DominionChapter 19 free porn video

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Despite the gravity of his victory, Dominion took no time to rest and bask in his own glory. After defeating the octopus, the first thing he did was clear the sky of all the dust thrown up when he collided with the monster. So much particulate had been made airborne that it threatened to create a nuclear winter, ironically, without any actual radiation or fallout. Then he rereleased the spawn, sending them back to their positions and duties. Luckily, the government had been too afraid to enter his domain while he was busy. Next, he redistributed the wraiths to his collaborators and woke them and the prisoners up. Everything was back up and running in no time. However, just as Dominion was about to begin studying his new acquisition, Ishtar sent him a message.

‘Lord Dominion, we have a dire emergency at the mansion!’

He sighed in annoyance and teleported there. Appearing in the main hallway, he found Nayara and Mary bowing before him as usual, but Cho was face down on the floor, with Ishtar beating her with her tail.

“What’s going on?”

Ishtar got down on one knee. “My Lord, Hijiri has escaped! Someone broke in and stole her!”

“Misato ... so he survived. I thought I had sensed something during the fight, but to think it actually happened,” Dominion muttered.

“Even if I was assimilated into you to face the monster, this failure is still mine! Please, punish me as you see fit!”

“Your self-deprecation serves no beneficial purpose. There is no point in punishing you other than to indulge your masochism.”

“Please, allow me to go after her! Let me reclaim your lost slave!”

A wicked grin crossed Dominion’s face. “No need. We’ll find her eventually. The safe places she can hide will shrink day by day as my empire expands. I want her to realize that there is nowhere left of her to run, then I will take her back. Right now, what’s truly important is how she escaped. Misato was here, I can smell his blood, but the only thing more unlikely than surviving his injury and having the strength to save Hijiri is doing so after breaking free of his hex. Someone else helped him, I can smell her.” Dominion walked over to the beaten Cho and crouched down. “Care to tell me about the robed woman with the golden hand?”

“Never in a million years,” she hissed.

“And I suppose you said that expecting me to torture you for the information. After all, that’s what Ishtar was trying to do. You think that just become you’ve learned to enjoy getting violated means that you’re immune to all my tricks. How naïve. I haven’t even begun to teach you the meaning of pain. There are so many nerve endings for me to exploit. So many ways to make you shriek in agony. “I’m so sorry Hijiri.” You’ll say those words and then proceed to tell me everything you know, and foolishly hope that that’ll make the pain stop. But it won’t. After the interrogation will come the punishment, obviously, to teach you never to keep secrets from me.”

Cho just stared at him with wide eyes. It was true. If he really wanted the information, there was no question he could extract it from her. Her strength was nothing compared to his evil.

Surprising her, he stood back up and chuckled. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You mistake me for some kind of savage. I’m much more civil than you think. You’ll willingly tell me, after the baptism, of course.”

“Baptism?” Cho murmured.

Dominion snapped his fingers, and behind Cho, the floor was destroyed by the rising of three coffins. They were made of Dead Matter and had an organic, fleshy appearance, despite being as black as coal.

“You see, I realized something after I broke Mary. Once I’ve fully bent you to my will and you learn to enjoy being brutalized, the only difference between you and Ishtar is that Ishtar is actually useful for other things. I could just throw you in the trash, replace you with clones of her, and come out on top. Lucky for you, my collector spirit won’t let me do that. So, instead, I’ll turn you into my new unholy servants. Blight was originally a human just like you, he was Mary’s husband. I’m going to do to you what I did to him. Besides, now that Hijiri has gone, you’ve lost your ‘twin’ appeal.”

Cho’s body became ice cold, flooded by the terror she first felt when she met Dominion. Unlike Hijiri, who only feared him for the physical pain he could inflict, Cho had been subjected to his bloodlust and knew that it was her soul that was really in danger. Dominion was Hell itself, all those that he killed were trapped within him for an eternity, a horror worse than any pain of the flesh. What he was about to do was just as bad, perhaps even worse.

The three coffins opened and black tendrils reached out to the women. Mary and Nayara didn’t resist in any way. The tendrils simply picked them up and pulled them in, but Cho fought against it, kicking and screaming and trying to pull away. The tendrils grabbed her and began dragging her into the darkness.

“No! You can’t do this to me! I did everything you told me do! You said you’d leave my soul alone! Please, anything but this! I’ll tell you everything! Just let me die in peace!” She was pulled into the coffin, with the tendrils binding her like a straightjacket. She looked down at her feet, as out of the darkness, a swarm of insects began to crawl up her bare legs. She didn’t know where they were coming from, but they were filling up the coffin. “I don’t want this!” she shrieked.

Ishtar approached her with a peaceful smile. “Don’t worry. In time, you shall be able to truly appreciate the glory of belonging to Lord Dominion. Now, goodnight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Ishtar then closed the lid, with Cho giving one final scream before the swarm of insects covered her face.

“Only under the most extreme circumstances am I to be interrupted.”

Those were the orders Dominion gave before secluding himself in his lab. Now that everything had been handed over to his minions, he could begin dissecting his newest acquisition. He had been passively digesting it since its defeat, but now with focused effort, he could start harvesting it for information and experimenting.

The first thing he uncovered was its origins. It was similar to a spawn, ironically. Just as Dominion gave form to his creations with his blood, the octopus was born from a single drop of blood belonging to one of the Old Gods. The difference was that it was more like a clone of the Old God, unlike Dominion’s spawn, which were human and demonic spirits mashed together and brainwashed to obey him.

