Helen… Ch. 11 free porn video

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It was not too long before Harry found himself locked up in Martin O’Grady’s basement cellar for the second time. And big Mick and a hand gun was not the right person to argue with, as he sat watching him with a constant evil and cold stare.

‘Mind if I have a piss?’ Harry asked. Mick pointed to the stainless steel bucket in the corner of the freezing cold room. ‘Oh very nice. I see that everything I need has been taken care of. So, when do I get the pleasure of Martin’s visit?’

Mick remained silent and Harry made the best of the empty bucket. It was so cold, Harry thought it might freeze as he peed. ‘I suppose he’s busy with family, being Christmas Day and all that? And I can guess a Chinese guy such as you don’t mind working during the festive season?’ Again Mick remained silent. For the first time when Harry was picked up from the street hours ago, he realised that if Mick wanted to talk, he could.

‘I hope you’re not going to beat the hell out of my teeth again. I’m just about recovering from the last instalment.’ Harry held his bottom jaw as he spoke. ‘Big hitter, hard fist, much damage. Oh for fucksake Mick, why the silence. I know you can talk.’

‘I chose not to.’ Came back the reply. ‘So sit down and be quiet before I hit you again harder.’ His accent was pure local English. Although it did not surprise Harry. There were plenty like Mick in China town.

‘Look,’ Harry began to plead, ‘I didn’t steal Martin’s money. He’s got it all wrong. I’ve got a steady girl now and we are happy together. I don’t need this shit. You can understand that, can’t you?’ Mick continued his silent stare, unimpressed. And Harry realised he was not getting or going anywhere.

‘So, what’s planned for me? I can’t shit money I didn’t take.’ He sat down and took a long chug of the beer from the bottle provided for his refreshments. ‘A mince pie would be nice. I’m starving.’

‘Good.’ Mick replied. ‘Me too. Boss never gave me any food either. You have a beer.’

‘Look, you and I could sneak out and find a place to eat. The boss wouldn’t mind. You can bring me back later.’

‘No. The boss is on his way and he’s angry.’

‘Well that’s his problem. He could have picked a better day.’

Few minutes later the basement door opened and down the steps Martin entered in his festive white roll neck jumper and slacks. He looked as if he had just finished Christmas dinner with his family. He seemed his usual self, a smile and obviously an uncertain mood. Harry jumped to his feet to face his host. ‘Ay Harry, how’s your Christmas day going?’ Martin asked pleasantly.

‘Well it was until Mick here abducted me. All I wanted was a pack of ciggies. And if you’re going to ask about the dosh I was supposed to have purloined, I don’t have it and never did. I’m the wrong guy, ok?’

‘Don’t worry Harry me lad. I know. And I also know who stole it. Sorry about the beating you got off Mick here. I would like to compensate for damages if I can?’ Martin was too pleasant for the hard man he was, and still alive. Harry wondered when Hoffman was going to do the do. ‘I found out who it was. Someone you know I believe.’ Martin continued. ‘A man called Hoffman?’

Harry tried hard not to look surprised and cast his mind back to the suitcase of money half spent. ‘I’m not sure. The name doesn’t register with me.’

‘Come come me lad. You know this man well. He just cut my nephews’ throat a few days ago in front of his family. He told his distressed wife who he was and who arranged it.’ Martin pointed Harry’s chest hard with his finger. ‘He left a note too. Admitting he stole the money.’

‘Bastard,’ Harry exclaimed in a quiet voice. One to look sympathetic and another to express being annoyed at the dirty trick Hoffman pulled, landing poor Harry now firmly in the mess. Martin took the letter from his pocket and handed it to Harry.

‘Read the rest. I think you’ll find it interesting lad.’ Martin said, with a grin from ear to ear. Obviously Harry barely made out a few words. ‘He explains that he left an apartment and my money, waiting to collect the keys from you. So, may I?’ Martin held out his hand. ‘Please?’

