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Part One, some background.

You're supposed to know who you are when you turn 18. I guess that is why they make such a fuss of that age. Well, I already knew all about myself when I turned 14. I knew by then all there was to know about who I was and always would be.

I am 29 now and earn a lot of money as an advertising copywriter. 29 is an age where you can hide behind your wallet. You can buy yourself a mask. 14 is not an age where you can do that. At 14 you are what people say you are, and they love to tell it to you over and over. You must be quite dense not to get the message.

The zoo they call high school keeps its labels simple and easy to memorize. My label was geek. You also could be a jock or a nerd, a freak, a babe, a bitch or a slut. More than four or five letters were hardly ever needed. Which of course suited the labelers well. They never had an urge to look where the longer words lived.

The labelers were usually the ones excelling in sports, and the blonde long legged pompom wielders. Before I turned thirteen I had innocently tried to take part in their outdoor activities. But by the time I turned fourteen the futility of that ambition had been rubbed in with wonderful efficiency. The jocks made it clear on day one: Geeks Don't Do Sports. They are not only bad at it, but they deserve to be ridiculed and bullied into understanding it too.

At 14 I understood. By 15 I knew that I'd better read books and talk about them with geeks who read books too. I also knew at what table to sit for lunch and at what tables not. But most of all I knew this: beautiful girls were not for the likes of me. You did not date them. And if you tried, the catch of the sports episode (see above) came into function. You just ended up with a red face and a sinking heart.

When I reached the age of 16 I found out that dating plain girls was not only easier, it also made me feel a lot more comfortable. Of course my cock did not agree with that, but by then that part of my body had long ceased to be a successful advisor. Anyway: the brain is a beautiful thing. While kissing and necking a braced and bespectacled plain-jane, it conjured up images of every fabulous tit I ever saw. Or more realistic: I ever almost saw.

I first got laid on prom night. Marie had a great body, actually. But her face was Ground Zero after five years of relentless acne. She was intelligent, witty and fun. But who needs those on the backseat of an old car after gallons of illegal beer and the sweaty dancing of a proms night? Well, you get the picture.

I went to college and the only difference there was the larger number of geeks and nerds. It gave me just more plain girls to choose from. And I did, after a few months of shyness and hesitance. About that time another law kicked in: plain girls are more eager. They are also more loyal. Of course: they have to, as they have to do battle for each conquest. It teaches them to hold on to what they have. Same thing goes for plain guys like me, of course. But I was a slow learner. I kept trying to hop around, until I at last had to admit that it was no use to turn in one ugly girl for another. That's when I met Irene and went as steady as steady goes.

I know, I know ... I sound terrible. As if the beauty of a girl is the only quality to look for. But I am honest too, at least here. At that time it was indeed the only criterion. And the law came down as hard on the girls as on the likes of me. You see, when you raise kids and tell them they can't have candy, candy will be the one thing they crave for all the time. When they play at other children's homes, they beg for them all the time. Same with me. I was a healthy boy with a healthy appetite. My hormones were tickled by high, hard tits and swaying asses, by moist, generous lips and endless legs. And they were denied me. Let's say it made me dream of candy 24/7.

Irene was a miracle. Under her straight mousy hair dwelt a mind of mercury. I never again met a girl who could turn a gray, rainy afternoon into paradise, just with words and images, with little touches and butterfly kisses. And when she smiled, her plain, stub nosed face seemed to catch a ray of sunlight.

Of course that is how I remember her now. Back then, being the one tracked oaf I was, I just took it all for granted. As a matter of fact I felt sorry for myself, punished to always be with girls like her. It is actually how I thought about her: girls like her — a species, a faceless part of a faceless multitude. God, was I pathetic, back then.

Part Two, the miracle.

