Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 6
- 4 years ago
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Lauren had no recollection of leaving the lounge, of being cut from the chair and taken to her bedroom with the ropes still tight around her wrists. She vaguely knew that Emma had bathed her while she lay on her stomach on the bed, dousing the raging heat in her buttocks and thighs with so many cold flannels that the bed was decidedly wet. Fortunately, Lauren was unable to see the blood that Emma squeezed out of the flannel with every trip to the bathroom. Lauren cried relentlessly, sobbing as Emma tried to smooth her buttocks, caresing them with suntan cream she had found beneath the sink. The stinging ebbed slowly, turning into a dull ache that seemed to prevent her from moving properly. Five hours after she left the lounge, still in agony, she cried herself to sleep for the first time in maybe fifteen years.
She woke early, the pain still very much in evidence as she rolled carefully onto her side. Her back ached and she now realised that her anus hurt badly. Curling into a ball, she cupped her buttocks, testing each palm-sized area of skin for damage. She opened her eyes, smiling gently as Emma slept soundly opposite. Her recollection of the previous day was already fuzzy. She knew that something terrible had happened, and remembered the whip well. But her mind had shit out many of the details and although she spent the hours follwoing dawn running through the dreadful punishment, little came to mind.
Emma brought Lauren up to date about the show after she had passed out, and how ugly Maria's wound had looked, the great red stripes across her thighs and over her pussy. The streaks of the whip had even shown through the dense black pubic hair, according to Emma, and the conversation naturally turned to Lauren's injuries. With little convincing, Lauren had allowed Emma to help her roll onto her back. Emma pulled on her regulation shirt and sat beside Lauren, the little girl's face reflecting the extent of Lauren's terrible ordeal. With a warm flannel, Emma cleaned her again, rinsing down from her breasts, over her navel and over her thighs. She raised her eyebrows questioningly, to which Lauren acceeded to the request and parted her legs. Emma gasped as she saw the red marks for the first time in daylight. The whip seemed to have wrapped around her thighs, the thongs and knots digging into her flesh at precise intervals. Emma rinsed, parting her legs before laying the warm flannel over her pussy. As the pleasure seeped in, Lauren sniffed, fighting back the inclination to cry yet again.
To the utter surprise of Lauren, Maria did indeed return their passports the next day, even apologising for the delay. She seemed changed, almost apologetic, and most certainly made no reference to the show they had put on for the General. Lauren remained convinced that the return of the documents was linked to her performance (and humiliation) at the hands of the General and his weird entourage. The whole household seemed to be in shock as people walked quietly around, desperate to avoid eye contact and cautious in their conversation.
The following day Lauren wandered out of the house and conducted a leisurely tour of the grounds of the house, realising as she walked further that even though they had their passports, leaving the place was easier said than done.
As far as she looked were hills, dense jungle, brilliant blue skies. The occasional screech of a macaw and the incessant din from the cicadas were the only sounds to be heard during the hot afternoon sun. She carefully sat down on the wall, watching the tiny red ants scurrying over the old stones, busy going nowhere. Her freedom was useless.
Movement in the undergrowth on the far side of the road. Her heart leapt as she looked slightly to the side of the source of the noise, watching the branches move. It must be a pretty large animal to move the leaves like that, she thought, dropping to the ground quietly, preparing to run for the safety of the house.
Lauren stared at the undergrowth, now able to discern the dark grey of a man's shirt. "What?" she replied, wondering whether she should have ignored it and made her way inside anyway. Deciding she still had the wall between him and herself, she stood her ground.
"It's me, Peter." She smiled, overjoyed that there was someone apart from those in the house that she knew, who could possibly help them. Someone worldly-wise, resourceful. He broke cover and looked around him, up and down the dusty road before making his way across to sit the other side of the wall, out of sight of the house. "You're in trouble, or do you know that?"
"We've got our passports back, and can leave when we want to." she replied defensively.
"You got them back with sex, right?"
"Maybe" hissed Lauren, looking into the jungle where he had appeared.
"That's just the beginning. You need to leave as soon as possible. Don't ask for a lift, just run."
"Why? They've promised to take us to the Venezuelan border and avoid the uprising and fighting"
"Fighting stopped last week, country's almost back to normal" he said, waiting for it to sink in. "I saw you a week ago. I know this woman who runs the place. She makes films, right?"
"Yeah, I haven't seen any though"
"Don't, or you won't sleep"
"They involve sex, but the stars rarely live to see the finished film." Lauren's head whirled, blood coursing through her body. "I met a couple of refugees about a month ago, just by chance. They had run through the night, pursued by her troops. There were four initially."
