Trust free porn video

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I'm going to tell you a story. Okay – that's what I do, I know. But this one is sort of true. You'll have to guess how much is truth and how much wishful fantasy...

Jack's an older guy, nearing retirement age. He was, when this started, married to Audrey. Now Audrey, sadly, only comes into the story peripherally, but I need to tell you about her so you understand where Jack was coming from. He really loved Audrey. She was lovely; loyal, reliable, caring, honest, sincere ... you'll get the picture, I'm sure. Physically, even at sixty, she was tall and slim with a nicely proportioned figure. Unfortunately, she was one of the forty percent or so of post-menopausal women who suffered from a condition which made intercourse uncomfortable, in her case, much too uncomfortable to be borne. More than that, she appeared to have lost interest in sexual intimacy. At sixty-two, Jack wasn't really ready for celibacy though admittedly his libido wasn't what it was at twenty. As I say, he really loved his wife, but couldn't help wondering if perhaps there was a woman out there who needed some sex as he did but didn't want commitment. Which is where our story begins. Jack didn't want to go to a prostitute; he wanted more than a quick shag; he wanted to give and receive pleasure sexually without destroying his marriage.

Well, he chewed it over and found there were websites that purported to bring together people who wanted no strings sex. Not just dating sites, places where he could look for someone with similar needs to himself. But he kept putting off getting involved until his wife decided she needed to travel overseas to visit relatives in America, one of whom she hadn't seen since she was a girl. Jack had no desire whatsoever to go to America, or to visit her relatives. However, he encouraged her to go and enjoy herself.

You need to know Jack wasn't the selfish sort – he'd give a friend the shirt off his back if he needed it. In a hole? He'd offer you an interest-free loan. Friend (male or female) over did the booze in the pub? He'd get them home and make sure they were okay. And he was a trusting sort. It cost him quite a lot over the years. But he'd just shrug.

"It's only money" (or whatever hadn't come back). Okay, he wasn't a fool, but he preferred to trust until a person showed that they were not to be trusted. Which brings us to his plan.

He rapidly found out that the sites catered to a wide range of age and interest. He was puzzled that quite a few young women seemed to be interested in him. Why? Of what possible interest was a sixty-two year-old married man to a twenty-something, very attractive, young woman.

Well, he found out. Seemed that at least some of them (there were one or two who genuinely had a thing for older men) made a living from nude web-cam sites and were really only interested in getting him to sign up for the sites, to pay to look at them, and vote on their performance. Naïve he may have been, but he was certainly sceptical, though his trusting principle - and the desire to find a friend-with-benefits – meant that he gave them a chance. Two of them basically gave up when he refused to go past a certain point, but one intrigued him. He was eighty percent sure she was stringing him along, but there was that twenty percent.

Her picture on the dating website showed a dark – possibly black – haired young woman with what might be called a Mediterranean complexion and a blinding white smile. Her name seemed to indicate Latin origins. He eventually found out her family were Filipinos. She asked him for money – relatives in Manila had suffered some catastrophe. His immediate thought was 'does she really think I'm going to send money to someone I don't know on the say-so of someone I've never met'?

Their only encounters had been via the site or instant messaging. He knew he had no guarantee that the picture was hers – or, for that matter, that she was even female.

To-ing and fro-ing on the issue, he wanted to meet her and place the money in her hands. (She lived in Birmingham) Not unreasonable, he thought. As I said before, he had no problems with giving money to someone who needed it – he just liked to know who he was giving it to, and why. Besides; the whole object of the exercise was to meet a congenial woman for sex. He wasn't about to bully, coerce or bribe a woman for sex, but he wanted a chance to meet her at least.

In the end – he couldn't have said why – he gave in and made a transfer. It wasn't an enormous sum of money, but probably in the Philippines quite significant. He was unsurprised – disappointed but unsurprised – when days passed and the possibility of a meeting with Carmelita receded and the time she spent instant messaging reduced until he'd gone a day without a single communication from her.

Was he a fool then? Perhaps you think 'serves him right for playing around on his wife'? He didn't give up hope, but as time went on became certain he had, indeed, been taken for a ride.

