No Boundaries free porn video

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The previous night’s snow storm had blown in and passed on through in only a few hours, but it left serious trouble behind. The roads were horrible, and the minute they were plowed they were covered again. The wind had picked up and the snow was drifting all over the place. For some reason, February was the worst month of the year for snow.

Currently, Victoria Kennedy was coaxing her sports car through the drifts, over the ice, and trying to keep it on the road. Not an easy task. She was on her way home from work, and once there, she was off for two weeks. Victoria had some vacation time and she was overdue for one.

Valentine’s day was the following week, and she had recently broken up with her boyfriend, though he hadn’t been around for long. He wasn’t really even her type. But she was just tired of being lonely. Well, it was back to alone because she had gotten rid of him.

‘Valentine’s is another word for ‘sucker’.’ She spoke aloud.

In real time, she was only about four minutes away from home, but in bad road time, it was more like ten. The end was near though, she was in the home stretch. Victoria had recently bought an old house, and it needed some serious work. Her goal in life was to get a lot of house things accomplished while she was off. That would make her feel better.

Maybe she could get her cranky neighbor to lighten up some also. The man that lived next door was pretty gruff. He wasn’t much older than Victoria’s twenty-nine years, but he seemed older because of the cranky factor. His name was Andrew Hathaway, and he was pretty attractive…and she bet he would be even more so if he would turn that frown upside down.

The rest of the drive passed in a blur, and the next thing Victoria knew, she was turning into her driveway. She parked in the circle by the porch and shut off her car. A flash of something dark moving along her house caused her to freeze. What had that been? A dog? Some other animal? No, it was too big…

Victoria squinted, staring into the inky blackness that was pointedly darker than the blinding white snow. She wasn’t seeing anything else. Cautiously, she opened her car door and stepped into the snow. It muffled her footsteps as she approached the porch, leaving her car door hanging open.

A figure stepped around the side of the house and she screamed. She heard something hit the wood slats that sounded like ice pellets, and she turned and ran to her door, frantically fighting with the lock.

‘Would you calm down, dammit!’

Strong hands grasped her arms and she screamed again.

‘For God’s sake woman, stop that racket!’

Something in the voice gave her pause. Victoria whirled around and stared, wide-eyed, at her Mr. Cranky Pants Andrew.

‘You couldn’t have identified yourself?’ Now she was mad…but mostly because she’d pretty much made an ass of herself.

‘I didn’t figure you’d think I was a serial killer. I’m sorry.’ Andrew turned and stooped down to pick something up. It was a little plastic bucket.

‘What are you doing with that?’ Now Victoria sounded like the cranky party.

‘I shoveled your porch, and just went to get some salt. It should help tomorrow. I was getting ready to do your sidewalk.’

‘Oh, thank you, Andrew. I appreciate that, but you don’t have to..’

‘It’s no problem. Just don’t scream next time, all right?’ He was back to gruff.

‘You took me off guard, that’s all. I didn’t expect…no one has ever…’

He shifted uncomfortably. ‘No big deal.’

The pause was awkward, and finally Victoria turned and unlocked her front door. Andrew spun at the same time and took the porch steps two at a time, heading to her car. He slammed the door shut, then retrieved his shovel. Back to work he went.

‘Wow.’ Victoria spoke to herself once the door was closed. ‘What’s with that guy?’

She made her way through the house, leaving a trail of lights on as she headed for the bedroom. First order of business was to get these damn clothes off, and into something comfortable. Black yoga pants and a gray tank top were whisked from the drawer, and she pulled an old button down sweater off the hook on the back of the door. Comfort level- now at one hundred percent.

Victoria left several lights on, but went back downstairs. She wanted some coffee, even though it was six o’clock in the evening. She had a lot of work to accomplish, and planned to get started tonight. She glanced out the window, and Andrew was still out there, painstakingly shoveling the walk and a path to her car. She decided to offer him some coffee.

She set the pot to brew, which only took a few minutes. She turned on the electric heater that lived in the drafty old kitchen, and shivered. Her first order of business should be insulating this place. The windows practically whistled. One step at a time, she told herself. Victoria made her way to the front of the house, sliding her feet into her slippers that she kept by the door.

