- 3 years ago
- 38
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As I sat and watched the sun come up, tinging the dark blue expanse of San Diego bay with the reds and yellows of the new dawn, I thought about what had happened throughout the night. They had seduced me, the two of them together, seduced me as I had probably seduced some of the women in my life. I had done some things last night that I never had thought I would do... and I had enjoyed it!
I had been in threesomes with other couples before and I certainly was no prude, but last night had been the most interesting threesome I had ever taken part in. As much for how it had happened as much for what had happened.
Every other time I had been invited in by the husband during online discussions on several bulletin boards in my local area. I had found out that the only thing harder than finding swinging partners as a single male was to be a married male swinging without his wife. Seldom does anyone give you a chance to explain why you're swinging alone! BBS's and chat pages were perfect for this. But never had I been seduced into a threesome by someone I didn't know or had never talked to! Last night had definately been one of firsts!
I had come to San Diego on travel for the government, a five day trip designed to get together with various people I talked to on a day to day basis. The trip had gone exceptionally well and after the day was done I headed back to my hotel for a shower and dinner. I've been to San Diego more than once and knew of lots of places to go, but last night I decided to just go to the hotels lounge for a beer and snacks. I was supposed to have met my brothers daughter and her husband for dinner but she had called and postponed our first meeting in over 20 years. I didn't even know what she looked like! So I headed for the bar instead. It turned out to be the best decision I'd made in a long time!
The lounge was quiet, just the bartender shining glasses and a young-to-middle aged couple looking into each others eyes, talking quiet but occassionaly looking around the room. I looked at them as I walked in but didn't really look that hard as I slid up onto the stool in the corner of the dark oak bar.
"Hello Charlie... how's life treating you?" I asked as he slid my usual scotch and water to my spot. A good bartender remembers you no matter how long it's been.
"Great Mr. Lewis. Long time no see! But it's always good to see you." Charlie went about his business while I drank the ice cold scotch and watched the news.
Movement in the mirror behind the bar caught my attention, and I watched as the man in the booth slid out to let his dark haired companion out, and I saw her stand and smooth her skirt. A denim one, not too short but definately way above the knee.
Medium height, maybe 5'3" or so. Legs neither long nor short but very shapely and well formed. White shirt tucked into the waist of the skirt, ruffles around the neckline. As I turned to watch her walk by I noticed the neckline plunged... plunged almost to where it joined the skirt! As she walked I saw a jiggle beneath the fabric... fabric that was almost but not quite transparent. On either side of the plunging neckline was a hint of her breasts capped by rock hard nipples. It wasn't that cool in the bar... but obviously cool enough! I had to turn the other way on my stool to watch her walk away towards the restrooms... watched her shapely ass jiggle beneath the smooth denim skirt.
A deep voice from the other side of me drew my attention back to my surroundings.
"She has that affect on lots of people." the man from the booth said from my right side.
"I'm sorry, that really was rude of me." I apologized. "But she is very pretty."
"No need to apologize. We both like her to be looked at!" he said. "And thank you. I'll tell her you find her pretty. She'll like to hear that."
I didn't know what to say before he walked away with their fresh drinks and I turned back to the news. Charlie, being the good bartender he was, put a fresh drink in front of me, and I could feel the strain of the day drain away. My attention to the local sports was distracted as another arm hooked itself into mine and a smooth feminine voice spoke into my ear.
"My husband says you think I'm pretty." she discreetly said. "Thank you!"
I turned my head to see the extensive cleavage of the lady in the white blouse almost touching my arm. Our positions, with me sitting and her standing, placed the great expanse of skin between the wide lace trimming the edges of the open neck blouse directly at my eye level and I could see the dark shadows of both nipples beneath the almost sheer material. I raised my eyes to meet hers... and looked into the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen.
"You're welcome!" I said as I reached out to take the offered hand. It was warm and soft and soft. "My names David."
"Mine's Paula. Do you often tell women's husbands that you think their wives are pretty?"
