Perpetual Disguise free porn video

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This is my 2nd shot at a TG Story so be gentle with this one, too. You may actually like this story better! Once again my stories will have some sort of moral at the end, but the tranformee won't ALWAYS get changed back at the end. Sometimes they'll stay the way the are forever and just learn to live with it and enjoy it. Sometimes the ending will be bad...sometimes it will be good... but it will always have a moral. It won't be meaningless. And once again you my archive this story onto any site you please as long as it has these disclaimers. Perpetual Disguise By Po "You bitch! You wanna embarrass me in front of all my freakin' friends?!" Clark said. The whole hallway turns their attention to Clark and Julie. "How could you do that to me?! How could you cheat on me with that whore!" Julie said. "I didn't really love you in the first place! THAT'S why!" Julie is in tears... "You... just wanted to get in my panties?" "Yeah! I just wanted to get into your panties! Just hit it and quit it!" "But...I loved you." Julie runs off it tears. Dammit... I wanted to rip that assholes head off. For goodness sakes, Julie was my sister! My younger sister (just by one year)! Nobody does that to my sister and gets away with it. We were just in the middle of a regular High School day. I just left chemistry class. I was just walking down the hallway. Me a regular 16 year old boy by the name of Terrance... Terry for short. All of a sudden Julie and Clark get into another quarrel. Julie and Clark had been going out for a month now. Clark was your regular most popular, intimidating, womanizing , football star who saw women as just trophies for their selves. Julie and Clark were already on the verge of breaking up but by some miracle they had stayed together for a lil' longer. This week it had already become a suspicion that Clark was having an affair. And our assumptions proved to be correct. Clark cheated with Cindy. Cindy was your usual trampy, slutty, primpy, arrogant, ignorant, but beautiful vixen who thought they could get anything they wanted in the world using their beauty. She thought she had the power of break a boy in two like a twig. Of course it's rare you DON'T run into a High School with that kinda people. I, myself, wasn't very muscular...but I was fairly muscled. Kinda flat in the chest. I knew martial arts, anyway, so no bully messed with me. Clark was very muscular though. All the boys were intimidated by him. But at this moment I was run by rage and vengeance. Without even thinking I ran up to Clark and pushed him against his locker hard. "Why the hell you did that to my sister you asshole!" I yelled but only adding more fuel to this fire. I usually don't swear but this was my damn sister he hurt. He hurts her, he hurts me. I didn't even have control of myself. "You wanna fight me, punk?" Clark says almost laughing at my presence. "HEY!" A middle aged Principal Harry interrupted standing between us. "Stop this at once or I'll have to give you BOTH detention!" "Hm..." I said glaring at Clark while I slowly walked away. The only thing that mattered now was my sister. She must be in the Girl's Restroom sulking and crying. Clark just laughed evilly. He didn't care if Principal Harry heard him. "As for you, young man, I need to speak with you!" Principal Harry said. He grabbed Clarks hand and pulled him into his office. "Sit down!" Harry said. "..." Clark didn't obey. "Fine...that's one Saturday detention for you." Harry said. "But I got a damn game on Saturday!" Clark said. "Well too bad! Now sit down!" Harry demanded. Clark finally obeyed and sit down in the chair in front of Harry's desk. "You can't treat women like they are objects! Women have feelings too, you know?! They aren't prizes for you to claim! They are to be loved!" Harry said. "..." Clark looked away and muttered some gibberish under his breath. Meanwhile... I opened the Girl's Restroom door slightly. "Julie?" I said. I heard some other girls in there and I heard somebody sobbing. Liz, a friend of Julie's, yanked the door from my hands at looked at me. "You really shouldn't be here." Liz said. "That's my sis inside there! I gotta console her!" I said. " HERE?" Liz says. "Ohh, fine! Forget it!" I said absolutely pissed. The rest of the day was just normal and everyone talked about what happened earlier. They couldn't get it out of their heads. Neither could I. I honestly wanted to kill that bastard. But I'd rather eat crap than waste 50 years or my whole life...or my life on that piece of crap, Clark. I wanted to make him hurt so damn bad. I never felt more enraged with anger as I was right now. That was my sister. My blood. If her heart was broken mine was, too. Later that day... Dismissal... I had heard my sis went home early because of the shock so I made a mental note to go straight home. I'd deal with that jackass later. As soon as I got out of the school...there he was. With his lil' lackeys behind him and a crowd of spectators watching from a safe distance. "So, you lil' shit. Still wanna fight? You wanna defend that piece of ass you call a sister?" Clark said. That only enraged me more to what you'd call the fires of hell. I just looked him in the eye and said... "I would beat the shit out of you right now but a piece of crap like you isn't worth wasting my energy on." I clearly said as I bravely walked away. And I was right. He wasn't worth it. But...argh...I swore again. I gotta say 2 Hail Marys now. Any other boy would've pissed in his pants by now being surrounded by such a intimidating gang, but what could I say? I was infuriated beyond imagination. I could've snapped it the drop of a pin. I could do anything at the period. Ironically...Clark didn't go after me. He let me go. I walked home to my sis. I would've ran home but I didn't wanna let people think I was in reality scared of Clark...which I wasn't. I always found him intimidating but I wasn't intimidated. About 5 mins. later I reached my house. My parents weren't home. They don't get home until 8. I went up my stair and into my room. I laid my backpack on the floor and I went into my sis's room which was right next to me. I saw her there. Not crying. Not sobbing. Nothing. She was just stolidly staring out of the if she was in a trance. I quietly walked up to her. "I'm alright." Julie said continuing to look out the window. Almost as if she read my mind. "You sure?" I asked to make sure. "Yeah...really." "Don't worry about that jackass. He's just a womanizer who doesn't know what women are really for." "Yea...I know." "But, Terry..." She added. "What ARE women for?" Terry responded after a few seconds. "To be loved." "Hm..." Julie grunted as if she expected me to say that. "You don't hate men now, do you?" I asked fearfully. "No...not all men. Just the womanizing ones." "Good...I don't want you to be a man hater." "And I won't." "But dammit! I just wanna get revenge on that jerk! No one hurts my sister! I wanna give him a taste of his own medicine!" "Let's leave revenge in God's hands. What goes around comes around...let's just wait til it comes around." "Well I just can't wait that damn long." I said infuriated again at the thought of Clark. How many ways can I hate you? Let me count the ways. I thought long and hard on a way to get back at Clark for hurting my sister. Whatever form this revenge plot may be in it must be in a way to make him hurt like Julie was hurt. "Well...if you're so persistent in getting revenge I have an idea." Julie says while turning around revealing a half smile on her face. "What is it?" I asked eagerly. "You sure you're not gonna get mad?" Julie asks. "C'mon! This is me!" "I know...that's why I'm asking." "Argh...Fine...I promise." "Well...I thought you could..." "Could what?" "Dress up as a girl..." "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I yelled. Dress up as I girl?! What was the purpose of doing that?! "I knew you'd get mad! You see...if you dress up as a beautiful girl and come to school as a new student maybe Clark will fall for you. But you have to make him REALLY love you. Then you break up with him!" "...That's crazy. I'm not gay. I ain't no transvestite. I just won't do it!" "Why not?! Don't you want to get revenge on him? This is the perfect way!" Julie said actually feeling better. "How could you possibly make ME look like one of those tramp girls in the school?" "I could fix you up! You're not very tall..." What does she mean? I was just 5'7. " don't have much muscles. Your arms are skinny. Your chest isn't that muscular. It'll work!" "Yeah...what if he finds out? I'm gonna be swiss cheese! I'm gonna need plastic surgery!" "He won't find out. C'mon!" "..." I didn't know. Pretend to be a girl?! The last thing in this world I would want to be is a girl. If he finds out I'll be the laughing stock of the school. He'll give me plastic surgery by way of his fists. I dunno. But on the other hand... My anger was telling me to do it. I would do any damn thing just to get back at him. To make him suffer like I did. It was real simple. She'd get me to look like those trampy girls at school. I'd rake Clark in. I'd make him actually LOVE someone...then I'd dump him like garbage. Easier said than done. "Dammit........fine." I said. That wasn't me speaking at that moment.......It was rage. "What do I have to do?" "It'll take about a week to get you ready. But lemme warn you...some of the stuff I do to you may permanently feminize some of your body. Are you sure you wanna go on?" I slowly nodded. I'd give me freakin' house to see that bastard suffer. "Alright! Let's start right away." Julie said. Julie got up took my hand and led me to the bathroom. She opened up the cabinet and took a razor out. "First you must shave off your body and facial hair." Julie said. "Arghhh..." I growled. "You can stop anytime, you know? I'm not forcing you." Once again I was controlled by anger. I just took the razor. "I'll leave. Strip down to your clothes and get in the tub. Once you do then save all your hair off. Especially some of your crotch hair. Just some! Not all. Once you do wash the hair down the drain. After that..." Julie gave me some bubble bath liquid. "Turn the water and pour this into the water. It will keep your hair from growing back for awhile and soften your skin. Stay in for like 5 mins. Ready?" I just slowly nodded again. "Alright...I'll leave." Julie left and closed the door. I stripped off my shirt, jeans, and shoes and went into the empty tub. Reluctantly I shaved off all my hair. Legs, armpits, arms, hands, facial hair, what lil' chest hair I had, butt hair, any hair in between my butt, and my forest like crotch hair. I hated it being all bushy, anyway. I nervously shaved it into a feminine triangle shape which made my penis look weird. I stepped out of the tub and washed it down the drain. I turned the water back on and waited for it to fill up. Once it did I poured this weird bubble bath thing in the water. The water was now pink with bubbles. I climbed inside and turned the water off. I even dunked my face in it. After I soaked in there for 5 mins I got out and drained the water. The first think I noticed was that my skin was extremely soft and smooth. Just like my sisters skin. I donned my clothes and left. I saw Julie outside... "Good! Your face is much more softer, now!" Julie said while feeling my face. "Follow me." I followed her back to her room. She pulled out some white satiny thing... "What's that?" I asked puzzled. "It's a waist cincher. It'll make your waist line smaller. Not by much, but just enough to get you by. Just 5 inches." Julie replies. "WHAT?!" "I told you that some things will permanently feminize you. Do you want to continue?" "..." I nodded. Reluctantly. I took off my shirt. Julie put the waist cincher around me. She told me to suck my stomach in. I did so. She quickly connected it on the back and it was now on. I could hardly breathe in this damn thing. I could only take short breaths. It squeezed my waist in greatly. I put my T-Shirt back on. "Now...time for some exercises." Julie said. "Exercises?" I said. "Yes...some sit ups." Like my waist wasn't already small! "...some hip exercises...legs... spine...To get your body toned up." I just agreed with the desire to make Clark hurt. First were the sit ups. My stomach hurt like crazy with this waist cincher on. My muscles cramped. Luckily Julie only made me do 20. "Now