In due course, his wife was scheduled to be back, and he set off in the small hours of the morning to drive to Heathrow. Traffic, as he hoped, was light and he was there in good time. Of course, that had disadvantages too; the short-term parking at Heathrow is exorbitant, and it meant hanging around Arrivals for over an hour after the aircraft landed.

Eventually, she appeared, well back in a bunch of other passengers from the same flight. She looked weary, wrung out, drawn, and she was limping, but his heart leapt at the sight of her. He took her in his arms, suddenly grateful his attempts to find a 'fuck-buddy' had failed. He took her bag, they collected her case, and she limped with him back to the car.

Jack hated driving around the London area motorways. The traffic – impatient, rude drivers, speeding, congestion, complicated junctions, being in the wrong lane and unable to change; not being sure which junction to take ... he had to really concentrate. But he did manage to get onto the M25 orbital clockwise, then took the M40 towards Oxford. As soon as he was sure he was on the right track and not needing to take a turn, he glanced at his wife. She looked dreadful.

"Are you okay, love?"

"Not really. Leg hurts. But get me home, Chuck, please."

(Chuck, pronounced more like chook, is a common endearment in the North)

He wasn't too happy about that, but there weren't too many choices, either. He speeded up until he was maintaining the same speed as the rest of the traffic in the middle lane. In other words, rather over the official speed limit. He intended to take the A43 to join the M1 at Northampton, but as he approached Oxford, Audrey cried out in pain. She was pale and sweating profusely, tears running down her face, a hand pressed to her chest. They were ten miles short of Oxford. Pushing as hard as he could, he headed off onto the A40 and followed signs, ending up at the John Radcliffe Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.

Audrey was barely conscious, just whimpering a little with pain, as he lifted her out of the car – strength borne of desperation – and carried her in.

At the reception, he was greeted with, "Name?"

"Audrey Sanderson..." he gasped.



The receptionist was most affronted. "Don't..." but before she could say any more, there were uniformed and white-coated staff taking Audrey out of his arms, a flurry of activity, and she was gone.

Jack turned to the receptionist, but before either of them could say anything a nurse – actually the Sister (Charge Nurse, if you're American) as she was in navy blue – spoke quietly in the woman's ear. They left the desk – the receptionist returned several minutes later, subdued.

"I apologise..." she said, just as Jack was saying, "I'm sorry..." They both stopped and Jack gestured for her to continue.

"I am sorry," she said, "I should have seen it was an emergency, or at least potentially so."

"I shouldn't have shouted," he responded, "but I was in a panic. I need to park my car, though, before it causes an obstruction."

"Very well," the woman gave a small, tired smile, "we'll deal with the formalities when you come back."

He got to the car just in time to avoid a ticket...

He was lucky to find a space (about as far from the entrance as it was possible to get) and returned to the desk to complete the formalities, then slumped in an incredibly uncomfortable chair to await news.

He waited a little over an hour, but it seemed like a lifetime. A young woman (a student nurse, though he didn't recognise the uniform) approached him.

"Mr. Sanderson?"

He stood. "That's me! How is she?"

"Will you come with me, Mr. Sanderson? Doctor LaCroix would like a word with you."

"My wife?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid. I was just asked to take you to see the doctor. I'm sorry. I'm sure he'll be able to tell you more." She turned and moved away, looking over her shoulder to make sure he was following. She showed him into a small interview room, where he edgily moved around until a harassed-looking doctor entered.

"Won't you sit, Mr. Sanderson?"

Jack perched on the edge of a chair and the doctor almost fell into another.

"Mr. Sanderson, I'm very sorry, but your wife has died. We did everything we could, but we were just too late..." he continued talking, quietly, but Jack heard nothing after 'has died'.

The words, meaningless, flowed over him.

"Can I see her?" He interrupted the flow.

The doctor led him into a cubicle. A nurse had been washing Audrey – warned, she put her equipment aside and pulled a sheet over her patient, but stayed there. Jack approached the examination table Audrey was on, reached out and laid the back of his hand against her cheek as he'd done so many times before. She wasn't there. That wasn't his wife; it was some stranger that just looked like her. The spirit, soul, essence ... call it what you will ... that made Audrey, Audrey ... just wasn't there any more. He stepped back, nodded to the nurse and left the cubicle. He saw the doctor. "What happens now?"

