Day 1 free porn video

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-- Hi, I'm Kate, sorry that the story is written in a less literary way, originally was supposed to be just a blog/journal post. Hope you enjoy.


When I was 18, after my last year of high school, we got a young substitute teacher, he was like in his 20s, of course older than me and my friends but still younger than most other teachers by a mile. I was always believed to be pretty in school but only just starting to grasp the whole make up and being girly thing instead of a tomboy.

Anyway, in my school you had some clubs activities and some even did stuff over summer, I was in one of those. It was like all-in-one, singing, dancing, playing instruments - I guess due to lack of members they just bunched everything together - and even after graduation we were practicing for a school concert of sorts. I was gonna sing a k-pop song in English and rap too, haha. But that’s a whole other story. Most of it was just done out of interest by all the students but we did have other teachers and whatnot also participating, as some of them were working over the summer.

So I was going to the practice once or twice a week, not many people were around but that young teacher was there all the time. Apparently he was in charge of some nerd club where they were making a video game with all the nerd k**s or something. I chatted with him about random things whenever I ran into him, and they seem to be staying late doing their club stuff, so I became more and more curious until I finally stopped by after our practice was over.

It was basically a gaming cafe inside a school. They just played a bunch of games together and occasionally the teach would explain how things worked in a game, there was 5 other male students, by comparison our group was like 20, and mostly girls.
I wasn't too impressed with it honestly, and didn't know what I expected. Was about to leave as I dropped my notepad on the floor and quickly bent over to pick it up, then heard a whistle and laughter from the nerds, as I realize they stared at my butt, although I was just wearing jeans, nothing crazy revealing.
I mean it was embarrassing but there were worse things happening at school. However, the teacher stopped me and said to the whole class, "What was that? Everybody apologize to Kate," as I was standing there awkwardly. They slowly murmured an apology, and the teach made sure everyone said it.
Now, I didn't think I had strong daddy issues or something, I don't know what it was really, maybe the fact that other teachers can watch some k** being bullied and just carry on, but I fell for this guy, hard. I was walking home pretty much only thinking about how cool he was, even his stupid glasses started to seem sexy.

From then on I was pretty much always stopping by their club. I was playing games quite a bit before, tho never on a computer, mostly on Playstation. And my laptop wasn't running anything. All those multi-player and online games we played were getting me addicted. Often times we'd stay there till 6pm at which point they were closing up the school, but mr. SexyGlasses had keys since he was running the club.
My parents were usually chill about things but one day I stayed playing till like 9pm and my phone was exploding with calls and messages from my mom. I was also the last one there with the teacher and obviously he figured that it's getting way too late to keep a student at school, so he said "Ok, that's enough for today, I'll drive you home."

I wasn't really scared of my parents scolding me or anything, I mean I was old enough to be out at this point, I guess I probably would get yelled at but I was nearly a perfect student throughout school so what could they really say?
But mr. HotNerd said he'd like to speak with my parents, and I was getting a bit nervous about him telling my parents that I was playing video games most of the day and not the practice stuff I told them I went to.
We got in his car and he drove me home. I think this was also my first memory of somebody driving me other than my dad or some family member. As I sat there with the belt pressing against my boobs, thinking that this is how a grown-up's date must feel like.
We got out at my house and he walked me to the door, ringing. My parents came and had a lengthy conversation with mr. SchoolGirl'sDream, in hindsight I guess he might have sorted it out so he won't get in trouble himself, but to me it felt like he was doing it for me.
He basically told my parents that he was a new teacher at my school and that I was late because I stayed after practice helping clean some stuff up and help around, being a good girl basically, which saved me from any possible scolding.
I don't know what impressed me more, that he just came up with that, or that he was so convincing and charming my parents wanted him to stay for dinner - he declined.

This pretty much put the last nail in my crush coffin. I couldn't sleep for shit, I couldn't take a bath or shower without fantasizing about this fucking guy giving me private lessons, or asking me to come wash his car in some skimpy clothes, or telling me to stay after classes to talk about my bad test results, and so on. My panties were in a perpetual state of wetness, I only hoped mom wouldn't notice how suddenly the laundry piled up so much with half of it being my underwear.

