LucianChapter 6 free porn video

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Some scents arouse us in conflicting ways.

They incite lust as well as fear, desire as well as apprehension – they’re like a blend of cold sweat and intoxicating perfume.

The 25th of June arrived, and Norton’s Academy of Excellence was in turmoil.

Lucian learned that it was an important date; it was the day, 16 years ago, when the school had been established. It also was a day of reunion, when sponsors and alumni came from all over the States to meet and celebrate.

And it was the first time Lucian heard about a Third Level.

Norton’s curriculum wasn’t divided in years or semesters; there were just consecutive levels to master, however long each might take. Bobs were First Level, Barbs Second. And now he understood there was a Third Level: students informally nicknamed Boobs, who hardly ever came to Norton’s anymore. Lucian heard whispers about them. Especially to Barbs they were almost mystical creatures – a kind of celebrities that should be envied and emulated.

The rumors said that these Third Level students did quality internships, or had already started carriers as actors or dancers, singers or models, some even abroad, in places like Paris and Italy. If they still followed classes it must be at a different academy; Lucian heard about one somewhere in California.

Adding to the thrill was the news that quite a few Third Level girls might attend the festivities this year.

Graduating from a level wasn’t decided by time, it was marked by personal development – and that development was quite divers amongst the individual Bobs and Barbies.

Harper, for instance had already been a Bob for a year when Lucian arrived, but he didn’t expect to graduate anytime soon. Charlie, on the other hand, arrived only months before Lucian, and he was supposed to already be very close to reaching Second Level. Even Kelly might graduate before Harper.

And what about Lucian himself?

At one of his frequent check-ups he asked Dr. Kurtz how it worked.

She peeled the blue latex gloves off her fingers and threw them in the bin next to the examination table. Lucian let his legs dangle; being naked didn’t bother him much anymore – it had become too common. Neither did he worry about the dripping of his spent penis – or the tingling of his anus that still echoed probing fingers and instruments.

“Well,” she said, putting small glass tubes holding samples of his sperm and blood in a fridge, “you should ask Ms. Parker about that. She has the last word, but she regularly consults with teachers, and with me. Of course, there must be room available at the next level.”

Lucian watched the sparkling arches his polished toenails made as he let his feet swing through the air.

“Why does it take some longer than others?” he asked.

Kurtz smiled.

“You may dress, honey,” she said, walking over to her desk.

He picked up his satin top and pulled it over his hair. It was cream-colored and stretched tightly around his chest.

“Is it the size of the penis?” he asked.

The doctor snorted with laughter. She turned around, her eyes finding his.

“Of course not, silly,” she said, her mouth doing its dubious smile. “Why on earth would you think that?”

He reached for his panties, but she checked his hand. Pushing at his naked inner thigh she gave herself a better view of his genitals. They were still pink from her ministrations.

She chuckled.

“If that would be the criterion, honey, you’d be past Third Level already.”

Rising, she let her smile fade.

“Please sit down,” she said.

They sat at her desk; it was strewn with objects and papers.

“A mistake most regular schools make,” she began, “is to believe all students grow up in more or less the same time and with the same speed.”

She smiled, looking him up and down.

“You, honey, of all people should know how wrong that is. Now look at your classmates. Take Charlie and compare him to, say, Kelly. Who would you graduate first?”

He knew very well it should be Charlie. But why he automatically thought so was quite disturbing, to say the least.

“It’s Charlie, of course,” Kurtz said for him when he didn’t answer.

“Because he is the most girly,” Lucian blurted out.

The doctor stared at him; then she slowly shook her head.

“No,” she said. “He is, but that’s not all of it.”

She rearranged a few objects on her desk. He noticed that her fingernails were shorter than ever. Did she bite them?

“Wouldn’t you agree,” she finally went on, “that Charlie Washinsky has ... grown a lot these last months? I don’t mean taller or bigger, but that there is a kind of air around him – a self-assuredness you wouldn’t find in Kelly, or Jo, or Harper, for that matter?”

Or myself, he thought.

He rose from the chair, picking up his panties and shorts and pulling them on. As he tied the shining ribbons of his ballet shoes, Kurtz called his name. He looked up.

“Don’t you wonder at all?” she asked. “I mean about little Charlie’s sudden development?”

Of course, he didn’t. Who was she kidding? Wasn’t she the one doing the injections and prescribing the pills, drawing blood and milking penises? Didn’t she know what Ms. Fontaine and Mamselle did, week after week, class after class?

Again, not waiting for his answer she said:

“He stopped resisting, Lucian, and he started embracing. Charlie realizes who he really is, and he loves what he finds.”

He shrugged.

“So, you broke him,” he said.

Kurtz rushed to him, her hands on his shoulders; her face in his.

“No!” she exclaimed. “Not at all! We break nobody here, ever. Look at yourself, Lucian. Look hard and be honest. Even if we wanted to: what is there to break? What other roads would you take, even if you could? What other roads are there anyway?”

He pulled himself free from her touch, recalling her hysterics at Christmas Eve. He rose.

“Bye,” he said, turning and leaving the office.

Dr. Kurtz picked up her phone.

The growing excitement at Norton’s Academy of Excellence about the approaching festivities had more than one reason.

First of course there was the gathering of so many famous strangers – successful alumni, maybe a few of the fabled Boobs and all these no doubt wealthy sponsors. Well anyway, the sole fact of seeing new faces at all was reason enough for excitement, wasn’t it?

With a shock, Lucian wondered if his mother might be amongst the guests. Then he shook his head – she wouldn’t, not now. And his father would certainly first shoot himself before setting a foot in here.

He chuckled at the thought, imagining the man’s disgust.

Then there was the Performance as a second cause for excitement.

Lucian looked out of the window where bulky men built a podium on the main lawn. It was big and looked professional with a high, shell-like roof and intricate metal constructions for spotlights. Big speakers were tested; chairs and tables were loaded down from a truck.

Most of the afternoon and evening’s program would be filled with a demonstration of the students’ accomplishments, while the visitors enjoyed cocktails and dinner. There would be music and singing, ballet of course and acrobatics. Lucian wouldn’t take part in that. His only outstanding quality so far was running, really, which of course could hardly be demonstrated on a stage; let alone be appreciated.

