- 2 years ago
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I was born at the tail end of the boomer generation. My family consisted of my parents and two older brothers and an older sister. Then there was me. The closest in age to me was my sister and she had four years on me. Because of the difference in ages between me and my siblings I spent a lot of time alone -- especially after my sister hit puberty and started dating.
One summer day when my parents and brothers were at work, my sister was out in the back yard 'suntanning' with a couple of her friends. I was eight at the time and had only vague ideas about sex. I 'knew' (because I'd been told) that nobody was supposed to see other people naked after a certain age. I wasn't sure why, but that's what I'd been taught. So it kind of excited me to watch my sister and her friends in the yard from behind the curtains of my room. They weren't naked, but the bikini was the newest thing in swimwear and they all wore them. It was like seeing them in their undies so I watched them for a while. Even at eight, my little pencil sized cock would get stiff sometimes and it felt good to 'play with it', but nothing like that happened as I watched my sister and friends that day.
They didn't do anything but lie there, talking and giggling though, so it soon bored me. I decided to indulge one of my favorite pleasures: poking through my brothers' closet. They shared a room in those days so they also shared a closet. As one might imagine, the closet of two teenage boys (14 and 16) held some interesting items sometimes. I'd found magazines, tame by today's standards, but they showed naked tits and butts of glamorous women, so I knew they were contraband. Of course, the fact that I only found them buried under a bunch of other stuff was a big clue, too.
The day I was writing about changed my life a lot. In my delving, I uncovered a little paperback cartoon book. It was full of nudist cartoons. I'd never heard the words 'nude' or 'nudist' in my life, but I was smart enough to figure them out. The cartoons were funny, even to me, but they were chiefly based on the nudist nature of the people in them. I was amazed to learn that there were places called 'nudist colonies' where everybody went naked all the time. Ideas take deep root in young minds. From that day on I was fascinated with nudity. I made a point of looking all the nude words up in our big dictionary and became an eight year old authority on the subject.
On weekends I was always the first one awake in our house, especially after we got a television set (when I was seven!). I was eager to get up early so I could watch the cartoons before my dad rose and flipped the channel to some stupid football game -- or baseball. There didn't seem to be any other sports on TV back then except for professional wrestling on Saturday nights.
After learning about nudity I started experimenting early mornings in our back yard. We lived in New Mexico at the time and our yard was surrounded by a cinder block wall. There were poplar trees along the back wall and a couple of other trees in the middle of the grass. I found a place where I could be unobserved from any of the rear windows of our house -- one of them was my room anyway -- where I could strip off my shorts and let the early sun shine on my naked body. It felt really good and not for the first time did I wonder why it was so wrong to go naked.
Okay. Flash forward about three years. We had moved to Washington State and I'd learned a lot more about sex and enjoyed 'playing with' me growing cock a lot more. I still found time and space in which I could feel safe about stripping to my skin and simply relaxing -- even if I didn't get stiff and play around. One day I was out in this shed that was on our property. My oldest brother had made it into a kind of studio, since he was artistically inclined. But he was away in college so nobody but me ever really went out there. He had strung up my dad's old Navy hammock in the shed and the rough canvas felt strangely good on my naked skin.
One sunny day I was out there and, instead of lying in it and relaxing, I straddled it and my dick and balls fell between the edges of the hammock. It felt great! As I rocked back and forth the bottom of the canvas started rubbing my stiff cock. Suddenly I felt a throbbing and an overwhelming -- even painful -- sensation that ran through me like electricity. At first I was afraid I'd broken something, but a few minutes later everything felt normal again so I relaxed. A little while later I realized I had experienced my first ever orgasm. Since I was a young healthy male, after that I couldn't get enough of it. A month or so after that first time I started having to be ready to clean up afterward because I had started producing semen and sperm.
We moved to a place near a small town at the foot of Mt. Rainier the spring before I turned fifteen. There was a lot of logging around there. (If my mom thought the move would remove me from temptation and danger, she must have forgotten how country boys and girls act. She didn't have a clue about life in logging communities, either. But that's another story.) Since both of my parents worked in the city still, and the I-5 freeway hadn't yet been built, they had to drive 90 miles round trip every day on a four lane highway. To my mom it was worth the two hour trip each way to get me away from all the city juvenile delinquents. My dad didn't say so out loud, at least that I heard, but he was less enchanted with the drive. Twelve hours out of the day for eight hours pay didn't really make sense to him, but my mom got her way as usual.
We had stumbled on a good deal with the house we rented there. An absentee owner of 240 acres needed somebody to live in the little house there (about ten miles out of the small town where I'd be going to school that fall) and keep an eye on the property, two horses and several head of cattle he kept there. I got paid to keep the cows' water tank full. The rent was cheap, the air was clean and the land was beautiful. Most of the acreage had been left alone, so we had a lot of wooded area. I was pissed off that the few friends I had lived so far away in the city, but I liked being there, too. I had no idea how close the nearest neighbor was, but with nearly 240 acres of second growth forest around me, it didn't really matter that much once I got used to it. The whole property was fenced and the house was fenced off from the rest to keep the stock away.
It was May and everything was in bloom. I had spent so much of my life living alone in my head anyway that the freedom of being alone was, in fact, great. The weather was warm. When my parents drove down the long driveway and through the gate I was on my own. The first couple of weeks were great. I spent my days hiking over the property. I kept the cattle watered, but the horses were half wild. While they would suffer me to approach them if I had carrots or an apple or two (from our trees near the house), there was no way I could have ridden them. If one had let me mount at all, I'd have been on my ass in seconds, since I was not really a horseman. I'd ridden before, but I was not skilled. I was no cowboy.