"But it's so far from anywhere. How did you get here?"
"By truck, then walked across that hill to find you." She was touched by his help, and realised that he must have walked for the best part of the morning to find the old house. She leaned over to see him.
"No, keep looking up, don't let them know I'm here or you really have had it. Your best chance is to come out together just as you did this afternoon. Come out of the house separately after your evening meal and each make your way over this wall and to the little opening that I came through. I'll meet you. Bring nothing or you'll give the game away. Once we start to run, we must keep moving. No stopping or God knows what'll happen."
"What, tonight?"
"Yeah, you can't wait any longer. Lauren, believe me, she's a whacko. Tell the children as late as possible. Don't give them time to think or give the game away, OK?"
She looked out at the hills, the dense undergrowth and thought of the brambles, the insects, mud, snakes and other inhabitants that would feast on her. The house was so safe, cool, there was food, television, a bed. "I don't know... there's Juan and Julie as well in there"
"Oh great, more! Don't be stupid Lauren. You have no goddamn choice. I can't hang around here. What time do you finish tea?"
"Six thirty, maybe a bit later."
"OK, tell the children at six forty-five. Have them change their clothes, put on socks and shoes, and tell the boys to leave first. Then the girls, then you, in ten minute intervals. I'll be here. If you don't show by eight o'clock, then I'll leave and you'll have to look after yourselves. Got it?"
She watched him slink silently back into the undergrowth, disappearing from sight with a feint rustle of leaves then walked back to the house, striding purposefully, energised into planning their next few hours. She moved cautiously, his words causing her alarm as she looked at the house with open, wiser eyes.
Jamie was slumped on the sofa, watching Spanish trash on the television. She sat on the floor in front of him, relating the plan and showing with her stern expression that she was both deadly serious and back in command. Without waiting for an answer, she rose and went to find Emma. She checked the kitchen, thinking that Emma might have offered to help with the preparation of their meal, but the kitchen was empty although some salad seemed to be ready, and she could smell the familiar spicy beef that simmered quietly on the stove.
She wandered into their own room, and heard Emma humming from the bathroom. Gently, she pushing the door open and peered round the corner. Emma lay against the end of the bath, eyes closed, trailing her hands in the water, dreaming of something that clearly amused her. Respecting her privacy, Lauren retreated back into the bedroom, shut the door nosily and shouted out for her.
"In here. Won't be a minute."
"Hurry up!" she said, looking around at the clothes on offer. Army shirts, a couple of pair of knickers and the old T-shirts and jeans that had worn on their arrival. She heard the bath water draining away and the door squeak open. Emma stood naked except for a towel around her shoulders, framed in the doorway.
"What's up?" she asked, smiling.
"Come on, you need to get dressed."
Emma slipped over to the bed, sitting with one foot pressed against the opposite thigh. Her little girl pussy, tight, spotless, gleamed between her tanned legs while her breasts poked out behind the towel. "Why, what's happening?"
"Emma, we have to leave. But secretly." she confided, dropping the clothes she had collected at the foot of the bed. "Tonight, after we've eaten. I've already told Jamie."
Emma looked down into her naked lap, a look of pain on her face. "Lori?"
"What?" she asked, quietly, touching her knee in this time of crisis.
"Do you still like me?"
"Emma! Of course! What makes you say that?"
Emma shrugged, her lower lip trembling in preparation for the tears that seemed certain to follow. Lauren drank in the sight of her body, the freshness and purity of her skin so delectable that her heart raced. She squeezed her leg.
"Since we've been here, you've just ignored me, you know!"
"Oh Emma! Times here have been very difficult, sweety." she said, feeling equally miserable that Emma should even have to mention the topic.
"But, you could just curl up in bed with me." A tear that had be welling up fell on to her leg.
"Hey." said Lauren, wiping the tear away from her pussy. "When we get home, we'll stay together, I promise" Emma was silent. Sensing her mistrust, Lauren leaned towards her and kissed her gently on the forehead. Emma held Lauren's arm, encouraging her. The sobbing ebbed as Lauren kissed her ear, causing Emma to chuckle. Pleased with the progress, and sure that this was going to be needed to get Emma's full cooperation, Lauren pushed her gently over onto her side. She pecked at her shoulders, feeling the girl's heart pounding through her chest, sliding slowly down to take each glorious nipples between her lips. Conscious that she had to be quick, she slithered over her navel, licking as Emma's legs parted, down over her stomach towards her young sex.