So, he was selected for the catwalk.

Fashion was a Barb-thing, Fashion Designer being one of the specializations open to Second Levelers. Another one was Beautician, very popular if you didn’t have the talent for music or dance, acting or modeling.

He remembered his conflicting feelings when Ms. Wilkins asked him to participate. She was the Fashion teacher – tall, thin and sophisticated, always looking extravagantly beautiful in creations she made herself.

He liked her taste, appreciating her boldness.

Her question had made him blush, looking away as a rush of mixed arousal and anxiety blocked his voice.

Mixed feelings seemed to be his regular state of mind, lately – or was it the fact that they weren’t mixed at all, really? Maybe it was just his scared brain still fighting what he’d already made peace with, deep down – a last effort to check his unwelcome excitement?

Lucian had always loved the international catwalks.

Secretly he’d looked out for their shows on his laptop and in the many glossy magazines of his mother, caught up by the magical world it represented – a world of bewildering beauty. He liked fashion – the bold and original creations, the self-assured models and their shameless urge to exhibit their bodies. At high school, he knew he’d had better taste than most girls – sometimes biting his tongue not to comment or suggest improvements.

His deeper feelings weren’t mixed at all, he knew; he was just scared of them.

Maybe Kurtz was right. Maybe all this school had to do was peel off that fear. Maybe all it took to graduate was to dissolve your self-consciousness.

He turned away from the window, watching the girl next to him.

She wore a long, fully skirted dress made from layers of light, gauzy material. It had a tight, square-cut top with spaghetti straps that left her delicate clavicles free, as well as a big part of her chest. The fabric was so sheer that it took strips of embroidered silver sequins to know it was there at all.

The girl smiled as her hand picked up the skirts.

“We need to run, Lucian,” she said, fluttering the long lashes of her violet eyes.

He looked down past the deep V-cut of his own dress-top. It exposed his pale chest almost to his belly button. The strips of silver ran like sparkling streams from his shoulders past his waist to the hem that touched the ground.

Picking up his skirts made the fabric rustle.

He followed Charlie to Fashion Class, feeling the wispy silk flow against his legs.

‘She,’ he’d thought when he looked at Charlie – ‘she’ and ‘girl.’ It felt true. He wondered what the boy’s thoughts had been, looking at him. He shook his head.

Below his worrying brain his feelings weren’t mixed at all, were they?

Not really.

The catwalk was about four feet high, level with the stage where it started.

It ran out onto the lawn, amidst clusters of tables and chairs where the invited sponsors, alumni and their companions sat or stood around – drinking, chatting and eating.

The sun sank beneath the horizon, allowing dusk to darken the balmy June air. Hundreds of candles illuminated the tables. A fat moon floated like a ghost in the cloudless sky.

Lucian watched from backstage with the other models – dressed and made up for their show later on. Feathery fingertips of excitement touched his throat.

He recalled the dress rehearsal they did this morning – under the scrutinizing eyes of the workmen who weren’t shy at all to show their appreciation with whistles and catcalls. He’d felt very self-conscious, watching the floor and concentrating on where his feet should go. The way the soft fabric caressed his legs as he moved sent flashes of perfumed anxiety up his chest.

Ms. Wilkins had exhorted him to look up and be proud, in her high, affected voice. But it had been Charlie’s smile that encouraged him, making the prying world go away for a minute.

Back here on stage, standing in the wings, the first performance he saw was a string quartet of three Barbs he knew and one girl he’d never seen before.

She played the lead violin with amazing skill and flair.

She also looked stunning, wearing a long, flowing red dress with a generous cleavage. It showed high and very round breasts – one pressing up against the violin’s curve.

“She’s Maxime O’Connor,” someone whispered behind him. “She’s got a Juilliard scholarship, you know.”

He watched the violinist closer.

So, it was true? Norton’s did produce more than just sissified airheads? He watched another girl playing the cello, hugging the instrument between her long legs. She was Nico, the Asian waitress. He also recognized the Barb playing second violin.

A loud applause woke him up.

When it died down again, a tall blonde with a guitar walked down the stage, right up to the edge, where she strummed her instrument.

She wore a checkered shirt, tied below her breasts, leaving her tanned belly bare. Her pale-blue skinny jeans hugged very long legs until they disappeared in heeled cowboy boots.

Her voice was clear as a bell when she started a bluesy song.

Shivers ran down Lucian’s bare back. He’d never been a big fan of country songs or even blues, but the girl’s melancholy voice touched nerves that went straight to his tear glands.

After her applause, the girl explained that she’d written the song especially for Norton’s, in memory of the years she’d spent here and as a thanks for the wonderful opportunity the school had offered her.

Then she started a second song.

“She’s Bobbi Caroll,” the same voice whispered into his ear.

He’d heard the name – something about a new voice in Nashville. But he’d never really given attention.

After the singer Ms. Parker took the microphone, standing straight in her severely corseted outfit – a dark blot against the evening sky.

Lucian recalled the Christmas speech, wondering if Drew again would be able to predict every word Parker was going to say. The memory made him wonder where the girl might be. He hadn’t seen her for months, neither at running practice nor at these last days of preparations.

Bored by Parker’s P.R. speech, his eyes wandered to the twinkling clusters of light on the lawn.

Every damask-clad table was a pool of white, shining with wavering candlelight against rapidly darkening surroundings. Each table held a circle of about ten guests, men and women alternately.

Half of the men had balding heads and gray hair, but most of the women were young, some might even be girls.

It was impossible from where he stood to discern the individual faces. The men all wore tuxedos, the women gowns in black, white, gold, silver and a range of pastel colors. Many shoulders were bare, and most of the dresses’ tops were deeply cut. The whole audience looked up to the stage where the headmistress droned on.

Lucian knew his show would start as soon as Parker was done.

A hand pulled at his skirt. He nodded at Charlie. The two of them would be walking side by side down the catwalk. He marveled how her simple smile could scare his demons away so easily.

