Trust free porn video

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I'm going to tell you a story. Okay – that's what I do, I know. But this one is sort of true. You'll have to guess how much is truth and how much wishful fantasy...

Jack's an older guy, nearing retirement age. He was, when this started, married to Audrey. Now Audrey, sadly, only comes into the story peripherally, but I need to tell you about her so you understand where Jack was coming from. He really loved Audrey. She was lovely; loyal, reliable, caring, honest, sincere ... you'll get the picture, I'm sure. Physically, even at sixty, she was tall and slim with a nicely proportioned figure. Unfortunately, she was one of the forty percent or so of post-menopausal women who suffered from a condition which made intercourse uncomfortable, in her case, much too uncomfortable to be borne. More than that, she appeared to have lost interest in sexual intimacy. At sixty-two, Jack wasn't really ready for celibacy though admittedly his libido wasn't what it was at twenty. As I say, he really loved his wife, but couldn't help wondering if perhaps there was a woman out there who needed some sex as he did but didn't want commitment. Which is where our story begins. Jack didn't want to go to a prostitute; he wanted more than a quick shag; he wanted to give and receive pleasure sexually without destroying his marriage.

Well, he chewed it over and found there were websites that purported to bring together people who wanted no strings sex. Not just dating sites, places where he could look for someone with similar needs to himself. But he kept putting off getting involved until his wife decided she needed to travel overseas to visit relatives in America, one of whom she hadn't seen since she was a girl. Jack had no desire whatsoever to go to America, or to visit her relatives. However, he encouraged her to go and enjoy herself.

You need to know Jack wasn't the selfish sort – he'd give a friend the shirt off his back if he needed it. In a hole? He'd offer you an interest-free loan. Friend (male or female) over did the booze in the pub? He'd get them home and make sure they were okay. And he was a trusting sort. It cost him quite a lot over the years. But he'd just shrug.

"It's only money" (or whatever hadn't come back). Okay, he wasn't a fool, but he preferred to trust until a person showed that they were not to be trusted. Which brings us to his plan.

He rapidly found out that the sites catered to a wide range of age and interest. He was puzzled that quite a few young women seemed to be interested in him. Why? Of what possible interest was a sixty-two year-old married man to a twenty-something, very attractive, young woman.

Well, he found out. Seemed that at least some of them (there were one or two who genuinely had a thing for older men) made a living from nude web-cam sites and were really only interested in getting him to sign up for the sites, to pay to look at them, and vote on their performance. Naïve he may have been, but he was certainly sceptical, though his trusting principle - and the desire to find a friend-with-benefits – meant that he gave them a chance. Two of them basically gave up when he refused to go past a certain point, but one intrigued him. He was eighty percent sure she was stringing him along, but there was that twenty percent.

Her picture on the dating website showed a dark – possibly black – haired young woman with what might be called a Mediterranean complexion and a blinding white smile. Her name seemed to indicate Latin origins. He eventually found out her family were Filipinos. She asked him for money – relatives in Manila had suffered some catastrophe. His immediate thought was 'does she really think I'm going to send money to someone I don't know on the say-so of someone I've never met'?

Their only encounters had been via the site or instant messaging. He knew he had no guarantee that the picture was hers – or, for that matter, that she was even female.

To-ing and fro-ing on the issue, he wanted to meet her and place the money in her hands. (She lived in Birmingham) Not unreasonable, he thought. As I said before, he had no problems with giving money to someone who needed it – he just liked to know who he was giving it to, and why. Besides; the whole object of the exercise was to meet a congenial woman for sex. He wasn't about to bully, coerce or bribe a woman for sex, but he wanted a chance to meet her at least.

In the end – he couldn't have said why – he gave in and made a transfer. It wasn't an enormous sum of money, but probably in the Philippines quite significant. He was unsurprised – disappointed but unsurprised – when days passed and the possibility of a meeting with Carmelita receded and the time she spent instant messaging reduced until he'd gone a day without a single communication from her.

