On Trail... free porn video

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On Trial...

WARING: Extreme genital torture and m/m sexual acts, you have been warned.  Email comments to [email protected]

"You have been accused of sodomy!"

"No, no...yo...you have the wrong man.? I...I have a wife."? David stuttered.

"We did not say you were not wed, we said you were practicing sodomy."

"No, never.? Please, let me go!"

"First we will have the truth!"

David pulled at his bounds that kept him secured to the metal exam chair.? The chair kept him tilted back slightly which forced his pelvis forward and exposed his freezing genitals.? His legs were spread and attached at the ankles, knees, and thighs by thick leather straps to metal stirrups.? His legs were bend with his legs rotated outward to make him even more vulnerable.? The stirrups were connected to a gears mechanism that allowed them to ratchet the stirrups further apart.?

Panting for breath against his panic David looked at the five men who where at his trial for sodomy.? One of them happened to be his lover.? David's lover looked at him with cold detachment, it was clear that he wasn't going to help him.? The grand torturer made a motion to David's lover and he stepped up between David's spread legs.? David had to look away to keep himself from getting a telltale erection from looking at his muscular lover.

"We will have the truth."? The torturer growled.

"You have it, I swear!? Don't hurt me!"

"It is too late for that.? Spread him until sweat beads from his skin."

David's lover didn't even hesitate to begin tightening the straps attached to the stirrups.? With each turn the pain in David's hips grew.? As it radiated up his body it became harder to breath.  He screamed and begged for mercy, but received none.? With his hips open his buttock were also slowly spread apart revealing his tight star.? Just as the torturer predicted sweat began to drip from his naked skin despite the cold room.

"Stop there and back it up one turn."

The lover did as he was told and released the gears one turn.? The relief was immense, but he was still terribly strained.? The torturer moved David's lover out of the way and took his place between his legs.? David struggled to move away from the torturer's hands as he prodded his shaved balls.

"If you are not practicing sodomy, why have your removed your hair?"

"I...I had lice...it was the only way to get rid of them."? David lied.?


The torturer lifted up David's slack penis and balls and began to press his fingers against his taint.? David bit down on his tongue as the inspection caused his cock to tug slightly in arousal.? The torturer stood back up and addressed the crowd.

"It is a well known fact that anal penetration will cause an erection in any man, however, it is my belief that only those who enjoy and participate in sodomy will reach climax from such an invasion.? Bring my instruments and we will have the truth."

"No, no, please, the pain will be unbearable!"? David cried.

"If you are lucky, then yes, this will be agony, but when it is over you may go free."

"Please!? This is not needed!? Please!!"

The torture paid no attention to David as a cart was brought in with his 'instruments'.? David's eyes widened in shock as he looked on the cart.? There were several gleaming silver rods that were vaguely shaped like erect cocks.? Each one had a different texture on it, one was ribbed, another had small studs, the most cruel looking one looked more like it was constructed from five gradually increasing sized balls that were welded together.?

"How do you chose which instrument for which man?"? One of the men asked.

"You'll note that his face showed the most horror when he caught sight of this one."? He picked up the one made of a pyramid of balls.? "By looking at his eyes when the tools are revealed I can tell which one terrifies him most.? By ensuring terror he has a better chance of revealing the truth for he will not climax while in pain or fear if he is normal."

"God no,"? David whimpered? "pleased don't impale me on that, please, I will be forever damaged."

"You will be in pain, but you will heal.? We will begin."

David's heart was racing, he didn't know what to do.? The torturer pressed the bulb tip against his anus with a driving pressure.? David wasn't sure what the best way to prevent his own climax was, all he knew was that under no circumstances could he let this man make him cum.? The consequences were too horrific to imagine.?

"I will admit that he is tight, I will require a lubricant."

Olive oil was poured over the metal rob before it was pressed against him once more.? This time the metal easily penetrated him.? David gasped as a violent wash of pleasure radiated up from his hips.? It took him a second to realize that he needed to scream in mock pain.? As the second and larger ball was inserted David threw his head back and screamed even though he could feel himself slowly becoming hard despite his best efforts to stop his cock.

"The erection that you are seeing is normal.? Any man penetrated to this depth will experience an automatic erection.? He is impressively swollen."

David welded his eyes shut and panted as the torturer slowly penetrated him deeper.? The connected balls would stretch him wide as they were inserted and then as he slid down the other side of the ball the relaxation that it allowed was shockingly pleasurable.? Once the torture had nearly the full length inside him he let go, leaving it in him.? David bit his tongue again to cause tears to trace down his face and he cried out in false agony again.? Inside he was filled with intense sexual pressure and he feared if he relaxed even one muscle that he would cum hard.

"How does it feel, David?"? The torture asked.

"It is ripping me apart!? I beg you, please, please, take it out!? Don't do this, please!? God, it hurts so much!"

