Cat....chapter 5 free porn video

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It had been three weeks since "the talk". Every time Jason's phone rang he snatched it up. "Cat?" It was never her.

Finally, he called her. She answered on the fourth ring.

"Cat, this is Jason."

"Oh, hey! How's it going?"

"Fine, I guess. I just hadn't heard from you in a while. I was getting worried."

"No, everything's okay."

"Oh. Um...well, can I come over?"

Cat's eyes darted to the bedroom. The blonde was shackled naked to the bed, blindfolded with earplugs. Cat had come into the kitchen to gather a variety of items with different textures. She'd debating answering the phone, but it wouldn't hurt to let her 'friend' wait. Anticipation is an aphrodisiac as well.

"This really isn't a good time. I'm with someone."

"Oh. Umm...okay. I guess call me if you need anything. Bye."

"Wait." She could hear it in his voice. "Give me two hours, then come over."

"No, you're busy."

Cat dropped into a lower register. "I said come over. Two hours. I expect to see you then." She hung up, closed her eyes and sighed. She shook her head clear and grabbed a piece of bread, a popsicle, her bottle brush, and the cheese grater, and headed back towards the bedroom.


As Jason stepped out of the elevator, he saw a woman exiting Cat's apartment. She looked to be mid-thirties with long blonde hair that was mussy. When the apartment door closed, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. The woman rubbed her crotch and winced. Jason knew from experience that while Cat's member was only average sized, she could still give an incredible pounding that would leave you sore for days.

The woman's eyes snapped open and flicked towards Jason. She quickly stood up, straightened her clothes, ran her fingers through her hair, and started rapidly walking towards him. She stood tall, a couple of inches taller than him. Her face was set in a stern mask and she stared straight ahead. As they neared each other, Jason asked if she was okay. The woman blushed furiously, lowered her head and mumbled that she was fine. She picked up the pace and passed him with her eyes averted down and away. Jason heard her stabbing at the elevator button repeatedly. The car was still on their floor and the doors opened immediately. Jason turned to see her step into the car just in front of the closing doors. He shrugged and continued to Cat's apartment. He knocked several times before she opened the door wearing simple blue cotton boyshorts and a loose white t-shirt that barely reached to the middle of her ribs. "Come in."

Jason stepped inside. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and walked over to sit down on the couch.

"Come sit."

No kiss. He shuffled over and sat down at the other end of the couch.

She looked at him curiously. "What's wrong?"

"Umm...nothing. I was just concerned..."

"Because I haven't called you in three weeks."

"You...yeah." He looked down at his fingers idly fidgeting.

"Jason, we've been spending a lot of time together. A lot more than I spend with anyone else. You're not the only person who's called and asked where I'd been. I needed to spend time with others to maintain...relationships."

"I thought maybe you were mad at me."

She scooted over and took his hand. She brought it to her mouth and kissed his fingers. "No, I'm not mad at you, my champion, but you can't keep me all for yourself. I also had to sort out some things in my head."

"Can we go to the bedroom?"

Cat looked into his eyes. They were so very pretty. Below them, luscious, full lips invited her to kiss them.


His eyes lit up.

"But just once. Once. And we stay out here." She stood up, took her panties off, sat back down, and spread her legs. He scrambled to kneel on the floor in front of her. She didn't even have to say anything anymore. He leaned in between her marble thighs, but she pushed his head back with her fingertips. She held up a finger on one hand while grabbing his hair with the other. She yanked his face up and spoke in a firm voice. "Once. Then you stop. Clear?" He nodded rapidly. She relaxed back into the couch.

Jason placed one finger on her girl-cock and dragged it in random patterns, feeling the silken skin. He traced every vein, then ran his finger around the back of the ridge of the glans. She firmed slightly as faint shocks of electricity began to spread outward to the rest of her body. He took the ever-so-faintly pink head into his mouth and got it really wet, then pulled off and blew on it. It grew to its full size and pulsed slightly. Cat put one arm on the back of the couch and ran the fingers of her other hand through his hair. She couldn't help but smile. She wanted to watch him work as long as she could.

"Remember...once, then you stop." She shimmied her hips forward a bit. Jason looked up at her and nodded as he feathered his tongue along the underside. He laved his tongue around to the top of her shaft, then ran it through the short, sparse, pale blonde wisps of hair on her pubis. He tugged at them with his lips. He took her fully into his mouth and made an exaggerated slurping sound. He sat back.

"It tastes different."

"I didn't have time to get cleaned up. I can take a quick shower if you like."

He remembered the blonde leaving her apartment. "No, it's okay. I should get used to cleaning you."

She slid a hand under his chin and raised his eyes to hers "Yes, you should, but it doesn't have to be right now. If you'd like me to shower, all you have to do is ask." She stared at him, a faintly amused expression on her face.

He looked at the dried semen and vaginal fluid that covered the tops of her thighs and extended up to just below her belly button. "No, I want to try it."