"Only when they catch me looking... and only if they really are pretty!" I answered. She didn't seem to want to let go of my hand, and that was fine with me.
"I see you're married. Where's the wife?" she asked.
"In Seattle. I'm here on business this week."
"Would you care to join Gene and I at our table?" she asked me turning her head to indicate the new booth they had moved their drinks too. They had picked one in the darkest corner of the lounge.
"Yes I would." I answered. "May I buy you a drink to take back?"
"Please. Bourbon and water for Gene and a Margarita for me if you don't mind." She still hadn't let go of my arm but had let my hand go. As if on cue Charlie put three drinks on front of us and walked away. Paula picked up their drinks and turned to walk away. I followed, watching her bottom sway beneath the tight denim of her skirt.
Once at the table Gene moved further inside the booth to allow Paula to slide in next to him and put his hand out towards me.
"My name's Gene... and I see you've been introduced to Paula."
"Mine's David. And she really is very pretty!" I answered as I firmly gripped the offered hand, squeezing his as he squeezed mine in the usual male ritual of "place setting"... establishing our masculinity with the other. I slid in across from the couple.
"I'm glad you think so. I do!" he answered. "Well David, where are you from and what are you doing in San Diego?" he asked.
I launched into a short explanation of my situation and before I knew it they had coaxed my life story out of me. They were very smooth and worked together to put me at ease, Paula continually fiddling with the lapels of her blouse, alternatingly opening and then closing them as if she were fanning herself from an intense heat. Each time her blouse opened I saw a greater expanse of flesh... and often a hint of breast... and sometimes even a shy peek at a hardened nipple. She was hypnotizing me with her hands movements... and her smile... and even her voice.
No I'm not a lovesick teenager fawning over the first woman who makes it known she's available. But I was becoming more and more intrigued with her as the three of us sat and talked. I found they were both professional in the Diego area... he in computer graphics and her as a webmaster for a large aerospace company. They had been married for 15 years and had never had any kids although they both seemed delighted to see pictures of mine... and then Gene asked me for the truth about my relationship with my wife.
"We've found that if a husband or wife is willing to cheat on their spouse while they're traveling alone then there's a fundamental problem in their marriage. So what's yours?" Gene asked.
"Sexless marriage. Twice a year is enough for her and not near enough for me. And a problem with sexual compatability." I answered, impressed with their openness.
"Sexual compatability?" Paula piped up... opening her blouse wide open and offering me a view of both breasts at the same time... and both rock hard nipples exposed to the cool air. "What kind of compatability problems?"
"I don't want to be crude but there aren't many ways to explain it without being descriptive."
"That's okay... we don't mind hearing it if you don't mind say it." Gene countered.
"Well, lets just say that I enjoy performing oral sex on a lady and being treated to the same and she doesn't like either one. I enjoy caressing and sucking on a woman's breasts and she hates having hers touched... And I enjoy threesomes and she thinks that's perverted. Enough said?" I asked.
"She doesn't like to have her pussy licked and her clit sucked? Or someone's hands caressing her nipples... or even better, several someones caressing them?" Paula softly exclaimed! "She certainly doesn't know what she's missing!"
I was a little surprised at her expressiveness... but at the same time enjoyed the flash of her real self escaping from the properness she exuded. My interest began peaking off the chart.
"I think you get an idea of where Paula's interests lie. And believe me, there is no problem with compatability in our marriage. We both enjoy a lot of the same things!" Gene added while looking down his wife's shirt at the same view I was enjoying. "Not having any kids has given us a lot of freedom to enjoy ourselves and our professions have given us the money to indulge our fantasies."
"Does picking up stray travelers in downtown bars fit into any of your fantasies.'
"Actually we decided to meet here for a drink after work, and Paula noticed you sitting there watching the news and liked the idea of a quiet kinda guy that keeps up on current events. We decided to see if you would be interested." Gene looked at me over his drink. "Are you?"
"Depends on what you have in mind. There's a few things I don't go for."
