Pushing the Boundaries
- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
The last full week of February was the half term break. I had a lot of work to do for my physics and chemistry, and a big technical drawing project that I was rather behind on. Because of this I hardly left the house, though Sandra and I had our regular Saturday dates. She and I spoke either by phone or text, or both, every day. Mrs Clarke did her three visits, two Sundays and the Wednesday evening, but aside from that, the only people I saw were on the TV, and I didn’t watch much TV. I did however watch a fair few of Mrs Crisp’s DVDs and sorted out the unworn knickers into two piles: probably will like and probably won’t like. I then spent much of the Monday going through the second pile, and by the end of the day I had thrown a lot of them away.
The following day, as I was watching the news, I saw that a lot of the manufacturing unions had joined forces in a big anti-Confederacy rally in central London. There were also smaller ones in Sheffield, Liverpool and Glasgow. A new name that I hadn’t come across before, Neil Conway, was standing alongside the well known leaders of some of the these unions, demanding that Confederacy replicators were banned as they were putting their members out of jobs. The protests, according to the commentators, seemed loud, but peaceful.
I considered. I wasn’t actually aware of any replicators, and in any case I wasn’t sure what they could do. I didn’t think a replicator was big enough to build a car or a fridge though, the only ones shown seemed to be about the size of a largish fridge, but could only build something the size of a football or maybe a little bit larger. I supposed it was possible to strip a car down to its constituent parts, but even then it would only be possible to replicate some of them. Panels, doors, windows, even the engine block all seemed to be too big. I’d have to ask Mrs Clarke or Mr Walmsley. Maybe Bondy or one of the other ‘gang’ members would know more.
The following day the main protest rallies were gone, but there were a lot of smaller protests around the country, some of which even turned into small but violent riots.
“Opportunists,” some of the commentators called the rioters. “Trouble makers and rent-a-rabble,” said a few others, but despite that, there seemed to be a generally sympathetic view to the original demonstrators demands. To my slight surprise there was actually a counter demonstration in Bristol. The Green party wanted to promote the replicators as a source of some of the products that were generally dirtier to create. “Save the environment,” was one claim. “Help to stop pollution,” was another.
It made sense to me, and as I pondered I could see advantages for the NHS. I knew that some drugs were scarily expensive. A replicator could produce them for a fraction of the cost. I liked that idea; it would save the NHS a huge amount of money.
The riots continued the following evening, but at a slightly reduced rate. A police spokeswoman claimed these were all just troublemakers that had nothing to do with the original protests. Looking at some of the casualties I could well believe that some of the extreme right wingers had got in on the act.
As I was going through the stuff on the dining table, I came across the video cameras I had found at Mrs Crisp’s. Checking them I found that one had a memory card in it, while the other seemed to be a remote camera, one that sent its pictures down a wire, or over a local wifi signal, rather than store them locally. That was disappointing.
I put the card in the computer and clicked on the file in there. I can’t say I was too surprised to see the twins fucking their father ragged in Marion Crisp’s bed. It must gave been taken during the party just before the collection. Once their father had surrendered, the pair went into an intense sixty-nine. It was obvious that the twins knew of the presence of the camera, but that their father didn’t. The two girls kept on making sure that the camera had the best views of what was going on. It was more than obvious the two girls truly loved having sex both with each other and with their own father, just as much as he loved having sex with them. It was lovely, and sexy, to watch.
The following day I found something that shocked me badly, and once again changed everything. It was late Friday evening and I had been watching some of Marion Crisp’s DVDs. Most were sexy and erotic, a few were just strange. Some men wanted to be whipped, or wanted to whip her. Some men wanted to be dressed in nappies, some wanted her dressed as a schoolgirl or a policewoman or a nurse, sometimes just sexy lingerie, but most were just happy with her dressed up nice. There were two women clients, those recordings were sexy, and one where Mrs Crisp was with a married couple. Now that really was something to behold.
Some of the films had sound, and it was as I was half watching one of these, that something the man said caught my attention. Mrs Crisp was wearing a school uniform and had been calling her client ‘daddy’, but that aside, nothing had especially caught my attention until, as he was thrusting hard, he began to talk.
“Oh my beautiful Amber,” he was moaning. “Oh I so want you.”
I looked up and stared it the picture, listening intently.
“Your sister doesn’t even try and fight me off any more. She’s losing her appeal. Oh how I want you.”
