BounderChapter 6 free porn video

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It was not quite yet midday when we arrived, as we had hurried our traveling pace on the good road to complete the four leagues of distance in rather less than the usual four hours. I was huffing a bit, being a little out of my best physical conditioning, but Koch and Flerrie appeared to show little if any fatigue and they made no particular complaints. I left them for the moment at one of the roadside vendor tents, an ale house of sorts, and let them quench their thirsts. The air had been brisk and quite dry, but the eastern storm clouds were getting obvious nearer. I hoped that we could be safely home again before the storm struck but this would be unlikely.

I wanted to locate watchman Auguste and a brief inquiry with the army major in command of the combined camp informed me that this guardsman was indeed present, but posted for duty at the southern most watchtower this week. The six watchtowers were each situated about two miles apart from each other, some perhaps a bit more, and more or less situated in a direct north-south line. The northern most tower was positioned so that it could both watch the northern tracking bend of the great river and also the hills and plains to the west. The river north of here was shallow and filled with rapids and considered largely impassible by anything other than small boats. The southernmost tower actually tended to incur the most danger, having to guard the western and southern hills, and also the edge of the great swamp just to its east. This area was where bandits tended to congregate, but rarely in any significant strength, and the camp commander had heard no recent rumors of brigands or other troublemakers in the area.

From this camp, this meant another short trip of about another two leagues south, taking a poorly marked dirt trail that lead to and past each of the guard towers. The route was hilly, rock strewn and the blowing wind made even southern travel uncomfortable. It was past noon when we reached the final tower and found our guardsman Auguste, bored but hale.

While the lad was eager to be helpful, unfortunately he had indeed given a rather complete and full account already in his record and he could add very little of pertinence to that prior report. Still I questioned and requestioned him again, until I became at something of a loss to find a query that hadn't already been adequately covered.

Auguste had been stationed at the Ormsford Bridge watch station for nearly a full year and he along with two other guardsmen alternated patrols east and west along the river road and also made short scouting trips north of the town upon several small dirt trade roads. The river route was considered 'safe', but the northern trails were much less so, prone to bandit attack or even raids by non-human tribes from further north, such as the Hobs. Yes, people did disappear with regularity from the region, both men and women, but invariably from the north, and not travelers along the river roads, the north or south banks! The dangers had increased over the last few years, enough so to add an additional watchman of the vigiles to this post, and now even another additional patroller was being requested for future duty there, in response to the ever rising risks.

As for the Weir's, the lad agreed that the family was not popular in the area, and few travelers stayed at their inn, mostly staying instead at several smaller rooming houses in the nearby small town. The father was renowned for his ill-temper and his two older sons shared that defect, and were considered both ill-mannered and rather free with their hands with the young ladies of the region. Despite rumors that several young women of the district might have been raped or otherwise ill-used by the brothers, no charges had ever been made to the vigiles that Auguste knew of.

"No one will talk about the Weir's, especially to strangers or the vigiles!" He insisted. "Everyone in the town was sore afraid of them, and the local farmers would do no business with them either. Word is that bad things happen to those who get involved in Weir family business and no one ever lets their womenfolk go anywhere alone anywhere near town."

"It's definitely the two elder brothers responsible then?"

"Aye. If there's trouble, they'd be the root cause of it! There's a third youngest brother, but he's said to be simple and stays mostly in their stables, causing little or no trouble that I've ever heard of. I'm sure Edwin, Edward and also Edwina their sister all lied, claiming they'd never seen that girl's torn clothing before, the undergarments that were found in their copse, near the road. They belonged to the missing girl, Rochelle all right. I could see it in their eyes when I showed them the torn cloth! I'd stake my oath that they were the ones responsible, but there was no proof to be found. Their sister even tried to claim that the torn clothing was all hers, but this was clearly a lie as the garments were all sized for a much more slender woman. They knew we couldn't prove anything against them and they laughed at us too, smug that we had no cause to take them for questioning ... and never would either! It's said that their father was once a Blackguard officer, given an early pension for an incident involving excessive cruelty, and for one of the Blackguards that sort of offense must have been monstrous indeed to be so punished! He still has friends among them though, as I used to see black-cloaks coming and going from the inn all the time, both day and night ... and sometimes with heavily loaded wagons, their cargo well covered up by a tarp. If they share a business interest, I'm sure it not an honorable one!"

