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I was born at the tail end of the boomer generation. My family consisted of my parents and two older brothers and an older sister. Then there was me. The closest in age to me was my sister and she had four years on me. Because of the difference in ages between me and my siblings I spent a lot of time alone -- especially after my sister hit puberty and started dating.

One summer day when my parents and brothers were at work, my sister was out in the back yard 'suntanning' with a couple of her friends. I was eight at the time and had only vague ideas about sex. I 'knew' (because I'd been told) that nobody was supposed to see other people naked after a certain age. I wasn't sure why, but that's what I'd been taught. So it kind of excited me to watch my sister and her friends in the yard from behind the curtains of my room. They weren't naked, but the bikini was the newest thing in swimwear and they all wore them. It was like seeing them in their undies so I watched them for a while. Even at eight, my little pencil sized cock would get stiff sometimes and it felt good to 'play with it', but nothing like that happened as I watched my sister and friends that day.

They didn't do anything but lie there, talking and giggling though, so it soon bored me. I decided to indulge one of my favorite pleasures: poking through my brothers' closet. They shared a room in those days so they also shared a closet. As one might imagine, the closet of two teenage boys (14 and 16) held some interesting items sometimes. I'd found magazines, tame by today's standards, but they showed naked tits and butts of glamorous women, so I knew they were contraband. Of course, the fact that I only found them buried under a bunch of other stuff was a big clue, too.

The day I was writing about changed my life a lot. In my delving, I uncovered a little paperback cartoon book. It was full of nudist cartoons. I'd never heard the words 'nude' or 'nudist' in my life, but I was smart enough to figure them out. The cartoons were funny, even to me, but they were chiefly based on the nudist nature of the people in them. I was amazed to learn that there were places called 'nudist colonies' where everybody went naked all the time. Ideas take deep root in young minds. From that day on I was fascinated with nudity. I made a point of looking all the nude words up in our big dictionary and became an eight year old authority on the subject.

On weekends I was always the first one awake in our house, especially after we got a television set (when I was seven!). I was eager to get up early so I could watch the cartoons before my dad rose and flipped the channel to some stupid football game -- or baseball. There didn't seem to be any other sports on TV back then except for professional wrestling on Saturday nights.

After learning about nudity I started experimenting early mornings in our back yard. We lived in New Mexico at the time and our yard was surrounded by a cinder block wall. There were poplar trees along the back wall and a couple of other trees in the middle of the grass. I found a place where I could be unobserved from any of the rear windows of our house -- one of them was my room anyway -- where I could strip off my shorts and let the early sun shine on my naked body. It felt really good and not for the first time did I wonder why it was so wrong to go naked.

Okay. Flash forward about three years. We had moved to Washington State and I'd learned a lot more about sex and enjoyed 'playing with' me growing cock a lot more. I still found time and space in which I could feel safe about stripping to my skin and simply relaxing -- even if I didn't get stiff and play around. One day I was out in this shed that was on our property. My oldest brother had made it into a kind of studio, since he was artistically inclined. But he was away in college so nobody but me ever really went out there. He had strung up my dad's old Navy hammock in the shed and the rough canvas felt strangely good on my naked skin.

One sunny day I was out there and, instead of lying in it and relaxing, I straddled it and my dick and balls fell between the edges of the hammock. It felt great! As I rocked back and forth the bottom of the canvas started rubbing my stiff cock. Suddenly I felt a throbbing and an overwhelming -- even painful -- sensation that ran through me like electricity. At first I was afraid I'd broken something, but a few minutes later everything felt normal again so I relaxed. A little while later I realized I had experienced my first ever orgasm. Since I was a young healthy male, after that I couldn't get enough of it. A month or so after that first time I started having to be ready to clean up afterward because I had started producing semen and sperm.

We moved to a place near a small town at the foot of Mt. Rainier the spring before I turned fifteen. There was a lot of logging around there. (If my mom thought the move would remove me from temptation and danger, she must have forgotten how country boys and girls act. She didn't have a clue about life in logging communities, either. But that's another story.) Since both of my parents worked in the city still, and the I-5 freeway hadn't yet been built, they had to drive 90 miles round trip every day on a four lane highway. To my mom it was worth the two hour trip each way to get me away from all the city juvenile delinquents. My dad didn't say so out loud, at least that I heard, but he was less enchanted with the drive. Twelve hours out of the day for eight hours pay didn't really make sense to him, but my mom got her way as usual.

We had stumbled on a good deal with the house we rented there. An absentee owner of 240 acres needed somebody to live in the little house there (about ten miles out of the small town where I'd be going to school that fall) and keep an eye on the property, two horses and several head of cattle he kept there. I got paid to keep the cows' water tank full. The rent was cheap, the air was clean and the land was beautiful. Most of the acreage had been left alone, so we had a lot of wooded area. I was pissed off that the few friends I had lived so far away in the city, but I liked being there, too. I had no idea how close the nearest neighbor was, but with nearly 240 acres of second growth forest around me, it didn't really matter that much once I got used to it. The whole property was fenced and the house was fenced off from the rest to keep the stock away.

It was May and everything was in bloom. I had spent so much of my life living alone in my head anyway that the freedom of being alone was, in fact, great. The weather was warm. When my parents drove down the long driveway and through the gate I was on my own. The first couple of weeks were great. I spent my days hiking over the property. I kept the cattle watered, but the horses were half wild. While they would suffer me to approach them if I had carrots or an apple or two (from our trees near the house), there was no way I could have ridden them. If one had let me mount at all, I'd have been on my ass in seconds, since I was not really a horseman. I'd ridden before, but I was not skilled. I was no cowboy.