Every word out of David's lips was a lie, he wasn't writhing in pain, he was writhing to keep the pleasure from pushing him over the edge.? He stared beating his head against the metal headrest to distract himself.? He kept his eye shut knowing that if he looked at his swollen cock that he would instantly climax and his fate would be sealed.

"It is good that you are in pain, embrace that pain, it shows you are pure."

"Have I passed, may we please stop?"

"Not yet, my son.? I will begin the prescribed motions to see if he gains true pleasure from this most heinous and disgusting act."

David started screaming at the very notion that he was going to start drawing the device out and shoving it back in again.? He was unsure if he could take that much pleasure and stimulation without cumming.? The torturer grabbed the end of the dildo and began to slowly draw it out so that David could feel every motion as the balls were removed.? The oddly shaped cock was eased into his anus twice more at a rate so slow it was driving David insane.? It was taking all his power not to thrust his hips to make the metal cock impale him faster and harder.? All the time he screamed at the top of his lungs and fought with his wrist bindings.

"Just one more test."

"Mercy!? Take it out!? Your killing me!"

"You will not be harmed.? Although your tip is a disturbingly deep purple and swollen twice what is normal.? That is not good.  Are you holding back?"

David started to cry in earnest as his erection throbbed and demanded to be allowed to release.? Precum flowed out of his tip and oozed over his stomach.? He felt that he was actually going to make it when the torturer suddenly started thrusting the metal cock deep and hard.? The pounding rhythmic action could only be achieved by someone who knew the pleasures of rough sodomy, he was an expert in pleasure as well as pain.? David did everything in his power to take his mind off the powerful fucking he was receiving.? The shape of the dildo made every thrust ten times more sensational than a man's flesh and blood cock.?

Although David's cock was now aching to cum he began to breath a sigh of relief when the torture pulled all the way out.? Assuming he had passed the test he relaxed slightly.? Just as he relaxed the tortured lanced the hard metal rod as deep as it would go in one fluid motion.?

There was no stopping the mind seizing orgasm that spread up David's cock like a lightning bolt.? The muscles of his pelvic flood tightened around the invasive dildo and pulled it in deeper.? David arched his back and cried out as molten cum violently spit from his cock and splashed against his chest.? With the dildo still in place David's cock jerked several more time before slowly relaxing in full satisfaction.? It wasn't until the rod was removed that David realized the horrible price he was going to pay for his climax.

"I hope you enjoyed that, it is the last time you will ever experience such pleasure."  The toturer growled in delight.  ?You will see men, he desires sodomy and must be punished.?

"NO!? No!? God No!? Please!? I swear I am innocent!!!"

"We have proof that you are not!? Punishment will commence in the morning.? Think about your sins until then.? Spread him two more turns for the night."


David fought bitterly to escape the chair as his lover stepped up and gave the gears two hard turns.? He threw his head back and screamed as the stretch tore open his hips to nearly their breaking point.? Panting heavily he was delirious from the excursion and agony that was tearing into him from the extreme stretch.? Just one more turn would have been enough to have him in pain, but this was beyond anything he'd ever experienced.

"Don...don't leave me..."? David whispered to his lover.

David's lover looked over his shoulder as the other men left and very quietly undid one turn of the gears.? David was still uncomfortable, but no long in searing pain.? That was his lover's last act of mercy.? Without a word he turned and left.? David's heart broke and he broke down into tears.

Alone in the dark room with his thoughts David drifted in and out of conciseness.? He didn't know what the exact punishment was going to be.? All he knew was that although he was going to live through it, every other man he'd known to be punished for sodomy had quickly committed suicide once released.? He didn't know if it was pain that had driven them mad, or if it was depression that caused them to kill themselves.? The promise made to any man caught in this act was to never sustain an erection ever again.?

David's imagination filled in the gaps as he thought about how they were going to destroy his manhood.? His greatest fear was that they were going to castrate him, he had heard once about a man who had sinned and they had lashed a rope around his testicles and twisted it tighter until they had been severed off.? He couldn't picture how much pain it must produce to have them squeezed at the base until they physically separated from the body.?

The morning seemed to take forever to come and yet when it did it was all too soon.? This time it was only the torturer who returned.? The others did not wish to bear witness to the real torture.? David yelped as the torturer threw a bucket of luke-warm water on him to wash off the sweat.? He then brought over another bucket of warm water with soap and began meticulously cleaning David's genitals.

"Wha...what are you doing?"

"I must ensure that the area is clean so that you do not get an infection."

"Please, please let me go.? I won't tell anyone, I will say that I am ruined forever."

"No.? This must be done...besides,? I deeply enjoying this particular punishment.? I ask to be alone during it because I always climax during your greatest moment of agony.? It is a sexual rush unlike any other."

"Hypocrite!"? David cried angrily.? "You developed these 'instruments' for your own pleasure!"

"I did."? The torturer admitted.? "I do not mind telling you, because no one will believe you."

"I will give you anything to let me go!!"