"I'm afraid there'll have to be a post-mortem," he replied. "It will be a week or so before before we can issue a death certificate. If I may suggest ... am I right you live in Sheffield?"


"I suggest if you feel able to travel, you return home. Please take great care if you're driving. Contact a funeral director and leave the arrangements to them. Is there anyone you could call to go with you?"

Jack shook his head. "I can't think of anyone. My son is in Australia, my daughter in Romania ... But thank you, doctor. I'd better be going."

It is not a good idea to drive when you've had a shock as profound as that Jack had experienced. It might be thought a miracle that he arrived home intact with his car undamaged, having driven about a hundred and forty miles or so on auto-pilot in heavy, Friday evening, traffic.

He couldn't have said if he slept that night. It seemed that he'd been awake throughout. Breakfast was black coffee. He rang his children; his son was shocked, his daughter was not available and he had to leave a message asking her to call. Sitting numbly in his kitchen, he didn't register the phone ringing the first time. The second time, he didn't quite make it to the hand-set, but it rang again before he could get back to the kitchen.

"Dad? What is it?"

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Dad?" His daughter's voice was rising, clearly worried.

"Jan..." his voice, when he got it to work, was a croak.

"DAD! What is it? You're frightening me!"

He cleared his throat. "Jan ... your mother's dead."

"What! How? When?"

"I picked her up at Heathrow ... she said her leg hurt. We were on our way home ... we were near Oxford ... and she got really ill. She died, Jan. I took her into Oxford, to hospital. But she died, Jan..."

"I'm on my way home, Dad."

"No need, darling. There's nothing you can do..."

"Yes, there is. I can cry on your shoulder, Dad." The call ended with a click and he hung up.

Thirty-six hours passed in a blur; he couldn't have said what time of day it was, merely responding to his body's demands – the toilet, water, dozing in a chair.

His daughter found him sitting, staring across the room; he might have been staring at a photo of himself with Audrey ... or just staring at nothing. She found it difficult to penetrate his stupor; in the end she sat in his lap, leaned against his chest, pressed her face against his neck and wept. Some time later she realised he was shaking; he wrapped his arms round her and they wept together; healing, cleansing tears.

In due course, the Coroner released Audrey's body, with a diagnosis of 'Pulmonary Embolus'. She'd developed a Deep Vein Thrombosis during the flight and part of it had broken off and lodged in her lung. It hadn't registered with Jack at the time, but the Emergency Room doctor, Doctor LaCroix, had said that they were sure that's what it was.

It was a comfort having Janine there. Individually, they might have neglected themselves, but together they prompted each other to eat, bathe, go to bed. They talked together too, about Audrey. Jack told his daughter little things about their life together before she'd been born ... how they'd met in school, initially disliking each other; how a teacher made them co-operate on a project and an uneasy truce gradually turned into friendship and, almost imperceptibly, into love.

Wanting children, but nothing happening until Audrey was in her late thirties and they'd given up hope. But out of the blue, Charles was born and, a couple of years later, Janine.

So comfortable did they become, Jack nearly told Janine about Audrey's sexual problem, which would have led to a confession of his intended infidelity, but he held his tongue; it was his to bear.

Charles, accompanied by Miu, his wife, arrived from Japan a few days before the funeral. Jack was touched that Miu would want to come, but she informed him that it was expected in Japanese culture to attend family funerals, even if you didn't really know the deceased.

"Still, Miu, I'm touched and pleased you wanted to come."

Of them all, Janine was the only one with any religious conviction at all. Funerals tend to be gloomy occasions; the exceptions being just that – a rarity; and this was no exception. The minister did his best, but the overwhelming sense was of loss and sadness. The service did, at least, represent a closure to that part of Jack's life and that of his family.

Charles and Miu stayed a few days after to give Miu a chance to see something of Britain – she and Charles had met and married in Japan - but a week after the funeral they boarded an aircraft at Heathrow. Janine, very reluctantly, left a week after that to return to her work in Romania after extracting a promise from her father to call or email her frequently.