I found a beautiful little meadow in the middle of the trees that covered most of the acreage. Part of it was a mud bog, but there was a wide stretch of mossy ground next to a fair sized stream that crossed the entire property. Well, it only took a couple of minutes before I was imitating those nudists I'd seen so long before in that cartoon book, lying naked on the moss with the warm spring sun shining down on me. I can't express how good that felt. If you've never tried it you can't understand. If you have, no explanation is necessary. I spent a lot of time there naked as spring turned toward summer, even bringing my fishing pole to catch the trout in the stream. It felt great to stand in the shallows naked, casting my lure into the current. It was all very idyllic.

I said, "the first couple of weeks were great". Then my mother's worrying streak took over. A former high school girlfriend of my sister's had found herself in a difficult situation. She also had married, but her husband was out of work that year. When my mom heard about it, she invited them to stay with us (there was a detached building that could be used as a kind of bunkhouse) and 'keep an eye on me' during the week while my parents were at work. They moved in the first week in June.

I liked Elaine (she had great tits!), but Curt, her husband, turned out to be an asshole. When my parents were around he was the picture of a good husband. When it was just the three of us, he treated her like shit. To him I was just a kid and mostly beneath his notice. If he stayed at 'the ranch' (as we called the place) during the day, he slept late and expected Elaine to wait on him. Many days he would get in their car and leave, supposedly to look for work in the city. Those afternoons he would come home, belligerent and smelling like a brewery, just before my parents got home.

One day he got the idea that he would ride one of the horses. There were a couple of bridles in the barn. Taking one of them and a rope, he managed to get the mare in tow (the stallion almost trampled him so he gave up on him) and got the bridle on her. Elaine and I watched as he vaulted onto her back. We were still watching when she ran around bucking. I was impressed that he managed to keep his seat until she stopped bucking. She was still unhappy having him on top of her, however. Riding bareback he had to hold on with his legs and feet. But he made things worse by digging his heels into her belly and yelling at her to gallop. She tried to bite him, but he swatted her with the reins.

Finally, she did as he asked and took off. But there was no way he could control her. He learned it the hard way when she scraped him off violently against the corral fence. Curt lay groaning in the dust and horse shit while the mare galloped off merrily. At first Elaine and I laughed. When we realized that Curt was hurt pretty badly, we stopped laughing and Elaine started crying. I still laughed inside, though. I knew the prick had gotten only what he deserved. Elaine raced to town with Curt lying whining in the back seat. I stayed home, thankfully alone again, if only for a few hours.

It was a good thing I stayed behind, too. The town doctor (yes, there was only one) told Elaine he couldn't help Curt. He sent her to the closest hospital in the city. I explained everything to my parents when they came home that night. Elaine called just before they got home and told me Curt had three compound fractures in one leg and a simple break in the other one. He'd be in the hospital for several weeks.

Elaine stayed at her parents' that night in town. The next morning, after visiting Curt at the hospital, she came back out to the ranch. Her mood was cloudy and unhappy. I thought she was just worried about Curt and the hospital bills. The next day I learned that it was more than that.

My parents went off to work the next morning and a couple of hours later Elaine came in from their 'bunkhouse'. Her eyes were red and she kept sniffing. Even to a fourteen year old boy it was obvious that she had been crying. Being inexperienced in those things, I was unsure what to do. So I didn't do anything except try to be extra nice to her. We spent a few hours watching TV in relative silence. I reheated the morning coffee and served her a cup, refilling it once before the pot was empty.

Just before her soap operas came on she fixed me a sandwich and fell into tears while she was spreading the mustard. I asked her what was wrong. Now, I had known Elaine for about three years longer than her husband had at that point. I'd always gotten along with her and had also always had a crush on her, just as I had with most of my sister's girlfriends from school.

She wasn't very smart (look who she married, for God's sake) and she wasn't beautiful, or even conventionally pretty. She was what I thought of as 'cute', though. She had short brown hair that looked like she spent little time brushing. She did, however, have a nice round pair of tits and a nice round pair of nicely rounded ass cheeks which she liked to dress in tight jeans. I think it was watching her ass that set my lifetime standards for women's asses. Like I said, early ideas take deep root in young minds. Anyway, I thought she was sexy.

When she didn't answer but still her tears fell, I walked into the kitchen and took the knife out of her hand. I put it on the counter and pulled her by the hand to the couch. When she sat down and put her face in her hands I sat across the room from her in my dad's chair. She finally got herself under control and looked at me. She gave a little embarrassed laugh and shook her head.

"It's Curt, Danny. He's just so..." Again she shook her head and struggled for the right word.

"He's just such an asshole," I said for her. She looked at me and laughed out loud. It must have set her loose. She told me that he told her not to come to the hospital every day.

"He said I was a stupid bitch and having me sitting in his room was stupid. I told him it was just because I loved him and wanted to be there for him." She threatened to cloud over again so I urged her to go on. She blew her nose and sniffed. "He said he would call me if he needed anything. Otherwise I could just stay out here." She hesitated a second before she went on. "You know how hard it was for us to get him into the car?" I nodded. "He cussed me out for hurting him worse. He said we were the ones who made his leg worse."

"Elaine, that is such bullshit! He's really an asshole. I don't know why you waste your time with him." I know it was mostly jealousy on my part, but it was also the truth. "He treats you like a dog -- no, worse than a dog. I love Lobo more than he loves you." Lobo was my big shepherd mix mutt. When I said it, Lobo was sitting beside me, his tongue lolling out and enjoying the scratching I was giving his ears.

Elaine didn't say anything for a while. She gazed at Lobo's pleasure and smiled - kind of sadly, I thought. I got up to finish making my sandwich and she watched the soaps. After I ate I told her I was going out for a while. Before I left Elaine gave me a tight hug, pressing my face deep between her big tits. My dick got stiff and I made a hasty retreat before she noticed it. Lobo and I made our way to 'my meadow' and I sat on the bank of the stream, tossing pebbles in and thinking dark thoughts about Curt. I also thought wonderful, sexy thoughts about Elaine. By the age of fourteen I knew a lot more about sex than I had at seven. I knew exactly where my stiff cock was supposed to go, though of course I hadn't had the pleasure yet.