It had been born just before the arrival of mankind and buried deep below the planet’s surface. It had only one purpose: destroy any entities that threatened the Old Gods. It was a countermeasure against people like Dominion. The Old Gods must have realized the possibility of someone like him appearing, a human that grew stronger by stealing the souls of others. It must have woken up because he reached a certain level of power. However, the Old Gods severely underestimated Dominion. They must have assumed that their pet would just have to fight some monster that had gone insane with power and was simply rampaging. They had no idea their enemy was someone with an intact will, who was able to overcome a 1:10 strength ratio with skill and intellect. Their foolishness would cost them dearly.

The octopus, it had the power of the one of the Old Gods, and now, so did Dominion. It wasn’t just a meal, it was a vaccination. Now when he faced the true Old God, he’d be able to easily absorb its power. The octopus was unaware of any other of its kind being born, Guardians created by the other Old Gods, but Dominion had a feeling that they were out there somewhere. If he absorbed them all, not only would he be able to take on the Old Gods, but he’d probably be able to break their barrier and enter Purgatory. So now the question became which would happen first: would he track down the other three Guardians, or would he acquire enough souls? It was probably a good idea to pursue both avenues.

Next, he examined the powers and abilities the octopus possessed. Just by absorbing it, he had widened his knowledge and proficiency in using the Dead Runes, but it was the power that amazed him. It was a rather overwhelming sensation, how strong he had become. He now walked on a planet that he could destroy with his own two hands. He had the ability to exterminate all life on Earth and blow it up. The world had never felt so small to him.

Finally, the most important acquisition. While he still couldn’t create full-functioning souls, he had come close. “Proto-souls”, perhaps a rough draft the Old Gods once used. They were souls that were incapable of producing abstract thought, disintegrated immediately upon exposure to the environment outside of a proper container, and couldn’t function within organic hosts, meaning that they couldn’t be used in spawn.

However, they worked just fine in S2 Engines, and Dominion could create them without limit, but he couldn’t incorporate them into his body. Not only would they dissolve into nothingness if he just consumed them like regular souls, but for some reason, even when put in S2 Engines, they were repelled from him as if by magnetism. Perhaps it was some kind of defense mechanism created by the Old Gods, just like the octopus itself, something to prevent him from gaining truly limitless power.

It was the middle of the night when Dominion returned to the mansion. He had finished his experiments for the day, but even after defeating the octopus, he was still wired. He’d use Ishtar to relieve the leftover strain of battle. Yet when he appeared in the main hallway of the mansion, he gave a sigh of annoyance. Ishtar, bowing before him, shivered. Was he angry with her?

“Is there anything wrong, Master?” she asked without lifting her head from the floor.

“This mansion doesn’t suit me.”

Then, without another word, he teleported, reappearing high above the planet, just shy of the vacuum of space. He looked down upon his kingdom and snapped his fingers. Across his domain, all of the towns that had already been searched and stripped were dismantled and lifted into the air. Metal, brick, glass, concrete, and pristine wood were collected, and everything else left behind. Nails were gathered together and reformed like they were melted in a foundry. Stone architecture and decorations were likewise collected, with different minerals being harvested and reshaped. When he couldn’t find the necessary minerals and alloys in towns, he ripped them straight out of the earth’s crust. The site of his fight with the octopus had resulted in an overabundance of glass and the exposure of several valuable materials.

Then, in the upper atmosphere, he brought them all together. Those looking up at the sky with telescopes would see his growing creation. Buildings, bridges, dungeons, and walls were formed in midair and assembled like puzzle pieces. It was a massive structure, the size of an entire city. It floated on an island of stone and metal, with terraced buildings leading up to a gothic fortress, decorated with statues of demons and unholy monsters. Two spires, dwarfing any tower or skyscraper in mankind’s history, flanked the central palace. They curved and leaned towards each other, resembling the pincers of a fierce beetle. The entire structure was powered by ten massive S2 Engines, each made with several thousand proto-souls. However, it only needed three to be fully operational.

His creation floated before him, bathed in the light of the moon. At the top of the fortress, in the absolute center of the structure, was an oculus to let light into the throne room. Dominion entered to examine his handiwork. The throne room was cavernous, like a cathedral, and had similar architecture, featuring arches and pillars seen throughout ancient Europe.

It also resembled Aztec architecture, displaying both sharp edges and geometric patterns, the walls decorated with reliefs of monsters, animals, and humans. So too did it incorporate organic curves and shapes, reminiscent of parts of human anatomy. It was almost like being in a giant ribcage, with the decorative architecture resembling organs, tendons, and the like. It was all made of black stone and volcanic glass from his fight, so that even if the sunlight poured in through the oculus, it would have a cold, dark aura.

Dominion took a seat on the throne and sighed in joy. “Finally, a castle fit for the king of the world.”

It was supposed to be a beautiful summer day, but those that looked up saw the declaration of the apocalypse. The sky over the country was red as blood with clouds looking like smoke from an oil fire. It started at dawn, Dominion’s armies moving south towards DC.

Never before had he commanded so many forces. Just with the power of the octopus, he was powerful enough to destroy the planet and overcome any threat, so now, every soul and demon he had could be used for generating spawn. True, Dominion couldn’t add the S2 Engines to his own body, but he could implant them into his minions. Now each spawn, regardless of type, consisted of one demon or wraith for thought and intellect, and an S2 Engine filled with proto-souls to power both the body and psychic powers. That meant millions of monstrous soldiers were now on the move, with thousands more still guarding his prisons.

The wings of the vultures and the hulks blocked out the sun, but the fleet of airborne sphinxes gleamed like polished mirrors, and in the rear was Dominion’s fortress, its massive spires resembling the devil’s horns. They were crossing Maryland and had almost reached DC. Dominion saw it all from his throne room, through the eyes of all of his spawn.