Moving now between her legs, Lauren slipped her hands under the teenager's buttocks, pulling her up towards her mouth. Breathing over her pussy, she probed quickly with her tongue, teasing open the labia, rewarded with the taste and silkiness of her vagina. Open- mouthed, Lauren kissed her pussy hard, driving her tongue as deep as she could inside the girl, straining to delve as far as she could inside the lovely heat of her body. Lauren withdrew, pecking at her lips, flicking the folds that still covered her clitoris. Slowly, she lowered the girl back onto the bed and slipped up to rest with her. Lauren slid her arm around Emma's shoulders and pulled her tight.
She had forgotten the illicit taste of Emma, the purity of her body and the responsiveness that had shocked her that first night. The tight, perfect skin and the way she moved, so baby-like, fresh, exploratory and innocent in a way that was so endearing it made Lauren want to scream with delight.
"I promise, Emma. I think you're wonderful."
Emma breathed in loudly. "Lori, that's all I needed. Just, you know, a hug, a little kiss." Lauren looked at the ceiling, unable to think of any response that would adequately answer her. She hugged her tight, slipping her arm around her waist and lay with her, re- organizing her thoughts, her priorities.
She dressed Emma, watching her young pouting sex six inches from her eyes as she helped her on with her knickers, pulling them up slowly and carefully as the fine blonde hairs disappeared from sight. The material tightly hugged her buttocks and the elastic pinged noisily as Lauren let go, stepping back to help her on with her T- Shirt. They spent five minutes collecting necessities for the journey. A trip with only a beginning, no known destination or duration, not even a known outcome, just escape from a potential nightmare that Lauren was reluctant to share with Emma in any great detail. But Lauren was relieved that the children had accepted her authority once again.
During their evening meal, Maria stuck her head into the kitchen so say she was off out to finalize their move to Venezuela. Lauren nodded, thanking her, stating with flashing eyes that she would wait up for her return, just in case she needed any more information.
"I'm going to get some flowers from the garden when I've finished tea!" announced Emma. Her theatrical tone made Lauren cringe. She shot a glance at Maria, reassured to see that she had taken in innocence. Maria nibbled at her own food, standing by the kitchen window, looking out at the gathering clouds and gusts of wind that ruffled the bushes nearby. Lauren watched her, left hand on her hip as she absently forked her food. Her hair hung loosely over her back, shining, healthy. Her bare brown legs promised so much, their ultimate treasure hidden by the short skirt. Lauren shifted on her chair, rubbing herself in her dreamworld.
Maria turned, smiled radiantly at Emma, then waved good-bye. "Grab a bag from the drawer and go pick flowers. Slowly, there's no hurry, remember. Listen for traffic before you cross the wall." She watched as the girl rose, took the bag and left the kitchen, passing by the window as though off on an evening walk of the grounds. Lauren glanced at the clock. Six forty-five. Her heart beat wildly, fear rising inside her at the thought of the next few days and their reckless bid for freedom. She collected the dirty plates with shaking hands and dropped them gently into the sink. "Fridge stuff" she said to Jamie.
He took a bottle of milk, chocolate bars, cheese and some cold meat. They both knew that the food would spoil in less than a day, but at least it would keep them going until they could find something else. At six fifty-five, Lauren slipped out of the room, following in Emma's footsteps. She felt she was walking too fast, making her way almost directly to the front gate. Detouring a little, she wandered aimlessly for a while, turning to surreptitiously look at each of the windows that faced the road, checking for any signs of life. She knew that there would be two soldiers somewhere, but had never really thought of timing them or working out their daily schedule.
During the morning, Lauren spent her time either avoiding Maria or looking at her watch, counting the minutes before four o'clock. Maria had carefully laid out some juvenile clothing for the girls - pale yellow floral print dresses with large white buttons down the front. Lauren held hers against her body and grimaced. Five years ago she could have worn it in mid-summer, but her tastes had moved on. But her dismay was tempered by the fact that Maria had delivered thin, almost see-though...
The following morning was busy for Lauren in comparison to others. She got up just before 8 o'clock, slipped naked from her bed and showered. She moved the growing pile of clothes from the doorway of the bathroom and added them to the two pairs of knickers she had discovered that previous night. Lauren ran her hand over the sofa, brining it to her nose to check whether any evidence remained of their activities. To her disappointment, there was none. A quick rummage through her clothes...
Less than forty-eight hours later, the whole country seemed to disintegrate. The government's regional commander in the north had rounded up a small number of reactionaries, and had intended, so the official line went, to bring them to trial. The suspects had been shackled and loaded into a truck for transportation south, and eventual questioning. News reports suggested that the truck had encountered problems on the journey, losing braking power as it descended into a valley. The driver and...