For three days Elaine called the hospital in the morning to talk to Curt and see how he was. The fourth day he asked her to bring him some more magazines and books. She asked me if I wanted to ride along so I went with her. We stopped in South Tacoma at a King's drive-in where she bought me lunch. We talked and laughed while we ate. Several times she put her hand on my arm while she told me some of the stories about the things she and my sister had done in school. I guess she forgot who she was talking to, and how young I was. She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the night my sister had sex for the first time. When she realized what she was telling me she blushed and pleaded with me not to say anything to anybody. I promised. In my mind, sharing that secret brought us closer.

All of this swirled together in my mind and I got brave and asked her when she had sex the first time. She blushed and looked at me with big eyes. It was the closest she ever came to looking pretty up to that point. But she told me. It had been her freshman year in high school and her boyfriend was a football player. She laughed and said he was pretty clumsy. I marveled that I'd had the balls to ask her, or that she told me at all. Of course by then I'd had an erection for around fifteen minutes and it was really uncomfortable, especially since I couldn't adjust it without her realizing what I was doing. By the time our burgers were gone so was my hard on.

I waited in the hospital lobby while Elaine took Curt's stuff upstairs to him. He got what he asked for and basically kicked her out of the room without much delay. She was back to get me in about ten minutes. She managed to wait until we were in the car before she collapsed in tears again. This time I put my hand on her shoulder and she leaned into me. I put my arms around her with pictures of Curt being crushed under the stallion's hooves in my mind. I was in love with Elaine.

Back at the ranch Elaine said she was going out to the bunkhouse for a nap. I told her she could use the couch because I was going fishing. She hugged me and even kissed my cheek as she thanked me for my support and my company. As 'Bo and I wound our way through the trees to the meadow, that spot on my cheek stayed warm and tingly. I didn't really feel any of the ups and downs of the trail because my feet weren't really touching the ground.

I didn't fish that day. I stripped off my clothes and let the damp moss tickle my ass and back while my eyes clenched and my hand flew up and down on my dick. In the course of the next hour I brought myself off three times. By then my dick was almost raw so I had to stop, but it stayed hard. I waded into the stream and the cold water finally made me shrink. I stayed in there until I ached all over, especially in my chest - where my heart is.

I finally got out and lay back in the moss again. I wasn't horny any more, but I was filled with a kind of sadness for something that could never be. The sun was warm and dried me off. I fell asleep for a while. When I woke up the sun was almost down. I was disoriented for a second before I remembered. I hurried to get dressed and went back through the woods to the house. I didn't know what time it was but I knew it was late afternoon at least. There was no sign of our cars in the driveway, only Elaine's, so I knew my parents weren't home yet. I leaned my pole in the corner on the porch where I kept it and went into the house.

I smelled food. Elaine was in the kitchen. She had changed clothes and the sundress she wore was yellow with green and blue flowers around the neck and hem. It was sleeveless with a square neck line and held by two straps. Her bare arms and upper chest excited me. She was peeling potatoes and looked up at me with a smile. I realized she had fixed her hair. At least she had brushed it.

"I was just about to call out the Mounties. You were gone a long time."

"I, uh, I fell asleep for a while. I guess I was just tired." I blushed as I recalled what I'd done first. My dick still hurt.

"Wow, you'll have to show me where you go. It must be peaceful if you went to sleep. I had a nice nap and a hot bath too." She came and sat next to me on the couch. "Anyway, we'll have to keep ourselves company tonight. Your folks called and they won't be home until later. They're having dinner with friends in town. So I put a small roast in the oven and we'll have potatoes and gravy with it. Sound good?"

"Sounds great! All of it (mostly the part that I'd have her all to myself for the evening). How soon is dinner?" I couldn't have been happier.

"About an hour. We can play cards or something if you want to." I wanted to do a lot more -- and not play cards -- but I didn't have any illusions. She was the same age as my sister - almost twenty. She was grown up (or so it seemed to me when I was fourteen) -- and married. She could, and did, legally spread her legs for that dipshit, Curt, any night of the week.

"I think I need a shower before dinner. Maybe we can play something after we eat," I said.

"Okay, that sounds good. You go ahead. My bath felt great."

In the shower I considered jerking off again. Elaine was just on the other side of the door; less than thirty feet away. I thought about the way her arms and neck looked in the sundress. My dick got hard but a few strokes with a sudsy hand made it sting so I quit. When I finished washing and rinsing I was still hard so I turned the water to cool and waited until my erection mostly disappeared.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door. Elaine stood in the hallway, her hand raised to knock. We were both startled and we jumped. I was embarrassed, too. For all my daydreaming, I was shy about her seeing me with only a towel on. Besides that, her eyes went to my groin for a flash before she looked back up at me. Her cheeks turned as red as mine felt. "Uh, dinner is about half an hour away. I was coming to tell you." She grinned and added, "Also, I have to pee, so I'm glad you're finished. Otherwise I'd have had to come in and do it while you were in the shower - or else go squat outside" We laughed, but my imagination caused my dick to start to harden again. She edged past me and closed the door in my face. I just stood outside the thin door until I could hear her piss hitting the water in the bowl. My dick stirred again under the towel.

In my room I took off the towel and stretched out on the bed naked. I heard the toilet flush and the sound of Elaine leaving the bathroom. I silently wished she would turn left and come to my room but her footsteps told me she had turned right and was going back to the living room. I put on a pair of loose fitting pajama pants and a tee shirt.

The aroma of the beef filled the living room and kitchen. I went out there and asked Elaine if there was anything I could do. "Yeah, you can mash the potatoes if you want to, while I make the gravy."

I got out the manual masher and went to the refrigerator for the milk and butter. The potatoes were bubbling on the stove. My shoulder brushed Elaine's when I picked up the pot and she said, "Excuse me."

