Lauren the Bridesmaid Chapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Thursday 13th August
Nikki and Lauren discussed the idea of Lauren returning to Marlene’s for another session of photos. Nikki said she thought it sounded like fun, especially since Lauren had clearly enjoyed herself so much. She was also happy to go along with the story of Lauren staying at her house for the night - something that was not uncommon and therefore was unlikely to be discovered. Both girls knew that sometime Lauren would have to do the same for her, and that’s what friends were for.
Jim had called her earlier in the week to confirm that he had talked to Marlene and she would be able to offer Lauren some work, although nothing very exciting. She had also said `yes’ to allowing them both to stay the night and so the plan swung into action with Lauren filling a small overnight bag with her pyjamas, an old dressing gown with Cookie Monster on the pockets that her mother insisted she pack, and other non- essential items. With her toothbrush, flannel and little bits of makeup packed into a wash bag, she snapped the locks shut and bounced out of her room. Since she only been awake for about an hour, this in itself was almost a record for a non-school day. There had been little choice on what to wear, either her yellow dress (no, because she wore that the last time she saw Jim) or a semi-traditional white cotton dress with embroidered flowers around the puffed sleeves and hem (that’ll keep mum happy as well). The saving grace about the white dress was that she had been given it one summer when she was about ten, and since it would hardly go out of fashion, the great benefit was that as she grew older, and taller, so the dress grew shorter.
She had agonised over her wardrobe the previous night, realising that almost all her clothes were for little girls, rather than a young teenager. She wished she had the money to change many of them, but knew that just with most of her school friends, they had to exist on their weekly pocket money. A few of her contemporaries had been lucky enough to get Saturday jobs (such as that fat girl Claudette who worked in her father’s shop) but even then it was usually only during the tourist season. However, she did determine to think hard in the future about the clothes she bought, rather than keep buying the same cheap old things whenever she had a few francs to spare. White underwear and the famous sandals completed the look, and it would just have to do.
At precisely eleven o’clock, she waved good-bye to her mother and walked in the direction of Nikki’s house. However, three minutes later, she arrived at the bus stop further down the road, jumped aboard when the bus arrived thirty seconds later and took a seat on the opposite side to her house. As the bus moved off, she crouched down, pretending to open her luggage, just to make sure that nobody could see her from the street. She sat back up once she knew she was approaching the industrial area, mighty pleased with herself and ready to alight at the station.
Lauren waited less than five minutes for Jim. He sauntered around the corner of the station clutching a dreadful old brown grip that looked like it had also seen time in India.
“Where did you get that thing?” she asked.
“My mum made me bring it” he said, clearly embarrassed. They kissed each other self- consciously, feeling eyes watching them as they made their way to the ticket office and then on to the platform. They had almost twenty minutes to wait and so they caught up with each other’s news, while avoiding the obvious topic of the arrangements for the night. The journey was uneventful, and Marlene was at the station to give them a lift back to the house. As Lauren climbed the stairs from the garage, she looked around to find that nothing seemed to have changed. The door to the reception area was open, and she waved to Simone sitting behind the desk, talking to someone on the phone. Simone smiled back warmly, waving at her to come in and sit down.
Marlene shut the backdoor and joined them, waiting for Simone to finish on the phone before talking.
“Well, hello again! said Simone, rising from her chair to walk round the desk. She sat down on the edge cross-legged, facing the two children. She looked just as beautiful as before with her long dark hair shining naturally as it hung over her shoulders and down her back. Her tight-fitting white polo-necked sweater and short black skirt and stockings, black heels and a black belt that pulled her waist in accentuated her figure and gave incredible shape to her medium sized breasts and hips. “That set of photos that you did last time, they’ve really grown on me. You turned out to be very relaxed and capable. Well done!” she smiled.
Lauren blushed noticeably, looking at her knees and then across to Jim and Marlene. “It was fun, I really enjoyed it. Do you have some more for today?”
“Sure, I took a look at the run list, you can do sweaters or knickers. Nothing famous though. Then we’ve got some bras and blouses - matching would you believe!” said Marlene happily.
“Do you want my advice?” asked Simone.
“Sure” said Lauren
“I think you’ll find it’s too hot to do the sweaters, even with the air conditioning in the studio. They’re for the winter catalogue and we don’t have to have that finished for another month.
“OK, let’s do the others then” said Lauren, keen to get the session underway.
“I’ll stay here again” said Jim with mock boredom.
“Tell you what, let’s have a quick look at your last session and make sure we realise what went right and what went wrong” said Marlene, pulling an album across the coffee table. She opened it at the front page, and Lauren was delighted to see that there was a full sized portrait of her, enlarged from the last time, stuck right on the inside of the cover. Lauren thought she looked great, so clear and fresh. She thought her mother would love the photo but was quite sure that it would be impossible to explain where it had been taken.
They leafed through the album, pointing at deficiencies in both the camerawork and the modeling. Lauren saw once again the shots of her knickers, and true to form, Marlene discussed them in a purely technical manner. Lauren could remember every last word that Marlene had used to describe the knickers and her vagina, and was impressed to hear them all over again, plus a few additional details about the colour of her skin and the shape that the tight knickers suggested as they hugged her pussy lips. Lauren thought about Jim but dared not look at him. She remember the thick cock pushing against her entrance as they lay on the studio floor, and also his hardness as he rested against her on the mountain. She was convinced that if she had touched him then she would have found his cock hard and ready.
Simone gave her the stock numbers of the knickers and disappeared into the technical room. The light above the door once again stated `No Entry’. Lauren went through the studio and into the storeroom, leaving Jim to sit and read women’s magazines. She was quite sure that within two minutes he would be looking through the pictures of her. She certainly hoped so. She located the boxes quickly, pulling out all the different styles in her size. Luckily they had already been bunched together because there were over twenty pairs which were going to take some time to photograph. Marlene knocked on the door as she pulled the white dress off over her head.
“Can I come in?”