I noticed Mrs Crisp’s face. She looked very disgusted, even horrified. I wasn’t even slightly surprised by her obvious feelings; luckily he couldn’t see them. I continued to watch. I was certain I knew who it was; I just wanted to see his face to confirm it.
Mrs Crisp spoke. “I’m sorry Daddy,” she said softly. “Am I doing it wrong?”
“No baby girl. It’s Talulah who’s doing it wrong.”
I had him. My hands curled into fists.
“How’s she doing it wrong Daddy?” Mrs Crisp spoke plaintively, like a little girl. She was doing a grand job of coaxing out his confession. Her eyes even flickered briefly to the camera and back to her client.
“She comes to me now. I’m sure she’s doing it to stop us being together. She knows you are so much better, so much nicer, so much prettier, than she is; so much more special.”
I felt so sorry for Tee. So she was actually having to seduce her father to stop him from attacking her sister. She no longer dared wait for him to come to her in case he went to Amber instead. I wanted to hold her in my arms and comfort her. I wanted to kick the shit out of her father. I wanted to rip his balls off and stuff them down his throat, closely followed by his torn off dick. I wanted to give Amber a good shaking and show her what she was so close to being on the receiving end of because she wouldn’t get a CAP card.
My mind instantly skittered off in another direction.
I would show this to Mrs Clarke. I stopped. No. I couldn’t. I hadn’t told her about Mrs Crisp’s discs, and I couldn’t now. I couldn’t show it to Sandra; and I certainly couldn’t show it to Tee. My mind took yet another right turn. I couldn’t give it to Sandra, but maybe I could give it to Mr Walmsley. Especially if I could get it to him anonymously. I knew Sandra’s address so I could just post it to him, with a note. He might be able to get it to Mrs Clarke, or someone else who might be able to do something. I just hoped it didn’t go to the police.
I got some thin latex gardening gloves and put them on to ensure I didn’t spread any more fingerprints around. Maybe I was being overly paranoid, but it wasn’t as if I didn’t have the time. I got a stiff envelope from the small stash Dad kept and carefully wiped it all over.
The date-stamps on the files were all from September and October last year, the last one only days before my parents had been collected, so this was recent. Good. After copying the files off the DVD to back them up, just in case, I ejected the disc. It just had ‘Danny’ written on it. Nothing else, no surname. Tee’s father was called Danny Evans? I shook my head, I hadn’t heard of him, but then, I didn’t really expect I would have.
I slipped the disc into the envelope then got a piece of paper. I opened a fresh pack and deliberately took a sheet from the middle, again so that there was no chance of any fingerprints being on it. I then wrote: This is Sandra’s best friend’s father. He has just admitted to having sex with one of his own daughters and wanting to have sex with the other. What can you do to help? Can you help? Maybe Amber needs to be shown this? Don’t show it to the police please. If they go in as clodfooted as they usually do they will mess it up.
I didn’t sign it, but I carefully folded it up and slipped it into the envelope. I addressed the envelope to Mr Walmsley, and then went looking for a stamp. Hmm. I looked at my watch. Apart from a pair of knickers, that was all I was wearing. There was time. I quickly got dressed and hurried up to the local shop. It was still open even this late.
“Book of first class stamps,” I said politely. I handed over the money and left. I didn’t open the book until I was home and once again had gloves on. Then, carefully, I put a stamp on the envelope and left it on the kitchen table.
I showered and changed knickers, the last pair of Pauline Lipp’s that I still hadn’t worn, and got into bed. Within five minutes I knew these ones were keepers.
Saturday morning I once again put on a latex glove before picking up the envelope. I hurried quickly to the nearest post-box, which was a surprising distance away. I discarded the glove in a waste bin outside a nearby news-agents.
I was very jumpy that day and more than once Sandra asked me if I was all right. I tried to assure her I was, but she didn’t seem convinced. She did however believe me when I told her I loved her.
By the time school started again on Monday morning, I had thrown yet another half dozen pairs of knickers away, and had about sixty still to wear even once.
Three days later, Thursday, the fecal matter hit the rapidly rotating air mover.
Mrs Clarke took Sandra, myself, Bondy, Blish and Higgis out of our respective classes and took us into a small classroom that wasn’t being used.