"I love hearing you say that, it is making me hard."

David panted in panic as he realized that he was in the hands of man who wanted nothing more in the world than to hurt him.? The torturer finished washing and dried off his semi-hard erection.

"Looks like you're almost ready to go!"? The torturer chuckled.? "Do you want the balls again, or would you like to try one my other cocks?"


"I need you rock hard for this."


The torturer just shrugged.? He went over and got his cart, that had more horrifying instruments on it along with the collection of metal dildos.? he picked up the ribbed one.

"This is my personal favorite, it really stimulates.? But first..."

The torture picked up a set of leather straps with buckles.? He loosely wrapped one strap around the base of David's cock going behind the balls, another went around the base in front of the balls, the were then attached by one that split them down the middle.? David began dry heaving in panic as his exposed genitals were packaged.?

"Now then, relax and enjoy this first part, it will be the very last you know of pleasure."

"Please, don..."

David gasped violently as the man forced the ribbed cock deep into him.? It wasn't as wide as the one with the balls and therefore caused no pain to his practiced anus.? He moaned in unwanted pleasure as his tormentor began to move the device in and out.? The torturer would pull the ribbed invasion all the way out before penetrating to its fullest again.?

David felt himself swelling once again and started to cry.? Seeing how close to the edge he was the torturer pushed harder.? David was just about to cum when the straps around the base of his cock were suddenly jerked tight.? Unable to cum David was left in a position where he was just moments from climax.? He screamed in pain and frustration and thrust his hips forward in hopes of finishing.

"No amount of motion is going to make you cum."? The torture chuckled.? "I'll prove it to you."

David's chest heaved for breath as the ribbed cock was thrust in and out with a maddening rhythm.? But it didn't matter, with the tight cock ring he couldn't come.? The torturer laughed again and pulled the rod out.? He picked up a silver instrument that was kind of pear shaped with a knob at one end.

"I want to show this to you before I put it to use.? It is not officially part of your punishment, but I think it makes things more interesting."

David could barely hear the man over his panting.? His cock pounded with every beat of his heart.? The straps were making it so that his cock was getting increasingly hard and his balls were starting to swell and strain against the strap down the center.?

"When I turn this, it spreads."? The torture demonstrated.? "I'll find the point on your that is just between pain and pleasure...it will heighten your senses for the main event."

"Please, just get this over with!"? David howled.

"Oh no, this takes hours."

"God no..."

David whimpered as the pear was inserted into his anus.? The torturer began to turn the knob and David could feel the device growing inside him.? He tried to scream before he was in pain, but the torture didn't fall for it.? He spread him to the point where David could feel the cold room air invading him.? Spread twice as wide as he'd even been David started to struggle again as his cock suddenly throbbed larger.

"Ah, there is the point of pleasure.? This is the point where if it wasn't for the straps you'd come just from the stretch without any other stimulation.? The pressure on your prostate right now is enormous.? I'm going to give you one more turn, that will cause alternating pain and pleasure as you muscles involuntarily contract."

"Please,"? David cried? "stop, plea...Aaaaaaaaaa!!!"

The scream was from the torturer increasing the stretch just a fraction of an inch more.? He was right his body tethered on the edge of agony and passion.? The tortured took his hands off him and for a moment nothing happened.? He heard a familiar sound and then he felt hot cum spray against his stretched opening.? His torture was masturbating to his pain.

"God, that was a good one.? I'm going to go get cleaned up and I'll be back.? Try rocking your hips, it will make your cock even larger."

"I'm not doing anything for you!"

"Rethink that answer.? If your cock is impressive enough I will allow you to fuck me and go on your merry way."



David's torture left the room, leaving him with a difficult decision.? Feeling he had nothing to lose David started to rock his hips.? The pear began moving inside him and increased his raging erection even further.? He looked down at his cock and found a purple headed monster looking back at him.? Swollen and distended it glistened with oozing precum.

When the torture came back he gave David's tip a hard pinch causing him to jerk in pain.

"Not, bad, but not good enough."

"No!? Please!"?

"I'm tired of your talk, it is time for just screaming."

David tried to keep the torture from gagging him with the cloth that he had used to clean up his cum.? The torture worked the salty rag between his teeth and tied it off behind his head.? He brought out a few more straps, one went around David's neck and the head of the chair to keep him from seeing what was happening and to keep him from beating himself senseless when the torture began.? Another was tightened around his hips to keep him perfectly still.? He tried to move and found himself immobile, trapped.

"I am not going to let you see the next tool.? Feel free to scream, it is music to my ears."

Fully vulnerable with his cock straight in the air, urning for climax David started shaking in fear. The pear in his anus was still stretching him between pain and pleasure as the new torture began.? He felt an ice cold touch on the tip of his cock which caused the organ to jerk.? The torturer took a gentle hold on it just below the head with his fingertips.? The cold returned and then the true horror struck David.