Indeed, in fact I could hardly imagine an offense brutal enough to give even those hardened killers misgivings. As for other rumors about the family, there were many, but nothing that could be proven. One remote farmer had warned the vigiles once a few years before that the former Blackguard and his family were bandits, preying upon travelers and merchants along the dangerous northern roads. Another goodwife of the town claimed that the old grandmother living with them at the inn was a witch of the darkest sort, who cavorted with imps and other creatures of darkness and used her magical powers for wickedness, cursing everyone that spoke against her family.

Again, Auguste could claim no proof of evidence for any of these alleged crimes, but it was his personal opinion that the unfortunate woman Rochelle had crossed the bridge during the worst of the storm so that she might take temporary shelter in the town, and perhaps the inn on the northern side. Then as now, there was no suitable nearby shelter along the marshier southern road, until much closer to the eastern gate.

He was certain that then that the brothers had espied her, seized her by force and made sport with her in the copse of trees near the inn, which was indeed their usual trysting spot. It wasn't their habit to physically harm their victims, so premeditated murder would have been an unlikely fate for their victim unless she had been especially threatening to her attackers. It was alternatively more likely that just after her physical rape that she might have temporarily overpowered one or both of her sated attackers and then attempted to flee toward the road and safety. Perhaps then, to recapture her, the carriage was used (or perhaps already nearby with the horses harnessed for some reason), so that she was quickly pursued along the road and perhaps even run over by the carriage by accident, due to very poor visibility during the violent and extremely heavy downpour at the height of the storm.

All local witnesses agree that during the mid afternoon of the day Rochelle vanished, the storm had been heavy enough at several times so that visibility, even on the roadway, was nearly nil. A hack driven by a nervous driver galloping in haste could have possibly have struck the victim unintentionally by happenstance, not seeing her before it was too late to stop. Or maybe even the murderous deed had been done intentionally, to silence their victim, who was not a local resident. In any case, now finding their victim dead, and perhaps nearly sliced into half by the narrow wheels of the carriage, the nearby river barely a stone's throw away was quickly used to discard the body, with the heavy rain sufficing to wash away any blood spilled upon the road stonework. Auguste had searched the stone roadway with great care but had been unable to find any bloodstains to prove this notion, and the torrents of rain had prevented any of the blood from staining the stones and would have quickly washed away all of the evidence.

While not perfect, this version of events seems to adequately cover all of the known facts of the case. Auguste had little other additional advice for us, save that all of the Weir family was likely to be highly skilled with arms and of a highly disagreeable nature. They would likely resist with violence any attempt to apprehend them, even for temporary questioning before their Blackguards friends could gain their release.

"If I could be certain of their guilt," he sadly added, "I wouldn't even attempt to bring them into the station, even to see them put to the question with hot irons! Their hearts are rotten to the core, filled with evil the entire lot of them. I'd not give them the chance for a fair fight, but bar their doors and windows up tight with stout iron, boards and nails and then burn the inn down fast upon their evil heads! The old mother might or might not be a witch, but their souls are all black enough that perhaps naught but clean fire could ever rid us of them!"

I didn't entirely disagree. I'm opposed by nature to giving my opponents anything resembling a fair fight and if the family indeed did have plenty of old friends up at the castle, they'd never be put before a trial. The charges (not to mention the witnesses) would vanish and quietly the lot of them would be released from whatever extremely temporary inconvenience they might have suffered. I'd remain their prime enemy, with the entirety of the Blackguards arrayed against me, and those would be insufferable odds!

No, if the Weir brothers were guilty, which now seemed highly probable, there could be no arrests, no prisoners, no trial and most importantly no witnesses ... living ones anyway. Sir Adrian had suggested as much in his note. Strike hard and fast and get your head under a large rock before the shit starts flying again until it all blows over.