Nowadays I am so much more with it, being a well to do single urban professional. I go to the gym, I have lasered eyes and a sun tan. My apartment is in magazines. I wear Boss, Armani. Designer jeans. I frequent three star restaurants, rock concerts, operas. I travel abroad, meet the rich and famous (okay, let's say the well to do and the local snobs). Isn't it lovely, my life? Yeah, exactly who am I fooling? Truth is that I do have all that. But one icy glance of a gorgeous beauty and all of it slides off me like flesh off a skeleton in a horror movie. It leaves me as naked and ugly as fifteen years back — fumbling, stuttering. Believe me: men like me don't blush adoringly. They sweat.

Last year I met Marie at the school reunion. She had found a famous cosmetic surgeon, who had turned her into Angelina Jolie. Then she had met a local zillionnaire and wore the ring to prove it. I know ... I should never have gone to that reunion.

Yesterday I saw Irene in a glossy magazine. She just had her first novel published. It went to the top of the seller list in a week. Next to her in the picture was her tall, dark, handsome husband. She smiled like sunshine. She made me sweat. Curse too. Then again, maybe I could use her name in conversation. Tell someone she had been my girlfriend, once. Wouldn't that make me look like somebody?

I saw the magazine at the reading table in the agency, sipping a cup of latte. That's when I heard a laugh. People use to call laughter like that silvery. I wont disagree most of the time, but this silver had life in it, a pulse, a breath. And it belonged to the most stunning girl I ever saw. First thing was her smile. Hard to miss, as it shone like a 100 watt lamp in her dark face. Her complexion was chocolate, her skin perfect. My routine is face-tits-eyes, taking two seconds to complete the round. All three stages were spectacular. She was gorgeous looking, her tits were high and round, her eyes, well ... I have ever since wondered how to describe her eyes, but I can't tell you. They touched me where I live — a profoundly unnerving experience.

Her name was Aimee and she preferred her coffee weak and sweet. I did not find that out, of course. I was as usual still getting the knot out of my tongue when good slick old Arnie had already poured the coffee for her, complimented her on her name, asked her if she was waiting for the Fredericks of Hollywood casting session that afternoon, and had taken her on a tour of the premises.

To be sure, Aimee had walked in for an interview at the accountants' company that occupied a few floors beneath us. She had gotten out of the elevator on the wrong floor. Three days later I met her in the reception lobby. As we rode to our separate floors, I at last succeeded in asking her a question. She told me she had gotten the job of secretary to one of the many bean counters.

Somehow I kept bumping into Aimee quite a lot in the next weeks. And I discovered that she was something I had never seen in a girl as beautiful as her — Aimee was shy. She fumbled with her fingers, never raised her voice and often looked down. Her complexion was too dark to see if she blushed, but I am certain she often did. Another remarkable thing was the formal and conservative way she dressed. She often wore Chanel-type suits that should have been on elderly Washington politicians' wives and wealthy grannies. Her skirts hardly ever left her knees free, her blouses were wide and buttoned up, her heels seemed either flat or less than an inch in height. And still she looked dazzling.

It took me two weeks to ask her out for lunch. She declined. I felt the familiar tons of geek shit descend on me. She was very sweet about it, whispered her apologies, but she really had to refuse.

It took me two weeks to ask her again. Two weeks in hell. They taught me I would die if I did not ask her again. But also that I might really die if she refused once more. Yes, I had fallen in love with Aimee. And no, she did not turn me down the next time. We saw a movie (well, I guess she saw more of it than I did). Then we had a few drinks and some supper. It all seemed wrapped up in a pink haze. But when I conjured up all my courage to kiss her, she offered me her perfect cheek.

No need to bore you with the tediousness of our courtship. We dated quite a bit in the next weeks, but each date ended right at the doorstep of her humble apartment. Of course I tried to lure her to mine, but she never even seemed to acknowledge my suggestions. Then I made a huge mistake. One day we had a short and pleasant little lunch in the mall. On the way back I tried to get her attention focused on a rather sexy outfit in one of the windows. It was a short, deeply red velvet dress with spaghetti-type straps that would allow the low cut top to just cover her nipples — at least in my overheated anticipation. I suggested for her to try it on, and I was for the first time introduced to an expression I would see more of in the months to come: deep hurt, mixed with disappointment. She left me standing right there and it would take me weeks to have her answer my phone calls again.

