La Corista Capitulo 4 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 4 Ya hab?an pasado varias semanas del incidente del restaurante y por suerte nadie en el gimnasio ni en el grupo hab?an reconocido a Daniel que ya se hab?a adaptado a su vida de mujer. Para evitar que a cada rato los hombres se le acercaran para pedirle su telfono (o algo mas), Julia le dio un anillo de plata liso que se parecia al que usan las mujers casadas. Arturo se hab?a convertido en un buen amigo de su versi?n femenina ya que realmente solo buscaba una amistad. Pedro ya les estaba empezando a dar un poco m?s de dinero pero no pod?a despilfarrar nada porque ten?a que usarlo para pagarle al Foniatra que lo meti? en este l?o al darle una voz de mujer El doctor iba a regresar la pr?xima semana ( despu?s de alargar a casi dos meses sus vacaciones). Por fin en cuanto recuperara as? voz todo volver?a a la normalidad (excepto por lo de su gran deuda) no m?s vestirse de mujer, ni maquillaje ni esconder su pene y test?culos entre sus piernas, no m?s hombres mir?ndole por la calle o en las fiestas tratando de conquistarla, aunque cuando la ve?an con Arturo nadie lo molestaba asi que cuando estaba con el se quitaba su anillo (por eso tambi?n le gustaba salir seguido con el). -Creo que su amistad es lo ?nico que voy a extra?ar de todo esto- Julia se acerc? a su hermano al verlo perdido en sus pensamientos-En que piensas ?- - Eh, ah...en lo mucho que me gustar?a usar unos pantalones de hombre- - Bueno tenemos que comprar comida para la semana, podemos pasar a la secci?n de ropa para hombre y ah? te puedes probar lo que quieras- Llegando a la tienda fue lo primero que hizo Daniel agarro varios pantalones y se meti? al probador despu?s de un rato salio decepcionado- Que pas? Dany?- - Ya me prob? en varios pantalones y no me quedan bien - - A lo mejor a lo mejor ese tipo de corte -Julia le trajo otros pantalones y por alguna raz?n tampoco se le ve?an bien. - Te ves raro se te ve muy ancho de cintura pero apretado en las caderas.Ahora pru?bate este-Daniel se puso el ?ltimo pantal?n le qued? muy bien, se ajustaba perfectamente su cintura sus caderas y sus piernas- mira me queda genial me siento tan c?modo que me lo voy a llevar!- - No creo que deber?as hacerlo- - Pero por qu??. Ya me prob? varios pantalones y s?lo ?ste me queda- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - C?mo?- - Se lo di para jugar una broma pero bien que te queda creo que algo anda mal. no me hab?a dado cuenta porque nos vemos todos los d?as pero tu trasero est? m?s grande, tu cintura est? un poco m?s delgada y tus piernas est?n m?s torneadas- - S? pero eso es por el ejercicio la dieta!- - Daniel ese no es el cuerpo de un hombre que hace ejercicio, es el de una mujer que hace ejercicio!- Daniel se miro en un espejo y tuvo que darle a su hermana la raz?n Terminaron de hacer las compras y regresaron a casa. Lo primero que hizo Daniel fue ir a desnudarse a su cuarto para mirarse en el espejo. Se qued? solo en ropa interior sus piernas ya no eran flacas como antes est? bien torneadas y bien definidas por tanto ejercicio al igual que su trasero. Ahora Ten?a cintura y caderas sus brazos estaban delegados y estilizados. Su cara se ve?a menos angulada sus facciones se ve?an m?s redondeadas como las de una mujer incluso sus pesta?as se ve?an m?s largas y sus labios un poco m?s carnosos. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros - Maldici?n c?mo pas? esto enfrente de m? sin darme cuenta- - Todo bien?- - No, nada Est? bien! Porque cuando parece que todo se va a arreglar se pone peor?- - Mira con preocuparte hoy no se va a arreglar nada. Qu? tal si ma?ana vamos con un amigo que es doctor para ver si nos puede decir qu? es lo que te est? pasando?- - S?lo espero que no sea como el foniatra que me conseguiste!-Julia lo abraz? con ternura para consolarlo-, ya ya ya todo va estar bien Todo va a estar bien tranquilo Tranquilo ....- El d?a siguiente fueron a ver al m?dico y le contaron todo lo que le hab?a pasado Dani bien doctor les pidi? que le mostrar?n las medicinas que hab?an estado tomando y le pidi? a Daniel que se desnudar a . - Veamos pesar de que has hecho ejercicio de peso pero hubo una redistribuci?n de grasa en tu cuerpo que se fue a tus gl?teos, cara y pecho. Oye Julia c?mo es que no se dieron cuenta de todo esto s? es tan evidente sobre todo el aumento de tama?o sus pechos!- - Bueno es que como no estaba ejercitando los pectorales creemos que era s?lo grasa y como eso le ayudaba a simular que ten?as pechos junto con los rellenos pues lo vimos m?s como una ventaja.- - Ay Julia eres muy observadora para unas cosas es muy despistada para otras- -Entonces crees que puedas ayudarlo?