Cat Gets Creamed Part 3
- 3 years ago
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The naked woman lay on the warm, flat rock on her elbows, legs stretched out behind her, twisting her nipples, and nervously rolling her ass and legs from side to side. The motion set up a lovely sensation as her legs were clamped together, and her pussy lips rubbed against each other in her now soaking cunt.
She was cautiously watching a group of naked men and women through some branches. They were engaged in various acts of fucking, sucking, spanking, and more. Cat found that she was enjoying it much more than she would have guessed if you had asked how she would react, two hours earlier.
Her dreamy arousal was rudely interrupted by a woman’s voice, directly behind her, who said, “You know, you’d get a much better view if you were closer.”
Cat whirled around, then remembered she was naked, rolled back onto her front, put her hands over her tits, and twisted to face the woman, who was standing just behind her. The woman was naked herself, and holding Cat’s clothes in one hand…
It had started innocently enough as Catherine – Cat to her friends – was working at her desk at home, on what certainly seemed to be the most beautiful day of the year. And, of course, it had to be May, the lusty month of May.
Unfortunately, Cat had decided she wanted to get ahead of things on the weekend, which involved studying up on the most recent changes to ISO standards. Yet, now she was having serious second thoughts.
Not only was the day beautiful, the temperature was perfect. Sometimes, when the temperature and air were just so, Cat would strip off, and wander around the house, naked, feeling sexy and experiencing strong urges to masturbate, which she inevitably did after teasing herself for a while.
Once, she had even gone out naked into the garden well past midnight. The air had called to her and she hadn’t been able to sleep, so she lay down on the lawn, and opened her legs wide. She had looked up at the stars, and edged herself, twisting her tits, and fingering her cunt and clit for almost an hour before her climax finally overwhelmed her. She remembered that night fondly and never told anyone about it.
And the air promised something exciting again right now, calling to her. The sunlight, the gentle breeze blowing through the open window, and the perfect temperature, all kept calling for her to do something wicked, something wonderful. Something she would remember with equal fondness as that night on the lawn.
She felt hot, prickly, unsettled, and definitely horny.
Finally, she pushed her keyboard away from her, and shoved herself back from her desk, thinking, “How many days will there ever be like this? I have to do something…”
She just wasn’t quite sure what. She was truly unsettled, unsatisfied, and wanting…something. Something different!
She wandered into her bedroom, and opened her clothes closet, looking for something sexy and daring. Something that would fit with her horniness.
There were a few outfits that did that for her – if she were going out on a hot date. Not for a walk somewhere, though. She briefly eyed some hiking shorts and a thin t-shirt but decided that was too – safe.
Idly, she walked over to her chest of drawers, and started rummaging through them. When she got to the bottom drawer, she hit pay dirt. She pulled out a pair of terrycloth PT shorts she hadn’t worn since secondary school. They were white, a bit threadbare, and, when she tried them on, a little bit tight, stretching across her ass, and giving her a mild case of camel-toes at the front. She could also see her knickers through the fabric when she looked at herself in the mirror.
It felt very naughty, and excited her.
Next, she found an old, stretchy tank top, also white, and somewhat translucent. She tried it on, and thought that the bra she was wearing was too jarring, and too limiting. She took the top off, removed her bra, and then put the top on again.
She grinned at the result. She was technically clothed, but she could faintly see her areolas and nipples through the material. She was well-endowed, wearing a 36C bra, and the top supported her tits while showing them off, almost cradling them.
She looked at herself in the shorts and tank top, and realized two things. First, she looked nothing like the sensible, responsible woman who went to work every weekday. And second, the outfit looked precisely how she felt.
Before she could change her mind, she grabbed her handbag, slipped her feet into some flip-flops, and almost skipped out the door to her car. She hoped that none of her neighbors had seen her, but if they had, it would have been only for a few, brief seconds.
She knew right where she wanted to go, too. There was a wood nearby that was off the beaten track. Over the years, she had often gone walking there. It was peaceful, and she had never seen anyone else there. There was shade in places, some open meadows, and, best of all, privacy where she could… indulge herself.
She was tired of being sensible.
When she got there, she was relieved to see that there weren’t any other cars parked anywhere near where she usually parked. She checked that her hidden key was in place, then locked her handbag in the boot of the car. Now the sum total of her possessions were her tank top, knickers, shorts, and flip-flops. She felt daring and hot, especially knowing what she was going to be doing with herself. And she loved it, and could feel the adrenaline rushing through her, creating high expectations for the afternoon.