Why did I keep courting Aimee? She was like a fata morgana, those appearing and disappearing little oases in the shimmering desert. And yes, that cartoon-like man crawling in the hot sands was me. Or maybe she was more like a slippery fish in a pond, always escaping the cage of my hands. She drove me mad.

Then, one day, she pushed me over the edge. We had a company party — a small celebration at the offices. So I asked Aimee to meet me there and attend it as my date. She agreed and for days I nursed these exciting thoughts about stunning my colleagues with my eye candy.

She didn't show up. I phoned her all evening and the next day, but she never answered. Nor did I see her in the building. That was when I decided to forget about her. Or at least give her the impression I did, because I never could get her out of my mind for more than ten seconds. It took her a week to call me. Her voice on the phone was thick with emotions. She told me she had panicked at the thought of going to the party. She could see why I hated her, but she had been too scared. She was so very sorry. She sobbed. She understood if I didn't want to see her anymore, but she had been so, so scared. In short, after she had sobbed and sorried for ten minutes, you could wipe me up from the floor.

Aimee and I married half a year later. It was a very small ceremony as I was an only child with one surviving parent — my mother — and an aunt. Aimee had a brother and a few cousins in Louisiana who did not bother to fly up. There were friends and colleagues. We took a honeymoon on the Bahama's.

In the weeks after the time she stood me up at the party, she changed a lot. I admired her for her courage, as it must have been hard for her to open up — to break through her shyness and accompany me to parties, wearing nice and sexy dresses. She had to make small talk with people she did not know. And, yes ... she even came with me to my apartment afterwards. The first time I hardly dared ask. We had been to a company function, where she had easily been the evening's main attraction. By then the amazement of me having a girl like her on the arm, had died down a bit. But her attraction to the male population at the party had only increased. The panting pussy hounds didn't even bother if I was around to let their tongues hang down her cleavage. It only made my ego swell with a feeling I had never ever had. The feeling of alpha male pride, I guess. And it went straight to my crotch. So when she pushed me inside my apartment the moment I had opened my front door, I was as ready as the next hormone-ridden teenager. Too ready, maybe.

Her mouth was soft and hot and seemed to have no bottom. It must have been the drinks. I'd never seen her like this. She took my hand and put it on her pussy, right through her flimsy dress. I surfaced from the kiss, taking in gulps of air and looking into her eyes. There was a glint I'd never seen before. It matched the little curls at the corners of her lips.

"Love me tonight, Harry, before I change my mind," she whispered into my ear. And I thought I would come in my pants right there and then. But I didn't, thank God. Well, to be true, I did that after having been inside her silk tight pussy for twenty seconds. It left me devastated. I apologized and begged her to understand. It had all been so exciting, she had made me wait for so long. She only put her finger on my whining mouth and clucked her tongue. "Ssssshhh," she said. She lay back on my pillows, looking glorious. The tits I had been sucking only minutes ago, looked just perfect. The legs I was kneeling between, felt like silk and seemed to have no ending.

She just took my dripping, spent cock in her hands and caressed it with the soft satin of her palms. Then she came up and took the head in her pillow like lips. She started to suck me. I have been sucked a lot in college and later on, so I knew Aimee was average at best. It was clear she had a rather limited experience. But I felt so very honored. I was proud that she could bring herself to do it at all. I lay my hands on her head, feeling almost ashamed.

It must have been the sheer thrill and excitement that restored my erection in minutes. I grew into her soft mouth and she even sucked me deeper into her. I slowly pulled out of her mouth, looking deep and grateful into her eyes. Then I once again settled between her legs and slid the head past her still wet pussy-lips. I now had the stamina to wait for her orgasm, I hoped. But I wasn't sure if her soft moans and tiny spasms were exactly that.