Harry had to think fast…very fast. Handing over the keys to the apartment would put Saskia at certain risk, but the sound of Mick’s knuckles cracking was encouragement enough. He dropped the keys into Martin’s expecting hand. ‘Good lad. I’m keeping you here a little longer in the company of your best friend Mick. I know you two love each other so much.’ Martin said, turning to Mick with a grin. ‘I’m sending Shaun. He can check the place out. Maybe find my money’

She opened her eyes and threw back the duvet. Naked, she dashed to the bathroom to tend to her ablutions and afterwards noticed the door to David’s office was open. She could hear him downstairs busily preparing dinner and quietly made her way inside. There was an open note book on the desk, a kind of diary. She picked it up and began to read it. The last entries described what had happened earlier that morning. She read back, discovering snippets of more documented information and she began to realise things she never knew before.

Helen sat in the armchair with a glass of mulled wine whilst David continued to prepare their Christmas dinner of turkey and everything that went with it. The manor was warm enough for her to sit in panties and an open white lace shirt. Cosy. She felt at total ease with what she had experienced. She even began to enjoy David’s smooth jazz music which prolonged her feeling of tranquillity even after an early morning sleep and something she had accidentally discovered. David entered the lounge and looked at her with admiration for her youthful beauty and then poured himself a glass of wine from the terracotta jug. ‘Are you warm enough my love?’ he asked. Helen rested her head back and glanced at him through half open eyes and just nodded her reply with a smile. ‘Good. Dinner should be ready in a few hours.’ He raised his glass and almost in a whisper he wished her a happy Christmas for the umpteenth time that morning.

‘When are you planning to play with me again?’ she asked.

‘Play? I don’t call it play what we did. It’s more…’ He thought for a while. ‘I call it love.’

‘To be honest David, I don’t really love you.’

‘Oh I know that. Jack is the man in your life and I appreciate that.’ David replied.

‘How come you seduced him?’ she asked. ‘The act of homosexuality that I never expected between you and him?’

‘Best not go into that my love. I know it upsets you.’

Helen let the query go. She concentrated on the spiritual experience and something else that was on her mind that bothered her. ‘How did you learn how to do what you did to me? It was amazing, I admit.’

‘Well, it all began when I was a student many years ago. A keen interest in extreme lovemaking and BDSM. I made it my specialist subject when Marie and I got closer together,’ he felt comfortable with his explanation. Enthusiastic even. ‘We began to experiment and through that we both improved our methods over the years. I gave her that pleasure of reaching the ultimate spiritual high in orgasms and I loved to give it. Again, she had to submit to my demands. After all I was the Dom in our relationship.’

Helen raised a smile. Then she took a black diary from the side of her, hidden between the arm of the chair and her thigh. She threw it onto the floor and instantly David recognised it. ‘Where did you get that from?’ he asked. ‘That is a very private diary.’

‘I found it this morning on your desk. You left it out. You must have forgotten about it.’

‘Umm… yes, I think I did.’

‘Do you always write what you do to everyone?’ Helen asked.

‘Always.’ David smiled. Helen stood up, rested her glass on the low wooden table and gazed at him. ‘Does it bother you?’ He asked.

‘Well, kind of. What you did I can’t deny I loved every moment it lasted? Bu
t then I read a certain page marked by a slip of paper. The bit about you and your wife?’ she began to explain. There was a hint of sarcasm in her tone. David kept himself composed even though a secret had been discovered. ‘You actually killed her. You took her too far over the edge. It was no accident or natural heart attack. You wrote the whole thing down in every detail. She had a heart condition and she couldn’t take it. What did you call it? Death in extreme pleasure?’

‘That diary was supposed to be private, Helen my love. My notes.’

‘And your confessions of murder too. You said you couldn’t stop no matter how far her orgasm began to increase into a wild state of sheer ecstasy and beyond the spiritual level, that she became a spirit herself. You wanted it to happen. You wanted to kill her.’

‘No. It was an accident. Let us say an experiment gone slightly wrong. I suffered her loss. I loved her as I have explained.’ Helen looked at him with a grin. ‘It was just unfortunate. She was ill and I should have realised that.’

‘And then you began to seduce your students?’

‘In your case, you enjoyed my seduction.’