hips..." Julie said. "What about them?" I asked. "They're too narrow. They can't swing. But I can fix that. Do this." Julie demonstrated by swing her hips back and forth while standing still. "Do that?" I asked. " 100 of 'em. It'll make yer hips a lil' wider...just by a few inches but the waist cincher will help with that." the time this week was over I was permanently gonna look like a queer. I did as I was told. I swung my hips back and forth 100 times. As I went on it became quite easier... To me that wasn't good. When I was done my hips also hurt, too. "Great...I'm gonna look like Denise Austin." I thought to myself. "Good! Now from now on until our parents get home..." That was at 8. " are to swing your hips like that whenever you walk. Ok?" Julie asked. "...Tch! Fine!" I said. "Now legs!" Julie made me do some meaningless leg exercises. She told me they were to make my leg shapely. Deep down inside I hated every bit of this but in the end it will be all worth it. my legs aches... was 5 o' clock. My favorite show was on! "Can we take a break from this? I gotta watch DBZ!" I said. "Fine...go. But don't forget to swing your hips!" Once I heard those words I sprinted down the stairs...but only swinging my hips, sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Julie sat next to me. "?...What actually wanna watch this? You never wanna watch this." I say. "No...just want to have you do your spine exercises." Julie says. "You said I could take a break!" I said. "Don't worry. You can watch your lil' show while doing this exercise." Julie demonstrated again by arching her back as she sat. "Arch your back like this..." Julie said. "?!...You gotta be kiddin'..." I said. "C'mon now!" "..." After what was like a minute I complied and arched my back just like hers. "Good...Keep you're back arched like that for the rest of the show. After the show we'll get back to work. I'll just go up to my room now." Julie said walking away. Dammit! My back hurt like hell! I couldn't concentrate on the damn show because my back hurt so much! How do girls but up with this crap?! My legs are sore, my hips hurt, my waist is narrowing my waistline so much I can't even breathe correct. I couldn't take it. What did I get myself into? After the show I turned the TV off and was about to get up until Julie came down up stopped him. "Hold on...I have something else for you to do." Julie said. " what?" I said. "Whenever you walk you must still arch your back. Some girls do that to show off their ass. And now you must take smaller steps. Ok?" Great...I gotta swing my hips like a girl. Arch my back whenever I sit down like a girl. Take smaller steps like a girl. Arch my back whenever I'm walking like a slut. This is too damn much. It's like I was being tortured. But...I agreed. I've been through worse crap than this. "Good...let's go back upstairs to my room." Julie said. I followed her...swing my hips, arching my back, and mincing. I really hated this. FINALLY! We got to her room. I sat down while Julie went in her drawer and pulled this black weird looking thing out with some pads on it. "What're you gonna make me wear now?" I sighed. "This is a girdle. It has some butt and hip pads to make your butt and hips look bigger. It'll also hide your you know what." Julie said. "What's the point of wearing that? It's not like I'm going out with Clark now." "You must get used to this. So from now until we get revenge on Clark you must always wear what I want you to. Except when we go to school." Julie said. "Awww....crap..." "Do you want to stop now?" "NO! I wanna get revenge on that bastard!" I said while standing up. "...Alright...Put it on." Julie turned around and I took off my shirt, jeans, and boxers. I donned this black satin garment that was call a "girdle". "I'm done." I mumbled. Julie turned around and was impressed that I did it all by myself. "Now...put these panties on.." Julie said while giving me some blue satin panties. I didn't care how much pain I had to go through anymore. I wanted revenge and bad. I put them on. They felt tight across my fake butt and hips. She gave me a bra to match the panties and some water blown up balloons. "The cup size is 36B." Julie said. Reluctantly I donned the bra and put the water balloons inside the cups. They felt like real breasts. She have me some red Britney Spears like satin catsuit. "What the hell is that for?" I asked. "After we're done prepping you we're gonna go back to exercises." "I thought you said you were gonna make me look like a bimbo. Not Britney Spears." I said. "Britney Spears IS a bimbo." Julie said. "I'm just kidding! I like Britney Spears...anyway put that catsuit on." I did just that. She put a blonde wig on my head and some blue contacts in my eyes. My eyes were brown. For now she applied some lip balm to my lips. "This will help make your lips puffy and pouty." Julie said. She put some rouge on my cheeks. She put white eye shadow on my eyes. Mascara on my eyelashes. She plucked my eyebrows into a sexy arch. Julie was giggling. "You should see yourself." She led me to a full length mirror and I saw myself. Except for my face not being round and angled and not having high cheekbones my boyish wide shoulders, Adam's Apple, and my rib cage I looked exactly like those blonde bimbos in the school. I looked like a young Britney Spears slut. This bimbo had medium breasts. Fake blue innocent eyes which were really contacts. A cute face but a face that had masculine bone structure. A slim waist being held in by a cincher. Wide hips and a huge ass (which were really pads). The catsuit hugged every fake curve I had. I had a very curvaceous form... even if it was fake. "I look like a bimbo!" I yelled out. And ,in fact, I did. "Of course. Clark likes bimbos...and he'll certainly fall for you." Julie says. It was about 6:00. We had 2 hours left. Over the next 1 hour and a half we did more of the same exercises. Swing your hips, arch your back, do sit ups, do jumping jacks, do squats, stretch your legs. And I hate to admit it but as I went on it felt more comfortable. That was a really bad thing. If my body felt more comfortable in all this feminine garments that meant my body was getting adjusted to it. My hips didn't hurt no more when I swiveled them. My spine didn't hurt no more when I arched it. The cincher didn't hurt my gut anymore (at least not as much as it did before). My body is gonna look like some queers'. The last exercise I did was more jumping jacks. As I did that my wig fell off and fell under a table. I went down on my knee and crawled under the table to get it but when I did I noticed my back involuntarily arched backwards and I stuck my huge fake ass up in the air. My back was curving inwards. I quickly got my wig and stood back up. "Why the hell did my ass stick out like that?!" I asked. "Your spine has now permanently curved inwards. Whenever you crawl it will curve inward sticking your butt out. I told you some stuff would permanently feminize you. It won't when you stand up though...but if you want it to, it will." Julie said. "Great...just great." I said while putting my wig back on. 7:30 We used this remaining half hour to get me fixed up. I didn't want my parents coming home seeing me dressed like Britney Spears thinking I'm gay. ESPICALLY my dad, he'd kill me. I took the catsuit off. I took the blue contacts off. I washed the make-up off my face. I took the bra off but sis told me to leave the cincher, girdle and panties on. I donned my regular house clothes to cover them up. Sis also told me to always use that bubble bath thing when I bathed. She just said to look the door so nobody will see me come in. She also said that when I got to school I can cut out the feminine act. Just act like a regular boy. But she also told me to take a diet and not eat much. And my sis told me that everyday during 3:00- 8:00 I must act feminine. Swing your hips, arch your back, girly voice. Everything. I didn't want the school thinking I was gay and neither did my sis. 8:00 My parents came home and we had a regular night. When I took the bubble bath again and took the waist cincher off I noticed that my hips looked a lil' rounder and a lil wider. Just by maybe 1 or 2 inches. It didn't look much wider than my waist (not MUCH) but I was a lil' curvaceous. My waist looked smaller. Maybe by 2 inches. When I got out and dried myself off my skin was still as soft and smooth as it was before. I just ate broccoli and some vegetables for dinner. But when I went to bed as I dozed off I felt something weird on my feet. But I fell asleep and couldn't check. The Next Morning...Tuesday I woke up. My parents had left already. My feet hurt and still felt weird. Groggily I sat up and pulled the covers over. "What the hell?!?" I yelled. What is God's name was that?! There were some weird cast on my feet that were forcing them to point forward. They were really hurting my feet. Julie walked in. "Morning Terry... Or should I say Teri? With an I?" Julie joked. "What the hell did you put on my feet?!" I yelled. "Oh...those? The are some feet casts to help you wear high heels with comfort. But I can't leave it on you too long. If I do your Achilles tendon will shrink and then you'll only be able to wear high heels. Your foot would hurt whenever you walked on them. "And you didn't tell me?!" "I couldn't. We didn't have time to do that yesterday." "You should've at least told me first!" Julie rushed over and took the casts off. While she was doing that... "Where the hell did you get that from?" I asked her curious. "A hospital. I stole it." Julie said. Julie took the casts off. I flexed my foot to make sure it was alright. It flexed in a weird manner. Now I had the ability to point it straight forward. I could never do that. " I have the feet of a queer." I said. "Don't say that! So what if your body texture will look somewhat feminine after all this is done?! It's what inside that counts." Julie said. "Yeah but people never look in the inside." "Just get ready...take off the girdle and panties but leave your waist cincher on." "Why? I'm going to have to wear this uncomfortable thing all week?!" I said. "I'm afraid so. We need to get your waist as small as possible. Besides...nobody will notice." "Fine...whatever." Julie left to get ready and so did I. When I took my PJ's off I noticed my hips I just put on some black jeans, and a T Shirt. The pants was a lil' loose around the waist but my slightly wider hips kept on from falling down. For breakfast I just had orange juice. At school it was a regular day. Clark was suspended for the week because of beating up one of my I was REALLY pissed. I was more determined than ever to do whatever Julie wanted me to. Clark was unstoppable and he needed someone to give him a taste of his own medicine. At lunch I just drank milk and ate mashed potatoes and peas. When I got home it was the same routine. I get dressed up. But Julie gave me 4 inch heels to wear. She also gave me 10 press-on 1 inch long red nails. She also gave me 10 red toenails. Besides...other than my head, my hands and feet were the only thing exposed. With this catsuit, this look, with these nails, and with these heels? I definitely looked like a whore. Maybe even a stripper. Those damn heels cause my spine to arch backwards when I stand up sticking my huge fake ass out. What shocked me even more is that they were absolutely comfortable. They didn't hurt a bit. Due to those damn foot casts. Now that I was wearing these heels I HAD to mince everywhere I went and keep my balance. Julie made me wear these damned thing because she said I had to learn to keep my balance. It was hard exercising with those heels. When I did I looked like I was backing my ass up. Julie made me wear some feminine outfits on top of my catsuit. MY catsuit? Like mini skirts, tight jeans, Capri pants, blouses, tank tops, tie shirts, bustiers. She gave me a lesson in being a girl. Cross your legs, point your feet, sit with your legs together, and once again that dreaded thing... Arch your back. She also made me speak in a girly voice. I couldn't have Clark hear me with my own voice. He'd think I was a drag queen (but a very well disguised one). I did kinda good my first time. Come 7:30 I took all this crap off. Later on it was just a regular night. When took a bubble bath I noticed my waist decreased like 1/2 inches. I really got scared now. My body was getting curvy. My hips only jutted out some. I looked like a homo...and