Jack was left to try to piece together a life without Audrey.

When someone close dies suddenly, there are all sorts of issues that complicate the grieving process. In Jack's case, it was particularly muddled. There was some guilt about his intention to commit adultery mixed with relief that he actually hadn't. But there was also some irritation with himself about being conned out of money; not a lot, as I said before, he took chances with trusting people and lived with the consequences when his trust was betrayed. He was guilty that he felt a little relief that he was now free to perhaps pursue another relationship ... and he was lonely now that he was on his own, missing his partner and companion of so many years. In short, he was thoroughly mixed up and confused.

He was sensible enough, however, not to jump into taking up the one or two offers that came his way; knowing he had to get his mind straight first.

He gradually established a new routine though he still found himself setting the table for two, or starting to talk to Audrey. The latter he decided not to fight; in fact, he consciously made time to sit quietly and talk to her; about his love for her but how upset he'd been when they ceased to be intimate. He told her about the dating sites, about emailing and messaging the women who had responded to his profile; he told her about sending money to the Philippines and about Carmelita. Perhaps strangely, he came to feel that his wife both understood and forgave him and he found that he was at peace with his conscience and the memory of his wife.

That might have been the end of the story, but for an unexpected visitor late one evening. He was having a 'glass of whisky and jazz' evening, listening to a new CD of Jacqui Dankworth, when the door-bell rang. He was tempted to ignore it, but the habit of a lifetime had him on his feet and heading for the door before he had time to really think about it.

On the doorstep was a very dishevelled, shivering, young woman.

"Mr. Sanderson? Jack Sanderson?"

"That's my name."

"Can I come in and talk to you, please? I am Carmelita."

His eyes widened in surprise, but he stepped back to let her in ... the habit of trust overcoming any sensible considerations. He indicated a chair and put the kettle on.

"Cup of tea? Coffee? Cocoa?"

"If it is okay ... a cup of tea, please?"

He made tea for both of them and sat watching her as she sipped at hers.

"I am not here to make trouble," she began, "is your wife here?"

"No," Jack said, swallowing and closing his eyes for a moment. "She ... died, suddenly, when she came back from America."

"Oh." Then, after a pause, "I am very sorry for you."

He inclined his head in acknowledgement, "Thank you."

"Perhaps ... I should leave?"

"Maybe. But first, why have you come here? It could have made things difficult had my wife been here."

"I hoped ... I was going to say we met by accident online ... I am in a little trouble. I have no-one to turn to. I hoped you and your wife would be willing to take me in for a while. I ... understand you must be angry with me and that you have no reason to trust me..."

"If you leave, where will you go?"

She shrugged. "Some time, I must go to the Police. I think they may be looking for me. But I have no-where to go. I suppose a Police cell would be better than under a bridge."

"What have you done?"

"I am alive, that is all."

"I don't understand."

"My family, we are ... they were ... immigrants. They had nothing in Manila, but ... someone ... got them into England. I was born here. But they had to work for ... someone. They tried to protect me. The ... someone ... wanted to use me, but I, well you know what I did, undressing, chatting online. The ... someone ... said I wasn't earning enough. The money you sent, it helped for a while..." She stopped and sipped at her tea, then drank thirstily. "Thanks ... that's really good. Anyway ... they came to our house..." her voice became flat, uninflected and she continued in a monotone..."they tied them up. Gagged them. Then they stripped me and raped me in front of them. Everywhere. Over and over. Then they cut their throats in front of me. Told me to get cleaned up and they'd be back for me later. I ... showered and dressed ... dialled 999 and left the phone off the hook ... left the house. Hitch-hiked. Didn't know what to do. Didn't want to go to friends ... You were the only person," her voice gained some animation, "the only person who wasn't connected to me, whose address I had. I know I cheated you and I can't repay what you gave me, but you are my only hope."

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We drove home from the beach with the top down. I told Olivia to take down her top also. She giggled and said, “Oh, Daddy, you're so funny!” I replied, “I'm not trying to be funny, Livie, I'm serious. I want you to ride home topless!” “What? Why,” she whined. “Because it would please me and I said so, that's why.” “But...” “No buts,” I interrupted. “just do it.” At that she just looked at me with big puppy-dog eyes as she slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and pulled her dress...