I messaged some of the nerds to ask on which other days they had their gaming club stuff, so I could come too, even though it wouldn't even be a day for my club's practice.
I was staying late there almost every time I went, and he was personally driving me home every time, although not talking to my parents again, just dropping me off.
At one point I said I was hungry and asked if he would take me out for dinner, but he just got us some fast food from a drive-through. In hindsight, now I realize, it might have been a bit weird, especially for him being a teacher, to be seen with a teen girl in a restaurant at night, but at that time I had no grasp on the whole p**o/u******e thing and how people looked at it.

I started reading about sex and bullshit sex tips on the internet. Watching porn a lot more, thinking whether mr.Kate'sFutureHusband had a circumcised cock, and if my virgin ass can even handle a cock to begin with. I didn't dare talk to any of my friends about it. I suppose the nerds from the game club could have been spreading rumors cause I was staying there even later than them, but I became kind of friends with them too, so I wasn't too worried. Just a girl trying to figure out how I can get lewd with my teacher...

And then one of my friends gave me an idea. She was honestly the most annoying friend I ever had, pretentious and full of herself, thinking she had pornstar years of experience.
We were randomly talking about guys, and she told me to go watch a scary movie with my date, cling to him whenever there is something creepy on the screen.
I was like *mind-blown*, bitch you actually might know what you are talking about.

I went to talk to him the next day at school and started awkwardly composing a story of how my friends watched some horror movie and I was the only one who didn't, and the theater wouldn't sell me a ticket, and that I would be too scared to watch it by myself, and so on. He surprisingly caved in rather quickly, I hoped maybe that was a sign that he's into me too.

On the weekend, I told my parents I was going out with some friends. That bitchy friend even agreed to lie to my mom for me, saying I would be staying over at her place while I went with some guy... Turning out more useful than I was giving her credit for.

I meet up with mr.CanYouFinallyDoMePlz at the movies, he already got the 2 tickets, waiting for me.
We get in, sit down, movie starts - there is like 2 other people in there. I don't know if I should be more nervous or less because of it.
We share one big popcorn bucket in the middle, I literally look only at his hand instead of the movie, waiting for him to reach for the popcorn just so I can do it at the same time and touch his hand, giggling at the "coincidence".
Horror stuff starts to happen - I dig into his arm and bury my face in his shoulder, asking whether the scary scene is over. He says, "Yeah, the monster is gone" but I ask if he is sure and he replies, "Well, wait a minute longer just in case it comes back," it feels like everything is going great basically.
I grab some popcorn and drop it between his legs, saying "sorry" right away while reaching to pick it up, at which he laughs a bit awkwardly, telling me not to worry about it.
Then I grab his hand with mine and hold it for the rest of the movie, almost cuddling up to him, and feeling pretty much no resistance from him. Feeling like we're getting somewhere.

We finish the movie, I actually miss half of it, not even sure what was going on with the plot.
We get out and get inside his car. It's like 11pm and probably the most late I was out at that age, being a good girl and all that.
We laugh talking a little about the stupid characters in the movie and then go quiet as he starts the car.
"Don't take me home yet," I tell him. My heart beats as loud as when a boxer hits the punching bag repeatedly, I can't hear anything else.
"What do you mean?" He asks, still cheerful while I'm nervous as fuck.
In the most awkward way possible, I put one of my hands on his and my other on his leg as I lean over to him. He seems completely frozen while I do it, then I finally give him a kiss. A long one. I start moving my lips against his and he starts doing the same, and right there, with that response, I know we're going to have sex.
We make out for like 10 minutes straight, he is being quite passive, only kissing back when I do it and nothing else, not touching me anywhere, nothing. Then my hand goes to his crotch and rubs his bulge. He doesn't stop me.