Although he couldn't see he could image the rod that was slowly being forced into his precum slicked urethra.? The first penetration was shockingly painful and it lanced through his body.? As it was forced deeper he began to thrash, but there was no motion with his thrashing, he just vibrated in place as the straps held him down.? His panic and agony grew as the cold rod was pulled back up before slowly being inserted back down his shaft.

"I like to really rub it around in there, this part sometimes makes the men I torture begin to weep like little girls.? I'm now going to go aaaall the way down."

Closing his eyes David couldn't take his mind off the metal pushing through his rock hard cock.? He panted and gasped for every breath between his muffled screaming.? The rod penetrated all the way down to his swollen base.? The cold metal wasn't getting any warmer despite being deep in his flesh.? The temperature contrast forced him to pay attention to every inch of the rod.

"I'm hard again, that hasn't happened in a while.? You really do have a nice cock, it is thicker than any I've ever seen."

The familiar sound of the torturer pleasuring himself returned.? Thinking of climax only made David's agony keener.? Once again he felt the warm wash of the man's cum as it soaked his tortured cock.?

"You are good for me.? I'll be right back."

The rod down David's shaft was causing a stabbing, throbbing, aching pain that kept getting worse as time passed.? When the tortured returned he grabbed the tip of his device and began slowly rotating it inside him.? David screamed till his voice cracked against the new sensation.? The heavy mass between his legs that was his swollen genitals became the focus of his whole world as he wailed again.

"I've barely begun..."

David didn't think that it was possible to feel any more pain that what he was going through right now.? Suddenly he heard a clicking sound and the rod down his cock began to grow in girth.? Hysterical with agony and panic David started to dry heave once again as his cock was being stretched open from the inside.? With every heave of his stomach the pain became more intense as he strained his muscles.?

"That was just one turn...there are ten more to go."

"Mmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!"? David pleaded through the gag.

"Another one you say?? My, my, you must be sorry for your sins.? Okay, we'll do two this time."

In David's imagination his cock was open five or six inches wide at this point.? In reality he had only been stretched a few millimeters.? The torturer would wait until David almost had control of himself before cranking the rod again.? When he reached the max David's cock tip was distended and swollen.? The edges of his opening were on the very verge of splitting with the rod a full inch wide.? The torturer took the tip of the rod and started to pull up, stuck in his cock all he accomplised was to stretch the large member longer.  When he let go his cock snapped back in position bringing with it a wave of pain so intense that David nearly had a seizure as he screamed endlesssly.

Half an hour later of the torturer playing with the rod in his cock David was beyond being able to scream David.  He just cried and whimpered in ultimate agony as it consumed his whole mind and body.? The pain was the only thing he could think about, it didn't even occur to him to imagine anything else.? Although only open an inch in his mind he saw his cock as being at least a foot wide and pulsing against the giant rod.? The torturer reached up and removed the gag.

"Take it out!? Dear god!!? Please!!?  David screamed.  ?Take it OUT!!!? Aaaaaaaaggghhhh!!"

?Do you want me to cut your fat cock off??

?Yes!  That would be better than this pain!  Stop this, please!!  PLEASE!!?

"Will you do anything for me if I promise to take it out?"


"I'm going to tilt you back and you're going to suck me dry."

"Yes!? Please!"

"I like your enthusiasm."

David gasped and sputtered as the head of the metal chair was tilted back.? Before going up to David's head he went between his legs and gave the pear two more turns.? David cried out in renewed agony as his various openings competed for his attention.? He suddenly felt a piece of hard rubber being forced between his back teeth.

"Just a precaution, don't want you biting mine off in revenge."

The torturer stepped forward and straddled David's face, so that he was facing his stretched cock.? David gaged as the torturer's massive cock was suddenly thrust deep down his throat.? With every entrance spread he began convulsing.? The torturer’s cock started diving deeper and pulling out as he used David’s throat to pleasure himself.  The torturer pulled out enough to rest his tip on David’s tongue as he came so that it filled his mouth.  He was forced to swallow, but he still nearly drown in the sticky cum.?

"What the fuck is this?!!"? A new voice cried.

David felt his torture jump off him in fright.? Another person stepped up to his side and stared down at him.  He was just out of his line of sight and he was to delerious with pain to try and figure out who it was.

"It is all part of the punishment."? The torturer said.? ?Get out!?

"You were committing a sexual act on this man!? You are guilty as he is!? Guards!"?

The torturer squealed and panicked as he was dragged away.? The man who had stepped in eased the tension on all of the various devices that had been forcing David wide open.? Having them removed was like heaven descending into his soul.? When the man released the straps around David's cock he came hard and screamed in pain as he climaxed.? The man who has rescued him released him from the straps on the chair and cradled him in his arms.? Weary from torture David just cried on the man's chest.

"Hush my love, hush."? David's lover said quietly.? "I am sorry I had to let it continue so long, I had to catch him in the act to stop it."

"A...am I ruined forever?"? David whimpered.