Andrew was sprinkling salt, and once finished, he glanced up at the house and saw her peeking. Victoria felt herself flush, getting caught looking at him. She had a good reason though, right? And surely if he was kind enough to shovel for her, meant that he must be a nice guy, right? Without giving herself time to think about what she was starting, Victoria threw open the door.

Andrew’s eyes widened in surprise. He was on his way to tell her he was finished and leaving. But she opened the door with such invitation in her eyes…he mentally shook himself. Just because she was cute didn’t mean she thought he was. And he wasn’t interested anyway. So. There.

‘Just wanted to tell you I was done.’

‘Please, come in for some coffee. I feel bad you’ve been out there freezing.’ And I think you’re cute in a mean way and I want to get to know you. That part she didn’t add aloud.

‘That’s not necessary. I was just helping out.’

‘Please?’ Victoria didn’t know what made her say that, when she had entire sentences planned for when he declined.

‘All right.’ He gave a brief nod of his head.

Victory for Victoria! She smiled and turned, leading him to the kitchen.

‘Cream, sugar, artificial sweetener?’


‘Easy man.’

‘In some cases.’

Hmm. Victoria didn’t get much of a chance to think about that answer.

‘So what in God’s name prompted you to buy this place? It’s falling down around you.’

That was friendly… Victoria rolled her eyes at the kitchen cupboard.

‘This house used to be in my family. It was sold when my great-great aunt passed away. I always loved it, in fact, we used to spend summers here when I was very young. I wanted it. I bought it, even if it is a beast. The previous owners didn’t keep up on much.’

‘They were old and unable. I wondered what made them keep it as long as they did.’

Victoria handed him his cup, then took her own and sat at the table, gesturing for him to do the same.

‘What prompted you to come over and shovel?’

Andrew grimaced. ‘I used to do it for them. Force of habit I guess. Plus I knew you were alone, so I didn’t figure you’d think it was priority.’

‘It wouldn’t have been. Thank you.’

He grunted, and Victoria chose to hear ‘you’re welcome’ in that guttural sound.

‘I’m off for the next two weeks, so I plan to get quite a bit accomplished. I’m mostly unpacked, other than some storage stuff that needs to go to the attic, but I hate those stairs.’

‘I helped the old owners quite a bit, with remodeling stuff. They wouldn’t fix a leaky spot in the roof, but damn if that old lady didn’t want a spa for a bathroom.’

‘You did the bathroom?’ Victoria’s brows lifted in surprise.

‘Yeah.’ Andrew swigged his coffee.

‘It’s gorgeous. I think its my favorite room in the house.’ Victoria could swear he blushed a little.

‘Well, if you need a
ny help, let me know.’

‘Would you mind coming over and making a list of things that need attention? I can see obvious stuff, but there might be something wrong with the foundation or something stupid that I’m not going to see. That way I can figure out what I can do, or what I need to hire out.’

‘I’m a contractor. I could do all the work for you.’

‘You’ll have to give me a bid of course. Then we’ll see.’ Victoria’s tone was light…she thought she might be flirting.

Andrew’s eyes narrowed slightly, trying to judge if she was serious or not.

‘Believe me lady, you want what I can offer.’

Victoria blushed, getting beat at her own game. ‘Then I guess I’ll count you in.’

A frisson of tension wound its way through the room, crackling between them. He was better looking up close than he had been from a distance, and then in the dark. His hair was a medium brown, in need of a cut. His eyes were also brown, but they were shades darker than his hair. Angular bone structure made him look like a warrior. His jaw was strong, and his chin was just daring her to defy him- or kiss him, she wasn’t sure which. He was of medium build, but at least a head taller than her, and from what she could make out, he was well muscled, but not that fake kind that came from a gym. The real man kind that said he worked for a living.

Andrew took the time to examine her also, seeing what he could of her body through her clothes. Curves. A dangerous road full of them. She was a little on the heavy side, but damn if she didn’t dip and swell in all the right places. Freckles dusted her face, which was at odds with her almost black hair. It curled and tumbled in a thick mane that reached her bra strap. Her eyes were a peculiar shade of brown- almost coppery. All in all, Andrew figured he’d enjoy his time spent with his new neighbor. Probably enjoy it a little too much, and not get enough work done for staring at her.

‘Thanks, Miss…’

‘Oh, please. Call me Victoria. May I call you Andrew?’