"Sorry," I said. But it had felt good. Her arm was warmer than mine. I turned to the sink and drained the potatoes. I was standing next to the sink, the pot on the counter and the masher in my hand. I was smashing them really well before adding the other stuff. Elaine came over and rested a hand on my shoulder when she reached up into the cupboard for plates. The low neck of her dress bagged open and I caught sight of her entire left breast with its cherry colored nipple (confirming my suspicion that she was braless under the dress) before she stood back down. She smiled at me and her hand squeezed my shoulder before she turned away.

My mind reeled. Was she sending 'signals'? To me? I shook my head. It couldn't be true. I sprinkled salt and pepper into the potatoes along with a splash of milk and a slab of butter. Then I really went to work on them. By the time I was finished the potatoes were fluffy and redolent of butter. I stuck another slab in the middle of the pile, just the way my mom always did. I saw that Elaine had set the table and had put the roast on it too. So I stuck a serving spoon in the potatoes and carried the pot to the table and set it on the hot pad next to the platter of meat and the gravy boat. Then I was sorry I hadn't put the potatoes in a bowl instead of using the pot. Most nights we all just filled our plates at the stove.

But when Elaine set the pot with the corn in it on another pad, I decided it was no big deal. She had set our places side by side on one long side of the table and she took my hand and pulled me around to my chair. I pulled hers out and she smiled at me. "Thank you, Sir," she said in a formal voice as she sat down. I caught another glimpse down her dress as I helped her scoot in.

I sat next to her and we ate. It always amazes me that a meal that takes hours to prepare is usually demolished in the space of fifteen or twenty minutes. I leaned back in my chair and sighed. Elaine looked at me and laughed. She patted my bulging belly and suggested I retire to the living room while she did the dishes. I insisted on helping her since I wanted to. I also figured I might get another flash since she had to bend down to load the dishwasher.

We worked in silence and as she was putting the last of the silverware into the tub I was in position. Her dress fell open and there they were. I thought she was taking a long time and when I looked up she was looking at me and smiling. She knew. Not only did she know; she had been doing it on purpose! She poured the soap in and closed the dishwasher door. She turned the knob and it whirred to life. I stood rooted to the floor in astonishment.

Elaine took my hand and led the way down the hall to my room. She pulled my shirt over my head and stepped close. Her arms went around me and she kissed the side of my neck. I felt like I was melting and my cock tried to stand up straight. It was hindered, first by my pants, and then by Elaine's warm thighs. She put her mouth to my ear and whispered. "Have you ever had sex, Danny?" Her hot breath and the scent of her skin made me dizzy. I couldn't speak. I just shook my head no.

She stepped back then and pulled her dress up, up, and up. Her legs came into view and then her naked hips. Her crotch was thick with curly brown hair, just a shade darker than the hair on her head. Her belly was next, and it bulged just a little bit. When the dress went up and off, her breasts stood out proud and I saw that the nipples were hard. She dropped the dress and held out her arms to me. I stepped forward, but then she backed us up to the bed and gently shoved me to my back. Her hands went to the elastic waistband of my pants.

I wordlessly raised my hips up and she tugged the pants down and off. For the first time in my life I was in the same room naked with an equally -- and spectacularly, I thought -- naked woman. She crawled next to me and turned my head toward her. "I'll bet you've kissed a lot of girls, though, haven't you?" Her breath was the same as mine, I guessed, but it wasn't unpleasant to smell. I felt my cheeks go hot again.

I had to clear my throat to answer her. "I've kissed some, yeah". My voice was still hoarse. Her hand had moved to my shoulder and she was rubbing it and down my arm. She lowered her lips to mine and we kissed. It was just a light touching. She pulled back and grinned.

"Did you kiss them like that?" she asked.

"Sometimes," I admitted. She did it again, but pressed harder that time. Then I felt the liquid wetness of her tongue on my lips. I eagerly opened my mouth and her tongue entered. That kiss was a lot longer. During it, her hand traveled again. She took hold of my cock and squeezed it. I groaned into her mouth and she sighed back. Her hand stroked me lightly. I was afraid I'd explode right then, but she removed her hand. She broke the kiss. I was still sore from beating off, but I ignored the pain.

"That was nice, wasn't it? You're a pretty good kisser, you know."

"A girl said that to me once." It was the occasion of getting my first feel of bare tit. I would never forget the look on Diane's face when it happened. But that's another -- and much less exciting story.

"Well she was right." Elaine kissed me again, her hands on either side of my head. It went on and on. Her tits were heavy on my chest, heavy and warm. My cock was harder than it had ever been. She slid her hand down and wrapped her fingers around it again. I suddenly - and embarrassingly - popped, spraying cum all over my belly and Elaine's hand. It squirted so hard that one glob landed on my shoulder.

The surprise orgasm made Elaine break the kiss. She smiled down at me and just breathed, "Wow!" She saw the creamy drop on my shoulder and leaned forward to lick it off. My eyes bugged out and I shivered. "That was cool! I've never made a guy cum just by kissing him before!" She added. Her enjoyment was so clear that I stopped being embarrassed, especially since she sat up to lick all the semen from her hand. Then she bent to clean my belly and sucked on my cock. I was in heaven, but eager for the next step.

Before I had a chance to climax again she released my cock and rose over me. When she lowered her center to mine her heat felt incredible. My cock disappeared in the tangle of her curly hairs and she leaned forward again. "Usually we'd start with other things but I think I want to feel this precious dick inside me right away." Elaine reached between us and raised my slim erection to a vertical position. Her pussy swallowed me in one thrust. My breath escaped in a gust. 'I'm inside a woman! I'm inside a woman!' The words echoed in my brain over and over.