2 years ago
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GirlsWay Karla Kush Mona Wales Part Of Being A Woman

Karla Kush is pregnant but she is not seeing the baby’s father anymore. Her mother is mad at her for getting knocked up in Thailand. Karla is feeling alone and without a female role model when her mother’s best friend Mona Wales surprises her with a visit. The women catch up on Karla’s bed. Mona can’t take her hands off Karla’s pregnant belly. She offers to rub her feet. Karla gets comfortable on the bed and Mona describes how much harder her pregnancy was on her...

3 years ago
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The Innocent Helpless Maid

Dear readers Don’t have to worry because its part 2 of a story. to be brief of part 1 it’s how I seduced my maid and satisfied her wish to have a baby because her Husband was impotent and saved her marriage Read On hope readers Will enjoy my sexual experience with Lakshmi My maid do write in with your comments and wishes. any girls women of any age would like to have a secret relationship do write to me at Well The Next Day Was the Same She had her periods and then after two days I asked her...

4 years ago
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Outcasts Revenge rewrite0

I open my eyes staring at my ceiling and the bright morning light shining in my peripherals. "Myself." What a crock of bull! No one could accept my true self, I thought as I looked between my legs to see her kissing the head of my cock then slowly running her tongue up and down the shaft. She eagerly straddled me placing me inside of her riding me. She slowly pulled my black inside her and it wasn't long before it bottomed out in her pussy. Once see was adjusted to my size she picked up...

4 years ago
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How he got me to crave his BBC

Introduction: True story of my first interracial experience in college with a black football player. This is my first story so please comment! This is a true story and also my first story so please comment and if you like it I will write more I am 5 6 with long brown hair that is naturally curly but usually straightened, medium toned skin that gets pretty tanned in the summer and big hazel-brown eyes. As for my body, I have 36-D boobs, and would probably be considered curvy because i have a...

4 years ago
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Chrissys New Life Part 3

Chrissy's New Life Part 3 "I'm afraid we have a slight problem, dear," spoke Aunt Mary. Somehow your suitcase didn't make it into the car when we left the Academy. I've called the school, but there's no answer" "Oh, that's right, I don't remember putting it in the trunk; it must be still there in the driveway, I said as I tried to slide deeper beneath the bubbles. "I guess I will just have to wear what I came in; it's no problem"; "I'm afraid I already sent your clothes to the...

2 years ago
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Joes Maiden Voyage

Joe's Maiden Voyage By Jennifer White Joey was 18 years old, and just out of high school. He was too poor to attend college, but not good enough of a student to get scholarships. He hadn't played any sports, so he didn't have a chance for an athletic scholarship either. As with most areas of the country these days, there were jobs to be found, but they were low paying, doing things that he would rather not do. He was depressed about the whole scene. His girlfriend had dumped him...

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I guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Dominique Ch 07

As I slept, Andrew crept into the bedroom and quietly climbed over me, virtually in a sixty-nine position. When I woke with a start, his black leather-clad butt was right in my face! Giggling, I said, ‘That’s quite a view there, Master.’ I struggled to smack his smooth muscular ass, but I soon realised I could hardly move! My upper arms were pinned under his calves and all I could do was slap his thighs. Which I did! ‘Oohhh let me up! We have to have breakfast!’ I was laughing and wriggling but...

4 years ago
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Pregnancy Hangups Ch 03

Amy sat deep in thought, mulling over how to address both Jill’s attraction to her guy friends and her own need to get filled with cum until she got pregnant. Ultimately, Amy decided that the only way to fix this mess was to make new hypnosis files for them to watch that would change or reverse their prior programming. As she was brainstorming commands for the new videos, she opened the first video again and watched it through, ostensibly for inspiration. She woke up a few minutes later feeling...

Mind Control
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hot tubbing

I haven't talked to my sister in years, our family kind of moved apart. Recently I got a call from mysister, she invited me over to talk later that day. So after work I drove over and walked up to the door. Loud music was coming from the upstairs bedroom. I thought maybe her roommate was home and we'd have to be candid. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked louder. Nothing. I ran the door bell and heard, "Come in, damnit!" So I opened the door and sat on the couch. The music continued to...