”Course. Well, thank you for the coffee. I’ll come over in the morning and we’ll get started.’

Victoria’s eyes almost glazed over…she’d rather get started tonight and finish in the morning, but that was neither here nor there.

‘All right, Andrew. I appreciate everything.’ She saw him to the door.

‘Night.’ He strode purposefully off her porch, snatched his shovel, and made his way next door.

‘Interesting.’ Victoria shoved off the doorframe and headed into her biggest project yet.

Victoria stayed up until two o’clock in the morning, straightening things up, organizing the furniture into what rooms she wanted it in. Once settled, she shoved everything to the middle of the rooms, and covered them with drop cloths. She had made a list of each room, and what color paint she wanted for the room, along with it’s dimensions.

Up at six, she chugged coffee while she got ready. Peeking out the window at her neighbors house, there didn’t seem to be a sign of life, so she headed off to the hardware store for her paint. It took longer than anticipated, and she was decidedly frazzled when she pulled into her drive and saw Andrew lounging on her porch swing.

‘I’m so sorry! I was hoping to slip out and beat you back. But this kindly old fellow at the hardware store was more interested in conversation than paint, then he mixed the wrong stuff twice, and…’

‘Calm down. It’s not a big deal. And that kindly old fellow is Mr. Walker. He’s worked there since he was sixteen.’ Andrew flashed a grin and Victoria felt it down to her knees.

Andrew came forward and helped her carry the paint. Not wanting him to think she was a monster, she felt compelled to add, ‘On a normal day, I would have thought he was precious. But I was in such a hurry…I’ll have to take him out to lunch. Now I feel terrible.’

Abrupt laughter startled Victoria so that she almost dropped her armload of paint.

‘I doubt all that is necessary. Just listen when he talks. He’s an interesting character.’

The pair set down the gallons of paint and Andrew said, ‘I’m going to go ahead and get started. You just do what you need to do. I’ll make an itemized list and then we’ll go over it.’

‘That sounds like a plan. I’ll try to stay out from under you. Your feet I mean.’ Victoria fled to the kitchen for more coffee, her face on fire.

Andrew chuckled as she sped away, then got down to business.

Some time later, Andrew found Victoria in the parlor spray waxing furniture. Everything was in the center of the room, and drop cloths waited to be draped over the treasures.

‘Well, you’ve got quite a list. New windows, bathtub needs caulked, some walls need spackle…’

‘Are you going to bore me with that whole list?’

Andrew looked up in surprise. ‘I thought you wanted to know what you could do yourself?’

‘Tell me those things.’

‘Any of it.’

They stared at each other for a moment, laughter quivering on their lips.

‘Andrew, I trust you. I’d love for you to work on this house, if you’d like the job. Just tell me what to do to stay out of your hair.’

‘You can start spackling because I know you’re anxious to paint. The bathroom that I’ve already redone would be a good place for you to start- if you plan on repainting. That room needs nothing.’

‘All right. I know how to do that. When do we start?’


‘Sounds great. Want some coffee?’

‘Yep, then I’ll get started.’

Soon the smell of coffee and the sounds of restoration were all that you could hear. Victoria wished she could open the windows and let the paint smell out, but there was nothing to be done about that. She set up a fan to circulate the air, and hoped they didn’t die from the fumes.

The day flew in a flurry of activity. Around lunch time a truck pulled into her driveway, and Victoria went to the window to check it out. Windows. She jolted in surprise. Can you just call and get windows delivered the same day? With a glance at the clock, Victoria decided food was in order.

Andrew was greeting the man at the door, and paid her no mind as she walked through to make lunch. The men were chatting in a rather lively manner, and she realized they were talking about the Super Bowl. Holy cow. Man talk. Victoria stuck her tongue out at her refrigerator as she pulled out the lunch meat.

‘Andrew, lunch.’ Victoria sat the plates on the table.

He rounded the corner, saw the sandwiches and the bag of chips and declared, ‘You don’t have to feed me.’

‘No, I don’t. But I’m being a good hostess.’

‘I’m not at a party. I’m working for you.’

Victoria waved her sandwich in the air. ‘Stop splitting hairs and eat.’