The feeling was incredibly hot. I thought nothing could feel better. Then she began to rise and lower herself on me. The pleasurable feelings grew geometrically. I spurted again, but she seemed not to notice. I stayed hard, anyway. She kept fucking herself with my cock. She had her eyes closed for a few minutes but then they opened and she took my hands and put them on her tits. They were heavy globes about the size of large grapefruits and the nipples were as hard as little pebbles. She gasped and told me to pinch the nipples.

When I did she gave a shudder and I felt her pussy tighten around me. I pinched harder. She gasped and her eyes popped open. She looked almost mad but her body said she wasn't. She rocked back and forth and her breathing turned into panting. "Suck them!" she yelled. "Bite my nipples, Danny!" She leaned down to bring them to my mouth. I sucked and nibbled but she urged me on, wanting me to bite harder. I did, feeling like it must hurt, but she just moved faster. She was leaking fluids - mine and hers - all over my groin and hips.

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I was feeling very pleased that i had taken the plunge and rung the doorbell of Arthur`s upstairs neighbour. I could still taste his come in the back of my throat and fancied i could still smell and feel his bushy pubic hair encompassing my lips and nostrils.I had bits of pubic hair stuck between my teeth which felt very weird, but i was elated with the whole experience and thought i had aquitted myself rather well. I knew now that this was for me and that i would want do it again and...

3 years ago
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Double Act ndash Chapter 2

"Doesn't that feel good?" she whispered at my ear."God yes," I said, not sure if it was loud enough for Tim's benefit.I opened my eyes and saw him staring at my tits. Given that they were a little bigger than my s!ster's, Beth was making the most of them for his benefit. She ran her hands over and over them, letting her fingers flick the bullet-hard nipples. Then she ran her hands down to my waist and undid my skirt. I stepped out of the clothes and turned to face my s!ster. We grinned at each...

2 years ago
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My first time 2

An old and experienced Red Setter tells some more of his story. The late afternoon sun spun shadows that were almost moving quickly enough to be observed as they slid across the bare wooden planking. The old Red Setter lay on the back stoop, rheumy eyes half closed and dreams chasing around in his head, making him twitch occasionally and whimper. The reddened sun shone off of his coat giving a false impression of vigour and youth, belying the greyness that now overtook the original colour...

4 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 17 Busted From the Army

Colonel Mary Chamberlain was waiting in the small interview room when Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters the Third, also known as Trey, was escorted in by the guards. "Lieutenant, I need to show you something," Colonel Chamberlain stood as she spoke. "I intend to scare you senseless. Follow me soldier." "With all due respect--" Trey began. "Your objection is noted, Lieutenant," the colonel snarled, "now MARCH!" Trey's objection was cut short by the colonel's finger on a...

2 years ago
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White First BBC Blacken

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I screamed as he rammed his cock into me. His thick, dark meat filled me with each hard thrust. My wet pussy engulfed him each time he drove it in.Jeremy is a tall, well muscled black guy with his head shaved. We had met earlier that night at the party. We had been dancing close all night. He loved my nice round bubble butt. He said that he had always wanted to fuck a white girl, and I was glad to make that wish come true. He ripped my cloths off as soon as we were in the...

2 years ago
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The SwirlMovement With Taylor Swift

The Swirl Movement: With Taylor SwiftChapter 1By:Satoshi88Codes: Intro, Interracial, RaceplayDisclaimer: This is completely fictional (unfortunately). This is just some idea that popped into my head that seemed like a bit of fun. Comments are more than welcome, just be constructive if you have any advice/suggestionsTaylor takes a deep breath as she peeks through the curtain, feeling anxious as she sees the huge crowd gathered in the auditorium. Taylor was no stranger to singing, let alone...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Sasha Coxx Horny Sub Orders A BDSM Master

Sexy Russian newcomer Sasha Coxx is horny and has so many naughty thoughts she just can’t manage them by herself. So what is a nymphomaniac like her to do? Order in a seXXXperience of course! And what better for a submissive like Sasha than to have BDSM on demand? So horny she can’t wait and masturbates herself before Master Kai Taylor comes over at her request and puts the brunette beauty in her place – in a BDSM collar with his thick dick in her mouth and a whip to her ass....

1 year ago
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My First Swinging Experience

Although it has been a few years now, my first swinger experience was very memorable. There have been dozens of swinger couples since that first swinging experience but I remember it like it was yesterday. I had always had a strong sex drive but have never really considered swinging. That is, I never had considered it until a close friend revealed to me that they were swingers. When Beth said that she and Marcus were swingers I was shocked! I hardly knew what to say. Swingers!?? Beth and...

2 years ago
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Escape in Shenzhen

How good can it be when you are on a business trip sponsored by the company, and yet, you call up your lover and stay in together for a good 3 days. Well... I got such luck when my company send me to Shenzhen, China. Beside carrying out my work, I got to meet my China girl friend and fuck for 3 nights. She is none others than my XHL, a horny girl that makes me cum 3 Shot 2 Hours, which I met her through WeChat and bonk her HERE.I shall not put down all 3 days of fun I had, but just gave you...

2 years ago
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Mommys BoyChapter 3

Willy sat in front of the computer in his bedroom using the password 'MommysBoy' his mother had given him to change the restrictions on his computer to 'full internet privileges''. The boy had put on a clean pair of white briefs after he had jerked his cock off in the bathroom. That and a white T shirt was all the youngster wore as he began doing internet searches to satisfy his curiosity about sex. He found many photos of naked women. Willy marveled at how different, but the same, all...

2 years ago
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Jaq Gives Punishment

Jaq was going out for several hours, I was going to use the time to play.As soon as Jaq had left the house I was rummaging around in her panty drawer, I chose a nice blue lacy pair. Having put them on I became very aroused. My cock was nestled in the lacy panties and was starting to leak pre-cum. I found another pair in the laundry basket that had a lovely aroma.Lying on the bed, I began to sniff the dirty panties while rubbing my hard cock through the lacy panties. I was so horny that I knew...