In the weeks after this first time we fucked almost every night, twice in weekends. Aimee had not been a virgin. She told me she had had a few young lovers in high school and college, but they had been as clumsy and new at it as she was. She learned amazingly fast. The intimacy of it all plunged us into the dream world where new lovers live, forgetting the world around us. We went everywhere together, feeling proud and self-assured.

In bed we did everything by now. Aimee sucked me like a goddess and when I ate her out, she came and came. We did 69 and doggies and she even loved it when I pushed a finger or two up her tight ass hole when I fucked her. She also became more expressive, using words she may not even have known before. I never wondered where the shy Aimee went. You know me by now. Because I was so very proud of myself, I took all the credit. All her changes should be written on my account. Me Tarzan, you Aimee.

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Brainwave of HorrorChapter 3 Sexual Symmetry

Let me tell you about my mother's sister. Aunt Sheryl. Thirty-six, two years younger than my mom. Copper-red hair to the middle of her back. A figure like... well, like my mom's. Walking around by the pool in a bikini as I speak. Her daughter? Rachel. Eighteen. Strawberry blonde hair to her shoulders. A mischievous smile and a contagious giggle. We played together as kids, but she has grown up very nicely since then. She's now built like... mmmmm... Can cousins marry in this...

4 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 2 Dinner with Detective Handsome

I need new car tabs because I foolishly let mine expire at the end of the year. I could have had Cinnamon do this if I was thinking. Fortunately, Detective Handsome let me off with just a warning ... and dinner. Starting the New Year right Jordan’s party was really okay and the oyster stew wasn’t bad either. He hobbled around on his boot cast and Cinnamon was there to support him if he teetered. I think they hooked up last night. They were very cagey when I asked what they ended up doing...

2 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 7 Tuesday July 9th 1963Part Two

Roger stared into his glass of Coca-Cola as he thought about what was to happen. He had been a teenager for just over ten months and had all the hormones that came with it, hence the persistent attempts to see both his mother and his sister in the nude. Naturally that was as far as he had expected it to go, merely the harmless curiosity of a young virgin boy wanting to see what all the fuss was about. Oh there had been one or two clumsy experiences with a couple of girls from the local...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 32 Farewells Part III

June 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden When I arrived home, I changed into my trunks and went into the sauna. I wasn’t surprised when Suzana came in a few minutes later. She had joined me as often as possible the past few weeks. “I see you didn’t come home last night!” Suzana smirked. “Yeah, I spent the night at Elizabeth’s.” “I thought you guys were just friends. What happened?” “We are just friends and we’ll always be friends. A few months ago, we realized we really wanted each other. We...

3 years ago
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An Engagement Ch 01

St. Evies―An Engagement Introduction: Ruminations Pedro de la Garza had a problem. He was a young man, posing as a girl, which could not last forever. Every day brought new challenges and some had almost tripped him. He was also living on charity, which offended his sense of dignity. Even if he could, Pedro did not want to continue posing. Now that he had a steady job, with improving prospects, it was not necessary. Other living arrangements could be found. If it were not for Angela, Pedro...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning

"Sunny, are you going to the dance tonight?" The voice was a little louder than it needed to be. The caller often spoke that way during telephone conversations, because she wore hearing aids and turned them off, or removed them, for her telephone calls. "Oh Polly, I don't know." Sunny took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "It has not been a good day for me. I spent half the afternoon at the Social Security office. Mandatory retirement stinks." "You need to go to the dance...

3 years ago
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Apni Accountant Ko Patake Choda

Hi, friends me bhavanagar gujarat ka rahane vala hu. or aaj me ap sabhi ko apni officemate ko mene kaise choda vo batane vala hu. mai ek govt. employee hu or hamare office me ek nayi nayi accountant abhi abhi join hui thi vo bala ki khubsurat he. uski patli kamar bhare hue chote chote boobs. aur ubhari hui gand ki vo malakin he. usaka nam shital he or vo aksar hamare sath bate banati rahati thi. ek din hamare office me sirf hum dono hi akele the qyuki us din saturday tha or baki sab chutti par...