Helen walked away and up the stone staircase to her guest room, leaving David pondering what was going to happen now his written secrets had been foolishly discovered. The diary could open up secrets he did not want to be known, especially by the authorities. It also painted a picture of him that he wanted hidden. A cruel and devious pervert rather than a man who helped people discover their sexual limits. The diary also contained notes of seduction on young women, too young to even experience sex. And Helen browsed them enough that morning to discover who and what David really was.

There was now a dilemma. Helen was curious about her host and teacher. The perverted professor of psychology was beginning to open up her own thoughts about human psyche. The way people become freaks. But, was David really a freak of human nature? She needed to know more about this man and the only way was to stay as his guest and not run away.

At dinner the twosome company remained silent as they ate. David was an excellent cook and she was also hungry. Not for sex anymore, but food, wine and knowledge. Helen sipped her wine and placed it upon the table beside her. She could see that David was getting more and more nervous. He expected her to leave knowing what she had discovered. Once more he became the quiet almost stuttering man she had first met in the lecture theatre. Suddenly roles had reversed.

‘Why do you do these things.’ She asked. David looked up at her from eating his meal.

‘What do you mean?’

‘The kinky stuff? The young women, men and people like me? Is it a pleasure you get from it?’

‘Look, I don’t think we should talk about this anymore. How was dinner?’

‘It was scrummy yummy. I want to talk about these things…professor.’ She sent him a long smile, gazing across the table at him as she leaned her head on the palm of her hand, playing with the fork on her empty dinner plate, scraping it annoyingly.

‘I have an excellent Christmas pudding. Would you like some? And please stop playing with your fork on the plate, it annoys me.’

‘Then talk.’

David threw his napkin onto the table. ‘Look, if you are going to run to the authorities and report me it’s not going to work. I threw the diary onto the fire. It’s gone, destroyed forever. And why have you started to call me professor all of a sudden?’

‘Oh I’m not going to report you to anyone. I’m curious about you. You have become my subject. I intend to study you in many ways. Understand how you think.’ She explained. David looked at her as if she was being impudent. And she was. Despite the friendship they had developed, she was now determined to manipulate him to her favour.

That afternoon Shaun O’Grady made his way to the apartment. He drove through the town in his car. The streets and roads quiet and lit only by the street lights. Beside him was a street map which he gazed at now and then whilst tapping the faulty sat nav and cursing it. He was Martin O’Grady’s eldest son, taking after his mothers’ complexion with red curly hair. A true Irish Celt in every way.

Eventually he found the apartment and he checked the small calibre gun in the back of his belt, hidden but ready to use if need be. The elevator doors opened and he noticed the apartment number. With keys ready, hoping that the woman inside he was expecting had not secured it within, he made for the door. There was a choice. The use of a metal lock key or an electronic slash card. Again, he was in hope that either would work. Turning the lock he pushed open the door slowly and noticed Saskia immediately. She was tied up, knees close to her chin and wrists tied firmly, a black nylon stocking in her mouth used as a gag. She made warning noise as her eyes stared at with desperation at Shaun.

‘Well what do we have here then? Your boyfriend certainly is a kinky devil that he is.’ He walked towards her, but her warning muffled voice became more desperate. ‘I’m not going to hurt you.’ He said, holding out his hand. ‘Now I’m not that kind of person you know.’

The door closed behind him. Shaun recognised a click and he knew right away that someone was behind him with a weapon. He tried to slowly reach for his gun. ‘Don’t even think about it Shaun. If you move I’ll kill you,’ warned the voice. ‘Don’t even turn around.’

Saskia panicked, trying hard to scream out, knowing what was about to happen. Shaun raised his hands in resignation. ‘I don’t know who you are, but I hope you know who I am. If anything happens to me you’re in serious trouble that you are. So, stop this nonsense right away.’ Shaun said. ‘Put that fucking gun away and be a sensible chap now.’