The week passed quickly, and before Victoria knew it, her house was coming together. Several rooms were finished, and the last few were almost there. Some things had to wait until summer, but they had made some serious progress. What was also surprising was that Andrew, mister cranky pants himself, was actually a really great guy. Beyond that gruff exterior lay a heart of gold. Victoria knew it in her bones. They’d had coffee together every morning, lunch every noon, and dinner every evening. They complimented each other well, and she wondered if he’d had the same thought. Andrew had warmed up to her, and he was smiling more than frowning, and he even laughed quite a bit. It was a wonderful sound…and he always seemed almost surprised by it.

Victoria still hadn’t gotten any deep dark secrets out of him, but she was definitely interested. She hoped he would open up to her so he could get to know him better. She held out hope that he would sometime soon.

They decided that Saturday would be a day off. So Victoria slept in and her eyes didn’t open until nine o’clock. She yawned and stretched, rolling onto her stomach, loathe to get up even then. Her entire body ached. She’d used m
uscles that week that she didn’t even know she had. The thought made her smile, and she shut her eyes, drifting back off to sleep.


The voice was close, and she felt a hand on her arm. As she tried to drift up from the cloud of sleep, she wondered why she was dreaming about Andrew. That was definitely his voice. The hand she felt was stroking her arm lightly, and she waited for it to move someplace more interesting. Victoria wet her lips, wishing he’d kiss her. The voice came again.

‘Victoria, honey, wake up.’

It sounded closer. Good. Maybe he’d press his lips to hers, hold her body close to his…she could feel the warmth from him even in her dream. Her body yearned, straining towards him. The pit of her stomach grew warm, even as she felt awareness creep between her legs. She moaned quietly.

Victoria smelled coffee. How unusual. Do people smell things in their dreams? Suddenly the bank of dream-fog rolled away, and her eyes flew open. She gasped in dismay.

Andrew was perched on the edge of her bed, and two cups of coffee sat on her nightstand.

‘Andrew.’ Her tone had almost an accusatory edge.

‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.’

‘Oh. It’s not that. It’s- never mind. What on earth are you doing in my house, on my bed?’ Victoria scooted herself up to rest against the headboard. She brushed her hair away from her face as she did so.

‘I wanted to go ahead and finish up the wiring in the upstairs parlor. I didn’t want you to wake up to random noises, so I thought I’d make my presence known, and bring ya coffee in the deal. You sure aren’t very sweet in the morning, are you?’

Victoria narrowed her eyes, only halfway serious.

‘Depends on your definition of sweet. Why are you so chipper this morning? And give me that coffee.’

Andrew passed it over. ‘I’m just in a good mood, all right?’

She noticed Andrew averted his eyes…so she decided to taunt him a little. What could it hurt? With a wicked gleam in her eyes, she summoned a yawn and stretched. Clad only in an old faded tee-shirt, she knew the tops of her thighs peeked out from between her shirt and the blankets.

‘You know what I think? I think you like me. I think that’s why you’re in a good mood.’ Victoria settled back against the headboard once more, sipping her coffee.

‘Oh puh-lease.’ Andrew fairly rolled his eyes.

‘Don’t play coy with me. I know you. You like me.’

‘I’ve got work to do. Sorry I bothered you.’ Andrew stood and grabbed his coffee.


‘I can’t hear you. I’m almost out of the room.’ He passed through the doorway.

‘Next time, don’t just sit there. Crawl in with me.’

Victoria swore she heard the sound of someone choking on hot coffee.

An hour and a half later, Victoria tired of hearing all the banging around, and found herself actually missing the banter that she and Andrew shared. He hadn’t come downstairs once since she made her coquettish comments, and she started to regret them- almost. At the least, it got his brain working. And if he was attracted to her, well, she would definitely be okay with pursuing some sort of relationship.

She had just gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed, when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Taking the last few steps to the window to see clearly, she saw someone go around the back of the house. She assumed it was a man- he was wearing a ragged old ball cap.

Not thinking twice, she ran out of her bedroom, hollering for Andrew. She took the stairs two at a time, and burst through the front door. She briefly registered that he was yelling for her to stop, but she trudged on through the snow.

‘Stop, dammit, are you crazy?’ Andrew caught her arm in a punishing grip.

‘I saw someone!’

