Becoming John Collins' Mistress - Part Two free porn video

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The next day, everyone was a bit hung over. I needed to pick up my car, which I’d left at the bar the night before. Joe said it was on his way and he’d be glad to take me.

I borrowed a raincoat from John to wear over my skimpy outfit, then Joe and I headed out.

Joe was making eyes at me during the drive, and I decided it would be best to come clean.

“Joe, there’s something you should know about me,” I started.

Joe quickly said, “Hey, baby, there’s a lot I’d like to know about you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not completely what I appear to be.”


“Meaning, biologically I’m not a female.”

Joe looked at me in disbelief.

“You mean you’re carrying something extra down below?”

“That’s right… ”

“Well hey,” said Joe. “That’s cool, not a problem I assure you. I’m one of the most open-minded guys you’ll ever meet.”

I was ecstatic at what I was hearing.

“Oh, Joe, I’m so glad. I really like you.”

“And I like you. And I think you’re really hot. Say, are you and John exclusive?”

“No… ”

“Great. Then why not come over to hang out at my place tomorrow? Though, of course, you can bring John along.”

“Actually, John is going to visit family tomorrow. But I’d love to hang out with you.”

“Great. Why not come by around noon and we’ll make a day of it?”

“Okay,” I replied. “Sounds like fun.”

And so it was agreed. We reached the bar and I got out to get my car.

“See you tomorrow,” I said.

“Looking forward to it,” said Joe. “See you then.”

He drove off, and I got in my car and headed back to John’s to sleep off all the partying.

The next day, I awoke about 9:00 a.m. and went downstairs to find John finishing his breakfast. We kissed and I sat on his lap. I told him I was heading to Joe’s.

“Joe’s a fun guy. Have a great time. But I’m running late.”

So saying, we kissed one more time, I got up off his lap, and we said goodbye for the day. John headed out.

I headed to the bathroom and took a nice bath.

Then, after applying some makeup, I got dressed. I put on some white lace panties, then some black sheer pantyhose. I grabbed some cut-off jeans and slipped into them. They were very tight and cut very high, exposing part of my butt. I then slipped into a lacy white bra, and over this, a pink halter top. Finally, I put on some high-heeled sandals and some loop earrings. I was ready to go.

Once in the car, I looked at the directions I’d googled and headed off.

After driving about forty minutes, I was definitely out “in the sticks”. Woods were everywhere. I loved the woods, how great was this?

I decided to slip off my jeans as I drove. I always loved to do this, it turned me on so to be so naughty.

After another ten minutes, I turned into the road where Joe lived. I continued down the road about a half a mile without seeing a house. Then, up on the left appeared a clearing. There was a mailbox with the number one, which was Joe’s address. There was a driveway and I pulled in.

The house was set back several hundred feet. It was a cabin actually, very quaint looking.

I slipped my cutoff jeans back on, got out of the car and went to the door. I knocked.

Soon the door opened. There was Joe, dressed in a tight tshirt, tight bathing trunks, and sandals.

“Hey, baby, aren’t you going to give me a hug?” I asked.

He opened his arms wide and we hugged. I moved his right arm down to my fanny. He squeezed it with his big strong hand and I leaned in to kiss him. We kissed deeply and I grabbed his ass. I started getting hard and I’m sure he felt it. I massaged my cock against him and said, “Mmm.”

“Come on in. Make yourself comfortable,” said Joe.

So I walked into the middle of the main room and slipped off my jeans and pantyhose, leaving me in just my panties, bra and top.

“Have you got anything to drink, baby?” I asked.

Joe disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a couple of screwdrivers. I grabbed my purse and pulled out a joint. We sat on the couch, smoking the joint and sipping the drinks.

I was starting to feel quite horny.

I got onto my knees on the sofa facing the wall and began massaging my cock through my panties against the back cushions, all the while smiling sweetly at Joe. Soon my cock throbbed and stuck out over the top of the panties.

Joe reached over and slipped his hand beneath my panties, caressing and massaging my ass. I was so turned on, with this big stud ogling me and rubbing my ass while I rubbed my cock against the couch.

“Oh, Joe, I want to suck your cock!” I exclaimed. I sat back down on the couch and removed my halter top. Then I helped Joe take off his swimming trunks. After he sat back down, I leaned over and started kissing and licking his cock and balls.

“Oh, Joe, I want you to fuck my face. Would you fuck my face, baby?”