After a minute, he breaks the kiss and gently pushes me back to my sit, all in silence, not saying anything. I feel like I fucked up....
The car goes on the road, while I sit there thinking whether I should apologize or say something. We don't speak at all, until he slows down and pulls up to an apartment building, we're still kind of downtown, definitely not where my home is.

"This is where I live," he tells me. "Do you want to come up?"
I nod slowly, my head overheating thinking "it's happening".
He parks, opens my door and leads me to the elevator, holding my hand all the time.
We end up on the 14th floor, quite high for my hometown, and he opens the door to his apartment to let me in.

His place is a small 2 room apartment but it's super cool, especially for somebody like me who was living near ground level all her life. The living room has huge windows covering the entire wall, and I can see the entire town from there and all the bright night lights.
I feel his hand go around my waist, he motions me to face him as our bodies press against each other... I was pretty much the tallest girl in school, but he was a full head taller... I look up at him sheepishly, and then I fucking say it, the dumbest shit in my life. "I love you" I whisper at him.
There is a moment of silence, neither of us moves or says anything, but thankfully at this point it was beyond my ability to fuck it up.

His hand slides up to my neck and for the first time he kisses me himself, not just replying to my kisses. His kiss is much rougher, his stubble brushes against my cheek and lips. I understand then that all the kisses with boys I had before are like a c***d's smooch.
My hands press against his chest while his arms embrace me. He grabs my ass, getting a handful of my butt-cheek, squeezing it and holding on to it, not like the random spank a boy might give me, it feels like he is appreciating it in some way. I moan. Like a slut. Like he could ask me to bend over for him right there and I would do it. He cups my breast instead. Kneading it through my sports bra then sneaking his palm past it onto my naked mound of flesh. It's not hard for him to find my erect nipple as his index finger keeps rubbing over it all the time. I forget all the things about sex that are supposed to be important, how my first time will probably hurt and bleed, whether we have condoms or not, all I care about is to do it.

I start fumbling with his belt trying to undo his pants while he keeps my face glued to his in a never-ending wet make out session. Before I'm even done with the buckle he grabs me and lifts me easily, then carries me to the couch and puts me down on my back. My legs are spread around him as he undoes his pants and pulls them down revealing quite a bulge in his underwear. He grabs my shorts, undoes a button and gently pulls them down my legs. I'm already so hot and soaked I could mass produce my own brand of lubricant, my panties visibly wet.
He grabs his wallet and takes a condom out, rips it open, and then I finally get to see it - my first cock. It's completely hard and straight, with thick veins running along the shaft. The tip is pink and mushroomy just like the good old internet showed me. He grabs his delicious looking cock with one hand and starts rolling the condom over it. I judge it to be quite big even without having any references or experience except for a few porn videos I saw online.

Mr. HardCockForKate takes my skinny legs with his big arms and pulls me closer in one rough jerk. His hard cock ends up lying on my stomach as I look at it bewildered. My hand reaches out to it, caressing it nervously. "Fuck me please..." I say softly while looking at this male instrument of pleasure as if I was talking directly to it.

Mr. YesMaamSayNoMore pulls my panties to the side and aims his tip at my eager pussy. His mushroom head pressing and spreading my hungry wet pussy lips like they are trying to suck it in. He pushes inside very slowly. One of his arms goes to the pillow next to my cheek for support, while the other is still grabbing my leg. I hold my breath the entire time his dick pushes inside me. It doesn't hurt at all, feels not much different than a toy, just thicker. Then it pushes in a bit more as I feel some influx of pleasure with it. It still doesn't hurt. For a moment I feel a little disappointed, but when I look down I see that it's not even a quarter in. I pale, scared that I might actually not be able to take it all.

He pulls out slightly, until only the tip remains in. "You are so tight," he says. At that time I was unsure if it was a compliment. Then he pushes in again, a little bit more of his member squeezes into me. He pulls out another time, then pushes in deeper. And again. And again. And again... ♥

It takes a moment for me to figure out what happened and what's going on as I open my eyes, not remembering when I even closed them. I see the new substitute teacher from school asking me, "Are you ok, Kate? Does it hurt?", as I come down from my orgasm that almost made me pass out.
Dizzy and breathing heavily, I find another stupid thing to say, "Was... that sex?" I murmur.
I can't tell whether he is amused or confused, but he leans down to kiss me, and as he is kissing me I feel the same movements between my legs like before I passed out, except now they are thrusts, and now I can't hold my breath anymore because every thrust forces out a small moan from my mouth, and in my mind runs but one thought: "Getting fucked feels so good..."