Was he a fool then? Perhaps you think 'serves him right for playing around on his wife'? He didn't give up hope, but as time went on became certain he had, indeed, been taken for a ride.

In due course, his wife was scheduled to be back, and he set off in the small hours of the morning to drive to Heathrow. Traffic, as he hoped, was light and he was there in good time. Of course, that had disadvantages too; the short-term parking at Heathrow is exorbitant, and it meant hanging around Arrivals for over an hour after the aircraft landed.

Eventually, she appeared, well back in a bunch of other passengers from the same flight. She looked weary, wrung out, drawn, and she was limping, but his heart leapt at the sight of her. He took her in his arms, suddenly grateful his attempts to find a 'fuck-buddy' had failed. He took her bag, they collected her case, and she limped with him back to the car.

Jack hated driving around the London area motorways. The traffic – impatient, rude drivers, speeding, congestion, complicated junctions, being in the wrong lane and unable to change; not being sure which junction to take ... he had to really concentrate. But he did manage to get onto the M25 orbital clockwise, then took the M40 towards Oxford. As soon as he was sure he was on the right track and not needing to take a turn, he glanced at his wife. She looked dreadful.

"Are you okay, love?"

"Not really. Leg hurts. But get me home, Chuck, please."

(Chuck, pronounced more like chook, is a common endearment in the North)

He wasn't too happy about that, but there weren't too many choices, either. He speeded up until he was maintaining the same speed as the rest of the traffic in the middle lane. In other words, rather over the official speed limit. He intended to take the A43 to join the M1 at Northampton, but as he approached Oxford, Audrey cried out in pain. She was pale and sweating profusely, tears running down her face, a hand pressed to her chest. They were ten miles short of Oxford. Pushing as hard as he could, he headed off onto the A40 and followed signs, ending up at the John Radcliffe Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.

Audrey was barely conscious, just whimpering a little with pain, as he lifted her out of the car – strength borne of desperation – and carried her in.

At the reception, he was greeted with, "Name?"

"Audrey Sanderson..." he gasped.



The receptionist was most affronted. "Don't..." but before she could say any more, there were uniformed and white-coated staff taking Audrey out of his arms, a flurry of activity, and she was gone.

Jack turned to the receptionist, but before either of them could say anything a nurse – actually the Sister (Charge Nurse, if you're American) as she was in navy blue – spoke quietly in the woman's ear. They left the desk – the receptionist returned several minutes later, subdued.

"I apologise..." she said, just as Jack was saying, "I'm sorry..." They both stopped and Jack gestured for her to continue.

"I am sorry," she said, "I should have seen it was an emergency, or at least potentially so."

"I shouldn't have shouted," he responded, "but I was in a panic. I need to park my car, though, before it causes an obstruction."

"Very well," the woman gave a small, tired smile, "we'll deal with the formalities when you come back."

He got to the car just in time to avoid a ticket...

He was lucky to find a space (about as far from the entrance as it was possible to get) and returned to the desk to complete the formalities, then slumped in an incredibly uncomfortable chair to await news.

He waited a little over an hour, but it seemed like a lifetime. A young woman (a student nurse, though he didn't recognise the uniform) approached him.

"Mr. Sanderson?"

He stood. "That's me! How is she?"

"Will you come with me, Mr. Sanderson? Doctor LaCroix would like a word with you."

"My wife?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid. I was just asked to take you to see the doctor. I'm sorry. I'm sure he'll be able to tell you more." She turned and moved away, looking over her shoulder to make sure he was following. She showed him into a small interview room, where he edgily moved around until a harassed-looking doctor entered.

"Won't you sit, Mr. Sanderson?"

Jack perched on the edge of a chair and the doctor almost fell into another.

"Mr. Sanderson, I'm very sorry, but your wife has died. We did everything we could, but we were just too late..." he continued talking, quietly, but Jack heard nothing after 'has died'.