“Why, it would be my pleasure,” said Joe.

So saying, Joe stood up so I could lie down on my back on the couch, with my head braced up by the two couch pillows. Then Joe straddled me and began rubbing his cock on my face. I licked his throbbing dick and sucked his balls. He stroked his cock against my cheeks, against my eyelids, and against my forehead. His precum on my face let me know how excited he was getting.

Soon, he started stroking his cock as I licked his balls. He started to moan.

Then, still stroking his cock, he aimed it at my now open mouth and shot a large, hot, salty load onto my tongue. I reached with my hand and scooped some of the cum onto my fingers and began to wipe it all over my face. There was still a huge amount of cum on my tongue and in my mouth, and I swallowed it all. Then I sucked Joe’s cock to get every last drop.

Now Joe laid down next to me on the couch. We faced each other and he massaged my ass as we kissed deeply.

“Joe, you were really great!” I exclaimed. I slipped off my panties now and he then stuck his middle finger up my ass and I stroked my erect cock against his leg. I came very quickly, then sat up and licked my jizz off his leg and swallowed it.

After a few minutes of cuddling, we sat up. “How does a burger and fries sound?” he asked. “That is, if you still have room to eat some more.”

We both laughed.

“Yes,” I said. “Actually, I’m famished.”

“Great. I’ll get the charcoal grill going in back. While it’s heating up, we can shower.”

Needless to say, the shower was great! I scrubbed Joe and he scrubbed me. Actually, “fondled” is more like it, but we did get each other clean.

Afterwards, I dried my hair, then I put on some makeup and dressed in some pink lace panties, matching bra and a pink halter top that ended at my belly button. I then slipped into some high strapped sandals and headed out to where Joe was cooking our lunch.

Since there were no nearby neighbors, I felt quite comfortable dressed as I was. (And truth be told, I’m quite the exhibitionist anyway, and so neighbors were not a real consideration for me one way or the other.)

The food finally cooked, we sat at the picnic table and dug in.

“So,” Joe began. “How long have you been crossdressing?”

“Oh gosh,” I answered. “a long time.”

“I’m curious. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’d love to hear how it all started.”

“I don’t mind. But do you really want me to bore you with this?”

“I won’t be bored. Humor me.”

Accordingly, I delved into my genesis as a crossdresser.

“The first inkling I had of wanting to be female was in a dream I once had. In the dream, I was a woman stripping on top of the bar in a men’s tavern. I gyrated around, and I noticed how mesmerized the men watching below were. It gave me such a wonderful feeling, they worshipped me, and I loved giving them pleasure. I felt so free and so sexy and so at home up there turning them on! And I had the sense that I would be protected and taken care of by one of these men who worshipped me. I would give men pleasure and be taken care of in return.”

“Needless to say, when I awoke from that dream my underpants were saturated with cum!”

“And whenever I used to look at Playboy magazines, I always found myself wanting to be one of these naked lovelies. Again, the sense I got was that these women were worshipped for their willing nudity and taken care of. All they had to do was be sexy and available.”

“Then there was my elderly neighbor, Mr. Goodman. After graduating from high school, I began going over to visit Mr. Goodman. He would have me in for a coke and chat. I had no real close friends, so I enjoyed going over to pass some time. And he was obviously quite lonely.”

“One day my Mom was chatting with Mr. Goodman and mentioned she was going away for the weekend with a new beau.”

“Mr. Goodman asked if she thought I would like to spend the weekend at his house so that neither of us got lonely. As I’ve said, I did not have a lot of close friends at the time. My conflicted sexual feelings made me isolated; I preferred not to share my tastes with anyone. My mother knew of my preferences and she did not discourage me. In fact, from time to time when she returned from a shopping trip she would bring me some clothes, like panties or a nighty, that fit me.”

“My mother, who liked to drink a lot and have a good time, believed everyone should be able to do their thing as long as nobody else got hurt. And she told me she had always wanted a daughter, and said I could dress up however I wanted.”

“So I was in the habit of wearing girls’ clothing around the house, though I didn’t dare venture out dressed like that, for fear that if someone found out, I would be ridiculed and would never hear the end of it.”

“Mom was concerned, however, that I did not have a girlfriend or boyfriend.”

“So, as she chatted with Mr. Goodman, she said that yes, she’d like it if I’d spend the weekend with him, but that she’d have to ask me.”