“Right. Something has come up that means we want to bring forward our plans. We have evidence that we believe means we can get Mr Evans taken off the streets. At least, under normal conditions. Unfortunately, as you know, there are some not very nice people starting to make noises. Fortunately they don’t have much traction at the moment, but it’s my belief they may actually oppose us attacking him directly as he’s starting to become important locally. So. We’ve come up with a rough plan. Tee doesn’t yet know any of this, but when she does she could have a major breakdown. It’s my suspicion that if that happens she’ll likely lose her sponsors score, and if that is the case, then Toby, I want you to take her. You already have Sandra, and since you, Sandra are Tee’s closest friend, you will be able to help her. If she’s okay, she doesn’t lose it, then I’m going to suggest she comes with you anyway. Otherwise, Sandra, I want you to consider going with her. If you can. I know you would much rather go with Mr Simpson, but I’m thinking of Tee here.”
Sandra nodded unhappily.
She sighed and continued. “Mr Blish, will you take Amber please? Assuming she’s a concubine as we all expect.”
Adam nodded reluctantly. “Okay.”
Mrs Clarke smiled. “I know it’s not ideal.” She turned to Higgis. “I have three possibilities for you, that I think would suit you perfectly. I’ve also had a long chat with someone from the Confederacy. I’ve had it confirmed that more than one sponsor can live together if they want to. So even if you two gents take four women between you, you can still be together when you want.”
Blish and Higgis looked at each other and grinned.
“That’s perfect Miss, thank you.”
Mrs Clarke nodded. “Now. For the plan. I assume everyone here knows that Sandra and Toby are engaged to be married?” Everyone nodded. “Right, well they are getting married at the registry office in Watford on the first Saturday in April.” She ignored the mass gasp that went around the five of us. “The only people invited are our pre-pack and the Confederacy will pick us all up then. Okay?”
My jaw had dropped. Mrs Clarke looked at me. “Sorry Toby. It’s the way it has to be. And the rest of you. For now at least, all that Tee and any of the others must know is that Sandra and Toby are getting married. Even so, it must remain as much a secret as it’s possible for it to be. When people get the wedding invites, they will also get a letter imploring them to absolute secrecy. Admittedly this is mostly for the sake of school discipline, but it will also help to keep anything from the ears of people we really don’t want to know about it. Most importantly though, if the Confederacy even think we’ve been rumbled, they won’t turn up.”
“So can we tell Tee?”
“About the wedding, yes. Not about anything else. Amber is still an issue though. For this we think we may be able to get away without the need to get Amber CAP tested beforehand. We’re hoping that they’ll bend the rules a little because of her home situation, take her either as a dependant, or as someone untested and then almost force a test on her quite quickly. Hopefully without her realising.” She took a deep breath and continued.
“Of course, it would be better and easier if we can get her tested in advance, and if we have to use it, the evidence we’ve now got might help us to turn her to our way of thinking.”
“What have you got?” Sandra asked. I was glad she’d asked. I had been about to, but was also sure that I already knew, and that by knowing, asking would give me away.
Mrs Clarke shook her head. “At this time I can’t tell you. But just know it is almost absolute proof.
“Only almost?” I asked.
“A real slime-bag weasel of a lawyer could probably get a jury to be uncertain enough to have to find him not guilty. The evidence we have, could be viewed by some as at least partially circumstantial, and that could be enough to get him off. More than that I’m not saying. You people absolutely do not need to know.”
“Oh. Okay. Um, the wedding?”
“Sandra’s parents are organising it with my help. Sandra, Toby, you stay behind for a moment, the rest of you back to class please. And remember what I said about not talking about it. Especially about being collected.”
“I’m sorry kids,” she said softly when we were alone. “I’m afraid there’s going to be no time for a honeymoon. The Collection will be at eight in the evening, the ceremony slot at the registry office is at three. The actual ceremony should be over by three thirty and there will be time for a few photo’s outside until about four. Then we’re going to a local hotel ten minutes away for food and a bit of a party. The collection will come at eight, so we’ll probably be at the hotel for about four hours.”
“How are we going to pay for it?” I asked. “Surely it’s still gonna cost in advance?”
Mrs Clarke stared at me for a moment. “I have just over three thousand that will go in. I should be able to get some more over the next weeks.” I realised she was referring to the jewellery.
“Okay. I can add another two,” I said, “but it might be a bit tight by then if things go a bit wrong.”
