RockmanChapter 12 free porn video

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Ged walked round the empty flat. Nothing of what Cassie and he had bought remained. In his old office-cum-music room there was the filing cabinet and the computer without a monitor or keyboard. Nothing else.

Ged sat on the floor of the flat and sorted the mail, looking for letters from the bank or from the courts, placing them in a pile of their own. He found the electricity and gas bills, all red, and realised by experiment that the electricity had been cut off and so had the gas. He went to the fridge, since it was built in, it had been left, and shut the door as soon as he opened it, as the stale rancid smell filled the kitchen.

He was puzzled. Hadn't he set up direct debits for all the services before he went, so that Cassie would not need to worry about bills? Didn't Gus funnel a monthly payment into his household account via a Standing Order to make sure everything was paid? He phoned Gus on his mobile.

"Hi Ged!" shouted Gus on picking up. He had 'Caller ID.' "Great tour! You coming in to see the takings?"

"Yes, Gus," Ged replied, in a flat monotone.

Gus picked up the tone immediately. "Hey, mate, I'm sorry about Cassie."

"So am I," answered Ged, "but there's something more urgent to deal with. Did you stop paying into my Bills Account for the flat?"

"No?" he answered. "The monthly payment is still being paid."

"So why have I a repossession order on the flat for non-payment of mortgage; Why is there no furniture left here? Why is my electric and gas cut off; why is there a summons to pay my council tax?"

Silence. Then, "Ged, have you checked your account on line?"

"Difficult without electricity – a wi-fi router needs power."

"OK," Gus replied, more soberly. "Can you get over here? We can do everything from here."

Once in Gus's office, there were a number of further revelations. The first was the household account in his name. Gus called up the previous five months.

"Bloody Hell!" gasped Ged.

"Fucking Nora!" muttered Gus, as they cast their eyes over the figures.

"That's the date they married," Gus pointed. "Look, from a month before, as soon as the money comes in, it goes out again. Let's look at standing orders."

"There!" Ged observed. "A payment to another bank account – sort code and account number, and her name! The fucking bitch! She's siphoned off all the money! And she's still doing it! Did she take all the furniture?"

There are ways of finding out, but for now, we'll just stop it."

And they did. Ged then set up another account on line, and Gus transferred five months' money into it. They transferred the Direct Debits. Then it was time to phone the bank about the mortgage.

"You might like to know," Gus said with a smile, "that you have eight million sitting in the holding deposit account in the same bank, waiting for you to decide what to do with it. More coming in all the time – large amounts – there's still a good quarter of the takings to come, let alone sales."

Ged phoned, and asked for the manager. As usual he was put off – the manager was 'in a meeting.'

He gave the girl on the other end his account number.

"Got my details?" he snapped.

"Yes, sir," she said. "You seem to be in arrears with your payments on the mortgage."

"Is there a deposit account on your screen?" There was a silence. And then a whispered, "Good God!"

"I want the manager on the phone NOW!" Ged shouted. "Or I take my business elsewhere."

It turned out that the manager's meeting ended at that very moment, and he was able to come to the phone immediately. Amazing! He began to talk about the arrears, when Ged cut him off.

"Did it not appear strange to anyone in your benighted branch, that there might be something going on – eight million in one account and five months' arrears on the mortgage?"


"Is there a note to the effect that while I've been away, Mr Gus Mettleson is handling my affairs?"

"Let me see ... Well, yes."

"Why did no one call him or write to him? Aren't you allowed by law to take money from my deposit account and settle the arrears? Why am I being threatened with repossession?"

The man's apologies were fulsome and even grovelling. He would get to the bottom of the matter and he would rescind the penalty charges; any court action would be halted. Ged asked about the furniture. At first, he was told the bank sent the bailiffs in to reclaim the arrears and sold his effects.

"You will replace every stick of furniture, all the equipment and appliances. You will do it quickly, or I will be suing you, and of course removing my business from your bank. Then I get in touch with Head Office. Understand?"

He understood, and asked for an inventory.

"Get it from the bailiffs. Your problem, not mine. Further I have nowhere to live because of your incompetence. What are you going to do about it?"

He would be put up in a hotel of his choosing.