"Good boy." She flexed the muscles of her pelvic floor causing her girl-cock to bounce. "Now, make me come again. Just the once though."

It took a while. She'd been balls deep in the blonde for over an hour. She'd stayed away from the woman's ass. She knew that he'd insist on sucking her off and didn't want to feed him a shitty dick. A few minutes more and her breath started coming faster, her chest flushing. Her stark white breasts heaved, the cherry blossom pink nipples stiffening. She was moving her pelvis involuntarily now, her hip flexor muscles tensing and releasing. It was getting harder to keep watching him. She gripped both sides of his head and started grinding into his mouth as she held him tight to her crotch. Her eyes fluttered and her head fell back. She forced herself in and out of his throat a few times.

"Jason..." It was soft and breathy as she drew his name out slowly. "Jason..." Her stomach quickly contracted over and over in staccato rhythm, and her hips constantly moved in random directions. The muscles in her forearms corded and she grasped the couch cushions, the tips of her fingers reddening because she was squeezing so hard that she almost punctured the fabric. Her girl-cock began jumping, and long, thick ropes of creamy come flooded his mouth. She filled him over and over. Chipmunk cheeks, a swallow, chipmunk cheeks again and another swallow. She hadn't expected to come this much after filling the blonde's pussy a few times, the last less than a half hour ago. A shudder rocked her body and she called his name again, almost screaming it. She spasmed several times and knew that she was at his mercy now. It annoyed her that she couldn't stop him if she wanted to...and she never wanted him to. Her body was shaking all over. "Ju...just one time. You promised." She let out a long, stuttering groan and he brought her down slowly.

She struggled to catch her breath. His head rested on one of her thighs and she started running her fingers through his hair again. She acknowledged his oral superiority. They both knew that he could have kept her on the couch all night if he wanted to, and she hated the implication that he could exert some form of control over her regardless of however fond she was of him.

"Wait here."

Cat strode naked down the hallway, turned on the water, and stepped into the shower. She quickly soaped up, rinsed off and opened the glass door to step out. She preferred to air dry, but she was in a hurry and toweled off. She wriggled into an emerald green dress, thigh length with open shoulders, and selected matching three-inch heels. Although she rarely wore makeup, she knew how to apply it and did so tastefully, just enough to enhance her features. A diamond bracelet, earrings, and choker, all gifts from an admirer, completed her outfit. She sauntered back to the living room. Jason's eyes bulged.

"Come on. Let's go."

He jumped up and followed her out the door.

She hailed a cab and directed it to her favorite Vietnamese restaurant. He didn't know what to order, so she suggested cha ca and ordered pho for herself. "Tell me what you've been up to?"

Jason loved his job in chemical engineering and began recounting some of the projects that he was working on. Cat found it interesting and frequently interrupted him to clarify some terms and had him explain some of the processes. After the meal, the pair sipped sticky rice wine, Jason talking about some humorous mishaps that made her laugh. They joked back and forth, cracking up, laughing so hard that their stomachs hurt. The evening was full of smiles, good-hearted ribbing, and light touches. They walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.

When they arrived at Cat's building, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him for several minutes.

"Thank you for a lovely evening, my champion. I beg of you once other people. Girls, boys, genderqueer, transvestites...I don't care, just date. Your life can't revolve around me. You need to be your own person. I will still call on you, do not fear, but please find happiness beyond me." She kissed him passionately, then entered the door and went upstairs.


Jason was on cloud nine as he sat at his desk. He'd gone on a 'real' date with Cat last night. He felt puffed up and full of confidence. He loved what he normally did with Cat, but just sitting, talking, and laughing with her was a whole new world. He knew that he was in love with her, but he also knew that she could never be confined to just one person. He'd been able to pretend that she was his alone on their date, and that was good enough for now. He couldn't really focus on work, so he thought about the previous evening. She'd exerted less dominance over him than normal, and they hadn't talked about sex once, except tangentially when she once again told him that he should be seeing other people.

He turned it over in his head. On one hand, he usually saw Cat twice a week. On the other, he hadn't seen her for three weeks before last night. Cat had insisted that he would become more expansive and well-rounded, as well as picking up some things that Cat might not have taught him yet, and his tastes would grow to include many more types of people. Jason nodded to himself. Cat was always right. He would do it.


Jason pulled open the door to Eleutherios. There were two large bouncers just inside. Two more were positioned strategically throughout the club. Each carried pepper spray and a taser. Eleutherios was a place of joy and their job was to make sure that no one disturbed that joy. One was gay, another genderqueer non-binary, and the other two straight. Since taking the job, they had learned that most people were just people and had the same needs and wants as everyone else. Early on, a few protesters had harassed patrons and even attacked the place, but a few beatdowns and a face full of pepper spray put an end to that. Any patron could ask one of them to safely escort them to a vehicle. Jason only knew of a couple of clubs that catered to alternative sexuality, but Eleutherios was by far the largest and most popular in the city. It was where he'd met Cat.