1 year ago
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Last Wives Club 8 A Favor Sent

Not long after the first time that I whored myself out to enhance my husband’s career, Dan was offered a promotion into senior management. He would become a vice-president and head of a division. He would have to move to another city, Columbus, Ohio, but I could find work there in my field. I consulted with Mrs. Cardinal to verify that the Last Wives Club would help if my company wouldn’t transfer me. He accepted the promotion and we made preparations to have a commuter marriage until the kids...

3 years ago
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Meeting Him

I wait nervously in the hotel that you told me that you would meet me at. I’ve been yours for a while now and we’re about to meet for the first time since I became your slave. I’m pacing back and forth, awaiting you anxiously. I finally give up pacing and lay down on the bed, curling up and watch an old episode of Friends, with thoughts of you filling my mind. Yawning softly, I drift off to sl**p. You let yourself into our room with your key, surprised that I don’t greet you at the door as you...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 98 The Fortune Fucker

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Pehla pyar ghar ke dvar

Hi iss readers apke comments padkar bahut acha laga. Agar ye comment aap mujhey mail kartey to shyad aur acha lagta meri mail id hai aapmujhey pehchan tph gaye honge main “teacher ka badla” ki survivour hoon. Meri agli khani woh hai jisme mainey bhi enjoy kia. khani shuru karne se pahle bata doon ki main joint family mein rehti hoon. Mere do badey papa hain jinke 3 ladke aur 1 ladki hai aur main aur mera bhai ek chotey papa jinke 2 ladkey aur ek ladki hain ghar mein mera no. 4 hai aur mere se...

4 years ago
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Daisy punana ch 7

================================================================= NOTE: Due to too many storylines going on at the same time, I am going to split the "daisy" story off from the "punana" story. Here's the map: Daisy modified (no chapter mark) is all punana Daisy modified ch 2: is all punana Daisy modified ch 3: introduces RL Daisy and includes a few scenes with punana Daisy modified ch 4: picks up RL Daisy's story and gives a last glimpse of punana then they split: Daisy...

1 year ago
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A cuckold journey pt 1 revised

We have always had an interesting relationship. Even when she was very young we would have staring contests and tease each other continuously. It wasn't a touchy-feely kind of thing. She didn't jump in my lap or run to give me hugs. It was a bit stand-offish. But, there was an understanding between us. She knew how much I adored her and I was always willing to listen to her when she wanted to talk, which was often, she is a talker! She is headed into back to school soon and her...

4 years ago
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Deneuralized Pussy II Fresh toppings

He sat propped up on his elbows, eyes squeezed shut, Jo's tongue in his mouth, alternating between sucking on his tongue and his lower lip. Occasionally a tremor would run through her ample, bare anatomy, shaking her full breasts and causing her to moan. Slowly she drew back her tongue and leaned forward to ease a stiffen nipple into his mouth. He teased it with his tongue and began sucking on it slowly, tenderly while she worked her other breast with both hands. Back arched she...

3 years ago
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Spying turned into

Hey guys, I thought I would share an experience I had with my mom. It’s been on my mind for a bout 2 months now (when it happened) so I thought I might as well get it all out. I’m 19, going on 20 this November, and my mom just turned 45 last month. To be honest, my mom doesn’t look anything like she is 45. 30 is more accurate for her, and almost anyone would agree with me if they saw my mom. She has a perfect body in my opinion. Her breasts nicely fit her body, since it’s nice a round, but not...

3 years ago
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Awoken Again By A Younger Man

I had been divorced for 5 years and living with my daughter who was in high school. I must say that it has been a long time since I had sex with any man after my husband and I was horny a lot as I am only 40 years old. I didn't think I was bad looking - blonde, blue eyes, 5'5" a nice curvy body with a great set of tits (DD's), I just didn't have much time or inclination to date.My daughter, who is extremely close to me, urged and encouraged me to date men as she didn't like the thought of me...

4 years ago
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Casual SexChapter 2

As Audrey drove home she kept thinking about the young man in the parking lot at the store. He had been fairly well hung and now Audrey's posterior was a little sore, plus it was now wet with his semen and she was beginning to get chapped back there as she drove. She was glad when she arrived home and gratefully closed the garage door behind her and took her packages inside. As she put them on the kitchen counter she kept thinking about what the young man had said about a bunch of his...

1 year ago
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Jack Learns to Jerk Off

Introduction:Hello, this is my first submission. It was a story idea that came to me one day. I almost came in my pants writing it and I hope you all enjoy cumming to it ;). I always found the thought of masturbating with a member of the opposite sex really hot, so here's my fiction. Everyone in this story is completely fictional and not based on real people. Leave your feedback here, I'd really appreciate it, and please tell me if you want a sequel! I made a few edits after...

4 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To A Prostitute

Hi to all Indian sex stories readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is one of my readers experience and I will be narrating from his point. Now coming to the story my name is Harish from trichy 20 years old I am a virgin and I was very interested to do sex but didn’t...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ashley Lane POV Facial

Beautiful blonde Ashley Lane is Manuel’s little slut in this hardcore fuck session. Ashley’s waiting in the bathtub for Manuel as she cleans herself off so she can get even dirtier with him. Manuel has her show off her body as he plays with her holes and spanks her tight ass to tenderize that booty. Ashley teases him with her pussy then pulls out his big cock so she can stroke it while she fingers herself. Manuel pushes her to her knees then Ashley wraps her pretty lips around...

1 year ago
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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 02

Terry lays down the law.I could not shake that feeling that they had taken me to yet, because of either damn luck or maybe on purpose; they would not take me to that climax, that big one that I had felt building and building as they used me. They came several times, and I only had that one small climax. Needless to say, I felt that I had been cheated, not being able to achieve that climax that I had wanted and at the time felt that I needed so bad. I was glad that Sandy and Terry did not want...