“And when she asked me, I said okay, it would be a good thing to give him some company. Though I didn’t say it, I was the one really starved for company. Plus lately I’d had these fantasies of being a naughty girl for Mr. Goodman. So what the hell, I thought.”

“Early Saturday afternoon, after Mom had left on her date, I headed over to Mr. Goodman’s. He liked having a glass of wine and offered me a glass. It seemed early in the day for someone to be drinking wine, but I accepted since no adult had ever offered me a drink before. I tasted it and didn’t like it. But he coaxed me on, saying, ‘It will make you feel real nice. Don’t you want to feel good?’”

“Then he got up and said, ‘I have something to show you which I think you’ll like. But you must promise me that everything – the wine, and what I’m going to show you – will be strictly between us.’”

“Curiosity was getting the better of me and so, after taking another sip of wine, I said, ‘I promise. Our secret.’”

“‘Good,’ said Mr. Goodman, ‘I’ll be right back. Try and drink more of that wine, it’ll make you feel good.’”

“So, while waiting for him to return, I took a few big gulps of the wine. He was right, it made me feel real giddy and a little dizzy, but I liked it and I liked doing something grown up.”

“Soon he returned with a photo album. He sat on the couch quite close to me and said, ‘I think you’ll really like this.’ Then he took a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and offered me one.”

“Wow, thanks, Mr Goodman, I said, taking one of the cigarettes from the pack. He lit it for me and I puffed on it. I had smoked before behind my friend’s garage, but this was the first time an adult had offered me a smoke.”

“Then he put his arm around me and opened the photo album on his lap with his free hand. I couldn’t believe my eyes (and my good fortune!) The first picture was of a teenage boy with long hair wearing makeup and dressed in girl’s panties and bra and posing sexy for the camera. The boy’s cock protruded from the top of the panties.”

“‘You know,’ he said, ‘One day I could see you in your attic window. You were dancing around in a negligee looking damn sexy. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s perfectly normal and we have a lot in common. You like to dress and tease like a girl and I like watching.’”

“I couldn’t take my eyes off the picture and my cock started getting hard. Mr. Goodman must have noticed and he moved his hand down to my cock and rubbed it through my pants. I was tipsy and feeling so turned on by this elderly gentleman who seemed turned on by me.”

“He flipped to the next page of the album. Here was the same boy with his panties down around his ankles; he was jerking his erect cock.”

“Wow, my cock stirred some more and Mr. Goodman rubbed it and said, ‘Hey, I think you like these pictures as much as I do.’”

“I said, ‘Yeah, I do.’”

“Then he said, ‘Why not get up and take your clothes off, I think you’ll be more comfortable.’”

“I was trembling with excitement as I took off my sneakers and socks, then stood up and removed the rest of my clothes. My penis was hard and Mr. Goodman said, ‘Why, you’re more lovely than this boy we’ve been looking at. I’ll tell you what. I have a camera. How would you like to pose for me?’”

“Wow, it was like a dream come true.”

“‘Sure,’ I said. ‘But I have no clothes like the boy in the pictures.’”

“‘That’s okay,’ he said. ‘We’ll hop in my car and I’ll get you some clothes. It so happens a friend of mine owns a women’s clothing shop that has junior sizes. Here, have another sip of wine and we’ll get going.’”

“I took a sip from the glass he handed me, then put my clothes back on. We headed out to the car.”

“We drove off and soon arrived at his friend’s store. There were female mannequins in the window dressed in beautiful outfits.”

“We headed in and found a heavyset gentleman behind the counter. ‘Chris, this is Steffan.’”

“‘Why, scoot on back here and let me have a look at you,’ said Steffan.”

“So I walked behind the counter and Steffen, who was seated, pulled me onto his lap.”

“‘Say, you’re a hottie. You can call me Uncle Steffan.’”

“I was seated on his lap with my arm around his neck.”

“‘Give your uncle a kiss,’ he said.”

“I moved my lips to his and my wet tongue met his. As we necked, he reached down and unzipped my fly and moved his hand to the top of my underpants; he slid the front down, releasing my hard cock, which he slowly stroked.”