"Now," Ged went on. "It appears there has been some embezzlement of my household account. Someone has siphoned off all the money my agent placed there. I want to know who has done it. Use your brains – there was an unauthorised Standing Order removing the money as soon as it arrived. I want action. It's fraud."

The bank would work with the police to find who had done it. Ged disconnected.

Gus handled the Gas and Electric people, pointing out that they had been informed that all communications were to go to him. They hadn't, and now Mr Smith was cut off. Urgent action and compensation were required, and agreed. A similar call to the Council Offices took much longer. Public servants are often slow on the uptake. Finally the phone company.

Ged was angry, very angry. "Gus," he grumbled, "I need a lawyer. That cow has swindled me – Fraud? Embezzlement? I want her sued for the money and compensation for what's been done to the flat. I don't care that it's Cassie. She had no right to do that; it was petty and vindictive."

"Graham Pilkington," said Gus. "He's very good, and he tells it like it is. He's a bit pricey, but worth it."

Ged left Gus's office on his promise that he would arrange a meeting with Graham, and made for one of the best hotels in the City. Tomorrow he would be at home to welcome the re-instatement of his services.

Next day saw him, wearing a mask, clearing the fetid mess in the fridge and freezer, and airing and cleaning the flat. He was impressed that Gas and Electricity were re-connected that morning, and he received a phone call from Gus inviting himself and Graham to the flat that afternoon.

"Do you only deal with people whose names begin with 'G'?" Ged joked, as Gus introduced Graham.

"Only the Good ones!" came the sharp retort.

"There's nowhere to sit," Ged reminded him.

"We'll stand!" Gus responded.

On their arrival, Ged explained what had happened, and how the living arrangements had been with Cassie. Once finished, they awaited Graham's comment. Graham looked round the bare flat.

"Not good news," Graham began. "You lived together, and had a common current account, so technically she was entitled to take money from that account, so you've no redress there.

"But your household bills account – that's different. She had no rights over that.

"You owned the flat but she paid nothing to stay, so there's no tenancy agreement, and as a result she could really do as she pleased in your absence, like living here with her boyfriend. I hear that she did have her soon-to-be-husband here for a few months.

"You understand this is the legal position, not the moral one. If anyone took money out of your personal account that would be theft. By the way, did you give her the household account details?"

"Well, not really," he replied after some thought. "I kept the details in my filing cabinet and I had no reason to lock it against her. Gus had the details and pin number for emergencies while I was away. He was running the account for me, not her."

"Oh." He looked unhappy. "That might be questionable in court. It depends on whether you leaving the cabinet unlocked is seen as an invitation or not. If it is seen that way, then if she's changed the account you have no redress, I'm afraid. Banks take sharing your pin numbers very seriously. Did you have the pin number written down?"

"No. I remembered it. In any case I had no reason to use a pin number with that account; it was all done on line."

"Well, that's better, but having the details unlocked – could be dodgy in court."

Ged nodded. Over the evening before he had suspected as much. It intensified his disgust with her behaviour, and his wonder that she could be so vindictive. After all she knew what the account was for, and she was intelligent enough to know that she had no rights there.

What had he done that was so heinous that she should react like that? All right, so she thought he had been unfaithful, and she thought she had evidence, but she had not even given him the chance to defend himself. She simply cut him off.

Graham and Gus left, Gus demanding Ged's time the next day to discuss his takings from the tour and the royalties from his songs.

Ged looked round at the empty flat. So she had Zak there in his flat, in his bed for months. Suddenly he didn't want to live in that flat any more. It revolted him. He would look for another place, and this time he had the money. No mortgage. He would take the furniture the bank obtained and move it to his new place. The flat could be sold and soon.

The very next day he found a very pleasant large detached house in its own grounds a few miles out of town. It had a huge living room and dining room which were connected by a folding partition making a vast area, another living room, a roomy study at the front of the house which he thought would do for a music room, large kitchen, utility room, and another room in an annex reached by a covered walkway which would do for a gym and finally a covered swimming pool beyond it.

Upstairs there were eight bedrooms, four of which were en suite. The garden was large, with shady trees here and there, and he knew he would have to employ a gardener to keep it under control. It rather reminded him of Catherine's place in its size, though it was thoroughly British in design and construction.

Negotiations were begun, and since he was paying cash, they were very brief. The vendors, a wealthy couple who had just retired and were downsizing, were amazed he did not haggle but simply paid up.