4 years ago
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Bhaiya Aur Bhabhi Ki Chudai Dekhi

Hi doston mera naam akash hai. Main jammu ka rehne wala hoon. Ye desi hot sex story mere bade bhai & bhabhi ki chudai ki hai jo maine apni aankhon se dekhi. Koi bhabhi/aunty ludhiana mein mujhse chudna chahti ho to mujhe contact kare privacy guarunteed.. Bhaiya ke bare mein bta doon wo bahut mote hai & gusse wale bhi & bhabhi to jaise kaam ki devi hai. Jab shadi hui thi to wo ek dum patli thi par ab wo bahut bhar gyi hai.. Mote mote boobs badi si gaand wo hamesha track suit pehanna pasand...

3 years ago
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Daniella III Daniella Domina Part 2

Daniella let her fingers crumple into her lover’s hair. She was possessed by a new kind of exhilaration. For a moment she clutched and caressed him, then she drew back his head and placed a kiss on his forehead. “The first thing you need to learn is patience,” she said. She trailed fingers through his dark hair, enjoying its thickness as she sat astride this powerful constrained man. You’re my plaything now. Hard part’s over. Got you where I want you—now we have all the time in the world.She...

5 years ago
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In Search of ParadiseChapter 3 Finding A Way Out

Brandon lounged on the sofa with his legs crossed at the ankles. From where he lay, he had a perfect view of Tracy sitting cross-legged in Indian fashion, dressed in her nightwear T-shirt and the new panties that he'd helped her shop for that afternoon. With her hands resting on her upper thighs, he couldn't see her sex, but the intricate lacy waistband that stopped halfway between the top of her mound and her navel let him know that his sister was definitely all woman. "Brandon, you were...

4 years ago
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Trouble at Dinner

  23 year old Daniel froze when he heard his very annoyed Mum say in her no nonsense tone “I told you to stop, you didn’t, so I am going to put you across my lap and give you a jolly hard spanking Daniel.”   He looked aghast.   “But Mum you agreed you wouldn’t if Francis’s Mum is here.” “I did not say anything of the sort Daniel. I did say so long as you behave you won’t get spanked. That is quite different.” Daniel had to agree. Well he hadn’t behaved. Dinner was going well, Francis was...

3 years ago
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Annes story

       Anne always walked to school alone. When she decided to eat lunch, she sat by herself, but most days she buried her nose in a book, in a nook, tucked away in some forgotten corner of the library. When someone asked her if they could borrow a chair from her table, she gave them a genuine smile and nodded her head, but she never invited the person to sit with her, nor did she start up a conversation.        When the last bell rang for the day, she was usually among the first out of the...

2 years ago
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Crossdressers Bully

CHAPTER 1 Summer vacation was over already. And it was the start of my senior year. My alarm rang and I was filled with anxiousness. I don’t want to go. “John! Get up and get ready for school! Don’t want to be late on your first day.” My mom yells from downstairs. Fine. I get up and head over to the bathroom. My morning erection trying to poke out from my boxers. I say trying because it so small I couldn’t even grip it properly. I’m all washed and ready for the day. “John I really wish you...

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Collecting a few bucks

I was there at the fast food area, finishing my lunch, when I saw them.They both looked just barely legal; sitting on a bench in the mall alleyway of the second floor.Both guys looked fine, they were black, with a nice dark skin… they were very young…They looked bored. But then I heard one of them saying to a young woman passing near:“Twenty bucks to see your tits…”The first and second women hearing this, just looked away and hurried up their walking.But the third one smiled at them, stopped...

3 years ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 19 Regardless Im Still Bored

Scratch my itch! I did. Mike Porter. I knew he wasn't the one but I wanted a normal life. He scratched all my itches and I scratched all of his. We did not wait. Mike was five years older than me. I satisfied his itches, he satisfied mine. We were both trust fund kids. I had money, he had money, we had money. We signed a prenup and married in 1981, when I was 18. We honeymooned on my sail boat, by now completely stripped of the 102 million bucks stashed behind the 'paneling'. I was...

