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Sam watched Heather almost skip to the dresser on the far side of the room. Her backside jiggled enough to entice. Blood continued to rush between his legs as excitement swelled. Soon he would be free. He would take back his bedroom, and his wife.

An agonizing moment passed as Heather fished something out from the bottom drawer. She sprang upright and sashayed back toward Sam. As she struts by Will, he reached out and smacked her ass. She let out a little yelp and shot him a half-lidded, sensual expression.

“Here you are, honey.” Heather extended her right hand, and a small pink pill rested in her palm.

Sam stared. They drugged him once tonight, what would doing it again get them? He gave in and leaned forward until Heather lifted her hand to meet him. The pill passed into his mouth, and he swallowed. Whatever it was, he was at their mercy yet again.

Lightheadedness swirled, making Sam regret every action he had taken. He tried to focus on Heather. Her face blurred until he closed his eyes and slumped in the chair. He became lighter. All the taught sections of his clothes loosened except across his chest where it grew tighter.

Soft hair draped over Sam’s shoulders and back and tickled the nape of his neck. As much as he wanted to open his eyes, they wouldn’t obey. More sensations shifted through him. The pressure in his crotch shrank, but the heat didn’t disappear—it intensified.

Sam’s stomach fluttered. Something drove the changes, urging them on and increasing his sensitivity. He let out a groan, but he didn’t recognize it as his own. His voice came out soft and higher pitched. Whatever happened to him, he didn’t like, but his body did.

Desperation flared between his legs, and Sam squished his thighs together and rubbed. Pleasure spiked. He arched his back and moaned, continuing to grind and squirming in frustration. The stimulation he managed to apply wasn’t enough.

Sam opened his eyes. Heather stood before him, enraptured. She smiled when she met his eyes and came closer. Will loomed over her shoulder, and something triggered in Sam. Wetness slicked his skin as he rubbed himself faster to his escalating heartbeat.

“You’re beautiful, honey,” Heather said, strolling around the chair and looking Sam up and down. “Wanna see?”

Sam tried to meet Heather eye-to-eye, but he couldn’t tear his eyes off Will and his chiseled body. What he wouldn’t do to have her move so he could see a little lower. “Yes.”


Heather leaned forward until the lavender scent of her skin tickled Sam’s nose. Her chest rested on his arm as she untied the knot restraining his hands and then bent to the ones at his ankles. His eyes caught Will’s, and the bastard grinned; however, they didn’t stay long.

As Heather worked the second bond free, Sam couldn’t help himself. He let his eyes slide down Will’s body. The cock his wife had just jammed down her throat and had let fuck her who knows how many times demanded his attention. Although he wasn’t quite at full mast anymore, he put Sam to shame.

“All done.” Heather smacked Sam’s shin and rose, blocking the sight of his humiliation. Breath returned to his lungs in a shaky gasp. “Let’s have a good look at you.”

Before Sam responded or peeked at himself, Heather grabbed his hand and hauled him up and over to the closet. She swung the door open to reveal a full-length mirror large enough to reflect the two of them. His breath caught in his throat.

A woman equal in height to Heather stared back at Sam. While Heather’s dark skin warmed in the room lighting, this unknown woman’s pale skin glowed. Her blue eyes widened. Golden locks of hair framed her face. The soft curves of her body rivaled Heather’s feminine form.

“What do you think? Pretty crazy, huh?” Heather wrapped her arms around the woman’s left, and Sam flinched. “I didn’t think you’d turn into such a sexy girl.”

“I—” The new voice came out again. Sam didn’t understand. How could he have changed into a woman?

Heather sidled up to Sam, pressing their cheeks together. “I’m sure it’s a lot to take in, but I think you’re quite lovely. Don’t be afraid to speak up.”

Each word felt strange, not his own, but Sam managed to get a full sentence out, “How is this possible?”

“That pill you so eagerly took for me. It changes men into women. I’m surprised it worked myself, but I can’t say I’m angry with the results.”

“Why did you want to make me a woman?”

“Well,” Heather rolled her head to the side, glancing behind, “Will kept insisting on bringing in another girl, the insatiable stallion he is, so I offered you up. He seemed very keen on taking me up on my suggestion.”

Panic flared in Sam’s chest, and he followed Heather’s gaze. “I’m not—”

Heather turned Sam’s head back to the mirror and held him tight. “Don’t worry about all that. Just focus on what you see in front of you. I bet you’re dying to see yourself; I know I am.”

Sam opened his mouth to protest, but Heather pressed a finger to his lips. All defiance fled him. She nodded her approval, and her finger slithered down his slender neck to the buttons straining to keep his newfound breasts contained. He had to admit: he was curious.

Heather’s deft fingers popped the top button out of its hole. The tightness constricting Sam’s chest slackened, and his breathing came easier. He wanted to say something, but he became transfixed by Heather’s reflection teasing him with undressing more of his new body.

Several more buttons came undone. Sam’s shirt parted enough to reveal the curvaceous cleavage of his breasts. They stood proud, and he bit his lower lip. Heather smirked and flipped back more to show off more of his perfect pale skin.