She looked up to see where they had been. The door towered above them, seemingly an impossible height from the ground. She was amazed how a single gunshot could bring out Olympic qualities in people. Aches penetrated her thoughts, especially in her lower back and Emma moved stiffly ahead into the dense growth. "Wait, don't go too far. Grab the case and let's make sure we're out of sight" she whispered. Turning back to Jamie, she nodded at him, pulling him roughly away from the tracks,...
The following day, Lauren got up early. There was no particular reason why she had to do so, but it seemed that the day was going to be wonderful, and she wanted to let everyone know that she was happy to be alive. The girls shopped in the morning, driving into Boquette to be ready for when the supermarket opened at ten thirty. Elizabeth had called the previous night and told her about the situation in the north. The news stories on the television had made things seem worse than they were,...
Saturday 22nd August, 11am Maurice Gisal drove very carefully round the hairpin bends that led from the valley up towards AnneMarie’s village, even though he had been up there many times in all seasons. On the back seat was a small suitcase containing every conceivable piece of clothing that Lauren might require during some emergency, plus her overnight things in case she had to stay, plus makeup, a present, camera, spare film and her Cookie Monster dressing gown which was again pressed into...
Saturday 8th August On Saturday morning, the whole family trooped round to the Renzer’s house, knocked on the side gate and went through to the back garden singing `yoo-hoo’. Claude Renzer came through the large sunroom and out onto the patio to welcome them warmly. He was a tall man, thin with greying hair, and certainly older than Maurice Gisal. Celestine Renzer, who joined him almost immediately, looked radiant, almost too well, petite to the extent of being dwarfed by her husband. Lauren...
"Very good, you two." said Maria, "that was great, well done. Have a rest and watch the next part of the show." She rose, revealing she wore knickers and the white bra. Lauren, in an attempt to be invisible, glanced back at the two youngsters, now cuddled up again together on the chair. She knew where Maria had gone, certain that she would return with the young girl who was meant to be in her protection. Lauren mentally shrugged. The girl wasn't a virgin and was more sexually active...
The heat persisted throughout that week, making Lauren irritable and short tempered. She lacked sleep and if she had not been able to snooze during the day she would have been a wreck. Felix called on Friday afternoon just after lunch to say that he would have to work late that night, but would be able to take her out on Saturday afternoon. She agreed, looking forward to his company and a break from the boredom of the household routine. After the usual salad for tea, she lolled on the sofa...
Emma grew worse by the hour. She excused herself at about five o'clock, making for the warmth of their bedroom. Lauren looked in on her every couple of hours, noting that she slept continually, hardly moving from one visit to the next. Jamie went to bed at about eleven o'clock, leaving Lauren and Maria down in the lounge, chatting. Lauren was amused at how he had changed that day. Instead of being shy and awkward around both herself and Maria, he was confident, almost cocky, and Lauren felt...
Lauren realised two things when she woke the following morning. Firstly that Emma hadn't had her medicine the night before and that she had made love to her brother while using the ointment inside her. Neither of the thoughts cheered her up, but she determined that after Elizabeth and Gustav departed she would make sure that Emma had another dose of the slimy stuff to get her back on the road to recovery. She swung out of bed and showered in her bathroom. It was before eight o'clock, which...
Lauren woke to find herself being shaken by the woman while Emma and Jamie looked down at her. "Wakey wakey, we're here. Follow me and I'll find out which rooms you three can have." She disappeared round the side of the truck, Jamie closely behind. Lauren swung off the back and landed hard on the ground, her limbs tight and aching. "Ow, shit!" she moaned. Looking up to find a target for her wrath, she discovered she was in the grounds of a wonderfully old house. Huge, grey flag stones...
"Lauren" Silence. "Lauren" echoed again, shaking. She opened her eyes, the morning light streaming through the window, dazzling her, silhouetting Maria. "Hey, wake up, here's coffee!" Lauren rolled onto her side, slowly recalling their love making the previous night. Her senses told her she was still naked, a distinctly unhealthy stickiness between her legs. "Oh, thanks. What time is it?" asked Lauren, avoiding her eyes. "About ten. Jamie's up already. Emma looks a lot better....
Four days later, Jamie returned and the girls went to the station to collect him. The train was a respectable thirty-five minutes late, and he was clearly tired from the short but arduous journey. Lauren introduced herself and was delighted that Emma beamed at Jamie all the way back to the house. He was almost the same height as Lauren, not muscular but certainly no wimp. He also had blonde hair, darker than Emma's, cut conservatively like his father's. Lauren guessed that he had yet to...