5 years ago
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Caught With Consequences Chapter Two

Chapter Two - The Trial Adele arose and addressed the jury to make her opening statement. "At least twenty-five percent of women serving in the U.S. military have been sexually assaulted, and up to eighty percent have been sexually harassed. Women in the U.S. military are more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than they are to be killed in combat," she began. "Now this is not a court martial, the defendant is not a member of the military but he is a Defense contractor and...

3 years ago
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The Great River 2 The Rose of Asenmar Part 1

Three months had passed since the incident at the Great River and Alya had seen very little of Talan in that time. The heat of summer was starting to fade and the cool nights of autumn were just over the horizon and Talrinen, the great capital of the kingdom, was already preparing for harvest time when merchants and pilgrims and peoples from all over the kingdom and beyond would come to the city for the great harvest festivals.  With summer’s aging, however, the two young nobles had found their...

Straight Sex
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Read A Real Hot story

Mera bhai ka name karan or mera neha hay me ranchi jharkhand me rehti hoo age 18 year or mere bhai mere se 2 sal bada h uska rang sfaid hay. mear fig 34,26,32 hay hight5.6 hay . bahen ko chodna itna asan nahi jitna kehanio me suna hay……..serdio k din ki baat hay me kembel(blankit) lay k laita huwa tha k mera lun khra ho gya me ne net per bahen chodnay wali kehaniya bht peri hay.mera dil kiya kyu na bahen ko choda jaye.wo dusray room me so rahi chupkay say us k room me gaya us nay blankit...

4 years ago
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12 Maniku Matter Potal 8211 Part 3

Aunty magal ennai miga sexyaaga matter seithu irunthaalum, andru iravu aunty kuthiyil kala kathalan naaku pottu irunthathai paarthathil irunthu auntyai matter seiya vendrum endru aasaiyaaga irunthathu. Eppadi auntyaiyum mathiya nerathil veetirku sendru usar seithu matter adithen enbathai intha tamil kamakathaiyil pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Aunty magalai nandraaga aasai theera oothum enaku aunty niyabagamaagave irunthathu. Siriya mulaiyai sappiyathe ivalavu sugamaaga irukirathu...

3 years ago
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I worked in an office at a college and was able to have my own office and the privacy needed to fulfill my fantasies. I am a bisexual male and was able to meet with several educated professionals who had the same desires. I'm on the submissive side so I needed to meet the right person. This one such experience.I met this person first by contacting hs company seeking information. Surprisingly, while on a m4m web-site I met the same person again, he was an educated professional who was in...

4 years ago
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Date With Boyfriend

I am Pooja Chaudhary. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5” tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. Sameer, my boyfriend, had bought the car only a couple of weeks back and he had invited me for a ride. One day, late in the after noon, we took off on the Merc. After the car left the city limits far behind,...

3 years ago
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Just sixty seconds into the elevator

That afternoon I came back from lunch and walked into the elevator. It was so crowded with other people I had never met. But amongst all these persons, there was the sexy brunette secretary from the tenth floor…She stood in front of me and I could smell her hair. I moved my face closer, smelling her round bare shoulder and neck. I had to bite my tongue to stop from sinking my teeth into her soft skin. I breathed the scent of her hair in deeply and my cock began to press hard against my...

2 years ago
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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost Part 13

Intro- Hello this is Ajit Roy again, welcome all of you to my brand new part of this story series. I hope you like all the previous parts, and hope you like this too. So, let’s start. Manali bistar pe madhosh hokar padi rahi. Rahul bhi bohut thaak (tired) chuka tha, woh bhi bistar ke doosri taraf let gaya. Dono bistar pe aise lete ki bistar par ulta ‘T’ (Capital ‘T’) form ho gaya. Dono ke hi aankh lag gayi aur nind mein doob gaye. At 08:04 PM of that Night: Main sabkuch apne laptop mein live...