“Scourge.” Upon being called, the specter appeared at Dominion’s feet. “You deal with Collins. Put him on display.”

Sirens were going off throughout Washington DC. Dominion was coming, they could see his forces on the horizon. The last vestiges of the US military gathered together, forming a desperate last-ditch defense to buy time for the citizens to evacuate. Tanks and mortars were lined up in the northern outskirts, firing everything they had at the oncoming horde. The shells and bombs exploded in midair without hitting anything, or were caught by telekinesis and discarded like trash. The last few jets and helicopters were swatted out of the sky like flies.

The soldiers wept as they fired everything they had, only to see it accomplish nothing. This couldn’t be happening, this all had to be a bad dream. Nothing like this could possibly be allowed to exist. As the terrified men were enveloped by the shadow of Dominion’s army, they finally gave in and abandoned their posts. Running and hiding was all that they could do left. Fighting back was impossible.

As per routine, Dominion’s forces split up to surround the city. Every road leading out of DC was stuck in gridlock, with the people unable to move. He had sent some troops ahead of schedule to take out bridges and highways, keeping the citizens trapped. Just like with the three previous cities, the sphinxes put up a forcefield around the city, to make sure that one would be able to escape, even on foot. Then, his armies swarmed in to do what they did best.

Collins was in the Oval Office, hurriedly packing essential files and items. Outside was a chopper waiting to take him to Air Force One. He was left with a skeleton crew, most white house employees running off days ago. Now he felt like the mob boss from an action movie with his last three henchmen and a duffle bag full of money, being chased by the hero. He still had some semblance of hope, not for the country, but for some of its people. All he had to do was get out of the city and get to the doomsday bunker where the rest of his cabinet and Chiefs of Staff were waiting. Then he could hopefully help organize a nation-wide evacuation. After that, it was in God’s hands.

“Mr. President, we have to go!” one of his last Secret Service agents hollered from down the hall.

Collins took one last look around the Oval Office. He’d never see it again. No one would ever hold this office, sit at this desk, or lead this country again. Dominion had taken it all.

“I’m coming.”

He entered the hall with his bags, but as he turned the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks. What should have been the exit to the back gardens had been blocked off, a great mass of sludgy-darkness clogging the hallway like a giant ball of crude oil. The Secret Service agent was stuck to it like a fly caught in a web, and it was slowly enveloping him. Collins could see his flesh graying with death.

“Mr. President ... run...” the man gagged. Then his face melted off his skull and his skeleton turned to ash, before being fully absorbed by the sludge.

Collins wanted to run, he knew he was supposed to, but he was paralyzed by a fear, a fear he had only felt once before. It was when that woman came and offered that deal from Dominion, then revealed the entity that had been spying on him. The darkness was spreading, roots growing from the mass and latching onto the walls, causing the wood to rot. Long centipedes were crawling out of muck and slithering towards him.

Then, he appeared, stepping out of the sludge like it was a cloud of mist. It was the black figure, the demon. His face was hidden by his hood, but Collins could feel his unholy gaze. He heard his wheezing hiss, an announcement of his presence. Just like the first time he saw him, Collins soiled himself without even realizing it. It was a very understandable response.

Scourge approached, raising his arms and extending his tentacles. Collins couldn’t even breath, his heart was threatening to give out. The sounds of gunshots shook him from his stupor, not to mention one of the bullets grazing his ear. They had done no damage to Scourge, simply absorbed into his body. Collins looked back, seeing Jake Boal at the other end of the hall with a pistol from one of the Secret Service agents.

“Come on! Back to the Oval Office!” he shouted.

Collins dumped everything he was carrying and ran over as fast as he could. Jake emptied the mag into Scourge, still not accomplishing anything. The two men retreated into the Oval Office and tried to barricade the doors.

“Here, it’s loaded with the last few silver bullets,” said Jake, handing Collins a gun.

“We have to get out of here. We’ll smash through the windows.”

As the words were spoken, the room began to darken. Black tentacles were moving across the window on the outside like a swarm of Lovecraftian monsters trying to bury the White House under their bodies. “Oh fuck...” Jake muttered. Those words were followed by a scream, Jake being grabbed and hoisted into the air. Collins fell to the floor and saw the demon, clinging to the ceiling with Jake in his grip. Jake was howling in terror as Scourge brought him up to his face. The hood of his cloak enveloped him, his body being drawn inside like it was a sleeping bag. The crunching of bone, the tearing of flesh, the slurping of blood, it was heard as Jake was pulled deeper and deeper into Scourge’s body. No face or jaws were visible, but he was clearly eating him, and the way his limbs were flailing told Collins was still alive, still alive to experience every moment of agony.

Collins screamed and opened fire, putting three rounds into Scourge’s chest. The gun jammed before he could fire a fourth. The bullets burned holes through Scourge’s cloak and into his chest, obviously doing some damage, but the beast just hissed in annoyance and choked down the rest of he meal, then turned his attention back to Collins.

Collins scrambled to his feet and ran out of the office. He was sobbing in each step, desperate to find a way out. All of the windows were being covered by black tentacles, and behind him, he could see Scourge approaching. Every light around the demon would go out, making it look like darkness itself was following him. He ran upstairs, finding the windows of the Lincoln Bedroom untouched. All he had to do was survive the fall without breaking anything. He could do that!

As he lunged for the window, one of Scourge’s tentacles wrapped around his ankle and dragged him over. He clawed at the floor, kicking and screaming. “I don’t want to die!” he sobbed.