He contacted the music group, and they met in his hotel suite. They looked and felt uncomfortable until he told them that Cassie was a thing of the past and if he could get over it, so could they.

As they left after a good practice when they played and loved his new songs, Vivienne asked him to go for a drink.

Vivienne was an old girl friend from school who had stayed a friend after they had split up, and was by general agreement the leader of the group.

They went down to the bar in the hotel and settled.

"Hey, Ged!" she said. "It's great to see you back. You had quite a time according to the papers."

"Viv," smiled Ged. "How's things?"

"Not so bad," she replied with a grin. "So you know all about Cassie and this Zak?"

"Yeah. I got a few phone calls, mostly abusive, from her friends. Apparently Cassie was pissed off at me. If she's married for revenge, more fool her."

"Well, you were pretty wild."

"Viv," said Ged seriously. "You shouldn't believe what you read in the press. I spent the whole tour with one woman."

"But?" she looked puzzled, "that's partly why she's so pissed off."

"Yeah I was with Annette – know her?"

"No. Papers said she got the job with you and the band, technician or something wasn't it?"

"Right. And we spent every single evening in each other's company, usually alone, often in my room, while the others got laid."

"But she's gorgeous..."

"And a lesbian."

"A les ... So you didn't..."

"No. we didn't. You may have noticed, I'm not a woman."

She laughed. "But the papers?"

"They were wrong – Amos did a number on me. I have some theories about him and Zak. Between them they lost me the woman I loved."

"So tell her!"

"No way!" Ged was adamant. "Too late. She's married to Zak – better or worse etc. She was shagging him long before they married apparently, and in my flat. She's history as far as I'm concerned. Please Viv, don't say anything about what I've told you. If you want the full story, there's a documentary coming up on BBC Three sometime. You can say what you like to her after it, if you want."

"OK!" Vivienne said holding up her hands. "My lips are sealed, but not my legs. You want a little TLC tonight? Must be gruelling knowing she's with that toerag. You must be horny?"

"You're very kind, Viv, " smiled Ged, "but I need time to recover and start to feel at home again. I'm still rather exhausted. What was really gruelling was living in hotels for a year."

They left the bar in the hotel and she kissed him before she left and he returned to his suite.

He was in a hiatus, waiting for the conveyance on the house to be completed and for replacement furniture to be delivered to the flat.

He had been travelling everywhere by taxi since his return. Since there was no sign of their Ford Focus he assumed that Cassie still had it. He decided to buy a car.

This occupied him for some time, surfing the net to assess the merits of different marques, he was tempted by BMWs and Audis, then had a fit of millionaire-ness and got in touch with a Bentley dealer. It appeared he would have to wait while they hand-built his car, so he gave that idea up.

Eventually he decided on a used Jaguar X358, taking delivery the next day.

A week later, against all the odds, came the day he moved into his new home. He had to furnish the empty building from scratch and it was going to take a lot of time and energy to get exactly what he wanted. He made sure to transfer the telephone land line number from the flat to the house, since everyone knew that number from before the tour.

The bank had decided to give him the money instead of trying to find the furniture and he bought things for the house, which swallowed everything, bring so large. After a week of strenuous effort, he had sparsely furnished the smaller living room, kitted out the study which was now a music studio, and the largest, master bedroom.

Fortunately the kitchen had been recently installed and he had liked it from the first time he saw it. He bought the cutlery, utensils and crockery in the same style as he had at the flat and added more.

He employed the same gardener, John Stubbs, and found there was a housekeeper, Gwen Davies, who came in twice a week, so he employed her as well. She was a well rounded woman in her forties and hit it off with him immediately.

She also had the advantage of being broad minded, and seemed to expect wild parties and a succession of bedmates from the musician, not that any such ambitions of his lay in that direction, at least for the time being.

It was Gwen who suggested a distant cousin-by-marriage of hers who was an interior designer to furnish the rest of the house.

Karin Fredericksson arrived with books and catalogues and her very attractive self. She was only a little shorter than Ged without heels, and eye to eye with him when wearing them.

She had a slender but shapely figure and long legs which she showed off with short skirts. Her hair was golden blonde, so perfect in colour that Ged wondered if it was dyed. He thought she was in her late twenties, and was surprised to find she was seven years older than that.