I could do that!

It was about mid afternoon now and the skies were getting darker with the promise of heavy rain with much of the daylight now gone. In annoyance I resisted the very sensible notion of following the hill trail back north to the camp. The idea of more walking up and down the innumerable small hills once more until we reach the main stone road before we could then return east to the city thrilled no one. That was the smart decision, but we were all tired and annoyed at our lack of progress and when Koch suggested that we just shave off part of the trip by cutting northeast 'a little bit' around the edge of the swamp to intersect with the road a league or two closer to home, I didn't argue. Flerrie, who usually had more sense than to do obviously idiotic things was just tired and annoyed enough herself to just shrug at the suggestion of a potentially time saving 'shortcut'. Anything that would get us back home, safe and hopefully drier even a half hour or more sooner was music to our ears.

Sure I could claim that it was his stupid idea in the first place, but I was the boss and ultimately the shit starts and stops with me. So a half hour later when a twelve foot long swamp lizard dashed out of the marshy tall reeds less than a dozen paces away from us, there was really no one at all to blame except for myself!

Swamp lizards can usually be avoided. Most successfully by not going anywhere near the great swamp in the first place! They're not all that fast, unless they've been basking in the sun for several hours beforehand and then they're capable of a short, but rather rapid lunging charge upon their two hind feet towards their prey. This one had been basking in the reeds barely a stone's throw away from the 'shortcut' we'd taken that passed a bit too close to the edge of the swamp for my comfort. Anything within bow or gunshot range was too close, in my opinion, but I'd been a bit too lost in thought to really notice how closely we'd encroached toward the marshy edges of some bog land between us, on nominally dry land and the swamp proper.

Running away wasn't a good option. We could run further, but in a short distance sprint of fifteen or twenty yards, the critters were faster.

Koch did what he did best and stepped up to block the lizard's charge, placing himself in front to protect me. Well, that was a big part of his primary job description and what I paid him for! With his sword and long stabbing dagger out, he was attempting to drive the creature off, but not with any particular success. Lizards are dumb and extremely single-minded, especially when they're hungry. People, especially bodyguards dressed as simple merchants tend to be tender and juicy, and the bones would make for good crunching later, after another long bask in the sun. Flerrie had her pistol out and at the ready, waiting to take a clear shot at the creature and not risk her bullet striking Koch instead.

The big problem was that while Koch's blades were of good metal and plenty sharp, swamp lizard scale is harder. Stabbing doesn't really work and just annoys them, and you almost have to peel off a layer or two of scales before you can find something softer you can sink a sword into. A normal long sword wasn't quite the tool for the job and his long stabbing dagger was almost worthless. There are idiots who hunt these beasts professionally, and while they are crazy and often have short life expectancies, smart (and lucky) well-prepared hunters can earn big money. Lizard scale is the best possible material for making really good military quality scale armor, and the lizard hunters use either very long and extremely sharp spears to stab in-between layers of the scale (particularly near the softer underbelly) or else they hire very big northern barbarians with huge axes or spiked hammers that can chop their way through most trouble and are usually too stupid to care about the risks.

I had no weapons of this sort.

Koch was put immediately upon the defensive now and he soon needed to throw himself to the marshy ground to avoid a devastating chomp of the creature's jaws that came near to taking his entire head off. The beast had two excellent choices now, to either chew up my bodyguard's entrails rather easily and quickly, or else to leap upon its only other two vertical opponents, Flerrie or myself. I read somewhere that lizards tend to have poor visual senses and rely upon scent and movement to locate their prey. Since I was back pedaling as fast as my boots could shuffle, I must have seemed the more appetizing entrée and it forgot about the tender meal right at its feet and came waddling after me, soon dropping to all four legs to chase after me.

With a clear shot now, Flerrie took it. And her bullet struck the beast in its chest but it did not penetrate the scales. She then drew out her vigiles issue broad sword and charged forward hoping to distract the great lizard just before it could rip its claws and long sharp teeth into me.