Before long, his cock slides back and forth into my cunt as it pleases without much resistance. I can feel it hitting something inside me, something I have never felt before during masturbation. Every time that place gets hit with his tip, my eyes roll back a little, as if my body is telling me that this is the spot that this entire act is orchestrated for, and if he wasn't wearing a condom it would be what gets me in trouble.

He asks me, "Are you ok?" but drunk with pleasure as I am, I only say "More..."
And he gives me more. The teacher's heavy set of balls starts slapping against my ass while my body shakes from the pounding he is giving me. I have never felt anything so deep inside me, stretching out my pussy to fit the shape of his cock. I thought I would never be able to masturbate again, as both my mind and body would be forever imprinted with how the real deal feels.

My moans turn to screams and then into curses, as I can't stop swearing about how good it is, and he just keeps pistoning in and out of my poor little pussy, fucking it into oblivion as it burns so fuckingmmm...

"Are you... close?" He asks. I guess he didn't notice that mind-shattering orgasm I had before. I can see how pent up he is now, sweating and being more reckless, fucking like an a****l. I only say, "Yes" as my legs hug him and press him closer.
He puts his entire body on top of mine, he is so heavy and hot. He bites my neck as his butt and hips still work up and down, plowing me relentlessly.
"Then cum, you slut," he whispers in my ear, huffing, and somehow I can tell the way he says has no insult in it, I just moan out in reply.

Mustering his very last bits of stamina, he thrusts his dick tip-to-base a few last times. It's rough, taking it like that, but I like it. And with the last push he buries his cock in me and holds it there, twitching. For the first time I hear him moan instead of just the heavy breaths. I feel something swelling in me, forgetting for a second that there is a condom to protect me, thinking that I will get pregnant... and I cant help but cum myself.
My hands claw at the back of his shirt, my legs straighten out in the air as I curl my toes in my shoes. I can't even moan, though my mouth is wide open. My eyes close again but I don't pass out this time, I just feel this bubble of cum swelling up inside the condom, inside of me.

We both lie in the same position for a minute longer, he is still on top of me, catching his breath. "Ahh..." I let out a gasp as his cock pulls out of me, dragging the full condom with it.
He lifts himself up, one of his hands caresses my cheek and he kisses me. Just a brief kiss on the lips. Then he gets up.
"I'll go to the bathroom," he tells me. I just look back at him in a daze with my mouth open like he fucked away my ability to control my facial expressions. My eyes drift and I spot the full condom hanging from the end of his cock.
Standing up, he gently makes my legs comfortable before going away. I hear water running in the bathroom.

"I did it..." I think or whisper to myself, not sure which. "I had sex."
He comes back just a minute later asking whether I want to shower, but I'm already drifting into a peaceful sleep and end up spending the night there...

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the sun is setting we have had a great holiday really relaxing we flyhome 2moro we walk alng the shaw line holidng hands (aww) ur whitesummer dress getting wet at the bottom as the warm water laps at ourfeet, we head up the beach to the lil bar its quite busy we stop nhave a drink im slip my flip flop up as we sit on the bar stall n letme foot wander up ur tanned legs my toes creeping up tickling u as itgoes up. I know that under that dress ur r naked as a studied u hardas u got ready to come...

2 years ago
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By: Vapidvector I recieved a phone call at work the day before my birthday a couple of years ago and it was my wife, Joy, informing me that she had a surprise in store for my birthday and to be sure to hurry home after work so we could get started. When I got home she had several suitcases packed and sitting by the door, ready to go. "Hurry and take your shower and get dressed. Mike and Laura will be here any minute," she informed me. "What's going on? Where are we going?" I...