I found a beautiful little meadow in the middle of the trees that covered most of the acreage. Part of it was a mud bog, but there was a wide stretch of mossy ground next to a fair sized stream that crossed the entire property. Well, it only took a couple of minutes before I was imitating those nudists I'd seen so long before in that cartoon book, lying naked on the moss with the warm spring sun shining down on me. I can't express how good that felt. If you've never tried it you can't understand. If you have, no explanation is necessary. I spent a lot of time there naked as spring turned toward summer, even bringing my fishing pole to catch the trout in the stream. It felt great to stand in the shallows naked, casting my lure into the current. It was all very idyllic.
I said, "the first couple of weeks were great". Then my mother's worrying streak took over. A former high school girlfriend of my sister's had found herself in a difficult situation. She also had married, but her husband was out of work that year. When my mom heard about it, she invited them to stay with us (there was a detached building that could be used as a kind of bunkhouse) and 'keep an eye on me' during the week while my parents were at work. They moved in the first week in June.
I liked Elaine (she had great tits!), but Curt, her husband, turned out to be an asshole. When my parents were around he was the picture of a good husband. When it was just the three of us, he treated her like shit. To him I was just a kid and mostly beneath his notice. If he stayed at 'the ranch' (as we called the place) during the day, he slept late and expected Elaine to wait on him. Many days he would get in their car and leave, supposedly to look for work in the city. Those afternoons he would come home, belligerent and smelling like a brewery, just before my parents got home.
One day he got the idea that he would ride one of the horses. There were a couple of bridles in the barn. Taking one of them and a rope, he managed to get the mare in tow (the stallion almost trampled him so he gave up on him) and got the bridle on her. Elaine and I watched as he vaulted onto her back. We were still watching when she ran around bucking. I was impressed that he managed to keep his seat until she stopped bucking. She was still unhappy having him on top of her, however. Riding bareback he had to hold on with his legs and feet. But he made things worse by digging his heels into her belly and yelling at her to gallop. She tried to bite him, but he swatted her with the reins.
Finally, she did as he asked and took off. But there was no way he could control her. He learned it the hard way when she scraped him off violently against the corral fence. Curt lay groaning in the dust and horse shit while the mare galloped off merrily. At first Elaine and I laughed. When we realized that Curt was hurt pretty badly, we stopped laughing and Elaine started crying. I still laughed inside, though. I knew the prick had gotten only what he deserved. Elaine raced to town with Curt lying whining in the back seat. I stayed home, thankfully alone again, if only for a few hours.
It was a good thing I stayed behind, too. The town doctor (yes, there was only one) told Elaine he couldn't help Curt. He sent her to the closest hospital in the city. I explained everything to my parents when they came home that night. Elaine called just before they got home and told me Curt had three compound fractures in one leg and a simple break in the other one. He'd be in the hospital for several weeks.
Elaine stayed at her parents' that night in town. The next morning, after visiting Curt at the hospital, she came back out to the ranch. Her mood was cloudy and unhappy. I thought she was just worried about Curt and the hospital bills. The next day I learned that it was more than that.
My parents went off to work the next morning and a couple of hours later Elaine came in from their 'bunkhouse'. Her eyes were red and she kept sniffing. Even to a fourteen year old boy it was obvious that she had been crying. Being inexperienced in those things, I was unsure what to do. So I didn't do anything except try to be extra nice to her. We spent a few hours watching TV in relative silence. I reheated the morning coffee and served her a cup, refilling it once before the pot was empty.
Just before her soap operas came on she fixed me a sandwich and fell into tears while she was spreading the mustard. I asked her what was wrong. Now, I had known Elaine for about three years longer than her husband had at that point. I'd always gotten along with her and had also always had a crush on her, just as I had with most of my sister's girlfriends from school.
She wasn't very smart (look who she married, for God's sake) and she wasn't beautiful, or even conventionally pretty. She was what I thought of as 'cute', though. She had short brown hair that looked like she spent little time brushing. She did, however, have a nice round pair of tits and a nice round pair of nicely rounded ass cheeks which she liked to dress in tight jeans. I think it was watching her ass that set my lifetime standards for women's asses. Like I said, early ideas take deep root in young minds. Anyway, I thought she was sexy.
When she didn't answer but still her tears fell, I walked into the kitchen and took the knife out of her hand. I put it on the counter and pulled her by the hand to the couch. When she sat down and put her face in her hands I sat across the room from her in my dad's chair. She finally got herself under control and looked at me. She gave a little embarrassed laugh and shook her head.
"It's Curt, Danny. He's just so..." Again she shook her head and struggled for the right word.
"He's just such an asshole," I said for her. She looked at me and laughed out loud. It must have set her loose. She told me that he told her not to come to the hospital every day.
"He said I was a stupid bitch and having me sitting in his room was stupid. I told him it was just because I loved him and wanted to be there for him." She threatened to cloud over again so I urged her to go on. She blew her nose and sniffed. "He said he would call me if he needed anything. Otherwise I could just stay out here." She hesitated a second before she went on. "You know how hard it was for us to get him into the car?" I nodded. "He cussed me out for hurting him worse. He said we were the ones who made his leg worse."
"Elaine, that is such bullshit! He's really an asshole. I don't know why you waste your time with him." I know it was mostly jealousy on my part, but it was also the truth. "He treats you like a dog -- no, worse than a dog. I love Lobo more than he loves you." Lobo was my big shepherd mix mutt. When I said it, Lobo was sitting beside me, his tongue lolling out and enjoying the scratching I was giving his ears.