“Simone will do your hair and makeup - you’ll need it for the blouses and bras. Why not put the first pair of knickers on and come and sit out here by the makeup table. Oh, and wear them in the order you find them, otherwise everyone gets confused. Use any old blouse on top that you want.”
“OK, be out in a minute”
Lauren pulled her own knickers off, inspecting the gusset for any tell-tale signs of happiness, and pulled on one of the samples. She grabbed a pretty white blouse that was conveniently hanging on one of the racks and slipped it on, fastening a couple of the buttons at the front. Simone had been right - even with the air conditioning it was warm in the studio. She walked across the floor to the small stool and sat down, looking in the mirror at her face and hair. As if by magic, Simone stood behind her, placing her hands on her shoulders and gathering her hair together.
“Your hair is getting dry in the summer heat, you’re going to have to look after it a bit. I’ll wash it for you tonight and show you what you can do.” said Simone, massaging Lauren’s forehead and pulling her hair back over her crown.
“That would be nice, are you staying here as well tonight”
“Sure, I often do.” She paused, taking a brush to Lauren’s brown wavy hair and gently working at the tangles. “You know, I’m glad you’re seeing Jim. He’s a nice boy.” She paused again to continue her brushing. “I had a boyfriend at your age. He was very special to me as well.”
“How long did you go out with him for?”
“Oh, about two years.” She brushed slowly, running from the top of her head and down the side to her shoulders. The motion caused Lauren to lean back and rest her head against Simone. “We used to make love at every opportunity we could, just like you and Jim. Just like millions of others the world over. I used to think it was so dreamy.”
“What happened?”
“Oh, we just drifted apart. Nothing definite, just stopped seeing each other as regularly, and then that was it. But he encouraged me to go in for modeling, and I’m so grateful that he did.”
“Do you still do any?”
“Oh yes, now and again” Simone paused, brushing continually. “Perhaps we could do some together. Actually, we could do some together after you’ve seen my portfolio. That might give you some ideas about what you would like to do.”
“I’d really like that” said Lauren, pleased that Simone felt she could trust her enough to talk to her about her boyfriends and past loves.
“OK, it’s a deal. After you’ve done this knicker stuff, then we’ll take a break and I’ll show you the pictures.” She crouched down behind Lauren and looked at her in the mirror. “Guaranteed to make Jim randy as hell, though. Can you handle him?” she giggled.
“Yeah, he’ll just have to wait `til tonight!”
“Let’s do it then!” enthused Simone, standing back up and selecting eye shadow and a little lip gloss. She made her up carefully, looking very closely at what she was doing as she bent over Lauren, taking care not to block the light on her face.
“There you go, that should do. We might touch you up a bit later if you get hot under the lights. I’ll go and tell Marlene that we’re ready.”
Lauren wandered over to the stool, and saw the armchair over in the far corner of the white studio floor. Her mind started to run through her love-making with Jim until she realised that to continue might result in another damp patch in her knickers which would be naughty. Her imagination took hold of her thoughts, leading her astray by suggesting that the only time she could do that would be for sexy photos, like Jane in the video film. The thought produced a surge of excitement within her as the idea took hold, until she shook her head to try and bring herself back to reality. However, the germ of the idea had been implanted and was not going to be killed off lightly.
“OK!” bellowed Marlene, striding into the studio, “Is that the first pair?”
“Yes, the label says HG020”
“Thanks. Now, I want you to stand on the yellow spot each time. I’ll take two pictures of each. First straight on, the second with you turning a little to either your left or right. Doesn’t matter which way. Hands on head!” Marlene looked into the viewfinder of her camera and focused on Lauren’s knickers. She then stood up, holding the cable release and smiled at Lauren. “Here we go.” There was a flash, and Lauren turned to her right. A second flash. Lauren squinted in the bright lights, remembering the difficulty she had last time in seeing the camera.
“Very good. Should be HG021 next, then 22, 23 and so on. This time, can you just tie up the blouse in a knot so that it’s well above the waistline. Thanks.”
Lauren went back into the clothes room and slipped of the first pair, leaving them fairly tidily on the floor. The second pair fitted just as well, and Lauren walked quickly out to find the yellow spot. Marlene took both pictures.
“Just a thought, why not bring the whole pile out here. I won’t look, promise!” said Marlene.
Lauren scooted back into the clothes room and picked up the pile, taking off the previous pair and leaving them on the floor again. Naked from the waist down, she returned to the studio, dumping the knickers unceremoniously on the floor. Engrossed in her work, Lauren squatted in front of the lights and looked through the pile for HG022, finding them towards the bottom of the pile. Annoyed that they weren’t in order, she stood and pulled them over her legs and up to her waist, making faces as though they were too tight. She brushed her wavy brown hair away from her shoulders in mock annoyance and faced the camera.
After a couple more samples, Lauren pulled off pair HG024 and sat down on the studio floor. “I’m going to sort these into order or we’ll be here all night!”
“OK, no hurry” replied Marlene from somewhere beyond.
Lauren immersed herself in the task of sorting them into numerical order, oblivious to her surroundings. She initially sat so that her bottom rested on her feet, but as she moved around, sorting them out, she crawled around the floor in all directions, realising after a couple of minutes that her sorting scheme was not working well.
“Here, let me help” said Marlene, walking towards her. She sat down as well, not looking at all at Lauren, just concentrating on doing the job. When it was almost finished, she returned to her position and Lauren pulled on pair twenty-five, sighing out loud and jumping happily onto the yellow spot. They continued, Lauren gaining confidence as the session began to get its own rhythm. After another fifteen minutes they had finished, and Lauren scampered back into the clothes room to pull on her own knickers and group together the samples. She grabbed a short skirt off the rack and pulled it on. As she returned to the studio, Simone came into the room.
“Hey, looks like I’m just in time. Want to see my portfolio then?”
“What about Jim?” asked Marlene
“He’s seen a naked girl before I think, and Lauren can look after him later!” said Simone, giggling as she looked at Lauren, who giggled too at their grown-up conversation.