"No.? The device have a spike that needs to be deployed to ruin you and he had not triggered it yet.? It is painful, but you will heal."

"Thank...thank you.? I thought I had lost you."? David cried.

"No.? Never.? As soon as you are feeling healthy enough I will allow you to carry out the torturer's sentence."


"You may use his devices on him, I will show you how they work and then we will leave this place forever together."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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Canadian MILF Callie Brooks ❤ makes her Hussie Pass debut today, and we paired her up with Mr. 13 Inch himself, Brickzilla ?➕☝? for this interracial MILF update. After our director, Johnny Robins, helps us get to know about the juicy newbie, Callie disrobes & uses her fingers to get her motor running down below. Brickzilla makes his way into the scene with a lot of motion-lotion for Callie’s very ample breasts and delicious 44-inch ass, which she, of course, twerks for us. Callie gets...

4 years ago
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Made My Girlfriend A Cock Loving Bitch 8211 Part 4

This is the fourth installment of my series “Made my girlfriend a cock loving bitch”. For fun and feedback: So, without further ado, let’s get on with it. I recommend you read the previous parts too. In the last part you read how I fucked anamika’s brains out on the farewell night. I banged her the entire night at her outhouse. Now lets gets on with thr fourth part. Farewell ki lambi chudai ke baad anamika 2 din tak school nahi aayi. Mera lund machalta raha. Mere lund ko uski aadat pad gayi...

3 years ago
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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 7

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 7 …We both fell asleep almost immediately. I got up whilst he was still asleep in the morning and put on his shirt loosely over my naked body. I woke him up with breakfast , we kissed and he left late morning.  I had been lucky to escape him not discovering my penis! I had to think hard about what to do about this. I would just have to have to tell him my secret, that I was really a guy! Bradley was going to take me out to dinner that evening, and I thought...

2 years ago
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In Flight Pick Up That Led To A Weekend Of Gay Sex

I had to fly from Muscat to Sharjah on fairly urgent business and would need to be there for two nights but because of the hurry I had not booked a hotel in Sharjah. I flew there on a budget airline and it was not too full and I was seated next to an Indian guy. When he sat down next to me he said hello and I responded by saying hello back to him. Once we had taken off he asked me if Sharjah was my destination or was I going on further. I told him it was my destination and would be there for...

Gay Male
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Slutty Tales Be a Slut Maddie

Maddie grew up in a small village and has lived nineteen years of her life being a good girl. Unlike all her peers she rarely went out and almost never got drunk. She tried cigarettes when she was sixteen but she saw no fun in the coughing and smelly breath that followed. So it was her first and last time.Having been accepted to her first choice university, she has been studying towards becoming a teacher. She even went to church every Sunday with her family. Not because she believed in any of...

2 years ago
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Another Dwaynes hot show on the screen

Another Dwyne’s hot show on the screen.When I got to work on Tuesday morning I walked along the hall in our office and met Dwayne sitting at his desk.I knew exactly what he was thinking when he saw me; that he has fucked my sweet wife while I was gone. But he had no idea I knew what he had done or that I had actually watched him as he fucked and sodomized Ana.He stood up and slapped me in the back. "How was your trip, Victor?" I told him it was fine; an uneventful trip away from home. I then...

1 year ago
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Liebe und Magie

Disclaimer: Harry Potter und jegliche dort erscheinenden Orte und Figuren sind nicht mein geistiges Eigentum. Sie wurden erdacht von J. K. Rowling und Warner. Des Weiteren sind alle Personen die hier auftreten bereits achtzehn oder älter. Schnee viel gegen die Scheiben des Gryffindor Gemeinschaftsraumes. Das Feuer im Kamin prasselte. Harry saß auf einem der Sofas. Hermine saß ihm gegenüber, die Nase in irgend einem ihrer Bücher. Seine Blicke vielen auf ihre Schuhe einer ging in der Luft und...

2 years ago
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they were passing her daughter's last few days in the Army before she was discharged. It turned out that Michelle had a few days leave coming, she could either take the leave and receive her discharge from the Army at the end, or she could stay on active duty for approximately the same amount of time and do work details until the financial paperwork came through. Michelle decided to take her final days in the Army as leave. In trying to pass the time, they had grown tired of being hit upon by...

2 years ago
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Ricks GiftChapter 6 Testing begins

After four days of taking care of details that would enable me to leave and not put any more pressure on the girls we were ready to leave. We had an 8:30 flight out of Sea-Tac Airport that would take us to New York's Kennedy airport and from there to Edinburgh Scotland. After spending six hours getting to N.Y. and then another 19 getting to Scotland I had a serious case of jet lag. So after I rented a car I let Sandi drive while I slept. I had plenty of time to rest as it took about nine...