I felt like one. My skin was still soft and smooth. When I went to bed my sis snuck in (this time she told me) and put those casts on my feet. She left and I went to sleep. Wednesday I woke up but the weird thing is my feet didn't hurt...not that much. my feet is getting used to the casts. My parents already left like before. Julie came in and took the casts off. I couldn't take them off by myself or put them on. I couldn't reach my feet. When I flexed my foot the almost seemed to point all the way forward. Like before I left my cincher on. School was normal. I just ate a measly broccoli, sports drink, and a lettuce sandwich for lunch. When I got home I donned the Britney Spears costume again. Finally I got used to those long damn nails. "Where did you get this catsuit from?" I said curious. "Some contest MTV did. I won and got that suit." Julie says. "Oh...just curious." This time my sis made me wear 5 inch stilettos. My God! 5 inch! I was 5'7 in I was now 6'2. I towered over Julie. It seems like the higher heels I wear the more the force my back to arch. It seems like the more my body gets used to something feminine the more I get scared. And there was one more thing my body was getting used to. I was gaining more balance in these heels. I could walk in them effortlessly. I feel like I'm getting to used to this. My body is acting like this is all natural. But I don't feel natural. My legs are getting more shapely. My lips are getting somewhat pouty. My waist is decreasing daily. The waist cincher hardly hurt anymore. I was thankful my hips stopped increasing but my waist isn't helping with that. It's emphasizing the size of my hips. They jut out even more. My feet are more flexible. My skin is more soft and smooth. Actually I was scared. Exercises, girl lessons, then came the voice lesson again. My throat hurt after talking so high but my girl voice went up 2 octaves. Julie took my weight and I lost 10 pounds. Now I was 110. At 7:30 I took the whole damn thing off. I was exhausted. Dammit! Look at this! Even when I took the stilettos off my back still arches backwards somewhat. Just a lil' bit though. Great...who's NOT gonna notice? The rest of the night was normal. I ate more vegetable for dinner. When I took a bubble bath my waist was very small. Decreased another 2 inches. My hips jutted out. Not by much but anyone would be able to notice it. I just went to bed. Once again went to bed Julie put the cast on. Dammit...I hardly felt them. Just go to sleep. Thursday I woke up. My parents already left. Julie came in and took the casts off. Now...I could point my toes straight forward. And I mean STRAIGHT forward. I could walk tippy-toed easily. I could've walked like that all day. "You don't need to wear that cincher anymore. Your body looks curvy enough. The girdle will do the rest." Julie said. "..." Happy I took it off. I didn't want to get any more curvaceous than I already had. Julie left and I took my PJ's off. Naked, I looked into the mirror. My body was slim. My legs kinda had a feminine shape to it. hips jut out. My hips aren't even that round. That shows how small my waist is now. My lips were pouty. My arms were skinny. I was hungry as hell...and not for vegetables or fruits. I put my clothes on. Now my hips are the only hope for my pants to stay up. My waist is too small to help that problem. School was normal... Except for one thing... During lunch time Tom, my friend, asked me... "Terry...did you lose weight or something?" Tom asks. "...Yes...I did. I thought...I'd try out for the running team so I lost some weight so I could run faster." I lied. ", man. Good luck in tryouts." Tom asks. Once again I ate a NUTRITIOUS lunch. Heh...nutrition... I got home. I donned that damnable Britney Spears look again...but this time no cincher. THIS time... 6 inch stilettos. 4' is cool. 5' is alright. BUT GODDAMMIT 6' WAS JUST PUSHING IT! "Where the hell do you get these erotic shoes?" I asked her curious. "Macy's...Bloomingdales...places like that." Julie said. "Mom and dad actually LET you wear these shoes?" "Naw...I bought them but I can't wear them. Only when I get older." My waist was small enough now. The girdle took of the rest. These 6' stilettos arched my back severely. Exercises, exercises, exercises. Lessons on how to act like a girl... Voice lessons... Gained 3 more octaves. My girl voice now sound like the voice of a regular girl my age. I got weighed... I lost 5 more pounds. I now weighed a small 105lbs. Great... I have the hips of a girl, the waist of a girl, the lips of a girl, the spine of a girl, the legs of a girl, the feet of a girl, the skin of a girl. How could I get more feminine. "...Look..." Julie started noticing my melancholy state I've been in lately "I know you've been pissed about looking so feminine lately but you wanted to. I didn't force you. might as well finish the job. You're already permanently feminized. Just see it to the end and focus on the hurt and pain that's gonna be on his face. And believe me, he'll deserve it." Julie says. "'re right. Just focus on Monday." I said. "Oh...and you won't be needing those casts any more. You feet are ok now." 7:30 I took the whole thing off. I was actually happy now. In just 4 days Clark was going to become the most embarrassed kid that ever lived. He's going to deserve every bit of this. Same old same old. Eat a small dinner, took a bath, and went to sleep. Friday I woke up. Parents left. Julie entered my room. "Do you wanna take the day off to practice some more? You're going to make your school debut on Monday. You won't be able to practice on the weekend. I'll tell the teacher you were sick." Julie said. "Well...alright." I said. "Good! Let me get you ready. You can roam around the house all day and act feminine if you want to. You can even go outside if you want to, but you MUST wear your catsuit and over it with something wear jeans, or some sort of pants. If you're not gonna wear the catsuit underneath you MUST wear a LONG skirt. Not short. If you wear a short skirt people will be tempted to look under your skirt and they'll see that you're wearing a girdle." I put on the girdle and donned the blue satin panties and bra and put the water balloons inside the cups. Julie dressed me up in the catsuit. She put the fake nails on. She put some gel on the wig so it won't fall off of my head easily and she put it on me. She brushed the wig so the tresses are long and silky. A sat down while she applied lipstick to my lips. My lips were now extremely pouty and puffed up. She applied rouge to my cheeks, she put fake eyelashes on my eyes, she put white eye shadow on my eyelids. Once she was done I stood up and looked in the full length mirror. I was just as beautiful as the past other weeks. Only I was more curvaceous. Even without the waist cincher I still had small curves. But I knew real girls had more curves than that. But then again that's what the girdle was for. As a finishing touch I decided to put the 4 inch heels on. I didn't wanna go overboard with the 6 inch stilettos. "I'll be going to school now." Julie says. "Don't ruin your make-up. If you do you'll have to apply it yourself. And if anyone comes over DO NOT ANSWER. Ok?" "Alright." I replied "And whatever shirt you wear make sure it's a turtle neck. You don't want everyone to see your Adam's Apple." "Alright." "Bye." Julie said the walked out of my room than out of the house. I just minced to the living room and turned the TV on. After awhile I feel asleep. When I woke up I looked at the clock. It was 11:30 I thought I'd go outside and test myself about what I've learned this week by going outside into the real world to make my debut. I walked back upstairs into Julie's room to look at the choices. I looked in her drawers. I saw a pair of tight blue jeans with no back pockets. Ya know...the ones that are loose at the calves? Those disco-like ones. I threw those on the bed and looked for a turtle neck. I found a black one and threw it on the bed. I took the jeans and put them on. They were tightest around my hips and butt. I looked down at my crotch to see of their wasn't a lump anywhere. Luckily it was flat. The girdle was doing a good job at hiding my penis. I donned the black turtle neck. Like I hoped it would, it hid the Adam's Apple on my throat. I looked in the mirror. I saw a beautiful blonde girl wearing tight blue jeans and a black turtle neck. She has big B Cup breasts and long fingernails. And big aquamarine innocent eyes. I turned around and looked back in the mirror. My ass was HUGE! It was bigger than Britney Spears. It was so rotund and soft...even though it was fake. I took one of Julie's purses and just put my house keys, makeup...tampons...and other stuff so I'd look normal should anyone look in there. I walked out of the house. I decided I'd just walk around the block. There weren't that many people outside since everyone was at school. But some kids WERE skipping school. I walked past a street gang as I walked. All of them threw hollers, whistles and other nasty remarks. "Getta look at that ass!" One of them said. I have to admit my butt was pretty overstuffed. I actually smiled. Not a smile of pleasure... I was really laughing at them. To think, big, tough gang members were hollering at a guy! I had already walked through I whole blocked of being yelled at being ogled. When I was almost to my house I saw HIM... He hadn't noticed me at first because he was talking to his clique but I was so shocked I bumped into him and feel down on my over plumped butt. "HEY! Watch where yer..." Clark said but when he saw it was me he bumped into he helped me up. He could tell he was staring at my breasts. Guys always have a thing for blondes. "I'm....uh...sorry." Clark said mesmerized by my beauty. I could tell that I was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. But I wasn't really a girl. "No...uh..."I said in my girl voice but was speechless. I was scared crapless. Even my voice sounded slutty... "I'm sorry. I'm the one who bumped into you." Clark stared into my eyes for a second or 3. "I have to go home." I said in my girl voice as I walked away. Clark stared at me and my ass as I walked away. I could feel it. So did the rest of his gang. "Boy...look at that slut." One of his friend's says. "Did you see that azz?!" Another one says. "HEY!" Clark yelled at them. "Don't talk about her that way!" Clark said. At was love at first sight. Usually Clark would join in with them and say remarks like that...but not with me. Now that was love. At first sight. I walked home... and quickly closed the door. I let out a giant sigh of relief that I got out of that one. I was never so scared before. But I also laughed evilly. I knew he was in LOVE with ME...not my ass or breasts like he was with other girls. He didn't know it but I had him right where I wanted him. Prior to that incident with Clark I was thinking of walking around town for awhile but the fear of running into him again made that thought vanish from my mind. I decided to take a rest. I went to my room, took of all my clothes (leaving my catsuit) and went to sleep. If felt weird sleeping in the catsuit and with all these under garments on. I set the alarm next to my bed at 4:00 and fell asleep. When I woke up it was 4. I hit the alarm... there above me I saw Julie. "You look like an angel when you sleep." Julie teased. "Don't all girls?" I said. " was your day?" "I decided to go outside..." " was your debut into the world?" "Like hell. I ran into Clark." "?!...You did?!" "Yeah...remember? He was suspended." "What happened?!" "I bumped into him. He helped me up. He said he was sorry...I said I was sorry...he looked into my eyes, I looked away. Then I just walked away. I never saw him look at any girl like that. He's definitely in love with me..." I said. I laughed evilly. "In love with a man..." "Good! We have a head start! All we need to do is get you in that school on Monday!" "Will we continue to do those stupid prep. thing?" "'ve had enough. All you have to do is keep using that bubble bath thing." I got out of everything and washes the make-up off. The rest of the day was normal. The Weekend It was a normal weekend. Julie spent this weekend to teach me how to apply make-up. On Sunday I mastered it. Other than that we were just eager for Monday to come... Judgment Day...Monday I woke up and my parents left. Julie immediately entered my room. "Let's get you ready." Julie said. I put on the