- - Mira la verdad es qu? no s? qu? tan fuertes sean los efectos de este medicamento Sigues teniendo erecciones?-Daniel se qued? pensando un momento... - La verdad creo que la ?ltima vez fue el mes pasado!- -! Bueno con eso y con los cambios que he visto en tu cuerpo y lo que ha pasado te voy a decir lo que creo que le pasa a tu hermano. Las pastillas que te tomaste todos los d?as son un dos en uno: contiene inhibidores de testosterona y una fuerte dosis de hormonas femeninas. Por los cambios que ha tenido un poco tiempo creo que lo que le inyect? conten?a una gran cantidad de hormonas femeninas- - Entonces s?lo debo dejar de tomar las pastillas y volver? a mi estado normal?- - Miren como no s? qu? tanto le puede afectar a tu voz, que por ser cantante es tu instrumento de trabajo... yo dir?a que mejor no lo hicieras hasta que hablen con el foniatra. Ya ?l les dir? que hacer y despu?s se pueden coordinar con un endocrin?logo qu? es un doctor especialista en las hormonas para que te d? un tratamiento que te regres? a la normalidad- Camino a casa Julia vio. as? hermano triste y cabisbajo-Ya Dany en unos d?as veremos al Foniatra y ver?s que r?pido vuelves a ser un hombre normal- En la noche como ya se hab?a vuelto costumbre Arturo y Danny se hablaban por tel?fono o se mensajeaban durante el dia.- Hola Dany, c?mo andas de trabajo este fin de semana?- -Desde el viernes en la tarde todo el fin de semana tenemos la agenda llena, pero el domingo estoy libre a las 9 de la noche- - Genial, quieren ir a una fiesta despu?s de que termines?- -Si, el lunes no voy a hacer nada as? que podemos desvelarnos hasta que t? quieras- -Bueno hablamos m?s tarde bye- -Oye Dany tu y Arturo se han vuelto muy cercanos verdad?- -Si, nos hemos hecho buenos amigos, porque?- -Y ya le dijiste que la pr?xima semana Daniela se va a ir para no regresar jam?s?- -No, pero no creo que sea necesario, solo somos amigos...-Julia le lanz? una mirada de enojo y desprobacion. -Esta bien, la verdad es que no c?mo despedirme de ?l, tengo miedo hacerlo sentir triste ...o solo y abandonado como lo hizo sentir su ex- -Pero no crees que lo vas a hacer sentir peor! A ver dime, c?mo te sentir?as si de repente un d?a Arturo desapareciera sin ninguna explicaci?n y no te volviera a contestar tus llamadas o mensajes?.- -Me sentir?a triste abandonado y rechazado...- -?l merece que le cuentes la verdad. No le digas que eres hombre pero si dile que Daniela se vas a ir y no vas a regresar.- -Entonces necesito que t? me ayudes porque no s? qu? decir- Dile m?s o menos la verdad, dile que te vas al extranjero qu? sali? una oportunidad para cambiar tu vida y que lo m?s probable es que no regreses- - Lo cual es cierto- - Piensa bien cuando se lo vas a decir- - Ma?ana vamos a ir a cenar creo que ser? el momento m?s adecuado para que si tengamos unos d?as para despedirnos-Y as? al d?a siguiente durante la cena despu?s de muchas dudas Dani agarr? valor y le dijo a Arturo- me voy a ir de viaje- - Genial te encarg? un souvenir- - Es que el problema es de que no voy a regresar...- - Pero por qu??- - Es que tengo otra vida, todo esto era S?lo por un par de meses, no esperaba conocer a un amigo tan bueno como t?- - Que t? te vayas no significa que no podemos seguir hablando- - La verdad es que con el tiempo se me va a complicar poder hablar contigo y lamentablemente a llegar un d?a que ya no voy a poder contestar tus llamadas y luego tus mensajes-Arturo recordo el anillo que casi siempre usaba Dany, pero que solo se lo quitaba cuando sal?an juntos -Eres casada verdad?- - Es complicado es lo ?nico que te puedo decir- - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo- -Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que me ha pasado- -No te pongas triste Danny, que te parece si la fiesta del domingo la convertimos en nuestra fiesta de despedida!- Danny sonri? con algunas l?grimas y le dio un tierno abrazo. - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo--Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que ... El resto de la semana estuvo lleno de melancolia para Daniel. la pr?xima semana ver?a al Foniatra, le devolver?a su voz de hombre, dejar?a las pastillas y tambi?n la ropa de mujer. -Fueron una especie de vacaciones diferentes Julia- -Bueno estas son tus ?ltimas actuaciones como Daniela. As? que date gusto cantando todas las canciones con esa voz tipo Adele y Lana del Rey.- -Lo que ya quiero es a dejar usar tacones altos, y volver a orinar parado- -Bueno, como este es tu ?ltima semana que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Y como que estas tramando Julia?....-