Straight through the polite applause their music started – loud and pulsing. He took his place beside Charlie and behind two Barbs in very tight outfits, balancing on impossible heels.

White spotlights streamed down on them as they started sashaying out into the night, one ballet-shoed foot in front of the other – gliding the Norton’s glide. The applause they walked into seemed to part like a modern day Red Sea.

The lights were warm and so was the summer air.

Looking aggressively, frowning almost angrily like real models do, Lucian pouted his lips, making his blond bangs dance over his eyes. It was what Ms. Wilkins wanted.

But when he saw sweet Charlie try it, he had to smile.

The whole thing felt blessedly like a fairytale – sweet and pink and utterly unreal.

Remembering the photo shoot and other embarrassing moments, Lucian let his gaze float at mid height, avoiding faces. Most of them hid in darkness anyway, covered by the blazing floodlights. But when he reached the end of the catwalk he had to look down not to stumble while turning back.

That was when he saw her.

It was just a glimpse, maybe lasting a second, but he knew it was Drew. She looked different, not a girl now, a woman. Her hair was cut and no longer blond. She wore a very bare bluish dress, almost nothing, really, and there was something different about her body.

Another thing he saw in the short flash was that she sat in the lap of a man – an old, fat man who had his arm around her. And right before Lucian turned away, he saw her head go to the man’s, nudging her face into his jowl.

He almost stumbled on his way back to the stage, where they had to rush to change dresses.

When he came back to the edge of the catwalk, wearing a salmon little number – like a mini skirted tennis dress over bare legs and white socks in pink unlaced Dr. Martin’s boots – he saw Drew was gone, and so was the fat man. Their chairs were empty.

The show lasted two more outfits.

One was a gold bikini top and short shorts, worn with gold trainers, the other a cognac colored silk cocktail dress, short skirt and heeled pumps to go with the entourage of a bride in abundant white satin and lace.

When they received the final applause, standing as a group around Ms. Wilkins, facing the crowd, Lucian saw Drew again.

She didn’t sit at the table, but was standing at the edge of the lawn, rather close to one of the lanterns. She was with another girl, a Barb he knew; the fat man wasn’t with them. Both women were checking each other’s hair, make up and slinky outfits. As Drew turned towards the light, Lucian knew what had made her look different.

She had breasts.

As he was pushed and pulled and embraced by the crowd of excited Barbs around him, he could only see glimpses, but there seemed to be telltale shadows in her wide cleavage – and the dress really didn’t allow for stuffing.

Then he saw her push aside the dress’s top, shaking her upper body to show the other girl, and they both collapsed in laughter.

The breasts weren’t much, but they sure were there.

Was this why they were called Boobs? Had Drew graduated? To what, and where did she go? He knew she had no real specialization – she didn’t sing or dance or even do make up beyond the general program. She was a great runner, but never showed much ambition.

And besides – as what gender could she ever officially compete?

The high-flying feelings that had engulfed him in the collective exhilaration after the show ebbed away. Things hadn’t been right between him and Drew, but why didn’t she tell him she was leaving?

Was this what happened with Barbs when they graduated from Norton’s? Maybe Drew had been sent off to be an intern – at a hospital, maybe? But she wasn’t a real nurse, was she?

She might be at a regular college to become one.

Lucian knew he couldn’t ask her – not tonight, as the lawn was a no-go area for Bobs. They were supposed to return to the building after their shows, grab a bite and go back to their quarters.

Lucian watched the melee of people on the lawn.

Through one of the hallway’s tall windows he heard music coming from the stage, but from where he stood he couldn’t really see what was going on.

Half of the guests must have left already, but some were still dancing – men and women, and also groups of girls, being watched by men. They turned and swayed their bodies in sleek gowns and tight mini dresses – or parts of those.

He heard a sigh.

Charlie stood next to him, shivering in the same short robe he wore. His blond hair was wet from the shower; his cheeks had a pink hue.

“Isn’t it fun?” he murmured, leaning in to see more.

“You’d love to be there, don’t you?” Lucian asked.

The boy just nodded, his eyes never leaving the scene.

“I’m on my way there, you know,” Charlie then said. “Why don’t you join me?”

Lucian turned his head to the boy in amazement, catching shining eyes and blushing cheeks.

“But we can’t,” he said. “We are Bobs.”

Charlie shrugged.

“You’re save,” he said. “They won’t notice. I see no teachers. I don’t even see Parker anymore.”

He grabbed Lucian’s hand and pulled him with him.

Feeling giddy like kids after curfew, they slunk through the corridors, slipping out and flitting from shadow to shadow until they reached the side of the stage.

The music was loud; drums and bases filled their ears and made their bellies vibrate. Lucian wrapped his arm around Charlie’s body as they crawled forward. The boy felt hot; he trembled in his embrace.

The lawn was a mess.

Tables had been pulled to the side, some of them toppled over, cloths and candleholders, chairs and plates and glassware joining the furniture like so much debris. Men had shed their jackets and ties, some even their shirts. A few girls danced topless and barefoot. Two of them had huge breasts, swaying wildly as they moved.

He recognized a few Barbs too, some hanging on to their men, others making out at the edge of the lawn.

“Now they dare,” he whispered to Charlie. “With Parker gone.”

The boy looked at him, frowning.

“You really haven’t a clue, do you?” he asked, sitting up against the stage. “Those are our sponsors. They pay our tuition.”

Sitting next to him, Lucian watched the scene.

He saw the big chested violinist and a slender Barb removing a man’s belt, giggling as they kissed him and then each other. The man pushed the Barbie’s face down into his crotch, where her white hand held a tube of flesh. Its head sparkled with wetness – then her dark hair blocked the sight.

The man suckled on the violinist’s breast.

“You mean this is how we repay?” Lucian asked.

Charlie shook his head.

“Not we,” he said. “They do,” nodding to the orgy.

They heard a chuckle from behind.

“Bob alarm,” a voice said. It belonged to Nico, the Asian girl. She held on to a blond Barb; both were rather drunk. The girls each raised an open bottle of champagne, taking a swig from it.

“You should both be in bed, dumplings,” she went on, slurring her words.