4 years ago
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Bad girls set straight

This is the first in a series of unrelated short stories about setting bad girls straight. I would appreciate hearing your comments or suggestions for future stories. Please email me at [email protected]?What the hell are you working on now?? Katie asked in the same snotty tone that she had been using all week, as she lay on the deck sunning with nothing on but her string bikini bottom and a pair of sunglasses.Katie was my girl friend of the past three years. She had been born with ?Fuck Me?...

3 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Early the following day, Kevin went to the pool with Roger. When they arrived and walked out onto the deck, there was a bunch of kids milling around and talking to a teacher. Roger walked up. “All right, everyone—what gives? You need to get suited up, we’ve gotta start.” he called. The teacher walked up. “That’s the point, Roger. Mr Winters—the new assistant principal—is making some changes in the high-school sports rules. He wants gym classes and the teams to be working naked, said it’s...

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Tips Experiences from an Amateur CD Pt1 ANA

Sooooo Im gonna write down some tips/tricks/experiences from my real life as a CD (Crossdresser, Recreationally Not full time, primarily bottom just fyi) No Bullshit, slight embellishments or maybe a exaggeration here or there but is all grounded in real life experiences. Ive been asked multiple times about certain things be it anal or makeup or kissing during sex etc. etc. If u have any questions/hate/disagreements leave a comment or message me. So yeah......herrrrreeeeee wwweeee go.You...

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A Gods Reign

War and chaos have a ravaged a world of once peace and harmony. Today its just raid, pillage and rape. But one night across a village being raided by invaders, a family have luckily been able to escape. Yet up the sky l, a bluish cosmic comet had rain down in the village. As it had crash near the vicinity of the village, it have knocked out unconscious the family of one daugther and the parents. It had been hours since then as the land has been covered by mist. The father/husband was the first...

3 years ago
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Massage Service Turns Sex Service 8211 Fucking A Hot Lady In The Hotel

Hey juicy babes. This is Harish from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. My age is 24. I am a normal guy with good looking. I am very much interested in sex but I don’t have any girlfriends to have fun. So I contacted many fake male escorts and left money. I was horny and desperate to have fun. So I posted an advertisement on a site saying I provide massage service for women in Coimbatore. I got calls from men but no women called. I felt bad on that day. On next day evening, I got a call from a lady asking...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits So You Think You Can Lick M

Response was so favorable to this when i posted on my blog that i thought perhaps it will stand well as a story– * * * Master was starting to get a little displeased because i had not returned the favor to the slut who licked my pussy to orgasm a couple of days ago. That has been rectified. Here’s the complete dialogue: 5:18 pm, May 20 masters-cumslut Master says i need to return the favor from the other night. Not that i need to be ordered. i dying with curiousity to find out what another...

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Mommy Papa Ki Chudai Karib Se Dekhi

Dkehi Mera naam aditi hai meri umar 24 saal hai mai panna m.p me rahti hu mujhe sex bahut pasand hai uska karan ye hai ki mere papa mummy bahut sex karte hai mai unko bachpan se sex karte dekhti aa rahi hu ye meri Sachchi ghatnao me se ek hai wo log itne sexy hai ki daily raat me 2 baar to sex pakka karte hai unke sex ka aalam ye hai ki kai baa to din me bhi kamre me band ho ke sex karte hai kuch saal pahle tak to aisa hota tha ki jab kabhi mummy mere bagal me raat me so jati thi to papa mere...

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Started as a snuggle

I had only been out with Julie twice before. She was a beautiful blond, long hair, about 5'6", B cups which were firm. Long legs that ended with a perfect, round sweet ass. I was actually a little intimidated, she was easily the hottest girl I had ever dated, but she was nice and seemed to be into me. So the night of our third date we went out for dinner, then a movie. Then dinner was nice and intimate and several times she reached out and held my hand. The movie was a thriller, not horror, but...

1 year ago
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Sitting at home, could not sleep, so tried to watch some late night infomericals. The girl friend was out with the girlfriends. I figure it was an all nighter, since it was 1am.My girl friend had a university daughter that loved to flirt and had a body to go with it. She was always rubbing into me, shoving her hips sideways into my hip, when her mom was not around. I brushed it off as cheap harmless firty.About 1:30am, car lights pulled into the drive, and sat there for awhile. I figured it was...

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Hot Sex Movie hall

Hi Gals and ladies, I am M 25 from rajkot city (ALone), I would like to start my story from here now… After finishing my daily office i went to cyber cafe for chatting as it was olnly means for me to spend my time. I was chatting for alomst 2-3 hrs daily. Once i got invitaion from strnage Id to chat… i thought to ignore but then i replied saying hi and all that normal stuff. I thought some stupid male is jus doing time pass wid me as my ID had word cupid… After some time that id gave me msg...

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Encounter With Neighbor Sangeeta

Hi, my name is Saurabh and this is my first true story for you guys. I have been a fan of this forun since 2008 and finall I have decided to write a story about my personal experience, it was a cold winter day in Mumbai. I hope you guys remember winter of 2008 which was different from any other winter in Mumbai by the way let me tell you about mysely. I am Saurabh from Mumbai and I am 5.6, fair, and have an 8″ dick, ahhh I know Indians are not good at the size, but god has blessed me so...