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Like it or not Youre a Girl part IV

Like it or not, you?re a girl! PART IV I was sweating more than ever in my body suit waiting for their return. How had I ever got myself into this? I didn?t have to wait long as Nancy, Jane, and the doctor returned. The three of them stood around me. ?I want this to really hurt,? said Jane to the doctor. That said, he produced what looked like a fish hook. It was straight with a hook and barb on the end. ?What I am going to do is to push this hook through the...

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Bird of PreyChapter 9

Elaine had a few tasks to complete at the golf club; not least, being noticed by some of the board members as she placed a large advertisement for the Equestrian Centre on the notice boards about the club; not only was this fuelled by her love of the sport, she also knew the promise of prim women with jodhpurs and riding crops, and the whiff of leather was very attractive to males with submissive streaks. She would employ any tool which gave her the remotest chance of enslaving a male;...

1 year ago
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The Exhibitionist and the VoyeurChapter 5 In Public

Chapter Cast: Cynthia, Female, 33 - Wife of Ray - 5’7, 140lbs, tanned beige skin, long blonde hair Ray, Male, 35 - Husband of Cynthia - 5’10, 175lbs, freckled tanned beige skin, short chestnut-brown hair Lanying, Female, 20 - Neighbor of Cynthia and Ray, college student - 5’2, 110lbs, almond-cream skin, black hair cut straight at neck Cynthia’s evening out with Ray had been more fun than she’d had with her husband since the first few months they’d dated. Well, she thought, excepting our two...

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Bags Jars and Jugs

I had just come in the back of the house when the doorbell rang. I hastily washed my hands at the basin and grabbed the hand towel, drying my hands as I strode to the front door. Although it had been a typically hot day, at least there was a cooling breeze in the air as the early night descended on the broad plains of west Texas. I opened the door and there, on my walk-around veranda, stood a busty young woman. She was wearing a blue print summer dress, typical farm and ranch attire for ladies...

2 years ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 2

Luckily for Sam, out of all the wizards, there was one who was skilled at telekinesis (TK). This one he asked to hang around. Sam dismissed the wizards and asked Agar, "Wizard Agar, nobody had mentioned where I'm to spend the night. Do you happen to know where that would be?" "Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention it. Your quarters will be situated next to Princess Olena's apartment. She asked for you to be placed there, if you don't mind." "Great! Thank you. Now, I need to find a place to...