He was then flipped onto his back, staring up at the nonexistence face of Scourge. From his sleeves, amidst the tentacles, two hands were revealed. They looked like they belonged to a long-dead corpse, just a thin layer of rotting flesh clinging to the bones. His fingers were unnaturally long and misshapen, with no nails to speak up. Scourge leaned down, slowly wrapped those ice-cold hands around Collins’ throat, and squeezed. Collins died, staring into the depths of horror.

The president had been slain, his body impaled on the flagpole on the roof of the White House for all the world to see. As his blood poured freely, Dominion walked up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Behind him, the city was burning, the fires started in the chaos. The flames looked beautiful under the crimson sky. People were screaming endlessly, either being brutally slaughtered or captured and put in transport vehicles. Just as loud was the sound of gunfire, though it wasn’t even remotely helpful, unless someone managed a lucky shot at one of the collaborators.

He arrived at the statue, painstakingly rebuilt after its destruction during the chaos years. He held out his hand, and above his head, a giant sword of black steel materialized in thin air. He gave a flick of his wrist and the sword was plunged into the statue’s chest, ripping it in half. Dominion then looked back out over the city and began to laugh. “The sun will never again shine on the United States of America! And soon, the sun will never set on the kingdom of Dominion!”

With Washington DC being reconstructed and his forces moving into Virginia to continue hunting, Dominion retired to his bedroom in his palace. True, it was still the early morning, but upon sensing the completion of his slaves’ transformation, his lust had been triggered. He had been implanting wraiths into their bodies and twisting their souls, turning them into the perfect servants. Nothing remained but what he deemed valuable. Ishtar was with him, eager to see the transformation an assist in trying them out. Neither of them knew how the slaves’ transformations would manifest. Dominion leaned against one of the posts of his massive canopy bed and snapped his fingers. The three black coffins rose up from the floor and opened, and out stepped his reborn concubines.

The first was Mary, having undergone the most extreme transformation. An ironic appearance, for someone who based so many of her beliefs on skin color, she herself had lost her skin. It had all been peeled away, exposing the muscles and veins underneath. Only the flesh on her scalp remained, preserving her long golden hair. It was similar to her husband, how he lost the complete front of his skull.

One might think she was about to collapse and bleed to death, but her body was now a hundred times more durable than before. Her muscles shined with blood and moisture, each step leaving a wet footprint on the floor. However, the puddles would instantly evaporate, leaving no residue behind, similar to Dead Matter. Since she had lost her skin, she had also lost all the fat beneath it, but her gluteal and pectoral muscles had inflated and changed shape to maintain her buxom milf figure so that she could please her Master.

Next was Nayara. The first thing that Dominion noticed was that her face was completely gone, turned into a blank canvas of skin that had been ironed smooth. Even the bridge of her nose was gone, and looking down, her vagina had disappeared, leaving her like a Barbie doll. Had all of the openings and orifices of her body been removed? This was certainly curious. As she stepped out, he saw two lines appear on her face, lashes growing from them and then opening to reveal her eyes. Very interesting.

Last was Cho, and her transformation was perhaps the strangest. Her body was covered with piercings, with wires running through them like pullies and leading into holes in her flesh. With every movement she made, the wires hissed and reeled, retracting and slackening as if her body was simply a puppet on strings. Even her eyelids and cheeks had been pierced, every small movement made by the wires. Dominion’s eyes moved down, seeing that her labia had rivets in them, with the wires keeping the lips spread.

She looked around with new, hollow eyes. “And to think ... I hesitated.”

“Where do your allegiances lie?” Dominion asked.

The three women all bowed down. “With you, Master,” they declared.

“Exquisite,” Ishtar purred.

Dominion undressed and moved onto the bed. “Then it’s time to perform your duties.”

Normally Ishtar would be the first on the bed, but she hung back, eager to see what her new underlings were capable of. His slaves all climbed up and approached him with lustful eyes, staring in awe at his towering manhood. Every place that Mary touched would be stained with blood, then the stain would cease to exist as soon as she pulled away. She was first, running her tongue up the shaft, with her tongue the same color as the exposed muscles in her cheeks. She ran her lips along its length like she was playing a harmonica, while Cho snuck past her and began working the head. The two of them were much more enthusiastic than before, more dedicated in their efforts. An opening appeared on Nayara’s face, becoming a toothless mouth with multiple swirling tongues. She went down below, greedily sucking on his balls like a leech.

The women took turns on different areas, drinking each other’s saliva and making out between shifts. At the foot of the bed was Ishtar, playing with herself as she watched. When Nayara came up onto his lap, Mary and Cho were pushed aside as she deepthroated Dominion’s entire cock. Her new abilities certainly surprised him. Normally, Ishtar was the best in all areas, including blowjobs, especially when one considered the aphrodisiac in her saliva. However, her mouth was still designed like a human’s. Nayara, however, was able to take a more amorphous form with her mouth. Most sex toys were designed to be as human-like as possible, but she was a human designed to be as toy-like as possible.

Dominion decided he wanted to try something. He grabbed Nayara by the shoulders, forced her onto her back, and got on top of her. He pushed her chin up, exposing her throat, and just as expected, it opened up into another mouth with her greedy tongues reaching out to him. He forced himself inside, fucking her throat but now from the opposite direction. Her first mouth was opened by his cock forcing its way out, like a snake slithering out of his den. It was certainly a peculiar sight to behold, to see his cock coming OUT of a woman’s mouth. While he throat-fucked Nayara, Cho and Mary were all wrapped up together, sucking on each other’s tongues.

Dominion eventually ejaculated, sending his semen squirting out onto Nayara’s face. Ishtar knelt down and licked Nayara’s face clean. “Master, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I am capable of this trick as well. I hope this won’t make you become bored with me.”

“Well, then later, I’ll see how well you two compare. I’m not done with her yet.”