The last one popped free, and Heather ripped Sam’s top off. Topless, he admired his altered form. Any guy would be glad to have a woman with his healthy upper body. Desire coursed through his veins, and he stared at Heather beside him. His body might be different, but he still wanted all of her.

“Ooo, look at us,” Heather said as she snuggled up against Sam. “I always loved seeing the contrast in our skin colors. Although, I think it’s a bit more pronounced now.”

Sam’s eyes traveled over their bare skin but stopped on the other difference between them. “How can you say that when you’re not completely topless?”

A throaty laugh echoed in Sam’s ear. “I guess you’re right. I was saving it, but now’s a good enough time.” With a quick, practiced motion, Heather reach back with one hand, undid the clasp of her bra, and ripped it off.

Warmth replaced the cool of the silk, making Sam’s hard nipples stand on end. “Better?” Heather asked and pulled them together by their chests.

The corner of Sam’s mouth twitched up. While he considered Heather’s breasts perfect, his proved to be a slight bit larger. His amusement cut short when she pressed further against him, and their aroused nipples touched. A soft moan escaped his throat, which he tried to stifle.

“What was that, honey? Already feeling good in your new body?” Heather rubbed their naked upper bodies together. “It’s all right; you don’t have to hide it from me.”

Heat continued to rise between Sam’s legs. “More. Lower.”

“Naughty girl. I guess it’s only fair since I’m not wearing pants.” Heather’s hands slid down to Sam’s waist and teased the belt loops. “You undo the front, and I’ll rip ‘em off.”

The thought of getting one step closer to being naked with Heather sent him into a fervor. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants quicker than ever. She smirked at him in the mirror and yanked down. Dark, damp spots stained his underwear, but the bulge he expected had vanished.

Sam stepped out of his clothes, and his thighs rubbed against sensitive flesh. He reached down. Heather placed a hand on his, stopping him below his bellybutton. She shook her head when his eyes met hers. His new parts screamed to be satisfied.

Floorboards creaked, and Will appeared in the gaps between their heads. Sam’s body tensed up. Heat and power radiated from Will as he now towered above Sam. His white skin stood out against the backdrop of Will’s dark frame. Something told him to run, but he couldn’t find the strength.

A meaty hand snaked around Heather, enveloping her left breast and squeezing. The mirrored action Sam expected done to him never came. “I think his tits are bigger than yours.”

Heather pouted and favored Will’s embrace, but she didn’t let Sam go. “That’s not fair.”

“Don’t worry, babe.” Will propped up Heather’s boob in his hand and jiggled it. “His are pasty as hell while yours are so nice and colorful.”

“I don’t know,” Heather’s hand traced the contours of Sam’s ribs up to his right breast, “I like them.” He puffed out his chest, desperate for her touch, filling her hand.

Shadow cast across Sam’s body as Will stepped closer to the pair. Something warm brushed up against his left thigh. “You do have good taste. Maybe I need to perform a little hands-on inspection.”

“By all means.” Heather gave Sam a gentle squeeze before her hand returned to his hip.

Sam opened his mouth to voice his displeasure, but his words died on his lips. Will’s right hand snaked around his body, fingertips brushing along his back, his ribcage, and up to his breast. The sight caused Sam to panic. He couldn’t let Will do whatever he wanted with him.

“Please sto—”

A moan forced its way out of Sam as Will’s thumb teased his erect nipple. He jerked backward, but firm, unyielding muscle blocked his path. His eyes flicked up. Will dwarfed him, and a wicked grin split his face. His hand covered the entirety of Sam’s tit.

“I have to admit, Sammy,” Will squeezed, sending a thrill of pleasure through Sam, “these are some fine titties you got. I hope you don’t mind if I have some fun with them.”

“How does being complimented by a real man make you feel, honey?” Heather asked, staring Sam in the eye through the mirror. “Does it excite you?”

Sam’s cheeks grew red. He wanted to pull away, to escape, before he confessed his undeniable arousal. “No.”

“Oh, man, look at him blush. A nice, girly color, too. And look at that trail glistening down your legs.” Will bent down until his hot breath filled Sam’s ear. “You want what every bitch wants, don’t you?”

As his thoughts shifted from his and Heather’s bodies, the instrument of Sam’s humiliation wedged itself between them. Dread swirled in his gut, mixing with the excitement from between his legs and his chest. Will’s massive cock, hard again, stood tall, resting on their hips. How did Heather take him?

“Ooo,” Heather gyrated her hip, and Will’s manhood rubbed up against Sam, “his cock’s so big and warm, isn’t it, honey? It’s okay to be turned on by such a magnificent specimen.”

“Heather, I…” Sam trailed off, captivated by the powerful rod.

Heather brushed Will back with her head and pressed her cheek against Sam’s. “Go ahead, touch it.”

Sam’s body acted. He retracted his left arm from around Heather and snaked it down. She eased back, minding his every move. Something told him to stop. However, his brain rationalized his behavior—this was like jerking off.

Nervous, Sam wrapped his fingers around Will’s cock. A twisted thrill sent his heartbeat racing. He tried to close his hand around the monster, but he couldn’t. Shame flooded him, yet his hand remained around Will. He stroked the shaft.