She hiked through the woods, along the route she normally followed, and came finally to her favorite large, grey, flat rock that was just out of the sun. She touched it and it was warm. She looked carefully all around, then stood very still and listened hard. She heard absolutely nothing other than birds, and an occasional squirrel skittering up a tree or squawking at another squirrel.
Slowly, she pulled her top off and dropped it on the rock, freeing her tits. She stopped then, and rubbed both nipples gently against the rough rock surface. Her eyes closed on their own. It felt so good!
Then, almost reluctantly, she eased her PT shorts down, letting them fall to her ankles. Now she was starting to breathe hard, and her heart was beating fast. Did she really want to do this?
But she was too far gone to say no, so she put her fingers in the waistband of her knickers, running them around from front to side and back, then ever-so-slowly eased them down, until finally, they joined the PT shorts around her ankles. She stopped, swallowed, then stepped out of them. Now she was naked. In public. In the woods.
And she loved it.
Bending over she picked up her clothes… then had an impulse that she felt maybe she should resist, but didn’t. Slipping her feet back into her flip-flops, she walked several meters back away from the rock, and, heart beating hard, hung her clothes on the branch of a young sapling. Then she walked back to the rock, crawled up onto it, turned onto her back, and spread herself, completely naked, facing the sky, with her clothes firmly out of reach.
She closed her eyes and felt as sexy as she could ever remember feeling. This was just glorious!
Slowly, with her breath coming now in shorter gulps, she reached her hands down, smoothing them over her body. One hand started rubbing beneath her tits, while the other began to gently rub her mound as a warm-up to finding its way to her clit, and into her cunt.
She was going to see how long she could hold out this time.
She was well into her journey, and feeling as if almost anything would push her over the edge and make her cum, when she heard a woman laugh. Cat froze, then listened hard. Quietly and slowly, she rolled over and looked around, gulping. She didn’t want to jump up and run for her clothes in case it brought attention to her.
Now her heart was pounding, and while she was regretting placing her clothes so far away from her, a part of her was also revelling in being exposed this way.
She heard voices a way off, and looked further ahead into the woods. There was a clearing, and now she saw, to her shock, a group of about ten people gathering there. They had hampers, blankets, flasks and various other bits of baggage that indicated they were planning to stay for a while.
Cat was just about to ease back from the edge when she saw one of the women pull her top over her head, revealing naked tits underneath. She then reached down, undid her slacks, pushed them, and the pink knickers beneath, eagerly down, and stepped out of them. She flipped her knickers up with one foot, and caught them – then balled them up and placed them in her mouth! She smiled at the tall, brown-haired man who was watching her.
He laughed, moved towards her, grabbed her hands, and pinned them together behind her, holding them with one hand, then reached forward and grabbed one of her tits and firmly started pulling and twisting it. She tipped her head back and Cat clearly heard her moan.
To her astonishment and delight, soon all the men and women were stripping off, and moving down on the ground, onto their blankets.
Cat found herself with a ring-side seat to an orgy!
Her curiosity got the better of her caution, so she settled down, and started watching the antics, first with astonishment, then with gradually growing excitement. She had never thought of herself as a voyeur, but this was exciting, especially as many of the couples – and threesomes! – were doing things she had only heard or read about, never witnessed.
Positioning herself behind a branch, she watched eagerly as the orgy unfolded below her, mere meters away.
Tilly, having fucked the guy who brought her, was answering a call of nature off in the bushes. She had gone off one way, but the day was fine, and she knew there was no hurry and plenty of action whenever she got back, that she took a detour rather than head straight back.
She was looking at some of the birds, and consequently treading quietly to avoid disturbing them, when she noticed some clothes hanging from a branch. She picked them off the branch and examined them, finding a top, what looked like some kind of athletic shorts, and a pair of knickers. She wondered whether there was someone else communing with nature in the woods today!
Cautiously, she looked around, and then spied a naked bum attached to a naked woman. The woman had long, brown hair, and a nice figure, from what was on show. She was lying on her front, and watching Tilly’s friends.
Tilly smiled, and thought she’d have some fun. She took the clothes, and stalked carefully toward the naked woman, eventually coming up right behind her. As the woman was totally engrossed in watching, she did not notice Tilly at all.
Tilly quietly stepped up onto the rock, and positioned herself just behind the woman. Then she said, “You know, you’d get a much better view if you were closer.” And smiled.