“OK then, let’s take a look” said Marlene, leading the way out to the reception area. Jim was waiting there, clearly pleased to see Lauren again and anxious for her to sit next to him as he moved cushions around the sofa. Simone walked across to the filing cabinet and pulled out a photo album, fifty centimeters square. She laid it on the table and sat with the children next to Jim. Lauren glanced up as she heard a clink to see Marlene bringing a bottle of champagne and four glasses across from inside the filing cabinet.
“Time to celebrate!” she announced.
“What’s it for?” asked Lauren.
“We’re celebrating that you two are here! And today you can drink as much as you want, you don’t have to go home tonight, eh?” said Simone.
“That’s really nice of you, we’re very grateful!” said Jim, taking the glass offered to him. Lauren looked at the champagne and told herself that she would only have a little this time. They clinked glasses and settled down to look at the album.
“This is more like a history book.” said Simone. “The only person who has ever taken stills of me is Marlene, and she started when I was about eleven. So here we go!” Simone turned back the cover to display two portraits of herself, both taken outdoors. “Most of these were taken before I did any film work”
“You’re so pretty there!” exclaimed Lauren. Jim opened his mouth to speak but said nothing. Simone turned the page to show some studio shots, four to each page, with Simone dressed in a skirt and blouse with white tights or stockings on her legs and shoes that seemed to glitter in the lights.
“That’s me in my party dress, the first time ever that I had worn stockings with a suspender belt. That day I did a load of catalogue stuff. Sweaters and tracksuits I think. Goddamn boring, so Marlene let me dress up.” Marlene smiled contentedly at her young model and made comment about how difficult it was on some days to get her to do decent poses. Lauren was spell-bound by the pictures and thought to herself that it was interesting how fate had conspired to give them similar experiences. The page turned, showing Simone in a selection of nighties. Clearly, that was the only thing she was wearing as it was easy to see her nipples and the dark triangle of hair through the delicate fabric.
“Do you do any films now?” asked Lauren.
“No, I stopped a few years ago. I wanted to do sort of sexy horror stuff but there aren’t very many directors who are into that sort of thing. The last one I did went wrong because the director didn’t understand what the story required. We were filming and he just stopped it because he got scared, I think. Weird man, he was.”
“This was really effective” said Marlene, pointing at a shot of Simone taken from the side in a white nightie, bent backwards over a small padded footstool, her hands trailing behind her with her feet on the ground. The mound of her vagina and the suggestion of her breasts gave the picture a highly erotic feel without being overtly sexual. Lauren turned the page, sneaking a look at Jim. She put her left hand on his thigh. There were only two pictures on the next page, full sized of Simone in a similar pose over the low stool, but naked. She turned the book round to orientate it properly, noticing the tuft of pubic hair and the nipples showing clearly in the profile. Lauren slurped at her drink noisily.
“That’s ... great” said Jim. Lauren and Simone looked at him as if to encourage him to expand on his comment. “I mean, it’s beautiful, the line from your feet all the way to your hands down here.” Lauren smiled, nodding in agreement as she squeezed his leg.
“Think I should do that?” asked Lauren.
“Er, I’m not sure. Do you want to?” he asked.
“Maybe. We’ll see!”
“There’s no hurry. You do what you want.” said Marlene.
The next few pages showed Simone in evening dress, swim suits and sports clothes, gradually growing older as the pages turned. Lauren thought she would have been about sixteen in her tennis outfit, showing her well-developed legs, a hint of frilly knickers and very evident nipples underneath her blouse. Her hair was shorter in the pictures, making her look a lot younger. Jim turned the page and drew breath quickly. The next two pictures showed Simone back in the studio, sitting on the white chair that he knew so well, naked with her legs pulled right up to her face so that the shape of her vagina was clearly obvious between her legs, without showing too much detail except a little of her pubic hair. In the second photo, Simone was peeking from behind her legs, smiling straight into the camera. Lauren had never seen such a beautiful girl naked, and looked at the perfect shape of her legs, the way her arms curled around them and the cheeky grin on her face as she smiled. Her hair fell straight from her head, framing her cheeks and adding contrast against her faultless skin.
“I’m going to start printing the pictures we took this afternoon, you three can carry on. Just shout if you need me!” said Marlene, entering the darkroom.
Lauren turned the page. The next set of photos showed Simone with a young boy, maybe slightly older than Jim, but nonetheless still a young teenager. They were both naked to the waist, holding each other in their arms, and just touching their lips together in a kiss. On some photos, Simone had her head on his shoulder, while on others she looked straight up into his eyes. Turning the page, they saw her again, this time doing the same thing with a young girl, about the same age as Simone would have been.
“Marlene wanted me to try both on the same day to understand the differences of working with both boys and girls in the nude. We had a real laugh that day but didn’t get very much work done!” said Simone, smiling at the memory. She turned the page to show herself now naked with the boy. She lay almost flat on the floor while the boy held both her hands in an effort to pull her up. Her firm breasts pushed out towards him, while her vagina was mainly hidden from the camera. Again, the next page showed the same, but with the girl pulling her off the floor.
Finally, the last few pages showed the boys cock, poised at the entrance to her vagina and then halfway inside her, with Simone’s eyes closed and a smile evident on her face. The pose was full of power without being rough, his position loving as he looked down on her.
The last two pages showed four photos; the other girl with her hand covering Simone’s vagina, and then with a single finger inside her. The facing page showed them in a sixty-nine position, with the focus centered on the girls tongue as it touched Simone’s clitoris, and finally a shot of the two girls kissing gently in each other’s arms.
“They’re amazing! You’re so beautiful” said Lauren, enthralled by the album.
“That’s over about four years, and of course you don’t see the hundreds and hundreds that didn’t work.” Simone smiled, closing the book and returning it to the filing cabinet. They both accepted more champagne when Simone offered as she refilled their glasses. “We should have something to eat sometime. Do you want to do some photos or have some of Marlene’s lasagna?” asked Simone, sitting back on the edge of the desk. She made no attempt to cross her legs in front of Jim who had a glorious view between her legs.