“Feel that?” Heather’s fingertips brushed Sam’s crotch as she whispered in his ear. “All that heavy, hard man meat in your tiny hand, unable to grasp it. So much different than yours.”

Sam went rigid. A phantom sensation protruded from between his legs. Heather’s words rang true, and he wilted. For all the times he pleased himself, he had never felt anything like this before. His frayed self-worth unraveled to the point of nonexistence. Pain lanced his heart.

Heather let out a sad, sympathetic noise. “Oh, honey, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. Will’s just the superior man, and you should count yourself lucky that you don’t have to compete with him anymore.”

Sam tore his eyes off Will’s manhood and met Heather face-to-face. “I… Don’t think I can do this.”

“I believe in you.” A reassuring smile brightened Heather’s face. Her hand touched his. “I’ll take the lead. Join in when you’re comfortable.” She tilted her head at Will. “Let’s head over to the bed.”

Will squeezed both Sam’s and Heather’s tits, and his hands fell from their bodies. A void formed in Sam from the lack of Will’s touch and presence. “You read my mind.”

The springs creaked as Will plopped down. His cock stood at attention, and Sam caught Heather’s eyes devouring him. Her lust rubbed off on him, yet, although she had attempted to direct it toward Will, Sam ached for her and her alone.

Heather swayed her hips. The slight jiggle of her plump backside captivated Sam, and he licked his lips. He padded after her despite her ultimate destination. What he wouldn’t give to bury himself inside her again even just his fingers or tongue.

“Had enough of playing with that hapless bitch?” Will mocked with a cock of his head and thrust of his pelvis.

Heather stopped between Will’s spread legs, putting her hands on her waist. “I see you enjoyed it.”

“Watching you coax him along turned me on, what can I say?” Sam’s heart leapt into his throat as Will stroked himself. “You have him wrapped around your finger.”

“He’s scared, hurt, and horny; he’ll do whatever I say. Even watch us.” Heather turned her head and caught Sam’s attention. She winked and blew him a kiss.

Something dark played in Will’s eyes. “Is that true, Sammy? I’ll stop now and never see your wife again if you tell me to. Promise.”

Sam stood paralyzed. He bit his lower lip. All he needed to do was speak up, and this would all be over. Will would be out of his life for good. The thought excited Sam, yet the words wouldn’t come. Heather remained in place, her eyes on his. He would have her to himself again.

“I want”—Sam swallowed down his doubts and selfishness—“whatever makes Heather happy.”

“What a loyal, supportive husband. I guess that’s what you saw in him. Oh, well.” Will held Sam’s gaze and pressed his hand flat around the root of his cock, waggling it toward Heather. “Here’s your happiness.”

Heather knelt before Will, and Sam’s eyes drifted to the floor. Shame, acceptance, desire, hatred, and despair flood Sam. What he said was true—he wanted Heather to be happy—but giving her to someone else broke him. The exit called to him.

“God,” Heather breathed. “This thing is so perfect. I can’t wait to have it inside me again.”

“If he hadn’t woken up and interrupted us, I would be ruining that cheating pussy by now.” A pit formed in Sam’s stomach.

“Oh, fuck. Maybe we should have just kept it from him.” Heather spit and sloppy, wet sounds filled the bedroom.

Will humphed. “And miss him breaking down and giving us his blessing? It was worth the wait.”

“You’re right. Seeing him watch us made me so wet.” Sam’s heartbeat escalated as thoughts of Heather’s beautiful pussy overwhelmed his mind, and his eyes flicked up. She jerked Will off with slow, long motions, ignorant of Sam’s attentiveness.

Sam inched forward, and the floorboards shifted and squeaked under his weight. “Oh, Sammy, I thought you were going to leave us.”

“I just—”

Heather patted the floor beside her. “Come here, honey. You can’t see anything from back there.”

Sam obeyed. His legs carried him to Heather’s side in seconds. She glanced up at him, smiling, and scooted over to make room for him. Tremors wracked his body, and he collapsed to his knees. Her smooth skin met his, but the musky scent clinging to his nostrils demanded his attention.

Shock froze Sam’s muscles. Will’s cock stared him in the face—bigger than he ever imagined. Heather had both hands around his giant member now, something she never had to do for Sam’s. A large vein stood out and shifted around with each of her strokes.

“Much better view, right? You can see every detail from up close.” Heather leaned her shoulder and hips against Sam’s, but her hands never stopped working Will’s shaft.

Sam took in a deep breath of Will’s manliness and shuddered. The wetness of his new desires drenched his boxers. “It’s so big.”

Heather snorted. “Yes, it is, honey, and it’s been inside me like you. Well, maybe not like you.”

“How does it even fit?” Sam’s hands drifted down to his crotch as he tried to comprehend the logistics of such a thing. His fingers teased sensitive flesh beneath the cotton.

“It was difficult at first, but now it fits perfectly.” Heather’s face appeared in the corner of Sam’s focused eyes, and he spared her a quick glance. “I was worried you might notice.”

Sam reached for his missing manhood, and a frown worked its way onto his face.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, honey,” Heather said, removing her left hand from around Will’s girth and grabbing Sam’s right. “I could use your help to wrangle this beast.”