The woman whirled around, revealing her lovely tits, then realized her mistake and rolled back, covering herself with her hands. “I… I wasn’t doing anything wrong!”
Tilly smiled, “No, of course not. And no one down there will mind at all if you watch. We’re all-in on sex. Most of us are exhibitionists, and the rest of us really don’t give a fuck. Or rather, we do give a fuck, and we don’t care who knows it.
“Once a month, a group of us get together somewhere to fuck, and have fun. And if you want to come down and watch…well, there are lots of this group who will try to put on a real show for you.
“So, I meant what I said: You’ll get a much better view if you move in closer.”
She dropped Cat’s clothes next to her. “You can put these on if you want. Won’t matter to us.” Then she stopped and looked at Cat again, and her smile broadened. “Or, if you’re smart, you’ll leave them off, and come and join us. We’ll give you anything you want – and nothing you don’t want.”
Cat looked doubtful.
“Okay, I can see you don’t believe me. So, stay here and watch. Be our guest. But a likely looking twat like you could have a fucking blast, something you’d remember for the rest of your life, and tell your grandkids about years from now… if you have the courage. I’m Tilly, by the way. If you do come down, I’d love to do you. You’re hot!” She smiled down at Cat.
“So, see ya… or not.”
And she sashayed away, rolling her hips much more than necessary, her ass winking at Cat, then looking back and smiling before returning to the group. She said something to them, and pointed to Cat, who cringed.
But several of them waved at her and beckoned her to join them. Some of the men grabbed their cocks and waved them, and several of the women smiled and waved, including one woman who was suspended in mid-air between two men.
And some of the men were truly well-endowed.
Cat crouched down, and soon the orgy-ists, or whatever you call them, went back to fucking, feeling, and frisking. Finally, when they continued to ignore her, Cat felt somewhat let down.
But internally she was arguing with herself. Should she stay where she was and watch, go back to her car and go home, or… join them?
The beauty of the day precluded the second option. There was no way she was going to go home after this. So, it really came down to watch, or fuck.
She started by watching, and keeping an eye out behind her as well. But when the orgy-goers continued their activities, without paying any further attention to her, she decided she had to creep closer, although she was prepared to race away if anything seemed off.
She rolled onto her back, and squirmed into her clothes – but left off her knickers, just in case. Those she stuffed round the back of her shorts, like a hanky in a back pocket.
She crouched up, and crept closer, then felt foolish, and stood up. One of the guys noticed her then, smiled, waved – and went right back to who he was doing, then turned and called to Tilly.
Tilly was on her knees, sucking the biggest cock Cat had ever… heard about. She’d certainly never seen anything like it, not even on porn sites. Tilly patted it, said something to the guy, then got up and walked over to Cat.
“You’re not sure if it’s safe, right?”
Cat looked at her, then nodded.
“Okay, fair enough, but think about it. We’re a bunch of hedonists who love having a good time, and don’t want any hassles. So, what happens if we grab you? Police, that’s what, and hassles, and lawyers and all sorts of shit that we don’t need.
“Besides, why do that? There are lots of people who want a good fuck, or just want to watch. Why put ourselves out for someone who doesn’t want it? It doesn’t make sense. You dig?”
Cat looked at her for a few moments, then nodded. “Yeah, that makes… sense.”
“So, is there something you’d like, perhaps something you’ve always, I dunno, fantasized about, but never had a chance to do? Chances are, we’ve got it, and if we can persuade you to join us, hey, why wouldn’t we?”
Cat thought for a bit, while looking at Tilly, and, out of the corners of her eyes, witnessed a bunch of people seemingly having… fun.
“What was that thing I saw earlier, where two guys were holding a woman up in the air?” she asked.
“Airlifting? Sure, it’s fun. I’ve done it. Wait a minute.
“Hey, Les – Lester! Sanjay! Come over here! I’ve got a hot prospect for you!”
Two slightly older, muscular guys stopped who they were doing, kissed them, and wandered over, wagging their tails before them.
“Les, Sanjay, this is…?”
“… this is Cat. She’s interested in an airlift. Could you guys help her out?”
Les nodded, “Happy to. Cat, may I put my hands on you, please?”
Cat looked surprised.
“Look, we don’t know you, and you don’t know us. We are going to ask permission every step of the way. If we do anything you don’t want us to, just say the word and we’ll stop, okay?”
Cat nodded.
“So, may I put my hands on you?”