1 year ago
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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 9

They headed to New York City on Wednesday, Joe, Eddie and Cheryl, a couple boxes of singles carefully packed with them. Though relatively old songs, they remained the best of Eddie so far. And they had the better sounding tape from the Longhorn. Several copies. First stop the overpriced Holiday Inn in Midtown. Two queen sized beds. Joe still hadn’t told Joanne about Moe. As far as Cheryl went, she told Joanne she had a friend she would stay with. Just not that it would be Joe’s friend. Moe...

2 years ago
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Mountain ManChapter 2

It was just moving into sundown when I arrived in Elk City. It took me about an hour to get Margarite and Jughead wiped down and curried. But they knew where they were and, as far as they were concerned, life was good. Shadow and I drifted over to my truck, camper, and trailer. I went inside the camper and opened all the windows to start airing it out. Everything seemed fine, so I’d wait until morning to get a more detailed inspection. We were at the unofficial Elk City campground and livery...

1 year ago
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Richard and I got married a month after graduating college. We struggled financially at first. He was working as a technician for a medium sized security company. His days were spent installing security systems in homes and businesses. I landed a job with a small accounting firm. I worked mostly on commercial accounts, data entry and helping prepare for audits. We saved our money religiously, but we just didn’t seem to be getting ahead. We were falling well short of our goals, both short term...

4 years ago
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Rough Sex

I originally intended to go to the tanning bed but then I remembered I forgot to put on a thong under my sundress. I wear a thong when I lie in the bed because I like the way the white lines accentuate my hips and make my legs look longer. I also put one of those red playboy bunny stickers on my chest. (You HAVE to put the sticker in the same place every time because if it slips that bunny is going to look like Abraham Lincoln.) I also HAVE to do this free form kind of peripheral wandering...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Tenants Pt II

Before I reach Diana’s door, I hear faint sounds of what sounds like crying. Her door is slightly ajar and I peek in to make sure everything is okay. I see her on her bed, fingering herself. That so-called crying sound is actually her moaning during masturbation. Poor girl, she is saving herself until marriage yet is too horny. And speaking of horny, that’s exactly how I feel at the moment from the sight of this and I immediately develop a hard on. She’ll fully clothed, wearing a button...

2 years ago
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The Saga of Tuck Chapter 23 As Tuck Would Have It

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- As Tuck Would Have It -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...

2 years ago
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Roman Passion

Setting: Ancient Rome A huge crowd filled to the capacity of the Colosseum as the anticipated the first of a few battles. Entering the Colosseum was a gladiator named Kevin. His tall, well-built body all but his legs and arms, was covered with strong body armor. Kevin's record was without a single loss. With a sword in one hand, a shield in the other, and a helmet on his head, he was ready for his first battle. For the first battle, he had to fight a hydra, a three-headed monster from the...

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Ranma 12 Anything Lewd Goes

Ranma 1/2 is a legendary series that mixed martial arts, romance, comedy, and a healthy dose of good ol' Japanese lewdness. It's massive cast of characters and chaotic world lend it to all kinds of unique situations and kinky ideas. Ancient Chinese curses, magical items, enemies with strange powers, plants with bizarre properties! Any kink or fetish you can imagine can fit into this series. So pick your favorite character and go wild!

4 years ago
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My fantasy about my wife

(Some Background)Ever since I got engaged I have been having these thoughts of my wife Amber doing things I would once consider taboo, I'm not into her actually banging somebody else, but I wouldn't mind if she jerked someone else off or even sucked em off & allowed that same stranger to ejaculate on her face, ass, hands, feet or tits whatever she would like!!! My wife is a petite Latina with a great body and amazing ass, she is very pretty in the face, very feminine, small hands and pretty...