2 years ago
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It was Friday, February 1st. Harry’s birthday. My birthday. And I was spending it with Louis. I’m turning 18. Louis is already 20; his birthday was on December 24. We had a veryfun night. I was anxious for the same to happen tonight. God, I love him to death. His brunette colored hair, tight jeans showing his erection all the time, vans sneakers, and usually band shirts.I pass through a crowd of people in the hall at school, getting glares. They knew. They knew I liked Lou and they knew it was...

4 years ago
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We agreed to you coming over around 1230. Well John comes by around 11 wanting to take a nap. We lie down and fall asleep. When you show up you find us asleep on my bed. We move over on the bed and tell you to join us. You lay down next to me. Your back is to my chest and my back is to him. We all fall asleep. I have my arm around your waist and under your head. After a while, he gets up and starts to leave the room. I wake up and look at him. He tells me to go back to sleep and walks out. I...

1 year ago
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IT all started the day before my girlfriend 28th birthday. I asked her, " Baby, what do you want to do for your birthday ?" She had an very interesting idea on what to do for… IT all started the day before my girlfriend 28th birthday. I asked her, " Baby, what do you want to do for your birthday ?" She had an very interesting idea on what to do for her birthday. She was watching 50 shades of grey when she answered me. She said I want you to be my sex slave for the whole day. I laughed and...

2 years ago
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Thursday... The plan was to meet, once your house was clear so that we had every avenue and space to play. The time is 8:57. I am sitting in my car at the end of your street, reading the messages from you as you count down the minutes before we see each other again. It had been six days. It felt like years.I crave your touch, your body against mine, the softness of your lips in the kiss then the hardness of your teeth as you bite my lip, that’s where I remember who you are. And what you need...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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While sitting in my room, I imagine forbidden fruit: a feather-light touch, barely conveying the words I long to hear. I want you. I need you to want me. I long to see your eyes light up at the thought of a kiss, a touch, and more… Who am I? Does it matter? I am who you want me to be, whether the object of your most secret desire or just a dream of someone you’ve never actually met but about whom you fantasize. Who are you? You are my fantasy, my beloved, my lover. I long for you to whisper...

3 years ago
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I was laying on the bed nude day dreaming about some of the nice round asses in pantsuits I had seen at work. Friday must have been tight black pantsuit day because if I had seen one pair of tight black pants I must have seen ten pairs. With only about two of them that I would not have fucked as hard as I could with my six inch dick. As I lay there thinking about these pantsuits I started to get a hard-on. At first I worried what the wife would say when she saw my cock. But then with her small...

2 years ago
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I slowly stroke ur hair, sweeping it over ur shoulder gently brushing ur neck with my finger tips, and gently kiss up ur neck until i reach ur ear, give it gentle bite and breathing softly on to it then kiss my way back down ur neck and across to begin slowly kissing up the other side ur neck breathlessly to ur other ear sweeping ur hair out of the way as I go, while i gently run my finger tips up and down the back of ur neck and through ur hairMy hand on the back of ur neck slowly moves up...

3 years ago
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I am a depraved individual; there was nothing I wanted more than to fuck my stepson. I had been married to his father since he was f******n (almost four years); he was just starting to fill out; I had caught glimpses of him getting out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist. I’d try to catch a look at his rod, but was never too successful. I was just barely old enough to be his actual mom, a thought that thrilled me in light of the naughty thoughts I had about him. I often wondered...

1 year ago
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My Birthday: My wife Elizabeth and I used to have regular conversations as we were getting dressed or undressed which went something like this: Elizabeth would say, "Have I ever told you that I think that you would make a beautiful girl, Jack?" "Yes, you have. Can't you change the subject?" I would reply. "Not until you try it, Jacky," she would tease me. "Try what? I do not think any of the other wives you know treat their husbands in this way." But last year the night...