“Uh, sure, I guess.”
Les smiled, “It’s kind of hard to lift someone up without touching them, y’know? And you might want to get rid of those clothes. At least temporarily.”
Cat nodded. “Okay, I get it.” She gulped, then slowly shucked off her clothes and looked for a place to put them. Not seeing anywhere particular, she dropped them on a nearby rock. “Okay, guys, I… guess I’m ready.” And she held up her arms.
Les and Sanjay both smiled. Sanjay bent and lifted her from the ankles, tipping her shoulders onto Les’ waiting hands. Les supported her under her shoulder blades, with his fingers curving up into her armpits for purchase. The two guys lifted her up, and held her horizontally. Tilly moved in to support her, putting her hands under Cat’s lower back and ass, then started to massage it, smiling.
“Okay, Cat. Now the way this normally works is you suck my cock, and Sanjay either eats you, or fucks you. What’s your pleasure?”
Cat was feeling slightly surreal, “Um, suck and fuck?” she said, her voice husky and rising at the end of the statement.
“Okay, then. Walk it in, Sanjay.” They had her positioned so she was facing up. Sanjay spread her legs and walked between them, moving his hands up her legs as he went, and positioning himself to enter her pussy while she bent her knees in his hands, lower legs dangling. Meanwhile, Les said, “Relax your neck and open your mouth, Cat.” Cat let her head drop back, licked her lips, and opened her mouth, ready to receive Les’ hard cock.
Then Les nodded to Sanjay.
Cat felt two cocks entering her slowly, and at the same time; one down her throat, and the other between her pink, swollen, pussy lips. She moaned loudly, feeling as if this was happening in a dream. Her life up to now had included nothing like this.
Tilly waited, then felt the woman relax. Tilly leaned over and kissed Cat’s throat, then worked her tongue down from her neck to the left tit, avoiding the nipple, and licking around it in smaller and smaller circles, until finally sucking the nip into her mouth and massaging it with her tongue.
Cat moaned again, deeper in her throat.
Les smiled, “That humming feels really good, Cat. Now relax; we’re here to be tour guides to your body.” And he slowly started to push his cock further into her throat, then withdraw it back out, building a slow, but steady, rhythm, and penetrating deeper each time.
Meanwhile, Sanjay was matching the depth and timing in her cunt, pushing slowly inside her, then pulling out, then thrusting more deeply, then pulling out.
By the time both men were pushing all the way into her, Tilly had worked her way down to Cat’s mound, and was circling her clit, which, by this time, was poking up out of its hood, fat and sassy. She smiled, then gave Cat’s clit a quick, but firm lick.
Cat arched her back, pushing Les’s cock deeper into her throat, taking it all the way in as she moaned even louder. Sanjay smiled, and shoved his cock to the hilt, and Cat felt two cocks moving towards her middle from opposite ends, an amazing experience, just as Tilly came back to her clit, and sucked it into her mouth. Tilly laved her clit generously, making sure there was lots of saliva to lubricate her attention to Cat’s most sensitive part.
Cat started to feel light-headed, her head went muzzy, then her body seemed to light up, with pins-and-needles feelings everywhere.
And she came. Hard.
While her back arched, her body started writhing, and Les and Sanjay made sure they held her securely, pausing with their cocks fully embedded into her. Then Les backed off so she could inhale, holding his cock as deep in her throat as he could while giving her room to breathe. He was loving the fact that her tongue was wildly lashing the underside of his cock, but he was trying to postpone his own orgasm to make sure he kept her safe.
Sanjay, meanwhile, was enjoying her pussy milking his cock, but likewise kept still to avoid cumming.
After a time, Cat, started to relax. Sanjay nodded to Les, and the two of them restarted thrusting in and out of her in unison.
It didn’t take them long, and the two men looked each other in the eyes, then Les said, in a loud voice, “Cumming!” He pushed hard into her throat, leaning forward and ramming his cock in as far as he could, then pumping pulse after pulse of semen directly down her throat, by-passing her mouth entirely.
Sanjay grabbed her knees, then bent his knees slightly and leaned back. He shoved himself hard into her cunt while spurting explosively into her, deep-throated cries coming seemingly from his chest in rhythm to the spurts.
Tilly meanwhile continued to flick Cat’s clit, then lick her flattened tongue to the entire area around it, then back to her clit again. And shortly, Cat came again, not as violently, but for longer, a sustained groan coming from her throat. This time she had to tap Les on the arm to get him to back out of her throat slightly so she could breathe.