“I’d like to do some photos. Will you do some with me?” she asked, turning to Jim.
“Well, I don’t know. I don’t mind doing some, but not, you know, all the way.” he replied, looking imploringly at Lauren and Simone.
“It would look good in your portfolio if you did some boy-girl stuff” advised Simone.
“Please, just a few. Go on!” pleaded Lauren.
“OK, but we’ll stop when I’ve had enough.”
“Great, you’re a star. Come on” she said, taking her wine in one hand and Jim in the other.
Simone knocked on the door of the darkroom and shouted to Marlene, just to let her know that her services were required in the studio. They all trooped back into the room, Jim having a good look around as his eyes adjusted to the glare. Lauren skipped over to centre stage and held out her hand for Jim to join her.
“Let’s set up the stool and try out a few poses with just Lauren” said Simone, pulling the stool onto the white floor and pushing it towards the yellow mark. She showed her how to lie on the stool, and even demonstrated herself how she had posed for the portfolio shots. Lauren lay down and copied her, although the effect dressed as she was in the skirt and blouse was less than erotic. Simone repeatedly checked the pose, moving an arm or foot and then retreating towards the camera until she was happy.
“Right, remember that!” she said. “Now, this is what I suggest. You do a few naked on your own on the stool, then you and Jim can do some topless. The you and I can do the same, and finish with us both naked, and me pulling you off the ground. Then you’ll have roughly the same set as me. OK?”
“Yeah. Shall we start?” asked Lauren, standing up and wandering over to her champagne. She took a deep swig and put the glass back on the floor, wobbling slightly as she stood back up.
“Yup, off you go. This one is just you, lying on the stool on your back.” advised Simone, standing behind the camera as Marlene joined them. Lauren turned her back to the camera and undid her blouse, letting it fall from her shoulders before throwing it away from her. She then slipped off the skirt and pulled down her knickers, again making sure they landed away from the white floor. Carefully, she sat back down on the stool and leaned back so that her feet touched the ground and her head fell backwards over the edge of the stool on the other side. As she stretched out behind her, Simone moved towards her.
“This won’t work with your hair, it’s too strong. I’ll find you a big hat, hang on” said Simone, entering the clothes room and emerging seconds later with a wide-brimmed boater. “Try this, lean up!” Lauren sat up and pulled the hat into place. As she leaned back again, the hat threatened to fall off.
“You can keep one hand on it without spoiling the effect, I think.” said Marlene.
Lauren leaned right back and assumed the pose, one hand on her head holding the hat in place with the other right out behind her, trailing onto the floor. The subtle peaks of her breasts were evident against the flatness of her stomach, as was the tiny wisp of hair that marked the beginning of her sex. After several flashes, Simone walked onto the set and examined how she was laying. She rearranged her right leg so that it bent at the knee and tilted the hat slightly. Three more flashes, and Simone returned again.
“You’ll need to get your nipples firmer. Can you do it?” she asked.
“Like this?”
“Yes, look here” said Simone, tweaking her other nipple and feeling it harden to her touch. She knelt down to see how the nipples looked in profile. “Great, two more!” Marlene actually took another six before Simone announced that Jim should join Lauren, just kneeling to her right on the other side from the camera, holding her right hand.
“Look into her eyes” said Marlene as another couple of flashes made him blink.
“Lauren, undo the buttons on his shirt” said Simone, walking over to the makeup table and returning with a big hairbrush for Jim. She made him look much tidier and took some time to stand at Lauren’s feet and survey the scene. “OK, now touch his chest, Lauren.”
The session continued, Jim holding Lauren in his arms as she sat up, then kissing her as his shirt came off. They stood up, Lauren naked and oblivious to the camera, as they kissed and Jim touched her breasts, the camera flashing all the while.
“Jim, take your trousers off and hold her close to you. Lauren, put your knickers back on for a while.” suggested Simone.
“I don’t think I want to do anymore” he said apologetically.
“Oh come on, just a bit more!” said Lauren, pulling her knickers up.
Jim thought for a moment before replying that he would do a few more, but not many. Simone returned and pulled Lauren up so that she stood next to Jim who was still kneeling in front of her.
“Jim, pull her knickers down a few inches. Lauren, turn towards the camera a little more.” said Simone as the camera flashed madly. Simone dived in quickly to edge his face closer to her pubic hair, stepping away as Marlene took another series of shots. Jim relaxed slightly, relieved that she was not being called upon to perform anything against his will, and moved closer to kiss the beginning of Lauren’s light covering of hair. Lauren pulled him into her, the camera recording the sight of her little breasts leading to her flat stomach, with her boyfriend’s face hard against her vagina.
“Jim, stand up, and now you, Lauren, kneel down. You need to look like you’re worshipping him. Great, that’s it.” Simone paused momentarily while Marlene loaded another film. “Right, now bring his trousers down a few inches.”
Lauren undid his trouser buttons and fly as she looked up into his eyes. She was clearly fired up by the occasion, while he still showed reluctance at proceeding much further. He inhaled deeply though as she ran her hand up his cock, touching him through his underpants.
“Lovely, look into his eyes again as you do that!” Lauren looked up obligingly, but was concerned by the look on his face. “Lauren, where is your left hand? What’s it doing there? You’re supposed to be dying to rip his clothes off, not measuring him for a new pair of trousers! Let me look at you” said Simone, returning to the scene and looking at the two children. Jim stood quite still, his cock trying to poke out from the side of his underpants while Lauren was clearly uncomfortable kneeling on the floor.
“Lauren, sit on your bottom so that you look happier” ordered Simone, kneeling down with Lauren. Without warning, she pushed her hand down Jim’s underpants and moved his cock so that it stood straight up. He squealed from the surprise intrusion, not withdrawing but wobbling on his feet. Lauren smiled as the tip of his cock poked over his waistband. The outline of his weapon maddened her and she knew that there was a sizable damp spot growing between her legs. Simone disappeared back to the camera, and the flashes resumed.
“Jim, do you want to do any more?” asked Marlene.
“I think that’s enough, actually, thanks.” he replied.