He'd put on a collared shirt, tie, jacket, and slacks. He looked in the mirror and decided that was too formal. He ditched the tie and jacket and changed into a nice pair of jeans. Now, he was here. He looked around specifically noting which women were alone. He approached the bar and sat down next to a cute, somewhat butch woman.

"Hi. I'm Jason." He extended his hand.

She glanced at his hand for a minute, then extended hers. "Cindy."

"I hope this isn't being too forward, but would you happen to be transgender?"

Cindy stared at him for a few moments, then turned to the bartender.

"Charlotte. Hey, Charlotte! Turn off the music for a second."


"Turn off the music. Just for a sec. I have something that I need everyone in here to hear."

"Come on, Cindy."

"Just for a second."

The bartender, Charlotte, sighed, said something to the other bartender, and turned the dial all the way to the left.

Cindy got up and stood on the nearest empty chair.

"Hey, everyone! Listen up!" All of the conversations near her died. One of the bouncers stood up, ready to take action. "Hey! For all the trans women... See this guy right here?" She pointed at Jason. "He's looking to meet a transgender woman. He's cute, has gorgeous eyes, and is pretty ballsy considering he just came up to me and asked straight out. So, again, if you're a trans woman and you want to meet someone, come find this guy." She pointed at him again. Jason rubbed his face, somewhat embarrassed. "That's all." She looked back at Charlotte behind the bar. "Okay, fire up the music." She stepped down and grinned at him.

"Was that really necessary?"

"No, but look at it this way. I just saved you a lot of hassle. If someone's interested, they'll come find you now."

Jason bobbed his head from side to side. "Fair point. What are you drinking?"


Jason flagged down Charlotte. "A boilermaker and a scotch ale. Whatever you've got." Charlotte nodded and turned away.

Cindy and Jason sipped on their drinks, and talked about how Jason had come to be interested in trans women. He admitted that he'd only ever been with one, but that she was amazing. She was pre-op but seemed quite happy that way, and had no intention of getting reassignment surgery as far as he knew.

"Well, with a good surgeon, you can't tell the difference, so I hope you like women in general." Cindy began relating her own bisexual experiences when someone leaned on the bar next to him.

"Eh, hmm." She cleared her throat. "Pre-op or post-op?"

"Excuse me?"

"Pre-op or post-op?"

Jason looked at her. She was a gorgeous black woman with a breath-taking body. She stood 5'5", was professionally dressed, and appeared to be in her mid-twenties.

"She said you're looking to meet someone." The woman pointed at Cindy. "Pre-op or post-op?"

"Umm...I don't think it really matters."

"Relationship or sex?"

"Sex, I guess. Talking too."

"I'm Susan. Let's go to my place."

Jason looked back at Cindy. She winked and smiled slyly. "I told you so," she mouthed.

Jason stood up and gestured for Susan to lead the way. She sauntered towards the door, intentionally swishing her ass back and forth. Jason approved of that ass and followed her out. They walked around the corner to her BMW M4 coupe. "Do you want to ride with me, or follow in your car?"

"I'll ride with you. We can get to know each other a little, and I can always take a taxi back here."

"Sounds good." She went around to the driver's side, unlocked the doors and got in. Jason climbed in the passenger side. As they pulled away from the curb, Susan asked him why trans women? Jason told her his story, and then about being with Cat, without mentioning her by name. "Well, I don't have a dick anymore, if that's what you're after. But you did say that it didn't matter."

"I don't think that it does. You just have such great stories, both terrible and wonderful, and interesting outlooks on the world. We could just talk and that would be fun for me."

"Well, I didn't come out tonight looking to just talk. Mama's got an itch she needs scratched."

Susan pulled over in front of an elegant looking brownstone. She got out of the car and walked up the steps. She turned back and waved him up before inserting the key in the lock and opening the door. Jason walked into the nicely appointed hallway. It was clear that Susan had money. She dropped her keys on a small table.

"Lock it. Do you want a drink?"


Jason turned around and threw the latch on the door. When he turned back, Susan was no longer there. He took a few steps forward and looked in both rooms that opened up on either side of the hallway. She was standing in the living room with a crystal decanter in her hand. She poured two fingers of scotch into each of two glasses and handed one to him. The pair sipped the scotch, staring at each other over the rim of the glass. Jason finished first and set his glass down. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. Susan laughed.

"Eager beaver, eh?"

He took her glass, set it down and kissed her. She responded with so much passion that he was taken aback for a moment. They threw their arms around each other and kissed hard, grinding their lips into each other, hands sliding up and down each other's backs. Jason pulled up for air.


"This way."

Susan picked up her drink and threw it back in one gulp. She grabbed Jason's hand and led him upstairs. Once in her bedroom, they threw themselves at one another and resumed that fierce kiss. After a few minutes, Jason pulled away. He looked around, walked over to a plush chair and sat down.