Elaine didn't say anything for a while. She gazed at Lobo's pleasure and smiled - kind of sadly, I thought. I got up to finish making my sandwich and she watched the soaps. After I ate I told her I was going out for a while. Before I left Elaine gave me a tight hug, pressing my face deep between her big tits. My dick got stiff and I made a hasty retreat before she noticed it. Lobo and I made our way to 'my meadow' and I sat on the bank of the stream, tossing pebbles in and thinking dark thoughts about Curt. I also thought wonderful, sexy thoughts about Elaine. By the age of fourteen I knew a lot more about sex than I had at seven. I knew exactly where my stiff cock was supposed to go, though of course I hadn't had the pleasure yet.
For three days Elaine called the hospital in the morning to talk to Curt and see how he was. The fourth day he asked her to bring him some more magazines and books. She asked me if I wanted to ride along so I went with her. We stopped in South Tacoma at a King's drive-in where she bought me lunch. We talked and laughed while we ate. Several times she put her hand on my arm while she told me some of the stories about the things she and my sister had done in school. I guess she forgot who she was talking to, and how young I was. She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the night my sister had sex for the first time. When she realized what she was telling me she blushed and pleaded with me not to say anything to anybody. I promised. In my mind, sharing that secret brought us closer.
All of this swirled together in my mind and I got brave and asked her when she had sex the first time. She blushed and looked at me with big eyes. It was the closest she ever came to looking pretty up to that point. But she told me. It had been her freshman year in high school and her boyfriend was a football player. She laughed and said he was pretty clumsy. I marveled that I'd had the balls to ask her, or that she told me at all. Of course by then I'd had an erection for around fifteen minutes and it was really uncomfortable, especially since I couldn't adjust it without her realizing what I was doing. By the time our burgers were gone so was my hard on.
I waited in the hospital lobby while Elaine took Curt's stuff upstairs to him. He got what he asked for and basically kicked her out of the room without much delay. She was back to get me in about ten minutes. She managed to wait until we were in the car before she collapsed in tears again. This time I put my hand on her shoulder and she leaned into me. I put my arms around her with pictures of Curt being crushed under the stallion's hooves in my mind. I was in love with Elaine.
Back at the ranch Elaine said she was going out to the bunkhouse for a nap. I told her she could use the couch because I was going fishing. She hugged me and even kissed my cheek as she thanked me for my support and my company. As 'Bo and I wound our way through the trees to the meadow, that spot on my cheek stayed warm and tingly. I didn't really feel any of the ups and downs of the trail because my feet weren't really touching the ground.
I didn't fish that day. I stripped off my clothes and let the damp moss tickle my ass and back while my eyes clenched and my hand flew up and down on my dick. In the course of the next hour I brought myself off three times. By then my dick was almost raw so I had to stop, but it stayed hard. I waded into the stream and the cold water finally made me shrink. I stayed in there until I ached all over, especially in my chest - where my heart is.
I finally got out and lay back in the moss again. I wasn't horny any more, but I was filled with a kind of sadness for something that could never be. The sun was warm and dried me off. I fell asleep for a while. When I woke up the sun was almost down. I was disoriented for a second before I remembered. I hurried to get dressed and went back through the woods to the house. I didn't know what time it was but I knew it was late afternoon at least. There was no sign of our cars in the driveway, only Elaine's, so I knew my parents weren't home yet. I leaned my pole in the corner on the porch where I kept it and went into the house.
I smelled food. Elaine was in the kitchen. She had changed clothes and the sundress she wore was yellow with green and blue flowers around the neck and hem. It was sleeveless with a square neck line and held by two straps. Her bare arms and upper chest excited me. She was peeling potatoes and looked up at me with a smile. I realized she had fixed her hair. At least she had brushed it.
"I was just about to call out the Mounties. You were gone a long time."
"I, uh, I fell asleep for a while. I guess I was just tired." I blushed as I recalled what I'd done first. My dick still hurt.
"Wow, you'll have to show me where you go. It must be peaceful if you went to sleep. I had a nice nap and a hot bath too." She came and sat next to me on the couch. "Anyway, we'll have to keep ourselves company tonight. Your folks called and they won't be home until later. They're having dinner with friends in town. So I put a small roast in the oven and we'll have potatoes and gravy with it. Sound good?"
"Sounds great! All of it (mostly the part that I'd have her all to myself for the evening). How soon is dinner?" I couldn't have been happier.
"About an hour. We can play cards or something if you want to." I wanted to do a lot more -- and not play cards -- but I didn't have any illusions. She was the same age as my sister - almost twenty. She was grown up (or so it seemed to me when I was fourteen) -- and married. She could, and did, legally spread her legs for that dipshit, Curt, any night of the week.
"I think I need a shower before dinner. Maybe we can play something after we eat," I said.
"Okay, that sounds good. You go ahead. My bath felt great."
In the shower I considered jerking off again. Elaine was just on the other side of the door; less than thirty feet away. I thought about the way her arms and neck looked in the sundress. My dick got hard but a few strokes with a sudsy hand made it sting so I quit. When I finished washing and rinsing I was still hard so I turned the water to cool and waited until my erection mostly disappeared.
I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door. Elaine stood in the hallway, her hand raised to knock. We were both startled and we jumped. I was embarrassed, too. For all my daydreaming, I was shy about her seeing me with only a towel on. Besides that, her eyes went to my groin for a flash before she looked back up at me. Her cheeks turned as red as mine felt. "Uh, dinner is about half an hour away. I was coming to tell you." She grinned and added, "Also, I have to pee, so I'm glad you're finished. Otherwise I'd have had to come in and do it while you were in the shower - or else go squat outside" We laughed, but my imagination caused my dick to start to harden again. She edged past me and closed the door in my face. I just stood outside the thin door until I could hear her piss hitting the water in the bowl. My dick stirred again under the towel.