The words, meaningless, flowed over him.

"Can I see her?" He interrupted the flow.

The doctor led him into a cubicle. A nurse had been washing Audrey – warned, she put her equipment aside and pulled a sheet over her patient, but stayed there. Jack approached the examination table Audrey was on, reached out and laid the back of his hand against her cheek as he'd done so many times before. She wasn't there. That wasn't his wife; it was some stranger that just looked like her. The spirit, soul, essence ... call it what you will ... that made Audrey, Audrey ... just wasn't there any more. He stepped back, nodded to the nurse and left the cubicle. He saw the doctor. "What happens now?"

"I'm afraid there'll have to be a post-mortem," he replied. "It will be a week or so before before we can issue a death certificate. If I may suggest ... am I right you live in Sheffield?"


"I suggest if you feel able to travel, you return home. Please take great care if you're driving. Contact a funeral director and leave the arrangements to them. Is there anyone you could call to go with you?"

Jack shook his head. "I can't think of anyone. My son is in Australia, my daughter in Romania ... But thank you, doctor. I'd better be going."

It is not a good idea to drive when you've had a shock as profound as that Jack had experienced. It might be thought a miracle that he arrived home intact with his car undamaged, having driven about a hundred and forty miles or so on auto-pilot in heavy, Friday evening, traffic.

He couldn't have said if he slept that night. It seemed that he'd been awake throughout. Breakfast was black coffee. He rang his children; his son was shocked, his daughter was not available and he had to leave a message asking her to call. Sitting numbly in his kitchen, he didn't register the phone ringing the first time. The second time, he didn't quite make it to the hand-set, but it rang again before he could get back to the kitchen.

"Dad? What is it?"

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Dad?" His daughter's voice was rising, clearly worried.

"Jan..." his voice, when he got it to work, was a croak.

"DAD! What is it? You're frightening me!"

He cleared his throat. "Jan ... your mother's dead."

"What! How? When?"

"I picked her up at Heathrow ... she said her leg hurt. We were on our way home ... we were near Oxford ... and she got really ill. She died, Jan. I took her into Oxford, to hospital. But she died, Jan..."

"I'm on my way home, Dad."

"No need, darling. There's nothing you can do..."

"Yes, there is. I can cry on your shoulder, Dad." The call ended with a click and he hung up.

Thirty-six hours passed in a blur; he couldn't have said what time of day it was, merely responding to his body's demands – the toilet, water, dozing in a chair.

His daughter found him sitting, staring across the room; he might have been staring at a photo of himself with Audrey ... or just staring at nothing. She found it difficult to penetrate his stupor; in the end she sat in his lap, leaned against his chest, pressed her face against his neck and wept. Some time later she realised he was shaking; he wrapped his arms round her and they wept together; healing, cleansing tears.

In due course, the Coroner released Audrey's body, with a diagnosis of 'Pulmonary Embolus'. She'd developed a Deep Vein Thrombosis during the flight and part of it had broken off and lodged in her lung. It hadn't registered with Jack at the time, but the Emergency Room doctor, Doctor LaCroix, had said that they were sure that's what it was.

It was a comfort having Janine there. Individually, they might have neglected themselves, but together they prompted each other to eat, bathe, go to bed. They talked together too, about Audrey. Jack told his daughter little things about their life together before she'd been born ... how they'd met in school, initially disliking each other; how a teacher made them co-operate on a project and an uneasy truce gradually turned into friendship and, almost imperceptibly, into love.

Wanting children, but nothing happening until Audrey was in her late thirties and they'd given up hope. But out of the blue, Charles was born and, a couple of years later, Janine.

So comfortable did they become, Jack nearly told Janine about Audrey's sexual problem, which would have led to a confession of his intended infidelity, but he held his tongue; it was his to bear.