I'd left my sword cane back at our brothel room in the city, with much of my other traveling possessions, not that the slender blade would have been useful here either. It didn't fit my cover as a common merchant and it was too big for hiding my pack anyway, not that I would have time to rummage for it now in any case. I did have my pistols, but I'd heard mixed reports of their usefulness, even before I watched Flerrie's larger and more powerful pistol shot fail to penetrate the creature's natural armor. Allegedly, bullets from matchlock muskets, having a much heavier powder charge and more resultant striking force than any pistol, only had about a 50% estimated penetration rate, which overall gave me far poorer odds of nailing the bugger with my two smaller pistols, even at point blank range. Not that any single one shot, or even two would likely kill the powerful beast.

The first shot, already at a range closer than I would have preferred, certainly didn't penetrate. I don't think the lead bullet even dented its scales! I'd fired from as close of a range as I could dare, with both Flerrie and Koch scampering to remain safely out of mauling range of the lizard. That left me with just one loaded pistol and one last single chance for survival.

This shot had to count, and I resisted the urge to entirely empty my bladder into my leather traveling trousers as the creature shambled up to devour me now instead. My last shot must have annoyed it. It faced me eye to eye and opened its great tooth filled jaws to bite my head off, but had my aim ready. I discharged my weapon from an inch away into its left eye and then I dove and rolled to my right, into what I hoped would be its blind spot where it couldn't immediately see me ... especially if I remained utterly still while pissing myself! That might buy a moment or two for Koch or Flerrie to backstab the beast, shove a sword up its scaly ass, or at least divert its attention away from me long enough for me to retreat far enough away to safely have the chance to try and reload my pistols.

The alternative was to run like hell. That was actually the smart move, to write off Koch and the young patrol woman as a lost investment and move on, but they were both definitely useful. Koch didn't chatter away blathering non-stop when we worked together. Men (not to mention women) like that are a rare find. As for Flerrie, I used to have no use at all for the vigiles and hated the very uniform they wore while back in Mirabelle, but I was already in her (and their) debt even before this minor little problem of dealing with the local wildlife we shouldn't have been annoying in the first place.

I'm not a coward, but I do value my self-preservation ... but in the long term that needed to include keeping Koch and Flerrie both alive. I wasn't sure how I could manage this, but I'd think of something, I usually did.

Actually, having a heavy lead bullet fired into one's brain (admitted not a very large brain) tends to be extremely distracting for a good many reasons, and while the creature didn't quite drop dead instantly in its tracks, it did begin thrashing about now rather violently, and with rather little coordination of its flailing limbs and teeth. This gave me time to crawl away a few more feet and then get up and scamper off much further out of range, and both Koch and Flerrie decided to make a strategic retreat as well.

Safely back now at a distance (or more so anyway), the guardswoman and I reloaded our weapons hastily, but the creature declined to chase after us any further.

After a few moments, the monstrous lizard staggered off back into the marsh, loudly howling out its pain and frustration like a banshee the entire time. I'd like to think that the big lizard sunk right into the swamp and promptly died, but that was probably just wishful thinking. It was in all probability far too stupid for any single bullet to the brain to kill it, perhaps even if I'd fired an entire pouch full of lead into its dimwitted skull!

Just as well, actually. Even if it had dropped dead right at our feet, skinning the hide would have been an issue, and I would have hated to have just left all of that potential gold to just sit and rot by the marsh!

Shortcuts be damned in any case! We turned our backs to the swamp and just hastened due north to find the road as quickly and directly as possible. We didn't discuss our close call almost being a lizard tea-time snack but Koch did have the decency to look a little embarrassed and mercifully quiet for the remainder of the trip home.

In keeping with our general travel luck today, all bad ... the long anticipated eastern rainstorm greeted its dryer western cousin clouds directly above our heads with a hearty 'hail and well met'. Nearly at once the skies turned black and just before the downpour of rain began, our skulls and tired shoulders were greeted by a thundering avalanche of falling hail. Mercifully, some of it was small, but a near fist sized chunk of ice greeted Koch's balding pate, striking his scalp through his traveling hood just sharply enough to draw blood.