Hesitation gripped Sam. Despite his inaction, Heather drew his hand up with hers toward Will’s crotch. The size, weight, and heat that had filled his hand returned before he even touched it. His nipples stood stiff, and he squirmed to try and answer the need rising from his womanhood.

Heather released Sam’s hand an inch short of Will’s shaft. He followed her lead. Saliva coated his fingers as they struggled to envelop Will’s entirety. His instincts told him to move, and his hand worked up and down at a slow pace.

“Don’t be afraid. It’s perfectly natural to want to please a man.” Heather pulled herself closer to Will until only her foot touched Sam’s leg. “Keep at. I’m going to give him a little more.”

Sam did as she said. Soft squelching noises squeaked out as he worked faster. A groan reverberated in Will’s throat. Sam tightened his grip on Will’s cock and picked up the pace. His eyes slid upward, taking in sculpted muscles and the smirk on his better’s face.

Will bucked his hips, and his well-groomed pubic mound bumped Sam. Another groan seeped out of Will, and his encouragement surged through Sam. He wanted to prove himself, to go further. His other arm raised and sought out the object of his worship.

Heather rubbed Will’s cockhead against her lips before her tongue slipped out and lapped up a dribble of precum. Sam wondered what it tasted like as he inched forward. Revulsion wrinkled Sam’s nose. How could he think about the taste of another man’s cum?

With swift precision, Heather took Will into her mouth and swallowed. She bumped into Sam’s fingers halfway down Will’s length. An urgent, muffled noise leaked out around the fat meat. Sam ran his hands down to the root, and she followed.

Sam’s gaze flicked down to the meager inch he covered compared to all Heather devoured. A bulge swelled her throat. He stared, transfixed, unable to comprehend how she was able to take so much. His own throat tightened—and breath caught—at the thought of him copying her actions.

“I can’t believe you can do that,” Sam whispered, and he squeezed the base of Will’s massive cock. “It would never fit in my—”

Heather stretched forward, and juices ran over Sam’s hands. Her wet lips pushed him aside as she reached lower. A strained breath flared her nostrils. She held herself there, impaled, for a long moment. Her talents always impressed him, but this excited him.

Will bent down, and his fingers tangled in Heather’s hair. “Stop showing off for little Sammy and suck this cock properly.”

In one abrupt motion, Heather lurched backward. Sam’s arm shot around her back to catch her. However, she didn’t need him. Will’s glistening manhood slipped out of her with a pop at the end. She rested her shoulder blade against Sam’s hand. Her chest rose and fell with her rapid breathing.

“Heather,” Sam said, his amazement mixing with a darker, more guttural emotion. She side-glanced him before she threw herself back at Will.

Squelching sounds rose above Sam’s thin breaths as he watched Heather work. She twisted her head every other bob and more saliva ran down Will’s length. Sam wanted to do something, but he remained motionless, unsure. His right arm swayed with each of her movements.

Heather’s hair fell in front of her face, and Will raked more forward. “Sammy, why don’t you help out your busy wife and keep her hair out of the way?”

Without hesitation, Sam glided his hand up over Heather’s shoulder blade to her hair. His other hand came up to join. He caught the mass of curly hair in either of his hands and pulled back. A sloppy ponytail, tied with his fingers, would have to suffice.

Sam followed Heather’s actions close, making sure no more spilled into her face. He stared at her. Sounds filled his ears until the smack of her lips, the gurgle of her gag reflex were all he heard. Her beautiful eyes remained closed, focused as she was, but he wished to see them.

Desire drove Sam. He leaned in closer, resting his body against Heather. The gentle jostling of her bobbing didn’t bother him. He savored the warmth of her skin and softness of her curves. She slowed down as her hands came up Will’s thighs and wrapped around his dick.

Heather’s tongue slithered around the underside of Will’s cockhead. She stroked the shaft and withdrew. Her left shoulder bounced against Sam’s chest until he eased back. She turned her head to face him, and her eyes flicked toward Will, nudging him.

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed just how attentive you’ve been. I’ll share.” Heather pointed Will’s cock at Sam, and his stomach dropped.

The idea of sucking off the man his wife cheated on him with disgusted him. Not to mention the fact he had no interest in men of any kind. “I’m straight.”

“I know.” A cheery expression flashed across Heather’s face, and she moved toward Sam.

Soft and warm, Heather’s lips met Sam’s. His eyes shot wide. He didn’t expect her to give him anything, not after how she and Will had derived pleasure in teasing him with what they’ve taken from him. Yet, despite all the anger and humiliation, he gave in to her wonderful kiss.

Sam moaned, closed his eyes, and kissed her back. An amused giggle came from inside her, but she didn’t pull away as he expected she intended. Instead, she pivoted, and hands roamed up his bare thighs and across his abdomen. She groped his sensitive breasts.

Memories of their previous intimacy escalated Sam’s heartbeat, and he leaned into Heather. She let him push her, albeit only an inch or two. His hand dropped from the back of her head and searched her body like hers did his. Each goosebump his fingers ran over, excited him all the more.