2 years ago
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Becoming John Collins Mistress Part Two

The next day, everyone was a bit hung over. I needed to pick up my car, which I’d left at the bar the night before. Joe said it was on his way and he’d be glad to take me. I borrowed a raincoat from John to wear over my skimpy outfit, then Joe and I headed out. Joe was making eyes at me during the drive, and I decided it would be best to come clean. “Joe, there’s something you should know about me,” I started. Joe quickly said, “Hey, baby, there’s a lot I’d like to know about you.” “Yeah,...

3 years ago
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My first anal

Just a regular Saturday night at my house, sitting in my computer room chatting to some online friends I had made. My wife came in the room and sits beside me, watching and reading the chatroom, she leans over and whispers in my ear. Do you want to come to bed with me or sit in here all night? With that question she leans over and grabs my cock through my shorts and smiles. Come to bed and see what I have in mind! Now knowing my wife it was the usual Saturday night fuck, which is always great...

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A Certain Sort of SisterChapter 15

Dog Handling I recognised the dog’s breed as a Pointer and he had a youthful playful look about him. Even though concealed, I noticed his prominent cock. He was a young randy dog on the prowl for a bitch; and Rachel had wandered onto his patch at dusk. Thence observed by the dog, Rachel had chosen her spot for her finger-fuck; and having reclined against the trunk of a leaning tree, had spread her thighs to commence masturbation; thereby exposing her juicy cunt to the dog! Linda’s daughter...

2 years ago
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Choices Chapter 11

Choices, Chapter 11 A choice of tea parties After her three days of psychological evaluation, Miss Umbridge took a two-week, mental-health leave before returning to Lewis A. Clark. It was the sweet life for Blair, as the substitute behaved more like a stand-up comic than like a teacher. He eschewed homework for student reports on "interesting websites" they had found in the nether sectors of the Internet. Best of all, he had no idea that Blair was supposed to be treated with...

2 years ago
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Maa Ke Kisse Kahani Bete Ki Jubani

Hi dosto !!! Main ek normal sa ladaka hu. Mere vichar kisi bhi pinjare main band nahi hain. Maine khule dil se sochata hu. Muzhe sach bohot pasand hain, aur aapko pata hain ki sach kitana kadava hota hain Mere ander bahut kuch hain jise main kisi ke saath share karana caahata hu. Magar muzhe koi itana intelactuall milta nahi ki jo mere vichar samaz sakhe, muzhe samaj sake. Issiliye me apne vicharo ko yaha per aapke liye pesh kar raha hu. My e-mail id is , feel free to mail. “maa” yeh shabd hame...

4 years ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 10 Sailing into Hell

Sorry for the delay in getting more of this story out to everyone as there were some events in my life that kept me from writing. I hope that those events are now behind me once more as they were just another obstacle I have faced in my life. Kay and Cathy will be telling this chapter together. I hope that they make it through it without tearing into each other, as I know some secrets will come out along the way. I had made plans to send Kay and Cathy on a two-week cruise to the Caribbean. I...

3 years ago
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Carmen And Ron Seduce A Visitor

Carmen and Ron were both in their late forties and had been married, both for the second time, for three years. Their up and down and tumultuous personal life was partly balanced and counteracted by an avid and lustful sex life, which was often very spasmodic due to long separations.They were on a short interstate working holiday and sitting forty floors up, in the piano bar of an International hotel, enjoying an after-dinner drink.Both had a vivid and profound interest in sexual variations and...

2 years ago
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My Net Friend Fucked My Girl

Hello ISS readers , this is my first story here , after reading this site for over 2 years now , I finally decided to write my true story of what happened to me , it’s embarrassing and very bad , but nevertheless I want to tell it strangers , who can only take pleasure from the story , well something about me , I m 21 , Live in Mumbai and I’m very shy and naive guy who easily trusts people and believes them , ever since I got a net connection I have been chatting with strangers , I have a...

2 years ago
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My Wife Fucks A Young Stud On Holiday

We had just moved into our hotel room somewhere south of India. It was on the second floor of a very quiet secluded resort and had a big balcony, which over looked only a few mangroves and trees. The only place directly opposite us was another similar in the next adjoining building. Anyway it was about 8 in the evening and we had our showers. Jess had just slipped on her red sheer nighty, which was just enough to cover her ass and she didn’t bother to wear any bra or panties either. Either way...

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