and produced a small leather strapwith which she proceeded to lightly whip each in turn. Once again I writhedin pain but pinned by her weight I could do nothing.

Elaine then swung around and began to play with my cock. Gordon held my legswide apart while Elaine produced a thin cord which she wrapped around the baseof my cock and balls and tied it off tightly trapping the blood and keepingme hard. She then wrapped it around again several times but this time avoidingmy cock and effectively tying the top of my ball sack which tightened the skinand trapped my balls in a tight bundle. She left enough cord to form an effectiveleash which when she pulled upward as she raised her body off my lower stomach.I was forced to raise my hips to stop the pain. She held me like this for nomore than a minute as she lightly applied the leather thonged whip to the stretchedskin. I begged her to stop but through the gag could make no real sound.

Elaine then hopped off the bed, Gordon released my ankles and I was told tostand beside the bed. Elaine now addressed me as slave and her voice had ahard edge to it as she tugged at the leash, told me to stand facing Gordonand spread my legs. I did as I was told and Gordon fastened steel ankle cuffsto my ankles with a relatively short chain linking them and hobbling me. Hethen spun me around and pushed me face down on the bed and tightened the steelhandcuffs on my wrists. He made a great play of handing both sets of keys toElaine who smiled sweetly and clipped them to a gold chain around her neckbefore tugging again on the leash and demanding I follow her

I followed her meekly down the hall to the garage where a real surprise awaitedme. I saw leather cuffs hanging by ropes from the ring bolts in the rafters.I was made to stand directly below them and the cuffs were pulled down low,my hand cuffs were released and the leather cuffs strapped on each wrist. Oncethey were secured my upper arm ropes were released and I was forced to standon tip toe as each rope was pulled forcing my arms straight up at slightlywider than shoulder width with my body stretched and on my toes. The ropeswent directly up through the ring bolts and off to either side of the garagewhere they were tied off to two other ring bolts in either wall well out ofmy reach. Ropes were then attached to each ankle and they were pulled apartand secured to two more ring bolts set in the walls.

Gordon then left, kissing Elaine and telling her to enjoy herself but notto allow the slave to escape as he may be bringing some friends home in a coupleof hours.

Every muscle in my naked body was now stretched and I was unable to even flinchaway when Elaine stood in front of me aiming her nipple strap expertly at myright nipple. She drew back and let the strap go, causing me to scream behindmy gag but unable to stop her as she drew the strap back once more. She struckagain and then moved to my left trapped and swollen nipple massaged it to firmnessand then repeated the strikes leaving me writhing in my bonds and rattlingthe chain which was still manacled to my spread ankles limiting my abilityto spread my legs wider just as the ropes prevented me from closing them.

Elaine allowed the pain to subside and then traced her hand down my body andbrought my cock back to life. She covered my cock with a condom and then suckedand licked me to hardness and to the point of wanting release. My hips buckedas much as they could and a groan was stifled by my gag as she abruptly stoppedand smiled at me, even stretching on to tip toe to kiss my cock gag.

She then added a leather parachute to my ball torture, and added weights sothat it pulled downward crushing my balls gently together and set it swingingbetween my spread eagled legs.

She then stood and attached clamps to my already trapped and swollen nippleslinked by a chain from which another weight hung and walked out of the garagesaying Gordon will be back in an hour and you will hang until then and reflecton what has led you to this position.

The door slammed and I began to try and get as comfortable as was possiblegiven my bondage. If I stood on the tips of my outstretched toes I could justease the pain in my wrists and arms from the suspension until the pain in mytoes forced me to slump back to hanging from my wrists. Both movements broughtfresh bursts of pain to my clamped nipples and compressed balls as they setthe weights swinging.

Sweat began to trickle down my arm pits and legs as I hung running my mindback over just how I had got myself into this position. I had been feelingcocky and totally in control of Elaine no more than a couple of hours earlier.I loved to be in control, to tease and play but now found myself humiliatedin the extreme, naked, sore, invaded and strung up on display for Elaine andGordon and maybe another couple of people who would strut into the garage likeplantation owners and inspect every part of my body before deciding what theymay like to do to me.