"Let me guess. You're straight and don't even want another guy to come close... right?" he asked.
"Partially right. I am straight, but not phobic about it. Sometimes you just can't help but come across each other when you're trying to please the lady that's in between you. What I meant was I don't like pain or humiliation. Life is humiliating and painful enough without introducing it into your sex life too."
"I agree. Sex should be fun, not painful or dirty." Paula added. As she had been listening she had slipped a hand inside her blouse and had been caressing her left breast, lightly pulling its nipple between two fingers until it stood straight out from its base. Luckily the booth we were in was hidden in the darkness of the rapidly filling lounge. Gene's arm had slipped around Paula's neck and his hand had pulled her blouse apart. I now had an unobstructed view of her bare right breast and her hand caressing the nipple on her left. Her breasts weren't large, maybe b-cups, but they were perfectly formed and standing straight out from her body. I could feel myself harden in my jeans while watching this lovely woman caress herself.
Gene kept talking while the two of them put on an incredible show for me across the table.
I found out he was my age, 42, while Paula was a little younger at 36. He was a graduate of the University of Washington and knew Seattle very well, while she had never gone to college but had taught herself HTML language on her own when it was still young and unexplored territory. That had landed her the job she was in at a salary in the high 80's range.
I felt a foot work its way up my leg towards my lap and opened my legs to allow it access. It felt like a small one so I assumed it was hers... although I wasn't completely sure. Slowly it worked its way to my crotch where my hardness strained against my pants until I felt her(?) toes press themselves against me. I looked down to see a silken covered foot rubbing my crotch. Looking across the table I continued to watch her pull her nipple away from its breast. Her other hand was beneath the table and I was pretty sure Gene was getting a treatment too.
"Are you staying in this hotel?" she asked "And are you interested in playing with us?"
"Both answers are yes." I answered. "Would you like to come up to my room?"
"That would be more convenient I think. We live about a half hour away... and I'm not sure I want to wait that long!" She pressed her foot hard against my hardness. "If that's okay with you that is. If you need it Charlie can vouch for us. He's known us a long time and knows we're not out to rob you or anything. He even has our address and phone number, although he's promised not to give it out unless we say it's okay."
"Good. That's exactly what I was thinking. Okay... would you like to go now?" I asked.
She pulled her hand out of her blouse and her foot out from between my legs, gathered her purse from the table, and slid out of the booth. She smoothed her skirt down over those lovely legs and reached out for both Gene and I. Apparently part of the game was to be seen being escorted out of the lounge by two men at the same time. I threw a five on the table as a tip to Charlie and stood up. Paula linked her arms through ours and we headed for the elevators.
I could feel her breast against my arm as we waited for the car to make it down to our floor and could practically smell the aroma of sexual arousal eminating from the lady between us. A ring of the bell and the door slid open to the empty elevator, allowing us to enter together. I pressed the button for the top of six floors and the doors slid closed.
Immediately Paula turned and kissed Gene deeply, then turned and pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue easily slid against mine and the fragrance of her light perfume assailed my senses. We broke apart just as another bell signaled our arrival at my floor.
My card slid in and out easily and the door lock clicked. I pushed it open and my two guests stepped through. Luckily I'm a neat person and my room was immaculate, the huge queen size bed squarely in the center of the room.
"Excuse me guys. I need to freshen up. Make yourselves comfortable and I promise I'll be out in a second." She shut the bathroom door behind her.
Gene took a seat next to the window and spoke for the first time since leaving the lounge.
"There's just a couple things I'd like to explain first David if you don't mind. First, we don't do this very often and then only with people we like. We're pretty picky and it's not easy to be picked, so you should be flattered. I'm not trying to come across as stuck up I just wanted you to know that this kind of thing is special to us and we want it to be special to you too." He kept his eyes on me as he sipped his drink.
"Second is that we're both bi, but nothing will happen between you and I that you don't want to happen. Next is that we're both clean, so if there's anything you need to tell us you need to tell us now. Anything you want me to know David?"
