Who Seduced Who? Part 1 free porn video

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Who Seduced Who? Part 1

Unlike my Kat & Cyrano story series, this story is fictional. It is collaboration, still in process, between another writer on this site and me. He got the story started and we have gone back and forth between us on writing sections of it. Seducing each other. - Kat


At the end of my long day, I’m relaxing in a bar, soft music playing, lights dim. I see you across the room. You look so beautiful. I ask you to dance and you nod your head. I take you by the hand and lead you to the dance floor. A slow song is playing and I put my arm around you. I tell you I’m Nick and just had to dance with you. You tell me that your name is Kat. You have on a low cut blouse and I see the tops of your breasts. I feel your breast against my chest and hold you a little tighter. You don’t pull away, so I kiss your neck and say I just had to do that. I feel your nipples harden and you put both arms around my neck as we sway to the music. I ask if I can kiss you and you nod yes. I tilt your head back and kiss gently. Your mouth opens and our tongues touch. I feel you move closer and I know you can feel me getting hard. I slide my mouth down to the top of your breast and kiss you softly. I tell you I have to have you.

I walked into the hotel bar because it seemed to be the only place I could get a Wi-Fi connection on my laptop. As a lifelong recovering alcoholic, not the kind of place I would normally frequent. But the Wi-Fi reception seemed to be non-existent in the lobby and the restaurant, and so the bar it was.

I heard a man walk into the bar and ask for a Diet Coke. That's not an order one normally hears in a hotel bar, or from a male in any bar. Plus, he had a deep, sexy voice. So I looked up, curious at this new arrival in the room.

This was the handsomest, sexiest hunk of man I had laid eyes on in a VERY long time. I guess he noticed me gazing deep into his eyes, trying to see into his very soul. Because he headed straight for my table, soda can in hand.

He told me I'm very beautiful, and without a moment's hesitation, I blurted out "So are you."

He asked me if I cared to dance, and I suddenly noticed that a slow waltz tune was softly playing through the bar-room speakers. I had been so engrossed in trying to get my Wi-Fi working, that I hadn't even noticed the music!

My heart was shouting yes, yes, yes, you want to dance in this handsome man's arms tonight. All night!

But I somehow managed to find the strength to tease him a little.

"But I don’t even know your name." I pretended to protest.

Like I really needed to know his name to want to be swept up into his strong arms and whirled around the dance floor with this hot guy!

"Nick," he called my bluff.

I was gazing into his big beautiful brown eyes and I was in total la-la land, so I took a moment or two to reply, "I'm Kat."

I noticed him looking down my blouse. Now, I know some women find that rude and annoying. And sometimes I do, too. But hell, tonight, hadn't I worn this top cut so low it nearly showed my nipples, deliberately so I would be noticed?

As we stepped onto the dance floor and he swept me gently but firmly into his arms, I pressed myself tight up against his sexy body, letting him feel the hardness of my nipples drilling into his shirt, letting him feel the beginnings of my sexual arousal. OK, I admit it, I was starting to get the hots for Nick as he skillfully danced me around the bar room.

Nick pulled me in tighter, and when I could feel my breasts mashed tight against him, he gazed soulfully into my eyes...and he pulled me in even closer, even tighter against him.

The waltz ended, and a jazz number was on the speakers next. Nick leaned in and nibbled and sucked at the side of my neck. Between his tender loving on my neck, and the wickedly seductive jazz saxophone solo, it was enough to make any girl melt. I'm actually surprised I managed to keep from melting at that point - it was miraculous that I didn't melt into a big puddle of girl-come right then and there, that I somehow didn't ooze down and all over the dance floor!

Nick was also a remarkable model of self-control. As I grabbed his firm butt and pulled him even tighter against him, I felt an amazing amount of very hard cock against my short, thigh-length skirt. And yet he had neither come nor pre-come, his trousers were dry.

Nick leans in and kisses my cleavage, kisses the tops of my half-exposed breasts. "I want to make love to you,” he whispers hotly in my ear, in that impossibly deep and sexy voice of his.

I reply, "I want to make love with you" and I only hope Nick understands the vast difference between one person making love to another person and two people making love with each other! Because if he understands that distinction, and if he moves around the bed even half and gracefully as he moves around the dance, Nick just might get an invite up to my hotel room upstairs, before this night is over.

