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Life at M.A.
Mistress Alyssa grabbed me by the hair, at that same moment Mrs Melissa turnon the lights for the whole office. Where Mistress Alyssa had been in the darknesswhen we came in, it was covered in shelves each one covered with items, MistressAlyssa attacked each of my arm to a cord with was attacked to different cornersof the ceiling and she attacked my ankles each to a cord with was attackedto different walls.
Welcome to M.A. private school for women, my first day at M.A. was like anyother school except for it was a private school that my mom signed me up for.Oh I am sorry my names Gillian I am 17 and in my first of six year at M.A.I have long brown hair light bluish green eyes and about 5 feet 9 inches andslime, but back to school. I attended public school from nine years and neverwanted to leave but my mom said it would be good for me or would it. Well anywaymy first day of M.A. was like first day of any school finding out where yourclasses are meeting new people.
After going through one day of class we we're led to are dormitories by ateacher. There are four houses blonde, brunette, black and redhead each househad five dorms, 5 in girls in each dorm. I was led to brunette house with 24other brunettes we we're told that dorm lists were in are house gathering room.I was in a room with a second year, third year, fourth year and a fifth year.The dorms were fairly simple five separate bed with all of are luggage inside,their was also a locked door at the end of our room witch I would learn todread but that comes later in the story.
Day two was very much the same as day one I went to classes met some friendand met our principle Mrs. Alyssa she had long curly brown hair with icy blueeyes an about 6 foot 3 inches, she was a very sweet lady that was nice to everyone.That all changed one cloudy morning the first day of term two, Mrs Alyssa cameon the p.a. and called all the other and me first years in my house. I leftmy classroom with a couple of other girls, we had no idea where Mrs. Alyssa'soffice was so we just kept on walking down the hall to the very end we're asign read principles office. Just as I was about to open the door it open byit's self, Mrs Alyssa's voice said come in girls.
We came in and suddenly the door was locked behind us by our vies principleMrs Melissa, all of the 7 first years form brunette house we're their. MrsAlyssa came out from the darkness right in front of me, "your life atM.A. is about to change severely" she annoused, "oh by the way M.A. standsfor Mistress Alyssa that is what you will all call me from now on" MistressAlyssa continued, "and if we don't" I asked " well I'll show you thatright now" Mistress Alyssa laughed.
Mistress Alyssa grabbed me by the hair, at that same moment Mrs Melissa turnon the lights for the whole office. Where Mistress Alyssa had been in the darknesswhen we came in, it was covered in shelves each one covered with items, MistressAlyssa attacked each of my arm to a cord with was attacked to different cornersof the ceiling and she attacked my ankles each to a cord with was attackedto different walls.
"Now the fun begins" Mistress Alyssa chuckled, she stepped up to me and said, "yourwearing to much, I think I'll have to deal with" she grabbed my white blouseand she quickly unbuttoned it, I screamed as loud as I could but she just said, "thelouder you scream the more painful it will be for you". Ones she had unbuttonedmy blouse she ripped it off "what the hell are you doing I just bout that yesterday" Iyelled "oh I'm sorry not and for that rude behaviour you'll suffer even morepain" she laughed. Mistress Alyssa than presided to take off my new skirt thankfullyit had a zipper on the side so she just unzipped it instead of ripping it.I was then just in my bra and panties, "what should I take off first Melissa" MistressAlyssa asked, "her bra I think" Mrs Melissa answered "good choice Mel" MistressAlyssa responded, she walked up to me and unhooked my bra and then with herknife she cut ether side of my panties. I was helpless and I had just beenthe most humiliated in my life, but she wasn't about to stop there. MistressAlyssa went to the shelves and took down five things that I had never seenbefore, she approached me with the five items she put them down in front ofme. The first item had a clamp at each end, each clamp had sharp points oneach them, she attacked one clamp onto my left nipple it hurt like hell butbefore I could scream Mrs Melissa shoved a ball in my mouth and secured itbe hide my head, at the same time Mistress Alyssa attacked the other clampto my right nipple I screamed but no sound got passed that ball.
Mistress Alyssa then got another item from the floor it was some kind ofweights she attacked the weights to my pussie lips I couldn't stand the pain,but Mistress Alyssa just took another items from the floor. This item lookedlike to be some kind of plug Mistress Alyssa had two of them she put one inmy open pussie and she shoved the other into my ass. The last item that shetook looked to be some sort of collar, Mistress Alyssa took the collar andattacked it around my neck she then attacked a leach to my collar. "You arenow one of my sluts I have about 55 of them right now" Mistress Alyssa said, "theplug in your ass and your pussie will not allow you to go to the bathroom,and since you are one of my sluts you will obey what ever I tell your to door you'll get the whip or weight added to your pussie do you understand" sheasked I nodded "good then go back to your classroom like a dog your class matehere" Mistress Alyssa said as she pointed to Vanessa "will hold your leach" MistressAlyssa continued. Mistress Alyssa came up to Vanessa " tell your teacher thatthis slut will be your class demonstration, she'll now what I mean.
Vanessa opened the door to the classroom with me following her on my handsand knees, the whole class looked at me. Vanessa went up to Mrs Johnson aremain teacher "Mrs Alyssa told me to tell you that she is are class demonstration" Vanessasaid Mrs Johnson, "I was hopping shed pick you Gill" Mrs Johnson said as shelooked at me with a smile. Mrs Johnson returned from her office with a boxfull of items, "OK girls come forward for a demo" Mrs Johnson laughed, " rememberGillian Bromilow girls she is now a slut or a slave if you will, she'll serveMrs Alyssa. You girls will now call Mrs Alyssa Mistress Alyssa as with allof the teachers you will call them Mistress Jennifer and if you don't you willbe punished in your class like Gillian is about to be, or if you did somethingreally bad you will get punished in front of the whole school so be careful" MistressJennifer said. Mistress Jennifer grabbed my leach I didn't know what to expect,she pulled me to my feet and grabbed a rope from inside the box that she tiedmy hands behind my back with and then attacked that rope to a cord with washanging from the ceiling right in front of the chock board. Mistress Jenniferturned on a machine that pulled me up by the rope attacked to my arms she didn'tturn it off until I was on my tepee toes.
Mistress Jennifer asked for a volunteer, Alison my worst enemy was the firstone to put up her hand. "Good, come up to the front of the class Alison" MistressJennifer demanded, Alison walked up to the front of the class. "You will getto whip this slut ten times anywhere you want" Mistress Jennifer laughed Itired to scream but the sound was muffled by the ball in my mouth.
Mistress Jennifer handed Alison a whip and said you can start when ever youwant, Alison's first hit me on both my breast's the pain wasn't that bad atfirst but after 10 hit right in the same spot I couldn't stand still. MistressJennifer grabbed the whip from Alison "very good for the first time but nowI will show this slut the real meaning of pain" Mistress Jennifer chuckled.Mistress Jennifer had perfect aim and made every hit count, after 10 hit directlyon both of my nipples they we're redder then tomatoes and we're covered inwelts but she wasn't done yet. Mistress Jennifer then proceed to hit my stomachever time I started to fall but my arm wouldn't let me leave my tepee toes,after she had my stomach 10 times she took out two more pieces of rope fromher box, she tied one tightly above and below my breasts. Which caused my breast'sto puff out, Mistress Jennifer then attacked a par of nipple clamps to my alreadyextremely pain stricken nipples. The clamps had hooks on the end of each onewhich Mistress Jennifer attacked weights to each hook, at this point my nippleswe're so sore that I passed out.
When I awoke I was in a cage that was attacked to the roof, there was lotsof other cages in this room that seemed to have no walls. I looked down atmy self to see that my nipple clamps had been removed as well as the rope aboveand below my breasts but I still had all the things that Mistress Alyssa hadput on me. " I see that you have awoken, just in time for the first day oftraining" I looked up to see Mistress Alyssa looking back at me. Mistress Alyssaopened the cage door and grabbed my leach, I walked behind her and suddenlyshe grabbed my long hair and pulled it back, "get on the floor dog we're youbelong" she pushed me to the ground, I had forgotten to crawl on the groundlike a dog. We worked for what seemed to be forever, until she finally stoppedat a tall brown door with a big silver door handle.
Mistress Alyssa opened the big brown doors to reveal a huge back yard witchmust be at least 1000 acres, "This is the training ground, we're we will getyou ready for the big day" Mistress Alyssa said with a evillish grin on herface. "But we have no time to loose" Mistress Alyssa continued, she pulledme to a huge track like the ones at the Olympics. Mistress Alyssa pulled meonto the track and whistled loudly. Mrs Melissa came running out of the bigbrown door, "Yes" Mistress she asked politely, "go and fetch the cart and bringa senior with you" Mistress Alyssa demanded "Yes, right away" Mrs Melissa declared.