“I graduated last week,” Charlie said, sounding defiant.

The information sent a huge smile to Nico’s face. She clapped her hands.

“Now did you, honey?” she cried out, stumbling forward on her stiletto heels and pulling Charlie up into an embrace.

“So, you’re one of us now! Beautiful Charlie is a Barb! I’m so happy for you. Come, let’s tell the others.”

Without minding Lucian, the two tipsy girls pulled Charlie with them and out onto the lawn. A wave of twittering voices reached him when the boy was met by some of the dancing Barbies. Soon he was moving with them, his pale body reflected by the light of the moon and the lanterns – his skimpy robe gone.

Lucian retreated into deeper shadows as he watched what happened.

No one had told him anything about graduation. Was it just Charlie, or had more Bobs been transferred to Barb level? And if so, what did it mean? What happened? Was it even true?

The group around Charlie opened up.

Keeping the boy at their center, they moved him to the edge of the lawn, where a tall blond man had his cock sucked by a kneeling woman in a tattered white evening dress. Both looked up, alerted by the noise of the approaching group.

“Mr. Sanders!” he heard Nico call out. “Please meet Charlie, our most beautiful sweetheart. She just graduated and she’d love to thank you for that.”

Lucian climbed to his feet and slunk back.

Then he ran around the stage, crossing the far side of the lawn. There he flitted from bush to bush until he sat in shadows only yards from where the girls took Charlie.

Lucian looked past the man’s back straight into the boy’s face. He felt the same impact Charlie must have on the man – his porcelain face, smiling under the shock of silver curls; his slim, fragile body, and yet an almost insolent greed beaming from his wide-open eyes.

He wants this, Lucian thought. He wants it.

“What’s your name, honey?” the man asked.

He had a deep voice and didn’t let go of the girl that was sucking his cock. His body stood silhouetted against Charlie and the Barbs who were in full moonlight.

“Charlie, Sir,” the boy said, his voice clear as a bell.

“Such a beautiful name for a beautiful creature,” the man said.

He murmured a few words to the sucking girl and pushed her off his cock. Charlie’s eyes immediately went to the man’s crotch. The Barbs giggled, nudging each other.

“Like what you see, sweetheart?” the man went on.

His pants hung on his shoes, moonlight outlining his strong, hairy legs. Lucian crawled a little sideways to see the cock rising straight from the man’s groin, sparkling with wetness.

He’d never seen one as long – or fat.

“Come,” the man said, inviting Charlie with his hand. “Let’s see if it likes you too.”

The giggling Barbs pushed the naked boy forward.

“Kiss it,” the man said.

Charlie let his violet eyes rise from the cock, back up to the man’s eyes and down again. His narrow, pale hand reached out, trembling – his fingertips almost touching the penis. Then the man impatiently grabbed his hair and pulled his face to his cock.

The boy fell on his knees. His sweet cherry lips opened wide to take the penis in.

The Barbs cheered, dancing around the couple, some waving pieces of garment or bottles of wine. Closing in they formed a half circle around the tall man and the curly-headed boy.

Wet sucking sounds filled the air.

Lucian watched, wondering why he didn’t feel shocked. Of course, the possibility had always been there. There had been Drew’s ‘chores.’ He remembered her sucking that awful man’s cock in Parker’s office.

Sex was a trade off at Norton’s Academy of Excellence.

It wasn’t a school at all, was it? It was a brothel where sex paid for the education – education for what? The violinist was really talented, Juliard, he’d heard. But still she was back there on her knees sucking cock. What about the singer? What about all the famed stars and models? Couldn’t they pay their way from their blossoming careers?

Did they even get any of the money they made?

As he watched Charlie’s silver head bob up and down on the man’s cock he started feeling a hatred for himself; a sense of disgust for still harboring these silly notions of a hale, sympathetic world – still hanging on to illusions.

Feeling tears run down his cheeks, he crawled into the bushes and turned to go back to the building, his room, and his bed.

He almost stumbled into Drew.

“Hi, Luce,” she said. “Quite late for a Bob to be out. Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

She looked as disheveled as the Barbs he’d seen out on the lawn, her short dark hair sticky and her make up smudged. Her speech was slow and slurred. The long dress hung open, exposing her chest. The silver moonlight painted shadows under two budding breasts – small and round, but clearly there.

He tried to get around her, but she stopped him.

“Kiss me please, Lucian,” she whispered. “I missed you.”

A wave of alcoholic fumes hit him. He shook his head and tore himself free. Walking back, he kept his eyes on her. Was it sadness he saw surfacing on her nondescript drunken face? Her eyes were wide; moisture sparkled.

“Please,” she repeated.

He turned and ran.

Next day Norton’s seemed to simmer under a collective hangover.

It was well past ten when Lucian ventured out to the breakfast room, where he only found Harper, Jo and Mu, the Chinese boy. Nobody served them, so he went looking in the kitchen, finding some fruit and orange juice.

“Morning,” Harper said as he sat down at the table.

He looked as if he hadn’t showered, hair a mess, face drawn and pale.

“You look as if you didn’t sleep much,” Lucian remarked. He bit in an apple, making the juice spray.

“Ah well,” Harper said, clearing his throat. “You don’t look really fresh yourself. What did you do? Why didn’t you join us?”

Lucian studied his face; then watched Jo’s. He didn’t look much better. Wu’s full-moon face was pale under his Asian tan.

“Join?” he asked.

“Last night, after the show?” Harper said, picking at a piece of pineapple. “Guess you’re too special now?”

Special? What the fuck did he mean?

“What do you mean?” he said. “We were not supposed to be there.”

Harper looked confused. Then he laughed.

“No, not at the lawn party,” he said. “We aren’t welcome there, remember? I mean at our dorm.”

“I didn’t know,” Lucian muttered. “Nobody told me.”

“Everybody knew,” Jo interfered. “We were all there except you.”

“And Charlie, of course,” Mu added.

They all murmured.

“You didn’t party?” Harper went on asking Lucian. “Then why do you look as shitty as we do?”

“Do I?” Lucian asked, involuntarily touching his face.