"No Gene there's not. I'm as selective as you are and very careful. One thing though. I've been fixed so I'm surgically safe if that makes a difference."
"Thank you for telling me. I'll let Paula know. We're both safe too. That makes swinging easier for both of us. One more thing. There's not much Paula doesn't like so don't worry about trying anything you want. You may even be surprised. But the goal for all of this is to give her pleasure while having some ourselves. Her being happy is the most important thing of all. Agree?"
"I agree completely." I stretched my hand out and he shook it firmly but friendly. "I assume she went in the bathroom so we could have this friendly little chat?" I asked.
"You catch on quick! I like that... no games, no pretensions. I think you'll have a good time tonight. I just hope you're up to it!" He laughed.
She must have been waiting for a signal, maybe his laugh or a key word spoken, but at that moment the bathroom door opened and she stepped into the room.
"I'm glad to see you two have become friends! I think we're all about to become closer friends, don't you?" she said as she stepped between us. She stood up on her toes and pressed her lips to mine. I could feel her nipples against my chest, hard and engorged points pushing against me. Her lips were soft and warm, her tongue searching for mine. I played mine over hers. I could see Gene stepping behind her and watched as he pulled her blouse free from her skirt and opening it wide, then off her well tanned shoulders. I moved my hands to her breasts, feeling them for the first time in my palms... perfectly formed and perfectly sized. I could feel the heat of her body rising to meet my nostrils, that heat seeming to accentuate her perfume.
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Today is our long awaited graduation exercises. I am just waking up from last night's party, Charlene is already up and in the shower. Not surprising, because she always loves to look her best in the morning. This morning was going to be very special in honor of graduation and celebration of our almost four-year love affair. Well, at least that's what she promised.I kicked off the sheets and admired my morning wood. I could hear Charlene humming so I knew she was done showering and was now...
CrossdressingWe drove straight to work from the hotel, most of the staff were out today, so it didn't matter that we were a bit stinky. Amy had a lot of work to do, so she went off to her office, promising to come over at lunchtime. I spent the morning pondering, my good fortune. How on earth did I manage to sleep with the hottest girl at work? And more amazingly, I now had a girlfriend. My phone rang around 10am, it was reception, my mum was phoning wondering where I was, they put her through. I told her...
We were on the first day of a two-day journey down the Current River in Missouri. We had been married just a couple of years and decided to do some adventuring while living in the Ozarks. It was late morning in August, and the sun was beating down on us. I was in the back of the canoe. I'm 5'10", 180 pounds, muscular build. My shirt was off and the only thing I was wearing was my short bathing trunks, flip-flops, a hat and sunglasses. My sexy wife - 5'3", 120 pounds, curvy tanned latina...
OutdoorHello friends, mera naam raghu (name changed) hai, mai kolkata ka rehne wala hu, age 23, 5-7 height hai meri and lund 7+ lamba and 4.5 mota hai. Average body hai. Mai ek masters degree student hu… Waise mai iss ka regular reader hu… Waise meri last stories se kafi mails mili… thank you friends apke support k lie Specially to all bhabhis and girls… Love u muuaahhh Please apna response mujhe mail kare – and hangouts pe bhi hu…same id hai mera. Waise agar ap cahe toh meri last stories...
I have always been misunderstood, and because of this I was always lonely. My boyfriend always wondered how he got so lucky, that I was beautiful and smart- the perfect woman. The truth to it all was that I wasn’t happy, nothing could satisfy what I wanted. Things were too easy, too boring, too cold, too indirect, too dramatic or too cliché. I applied for college and was accepted in fall, it was too easy. I was a straight A student, I could do whatever I wanted. Things moved slower in the...
I clenched my teeth, drew my lips over my teeth and growled, “FUUUUUCK!” My grip on her hips was tight. My cock was buried balls deep in her ass. I was close to filling it with cum. I had been using her tight ass to jerk off my cock. Pushing her away from me and pulling her back to me. Her small plump ass cheeks smacked against my hips and made a loud slapping sound. She was on her knees, on her bed, her face buried in a pillow. Her loud muffled cries filled her bedroom and fueled my lust....