Dominion rolled Nayara onto her stomach and parted the hair on the back of her head. On cue, another orifice appeared, with her skull itself opening up. He didn’t hesitate, he thrust himself in as far as he could, drilling straight through her brain and not stopping until he hit the inside of her forehead.

“Oh God, Master, that feels so good! Fuck my brains, fuck them to shreds!” Nayara moaned.

She didn’t need to ask, he gripped her skull like he was trying to crush her and began violently thrusting. His cock was pulverizing her gray matter, liquifying the spongey tissue. Naturally, she healed just as fast as she received damage, but there was still a mess pouring out of the back of her skull. It felt good in its own fucked up way, a whole new level of perversion, and the softness of her brains made it an incredible physical experience as well. He could feel the tissue moving, sliding against his cock. It was the same way Ishtar’s pussy and asshole would massage him while he fucked her. Like Ishtar, her pussy rubbed and pampered his cock as he fucked her.

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming so hard! Master, please empty yourself into me.” After several minutes, he had another orgasm to counter hers, flushing Nayara’s skull full of semen. “Mistress Ishtar, I have been blessed!” she cried.

Dominion pulled out of Nayara and turned to Cho and Mary. He grabbed Cho, rolled her onto her back, and spread her legs. He paused for a moment, relishing the sight of her lips already spread wide by the wires.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Please fuck my pussy, Master! My flesh craves your wrath!”

He rammed into her greedy cunt, giving her the full mass and sending her jubilant voice bouncing off the walls of the bedroom. His speed, his strength, they were utterly inhuman. He hit all the walls, taking advantage of her durability to punish her insides with enough force to kill a normal woman. His cock was all the way inside of her womb, causing her stomach to swell each time he penetrated her.

Same as Dominion
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Zoey Monroe is in the bathroom playing her pussy and is making a huge mess squirting all over the place. Her stepmom, Christie Stevens, is walking around the house and has no idea what Zoey is doing in the adjacent room. When she walks in to see her stepdaughter hosing pussy juice all over the floor she practically has a heart attack! Zoey covers herself up as quickly as she can as she asks her stepmother why she always forgets to knock. Zoey runs to her bed as Christie approaches her stunned...

2 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 30 Epilogue

December 30th, 1995, 9:30 AM PT, Union Station, Los Angeles, CA Jill and Akilah sat in a small room in Union Station; they both had enormous butterflies in their stomach. This was a day they were both going to remember for the rest of their lives. For Akilah, this was a second time round; she had been legally married already in Las Vegas. For Jill, this was all there was; she was going to be legally married to George today. Between George and John and their influence, they had easily...

1 year ago
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Crappy day at work

It’d been a long day at work. Richard had showed up three minutes late and sure enough he’d gotten in trouble for it. His boss was new to the job and somewhat of an ass who felt he had to make a name for himself. As such, he enforced every small rule no matter how silly it was. After Richard had a private chat with his boss he returned to his office only to find a stack of paperwork the size of the Eiffel Tower. He was already exhausted enough as it was due to the three hours of sleep the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Ultimate Hand Job

The ultimate HJThis story is pure fantasy and although it describes our meeting we both know that our sexual encounters will always be through this site. But please allow me this fantasy, this one is for you, my Cutie Pie!I looked down between my legs, and you were there, smiling sweetly. Your arms were hanging across my bare legs and my erection was throbbing with the anticipation of your first touch.I have dreamed of this moment, the moment when you ceased to be a picture or video on this...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 12 Janet GriswoldChapter 7

Just as the girls had kept some secrets from each other in the past, concerning Chuck, Matilda kept a secret from Betty on this night too. She didn’t tell her sister that ... all things considered ... it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She rolled the rubber onto his straining penis herself, having read the directions at least a dozen times. She didn’t understand what that little extra thing at the tip was for, so she just ignored it, using her fingernails to get the slippery thing down...

3 years ago
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Hospital Suit Part 1

J. Doe V. Mercy General Hospital Things didn't feel right at all. I was really groggy, but that was to be expected. I was dimly aware of people in the room. And I had to concentrate to remember where I was. I'd gone in after my appendix burst. A simple enough operation to correct. Or so I had thought. Once I was able to shake some of the grogginess, I recognized my doctor standing at the foot of the bed. There were two other men, in nice suits, one standing next to Dr. Faber, and one...

4 years ago
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Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up Ch 05

As Jane purred on the floor of Harry’s shower, many blocks uptown from Harry’s apartment Jim was sitting on Jane’s bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane’s roommate wouldn’t make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established for Jane...

3 years ago
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TandraChapter 66

The man, Tran Van Bao debated for only a few seconds, and said, "Yes you may shop here and so may Lam's students." "Security, six of you may come down here and meet some of Lam's and Duc's relatives. The other six will get their turn once the first have returned," I said out loud and also sent with my mind. Six Tandra dressed in the usual type of clothing worn for this time of year walked to the front door. Paul had to open it because it was a regular door knob which they wouldn't...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Words Part One

'A picture is worth a thousand words', and it was never more true for what Rhea had in mind for herself and her husband.Rhea: Rake:"It's fascinating how the perception of people towards an activity, thought and sometimes even a person changes with a change in environment". At least, that is what Rhea contemplated as she walked the length of the art gallery, admiring and sometimes abhorring the paintings and photographs on display. The exhibits were based on the...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 7

Chapter 7 - An English Honeymoon Maddie squealed in delight as the plane lifted into the air. Even with Dave explaining the concept of flight to her, it was still the most surreal experience she had ever felt in her life. Though Dave could have simply teleported them to England, he didn't want to rob Maddie of the exhilaration of her first flight. It was their honeymoon, after all, and they both deserved to enjoy it to the fullest. Even better, they had met an older couple while waiting...