That was when Taylor entered, tall and blond – and greenish pale.

“Hi Luce,” he said. “Iron Tits wants you. Damn, you look like shit.”

“Haven’t slept a lot,” Lucian muttered, while slinking away from the hand on his shoulder. “Have you seen Charlie?”

“I doubt we will anytime soon,” Harper answered.

They all laughed.

“She told me she graduated,” Lucian went on. “Did you know?”

“Yes, the lucky little bastard,” a voice answered from behind. It was Kelly, entering the breakfast room. He only wore his robe, but he seemed to have showered. “She takes Drew’s place.”

Same as Lucian
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This is the story of a girl who loves my friend very much. My friend was leaving to go to London. He was leaving. It was a “work thing”. She knew it was only for a few days, but she was going to miss him terribly. She had left work early to take him to the airport. Her night shift didn’t end for another couple of hours, but his plane left early and she wanted to see him off. It was still very dark outside as she pulled up in front of the house. He came out with his bags in tow and put them in...

2 years ago
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Shes a Wonderful Wife

I want to tell you about how I got such a wonderful wife. If I told you we just started dating 6 months ago you might think we had a very short courtship. All this is true but sort of misleading. You see she’s a loving hot beautiful wife, just not my wife, and yes we have been dating for 6 months. In the beginning at they say, I was cruising the net one day and saw a photo of an incredible brunette (the photo below, yes I saved it). She stood out so much from the other women on the site that...

1 year ago
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Married Life 01

Peter her husband had been reading & had just received a fresh beer when he noticed my bride & I sitting a few lounges down from him, he introduced himself & suggested that if we wanted to order a drink we would need to grab the attention of the waiter sitting at the pool bar. Jan suggested that she would like a white wine, so I wandered over to the bar and ordered the wine and a beer for myself, I looked back to see Jan and Peter in conversation and Jan laughing quite loudly. When Sally got...

2 years ago
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A wank with a friend

‘Have you ever wanked in front of some one?’ Pete asked. ‘A girl friend of mine used to like watching me.’ I replied. Pete often came out with questions like that as if from no where so there was no shock from me when he asked me that. ‘No. That’s not what I mean.’ he had a glint in his green eyes and a smirk on his tanned, smooth shaven face. ‘What do you mean then.’ I replied as I put down my can of beer onto his coffee table. ‘You know. Ever wanked with a friend?’ ‘I’m not sure I get...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Rubi Valentine Next Door Massage

Chase is surprised when his neighbor, Rubi Valentine, shows up at his house to promote her new massage business. He initially has no interest, but seems intrigued when she indicates she’s desperate for work. He carefully asks her exactly what kind of massage she’s offering. Rubi innocently explains that she offers a deep-tissue massage. Sensing that he may be able to get more than just a massage, Chase pretends to be disinterested until she eventually offers him a free massage,...

1 year ago
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Sex in Nanas Attic

I expect some of you will say that I gave it away too easily. And perhaps I will live to regret it later. But my virginity has gone. It's gone! The girls at work always used to say that when you lose it, people can tell by looking at you that you have had sex. But I don't think anyone has really noticed anything different about me. And I don't really feel as differently as I thought I would either, except that I do find I am starting to think about sex more since it happened. I wonder if that...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 249

Kelly, Mark and three security guards were waiting at the main gate as the dealer unloaded the Gator. I sent one of the day guards to pick up the supply's we needed while we were waiting on the Gator. The tools for the job were gloves, wire cutters, box cutters and several cans of black spray paint waiting to cover all the odd color over spray that was on the fence. I had left Marcy, Jenny, Lorrie and Cindy in the security office to check on business at home and catch up on e-mails. Jenny...

2 years ago
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Failures of PerfectionChapter 6

Natalia’s mouth fell open as she instantly understood that Ellen could summon a portal and as she stared at the four doors she asked incredulously, “You can just open a portal at will?” As Ellen stepped into the hall she turned to address the shocked girl, “It looks like it, doesn’t it? But to tell you the truth: the Enzuins were waiting for us and clapping my hands gave them just an enough spike to create the portal at that precise location.” Natalia shook her head as she followed Ellen...

4 years ago
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I made another mans wife my cock whore part 5

What a long week! I had allowed Mel to play with her toy the last week. We talked just about everyday but never meet up during the week. Mel and I live 1.5 hours away, being married, it makes sneaking out for a quicky a little difficult. I had denied her the ability to play with herself and for a woman who had masturbated just about everyday, she needed some attention! "Feed me!" she declared one day. I reminded her that she would be meeting PG in a few days and if she was a good girl, she...

2 years ago
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My Daughter Cindy Part 3

It was Thursday morning and I started to wake up with a feeling of excitement as I felt a pair of lips moving over the top of my now semi-hard cock, looking down and watching the sheet move with the outline of a head under them. I laid back and thinking, yes a morning blow job from the wife. I always liked them. WAIT! My wife left yesterday! I pull the sheet away and there is my 16 year old daughter, completely naked, looking up at me, holding my now fully erect member in her hand and pulling...

4 years ago
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My Alternate Life 8211 My Way

I am Prem, 32 yrs from Trivandrum. I am a bisexual and enjoy with both sexes together. I am narrating real life incidents. Look forward to your comments and feedback on It all started when I was in 6th grade. My elder cousin brother Jeeth, who was a role model for all us cousins, was once sleeping over at our grandpa’s place. It was a big old house with many rooms and the only other residents of the house where my grandma and grandad. My father built his villa right next to grandma’s place, so...

1 year ago
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Made Out With My Horny Neighbor 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone! I feel like I was ages away from the site and you all. I haven’t posted any story from last year. But I am back to continue again about my horny neighbor. As we all know, covid 19 is going on. In a lockdown, sex becomes more necessary. After all, you get a lot of entertaining stuff and time to test many other I am Akhil from Haryana. I’m 26 years old. My height is 5’9, and my dick size is 6 inches, which can satisfy any female. I like milfs and middle-aged females most. Any female...