‘You have no chance Shaun. You’re a dead man. The first of many it seems.’ The reply came from Hoffman who moved in closer. Shaun recognised the voice from a while back and began to laugh. To be honest, if Hoffman was going to kill him and he would not be the first. Only a few weeks ago Hoffman had killed Shaun’s cousin in a knife brawl. It seemed the so called contract was more than a contract now. ‘Your boss, your father stole my money. Not the other way around.’ Saskia was so distraught she urinated herself in sheer panic, bursting into tears and closing her eyes tight. There was a muffled bang and she felt Shaun’s warm blood hit her with clumps of brain matter. Hoffman decided to pull the trigger of his silenced gun and then his victims body fell at her feet. There was no stopping her stifled cries.

Hoffman lowered his gun and looked around. ‘It’s a good job the neighbours are out spending Christmas with their relations.’ He told her. ‘I hope you and Harry enjoyed your last day together this morning. Pity if you didn’t. Still this might be the right time for you and the little sneaky bastard to part company. Another one of life’s scum.’ He raised his gun again and cocked it. Saskia trembled uncontrollably knowing now it was her end. ‘Sorry to have to do this. You’re such a cute thing, but you’ve seen too much. I have a job to do. And I’m surprised you didn’t join Harry this morning. These complicated things happen and have to be dealt with.’ Hoffman explained, but little of his final words did not penetrate her ears. Her desperate cries and distress missed most of it. ‘I enjoyed the rape you provided,’ he continued. ‘You have a nice body and, well I was kind of desperate to fuck you. All I can say is thank you.’

Without mercy he squeezed the trigger and let out two shots. Saskia’s life ended quickly as one bullet hit her directly in the forehead, the second one directly in the throat. Hoffman was surely a cold blooded murderer, taking out even the innocent ones to cover up his moves without compassion. He looked at both victims and gave out a sigh. Both for relief and obvious sadness for a deed need doing. He hated killing women, especially those innocent ones.

His mobile phone bleeped unexpectedly. ‘Hello?’ The recognisable voice of the professor hit his hear.

‘I need your help Hoffman.’ David asked his favour. ‘I have someone who needs taking care of. A young woman. I’ll pay your rate.’ Hoffman sighed again. His list was growing larger including the innocent extras. ‘Well, can you oblige?’

‘Who is it now? Did someone upset you again David?’ He stepped back away from the trail of blood moving towards his feet. ‘Sixty grand on this one. I’m asking a top rate because I’m busy dealing with others,’ he replied. ‘Name and location?’

There was no doubts that Hoffman was getting busy.

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Gabrielle fidgeted with her hair as she watched herself in the mirror. It had been a long time coming, but maybe she was almost there. She had squandered a lot of her past. She had gone to the local university on a track scholarship. She took the lightest load possible in order to meet her coach's demanding training schedule. She was a junior when the Olympics came up and her coach just didn't feel she was at her peak at nineteen years old. She had gone through high school in three years,...

4 years ago
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52 John Julie unexpected cuck

52 John & Julie unexpected cuckSaturday night, Julie and John, our Cromer couple, sat dressed to go out, they were waiting the k** sitter and they were eager to be off, both looking forward to an evening of swapping with Debbie and Kevin. It had become a monthly treat for them both Kevin had promised to make it a fun evening for her with a meal and wine at a steak house which she had looked forward too since he phoned her specifically last week. John had decided to take Debbie, to a pub he...

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Ladys Next DanceChapter 22

"What is it?" "Not what, it's whom. This is Muffin's ID bracelet. Where are you, sweetie?" They all looked at the map on the wall. "She's at the Casino," whispered Sally. Sasha quickly picked up the phone and pressed a speed dial number. "Shawn. We just got Muffin's ID signal back. She's at the Casino." Sasha pressed the speakerphone button as Shawn's voice filled the room. "We're almost there now. Can you tell which part of the building she's in?" Harry answered,...

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The Binding RingsChapter 36

“Oh fuck!” Helen gasped as she tossed her head from side to side. She reached down the length of her body to grasp ineffectually at her son’s legs as he pounded himself into her ass. “Jason - my god!” “Fuck yeah.” Jason grunted as he hammered into her. “You feel so good!” His mother’s breasts were shaking wildly from the force of his thrusts and he was leaning forward while placing more of his weight on her legs; with her ankles over his shoulders she was on the verge of being bent...