Sam slipped his tongue into Heather’s mouth. She fell back but didn’t remove her lips from his. He followed her motion until their skin met, and her tongue found his. She embraced him in a firm hug, inching him closer. Another limb pressed against his side, but he ignored it.

One of Heather’s hands disappeared from around Sam. Her other weaved through his hair to the back of his head. With a light push, she coaxed him forward further. The blood rushing between his legs, while different, rendered him blind to anything else.

Heather made an urgent sound and broke their kiss. Sharp breaths, from both of them, followed, and Sam opened his eyes, anticipating hers. Will’s erect cock stood no more than two inches from his face. He reared back, but her strategic hand on the back of his head prevented him from going far.

“Go on, honey,” Heather said and positioned her face opposite Sam’s, Will’s tip obscuring part of her cheek. “You’ll love it, and I think it’ll be so hot.”

Once again, Heather had tricked Sam into playing into her sick plans. Betrayal after betrayal left him broken, but he grew aroused at her deceit. He couldn’t do what she did to Will; however, if she wanted this, how could he refuse?



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"Ain't no mystery there, Colonel Johnson has a big place about five miles west of here where he raises some nice horses. I can't say how he come to be a Colonel or even if he really is one, but I can tell you he has some good horses. He claims his best stallion is a full brother to Steel Dust, but he claims a lot of things. "Whether it is or ain't, it's a good big fast horse and he breeds true pretty much. I'm sure you can find one you like at his place," he said. "Thanks for that,...

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Your Name Here1

The day started as it usually did. Groggily, Jess leaned over to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. He was so tired because he had been doing thirty hours a week at work lately and he wasn't sleeping well because of his home life. Add in school and the homework that came along with it and it was midnight or later by the time he got to bed. “Who invented these things anyway?” ,he thought as he climbed out of bed. Showered and dressed, he went downstairs to get some breakfast. “Hi...

3 years ago
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Leave The Ring On Chapter Five Closer

After Damian mentioned moving in, Fiona knew a smart person would just end things but all she could think with lately was her cunt and the dopamine effects that Damian's throbbing cock gave her.Her marriage was as dead as the first victim in a slasher movie and already corpse cold so as much as getting caught both scared and thrilled her it happening was about as serious as losing a game of Candyland to an annoying cousin.A few years back, she was on a whim and went to a psychic who told her...

Wife Lovers
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Loves Healing Touch

Loves healing touch By Rachel Saunders Sam's heart rate went through the roof. His pulse raced as he watched the ground race up before him. Now this was what he called 'alive'. The thud of the afterburners kicked in, and his body tensed as almost 7 G's pushed him back into his seat. "Griffin 1 to Griffin leader - you are one crazy son of a bitch sir". Sam smiled. The altimeter indicated that he had stopped merely 20 metres above the ground. The lowest...

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Bangalore Girlfriend Bathing And Recorded In Hidden Camera

Hi Guys, This story is about a girl who was from CG; she studied in Bangalore MBA college. Can’t tell you the name and college, she was Sindhi and was a fucking hot chick of college with damn good attitude. She was very proud about herself. Every boy of the college wanted to touch her once or see her assets. We met in CG and she became my gf, I just kissed her and touched boobs for 1-2 years. Then she moved to Bangalore and I moved to some other city, I went to Bangalore to meet her couple of...

1 year ago
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Das Tor 11

Unser neues Haus lag g?nstiger als das Alte. Man konnte durch die Hintert?r auf Feldwegen zum Wald kommen. Radfahren war uns nach wie vor nicht m?glich, und so schoben wir die R?der, um sie f?r den R?ckweg benutzen zu k?nnen. Die Strecke kam mir so lang vor wie nie. Auf kurzen Wegen st?rte mich der Keuschheitsg?rtel wenig, aber diese lange Wanderung war etwas ganz anderes. Es rieb an allen m?glichen Stellen bei jedem Schritt. Der bald einsetzende Schwei? sorge zwar anfangs wie eine Art Gl...

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My Younger Sister and the Stolen Dildo

I grinned, when I listened to the sounds, coming from my sister’s room. They were the noises she always made, when she was in there, “busy” with herself. I licked my lips. Let’s see how she’s going to wiggle out of this one, the little slut, I thought, and gripped the door handle tight. With a quick, decisive push, I threw her door open wide, loudly entering her room. “Hey sis!” I called, sending her reeling in her chair. I had to admire her, she was sneaky. With one smooth motion she flung...

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Sunday School Piano Player

This story begins in 2006. I was coming up on a move from Anchorage, Alaska to Columbia, South Carolina. I decided to use some online dating sites to maybe lay some groundwork to hook up with some women in SC. I had started talking to this (as I saw in photos) extremely cute, busty 18 year old girl. We shall call her Diane for the sake of anonymity. We talked casually for a few months via Yahoo messenger and grew to know quite a bit about each other. She was a big fan of my favorite band...

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Young America 2 The Slumber Party

Introduction: The continuing lustful story of four typical American teens finding their sexuality in suburban America Slumber Party Raven sat in the shower that night water dripping off her short black hair. Her ass still stung, and a terrible hollowness filled her chest. She had stepped beyond friendship with Ronnie and now there was no going back for either of them. It was a strange sensation, being with a boy, one that she would never forget. She hadnt enjoyed it, like being with a girl,...

