La Corista Capitulo 4 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 4 Ya hab?an pasado varias semanas del incidente del restaurante y por suerte nadie en el gimnasio ni en el grupo hab?an reconocido a Daniel que ya se hab?a adaptado a su vida de mujer. Para evitar que a cada rato los hombres se le acercaran para pedirle su telfono (o algo mas), Julia le dio un anillo de plata liso que se parecia al que usan las mujers casadas. Arturo se hab?a convertido en un buen amigo de su versi?n femenina ya que realmente solo buscaba una amistad. Pedro ya les estaba empezando a dar un poco m?s de dinero pero no pod?a despilfarrar nada porque ten?a que usarlo para pagarle al Foniatra que lo meti? en este l?o al darle una voz de mujer El doctor iba a regresar la pr?xima semana ( despu?s de alargar a casi dos meses sus vacaciones). Por fin en cuanto recuperara as? voz todo volver?a a la normalidad (excepto por lo de su gran deuda) no m?s vestirse de mujer, ni maquillaje ni esconder su pene y test?culos entre sus piernas, no m?s hombres mir?ndole por la calle o en las fiestas tratando de conquistarla, aunque cuando la ve?an con Arturo nadie lo molestaba asi que cuando estaba con el se quitaba su anillo (por eso tambi?n le gustaba salir seguido con el). -Creo que su amistad es lo ?nico que voy a extra?ar de todo esto- Julia se acerc? a su hermano al verlo perdido en sus pensamientos-En que piensas ?- - Eh, ah...en lo mucho que me gustar?a usar unos pantalones de hombre- - Bueno tenemos que comprar comida para la semana, podemos pasar a la secci?n de ropa para hombre y ah? te puedes probar lo que quieras- Llegando a la tienda fue lo primero que hizo Daniel agarro varios pantalones y se meti? al probador despu?s de un rato salio decepcionado- Que pas? Dany?- - Ya me prob? en varios pantalones y no me quedan bien - - A lo mejor a lo mejor ese tipo de corte -Julia le trajo otros pantalones y por alguna raz?n tampoco se le ve?an bien. - Te ves raro se te ve muy ancho de cintura pero apretado en las caderas.Ahora pru?bate este-Daniel se puso el ?ltimo pantal?n le qued? muy bien, se ajustaba perfectamente su cintura sus caderas y sus piernas- mira me queda genial me siento tan c?modo que me lo voy a llevar!- - No creo que deber?as hacerlo- - Pero por qu??. Ya me prob? varios pantalones y s?lo ?ste me queda- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - C?mo?- - Se lo di para jugar una broma pero bien que te queda creo que algo anda mal. no me hab?a dado cuenta porque nos vemos todos los d?as pero tu trasero est? m?s grande, tu cintura est? un poco m?s delgada y tus piernas est?n m?s torneadas- - S? pero eso es por el ejercicio la dieta!- - Daniel ese no es el cuerpo de un hombre que hace ejercicio, es el de una mujer que hace ejercicio!- Daniel se miro en un espejo y tuvo que darle a su hermana la raz?n Terminaron de hacer las compras y regresaron a casa. Lo primero que hizo Daniel fue ir a desnudarse a su cuarto para mirarse en el espejo. Se qued? solo en ropa interior sus piernas ya no eran flacas como antes est? bien torneadas y bien definidas por tanto ejercicio al igual que su trasero. Ahora Ten?a cintura y caderas sus brazos estaban delegados y estilizados. Su cara se ve?a menos angulada sus facciones se ve?an m?s redondeadas como las de una mujer incluso sus pesta?as se ve?an m?s largas y sus labios un poco m?s carnosos. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros - Maldici?n c?mo pas? esto enfrente de m? sin darme cuenta- - Todo bien?- - No, nada Est? bien! Porque cuando parece que todo se va a arreglar se pone peor?- - Mira con preocuparte hoy no se va a arreglar nada. Qu? tal si ma?ana vamos con un amigo que es doctor para ver si nos puede decir qu? es lo que te est? pasando?- - S?lo espero que no sea como el foniatra que me conseguiste!-Julia lo abraz? con ternura para consolarlo-, ya ya ya todo va estar bien Todo va a estar bien tranquilo Tranquilo ....- El d?a siguiente fueron a ver al m?dico y le contaron todo lo que le hab?a pasado Dani bien doctor les pidi? que le mostrar?n las medicinas que hab?an estado tomando y le pidi? a Daniel que se desnudar a . - Veamos pesar de que has hecho ejercicio de peso pero hubo una redistribuci?n de grasa en tu cuerpo que se fue a tus gl?teos, cara y pecho. Oye Julia c?mo es que no se dieron cuenta de todo esto s? es tan evidente sobre todo el aumento de tama?o sus pechos!- - Bueno es que como no estaba ejercitando los pectorales creemos que era s?lo grasa y como eso le ayudaba a simular que ten?as pechos junto con los rellenos pues lo vimos m?s como una ventaja.- - Ay Julia eres muy observadora para unas cosas es muy despistada para otras- -Entonces crees que puedas ayudarlo?