Susan smiled and smirked. She felt a slight tingle in her stomach. She reached up, unbuttoned and removed her jacket, swaying slightly to a silent beat. She began to get into it more and more as she shed her blouse and tossed it towards one of the closets. She danced around and wiggled her chest at him. Her large, heavy breasts were supported by an equally heavy-duty bra. She slid her skirt down, turned around, bent over and jiggled her ass at him.

"Very nice."

She undid all six hooks on her bra, slid it over her shoulders and turned back to face him.

"Holy shit!"

Susan grinned broadly. She put her hands on the sides of her chest parallel with her breasts. "32." Her hands slid under to cup her monstrous mounds. "E." They slid down the to the smallest part of her waist. "23." Finally, her hands reached her hips. "35." Her relatively short height made her measurements that much more impressive. Her hands came up to cup her impressive rack. They weren't an 18 year-olds, but they were still almost impossibly high and firm.

"You can play with them all you want, just don't neglect downstairs." She walked sexily over to him and sat on his lap. Jason immediately grabbed her tits and buried his face in them. Susan smiled again and lightly stroked his head. Jason wrapped his lips around a nipple and flicked his tongue at it. Susan lay her head on her shoulder. "Mmm."

Jason had never had an opportunity like this and took to it like a k** at a new playground. He took his time kissing, licking and sucking, stroking, rubbing and kneading. Susan enjoyed his attention and let him play for a while. Eventually, as good as it felt, she wanted more. She got off his lap, knelt down and tugged at his pants. He lifted his butt and they slid down past his knees.

"Take off my shoes and socks."

Susan kissed his thighs and did as he directed. His lower body free, he grabbed her head and pulled it toward his crotch. Susan opened her mouth and took him inside. She licked, swirled and twirled for several minutes. Jason pulled her head off of him and smacked her in the face several times with his dick, then rubbed it back and forth across her lips.

"Suck it."

Susan took him back into her mouth and nursed like a baby at its mother's teet. Jason encouraged her, punctuated by a few moans and sighs.

Susan released him from her mouth, sat up straight and pushed her chest forward. She hefted her huge tits and wrapped them around Jason's cock. She slowly began moving up and down while staring into his eyes. Jason's hips started moving a little and she leaned her head down so that she could lick the head of his cock every time he pushed through. Jason began moving faster, his hands gripping the arms of the chair while he thrust between those ebony mounds. Susan squeezed her boobs together tighter and bounced up and down. It wasn't much longer before he erupted, coating her chest and the underside of her chin. After his last spurt, she slowly bounced a few more times, then stood up and reached for his hand. He took it and stood.

Susan unbuttoned his shirt and rubbed her hand across his chest before taking it off. She pulled him onto the bed and scooted up towards the top. Jason leaned over and kissed her, then started licking his come off her chest. Susan sighed pleasantly, slid her fingers into his hair, and pushed his head down to her crotch. Jason flicked a tongue at her and took a second to look at her. Her vagina was pretty, with puffy lips and a triangle of close-cropped hair at the top. Her surgeons did a great job. Jason moved around to lie between her thighs.

Some of the skills that he'd developed with Cat translated, but most didn't. Still, he was determined to do the best job he could. Susan was moaning and vocalizing loudly, but despite his best efforts, she remained fairly dry except for his own saliva. She must not be into it. He lifted his head from between her legs.

"Am I that bad, or are you just not into it?"

Susan raised up on her elbows. "Oh, no, you are definitely not bad, and I'm totally into it. What makes you think that I'm not?"

Jason tried not to be indelicate. " aren't responding."

"What?" Susan shook her slightly damp hair out of her face. "What do you think all the moaning is about?"

"You aren't very wet."

"You know I can't self-lubricate, right? Most of us can't. I thought you said you'd been with a trans woman before?"

"I am. Just she doesn't have reassignment surgery."

Susan didn't catch his use of the present tense. "Oh, okay. That makes sense. Well, there is some strawberry flavored lube in the nightstand."

"One more question: You clearly have a clitoris, but does it work well? Do you have any trouble orgasming?"

"Well, it was pretty hard at first. It was almost a year before my first post-op orgasm. I even went back to the doctor. He examined me and said everything was fine. He said that everything including my clitoris should be just as sensitive as a natural born woman, and it was exceedingly unlikely that I had become anorgasmic. The problem was in my head. He told me that it wasn't uncommon for post-ops to have issues at first and that I should work on getting really familiar with the new anatomy down there. Turned out he was right. I can orgasm most of the time now. And if you keep doing what you're doing I'm going to have one now." She grinned.