His grumbling for the remainder of the miserable journey back to the city was entirely understandable. Even the normally even-tempered Flerrie began to glare at the world and everyone in it with some growing malevolence.

In repayment, I promised us all a good dinner and I quietly found an excellent inn that catered to traveling merchants quite near the west gate, decently remote enough away, we hoped, from anyone that might likely recognize me. As wet as miserable as we all looked, the tapster made no complaint when we kept our soaked traveling hoods on over our weary faces and kept our noses to the fireplace, and out of any of the social conversations.

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Photo shoot

Before we get into some action, allow me to introduce myself. I am Pratap, a popular photographer in Tamil film industry. Most new aspirants wait in line to get their portfolios done by me, and many directors swear by my name when it comes to still photography. I have had quite a few exciting experiences, which I would really be glad to share with all of you. But there is one particular incident that I want to narrate in detail here, because it got me really excited a lot. I was back from an...

2 years ago
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Different Worlds

Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

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Ex married girlfriend

After few more sessions after office, we planned to have a session for the whole night. But how was the question? We planned that her hubby goes on long tour to places like jaipur,bareilly from time to time and usually comes back after week or so. So this time when her hubby leaves for such a place , then she can come over to my place with a excuse that she is staying the night over with her close friend “simran”. Her hubby left for bareilly next week and she took permission of her hubby to...

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Went to new job dressed a woman when boss was away

Hi, just started a new job working all week and occasional saturday. On friday, he told me, that i would work saturday and would have to work alone. So i figured, hell, I hadnt dressed in awhile, normally don't go out dressed in public. So I said F This, going to do it.So i made my self passable, make up, hair, everything, but oh what to wear? I put on my new black bra, thru on a white panty, along with a cute top and jeans to start out with. Had a few cust's come in, didn't say anything on...

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Secrets and Lies

Secrets and Lies By Cassandra Morgan (To readers: I found this old file in my computer that I wrote (with feedback from Vickie Tern) a while ago. It's rough, but I thought there was something there. Forgive me my flaws. Cassi.) He felt, pretty much, like a Christmas tree. He ought to be able to communicate with the planet Zefron. Elijah Dawson, E.J., was lying on a small cot in the psych department, and all sorts of wires were running out of him. There were...

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Finally Cum

He couldn’t take it anymore! This was torture and he had to make it stop! She had been playing with him for more than an hour now, pleasuring him in ways he had never dreamed of before, doing things to him that were considered the highest reward – it was heaven. It was heaven apart from one small issue – he wasn’t allowed to cum. He wanted to so badly – his cock and his balls were in pain already – but she still wouldn’t let him cum. He had not seen her in two weeks and was not allowed to...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 2

Julian Vaughan's life wasn't so bad now. He had a great new slave: his co-worker, Sandy, who appeared to enjoy the attention, even if she somewhat resented the anal sex. He had never expected to control someone else's life, and there was some stress over the new responsibility, but it was enough fun to be worth it. He still didn't know that he was the agent of the Gods, but that was okay. He didn't need to know that just yet. He never intended to act on his fantasies to such a drastic...

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In Submission to a Dominant Force 2

This is the second part of this story, to catch up and understand the situation please read part 1. The story is "based" on true fact as explained in part 1 and is about the domination by mother in law over her sissy son in law, it is about her slow emasculation and feminisation of him as she takes over his life. From past experience, if you don't like stories about sissification and forced feminisation then please don't read on only to send me withering complaintive feedback. This...

3 years ago
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Dr Phillips Revenge

Saturday morning Dr. Andrew Phillips is working at his lab, doing a very strange research. Dr Phillips is a scientist, a very weird one. He is a geneticist and a good one indeed, but he was also a kind of warlock as the occult sciences interested him as well. 32 years old, single and a fat guy, he had only time when not at work for his favorite passion. The development of his own serum, a genetic change serum mixed with magic. Today Dr Phillips was indeed obtaining results;...