2 years ago
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Brains and BrawnChapter 2

In the meantime, the Department of Social Services was hard at work screening several likely candidates for the adoption of John Stevens. After an extensive background check, one couple stood out as the perfect couple for the adoption. Robert and Joan Strong were in their early thirties, both had good jobs, and the potential mother worked out of the house, therefore there would be no need for day care. They appeared to be model citizens and were extremely desirous of adopting a child. It...

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The Ghost of Dixie Highway A Halloween Story

It was 1958. Route 66 was in its glory as the primary route from Chicago to Los Angeles. While still in Illinois, shortly after the road passed through Springfield, just outside the small town of McLean, you passed by what was the premier truck stop of its day, the Dixie Trucker’s Home, usually referred to as “The Dixie Truck Stop.” This nationally-known truck stop was open 24/7, 365 days of the year. The huge sign with the word “Dixie” emblazoned on what looked like pilot’s wings was visible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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ScoutChapter 14

Since nobody was interested in cold weather, we decided to head for southern New Mexico Territory, possibly somewhere near Carlsbad. Janet and I had thought that eastern NMT looked like a good place to live when we had made our excursion there the previous year. There was a lot of open space, so we should be able to find a decent location for the Negroes to settle down. We packed up and set out that very morning. The Negroes were in a hurry to get away from the local KKK and I couldn't...

3 years ago
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Last day at College

I had my BA in hand and only two days left before I too would be gone. I was due to catch a plane the next day having graduated from High School at seventeen and then been accepted and enrolled in a college in Chicago. I went to summer school each year and graduated with my BA at just twenty years old and had applied and been hired by a hi-tech firm in San Jose.My dorm-mate, Joan, had finished packing up her last bag and was off to Dallas where she had been hired by a law firm. We hugged and...

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Thailand Trip with Married Chinese Lawyer

Married Chinese Lawyer Thailand Trip*There will be parts of this story where you can guess the time of her orgasms, please comment on the video and you could win passwords for locked videos*So this was one of the craziest few days I’ve spent with the Married Chinese Lawyer a while back.She was travelling with her husband to Thailand for a business holiday with some of her husband’s colleagues and officials. They were planning to play golf all day so she had the idea of taking me along secretly...

2 years ago
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Roll Me Away

I start to reflect upon the two-year anniversary of the death of my love while driving to my favorite spot. I pop a CD in and Bob Segar begins to sing Roll Me Away. I get to the spot at the lake and roll the windows down on my car so that I can still hear the music. I sit on the trunk of my car watching the water ripple and the sunset, reminiscing about what should have been. We met online in a role-playing chatroom. I had been chatting in this chatroom for a few months, making friends when...

1 year ago
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Maryanne and SisChapter 7

Morning found me working on the breakfast later than usual while the rest slept, or so I thought. Maryanne came in looking much better with makeup and her hair brushed out. She poured coffee and sat at the breakfast bar. She wasn't her regular chatty self. "Do you feel any better this morning?" "Yes. I haven't had one of these difficult periods since I started taking the pill. Now I remember why it was that I needed help. I'll be glad to get back on my regular schedule." She...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Massage Experience

Hello everyone!! This is yet another experience for those boys and girls who have motivated me to share more of my erotic experiences here with you.. If you wish to get in touch for some romance and some sensuous talks then kindly get in touch with me on Unlike the other writers I shall try to revert in an hour or two or may be max a day, that is if in case I ‘m with my client.. I get lucky at times as I don’t charge anything for those horny pussies.. All my services are free of cost for...

1 year ago
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My Crazy Life 1 Michelle

I have written a lot of stories, and I believe I have a creative imagination. Because most of the stories are my fantasies, my main male characters tend to resemble me. This might quickly lead an astute reader to confusion, because in the various stories, my wife is either a nymphomaniac, or she's dead, or she left me for either a younger or an older man. My only answer is that to some extent all of those descriptions of her are true.Actually, we have been married more than thirty years. A lot...

4 years ago
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Jetha Ka Mota Lund Liya

Aap ne meri pahli kahani padhi, kaise maine apne jeth se chudwana. Mere pati ki naukari lag chuki thi aur company ne ek ghar de diya tha rahne ke liye. Sab bahit khush the. Main bhi bahot khush thi kyonki jeth se kiya gaya mera vada bhi tootne se bach gaya. Tabhi mere pati ko naukri join karne ke liye 10 din ka samay mila aur unhone kaha ki main mumbai me hi ruk jaun aur wo lucknow jakar apna samaan le ayen. Maine haan kar di, agle din wo subah hi train se lucknow ke liye nikal gaye, fir main...

4 years ago
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Fucked An Unknown Girl During Marriage Ceremony

Hi guys and sexy girls this is XYZ from Bangalore today I am going to tell you how I fucked a unknown girl. Sorry guys and girls I can’t expose our real names To tell about me I am not good looking and not having good physic also and my dick around 5 inches and to tell about a girl her name is ABC her stats are 32,28,32 This incident took place 7 months back then In our home my mom’s younger brothers marriage ceremony was going on as u all know how much work will be there during marriage...

2 years ago
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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 21

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" Homeland Security asked. "Absolutely nothing," replied E'veen. "We don't work for you." HS huffed ... if she were six, it would be a pout, but she was nearly sixty ... it was a huff. "But I need you." "No ... you want someone to blame." Bill had a handle on this ... for sure. "You pull everyone out of there ... and I do mean everyone ... and your spy devices ... give us a totally free hand ... guarantee in writing with the...

2 years ago
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Pleasant Street Ch 02

YOUNG MEN AND OLDER WOMEN When they reach the age of puberty and their sexual juices start flowing, most young men’s thoughts turn to older women. Sometimes they get a crush on a teacher, a neighbor or, perhaps, an older girl in school. Usually, these crushes don’t amount to anything. Once in a while, they do. In literature and film younger man/older woman romances have provided the basis of some memorable stories. Mrs. Robinson became a household word after seducing young Benjamin in ‘The...