- - Mira la verdad es qu? no s? qu? tan fuertes sean los efectos de este medicamento Sigues teniendo erecciones?-Daniel se qued? pensando un momento... - La verdad creo que la ?ltima vez fue el mes pasado!- -! Bueno con eso y con los cambios que he visto en tu cuerpo y lo que ha pasado te voy a decir lo que creo que le pasa a tu hermano. Las pastillas que te tomaste todos los d?as son un dos en uno: contiene inhibidores de testosterona y una fuerte dosis de hormonas femeninas. Por los cambios que ha tenido un poco tiempo creo que lo que le inyect? conten?a una gran cantidad de hormonas femeninas- - Entonces s?lo debo dejar de tomar las pastillas y volver? a mi estado normal?- - Miren como no s? qu? tanto le puede afectar a tu voz, que por ser cantante es tu instrumento de trabajo... yo dir?a que mejor no lo hicieras hasta que hablen con el foniatra. Ya ?l les dir? que hacer y despu?s se pueden coordinar con un endocrin?logo qu? es un doctor especialista en las hormonas para que te d? un tratamiento que te regres? a la normalidad- Camino a casa Julia vio. as? hermano triste y cabisbajo-Ya Dany en unos d?as veremos al Foniatra y ver?s que r?pido vuelves a ser un hombre normal- En la noche como ya se hab?a vuelto costumbre Arturo y Danny se hablaban por tel?fono o se mensajeaban durante el dia.- Hola Dany, c?mo andas de trabajo este fin de semana?- -Desde el viernes en la tarde todo el fin de semana tenemos la agenda llena, pero el domingo estoy libre a las 9 de la noche- - Genial, quieren ir a una fiesta despu?s de que termines?- -Si, el lunes no voy a hacer nada as? que podemos desvelarnos hasta que t? quieras- -Bueno hablamos m?s tarde bye- -Oye Dany tu y Arturo se han vuelto muy cercanos verdad?- -Si, nos hemos hecho buenos amigos, porque?- -Y ya le dijiste que la pr?xima semana Daniela se va a ir para no regresar jam?s?- -No, pero no creo que sea necesario, solo somos amigos...-Julia le lanz? una mirada de enojo y desprobacion. -Esta bien, la verdad es que no c?mo despedirme de ?l, tengo miedo hacerlo sentir triste ...o solo y abandonado como lo hizo sentir su ex- -Pero no crees que lo vas a hacer sentir peor! A ver dime, c?mo te sentir?as si de repente un d?a Arturo desapareciera sin ninguna explicaci?n y no te volviera a contestar tus llamadas o mensajes?.- -Me sentir?a triste abandonado y rechazado...- -?l merece que le cuentes la verdad. No le digas que eres hombre pero si dile que Daniela se vas a ir y no vas a regresar.- -Entonces necesito que t? me ayudes porque no s? qu? decir- Dile m?s o menos la verdad, dile que te vas al extranjero qu? sali? una oportunidad para cambiar tu vida y que lo m?s probable es que no regreses- - Lo cual es cierto- - Piensa bien cuando se lo vas a decir- - Ma?ana vamos a ir a cenar creo que ser? el momento m?s adecuado para que si tengamos unos d?as para despedirnos-Y as? al d?a siguiente durante la cena despu?s de muchas dudas Dani agarr? valor y le dijo a Arturo- me voy a ir de viaje- - Genial te encarg? un souvenir- - Es que el problema es de que no voy a regresar...- - Pero por qu??- - Es que tengo otra vida, todo esto era S?lo por un par de meses, no esperaba conocer a un amigo tan bueno como t?- - Que t? te vayas no significa que no podemos seguir hablando- - La verdad es que con el tiempo se me va a complicar poder hablar contigo y lamentablemente a llegar un d?a que ya no voy a poder contestar tus llamadas y luego tus mensajes-Arturo recordo el anillo que casi siempre usaba Dany, pero que solo se lo quitaba cuando sal?an juntos -Eres casada verdad?- - Es complicado es lo ?nico que te puedo decir- - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo- -Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que me ha pasado- -No te pongas triste Danny, que te parece si la fiesta del domingo la convertimos en nuestra fiesta de despedida!- Danny sonri? con algunas l?grimas y le dio un tierno abrazo. - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo--Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que ... El resto de la semana estuvo lleno de melancolia para Daniel. la pr?xima semana ver?a al Foniatra, le devolver?a su voz de hombre, dejar?a las pastillas y tambi?n la ropa de mujer. -Fueron una especie de vacaciones diferentes Julia- -Bueno estas son tus ?ltimas actuaciones como Daniela. As? que date gusto cantando todas las canciones con esa voz tipo Adele y Lana del Rey.- -Lo que ya quiero es a dejar usar tacones altos, y volver a orinar parado- -Bueno, como este es tu ?ltima semana que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Y como que estas tramando Julia?....-