4 years ago
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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 6 Pressure Treatment

Yvonne and Sue were giggling together, excited by their developing sexuality, or bisexuality I supposed, as my wife Sally helped the post-orgasmic Becky towards one of the armchairs. Sally looked over at me, smiled, and blew me a kiss. A slight concern crossed her face. “Rog, how many fucks is that today?’ “Er, Seven? Eight?” I was struggling to remember. “Right. Bed.” Sally was so in charge. “You’re exhausted. We all are.” “I’m not exhausted,” Vonnie piped up, grinning. “I’m not...

2 years ago
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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 1 Sluts Frozen Passion

Chapter One: Slut's Frozen Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson “Why is dad up this early?” I muttered to my sister, Krystal, as I tied my shoes by our front door. Krystal shook her head at me, her black hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, dance about her elfin face. “I don't know why—” “Why the fuck isn't dinner ready?” our father shouted from the kitchen. “God dammit, Bethany! Can't you do anything right?” “Dinner?” I frowned at my sister. “How drunk is...

2 years ago
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The Newtons

Part Five He liked it when I dressed up for him and he was instantly aroused and had me over the kitchen table. Lifting up my dress and fucking me without even stopping to put on a condom. He had me again in bed that night and I loved having his strong arms about me which made me go all soft and gooey. Work was the same over the next fortnight and the sex was never better with Miki, fucking and sucking each other nearly every night. I had told Miki of what went on between Christiana and...

3 years ago
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A Haunting LoveChapter 13

Ramona found her brother at the mansion. Again he was talking to a worker, this time about the choices for a heating system for both the house and the water system. The workman was suggesting that the house, even though renovated, was too big for a conventional system, and was recommending that a boiler be installed. It would handle all the heating needs and could be slaved to the new duct work being installed. Ramona stood quietly, waiting for them to finish. Robert turned his head and saw...

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A buck8217s night went in a very different direction

Here we were at a friend’s stag night. We had a lot of booze and a lot of jokes, lots of laughter and in a week our friend was getting married. We knew that the best man had organised some entertainment, so we all assumed, knowing the best man, it was going to be a stripper. The cost for the night was quite high for twenty males, actually but as some of us were never married, or between marriages, like me, there was not a lot of thought about the cost. Everyone was connected to the groom...

3 years ago
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Ms Behaved Ch 02

It was three days later when I decided to send Christine a message. I had gone from not having 1 girl talk to me, to have 3 girls messaging and flirting with me online. The only significant one worth mentioning was a very aggressive one who worked in retail at the fragrance department. We’ll call her ‘Fleur’. Fleur was the type that would have small windows where she would appear on Literotica, post photos, and then disappear. Her pictures stirred up a storm of replies which made it hard to...

4 years ago
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIChapter 7

‘Did I lock the door?’ Nadia thought to herself as her car stormed down the highway ‘It doesn’t matter, I have to get to... ‘ Her thought abruptly ended as she noticed an oncoming car and turned the wheel at the last moment. “Stay focused Nadia, Alene’s counting on you,” She ordered. After everything Alene told her happened she couldn’t stop thinking: ‘Who is this Paula? What does she want with us? Who is this Angie and what’s her plan?’ “Take the next left,” her GPS declared and she did as...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Flavor

Note: I originally posted this story to mcstories but I decided to post it here as well. It is not yet complete so there are still new chapters coming out soon. If you decide to add chapters, do what you want with them but the basic premise is that the user's cum has addictive properties that affect those who consume it. Their personality and intelligence stay intact. Thank you for reading those two sentences. Now...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 9 Pen Pal

So, a major day at BB for yrs. truly. On Thursday, I’m to meet Meg Gibraltar for the first time. First time I’ve met any of our clients. The occasion? Louise Lane would be unveiling two new Harvey radio spots — 15 and 30 seconds. Ms. Sloane explained, “They’re spinoffs of our social media spots — geared for an older demographic.” “Of course.” During our pre-meeting prep, Auntie Pru had suggested, “Listen and learn, Birdie.” I nodded. She leaned in and whispered, “And keep your fucking...

1 year ago
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things got a little kinky with Carol

“Well I am glad that you two finally did it “Lee said “ see Carol I told you that you would like him. Are you two ready for breakfast or shall I wait a bit”,Lee said then stood up and walked to the door. She turned around seeing Carol go back to my cock then chuckled”well the coffee is hot too. I will wait until you two come out to start breakfast”she said blowing me a kiss. Carol took her mouth off of my cock long enough to say “I love that woman” then continued to finish what she had...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Holly 08112016

Our streak of hot amateurs who also happen to be un-fucked for an inexcusably long time continues with 20 year old local hottie Holly. Apparently every guy is playing Pokemon Go these days because as you know, Holly isn’t the first – and likely won’t be the last – hot, horny girl with a killer body who hasn’t had sex in months.To those 5 guys who aren’t playing this shit on their phones, this should be a real boon. Instead of collecting virtual cartoon...

2 years ago
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Group footjob heaven1

I look around to see where I am. “What the fuck happened?” I ask myself. All I can see is a big luxurious room that can fit 100 people. Thinking I just woke up from a coma, I try to move. But I can’t. I’m strapped to this huge bed by the wrists and ankles. I’m about to call for help when I hear footsteps move towards me. “Hey baby!” Says one girl in a crowd of beautiful women. “He looks like he could use a hand to fix his problem down there!” Says another, as she points towards...

3 years ago
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Dione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...