1 year ago
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Yin and Yang Walking in your Shoes Part 2

Okay, part two. Lisa and Craig have switched bodies during the ritual and they now have come realize what has happened. In regards to the end of part one, I had planned ahead to have Craig faint but the idea of him having a concussion just kind of happened but it was happy little accident as recovering from a concussion and bacterial meningitis I would imagine involve very similar scenarios. That idea gave me the chance to switch perspective so that when Craig woke up as Lisa I could...

2 years ago
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Two Couples on a Yacht

“Where the heck are they?” Jack said shielding his eyes from the glaring sun with his hand. His sunglasses were pushed up into his thick black hair. I looked out of the hundreds of small and big yachts tied to the piers around us. “I have no idea. He said Pier 10 and Slot 5.” “Ten? I thought you said twelve.” “No honey, I said ten,” I held up ten fingers. “Fuck! Okay, back we go,” he grabbed his suitcase and walked past me and I followed. A few minutes later we found Pier 12 and about half...

Group Sex
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Andrea Mother of My Dreams Part 2

I suggest reading part 1 first. Andreas 19 year old daughter, Hayley, opened the door and calmly walked in, as if she wasn't watching her mother with her mouth around the penis of her brothers childhood best friend. "I got your text mum, I came over as fast as I could." She glanced down at me, sitting on the toilet seat with my fully erected penis leaking pre-cum and throbbing uncontrollably. Andrea stood up and looked at me with a serious face and said, "Jason, my daughter is a virgin, she...

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Angela and the Cruel Dentist

Angela had toothache. It had kept her awake all night having started a couple of days earlier. Her maid had advised her to use oil of cloves, but it was not doing any good. Even worse her husband of six weeks, William, was angry because she would not have sex with him. William was twenty years older than Angela and they were on honeymoon touring Europe. As Angela lay in bed wondering what to do about the pain the door was thrown open, and William stood there glowering at her. ‘ I have had...

4 years ago
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Night At The Hotel 8211 Terrace To Bedroom To Bath Tub

Hey all! Devil back again. With the Second Episode of Night at the Hotel Stories. Hope you all enjoyed the First Part. Pls do read this one and mail me all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks on Coming to the Story… Even this one takes place in the Same Hotel of the Previous one. Rohit, Age-32, is the Main Character of the Story who meets a Girl staying in his neighbor room. Read on to find out what happens between them… Rohit’s Narration: After all the Peer Presure from all sides I was...

2 years ago
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Auld Lang Syne

Club Amethyst advertised that it would be hosting a New Years’ Jam. The radio ad indicated that there would be free champagne for everyone at midnight. And, the coup-de-gras was to be a thousand dollars dropped from the ceiling at 11:58. Mandwell Varner heard as he was leaving work that Friday as a security guard in his blue 2013 Dodge Charger. The 24 year-old inactive Marine had a dark complexion, owned a muscular build, and stood at six-foot-one. With his square jawline and sexy smile, he was...

4 years ago
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A Montauk Christmas

In general, I hope that every Montauk story can stand alone and complete. This breaks that mold, but should hopefully still be enjoyable to new readers. It’s intended as a way to say thank you to the people who have been kind enough to stick with the series. Your reading, comments and emails are appreciated. There shouldn’t be too much in here that is head-scratchingly confusing, but if there is, skip it and assume that it refers to something in one of the previous four stories. Siobhan is an...

4 years ago
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Desperate Days At Puddledrip Academy

Puddledrip Academy is a prestigious university located in Britain. All of the students come here to enhance their knowledge and develop their career opportunities. The university has been around since the 1700s and is constantly modernised to suit modern standards. Even the plumbing is updated regularly, ensuring that the pipes keep things flowing smoothly. However, this doesn't mean that things won't go wrong. It had been early morning at Puddledrip, and the maintenance staff were doing their...