Jason smiled and dove back between her thighs. This time, instead of worrying about how wet she was getting, Jason thought about some of the things that Cat had taught him. He focused on her responses, watching her body and listening to her vocalizations. He flattened his tongue and used broad strokes with moderate pressure, first from the bottom of her vagina to the top of her clitoral hood, then back down several times. At the top of a stroke, he slid his tongue around the outside of her outer labia and down into the crease where it met her thigh. He went all the way down to her perineum, across and back up, before gently sucking one if her plump labia into his mouth and focusing on it for a couple of minutes.

Jason repeated the same thing on the other side, then performed long licks between her outer and inner labia. He grazed her inner labia ever so lightly with his teeth, then pulled back to kiss them. He pushed his nose into her vaginal canal and moved it back and forth. Pushing his face into her, he slowly moves it in circles so she could feel the different curvatures and textures. He slid his tongue back and forth along the clitoral hood before pulling it back and gently sucking the glans into his mouth and moving his lips in and out. Susan's moaning got louder and she pressed forward. He dropped an inch, stiffened his tongue and slid it in and out of her a few times. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head back up towards her clitoris.

"Do that again."

He took her small glans back into his mouth and sucked on it hard.

"Easier. Keep doing that, but go easy."

Jason continued the light sucking and moved his tongue up and down, left and right with steady pressure.

"Oh, yeah. That's the stuff."

She pulled his head in closer and pushed her hips out. Jason started flicking his tongue rapidly.

"No, go back to what you were doing."

He went back to the slower movements and steady pressure. He moaned into her to cause vibration.

"Oh, shit. That's nice. Do that a few more times."

He did. Susan humped at his face harder.

"Almost there."

Jason leaned back, huffed warm air at her, then wrapped his lips around her clitoris. He pulled back so that it slid and popped out from between his lips. He circled it with his tongue then repeated the motion.


He licked her from bottom to top, dipping his tongue inside as he passed. Then back to her clitoris and the firm up and down, side to side moves that she seemed to enjoy. Susan crushed his head into her and forced her hips at him, almost painfully hard. Her thighs clamped together, squeezing the sides of his head and she let out a keening wail. Her body trembled and shook for nearly half a minute, then stiffened for another twenty seconds. She shuddered and wailed again. She quickly began humping his face hard, grunting and moaning, then went stiff again. A few seconds later, she started humping his face again, but with long, rolling movements. She shuddered one more time, then relaxed her grip and dropped her pelvis back to the bed. She panted heavily and perspiration beaded on her temples and matted her hair. All in all, her orgasm had lasted several minutes.

Jason crawled up and laid beside her while she panted. "Sorry that I wasn't very good. I don't have a lot of experience with vaginas."

"Are you k**ding me?! That was amazing! There is no way in hell that was your first time."

Jason scrunched up his face in thought. ", eighth time."

"Wow. I would have guessed like a hundred or two. Well, if you want to practice, you can call me anytime." She smiled broadly.

Jason chuckled. "Maybe I will. It was different and fun. I liked it."

"Different? Damn, if you can do that with a vagina with no experience, I can't even imagine what you can do to a penis. If you don't mind me asking, how many times with guys?"

"Girls only. I'm not interested in men. And that number probably would be in the hundreds. Actually, that's not true about guys. I'm not interested in them sexually, but I did practice a lot on men when I first started out. That was only so I could figure out the best way to please a certain woman."

"That's one seriously lucky girl. You must have really liked her."

"Yeah, she's awesome. I'm the lucky one."

"Is? You're still with her?"


"So you're cheating?"

"Oh, no. She's always trying to get me to see other people. She says it will make me better and more well-rounded. You're actually my first since I met her."

"Hunh. What's her name?"


"Cat...hmm. Like Catherine?"

"I only know her as Cat. That's what everybody calls her."

"Ah, well, I don't know anyone by that name."

"You'd definitely remember her. She's got a pretty distinctive look."

"Well, if I ever meet her, I'm going to thank her." She kissed him deeply for several minutes, then pushed him over onto his back, threw a leg over his waist and straddled him.


Eleutherios had become Jason's preferred place to hang out. It was named after Eleutherios, an aspect of the Greek god Dionysus known as "the liberator", who freed people from their worries, fears self-consciousness, and the restraints of society. It was decorated with large, 4' by 6' pictures of scenes of joy: two men walking down the street smiling and holding hands, a mother tossing her c***d up into the air as they both laughed, two women kissing next to the railing of a cruise ship, a crowd of people dancing frenetically. Eleutherios was large. It was divided into two sections. Monday through Thursday only the bar and kitchen sections were open. Friday through Sunday the other section was opened revealing a nightclub with a second bar and large dancefloor. Normally, there was a DJ, but sometimes there was live music as well. While heterosexual, cisgendered men rarely entered the place, such women were not uncommon due to the pleasant atmosphere and it being a safe space. It was Sunday and the beat pulsed.