‘Then you certainly don’t go charging after them! What’s wrong with you?’ He shoved her behind him, and proceeded cautiously ahead.

Victoria realized she hadn’t seen a car out front, or anything to suggest someone was there. However, footprints zigged and zagged all over this back part of the yard. But workers had been there, and she’d been outside… she wouldn’t have thought anything about them had she not seen someone.

After a thorough search of the property, they didn’t find anyone. Andrew stomped back towards the house, and Victoria followed meekly in his wake. Once inside, she tried to make peace.

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A day in the Park with Denise

My husband Ray talked me into going to Volcano Days at Mountwood Park. This is a big event and always attracts a big crowd. I thought it would be fun and a good opportunity to meet up with a guy I had been chatting with on AFF. I sent him an email and told him we were going and invited him to join us. We didn't make definite plans to meet but he told me he would try to go. I gave him an idea what time we would be there and where we would most likely be but I didn’t tell Ray about inviting him....

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The School Band

20/06/2020 A/N: Hello there. I have resumed work on this story once again. I will be editing up the current stuff quite significantly (no real change to the overall storyline, just the words itself). I would just like to say at this time that I will be focusing on progressing the story primarily, then add alternate choices at a later time. The incessant beeping of your alarm rouses you from your slumber. 'Isn't it Saturday today? Why would I turn the alarm on?' You stretch out your arm towards...

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Wifes pie

Friday after I get off work Andrea and I are headed to Panama City for the weekend. The plan is we will have everything loaded in the car the night before and before I get off work Andrea is going over to Tim's house to have sex. I'll pick her from his house and drive straight to Panama City. She will ride the entire trip holding Tim's seaman in her pussy so I'll be treated to a messy pie after we check into our room. At quitting time I washed up at the shop and changed into clean clothes then...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 33

Roger rang the doorbell, waited and tried again. Finally he pounded on the door. He could see into the entryway, see up a great staircase that curved towards the second floor. Finally he saw life in the house. A light upstairs turned on and then another in the entryway. He saw a woman approach the door timidly, her hand clutching a blue velour robe tightly to her throat. She was thin, not an appealing thin, but a scrawny one. Her face was all angles and would have been much less scary if she...

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GirlsWay Carter Cruise Ashley Adams Lena Paul 2 Scenes In 1

Lena Paul and Ashley Adams sit on a couch, waiting nervously for an interview for the sorority that they’re pledging for. Carter Cruise walks in brusquely, greeting the girls with ‘Hey sluts.’ Carter tells Lena and Ashley that they will call her ‘Pledgemaster’ and she’ll be assessing them. Carter doesn’t waste any time starting her assessment, telling the girls to stand up and strip their clothes off. The girls are hesitant, but Carter explains that...

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Howards Sister

By Gail Holmes Howard glumly sat at the kitchen table taking note of his Mothers advice she was always good at giving it out, He could but pay attention; he knew she wouldn’t resign until she’d had her say. “Well, don’t just sit there! Am I right or wrong” She turned Howard’s father with a fierce look that could have killed him. If anyone was under the thumb, it was poor old Ray he had more than suffered the wrath of...

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The Becca Chronicles Ch 7 9

We had a lot of fun together after that. We were usually naked together in the bathroom getting ready for school. I’d be brushing my teeth while Eric pressed his hard dick into my butt and reached around and played with my tits. We took showers together that were real fun. We loved rubbing our soapy bodies against each other. I gave him soapy hand jobs in the shower and would let him cum all over my face and my tits. Many times, at night, we’d spend some time in one of our beds with our...

2 years ago
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Chat with a girl from belarus

Connected to somebody. Location: Belarus Languages: English, german : hi : beautiful photo : thx, you also : where was it made? : thx : uhh : northshore germany : nice sixpack : thank you:) you have nice body too : look like a model : : are you? : no… : you seem to be high : whats your height? : 175cm : wow great! : love it : long handsome legs : long legs XD : thx : im 178cm : ohh also tall! : cool : yeah : will be a good pair on tht beach lol : lol : how old you are? : 35 : you? : 28 :...

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Harry Potter getting in to her pants

She was feeling...well, for lack of a better word, sexually frustrated. She knew what she wanted, but for he first time in her life, she didn't know how to actually get it. She needed a plan. Before she went insane. She was already losing sleep from the recurring erotic dreams and waking up in the middle of the night, heart pounding, legs wet, and feeling unbelievably promiscuous. You would think that would be torture enough, but oh no, she was less than six feet away with only a thin...