"What about your story?" prompted Lauren. "Well, she's you know, put her hand down here..." He motioned down between his legs. "And held your willy?" asked Lauren. "Well, only through my jeans." Emma sat up, one leg flat on the sofa and the other at ninety degrees, affording an unrestricted view of her little knickers. Lauren realised that she sat like that perfectly innocently, unaware that she was arousing him with a display of provocation greater than anything he had seen in...
"Is everyone allright?" asked Jamie, a look concern moving through surprise into lust. "We heard noises." "It was us. We've been playing games. Talking about the weather." said Lauren. "Oh right. Much easier with your clothes off, eh?" They ventured into the room. "Well, what about you two? Reading a novel?" "Yes!" said Julie, laughing. She too seemed to have had too much wine as well, and mixed with the sun and Jamie's wandering hands, was in a giggly mood. She sat on the...
The replacement of the police force in the north had been a bad move. The Nationalists had interpreted it as an undercover method of replacing the locally elected authority with soldiers who would do the government's dirty work. Students in the university towns of the north went on strike, and found some sympathy with those in the capital. Their demands escalated from the reinstatement of the police to better pay for state employees, a shorter working week and a minimum wage. The television...
Lauren let all the information sink in and floated to her room. She couldn't remember what he looked like, except that he needed a wash. She wondered what she would wear for tomorrow's lunch. Searching through her cupboards made her miserable - she had either T-shirts and her bikini, or jeans and sweaters. Nothing much in between. She thought for a moment and decided that she might drag Emma down to the clothes shop again and buy a couple of things. She glanced across the corridor into...
Lauren woke just after eight o'clock, alone and rested. She stretched lazily over to the light by her bed and flicked the switch. She looked at the mess of clothing on the floor. A few months ago she might have groaned inwardly as she recollected their activities but that morning a smile spread across her lips as she replayed the action and sensed again the sensuous and outrageous loving they had enjoyed. Her skirt and bra lay by the door, unceremoniously tossed away in the heat of the...
Emma squirmed. Lauren let go as she disappeared beneath the surface. Lauren watched her gracefully stroking under water, heading for the shallow end. They stepped out of the pool, Lauren following Emma across to the loungers by the patio door. The little girl's buttocks twitched as she tip-toed on the hot flagstones, and Lauren had a hard job restraining her hands as Emma bent forward to move the seat into the sun, her pussy hairless, perfect, clean and inviting. Lauren lay down, feeling the...
"I hear you're a disobedient girl!" bellowed the General, leaning forward to address her directly. "There's no room for disobedience in my outfit, you know." The chatter in the room died away. Lauren heard her heart pounding against the floor, the squelch of her pussy as Maria let go of her foot. She curled into a ball, exposing the tight cum-speckled slickness of her pussy to him. Trembling slightly, she coughed, catching her breath in between great gasps for air. "I think she needs...
Lauren exhaled, signaling acceptance of the invitation. Maria snuggled deeper against her chest, her cheek rubbing against Lauren's nipple. As if on cue, they both drained their glasses and placed them near the ladder. She caressed the side of Maria's head, feeling the long, straight hair between her fingers, playing with it, twirling it around and noting the smoothness of each strand. She felt fingers traversing her stomach, moving from her thigh, over her hip and up towards her breasts,...
As evening fell, the girls made their way cautiously out of the hotel lobby, turning left towards the center of town once again. Neon lights blazed in the distance as shops closed up for the night and the club life began in earnest. Music spilled from roadside bars and cafes as they threaded their way through the narrow, noisy backstreets. "Hey!" whispered Emma, "Do you think it's, you know, safe down here?" She looked around as though expecting to be mugged at any moment. Lauren...
Four days later, Lauren was fit enough to bathe and feed herself. She could walk around the house unaided, but always made sure she was within striking distance of something to hold onto if she became dizzy. She ventured out onto the remains of the patio, peering down into the rounded hole that had been the pool. The familiar heat remained, but the soothing waters had vanished. She sat in her shorts and T-Shirt on the lounger and surveyed her bruised limbs and the scene of damage. Without...
Turning the bath taps on, Lauren stripped, once again so pleased to be able to wander from her bedroom into the lounge and bathroom quite naked. At home she used to wear so many layers! The bath filled slowly as she stretched out on the sofa, her feet on the floor as her head rested on the arm so she could see the television. She rested her hands between her parted legs, pleased with the ready moisture that she found. Bringing her fingers to her nose, she reveled in the sweet scent of herself...