Jason had learned to coax people's stories out of them. He found them all fascinating. All of their trials and tribulations, both with the external world and within themselves. He especially liked hearing how they overcame their struggles, if they had indeed done so. Tonight, he sat at the bar, talking to Mike, one of the bartenders. While Mike excused himself to tend to another customer, Jason noticed a woman at the far end of the bar. She was sitting alone, sipping a glass of golden colored liquid. She looked sad. He grabbed his scotch ale and walked over to her. He smiled and stuck out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Jason."

The woman glanced at him but didn't otherwise respond. He tried again.

"Hi, I'm Jason."

The woman looked at him for a moment, then accepted his hand and shook it.


"You don't look happy, Marissa. This is a place of happiness, so why come here and be unhappy?"

"I came here and sat at the end of the bar so no one would bother me."

"That's unfortunate. There's some guy standing next to you who's bothering you."


"Well, I'm going to give you two options. A, you can come with me to the dancefloor or B, you can tell me about yourself."

Marissa looked at him again. He seemed sincere.

"The second one."

"Whew! That's good because I am not a good dancer!"


He sat down on the stool next to her.

"You picked option B, so tell me about yourself."

"Umm... there's not much to tell. I just come here to drink and watch people."

"Maybe other people come here to drink and watch you?"

Ha, I don't think so."

"You never know. I came here and I watched you."

"You were watching me?"

"Well, I saw you anyway. What do you observe when you watch people?"

"Oh, I guess just people talking and laughing. And dancing."

"We're talking. We just have to start laughing. I'll tell you a joke "

Jason told his joke and Marissa groaned.

"That was bad."

"Oh, you think you can do better? You tell me a joke."

"I don't really know any jokes."

"Then tell me something that happened to you that was funny."

Marissa mulled it over for a minute. "Well, when I was in high school in drama class, the fire alarm went off. You know how they tell you to move in an orderly fashion? I and some classmates were walking out and we didn't see that the janitor had been mopping the area by the door. I guess we were joking around, saying our lines, but not right and just being overdramatic and goofy. We got to the door and I slipped and fell right on my butt. One of my classmates ran over to help me and she fell too. We kept falling trying to get up. Everybody was laughing at us, so I guess it was funny."

"Did you think it was funny?"

"Not at the time. I was so embarrassed."

"Do you think it's funny now?"

"I guess I can see how people thought it was funny. We probably looked pretty silly."

"It's good that you can laugh at it now."

"Yeah, it's not so bad."

"You know, that offer to dance is still open."

Marissa smiled. "I think I'd like that."

Jason slid off his stool and extended a hand.


Marissa giggled and stood up. She was tall. At least a half a head taller than him. She looked down at him, then at the floor. "Sorry." She held her hands together in front of her bashfully.

"For what? If you're apologizing in advance for your dancing, you should at least let me see you in action. Come on."

Marissa looked up and smiled. "Okay."

Jason took her hand. It was bigger than his. He looked up at her. Her hair was somewhere between blonde and light brown, and cascaded down past her shoulders. Her face was a little wide, but her features were delicate. Her eyes were blue and her skin pale with freckles all over. She had slender arms and legs. Her dress was white with small pink, purple, and blue flowers, and a conservative neckline. It hung down just past her knees. She wore pink ballet flats. Jason tugged her towards the dancefloor.

Despite his earlier statement, Jason was fairly good at dancing. Marissa on the other hand, was not. It showed in her hesitancy and a bit of difficulty keeping the rhythm. Nonetheless, Jason smiled at her and occasionally took her hand as they moved, even pulling her into a spin once, though she had to duck low to pass under his arm. It wasn't long before she was smiled and laughing as well. After six or seven songs, they took a break and moved to a hightop. Marissa sat down and Jason remained standing.

"What are you drinking?"

"Sweet riesling."

"I'll be right back." He headed to the bar. Marissa looked after him. She was having more fun than she'd had in a long time.

Jason returned with their drinks and sat down.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a surgical nurse."

"What does that entail?"

Marissa described what it was like to work in the operating room. Jason asked a lot of questions and Marissa found herself feeling more important about her work.

"Sounds like surgeons get all the glory, but couldn't do their job without you."

"Yeah, but they do save people's lives."

"What was your favorite experience with it?"

"A little boy came in with a severed hand. He had been in an accident with a lawnmower. They reattached it and were able to restore most of the function."

"I bet that was one happy k**."

"His parents were over the moon."

"Over the moon?"

"Um...really happy."

Jason smiled and nodded. "Over the moon."

The pair talked until they finished their drinks, then headed back out to the dancefloor. They danced a few more times that night. It was 10:30 before Marissa looked at her watch.

"Oh, I should get going. I have to get up for work in the morning."

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea. It was really nice meeting you."

"Isn't...isn't this the part where you ask for my number?"

"I wasn't sure you'd be interested in giving it to me."

"Oh, no. You can have it." Marissa scribbled her number down on a bar napkin. Jason smiled.