“OK, now I’ll do some with you, Lauren. Stand up straight” commanded Simone as she exchanged places with Jim. She pulled the naked little girl towards her, allowing her long dark hair to fall between them, partially covering Lauren’s little breasts. Lauren could feel the warmth of her cashmere jumper, and the firmness of her chest intrigued her beyond measure. She looked up slightly into Simone’s eyes as she felt her arms fold around her tightly. The camera flashed again while Simone arranged the boater on her head and smiled at her.
Thursday 23rd July Three days later, Lauren made the journey back to Kristal’s house on the bus, arriving at about two o’clock. She rang the doorbell and was interested to see that Kristal looked much smarter than she had last time, wearing tights or stockings, an ivory coloured skirt and white blouse with a small, matching ivory waistcoat buttoned down the middle. Her shoes looked like her mother’s which were made by Bally. Her long dark hair was pinned up, allowing a few strands to...
Lauren sighed; the feelings inside of her were overwhelming. She was afraid, not because of the feelings, for she did not know how to handle the feelings she was having. They were not new feelings, just stronger over the last couple of years. Her need grew day by day, her frustration overwhelmed here. She was prone to bouts of depression, a side effect of her feelings. Lauren was afraid to express those feelings to anyone, for fear of being rejected, for fear of being used. Her biggest fear...
"Very good, you two." said Maria, "that was great, well done. Have a rest and watch the next part of the show." She rose, revealing she wore knickers and the white bra. Lauren, in an attempt to be invisible, glanced back at the two youngsters, now cuddled up again together on the chair. She knew where Maria had gone, certain that she would return with the young girl who was meant to be in her protection. Lauren mentally shrugged. The girl wasn't a virgin and was more sexually active...
The heat persisted throughout that week, making Lauren irritable and short tempered. She lacked sleep and if she had not been able to snooze during the day she would have been a wreck. Felix called on Friday afternoon just after lunch to say that he would have to work late that night, but would be able to take her out on Saturday afternoon. She agreed, looking forward to his company and a break from the boredom of the household routine. After the usual salad for tea, she lolled on the sofa...
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Emma grew worse by the hour. She excused herself at about five o'clock, making for the warmth of their bedroom. Lauren looked in on her every couple of hours, noting that she slept continually, hardly moving from one visit to the next. Jamie went to bed at about eleven o'clock, leaving Lauren and Maria down in the lounge, chatting. Lauren was amused at how he had changed that day. Instead of being shy and awkward around both herself and Maria, he was confident, almost cocky, and Lauren felt...
Lauren waded through her schoolbooks that were lying on her bedroom floor, kicking the algebra textbook through the open window. She gave herself top marks for accuracy and floated into bed, kissing her teddy bears goodnight as the light turned itself off and the passengers pulled away from the train. Jim waved to her from the platform and she smiled. The passengers returned a few moments later, knocking on her bedroom door. She pulled the covers to her chin and grimaced as the banging...
Lauren realised two things when she woke the following morning. Firstly that Emma hadn't had her medicine the night before and that she had made love to her brother while using the ointment inside her. Neither of the thoughts cheered her up, but she determined that after Elizabeth and Gustav departed she would make sure that Emma had another dose of the slimy stuff to get her back on the road to recovery. She swung out of bed and showered in her bathroom. It was before eight o'clock, which...
Wednesday 5th August Lauren naturally spent the early part of the week bringing Nikki up to date with her exploits at the studio, revealing more and more of the details as Nikki subjected her to relentless questioning. In fact, by the end of Tuesday, Nikki said that the afternoon sounded like a story of fairy-tale romance; Champagne, bright lights and beautiful people. However, Lauren’s narrative was enough to provide Nikki with a graphic picture of the afternoon and a noticeable damp spot...
Lauren woke to find herself being shaken by the woman while Emma and Jamie looked down at her. "Wakey wakey, we're here. Follow me and I'll find out which rooms you three can have." She disappeared round the side of the truck, Jamie closely behind. Lauren swung off the back and landed hard on the ground, her limbs tight and aching. "Ow, shit!" she moaned. Looking up to find a target for her wrath, she discovered she was in the grounds of a wonderfully old house. Huge, grey flag stones...
Saturday 22nd August, 11am Maurice Gisal drove very carefully round the hairpin bends that led from the valley up towards AnneMarie’s village, even though he had been up there many times in all seasons. On the back seat was a small suitcase containing every conceivable piece of clothing that Lauren might require during some emergency, plus her overnight things in case she had to stay, plus makeup, a present, camera, spare film and her Cookie Monster dressing gown which was again pressed into...
"Can i stop yours tonight?" asked Lauren "Yeah sure, my parents are away" replied Jess "Great i'll see you about 6?" said Lauren "Yeah but i hope you don't mind Katies stopping the night too." said Jess "Thats fine, see you later" said Lauren 6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around. "Your drunk" said Lauren, hardly shocked. "Yeah, grab a drink" said Jess, filled with enthusiasm. Jess' mum had left the alcohol cupboard...
LesbianChapter 1 They'd both already started into the budding of early adolescence. They had started shooting up in physical height, their bodies had started to show more roundedness and their faces showed more maturity and more female physical beauty as they became young women. Lauren had been the first of the two girlfriends to start showing some curves and the beginnings of young pubescent breasts sprouting on her chest. And as Lauren's budding tits had begun to push out against her blouse,...
"Lauren" Silence. "Lauren" echoed again, shaking. She opened her eyes, the morning light streaming through the window, dazzling her, silhouetting Maria. "Hey, wake up, here's coffee!" Lauren rolled onto her side, slowly recalling their love making the previous night. Her senses told her she was still naked, a distinctly unhealthy stickiness between her legs. "Oh, thanks. What time is it?" asked Lauren, avoiding her eyes. "About ten. Jamie's up already. Emma looks a lot better....