In my room I took off the towel and stretched out on the bed naked. I heard the toilet flush and the sound of Elaine leaving the bathroom. I silently wished she would turn left and come to my room but her footsteps told me she had turned right and was going back to the living room. I put on a pair of loose fitting pajama pants and a tee shirt.
The aroma of the beef filled the living room and kitchen. I went out there and asked Elaine if there was anything I could do. "Yeah, you can mash the potatoes if you want to, while I make the gravy."
I got out the manual masher and went to the refrigerator for the milk and butter. The potatoes were bubbling on the stove. My shoulder brushed Elaine's when I picked up the pot and she said, "Excuse me."
"Sorry," I said. But it had felt good. Her arm was warmer than mine. I turned to the sink and drained the potatoes. I was standing next to the sink, the pot on the counter and the masher in my hand. I was smashing them really well before adding the other stuff. Elaine came over and rested a hand on my shoulder when she reached up into the cupboard for plates. The low neck of her dress bagged open and I caught sight of her entire left breast with its cherry colored nipple (confirming my suspicion that she was braless under the dress) before she stood back down. She smiled at me and her hand squeezed my shoulder before she turned away.
My mind reeled. Was she sending 'signals'? To me? I shook my head. It couldn't be true. I sprinkled salt and pepper into the potatoes along with a splash of milk and a slab of butter. Then I really went to work on them. By the time I was finished the potatoes were fluffy and redolent of butter. I stuck another slab in the middle of the pile, just the way my mom always did. I saw that Elaine had set the table and had put the roast on it too. So I stuck a serving spoon in the potatoes and carried the pot to the table and set it on the hot pad next to the platter of meat and the gravy boat. Then I was sorry I hadn't put the potatoes in a bowl instead of using the pot. Most nights we all just filled our plates at the stove.
But when Elaine set the pot with the corn in it on another pad, I decided it was no big deal. She had set our places side by side on one long side of the table and she took my hand and pulled me around to my chair. I pulled hers out and she smiled at me. "Thank you, Sir," she said in a formal voice as she sat down. I caught another glimpse down her dress as I helped her scoot in.
I sat next to her and we ate. It always amazes me that a meal that takes hours to prepare is usually demolished in the space of fifteen or twenty minutes. I leaned back in my chair and sighed. Elaine looked at me and laughed. She patted my bulging belly and suggested I retire to the living room while she did the dishes. I insisted on helping her since I wanted to. I also figured I might get another flash since she had to bend down to load the dishwasher.
We worked in silence and as she was putting the last of the silverware into the tub I was in position. Her dress fell open and there they were. I thought she was taking a long time and when I looked up she was looking at me and smiling. She knew. Not only did she know; she had been doing it on purpose! She poured the soap in and closed the dishwasher door. She turned the knob and it whirred to life. I stood rooted to the floor in astonishment.
Elaine took my hand and led the way down the hall to my room. She pulled my shirt over my head and stepped close. Her arms went around me and she kissed the side of my neck. I felt like I was melting and my cock tried to stand up straight. It was hindered, first by my pants, and then by Elaine's warm thighs. She put her mouth to my ear and whispered. "Have you ever had sex, Danny?" Her hot breath and the scent of her skin made me dizzy. I couldn't speak. I just shook my head no.
She stepped back then and pulled her dress up, up, and up. Her legs came into view and then her naked hips. Her crotch was thick with curly brown hair, just a shade darker than the hair on her head. Her belly was next, and it bulged just a little bit. When the dress went up and off, her breasts stood out proud and I saw that the nipples were hard. She dropped the dress and held out her arms to me. I stepped forward, but then she backed us up to the bed and gently shoved me to my back. Her hands went to the elastic waistband of my pants.
I wordlessly raised my hips up and she tugged the pants down and off. For the first time in my life I was in the same room naked with an equally -- and spectacularly, I thought -- naked woman. She crawled next to me and turned my head toward her. "I'll bet you've kissed a lot of girls, though, haven't you?" Her breath was the same as mine, I guessed, but it wasn't unpleasant to smell. I felt my cheeks go hot again.
I had to clear my throat to answer her. "I've kissed some, yeah". My voice was still hoarse. Her hand had moved to my shoulder and she was rubbing it and down my arm. She lowered her lips to mine and we kissed. It was just a light touching. She pulled back and grinned.
"Did you kiss them like that?" she asked.
"Sometimes," I admitted. She did it again, but pressed harder that time. Then I felt the liquid wetness of her tongue on my lips. I eagerly opened my mouth and her tongue entered. That kiss was a lot longer. During it, her hand traveled again. She took hold of my cock and squeezed it. I groaned into her mouth and she sighed back. Her hand stroked me lightly. I was afraid I'd explode right then, but she removed her hand. She broke the kiss. I was still sore from beating off, but I ignored the pain.
"That was nice, wasn't it? You're a pretty good kisser, you know."
"A girl said that to me once." It was the occasion of getting my first feel of bare tit. I would never forget the look on Diane's face when it happened. But that's another -- and much less exciting story.
"Well she was right." Elaine kissed me again, her hands on either side of my head. It went on and on. Her tits were heavy on my chest, heavy and warm. My cock was harder than it had ever been. She slid her hand down and wrapped her fingers around it again. I suddenly - and embarrassingly - popped, spraying cum all over my belly and Elaine's hand. It squirted so hard that one glob landed on my shoulder.