He showed her the rooms he had furnished, and she appraised them. He wondered what she thought of them. They spent four long hours while she showed him catalogues and pattern books, noting his preferences on her laptop. When they had finished, Ged surprised her.

"Karin," he said with a smile. "I've noticed you've taken note of my preferences and we've chatted about quality and taste. So what I'd like you to do, is to furnish the house top to bottom yourself. Let me give you parameters. Be economical, or at least as economical as you can, but do not sacrifice quality for economy.

"You know my tastes and that I like simplicity and proportion. So with that in mind, do it yourself. If you get really stuck, ask, but otherwise you're on your own."

Karin gave him a brilliant smile, and he noticed for the first time her pale blue eyes and the shine of her thick golden hair. Her mouth was wide, her white teeth perfectly even and her nose small with a little upturn at the end. She was a goddess!

"Well," she said, laughing, "I can't remember anyone ever giving me so much latitude. I reckon if you want quality, we're talking over a hundred thousand. It's a big house, and in addition to furniture and carpeting, you've got table linen, towels, machinery for the utility room and the gym and you need to get the kitchen properly kitted out. How do you feel about that?"

"Go ahead," he replied. "This is the sort of thing I'll only do once, so it has to be good. I trust you."

She hesitated for a fraction of a second, "The rooms you've completed – would you be upset if I tweaked them a little, or a lot?"

He understood immediately that she saw faults in his taste, and nodded. "Do your worst – or rather, your best!"

Again that smile, and this time if he read it right, there was a subtle invitation there, but he let it pass, at least for the time being.

So Christmas arrived and he was in this big house. He felt his loneliness very powerfully so he went home to his parents for the holiday. When he returned after New Year he began to feel the house was too large for him. Perhaps he had made a mistake. On the first dark Friday evening of the New Year it all got too much for him and he phoned Vivienne.

"Ged!" she exclaimed. "We haven't seen you around, lately, thanks to Christmas. Time for another practice? How you doin'?"

"Viv," he said quietly ignoring all the questions, "Are you doing anything tonight?"

"No," she said with a hint of concern. "Got a problem?"

"Yes," he admitted. "You remember making me an offer a while back?"

"You want some TLC?" she asked

"I need some company, Viv," he said plaintively, "Can you come?"

"That'll depend on your skill!" she laughed. "You're out in the sticks somewhere now aren't you? Give me the address. And Ged?"


"Do I bring stuff for an overnight stay?"


He gave her the address and instructions on how to reach it, and she promised to be there in half an hour. She was, and was in his bed in short order.

"Oh! That's it! Now push right in."

She had arrived and seeing the state of him, had taken him straight to bed. She had seated him on the side of the bed and undressed, or rather stripped for him, leaving on her fetching purple bra and matching mini-shorts while she knelt and undressed him in turn, taking him immediately in her mouth and giving him the oral works. He came in short order and she swallowed his offering with a lick of her lips and a wide smile.

Same as Rockman
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My Hot Horny Cousin Sister Seduced Me

Hi, readers, this is Hitesh. This is for the first time I am publishing my real-life incident. It was how my cousin sister Rajvee seduced me at my home during a small vacation. So let me tell you about me. I am 24 years old with a 6-inch tool and an athletic build. About Rajvee, she is 28 years old (4 years older than me) and today she is married and living a happy life. Let’s get on the story, so this incident happened to me 5 years ago. I always had a crush on her due to her quite a huge...

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my drunken fun

My drunken fun.......It was at a party when i really got drunk and met 2 really hot american guys who introduced themselves as Alex and Peter. They were really hot and on top of that i was drunk and really horny. While dancing i could feel Alex running his warm hands up my thighs and i could feel an enormous bulge in his jeans. I knew then that i was going to end up having sex with him. but what i did not realise was that i was so horny and drunk that when alex and peter took me to a room in...

4 years ago
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Babette By Margaret Jeanette Holly Hunter sat in her dad's office She had stopped in to visit with him as she seldom saw him. Their conversation turned to an area Holly dreaded. Her dad was a successful contractor who had built his business up being fair and honest with his customers. Jim Hunter was a workaholic who wasn't happy until a job was done. He said, "Holly, I love you but you are twenty-five years old. When I was twenty-five I was already married three years. You...