"Thanks. I'll call you. Can I walk you to your car?" He tucked the napkin carefully into his pocket.

She beamed at him. "You're so sweet. I took a cab here, but thank you."

"Well, I can drive you home if you like?"

"Oh, I couldn't impose. Thank you, though."

"Alright." He waved the napkin. "I'll call you." He stood up and bowed. "M'lady." He tipped an invisible hat, smiled, and left.

Marissa's heart beat a little faster.


The phone rang and Marissa picked it up. She didn't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Hi, Marissa... it's Jason. From last night."

"Oh, hi! I didn't really expect you to call."

"Why wouldn't I? Listen, I had a great time with you last night. Would you like to go out..."


" dinner with me on Thursday?"

"Oh, heh, sorry." He could practically hear her blush through the phone.

"Hehehe. How does Hungarian sound?"

Marissa had never had Hungarian food. "That sounds great!"

"Good. Why don't you text me your address and I'll pick you up at seven."

"I don't have your number though."

Jason grinned. "Wait for it..."

"What? Oh, duh, how silly of me. I can just look at the number on the phone."

"Text me. I'll see you at seven." He hung up.

Marissa stared at the phone for a minute, then jumped high enough to touch her heels to her butt and let out a squeal. She ran upstairs to see what she had to wear for Thursday.


Thursday came and Marissa was practically bouncing as she stood by the door. She kept checking her watch. There was a knock at 7:01. She threw open the door.


"M'lady." Jason performed a mock bow and smiled. He offered his arm. Marissa shrugged her shoulders coquettishly and threaded her arm through his. Jason led her to his car and opened the door for her. Marissa put her hand over her mouth and giggled before getting into the passenger side. He walked around, got into the car and headed to the restaurant. As they moved through the city streets, Jason told her what he knew about Hungarian cuisine. He asked if she had any allergies, to which she responded in the negative.

"Do you want something like comfort food, or a little more spicy?"

"Not too spicy. Um... I guess... I'm not sure."

"Do you like crepes?"

"I've never had a crepe. Actually, I don't really know what a crepe is."

"Well, think about something like a pancake. Now, make it super thin and kind of delicate. That's a crepe."

"What's it taste like?"

"Pretty much like a pancake."

"I like pancakes."

"Hehe. Well, how about palacsinta? It's basically a crepe, with ground beef or sausage, onions, peppers, and spices. It's topped with a sour cream paprika sauce."

"Is it spicy?"

"Well, all Hungarian food has a little spice. We can ask them to tone it down a bit. Oh, and you have to make room for the somloi galuska. It's like the best chocolate cake ever."

"Okay. I'll let you pick."

"No problem. I think I know what you want."

Marissa gasped and blushed.


She tried to think of something quick. "Oh...uh...I...just thought I saw someone I haven't seen in a while." Jason shrugged and drove on. When they arrived, Jason told her to wait and ran around and opened the door for her. At the table, he ordered for them without consulting her. While some might have seen it as an affront to a woman's equality, Marissa thought that it was gallant of him. They were still talking long after the dishes had been taken away. Jason looked at his watch.

"Alas, fair maiden, I think this eve must come to an end." He had noticed since that first night that the more 'chivalrous' the action or turn of phrase, the more she responded. He had enjoyed that evening, so he extended it by proxy.

"Oh. Okay, well,...I must away to my tower, sir knight." They both laughed. Jason stood up and offered her a hand. Marissa smiled, took it and rose. The two went to his car and drove back to her house. He walked her to her door and they said their good nights. As soon as the door closed, Marissa leaned against it and sighed. She was all smiles for the rest of the night.

The following Sunday, Jason asked her out again. He took her to the marina. They leaned on the railing just watching the seagulls and brightly colored sails in silence. After a while, Jason took her dancing. He took her to a different club, one known for playing slower music. He showed her how to waltz, just as his mother had taught him before the homecoming dance back in high school. They danced most of the night, and like a gentleman, he had her home by ten. He walked her to the door, but made no move to kiss her. Marissa felt a little disappointed, but the magic of the night wrapped her in warmth and she slept soundly.

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Would You Like Ketchup With That 2

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Play Beginnings

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Sexy Mom 8211 Meena

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+ + + + + Weblink: Nestled in the Berkshires, ‘The Virgin and the Unicorn’ Bed and Breakfast sports some of the most beautiful scenery of the Northeast. As featured in ‘Haunted America’ tours, perhaps as you sip apple cider this Halloween, you will be visited by the couple reputed to haunt the grounds. Local folklore holds that this working farm and manor house was built by Ethan Verence to impress the woman he wanted to make his bride, Corrine Parsons. + + + + + Rowan Knapp was at her...

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Club Gomorrah Part 8 What is a Fuckpig

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Seven: What is a Fuckpig?Before we start let me just apologise for the long absence, I moved house, and started a stressful new job so I haven't had much time to myself to write.It’s a bit of a struggle to get back into writing Club Gomorrah when you’ve 70% forgotten everything you wanted to make happen so sorry again if this one is a bit slow but I needed to get back into the swing of things.“Belle, Belle, Belle… After everything I gave...