1 year ago
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Welcome to legendary hentai torrent site "EHentai"! E Hentai (ge hentai) is one of the largest and most popular hentai and doujin sites on the web. E-Hentai (gehentai) is an imageboard type hentai site where content is uploaded by users in all kinds of languages and art styles.The first thing to know about E Hentai (ge-hentai) is that it is huge. The collection is so big that you might get intimidated when you first see the site, just like how a virgin might get scared of a big ass dick. But...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Diana my Workmate

“Mmmhh….look at that little ass,” I said to Diana. “John you have to be joking me, she’s like 14 years old and technically your student,” Diana said as a cute girl with a perfect ass walked away wearing a tight school uniform. “Yeah but we both agree she is really hot,” I said. “Does your wife know what a spoil you are?” Diana asked. “No. you’re not going to tell her, are you Diana?” I asked while laughing. I sat back in my chair with an evil grin on my face. We sat there in silence for...

4 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 7 Princess DoubleTeamed by the Futas

I savored my Ojo-sama’s breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen’s edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us in the warm, summer evening. Their chirping cries celebrated our love. My tongue brushed...

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With My Aunt My Maid And Further On 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is ilrumjack again with another story of mine with my maid, Prema and what it led to. You must have hopefully read about how I had seduced my maid Prema for a fuck in my earlier story. This is further to that. Here is a little about my life for those who have not read the earlier stories. I had a pretty decent body, slim and with a good enough tool to please my maid or probably any other lady then. In fact, it even now so. I had managed to seduce my maid, Prema, into having sex with me...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 15 Pleasant Dreams

Chapter 15 - Pleasant Dreams On my way to Kimberly and Christie's condo, I drove under the speed limit so as not to attract attention from state troopers. But I was greeted by light-blinking and horn-honking from several 18-wheeler jockies. You'd think these assholes would be watching where they're going instead of trying to look up women's (and cross dressers') dresses. My blouse was revealing some cleavage and my skirt was showing my garters holding up my red fishnet stockings, so...

2 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 9

Saturday 18th July A week had passed since their frolicking in front of the TV, and Lauren and Nikki were now free from school for the duration of the summer holidays - about eight weeks. The weather promised to live up to all expectations in that cloudless skies were expected for at least the whole of the next week, and Lauren had no commitments to go anywhere or do anything, except for a school project which she would start at the end of August. Lauren’s affection for her brother had...

1 year ago
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Paying The Piper

Note : This story is completely fictional! The 13 year of marriage of James and Lisa was in serious trouble, and both of them knew it. Some would expect that infidelity was the cause, but neither of them had a leg to stand on there, since they had both cheated on each other from nearly the beginning. They were in love with each other, however, for a while, before a teenage wife's respect and admiration for her twenty something husband turned gradually into scorn and contempt. James was a hard...

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The new intern

It was 9.30 am on a sunny September morning and Jodie Smith was nervously waiting by the reception desk of Burke and Hare Associates. She looked around the room. There were what were obviously a lot of other prospective interns there as well. She glanced at a tall, blonde, poised, sophisticated woman with flawless markup who was talking to a brunette wearing a dress that screamed money at her. Jodie felt out of her depth already.Three months out of university, Jodie was hoping for that lucky...

Office Sex
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OverwatchChapter 2

There were very few places to go in Belfast at the time 'cos most of them had been blown up. People didn't really venture into town at night anymore, so the pubs were very much not the sort of place you would take your girl. Entertainment was either the cinema, the local shebeen or, for those with transport, going down to Bangor. At the time, this was a Victorian seaside town of faded glory, but there was an old amusement arcade, a small roller coaster, a few pubs you could take a girl...

2 years ago
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Just me and Mr XX together making love 2

His touch was always pleasing, never any pain in his movements. That is unless you wanted pain like Louise did sometimes! He slowly pumped his thumb in and out of my pussy fucking it as slowly and gently as he could do it! My hips were rocking on it now and my pussy was squeezing it as it entered my pussy all the way every 2 or 3 seconds. He was also rotating it around as it moved in and out! The feeling was sensational. I began to rock faster and faster until I wasn't able to speak any longer....

3 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 31 Evening Activities

After our teasing of Maggie things became far more hectic, as all the tables and benches are removed to outside so there is nothing but standing room. Then the musicians take a small corner. This time the dancing is far more baudie then the last time. There is very little room to spread out so we are all expected to be very close to our partners and anyone else that is with in a foot of you. I get to dance closer to Nimrod for our waltz and I do hesitate to call it that. If it was any place...