As we dance in each other's arms, I lean in and kiss his mouth, my tongue gently but insistently parting his lips and his teeth, to dance around HIS tongue!

As we move around the dance floor, I can smell your hair and think of apples and a sunny day. I think I must make love to this woman. I ask if we might get to know each other better. You say you would like that.

I ask if there is somewhere we can go to have some privacy. You hesitate for a few seconds and say we could go up to your room. We hold hands as we walk to the elevator. I feel a little nervousness in your hand, and I say I’m going to kiss you when we get in the elevator. Looking into your eyes, I see that maybe you would like that.

As soon as the door closes, I take you in my arms and kiss you deeply. Our lips and tongues working over, and my hands sliding over, your breast, feeling your hard nipples. I tell you how beautiful you are, and how much I want you.

When we get in your room, I hold you tight and say I want to love you and make you feel good. I ask if you have ever given yourself to a man to do as he wishes with your body, and you say you’re afraid because of something that happened a long time ago.

I say give yourself to me, Kat, and let me love you.

I unbutton your blouse and slide it off your shoulders, rubbing your arms as I slide it off, then your bra. I lean down and kiss your nipples, suck them into my mouth. You taste so good, Kat.

I drop to my knees in front of you and reach under your skirt, sliding my hands up your silky thighs until I feel your panties. I hook my fingers in the waist band and slowly slide them off over your hips and down your legs. I watch as you step out of them, holding my shoulders for support.

I slowly raise your skirt and look at your sweet pussy and see your juices in your pubic hair. I lean in close and smell your wonderful scent, so good. I touch the outer lips of your pussy, with my finger feeling your heat. Then I touch your clit with my tongue and say, “Let me love you, Kat.”

I hear you moan as my tongue slips inside you, my fingers on your clit. I suck and lick you, tasting you, wanting more. I stand up and hold you close and kiss your lips again. I pick you up and carry you to the bed. I lay you down and get on my knees between your legs. I tell you to open wide for me. I watch as you spread your legs and look at me with lust and a little fear. I tell you to relax and let me have you. I kiss your thighs and your outer lips as I finger your clit. I tell you how good you taste. I keep licking and sucking and touching, until I feel you tremble and hear you purr. 

I want to keep your orgasm going, so I move you and put the head of my cock in your pussy. I feel how hot and wet you are. I push in deeper, and soon I have all eight inches of my cock in you, moving in and out. Your hips moving to meet me as I push in. Your legs around me holding me in, as I move faster and harder.

I whisper that your tight pussy is going to make me cum, and I ask if I can cum inside you.

You moan and say yes. And I say, “I want you to cum with me.”

I feel your arms and legs tighten around me and your breath quicken. I say “Cum for me, Kat. Cum on my cock.” And I feel your orgasm turn loose, and I fill you with my hot cum.

We lay locked together for a long while, and I tell you there’s more to come. I want to make love with you in every way a man can pleasure a woman.

You sigh, and we both go to sleep. We both know that when we wake, we will make love again and again.

Nick made me laugh with delight as he spoke lyrically of my hair smelling like apples and sunshine.

Above the din of the bar at happy hour, he manages to tell me that he wants to get to know me, and I wonder to myself if he means "know" in the biblical sense. He's so handsome and sweet --not to mention a body that's beyond hot -- and I start to think maybe my hotel room upstairs. he takes my hand as if it were normal and natural, as if we had been boyfriend and girlfriend for years. Although we had just met, it seemed so right and natural to me, too, to hold his hand and to have this feeling like we had been dating and in love forever.

As the elevator doors close in front of us, we instinctively reach for each other and kiss with an intense hunger. When his hand touches my breast as our tongues wrestle, I take a sharp intake of breath, and I feel the most delightful shiver all down my spine.

Kicking my hotel room door closed behind me, I melt into his strong but gentle arms. He tells me he wants to love me, and though we just met, and though I detest leering men telling me hey I'm gonna fuck you good, Nick isn't like that, he seems so sweet, kind of shy, asking rather than ordering, and yet with a very sexy self-confidence completely free of macho swagger.