BDSMDie Rache (BDSM Hardcore) von anonymThema: F/Vergewaltigung/Fesselung/sado-maso/Folter/BruesteSeit fast 3 ? Jahren bin ich dabei diesen Plan ausreifen zu lassen und ihn zu perfektionieren.Immer wieder habe ich Kleinigkeiten gefunden, welche alles zunichte machen k?nnen.Immer wieder war die Angst gr??er als der Mut.Nun war es aber soweit, zu lange musste ich warten und zu lange wurde ich gedem?tigt.Wenn ich mich kurz vorstellen darf, ich bin Sven, 24 Jahre alt und Leiter einer Werbeagentur die ...
Reddit Indians Gone Wild, aka r/IndiansGoneWild! When a country has 1.3 billion people living in it, then you’ve got yourself a nation that effectively has one billion horny people in it. Now naturally, it’s toxic for men to seek sex online so only the women can be socially-accepted e-girls who beg for sexual attention, and with that begging come many, many fans who encourage these girls to even take up whole virtual careers and become the e-girls of the future. That way, when someone with the...
Reddit NSFW ListI had rushed home from work so that I could have some time alone in the house before my mother and brother got home. My cousin, Ram, and he still lived with us while he worked. He enjoyed living with us, and my mother Anu, and knew that they needed to for awhile, until she got back on her feet after the divorce. It wasn’t easy for her because she had never had to work until my father divorced her. I went into my bedroom, stripped down to my briefs and shuffled through the clothes in the bottom...
My best friend’s fatherIt was a warm summer’s day when I was home alone, wearing a light transparent nightie, no panties or bra, just a comfortable thing to wear when home alone, the nightie was super short barely reaching the bottom line of my ass, topless, only an upper rubber band seem that was hanging on top of my large pair of perky tits. I usually keep my body clean, my pussy fully waxed and silky soft all the times.Bing in mid-twenties, a young, active woman, I had a fairly curvy body...
The moment our eyes met I knew I would end up sleeping with this man. I was married. Such an act was forbidden but the urge to feel him inside me made me wet with anticipation. The way he moved, the way he cared and the way his eyes saw straight through me was irresistible. The desire was making every part of me throb. I would find myself playing with my clit wishing it were he who was doing it to me. My fingers would speed around my pussy thinking about him. When I came it was always with him...
Oral SexRose was manning the reception desk as usual that morning. She looked up and smiled at the fifty-year old man approached. "May I help you?" "Yes, I wondering if I may have a day-pass, please. My name is Farouq Yacine." "You don't have a reservation, do you, sir? Are you alone?" "Yes, I am." "I'm sorry, sir, but we've had to install a policy of refusing to admit single men who are not known to us. This is not to my liking but past experience has made it necessary." "That...
100% fiction! Mark pulled his car up into the driveway and found the minivan already packed and ready to go. It always surprised him how much stuff seemed to be required for his family's monthly vacation up the cabin. He wondered how much of all the stuff in those bags would ever get unpacked. He walked inside the front door and was greeted by a voice from the kitchen. "I've already packed for the trip. Let's eat a quick dinner and get on the road. I can hardly wait to get up there." The...
IncestIt seems that all the females here are just waaaaaay too stupid and / or too scared to get me the wish I ask each of them aI consider it an honor that you would allow a slut like me to your friends list....hopefully you can humiliate me and expose me as I am aching to have done by another femaleI would LOVE to send you my slutty pics and beg you to share them with everyonewill you give me the honor of having me send you my Facebook login and password to beg you to use it to send all my friends...
The next morning I got up, glanced at the sun out the window and smiled as I stretched, glad I didn't have anything planned for once. However that illusion was quickly set aside. "You need hurry up," Anh told us from the door. "Becky, Melinda and Chalise are on way over. Since Chalise coming, we invite Kitty too. They be here soon. We also invite Brooke and family, so kids keep Caroline company. Get asses moving, lot do today." I looked around in confusion. "Did I miss an announcement...