They sauntered up to the long dimly lit oak bar and climbed onto two stools, looking around all the time while trying to remain sophisticated. The barman glanced at Lauren and took a long look at Emma. "Two cokes, please!" said Lauren. The barman served them within seconds, bringing a little bowl of nuts and crackers with their drinks as he smiled at them both. Lauren asked for the dinner menu and they studied it, trying to determine from the French and Spanish descriptions exactly what...
Lauren kissed her lips lightly, tasting the suntan lotion on her tongue as she explored further, teasing her ears and neck and down quickly to her breasts. Nikki parted her legs and Lauren accepted the invitation to trail her tongue down her body, along her thigh and back round inside up to her vagina. Nikki grabbed her head and pushed her hard against her pussy, her actions rough and demanding as she bent her knees and Lauren knelt by her side. Lauren hadn't really thought about how she...
They scrambled across the room, Lauren locking her eyes on Stefan's red raw cock that jutted out in front of him. She felt good, happy to be naked and ready to have sex with any one of the three others, not caring who was watching. Emma's little buttocks hardly moved as she skipped to the sofa, spilling her wine over her legs. Lauren realised that they had all had a little to much to drink, vowing that maybe tomorrow they would just have coke as they wandered around Caracas. "No, no!"...
The world was quiet as Lauren woke, surveying the darkened room before slipping quietly out of bed. Naked, she sat on the toilet in her bathroom and wondered what she would do that day. Too many of her days took the same form: Breakfast, swim, shower, get dressed. Take Emma, maybe Jamie down to Boquette, buy something they don't really need. Maybe visit the supermarket. Maybe have lunch in the square. Back home for a snooze, swim, tea, watch the news. Lauren found her bikini bottoms, pulled...
Lauren had barely stuffed the plates and cutlery from the evening meal into the dishwasher when the patio door squeaked open. Lauren glanced at the clock in the kitchen, wondering if one of the staff had returned for something. Emma skipped off to answer it, and Lauren was surprised to hear her high-pitched delight and the voice of Felix. As she washed her hand she smiled, hoping that he would perhaps stay for a while. "Hey, what's cookin'?" he asked, sauntering into the kitchen,...
With the exception of regular phone calls, Elizabeth and Gustav left Lauren alone to run the house for days on end. As the days passed the troubles in the north grew and spread, the relationship souring between the government and the populace and every new day heralding further sources of discontent. The electricity supply failed for an hour on the day before the election, causing the children to abandon the house for the cooler patio. Two days before the election - and to Lauren's surprise...
Lauren side-stepped a difficult conversation with Emma with white lies and an unusually creative mind. She had been sitting cross- legged on her bed, wearing only her regulation shirt when Emma walked in, sat on the opposite bed and stared at her. "What'cha doin?" "Mending my knickers. My only pair of goddamn knickers" "What happened?" "I caught them in the door catch. Stupid, eh?" Actually, brilliant. Perhaps next time, though, she should prepare an excuse in advance. "Hmm. I...
Lauren woke with a start. The room eventually registered in her mind and she turned to look at the glowing radio alarm clock. It said 04:12. She tried to work out what that really meant in Swiss time and struggled to arrive at something close to noon. A reasonable hour to wake up. Her mouth was dry and she was pleased as she realised that she wouldn't have to debate whether to stay in bed and die of thirst or get up and die of cold. The room was warm and she pushed back the covers to leave...
"She's beautiful. They both are" said Peter. Lauren kissed his chest, signaling the end of their voyeuristic interlude. They entered her room noisily, the door swinging back against the wall. The wine made it to her bedside table, just as they both fell onto the silk bedspread. She tugged her bikini top off and flipped it dramatically onto the carpet, allowing Peter once again to drink in the pure wonder of her figure. He knelt on the bed, leaning to kiss her, pushing her down against the...
Three days later, Lauren gladly succumbed to Felix's daily phone calls and agreed to cook dinner for him at the house. She was still unsure what he did for a living although he was knowledgeable in commodities and sugar in particular. But he always seemed to have time for her, a flattering feeling that was uplifting and caused her to grin to herself during her little daydreams. His company did much in her mind as well to balance the wrong she felt when she thought of her experiences with...