It was now crystal clear that Elaine and Gordon had outsmarted me and enslavedme. That she and she alone had the power to decide my fate, that I was goingto be whipped fucked and abused at her discretion and possibly given away atthe end of the days game as a prize to her friends none of whom I knew butI guessed would not be strangers to BDSM and to tormenting a suitably helplessnaked male.

I would have been in this position for no more than a few minutes when I heardthe garage door open and close quietly but no footsteps and try as I mightI couldn't see who was there. I felt fingers tracing down my naked back andthen slowly running up my inner thighs and gently tugging on the parachutebefore coming round to confront me. It was Elaine, she was naked but for astrap on dildo and clearly a little excited she moved to the side wall andundid the rope leading to my right wrist and allowed it to lower to waist height.The relief was intense and I was grateful as she did the same on the left side.

I had no thoughts of escape as my ankles were still spread eagled apart byropes and also manacled and chained. I concentrated simply on keeping my balanceas she left the leather cuffs on my wrists but also crossed them behind myback and bound them securely with rope. She then moved behind me holding bothwrist cuff ropes in her hand and hauled my crossed wrists into the air thusbending me over until my back was horizontal to the floor. She secured therope through another eye bolt in the centre of the rafter to the back wallsomewhere behind me and walked back to stand before me.

She removed my gag and buckled a soft leather belt across the top of my chestbut under my arms which were stretched up behind my back toward the rafters,she then tied a rope to the belt and secured it to the rafters straight abovethe belt. This supported my upper body and to some degree relieved the strainon my shoulders. When she stood before me now my mouth brushed her sex andI began to lick and suck her like a conditioned animal. Once she was satisfiedshe walked to my rear and penetrated me with the strap on dildo, long hardthrusts that moved my whole body bringing fresh pain to my weighted bound nipplesand balls. It was obvious that in less than ten minutes Gordon would be backwith some friends who would be able to join this game.

However when she finished she undid the leather belt and stood me uprightin my bonds before setting about to retie me by undoing the rope on my wrists,reconnecting the leather cuffs to the rafter ropes and hauling my once againseparated wrists into the air so that I was on my toes and properly displayedas she said I would be for their friends.

Within ten minutes a car horn sounded and Elaine switched off the lights andopened the garage roller door. It was dusk and I felt the draft on my nakedbody before the car drove in and the door was closed.

The car parked beside me and to my horror not only Gordon but another coupleemerged to hug and kiss Elaine before turning their attention to me. The manwas large and introduced to me as Terry, the Woman was also big with gorgeoustits and blond hair. She was introduced as Pauline. They both ran their handsover my body and slapped my nipples to check the effect. I could see Elainesmiling in the background at my predicament.

The two then said they needed to get changed and disappeared up the hall toemerge a few moments later with him leading her by a dog leash attached toa chain linking two the clamps on her nipples. She was completely naked andhe was bare chested with a massive cock straining inside a soft leather posingpouch, leather chaps and a leather half mask. They both looked magnificentmy cock stirred despite the leather bindings around it and the parachute.

Terry put a cushion on the ground in front of me and told Pauline to kneelon it which she did. Her mouth was now directly in front of my cock and Elainewas fondling me while removing the parachute and bindings on my cock and ballsbut replacing the parachute and weights when she finished, by this time I wasrock hard and oozing pre cum. Elaine laughed and pulled a flavoured condomonto my prick. Terry then holding Pauline by the hair forced her to take mycock and commanded that she keep sucking until told to stop.

Terry then stepped back to watch the spectacle and stripped completely toreveal an enormous cock which Elaine fondled while she drew a lubricated condomon to it. He then disappeared behind me and my worst fears were realised whenhis large hands seized my hips either side and he began to force his hard cockinto me. I gasped and struggled to no avail as I was stretched and impaledon his massive cock.

Elaine meantime whipped my swollen nipples while smiling at me and askingme what it was like to be a true slave and suggesting that my mouth which shewas kissing hard would also soon be made available for whatever use the guestsrequired. I abandoned all hope and rode the sensation as I came within my condomin Pauline's mouth. I was now truly a slave and could not believe the powerof my own shattering release which was obvious to Gordon and Elaine who congratulatedthemselves on capturing and breaking in a good new slave for their group.