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My Brazilian Adventure Part 4

Ami pulled the zip open on her rucksack and fished out a bottle of lube, a small tin and what looked like a fabric belt with a rubber attachment at one end.I looked quizzically at the last item that Ami had placed on the table."Excellent!" Laura exclaimed. She had the look of giddy excitement and expectation on her face reminiscent of a young girl on Christmas morning.Ami's hands groped around trying to find another item before finally locating what she had been searching for. Before extracting...

2 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

1 year ago
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The Tale of The Gym

It was my birthday, I think, and it was a cold grey day outside, Jessie was going to the gym, to do some exercises as therapy for his back. I didn't want to stay at home because our neighbor was a pervert and I didn't want to be there, alone when he was there. So I thought it might be fun to go with him as I have never been to a gym before. I sat in the lounge for a bit, but curiosity got the best of me, so I went out to watch the guys workout. It was pretty cool, all the mirrors and workout...

Group Sex
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Ringer By Cherysse St. Claire © As always, the characters, places and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely the product of your overactive imagination. I ain't takin' the rap for it, Bud! ***** "Nicole Norman, you have to be out of your mind," I murmured to myself disbelievingly, as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. I was in the pink tonight - Shocking Pink to be exact. This was a first for me. Usually, I'm...

3 years ago
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My Trip To Jaipur For Work Turned Memorable One

Hi, guys, this is Singh loves back with another cute and beautiful story. Those who do not know me I am singhlover 25 yrs old working in a reputed company with 7-inch dick and very athletic body. My height is 5’11. Let’s come to the story. Recently I was traveling to the Jaipur for work. I decided to try tinder while there. I started talking to a local girl, I introduced her to snap chat, She enjoyed the idea of text, video and pictures disappearing. I think that made her comfortable chatting...

4 years ago
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Jamies Bloomers Part 1

The article of clothing was an Amelia Bloomer, with placketed, pleated front, delicately embroidered with faux-pearl, accented irises to preserve the feminine. That's the description in the catalog. It even sounds delicious. It's the cutest little bloomer I think I've ever seen. Mother noticed that I was admiring the catalog item and sat down next to me to look at it as well. The item looked like a woman's swimsuit from the early nineteen hundreds. It had the cutest little twin patch...

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Nephews Casual Sex with Aunty Chapters 1 2

Ellen is my Dad’s younger sister, and boy she’s a big boned, voluptuous woman… she’s about 5 foot 8, 170 pounds, got a fat ass, huge titties with a slight gut. Her fat ass is the best, it aged well as she’s got some slight sag to it, but it sags into a perfect mozzarella bubble butt. I love nothing more than laying her on her stomach, spreading that butt and eating that asshole – but this story will focus on our first-time having sex, the process leading up to it, and the immediate aftermath....

2 years ago
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Celeste Withdraws

Note: This text was submitted for a contest held a few years ago to explain Celeste's temporary [alas, now permanent] absence from Celestial Reviews on ASSM. Some readers have become confused between the author, the narrator, and characters in the story. One reader even suggested there may be some autobiographical reference involved. This is naïve, but understandable for several reasons. First, the name of the putative author, Homer Vargas, is also the name of a character in the story....

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The Ghost And Ms Chicken

I'm Penelope Spade, budding Private Eye. Beside me, in my blue Mini Cooper as we cruise up Highway 71, sits Katrina, my tall, blonde lover, her shorts accentuating her long, sensual gams. I met her on my first caper, six months ago. But time is taking its toll. Nothing I can put my finger on (or in), but we talk less and sex is now as infrequent as a good Star Wars movie. (I warn you before you waste a lot of time reading, searching for torrid sex.) In an effort to reverse this depressing...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 54 Triple Treat

I stood there with my sisters thong tucked into the waistband of my trousers, I was clapping and whistling and cheering along with my parents and Madeleine and the rest of the crowd. That Vikki had the sort of amazing talent that was going to take her away from me for at least six months I already knew, But Maria being able to move and sing like that once she had gotten over her nerves, that was as completely unexpected as everything that had happened to me since last Friday. "Well," said...

1 year ago
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YT boob! There are a million sites you could go to when you want to beat off to sexualized content. I mean, look at ThePornDude; your options are limitless. But the thing is, sometimes you just want content that feels like it’s breaking the rules. Porn on a site where it ultimately shouldn’t be, say on a mainstream platform like TikTok or YouTube.Well, finding pornography in the wild where it could be taken down at any given moment can be hard as fuck. Seriously, have you ever found a porn link...