The surprise orgasm made Elaine break the kiss. She smiled down at me and just breathed, "Wow!" She saw the creamy drop on my shoulder and leaned forward to lick it off. My eyes bugged out and I shivered. "That was cool! I've never made a guy cum just by kissing him before!" She added. Her enjoyment was so clear that I stopped being embarrassed, especially since she sat up to lick all the semen from her hand. Then she bent to clean my belly and sucked on my cock. I was in heaven, but eager for the next step.
Before I had a chance to climax again she released my cock and rose over me. When she lowered her center to mine her heat felt incredible. My cock disappeared in the tangle of her curly hairs and she leaned forward again. "Usually we'd start with other things but I think I want to feel this precious dick inside me right away." Elaine reached between us and raised my slim erection to a vertical position. Her pussy swallowed me in one thrust. My breath escaped in a gust. 'I'm inside a woman! I'm inside a woman!' The words echoed in my brain over and over.
The feeling was incredibly hot. I thought nothing could feel better. Then she began to rise and lower herself on me. The pleasurable feelings grew geometrically. I spurted again, but she seemed not to notice. I stayed hard, anyway. She kept fucking herself with my cock. She had her eyes closed for a few minutes but then they opened and she took my hands and put them on her tits. They were heavy globes about the size of large grapefruits and the nipples were as hard as little pebbles. She gasped and told me to pinch the nipples.
When I did she gave a shudder and I felt her pussy tighten around me. I pinched harder. She gasped and her eyes popped open. She looked almost mad but her body said she wasn't. She rocked back and forth and her breathing turned into panting. "Suck them!" she yelled. "Bite my nipples, Danny!" She leaned down to bring them to my mouth. I sucked and nibbled but she urged me on, wanting me to bite harder. I did, feeling like it must hurt, but she just moved faster. She was leaking fluids - mine and hers - all over my groin and hips.
When Eric rounded the corner, exiting the gate at the airport, he immediately spotted her. Standing off to the side near the wall, she was dressed in a flowing skirt, light blouse, bare legs, sandals and rosy painted toenails. They had only seen each other in pictures, but she was exactly as he imagined. She looked lovely, nervous, but lovely. As he walked towards her, she looked up and caught his eye. A huge smile came over her face, and she moved towards him. He always thought her smile could...
Now I am back with a new one where I kind of spoiled my friend's relationship. Yes, the heroine of this story is my friend from college. Her name is Nidhi. Lookswise, she is super cute. Her assets are small but.. [email protected] and girls, please do add me on Hangouts and complete secrecy will be maintained.
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Friday 28 November 1952 Our one night together in Brighton began by us meeting as arranged in the concourse of London Bridge railway station, at five in the afternoon to catch the 17.15 train. I had already picked up the first class tickets from the office. There was a freezing pea-souper in London that Friday afternoon in late November and you could barely see a hand in front of your face. As the weather was so bad I left my rented house in Croydon half an hour early so I was waiting for her...
Hi it’s Somar, once again. First of all thank you all the reader, for valuable suggestion and feedback for my previous story “Taste of a village maid Shanti”. On request and demands of the valued reader, I am forwarding the next and sequel part of story about the other maid. This is a sequel and follows up story of “Taste of a village maid Shanti” as I have mention in my previous story, the reason of long stay in my native village after my MBA. I also mention my responsibilities of farm, and...
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VoyeurDuring my eleventh grade year I worked my butt off to get good grades. This was the year that colleges would be looking at when considering my application and I wanted to do as good as possible. I left nothing to chance, and made sure every assignment I did was an A. And for the most part everything went well, I would work hard and receive the grades I wanted. And it wasn't easy. Ms McKlain, my teacher for English class, was a very strict, no-nonsense woman who made sure you worked hard for...
“Look up at me Morgan.” Looking into her eyes, how could it get any better, a sweet little teen, Bacon and Eggs and a blowjob. I was ready to cum. “Morgan, get your breakfast plate.” She gave me this stupid look. “Bitch, can’t you fucking hear me.” “Morgan got her plate. As she looked on I jacked my cock until my spunk shot over her eggs. You should have seen the look on her face. The cum covered the egg yokes. “This needs a little topping.” I spit on top of the eggs and gave...
After our encounter in the school auditorium, we hit a hiatus. She and I couldn't find time to sneak around and be together. School ended and finals week passed, all without a single thing happening between us. But since we lived on opposite sides of the district, we could rarely get together and, if we did, it was never long enough to do anything. So summer started off a little slow.By the end of July though, the state fair was rolling into town. Everyone from all around usually attended the...
AnalYou open the bathroom door and walk in; the room is steamy, bath is almost full, lit candles are everywhere, you scent perfumes and music is still playing in the background. I wrote a little note for you saying “David, undress and relax”. You start to undress; you unbutton your shirt and trousers and take them off, followed by your shorts. You turn the taps off and step into the bath. The water is hot as you lower yourself in; it’s up to your neck; you are relaxing for a while. I walk...
Later that night Dave drove to the dorm to pick his gorgeous date, he couldn't find a place to park, and had to settle for a spot more than two blocks away. He quickly made his way in the dorm and saw Leona sitting on a sofa reading a book. He looked at her long, slender legs coming from under the mini skirt and felt hot blood rushing to his penis. 'Hey beautiful! You lookin' for a good time?' He teased as he sat next to the gorgeous young girl. She slowly looked up to him and replied,...
When the Count and Raphael greeted the women at breakfast that morning they were shocked. Barbara and Cornelia looked ill at least. Shaky, sunken eyes and generally paler than usual the two had few words to say. Ken and Stephen were also worried. "I'm sorry to say my dear Count that we will not be able to stay any longer. Our wives are ill and we need to get them to a hospital soon. We can't thank you enough for your hospitality. I know you had expected us to stay longer but we have to...