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TouchMyWife Brookie Blair Serviced By Hotel Staff

My young blonde hotwife Brookie Blair is really starting to cum into her own, getting more and more comforable being playful outside of our marriage for me. This is by far the most adventuros she has gotten! On a recent little getaway vacation that I got her… Jonathan Jordan who is one of the hotel staff members made her pussy tingle. So being the good little up & coming slut that she is… she decided to order some room service to see if she could suck on some new chocolate!...

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Whoops Whoops  ??????????? I was on my way to a local dominatrix, I finally got the courage to go and try it out for my first time.? I?m six feet tall dirty blond hair, blue eyes and stay fit by working out and playing basketball on a regular basis.? I would say I?m barley above average with in the looks department.?  I walk into the building and see a gorgeous lady sitting at the desk I walk up and start talking to her bout my past experience, which have only been being tied up by old...

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A Grand Tour Unplanned Pregnancy

We were on our way to Darwin on the north coast, where we planned to spend a few days, when I suddenly realized that I had missed my period, or at least it was very late. I was horrified. I never missed my period. I was as regular as clock work. When I told Jane I’d missed my period, she said, “No worries mate!” Aussie vernacular she had picked up along the way. It means anything from forget it, to don’t worry about it, and sometimes, it isn’t a problem, or I’m not offended by what you just...

1 year ago
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The TeacherChapter 9 those are my kids And theyre naked

"What! What did you say?" asked Meredith, who peered behind Lisa's shoulder at the computer screen. "That's our day-care," said Lisa despondently. "And those are my kids. And they're naked." "That one is Mark. I'm sure of it!" They paged through all the pictures. There were about two dozen. They all appeared to have been taken from the same vantage point at about the same distance away. The images were of poor quality. There was one video on the bottom of the page. Lisa clicked...

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NSA With Moms Friend

The sexy figure sitting on the sofa caught my attention, and I froze. I had returned from the playground after a volleyball game. My t-shirt was full of sweat, but I couldn’t move without taking a second look at She was in an orange saree with a black blouse. The colors complimented her golden skin perfectly. Her black eyes twinkled, and she had her thick silky braid hanging over her right shoulder and brushing her exposed, creamy waist. Before I could think of an excuse to speak, my mom...

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Cheryls Journey

CHERYL'S JOURNEY By Betty Noone At the age of 25 Greg Benson, newly married to his college sweetheart, Marcia, was struggling to make a living. He graduated with a degree as a Certified Public Accountant, and found upon graduation that jobs in that field were not that easy to find. In desperation he rented a small office that was already furnished with a desk, three chairs and a filing cabinet and opened for business. The amount of rent and utilities were not particularly high,...

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A Little Leighway The House Guest

The day I slept late that July was unforgettable. I had just graduated high school and was gently preparing to go off to college, but mainly that summer I was relaxing – sleeping late and not having many plans. My sister was travelling somewhere in Europe and my parents were both working long days, probably thinking about my college expenses. We also had a house guest for a few weeks that summer. Leigh Chandler was an old friend of my mother’s from her college days. Leigh had recently started a...

4 years ago
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1 New Neigbors Moving in

1 - New neighbors - Moving inI want to share a story about my neighborhood and the lovely people that live nearby.I live in a nice middleclass neighborhood in the Salt Lake City area. Most people have lived here for awhile and there are a few neighbors that I have good contact with. But somtimes people move out andothers move in. That is where my story starts.One day last summer I was sitting on my deck next to the pool when I heard a large truck pull up at theneighbors behind my house. It was...

2 years ago
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Caught by my sons wife pt 3

A new twist that I think EVERYONE who has read to this point will enjoy!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tamara opened her eyes and glared up at the dark gray heavy cloud that was stealing the warm sunshine from kissing her nearly naked flesh. Aside from the small triangle of cloth covering the bare naked slit of her pussy, almost none of her brown flesh had not been kissed by the sun these days. Now that she owned the family jewels of both men in the house, she just ignored Barb or...