(To Be Continued)

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The Five part 3 Mistress Detour

Teri, Equals with a Mistress?After Rachel left from her collar ceremony, around midnight, I checked my email. Tracy had accepted my date proposal for Wednesday night. This should be interesting. I had only dated one other black lady, and nothing physical happened, other than a simple kiss.Teri, had asked me to meet her Monday at 1 pm. She said to not expect to be home until after midnight. I moved the start to two to give me more time to recover from the weekend events.I drove my pickup to see...

3 years ago
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Going To Party With My Mistress

By : Criticalmass Synopsis: The slave girl is going to be taken to her first party with her mistress. This is a firsthand account narrated by the girl. My mistress promised me to take me to a special party on the day I would turn 18, and today is that day. I am 5′ 7″ tall and have a figure of 34D-28-38. I am fair and have long hair. I had met my mistress on my summer vacation 2 months ago. In the last 2 months we have developed a special bonding and trust. The party was late in the night;...

2 years ago
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Sexy pretty literature mistresspart1

In my eyes, she was really beautiful with a 1.65 m high, a shapely body and angelic face. Each time thinking of her is that my dick got hard as a rod of steel. Much of time, when masturbating, I fantasized about her naked nice body with the legendary breasts, the smooth belly and the red tiny pussy, for support. That was only my imagination, not real. I used to wish she would be mine one day. Who was she?   the answer was that she was my high shool literature mistress. Of course, as...

First Time
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Becoming Mistress Victoria Part Four

The affair with Mary and Fred lasted for almost two years. They were both subservient to me.  They even invited a few other couples to join us. I found out that Texas has its fair share of closet deviants.I finally found my place in the world and was feeling on top of the world.It all ended suddenly when Mary's father and owner of the company found out about me.The door to my cottage burst open late one night. Mary's father, Leonard grabbed my hair and pulled me roughly to the ground. Mary...

1 year ago
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Mistress Demi Part 3

4. Not in Kansas Anymore The morning sun was streaming through the window when I woke up. Mistress was still asleep and I smiled as I watched her sleep. I had a serious case of morning wood. Who could blame me? I was lying next to a beautiful naked woman who had awoken something in me I never knew existed. I was still trying to figure out how all this had come to pass when Mistress began to stir. She opened her beautiful brown eyes. “Good Morning Mistress, I hope you slept well” “What...

4 years ago
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Mistress Demi Part 4

5.Realization I woke from a dreamless sleep and I turned my head and looked at the clock. It read 7:48. Mistress was still fast asleep and for a moment I thought about waking her up, it was past 7:30 after all. But then I thought about how many years I had until I collect Social Security and I decided discretion was the better part of valor and let her sleep. I looked down at Demi and she was looking up at me smiling sleepily.“Good decision, I could see those wheels spinning.”She motioned to...

3 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 8

"Now, clean your naughty pussy from my foot as I cum." As Miss Vee's words swam through my mind, I thought back to a few months ago, before I had experienced any of this. I used to wear cute skirts and white panties and tease myself in bed. I would put my hair in pigtails and put on some thin, girly socks while I edged myself closer and closer to an orgasm. I loved drawing it out as long as I could, never wanting to quite reach the end. But now, I was on the floor with a plug locked in my ass,...

4 years ago
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Mistress Viagra torture Part 2

continuation of part 1When we arrived upstairs in the girls bedroom, my new mistresses bedroom :) I was so tired and worn out, I was dizzy, and my head was spinning.Her room was typical of a girls room, the walls were white with pink accent wall and pink trim, she had a lot of flowers in vaises and in pots surrounding her dresser, night stand, and in the windows. The curtains were pink with flowers on them. She had a large makeup table with lights running down both sides. There was an on suite...

3 years ago
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Mistress Emmas Revenge part 3

Mistress Emma's Revenge Part 3 @2018 by Brenda (sissymissyct) The ride home was mostly quiet. I think we were all a bit exhausted form the nights events. I fell asleep soon after I hit the bed, but not before I heard my ladies in the next room enjoying themselves before they too drifted off to sleep. We all slept in Sunday morning but I awoke first and started making a nice Sunday brunch. Fresh fruit, bacon, French toast, coffee and mimosas, and perfectly cooked omelets. Mistress...

1 year ago
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The Collins

It was a beautiful Monday morning in the Collins family, the sun was shining down from a bright and cloudless sky with only a small breeze ruffling the trees. The mother of the family, Christine, was in the kitchen making breakfast. She had loaded up the coffeemaker and was currently frying eggs, bacon and some sausages for the family when they would eventually come downstairs to eat. The father of the family, Matt, was in his den; finishing up on his work so he could send it off to his...