Charles, accompanied by Miu, his wife, arrived from Japan a few days before the funeral. Jack was touched that Miu would want to come, but she informed him that it was expected in Japanese culture to attend family funerals, even if you didn't really know the deceased.

"Still, Miu, I'm touched and pleased you wanted to come."

Of them all, Janine was the only one with any religious conviction at all. Funerals tend to be gloomy occasions; the exceptions being just that – a rarity; and this was no exception. The minister did his best, but the overwhelming sense was of loss and sadness. The service did, at least, represent a closure to that part of Jack's life and that of his family.

Charles and Miu stayed a few days after to give Miu a chance to see something of Britain – she and Charles had met and married in Japan - but a week after the funeral they boarded an aircraft at Heathrow. Janine, very reluctantly, left a week after that to return to her work in Romania after extracting a promise from her father to call or email her frequently.

Jack was left to try to piece together a life without Audrey.

When someone close dies suddenly, there are all sorts of issues that complicate the grieving process. In Jack's case, it was particularly muddled. There was some guilt about his intention to commit adultery mixed with relief that he actually hadn't. But there was also some irritation with himself about being conned out of money; not a lot, as I said before, he took chances with trusting people and lived with the consequences when his trust was betrayed. He was guilty that he felt a little relief that he was now free to perhaps pursue another relationship ... and he was lonely now that he was on his own, missing his partner and companion of so many years. In short, he was thoroughly mixed up and confused.

He was sensible enough, however, not to jump into taking up the one or two offers that came his way; knowing he had to get his mind straight first.

He gradually established a new routine though he still found himself setting the table for two, or starting to talk to Audrey. The latter he decided not to fight; in fact, he consciously made time to sit quietly and talk to her; about his love for her but how upset he'd been when they ceased to be intimate. He told her about the dating sites, about emailing and messaging the women who had responded to his profile; he told her about sending money to the Philippines and about Carmelita. Perhaps strangely, he came to feel that his wife both understood and forgave him and he found that he was at peace with his conscience and the memory of his wife.

That might have been the end of the story, but for an unexpected visitor late one evening. He was having a 'glass of whisky and jazz' evening, listening to a new CD of Jacqui Dankworth, when the door-bell rang. He was tempted to ignore it, but the habit of a lifetime had him on his feet and heading for the door before he had time to really think about it.

On the doorstep was a very dishevelled, shivering, young woman.

"Mr. Sanderson? Jack Sanderson?"

"That's my name."

"Can I come in and talk to you, please? I am Carmelita."

His eyes widened in surprise, but he stepped back to let her in ... the habit of trust overcoming any sensible considerations. He indicated a chair and put the kettle on.

"Cup of tea? Coffee? Cocoa?"

"If it is okay ... a cup of tea, please?"

He made tea for both of them and sat watching her as she sipped at hers.

"I am not here to make trouble," she began, "is your wife here?"

"No," Jack said, swallowing and closing his eyes for a moment. "She ... died, suddenly, when she came back from America."

"Oh." Then, after a pause, "I am very sorry for you."

He inclined his head in acknowledgement, "Thank you."

"Perhaps ... I should leave?"

"Maybe. But first, why have you come here? It could have made things difficult had my wife been here."

"I hoped ... I was going to say we met by accident online ... I am in a little trouble. I have no-one to turn to. I hoped you and your wife would be willing to take me in for a while. I ... understand you must be angry with me and that you have no reason to trust me..."

"If you leave, where will you go?"

She shrugged. "Some time, I must go to the Police. I think they may be looking for me. But I have no-where to go. I suppose a Police cell would be better than under a bridge."

"What have you done?"

"I am alive, that is all."

"I don't understand."