No two marriages are exactly alike just as no two people are exactly alike.Colin and his wife Rachel love each other. They live happily together in a pleasant detached house not far from the seafront in Southsea on England’s south coast. She is his second wife and, in her early forties, is a good ten years younger than him. Like most middle-aged couples they have a modestly active sex life but unlike most middle-aged couples, Rachel regularly sleeps with other men too.Because Rachel is an...
CuckoldCoincidence is only a random thing if a person doesn’t do anything about it. For this reason, Kira Noir can’t let the accidental meeting with her favorite movie director go to waste. She musters her courage and tries to approach Lucas Frost while he is chilling alone in the bar. Luckily for the beautiful hottie, the bearded director is quite friendly and approachable. Kira can’t help but tell Lucas how much she admires his films and the way he shoots the female leads. As a big...
xmoviesforyouThe sweltering sun at noon baked the cobblestone pavement a dirty grey. Little beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, causing my hairline to stick. I pulled out my vintage uchiwa and gently fanned myself. I tilted my head back a little and let out a small sigh of relief. The cool air whirling around my body felt great. It was an absolutely beautiful day in Normandy, and I was standing outside of the villa waiting for my dad. I watched as the front door slowly opened before my 6' 3" tall dad...
Incestand a movie. It was pretty late, and the babysitter was asleep on the couch. The kids were sleeping in their rooms, perfectly safe. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to wake the babysitter or not. I told my wife to go on to bed and I would stay up a little longer to see if she wakes up and then take her home. I turned on the tv, keeping the volume low. Every once in a while, she would shift her position on the couch and I looked over at her to see if she was waking up. What I saw...
We sat in deck chairs and watched our children play. My seventeen year old girl was chasing her cousins with a garden hose trying to soak my sister’s two kids, Jodie had them cornered and was spraying them mercilessly. Wade and Lexis my nephew and niece were my older sister’s twins. Jodie and I were on vacation for a few days visiting to celebrate the twins eighteenth birthday two days before, Jodie was two months shy of eighteen but we feted her birthday with her cousins’. The big party was...
After having sex with my brother for months and my neighbors son, I knew I had corner for guys, that’s when I came to US, heaven for hot Indian guys. My first month in school I noticed this quiet slim, 6 feet tall wheatish guy sitting in the back of the room. When the teacher was called everyone’s name I found out his name, I conveniently moved next to him and started talking to him. He said he doesn’t know English that much, I said don’t worry I speak Gujarati. I asked him where he lived he...
Em had decided to treat herself to a winter weekend away. Just by herself, somewhere plushly comfortable where she could unwind for a couple of days. She knew of a nice country spa resort a couple of hours away by car, in some pretty mountain country. It offered the opportunity to relax, some lovely views, and nice warming log fires in the restaurant and club lounge. There was nine-hole golf course, a lake to kayak on, and there were walking tours to nearby scenic spots. Em wouldn’t be...
So after about a fortnight, we got an email from Simon asking us if we were free that coming weekend?we replied yes and a meet was arranged to go back to there’s for 4.00 sat afternoon, we were fucking long and hard thinking about all the fun we would have and by sat morning were as horny as fuck and couldn’t wait to get there.Simon texted us and said that Linda was friends with a couple from work and would we mind if they came over to?we text back saying as long as they were fit and horny the...
As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...
The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...
TRUCKER DADDY GETS HIMSELF A SISSY BY DEEWET It could easily be the lowest point in Denny's life, sitting in an old Ford Escort that wouldn't start, the temperature outside well below freezing and him not having the cash for a hotel or to have the car fixed. Completely out of ideas, he had been sitting in for hours watching the normal people with money coming in and out of the Flying J Truck Stop. He almost jumped out of his skin when someone knocked on the window. Denny...
Then, as her naked body walked past my head at the end of the couch, she asked, “Aren’t you gonna shower? You got all sweaty too.” “Yeah,” I replied. “I’ll wait ‘til you’re done. You wore me out. You were right, I am relaxed now. “Come on, we can shower together. My parent’s room has a double shower. There’s plenty of room. They won’t be home for a while still.” “Are you sure? I mean, we just had sex. I don’t know if this is right. You’re older than I am and your...
I woke up on my stomach hearing the alarm clock at 7:15am. I looked over at him and lifted up a little to come over to him lying on his back. I kissed him after saying good morning then smiled at him, to let him know I wanted him to do what I find irresistible for him to do for me in the morning.I fell back onto my stomach spreading my legs pulling a pillow under my stomach as I bent my knees a little and he crawled behind me grabbing hold of my legs still in black fishnet stockings from the...
Oh journal I was awoken at 3am by the feeling of someone being inside my room. I slowly woke up and could hear their breathing. Scared I just stayed still feigning sleep as their footsteps slowly came over to the bed. Part of me hoped it was Gina but I didn’t think so. Have you ever been so scared you stayed absolutely still and yet so excited at the same time? So many times I had masturbated while thinking about being forced to have sex and every time I came so hard. No I didn’t mean hurt...
Dear Collette, Well, as it turned out, I was able to get together with Carla and Janine again this Friday afternoon. Janine's boss let her off early for working late last week and Carla just took the afternoon off. She doesn't do anything at her office, anyway. In fact, both took off at noon and, unbeknownst to me, began partying around 1 p.m. Both were in rare form when I arrived at their apartment a little after 3 p.m. They greeted me in the living room in their teddies, laughing and...