When the men came down from their climaxes, they looked at each other, Sanjay reached over and tapped Tilly on the shoulder, then they all simultaneously lowered Cat gently to the ground. The two cocks slipped out of her, although Cat initially attempted to suck and hold onto Les’.
All three of the standing quartet sat on the ground, all of them on different sides to Cat. The two men, and Cat, were all breathing hard, and Les, Sanjay, and Tilly all stroked Cat fondly, touching her sensitive areas, bringing after-shock tremors to the beautiful woman.
After a time, Cat inhaled deeply, and said, “WOW! I’ve never experienced anything like that before. Oh, FUCK! Thank you, gentlemen – and lady!” She rolled onto her side, facing Tilly, and curled herself around Tilly’s knee, kissing it affectionately.
“All part of the service, ma’am,” Les said. “But I think I need a drink. Join me, Sanjay?”
“You bet, as soon as I can catch my breath.” Sanjay leaned down and kissed Cat’s mound. “You, young lady, are a revelation! Please join us again.” Then he got up and slowly walked after Les, his cock drooling cum on the ground as he walked.
Tilly sat with Cat, stroking her hair, while Cat floated on the afterglow. Finally, she stirred, and said, “Well, Tilly, you were right. This is amazing.”
Tilly’s smile broadened, and she said, “And the afternoon’s not over yet…” And she started to stroke Cat’s leg down to the knee, and back up to the join between her hip and her leg, then back down again.
Cat turned onto her back and smiled up at Tilly. Tilly smiled down at Cat, caught her hair in her fingers, tugged slightly to bend her neck backwards, then bent down, lightly bit her throat, then kissed her hard on the mouth.
To be continued…
© Copyright, James Llewellyn Gainsborough @, February 2021.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any medium without the express, written consent of the author.
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Cat's slight body shivered as Trina's lips touched lightly on her bare shoulder. She could feel Trina pressed up against her back, Trina's fingers working the zip of Cat's dress down slowly. Cat's mind raced wildly, overexcited, and when Cat got excited, she lost all power of attention.She wondered vaguely where Tori was, and was she bringing pizza back, 'cause Cat was kind of hungry, her stomach felt all heavy and echo-y. It took Cat a moment to realise that it wasn't hunger so much as the...
Cat and Mouse: Revelations by Bluto WEEK 12 WNBC News - LIVE: "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live from the funeral of Francis Basilio, on what just might be the darkest day in the history of New York's own team of superheroes, the Protectors.? Mrs. Basilio, wife of Louis Basilio, one of the original New York Mets, was killed three days ago due to the assault...
Cat trailed her fingers along Trina's heated skin, marvelling at its softness. Somehow it was even better lying down. Trina had guided the smaller girl to her ridiculously huge and feather-soft bed, pushing her down gently but firmly. Cat made sure to carry out her plan of putting her lips everywhere on Trina, starting with soft kisses that traced the older girl's jaw, moving down her neck. Cat liked the feeling of Trina's pulse throbbing against her lips, it made her feel alive, excited her,...
Cat and Mouse: There's An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist by Bluto WEEK 14 "Cat." "Huh?" "Cat, wake up, we're about to land." "Ahhh, why are you waking me just for that, Nightman?" "Cat, how many weeks has it been since you turned the Mouse into a baby?" "What?? Oh, I don't know.? What's today, Tuesday?? Oh, I guess it's been 14 weeks as of? today.? And I didn't change Mouse into a baby, Malato-Zu did!" "Forget about that.? Look at her, sleeping over...
Cat and Mouse: From the Gates of Hell, Part I by Bluto Lorilei and other "Heaven and Hell" characters created by Maggie Finson "Local authorities here are appalled, Bill. They say they've never seen anything like this before. Here's Captain James Clark of the Galveston Police Department: "I'm a Vietnam vet. I've been in law enforcement for 30 years. I have never, ever seen anything to match this. Nothing close. Even if they were drug dealers, I, I can't imagine one human being...
Cat and Mouse: Devastation by Bluto Christopher Columbus "discovered" Venezuela in 1498.? He was favorably impressed with what he saw and called it Tierra de Gracia (Land of Grace), which is now the country's nickname.? However, the Protectors and their friends, Luchadores Maximos, were not feeling much of that grace at the moment. "How do I get myself into these situations?" Cat asked herself.? "Here I am, in the middle of the damn jungle, a bunch of machete-wielding thugs in...