She nodded. “Okay.” She looked at Sandra. “Your bridesmaids. Tee?”
Sandra nodded. “I think Tee, plus you and Neeka.”
Mrs Clarke grinned. “Good idea.” She turned to me.
“Best man. Mr Bond? You could go for Mr Walmsley, but to have the bride’s father as your best men doesn’t really seem right. Mr Blish does discos so he’ll do that for us. I haven’t asked him yet, but I’m sure he won’t be averse to the idea.”
I nodded. “Yeah, why not.”
We spent another few minutes talking about how the wedding would go on the day, and some of the details that would be needed. Sandra and I promised to put our heads together to come up with the few details still needed from us such as music for the ceremony and for the first dance. Would we get a dress for her? A suit for me? Or should we dress down a bit?
Mrs Clarke took some necessary details and told us she would contact the registry office formally and start the ball rolling. We had slightly under four weeks. “Don’t stop preparing for your A-levels though”, she told us sternly. “Just in case.”
“No Miss,” we both said. She smiled at us and sent us back to our classes. Me to chemistry, Sandra to sociology.
That night I heard that Donald Prendergast’s The People First party was being taken over by the Great Britain Independence Party. In effect they were merging, but under the banner of the GBIP. Four days later it became the Earth First party, and Donald Prendergast emerged as the leader. In my history lessons I had seen photographs and heard interviews from the 1960’s of Labour leader Harold Wilson. Apart from the lack of a pipe, Prendergast really reminded me of Wilson.
Mrs Clarke took me out of chemistry class the following afternoon. “Going to the local registry office,” she told me shortly. This wasn’t the one where we would be getting married. When we got there, Mrs Walmsley was already there with Sandra. We both had interviews, one after the other, with the registrar. I didn’t realise until the interview actually started, but it turned out this was a legal requirement. The woman was a little annoyed, simply because of the very short notice period. I paid over my money, forty-five quid, answered a few questions and filled in a form, signed it, and ten minutes later I left. As I was still under eighteen, and more importantly, would be on my wedding day, Mrs Clarke also signed as my legal guardian. Only she and I knew she wasn’t actually my legal guardian, merely acting as one.
Oddly, I had very little to do, wedding wise, for most of the time up to my wedding. I had to go and get measured for a suit and Mrs Clarke gave me a ring from the collection that we could use as my wedding ring, if I wanted one. When she saw it Sandra just smiled and said it would be fine. “I’ve got my grandmother’s” she told me happily. “It’s being resized at the moment.”
I nodded. “That sounds good.”
With Mrs Clarke’s help, and Sandra’s approval, I had finally got my fourth concubine: the seventeen-year-old daughter of one of Mrs Clarke’s neighbours. Carla went to a different school so none of us knew her, but Mrs Clarke had known her since she had been about eight. She was a pleasant, friendly girl, with a slight eastern European accent. She was slightly overweight, but still very pretty; working full time as a library assistant while doing a part time evening course in library management. She wanted to be a librarian and absolutely loved books and reading. For her, paper books, not e-books, were far more special. I had an e-reader and just over one thousand books, many of which, I’m ashamed to say, I hadn’t read. Carla had easily twice as many books, but they were a mix of paperback and hardback. And she had read every single one. Some of them more than once. She was very well, and widely, read.
Carla became Sandra’s fourth bridesmaid. Mrs Clarke smilingly told us, in confidence, that Carla had instantly worked out why she had been invited.
At thirteen days before the wedding I had finally worn every single pair of knickers that I still had. After Mrs Clarke left following her Sunday visit, I counted them up. I still had one hundred and thirty-six. Wow. I had thrown over two hundred away. Most of them had been pretty and sexy to look at, maybe even to the touch, but for one reason or another they had been unwearable for me.
That was when I finally realised that in just under a fortnight I would have to say goodbye to all the rest. I almost cried. I went through them all carefully, deciding which ones to throw now, and which ones to keep a bit longer. Sandra’s I hung on to, but only because they were Sandra’s. I put on a knickers and suspender belt pair, with some stockings, and threw away every single other suspender belt and half of the stockings. It took me two hours but I eventually managed to whittle it down to fifty-one pairs, including Sandra’s and the ones I was wearing. There were five of Mum’s in there, three of Jo’s, four of Pauline Lipp’s, six of Mrs Crisp’s and two belonging to the twins. I wasn’t certain which was from which twin, or even if they were only from one. The rest I was no longer certain whose they were. Or had been, they were mine now.