Mrs Hopkins had been the Housekeeper at Alden Manor and had worked for the - Alden family for the last twenty-five-years. She was now sixty-five-years-old and had started work for the family soon after they had got married and had seen both their children born. Indeed, she was very much part of both children’s upbringing.The current Alden’s in residence were the third generation and they lived by some very old-fashioned standards. They expected Mrs Hopkins as the Housekeeper to manage the...
SpankingThe doorbell rang about fifteen minutes after I'd hung up with Mr. Chalmers, while I was staring into my newly semi-filled fridge trying to decide what I was going to have for dinner. "That was fast," I said as I opened the door, but rather than the male figure of Mr. Chalmers that I'd been expecting, it was a small, plump 40-something woman. "Oh excuse me, Mr. James," she said in a familiar voice. "I know I shouldn't have dropped in unexpectedly." "Not at all ... Mrs. Ibarra?"...
I held Brittany in my arms as the door to the skating rink opened. Esther and the male concubine Petey stepped into the hallway. Kitty immediately noticed the young man. "Oh, a loincloth. I like the look." Petey blushed and stepped a little away from Kitty, who immediately turned to Esther. "The AI suggested that Brit and I be here now. What's happening?" Esther sighed. "Let's just say that Governor Johanes offered us an extremely clear example of the kind of leadership he offers....
Ana and my boss’ agreement The following Monday after that party at my boss’ house, where Ana had been wildly gangbanged by more than twenty guys, she and I went to meet my boss at his office, as he had asked.Mr. Lassitter was in a good mood that morning. He shook his hand with my wife, although he had fucked her wildly at the Friday’s party and offered us some drinks. He went directly to the point.“Ana, would you like to be in the “swinging list” of our company?”My wife understood the meaning...
As we were driving along, I said, “Nick, we can’t keep this up. It’s exhausting and expensive as well. Not that I couldn’t afford it. You have a Doppelganger ready to pose as me. “Yes, Sir, Mr. Wolfenstein,” “Good,” I replied, “This is what I propose to do.” Then I laid out my plan. Smiles, you expected me to tell you the details of my plan to drop off the face of the earth. Okay, I was winging it, I had no idea what I was doing, and you can take that to the bank. We were heading to a...
Rick is two years younger than me. My first sexual contact with him was four months before that, and happened as a result of me being in an extremely traumatic situation. I married when I was twenty, when my husband, Elmer, was starting his career as a teacher. Naturally, we didn't want children right away, so I was on the `pill.' Life was just fantastic, and I thought our happiness would go on forever. One Friday, not long after our second ...
Chapter 02 Sitting on the side of her bed, Elaine looked at the vibrator and her mind raced. If she cleaned off the lipstick, whoever kissed it would know she’d seen it. Would they check? If she left it how it was, could she pretend she hadn’t seen it? She quickly put it back in the drawer and shoved it closed, accidentally making a banging noise. She hushed the errant drawer, making herself blush. The walls of the small three-bedroom apartment were paper thin, and she hoped neither of her...
It was 8 in the evening. Normally, Radha used to come home by this time. Not today. A tense Karan was unable to fathom what was going to happen next. He wanted to call or at-least text to know the Final part of the current series. Does Karan succeed in fucking his mother forever? When will she be back home? He took the phone multiple times but stopped short as it would show desperation. He wanted to appear calm but struggled to do so, like a fish fresh out of the water. As he paced the house...
IncestA real story…I work now in a large office and with the hotter weather coming more and more ladies seem to be wearing less and less. This is great and I often sit at my desk, staring into space…remembering the smell, view and outline of the lady I followed up the stairs that day. It is not so easy sometimes to walk with a stiff cock in your trousers.I have two scenes I like to play in my mind while at work … one of which came true. The first – and still a dream – is one of my co-workers is a...
Before we start, these are the characters. Jake (you): The only male member of the family. 18 years old. Kathy: Step-mom. Darla's wife. 52 years old. Darla: Step-mom. Kathy's wife. 50 years old. Edith: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 50 years old. Ellen: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 48 years old. Regina: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 46 years old. Mia: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 44 years old. Betty: Step-aunt. Kathy's sister. 40 years old. Morgan: Step-aunt. Darla's sister. 53 years old. Maggie:...
FetishHello, LadyLustful here. First I’d like to thank you for clicking this CYAO. This is my first one so I hope you enjoy it. Please be patient with me and some constructive criticism would be very appreciated. Now let’s begin!!!
TranssexualMy parents decided it would be a dream come true for us to move to the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. We moved because our house had been broken into and I had almost been raped by our neighbor. My friend Julie and I were walking to my house one day after school and we got to the front of my neighbor’s house, and we saw a large tractor in front of his house, of course it being almost autumn, he was packing up and preparing to go back to his farm for harvest. He...
This one is compliments of J & B. What Religion is Your Bra? A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife." "What type of bra?" asked the clerk. "Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one type?" "Look around," said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material imaginable. "Actually, even with all of this variety, there are...
***This story refers to an experience that happened to a friend of mine. I just prefer to write in the first person. It was 3:00 on a Friday afternoon and I was ready to go home. I had the house all to myself this weekend since my parents had decided to go on a fishing trip. After saying goodbye to my friends for the day and promising to call them I finally made my way to my car. Getting in, I put the key in the ignition and started to crank it up. But nothing happened! All of my guy friends...
First TimeAngela met me as I pulled up in front of her condo. It took me a very long day to reach River Falls, but I couldn’t wait to hold her in my arms when she came running down the sidewalk and launched herself at me. How DID we recognize each other in other bodies?? The universe does what the universe wishes, I suppose. In her new body she was very ... ordinary. It would be hard for a witness to describe her to a crime sketch artist because there is so little that is memorable about her face....