3 years ago
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Ch 1 I could not pay any attention at work; somehow, commodity futures were not as interesting as my upcoming birthday present. Lynette, my live-in girlfriend, promised me something special for my birthday. ?Something special? always means some new way for me to enjoy her luscious young body; last year, it meant her tight ass which she had always been afraid to give me. I wondered, thrill with anticipation what would it be this time, why did she need a whole weekend, and why did she go to our...

4 years ago
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A Birthday to Remember - Wife dominates him like never before.Ray spent the day before his birthday doing all of the things that he wanted. He started his day with a hard workout at the gym and a long soak in the steam room, and then proceeded to have a hearty breakfast at his favorite restaurant. He spent the rest of his morning shopping around his favorite shops before relaxing at a local theater. His wife Amy came along for the ride, and also enjoyed everything her husband had planned out....

2 years ago
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Well it all started months before my wife's birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much.She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and started looking for...

1 year ago
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Charlie opened the door and reached for the light. Nothing happened grumbling she wondered where her roommate was at this time of night. Reaching for the lamp she turned it on. The light came on and Charlie screamed as Jodi and their friends jumped out screaming surprise. Charlie looked around laughing as they sang happy birthday.Pulling her toward the kitchen the room decorated with streamers and balloons. Jodi proudly showed her the cake covered in little cock candles all waiting to be lit....

2 years ago
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I've realized my husband, Dave is turned on by some bondage-type situations, but I've always shied away from the idea. However, when Dave's last birthday came around I thought again about the possibility of giving him a real dream-come-true night. I thought about the things he might ask me to do, and considered whether I could manage to stand it for one night. Finally I convinced myself that since he really loved me he would never injure me or put me in danger, and I could brace myself for...

2 years ago
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We are in bed together. I am lying on my back with you on my right, lying on your side facing the window. We have come away on holiday together and have found ourselves in a double bed instead of singles as we expected. My heart is racing so fast I can almost feel it beating out of my chest. Every time I shut my eyes all I can hear is my heart banging in anticipation of what I am going to do next and what your reaction will be. Reaching across, I put my hand on your hip and slowly start to draw...

2 years ago
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Dallas looked forward at the back of the chair in front of him, having finished his level 2 of his course, he was ready to move onto level 3 and as a congratulations for managing to pass he was allowed to go on holiday with his friends, he had long dark brown hair with a grey patch dyed in on his left side, his goatee was barely visible as his bear grew out, "you still with us" said a voice as a hand waved in front of his face, Dallas turned and looked towards one of the people he considered a...

2 years ago
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So me and a couple of friends decided to go to spain on holiday . Every morning we would get up and grab a couple of loungers and sit by the pool for a few hours . On the second day a couple arrived they looked as if the were in there late 40s and they took the loungers right in front of us and what a veiw we got .Hthe wife was a little curvy with massive tits and she wasn't shy at getting them out . She came down the first day with a little pink bikini just covering her nipples and no more and...

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Moving into our holiday unit we meet our neighbours. “Hi, I’m Trevor and this is Sue, can we give you a hand shifting in?”“Sure, that would be great! I’m Adrian and this is Patrice.”“Peter, come help us” Sue calls and their son walks out to help.We unpack and get on well with our neighbours. As the days go on we have been doing lots with them, having picnic lunches going touring, generally having fun.Sue drops over. “Would u like to have a spa Patrice?” I watch u quickly get changed and...

3 years ago
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We are in bed together. I am lying on my back with you on my right, lying on your side facing the window. We have come away on holiday together and have found ourselves in a double bed instead of singles as we expected.My heart is racing so fast I can almost feel it beating out of my chest. Every time I shut my eyes all I can hear is my heart banging in anticipation of what I am going to do next and what your reaction will be.Reaching across, I put my hand on your hip and slowly start to draw...

Straight Sex
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I am running late to work, and I needed to get there early. I still have to get home and change. I stayed at Michelle’s last night and while it was worth every minute I know there will be hell to pay when I finally make it to work. I tear into my driveway running into my house stripping as I go. I need a shower before I go into work. I hurry into my shower and cant help but smile thinking about last night with Michelle. As the water beats down on me I remember the touch of her skin and the...