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Brick House Pt 03 Ch 05

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 5 of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’ Chapter 5 I didn’t see much of Kate over the course of the next couple weeks, as we were both pretty thoroughly weighed down by other commitments. She spent about half of her weekends visiting her folks in Valparaiso, a routine which I both vaguely hoped and vaguely dreaded Kate might invite me to join. On one hand, meeting her folks would have cleared up any boy-friend-yes-or-no-is-he-or-isn’t-he questions...

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Little LuLu

LITTLE LULU by Deirdre Rosamond O'Conor I. Permanent Wave "He looks so cute with his long, blond hair, Maggie." It was the next-door neighbor lady, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Jimmy was on the back porch, playing with his soldiers. Mom had not cut his hair since the awful news about Daddy not coming home again, ever, and it was now down to his shoulders. "Really, though, you ought to do something with it besides just brush it." "Such as?" said Mom. "Give the little...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 7

Annie O’Dell, soon to become Annie Hunter, served a truly delicious breakfast of Belgian waffles with a choice of maple syrup or strawberry preserves, real butter, and whipped cream, plus proper Southern grits with butter and sugar, biscuits with plenty of butter and more strawberry preserves, fried eggs over easy, and crispy strips of sizzling bacon. By this point, Renee and Brittany were done with their shower and Julian had taken his with Sandy, too. In fact, Beth and Celeste were still in...

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The Purloined Pussy

I'm  Piper Cinnabon, (name changed to protect the innocent). It was a cold and dreary morning walking the cold and dreary New York streets with my girlfriend, Cynthia, a bewitching, African-American woman with the complexion of hot chocolate (she was equally as soothing and warming on cold mornings, I might add).I had already treated her to a delicious Egg McMuffin breakfast (without coupons). I was so much in love, I even sprang for hash browns (I am considering a class action lawsuit because...

1 year ago
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Thuk Laga Kar Choda Teacher Ko

Hai dosto ye mera phela experience hai aap logo ke sath apni story share karne ka, me apne bare me bata deta hu. mera naam arman hai, age 24 yrs hai, haryana ka rehne wala hu, mere hight 5′-10″ hai, or sareer me kafi healthy hu, apko to pata hai haryana ke ladke kase hote hai. baat us time ki hai jab me 12 class me padta tha or science side le rakhi thi, kafi dikat hoti thi math me to mene tution laga li apne school ki teacher ke pass, iske do reson the ek shool teacher hone ke karan who school...

4 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 06

‘You didn’t have to dress up, you know. It’s just a bridge game at my parents’ house between Gemma, Alessandro, you, and me.’ Maisie flushed as she glanced down at her outfit. She’d tucked her fitted, dark blue jeans into a pair of saddle-brown boots, and thrown a short jacket over a sleeveless blouse. Carolina was right, she was completely overdressed for an evening with friends in rural Maine, no matter how much she hoped one of those friends would be more by the evening’s end. ‘Gemma was...

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Romantic evening with a Yoga teacher

Story of me and a Yoga Teacher A friend of mine invited me to join a single's group online. The group was very active, and I got a chance to chat with many sweet women. One day I got a message from a woman, she said Hi and introduced herself. She was very nice, and after a few minutes of chatting, I have realized we both have a common thing: We both do Yoga. Later, I have realized she teaches yoga; on the other hand, I do it for my health. We have chatted for a few weeks and became close. She...

2 years ago
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Dawn of a Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 1 Amanda opened the front door and was greeted by Ali's sweet smile. "Hi, sis," Ali said as she stepped into the hall. "WOW," she whistled. "You do look the business." "Why, thank you," Amanda said, turning sideways on so that her sister could admire the way the green silk sheath slid over her tall, firm body, the slit in the back allowing at least the smallest steps to be taken. Amanda turned back to her sister, her red glossed lips shining almost as much as her emerald...

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I only went in for a trim

I was in a bar where cross dressers meet and as always there will be someone new to chat too, might be a new one on the scene or a visitor. Whatever their origins if they look nice and are friendly then I am open for a chat and possible new friendships. Angela was chatting away about her background and I was taken by her unusually late in life conversion, late 20s at a guess, not the usual "I was doing this as a kid" story. In fact she had only been dressing for ten months, but what a...