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The OutsiderChapter 31 A Sunset on the Beach

Finally Mike recovered enough to move away from the grave, shake hands with Reverend Chandler, and tell his girlfriend that he was ready to leave. On their way out they drove through old neighborhood. He insisted on passing by his family’s former home for the last time. The house was being demolished, with great care because its materials were loaded with toxic chemicals. Ruthie noticed that the front yard already was dug up and that one of the neighbor’s trees had started to wilt. They...

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My First Threesome part 1

When I was in my mid 20’s, I was dating a girl who I’ll call here Sarah. She would regularly join my mates & I on nights out and was well liked by my mates. Sarah was in her early 20’s, tall with long curly gingery-blonde hair, blue eyes, lovely pert boobs with nipples like raspberries. She often said that she thought my mate Steve fancied her.Steve was, and still is, one of my oldest friends and at that time he lived out of town so would often sleep in my spare room after a night out to...

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Olgun Kadinin Goumltuumlnuuml Yirttim Resi

Selamlar, öncelikle şunu belirteyim ki bu hikaye gerçektir ve daha bugün yaşadım.. Sizlerle paylaşıyorum çünkü bugün yaşadığım olaya kadar hiç seks yapmamıştım porno izleyerek kendimi boşaltıyordum. Sosyal fobim var aslında insanlarla tanışmaya çekiniyorum binevi bir utangaçlık. Neyse kendimi anlatmayı kesip olaya geleyim dostlar :)) Facebookta sahte profilimle gezerken karıya kıza mesaj atıyordum tabi, birden sikiş sayfalarının birinde bir kaç fotoğraf gördüm. Hatunlar amlarına götlerine...

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Cassie Hole Pt 4

Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie had practiced this. HIS wife’s, her mommy’s car started up and went down the stone driveway, pausing to open the security gates and flowed through. That was the key for Cassie as she moved out of her bed and went to her shower, cleaning the scum that collected on her firm young thighs from masturbating the night before, the gelled dildo still twisted in her bed sheets as she cleaned up and stepped out. She pulled her robe on and sat down to do...

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The ParkersChapter 30 Jack his older sister his brothers and his sister

There they were. Naked. In Matt's bedroom. Matt, Jack, Martin, Sally and Jill. All naked. Jack was surprised. He had just had sex with Sally; he had sex with Matt a couple of days before, but he had no idea that... Martin and Jill were there. Naked. Wow! They both had beautiful bodies, and Jack's cock started to grow. Jill's tits; Martin's cock, wow! Sally closed the door, in silence. Jack couldn't say anything, he didn't want to spoil the moment. So Matt said: "Come here, Jack....

2 years ago
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Case 27 brotherly Love

*Every two weeks I hold a Group Therapy Meeting,for people that had sexual experiences when they were young. This story is based on case #27. Only the names have been changed.*"Hurry up,or I'm gonna be late!" My little br-other urged me."Here. Let me help." He whispered,then shoved my hand aside so he could wrap his lips around the head of my cock as he jerked me off."Mmmmm,thogoood! ILubit! Mmm,Ummm,UMM! NOW!" He said,and yanked the front of his underwear out so I could shoot my cum all over...

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Sissy Sisters Paradise

SISSY SISTERS PARADISE? by Throne The three feminized husbands had been left in Penny's bedroom, which was a study in pink and white, with bold splashes of magenta here and there. Penny had been sissified by his wife Marge over the past few years. She had met other women who had done the same to their husbands and they all formed a loose network for shared activities. Penny asked Flo, "Did your wife tell you why they have the three of us here tonight?" "Not really," Flo answered...

3 years ago
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Resistance is Obedience

He felt the tug of the leash on his collar and immediately assumed the position of attention as he had been so well trained. On his knees, eyes straight ahead, back straight, hands together as if performing a prayer only fingertips touching. Performing the exercise, touching one set of fingers and then the next. Index, middle, ring, pinky, and then back again. Up and then down, fingers touching in perfect rhythm over and over again. Each touch, each repetition sent him deeper down the one-way...