2 years ago
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Sasur Ke Sath Mast Chudai

Hi main honey ho mere sasur mujhe is naam se bulate hai aur ye meri ek real story hai jo main apke samne pahli bar batane ja rahi ho isme name place ke alwa kuch fake nahi hai main Mumbai se ho main 23 year ki ho shadi shuda kafi ache ghar se ho mere husband ek private company main Kam karte hai jo aksar kam ke liye bahar rahte hai mera ghar kafi bada hai jisme hum 3 log hi rahte hai main mere sasur aur mere husband pahle main apne bare main bata do main gori smart ho mera fig 35 28 36 ka hai...

1 year ago
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Virtual Porn

The domain was registered way back in 1996, which isn’t a surprise to anybody who remembers the gold rush to buy up all the potentially valuable porn domains. The thing is, VR porn was not a reality in 1996. Hell, online porn, in general, was kind of a shit show back in the nineties, and much of what we expect these days in premium porn wasn’t established until the reality porn of the early 2000s. So who could have predicted the rise of genuinely immersive 3D porn a...

VR Porn Sites
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Understanding Mom II

The Amerasian agency that rounded me and hundreds of other asian children of unknown soldiers came to my Thai refugee camp and announced that they have found me a family in San Francisco California. I was 8 years old then, I'm half black and half Vietnamese, which in my case didn't produce good result. I felt ugly and unwanted and became shy and introvert. I met my new family and their two girls about four and two years old. But what stunned me is my adopting mom, she was very beautiful and...

2 years ago
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Fun in the Bath

Two girls share everything in their sexual life and one day they decide to share a bath. Let me tell you that it’s going to be really hot and exciting…Now let’s see the type of women I really love and get hot about! There she was, perfectly flawless in everyway. She was dark-haired, blue eyed, athletic built, pierced and tattooed on her gorgeous body. Maybe not any single guy would boast of having sex with her on his time, but she was definitely mine. From the moment I saw her, I was stunned by...

4 years ago
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How I Met Kala Aunty And Her Daughter Bang Bang

Hi to all ISS readers, am Arjun from Bangalore before starting my story I would like to thank for story writers the inspired me to write a story but it’s not a story it’s a wonderful true incident which turns my life full of fun and enjoyment with my sex world, i’m sex addict I love sex. If you ask me what is sex in one word its art. Now let’s get back to the story here I am going to tell you how I met kala aunty end up with sex, damn I never had any idea before that this will going to happen...

1 year ago
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Panty Secrets

Panty Secrets By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Carded Timmy. My parents named me Timmy. Timmy Garconette. They didn't hate me or anything. In fact they loved me very much. And they're good parents. They probably thought Timmy was a nice name. But it just gives you an idea of the flavor of my life. Timmy is not the name of a guy who scores the winning touchdown or scores with the winning babe. It's kind of a wimpy name. My one-year-older sister Clare got a pretty good name and some...

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Blake Blossom 14000 420000

If you know your porn, you know Blake Blossom's pussy. I couldn't tell you how many fucking times I've blown my load to Blake Blossom. She's one of the hottest blonde bombshells in porn, and like me, you probably already lost count of how many times you've watched her videos. One of those videos you probably saw her in was Nubiles: Princess Cum Volume Ten when she fucked her stepbrother. That creampie was hot as fuck, and it's when I first discovered her pussy lips doing that sexy flapping...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Intelligent Confident Capable

Names have been changed, but this is from the actual start of the chat conversation this story originally came from. Susie Williams: lol id rather something where were kinda close ive been your tenant for about a year ive never missed a payment and always have had a good relationship, you have problems with your husband every now and then and come to talk to me and hang out alot Lacie Donovan: hmmmm…. Lacie Donovan: ok Susie Williams: ok hehe you have a big crush on me and I think your...

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The Inspection

Officer Tanya works for U.S. Customs at an international airport in the southern U.S.. Her colleagues call her a radical feminists, because of the way she wield power. Most wanted to call her a “bitch” but wouldn’t dare because they knew she would respond with two fisted disagreement. No one messes with Tanya. Tanya perfected a formula for humiliating men at work. She instructs her workers to bring any male who’s carries pornography to be brought to her for interrogation. She had nothing...

2 years ago
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Gooooooood morning

I woke suddenly. I’d felt something on my arm and when I opened my eyes I was startled to find someone vaguely familiar standing over my bed. She was stunning, red hair the colour of Dawn, eyes as green as emeralds, skin as pale as the moonlight streaming through my window, with a delicious spray of freckles, cheeks as sharp as a knife, a nose that would be the envy of any Hellenistic Sculptor, and a chin with a dimple that was so innocent yet held danger. However what held my attention about...

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t was Steffie's last year of college(grad school) and her last sorority banquet that she would be attending and she wanted Brad of all people to escort her to the ball. It's not like he minded, hell Brad jumped at the opportunity to go.Brad and Steffie had always been close, extremely close in fact so it was only natural that Steffie would ask him. Brad would have thought she had a boy friend she would have invited but when she said she wanted him he was all for it and honored.Brad and Steffie...