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I've had a crush on him since we where younger, and I'm talking young. But now it's more then just a crush, it's a need for him, a want, a list for him. I can't get him off my mind. Which sucks if you ask me. He was gorgeous in my opinion, dirty blonde hair, stunning blue eyes, pretty muscular, funny, cute, dirty minded. The last time we spoke he said he was a virgin, and he's 19, I'm only a year younger. It's weird that he trusts me. We've always been close, since the day we...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Backside Street Neighbour

Hey folks. This story is about the encounter with my back street neighbor. My neighbor name is Ritu (name changed). She is of age 30 married with 1 kid. Her husband is working as marketing office and her figure 36-30-38. She had a well toned body. About me I am average fair romantic working in Bangalore and staying alone my age is 22. Once I was in super market shopping some house hold groceries. I find this lady very attractive and she has got nice pair of lips and seductive eyes. I stare at...

3 years ago
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VengeanceChapter 2

The next afternoon, I was back in town. I was in the office when the girls first started arriving for their shifts and decided to put my next part of the plan into action. I picked up the phone and called Elliot. It was time to get him to cuckquean Paisley. He answered the phone, thinking it was his bitch phoning. LMAO, what a retard. I invited him to the club, telling him I had a job for him or some shit. Anything to get him there. I did need somebody new in acquisitions I didn’t have...

2 years ago
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The Darkness Part One The gatekeeper falls

The Darkness Part one: the gatekeeper falls: "Won't you share the darkness with me?" - Irish saying It must have always been there, when the light gave way, hidden in the shadows. Those same shadows grew longer now as the sun disappeared. They crept across the playing fields on the edge of town, covering the ground first, then climbing up the bramble encased fences of the houses that bordered the playing fields and across the small patches of grass that were called back gardens up...

3 years ago
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The life form

You come in after a hard day at work late cause of a deadline, you fix your normal easy out meal and eat it watching an rerun of a cartoon comedy. When your done tossing the dishes in the sink for later, you go up stairs to your room and strip down. Then after a sigh you want to clean up before going to sleep and repeating your day at work.

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Jude and Connor the kiss Chapter 3

Connor sat on top of me and continued to kiss me with intense emotion and I reciprocated. I felt him lean his body, telling me that we wanted to switch positions and I obliged, I was now sat on his groin area and felt him start to softly grind. I let out a soft whimper to let him know I appreciated it and I felt him chuckle as we kissed. I pinned his hands down and I felt him arch his body to be closer to me. I broke the kiss momentarily to remove his shirt and he took mine off. Without...

4 years ago
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The Mermaid

The Mermaid I was fishing when I first met her. I know of this very secluded lagoon with a small island in the middle of it. The fishing is excellent and I always catch enough for dinner…which is usually only one fish. Not that I couldn’t catch more but I couldn’t eat more. Actually I own that small island and all of the land around that lagoon. I keep my boat on shore and I keep firewood near it. When I want to go fishing I slip my rowboat into the water and put enough firewood in...

4 years ago
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Nothing but business

Introduction: A wealthy girl gets fucked for a ransom I woke up, not sure where I am. At first, I wasnt even sure who I was. But that came back to me before long, I was Jessica Thorton-Pierce, 19-year-old heiress to the Thorton-Pierce family, and the last thing I remember was… sipping that drink while looking into that Russian exchange students eyes. The realization that I was drugged comes with the realization that I couldnt move, tied hand and foot to a chair but otherwise naked. I wasnt...

4 years ago
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Deep Wood In The Woods

The rest of the weekend went by pretty quickly. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel about what happened on that Saturday morning. I couldn’t really get that experience out of my head. And I couldn’t stop thinking about the taste of Darrell’s cum out of Wendy’s pussy. It had a different taste from his cock; it was probably because it was mixed in with Wendy’s juices too. I hadn’t talked to anyone else over the weekend, so I was left alone with my thoughts.When Monday came, I was pretty...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbours Part 4

Now I had never considered my self gay or even bisexual but the session with Bob was very enjoyable and knowing that he has probably fucked both Jean and Emily I didn’t foresee any issues with him eventually finding out that I had already done that, I was in a good position.I dressed and decided to return home and reflect before the girls got home, all was cheery with Bob and there was no embarrassment as we both enjoyed it.I had just settled down for the evening, boxer shorts, beer and some...