Big Tits Porn Sites
4 years ago
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A Fathers Bargain Part 1

"Dad?""Huh?" I said, looking up from my plate at my daughter Sarah."What's wrong? You haven't said anything in a while."She was right. We were having dinner together, which was usually the time we caught up and talked about our days, how work and school were, and so on. But tonight, I was totally in my head."Oh, nothing, sweetie. Just work stuff." This was sort of true. I was dreading going to work tomorrow as I knew what was coming. I knew they would be pushing the issue.I tried to engage....

1 year ago
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Great detour home

"Hey my friend, sit down and have a beer! Yeah, I am usually not here this time of the evening. But the wife is still pissed off at me! What about? You mean you didn't hear yet? Well, good because I cleaned up the my story before I told it to the wife. How kick back and let me tell you the real story of why I was late getting home last night." I am working on the chemical plant extension over in Wiley. You know that is about an hour ride just one way. I burn a hell of a lot of gas going back...

2 years ago
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Cunts leson

I danced around my prey, a slow, taunting dance, the look in my eyes burning with vengeful hatred.  I had waited a long time for this day, for when I could teach this bitch a lesson for her selfish, mean-spirited ways.  The bitch was blindfolded and gagged as she had been since her abduction, and was slowing in her struggle against the chains holding her spread and bound to a wooden frame.  I sat back in a comfortable chair to watch her wear herself out, lit a cigarette and drifted to thoughts...

3 years ago
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A Second Opportunity Pt1

This is a love story and not just about sex. There will be sex later on but it will be more gentle as in making love. It was a cold December afternoon. I had just arrived home and was looking forward to drinking some hot chocolate while reading a book next to the fireplace. It was nearing the holidays and I had been working as a Santa Claus at the mall. I was a doctor and didn’t need to do this but I did it anyway because my wife loved Christmas and always encouraged me to do something to get...

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Office Fun Part 2

Marcia was sitting in the car park of the office, about to leave having just finished work, when she saw Lee walk out of the building and head towards his car. It had been four days since they had fucked in the office, and she was eager for a second round. She checked herself in the rear view mirror before beeping the horn. Lee looked towards her and she beckoned him over, winding down the window as she did. “Hey,” she said with a smile. “Hi,” he replied, ducking his head in through the window....

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The New Girl

My name is Shane and I’m almost 19 years old. It was the first day back at college after the summer holidays. I was pretty pissed off still, I should have finished last year but because I spent too much time messing around and not studying I essentially had to retake my final year.The only plus point was I got to see the young fresh girls coming from school for there first year. I was eager to see what was on offer. I sat patiently in the college yard before registration checking out the young...

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Putting Sasha in Her Place

"I'm finished for the day, get someone else," barked Sasha Doughty as she walked past the till at the end of her shift. A sneer crossed Sasha's face as she walked out of the store. Behind her she could hear the cashier ringing the bell for some other supervisor. There seemed to be a note of desperation in that sound. 'Stupid black bitch!' thought Sasha, 'I don't know why they employ their kind!' Off thru the town Sasha strode, heading for home. She seriously doubted if the store...

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He grabbed her from the waist and brought her to the stainless steel gate that was adjacent to the steps. He places her in the floor in ninety degrees to the gate. Her head was few inches away from the gate lower bar and her legs were spread in both sides. He took a rope somewhere from the corner of the hall and tide her left knees with it, then he put the other end thru the upper bar of the gate and brought it to her right legs. He has to tide her right legs also, but before that he started...

2 years ago
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Milking the MILF

I have a friend called Adam. We’re pretty close, but not gay…well, I’m definitely not . There’s nothing we can’t tell each other. Almost nothing, there’s one secrete that I never want him to know. I’ve had it since I was 17 and I shared it with his mum. It all started three years ago. I’d been invited to go with Adam’s family to their holiday home in Spain. Adam was an only child, like me and 17, like me. His parents must have thought he wouldn’t have fun looking at all the women in bikinis on...

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