2 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 6

A week ago... Siobhan barreled out of the house, leaving the front door open. She held her arm where her stepdad had yanked on it. That had hurt! After a block the auburn haired girl rounded a corner and leaned back against a fence, breathing heavily and holding back tears. Her stepdad’s attitude toward her was getting worse, and she was afraid he’d do something serious soon. “You don’t have to go back,” said a woman’s voice. Siobhan turned to find a beautiful lady in a half-top,...

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THIS STORY COULD IT BE FICTION OR REAL YOU DECIDEA WIFE AND NOW A STRIPPER When I married my husband Tom he had a very successful business in real estate and I was his very sexy wife who loved to dress up and look amazing for my husband when we entertain his clients,Tom use to say I was the fantasy of all men and without my good looks and sexy body his business would not have been as good as it was,With a 38”DD bust and my long sexy legs with long natural blond hair it was no wonder men would...

3 years ago
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Sucking my own shemale cock

It is nice to be flexible, as i am lucky to be, being now a personal trainer and formerly a gymnast, so i can bend at the waist with no problem. Recently, i saw a vid where a guy bent and sucked his own cock and came in his mouth, so hot! Well, why not try it, so i did. Went to bed , jacked my 7 inch shemale cock really good, got it hard, then bent over and did it! I first got my mushroom head in my mouth, so i sucked it for the longest time, felt so fucking good, then wa able to get about 4...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Daddy Two Little Daughters

From my usual vantage point on the landing, I was looking into my neighbour’s house and all there was to see was the daddy, sitting on the chair opposite the window, watching the telly. Nothing terribly exciting there then, but I knew it was nearing the time for the daughters to arrive home from school, so decided to stay put. As expected, after about a quarter of an hour, the younger of the two daughters came into the room, in her little school uniform, which comprised of a sweet lilac school...

2 years ago
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E013 Two Pearls Have Been Earned Now Pearl Three

Donald wakes about three hours later, somewhat refreshed, but mainly wanting to proceed to the next lesson with Emma.  What did it matter that it is four a.m.? This weekend of training does not conform to any clock or standards.On waking, he is hard.  He realizes that he has been dreaming about when his cock was in Emma hours before.  It feels like such a warm and inviting place.  And how she can clench against him.  Heaven.Now it is time for her to work to earn her third pearl.  The lessons...

Love Stories
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How I Shared My Wife With My Best Friend

My story is about my wife and my best friend and what happened this summer. My story is a bit unlike the ones I read on the Internet. My monogamous wife of many years didn't just all the sudden see a friends penis and find she had to have it. This seduction took place through many years of friendship that grew closer and more intimate as years went on. I guess I should start in the first few years of our marriage when this closeness started. John was my best friend from 7th grade. After...

3 years ago
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Alway Happy to Help

Chris needed to cum and really couldn’t wait! He was so horny, so aroused; he didn’t know what to do. It was so intense he couldn’t even think straight and that was really taxing on a teen age male who wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. He couldn’t wait to get home and go upstairs to the privacy of his bedroom so he could jack off what he knew was going to be one of his biggest loads ever. He literally ran down the side walk, threw open the front door… and suddenly stopped dead in his...

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NubileFilms Andi Rose February 2022 Fantasy Of The Month

Stunning Andi Rose is the February fantasy of the month, and boy does this babe know she’s hot. Decked out in a sheer robe and thong, she approaches the rose petal covered bed where Sam Shock is waiting. She comes in for a kiss, which quickly turns into so much more as things heat up between them. Taking things slow but oh so sweet, Andi and Sam explore one another’s bodies. Sweet kisses and caresses gradually turn into mutual masturbation as Sam and Andi lay hands on each...

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Mistis Adventures Part 81

The lovers had retired to their bedrooms, consumed by their passion and lust. William, for one, was looking forward to his night with his future Mother-in-Law. He credited her with giving his Bride-to-be her fabulous beauty. It was easy to see what she would look like in 20 to 30 years, and it was incomparable. Liz was a breathtaking beauty at ANY age. He had seen many pictures of the whole family in earlier times, and Liz had been exceptionally attractive her whole life. It bothered him to...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 9

The girls stood around one of the massage tables. The young hairdresser was busy laying out her things. Wendy stood in the middle of Veronica and Diane. She already had an idea what was about to happen and was blushing profusely. "This young lady is going to shave you between your legs, so I want you to do exactly as she tells you, so no nonsense now, is that clear?" Diane turned toward the young hairdresser. Wendy will do precisely what you ask, so if you would like to instruct her we can...

2 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 23 Bad Girls Before the Energists

5:00pm, Saturday, February 1, 2003 Thank goodness that the Plyer's house was indeed a mansion. There must have been 150 people there, spread out all from the kitchen, living room, family room and their large deck. Steven Plyer had arranged for Dreamland Bar-B-Que from Tuscaloosa to come and cater this get-together, after Dani's funeral services. There was plenty of the big 3 from Dreamland: ribs, baked beans and white bread. (Note: if you're ever in either Tuscaloosa or Birmingham, a trip...

4 years ago
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"I don't give a fuck who she's with, I'm checking her for a wire." Tamara's head was clouded with the hazy euphoria of heroin, but even in this state, her body tensed at Tony's words. It was hard to know how to react. Nobody can teach you this sort of thing. If she complained too much, they'd think she was wearing a wire, no matter what they found. If she didn't protest at all, it would seem even more suspicious. She settled on a middle course. "Hey, Rabbi, you gonna let this guy...

