La Corista Capitulo 4 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 4 Ya hab?an pasado varias semanas del incidente del restaurante y por suerte nadie en el gimnasio ni en el grupo hab?an reconocido a Daniel que ya se hab?a adaptado a su vida de mujer. Para evitar que a cada rato los hombres se le acercaran para pedirle su telfono (o algo mas), Julia le dio un anillo de plata liso que se parecia al que usan las mujers casadas. Arturo se hab?a convertido en un buen amigo de su versi?n femenina ya que realmente solo buscaba una amistad. Pedro ya les estaba empezando a dar un poco m?s de dinero pero no pod?a despilfarrar nada porque ten?a que usarlo para pagarle al Foniatra que lo meti? en este l?o al darle una voz de mujer El doctor iba a regresar la pr?xima semana ( despu?s de alargar a casi dos meses sus vacaciones). Por fin en cuanto recuperara as? voz todo volver?a a la normalidad (excepto por lo de su gran deuda) no m?s vestirse de mujer, ni maquillaje ni esconder su pene y test?culos entre sus piernas, no m?s hombres mir?ndole por la calle o en las fiestas tratando de conquistarla, aunque cuando la ve?an con Arturo nadie lo molestaba asi que cuando estaba con el se quitaba su anillo (por eso tambi?n le gustaba salir seguido con el). -Creo que su amistad es lo ?nico que voy a extra?ar de todo esto- Julia se acerc? a su hermano al verlo perdido en sus pensamientos-En que piensas ?- - Eh, ah...en lo mucho que me gustar?a usar unos pantalones de hombre- - Bueno tenemos que comprar comida para la semana, podemos pasar a la secci?n de ropa para hombre y ah? te puedes probar lo que quieras- Llegando a la tienda fue lo primero que hizo Daniel agarro varios pantalones y se meti? al probador despu?s de un rato salio decepcionado- Que pas? Dany?- - Ya me prob? en varios pantalones y no me quedan bien - - A lo mejor a lo mejor ese tipo de corte -Julia le trajo otros pantalones y por alguna raz?n tampoco se le ve?an bien. - Te ves raro se te ve muy ancho de cintura pero apretado en las caderas.Ahora pru?bate este-Daniel se puso el ?ltimo pantal?n le qued? muy bien, se ajustaba perfectamente su cintura sus caderas y sus piernas- mira me queda genial me siento tan c?modo que me lo voy a llevar!- - No creo que deber?as hacerlo- - Pero por qu??. Ya me prob? varios pantalones y s?lo ?ste me queda- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - C?mo?- - Se lo di para jugar una broma pero bien que te queda creo que algo anda mal. no me hab?a dado cuenta porque nos vemos todos los d?as pero tu trasero est? m?s grande, tu cintura est? un poco m?s delgada y tus piernas est?n m?s torneadas- - S? pero eso es por el ejercicio la dieta!- - Daniel ese no es el cuerpo de un hombre que hace ejercicio, es el de una mujer que hace ejercicio!- Daniel se miro en un espejo y tuvo que darle a su hermana la raz?n Terminaron de hacer las compras y regresaron a casa. Lo primero que hizo Daniel fue ir a desnudarse a su cuarto para mirarse en el espejo. Se qued? solo en ropa interior sus piernas ya no eran flacas como antes est? bien torneadas y bien definidas por tanto ejercicio al igual que su trasero. Ahora Ten?a cintura y caderas sus brazos estaban delegados y estilizados. Su cara se ve?a menos angulada sus facciones se ve?an m?s redondeadas como las de una mujer incluso sus pesta?as se ve?an m?s largas y sus labios un poco m?s carnosos. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros - Maldici?n c?mo pas? esto enfrente de m? sin darme cuenta- - Todo bien?- - No, nada Est? bien! Porque cuando parece que todo se va a arreglar se pone peor?- - Mira con preocuparte hoy no se va a arreglar nada. Qu? tal si ma?ana vamos con un amigo que es doctor para ver si nos puede decir qu? es lo que te est? pasando?- - S?lo espero que no sea como el foniatra que me conseguiste!-Julia lo abraz? con ternura para consolarlo-, ya ya ya todo va estar bien Todo va a estar bien tranquilo Tranquilo ....- El d?a siguiente fueron a ver al m?dico y le contaron todo lo que le hab?a pasado Dani bien doctor les pidi? que le mostrar?n las medicinas que hab?an estado tomando y le pidi? a Daniel que se desnudar a . - Veamos pesar de que has hecho ejercicio de peso pero hubo una redistribuci?n de grasa en tu cuerpo que se fue a tus gl?teos, cara y pecho. Oye Julia c?mo es que no se dieron cuenta de todo esto s? es tan evidente sobre todo el aumento de tama?o sus pechos!- - Bueno es que como no estaba ejercitando los pectorales creemos que era s?lo grasa y como eso le ayudaba a simular que ten?as pechos junto con los rellenos pues lo vimos m?s como una ventaja.- - Ay Julia eres muy observadora para unas cosas es muy despistada para otras- -Entonces crees que puedas ayudarlo?- - Mira la verdad es qu? no s? qu? tan fuertes sean los efectos de este medicamento Sigues teniendo erecciones?-Daniel se qued? pensando un momento... - La verdad creo que la ?ltima vez fue el mes pasado!- -! Bueno con eso y con los cambios que he visto en tu cuerpo y lo que ha pasado te voy a decir lo que creo que le pasa a tu hermano. Las pastillas que te tomaste todos los d?as son un dos en uno: contiene inhibidores de testosterona y una fuerte dosis de hormonas femeninas. Por los cambios que ha tenido un poco tiempo creo que lo que le inyect? conten?a una gran cantidad de hormonas femeninas- - Entonces s?lo debo dejar de tomar las pastillas y volver? a mi estado normal?