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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 13

Ellerie and her companions reached Snow Crown the next afternoon, still accompanied by the three stormborn soldiers. The snow had grown shallower as they traveled, and the soldiers removed their snowshoes when they stopped for the noon meal. The rest of the group decided to walk after that, giving the horses a break. An hour later, the trail was completely clear, making it apparent they’d actually been traveling on a road constructed of flat paving stones fitted tightly together. Cresting...

1 year ago
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Now willing sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! If I said I wasn't atracted to my sister before this I would be lying. This is a story about a 20 year old and an 18 year old sharing the joys of sex with each other. but why is this story so taboo? Well sibling having sex tend to be a bit taboo. It wasn't too long before I noticed girls. I had an incredible control on my libido. I felt that I can handle myself and not be controled by the ladies sexual "weponds". But I wouldnt let down a chance to get...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 16 Head Games

Loading Bay, Prince Andrew Elementary, North of Bryanston 11:44pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “You’re sure you’re alright?” Lynette repeated. I stared at her while I contemplated the unbelievable ramifications of my grand epiphany. I gave my head one final shake with the hope of driving that atomic bomb-like revelation from my mind, but I had no such luck. “Talk to me, please!” she said with some urgency. Before I replied to the pensive, shivering beauty beside me, I made doubly sure to...

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Mom and Son1

I am a 16 year old guy. I had never thought of my mom in a lustful, incestuous way before. I am not saying my mom is not attractive; she is very attractive, very nice figure, long red hair and small tits. My dad bought my mom a boob job for her 40th birthday. It was a huge shock when my mom came home from her surgery with huge tits! She went as big as she could go which had to be a D-cup. Now I found myself checking my mom out! At first it was just staring at her tits then I began to develop...

1 year ago
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Massage and a Blow Job

( This is my first story tell me what you think )Hi there this is a true story of my first BJ from a guy and me giving one.I met Steve on Craigslist 12 months ago. He was offering massages and happy endings. We emailed and arranged a date to meet at his place.He was about 5'7 mid 30's and good looking. He had a photo of his cock on the advert and it looked very hard.So I undressed in his living room and got on the table. Steve also got totally naked and I saw his cock semi hard at this stage. I...

2 years ago
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Paranormal lover

Alice finially got into bed after a hard day of unpacking and cleaning in her new 1800s Victorian house that she bought. She was so happy to get away from the house that her ex husband and her bought 5 years ago. "Hope his secretary drains him of all his cash and leaves him broke" is all that she could think when a year ago she caught him at work, working all right but not on the project but on his secretary. Of course there was the fighting, and the divorce. Alice got tired of living in that...

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Ch 4 A Shock to the System

She stroked the top of his back before moving her hand to his face, then slowly insinuating her finger between the siblings lips as they kissed. Mom slid her index finger into her daughter’s mouth and Melissa sucked it greedily. The two children kept their lips locked together as their mom snaked her finger in and out. Then she did the same to Jack. His movements were instinctive and he sucked his mother’s finger hungrily. Finally, she pulled her finger out and sucked it into her own...

1 year ago
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This photograph of Janet was taken by her best friend Blanka, on their holiday to Prague in 2016, just after Christmas. While Janet was Australian born to Australian parents, Blanka was Australian born as well but to Czechoslovakian parents. From the rooftop of a city building, Janet was overlooking the Vltava River and the Church of St. Nicholas, the building with the dome and green spires. She was also trying to match the landscape in front of her to what was on her map. A long way from their...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 4

There were 3 of us scheduled for arraignment this morning. Myself, and my two cellmates. The meth-addicted kid and the wannabe gangster. Who was trying very hard to look tough, but not quite getting there. When the system was ready for us, they shuffled us out of the holding cell. We were in jail jumpers, waist cuffs, and shackles. You would almost think we were dangerous desperados. We were sat down on the side of the room, away from the normal folks. There were 2 CO’s to keep an eye on...

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Good times with the Fam ch 1

This story is pure ficton.Chapter 1My name is Jake and I have the perfect family. I'm 41 and my wife Heather is 42. I am around 5'10 good shape for my age and have a nice 8.5c thick cock. My wife is still in great shape around 130 pounds and is 5'5. She has long dark hair a nice ass, 36d tits and shaved pussy as well. Our daughter Sara is sixteen and smokign hot! She is 5'1 and is around 110. She has a sexy body and has nice perky tits about 34c shaved little pussy nice round bubble ass....