Six minutes later Mrs Melissa came out with a carriage and a girl walkingbehind her, why doesn't she run away I wondered to my self? "One day you willbe as obedient as Robyn is" Mistress Alyssa said to me, "very good Melissa,know harness this two to the front" Mistress Alyssa demanded. In about twominutes Mrs Melissa was done and Robyn and I we're both tied to the carriagewith Mistress Alyssa and Mrs Melissa setting inside it. "Robyn you know whatto do but I will explain to Gillian, you two must pull us around the trackfor as long as I wish, if I think one of you is going to slow I will whip bothof you until you speed up, if one of you falls over I will whip both of youuntil we start moving again so if you want friends here slut you better notslow down, oh and one more thing the girl that me and Melissa think sloweddown the most and fell down the most will get put on the cross for two daysin the baking sun. I think that's all so go" at that Robyn started to run butit took me a couple of minutes to realise what to do, during that time me andRobyn we're getting whipped.
Robyn and I ran around and around the track for hours until finally at 9:30pm mistress Alyssa said, that is enough for today. "The looser is Gillian,slut you have just won your self a two day trip to the cross of doom" MistressAlyssa laughed "ya ya looser" Robyn chuckled, "you also will be going her,I am very disappointed in you slut" Mistress Alyssa said to Robyn. "Melissaattack them to the crosses" Mistress Alyssa ordered, "yes mistress" Melissaanswered. In 5 minutes Robyn and I we're attacked by are arm, legs and waistsby rope to two separate crosses.
"How many years have you been here for" I asked Robyn, "this is my forthyear" she replied "what's it like being tied up here for two days" I continued " you'llfind out. Don't ask any more questions or you'll get it later" and at thatwe didn't talk for the rest of the night. At 9 o clock the next morning MistressAlyssa came outside to talk to us, "how are my two sluts doing?" After a coupleof minutes of silence she said "I'll take that as good" Mistress laughed. " Iheard it suppose to be a record braking day of 58oc, you two will get prettybad burns up there during the heat of the day with out cloths. I am going togo for a nice swim in my pool" Mistress Alyssa continued to laugh.
The next two days seemed to never end, but finally at 10 pm the next dayMistress Alyssa came out. " Well you two have served your punishment but don'tthink you're done yet" Mistress Alyssa said. Mistress Alyssa lowed Robyn'scross first and slowly untied the rope connecting her to the cross, when shewas finally done she grabbed Robyn by the hair and pulled her over to my cross.When she lowed my cross to the ground she untied the ropes attacking me tothe cross, but she attacked new ropes around my ankles and my wrists than arope attacking them together with a rope behind my back to cause my breast'sto stick out. Mistress Alyssa attacked a collar around my neck and attackedthe leach to a nipple ring that she attacked to Robyn's left nipple. Mrs. Melissabrought out another girl tied up just like me and attacked her to a nipplering on Robyn's right nipple. "Know that we're ready, Robyn you will have tworun around the track with these two dragging behind you like weights and ifyou stop you will fall over because you will be running with a rope tied fromyour pussie ring to the back of a car" Mistress Alyssa laughed again, "oh andGillian if you hadn't noticed your badly brunt breast will be dragging on thetrack".
Mistress Alyssa stated up the engine of her porch and pushed the pedal down,she started out going 40kmph than speed up to 80kmph. At first Robyn stayedon her feet but after about 20 minutes she started to fall over again and again.My breast felt like they'd fall off from all the pain.
Two hours went by Robyn being dragged for 1hour and 40 minutes. At 10 o clockthe next morning Mistress Alyssa stopped the car, it had been 12 hours sine'swe began and my breast we're burning. "Melissa attack Robyn and I back to thecarriage and put Brittany on one of the crosses" Mistress Alyssa demanded,Mrs. Melissa said nothing but went strait to work. It Mrs. Melissa ten minutesto do all what mistress said for her to do.
" Girls you know what to do and if you two are good maybe will end earlytoday" Mistress Alyssa said, we started to run but after 5 minutes Robyn collapsedI kept on running for a couple of minutes but then I also collapsed onto thetrack. Mistress Alyssa kept on whipping us but I couldn't continue becauseRobyn wasn't getting up I guess she just had run to much the last couple ofdays. Mistress Alyssa finally gave up and came over to us, " Melissa put Robynon the empty cross" Mistress Alyssa ordered. " As for you slut we're goingto learn some more lessons" Mistress laughed at me.
We pulled her around for 6 hours until finally she untied us and reattachedcollars around our neck she put us back to the house we're I hadn't gone forfour days. Mistress Alyssa lead us into a room I had never been before, theroom had a boxing ring in the middle with stands that could seat at least 500people. "Girls you will be in a wrestling match with two other girls we'reanything goes and I mean anything, oh by the way the stands will be filledand of course you won't be wearing any clothes" Mistress Alyssa continued. "Theirwill be two teams of two, Gillian and Robyn you two are one team and your opponentswill be Stacy and Trish" Mistress laughed as two women come out wearing wrestlinguniforms with the letters WWE across the chest. "Hey their professional wrestlers" Icomplained " ya so" Mistress said, " get into the ring ladies" the four womengot into the ring " all the chairs can be used on your opponents at anytimeduring the match and the match will last four hours. It Stacy and Trish winGillian and Robyn will become their slaves and they can bring them to as manylive show of the WWE as they want. But if Robyn and Gillian win Stacy and Trishwill become there slaves for them to do what they want to" Mistress Alyssadeclared to the crowd of students as they let out a loud cheer.
" Let the match begin" Mistress Alyssa shouted, Stacy and Trish didn't wastea minute but went straight for us. As Stacy approached me I didn't know whatto do so I just waited, I soon regretted that idea. She pounced on me likeI Tiger pounces on their prey. She grabbed my arm lifted me up and slammedme into the ring, I was still recovering from the last blow when she pouncedagain. This time she pulled me up by the hair and flipped me over her backshe showed no mercy as again and again she preformed moves on me. I was lyingon the ground when I realised that Stacy was helping Trish with Robyn so Itook this opportunity to roll out of the ring, I picked up two steel chairand came back into the ring. I slowly crepe up on Stacy and when she finallyturned around I lit her over the head, she fell to the ground like a pieceof wood but I wasn't done yet I came up to Trish who was beating up Robyn andhit her over the head too. I helped Robyn onto her feet and handed her a steelchair of her own then I went back to Stacy and hit her on the head two moretimes for good measures. Stacy was lying on the map, I lifted her top off andput it on myself to leave her beautiful breasts exposed, I then took her bottomsoff to reveal her pussie. She was beginning to wake up as I hit her on thehead two more times, she feel back to the ground again. When she hit the groundI put the chair down and started to twist her nipples as hard as I could shestarted to scream in pain but I just kept on twisting until suddenly I feelto the ground as Trish hit me with the steel chair she had taken from Robyn.She helped Stacy up and started to talk to her they stop and came over to meremoved the clothes I had taken from Stacy and put them back on Stacy and thenhit me five times over the head and set up one on the chair by one of the cornersof ring Trish and Stacy placed my body lying across the chair. With the otherchair Stacy pushed my head to the ground and then Trish climbed up on top ofthe rope and jumped right onto my body witch collapsed the chair and left mein a pile on the ground. They then did the same too Robyn, after they we'redone they tied me to one corner and Robyn to the other so that we couldn'tmove and then they started to twist our nipples as hard as they could.
As the bell sounded to end the match I could barely notice it, but suddenlyI was untied from the corner and was given to Stacy from Mistress Alyssa andthe same with Robyn she was given to Trish, these would be a new step in arestill young lives. Stacy and Trish lead us out to there private limousines,but instead of letting us sit in a seat with them they put us in the truckand "oh by the way the trip will be about nine hours and you girls won't becoming out till then.
The day before Stacy and Trish had approached Mistress Alyssa, "we need newslaves and will pay 20 million for those two outside" Stacy said as she pointedto Robyn and me. "Ok but you two will have to wrestle them first, if you winyou get them but you still have to pay, but if they win I get you two and themoney" Mistress Alyssa said. "Fine" they said together as they paid Mistressthe 20 million, "you match will be tomorrow after noon down stairs" MistressAlyssa proclaimed "fine" as they left Mistress's office.
We had been in the trunk of the limo for what seemed like forever in thesmall trunk with two girls with almost no breathing space, when we finallystop. Trish opened the trunk to reveal an empty under ground garage, "welcometo the nicest hotel in New York City" Trish declared. " We're here for Rawtomorrow night where you two will be coming with us" Trish laughed as she grabbedRobyn by the hair and pulled her out of the trunk and gave her a pair of pantiesand a bra and told her to put them on quickly. Stacy them came to the trunkand pulled me out but only gave me a towel to put on.
All four of got into the elevator on went to the top floor of the hotel.When we arrived it was obviously the penthouse sweet of the hotel, it was huge.Stacy pushed me into the room and took her towel back, Trish then pushed Robynin after me and demanded her panties and bra back, Robyn and I both did aswe we're told and gave the items back. Stacy grabbed me by the hair and pulledme to a hook in the centre of the room, "I didn't appreciate you taking myclothes off in that wrestling match girl, I think I'll teach you a lesson" Stacyyelled at me. Stacy started by tying my ankles together and then tied my wristtogether with strong rope, Stacy hooked the rope tying my ankles together overthe hook, she then did the same with the rope around my wrists. This positioncause my back to ark in words, this caused my breasts to puff out, Stacy thenattacked nipple clamps onto my bare nipples. Stacy then attacked tight cordsfrom my nipples to the ground, since the cords we're almost too small thiscaused my nipples to be pulled out even father.