3 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 13

John heard Amy knock and let herself in. ‘You don’t have to knock, you know. You have a key, just let yourself in.’ ‘Oh, okay. It just seemed like a courteous thing to do.’ ‘We’re way past that,’ John smiled and was met with a serious gaze. ‘I have to show you something.’ Amy held a stack of magazines close to her chest. ‘Remember how I asked if I could send that photo you took into Runner’s World?’ ‘What?’ John’s face lit up. ‘They actually used it?’ Amy grinned and nodded while...

2 years ago
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Asian Milf Pussy

An asian woman at work made it obvious that she wanted me.I resisted at first but the chance to sample some asian pussy for the first time meant that i found myself going back to her place .When we got there she took my hand and led me straight to her bedroom.She pulled up the little black dress she had on and laying down on the bed she spread her legs.She pulled her panties to one side revealing a neatly trimmed pussy."What do you think then darling?".What did i think?."That is one hot looking...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Vainilla Skin Choking On Chorizo

Latina hottie Vainilla Skin has never looked hotter walking around the streets of Colombia with her ass practically popping out of her gym tights. Following her around is easy, because that round thing has everyones attention. When she meets up with our stud, he cannot wait to get his big prick inside her tight little pussy. She sucks his rod, flashing her beautiful brown eyes, and then splays her legs out wide for him to stuff her vag full of man meat. She moans and spasms as he works, loving...

2 years ago
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I Blackmailed My Uncle to Fuck Me

I was attending a family gathering last year to celebrate my grandmother’s 90th birthday in her big Victorian house. During the course of the day, I saw my uncle John go down to the basement. I didn’t think anything of it until I saw Becky open the door and go down a few minutes. Becky is 19 and is married to my uncle’s son, Bobby. Becky had looked nervous and quite secretive slipping through the basement door. After about five minutes, curiosity got the better of me and I...

1 year ago
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What a Planning

What a Planning!Dad4Luv> hisexy.Dulhan> hidad4luv> how r u, sweetiedad4luv> age sex location?Sexy.Dulhan> I m fine, thanks, 21F, NJ/USA, an nridad4luv> and u married?Sexy.Dulhan> not yet, single now, expecting marriage with my BF any time, my mom insists.. ..Dad4Luv> what your nickname “Dulhan” means thansexy.Dulhan> catches attention… This name gives me gud lot of response 4 chat, hehedad4luv> hehe, nicedad4luv> r u daddies girlsexy.Dulhan> Not considered 4 that; do u like it? Do u like...

4 years ago
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But Daddy

"But, Daddy....!" Young Jessica wailed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch! I've got something right here to stop up that big mouth of yours." I replied. I quickly hauled her down onto her knees in front of my chair. I yanked my belt open and shoved my trousers and shorts down to my ankles. Grasping my semi-erect prick in one hand, I caught hold of my daughter and pulled her face toward its raunchy, bulbous head. With my hand gripping her behind...

1 year ago
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A letter to my Ex

Baby, I know you and I are miles apart now and have both tried to move on but something happened to me the other day that made me miss you so much. I've been trying to decide all weekend whether or not to tell you about it. I think I will, since it involves a fantasy you and I always wanted to make come true together. I think I'll start from the beginning so you will understand how this happened. When I first came out here to Phoenix and went to work for that temporary service, the first place...

4 years ago
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Padosan Ki Aag Bujhai

Ye mera ISS me pehla story hai. Main kafi dino se ek story likhne ke man kar raha tha. Par due to shortage of time me nahi likh pa raha tha. Mera nam Sonu hai. Mein Odisha ki rehne wala hun. Mera koi bhai behan nahi hone ke karan me sabhi time akela mehsus karta hun. Mera Age 22 hai. Abhi aapki aur time waste na kar ke me sidha story ke upar jata hun. Mein mera papa aur mama ke sath yahan ek ghar mein rahte hai jaha hamare elawa aur ek family rehte hai. Ek sal hoga wo family yahan aye hai jis...

2 years ago
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Der Einkauf

Der Einkauf Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Es war drei Uhr nachmittags an diesem sonnigen, warmen Fr?hlingstag. Peter stand vor seiner Haust?r und f?hlte sich ?berhaupt nicht wohl in seiner Haut. Genauer gesagt f?hlte er sich sterbenselend. Am liebsten w?rde er sofort im Boden versinken. Wie jeder vern?nftige Mensch wei?, tut uns der Boden in den meisten F?llen nicht diesen Gefallen. Er klingelte, klopfte. "Nun hau' endlich ab, du m?sstest dich doch ganz ...

1 year ago
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Sexiest Woman Alive

Make sure you hit that "Start Game" button on the right side of the page to take full advantage of the story's variables/etc. and click "Customize" to alter the main character. It won't work very well if you click through it normally. Check out my other stories if you enjoy this one. I have several, such as Irritating Underwear and Tantalizing Tales in Tyria. A couple of them are games as well, such as Erotic Dungeon Crawl. Shameless donation link goes here. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story!...

Mind Control
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WildOnCam Vivian Taylor Vivian Can Not Get Enough Of Robby Eating Her Ass LIVE

Sexy sweetheart Vivian Taylor knows just what she is doing when she bends over and shows you that sexy ass in her short skirt while wearing her small thong panties. Robby can not resist the urge to put his face right in between those ass cheeks and eat her out. He doesn’t want to stop and Vivian just pushes herself right up on his face while he grabs that ass so tight! How can anyone taste so sweet! Vivian lets her tits free from her tight top and drops those panties so Robby can get his...

2 years ago
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Warmer By The Lake Chapter 4

“Sarah, you wouldn’t be cold if you had helped paddle,” I said as we lugged the canoe onto the shore. Sarah’s new girlfriend Kim had taken the bow seat at the start of the trip, while Sarah just lounged in the middle. The cabin up the hill sat postcard-perfect in the fading October light—framed by pines and evergreens, windows glowing warmly.Seeing smoke trickling from the chimney, I said, “Prisha has the woodstove going. It’ll be plenty warm in the cabin.”Kim clicked off several shots of the...