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mistress TERIE car wash part 1

The bus turned left and finally abonded the city now it was a straight road about half an hour long journey to reach my destination Mistress Terie wonderful home, what trepidation i felt and how excited i was ,it has been a long voyage but finally i was about to meet her.......MIstress was surprised and not when I accepted her offer, of washing her lover s car while they are doing sex upstairs at home ,but I will be near her, MISTRESS TERIE and all day,for me it was a big first that a woman...

2 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 7

It was 8 months since the first time Mistress Hannah had ordered me to put on her panties. In that time I had become both more of a man and more of a sissy. When we went to the theater club on Sunday nights, I had a variety of dresses, wigs and shoes to choose from. My aerobic workouts had boosted my stamina and I had gotten good control over my premature ejaculations. I still occasionally used the breast and cock pump, but my cock had not achieved the 5" I had hoped for. It topped out at...

3 years ago
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keletons in my closet part 7 Finding Johnrsquos skelet

Skeletons in my closet part 7 Finding John’s skeletons and creating more of my own. When we got home from my mother's funeral. I walked my daughter to her room telling her to lie down for a while as she was upset from burying her grandmother. I walked out to find John once again standing at his war wall. I saw his hand go to that picture of him and those 5 men. I went over to him.I wrapped my hand around his waist as I asked, ”How many of those men had he not forgotten?”John looked me in my...

3 years ago
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New Adventures with Mistress M ndash Part 2 nda

New Adventures with Mistress M – Part 2 – the airport play This part is following up on part 1 – read it if you havn´t. While part 1 was describing the fantasy part 2 just happened a week ago. All the writing, the asking for forgivness has worked.. I had to go on a businesstrip to the city where the goddess Mistress M. lives and works. We arrange that she comes and picks me up after the meetings. In the messages up to that event Mistress demands that I wear my lateximitated thong with a zipper...

1 year ago
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Becoming Mistress Victoria Part Six

Brian was my first guinea pig. He was a young and hormonal boy with a  cock was that was perpetually hard and was trained to come on my command. I would use his orgasm as a reward for being a good slave; sometimes; I would not let him come for days. When he finally did come, it was always a lot, and I would have him lick up his cum, from my feet or my pussy.I was learning how to be a good Dominatrix, as I was training Brian, the line between pleasure and pain. He was a willing and obedient...

1 year ago
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Tgirl dominated by school Mistress part 2

This is the second part of “Dominant Female Teacher Makes Cross dresser Student”. It explains why I am what I am.I got called to see Miss Jones, the teacher in charge of discipline at my school."So you are back are you? What do you expect? Well you are wrong for I demand so much more. Understand me about that.""Yes Miss Jones, I understand" I was back in her school office again. Again I was nervous and excited.She put down the file and looked at me. "It’s not a game it’s for real"I...

2 years ago
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John and Brianna Part 2 The Swimming Pool

The next morning Brianna slowly awakes, feeling very good after last night. Both she and John are still naked, and John is curled against her back with one arm around her, his hand on her breast. She can feel his body against her back and feel his semi-hard dick between them, pressed against her ass.She keeps still, enjoying the feeling until she notices that John is also waking up. Then she moves her hand between them and strokes his dick. John now moans softly, still not fully awake, but he...

Straight Sex
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A servant and Mistress Part 2

Part 2I slept the sleep of the dead that night, and awoke late the nextmorning. I lay on my stomach as I realized the sun was already shining,but I didn't care. What was the worst she could do to me, whip me? I nolonger feared her whippings. The pain I could handle, it was her I couldnot. I felt I hated her with every fibre of my being, more than I hatedsin. She was evil, pure evil, and I wished it had been I who had floggedher, even if it meant that I had to receive twice as much, it...

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mistress terie car wash part 2

As soon as i was out i filled a bucket of water and commenced the washing oohh how i wished that nobody noticed me but it was a very vain wish, becouse soon enough the honking started and wolf whistles could be heard from a mile away. I started washing from the side of the pavement and was lucky enough that no one was passing or walking, but when i began washing on the street s end mayhem broke ,every car slowed down and the comments started some were innocuous like be careful not to rip the...