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Kelli and the Masseuse pt3

Her fingers traced the profile of the girl’s breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli’s hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli. The girl’s eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big...

2 years ago
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ONCE AGAIN EDITED BY THE INCOMPARABLE ‘WIRES’ WITHOUT WHOM THIS WOULD BE A POORER STORY BY FAR. HIS HELP IS APPRECIATED IMMENSELY. ***** Janice Stover drove her old Jeep Wrangler into the parking lot of her software company. She felt a surge of pride when she saw all the other cars there. It had been a struggle from her first day of operation, but the hard work and long hours were now beginning to pay off. They now had 23 employees and were recruiting more. She slowly drove to her assigned...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Modern Neighbor In Delhi

Hey, this is Sameer. You can contact me at or you can contact me on FB through the same id. I assure your secrecy and privacy. I am a nice human being with a great heart. This happens in September 2017. I moved to a new place It was my holiday. I was getting bored at home and I didn’t know anyone there. So I made a cup of coffee and came to the balcony. Balconies of all houses are adjacent to one after one. I saw a woman in mid-thirties standing on another balcony. We exchanged a glimpse with...

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A Sri Lankan maid

hey all, my name is Terence ( 23 yr old bisexual male from Sri Lanka, thought I will share one of my sexual experiences with all of you... please do leave your thoughts in the comments :)....Also this my first time posting a story,hope i did a good job :)Around 9 years ago, with both my parents running full time jobs we had employed a live-in maid to take care of the daily chores around the house. Her name was Seetha and was in her mid 30's. She was...

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I’d been away for a few weeks, hanging out in Europe, where I’d met up with some very open-minded and horny guys – and back in the UK I felt a need to catch up with local lads for some of the kind of fun which seems so much easier to find abroad – piss fun! 

I'd been really horny all morning and on Squirt for a few hours (!) I realized I needed to have some serious piss fun and soon. So I got messaging with a piss fan in my neighbourhood, 34-year-old bear of a guy, and we decided to meet when...

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I list my main (former) friends - in order of the number of our many mutual messagesThis is not a sex story - although I do mention at all the sexy sides of our situationThe dirty details are already in the stories I earlier wrote about all of them but oneThis is an alternative introduction to the real personalities inspiring my 200 storiesThe stories sometimes originate from our mutual messages, often with original quotes!The majority of my girlfriends are just twenty plus - all slender smart...

2 years ago
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Chloroforming a Friend

I knew she was a wreck, she was twenty three and by all standards a pretty girl, but her life was one big mess. She picked asshole boyfriends and she just couldn’t keep a job, either because her asshole boyfriends sabotaged her or because she sabotaged herself. I had been working her for a few months now, presenting myself as the shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, her friend. It should’ve come as no surprise to me that she called me in tears. Upset because she had found out her latest...

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Rosco Louise Ch 01

My name is Rosco Richards and my story starts when I am twelve years old. With a name like Rosco you’d think I live somewhere in the states, but no, I live in a village twenty miles east of London in England. I live with my lawyer father and head teacher mother, in a large 5 bed roomed house. Both my parents have very busy diaries and I am always having baby sitters. Currently I am about four foot ten inches tall. Why is my height at twelve years old important you might be thinking. It is a...

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Private Jess Nova The Debut of Jess Nova a True MILF

Today on private, we have a real treat in store for you, and it comes in the form of Jess Nova, a curvy MILF with a big ass and big tits who has come to Private Movies, Deeper into Sex to fuck her producer, Emilio Ardana, in front of Jasmine Jae’s cameras! A gagging deepthroat blowjob is the perfect way to start any Private debut, and that’s exactly how Jess introduces herself as she shows off her experienced cock sucking skills before offering up her incredible curves for a hot fuck that has...

2 years ago
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A Marriage made in Heaven

A MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVENChapter 1Families at the turn of the 20th Century looked at discipline differently than they do today.  Claire and I know, because we were the recipients of many a punishment at the hands of our respective fathers. As it developed, there were significant differences in the reasons for and methods of punishment.  But the old axiom, ?Spare the rod and spoil the child? was the rule in many households, and ours were no exception.  Claire was the youngest of three sisters. ...

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I was sick on the couch in my red cotton pajamas on Thursday afternoon. I was on my back with my head propped up by a pillow, so I could watch TV. Daytime television was awful. Between the soap operas, the chick talk shows, and the reruns of shows no one watched when they were originally on, I discovered I somehow watched Barney the Dinosaur for fifteen minutes before I realized what it was. It demonstrated how sick I truly was today. "You're watching Group Date?" said my sister's...

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The Boarder

THE BOARDERby Brian Houlihan Back. "Step in, honey." She was holding a pair of women's cotton panties, pink, open for me to step into. I was naked and trembling. I followed her orders. Frieda pulled the panties up my legs and then fastened them about my waist, stroking my penis and balls and ass several times. "There. Now doesn't that feel good, honey?" "Yes Mommy." "Ohh your little pee pee and balls look so pretty. Oh someone's getting a little hard, Sweetness. I guess you like your pretty...