Note - The Syndicate was created by LanaB and used with her gracious permission. Cat and Mouse: Who's Feminizing Tony Bass? By Bluto WEEK FOUR Micki sat on a lawn chair under an umbrella in her apartment buildings backyard, a rare amenity indeed in the middle of New York City. She appreciated the shade on such a typical hot, humid summer day and was cooling off after a morning of activity. She had abandoned her shoes and socks much earlier and was...
It started as an offhand comment by a friend. He'd intended it as a derogatory, but it stuck in Jason's mind, a little seed that slowly sprouted. When the tiny voice in his head became too loud, the internet searches started. Then came the porn. Eventually, more research revealed that Brazilian tranny videos didn't accurately reflect the truth. True transgender people struggled greatly, both internally and externally. Curiosity about those struggles only fueled his desires. Now, he just needed...
It started as an offhand comment by a friend. He'd intended it as a derogatory, but it stuck in Jason's mind, a little seed that slowly sprouted. When the tiny voice in his head became too loud, the internet searches started. Then came the porn. Eventually, more research revealed that Brazilian tranny videos didn't accurately reflect the truth. True transgender people struggled greatly, both internally and externally. Curiosity about those struggles only fueled his desires. Now, he just needed...
Cat and Mouse: The Whale, part 2 by Bluto The sun was raising in the East and shining brightly through the windows at the Cedars - Sinai Medical Center. Rae Ming, the mighty Girl Goliath, was in intensive care, her breathing aided by a mechanical device, sort of like an iron lung. Given the extent of her injuries, the emergency room doctors acknowledged it was a miracle that she still lived. Only fast action on the part of Nightman and some EMS technicians on the scene saved...
Follow me on insta @raqm0900. IF you love my stories.I am a closet CD and seeking a owner.Introduction:I could not believe my luck.In my sophomore year of college I started dating one of the hottest girls on campus. We had met in my History of the Roman Empire class and hit off right from the start. It took me almost a whole semester for me to work up the courage to ask her out. When her reply was, "I've been waiting for you to say something." I almost creamed myself.Let me explain. I am pretty...
With best regards to my roommate Catherine, visit her profile: I sat on my room working as I did most days, concentrating as I typed, a soft clicking sound filling the quiet afternoon. I glanced out of the corner of my eyes and saw the girl crawling out of the door. A sigh escaped my lips. Cat had been incessant this morning, pawing at my for food, circling in and out of my feet trying to get attention and now, I was sure, she wanted a specific type of...
With best regards to my roommate Catherine, visit her profile: sat on my room working as I did most days, concentrating as I typed, a soft clicking sound filling the quiet afternoon. I glanced out of the corner of my eyes and saw the girl crawling out of the door. A sigh escaped my lips. Cat had been incessant this morning, pawing at my for food, circling in and out of my feet trying to get attention and now, I was sure, she wanted a specific type of...
"Cat and Mouse: Assault on the Ole Perfesser" by Bluto "Micki, I want to thank you for coming with me to the drugstore. I would have died if I had to go by myself." "It's no problem, Lupe. You're 11 years old now, right? It's not like it's something you didn't expect. But I ask you again: why did we have to walk to a drugstore 22 blocks away from home just to buy you some tampons?" "I don't want to have to buy those ... THINGS someplace where everybody knows me. I'd have...
Cat had implied that she would call him rarely, if ever. To his surprise, she called him that Friday. Their second time was similar to the first, with her teaching and introducing him to new things. Rather than fuck his ass, she had him suck her girl-cock again. She called him again the following week. This time, she had him suck her off three times. At first, she called him once a week. Around the fifth week, she would call him Friday evening and again on Saturday or Sunday. Two weeks later...
The yellow object shifted slightly as the cats paw pushed on it. The cat’s ears pricked forward in surprise. The floor wasn’t supposed to shift like that. Floors were things that stood still, that didn’t move for any reason. Yet this thing, which was apparently not a floor, had defied all the rules of the small universe the cat knew and had shifted when the cat had batted it with her paw. Bending her head down towards the object, the cat inhaled swiftly, smelling the yellow abnormality. It’s...
CAT WORLD By Anthony Durrant As I wandered through the amusement park, I spotted a cat near a large black tent. Grabbing it by its tail, I flung it into the nearest bush, and it landed on its feet when it hit the ground and rushed under that bush. "HEY!" a woman's voice cried, and I felt myself being grabbed by a tall dark-haired woman in a brown dress who dragged me into the black tent. "Suzie was my familiar, and you've temporarily scared her away....