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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 5

I was making progress as a slave but unkown to me, one of my stories helped Mistress Hannah see an opportunity for a particularly fun afternoon and a chance to help an old friend through a rough spot in her marriage. Several months of aerobic classes and feminization had increased my stamina and made me more comfortable when we spent our Sunday evenings out for dinner and as member/patrons at the theater club where I had been displayed on my coming-out evening. The pumping of my boobs and cock...

3 years ago
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Mistress Marys bitch formally her Part 4

Mistress Mary's bitch, formally her husband, Part 4This is dedicated to @smdevil75, the little bitch, LOLLast night Mistress Mary said I better get a good night sleep because I have a full day ahead of myself. I have no idea what she has planned??I woke and fixed her breakfast as normal. I was told to give myself an enema. Then she handed me a cock restraint. "Put this on before you insert your pink butt plug." "Because I know that once that plug goes in you'll have an erection and you'll never...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 2

Cathleen was curled up in the leather chair near the fire when John arrived home from work that night. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and another for John sitting on the side table. John could see that she was wearing her sexy pink satin robe. Unbeknownst to him, under the robe, she was wearing nothing but Kelly's red thong and her new blonde muff. And he could see that she had really made herself up. Like any guy, John loved a woman's eyes made up... and Cathleen had...

2 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 5

I pulled against my restraints, eager to hear the news Mistress had for me. "Would you like to hear it?" she asked. "Yes please, Mistress." "Mmm. I love the sound of your voice when you get like this. It's almost musical how your denied urges make your body speak. The little ups and downs of your whimpers send chills through me." Mistress started to run her fingers up and down over my bare breasts. I felt like I could barely breathe, I was so excited. "The good news, hunny," Mistress started,...

2 years ago
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Slave to Mistress Part 2

Elizabeth: Elizabeth was furious. Not only was her slave not at the door, she wasn't even in the house! At first Elizabeth thought it was Lucy's way to get her to 'punish' her, but now she was unsure. "I give her everything and she just leaves me? It makes no sense!" Elizabeth pushes over a cabinet, breaking it and sending sex toys flying across the floor, "Fuck, now I have to clean this up myself." As she begins collecting the various dildos, vibrators, whips and bindings, she...

2 years ago
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John Jon Whats the difference Part 1 The Term Project

John? Jon? What's the difference? Part 1. The Term Project By Akkano Synopsis: John Smith is a well adjusted, happy, prosperous businessman. In an alternate universe (which is identical to the first universe), his parents name him Jon, instead of John. Because of his being named Jon, his life takes a totally different track in the alternate universe and he becomes transgender. The change of name is largely responsible for his turning transgender, if he had been named John, very...

4 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 6

Having accepted the riding crop, Mistress Leelee seemed to understand that she was being given the opportunity to do something to me, but she was clearly lost."He's yours now Leelee. It starts with the first order. If you're going to turn your cheating husband, a little experience with Michelle here will give you confidence. I suggest you order him to stand in front of you and work from there. wouldn't you like to inspect him?"Mistress Leelee seemed to understand the gravity of her situation...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 4

TOTAL TRANSFORMATION SALON AND SPA - CATHLEEN AND JOHN (PART 4) When the next Saturday arrived John & Cathleen couldn't wait to get to Total Transformation Salon & Spa. All week, they had enjoyed fantastic sex pretty much repeating what had happened the first night. The more sex they had, the more horny they became. Kelly & Lori greeted them in the reception area. "So... how did it go?" Lori asked. "Amazing," they replied in unison. They all giggled. They...

3 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 6 Missy and Mistress Keri

Up until now, I have enjoyed my time as Missy. My mom had kept me busy with clients and we pulled in a lot of extra income and I was able to experience a lot of different fantasies, However I had not had the chance to try anything involving BDSM, or not yet at least.One day I came home from mowing the lawn for an elderly woman when I walked in the door to find my mother smiling deviously at the kitchen table. I instantly knew that Missy had been hired for another job.I sat down next to my...

3 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 9

I wanted to scream I felt so happy. My knees trembled with anxious anticipation. I was going to enjoy this. I knew it would be one of the greatest feelings I'd ever experienced in my whole life. I just knew it would be.Before I was even touched, my pussy began to pulse and ache warm excitement out through my engorged lips.Mistress walked around behind me and soon, I felt her perfect tongue, tease my horny slit."Ohh!" Mistress squeaked, delighted. "She has never tasted so sweet, ladies! It's...


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