"My family, we are ... they were ... immigrants. They had nothing in Manila, but ... someone ... got them into England. I was born here. But they had to work for ... someone. They tried to protect me. The ... someone ... wanted to use me, but I, well you know what I did, undressing, chatting online. The ... someone ... said I wasn't earning enough. The money you sent, it helped for a while..." She stopped and sipped at her tea, then drank thirstily. "Thanks ... that's really good. Anyway ... they came to our house..." her voice became flat, uninflected and she continued in a monotone..."they tied them up. Gagged them. Then they stripped me and raped me in front of them. Everywhere. Over and over. Then they cut their throats in front of me. Told me to get cleaned up and they'd be back for me later. I ... showered and dressed ... dialled 999 and left the phone off the hook ... left the house. Hitch-hiked. Didn't know what to do. Didn't want to go to friends ... You were the only person," her voice gained some animation, "the only person who wasn't connected to me, whose address I had. I know I cheated you and I can't repay what you gave me, but you are my only hope."

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Late in the evening of the Emir’s actual birthday Nicola and Gwenllian were in the Emir’s private sitting room with Sharifa who had invited them to give their presents to the Emir personally in private. The two Welsh women were grateful for this, as their offerings were neither large nor opulent, in contrast with the ones presented at the public audience earlier in the day. Instead they had gone for presents specifically from Wales, Nicola had a paper-weight for his desk in the form of a six...

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Corina Chapter 11

My wife is becoming the slut I always wanted!!!!ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS I DID!!!Corina sat me on the foot of the bed and took off my shirt while she was smiling into my eyes. Then she wouldn't let me get up and took off my socks that were still on my feet. Corina had me stand up in front of her while she was on her knees and then slid off my pants and boxers. Then she kissed the head of my cock and told me I had a perfect dick and she loved it almost as much as me. Corina told me to sit back down...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With A Mature Aunty

Hello people.. My name is ****** from Hyderabad.. I am 6 ft tall and well built.. Basically I am from vijayawada…But for some purpose I am in hyderabad from past 2 months So coming to the sex story I want to narrate to you in my mother language telugu..Here it goes Naa age 23 recent ga b.Tech complete aindhi inka further coaching kosam hyderabad lo join ayyanu..Naku teen age girls kanna yekkuva aunties antee chalaa ishtam coz nenu btech vere state lo chadiva and I got bored of teen...

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Daddys Girl Part 3

Just as I promised, when Shyan had her baby, I took care of everything they needed. My wife lost even more interest in me after the baby was born, concentrating on her new grandchild, which was okay with me because I still had my Daddy’s Girl to fill my needs.One morning I walked into the kitchen and caught Shyan breastfeeding the baby. My cock grew harder and harder as I watched the baby suckle her nipple. The thought drove me crazy that day thinking about it, wondering what that milk must...

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It took months for me to build up the courage to finally say "Fuck it, I want to taste cock and get fucked". Until this moment I had done everything to simulate the experience. Practicing on dildos no longer satisfied me. I needed something hot in me. I needed to feel a cock get hard in my mouth. I needed to have my ass stuffed. I needed to swallow cum. I decided it was time to give in to my desires. To submit myself to an older man. A DADDY. So, I posted an add on Craigslist describing my...

1 year ago
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Islamabad Mein Chudai

Hello doston mera naam ali hai. mein rawalpindi mein rehta hun..meri height 5.9 hai..mein ACCA ka student hun.agar koi larki/aunty mere sath sex try karna chati hai mukamal raazdari k sath to mujhe mail kareen at abhi 20 saal ka hoon, Mujay kafi girls add kurten on on my yahoo messenger lakin zayda tur nay keha kay pehlay mobile ka card send kurro then sex kurnay. Mujay sirf un girls say sex kurna ka maza aata hay jo mature hoon our sex ko poorirazdari say kurna chahteen hoon. Eik larkee nay...

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Shopping For The Neighbour

Geraldine Thomas, aged sixty-five, sometimes did some shopping for near neighbour Reginald Hudson who was aged sixty-three and equally Reginald would pick up some things that Geraldine needed when he was shopping.They were both single, although, both had been married previously and they had known each other for a number of years and always got on well, in fact, each had a slight crush on the other but never revealed it.On this occasion, Geraldine had got some things for Reginald including a...