4 years ago
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YakimaChapter 4 Showdown

It took three weeks before we got a court date assigned, and that was for the end of September, seven weeks ahead. Seven more weeks that I was forced to live like a hermit in the cabin, visiting my son and daughter only on weekends. There was only so much I could do at work to keep me busy. That didn't help my attitude toward Reese. The resumption of the school year would add some new tasks to my schedule, but I had the feeling that Frank and gone to some lengths to take some of my workload...

2 years ago
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Child Swapping Parts I II

Introduction: This is a work of fiction. I Richard scoured the message boards, he was on the hunt for a couple that would be potentially interested in swapping incestual partners. He was a single dad with a son, James who was just turning 15 in a couple weeks, and a seventeen year old daughter who was every bit as gorgeous as her mother, Sarah. Early on, Richard had encouraged incestual behavior between the two siblings and between Sarah and himself. James wasnt at all opposed to fucking his...

4 years ago
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My sisters Panties

My younger sister, Lisa, has been a cock tease for as long as i can remember. Now 18, she loves walking around the house showing off her long, lean legs and her tight ass. Although she was a little taller than I was at 5'08", she had small but firm breasts and seldom wore a bra under her shirts. As she grew into a young woman, again she paraded around the house, now with the very developed body of a young woman rather than a young girl. She had long...

3 years ago
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Diaries of a teenage prostitute

Tom Green was cleaning out his daughters apartment. She had been in an accident and was in hospital. He and his daughter had drifted apart over the last few years. He did not even know what she did for a living. But he did know while she was recovering neither of them could afford to pay for her apartment. In her wardrobe, she had found a large collection of kinky underwear. The things you only see in mens magazines. In her bedside drawers he had found several vibrators and dildos. The clothes...

2 years ago
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SexAndSubmission Zoe Sparx Put Away Wet

The lithe, sex-hungry Zoe Sparx is chained up in Charles Dera’s warehouse, ready to be handed over to her new handler. But she needs to be tested first, by Charles himself. He flogs her and crops her, then fucks her perfect, slutty pussy, training her to give in to his needs, and the needs of her next dom. She starts alone in the warehouse, chained with her arms above her head and a ball gag in her mouth. He torments her nipples and rolls a spike wheel over her natural tits and exposed...

4 years ago
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Narutos New Look Day Six

~~Day 6: Subaku no Gaara and Kankuro~~ Gaara sighed happily as he beheld the streets of Konoha. It didn't quite compare to home, but he was always happy to visit Konoha. "Hey, Gaara," his brother called from a short distance away. "You okay there?" "Hm... sorry, Kankuro," Gaara apologised in his usual monotone as he followed him. He and his brother had received permission to come to Konoha for a visit; Temari had chosen to remain behind (Kankuro mentioned something about a...

4 years ago
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Sex With Facebook Friend

Hi indian sex stories dot net Readers I am a 42 year old and would like to share one of my sexual experiences with an lady. This has happened 2 yrs back when I was in jammu. Generally I use to chat on internet when ever I get free time. On one day I come across a lady named sonia who belongs to Delhi. In the initial time we just exchanged our views in general topics. This was continued for 2 month. And then after we were became little bit closer and shared our contact numbers. Casually we used...

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Bryans Boat

"Don't go." Bryan whispered huskily. " I haven't given you my gift yet." I hesitated as he reached behind the seat and pulled out a small shirt box sized present. It was wrapped in blue wrapping and tied with a bow. There was a tag attached to the bow which read : To My beautiful Edyn With much affection and desire From Bryan I caught my breath as I read the tag. "You think I am beautiful?" I asked disbelievingly. Bryan reached over and stroked the curve of my...

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New Neighbor

My name is Kayla and I’m 17 years old, a junior in high school. I have always been the good girl even though my stereotype begs to differ. Normally a blonde cheerleader is always given the label as bitchy, high maintenance, slut. But I wasn’t like that. Well at least that was true up until now. I’m still not bitchy, or high maintenance but I don’t think I can no longer refer to myself as not slutty. But I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s start from the beginning. I live in a normal...