girdle, panties, and bra. I inserted the water balloons into the cups. I then donned the catsuit. My sis helped zip it up behind. I then put on those jeans I wore yesterday and a blue turtle neck. Julie applied lipstick to my pouty lips. She put rouge on my cheeks. Fake eyelashes on my eyes, and white eye shadow on my eyelids. She put gel on the wig so it would stay in place and put it on my head. She put the fake toenails on my toes and the fake inch long red fingernails on my fingers. She placed my feet in 4 inch high heels. She gave me the blue contacts and I put them on. She sprayed some perfume on me. She the gave me a pink book bag. I couldn't bring my old one or everyone would get suspicious. It already had all my stuff in my books were brand new with N Sync, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, and BBMak bookcovers on them with some girly handwriting. Julie had made sure that everything about me was new. I was in a perfect disguise. Before we left I looked in the mirror. Just as beautiful as always. I never got tired of looking at this nameless face. even I was falling in love with myself. "You need a new name..." Julie says. "I know! I'll name you Sunni! I've always like that name and wish I would've had it." "Fine...I'm Sunni." I said. Me and Julie walked to school, getting a lot of looks and ogling from boys in the process. Julie looked pretty, too. But I...I was gorgeous. I was kinda nervous. Everyone would be staring at me! I'd be the new talk of the school. Some girls would get jealous at me. ALL the guys would get zealous at me. When I got to school... Since I was new my class schedule was different. First hate Math. That was my new homeroom. "Class..." Ms. Anderson started... "We have a new girl in class." That was my queue. I stood up and everyone still stared at me (they were staring at me all along) as I wiggled my butt up to Ms. Anderson and turned back to the class. "This here is Sunni Rockwell." Ms. Anderson said. (That wasn't my real last name. I had to use a fake one). "Hi! Nice to meet you!" I squeaked in my fake, but sultry voice while I smiled and sat back down. I could feel Clark staring at me. The rest of the day was the being introduced being stared at like an object on display in a museum. Being a girl is tough. I'm being ogled like I'm an object. A mere object. People don't seem to understand the feelings of females. Lunch wasn't any different either. As I was picking food to put on my tray everyone stared at my ass and tits. I just grabbed any damn thing and sat down. Looks were still coming. Whistles were heard, and eyes were locked. On what? Nothing. On WHOM? Me. I wasn't an "it". I was a "he". I had feelings, too. They didn't know it but I was a "he"...a "he" dressed as a "she". But I'm not a "he"/"she" I? "Did you hear about what happened?" I overheard 2 girls conversing. "No...what?" "Clark broke up with Cindy." "WHAT?!" Me and that girl said in unison... only I said it in my mind. "I heard he broke up with her for that new Sunni chick." "Her?" "Yeah... He says he's in LOVE with her. Pu-lease! Clark doesn't know what love IS!" Yep...It's obvious. Just my first day and already everyone is talking about me. I never knew the power such beauty had. I was sipping on my milk until the worst possible thing happened. Clark sat next to me. Great...was he gonna pop the question? Go for small talk? Flirt every second? "Hi." Clark said while smiling. "...Hi." I said in my girl voice looking at him then resuming the sipping of my milk. "So...we meet again. What a coincidence...Fate, maybe?" "...I dunno." I said just looking around. Anywhere but at him. "My name's Clark." He extended his hand. He assumed he already knew my name so I just shook his hand. He held on to mine hand for like 5 seconds when I tried to pull my hand away. It wasn't that he was trying to overpower me. He was caught up at looking at me. Into my eyes. He was just mesmerized for a few seconds until he came back to reality. He let my hand go. "Sorry. Just got kinda caught up in the moment." Clark said. "..." I didn't respond. "You shy?" "...Kinda." "I find it hard to believe such a beautiful girl like you as shy." I blushed...but I didn't think my cheeks needed anymore rouge. "Thanks." I said pretending to be bashful. " wanna..." "YO! Clark!" Clark's friend yelled and ran up to him. "The coach wants us!" "Damn..." Clark said then looked at me... "Can we talk later?" "Sure..." I said feigning a smile. "Good...See you later." Clark said and walked away with his lackeys. Thank God! I thought I was gonna die! I was breathing hard. The rest of the day was the same. More stares, secret comments about me, and other stuff. FINALLY! Dismissal! I was going to run home but my high heels only made me run slow so I decided to just walk fast. DAMMIT! Clark walked right beside me... This idiot was persistent. "Hi..." Clark said with a smile. "Hi." I said. "Where are you going?" "Home." "Why not let me show you around town?" I'd be wise if I said yes. Clark knew almost everyone in the town and he would find it odd if I said I already knew everything about it or no. "Ok." I said. Clark showed me around town. I just pretended to be amazed, shocked, and ignorant. He started some small talk during the trip. I made some lie that I moved here from Texas. Next we were at this outside cafe. We were both sitting at a table. "Want something to drink?" Clark said. "Alright." "Good...I'll get something non-alcoholic." Clark said then went off. After what was like 2 mins. he came back with 2 Cokes. " having a good time?" Clark said. "Yeah." I said making a fake smile at him. "You'll really like it in this town. It's peaceful here." "I can tell." "'ll really like it here." It's then I started to feel lightheaded... "You ok, Sunni?" Clark said...but it was too late...I fell unconscious. I woke up but I didn't open my eyes. I didn't know where I was but I could tell I was lying down...I felt a slight draft... I heard the unbuckling of a belt... That REALLY got my attention and I opened my eyes. It took like 10 seconds for my eyes to focus but when it did I saw Clark on top of me with no shirt...his pants and boxers down slowly moving his penis to my crotch when I looked down my pants were opened and my panties were down... WHAT THE FUCK?! I rolled out of the way just in time. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled in my girl voice...using it almost automatically. I immediately pulled my pants and panties back up and zipped the zipper up. Did have find out I'm really a boy?! Did he find out this was all a plan?! I was so nervous... Great...I knew it...He's gonna pound me. Kill me. I'm never gonna be the same again. I KNEW it wasn't gonna work. My life is over. I was expecting him to yell something like "You're a man?!" but instead he said, "What's wrong, baby?" Clark said pulling his pants up. What? "What do you mean 'What's wrong?!' what happened to me?!" "This is my house. Well...I just slipped a lil' something in your drink. Looks like I didn't slip enough in it. But it's nothing why not get back in this bed and I'll finish my job?" "W-What happened to my catsuit?!" "Catsuit? What catsuit?" "The one I was wearing underneath all these clothes! Ya know, the red Britney Spears one." "I think that mickey must be having some side effects on ya. I never saw no catsuit on you." The plan failed. He didn't really love me. Just he pretended he did to lure me in this trap. What use was there to continue on with the plan? It was already a failure... It's time he found out...that arrogant jackass. It's time he felt embarrassed about trying to rape a guy. "Look...I have a confession to make." I said. "What is it, baby?" Clark said. "I'm a man!" I said in my regular least tried to. What the hell? Why couldn't I speak in my regular voice? The voice I grew up to hearing? Clark laughed hysterically... What the hell is wrong with my voice? Have I used my girl voice too much or what? Whenever I spoke I wasn't even trying to talk like a girl. I wasn't raising my voice to a high soprano... It WAS a high soprano. It sounded slutty, too. "Pu-lease, baby...I've're ALL woman. Now stop kidding and come over here." Clark said. I desperately felt my throat.... Where the hell was my Adam's Apple?! My neck was smooth! No lump! What the hell is going on?!? "Uhhh...." I still couldn't get back to my old voice "If you don't believe me check this out!" I said grabbing my hair and yanking it. My wig didn't come off... Weird...did Julie put on too much gel?? I yanked as hard as I could but I only made my scalp hurt. This was now my hair! These honey blonde long, thick and silky tresses were mine! "What the hell is going on?! This is my hair?!" I yelled. "'s always been. I think that mickey's making ya imagine things. Everything's gonna be ok..." Clark said. "NO! Look at this!" I said as I pulled my tight pants back down revealing my blue satin panties... THE HELL?!? THAT WAS ALL?!? Where's the damn girdle?!? Oh...there it is... I pulled my pants down just in time to see the girdle slip into my skin... I pulled at it with all my strength but it slipped into my skin. It was gone. My panties were clinging for dear life and my huge ass and hips. At felt like a second skin. And my crotch was smooth! This time it was real!! This was really MY huge, rotund ass and wider hips! NO pads! Boy was it huge... "?!...What's happening to me~!?" I wailed in my new voice. My voice trailed up and down. Clark saw it to as the girdle disappeared. As it disappeared my butt and hips got bigger. Which means the girdle is like in my skin. It's like the pads disappeared INTO my butt and hips. I pulled down my panties...I only saw blonde triangle crotch hair and a vagina. BLONDE crotch hair?! My crotch was wasn't BLONDE. I nearly felt like crying. And my penis was gone...replaced by a vagina! No wonder Clark acted so normal! I decided to turn my attention away from my new vagina. And pulled my pants back up and zipped them. Now my pants were REALLY tight. Across my ass and hips. And THIS time it was REAL fat that was bombarded on my ass and pads. "Here! How about this?!" I brought my hands up to my eyes and tried to pull my blue contacts out but it wasn't there. THE HELL?! WHERE WAS IT?! It tried and tried but I didn't find the contact. I figured my eyes were really blue now. "Look at this!" I said holding my hand in his face. Some white light appeared on my nails and suddenly vanished. I pulled at my fake long fingernails... I couldn't pull them off! I tried harder and harder at each of my ten nails but the wouldn't budge! The only thing that responded was the pain at the tip of my fingers. These were now MY nails!! And my hands! The were small and slender! I looked at my toes just in time to see a white light shine in my toenails then vanish... I tried pulling them damn fake nails off but a pain in my toetips now confirmed that these are now my real nails, too. My feet became smaller and daintier. My heels were always slightly too tight for my feet. No painfully tight but kinda tight...but now they felt completely comfortable. "NNOOOOOO!!!!!" I yelled in my bimbo voice. "What the hell are you?!" Clark says amazed but shocked. He finally believe that I really WAS a man but now I'm transforming into a GIRL right before his eyes! It seems like everything fake thing on my body is becoming real! Fake things on my body becoming real.......? Oh my God.... I quickly took (almost ripped) my turtle neck off. I saw my satin blue bra...still with the water balloons in there. What a damn relief! At least those aren't real! "!!...Thank God!" I yelled. But then my waist narrowed even more... I had a very minuscule waist. Now I had REAL curves! Like some super model! Then I watched stunned as my shoulders narrowed and my rib cage got smaller. Now my figured looked rotund, curvaceous and feeble. The muscles on my arms and legs vanished...leaving my arm slender but weak. Everything in the room became bigger... I was now shrinking! I didn't shrink by much...just 2 inches. I used to be 5'7 but now I'm 5'5! Then my legs got longer while my upper body got smaller somewhat. Now most of my height came from my legs. After about 5 seconds "they" started transforming, too. The balloons started turning into skin... MY skin. It started from my chest to the end of the balloon. "!!... NO!"" I yelled yet again. After a few more seconds the whole balloon was no MY skin...MY breasts... But then they