He reaches up my skirt, gazing soulfully into my eyes rather than up my skirt, the whole time. I balance myself on his strong shoulders as I kick off my panties and hand them to him. He inhales my natural scent from my panties, smiles, and tucks them into his pocket. He slowly raises my skirt and his eyes drink me all in and he smiles so happily. He clearly adores my long legs and my black bush, and the mixture of innocent appreciation and experienced desire to bring me pleasure, make me feel like the center of the universe--or at least, the center of Nick's universe at that moment. And I can easily see Nick quickly becoming the center of my universe, too.

It momentarily strikes me as odd to be standing in my hotel room, holding my skirt up, with my panties on the floor between myself and a man who I had just met less than an hour ago. And yet, with Nick, this all somehow seemed so right!

I didn't’t get to ruminate on these thoughts for very long, as now Nick’s magical tongue began its first-ever slow slide along my very wet inner walls, and then exiting with an exquisitely slow tongue-drag along my pulsating little clit. And just as I was getting used to being loved liked this (I could get used to this every day for the rest of my life), Nick stood me up, enfolding me in his strong but gentle loving arms, and kissing my mouth fiercely, hotly. Even through his suit trousers, I could feel his very thick hardness rhythmically throbbing against my belly and my bush. I back off from his kiss and his hug, and I make short work of tugging his belt open and unzipping him. With a mixture of curiosity and hunger, I yank his trousers and his boxers down to his ankles, and he steps out of them.

The thickest, hardest, and purplest cock I’ve ever seen pops free. I just stand there for a few moments, staring at it, completely transfixed by it, just in total la-la land as I imagine what this beautiful hunk of man is about to do to me – no, what he is about to do for me!

I lean down and kiss about halfway up that purple 8-inch shift, and then I kiss the very tippy-top of the head, too. “Thank you!” I coo.

Nick lets out the deepest, sexiest laugh ever, and he asks, “Thank you for what? My cock hasn’t done any favors for you….yet!

“Then what the hell are you waiting for?” I laugh.

I pick up his boxers and my panties from beside my feet, and I fling them both far across the room. “We won’t be ending these for hours!” I smile; our eyes locked in lust and perhaps in something more, too, perhaps also the first stirrings of a genuine and mutual love.

Nick scoops me up in his powerfully gentle arms, as if my 5’7” and 130 pound was as small and as light as a feather. And he carries me off to bed.

Lying beside Nick, I quickly wriggle out of my blouse and skirt, and Nick sweetly helps me out of my bra as I unbutton his shirt and slide it off his arms.

Nick turns to lie face down beside me as I life face up. His mouth leans over to kiss my forehead, to kiss my eyelids, to kiss my nose, a quick hot kiss on my mouth again, then kissing the front and side of my neck, kissing on and under my breasts, kissing my nipples, kissing my cleavage, kissing and licking my ribs, kissing my navel, licking my bush and finally kissing my nether lips, licking my inner walls, and sucking my very horny clit. What a lucky accident that I had been in that bar looking for a Wi-Fi connection for my laptop (why does that sound slightly risqué?), the type of place I normally would never visit, when this amazing man happened to be there, too.

Nick tells me I taste really good to him, and the only response I can mange is to let out a series of soft and nearly continuous purrs against his lips and tongue.

Nick’s face leaves from between my wide-open thighs, and he begins another series of sweet hot kisses up my naked body. His kisses return to my mouth, and once more I can feel that massive hard-on of his pulsing frantically against my bush.

I reach down to guide him into my hunger, but Nick gently pushes my hand away, and with both of his hands wrapped around his lovely purple cock, he slowly begins to work that “truck-stop diner size” portion of sweet man-meat into my nether lips, into my hunger. Over the next twenty minutes, he gradually increases the speed of his thrusts….which also speed-up the beating of my heart -- and the pulsating of my excited and happy clit against all that beautiful thrusting cock-flesh.

He somehow waits for me to come first, something men rarely do. I wrap my arms and legs around him, and in one intense shudder from head to toe, I drench his hard in girl-come. Nick draws back, pushing deep and hard into not only the depths of my pussy, but the very depths of my soul!

When we both can’t come any more, I melt into loving arms again, and we fall asleep, still joined at the mouth and at the genitals.