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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 16 Slumber Party

Hannah preceded our collection of women into the warmth of her home, stripping off her gear as she entered. She was greeted with "blert" from a streak of calico, as Baby darted out to scold her mistress. When Cathleen entered a few minutes later, our Pixie was deserted when Baby leapt to greet her new friend. The small cat seemed to know that she was needed and made a point of making the rounds to visit each new arrival. That appeared to break the ice, and our charges explored the house,...

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A Sissy Cuckolds Night

A Sissy Cuckold's Night by Throne I got home from my office job at the usual time on Friday. I was looking forward to at least a few hours of peace and quiet. My wife Lea's boyfriend was out of town for the weekend. It would be a relief not have Kurt in our home for those few days. It would be an even bigger relief not to have him jumping into bed with her. Lea had started cheating on me less than a year after our wedding. Shortly after that she declared me to not be a man...

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In The Kings ArmyChapter 7

Dev was told to find a place to live close by. Lord Benaldin suggest two places that were discreet, and rented to palace workers. He settled on a room at a place called The Eagle's Claw Inn. For one silver a month, he had a room, and one meal a day. The room Dev had, was located at the back of the inn, on the second floor. It was far enough away from the noise of the customers, so that he was not disturbed. It was a fairly large single room. It was well, if sparsely furnished. There was a...

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Shes in control

Introduction: James has to keep to the rules, shes in control. She decides everything. My first story. Just a heads up, my grammar is not perfect. ———————————————– The door opened slowly and inch by inch I started seeing her, her legs shapely, the skin he knew was soft and smelled of sweet jasmine, her hips flared out her tight panties leaving nothing to his imagination, she wore her underwear, a deep red, the bra almost straining to hold her soft D mounds. He swallowed hard, he could feel...

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In the terrace

Hi Friends, Raj again with another story. This time one that happened just a couple of days ago I am staying in a medium sized apartment complex with about 125 flats in it. I stay in the 3rd floor and 5th floor is the terrace. She was staying in the 2nd floor and a mother of two kids and aged around 30. Priya was her name. Surprisingly she had a great figure with big bubs shapely ass and slim trim body. She always wears salwar or nightie sleeveless and fair complexioned with real good looks....

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Household duties in the Kingdom of Hirsutia

A fragment transcribed from the Royal archivesI am in thrall to the Crown Princess of Hirsutia. Royal ladies of her line have exceptionally meaty vulvas and their forest domains are extensive in every sense. After a long day hunting astride a great horse, stopping only occasionally eat, drink, urinate or defecate, ladies of her rank expect their pudenda to be ceremonially cleansed by a maid or, in my case, a male equerry.It is my duty to kneel and suck the entirety of the Royal piss flaps and...

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Dominant Break

Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a gay dog from Ontario Who fancied himself a Lothario. At a wench's glance He'd snatch off his pants And make for her Mons Venerio. My desires do run a little different than what some consider "normal". Yet I'm not alone, a large underground full of people are into my own kink. Normal, everyday people. With middle-class families and kids, yet their desires do also run very slanted. Yvonne was such a person. Her life was what I would call...

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Reshma Ki Chudai Train Mai

There are places where u find sex to be enjoyable but I found it where u can least expect. My name is r.k.(nickname) and am from Himachal Pradesh. I was born in una. I had to go to Deelhi to meet my friend’s grandparents. The journey from Una to Delhi usually lasts for 1 night . I got into the train at 8:30 pm and took my place, which was the middle berth. I looked around here and there to settle off with my luggage and to see if there are any sweet chicks around. I saw each one of them but...

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The conversion 3

This continues my story, so please read first parts 1 and 2. I went to bed with the intention of getting up before Ms. Maria. With the first crowing of roosters, I got up and opened the door to my bedroom. It was still dark, but the first light was beginning to appear. I sat down in the living room, in the shadow, from where I could see her door. A few minutes later I heard Ms. Maria's door open. Eyes still half-shut with sleepiness, she peeked her head out of the door and looked side to side....

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Solomons Test

Solomon's Test Prologue In a place that is not quite of our world two figures meet, and one begins to speak. "Well, where have you been and what have you been up to?" "Been here and there, poking around." "So what is it this time?" "Been thinking. Once we did a wager that if you took everything away from a man, he'd be useless." "You lost that wager." "Well, regardless, I was thinking what about the reverse? ...

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