started to grow... GROW!? Like they weren't already big! They grew so much the bra ripped off not being able to withstand them anymore... When it finally stopped my breasts were like a D-Cup! Then...I started crying... I looked in the mirror behind me... I saw a beautiful teenage blonde girl with HUGE tits topped off with erect nipples, HUGE ass, wide hips, narrow waist, blonde hair falling down to her waist. She's wearing nothing but blue jeans and black...6 inch stilettos?!? I was wearing 4 inch high heels! She has the face of an angel. I noticed my nice got smaller, my face became rounder, my ears became pierced and had ear rings on them, and my cheekbones rose. She has aquamarine eyes that have tears of sadness flowing down them. But amazingly her mascara and make-up isn't ruined... She pulls at her fake long eyelashes but her eyelids follow after them. That confirms that these are now her eyelashes. She rubs her face tearing to smear her make-up but it doesn't come off. Great...even the make-up is permanent. I was the same beautiful girl I was for the past week on today. Only this time it was REAL beauty! I was beautiful and petite. I looked just like one of those valleygirls in the damn school! I WAS one of them valleygirls from the school! I had a lil' resemblance to that Cindy chick Clark dumped. She was known for giving the best blowjob's in the school. I could see Clark's eye glaze over in the mirror. I thought he was about to faint but then he came back. As if in a trance Clark walked to me. I was scared to death. What we he gonna do? Hit me? Kill me? Curse me to death? Instead he...took his hands....put them over my shoulders...and massaged my breasts? WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING?!? My nipples immediately got hard. I thought I was gonna pass out from the pleasure. The hell! Who does he think he is putting his hands on me like that?! I don't even know this bastard! I don't know why...but I...I kinda liked it. I kinda desired it. I closed my eyes in euphoria. I let out a sexual moan of ecstasy. I don't know seems as if I was under a trance, too...but I slid my right hand into Clark pants...and I started massaging his huge erect penis. I was uncontrollably horny. I wanted to put his prick in my mouth and give him the best blowjob I had ever given him. Now I sorta felt like Cindy. Wanting to give each guy in the school a blow. But...right now, to me it sorta felt...right. Ugh! It was like a few seconds later before I regained my senses and realized I was acting like a slut. This new body came with new impulses. I quickly removed my hand from his pants and slapped him. He didn't like it much but he wasn't very angry about it. "Don't ever touch me again!!" I squeaked in my new voice. My voice lost all power of intimidation but gained the new power of ecstacy. "S-Sorry" Clark says coming out of his trance. "W-Who the hell are you?" Clark stutters. I looked at him with tears flowing down my eyes... "I'm...Terry." I said. "?!...Terry?!? Julie's brother?!" I nodded. "For the past week I've been dressing up her a girl in some Britney Spears catsuit with make-up wigs and everything to trick you into actually LOVING me...ON Friday when you saw me I was testing what I learned. My plan was to make you suffer just like my sister did. I wanted to make you hurt so bad...just like my sister did. I'd dump you after a while when we went out. I didn't really wanna do it but I'd do ANYTHING to get back you." "So...this was all some stupid trick?!?" Clark yelled furious. "...Yes..." I moved back scared into a cornet. "You bitch!" He yelled and smacked me. I feel to the ground. I was weak, feeble, helpless...only beautiful. I laid on the ground looking up to Clark. "Let me show you what it's REALLY like to be a girl!" Clark unzipped his pants and took out his 7 inches erect penis... To me it seemed huge. He moved over me and knelt down...he took a knife and ripped my pants off. I already knew what he was gonna do. He was gonna fuck me. Make love to me until I was begging for more. He got on top of me and slowly moved his penis toward my hot cunt. I was actually aroused at the sight of his huge package. Until wind swirled around the room. A light flashed. I looked behind Clark and a very tall man dressed in all black wearing a black cape appeared behind him. The wind died down. Clark turned his attention to the mysterious man, stood up and looked at him. "Who the hell are you?! Can't you see I'm busy?!" Clark said. "..." The Dark man didn't respond. He just picked Clark up effortlessly and threw him on the bed as if he weighed nothing. "W-What are you?" Clark moving back as the Dark man walked toward the bed from the front. "Just a figment of your imagination." The Dark man replied. " want to treat women like objects, eh? Like they're nothing but trophies? Well...we'll just fix that, Clair." The Dark man pointed his finger at Clark. A pink bolt hit Clark in the chest. First...his pants disappeared. He was now naked. Then all his body hair and facial hair vanished leaving his skin as smooth as a baby's. ALL his muscles vanished leaving him weak. Then his macho black hair suddenly became thicker and grew... Past his shoulders...Down his back...and tickling his butt. It hung all the way down to his ass. Then he shrank. Clark, which was once a mighty 5'10, was now a feeble 5'3. Damn! 7 inches! Clark desperately tried to crawl out of the bed but when he was almost there he noticed his spine arched backward and his butt was sticking his in the air...even more than mine. The Dark man shot a white bolt from his finger at Clark and he got zapped back to the wall of the bed. Clark watched in horror as his fingers became small and delicate while his finger grew 2 inches and had black nail polish. They had a hole punched in them at the end and they had small rings in them. Had tried to remove them but couldn't...only someone else could. Next Clark's feet became small and nimble while 9 inch stilettos appear in his feet. Clark held on to his still erect penis tightly as it shrank but it became so small it slipped through his hands and a vagina took it's place. I watched in amazement and I laughed by butt off at Clark. He was finally getting what he deserved. I didn't know who this mystery man was but he seemed to be on my side. He was going to be what he always lusted after. "What are you doing to me?!" Clark yells. "Simple, Clair..." The Dark man starts... "You are going to become the perfect woman. What you've always lusted after. A sexual object. You only deserved it after all you've done to all those girl in the school. ESPICALLY Julie...Terry's sister..." ?...How did he know about what infamously at the school? How did he know me and my sister? "My name is Clark! Not Clair!" Clark yelled. Already his voice was cracking and rising. "Not anymore. You name is now Clair." The Dark man said. Clair watched as her hips widened and her butt became rotund and full. Her waist contracted and became the smallest waist I'd ever seen. Hell! Her ass was even bigger than mine! Her hips were even wider than mine! Her waist was even narrower than mine! Clair and I shared the exact same hourglass figures...but only her curves were more emphasized. Clair's face became more feminine as her eyes became blue and larger, her ears were pierced and had looping ear rings. Her face was donned with permanent make-up as her lips became fuller than mine an had blood red lipstick, her cheeks had rouge, her nose became smaller, her cheekbones got higher, her bushy eyebrows reformed into a sexy arch, she had LONG eyelashes clothed with mascara, and had blue eye shadow. Her rig cage got smaller and her shoulder narrowed. Her Adam's Apple vanished and his vocal cords tightened. Then...the best part of it happened... Her breasts quickly blossomed... "NOOOO!" Clair yelled in her new bimbo voice. It was filled with sex. Just her voice made my cunt wet and my nipples hard. Of course I had the seem kinda voice but mine wasn't as exciting as hers. She just said one word and I was aroused. As much as Clair tried she made it sound as if she were moaning. But The Dark Man seemed unaffected by this, he just looked at Clair stolidly as if he's seen this done to people a million times. By now Clair's breasts was probably a large B or small C. But it didn't stop. It grew more and more and more. When it finally stopped her breasts were a large DD! Maybe even in the E group (if there wasn't a E group before, there is now!)! Clair finally stopped transforming. She looked like a goddess. She was indeed the perfect woman! She had the face of an angel with innocent blue eyes and permanent make-up. Her hair (which was much wider than her shoulders) hung down to her ass. It was like a black shiny cape. The Dark Man points his finger at Clair and a black bolt shot from it and her Clair. Some of Clair's hair flew over to her front side and tickled her nipples making them hard. Some girls often do that...but that's usually considered trampy. She had the biggest tits I had ever seen. They were to giant sized melons. The nipples were pink and erect...and Clark let out a sexy moan of ecstasy. Moan? What's there to moan about. Clark now looked like a cross between an angel and a whore... What was there to moan about? Clair had more curves than me! She had the most curves I'd ever seen on a female. Her butt was the biggest I'd ever seen! Like the world's largest pillow! Her hips were the widest I'd ever seen on a female. Her waist was the smallest I'd ever seen on a female. Her legs (which now made up most of her height) were long, smooth and hairless. Her hands had 2 inches black fingernails with rings at the end of them. Her feet had black toenails, and her feet were small and delicate. Then came then 9 inches stilettos. Damn! NO girl could stand walking in such a high heel! That'd break your foot! The perfect woman was right before my eyes. She looked beautiful. She was the ultimate fantasy of all... both men and women. Clair brought her right hand up and start massaging her right breast while her left hand was rubbing her wet vagina. She was horny as hell. This mystery man also changed Clark's mind. She had the mind of a slut, a whore. She wanted to be taken. The Dark Man then looked at me... "Who are..." I said but couldn't finish because he threw a dildo at me. I caught it. I didn't know what to do with it. The Dark man then unzipped his pants and pulled out a 10 inches erect penis. Now THAT was HUGE! Clair automatically looked at it. She was getting more horny. She sensually crawled to the Dark Man with her ass sticking high up in the air. When she got their she stroked the Dark Mans erect penis for awhile the puts it in her mouth and sucked on it and licks it, wanting him to just cum in her mouth. Then some flashes appear in the room with a snapping noise. At first I thought it was a camera but I didn't see a camera anywhere. It flashed for like 5 times. She's too dumb to notice the flash so Clair continues giving the mystery man a full blow job. Then...he cums in her mouth. She swallows it all loving the taste. Yet she doesn't stop. "Terri." The Dark man says. "Put that dildo in Clair's butt." The Dark Man said. I smirked (but with my new voice it sounded like a giggle) as I walked over (huge tits juggling and all) and I inserted the dildo in Clair's butt and moved it in and out of her asshole. Clair was ever more aroused. Clair was sucking on The Dark Man's penis while I was sticking a dildo in and out of her ass. This was great! She seemed to be arching her butt backwards trying to get the dildo in as deep as possible. Then more lights flashed...about 8 of them. Clair finally orgasmed and fell on the bed. I took the dildo out. Then the Dark Man withdrew his penis back into his pants and walked to the dresser and picked up 13 pictures. He walked to me and hands them to me. He towered over me. He was like 7 feet tall. "Do whatever you wish with these pictures..." He said. I looked at them and I'd never been more happier in my life... 5 of the pictures showed Clark giving a blowjob to someone's penis and 8 showed Clark giving a blowjob to someone's penis as someone sticks a dildo in and out of his butt. But in these picture it really IS Clark! Like he looked when he was male! I hit the jackpot!! I was gonna show this to everyone in the entire school! I was gonna xerox these pics and post 'em all over town. The ultimate humiliation! I may be a f