Trish had tied Robyn to a tall pole, she had put ropes around Robyn's ankles,knees, half way up her legs from her knees to her waist, waist, right bellowher breast's, right above her breast's, neck and a cord tying Robyn's handsabove her head. The cords above and bellow Robyn's her breast puffed her breastout, Trish had also attacked a cord onto her waist cord so that it would runright under her pussie and ass then pulling it as tight as if would go so itwould press on her pussie and ass incredibly hard and then being attackingit to her waist cord again. At that Trish and Stacy went to there separatebeds for the night and left us in the living room.
In the morning Stacy was the first to wake up, but me Robyn and I we're alreadyawake, when Stacy came out she walked up to me and pulled on my nipple clampsto get my attention, "did you have a good sleep girl" she demanded "yes I didMistress Stacy" I replied "very good girl, I was wondering if you would catchon" Stacy said. A few minutes latter Trish came out of her room a couple minuteslater and went straight to Robyn. Trish did the same thing to Robyn as Stacydid to me, Stacy came out with two glasses of lemonade "here you two must bethirsty" Stacy said as she gave a cup to Robyn and I. The lemonade must havehad some sort of sleeping peel because when Robyn and I finished our glassesof lemonade we fell vast asleep.
When we woke up we we're in the limo again and it was just coming to a stopwhen I woke up Robyn, Stacy came to the trunk and opened it and pulled me outthen Trish did the same to Robyn. Stacy and Trish took us naked to the women'slocker room we're all the other female wrestlers we're. "New slaves Trish andStacy" a voice said from in the corner, "ya we got them yesterday, aren't theylovely" Trish proclaimed. "Ya they're" the voice said again, "hey Stacy goodluck in your one on one match with the big show to night" a different voicesaid, "WHAT I'M WRESTLING THE BIG SHOW TONIGHT" Stacy yelled.
When Stacy got into the ring the big show looked like he was ready to killher, what had she done to deserve this she thought to herself. Before she hadany more time to think about it the big show had already started, he pickedher up with his massive hands and through her into the corner. But he didn'tstop there, he picked her back up and held her over his head by her neck andthrough her to the ground. Stacy was getting man handle by this 7 foot somethinggiant, just as I was about to do something about 6 women came out and pushedthe big show out of the ring.
A steel cage was attacked to the ring with the six other women and Stacyall inside, the cage was clearly meant for Stacy's match with the big showbut the girls seemed to have saved Stacy at the moment. But when Stacy gotup to thank the girls for saving her they surprisingly pushed her back down, " wedidn't come to save you, we just didn't want the Big Show to have all the funwith you that's all" the six laughed together. They pulled Stacy to her feetand then Torrie and Dawn through Stacy into the steel wall, Stacy was on theground from the impacted when Victoria and Molly pulled Stacy up by her hair,when Stacy was on her feet again Victoria picked her up and through her intothe steel wall and Stacy again collapsed to the ground. At that moment Dawnand Torrie held Stacy down and Molly jumped from the top of the cage (10 feethigh) and landed right on Stacy, Stacy was know motionless on the ground butinstead of stopping Torrie and Dawn came up to Stacy's limp body and startedto remove her clothes and the fans started to cheer. Stacy was now on the groundof the ring with no clothes on and six women looking over her, Torrie throughStacy's clothes in-between the steel wall to the crowd. Meanwhile Victoria,Dawn, Molly, Jazz and Jacqueline all we're hit Stacy all over her body, Jazzand Jacqueline pulled Stacy to her feet and dragged her to one of the corners.When they got her there they started to tie Stacy to the corner with the ropethey brought in when they came into the ring, but before they could finish-tyingStacy to the corner Stacy kicked Jazz and Jacqueline over. The four girls cameover to Stacy, but surprisingly Victoria and Torrie each hit Dawn and Mollyto the ground. Stacy, Victoria and Torrie began to dominate the other fourgirls until finally the three had Molly, Jazz and Jacqueline all tied nudeto a corner and Stacy had put Molly's clothes on.
Dawn was in the middle of the ring with the three girls looking over her, "pleasedon't hurt me" she begged but the three seemed to not even notice Dawn attemptto save herself. They got Dawn into the only corner that was left and rippedher clothes off and tied her like they had to the other three. Stacy approachedDawn and started to twist dawn's nipples as hard as she could, Dawn began toscream but right after Dawn took a breath to scream again Stacy shoved Jazz'sand Jacqueline's panties into dawn's mouth so she could not scream anymore.Then Stacy kept the two pairs of panties in Dawn's mouth with some leftoverrope so Dawn couldn't spit them out.
When the cage finally came up Stacy, Torrie and Victoria untied Dawn fromthe corner but instead of taking off all the other ropes on Dawn's body theyattached a dog collar around Dawn's neck and they attacked a leach to the collarand started to drag Dawn back to the locker room leaving the other three girlsstill tied to the corners.
I was hanging naked, from the selling of the girl's locker room by my armsand legs so that my back would arch and so my breast would puff out, when Stacy,Torrie and Victoria came in dragging Dawn behind them. As Stacy passed me shepulled hard on the nipple clamps she had put on my nipples earlier, "so whatshould we do with Dawn" Torrie asked "first of all her name is no longer Dawnit's slut and we will turn her into a slave so we can sell her" Stacy saidas she walked up to Dawn "you will revere me as Mistress Stacy to her as MistressTorrie and to her as Mistress Victoria, if you don't you will be punished understand" Stacyyelled at Dawn, Dawn nodded her head. "Good now lets get out of here girls" Stacysaid as she unattached me from the ceiling and attached a leach to my collarand dragged Dawn and me to a limo that was waiting for us in the parking lot.We we're shoved into the trunk so that there was barley enough space to breathlet alone enough space to be comfortable.
The car ride was long because we had to dive through New York and then oncewe got onto the high way we drove to Mistress Stacy's mansion just outsideof L.A. When we finally arrived to Mistress's mansion the trunk was open anda face that I had never seen before pulled me out of the trunk and handed meto Mistress Stacy, ones Dawn had been given to Stacy she pulled us into themansion.
I lady about 5 feet 5 inches with long blonde hair and perfect blue eye'stook Dawn's leach from Stacy and lead her down a set of stair's, but Stacykept me and pulled me down a long hallway till we got to the last door on theright with the words the room on the big ock door, Mistress Stacy opened thedoor. Inside was the biggest room I had ever seen in my life, their was a wrestlingring, a water tank, metal cages some filled with nude women, ropes hangingfrom the ceiling and a wall covered in bondage items.
Mistress Stacy dragged me to a steel cage that looked way to small for me,Stacy through me into the cage that I could barely fit into. Stacy then turnedto Dawn and grabbed the leach from the lady that was holding it. Stacy grabbedDawn by the hair and pulled her over to some ropes hanging from the ceiling,she attacked one rope to each of her ankles and one around both arms so herarms were behind her back and her chest was facing the ground. The ropes thatDawn was attacked to was on a pulley system so Stacy pulled Dawn up to headheight, then Stacy went to get things from the bondage wall.
When Stacy returned she had some of the biggest nipple clamps I'd ever seen,she attacked the nipple clamps to Dawn's breasts and then attacked weightsto the chain attacking the nipple clamps. Mistress Stacy then put a plug inDawn butt and attacked a weight to each of Dawn pussie lips.
Trish had brought Robyn to her mansion next to Stacy's, Robyn was in thebasement we're Trish kept all her slave. Robyn was tied to a wood pole andleft there for the other slaves to have fun with, the others loved it whenMistress Trish gave them new sluts to play with they had done every thing imaginableto Robyn starting with whipping her breasts, pussie and butt to getting needlesthrough her breasts and now they we're burning Robyn's body with red hot metal.Just as Robyn thought Trish was going to let the other slaves kill her Trishcame in and said "Ok girls that's enough fun for now but it your good maybeshe'll be back soon" the girls seemed to be excited and went back into theircages as Trish locked each one. "Now to deal with you, let me see what to dowith you, I got it" Trish said rather excitingly and she whistled two timesand three women came running out, Trish quickly whispered something in thewomen's ear and all three of them ran over to Robyn and untied her from thepost and stated dragging her up the stairs to the backyard.
Mistress Stacy had brought me outside and tied me to a chariot where a horsewould normally go, she put a bite in my mouth and attacked a long rope thathad nipple clamps on the end to each of my nipples then she grabbed the ropeand pulled it over my head. Mistress Stacy then sat in the chariot holdingthe rope and said " we're going to have a competition with Trish and her slave,I think she's you friend is she not?" all I did was nodded " well anyway we'regoing to race around a track just like this one 10 time and of course you'llbe pulling me in the chariot, oh by the way the looser get hung from the crossin the middle of the stadium for two days and then the winning team get todo what ever they want to do the looser for a week. So I don't think you'llwhat to loose, so that why I'm letting you practice today and also becausemy slaves have never lost against Trish in this competition and I don't wantto loose that record" Mistress Stacy said and at that she pulled hard on therope witch cause agonizing pain in my breast. For a minute I just stood theyand then the pain came again but worse this time then I realised that was mysignal to run.