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Fun With Mummy 8211 Part 2

So I am here again…Let’s continue the chudai story. as you know mummy gave me a blowjob in the car but I haven’t seen her pussy yet so I was driving and mummy was just relaxing.I was also thinking about her surprise promise. She was telling me she has seen me masturbating in the bathroom and also in my room watching porn videos. Fir hum us village ke pas pohache to mom ne bola yaha par hi stores he aage kuch nahi milega to kuch lena ho to lelo mene medical ke pas car li aur condom lele. Me jab...

3 years ago
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Mom Dad Ki Dusri Suhagraat

Hey friends this is raj.This is my first ever story on indian sex stories dot net,  hope everyone will like it and if you like it please email me on my I will narrate this story in Hindi but please pardon me if I use some English words. Yeh story hai mere maa baap aur unki zabardast sex life ke baare mei. Hum log ek middle class family hai.Hhum ghar mei 4 log hai.Mere dad jinka naam hai manoj meri mom jiska naam hai shilpa aur mera bada bhai jiska naam hai priyank.Hamare ghar mei jagah ki...

4 years ago
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Building a relationship

It was a hot Australian summer afternoon. I'm home from university for the summer and I can't wait. Beach parties, drinks with friends, will make up most of the time. But hanging out at home with the family also takes a certain degree of importance. So anyway, I was spending the day at home. It was a scorcher of a day outside and because the pool was "out of use" for me today, I was confined to the house. The day progressed slowly. I later found out that the reason I wasn't allowed to use the...

Gay Male
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Fuck Fest in Gym

God I want to fuck him Laura thought to herself as she stared at his muscular arms and biceps. Her trainer had to be one of the best looking guys she had seen. All she wanted to do was rub her hands in his brown shaggy hair and touch him all over. She wanted to make a move but she was too shy. However, she knew she was good looking. At five foot seven she had long lean legs and hard abs from the continuous hours she had spent sculpting her body. One of the pluses of her body was her chest. She...

2 years ago
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DoorToDoor SalesmanChapter 2

Doug knew he was driving recklessly, but still he didn't slow down. He was beginning to be sorry that he had ever met Selma, and the one drink they had had together was a disaster. He knew that most of the fault was his. Somehow, he just couldn't bring himself to unwind. Nothing but platitudes came into his head, and things weren't helped by the fact that Selma herself was relaxed and carefree. Instead of helping to loosen him up, it only made him more uptight. It was because he was...

4 years ago
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My Sister Mary

"Harder.....Harder," Mary whispered in my ear. I responded by driving my steel hard cock deeper into her soaking wet cunt. Mary was straddling my hips, her short red skirt pulled up over her firm ass cheeks. A pair of silk panties laid on the floor next to the couch where we were hurriedly making love. She was whispering so she would not alert her two daughters, who were supposed to be taking a bath. The only sound was our hard breathing and an occasional slap of flesh as I buried my self...