3 years ago
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Impressions Ch 02

Aren stared mindlessly into the pot of soup he was cooking. He couldn’t believe he had kissed Gin. It had been on his mind the whole weekend so he had been trying everything imaginable to occupy himself. That included gourmet cooking. Normally, he settled for preparing things like spaghetti or a toasted sandwich for meals, but he was a fantastic cook. He only enjoyed it sometimes, though the results nearly always pleased him. Today he had prepared tomato Florentine and homemade breadsticks. ...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Dahlia Sky 09272016

Dahlia Sky knows exactly what kind of pervert you are. Big black dicks. Little white chicks. It’s your favorite porno, and quite honestly, it’s Dahlia’s favorite to perform. She loves the feeling of a big, thick, black cock stretching all her holes. And today, for the very first time, Dahlia will offer all her holes to the one-and-only Lexington Steele. She’ll crawl to Lex in order to get skull fucked, then offer up her ripe, wet cunt. After Lex is done with that hole,...

3 years ago
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Finally licked my own creampie

This is a true story. For the past year or so i have been looking at more and more fetish porn. All different types as i get bored easily, But Cei ad Joi and worshiping and cuckolding has always stuck with me! I have tried and failed and chickened out so many times looking at cei videos and would always loose the urge to eat my cum. My girlfriend has no idea of my desires or taughts so while I fuck her i imagine licking out my creampie from her pussy, or hope she will say "lie on your back and...

1 year ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 3

David stood next to the glass wall in the great room of his home that gave him a view of mountain next to the compound. He nursed a cocktail while he watched the falling sun alter the hues and shadows on the mountain's craggy surfaces. Deep in thought, he wondered how his wife reacted when his mother told her that she was pregnant. A part of him dreaded the possibility of some hurt feelings, and another part of him believed his wife could handle anything. He'd learned to admire the...

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Meeting Grannys Friend

I looked down at my lovely Granny Dawn’s supple back as she stood on all fours on the edge of her bed. My cock looked like a piston entering her ass cheeks. I was buried halfway inside her ass as I methodically sodomized my Granny. I withdrew it halfway and then I thrust forward all the way implanting my cock deep into her ass. Dawn had been getting fucked like this for about five minutes which is about all her ass could withstand. I knew she would be tired soon, so I increased the tempo and...

2 years ago
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Naked With Her DogChapter 6

The next day they went out and did some things together and hung close all day. That night he slept with her, too. "Nice you had one day off work," she told him. It was like being together with friends who had forgotten each other to some degree by being out of each other's presence. The more they stayed with each other, though, the more they felt at ease, felt comfortable and active. Rodney mentioned, something about how easy it would be to put up some paneling in her living room. The...

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Friend8217s Girlfriend

Hey guys back with another story, this happened when I went to Nellore to meet my friend. The weather over there was quite nice until I met a gal who changed my day. She was coming towards me, and my eyes were glued to her bouncing boobs. She passed by and I was frozen in time. I met my friend Benny but in my mind that gal was making turmoil of all chemicals. I went to his house and changed my cloths. Then in the evening we all went to have dinner and to my surprise I saw the same gal coming in...

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Tutoring Has Unexpected Rewards

My sister Kate and I were seventeen, twins, and in our junior year of high school. That's where our similarities ended. She was popular, athletic, outgoing, and had lots of friends. I was her polar opposite: nerdy, socially awkward, only a handful of friends. Pretty much irrelevant in our school's world. The only thing I knew I had going for me right from day one of high school was my brain. I was smart. Really smart. Top-of-the-class smart. But as high school dragged on, I found I had...