The last thing I say to Nick before we doze off in bed together that night is, “At the first rays of sunlight tomorrow morning, that beautiful purple cock of yours is going to get sssooo sucked!”

As the first rays of sunrise stream through the hotel room window, I smile at the realization that last night wasn't just a sweet erotic dream after all. For there beside me in all his beautiful nakedness, lies Nick. He has beautiful arm, leg, and chest muscles, not like a bodybuilder but very toned and so hot.

I haven't forgotten how I want to start this day. My right hand cups his balls, and my left palm starts pressing on his cock in a slow circle. He begins to lengthen and harden a little. He rubs the sleep from his eyes, looking a little confused and disoriented. Then he gazes into my eyes with a loving adoring look that melts both my heart and my pussy.

"Kat!" he declares joyously. "You're real?"

I kiss his mouth as my hand encircles his stiffening cock.

"Good morning, my sweet, sexy hunk of man! May I suck your beautiful cock now? I'm so hungry for you!"

I don’t know how long we slept after making love, but I awoke to the feel of your hand cupping my balls. I looked down and saw the movement of your hand and felt my cock harden as you softly rubbed my balls. I felt your tongue on my nipple as you licked across my chest and down my stomach. I felt the tip of your tongue in my navel and trembled as you went lower.

Your sweet little tongue touched the tip of my cock, and I just about came. You licked around the head of my cock, and under the head in that special spot that feels so good, your fingers rubbing my balls and the place just under them, almost touching my asshole. I started moving my hips as you took a few inches in your mouth and sucked and licked. I put one hand in your hair and stroked it as I put my other hand on your breast and rubbed and pulled your nipple. I heard you moan softly as you sucked. I pushed a few more inches in your mouth and heard you purr like my little kitten. It sent vibrations all through me as I slowly worked into your throat.

You sucked and moaned as you felt me in your throat. I put my hand around your throat and could feel my cock sliding in and out. It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had. I whispered that you were the best little cock sucker in the world and you purred louder and I said I’m going to cum the next time you purr. It feels too good, baby-girl.

I moved my cock in and out of your throat as I pulled and rubbed your breast and felt you suck harder. And then you purred loud… and I shot my hot cum down your throat and watched you swallow it all.

We lay there until my cock softened and slid out of your mouth. You licked your lips and smiled at me. I pulled you up and kissed you deeply. I told you truthfully, I had never been so satisfied in my life. We got up and went to the shower and washed each other, soaping and kissing and touching, I told you this is just the beginning for us, Kat. I love you.

(More to "come")

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Whoopsies Chapter 8

Whoopsies ? Chapter 8 - By: Beverly Taff Characters: Beverly. Author Pauline Beverly?s younger stepsister. Marjorie Beverly?s long-time school & Childhood friend. Henrie The trio?s new ?lesbian male? dance partner Mummy Jones Beverly?s step mummy & Pauline?s mummy Mummy Williams Marjorie?s Mummy See previous chapters for, Daddy Jones Beverly?s transvestite step dad. Jacqueline Beverly and Pauline?s au pair then wet nurse and friend. Colin Beverly and...

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Whooooo Maki Chut Ka Maja

Hi . I m hitesh barma,age 24. Me chatisgarh ki rehne wala hun. Mere papa navy me job karte hain isil delhi me rehte hain.Gharme maa,me aur papa hain. Aj se 2 sal pehle ki bat hai. Ki papa harwaqt gharse bahar rehte hain. Ghar ka sara khyal mujhe rakhna padta hai. Meri maa jiska nam kamal barma hai. Unki height 5″6′ hai. Body size 38-34-38 hai. Woski age 46 hai.Dikhne me mast sunder mal hai. Papa har waqt bahar rehte hain isi liye unhen vi man kar raha hoga ki koi unhe chue. Meri nazar hamesha...

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Chatwhore I was being blackmailed. It didn't start that way of course. It all started about six weeks ago. I was in a chatroom and I started talking to a girl named Rachel. We chatted for a while and then I asked her about makeup. She was amused and asked me if I wanted to put on makeup. If I was a sissy. I meekly told her I was and asked her to help me learn how to do my makeup. Over the next few days she trained me step by step how to apply my makeup. Sometimes when she...