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BecChapter 38 Sunday Night

I knew things had changed even before I opened my eyes. I wasn’t lying on a carpet anymore. My head was on a pillow instead of Tara’s lap. I had blankets over me and a warm body lying on each side of me. The sound of steady breathing told me that the bodies were alive, so I guess that was a plus. Also I could feel something wrapped tightly around each of my wrists – that was a bit weird. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was lying on the floor of my room. From the feel of it, we were...

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Showing Off Her Gold Jamie Sale

Jamie Sale' -- you may know her best as one-half of the Canadian Gold Medal pairs figure skating team in the last Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. But, if that's all you know about Jamie, you don't know the half of it. She's also one of the hottest, sexiest and boldest babes in the history of international and Olympic figure-skating competition. How so, you might ask?? Well, if you've ever looked at FHM magazine, you should know the answer to that question and if you don't, check it out...

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Return to Eban

It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room.  ?Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please??  Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases....

4 years ago
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Caught my mom fucking my best friend Part 2

The following is based on a true story… My mom has been fucking my best friend (Ryan) for the past several months. My mom (who I haven’t named in my first story) is a nurse named Trish. She is a divorced mother of one (me) and she is in her early forties. She has a beautiful face, a good sized rack, and a lean body. Ryan is my age (in his early twenties). He works out a lot and is the ideal alpha male. All of the girls in high school and college desired him over me. One time I was kissing this...

2 years ago
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Payment Of Loan By Sex

Hi my name is Neha. This is personal story of what happened with me and I would not advise anybody to take money on credit from people. I had taken about 2 lacs money on interest from Ramnikbhai. My husband was working in Africa and I thought I could make some extra money at my end to help the family expenses, as I did not come from a very good financial family. But things didn’t work out and I had lost quite a bit of the money. Every first of the month Ramnikbhai would come for collections,...

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I had my way with my girl Leah04

From the Dairy of Mr. Deepak Kumar.. You have read in part-3 that : But I did not give her time to think. Quickly I encircled her waist again with my arms, drew her to me till her bottom pressed against my chest, then, while my left arm held her firmly, my right hand began to wander over the junction of her stomach and legs, pressing inquisitively her groin and thighs, and intently watching her in the mirror. Her colour rose, her breath came unevenly, she quivered and trembled on her legs...

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inside of her PT 1

it was a rather stormy night , the forcast read 4 a bad storm heading my direction all the lights were off from the power outtage as i heard a boltof lighting strike there was a knock at the door itgot louder as i went 2 it i got to the peephole and asked who is it . i heard a soft voice say hello hi im stranded out here, my car failed me, and it wont start. thats when i replied give me a sec i dont have any cloths on i have to get dressed she replied alright nowe im franticly running trying...

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RockmanChapter 12

Ged walked round the empty flat. Nothing of what Cassie and he had bought remained. In his old office-cum-music room there was the filing cabinet and the computer without a monitor or keyboard. Nothing else. Ged sat on the floor of the flat and sorted the mail, looking for letters from the bank or from the courts, placing them in a pile of their own. He found the electricity and gas bills, all red, and realised by experiment that the electricity had been cut off and so had the gas. He went...

4 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 15

I sat there in the study for quite a while. How long I'm not sure, because the chair faces away from the only time piece in the room, an old style mariners clock that resides on my roll-top desk. I held the glass of vodka in my left hand, my head in my right; staring out in the direction of the doorway yet seeing nothing but the swirling dissonance of my own thoughts. All the downstairs lights were off, the only illumination was a small nightlight plugged into an outlet halfway down the...

2 years ago
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Erica Ranch Wife pt 4 her first anal

Introduction: After some hesitation , Erica finally tries anal Erica was pretty adventurous during our playtime. She had made suggestions about anal sex and offered none of the upturned-nose type behavior some people have with it. She had taken a rather vigorous anal fingering and had no problem with analingus when I performed it on her. In fact, she had motioned my head towards her butt,when I ate her out on several occasions. She was concerned about cleanliness and seemed pretty aware of...

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