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President in Disguise

PRESIDENT IN DISGUISE By SsiRuuk25 PREFACE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER... The world had changed. Since the late 1990's, the high water mark of the so called Pax Americana, a series of devastating wars had changed the face of the world. Though the United States was invariably victorious, with their technical superiority, the wars were different than any that had gone before. The amount of firepower concentrated on the battlefields meant massive casualties, mostly in the male...

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Blessing In Disguise

Blessing In DisguiseBy: Londebaaz Chohan 19 years old Shroff got this first job right out of the university after finishing his baccalaureate in IT. The company was also very new and had no glamor to it. The salary was just enough to pay the bills and live reasonably. Like most days, coming back from the lunch break, he was sitting in his office and waiting for the day to be over.His supervisor Melvin walked in with a very young and beautiful black girl, “Hey Shroff, meet Edwina. She is going...

2 years ago
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Blessing In Disguise

‘Have fun at your conference!’ I waved good-bye to Professor Jones and headed home. I was excited that Wednesday I would be free from class. Mrs. Jones and Professor Dubois were leaving from Boston’s Logan Airport Tuesday morning for a conference in Los Angeles. I skipped out of class ready for a crisp fall day. Tuesday morning the phone woke me up. I reached for it, knocking my alarm clock off the nightstand. ‘Star! Star! They’re dead! Professor Jones is dead!’ Instantly awake I began to...

3 years ago
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Preacherman Ch 3 Angel in Disguise

Cindy returned this kiss and in her mind stated. “Wonder what mother would do if she could see me now?” When the kiss broke she winked and asked, “What are we going to do tonight in our little prayer meeting?” He pulled her close, nuzzled her ear and whispered, “Anything you want Lil-darling.” Cindy couldn’t help but snicker and reply, “Oh we could kneel, and ask for his help to guide us.” “My dear, I don’t think he would offer us any kind of help in the sex department.” “I know, but it sounded...

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A Blessing in Disguise

It's difficult to say what exactly it was that possessed me to do something so utterly sinful. Depravity has unraveling effects on a middle aged woman's sanity, so I often find the answer to this question to be that my patience had simply run out. Other times I let my guilt take the wheel and I believe that I did it simply because his cock was the biggest I had ever seen in person, but I can usually dismiss this explanation because I have never simply given myself to whatever man could prove...

4 years ago
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My Cousin 8211 A Slut In Disguise

Hello everyone, I’m Mohit. I’m 28. My father owns a restaurant franchise in India and abroad, which have been taken over by me for the last 2 years.  I had loads of money and consequently, I have been a stud wherever I go. I have always been getting girls’ attention. This story happened a year back. Till then I have had sex with more than 10 girls. I had tried every position, accomplished every fantasy of mine, and did a lot of kinky stuff. I was kinda saturated with sex. And I had believed...

4 years ago
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Hand 8220Maid8221 Job 8211 Angel In Disguise

This is my first story and would probably be the last. I have kept this a secret for a few weeks and I have finally found an anonymous way to share with people I won’t know who. Perfect. This was a real experience but I see most stories here mention this and yet ramble on and on with impossible stories. So read this story and be the judge for yourself. So here we go.. I myself (Name wouldn’t be of any use, so..) had just completed my college degree, got placed in a company and was in a phase...

1 year ago
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Angel in Disguise

Dale and Amanda have been invited to Dale's Brothers 30th Birthday Party, it's a Fancy Dress Party, and Amanda was just putting the finishing touches to Dale's outfit. Right you can look in the mirror now said Amanda. Dale walked across the bedroom floor to the full-length mirror in the corner of the bedroom. Wow, I am gob smacked I look just like you when you go to work. Amanda had been planning Dale's outfit for weeks, he was wearing her nurse's uniform, together with black...

4 years ago
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Demure Disguise

Cassie was an undercover slut. No, that’s not referring to a common place where sex happens. It means that you would never suspect the extent of her extramarital sex life; many, many times that of the average wife her age. She screwed her husband Sam so frequently that he would never suspect either. She was one of those women you hardly notice. Her haircut was conservative, her makeup was minimal, her clothing was not revealing and her body was nothing special to comment about. But she loved...

1 year ago
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In Her GenesChapter 21 A Blessing in Heavy Disguise

During the next four days, both David and Melanie were busy catching up with their classes. The American opening of Lockout was scheduled for Friday evening, but Melanie had to be on the set of a popular late night show in Burbank for the 3 p.m. taping. They showed a clip from Lockout after which she was interviewed. You look great, great movie, how was it shooting in France, will you go to the next Clippers game? She answered the benevolent questioning, smiled a lot, showed a bit of leg in...

1 year ago
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Six Times A DayPart 28 Brilliant Disguise

While Alan was napping, Amy went to the Plummer house, looking for help in shaving her pussy. Luckily, Katherine had just come home. They met in Katherine's room. Amy stood at the door. "Hey, what'cha doin'?" "Oh, nothing. I've got bad news though. Alan's taking a nap." Amy frowned. "Seriously? Bummer!" "Hey, I'd be more than happy to help you with the shaving and whatnot." Amy's frown was replaced by a blindingly bright smile. "Really? Cool beans!" She suddenly turned...

1 year ago
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Thumbing a ride home

When I was in my late teens, I was thumbing it to see my parents. A van stopped and a couple guys asked if I wanted a ride, they were only going part way, but it was progress, so I accepted. Once in the van, they offered me a beer, it was cold and inviting, so I had one. It tasted a bit funny, but I was thirsty and it was hot out, so I drank it down. Soon after I had quite the buzz from just one beer. We arrived at their cottage and I was asked in for a bite to eat before carrying on with the...