Saturday 25th July Two days later, Lauren’s parents announced that Grandma’s flat now had a useable spare room, and they would be spending the night to speed up the downstairs decorating. Their father once again ceremoniously loaded the car with tools, paint and now wallpaper, shouting good-bye up the stairs to the two children. Their mother fussed as usual, running through the instructions for heating their meals for the third time until she too wished them farewell. Mike suggested to...
- An old draft I found. I've clearly improved since then. Hope you still like it -Lauren's Dildo SessionLauren never got along with her two older sisters. Cindy and Maureen were three and five years older than her and treated Lauren as a millstone round their necks ever since. They never wanted to play with her when she was a toddler, and later on they never took Lauren along when they were out and about."You're embarrassing", they always picked on her. "You're a nuisance ... We don't want to...
Four days later, Jamie returned and the girls went to the station to collect him. The train was a respectable thirty-five minutes late, and he was clearly tired from the short but arduous journey. Lauren introduced herself and was delighted that Emma beamed at Jamie all the way back to the house. He was almost the same height as Lauren, not muscular but certainly no wimp. He also had blonde hair, darker than Emma's, cut conservatively like his father's. Lauren guessed that he had yet to...
"What about your story?" prompted Lauren. "Well, she's you know, put her hand down here..." He motioned down between his legs. "And held your willy?" asked Lauren. "Well, only through my jeans." Emma sat up, one leg flat on the sofa and the other at ninety degrees, affording an unrestricted view of her little knickers. Lauren realised that she sat like that perfectly innocently, unaware that she was arousing him with a display of provocation greater than anything he had seen in...
"Is everyone allright?" asked Jamie, a look concern moving through surprise into lust. "We heard noises." "It was us. We've been playing games. Talking about the weather." said Lauren. "Oh right. Much easier with your clothes off, eh?" They ventured into the room. "Well, what about you two? Reading a novel?" "Yes!" said Julie, laughing. She too seemed to have had too much wine as well, and mixed with the sun and Jamie's wandering hands, was in a giggly mood. She sat on the...
Saturday 11th July Nikki rang the doorbell to Lauren’s house at precisely 10 o’clock the next morning, to be greeted by Lauren’s mother, who informed her that Lauren was not yet up, but Nikki was welcome to take a cup of coffee up to her and throw her out of bed. Obligingly, Nikki made a cup of coffee and went upstairs. Lauren was curled up in bed, facing the window with the curtains still drawn. Nikki placed the coffee on the bedside table and pulled the curtains open, allowing the day’s...
The girls sat on the bed, still covered in the duvets. They looked slightly happier than a couple of hours ago, although had Nikki removed her covers, the wounds would have looked much worse with the dull bruising that had now set in. At just after one fifteen, they heard the door open above them followed by footsteps on the stairs into the reception area. Simone had changed her clothes and now wore what looked like a black silk kimono, embroidered along the lapels with oriental...
Lauren had no recollection of leaving the lounge, of being cut from the chair and taken to her bedroom with the ropes still tight around her wrists. She vaguely knew that Emma had bathed her while she lay on her stomach on the bed, dousing the raging heat in her buttocks and thighs with so many cold flannels that the bed was decidedly wet. Fortunately, Lauren was unable to see the blood that Emma squeezed out of the flannel with every trip to the bathroom. Lauren cried relentlessly, sobbing...
During the morning, Lauren spent her time either avoiding Maria or looking at her watch, counting the minutes before four o'clock. Maria had carefully laid out some juvenile clothing for the girls - pale yellow floral print dresses with large white buttons down the front. Lauren held hers against her body and grimaced. Five years ago she could have worn it in mid-summer, but her tastes had moved on. But her dismay was tempered by the fact that Maria had delivered thin, almost see-though...
Saturday 8th August On Saturday morning, the whole family trooped round to the Renzer’s house, knocked on the side gate and went through to the back garden singing `yoo-hoo’. Claude Renzer came through the large sunroom and out onto the patio to welcome them warmly. He was a tall man, thin with greying hair, and certainly older than Maurice Gisal. Celestine Renzer, who joined him almost immediately, looked radiant, almost too well, petite to the extent of being dwarfed by her husband. Lauren...
The replacement of the police force in the north had been a bad move. The Nationalists had interpreted it as an undercover method of replacing the locally elected authority with soldiers who would do the government's dirty work. Students in the university towns of the north went on strike, and found some sympathy with those in the capital. Their demands escalated from the reinstatement of the police to better pay for state employees, a shorter working week and a minimum wage. The television...
Lauren let all the information sink in and floated to her room. She couldn't remember what he looked like, except that he needed a wash. She wondered what she would wear for tomorrow's lunch. Searching through her cupboards made her miserable - she had either T-shirts and her bikini, or jeans and sweaters. Nothing much in between. She thought for a moment and decided that she might drag Emma down to the clothes shop again and buy a couple of things. She glanced across the corridor into...
For the first time in many years, Lauren saw the sun rise. The great yellow orb pushed into the sky lazily, greeting her with a warmth and welcome that she found almost endearing. It was seven o'clock, and time to wake Emma, who would keep her company on the way to the airport. She knew they were both tired having spent a long evening clearing out the spare room of all the stored food and pushing it into the garage, but the journey might wake them up and she was so excited to think that...
Lauren woke just after eight o'clock, alone and rested. She stretched lazily over to the light by her bed and flicked the switch. She looked at the mess of clothing on the floor. A few months ago she might have groaned inwardly as she recollected their activities but that morning a smile spread across her lips as she replayed the action and sensed again the sensuous and outrageous loving they had enjoyed. Her skirt and bra lay by the door, unceremoniously tossed away in the heat of the...
Emma squirmed. Lauren let go as she disappeared beneath the surface. Lauren watched her gracefully stroking under water, heading for the shallow end. They stepped out of the pool, Lauren following Emma across to the loungers by the patio door. The little girl's buttocks twitched as she tip-toed on the hot flagstones, and Lauren had a hard job restraining her hands as Emma bent forward to move the seat into the sun, her pussy hairless, perfect, clean and inviting. Lauren lay down, feeling the...