With a great deal of reluctance and some regret, I threw away the ninety-odd that, had I been staying, I knew would be keepers for me. I didn’t just hide them or put them to one side, just in case, I actually threw them in the bin. It was filthy and smelly. I wouldn’t want to take anything out of there after I had put it in. Even so I might actually have done just that except for the fact that the bin was emptied two days later.
I actually spent nearly an hour trying to decide which ones to wear for the wedding. I finally chose a pair of Mum’s. They were a creamy white, soft and sensuous, with just a small amount of lace. I suppose, if you only glanced at them quickly while I was wearing them, you might not notice. I decided I’d put a few more in my pockets on the day, including Sandra’s, so that I would be able to take them with me. I didn’t know if it would work, but it was what I wanted to do. However, when I tried to go through the pile in front of me, I couldn’t make up my mind. I wanted all of them.
A few evenings later, Tuesday evening, I got another shock. I was half watching another one of Marion Crisp’s DVDs. At first I thought it was my father, then I realised it was both my parents. I was shocked and amazed and got the mother of all hard-ons.
It started with Marion and Mum in a prolonged sixty-nine while Dad just prowled around, occasionally sticking his cock in some available hole, at other times just caressing and stroking them. After both the women had come at least twice, they pounced on Dad and fucked him ragged.
I came so much into one of Marion Crisp’s knickers that I decided to throw them rather than wash them. Well, one less to try and choose between.
The following morning Sandra told me that Amber had finally been persuaded to get a CAP card. As expected she got a low score. According to Sandra, when Tee’s father found out he had tried to arrange a collection just for the three of them, but had been turned down. Apparently, when both Tee and Amber had turned up with wedding invitations, he had got very suspicious. Only the fact that Tee was Sandra’s chief bridesmaid, plus the promise of an invite for him, made him relent.
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Gangbang at the Clubhouse! Next part. As I came out of the mens room I saw Nici titty wanking one of the guys. Others were playing pool or sitting around the club house, but a few were watching her do her stuff. She was sucking his dick as he sat on the stool at the end of the bar, and regularly popping it out of her mouth and enveloping it tight between her boobs, rubbing them up and down over his shaft. I could see her nipples with the temporary designs around them were all up hard and...
You can find Part One at https://xhamster.com/stories/confessions-of-a-top-model-951257Part Two: Meeting Wayne’s Cyber Mistress(Please note the people mentioned in this story are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions and is aimed at the over 18’s by continuing reading you confirm you are over 18. No person or organisation has the right to copy this story to any other site)Wayne came into my bedroom again pulled up my...
This is my first story, comments and critique is welcome. I plan to make this a slow burn. Hope you enjoy it. Prologue Jesse - My brat brother Alex has gone too far! Not only did he borrow my brand new laptop that I got on my recent 16th birthday without my permission, but after I stole it back I was unable to use it from the massive amounts of viruses from his porn watching. Not only did the twerp break my computer but he had the nerve to call me a bitch after I tattled on him...
You have decided that you want to have some professional photos done to try and spice up your sex life with your husband!! And you book me :) You have spent all morning getting ready you have had a lovely soak in the bath done all your hair and nails and you stand in front of a full-length mirror and admire your stunning body and think how can any man not fine me attractive ? You rub lotion all over your body as you rub your breasts you linger over your nipples stroking your now errect Nipples...
He slammed her back against the wall and then his lips were on hers, she burned from their touch and shivered involuntarily. She clutched at his shoulders as his lips trailed a line of fire down her throat to the junction of her shoulder. He nipped at the skin and she thought that she would die of pleasure. With a moan he whispered in her ear, ‘You’re driving me crazy Julia, I have to have you.’ His deft fingers traced over her lips where they were puffy and red from their heated kisses, he...
The Prince donned the regal blazing purple that proclaimed his status in the world. He was on the Observation Platform, and before him was a throng of his subjects who were all crying and cheering and clapping in their own way. The heavy, gold clasp at his neck closed with a satisfying thunk, which allowed him to raise all four of his arms to wave at his people. Seeing his acknowledgement stoked their cries causing their sounds to swell to a fever pitch. He then lowered his arms, holding them...