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Classmate While Studying MS In USA

Hello ISS readers, This is Bobby again, from USA. Hope you guys enjoyed a story I’ve submitted a few months ago “Divorced Indian Roommate In USA”. To tell again about myself I’ve been living in USA for over 6 years did Masters degree here, and now work in IT industry. I am a very good looking guy, very fair skin, good height (an inch shorter than Mahesh Babu), and I try to maintain my personality well. So, talking with girls was fairly easier for me. Just to let you guys know, the stories that...

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The House Call

Preston.It was my fiftieth birthday, and I would typically take the day off to celebrate with a round of golf. Instead, I had to go in to work and found myself at my desk with a backlog of case files. The boss naturally gave me until the end of the day to have it finished. By mid-afternoon, there were only two caseloads to complete. The ringtone on my phone sounded, it was a text message from my wife. She wrote that she had found another doctor for me after my insurance company had dropped my...

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RajThe Second Man In My Life 8211 Part II

Hi guys, Vishnu here. I am back with 2nd part of the story on first day of my meeting with Raj. After we are done with the much waited BJ session for both of us, we were lying on 2 separate benches and after about 15 minutes of relaxed silence, Raj told me that it was really awesome and also a lot better than what he had for the first time. He asked me “was that ok with you when I cummed in your mouth?” I answered “It was perfectly ok and actually I like it a lot.” He then asked me if it’s OK...

Gay Male
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Fresh people

We arranged with Pete and Margarate to meet one Saturday afternoon.As the day got closer my mind went into overdrive, I was scared and excited both at the same time.The day arrived and we followed the directions given to a local public house.On arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find that both Pete and Marg were really nice good looking people in their late forties.After exchanging pleasantries and a few jars we loosened up and decided, after getting the nod from my husband to go for it.Marg...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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Skys the Limit Ch 03

They were still in bed, and Sky had her head on Dev’s stomach, blowing soft little whooshes of breath on his skin to make his body hair stir. His fingertips slipped lazily through her hair and across her cheekbone. She kissed his belly button and rolled off the bed. He watched her stretch, clad only in her peaches and cream birthday suit, arms over head, back arched, breasts lifting as she pushed up on her tiptoes, sighed languorously and came back down. ‘Tease,’ he said accusingly. ‘Who,...

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2nd Time Lucky 8211 Banged

Hiiii guys my name is Annisha Lunawat. As it was my birthday; this so happened last week when i had my second date with my boyfriend, Ankit. We were going out for Italian dinner @ little Italy in Anna Nagar. My previous date was a failure because i was expecting some fun and some cuddling from him, which could not happen because i was caught at the beach by my brother and his wife. I am from very orthodox family my family does not believe in love or love marriages. My relationship is hidden...

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Friends From Home

Carolyn could not believe it. How could she have gotten separated from her crowd in Nuremburg? Yes, she realized the train station was bustling. But Carolyn was in a hurry to get seats for the five of them on the train to Frankfurt. She had run ahead and hopped on board and by the time she realized she had gotten on the wrong train it had pulled out. She panicked, then got mad at herself, before accepting that there was nothing she could do but figure out how to reroute back to Frankfurt when...

Group Sex
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Something about Jennifer

 Jennifer was a very shy girl, yet an intelligent student in class. Somewhere in the nooks of Liverpool was a house, where Jennifer lived with her parents and brother. Her father was an executive, he was very gentle in nature, very charming person, her mother Barbara was a typical housewives, engaged in chores, some or the other... often wished life could take some turns, no she wasn't an envious lady, she had friends both rich and middle class, she was just herself... she just wanted to spice...

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Hot Fuck With A Slutty Neighbor Cum Teacher

Hey ISS readers !! I am raj(name changed) from Jamshedpur..being Sauwla in complexion ,Having a good built physique n 6″ tall, being aged 25yrs.This is a story which took place last year is about how i fucked my slutty neighbour cum teacher . Coming to the story.. “Hot Fuck With A Slutty Neighbor Cum Teacher” – which happened last year. After graduating from Bangalore i came back to my city to join my dads business! But still wanting to study i joined a course in a very prestigious college of...