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The White Queen

No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...

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Barbara a Lady of the Streets True Story

I wrote this about 10 years ago, and just now pulled it out of the files and updated it to share. It's all true, as well as my failing memory can recall. Enjoy.Back about 1980, I was living in a large harbor city on the east coast. I was young, dumb, and full of cum, single and over 21. I was also a young pervert, living in the big city with money in my pocket for the first time in my life. There was lots to enjoy in those more sexually free days - adult bookstores, gloryholes, adult theaters,...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 13

Saturday 9th June 2018 It was a long walk down the street, past the long strip of bars, clubs and low-end stores and eateries. Following behind Jill’s shapely swaying ass, it struck me how this long walk was some kind of a metaphor for the long walk we’d been on as a couple this last year. I knew the literature-loving part of Jill would have laughed at the thought, probably finding a way to top my joke with one of her own.But Jill was walking a little too far ahead of me for me to call out to...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Terrys Change

TERRY'S CHANGE ? by: Teddie S I meet Jill. We attend a regular monthly party, with about 10 other couples and a few singles. These parties were just a big barbeque, swim party, and just a fun time. No kids, just adults. This group has been friends for a number of years, with a few additions over the years. We had a new single girl start attending a few months ago. Her name is Jill and she is very beautiful, long legs, a nice body that looks good in a bikini, a clear...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 70 Wolf Pack Whore

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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What a tease

I tie your hands together, and take a step back to look you over. I smile as filthy thoughts fill my head. I push you onto the bed and climb on top of you, lining my pussy up with the bulge in your pants. I grind on it slowly and little moans from both of us fill the room. I rip off your shirt, then strip down to nothing. You groan in agony at the sight of my naked body. My c-cup breasts, small waist, wide hips, large ass, and smooth pussy is right in front of you, but out of your reach. It...

2 years ago
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Forever in My HeartChapter 3

Madeline, Jenny, and Dorothy were all seated at a table near the back of a small restaurant down the street from where they worked. Madeline and Jenny were still close, but both had noticed Dorothy had been slowly distancing herself. Madeline had her suspicions; while she was the front runner for the upcoming partnership, she knew Dorothy was crafty and had been working overtime with all three partners on the tech. contract. It was becoming a big deal; they’d even pulled Kamenitz into the...

4 years ago
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Mistake By Neighbour Mausi

Hi Friends I am Alex. This is my story with the girl next door I used to call her mausi. Her name is Bitto and she is average built, 28 yrs old with some dark complexion. Once she made a call and ask me to drove her to bank, I was free so I replied in affirmative,I took my bike pick her and headed toward bank. In between we had a casual chat, and everything was smooth(nothing horny). Sudden her phone rings and after answering phone, she ask me -can we drop didi (her elder sister to office) in...

3 years ago
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Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns

Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns by Brenda I noticed Miss Maddy getting dropped off at the main house around 10 am. I did a quick final check of the pool room and my "pink" room just in case I forgot anything and around 11 Miss Maddy came in. She greeted me warmly with a light peck on the cheek and asked, "How's Ronnie doing today? I have missed our time here in the pool house. Why don't you show me what you have done before I take a swim dear?" Ronnie again, and "dear,"...

2 years ago
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Begining of My new Life

Beginning of my New Life I am a 25 years old male, average height and only 50 kilograms of weight. I just reached to the Netherlands, this is the country where my Mistress lives and from now on this is also my country. As soon as I will met with my Mistress, from that moment I will be become I toy and slave and will have no rights. I will be even lower than an animal or a thing on this earth, basically I will be nothing. I start searching the Mistress and there She was standingstraight and...