2 years ago
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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 32

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. 153. The Countdown Begins...

2 years ago
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The Maid I Made Slut Part 8211 2

Hi, Indian sex stories doot net friends and ladies, this is a continuation of my previous story where I got a chance of hiring a maid Swathi. We entered into the bedroom and landed on the bed and ripped off every cloth on each other and started making love passionately. After few moments I moved back and asked her to wait and headed towards the main door and shut it and made sure that every window doors are closed so that what is happening inside remains on the side. While coming back I...

2 years ago
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My continuing story

I saw the other nurses on Emily’s floor as we headed to Jody’s flat and they all greeted me with a smile and a “See you later” once in Jody’s flat she made a drink and I settled in the chair watching the TV while she took a shower, she came out with a towel wrapped around her, walking towards me she said, “Has Emily told you I know about you two fucking” I gave a little nod, “So you know what I want” she stood before me a look of anticipation on her face, I stood and tugged at the towel,...

2 years ago
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In the woods

When I was younger I loved wearing panties just like today but I had to hid more. I was a white young chubby white boy. One day I was went out walking I was wearing a pair of pink panties and black leggings and covered them with a pair of black sweat pants and a black shirt. I started walking down this long road that was just woods no houses for about a mile or two. There were dirt paths that led throughout the woods. One day I was walking down and my schools bully was walking from the other...

3 years ago
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SRU My Spring Romance

Here I am, now the complete woman that I was meant to be after the accident that ended my boyhood. Please, get comfortable if you want to here about my Spring Romance. [][][] My name is Carol Jesse Sims. I was born Carroll Jesse Pridmore, I've been married for 21 years to the most wonderful man I've known since we were both children, Harold Lester Sims. We have twin girls and are soon to be grandparents! We were both born in Miami...

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New Tranny Boss

This adventure began with a job search. I had begun a career change and midlife and found myself in an unusual situation. I answered a job posting for a small company advertising for a shipping manager. The only times that were available was the final interview of the day. I arrive at 4:00pm as directed. The receptionist greeted me and said I would be called back soon. At 4:25 the phone rang , she answered and advised me to go to the end of the hall to the last door on the right. As I was...

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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 3

Morning light roused Jeff. He saw Chelsea lying on her side and regarding him. “Morning,” he said. “Morning.” “Been awake for long?” She shrugged. “Not really...” She regarded him for a long moment. “So...” “So what?” “Any regrets?” Jeff shook his head. “No. None.” “You’re sure?” “Positive. Like I said -- you’re a girl with a different kind of clit, that’s all. You have any regrets?” “Oh, Jeff ... You can’t imagine what this has done for my self-esteem. To actually feel wanted ... to...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 5

Two minutes later I was on the phone to my conniving wife. She was in a meeting, but I persuaded the hotel to pull her out. "Is something wrong?" "You might say that," I told her. "I finally lost it and fucked Carly's brains out." "Oh." "She also told me," my voice rising in anger, "that you told her the Bible approved of sisters sharing the same man." Jody snorted. "I told her not to tell you that. But that's Carly. That woman can't keep a secret to save her...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Hannah Hays Makayla Cox Love Potion

Makayla Cox is enjoying a lazy lie about in bed as she wears just a sheer robe and an equally sheer demi-bra and thong lingerie set. Little does she know that her stepson Logan Pierce is spying on her and stroking the sausage as she finally gets dressed in a button down shirt and a miniskirt. Logan moves on to creeping on his stepsister Hannah Hays as she dries off from her shower. Determined to have one of the hot girls living with him, Logan looks up a recipe for a love potion and sets out on...

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Once more unto The Breach Dear Friends

I like cock. And as I unbutton the flies of the slender, but well built man next to whom I am sitting, I can’t help but smile. Not only is his cock almost implausibly large, but the surrounding areas are free of pubic hair – a man after my own heart. I can’t help but remember the words of the ‘evil mastermind’ of the campy Austin Powers movies: “There’s nothing quite as breathtaking as a freshly shaved scrotum.” I tend to agree. These thoughts quickly dissipate however, as I take his rapidly...

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Sarah What are you doing PT1

WE WON! WE WON! Shouts everyone around us as the drum line leads the band back to the band house with the victory cadence. 42 to 41 was the final it ended with JCS Cougars missing a field goal wide right with 13 seconds left to play, and the game couldn’t have been better so needless to say, everyone is in high spirits. As I get changed out of my uniform, Jeni comes over, "Tony, you're gonna ride with me to my house and Becca and Sarah are gonna go pick up some more people to hang out...

3 years ago
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Merry Commerce

“Hey, where you going?” my wife called out as I rounded up my keys from the top of my dresser. “None of your business,” I said. “I just have a couple of errands to run.” “Ooh, mysterious errands,” she said, walking into the bedroom. “Are you going to get a Christmas present for little old me?” “Should I?” I said, putting on my best innocent look. She sidled up next to me, took my arm, and wiggled around a little bit. “Well, I’ll be thinking of you while you’re gone,” she said. Yes, I was...

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Victor and I in a booth at the adult theater

Victor and I in a booth at the adult theater On that Friday evening Victor and I had fucked like rabbits at home; but after that incredible sex session, I was still really horny…I told him to go to the adult theater we used to enjoy in the suburbs.I wore a blue jean mini skirt with a very tiny red thong, a black tank top and heels. We went into a booth and Victor sat down and I sat on his lap. We found a movie of two black guys fucking a little blonde on a bed. I leaned back in my husband's lap...

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Jacks new life Part 1

"could you pick some milk up from the store?" his mother asked from the doorway. Jacks mother Rose had raised him and his sister alone, for a woman of the age of fifty and having given birth to twins she didn't look a day over thirty with her deep red flowing hair and small 5'5" frame carrying a great pair of knockers. "Yea sure." Jack called back un-enthusiastically. The grocery store wasn't that far away so he decided to take a walk, figuring he probably needed it. Jack...

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I had so much fun writing “The Third Richest Man in the World” way back in the summer of 2014 that I thought it merited a sequel—what happened with my impish “wives” once our relationship became public knowledge and they were exposed to high society in New York. There have been a few interruptions for other stories so I’ve worked on it off and on for almost a year. Although this is a continuation of “The Third Richest Man in the World,” it can be read as a stand-alone story if you wish. ...

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All happened three years back at my uncle’ house. I was at that time 18 years old. My name is Karan. My mami is 36 years old and we all call her by Tulsi. She has never been to a high school and had no big experience on sex as my uncle most of the time he is not at home busy working in the fields. She was almost an idiot in that topic and was not aware about these things.I was on holiday and I planned to stay at my uncle house as it was close to the jungle having mountains and rivers close by....

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ImageFap Big Tits

Do you cum regularly to fat juicy tits? If so, then you need to know about a place where you have a seemingly unlimited number of huge boobies to jack off to! is the kind of place where you could find a new giant tit picture every day for the rest of your life and never see everything that there is to offer.Yes, I’m not pulling your goddamn leg. Or your tiny little ghost penis, either. No matter which way you look at it, this site is where you want to be when you want to...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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a slave to sir

A slave to Sir Sir is a close friend of mine; he is my Sadistic Dominant and I am his willing submissive, his slave, and his masochistic toy when he wants to play hard! He loves making me cry out in pain, whether it is through hard spankings using paddles, strapsorthe cane! He delights in hearing my moans and whimpers as they fuel his desires that always results in leavingmy butt raw, burning hot and glowing redwith many crisscrossing welts! My desires to serve Sir and surrender myself...

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The island of perversion

The only way in was by ferry from the mainland, but as soon as we arrived at the island we were greeted by two lovely young girls in short dresses and a boy who took our luggage and led us to the resort. They were about four foot tall, weighing only about thirty to forty pounds, slender, long black hair and eyes just as dark. I registered and was shown to my room. “My name is Julia; I am your pantygirl. Would you like to take a shower?” I nodded. To my surprise she helped me...

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Bridging The Gap Part II

Over the next year, Bridgett had a dozen or so nocturnal seat affairs with men and four with women, three of the former and all of the latter ending in the toilet, all thrilling and physically satisfying but interesting the rest of her mind less and less. Before boarding, she swore to herself she would sleep a few hours and wake up fresh and dainty the next morning; as she neared her seat, the anticipation of being seated beside a handsome, well-endowed man, preferably black, or a sweet young...

2 years ago
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The Secret Manor of TransSupremacy

EROTIC FANTASY PART 1.I met a Lady once at Bar too which she was very sexy Lady as we had some fun now n then as too get too know each other I slowly tranformed myself into her escort for Her desires too which she also went swinging with the Ladys & there submissive males in toe...After a few visits too see her in Her chambers, she knew I loved sextoys and that I was Kinky but Erotic in such, she asked if I would like too stay at her House or even share as too Live with her full-time on a ...

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Wes and LesChapter 8

It sounded like she meant it. Being the good lover I knew I should be, I assumed some foreplay was in order. I was going to gently nudge her thighs apart when she moved her right foot up next to her hip, stood up on it, moved her ass over a couple of feet and pulled her left foot up next to her hip on that side. Good. I had her legs apart. I figured I would go down on her for a minute or two. I was still on the side of the bed so I moved down to the bottom and put my head between her legs. I...

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Littles LifeChapter 2

Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...

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The Zoo

I live in the zoo with master, luckily he didnt want to ruin my natural beauty so he didnt change me.Master has over a hundred slaves, but only about 5 women. The others are all turned into a****ls. He removes their clits, most of them get no pleasure. They all wear beautiful make up and paint, and most of them have special tails.They are all masters a****ls.They are made to feel worthless, like a****ls. They were sold by their parents on their 16th birthday. They belong to master.He punishes...