I was the best female athlete when I was in junior High and High school,I even remember when Mistress Alyssa made me and Robyn do this but it was neverthis hard with two people as it is with one. As I was running it felt likeI was hardly moving, but ever time Mistress Stacy pulled on her rope the painin my breast seemed to speed me up. When I had finally competed four laps Iwas so tired I thought I couldn't even move But Mistress Stacy kept me goingby pulling on her rope.
The tenth last seemed to take for ever to finish and when I finally got tonthe finish line I fell to the ground and though I'd never get up, but whento pain came into my breast again I struggled to my feet waiting to ear whatto do. But all Mistress Stacy did was pull harder on her rope until finallyI started to run around the track again. The laps seemed to go by faster nowI suddenly realised that Mistress Stacy was no longer on the chariot, but Ijust kept running around the track when suddenly out of nowhere Mistress Stacywas right in front of me I just stopped in time not to have hit her good thingto she looked furious at what ever had made her fall off.
Trish was in the middle of attacking Robyn to her chariot when someone insidescreamed her name out the window Trish ran to the house forgetting that shehadn't attacked Robyn to the chariot and as soon as Trish got inside Robynwas running to the front yard, when she got there the limo was i9n the drivewayand she remembered seeing the limo driver put her key under the door mat. Robyngrabbed the key from under the door mat and ran into the limo put the key inand started to driver down the driveway, at the bottom she didn't rememberwitch way to go so she guest and went right not knowing where she would endup. She had gone about I km when she realised way the limo was in the drivewayit was almost out of gas and Trish would likely soon find out what had happenedand go looking for her.
When the limo was about to die she jumped out as the limo fell off a cliffinto the river below, not knowing what would happen Robyn ran to the nearesthouse that was almost two times the size of Mistress Trish and knocked on thedoor as she herd engines getting closer and just as she thought no one washome the door opened and a tall women pulled her inside before she even knewthe door was open it was closed again.
Mistress Stacy was so mad when she untied me from the chariot that I didn'tknow what was going to happen. She dragged me all the way to the basement withoutsaying a word when she finally spoke I whished she hadn't "DO YOU KNOW WHATHAPPENED OUTSIDE SLUT DO YOU? YOU THROUGH ME OFF THE CHARIOT, YOU MITE THINKIT A JOKE KNOW BUT I GARINTE THAT YOU WON'T IN A COUPLE OF MINUTE" MistressStacy said I didn't mean to I tried to explain but she wouldn't hear me. MistressStacy started dragging me down the hallway and through big oak door that Ihad never been through before, their was a metal table in the middle of theroom witch Mistress Stacy attacked me to spread eagle facing up both my armsand legs we're strapped to the table and my neck as well. Mistress Stacy lookdown at me then laughed as she whistled two times and two women dragging anotherslave came in the room. The other slave was forced to sit on a chair that legswe're attack to the table I was on, their was a hole in the chair we're herbutt was the two other women attack a funnel from the other slaves butt tomy mouth. Mistress Stacy told the slave to let it go and suddenly the funnelwas brown with poo and it was coming to my mouth fast just as it was aboutto go in my mouth I closed my mouth to breath through my nose but MistressStacy had already plugged my nose so I couldn't breath until I open my mouth.When I couldn't hold my breath any longer I opened my mouth and the slavespoo came into my mouth, it was the worst thing I had ever eaten in my life,Mistress Stacy laughed "you better get used to the taste of that slave becauseyou'll be eating it from 20 more people today, oh and by the way the slavesare only aloud to poo ones a week" as she laughed even harder the first slavewas unattached from the chair and another one was attacked to it.
The women who had opened the door looked at Robyn and said, " is MistressTorrie expecting you" "I don't think so" Robyn replied "excellent then I camehave some fun with you before I bring you to her, follow me please" the womenstarted walking down the hall but Robyn didn't move she herd voices outsidethe door that she recognised as Trish. Robyn ran to the women and quickly said " thepeople outside are looking for me please hide me I can't go back with her" thewomen grabbed Robyn and pulled her down the hall and through her into the lastroom on the right "stay her I'll deal with them" the women said as she hurriedto the door as people had all ready started to knock on it.
"How may I help you Mistress Trish?" the women asked, "I'm looking for ayoung girl with long brown hair about 5 feet 9 inches, have you seen her sheran away from my mansion this morning and she stole my limo" Trish said "noI haven't sorry" the women replied "Jessica I know you're lying don't makeme tell Torrie that you lied to me, but if you are so certain that she's nothere can me and my girls look through the house" Trish continue "alright goahead" "thank you Hailey stay here and make sure Jessica doesn't try anythingand Jessica If I do find her I promise that I'll see that Torrie punishes youappropriately, come Alison" and at that Trish and Alison went looking throughthe house.
"You can come out know" Alison said "it safe their gone" Alison continued,Robyn opened the door and said "what did you" but just then she realised thatit wasn't the women who helped her it was one of Trish's bodyguards. SuddenlyRobyn was unconscious in Trish arms "how did you do that" Alison asked, " ohit's a little trick I learned" Trish said, as she got Alison she told her todrag Robyn to the car as they got to the front door Trish said "Jessica you'llbe in trouble when Torrie find out and Robyn will pay for your hospitality."
As Trish was about to go in the limo Hailey and Alison we're about puttingRobyn in the limo when Trish grabbed Robyn and pulled her behind the limo andattacked a rope to the trailer hitch in the back of the limo and the otherend to Robyn's arms that Trish attacked above her head and then she laid Robyn'sunconscious body breast first on the driveway behind the limo. Trish got inthe limo and told the limo driver to take the long way home, as they startedto drive Robyn was getting dragged home and was starting to get road burn.
When Mistress Stacy finally took the chair from over me I'd eaten at least24 people's poo, but Mistress Stacy didn't unattached me from the table insteadshe went and got what looked like a big ear piercer. Mistress Stacy came upto me with the piercer in her hand and said " don't worry piercing your nipplesdoesn't hurt, who I'm I kidding it hurt like hell be don't panic" Stacy laughedas she grabbed my left nipple and put the piercer on in and pushed the piercertogether, the pain was so strong I couldn't scream, as I looked at my leftnipple it looked hardly different because the hole was wasn't big enough tosee from my angle but my breast had already swollen to double it normal size.Before I knew it Mistress Stacy had don't the same to my right nipple and wasnow putting huge rings in the holes in both my nipples. The pain got son badthat I went unconscious, when I woke up I was hanging in the entrance hallby my nipple rings. "Oh good your awake Mistress was wondering when you'd cometo" Allison said as she was lowering me to the ground but when my toe's we'reon the ground she stopped and went to get Mistress Stacy.
When Robyn woke up she was lying on a table tied spread eagle, she lookedat her body to find that her nipples had been pierced and huge rings had beenput in them, then Robyn realised what her front looked like it was all redand bruised "wondering what happened to your body, you got pull all aroundtown on your front behind my limo" Mistress Trish laughed. Trish unattachedRobyn from the table and brought her to another room we're Mistress Trish attachedRobyn to a piece of wood in the shape of a X, Mistress Trish attacked Robynto the X spread eagle and then Mistress Trish attacked a rope to each of Robyn'snipple rings. The ropes that we're attacked to Robyn's nipple rings we're alsoattached to a crank, Mistress Trish gave the signal and Alison started to turnthe cranks witch made Robyn's breast stretch. Alison didn't stop until Robyn'sbreast we're 4 times their normal size then Alison stop and left Robyn likethat and left.
Mistress Trish came up to Robyn and said " I hope you like Torrie becauseI've just agreed to sell you to her, don't be to excited Torrie's punishmentare a lot worse then mine so if I we're you I wouldn't try to escape from herhouse like you did at mine, she's coming to get you in two days and you won'tbe moving from there all that time so get comfortable" Mistress Trish saidand then left the room to let Robyn think about what she just heard.
Mistress Stacy came in the room " your friend tried to run away from Trish,but she got cot and is being punished for it know so are little race has beencancelled so we're just going to pretend that you lost" Mistress Stacy said "butthat's not fair" I complained "do want to be hanging from you tits again" MistressStacy said I shock my head "I think she said yes Alison raise her up" MistressStacy continued as my, feet left the floor I said "please don't hang me frommy tits Mistress" she thought about it for a minute then finally said all rightAlison bring her to the cross.
Brittany had carried me up a ladder and attacked me to a cross in the middleof the backyard, my feet we're tied together to the bottom of the cross myarms we're attacked to opposite sides and then Brittany climbed back down theladder and put it away. Mistress Stacy said, " I'll be back for you in 48 hoursdon't get burnt" she laughed as she walked back inside to leave me hanging.