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Peilisalin kronikat 3236

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 32, Yll?tys. K?dest? pit?en talutin blondin huoneeseen. Sokkona kulkiessaan nainen luotti johdatukseeni mutta ei arvannut mit? tuleman piti. K?velimme paljain jaloin sile?ll? lattialla kunnes bimbo l?ysi suuren py?re?n patjan varpaillaan. Olin aikeissa istuttaa naisen kun h?n karkasi otteestani ja kier?hti nelinkontin patjalle. Silm?t edelleen vy?tettyin? bimbo huitaisi kylpytakin liepeet pyllyns? p??lt? ja tarjosi itse??n astuttavaksi. Naurahdin ??neen, blondi oli ottanut kaksimielisen heit...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 43

Sitting up in bed and wiping the sleep from her eyes Bern, startled by the noise coming from the other room, had forgotten about the visitor she had staying with her. Throwing a dressing gown around her, she walks into the kitchen. Why her head felt like it had been hit with a hammer was no mystery, counting the empty bottles of wine on the table it was obvious. The rattling of the pots and pans by Bridget made her eyes blink in time with every metallic bang. "Oh good you are up I've made...

3 years ago
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Sperm Donation 2

Jack Makes Another Donation A few days after his first donation Jack received another call for a donation appointment. On the appointed day he returned to the same non-descript office As before and was told to wait until he was called. He sat down and started idly leafing through one of the magazines to pass the time. After waiting in the reception area for a few minutes Jack noticed Mei approaching from the corridor where the examination and treatment rooms were located. She was wearing the...

1 year ago
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Holiday with Mum chapter five

She was not only identical to mum in looks but also in temperament, a lovely, flirty, sexy bundle of fun. I remember thinking, thank God she's wearing a diamond nose stud or I'd never have told them apart.Mum had often told me tales of when they were kids if one fell and hurt herself, there was a good chance that the other one would do the same, never deliberately, it just happened.Obviously, I'd met Sarah hundreds of times, but this was different, she hugged and kissed mum while passers-by did...

2 years ago
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Plan Kar Ke Maami Ki Chut Or Gand Maari

Hello friends, ye meri pehli story hai or bilkul sach. Main sex stories ka regular reader hoon or mujhe incest bahut pasand hai, although ab tak bas maami ko choda hai. Meri story padh ke kaisa laga mujhe jarur batiyega, agar koi ladki sex chahti hai ya hot baten ya kch bhi chahti hai to contact me at ”. To jaada bore na karte hue sidhe story pe aata hoon.   Mera naam Rohan hai or main Bangalore ka rehne wala hoon or meri maami ka naam sweta hai jo ranchi me rehti hai. Ye aaj se 2 saal ehle ki...

2 years ago
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i joined Her night out

My wife Jane was having her night out with the girls and whilst she was getting ready she was telling me a story about her friend who made her husband dress up for her!! i said what like a sailor army police??? she said no a women in full dress fake boobs and everything, i said no way do i know him she said no..but she continued he goes out with her as a couple and get fixed up take a man back and she lets him fuck her whilst he watches in full dress but never gives on that he’s a man he just...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

4 years ago
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Our Married life changes

It all started about eight years into our marriage. We had recently bought our first home and had two young children. I was working shift work and she was temping at different offices. We had a good life with a good sex life. Not brilliant, but we were happy. I thought all was fine. But then I found it wasn’t. I began to notice that Jean was becoming a little withdrawn and distant. Our sex life was what most would say was normal. Nothing overly exciting, but we was happy. Or so I thought....

1 year ago
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Private Isabella Lui Stunning MILF Debuts With Interracial Threesome

The sexy redheaded MILF Isabella Lui has come to Private Specials, 4 Black Double Penetrations for a wild interracial threesome as she kicks off her career with a debut she’ll never forget. Watch this big titted cougar warm up with her favourite machine as she prepares her pussy and ass for a rough pounding, getting all wet and ready for her stallions to arrive. Then enjoy Isabella in all her glory as she devours both cocks with a couple of sloppy deepthroat blowjobs and tit...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 141 Airline Delays

“We are sorry but there had been a problem with the computer systems and your connecting flight has been diverted to Atlanta. We will have to notify your parents to see what they want us to do,” a snotty bitch told us at the place the escorts dumped us off. I turned to her and said, “Ma’am. Good luck reaching them. If they were available to deal with minor annoyances, like flight delays and problems getting us to our destination, do you really think we would be flying without them? If your...

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