HumorKatherine is two years older than me and the best sister in the whole world. Katherine or as I have always called her Cat is a slender girl with long wavy blonde hair, a pert pixie face and full red lips. Cat studied Ballet and Dance since she was a child. She is kind, sweet, forgiving and dead sexy. I am a horrible brother! All I want to do is fuck Cat and use her little body like a whore. Seeing her at our pool in her string bikini made my cock so hard. After school I always meet Cat at the...
Sighing he made his way to the elevator to head home, stopping a moment he had to go back and get his keys. Stepping back in the office there was a crashing sound; Bill looked back into the hallway seeing that half the hall had collapsed. Shaking his head he gathered his keys and made his way down the fire escape twenty floors. Christ he thought, he'd sleep good tonight. Emerging on the street Bill saw the emergency equipment that was arriving. Smirking, Bill watched opened mouth as they...
Cat and Mouse: OK, Where Were We Now? By Bluto Week 15 - 9AM, EST "So, hon, how about some coffee? I just made a big fresh pot a caf? late and Starbucks ain't got nothin' on me, girl!" The little ray of sunshine was Joanna, aka Johnny Schiete, a middle-aged, 200 pound man wearing a pink wig and matching Day-Glo dress. Joanna had been Nicky Graeo's number one assistant at the Glamor Boutique from day one and used her sharp tongue on the boss whenever opportunity p...
Alice Gale was your normal college student. She had an average GPA, and a job at the local mall. On the night of October 28th, 2009 her normal life would be turned upside down. The air was still and the sky clouded over as Alice and her friend Debbie locked up the book store where they worked. ‘That was a long shift,’ Debbie said. ‘No shit!’ Alice replied, ‘I can’t believe how busy it was tonight.’ As the two friends walked and talked they were being stalked from the nearby bushes by a...
It had been three weeks since "the talk". Every time Jason's phone rang he snatched it up. "Cat?" It was never her.Finally, he called her. She answered on the fourth ring."Cat, this is Jason.""Oh, hey! How's it going?""Fine, I guess. I just hadn't heard from you in a while. I was getting worried.""No, everything's okay.""Oh. Um...well, can I come over?"Cat's eyes darted to the bedroom. The blonde was shackled naked to the bed, blindfolded with earplugs. Cat had come into the kitchen to gather a...
Cat Fisher Short Fiction by Liam Slade Copyright 2020 Liam Slade, all rights reserved. To be reprinted only with permission of the author. Find more fiction from Liam Slade at When I came back to high school for senior year, I thought I as a shoo-in to make starting quarterback. I had drilled all summer and was a favorite of the coach. It was my dream. First this, then college football, then hopefully get drafted into the NFL. What I didn't count on was...
CAT AND MOUSE By BLUTO Mick Montana had seen a lot of strange things since he became a working detective seven years ago, but this was the strangest of them all. Five members of the Gamboli Family, some of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty gangsters in operation today, were in his modest Manhattan office begging him for help. He had his doubts about working for such unsavory clients, but the money they were offering was very good indeed. "So, you see, Mr. Montana, our backs are...
I was in a bad mood,I`d let the freezer run low and now I was having to drive this shopping trolly that had a mind of its own round the local ASDA store at 8 at night, the only compensation being I had a chance to speak to young Cat,a rather attractive young lady of about 18 or 19 ,who happened to work checkout 12 or 15(depending on her shift) Cat (That was on her name label) was 5ft 7in tall 36-26-32 I estimated ,beautiful deep brown eyes and a cute slightly snubbed nose,her butt was two tight...
First Timehi. My name's sherry marcus. My room mate alex and I have a problem. Well... It's MY problem really! But it never fails! Alex has lots of cats. I'm allergic to cats (sigh) she keeps the catsand in our bathroom! And I wretch at the smelly oder which she NEVER cleans, so guess who's winds up doing it? I think she keeps it in there to bug me. Really! She barged in yesterday and found me going #2! Suddenly her cat sprinkle came in and went in the sand box next to me. She smirked. "You two...
Readers have been requesting more stories about my cats lately…or maybe I just wanted to share. Who can blame me, living with such freaks as these? Recently I’ve shared these stories with the wonderful people in the author’s hangout, and I wanted to share them with any readers brave enough to venture forth into a story about my pussies. So here are a few strange tales, and I hope you enjoy them. * * * I have three cats. Cosmic Creepers is my oldest cat, a five-year-old black boy cat. He’s a...