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Chatwhore pt 3

Chatwhore - Pt. 3 3 weeks later...I am just back from the hair salon standing in front of my mirror. My hair is now cut in a bob style. It is beginning to grow out and the girls won't allow me to cut it anymore. It was embarrassing asking the woman at the hair salon for this haircut but it was already in a pixie cut so it wasn't so bad. At least when I went to work I could comb it differently and make it look a little bit like how a man's hair usually looks. I have an hour until I...

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"So, you're a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?" asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? "What's wrong with the alternatives, Kev?" Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. "What about virtual sex? What's wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?" "Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff," Kevin pointed out. "How many women have you known who'd want...

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I hated him the first time I saw him. Jealousy is a powerful emotion and I was full of it in a heartbeat. Miriam was laughing at this person as they stood at the punch bowl with his hand on her shoulder. Then he slid it down her back, paused at her waist and let it come to rest on her butt. She never moved a muscle or tried to stop him. If she had only flinched, but she did not. Instead, he looked up into his face and laughed loud enough for me to hear her from ten feet away. He brazenly...

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Who doesn't love some Horny Whores? Just by seeing the site’s name, isn’t it pretty obvious to know what the fuck you can expect? I mean, on hornywhores.net you will obviously get to see some gorgeous bitches who can’t wait to get fucked. The first time I visited this place, I thought that this shit only offers VR videos, because of the shit that was suggested at the time I visited, but they actually offer a lot of random clips instead.Now, this is a site that allows you to download all of the...

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CamWhoresTV has tons of sexy cam whores ready to fulfill your every fantasy. If you can afford to tip, that is. If not, do not fret. You can skip the bullshit and just enjoy the user-uploaded content. At Cam Whores, there are over 7,000 pages worth of amateur pornography.Whether you like sexy teens making themselves orgasm with giant dildos, or more mature Latina sluts getting fucked in every hole, you can probably find it on Cam Whores. Unless you like the extreme, hardcore, fringe stuff. The...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Shall we jizz at Cam Whores Bay aka Free Cam Bay today? We live in an amazing time. Everybody carries a camera in their pocket nowadays, and it seems like every beautiful woman is eager to share sexy selfies over the Internet. The sluttier ones have no problem taking it all off or eating a dick on camera. CamWhoresBay.com is one of a growing number of websites that have sprung up to handle this new wave of DIY smut.Cam Whores Bay, previously known as FreeCamBay.com, is a pretty new player on...

Amateur Porn Sites
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CamWhores Cloud

Quick; what’s your first thought when you hear the domain name CamWhoresCloud.com? I bet you thought that you'd see something to do with live cams here. Well, you would be right, but there’s so much more to explore on this website. Here’s the thing, when it comes to live cam sites, there have been so many popping up all over the place. However, not many of these cam sites allow you to watch previous sessions with babes without paying. CamWhoresCloud.com changes that since it offers the videos...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Cam Whores HD! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “The Porn Dude, you’re showing us yet another cam site? Haven’t we seen enough already?” Well, my impatient little friend, there are never enough cam sites out there, but the thing is that this isn’t even a cam site! Nope, what you’ll find here is much more than just a regular adult entertainment site where you can find a bunch of chicks performing for your enjoyment. What you’ll find on CamWhoresHD.com is an onslaught of clips that are taken...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Reddit CamWhores, aka r/CamWhores! I’ve heard you lads are fans of watching live cam chicks get naked, masturbate or fuck during their cam shows? Well, Reddit.com is a place where everyone is welcome, and r/camwhores/, in particular, is a subreddit dedicated to that kind of content. I think the name itself pretty much gives away what you can expect, which is always a neat aspect.If you are interested in learning more about what r/camwhores/ is all about, welcome to the best review out there. I...

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The idea of a Whores Hub is immediately appealing to anybody with a hard dick and a taste for pretty girls. I mean, shit, it’s all right there in the name: one centralized hub where you can find all your favorite fap fantasy babes. Some might argue that the old and familiar Pornhub has you covered in that respect, but we’ve all seen the quality decline and our saved collections disappear off the tube giant in recent months. Sometimes it’s a great thing for a newer, smaller tube to come and...