I often visited cemeteries when I was younger. I found them to be very peaceful places where I could meditate and think things over. I used to do this on and off about twice a week sometimes during the day and other times at night. It was amazing the things one could see in graveyards. People continuously talking to the dead or sometimes they might pinch flowers from other tombs to put them on their own dearly departed ones’. Other times people might appear in the cemetery completely drunk, and...
Sitting in an office all day was driving her crazy. But getting to see Zach walk around in those snug fitting sweaters he always wore with the pants that hugged his ass just right made the day pass a little bit faster. Pretty soon, watching turned into flirting. Flirting turned into some serious innuendo that would likely have gotten her fired if the higher ups knew how close she was to taking advantage of one of her staff. What she really wanted was to shove him down to the leather couch in...
I had no posing briefs and always wore knit boxers. So like a good little whore-to-be I showered, dried off and put on fresh boxer shorts. On went the offensive "swallow" tee shirt and tight jeans. I climbed on my Harley and putted slowly to the address on the referral card. It turned out to be an old, newly renovated mansion. The rest of the neighborhood was made up of the gentrified old mansions and new apartment buildings. The businesses were mostly shops of the "boutique" variety....
CHAPTER SIX: THE FINAL APPROACH I purposely did not call her on Sunday. I wanted to let the night just linger inside as she sobered up and dealt with her fiancé. I spent the day doing laundry, planning lessons and watched a movie. I love how people think if you’re a lesbian all you ever do is think sex. I was a complete person with a variety of passions and only Gwen really knew the complete me. Monday Feb 3 On Monday we met at school and acted as if nothing had happened only two days earlier....
I will never forget seeing the movie, Tommy. There was a scene early in the movie that profoundly affected me. A montage displays the honeymoon of Captain Walker (Robert Powell) and his wife, Nora (Ann-Margret) After his leave ends, Walker goes off to fight in World War II as a bomber pilot but is shot down during a mission. “Captain Walker” is listed as missing in action and is presumed dead, although—unknown to his family—the badly burnt Walker is in fact alive. His wife remarries a man...
My name's Lucy. I used to be so straight. I can hardly believe it now. It seems like another life. I guess it all started when I was eighteen. I have always been blessed with good looks. I wore my hair up in a tight blonde pony tail. I was always well turned out and made up. Looking back on it, I guess I was a bit stuck up and thought myself a bit special. I know quite a few boys did too. They were always hitting on me and trying to get into my knickers, but I was not having it. It was only a...
7 years after leaving Europe, here I was again in the capital of Belgium. I was enrolled in ULB studying Management and Marketing and was staying in a student apartment complex near Tenbosh Park. My parents and little sister were just 2 hrs drive away and my elder sister was doing her PhD at another university. I visited them 2-3 times a month and the rest of the time was enjoying student life.Breaking up with N. made me reluctant to get in a committed relationship. I was a free spirit –...
Mercedes is ready for a fun night showing off her killer body in her silk robe and strappy black lingerie. Her tan lines really show off those tits well and she can not wait to fuck! Jay Smooth pulls out his moves using his tongue to make her moan out as he sucks on those pussy lips and tongue fucks that pussy! She wants that cock now so Jay gives her it all watching as she sucks it all down. The fun really begins watching her ride him in reverse cowgirl really taking control until Jay gives...
xmoviesforyouHi I wish all the story readers a happy summer, I am from Punjab I am 24 like many others I also a have story to tell you & my ID is It so happened that from intermediate I was sex crazy & always wanted to have sex with somebody but no chance until my girl friend , gave me a chance & got stuck to her for sex. So after 8 years of sexy married life I felt like trying it with someone else so I somehow traped her sister & she agreed. It was an optional holiday she told her mom that she had half...
The one downside about being a desperate babysitter is youll have to do anything in your power to keep your job. Unfortunately, Oliva had to experience one of those situations first hand. She was pressured by her client‘s son, who explained that him and his mom had a special relationship where she would believe anything he told her. He threatened to give a bad opinion of her, unless she was down to fuck him every single time she came to babysit. Feeling under pressure, Olivia figured it...
xmoviesforyouChad woke up before the sun rose and quietly slipped out of bed. Reina was still sleeping, likely exhausted from the sex marathon they had enjoyed the day before. He smiled when he thought of how fucking fantastic the whole day had been. He’d always had a high sex drive for as long as he could remember. He’d never met a woman who could satisfy him for more than a few months, until Reina. He had met his match in her.She’d made it very clear yesterday that she intended to be his official Office...