1 year ago
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My Mystery Man

The room was dark when I was awakened by the sound of crackling thunder. It was about 3:00 a.m. and I wasn’t very sleepy since I was startled. I got out of my queen sized bed, wearing my playboy t-shirt and a pair of sexy Hello Kitty shorts. My long brown hair was in a pony-tail on my head, and in the small light of moon in my dark room, my skin shown silver. I walked into my bathroom and looked at the mirror, taking out my pony-tail and letting my hair fall. After a while of looking at myself...

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Lizzies Rendezvous

June 8, 2003. Lizzie was finally home from college for the summer. She was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend Doug again. They hadn't been together since Easter Break. She gave Doug a call and asked him if he wanted to go with her out for drinks at a local bar up the street. Of course Doug wanted to and Lizzie said she would stop by and pick him up.She had her own chick car, a black Honda Civic coupe but that wouldn't suffice for what she had in mind tonight. In addition to wanting to get...

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No Electricity For The Entire Day

Hi everyone, this is my first story. Since am not that much good in writing in Tamil, here goes my story in English. Am working for a medium sized office with branches spread across the city. As am heading the operations, I would be mostly on the roaming from one branch to another. We had a vacancy for Branch head for one of the branch and was conducting interviews. Through referral got a profile of a girl named Anjali (Name changed). She was married for the past 2 years but with no kids due...

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Bitch of a Witch II

Bitch of a Witch II By Cowgyrl I flopped myself down on the couch still in disbelief. The shock of suddenly becoming female was compounded by the apparent murder of Karen. All I had wanted was a romantic evening with my new love, and instead jealousy turned to rage turned to a nightmare. Carrie hung up the phone and looked at me with concern. I somehow knew she could see the despair in my eyes. I felt hopeless as though everything I had lived for was gone forever. "Doug,...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 174

Say thanks to J & B for this one: Best divorce letter ever My Dear husband: I’m writing this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you. I’ve been a good wife to you for the last 20 years & I have nothing to show for it, and the last 2 weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you left your job today which was the last straw. Last week, you came home & you didn’t even notice I had a new hairstyle, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new nightie....

2 years ago
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Swingers gang bang

Introduction: Couple tries swinging which turns into gangbang After 10 years of married life, my wife and I decided we wanted to explore the swing scene and maybe do some swapping with couples that were similar to us. My wife Nicole is a 30 year old Italian with a little Mexican mixed in she has a round curvy ass, soft full lips and nice big round tits, no silicone here. Here skin is olive and soft & smooth. Im a 42 year old professional. Im 59 and about 175, I consider my size and looks to be...

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Familie X

Willkommen bei Familie X: Dies ist die Geschichte einer Familie, die nach und nach immer versauter wird oder auch nicht, je nachdem, wie du für sie entscheidest. Ich hoffe, dass du genau so viel Spaß beim Lesen hast, wie ich beim Schreiben. Disclaimer: Die Geschichte sowie die Personen darin sind frei erfunden. Mögliche Überschneidungen mit Personen aus der realen Welt sind Zufälle und vom Autor nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte bzw. das Gedankengut, das zu dieser geführt hat, ist Eigentum...

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Sex Therapy 101

My name is Candy and Brandon and I have been married a little over a year now. At first our sex life was great; I think it was because we were so new to each other. Nowadays it has become more of a chore and the sizzle is definitely gone. I find Brandon so sexy, so I am not sure what the problem is. We have tried renting porno and we will get hot and fuck within the first half an hour and then it is over. I long to have Brandon run his long tongue between my pussy lips and suck on my clit. He...

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My Scuba TV Pet

I was surprised. I’d thought it was something that would have appealed to you and that you’d have tried a long time ago, but obviously not.  

Let’s do it today then, I said, making the decision for both of us. The water’s warm this time of year so catsuits will be fine, no need for a wetsuit. And I know a dive-boat where we’d be made very welcome.  If you had any views on the matter you didn’t share them. But then you were at something of a disadvantage. I watched as your head moved up and...