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My Wife a Glory Hole Slut

My wife and I were pretty nervous, but we decided it was time to fulfill a fantasy of ours. We were going to go to a local adult video store that had private booths. I was going to pretend to be a stranger that needed his cock sucked. She was going to be a horny slut who couldn't wait to get a stranger's cock in her mouth and cum all over her face.We arrived, paid our fee and made our way to the back. As you'd expect it was dark, cramped and noisy. Men of all ages, in all manner of dress...

1 year ago
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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 6

( Stuck in the house ) When Andy left for work again, I started thinking about what happened with Skylar yesterday. The way he was so forward and aggressive had turned me on immensely. We still hadn’t had sex yet, but now he had a bunch of nude pictures of me. I felt myself getting aroused, thinking about how he used his mouth on me and then jerking off to my photos. Turning the TV down, I grabbed my phone and started to next him. “Did you enjoy the pics?” I asked. “Fuck yes! They made me...

2 years ago
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Ships in the Night

Danielle Murray strode briskly through the front door of the downtown hotel, a bellhop trailing behind with her suitcase and a hang-up bag. She walked up to the front desk to confirm her reservation, complete the check-in process and obtain her key card. Once she had completed her business, she thanked the manager who was working the desk with a brief smile, then walked purposefully through the ornate lobby. As she walked through the lobby, she happened to look over at a man reading a...

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I Sometimes Say the Dumbest ThingsChapter 6

I slept through the night and when I awoke Sunday morning Keary was sleeping beside me with his arm over my waist and his hand resting over my tit. He was still asleep though and I didn't move for fear of waking him. I needed to go to the bathroom. But I was in no hurry for the rapes to begin again. It was probably close to half an hour later when I heard a change in Keary's breathing and he started to stir. I was dreading whatever the day ahead might hold for me and I almost cried as I...

2 years ago
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The Sleeepover Chapter 14

by samslam"I'm getting in my car now," Kristina says. "See you in a few minutes.""Bye." I toss the phone onto the nightstand and lay flat on top of my s!ster. "How do you want to play this?" I ask. She looks at me a long time before she answers."I'm not sure I can initiate this, Brandon," she finally says. "I want you to make this happen for me." I lightly kiss her lips."Okay, s!s," I say, gently rocking my cock in and out of her pussy. "We'll just savour this nice feeling without using up all...

3 years ago
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My Sisters and MeChapter 8

Danny an' I were on our usual Wednesday early mornin' huntin' trip when we came upon a large camp at the edge of the woods jus' off the main trail toward Mobile. Not bein' the naive soul that I used ta be, I asked Danny ta keep the dogs with him an' ta guard my back while I went ta see what wuz the story at the unexpected camp. "Howdy, Gentlemen. My name's Joe McSwain, an' this is my usual huntin' territory. Ifen y'all don't mind my askin', I wonder how much longer y'all will...

1 year ago
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Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem Freund

Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem FreundNach dem innigen Kuss, ist uns beiden klar, dass wir nun endlich auch unsere Sexualität miteinander teilen. Auch nach 26 Jahren gibt es etwas neues, aufregendes für uns beide. „Du hast doch vorhin gemeint, dass du auf Daniel stehst. Also fangen wir mit ihm an!“ Du schaust mich verwundert an. „Wir haben doch vorhin gerätselt, ob die beiden uns verwechseln würden.“ Ich schlage dir vor, unseren Männern vorerst nichts von unserem heutigen Erlebnis zu...

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ColorsChapter 4 Radioactive Lime and Peace Corp Pink

Samantha sat in the diner and waited; she hoped that Leia would show up. She found herself worrying about the confused young woman, and wanting to convince her that there was a place for her. She wanted to tell her that there was a whole world just waiting for her to discover it. Recruits had to freely choose the academy; funny business was not allowed, and was cause for dismissal. Samantha's personal ethics would not allow her to use them, anyhow. Leia had to make the decision on her...

4 years ago
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Brians Change For The Better

Brian's Change For The Better By Amber Lynn Love This story contains adult material and should not be read by any individual under the age of 18. This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story are fictional and do not represent any living or non-living people. Hi. My name is Brian, at least it was a year ago, and this is the story of how I learned that it's not nice to tease girls just because they're different from me. It all happened a year ago just after my...