Office SexHelplessness is not an emotion with which Red is intimately acquainted. He is familiar with foresight and planning, accustomed to being three steps ahead of everyone else, armed with layer upon layer of contingencies, cloaked in expertly designed exit strategies, and outfitted with an arsenal of influence. Being helpless is not a feeling he recognizes well. And yet, after replaying the day’s events in his mind, he can not, for the life of him, pinpoint where they had gone so very wrong....
[Leah & Julia] Early March "This is probably the question you've been dreading," Julia said to Leah as the girl held Cy's hand tightly. "If your mother follows through with Bradley, and if you can be convinced that home is much different, will you move back?" "If the reason for my being here no longer exists, it would be selfish to take up a spot, wouldn't it?" Leah answered. Julia should have expected that, perhaps, but it still brought moisture to her eyes. With a sigh,...
Okay, we got into a new routine. No, not an "I'm bored" routine, but rather an "I can't wait to get home to connect with my soulmate" routine. Yes, the afternoon swims were part of the routine. The exercise kept us both fit, and at forty, it would have been too easy to spread out, as many of my contemporaries and co-workers had done. Besides, I had a hundred and twenty pounds of incentive. Another part of the routine was the homework. I took an active part in Tina's education as I...
The day was busy as always as Shannon stood behind the reception of the Movie Heights Grand Hotel. It was getting late in the afternoon as a taxi pulled up in front of the reception and a man climbed out of it. Nothing special but the receptionist found herself unable to look away for long. He had red hair and a red beard and when he stepped into the hotel foyer, she noticed him wearing a perfectly tailored deep-green suit. “How can I help you, Sir?” she asked and smiled as he stepped up to the...
Mind ControlIn the near future, the justice system has reintroduced the use of corporal punishment for minor offences, or when the person in question would be unfairly affected by a prison sentence. The punishments are designed to be both painful and sexually humiliating for the offender. Both men and women over the age of 18 are punished in this way...
BDSM‘Miss Mannerly, you must do something.’ ‘Your Honor, perhaps you can help me, then.’ ‘And how may I help you?’ He asks, as if it might be slightly beneath him to give help to someone, rather than expecting it from them. ‘That I know of, there is no law, city ordinance or other directive that makes it a requirement he be in school.’ Miss Mannerly is careful of the way she expresses herself, she is, after all, merely the teacher, not a city leader. ‘Well, there should be’, he announces...
October 1, 1992, San Francisco, California “We need some ground rules,” I said. “Oh no you don’t!” Bethany growled. “You are NOT talking me to death. Fucking me to death, yes! Talking me to death, no!” “I’m serious. Sit, please.” Bethany reluctantly moved to the loveseat in the sitting room of our suite at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco. We’d checked in less than ten minutes earlier after an uneventful, but twenty-minute-delayed flight from...
I got back to my house and began to get things ready for company. I laid out extra towels, turned on the stereo that played in the back yard, and then made a pitcher of lemonade. The phone rang and it was the guard at the gate asking me if it was okay to let in Ms. Sanger. I told him yes and asked him if she was alone. He said she was and I told him that a Lena Sanger would be arriving soon and to let her in without calling me. Tamara pulled up in the drive a few minutes later. She got out...
Copyright© 2006 by Carlos Malenkov Greg shivered as he stared at the wall. Even with the temperature steady at 84, blood heat, he was cold. Maybe it was the tension. Or knowing that he was being watched. At his side, Marilyn breathed softly. She was stunning. Tall and blonde and soft and round in all the right places. Every teenage boy's fantasy lover. And she was his, his for the taking. If only he had the nerve to take her. It was tough being a virgin at 18. Not knowing the moves or what...
Tom and Marc came into the plane and pulled the door closed but did not look at us. Fifteen minutes later we were in the air. Tom came back to us while Marc flew the plane. "What happened back there?" "This cannot be repeated except to Marc." "That's fine with me." "Think about it. My word is very important to me." "You have mine." From the cockpit I heard the same thing again. "I'll let Caiti tell you." She said, "Me!" "Go right ahead, Sweetie." She thought then...