4 years ago
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Maine Mere Madam Ko Choda

Hi mera naam Yuvraj hai. Main aaj aapko mere life ka ek incidance batane ja raha hu jo ki real hai. Pehle main mere bare main aap logo ko bata du. Main nasik k ek private college main b. Tech kar raha hu. Regular jim jane k karan main kafi tagada aur majboot hu. Ab main mere hasina k bare main aap logo ko bata du jo ki meri madam hai aur meri appartment main meri flat k saamne rehti hai. Uska naam Amruta hai. Wo dikhne main madhuri dixit jaisi hai. Wo hamesha sari pehanti hai. Wo shadi shuda...

3 years ago
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A Touch of Cinnamon Ch 03

Dawn was riding him. God did it feel good. She was taking him in fast even strokes but suddenly she changed pace. She slowly rose up and slid quickly back onto him, taking all of him into her at once. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He needed to be in control and take her until they both came to screaming orgasms. He rolled over only to fall off the bed. Damn. That had just been another dream. Taking notice of his morning wood he went to take his daily shower or as he could also call it, his...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Ka Chota Mamaji Ka Mota

Hello friends, I am, Rati a 23 year old girl with average looks. This is my first story please leave your comments on figure is not a zero figure but my boobs are very soft. I can cum by pressing my boobs and pinching my nipples. I love them when I don’t get someone to fuck me just loving my boobs help me calm down. The story I am going to narrate you is of around 4 years back I was in my 1st year graduation. Due to my age I always yearn for a cock. At that time I met a guy online we started...

2 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 2 Discoveries of Love May1981

May 1981 Darryl's cousin Robyn and her grandparents picked him up at the airport. Even though they were her grandparents on "the other side" and not actually related to Darryl, they had always loved him as their own. And Darryl, having no living grandparents, returned their affection. He also loved their lake house, and it was a great place for him to stay when, like now, his parents were out of the country on State Department business. "How long can you stay, Darryl?" asked an excited...

4 years ago
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Ana in a rock concert

Ana in a rock concert One Friday afternoon Anita came home early from work and surprised me with two tickets to a rock concert in a town a couple hours south of our place. It was nice, because I really loved that band since I was young. My sweet Ana told me one of her coworkers, Robert, was a fan too and he had given her the tickets.“He is a real nice guy, hun, you will meet him there”. She smiled.On Saturday afternoon we were ready to go. Ana got dressed in her old jeans full of rips and holes...

1 year ago
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2 Girls Out for a Night on the Town

Some of my best friends are transvestites. I met them at a nightclub in L.A. It was pretty famous back in the day. They had a drag and dinner show. Some very talented people worked there. Some actually lived their lives as women, but a lot didn't. I used to hang around with Daniel. He was a very attractive man who also did a great Dionne Warwick. He also did the grand finale of the show - the woman to man transformation. I always loved that part - where he cleans off his makeup, takes off his...

She Males
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Meeting My Schooling Friend

Hello every one i am Jona from Hyderabad. All the ladies and girls can catch me at Its a story between me and my school mate whom we met through school whatsapp group. The name of the heroine for this story is Priya. When we are in school, she was the dull student so no boy showed interest in her. But she is cute. All my class girls used to say that she had crush on me. I never care it as in childhood studies are more important. I saw her photo in Whatsapp Group members and she was stunning...

2 years ago
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Mera pehla pehla pyaar

Hi all readers of ISS. Sabse pehle main apna parichaya de du. Mera naam rahul kumar hai. Main 20 saal ka 5’10″lamba insaan hoon.mere laude ki lambai jya nahi bas 6″ hai jo ek ladki ko satisfy karne k liye kaafi hoti hai. Main pune me rehta hoon.any unsatisfied bhabhis and girls mail me on Lets move to d story now. Yeh story hai meri aur priya k pehle sex ki. Main 12th k baad kota prearation k liye chala gaya tha. Wahah se ek saal baad main jab apne seher lauta to priya se mere milne ki bahut...

3 years ago
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Perfect Stranger

I met him in an online chat room and within 20 minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of 10 minutes to drive over and another 3 to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had removed all...