I had chatted to this guy online a few times. Then we text'd for about two months. We were both married and looking for some no strings fun. He was obviously sex crazy. We had been constantly flirting and there was definitely a sexual attraction.Finally, the day came for us to meet. I got up that morning and my husband and I chose what I was going to wear. We decided on a pair of skin tight black leggings and a tight black top. As I went to get dressed my husband told me not to put any...
Tony has moved into his own place and it’s great! When his stepsister Avery Cristy comes to visit, she makes it clear that she wants to stay with him. Having Avery in his new home without their parents around is a little weird for Tony, but it’s about to reach a whole new level of strange. It turns out that Avery finds his couch uncomfortable and insists on sharing a bed with him. Dressed in a sheer shirt and skimpy shorts, Avery is too much for Tony to resist even if she is his...
xmoviesforyouWhen Rory steps out of the bathroom, ready to confront her brother, she finds him already gone. For a moment she believes that maybe it all was just a dream, that it was all just in her head. But when she notices the side of the bed has been slept in, she knows that’s not the case. With a shameful shake of her head, she gets dressed and then heads down stairs. From the kitchen, Chance hears her footsteps. He quickly tucks his cock back into his shorts and picks up the spoon to stir the...
My parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren’t actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...
I wanted to have an evening of excitement in a sex cinema. I was hoping no one noticed how nervous I was and that my stomach was turning and at the same time filled with butterflies hoping that no one realizes under my jogging pants i was wearing strapless black fishnetz stockings,a small red thong, and a really short, tight black skirt. Although I'm straight man, for some reason over the past 6 months i have been dreaming about and now I am fantasizing daily over Crossdressing and being...
The rest of the school day flew by pretty quickly. Before I knew it, band practice was over. I was mostly preoccupied with my thoughts. Thoughts of Fay and Amber and Julie. I was worried that I was doing too much too quickly and I was in over my head. When band practice was over, I quickly walked around the school taping up the powder puff flyers. Ron was eager to get home and get ready for his gig, so I tried not to be slow about it. Ron dropped me off at home. I walked inside and...
Back when I was a Puma in my thirties, I was into the twenty something men. I haven’t stopped with that nonsense because it makes all the sense in the world to me. I like men like my coffee, fresh, hot, sweet, and different shades of brown, depending on my mood. I loved to dance at clubs (still do). Once I met a guy at a Brazilian restaurant that transformed into a club at night. It had a techno room, a hip hop room and a salsa meringue room. Being the fickle girl that I am, I liked to move...
Straight SexI can think of no better way to get even with you for your little clit tweak while I was ordering dinner, than making you wait for your climax. I was planning on teasing you, as it were, but now I’m out for revenge. As I start to recover from my climax, our appetizer arrives and is set on the table. When the waiter leaves, I reach up and with my fingers take a hold of one of the shrimp. Dipping it into the cocktail sauce, I bring it to my lips, slipping a little bit into my mouth in a...
Straight SexHello friends … This is Karan … m going to narrate a true sex experience that happened to me some days back … believe me from last 10 years i was masturbating daily on this girl … my ex – classmate. About me … m 6 feet body builder, my dick is 8 inches long n 2 inches wide … i think every Indian guy posses this size … 1 inch more or less lol. Boring yet … get prepared now … The story begins as … Pratibha was my classmate n we were very close friends. We use to hangout alot but no bad...
MY BEAUTIFUL COUSIN...our morning walkAfter breakfast I packed a little something for our lunch. I walked to my room and knocked on the door,"Hey Ginger are you about ready? I just need to get my jacket from the closet." Ginger opened the door and I walked in taking a quick look at her as I opened the closet and grabbed my jacket. "You're looking nice this morning." I said, "You ready to hit the woods?" She stepped closer and said "I'm ready to hit this wood, I've been thinking about it all...