2 years ago
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Playing With Mom 8211 Task 1 Nude Selfie With Her

Hi ISS readers, I’m back with the next episode of ‘Playing With Mom’. If you are new to this part, I request you to go through the first part ‘Playing Sex Games With Mom – My Friend Rohit’ so that you can understand the story clearly. That morning I woke up at 5:00 am. I can see that my friend Rohit was still asleep. I woke him up and asked him what task he is going to give to my mom today. He asked me to check what my mom was doing. I went into my mom’s room, and she already left for her yoga...

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Masters Double Subbing Part 8

Master’s Double Subbing Part 8When Master seen the slave looking He got upset and told the slave that He had something to keep that from being a problem. He pulled out a blindfold from His box of goodies. This was something new that Master had never used with slave before. It found out later that Master had bought it for just this occasion . Master instructed the lady to place it on the slave and to make sure that it could not see. Oh she listened real well cause the slave could not see...

2 years ago
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Birthday Party

My wife and I have birthdays ten days apart. This year I decided to do something special to celebrate. Janey's was the previous Monday, mine the upcoming Thursday, so for this weekend between I developed a plan. By the time I'd finished with the preparatory part I was feeling physically beaten. Hustling around town in all the Friday after-work traffic, and then the arrangements with the kids nearly fell apart. Man, I don't know. It was all set up that they'd be staying overnight at our...

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The MarySue of Maryland

(If you wish to read the original story start here.) 5th of May, 2019 Location: My house Cameron paused as he looked at what he just scribbled down in his new journal. He leaned back in his office chair at the desk, eyes spying around the closet he had to call a room. He placed a pen between his thin lips, humming aloud “Do you usually put the location in a diary? Naw.” His pen stroke across the top. 5th of May, 2019 Location: My house To whomever it concerns, this is my plea to any sanity...

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A Summer Storm

It was a cool June morning and I was feeling creative, so I grabbed a guitar, a notebook and a cup of coffee, and I walked down to my dock. It’s my favorite place to write songs. I live on the shore of a quiet lake in upstate New York, a really beautiful spot that never fails to inspire me. I sipped on my coffee and enjoyed the scenery for a few minutes, and then I warmed up my fingers on the guitar and played through a few of my usual tunes. On certain days the air is just right and the guitar...

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Rescuing Dianne Ch 02

The reader should read RESCUING DIANNE before reading this part in order to understand the plot. GE286 I awoke and saw Dianne watching me as I napped on the plane back to Ocala. She looked so sweet and childlike as she smiled. She said she couldn’t believe how much she liked me. She said she felt I really liked her and even more important, I respected her too. She really wanted to kiss me again. She was a bit frightened. She had bet her life on the impression she got of me. That I was honest,...

2 years ago
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The Football Game

"I think the Falcons got too cute right here. They should have just stuck with the run and punched it into the endzone". "This is bullshit man". "Yeah, the Falcons are fucking up big time. What the fuck was that about"? Damn, I need another beer. You cool Jay"? "I could go for another". "Baby? Could we get a couple more"? "Alright, I might as well get one too". "Damn girl. You looking good in your football jersey". "No shit. I wasn't gonna say nothin, but damn...

3 years ago
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MasterbuilderChapter 7 Preparations

We were up bright and early and Wilbur did have the advantage of our experience with healing. Though he did grumble about forsaking his breakfast, watching us stuff ourselves, he performed his ablutions, took a cleansing bath and went without much ado to the next pool. He knew that he had to be careful but insisted we carried on with our meal while he tested the waters as it were. He immersed himself very, very slowly, giving us a running commentary on his status. He did share most of our...

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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil, a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other, as all boys do at that...

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PureTaboo Cytherea Charly Summer If You Can8217t Beat 8216Em Join 8216Em

Caroline (Cytherea) is waiting around in a stunning dress, clearly planning to go out somewhere that night. But she looks frustrated as her husband, Joseph (Derrick Pierce), arrives home late. He’s a restaurant owner, so complains about his restaurant holding him up, but Caroline doesn’t seem to be buying it… especially when he hugs her close and she catches a whiff of perfume on his shirt collar… A few days later, Caroline gets ready to leave for a weekend with a friend...

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I Remove The Condom Without Them Knowing During q

A Comprehensive Guide My first experience i shared with this group was along the lines of "She had no idea". Coincidentally, it was my first experience with stealth sex and the rush i experienced was more intense than i can describe. It was not my first experience with barebacking or giving a creampie, though, but it easily exceeded the enjoyment i received from doing either one. I developed my own little tricks and techniques at achieving my main objective ANY time i had sex, making sure i...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 52 Fourth of July Weekend Part II

July 3, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Have fun!” Jessica said. “You’re sure you’re OK with this?” I asked. “Yes. You said yourself that the reality of these things is way tamer than what people imply. I think you might shock a few people with answers to ‘truth’ questions!” “Maybe,” I chuckled. “And remember, they’re likely to be a lot less experienced than you are, so be careful about the dares. And you know the rules.” I nodded, “I added one - nobody who uses drugs. And I don’t just mean at...

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