Saturday 29th August, 11am Lauren packed her overnight bag slowly, dropping clothing into it haphazardly without thinking much about what she needed for the day. They had decided to go to Interlaken later and take a look around the shops, then return to Nikki’s house in the early evening and have tea while watching a film. They had also decided to spend the night at Nikki’s to make life easier for them early on Sunday morning to go to Rebecca’s wedding. She smiled as she dropped her dressing...
Laurens Gets Caught“Shit.” Chelsea stated again. Lauren rolled off the bed, still buzzed from all the alcohol consumed earlier, and found a shirt. Chelsea followed suit as the two went to talk to Lauren’s mother about what happened. Not more than 30 seconds ago, Chelsea saw Lauren’s mother Lena peeping in on them as Lauren’s pussy was being fingered. It was an uncomfortable situation. Lauren and Chelsea were just best friends having some harmless, drunken fun. They needed to set the record...
Incest"I hear you're a disobedient girl!" bellowed the General, leaning forward to address her directly. "There's no room for disobedience in my outfit, you know." The chatter in the room died away. Lauren heard her heart pounding against the floor, the squelch of her pussy as Maria let go of her foot. She curled into a ball, exposing the tight cum-speckled slickness of her pussy to him. Trembling slightly, she coughed, catching her breath in between great gasps for air. "I think she needs...
The priestess offered the heavy golden dagger to Lauren. She took the jeweled handle, aware of the weight of the knife as she turned it over in her hand. “Cut her knickers off, Lauren.” said the Priest. “ If you don’t, I’ll blindfold someone else and they will do it!” Nikki whimpered. Lauren rose to her knees, her legs barely supporting her as she sobbed, shaking her head as if to clear her head of the bad dream. The congregation watched as she crawled slowly towards Nikki. She looked at...
Lauren exhaled, signaling acceptance of the invitation. Maria snuggled deeper against her chest, her cheek rubbing against Lauren's nipple. As if on cue, they both drained their glasses and placed them near the ladder. She caressed the side of Maria's head, feeling the long, straight hair between her fingers, playing with it, twirling it around and noting the smoothness of each strand. She felt fingers traversing her stomach, moving from her thigh, over her hip and up towards her breasts,...
As evening fell, the girls made their way cautiously out of the hotel lobby, turning left towards the center of town once again. Neon lights blazed in the distance as shops closed up for the night and the club life began in earnest. Music spilled from roadside bars and cafes as they threaded their way through the narrow, noisy backstreets. "Hey!" whispered Emma, "Do you think it's, you know, safe down here?" She looked around as though expecting to be mugged at any moment. Lauren...
Four days later, Lauren was fit enough to bathe and feed herself. She could walk around the house unaided, but always made sure she was within striking distance of something to hold onto if she became dizzy. She ventured out onto the remains of the patio, peering down into the rounded hole that had been the pool. The familiar heat remained, but the soothing waters had vanished. She sat in her shorts and T-Shirt on the lounger and surveyed her bruised limbs and the scene of damage. Without...
Sunday 2nd August Lauren entered the clothes room, closing the door behind her. She walked to the end and looked at herself in the mirror, delighted with her makeup from Simone and equally excited about the afternoon. She looked into the box, took out a white blouse, and held it against herself so she could gauge it’s fit. The second one seemed about right, so she dropped it on the chair, glanced at the door, and after kicking off her sandals, unzipped her dress and let it fall to the...
Turning the bath taps on, Lauren stripped, once again so pleased to be able to wander from her bedroom into the lounge and bathroom quite naked. At home she used to wear so many layers! The bath filled slowly as she stretched out on the sofa, her feet on the floor as her head rested on the arm so she could see the television. She rested her hands between her parted legs, pleased with the ready moisture that she found. Bringing her fingers to her nose, she reveled in the sweet scent of herself...
They sauntered up to the long dimly lit oak bar and climbed onto two stools, looking around all the time while trying to remain sophisticated. The barman glanced at Lauren and took a long look at Emma. "Two cokes, please!" said Lauren. The barman served them within seconds, bringing a little bowl of nuts and crackers with their drinks as he smiled at them both. Lauren asked for the dinner menu and they studied it, trying to determine from the French and Spanish descriptions exactly what...
Lauren kissed her lips lightly, tasting the suntan lotion on her tongue as she explored further, teasing her ears and neck and down quickly to her breasts. Nikki parted her legs and Lauren accepted the invitation to trail her tongue down her body, along her thigh and back round inside up to her vagina. Nikki grabbed her head and pushed her hard against her pussy, her actions rough and demanding as she bent her knees and Lauren knelt by her side. Lauren hadn't really thought about how she...
The following morning was busy for Lauren in comparison to others. She got up just before 8 o'clock, slipped naked from her bed and showered. She moved the growing pile of clothes from the doorway of the bathroom and added them to the two pairs of knickers she had discovered that previous night. Lauren ran her hand over the sofa, brining it to her nose to check whether any evidence remained of their activities. To her disappointment, there was none. A quick rummage through her clothes...
They scrambled across the room, Lauren locking her eyes on Stefan's red raw cock that jutted out in front of him. She felt good, happy to be naked and ready to have sex with any one of the three others, not caring who was watching. Emma's little buttocks hardly moved as she skipped to the sofa, spilling her wine over her legs. Lauren realised that they had all had a little to much to drink, vowing that maybe tomorrow they would just have coke as they wandered around Caracas. "No, no!"...
The world was quiet as Lauren woke, surveying the darkened room before slipping quietly out of bed. Naked, she sat on the toilet in her bathroom and wondered what she would do that day. Too many of her days took the same form: Breakfast, swim, shower, get dressed. Take Emma, maybe Jamie down to Boquette, buy something they don't really need. Maybe visit the supermarket. Maybe have lunch in the square. Back home for a snooze, swim, tea, watch the news. Lauren found her bikini bottoms, pulled...