When Trish came back two days latter Robyn was still hanging in the sameplace as when she had left, but Robyn breast had swollen even more so theirwe're at least 6 times bigger then normal " you look good like that maybe Torriewill get plastic surgery on you, no I dough it, well don't want to keep younew Mistress waiting Alison untie this slut and get her prepared for Torrie" andat that Trish left the room as Alison was untying Robyn, when Robyn was backon the ground it felt almost weird to he but Alison gave her no time and gotstraight to work. First Alison put a ball gag in Robyn's mouth then a ropeto each of Robyn's nipple rings put a plug in Robyn's butt and pussie thenput a saddle on Robyn's back and then she tied Robyn's hair to the front ofthe saddle to keep her head up. When Alison was done she made Robyn go on allfour's and then Alison sat in the saddle pulled on the ropes that we're attackedto Robyn's nipple rings and rode Robyn up the stair's and all the way to thefront hall we're Trish was talking with Torrie, Alison didn't stop pullingon the ropes until Robyn was right beside Torrie, Alison got off Robyn andgave the ropes to Torrie. "Thanks you Ali, and Trish it a pleasure doing businesswith you" Torrie said as she rode Robyn back to her limo. Torrie put Robynin the limo and then got in herself, just as Robyn was sitting down Torriesaid "slave sit on the floor and you should be grateful even for that privilege,and I understand that you tried to runaway and hide in my house you got Jessicainto a lot of trouble and you will pay for coming unto my house uninvited" Torriesaid as limo started back to her mansion.
When the limo pulled into the driveway Torrie got out and pulled Robyn behindher, ones Robyn was outside of the limo Torrie sat on the saddle and pulledon the ropes to get Robyn to start moving " when I pull only on the left ropeyou turn left when I pull on the right rope you turn right and when I pullon both you go as fast as you came" as Torrie finished she pull hard on bothropes and Robyn started to move Torrie directed Robyn to the front steps andindicated for her to climb then. At the top of the stairs Torrie opened thedoor and rode Robyn down the hallway and into the first door on the right,Torrie opened the door and rode Robyn into the middle of the room witch hadsome sort of electric merry-go-round without a bottom Torrie attacked the tworope to one end of the merry-go-round and turned the merry-go-round on witchforced Robyn to walk around in circles around the merry-go-round, all of asudden Torrie turn the merry-go-round speed to max. Robyn kept up with thespeed for a couple of laps then she fell to the ground and started to get draggedround by the ropes attacked to her nipple rings.
At the end of the second days my hole body had the worst sun burn ever, MistressStacy came out with Brittany and she ordered Brittany to get the ladder andunattach me from the cross when I was free from the cross Brittany didn't carryme down she just let me fall 10 feet to the ground, I didn't have enough energyto ease my fall so I fell face first on the ground and went unconscious.
I awoke to see that I was still lying on the ground we're I had fell, "goodshe's awake, Brittany take her to the room and tell Stuart to make sure ithappens" Mistress Stacy said to Brittany. Brittany dragged me back into thehouse and into a room I had never been into before. Brittany tied me spreadeagle to the bed and told Stuart to come in " you have 20 minutes Stu and itbetter work" Brittany said as she left the room. Stuart put his huge pennisinto my pussie and started to fuck me.
"Ok that's enough of this for now" Mistress Torrie said as she turn the Merry-go-roundoff, and unattached the ropes from the merry-go-round. Torrie got back on Robyn'ssaddle and pulled on both ropes so Robyn crawled back into the hallway MistressTorrie pulled hard on the right rope to make Robyn turn right and down thehall when Torrie suddenly pulled hard on the left rope so Robyn turn to facea huge oak double door with gold handles. When Torrie shut the door behindthem Robyn saw that they we're in what looked like a dungeon with cages insteadof sells, Mistress Torrie directed Robyn past all the sells witch we're filledwith other girls Robyn's age. Mistress Torrie directed Robyn too another setof oak doors at the far end of the room.
When Stuart left Brittany came in and untied me from the bed, I was surprisedwhen she didn't make me crawl, she led me to a room with an examination table.Brittany strapped me to the table and started to take x-rays of my body whenshe looked at them she seemed pleased because she ran out of the room, anda couple minutes later Mistress Stacy came running in with her with a big smileon her face " good work Gillian your pregnant with triplets, all three aregirls and in nine months they'll be born as slaves or as my helpers witch everI decide, Brit bring her to a bed" Mistress Stacy said and left the room. Brittanyled me to a room with a huge bed then left to let me rest. I could hardly believeit, I was only 18 and a half and I was pregnant with three girls from a manI don't even now, before I could think anymore I fell into on of the best sleepsI'd had in two years.
In the new room they had just entered was filled with what looked like torturedevices, Mistress Torrie led Robyn to a table in the middle of the room we'reTorrie got off and a new pair of hands grabbed Robyn and started strappingRobyn's arm's and leg's to the table. When the hands we're done they grabbedthe ropes attached to Robyn's nipple rings and attached them to a device thatwas lowing from the ceiling, ones the ropes we're attached to device startedto raise back up witch pulled Robyn's breast up with it. When the device hadretch the ceiling Robyn's breast we're stretch out so much that they had grown10 times they normal size witch caused Robyn extreme pain she started to screamas loud as she could witch sounded like an elephant call. When Robyn lookeddown at her pussie, she realised that when she was screaming in pain from herbreasts that Mistress Torrie must have pierced each of my pussie lips and hadpulled a rings in each one.
"Gill wake up it's breakfast time", called a voice from beside me witchI recognised as the fourth year girl from my dorm and the one who was in mydream Robyn I think her name was, it was only a dream I thought to myself I'mstill at M.A. As I headed down for breakfast I noticed I was the only one inthe hallway. I was just rounding the corner when I saw Robyn already enteringthe gym at the end of the hall at a fast run, I wonder was she's running Ithought to myself. When I entered the grate hall I found out my Robyn was runningbreakfast had already began and when I four long house tables, I headed forthe fifth and last the brunette table where the rest of my house was alreadyeating. Just as I was going to sit down and eat I heard Miss Alyssa voice "ohyou won't need to sit down young lady, oh no I have I punishment for beinglate come her Gillian and you two Robyn, I noticed you were also late for breakfast".I headed down to the staff table with Robyn right behind me and stopped rightin front of Miss Alyssa. "Oh first things first you won't be needing your clothesfor this activity, so just take them off and give them to me" Mistress Alyssasaid in a monstrous laugh. I did nothing but I saw Robyn didn't even hesitate, "Istubborn one are you well I always liked stubborn ones" Miss Alyssa laughedas she stepped around the staff table towards me. "Since you're being difficultI am going to have to take all your clothes away and I will give you new onesof my choice. Now then are you going to take your clothes off or am I goingto have to rip them off you" Miss Alyssa said as she started her laugh again.
I slowly started to undo my blouse I had just pull on a couple of minutesago as I undid the last button my blouse fell to the ground. I then startedto undo my short skirt I was wearing, and when that fell to the floor I juststop as I was only in my bra and panties. I suddenly felt a pair of hands cuttingmy bra off with a knife, and when it fell to the floor I put my hands in frontof my nipples to kept my dignity but only then did I realise that my pantieshand been cut off too. As I move one of my hands to cover my pussie a handgrabbed both of my handed and tied then behind my back. "Now that that's overlet us prepare them for the contest", as Miss Alyssa was talking two of myteachers where were tying me up. One rope they attacked like a figure 8, soa loop would go around both my breast and cross in the middle. They then attackeda clamp to each of my pussie lips and attacked a cord to each clamp then attackedthe other ends to where my breast rope crossed. Finally they attacked a nippleclamp to each of my nipple and attacked a cord to the end of the clamps. Thetwo teachers pulled me to the middle of the hall where there was a huge lineand Robyn was already waiting for us with two other teachers.
They attacked Robyn and me to each other by the ropes that were on my nippleclamps and they connected them to Robyn's nipple clamps and for my pussie clampsto Robyn's pussie clamps. They made sure that we were on opposite sides ofthe line and that the rope was tight. "Ok so the rules are simple you try topull you opponent across the line by using our breast and pussies, who evergets pulled across the line 5 time will loose and her punishment will be everyhouse will get to play with her for one week and I will play with you for anotherweek right after the house have finished with you", Miss Alyssa said as shelaughed And at that Robyn started to pull I was cot off guard as she pulledme across the line for one point.
When I was back up on my side of the line Robyn started to pull again butthis time I was ready for her and I put back so hard that she fell to the groundand I dragged her across the line for a point, but by pulling Robyn acrossthe line put tremendous pressure on my breast and pussie that I didn't expect.By the time I had stopped thinking about my breast I was one the other sideof the line again, just as I had crossed the line back to my side I was backon the ground on Robyn's side of the line again. When Robyn started to pullthis time I pulled back nut Robyn didn't give up and she pulled me across theline once more.