1 year ago
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Incest WifeChapter 7

"Angela? Where are you, baby? Angela?" Her husband called, his voice getting closer and closer to Thad's room. "Oh, God! It's your father! Quickly, Thad! Give me my negligee! It's there on the floor! Hurry, darling! Get into bed, Thad!" she said, slipping into the filmy garment her son had nervously handed her. "What am I supposed to do, Mom?" Randy asked in an anxious whisper. "Under the bed, Randy!" Angela urged. "But... my... my pajamas," the boy rasped, scurrying under his...

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The Biggest Cock That Ever Fucked Me

After finishing my make-up I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. My make-up was fine but I was wearing panties, pantyhose and a bra. I had a date with Connor in about an hour and this was our third date. Connor is 25 years old and a true hunk of a man. He is 6’4” with brown hair and as cute as can be. Our previous two dates had gone extremely well and his goodnight kiss from last Thursday implied that he wanted more. That was just fine with me because I did too. That was my...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein 2 Bheno Ki Shararat

Hello dosto mera naam Sarah (name changed) hai, aur mai pehli baar yahan pe aap sabke liye likh rahi hu. Agar kuch galti hojaye likhne mein toh please mujhe maaf karna. Shuru karne se pehle mai aap ko apne bare mein batati hu. Mai 19 saal ki hu aur college jaati hu. Mera rang thoda sanwla hai aur height 5’4 hai, mere baal bohat lambe aur straight hai meri kamar ke niche theek mere hips tak aate hai, mere stats 34-28-44 hai. Mai ek bisexual female hu jis ka ehsaas mujhe abhi thode time pehle hi...

4 years ago
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A Simple LoveChapter 4

Leona stretched out on the soft grass, looking up into the heavens and many sparkling stars, enjoying Dave's wonderful hands roaming over her body. She turned her head and saw Mandy easing herself down, taking Ken's huge cock deep into her tiny body. 'How does she take him?' She asked Dave feeling her small skirt being pulled down her hips and off of her legs, leaving her in nothing but her teeny panties. 'I hope it doesn't scare you, ' he replied moving his right hand between her...

2 years ago
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Six Foot Wrong RomanceChapter 8

Saturday was a perfect mother daughter day, all was well with the world. They were shopping for homecoming dresses, and while her mom wanted to go big, she didn’t. She let her mother take her to a few stores and try on big poofy dresses. But eventually her mother relented as it was not Prom, it was just Homecoming, and besides, they didn’t wear the same fashions from back in the 80’s. She didn’t want a long dress that went to the floor. On their way to the next store, she spied a hat shop...

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Carpenter Part 2

I knew I was in trouble after he told me of the viagra! Ken fucked me me every position possible. After pinning my legs back several times and squatting over me, Ken rolled me on my side and placed one leg on his shoulder and straddled my other leg! I rolled my hips into his every stroke as he shoved deeper and harder with each stroke inside me! "Fuck me hard" I begged! I found out very quickly he was not all the way in yet! As he plunged every inch of his thick black cock inside me I felt a...

1 year ago
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But I Love Him

Author's note: I finally decided on an introduction scene that would set the pace for the feel and essence I want to create. I plan for further chapters to involve more plot, characters, drama, and a lot of other descriptions of the feminine world. I sincerely hope you all enjoy this, all constructive comments are highly desirable. But I Love Him The bar was large, crowded and loud, and there I was in the very back booth, hidden from most of the people there...frozen still,...

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WildOnCam Charlie Valentine Loves Fucking That Cock LIVE

Sexy hot Charlie Valentine is turning heads and making dicks hard showing off her beautiful tattooed body while wearing her plaid bra and panties. She knows how to shake that ass to get your attention and teases you with this rock hard nipples once that bra comes off. Do you like what you see? Well wait until Nathan pulls her close to his face so he can dive that tongue right into her pussy! She loves being submissive and being dominated by someone who just can’t stop fucking her and...


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