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Seduced by Stranger in Train in presence of Husban

In 2005 the incident happened, when I was travelling from Patna to New Delhi (India) in Shramjivi express. I was going with my husband on LTC to Rajasthan. We were in 1st AC compartment, and alone in the cabin. When the train reached Buxer, one gentleman boarded in the train and came in our cabin. He was a handsome man around 38 yr, 5’9” and a bit like muscular body. I was quite impressed with him. He said hello to my husband and smiled at me and sat on seat. As we were alone, me and my husband...

2 years ago
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My Moms Big Ass Seduced Me Part 8211 2

Hi, I am Rony 18.In the previous story, I told you that how I seduced my mom and was able to fuck her hard but when we had sex and at the last, my dad came.I wore my all clothes and went to my room.Who ever don’t know my previous story just go and read it my mom’s big ass seduced me. I was peeping from the door and my dad was getting ready to fuck my mom .He took out his 7 inch cock and started rubbing my moms juicy ass ….She was so tired as I had already fucked her so hard ….Bt my dad was in...

2 years ago
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Daughter Seduced and Degraded

Daughter Seduced and Degraded  Daughter Seduced and Degraded  By The Jellyman [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on, and in fact strongly disapprove of anyone who would even contemplate these actions.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] This story started in late September of Katie?s sophomore year of high school.?...

3 years ago
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Seduced And Fucked My Advocate Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, this is anay again, with next part of my story which was seduced and fucked advocate bhabhi. If you haven’t read my last part here’s the link Https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/seduced-fucked-advocate-bhabhi/ … After we have a small erotic session, I told her to get ready for full night stand and we will celebrate it as our honeymoon, she agreed and so we decorated full room as honeymoon suite and asked her to wear red saree with all inner-wears, to which she said “your...

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Seduced My House Maid8217s Daughter

Hi all, in this story I am going to tell you how I seduced my house maids daughter. This happened after a week I had sex with Bala. Since that was December month Sita aunties hubby was there and I couldn’t even kiss aunty, by that time only I got my first gay experience with my friend Bala… Since we finished our model exam we got 10 days vacation, so everyone in room planned to go to their native, since my parents went to a marriage I planned to go my home one day later. That was the day got is...

3 years ago
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Seduced Into Frillies

Seduced Into Frillies by Throne (A spin-off of Seduced Into Panties) I felt so lucky when my old buddy Myron called and said he could set me up with a hot girl named Paige. It sounded too good to be true, me being short and slender and, frankly, not well endowed in the dick department. And, like Myron, I'd never had any success with girls. But then he had met the stunning Lana, after which I didn't see him anymore. Still, with all my liabilities, I couldn't imagine matching his...

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Who Seduced Who

Our twenty-one-year-old grandson had moved in with us recently after having a falling out with his roommate.  It was to be a temporary situation since we were doing some significant renovations to our home.  Fortunately for us, he had recently split from his on-again-off-again girlfriend of the last couple of years.  Sharlee was an annoying pain in the ass even though she was smoking hot.When he would visit for the weekend in the past, Charles, or Chucky, as we called him, frequently brought...

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Bhabhi And Me Seduced Each Other For Lovely Night 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, I am back with something more. My name is Anay, I am from Pimpri, Pune. My last sex story was about how me and my neighbour bhabhi seduced each other into getting a fuck. And this time I will share what and how I did things to two pussies. After we had our first fuck that night, I went in to meet her the very next afternoon, she was ready for fuck, but her kaamwali bai was present. So we couldn’t start it, but while kaam wali was in kitchen, I kept my hand on her body. She was...

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Watching My Younger Wife Lori Being Seduced and Th

My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is without doubt the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from...

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“My libido is sky high, I have decided what my next challenge is,” Sarah told me as we watched some lesbian videos that night. “Lick me to orgasm while I tell you about it. Some of those older women having lesbian sex who we have watched fucking hung men are an absolute turn on for me. Lots of them appear to more comfortable with women than men. And I love watching them seducing younger women. “Lay on your back so I can sit on your face and watch the lesbian clip with that older, glamorous,...