"One more point and Robyn will be are winner" laughed Miss Alyssa. Rightwhen I got onto my side of the line I started to pull and pulled Robyn overbefore she even had realized that we started to make the score 4-2 for Robyn.Right Robyn got across the line I pulled her back to me to make it 4-3. I triedto pull Robyn across the line right when she got up but this time she was readyand pulled me off my feet but she seemed to have lost all her strength becauseI didn't cross the line but instead I got back up and pulled her across theline. "Its 4-4, this will be the last match girls so lets hope it's a goodone", Miss Alyssa announced but she had stopped laughing this time and lookedkind of worried. We were both in position when I pulled as hard as I couldand pulled Robyn across the line but only haft off her foot crossed the linewhen she pulled so hard that she cot me off guard because I thought I had wonand I went flying across the line and almost took Robyn out. "Our winner isRobyn", Miss Alyssa said over the loud cheers, No she didn't I pulled her acrossthe line before she pulled me across I said, "Oh you don't think she won, wellwhy don't we be fair and let the crowd decide, but if they say Robyn wins allof your punishment time will be doubled". "Ok. I said thinking the crowd wouldhave definitely say Robyn cross the line, "Ok then Girls if you think Gillianwon raise your hands" Miss Alyssa said only about 4 people raised their hands, "ok,now who thinks Robyn is the winner" Miss Alyssa said through laughter, about96 girls raised their hands. "Ok your winner is Gill, not, its Robyn but beforeher punishment starts I will attend to some thing first". Just at that momentMrs Melissa came in with a huge box on wheels that was filled with clothes, "bringthem over here Melissa, and thank you. Robyn do you want to do the honours",Miss Alyssa asked "Id love to, but what I'm I doing" Robyn replied, "Oh I'msorry, you will get to ether burn Gillian's cloths, keep them for yourself,sell them or give some back to her. So make four piles of clothes," Miss Alyssasaid as she walked over to me.
When Robyn was done making her piles the burn piles was the biggest, thekeep pile and sell pile were about the same, but the give back pile was empty. " Ok,lets start with the burning shall we" Miss Alyssa announced, and at that ahuge fire was lit in the middle of the hall by Mrs Melissa in what looked likea fire pit. "Robyn you may burn them however you would like" Miss Alyssa announced,at that Robyn picked up my most expensive matching pair off bra and pantiesthat were over 150 dollars made of pure silk. Next went all my tongs, thenbras and last were my panties. "Now you can sell these clothes to the girlsin the hall" Miss Alyssa said through laughter, "he first item up for bid isthis gorgeous dress" said Robyn as she held up my bran new 600 dollar dress. "Okdo I hear I starting bid of 25 dollars, 25 for the girl in the red, the bidingfinally stopped at 400 dollars.
When all of the pile had be sold and Robyn had collected the money fromthe earnings, "ok now the rest of these clothes are your Robyn and you mayput some of them on or you can put your own clothes on. Now that, that's overwe have to decide what house will get Gillian first. What house would likeher first, everyone raised their hands for their all wanted to start the funright away. That's what I thought so I will decide by whichever house boughtthe most dollars worth of clothes. First to get Gillian will be Blond house" asMiss Alyssa said that a huge cheer came from the blond table. "Second to gether will be the redheads, then black and last but not least brunettes willget her. Blonds you may come and get this slut, do whatever you want with herfor two weeks but you must make sure she eats and drinks every two days andthat you girls give her to the red head in two week from now" Miss Alyssa saidas four six year girls came up to me. The first girls that got to me put abag over my head so I couldn't see, then something was attacked around my neckand I felt a sharp pull on the neck and heard someone say move you bitch, butI didn't and next thing I was on the gym floor unconscious. Ether some punchedor kicked me in the head and when I hit the gym floor everything went black.
When I woke up I was in what looked like a dungeon I was in a steel cagewith the same four girls standing around me, "the bitch finally woke up" oneof them said, "now the fun begins" another one said. "Victoria, bring thatslut to me one" the third sixth year girl said, to what looked like anotherone of they sluts. Victoria is almost the same height as me, she has shoulderlength brown hair and dark blue eye. Victoria walked up to my cage unlockedthe door and pushed me onto the floor, she then grabbed the leach that wasaround my neck and pulled me to the girl who had asked for me. "Very good Victoria,maybe I'll let you see your sister if you keep being good. AS for you slutyou will call me Mistress Christine, this is Mistress Arial, this is MistressRebecca, this is Mistress Amy and if your wondering who Victoria is and whyI own her and her twin sister Courtney, well this is their first year at thisschool and we made a little wager that they lost, so now their mine. Well enoughchitchat, lets get going with are activities" said Mistress Christine, at thatMistress Amy grabbed me and too my surprise Mistress Rebecca grabbed Victoria.They brought us both to Mistress Christine, she grabbed us both by hair " I'mgoing to have fun with you slut today, get them ready girls and call me whenyour done" said Mistress Christine as she left the room. Mistress Amy grabbedme, Mistress Rebecca grabbed Victoria and Mistress Arial came in pulling whatmust be Courtney by a leach in from the door Mistress Christine had just left.They brought us all into the middle of the room and called "ready" all at thesame time then Mistress Christine came back in. Mistress Christine headed straightfor me with a box in her hands, when she got to me she made me go on my handsand knees. She then put a horse saddle around my waist so that someone couldsit on the saddle and be on my back. Then she grabbed a bit and reins thatyou would put in a horses and you could steer them with the reins, she putthe bite into my mouth then pulled the reins over my head, next came a ropeto attach my ankle up to the top of my leg so I couldn't get up and would beforced to craw on my hand and knees, so did the same time to my other leg thenattached blinders around both of my eyes so I could only see straight aheadof me. When Mistress Christine was done the Mistress Rebecca had done the samething to Victoria and Mistress Arial had done the same thing to Courtney asMistress Christine did to me. "Ok this is what were going to do, were goingto have a horse back race. As you can see we have three horses and four riders,but I'm not going to be in this race so the teams are as follows. Amy willbe riding Gillian, Rebecca riding Victoria and Arial riding Courtney. Thisisn't just any horse race because the two team that don't win will be punishedby the winning team's rider. The winner's horse will then come with me andtrain for the school championship horse ride later this year. So ladies mountyour horses and ride too the starting line, oh we are using the track out backand you will do 8 laps of the track" Mistress Christine announced as the ridersgot onto ours backs and rode us outside to the starting line.
When all three of the teams were on the line Mistress Christine said "go".It looked as if Courtney and Victoria did this a lot because they were outway ahead of me. I got too the half way around the track when both of the otherteams lapped me, by the time I had finished my first lap they both were ontheir fourth. When they were passing me again I say them just fall over theyriders still on their backed screaming at them to get up but they didn't. Sowhen I finally got to my last lap and past them again they started to get upit looked as if it was going to be a race to the finish. When we rounded thelast corner I could see the finish line about 100 meters ahead of me and mybody just went into another gear and I crossed the finish line just ahead ofCourtney. "I have heard that their has been so cheating among us so as a resultGillian has been disqualified so our new winner is Arial and her horse, Gillianwill also be further punished for cheating after her one week of Arial's punishmentis up. Arial you have won the right of Gillian and Victoria for one week sohave fun with them and Rebecca and Amy you have won one week being at my disposal" MistressChristine said as she took Rebecca, Amy and Courtney with her and Arial tookVictoria and me with her.
Mistress Arial rode Victoria while pulled me behind them, she steered usin the opposite way of the school past the track into the woods. We kept goingfor a while when she then got off of Victoria, pulled Victoria's and my reignsin front of us put a blind fold on us and started to pull us further into thewood, when we finally stopped she seemed to have opened something and we startedto go down stair and then after what seemed an hour we were off the stairsand on cement again. After going through a couple of door down some more stepsand then through three more doors Mistress Arial attached each of are reignsto what seemed like a metal post, then she took are blindfolds off we werein a large room with about six doors going off in different directions. Ourreins had in fact been attached to a metal pole at opposite ends of a ringto each other, " if you haven't noticed you two are in a wrestling ring becauseshortly you will wrestler each other to see what punishment you will get. Unlikemost wrestling matches this one you have the right to use every thing in thisroom and as you can see there are lot of thing in here, the winner will bethe won who has their opponent tied up hanging from those ropes from theirbreasts" Mistress Arial said as she pointed to two ropes hanging from the ceiling.
"Since Victoria beat you in the race, I will untie her first and she cango get one item from the room and come back into the ring before I will untieyou" Mistress Arial said as she finished untying Victoria and taking all thestuff off her body. When Victoria had nothing on her body Mistress Arial toldher to go get one item then come back into the ring. Victoria headed straightto the wall behind me. Victoria grabbed something from the wall, when she gotback in the ring I saw to my shock she was holding a metal bat. When MistressArial finally got everything of my body she pushed me to my feet, but rightwhen I got up Victoria hit me on the head with the bat and I fell to the groundunconscious like I wooden board hitting the ground.
When I awoke I thought I would be hanging from the ropes, but Victoria didn'thave me hanging by my nipples at all. She had my legs tied over the top ropein one of the corners, so that I was hanging upside down. My hands were tiedto the ground so I couldn't move them, when I looked up at my breast I foundout to my horror that Victoria had pierced them and had weights hanging offof them. My legs were spread apart so that my pussie was fully vulnerable,I couldn't even protect my self because my hands were tied down and my legstied apart.
Victoria left the ring and headed to one of the walls where she took a coupleof things that I couldn't see. When she came back into the ring she had a grinon her face, like she knew a horrible secret. She walked up to me and was holdingsome sort of electric box with all kind of wires coming off it, but beforeshe could attack it to me Mistress Arial Said " you only have 3 minutes tohave her hanging by those ropes, or their won't be a winner and you'll bothloose" she laughed. Victoria immediately dropped the items that were in herhands and started to undo the ropes that were tied to me. She finished untyingme and let me to the ring floor headfirst which knocked me out cold.