Group Sex
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Nozomi Episode 5 Friend Zone

All eyes are on Nozomi and her round ass as she pumps gas in her car. Skin tight jeans that hug her curves perfectly and a blouse that puts an exclamation mark on her big melon breasts. Everyone from teenage boys to old men coming into the gas station has his eyes on her.She gets back in her car, she sees a text from Darren that concerns her.Darren’s text says, “We need to talk.”The first thing that pops in her head was when she went down with Darren’s dad Rodney (read episode 4). She thinks...

3 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 8

"Now, clean your naughty pussy from my foot as I cum." As Miss Vee's words swam through my mind, I thought back to a few months ago, before I had experienced any of this. I used to wear cute skirts and white panties and tease myself in bed. I would put my hair in pigtails and put on some thin, girly socks while I edged myself closer and closer to an orgasm. I loved drawing it out as long as I could, never wanting to quite reach the end. But now, I was on the floor with a plug locked in my ass,...

4 years ago
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Down, at once, we sink to heaven. Hollie age 28 divorced is an attractive woman, with long brown hair, petite and graceful, nice small ass and small perky breasts. Hollie is a hot divorcee with a heart shaped face, is considering dating a older man. The successful, powerful type in their mid 50s. She is bored with men her age and being used by them. Her best friend suggests letting her set up a blind date with me. Her friend gave her my profile and provided her with the current rumors. Her...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

Best Friends By Cassandra Morgan He was Simon. I was Garfunkel. He was Sundance. I was Butch. He was Barnum. I was Bailey. From the time Danny and I were 10 years old, we were peas in a pod, birds of a feather, brothers of different mothers. We were on the same soccer team, in the same boy scout group, in the same garage band. We went to school together.. We built a tree house together. We dated sisters. We shared a room at the same small college. Once, we both got into...

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Family Reunion

Tomorrow is Friday. Everybody who you live with and everybody that you are related to you knows that Friday will be the Family Reunion. While all family reunions may have dinners and activities and everybody getting to know each other through conversation, your families' family reunions is where everybody, young to old, gets to know each other through mass sex parties. Of course you know this already. In closing the party will be held at old Grandma Gwen's mansion-sized house. A little...

3 years ago
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My wife and my best friend

Introduction: Wife gets fucked by husband and his best friend My wife and I traveled to Florida over the summer to stay with an old friend of ours from our school days and spend some vacation time. Matt had transferred to Florida about ten years ago and although we had kept in contact we had not seen him since he moved away. At one time Matt was always around and we did everything together. He had been the best man in our wedding and practically lived with us. He and my wife, Deb and dated in...

3 years ago
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Dear Hate

I write things. Poetic things that have deep symbolic and metaphorical meaning, that express the truth in what is going on in the world around you.Things that are easier to manage when seen in a different light. Why? Well, I like to. But today, I wanted to take a different approach, and offer a wake up call by someone who matters very little in the larger scheme of whatever we're doing in this life. This has been brewing in my head for quite some time, and the narcissistic storm of racist...

2 years ago
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Dominated By My SonChapter 4 Another Mother Submits

When I awoke I felt gloriously happy, tired, but oh so happy. I know I should not have felt that way, I know that technically I was 'corrupting' minors, but those minors had taught me more in one day than I had learnt in my lifetime. Stirring sleepily I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the warm body beside me. It was no surprise to see that the body belonged to my son; he was half sat up in the bed looking down at me with a smile on his lips and a loving, but devilish twinkle in...

1 year ago
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No Good DeedChapter 11

The new semester did start with surprises, just not the ones I expected. The teachers had stacked us with homework and additional studies over the winter break, although the girls and I sailed through that within the first week of the break. We spent the beginning of the day going over that work and talking about what the new semester would bring. I hadn’t given it a lot of thought, but listening to the breakdown, I started to think that Mom’s idea of switching to a homeschooling setup was a...

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A true studentteacher relationship pt 1

During the lesson, I kept thinking how much I liked him, he was always there for me, cheering me up. If only he was younger, he could be my boyfriend. Sometimes I would ask him a question, but he was too distracted, staring off at the computer. Soon he gave me my assignment and sat down at his desk. I heard screams coming from the computer, as Mr. Sage licked his lips. I was gonna turn in my paper when I saw porn on his screen! He said don’t pay attention. I asked why he was watching, he...

2 years ago
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Sex SchoolChapter 6

When Mike stormed away, Sara and Jim went into immediate action. This was one of the scenarios they were trained for. Sara comforted Janet while Jim went to deal with Mike. "Janet, Mike definitely does not despise you. He is just upset that your fantasy does not include him. A little jealousy and a little shock will not hurt him or your relationship, if we can convince him that it is him you love. The foundation of his ideas of proper sexual mores has been shaken. We have to make him see...

4 years ago
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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 3

That kiss changed our relationship and I was not mature enough to immediately see it. When we arrived home, I looked at K and took her into my arms like a man does with his woman, his property. I held K and looked into her eyes, she was frightened, then I kissed her lightly. In the car when I stole her kisses I had thought she had returned our last kiss. Karen's eyes were frightened and I could not reason why this had effected her. As we kissed, she closed her eyes and I shocked myself, when...

3 years ago
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The WaitressChapter 4

Maria woke me, whispering, “Thank you for last night. For putting up with my childish, immature tantrum. I love you. Please understand that was hard for me, but it’s over. Done. I love you.” She kissed me and licked my lips then was climbing off toward my legs so as not to disturb Danni or Marian, who had cuddled with us to make sure she was OK, or Linda, Tressa, and Charlene, who were snuggled to their backs, all sleeping soundly. I whispered back to her, just as she had her head over my...

1 year ago
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Big Woodys

There’s the windshield wipers, once again, dancing to their monotonous beat over the music on the radio. Flip – flok, flip – flok I’ve been driving in and out of Summer rain squalls since I left my apartment two-hours ago. The last three weeks have been hot and dry and, of course, the day I plan to make my long drive home, Mother Nature decides to hydrate her parched earth – go figure. Oh well, most of the traveling is behind me now, I’m almost to the small town where I grew up. Flip –...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 10 Fair is Fair

-- FEBRUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "Do you really have to go so soon?" I moaned, staring for just a few more seconds at Adrienne's nearly naked ass. All she wore was a tiny thong of dental floss that disappeared between her buttcheeks. But soon, both juicy globes were covered by the tight pair of jeans she was pulling on. At least Adrienne turned around, letting me ogle her naked tits before she shrugged into a heavy-duty bra and starting buttoning up her blouse. "It's a Tuesday," she...