3 years ago
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Surprise from My Girlfriend

Chapter 1 I had just gotten off work one night when my girlfriend gave me a treat. She had just moved into a new apartment with me and I could tell the move had put her in a good mood. I work nights and had just finished a twelve hour shift, getting home around 7:20am and I was exhausted. I slowly made my way through the house into our new bedroom, quickly appreciating how it had merged as she moved in her things. My love for all things nerd somehow mixing with her need for organization and...

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From Across The Room

Seating myself in one of many chairs within a cluster that had obviously been arranged to accommodate conversation, I leaned back and took a sip of scotch. I looked up just as she entered the room. All eyes turned to absorb a glimpse of her beauty and an unseen force pulled me to my feet. My gaze lingered, slowly drifting over her body like a warm breeze. Several other gentlemen had glanced at her and then returned to their brainless babble, each trying to out do the other with stories that...

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 2 Ms Marciersquos Kimmiersquos Naughty Lesson

Mrs. Fatima Samara I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended. A new one begin. My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day. Now a warmth billowed through me, seizing me from beyond our world. It cradled my soul in gentle hands, drawing me away from my...

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The Word of the Lord

"My text today is from the First Book of Kings Chapter eleven verse thirteen: 'and Solomon had three hundred concubines'." Pastor Tony Grifman paused to let the congregation ponder his chosen text. "Just think, three hundred concubines. Three hundred! What a CAP score Solomon must have had! Do we not read in First Kings 3:9 that Solomon asked God for wisdom and it was granted to him? We can see why Solomon had the CAP score he did, because God granted it to him. Once again the Holy Word of...

4 years ago
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An unforgettable Paris Trip

That was my first time in Paris. The city was everything I thought it would be. Beautiful buildings, beautiful scenery with beautiful men and women. Standing among the Parisian, my 5 ft 2 height made me look extremely petite and vulnerable.Despite my petite frame, I am pretty in my own way. I have long, straight, silky black hair that flows to just above my waist. Big, round black eyes and red sensual lips. I'm extremely proud of my 36C-24-36 figures and I like wearing clothes that show off my...

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Dont Judge a Book Ch 05

Friday 27th October 2017As we drove across town, Daryl was making all kinds of small talk. About the school, where he coached, and how his various teams were doing. It all passed in one ear and out the other, my mind all jumbled up and confused, trying to work out whether or not Dave was likely to be home yet, and depending on the situation, how he might react, and what I should do.As we turned into our road I was relieved to see Dave’s car sat right in the middle of our drive. I breathed a...

Wife Lovers
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A Beach Adventure

Some time ago I had to travel down to Cape Town for business. As it was on a Friday, I decided to book my flight back for the Sunday afternoon rather than the same day so that I could spend the weekend down there. I have a small place in one of the little coastal holiday towns to the east of Cape Town, and my plan was to spend the weekend there to get some peace and quiet.While I was sitting in the lounge at Durban airport, I suddenly heard someone calling my name. I looked up and saw it was a...

1 year ago
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Hidden Little

Well, it's been a long way, but I finally feel comfortable with myself! For a long time I was scared of the... urges, I had. I always thought I needed to keep those feelings deep, deep down, since the things I wanted to do... weren't exactly appropriate for my age. Anyway, that doesn't matter to me anymore, since I'm okay with those feelings! And I'll always be undyingly grateful to the woman who helped me get to this point. It's odd to think that I didn't like her at first! But she knew how to...

3 years ago
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Anthem Book 1 The BeginningChapter 6A How You Remind Me

And this is how you remind me This is how you remind me of what I really am Nickleback, from the album Silver Side Up The rest of the week went by quietly, compared to the events that occurred earlier in the week. Alex continued his morning workout, which was slowly becoming a ritual, which happily included Henry. This helped Alex as much as it did Henry because Henry suggested different routes for their run, introducing Alex to the different places in the neighborhood; also including...

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