The Day
When I awoke I was sure enough hanging from my breast and pussie lips bythe four cords in the room, but I was surprised to see that when I looked besideme Victoria was also hanging from her breast and pussie lips on four ropesoff her own right beside me. " I see that the two sleeping beauties have wokenup, it's about time I was beginning to think you two were dead, but I'm gladyour not because we have a fun day booked ahead of us, were going to" but beforeMistress Arial could finish talking a group of people three men and two womenwalked into the room "their you three are we've been looking for you for hours.Well anyway lets get down to business before we forget it" one of the men said, "whatdo you want Jack, cause if you can't tell I'm in the middle of something. Idon't have long a long time to play with these girls so if you would excuseme I want to get back to my fun" Mistress Arial said in a stern voice. " ActuallyArial we're here to talk to you about those girls" another one of the men said, " wellI'm not the one to talk to you'll have to take to Alyssa, Robert" MistressArial replied, "we've already talked to Alyssa, and she said to look for youand we would find these two girls" Robert replied. "Ok then what do you want" MistressArial said in an irritated tone of voice. " Well you see, we're here on behaveof your Mistress, she told us that he was interested in 10 more girls for hisbusiness. We've already bought eight girls and their wanting for us in ourjet with the rest of our crew and these are the two last girls that we need" oneof the girls said, "well you'll have to pay Alyssa" Mistress Arial said, "we'vealready paid her for the six girls, now we just need these two and we can beon our way" the same women said. "Well I guess their yours then" Mistress Arialsaid as she started untying Victoria. When we were both untied Mistress Arialhanded us over to the two women who immediately pushed us on the ground andstarted getting us ready to be ponies again. When the two women we're donethey sat on the saddles and rode us back out side where the three men wherewaiting in their carriage. The three men attacked to the carriage them gotby into the carriage with the two women.
We finally pulled them out of the field and there was a small type of jet,it must have been theirs because their started to steer us toward it. We arrivedat the jet exhausted, all five of them got out of the carriage and startedto unattach us from the carriage, so that we could be put into the jet. Oncewe got into the jet I say the other eight girls that he had brought I knewall their named but I was surprised to see a couple of my friends their andI saw eleven people who were in charge of us. I started to head towards mythree friends but one of the two women who got us from Arial grabbed my hair " andwhere do you think your going you little bitch", "I was going to talk to myfriends and don't call me that" I replied to the older women, "I tell you whatI want and from now on you will only move it instructed to or else. Now yourgoing to eat my pussie until we get to masters house" the women replied asshe forced me towards her pussie, just before I started I looked around andsaw all of the slaves were either blowing someone or eating their pussie.
It was almost three hours until we finally landed at our destination, thewomen finally signalled me to stop. The door of the jet was opened and we wereall led out by our new owners, I got onto the ground and took a look at mysurroundings, it looked to be an pretty big island with no trees and buildingseverywhere and one huge building that must belong to my new mistress, but Iwas also surprised how beautiful the island looked.
We were all led into the big house that looked so out of place beside thenormal sized houses. When we entered the mansion type house, we were all toldnot to move while one of our female guards left the room and headed up themarble staircase and out of site. She returned and led every one across thehuge room and outside to the biggest swimming pool that I've ever seen. Allten of us were pushed into the pool, and to my surprise I couldn't even seethe bottom it must be at least 50 feet down since the water is crystal clear.
After about ten minutes a tall women fully dress come out the back door andwalk down to the side of the swimming pool, she walked towards the women thatforced me to eat her pussie on the flight here. "I thought I said no clothesViolet" the lady said, "you did but I thought that" "shut up slave and giveme your clothes" the lady continued. Violet started to take her clothes offand I was surprised to see all of the women were taking their clothes off andI also noticed that the men were no longer their. When the lady had of theclothes she took them and all of the clothes to a man that she called in, allbut the panties of course, which she put on the ground. " Come her Violet" thelady said, "now remind me what you're" the lady continued, "I'm your worker,mistress" Violet said, "NO, that's what you used to be. You're now nothingbut a slave like them" as she pointed to every one in the pool, "and I'm MistressJulia" the lady said talking more to us then Violet. Mistress Julia then grabbedViolets hair and pulled her to her feet, "and guess what Violet, I'm hostinga fest for my friends and I, were sort on meat so you're the lucky one, I'vealways wanted to taste your big breast, now I'll be able too" Mistress Juliasaid through laugher as Violet looked horrified, but Mistress Julia had madup her mind. " Jessica, Betty, Stephanie, Stacy take this meat to the kitchens" MistressJulia said, "come on now, or do you want to be meat to" Mistress Julia startedto laugh again, but Jessica, Betty, Stephanie and Stacy had each grabbed aleg or arm of Violet and were carrying her towards one of the smaller houses,before they became meat as well.
The four women pulled Violet into the house, which turned out to be one hugekitchen. What looked to be one of the head chefs walked up to them and grabbedViolet and to the surprise of all of them she looked overjoyed " I have justgot of the phone with Mrs Julia, and guess what. Since you four took so longto bring Violet here, all five of you're ether going to be meat or you'll helpme prepare the others." When the lady had finished 10 male cooks came up tothe five girls, "take their four" the lady said as she pointed to Stephanie,Jessica, Violet and Stacy.
Betty was standing in front of the older lady very nerviest as to what wasgoing to happen to her. " Hello pretty one, my name is cook Gabriel, but youwill call me Mistress Gabriel, Understand" the lady said as she pulled Bettyinto the room were the four other girls had gone earlier. " What's you favouriteletter slut, S, J, V or Sy". "Sy" Betty replied, " ok then you have just decidedto help prepare Stacy for the feast tonight" Mistress Gabriel said.
Mistress Julia grabbed Courtney, Robyn, Hailey and one other girl who's nameI didn't know, she told them that they would replace the four that are beingserved as supper the next day.
‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...
I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...
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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I'd just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...
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Here I lay in this hotel room bed. It's a Friday night. There is plenty of light coming from the bathroom to see the soon-to-be fourteen year old atop his mom with her legs high in the air. I can feel the steady rhythm as the bed creaks and the headboard sways. I love watching her large breasts jiggle each time he slams down into her. I know my wife is close when I hear her hiss through gritted teeth: "Oh yeah, fuck Mommy, fuck mommy good". This is soon followed by a scream of "Oh yea, oh...
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Well now thats cleared up lets get back to the story. It started in 7th grade, we were all growing or most of us were. We had a foosball table well actually two and thats what we did before school during lunch and after school we had the best times ever at those foosball tables. But one day i was pulled away from one of my friends Kate (ya i know, she's a girl), she told me that one of my good friends Amanda needed to talk to me. So off went to the lockerroom where Amanda was waiting...
The quad, it's your second day of uni. Everything is new, everyone is new. Your mind wanders from the new sites and people onto why you came to the quad. The activities fair. A chance for you to try new things, meet new people, possibly even meet a girl. Your problems with girls in the past are now gone, nobody here knows you. You can reinvent yourself, however you want so that you can do anything.
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One day my mom tells me that her and dad are going on trip to see an old college friend out of town. I though this was great, then I could pop some dvds in the big screen in the living room and really go to town. That all ended when she then told me that grandma would come by to keep me company while they were away. She didn’t have to say it but I knew grandma was just coming by to babysit me. I sucked it up and put on a happy grin for my parents. They were going to leave Friday afternoon and...
We had all worn latex gloves, so we had little problem in cleaning up after ourselves. We did leave Ivanovitch in the shower where he had died because we wanted to shake up the rest of the Russian mafia. I hoped that my use of the GSh-18 to kill Ivanovitch would help to confuse the situation. The gun was not registered in the US, so I was sure that it could not be traced. I hoped that the cops would think that somebody in the Russian mafia had shot him. Possibly, that confusion would help us,...
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Straight SexThe story beggins in chapter 2. If you have not read it, you might be at a bit of a loss now. Feel free to comment. And rate please! —————————— Chapter 3 A lesson to remember Sure, just two streets that way and take a right. pointed the slightly older man, who we asked about where we could find the source of the red bottle. He walked away, mumbling something about youth and drinking. Lets head over there and ask around. I said and led the way. All four of us made it to the place in no more...
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IncestThe winter was harsh and bitterly cold. The looter band of surviving gang members and a number of captured females pulled into their midst for entertainment purposes all made it thru to the spring thaw but most of them were noticeably thinner and less boisterous. Their supplies were seriously depleted and there was a hint of "cabin fever" that signaled tempers were on a short fuse and ready to explode at any moment. Desmond had taken to humping Corporal Amy on a steady basis with no...
I thought I made a lot of progress when it comes to being able to talk to people and talking with confidence and speaking in full sentences. There was no bigger reality check for me than having to ask Taylor’s mom for a ride home that night.Credit where it’s due, she did her best to make conversation with me, but of course, any question was met with me staring at the floor and responding in as few words as possible. I didn’t feel guilty for asking her to drive me home, just… childish, I guess?...