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Ero vivo anche io

Mi chiamo olliver jhonson, primo chirurgo dell'ospedale principale di Neo Langeles. Oggi, 15 settembre 2300 quello da tenere in vita ero proprio io, io che solitamente lottavo per tenere in vita gli altri... una dannata Bmw è caduta dai campi contenitori e dopo un volo di Almeno trenta metri e caduta sull'asfalto bianco. Il conducente del mezzo semivolante è morto sul colpo. Io ho un pezzo di lamiera nello stomaco. Ovviamente sono grave, dannatamente grave, inutile dirlo. Sentivo voci confuse...

1 year ago
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Donnas Sons Pt2

She knew she ought to spare herself any more frustration and just quit looking, but somehow, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the naughty scene in the pool. It had been so long since she'd even looked at a cock. Donna couldn't resist the sight. Obviously, Terry had practiced this routine. He was floating around effortlessly, his hot horny eyes focused on the sky as he furiously pumped his rock-hard teenage cock. Matt was almost as good as his brother, but once in a while, he had to...

2 years ago
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12 days 12 dicks Holiday tinder frenzy part1

In January this year i went on a holiday. My Daddy thought it was a great opportunity to train His slut. I had a car to my disposal, lots of time and tinder at that place worked like crazy. I could get a new dick in a matter of minutes. Daddy set a goal for me to fuck 10 dicks. He was so proud that I exceeded that objective! I love to please my Daddy by being more and more slutty and using my cunt like it supposed to be used: getting all the dicks i can!Dick #12112 dicks in 12 days - Holiday...

2 years ago
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Line Of Sight

Author's Note - The story I am about to unfold is a true incident that happened in a neighborhood I lived in. It happened a long time ago but a lot of the characters are still living. I have changed the names to avoid some kind of libel suit. Tom Taylor and his wife Jeri lived next door to me in a small house. The neighborhood was mostly older and much larger houses. The Taylor house had been built several years back when the big house that had been there before it had burned. The elderly...

3 years ago
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Next door neighbor

Your name is John. You live in an apartment downtown. You've lived here for a year. You moved here right after college and now work as a techsupport technician for a conglomerate. You just finished your days work and are working home. You notice a young woman carrying two large bags in each hand, approaching towards your apartment building. You reach the door first.

3 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 36

"Well?" Krissi asked that evening as they picked over the dinner buffet. "What did you and Evan do today?" "We went to a baseball game," Devlin said. "It was a high school game, and it was the last thing I expected." "How was it?" "No bad. I think I only made a partial fool of myself. He stuffed my head so full of facts about baseball that I'm probably more confused than before. I had very little idea of what was going on. But he loves it. From the way he spoke it's a very...

1 year ago
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Push Me Ch 01

** Author’s note – This is an updated version of my first Lit story. I got a little trigger happy the first time. Enjoy! Part 2 will be re-edited and uploaded soon, with several more chapters to come after that. Thanks to all the readers for the amazing feedback and voting. This is part of a romance series, but first, we introduce the players… * 6 months ago was the first time I had played pool in years. I played with some friends in high school every Saturday at Venture Lanes, the local...

2 years ago
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Sex at the Pub

Work had been crazy, big job after big job had meant I had not been arriving home until late evening, and then getting up early the following morning to get to the pool for a swim. The only thing that kept me sane was working in an office where we were all naked. It was a great place to be. The staff were all lovely to be around despite the heavy workload and at least I was turned on all day. There simply hadn’t been any opportunity to go out and have a bit of fun. During one of those manic...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Aaliyah Hadid Aaliyah Gets The Anal She Deserves

Aaliyah Hadid ordered a dildo online. She was all excited when the package arrived. But it was way too small. Nothing she could do with it. So she went back to masturbating with her hands. Isiah Maxwell sneaked up on her and started to jack off to her masturbating. Obviously she noticed him and started to chase him around the pool table. Wow, he had a big dick. That would work. Much better than that tiny dildo or her hands. So she sucked that big dick. Put it very deep down her throat. Then she...

1 year ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 54

We rode out again the next day early in the morning, and headed east again to another small valley that stood just north of the one we had checked the day before. This one was even smaller in size than the first one. It had a small stream flowing through it that actually fed into the river that flowed out of the first valley. The valley was quaint, but nothing special. It took us an hour to get to it on horseback, an hour to check it out, and an hour to ride back to the base. We made it back...

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Lonely housewife

I was sitting aimlessly with nothing to do. Life was getting dull each passing day and I just don’t know why. I switched off the TV and walked inside the bedroom. I switched the fan on and eased myself onto the bed. My name is Lakshmi. I am 5’4 tall with a mediocre weight of 54 kg and my sizes are 34-28-36. I have a brownish complexion with an attractive figure. I am a happily married house wife. I mean I am quite happy with my husband and the married life with him. But being alone all the day...

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EvilAngel Anastasia Brokelyn Anal Rim Service

Gorgeously voluptuous Anastasia Brokelyn cleans Yanick Shaft’s beautiful home, and the elegant surroundings inspire her lust. She exposes her bubble butt and pink pussy. Anastasia crawls to him and sucks his big cock. He licks her asshole and shoves his cock inside her wet pussy. Anastasia fingers her butthole, and Yanick stuffs his rod inside her rectum, making her moan in delight. She gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Her bunghole gapes! The extra-curvy enchantress masturbates, and she...

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This is a BDSM story – male on male, later male on sissy – with some f***ed feminisation. Sorry it takes so long to get to the fem part! Part two will represent the pay off. Sissyslave By NancyBerlin Martin is, or rather, used to be, a totally straight looking guy, not so tall – 173cm – with a somewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from his years of swimming. You could say he had something of a rugby player’s build. He was not so young – 47 – but he kept himself in good shape...

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