Emma filled her bath, throwing two sachets of crystals in for good measure, shouting to Lauren that it was ready as she bent over the rim of the bath, whirling the water around with her hand. Lauren slipped into the room silently, taking hold of her hips and pulling her against her thighs. Emma stood and leaned back against her, swaying slightly. Lauren found the cord of the robe and undid the knot, pulling apart the sides and squeezing her small breasts in her hands. She kissed her ear as...
Back on the patio, Julie was almost suitably clothed. The thought was there, but Emma's spare bikini was meant for a girl of thirteen, not seventeen. The small patches of cloth barely covered her nipples, and the bikini bottom cut wickedly into her thighs, molding itself to her athletic build. Lauren slumped down onto the lounger, leaning back as she sipped the ice cold wine. She watched Jamie plying back and forth, turning effortlessly, length after length. Julie watched him with great...
Felix did indeed call the following morning. Lauren had forgotten and must have sounded particularly dense when she answered the phone. They exchanged pleasantries before she invited him for twelve thirty. He reminded her that he knew the place and would be on time. And, yes, he did eat everything. Emma was more excited than Lauren, fussing around the house looking for a tablecloth for the kitchen and serviettes that were hidden deep in the spare room. It was only later, just before lunch,...
Choosing what to wear proved to be the most difficult task for Lauren on Saturday morning. She wanted to wear something that would encourage Felix as they had a stroll through the local hills, but nothing that would shout 'take me now'. She knew that attack from mosquitoes was also a possibility so long sleeves were best. Jeans and her father's shirt won, with a full bra that would emphasise her shape under the loose fitting shirt. She showered and washed her hair before dressing and...
Election Day, and the country appeared to sleep late then vote often. The roads were almost empty, the cleaners deciding that they would take the day off and celebrate their thrill of a lifetime to register their vote. The television was surprisingly subdued, as though some governing body had imposed a blackout on all but the barest of facts. Although Lauren made a point of trying to catch the news at noon and again at five that day, there was nothing to be learned. Nikki's two week stay...
She felt the blunt end of the vibrator running over the material of her bikini following the lips of her pussy. She still thought it was about the size of him but there was no elasticity at all. Her fear returned as he shuffled around between her legs, pulled the bikini bottom down her legs slightly and then pulled the material to one side. He placed the great tool at the entrance to her pussy before pushing slowly. It entered her with some difficulty, its width pushing her lips apart as it...
There was relief and delight not just at finally opening the two huge front doors of the house, but with the fact that everything appeared to have been left undisturbed. In their month away, Jamie found that the lounge windows had been boarded up and the woodwork surround had been replaced and painted, probably in preparation for new glass. "Looks like the landlord has been and done a few repairs." he announced passing through the kitchen. While Julie, Juan and Peter slowly followed them...
Wednesday 5th August Lauren naturally spent the early part of the week bringing Nikki up to date with her exploits at the studio, revealing more and more of the details as Nikki subjected her to relentless questioning. In fact, by the end of Tuesday, Nikki said that the afternoon sounded like a story of fairy-tale romance; Champagne, bright lights and beautiful people. However, Lauren’s narrative was enough to provide Nikki with a graphic picture of the afternoon and a noticeable damp spot...
Two days later, Lauren swung the car into the long term parking space, the effort registering on the muscles in her arms which still ached from carrying the suitcases to the car and her swimming the day before. Their flight was at four thirty that afternoon, and they had arrived with several hours to spare. She made sure she had locked the car and (to her own surprise) wrote down the number of the space for her return. The coach whisked them (at a leisurely San Falino pace) to the...
"Euro-bitch!" hissed a soldier, tweaking her nipples. She writhed on the stool, her neck now painful and the pressure of the blood in her head frightening. Hands explored, invading private territory. Rough hands, greasy with labour, unrefined. "Leave me alone you bastards!" she moaned, eyes still closed. She opened her mouth to shout but froze. The cold, clinical edge of steel on her cheek sent shivers through her teenage body, disrupting her breathing and causing her heart to beat...
Gustav called the next morning, suprising Lauren since it was usually Elizabeth's job to deal with household matters. He stated, in a very business-like manner, that Lauren had been given control of settling all bills, household accounts, credit cards and would be contacted by their bank in the next few days for specimens of her signature. He had also written to her to outline what they thought were the best routes out of the country if trouble struck. Twice he launched into a speech of how...
They caught their one o'clock plane and arrived home as darkness fell just after six thirty on Sunday evening. Elizabeth was home, watching television with Jamie as they dragged their suitcases into the house. The evening news was grim, and as they listened Lauren realised that they were lucky to have any electricity. The gloss on her assignment in San Falino was fading fast; the uncollected sacks of rubbish she had seen in San Serra now making sense along with the darkened villages they had...