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Stroke of LuckChapter 3

We made the trip home on edge but uneventfully. I was healing up, painfully. Lena was very conscientious about her work, she kept me in line like a drill instructor. When I got grumpy with her the others would give me "what for" and make me apologize. When she saw our bathing equipment, she made me bathe. She got in the tub with me and scrubbed me all over, especially my wound. "A clean wound will heal much better, my husband," she said. Sherry added, "It will make him smell better,...

3 years ago
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Three Js and an S Go Skiing Day 6 Part 3

By The Technician BDSM FFF/F D/s / Mild / Snow / Cold / Spanking / Public Sex = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the tenth in this series and continues the adventures of The Three J's and Sara at Mountain Lodge Resort. This story might make more sense if you have read the previous days of "Three J's and an S Go Skiing,"...

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The Adventures of Lance Steele Ch 01

I sat in my office smoking a Lucky Strike and reading the paper. The Japs were still in Washington trying to negotiate an end to their assets being frozen. DiMaggio had a 40 game hitting streak for the fucking hated Yankees. It was sweltering in my office on Main Street. The fan in the window was succeeding only in blowing hot air around the room. Outside, the palm trees at Five Points corner were still. I poured myself two fingers of whiskey. It was quality stuff, a dime a pint. But, it kept...

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1st Time gay

It has been a fantasy of mine for some time, that is for a man to fuck my arse.Well it finally happened.I was travelling back down from Scotland, I needed to take a leak so I pulled into a layby, in it were 3 other cars. I got out went to the bushes and had a pee, as I finished I turned and bumped into this guy, he was about 50, he just said casually do you want anything. I looked at him and replied yes but not here, he said there is another place down the road give it 5 mins and follow me down...

2 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Darkening Lindsay Walterss Alley

I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...

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Quest The executioner

Warning – this story is not for faint hearted! It contains many dark themes and death of characters! You’ve been warned! Two people kneeled in front of the woman. Her athletic build and visible muscles showed that she was no stranger to hard physical work, yet she was still nice to the eye and her frame carried an impressive bust. Her black hair flowed down her back, her face features were sharp and her blue eyes narrow giving her look of someone who carried an elvish blood in her veins. Lady...

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Haileys Vacation Part 4

Hailey went through the packages of gifts that had been delivered in her first week back. Tim was busy and unable to come home on the weekends, so Hailey kept the things in the backpack she bought him. Hailey made one other terrible discovery when she unpacked, her Mother’s Eagle Pride necklace was gone! She called the resort and told them about the lost item. They assured they’d call if they found it, but after two weeks, she knew it was lost. She also asked about Rick, but was told they...

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my aunt and her boyfriend

this happened many years ago and it is what started me on a life of crossdressing.i used to stay at my aunt jennifers house once a month when my mother was working ,jenny was 23 at this time and was a very attractive blond, i was slim and probably small for my age, one saturday morning i had gone into the kitchen for a drink on the ironing board was a pile of clothes on closer inspection i saw some of jennys silky under things, i could not resist picking up a pair of soft lacey panties as i was...

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The Night Manager

The huge imposing outline of the 18th century country house, loomed ominously against the inky black Cotswold sky. Like nearly all the old family homes in the area, it had been turned many years ago into a large well furnished and very expensive, hotel. Jonn wasn’t all that keen on what was happening to these places – but at least it kept them from being neglected and becoming empty shells. It was around 2am and the bar had just emptied. That meant that Jonn as night manager could relax a...

2 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 8 I see

The day I told my mom that I was gay, was probably one of the hardest in my life. I ran every scenario I could think of in my head. I imagined my mom... disappointed in me. I also imagined that she might be angry with me, even if it was something that I couldn't change about myself. I imagined that she'd look at me and see something... disgusting, see someone who wasn't her son. Of course, I really shouldn't have worried with my mom, and she proved that to me. After she died, the fact...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Reactions

Wish Shift: Chapter Seven Reactions Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Kira saw Jenny's big black truck pull up outside the restaurant. Bob's Country Kitchen was a small local chain that specialized in quick lunches, but served breakfast and dinner as well. The menu was a regular rotation of specials with a standard menu that didn't vary much. Between the prices and the general quality it had been a successful enterprise for the family that owned it. They had decided that they would meet there...

1 year ago
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Specialist Nanny

Specialist Nanny A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Authors Note: This story is based on the advertisement that appears in it (page 3) which is close to word for word, what appeared in a national daily in 2017. My sister started out in the business by being best babysitter in the neighbourhood. To do that, all she needed to do was to ensure that when anybody that employed her needed a baby sitter, there was always a baby sitter available. She cursed the fact that she only had...

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