1 year ago
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Who Seduced Who Part 1

Who Seduced Who? Part 1 Unlike my Kat & Cyrano story series, this story is fictional. It is collaboration, still in process, between another writer on this site and me. He got the story started and we have gone back and forth between us on writing sections of it. Seducing each other. – Kat ************************** Nick At the end of my long day, I’m relaxing in a bar, soft music playing, lights dim. I see you across the room. You look so beautiful. I ask you to dance and you nod your...

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53 Year Old Ann Is Seduced By A 21 Year Old Hunk

Ann’s husband had wanted to see Ann with another man for the last few years. He yearned for the day he could see his beautiful wife of more than 30 years being fucked by another man. Ann’s husband knew Ann wasn’t getting any younger and the time left for his ultimate fantasy to come true was slowly coming to an end. He was desperate at this point and would do whatever it took to see Ann with another man. There was just one big problem Ann’s husband had, and that was that Ann wanted nothing to...

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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her

Hii friends me aaj aapko apne jeevan me hui sachi ghatna batane jaa raha hu ki kaise meine apni mami ko seduced kia aur choda. Mera nam kunal hai me delhi ka rehne walla hu aur engineering kar raha hu aur meri mami gujarat me rehti hai unka fir 34-30-36 hai. Aur kafi achi dikti hai dekar to lund khada ho jata hai. Ye kuch 2 mahine phele ki baat hai jab mera vacation chal raha tha may me. Toh me apne grand parents ke yaha gaya hua. Mujhe toh bas mami se millne ka mouka chaie tha bas aur kuch nai...

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Neighbor Couple Seduced Me To Have Baby

I am 29 live in Chennai, works in IT. I am married with kid. The incident took almost year back how my neighbor couple seduced me. It is real incident, so it may bore you in the beginning.. My wife does not like apartments so after marriage we moved to rented house where it has 4 family portion. In our flour 2 house, we occupied the 2nd portion and 1st portion was with couple (may be uncle is in 35+ and aunty is in 30+). Uncle works in automobile industry and aunty house wife. My wife was very...

3 years ago
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Neha Seduced Another Cousin 8211 Raj

I m back again with my new experience. I was received huge response from my readers for my last story “Neha seduced her cousin”. Thanks for all my fans and one thing all my lovable fans…muhaaaaa…….Those who don’t know me, for that peoples I am introducing myself. I am Neha. From Pune. Only 18 year’s old girl. Very Fair, 5 feet 4 inch height. Having very sexy body. I have too big boobs. My size is 34-28-34. First time I seduced my cousin Sachin. I don’t want to do sex with Sachin again. So...

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Seduced By An Entity 8211 Part I

Hello all, this is my first submission to this very website. This is a series of story and pure ficition. Please enjoy this if u like I will write more and complete the story. Cheyenne decided to spend the first day back swimming when a bottle nosed dolphin came up to her talking in dolphin language and trying to get Cheyenne to follow him. Ok boy show me what’s wrong.” She said as she held on to his fin where he took her to another dolphin that was injured. Oh no, it’s bad boy.” She said to...

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53 Year Old Ann Is Seduced By A 21 Year Old Hunk

Ann’s husband had wanted to see Ann with another man for the last few years. He yearned for the day he could see his beautiful wife of more than 30 years being fucked by another man. Ann’s husband knew Ann wasn’t getting any younger and the time left for his ultimate fantasy to come true was slowly coming to an end. He was desperate at this point and would do whatever it took to see Ann with another man. There was just one big problem Ann’s husband had, and that was that Ann wanted nothing to...

1 year ago
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Seduced by Sin Ch 03

Thank you for all your patience with me, I know it’s been a long wait for this chapter. Things at home and work have been a little crazy, so I haven’t had much time to devote to writing. I know this chapter is really short, but I wanted to get this part out. Sorry, no sex in this one, but hang in there. Next time, I promise! Once again, thanks for reading! Renee On the edge of the pool inside the glen, Kate and Sin lay together in the grass, she was cuddled up against his side, one shapely...

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A young woman is seduced by an older couple

When I was a teenager I read a lot about sex. I was very curious about boys and wanted to know everything about them; the way they thought, about their bodies and what got them turned on. One thing I have learned growing up is that books don’t really tell you all that much about “how” to do things. Life experience is what really counts, and that’s what brings me to my story… The person who taught me the most about sex was a very close friend who lived in my...

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