The poor thing probably never saw it coming. I watched as the moth walked across the carpet, it’s tiny wings fluttering softly as it searched for something I probably didn’t understand. When my cat came into the room, my eyes followed hers, and I knew the exact moment when she noticed the movement. The cat’s eyes were moving about cautiously, summing up her new surroundings as she entered the bedroom. She looked this way, and then that, and then with a lightning quick movement her whole head...
The following story is the 100% true account of my first sexual encounter....... Growing up in South Florida in the 1980's was really an amazing experience. Watching what was considered by many to be a sleepy retirement town metamorphosis into a chic metropolitan international city was quite a sight to behold. While there were many changes occurring in the world around me there were equally as many changes occurring within me. I was fifteen years old in 1985 and attending an...
XIX: Last Call "Oo-oooh...y-yyes..." Riley murmured as he writhed under the covers of his bed. "...fff-ffill me up...fffuck me, y-you big...big...stud... mmmmhh..." The young man began to blink his eyes as the morning sun shone through the window. Its radiance and its warmth effectively rousing Riley from his sleep, and rudely interrupting his wildly erotic dream. But he turned his body away from the sun's rays, shifting to the other side of his bed as he tried to go back to...
I think that my cat probably knows everything that goes on inside the house, and maybe in the whole neighborhood. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to imagine that she knows everything that’s going on everywhere, at every second of the day. Sometimes I look into those big green eyes of hers and she seems to smirk at me, as though saying, ‘I know something you don’t know.’ So when I see confusion in her eyes, I truly worry. I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and the little pitter-patter of...
Center to the series is the young cat-girl Charity (patterned after the anime favorites such as Dragon Pink), who is both a magician (the practice is called the arcane Art, or THE Art) and a practiticoner of psionics - the magic of the mind. Please let me know how you think of it. Also, as a twist the lead virgin of the story is not the girl -- just a hint of what awaits. ********************************************* ********************************************* Among the roads...
Wildcats: Terry's Spring Break The Wildcats came to Fictionmania one chapter at a time last year. The new novel, Wildcats, is a rewritten version that's 50% longer and much improved that has just been published on Amazon/Kindle. If you want to sample the story, there are a generous number of free chapters to read on Amazon. Wildcats: A Rock 'n' Roll...
This all started when I noticed a stray cat crossing my property a few times. Apparently, that is all it takes. Beware!When I was in the Army, back in the early-to-middle 1980's, I was privilrgrd to know and serve under some sergeants who were Viet Nam veterans. One of them used to love to say, "Do you know what the difference between a fairy tale and a war story is? A fairy tale begins with, 'Once upon a time, ...' & a WAR STORY begins with, 'This is NO BULLSHIT, because I was THERE, and I...
Just understand that when one thinks that in life you understand all there is, to know a person completely, or see that they cannot change, you will be open to new and final revelations that makes it clear; you never knew them to begin with as you suspected. Three weeks until the Academy ball begins. Once again everything appears to be back in a state of relative order and stability; ‘relative’ of course being the key word. The last few months have seen a rash of murders, the narrow...
So come and join us now, as Charity is invited to a formal Academy Ball, while she has other ideas of a dance in mind. I hope you enjoy this. Please leave some comments so I can improve the story line better. ====================================== They say in the tales of old that the eyes are a window unto the soul; while a mirror is supposedly the revealer of all that is hidden away, showing to all who bother to look and understand the reality of what IS, not hidden away from us...
Creamed Milk Maid Kelsey Diaz had always had boys after her, even in elementary school. There was just something about her that seemed to draw them in. She didn’t really understand it when she’d been a kid, but it had become at least somewhat more obvious when she’d hit high school. Kelsey was a pretty mix of latino and Native American, roughly one-quarter Native American so far as she knew. But what it meant for her physically was that she was what boys called a ‘total hottie’. She secretly...
Hello Xhamster,I am sorry for be absent from story for long time. I am very busy in recent past. I would like to tell a recent experience I had. Some time ago I posted in my status the status “creamed” and I want to tell you what happened.It was a Friday I believe and I was chatting in a chat room reserved for adults. I was in the specific room for married people and chatted with many different men. I ended up chatting for about 2 hours with a man from around my city. He is a lawyer and in...