1 year ago
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MomWantsToBreed Jessica Ryan Aunt Judy Is Baby Crazy

Diego Perez hasn’t known his stepmom’s sister for very long, but his step aunt, Jessica Ryan, is eager to get to know him better. She arrives for a visit while Diego’s stepmom is having a nap. That’s okay; Jessica is happy to sit and chat with Diego. Eventually, the conversation turns to the fact that Jessica wants a baby badly. She’s even brought a cute little onsie to show off how committed she is to breeding. That brings the conversation to a close. Later,...

4 years ago
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Family ReunionChapter 5

I had spent the night with Mona - she had claimed my services because I was staying in her home. I had shown her just how well that I could eat pussy - i had her howling in ecstasy for a good proportion of the night (until Lori and Nora told us to calm it down around midnight). I woke around 8 AM to find that I was alone in bed. I could hear the ladies in the kitchen chatting away ... and I could hear the shower in the ensuite. Figuring that Mona was having a shower, I slipped out of the bed...

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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 3

I woke up from a dream where my mother's mouth was between my legs exploring my body. I was surrendered to her, despite how strange and new it was. I didn't care cuz she was so good at it. Then, my eyes opened and I realized it was a dream. My panties were damp and my hair was all in my face. The sun shone brightly in my window, so I closed my eyes to stay with the dream, my fingers finding their way under the elastic of my panties and down into the crevice of my vagina. I was already warm and...

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Sex In The Village Lake

Hi guys, hope you are doing just fine. This is Rahul back with one more sensual and erotic incident. The incident happened with me with one of aunt. I was studying in my class IX. So I after exams I went to my ancestor’s village to enjoy my vacation. My parents also came with me and after staying 2-3 days they left me there for rest of my summer vacation. In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any child and treated my like one of them. My aunt...

4 years ago
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The Smell of SexChapter 7

Laura rushed to Dr. Adams's class, opened the door quietly, and sat down in the back row trying very hard not to be seen. When she finally had the courage to look up, she saw the disapproving scowl on her professor's face. 'Damn!' she thought, 'I'm going to be in trouble; that old bitch doesn't miss anything.' She made it through the class without drawing further attention to herself, but all she could think about was sitting naked, with her legs spread wide in Dr. Adams's office,...

2 years ago
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Meri Cousin 8211 The Sleeping Beauty

Hey ; ISS readers. Mere Nam Vishnu hai aur Mai abhi engineering Ki taiyari kar rha hun. Mai abh story par aata hun, ye mere first sex encounter Ki h. Yeh baat teen saal purani h, meri mausi Ki beti puja mujhse se panch saal badi h. Hum kafi frank the,Mai uska chota bhai tha par humme sari baten hoti . Usne mujhe Kai ladkiyon wale baat batayn jaise ‘ladkiyan bra kyn phnti hai’ aur ‘unka masturbation kaisa hota hai’ par hum sirf baaton me hi Simi the. Inse hmare rishte pe koi phrk nhi padta tha....

3 years ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Day 3 Julia is sick. The following morning Nena was up and ready to go. Julia on the other hand kept running to the toilet to be sick. "Nena I am going to have to give this mornings ride a miss. Hopefully I will have improved by the time you are back from the ride & then we can go shopping for those dresses." Nena joined the group for their early morning ride. Jenny Bond said, "Is Julia not joining us today?" "Sorry she is not feeling so well. She keeps being...

3 years ago
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Green Skinned Fucking

The air is musty. The stone floor feels cold and damp. Books, tomes, grimoires and codexes sit haphazardly in piles so tall that they touch the ceiling. The chamber isn't dark, but the fire under the bubbling cauldron doesn't illuminate it much either. It makes the shadows dance with otherworldly life, as if possessed spirits and demons. An elderly man with a long gray beard, clad in purple robes and a purple pointed hat, stands by the cauldron mixing the contents with a stirrer. He has a...

2 years ago
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The Geek

The Geek Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was a geeky, smart, and skinny nerd, a loner by any definition. I didn't fit in with the kids that defined the "in" crowd, and was just smart enough that most of the others left me alone. My one and only outlet for my needs were the few moments that I was able to get all dressed up as a girl. I knew how most people would react if they found out, since I had first hand knowledge. My mom caught me dressed, told my dad, who then...

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The Christmas That Never WasChapter 2

Christie pretended that her mother was absolutely right and her scheduled operations were more routine than emergency and she just needed to have the right attitude and all would come out just fine in the end. The night before she was due to go to the hospital for the breast operation, she dreamed about Doctor Hammer cupping her “bad” breast in his surgeon’s hands and gently outlining the area to be removed with tender care. She was all in favor of his plan to carve out the tumor and save...

1 year ago
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New england summer pt 2

I found the address she’d given me easy enough. It was very literally just off the beach, in property that must have cost a small fortune. The loft was on the second floor of a trendy modern apartment building. I arrived just a few minutes after 9pm and I was a bit concerned that I’d gotten there to early. When I approached the door however I could hear music pumping inside of the loft. As I knocked I could hear the throbbing beat of techno music emanating from within and I wondered if...

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