2 years ago
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Limbo 8211 One Night Punishment 8211 Part 1

1. “To be, or not to be- that is the question” It was the last period of my school and I was narrating Hamlet to the class. “Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer…..” “Why your voice is so trembling today?”, asked Mrs Rao. She was an eccentric woman. Everyone fear her when she was in a bad mood. “No mam, its just that…” And I felt vibration in my pants. My heart froze. But the bell rings just in time. The school is over. “Bring your grammar books tomorrow”, she said. I was still...

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Strapon br 2

‘What you doing today?’ ‘Fucking you. All day.’ I’m a doctor and work shifts, so despite being mid week I had a day off. Unfortunately my husband did not. ‘Afraid not – I’m working all day.’ ‘I’m so fucking horny.’ ‘You’ve been horny since Annie fucked you up the arse. She really got you.’ ‘Annie fucked me up the arse because I was so horny. Come on, a quickie?’ ‘I really have to go – I’m already late.’ ‘Spoilsport. Pass me a dildo then.’ ‘Front or back?’ He’d pass me a smaller one if...

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Oh it was planned alright Jays story

This is the same story as Unplanned Male Bonding, told from the other point of view. I hope you readers like it.I knew Ryan was a straight guy. Obvious from the number of times he was able to pick up girls in the bar we both went to and take them home for anonymous fucks. But there was something about him.... I thought there may be a chance I could get in his pants. In fact I became obsessed with it. He was a beautiful young man. The way his tight jeans defined the sweet curve of his ass.... it...

3 years ago
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Abigail Jeff are Hypnotized Ch 1

I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments are welcome. * * * * * I had just finished a partnership meeting when Jeff came up to me. ‘Mike, you are a hypnotist, right?’ He was towering over me as he said that. I am tall, but Jeff is gigantic. He is a six foot eight, former basketball player. He was also a terrific salesman. Jeff has been...

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My Sisters Wingman

Growing up I was always close to my sister.  There were no secrets between us. That lasted until we hit high school. That is when Eve started to shy away from me. After graduation, there were no more late-night calls into the wee hours in the morning.  Gone, were the Sunday brunches we used to love.  It’s like she was purposely avoiding me, but I didn’t do anything wrong.  At least not that I know of. I was driving home from work on Friday when I passed a damsel in distress.  I pulled over to...

4 years ago
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Some sex questions answered

Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Mouth. With tongue, bottom of cock right below tip, and balls.2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Commando3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Woman on top4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Lights on6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Smooth7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Tripping on...

1 year ago
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Hongkong gang bang

Unbelievable! That is how I have to describe what happened last Saturday night. Fucking unbelievable. I never thought Rex was telling us the truth about lining up Carrie Leung-Peters. All the guys in the bar thought he was bullshitting us. However, Rex proved he was indeed telling us the truth. My name is Danny. It was the mid-1990's in Hong Kong and I was part of a British construction team building the new international airport. Rex was one of the gang. The last several weeks, Rex had been...

Group Sex
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The Ex colleague 3

As the drink flowed the idea of the threesome became hotter and hotter. I had no idea what Gerri would think but surely this was an opportunity not to be missed.i found Mark, gave him the most seductive glance, rubbed my hand on his cock and whispered in his ear, if Gerri is game, so am I, before sloping back to the dance floor. His face lit up and although you couldn’t see it, inside he was fist pumping. I imagine his cock was hard as nails. I hadnt seen Gerri but I wanted to catch her gaze,...

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Swetha Revenge Against Her Groom

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience of fucking a girl before her marriage. Now coming to the sex story this is my experience of fucking my friend Swetha three days before her marriage. Swetha was my friend since my college days...

3 years ago
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First date domination

You come over expecting to be taken out on a date. We've emailed back and forth a few times, and you've decided that I seem like a nice guy. You are naturally nervous and a little bit shy waiting at the door. I, on the other hand, am not shy. When I open the door the first thing I do is give you a nice look up and down, unapologetically checking out your tits and crotch. You break the silence by saying, "hi."I smile, "Hey, it's nice to finally meet you!" I reach out to shake your hand, and pull...

2 years ago
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A Time for SharingChapter 3

It was always busy on the farm. My parents had been unable to keep up with everything that had needed doing. Just the normal wear and tear and normal attrition had taken their toll on equipment and the entire farm infrastructure. Anita seemed to have a nearly limitless panoply of cousins who lived nearby, and were somehow always free to come out to the farm to provide whatever expertise I needed. Theresa and Anita had moved into the trailer while Lupe and Maria made their annual pilgrimage...

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RansomeChapter 14 Husbands Return

After a few weeks sex had become much more of a habit than a joyous coupling as each of them felt duty bound to perform for the other’s pleasure. The spice added by the spanking also became more of a habit than thrill for both of them. Then a letter arrived for Wendy from Singapore. David said, “Well, aren’t you going to open it?” “I’m afraid to,” she replied, “It’s bound to be bad news.” “Well, it won’t get any better for waiting,” he offered. She tore the envelope open and scanned the...

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The Ride

It was a hot Sunday in July.  We had just gotten up after a night full of wonderful sex.We didn’t have anything to do and the kids were at their grandparents.“Well?” she asked.  She was walking around the house with nothing on but a smile.“Well what?” I said. “I’m not going to stay in this house all day.  We need to get out and do something.”I thought about it for a few minutes and said, “Alright, how about we take a ride to the beach and have some lunch.She thought about it for a few minutes....

Wife Lovers
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The Legend of the Succubus

I ease myself down, slowly taking your young, virile, and, I must admit, impressively large cock into my impatient wetness. "Oh God, you're so tight!" you moan as you feel the length of my cunt caress your member, all the way to your scrotum. It feels so good with you firmly embedded deep within me. Rolling my hips, I let you part way out and pull you all the way back in. With my arms extended, palms against your pecs, fingernails barely scraping your hairless chest, I...

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