Nikki's visit brought home to Lauren not only the strength of their friendship but also the value of Nikki's advice. She had been correct about many things in their teen years - especially the character of Lauren's few boyfriends - so that she regarded her as level headed in times of crisis. As a result, two decisions were simple to make. Firstly, that she should try and convince Emma that their night of love-making was a one-time occurrence that resulted from her fear of storms, and...
Lauren knew that her right arm wouldn't move even though she issued all the right commands. She had more luck with the other. The carpet was there, warm, silent, pushing against her knotted stomach. Her heart beat furiously and further inventory revealed a headache of mammoth proportions. She turned her head slowly, her neck screaming abuse as her nose rubbed into the carpet. Skin. Smoke. She coughed painfully, the sound inside registering but traveling nowhere. Her heart leapt, adrenaline...
Sunday 30th August, 7pm Mike sat with his parents in the lounge as darkness descended. He face had grown pale since there had been mention of the video at Nikki’s house. He and his parents looked thankful for the gathering gloom, concealing their worries, giving each of them a place to hide. His mother broke the silence. “Just because Andre found a video doesn’t mean that Lauren has been involved in one. All we think is that she may have had some pictures taken.” “What’s this about...
"Oh thanks, I owe you one!" said Emma, smiling at Cressida. "Can I call a cab from here?" "Why the secrecy?" asked Cressida. "It's a surprise for our au pair!" The girls looked up the number for the local cab company and demanded service right away. After a delay of only thirty minutes, Emma stepped into a battered green and white vehicle that, according to a small plastic sign on the roof, was a taxi. It spluttered away to her destination. "Nice taxi, yes?" asked the driver as...
Autumnal winds and rain began to intrude upon the blazing heat of the sun, providing a number of spectacular thunderstorms during Lauren's first week in San Falino. Boquette appeared to at least have its fair share as the clear morning sky gave way to huge grey clouds, followed by rain that fell so suddenly that Lauren and Emma had to scurry indoors like frightened cats. She dried herself in her room and got out of the wet jeans that she had worn, hanging them over the bath to dry. For a...
Lauren lazed in the bath for almost an hour, adding hot water whenever she felt it had cooled too much. She loved the thought of adding hot water without the tank running out, or having to turn the boiler on specially to have a bath. Moreover, the thought of having her own bathroom was marvelous. She could keep all her stuff where she could see it, maybe buy some local products and try them out if there were such things. She swished the water over her shoulders and looked down at the droplets...
Sunday 30th August, 4pm Maurice Gisal had spent the majority of the afternoon in the lounge. He had been having a quick snooze if anyone had asked, although Daniele knew that he would sleep for hours if left alone. When the children were young, a snooze on the sofa was a luxury, and in those days they had rarely needed it. But now with the children older, it still seemed a little naughty, but a quick sleep after lunch certainly had a fortifying effect. He usually read a book for a while...
Thursday 13th August Nikki and Lauren discussed the idea of Lauren returning to Marlene’s for another session of photos. Nikki said she thought it sounded like fun, especially since Lauren had clearly enjoyed herself so much. She was also happy to go along with the story of Lauren staying at her house for the night - something that was not uncommon and therefore was unlikely to be discovered. Both girls knew that sometime Lauren would have to do the same for her, and that’s what friends were...
Sunday 30th August, 8am The car really did arrive at seven fifty in the morning. Lauren had hoped that it might fail to turn up so that they could say they tried, but go back to bed and enjoy a normal Sunday. Nikki said if it was late she would be really angry as she could have stayed in bed later. They had time for a cup of coffee and some toast before leaving a short message for her parents and gently closing the back door. Rebecca was sitting in the front passenger seat, clearly so...
Thursday 23rd July Three days later, Lauren made the journey back to Kristal’s house on the bus, arriving at about two o’clock. She rang the doorbell and was interested to see that Kristal looked much smarter than she had last time, wearing tights or stockings, an ivory coloured skirt and white blouse with a small, matching ivory waistcoat buttoned down the middle. Her shoes looked like her mother’s which were made by Bally. Her long dark hair was pinned up, allowing a few strands to...
Lauren waded through her schoolbooks that were lying on her bedroom floor, kicking the algebra textbook through the open window. She gave herself top marks for accuracy and floated into bed, kissing her teddy bears goodnight as the light turned itself off and the passengers pulled away from the train. Jim waved to her from the platform and she smiled. The passengers returned a few moments later, knocking on her bedroom door. She pulled the covers to her chin and grimaced as the banging...