Straight Sex
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It was a Wednesday afternoon, the middle of August, in a rented country holiday house, miles from anywhere in the beautiful Cotswolds. Nine people were sat in the main lounge, all of them naked, and even the briefest of glances would have told any observer that most if not all of them had very recently had sex. There were four men and five women, of varying ages, ranging from the late forties to the late teens. A longer look would have told our observer that the four eldest, two men in their...

1 year ago
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I was sitting at my desk going over some students’ essays. For the most part, they were very boring and I found myself awarding dismal scores to students who felt they deserved better. There was a knock on the door. ‘Denise, how many times have I told you not to knock?’ I asked without looking up. ‘Come in.’ The door opened and my colleague Cheryl walked in. She was dressed to kill and I found myself swallowing unconsciously. ‘Hi,’ she said. ‘Hello Cheryl,’ I adjusted my glasses to...

1 year ago
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So recently it was my wifes birthday. She didn't want to do much so I suggested we just go out for maybe some appitizers and drinks. She said that would be nice so se sent the k**s to her mothers and went out. We went and grabbed something to eat and a pitcher then went to an old hangout we havent been to in a few years. We ran into an old friend of mine she hasn't met and we sat with him and started drinking. She was asking how long have we known eash other and stuff and next thing it was...

3 years ago
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I had just got home from work , and what to my wondering surprise my gf is naked and waiting for me on my lazy boy , with her legs spread , playing with her pussy.ON the couch are 3 shemales also naked and playing with there cocks , how she did this i have no idea , but its been my fantasy to have a shemale and my gf in a sexual frenzy ,now i had this and plus two more , wow what a girl.IM licking my lips as i watch all 4 of them playing , my gf tells me she has run a bath for me and has nikki...

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I was sitting at my desk going over some students' essays. For the most part, they were very boring and I found myself awarding dismal scores to students who felt they deserved better. There was a knock on the door. 'Denise, how many times have I told you not to knock?' I asked without looking up. 'Come in.' The door opened and my colleague Cheryl walked in. She was dressed to kill and I found myself swallowing unconsciously. 'Hi,' she said. 'Hello Cheryl,' I adjusted my glasses to...

Straight Sex
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Jenny laid back on me so I could see our bodies joined at the groin. She is so tiny that her head lay on my chest and I could look down and see everything - her ripe breast swaying in time to our thrusts, her firm tummy rippling with each contraction of her cunt, my slick cock pushing in and out of her distended labia crowned by her hard clit. Jenny's legs were thrown to either side of my bent knees and I kept my legs spread too so she could reach down and cup my balls while we fucked. I...

1 year ago
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Day light was streaming through the window when he woke up, he woke with a smile. Sliding his arm across the bed under the covers he could not feel her, he opened his eyes and turned over, all that was there was her pillow, still with the intend of where she had slept, the rest of his senses started to come alive, he could hear running water. He pulled back the covers and slid out of bed, walking over to the bathroom door he could hear her in the shower, he gently knocked on the door, he heard...

2 years ago
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"I shouldn't be here," I tell myself. Standing outside the bar, garish neon lights blinking slowly in my face, I shiver and almost leave. It's loud inside; people are laughing and a blare of music tries to drown everyone out. I'm standing about fifteen feet away by a dead lamp post. Watching a somewhat steady stream of people in and out, in various states of dress. Various types. Nice, casual, punk, grimy. All kinds. I had just turned 21. I'm going. Fuck my parents. Fuck the Church and fuck...

First Time
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It was your birthday. Guests already pretty drunk, all talk, that your husband - then told them at the other end of the table. Place next to you empty, and I sat on it. After another toast, I put his hand under the table and put you on the hip. You sit tightly clenched legs, with his heart pounding furiously. At the same time, feeling like silk short dress glides over the skin, begin to be excited. Continuing to explore your legs under her dress, and occasionally throws jokes with your...

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It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, butdefinitely not in the way I planned.My 21st first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...myfirst day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not verymanly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to playwith had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about toopen the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officiallybeing a man in my step-father's...

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