4 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 10

Dear Dirty Diary, Over the rest of the visit, Louise and I wandered through the shops down in Huntingdon while Doug explored the area. He seemed infatuated with Lake St. Francis, I suppose because it was reminiscent of Lake Ontario. On our drive back home, he behaved himself admirably, deep in thought. By the end of the following week, he informed me everything was under control. The conniving old fool had talked our k**s into moving into the Marina condo for the year. Erin had an...

1 year ago
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Starr watched her father's big cock through the keyhole of the bathroom door. As he drew a shaver across his face, his huge prick moved. The thick cockshaft swung heavily. Starr licked her lips. She let her hands move to her virgin cunt and she stroked her pink pussylips as she watched.Starr had always thought that her father, Rick, was an attractive man. Tall, dark, and handsome, with short Black hair and piercing blue yeas. He was 20 years old when she was born, so he was only 38 years old...

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My 19 year old sister has some workout regime

For years now, I have been attracted to my younger sister. It’s not only her gorgeous looks but she is so warm and just a great person to be around. I think she feels the same attraction to me as we always have a great time together. As we have grown older, our sexual feelings have become more bold and stMikeger. I’m the 28 year old brother of a beautiful 19 year old sandy blonde haired sister. My name is Mike and Michelle is my sexy little teenage sister. I'm about 5' 10", well built, light...

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Look but Dont Touch

There is only one rule: you can look but you can't touch. Are you in agreement? OK then, let us begin. I sit at one end of the bed, you at the other. This seemed like a good idea when I thought of it, but the reality is that I'm terrified. No matter what we've done before, I always worry that I won't live up to your expectations and I'd hate for you to be disappointed in me. For a moment we sit there staring at each other. I know that if I let this go on too long then I won't be able...

2 years ago
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true story with a friend

one of my old friends hit me up to chill the other day. I haven't seen him in a while since we don't work together anymore. I agreed to hang with him, and headed over to his apartment. I arrived, and we chilled for a bit, playing some video games. after that, we turned on the tv for a bit. there was a sex scene in that movie we were watching, and after it ended, my buddy said "check this out." he pulled his computer out and quickly pulled up a porn clip that the sex scene reminded him of. we...

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Sharks in the Pool

She thought of just leaving, but the pool, now glistening in the moonlight, caught her attention. It was deserted and Vicky decided that an evening swim, all by herself, would be peaceful. So she slipped out through the patio door, walked to the poolside cabana, and changed back to her bikini swimsuit. Soon she was doing laps in the tepid water, while her thoughts returned to Doug. They had started dating casually, but all too quickly Doug had wanted more intimacy than she was ready to give,...

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My Sexy Cousin

Remember me I am RAHUL from Hyderabad, India.I`22 years old. Well now I am going to share my other exiting fantasy with you. Some times I feel that I was born just for the sake of fantasizing about sex . There is no such place where I never dream about sex. Let it be in the class room or at home even while watching movies or when I am driving every single second of my free time I spend on fantasizing about sex sex and only sex. Last week I had to go to the outskirts of Hyderabad due to some...

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Unconventional Conversation

My husband and I owned a business and one of the perks was going to the Convention every year. Now normally I wouldn’t be so excited for such but it was held in Las Vegas each year. So a long weekend of finding and getting into as much trouble was we can. I guess better attention should of been paid this one year as my husband booked a fishing trip for the same weekend. Both events bought and paid for with neither willing to return funds. We finally worked out that he’d go on his trip and I’d...

4 years ago
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Honor MattersChapter 10 Course Plotted

It took almost two days to recover from that epic orgy. We still had hours in hyperspace or jump space or whatever your engineers call that wormhole between two points in our galaxy. Sitting at the mess table I began my presentation. “Mission creep caught me,” I said. “Now I’m officially retired. Lightning Bolt is officially used for survey. She’s about four times the size of the survey scouts normally used, but I’m not complaining. Survey reports are an income source. We also have the honor...

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