Lauren left the high end downtown department store and stepped gingerly into the sidewalk shuffle of business suits on lunch break and tourists gawking up at the tall San Francisco buildings. Her long red hair was pulled back in a bun and the tight black pencil skirt hugged her full hips. Her white blouse was stretched taut by the luscious breasts. She took tight, terse steps and her face was a stoic mask as she dipped into an alley off the main street. Anyone watching the curvy department...
InterracialThis story is in answer to a challenge from my editor, ErikThread. He challenged me to write a story that had only two locations and no more than six characters. This story has two locations, a cafeteria and a home. It has a total of five characters. I hope my switching time frames doesn't confuse the reader. Lauren and Bonnie Background He was sitting alone at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria of his office building. In front of him was a bowl of soup, a sandwich and a glass of...
Saturday 11th July The girls locked the bathroom door behind them, and looked at each other conspiratorially. Lauren was aware that Nikki wanted to play with her brother’s cock, and had no real objections, but she found it difficult to commit to being a part of the frolicking. Perhaps she would just watch. She assumed that Mike would have no objections to that. She reached behind and undid her top, letting it fall to the floor. It was still damp and had made her nipples firm without being...
Monday 20th July Lauren had been waiting about ten minutes for Nikki when the bus appeared from around the corner just as her friend arrived. They boarded it and secured their usual back seats checking the occupants for any boys. Lauren needed to get the pattern for her bridesmaids dress and Nikki wanted to come and help select it. The only place to get the pattern was Interlaken, and so they settled back for the twenty minute journey. The bus took them along the banks of the lake Thuner...
She looked up to see where they had been. The door towered above them, seemingly an impossible height from the ground. She was amazed how a single gunshot could bring out Olympic qualities in people. Aches penetrated her thoughts, especially in her lower back and Emma moved stiffly ahead into the dense growth. "Wait, don't go too far. Grab the case and let's make sure we're out of sight" she whispered. Turning back to Jamie, she nodded at him, pulling him roughly away from the tracks,...
Friday 7th August Jim, ever punctual, arrived at eleven fifty, beaming as he saw Lauren through the doors of the bus in her pale yellow dress and white shoes. Even before the hissing of the hydraulics had stopped, he had his arms around her and was hugging her such that her feet hardly touched the pavement. “Oh, I’m so pleased to see you!” he exclaimed “Me too! Are you sure you don’t mind meeting my Mum?” “Of course not. Anyway, I want to be able to imagine where you are when we talk on...
“What happened?” asked Lauren, walking back towards Nikki, who crouched by the side of the altar. “I can’t move! Someone handcuffed my foot. Look!” Lauren felt her flesh creep as blood surged into her head. Her mouth felt dry as she looked at Nikki, her face a combination of fear and panic as she struggled to free herself, the robe spilling open in an undignified manner to show her little white knickers. The congregation seemed unconcerned about her plight and continued their conversations....
Lauren trudged in front of Nikki and Rebecca towards the house. They looked like prisoners of war, refugees from another land. They had no possessions, and shuffled along with their heads bowed, their clothing tattered. Rebecca was naked, her body filthy from her evening of abuse. Simone led them to the house and guided them through the rear door. She clicked on the light. A piercing scream from above filled the house - a man’s voice, desperately, frantically screaming. A dull thud followed,...
Lauren had barely stuffed the plates and cutlery from the evening meal into the dishwasher when the patio door squeaked open. Lauren glanced at the clock in the kitchen, wondering if one of the staff had returned for something. Emma skipped off to answer it, and Lauren was surprised to hear her high-pitched delight and the voice of Felix. As she washed her hand she smiled, hoping that he would perhaps stay for a while. "Hey, what's cookin'?" he asked, sauntering into the kitchen,...
Lauren had moved with her parents to Ocascola in February last year. Starting at a new school had been hard. She was not good at making friends, she knew that. She was a very private person and she thought a lot more about life then the other kids seemed to do. They only cared about action movies, hamburgers and beer. Lauren loved poetry, philosophy and religion. She wanted to know more about life then the superficial crap that the American youth seemed so wrapped up in. And so did Scott. Scott...
I moved off Lauren to lie between the two girls and drew them close with my arms. "So how long have you two been planning this?" I asked. "Um ... about two and a half months, Dad," said Ruth. "Lauren sort of weaselled out of me what we were doing in a moment of weakness." "I did not!" squeaked Lauren. "And anyway, I do not weasel!" "Well, you could have caused us quite a few problems Ruth, had Lauren been a little less discreet," I replied. "Oh, I thought what you were doing...
Sunday 12th July Mike was very proud of himself, having purchased ten condoms without having to ask for twenty-seven other things beforehand, without dropping his money at the till, and without blushing too profusely. Indeed, a triumph and milestone in his life. He bounced along, whistling and looking at the mountains either side of the valley, and considered himself very fortunate to be home with two pretty girls who were so keen to learn. Which brought him to his senses. He was intrigued...
By about four o'clock that afternoon, Lauren was exhausted. She shuffled off the side of the road and flopped down in the dirt. Jamie and Emma followed, glad to sit for a moment. Beads of sweat clung to their faces, ready to trace their features, clean paths through the dust and grime. Lauren hated the feeling of dirt, the heat compounding her distaste and causing her to wonder if staying in San Falino would have been the right decision. Switzerland would never have had such an exodus of...
The door was locked. Christina knew I was gone, and she knew it was raining, and she knew it was gusting fierce wind, and yet the door was locked. I knocked. Just hard enough to let her know I was upset with her. Another moment’s pause. I knocked again, harder this time. Finally the door came open, and I scuttled inside. ‘Where have you been?’ It was nearly seven already. ‘I took a walk. In the rain.’ Sarcasm is my only friend. Besides Lauren, I suppose. I scrambled to the bathroom to finally...
The phone vibrated in Del’s pocket in the middle of the staff meeting. It was just heading into the second hour of the meeting where half the management team was struggling to stay awake. It never failed. The weekly meeting every Friday after lunch took up to two hours to cover a half hour’s worth of business. Del was already thinking about taking off once the meeting was over when he slipped his phone out of his pocket to furtively check the message that just came in. The moment he saw the...