I took the bull by the horns as they say, and scanned the local paper for advertisments for cleaning ladies and wrote to one of them and asked her to call round one evening so that we could discuss the situation. She duly arrived at 7 o'clock the following wednesday. She was called 'Abigail' and was in her mid twenties. She was slim, petite, had masses of dark brown hair and wonderfully deep and sensual eyes and she walked round with me to inspect the premises in a very efficient and...
“Mom, what do you think about us going to visit Grandma for a few days? I’m sure I can get a few days off from work.” She looks up from her book to give me a quizzical look. She thinks for a few seconds, then gives me a smile. “Yes. I supposed we could. What made you think of her all of a sudden?” Mom asks as she puts her book down. She stretches out on the couch to put her feet on my lap. This is her signal that she wants me to rub her feet. After grabbing her lotion from the table, I...
For a couple of weeks following our encounter with Alex, neither of us spoke about it. I guess we were afraid of the beast we had unleashed and where it was leading us. Even Marcus, the big black dildo was left untouched. Our sex life was on hold, while we came to terms with what we had done. Until one evening, after a couple glasses of wine. "Ann, can we talk about what happened with Alex?" "I guess," she responded quietly looking embarrassed. "Well, how do you feel about it," I...
What was I thinking? As I look at it now, from this angle, I’m a little scared. Fuck, it's huge. I must have been mad to think that I was in control of this, I’m clearly not. Even with my pussy leaking like a bent faucet, there is no way that thing is not going to hurt.Even the grin on his face is telling me it’s going to be painful. But then, I have been teasing him for just about a week and now it’s payback time.It started last week, two days before mom went away on business. I started to...
IncestI am a 22 year old male, studying in my second year in university for my computer science course when I was fifteen, my father 34 at the time left the three of us- me , my older sister and my mother for what I remember my mother calling a “blonde tart”well, anyway- my mother was still young at the time(33) and my sister one year my senior we found it unbearably hard to cope by ourselves. We were left to suffer the unfortunate burden of supplying an adequate income considering our age and soon...
IncestWhat's worse? Being two hundred miles away from someone you want to be naughty with or living in the flat next door to them?For me, it happens to be the latter.Sometimes in the evening, we sit on our respective sofas and send messages to each other using WhatsApp. Not your normal messages, the ones we send generally contain more than one explicit image of us masturbating or doing something with our pussies or tits. The interchange can get steamy, but it’s all talk to get us riled up for the...
MasturbationIn this week’s story Seth Gamble has some serious anger issues! He just can not control his rage so he seeks help from sexy redhead therapist Violet Monroe who has some untraditional and kinky therapeutic methods. Violet introduces Seth to her anger management program: rope, flogger, crop, paddle, ball-gag and Hitachi! A whole spread of BDSM tools to help Seth get back in his right mind. Tied up tight in doggie Violet encourages Seth to use her to get all his frustrations out. First he...
xmoviesforyouShe came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was something...
SpankingCassie was not needed during the night, and on Friday morning they both slept deeply and awoke groggy, with a dawning sense of giddiness that they were truly back together. Ged's erection became obvious as her hands wandered over his body, and his muttered, "I have to go to the..." was enough to make her spring out of bed and accompany him to the bathroom. He bent forward to allow her to aim his wilting penis into the bowl, and, having finished and being wiped by her now expert hand,...
I said “I Love you Mam.. I always have. ” Vidya hurriedly pulled her hand away from my hand and said”What are you doing!. you were my student.. I didnt expect this from you. Pls let me leave, something is wrong with you.” She opened the car door and walked away in a hurry. I could only watch as she walked into the darkness.. I hit myself on the head and said “Damn. you messed up. you could have taken it slow , made excuses to meet up more.. Shit. I messed it.” Angry with myself, i just drove...
Hanna was now eighteen and her Riolu had evolved into a Lucario. Hanna had long brown hair with crystal green eyes. Her breasts were nice and full as they bounced with each step. Lucario was tall and had really soft fur for his breed, but had the same coloring as other Lucarios. "mnnn it's a nice day huh Lucario?" Hanna asked "Yes and there’s even a nice breeze" he said in Hanna's mind using telepathy. "Do you want to stop for lunch? Oh look there’s a nice sunny patch of...
Nichelle slammed it on the table in front of her and glared at it angrily. “It’s a fuckin’ slave collar. I ain’t wearin’ no fuckin’ slave collar.” The gray metal collar fitted around a concubine’s neck. It allowed the AIs to talk to each concubine individually and let each concubine talk quietly to the AI without everyone nearby overhearing – something that would be important for crew concubines. It was useful and necessary, but Nichelle was right, it did look like a slave collar. Claudia...
At the time of the affair I had long blond hair, down to my waist, and I am only 5 ft 2 in tall and weight was then about 110 lb's , green eyes, and I have been told that I am attractive, I see men looking at me when I am walking down the street, then and now. at that time my brest were only about a B cup, Now , 12 years later my hair is short and I am about 120 lb's ,but my brest are up to a C cup, I can go bra less and I have very little sag if any. There was a large secton of land...
Monday, August 2, 2010 “I haven’t gotten to the best part yet,” Ellen said excitedly. “You’re not going to believe what happened the day before we flew back.” Leanne and Kara already knew about it, of course. They had been reading it from Ellen since she and Jake had gotten off the plane the day before. “Jake made friends with a guy at the American Embassy and got us an invitation to a diplomatic reception at the Élysée Palace.” “What’s that?” Julie asked. “It’s the residence of the...