With the rest of the staff working over at the hospital to get the Taubett up and running, Cassie and Julie had the department to themselves. Eve spent most days working at her apartment, and only came into the uni for meetings. Stefan began sending Julie data from the scanner in the USA by the end of that first week. This seemed remarkably fast to Julie, but there were many problems with the initial data sets. The first scans were only of small regions of the body. The Taubett could only...
"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 8: "B" is for Boy Trouble After the pantomime had finished I was able to go back to Brownies and dancing lessons. I enjoyed being in the pantomime. I was very sad that I would not be able to wear my lovely costumes again, especially my beautiful Blossom fairy princess dress. I wore the necklace that Mr Dornoch gave me all the time. I passed my first ballet exam in the middle of January, and Miss Poole said she would put me in for the next stage exam as soon...
Thank you to all who are reading and enjoying the stories so far. I hope you enjoy this next instalment. Please leave comments, tell me what you like and don't. feel free to give me suggestions on what happens next.Lisa awoke in the morning, her body aching, her pussy, ass and throat sore from the constant pounding of hard cocks over the last few days. Yet even as she turned in the bed and her tender pussy ached she found herself wondering how she can get her next fix of hard cock. She had...
I awoke to Tessa opening my door and walking inside. She set the clothes in her hand at the end of my bed before greeting me, “Morning sir, sunrise, and the first bell is in an hour as you asked. I’ll deliver your breakfast half an hour after that.” “Thank you, Tessa. After breakfast, I won’t need anything besides a washbasin and cloth before breakfast every day. For today, the only thing I need after that is a second washbasin at half-past three bells,” I explained as I got out of bed and...
It was Monday morning and the early September sun filtered through the curtains into David and Kate Holden’s bedroom. David watched from his bed as his wife got dressed. A lacy white bra covered her ample 38DD breasts and his eyes were drawn to her wonderful bottom as she added the matching knickers. After twenty-nine years of marriage he still marvelled at her figure. The forty-nine-year old’s exercise regime of regular swimming and horse riding kept her tummy taut and her bum firm.He only...
Wife LoversWhen i was in my 20's i was in the Navy and stationed in gulfport mississippi, and would love to go out like any other man to the clubs trying to pick up the sexy young southern girls but that didn't always work out. One night i was coming back to base and decided i would pull in the adult arcade and watch some movies before going back on to the base. i bought my tokens and headed to the back room. and put the change in one of the machines and flipped thru the variety of porn showing each...
“Mr. Krushank, you wanted to see me in your office?” Patricia smiled as she said it, knowing that it was she giving the order.“Er, yes, Patricia. You don't mind me taking you away from the party, do you?” Krushank covered his surprise nicely. He stepped away for the group of employees with whom he had been talking, taking his drink with him.“No, Mr. Krushank. I'm sure the party will survive without us for a bit.” Patricia smiled demurely at her willing accomplice. Patricia led the way to...
The kid was not leaving me alone.“Come on, just a quickie?” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that betrayed the nice cock he was packing.The problem is that it was just nice, and I’d already had it, and I wasn’t going to take a beating for the same cock twice if I could help it.“No Michael. I’ve already told you, I thought it was your birthday, I’m not interested in doing it with you again.”He gave his hard package a hearty squeeze. “Well… what about when it really is my...
FetishMy mother had made two more foreign trips, one for three days and one for five days. She had also been gone a day to appear on a television show and the days she was home, she’d been writing in her study. During the few nights she had spent at home, I had been peeping at her again while she was being solidly fucked by all kinds of her motorcycle friends or while she was going at it alone with her toys. Peeping at her during the day was something that I wanted, but the scare I’d had when I was...
The Training is over Master-T I look over at the boy and the girl as I say, today is our last day together and that tomorrow is the auction and they may be going to new homes it may be good or bad and that if they want to survive they need to be smart and obey. Jessie- I can’t believe I have been here for a month. I wish I could stay here with Master or at least get someone who is nice although Master can be mean sometimes like the first time he forced his dick into my mouth I was choking but...
When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she's punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house, catching...
BDSMI left James apartment with his words ringing in my head, "Be back here Saturday at 4:00pm." Neither my wife or I usually worked on Saturday and I had no idea of what kind of excuse I could use that would let me get away for a few hours Saturday afternoon.I headed home to get cleaned up before my wife got back at her usual 7:00pm time. All during the drive my mind replayed the sex that he and I had. His aggressiveness followed by an explosive orgasm and then his tenderness immediately after. It...