TeenArlene sat at one of the computer desks in their giant bedroom, Diana, Ada and Charlotte gathered around as the teenager went to the wives’ favorite lingerie site. “Oh, my goodness,” Ada gasped at the price as Arlene clicked on a sexy pastel green pajama and robe set that was the next thing to being transparent, “That is enormously expensive, but it’s superbly beautiful.” “So, you like it?” “Oh, heck yes,” Ada said with a smile. “What’s not to like?” “Good. I thought you would,” Arlene...
Right hope you read part 3 this is following on from there .After Alan and Micky had fucked Tracy in front of her husband they drove back to his office where they were to met Sandra who was coming to pay more off her loan .Sandra who was a vicars wife said a pray to help her get though this next few hours she hated having sex to pay her loan off as she walked down the street she thought to herself im a 47 year old vicars wife with 2 k**s and a grandaighter and im selling my body to pay my loan...
"You heard what the Doctor said Sunni, plenty of fluids and bed rest in a cool area. My room is better so there is no arguing." Lyla said as she wheeled her friends small suitcase into the living area. She was wearing short - short pyjama bottoms and a flimsy white string vest. "I really don't mind Lyla. I can sleep in my own room, I don't want you wasting your week off taking care of me." Sunni said meekly as she shuffled onto the sofa. "I want to look after you, we can chill out and watch...
He tried. Really he did, but the flicker of disbelief was impossible to miss. I invited him in and didn’t settle into the front office, no ... straight through to the big curly burly solid walnut desk I bought when daddy was gone. I moved around to my Fashion Minimalist Modern Reclining Real Leather Executive Massage Swivel Chair that I bought when the I didn’t like the ponderous matching chair that came with the twenty four thousand dollar desk. I put That monstrosity on the penitent side...
Strange it seems when you get to my age, 74 in 16 days that life came in stages not so happy c***dhood, eightbyears Of unreal military, working life in a new country then retirement where I am now and enjoying it. Sadly wife Sarah is not in the best of health and hasn’t,t been for some years so as she has no sexual desires we haven,t been physically intimate since 2002 when we moved here to Cheshire. I still have the desire and that,s mainly why I,m posting on Hamster. My cock occasionally gets...
For the next couple of weeks, both Jane and I “spoiled Karen rotten.” We concentrated all of our efforts to let her know that she was a valued member of our family and was never going to be discarded. We also insisted that she go every day to be checked by the medical computer. The computer reported a steady improvement in Karen’s physical condition, and the pseudo morning sickness faded as the depression was driven away. The computer said that we had done a wonderful job of helping Karen...
Steve Stone woke up at 7:00 local time. He got out of bed, put on his robe, walked into the bathroom, shaved and took a nice hot shower which refreshed him. He then went back into his room, picked up one of his briefing books, and carried it down to the kitchen. Maria Velazquez would be arriving at 11:00. She was to fly in to the ranch on a Mexican government owned helicopter, which would enable her to avoid going through either U.S. or Mexican customs and raising anyone's suspicions....
“Well, I guess I have to fuck you now, asshole,” Jaime blurted petulantly, as soon as the door closed. “Hah! Well, as irresistable as that offer may seem, slut,” I said sarcastically, standing. “I just came down Jessica’s lovely throat, so I think I’ll pass. But I should probably remind you who’s in charge here, so how about I spank you, instead.” After the beating they had just endured, I hadn’t actually planned on hitting either of them, but seeing her sudden look of fear and submission,...
Copyright© 1999-2006 SexyBeast. I feel I should start by saying that while I am not necessarily proud of my situation, I cannot honestly say I regret it either. I guess it's best to just come right out with it. While my son, Dean, was home for this past winter break we began a rather torrid affair. He grabbed me one night while we were both half-drunk and we made incredible love right on the living room floor. For the next three weeks we were practically inseparable. Dean said his problem...
Teddy called occasionally. Always at noon when he thought no one would be around. We talked about things that were bothering him and about his life. Occasionally about my life, too, of course, but mostly it was a conversation between an ‘aunt’ and a young man. Each time he would ask if we could get back together. I gently persuaded him that I couldn’t do that on a regular basis and he continued being an understanding, if slightly bumptious young man. I knew, deep in my heart that the right...
Hot student Christina and her sexy teacher Amanda have succumbed independently to competing uncle and nephew seducers Gavin and Josh McClain. Both in steady relationships, the women nurse their guilty pleasures quietly, swearing there will be no repeat performance. But neither fully appreciates the kind of guy with whom she's been tangling. And if one McClain is bad, two plotting together is a fuckmare waiting to happen...“Give me a few more years and I’m going to have a place like...
CheatingHi … Mai rehan apni dusri story lekar aya hua pahli story aplogone padha hoga “train me do bacho ki maa ko chadar ke andar chudai” uski kafi mail mili mujhe uske liye thankx all ab mai dusri story pe ata hu..Lekin usse pahle mai rqst karta hu ke aap logo ko meri story kaisi lagi jarur bataye mera eml addrs ha “ jaisa ki aap jante hai mai kolkata me rahta hu aur akele rahta hu ye karib 3 ya 4 mnth pahle ki baat hai mai office wapas ghar Thoda jaldi agaya meri tabyat kuch thik nhi thi mai jaise...
Day 80 The apartment was silent when Caitlyn let herself in. This was to be expected; it was lunch time, and Jon preferred not to waste gas coming home during his break. Caitlyn had herself just gotten out of class. She had walked the familiar paths feeling like an intruder; it had been an effort to keep herself from skulking. From shuttered windows she felt accusing eyes burning her skin. Or was it her own guilt she felt? For the most part, the place was as she'd left it; certainly Jon...
SEX FORMULA 69 Foreword; The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of Mother Nature’s authority. At the moment, Ambassador Horse was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, the constant cacophony of the Vegas Strip could be heard, the discordant sounds of whoring and gambling signaling the beginning of another day in Sin City. It was the summer of Formula 69. It was the summer of my betrayal of my boss and best...
I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot. I wasn’t too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I’ve been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can’t say that I have a type. The female form at any...
Mera naam rakshit hai. Me 24 saal ka hoon. Meri dost ki bahin ka naam Sweta hai wo 22 saal ki hai. Aur uski figure to aisi thi ki pucho mat. Wo bahut hi sundar hai, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal, height Kareeb 5’5″ aur figure 36-25-38 hai. Uska figure mast hai. Hum dono Ghar se bahar agra mein ek hi room mein rah kar padhte the.maine room Mein padane ke liye kuch gandi kitabein rakhi hui thi. Jo ek din sweta Ke hath lag gayi. Isliye main apne lund aur wo apni choot ki pyas nahi Rok...
SPALDINGSpalding Tyll walked home disconsolately, his knapsack hanging off his arm. It had now been 103 days since Mother had allowed him to masturbate, and it was hanging heavy on his young balls. At school, the girls pranced past him; many of them were his good friends and gave him friendly hugs, which made Spal just crazy with lust. He wasn’t grounded, after all, and he’d actually been on a few dates where there had been lots of necking in Dad’s 2005 Acura?and when Jennifer had wanted to go...
When you break up with someone, all ties should be severed. Lauren apparently didnt get that memo. She hits up her ex Chad to try and get the concert tickets he had bought for her birthday. Chad is not feeling it at all, and is kind of annoyed. Lauren continues to beg and chad gives her an ultimatum. Take her pants off and maybe she can earn them. Lauren was expecting to get her pussy fucked and go see a band, but turns out those tickets were for chad to fuck Lauren right up her asshole! Her...
xmoviesforyouHis hands stroked my spine as he tried to comfort me. His gentle touch soothing my fears and replacing my earlier panicked state with a consuming heat that started and built in a place I thought would remain untouched. Uncertainty caused me to pull out of his embrace, to look into the fiery depths of his caramel eyes. His eyes smouldered with the same intensity I had seen only once before. His hand rose to the nape of my neck as if on its own accord while the other hand lingered at the small...
A couple of months ago it was a hot summers day and Fiona was having a day shopping in London with a friend - at least that's what she told me - but that's another story. As soon as I knew when she was going I planned my wank, but decided I wanted to do something different.I started off by putting on her suspenders and fishnet stockings and her open crotch red panties, then I got one of my vibrating cock rings and squeezed my balls through one of the rubber rings and then my cock through the...
So there I was making love first time ever, TO A GIRL, TO MY MOTHER. And the best part was neither me nor my mother felt guilty or embarrassed. Rather we found a new stronger than ever bond between us. After our first love, we sat on her bed talking for a long time. I shared with her the most intimate things in my life which even I didn’t share with myself. We sat there for a long time, sharing each other’s quite intimate and dirty secrets. I still remember how hard we laughed on one...
We had got new neighbors next door and we seemed to hit it off with them very well. He would come over and hang out in the garage while I would work on different projects and often she would come over and hang out with my wife and do girl things.They also had two daughters 20 and 21 as well as a 20 year old Son who was a twin to the youngest.One evening her husband had the guys over for football and she was not a football fan so she came over to hang out with us. After finishing up with our...