The Cat Came Back free porn video

It’s funny, some days I can masturbate and it’s a small thing, like a token effort or an attempt to grab some peace for myself (no pun intended). But not today. No, today I looked down and realized that my cock was already hard and throbbing, and pressing quite tightly against my pants. I furrowed my brow and tried to figure out why, as if it was puzzle or a mystery. The logical part of my brain stated the obvious - “it’s probably been some time since you last had sex, or you're just feeling horny again, or both”. But then, that dark part of my mind kicks in, and not in some loud, flagrant way. No, it gives just the smallest whisper: “you were thinking about her…” And then, she becomes all I can think about. I don’t even know if she was ever the root cause or not, but the idea was given life, and now she’s begun to take shape in my memory. As if to agree, my dick seems to swell even further, its size and urgency now pulling my pants away from body. “Fine”, I say exasperatedly, as I follow it to my bed.
In retrospect, I will tell myself that she was never as beautiful as I remember. Though, as I close my eyes and wrap my hand around my swollen member, she begins to appear before me, arranged in the most beautiful finery. Her eyes pop out from the darkness, and that subtle smile forms like a Cheshire cat emerging from its place of hiding. Her hair seems to glow as it cascades down around her face. Her scent seems to waft unbidden beneath my nose, and I cannot tell whether it is real or imagination. The warm of her skin and the feel of her hot breath begins to pervade my brain, driving away any other thought I dared entertain in her absence. Even her skin seems lit from within, as she leans back on some unseen furniture and exhales a heavy sigh that makes her breasts swell and bounce. If she has any coverings on, they are merely transparent silk moving across her luminescent body. As my long, rough strokes up and down my manhood start to rapidly increase, she smiles and turns her body towards me as if to say, “I’ve been waiting here for you”. My back arches and my jaw slackens as she parts her legs before me, that glorious pussy sopping wet and longing for my equally aching cock. Her eyes shift from my cock down to her pussy. Then, as she glances up, her fiery eyes connect with mine, and she bites her bottom lip and lets a pained expression flit across her face. “She wants me” I say in my dream. She nods in response, already privy to my every thought and whim. I step forward, and pull her hips close to mine. In reality, my hand becomes a blur sliding up and down my engorged cock, while in my mind I press myself deep into the folds of her pussy, and everything else begins to disappear around me.
On days when I masturbate just for the hell of it, sometimes I feel like my dick is smaller than normal. Perhaps it is simply going through the motions in its own way. Today, however, my cock is everything and more. It is glorious. It is the platonic ideal of phallus - hard, powerful, and strong. As my huge shaft slides in and out of the writhing vision of passion and sweat before me, I imagine it becoming coated in her sweet, sticky love. I picture it pummeling her pussy over and over again as we switch into a million different positions, each more incredible and satisfying than the last. “Cum!” - her steady command seems to grow in mind until she is moaning it in ecstasy, begging for my release. "Cum for me", she says more urgently, as my own strokes speed up to match her increasing rhythm. “Oh god yes! Cum inside me! Fuck me! Fuck my fucking pussy! Cum in my pussy!” As my leg starts to shake and my pulse races, I lose control and give into her. My hand pumps away, as if of its own volition, or possibly commanded by her request. From within its taut grip, I feel my own climax began to overtake me, and wave after wave of hot, sticky cum shoot forth. As my breath slows and my mind returns, I open my eyes and search my thoughts for her, only to find she has gone as mysteriously as she came.

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