3 years ago
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Finally Anjali Mami Is Mine

Hi, guys, I am Varun Malhotra 19 years old … Average Gym Fair Body with around 6 inches hard fat cock and 5’7 height.I basically hail from Ranchi but right now studying Designing in Bangalore. After reading ISS for a bit long time now, I decided to share my experience which happened around a year back…between Me and my Maami(Anjali). I hope you all like my experience, I’ll be waiting for Feedbacks and Replies on I was all always attracted towards women of all ages like 24 or 37 it was just the...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 145

Christmas was at hand, so I bought apple cider from a fellow who made it. It was legal and above board. He sold me some at a discount from his apple shed. I saved him the expense of bottling it, transport it, standing out in the cold at the festival, so he cut me a almost half price deal for twenty gallons. I plan to make one more batch of blended whiskey. I had five gallons of moonshine I had been saving for Christmas presents, so I mixed it up with the twenty gallons of apple cider. The...

4 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 3

He barged in along with another guy. He said, “Bill, hold pretty boy while I take a turn with the bitches.” He kept moving toward Agnes and Melody while “Bill” came at me. He was planning on grabbing me but I hit him first. I hit him hard. My father had taught me that, if I had to fight, I should fight like I meant it. Bill was heavier but not as tall. He took my first punch in his gut which folded him over. I helped him find the floor by chopping down on his neck. He landed limply. I heard...

4 years ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 5

Never in our lives have Talia or I experienced anything like what we’re doing now. Standing waist deep in the warm water of the lagoon, naked under the Hawaiian sun, and sharing this beautiful beach with other equally naked and horny people, we feel an eroticism that is overwhelming. Talia’s slender body glistens with water droplets as she repeatedly dunks herself, rinsing the sweat and sand off her skin. She falls backward and does a few backstrokes, her stiff nipples pointing up to the sky....

3 years ago
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My best friend Jenna

‘Mmm, yeah baby, fuck me!’ I moaned into my pillow as I slid my dildo in and out of my tight little pussy. Suddenly I hear a knock at my door, which is closed thank god, that scares the crap out of me. ‘Sweety, dinner’s ready.’ ‘Alright, thanks, mom,’ I reply. I get up from my bed and walk over to dresser to put some clothes back on and hide my dildo. I see my reflexion in my full size mirror. I stand there and examine my tight 17 year old body. To me I’m perfect. My long dark brown hair...

2 years ago
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Releasing the wand for what he promised would be only moments, he continued sawing at his bindings, slowly, rhythmically, trying to gain precious centimeters of mobility... He was armed, and the realization had numbed him, his next move horribly elusive. With the rhythmic sawing of the shard, his mind fell curiously blank for the first time in what felt millennia. His gaze fell upon her as she moved, shoving herself up from where she lay on the floor, arms shaking fiercely, be it...

2 years ago
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397 Kay enjoying Bill and Ben at home

397 Kay, enjoying Bill and Ben at home This story is only tweaked by me to ensure readability, it is written by Kay my pretty Australian divorcee who is apparently a nymphomaniac as well as a masochist, so it`s in her own words. She now lives in a rented room in what would be called in England; a house of multiple occupancy, the top floor is occupied by a chap that owns the place, for security purposes we shall call him Bill and in one room a renter called… Ben… they all share kitchen and...

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Joshs Hot Mom

I have been going to school with my friend Joshs since sixth grade, but it was not until the ninth grade that he became my best friend. His father, Jim, was Pilipino and had come over some twenty years ago while in the military. After significant financial success, his father had married a cute Rhode Island blonde woman named Ellen and settled down to make a family. I had always noticed Joshs mother in middle school because all the upperclassmen would make crude jokes about what they would love...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 9 Jos and Mik

June 6, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio After Vespers on Saturday, I spent a few minutes talking to Tasha. “My dad isn’t sure karate is ‘ladylike’,” she said. “The uniforms cover more than those nice dresses you wear during the Summer!” “You noticed, Mike?” she asked with a soft laugh. “If I may be «некультурный», yes, of course! It’s difficult to miss a pretty girl with a nice body!” “Thank you! But do NOT say that around my dad! He’ll never let you see me again!” “So the answer is ‘no’?” “I...

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