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Saale Ki Biwi Ki Chudai

Hii iss friends kaise ho sab. Meri story pad kar comment jaror karein par. Yeh baat isi saal garmiyo ki hai mujhe apne home town kanpur jana pada kisi kaam se akele. Wahan pe mera sasural bhi hai meri wife ne bola ki uske ghar hi ruk jana to main new delhi railway station se train li aur raat ko 9 baje kanpur pohch gya wahan se auto karke apne sasural poch gya unko subha hi bta diya tha ki main aane wala hun to unhone khana peene sab tyar kiya hua tha. Maine auto kiya aur apne bag se daru...

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A Night To Remember

I have been happily married for 18 years. I am 41 and she is 38. My wife is beautiful and the sex has always been great with her. The only problem was for some reason, just me having sex with my wife just wasn’t enough. For some reason, I have always had this fantasy of watching her have sex with another man. Just the mere thought of this happening would give me a raging erection. Any time I masturbated, the only thing I would think about is her with another man. Finally this fantasy got so...

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Across the BorderChapter 32

If you were standing at the door of the bar, you would see a pair of women’s legs leading to feet clad in red high heeled shoes, swaying back and forth, above the back of the booth, moving in rhythm to the partial view of a hairy ass rising and falling, supported by hairy legs, at the left of that booth. “Yes” “Yes” “Oh God, I’m cumming!” “Ahhh” “Ohhh fuckkk” “Gaaaa” “Thanks David. I needed...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning Surprise

My Sister Thinks I'm Sexy #1 - Saturday Morning SurprisePrologueI’m Carrie Smith. I’m a pretty average college student. I study, go to parties and stress about the future. I’m also a lesbian who’s in love with her younger sister. See? Average.My younger sister Leslie is just a year younger than I am. She’s smart, pretty and popular. She’s also still in the closet. Our parents know about me; I’ve been dating girls since middle school. Leslie on the other hand, had only had boyfriends so far, so...

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Four Girls A Guy and Spaceship

In the year 2023, Roger Anthony and four other astronauts were placed in suspended animation and launched into space, for what was supposed to be the first manned mission to the outer planets of the Solar System. Unfortunately, their ship's computer experienced a malfunction and did not wake them prior to the point of deceleration. This eventuality had been predicted, and mission control would have dealt with the problem, had not mankind been ravaged and civilization brought down by a...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 25

As the Zahn's guests were arriving at the cookout, in California Luke was finishing his tour of where he was planning to spend his high-school years. Greg K. saved the athletic complex as where they would end the trek around the school ground. It made sense for the best part should be the last. Even with the school being one of the top-ranked schools in California, the athletic complex was the piece de resistance. Jerry Brown High's ground crew took great pride in their work and it...

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Chapter One My wifes not so secret crush

Chapter One- SeanMy wife has always been a beautiful woman. When we met the first thing I noticed about her was the signature red lipstick she always wears. She is a slender woman of 5'5" with a mane of raven hair. Despite ten years of marriage, she is a young, healthy thirty-five year old. Her sweet DD tits and cute arse are regularly showcased in pretty lingerie and flattering clothes. Marie-my wife- is a high school teacher who enjoys an active social life and a loving marriage. Lately my...

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Good Night Daddy

For as long as i can remember ive been a dirty girl. Im 5'5 caramel brown skin thick hips and thighs with 38DD tits and a large bubble butt. At age 25 ive had my fair share of cocks buried in my young cunt butnone as good as my own father's. On my 17th birthday a friend of mine decided she wasnted to get me a present that was shall we say a little different than you would usually give a friend. At first i didnt kno what to think of the long pulsating black cock. At this point I was fairly new...

4 years ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 11

We climbed along the ridgeline, circling the quarry with its ghostly inhabitants. PteriDae just floated, but I had to hang on with both hands, my axe tucked back in its sheath, my feet feeling for toeholds. Gaku was springing along right behind the wraith, leaping from ledge to ledge like a young mountain goat. Blaster trailed along more slowly. The sun was noticeably lower in the sky by the time we reached the first of the cliff openings. Pteri passed by these, ignoring them completely. I...

2 years ago
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Just What the Doctor Ordered

Paul was always a good boy. He was barely fucking when we met and I was sure to be the first piece of Black ass he tasted. I was 40 and quite tired of my husband neglecting me. I was ready to give up on my marriage when I met Paul. He was a sexy lil' 18 year old, trying to prove he was a man. We met at a bookstore. I should've known better when he approached me, but I was long overdue. "I'm sorry to disturb you and I mean no disrespect, but you have the most beautiful brown eyes and...

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A Girl Named Maria

There were no lift lines – it was simply too cold out for most people. Too cold to even think about getting out of a warm bed to go out and ski, especially when the wind was howling and a new storm was barreling in, especially when that bed was so nice and warm and your thigh muscles were still burning from skiing the day before. But even so, when all was said and done, there were still a few good reasons to go out on such a day. No lift lines meant no crowds on the slopes. No crowds on the...

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Landladys DogChapter 2

Carol dressed in a somewhat numbed state, slipping on a white skirt and pullover, still refusing to believe that it had happened the way it had! She brushed her long ash-blonde tresses more than usual, studying her own face in the vanity mirror as if trying to detect some hidden demon. Sultan had trotted off after his obscene seduction, then returned to sit beside her as devotedly as ever. She petted him, but didn't speak. God, how could she? The precious darling... and he'd been so...

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Boobs in Bus

Hi to all readers. I am Raj, 24, I am regular reader of ISS and this is my first story to it. This happened just 2 months ago. Due to my job I have to travel lot and this happened when I was back from Singapore and was having a hectic schedule ahead. I came to Mumbai and as I was having a day in Mumbai and a 3 hour meeting after which I have a meeting in Anand so I left Mumbai at night in sleeping coach bus and I enjoyed travelling in it so I decided to travel in sleeping coach from Anand to...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 27

Monday Feb 22 At 0300 Monday morning, I was again strapped into the seat of the weapons specialist aboard the Talon. Max had returned last night with two sealed letters. The first was from the President. The sooner, the better. President Talbot The second letter was from General Conklin. Start with the East Coast again. Work your way to the West Coast. Then anything over China and Southeast Asia. Hit the Mideast, including the territory Russia claimed after the MEW. Do Africa, saving...

3 years ago
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Two Moms and Two Sisters Changes Your Life

Two Moms and Two Sisters Changes Your Life My Changing Life... My mother just told me we are moving far way to be with my Aunt and her daughter who is really her son. Not even sure she is my Aunt, but we call her Aunt. Her son wants to be a girl I think; at least he acts like it. I was nervous moving far away and leaving my friends, I am 13. Most of my friend here are girls since I can't make friends with boys it seems. I too have strong feminine desires in me and I think my...

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First Anal With My Irish Exchange Student

I woke up as usual on a Saturday morning and expected to see my boring 45 year old wife lying next to me. Instead, I looked over and realized how lucky I was. I glanced over and there was my beautiful naked Irish exchange student twenty year old Kathleen next to me with her long red hair covering the pillow and gently brushing up against her bare breasts. Then it all came back to me. Last night I was lying flat on my bed, Kathleen straddled me as she furiously rode my cock. Out of the morning...

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Sex in the dressing room Part 2

The room went white when he slowly ran the entirety of his tongue from the source of her abundant juices all the way to her engorged clit. He did this again and again, slowly, never lingering in any one place, never quite satisfying her, but firing every nerve ending his tongue came in contact with. He paused to get his middle finger wet with saliva.Finally.She closed her eyes and let herself go.And that's when she felt him wriggle his fingertip into her asshole.What the fuck?"Hey!"She pulled a...

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The AdventureChapter 6

The chateau was modest in size but richly appointed. Sited in the mountains of Austria and isolated, it provided an ideal meeting place for the members. They sat around the fireplace sipping after-dinner brandy. The two women and four men, including Andre, obviously enjoyed each others’ company. “So Katrina continues with her adventure?” asked the younger woman of the silver-haired man. “Yes, she continues to enjoy every minute of it. I will not be surprised if she ends up asking for...

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remember msn

Dave watched as Jerome jerked his massive black cock. He met Jerome in a chatroom and had always loved interracial porn. He loved to watch white girls fucked by massive black tools. Jerome asked if Dave had a girlfriend. He replied no but he had split up with a girl a month ago. They had been together for six months. Jerome asked if he had a photo. Dave had some photos of Meg naked and one sucking his 7 inch cock. He thought she would never find out so sent one of the pics to Jerome. Megan was...

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EvilAngel Mia Moore Deepthroat And Cunt Creampie

Porn stud/XXX auteur Mick Blue’s camera greedily captures petite, longhaired brunette Mia Moore. Glam Mia struts in fishnet stockings and lingerie. Bending over, she shows her tight butt cheeks for the lustful cocksman’s POV camera. Mia unsnaps her bra and lets her pierced, natural tits drop. She inhales Mick’s big cock in a spit-lubed blowjob. Drooling on his thick wand, she lets slobber land onto her chest. Mia flips off her clear heels and leans back to finger her clit....

3 years ago
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Meri Choot Ko Ragad Ragad Kar Choda

Mera nam ritu hai age 27 hai. Mai ak function mai nasik gai thi, function wale din mai nai lahnga or choli pahni thi. Mai nai lahnga apni toondi ki niche bandha tha. Meri choli bhut tight thi or dono boobs ak kabotaro ki tarah aazad hone ko tyar the (my size 36-32-34) . Aaj subah hi mai nay kajal say kaha ki aaj meri choot bht tadap rahi is k ched mai koi mota sa dunda dal do. Kajal nai pucha ki teri choot ak dam say burger ki taarah phool rahi hai, mai nai kaha man kar raha hai ki meri choot...

1 year ago
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Julian Part 2

It was the knock on the door that woke me. "Julian," came Fran's voice from the other side of the door, "can I come in?" I felt a bit groggy so it took a few moments for my eyes to come into focus and make sense of the pink clock that sat on the wall. It told me it was 10am, which meant I'd only managed to sleep for a couple of hours. "Julian," Fran continued, still on the other side of the door, "are you awake?" Before I could answer either question the door swung open and...

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