3 years ago
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Helped Watchman8217s Wife With InCum During Lockdown 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, thanks for your overwhelming responses towards my first half of the experience with my security guard’s wife. Now, I am going to share the latest experience with her, before she could leave for her hometown. To all first-time readers, I am Preetham from Bangalore with a 7 inches dick ready to satisfy your pussy with all the pleasures. Boys, start shaking your tool and girls, start rubbing your choco-hole! Let’s continue with the experience from the previous part. The lockdown...

4 years ago
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Getting Retribution

In the twenty-two years that my wife Jennifer and I have been married, I had always chosen not to stray. Don’t get me wrong. I would be an incredible flirt with all the ladies. However, if a girl was to actually accept my advances, I would wittingly get myself out of the situation and run home to the wife. After catching my wife Jennifer fucking her coworker, I gave her my blessing to fuck anyone she wanted to. Since then, our marital situation has changed dramatically. We could choose to be...

1 year ago
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Agnes Sweet Dreams

Agnes slipped into her bed tired from the events of the day. She had spent the last couple of hours halfheartedly teasing her boyfriend Michael and his cousin Daniel. Somehow the three of them ended up on the subject of a threesome and discussed what they would do with her and what she would do to them. She enjoyed every minute of the conversation; watching the reactions of the two relatives as she told them every dirty thing she would do to them. She thought back to the conversation imagining...

3 years ago
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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 3 Mike in the Middle

(MFf incest) (edited) Mike looked for Jennie after school on Thursday after their dinner at her mom’s house, but he didn’t see her. He hadn’t heard a peep from her, very unusual. He tried texting her again right after school. ‘Hi’ he sent his typical starter line. Nothing. Mike grew worried. Worried something might have happened to her or maybe just mad at him still. ‘Just let me know you are ok and not kidnapped.’ Finally, a message from her... ‘ok’ ‘Can we talk?’ ‘later’ He gave...

3 years ago
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My steamy love life

This is my first story so I hope you like it.Andrew and I have been together for almost 2 years now and we still have great lusty passion filled sex. We are not afraid to try new things and love pleasing each other, so through our relationship he has taken me places I have never been and makes me cum in ways I never knew. Waiting for him to be home was like torture, it always felt like forever before I was on my way to pick him up from work at 12:30 A.M. I had already read a few stories on Lush...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Invited With Open Legs

This story is based on my real life experience with a maid. Both of us were around 19 at that time. I believe the maid had an eye out for something like this happening for a while now. Anyway, to give a clear picture let me start from the beginning. It is my first time writing so please excuse any errors. Your constructive feedback is welcome at I had my vacations when this incident took place. We had employed an elderly woman as the maid but her daughters would often come to help her out. All...

3 years ago
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My Sunail Bhabhi 8211 1

Let me introduce myself first. I m Suraj frm Nagpur, 25 yrs, 5.11″ height & well build body. In my family we are 5 members, my mummy, daddy, my brother who is 4 yrs elder to me got married a year back. And another member is my lovingly and carring bhabhi on whom this story is all about. Her name is Sunail. I never had any bad intension towards my bhabhi as we both loved each other just like a very gud friends as we were of same age. My brother was working on an important project due to which...

3 years ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 18

The next couple of years went much the same. Lots of sucking and fucking. A teenage boy's dream come true. During the summer between my junior and senior years of high school my Dad helped me out buying an old beat up Ford Ranger pick up truck. I also bought a small mower and expanded myself beyond just caring for Ms. Baker's lawn. Half way through the summer I had made enough cash to pay my father back and buy myself a large walk behind mower allowing me to expand my little business to...

2 years ago
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A Day In Court

Judge Ballbuster, looked at the young man, in the witness chair, banged his gavel, and said, "Does the defendant have anything to say before I pass sentence?" Edward Ruffhouse spoke in a meek voice, "Please your honor, I haven't been able to find a job in months. It was the only way I could afford to eat. Have mercy." The judge gave him a stern look, "You sir are a drain on society. There are shelters that give food to any one willing to do a little hard work. You're only 26 years...

1 year ago
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The Black Hat

I stop at the same restaurant for breakfast four or five days a week and for lunch maybe twice. There are a lot of regulars that frequent the place and I don't know half of them even though I've seen most of them off and on for the last fifteen years. It was a case of 'you know who they are but you don't know them.' You see them often enough to nod at them and say "Good morning" but it rarely goes any farther than that. You see them often enough to observe their character traits and...

2 years ago
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Secretly spellbound

* based on a true story I am Jessica30 yr old female The evening storm on the window from outside crashed dow on the old Victorian house. I was ready to enjoy a quiet evening in my new home. Strange things were occurring.. doors opened.. things moving.. water suddenly on. I knew toy home was said to be haunted,.. why it was charming.. but today is rediculous. I took a deep breath and jumped in the shower.after a nice hot shower, my wet breasts firm on my robe.nipple shone in the sun and I got...

1 year ago
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It was a most wonderful saturday afternoon

It was a saturday after noon and I was sitting in front of the computer. I was the only one home so I was in my boxers with a beer beside the monitor and I was reading the page on the internet. I got an instant message from an old friend and she was telling me about her new boyfriend. I got very aroused and started to rub my semi erect toy. I had not had any in about a week due to the fact my feince and I had been fighting alot. See I am going to the army and she is not happy about that. So I...

1 year ago
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A wild and a wet night in the hospital duty room

I was a young duty doctor filled massively with lust for an HR employee and finally fulfilled my lust and desire Hi guys My name is Edmund. This story is about my first sexual experience . It happened when I was working as a junior doctor with a beautiful girl named Kumudh working in HR department of the hospital.I got a job as a junior duty doctor in the emergency of a local private hospital and was expected to report to the HR department on the day of my joining to complete some formalities...

First Time

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