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Beach Goddess

The cool, salty air blowing in the open window of my truck made a nice contrast to the warmth of the sun streaming through the windshield. I held my entrance permit out to the park ranger in the booth at the entrance to the Assateague Island national park and she nodded, smiled and waved me on. It was possible that she recognized me, I thought. I came down here to commune with the surf breaking on the beach and the wildlife whenever I needed to think about things, and lately I had been here a...

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Katie and her Landlord Part 1

This was the first time since graduating college three months ago that Katie felt anxious about being an adult. At first, Katie had scoffed at all her friends’ complaints about money being tight and never having time for fun. Katie had been having the time of her life; most nights she bar hopped with friends, and the temp agency she’d been working for kept her making enough money to buy booze and the “going out” clothes she loved so much. Katie was young and beautiful, with silky blonde hair...

First Time
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Mia Matsumiya Hot Jap SnatchUp

"Oh my gosh, Mia, you are crazy!" Christopher says, laughing as his friend Mia Matsumiya shimmies her slender body inside a circular metal wastepaper basket standing almost as tall as she is. The two pals are visiting The Container Store in New York--a shop specializing in selling various sized containers for almost every need. They've just had a nice lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, and drifted inside the shop, intrigued by the store's title. Standing at an adorably miniature...

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Divorcee Milfs Erotic Sex With ISS Author

Hi ISS readers and fans of ISS!  I would like to thank my ISS Readers for appreciating . Also, I thank all those women, teen girls, and bhabhis and my other story followers for their valuable comments and encouragement for keeping me going to post my sexual experiences. To those who don’t know me, my name is Hemant, from Bangalore. I am one of the authors of ISS Story Page. The sex experience I am going to share happened around November i.e. last month. Many women email me to express their...

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Saturday Afternoon

The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for November up in New England. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple deck apartment in Taunton, Mass. and decided to hit Hickey's diner for a good cup of coffee and some danish. Hickey's is a small family run diner that is BIG on taste and I had started going there back in the early seventies. Having had a good coffee break I got back on my old Harley Sporty and rode back to my home down in Myricks and as is my usual...

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Anyone at home

Sophie knocked on the door and opened it. “Hi, it’s me” she called. Susie didn’t answer, but she could hear the TV on in the lounge so she went through to say hello. They had been friends for years, and it was nothing unusual for either of them to pop round to the other’s house uninvited for a coffee and chat. Feeling slightly mischievous Sophie decided to sneak up on her friend under cover of the sound of the TV. Gently pushing the lounge door open she tip toed into the room, only to be...

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My First Affair

I met Sherrie at a local theatre where we both volunteered as ushers. She was about ten years younger than me and very easy to talk with. It didn’t start at all sexual. Sherrie and I usually talked about our spouses, kids, and general small talk. Not at all anything you could call flirting, but we always had pleasant conversations every time we worked the same performance. A couple weeks ago before a performance, we were talking while waiting for our pre-show briefing when the assistant house...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 56

Diane's bike skidded to a stop at the edge of the sidewalk, and she stared at the boardwalk. "Oh no!" Richie skittered to a stop next to her, almost overshooting her as his front wheel slipped on a patch of ice. He frowned as his eyes swept the boardwalk from one end to the other. "What?" Crown Drive had been named such because its looping shape right at the northernmost point of Haven was somewhat reminiscent of a crown. It followed the river to the east and the canal to the west. The...

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The fraternity

The fraternityThe campus at State U. was so big, and Pete couldn't get over that fact as he walked across the Quad on this first day of class. As a freshman he had so much to learn about life at a big college like State U. Worries about new classes, being away from home for the first time, and of course tonight the initiation into the fraternity he was pledged to last week. He was a little worried about that, because he had heard horror stories about frat hazing that had turned out tragically,...

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Daniels Passion

One day, just before lunch, I was headed for my third period class when Daniel took hold of my left elbow and pushed me into a stairwell. The other students passed by us as if nothing was going on at all. Daniel leaned into me as I tried to back away and whispered ' you know why I'm here...You need to come and go with me now and satisfy my needs before I get give me your hand...' Without my approval Daniel took hold of my right hand and pulled it to his crotch. Daniel was...

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