- - Miren como no s? qu? tanto le puede afectar a tu voz, que por ser cantante es tu instrumento de trabajo... yo dir?a que mejor no lo hicieras hasta que hablen con el foniatra. Ya ?l les dir? que hacer y despu?s se pueden coordinar con un endocrin?logo qu? es un doctor especialista en las hormonas para que te d? un tratamiento que te regres? a la normalidad- Camino a casa Julia vio. as? hermano triste y cabisbajo-Ya Dany en unos d?as veremos al Foniatra y ver?s que r?pido vuelves a ser un hombre normal- En la noche como ya se hab?a vuelto costumbre Arturo y Danny se hablaban por tel?fono o se mensajeaban durante el dia.- Hola Dany, c?mo andas de trabajo este fin de semana?- -Desde el viernes en la tarde todo el fin de semana tenemos la agenda llena, pero el domingo estoy libre a las 9 de la noche- - Genial, quieren ir a una fiesta despu?s de que termines?- -Si, el lunes no voy a hacer nada as? que podemos desvelarnos hasta que t? quieras- -Bueno hablamos m?s tarde bye- -Oye Dany tu y Arturo se han vuelto muy cercanos verdad?- -Si, nos hemos hecho buenos amigos, porque?- -Y ya le dijiste que la pr?xima semana Daniela se va a ir para no regresar jam?s?- -No, pero no creo que sea necesario, solo somos amigos...-Julia le lanz? una mirada de enojo y desprobacion. -Esta bien, la verdad es que no c?mo despedirme de ?l, tengo miedo hacerlo sentir triste ...o solo y abandonado como lo hizo sentir su ex- -Pero no crees que lo vas a hacer sentir peor! A ver dime, c?mo te sentir?as si de repente un d?a Arturo desapareciera sin ninguna explicaci?n y no te volviera a contestar tus llamadas o mensajes?.- -Me sentir?a triste abandonado y rechazado...- -?l merece que le cuentes la verdad. No le digas que eres hombre pero si dile que Daniela se vas a ir y no vas a regresar.- -Entonces necesito que t? me ayudes porque no s? qu? decir- Dile m?s o menos la verdad, dile que te vas al extranjero qu? sali? una oportunidad para cambiar tu vida y que lo m?s probable es que no regreses- - Lo cual es cierto- - Piensa bien cuando se lo vas a decir- - Ma?ana vamos a ir a cenar creo que ser? el momento m?s adecuado para que si tengamos unos d?as para despedirnos-Y as? al d?a siguiente durante la cena despu?s de muchas dudas Dani agarr? valor y le dijo a Arturo- me voy a ir de viaje- - Genial te encarg? un souvenir- - Es que el problema es de que no voy a regresar...- - Pero por qu??- - Es que tengo otra vida, todo esto era S?lo por un par de meses, no esperaba conocer a un amigo tan bueno como t?- - Que t? te vayas no significa que no podemos seguir hablando- - La verdad es que con el tiempo se me va a complicar poder hablar contigo y lamentablemente a llegar un d?a que ya no voy a poder contestar tus llamadas y luego tus mensajes-Arturo recordo el anillo que casi siempre usaba Dany, pero que solo se lo quitaba cuando sal?an juntos -Eres casada verdad?- - Es complicado es lo ?nico que te puedo decir- - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo- -Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que me ha pasado- -No te pongas triste Danny, que te parece si la fiesta del domingo la convertimos en nuestra fiesta de despedida!- Danny sonri? con algunas l?grimas y le dio un tierno abrazo. - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo--Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que ... El resto de la semana estuvo lleno de melancolia para Daniel. la pr?xima semana ver?a al Foniatra, le devolver?a su voz de hombre, dejar?a las pastillas y tambi?n la ropa de mujer. -Fueron una especie de vacaciones diferentes Julia- -Bueno estas son tus ?ltimas actuaciones como Daniela. As? que date gusto cantando todas las canciones con esa voz tipo Adele y Lana del Rey.- -Lo que ya quiero es a dejar usar tacones altos, y volver a orinar parado- -Bueno, como este es tu ?ltima semana que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Y como que estas tramando Julia?....-

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Before It Became Fashionable

My first experience with shaving my pubic area was started more out of necessity than for the reasons I do it now. I was twenty years old, my girlfriend Amy and I had just returned from my first nudist experience at “Black’s Beach” near San Diego, and had to wait a couple of hours to shower off the sand and salt. I learned from my neighbor the reason for the wait was due to a water-main break near my house. The build-up of sand/salt in my pubic area was so itchy it was driving me nuts (pun...

4 years ago
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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

2 years ago
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My Sister Janice

My sister Janice was 3 years older than me, and growing up, we weren’t particularly close. As I grew older, things started to change. My libido was in full rage and I found myself jerking off a lot and I started seeing my sister more as a sexual partner rather than a sibling. I would barge into her room unannounced hoping to see her undressed, but was never lucky enough to see anything. I even sat close to her on the sofa watching movies and would try to rub our thighs together. Most times she...

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My Wifes Christmas Affair

Introduction: I know nobody really talks like this… but its a story. Enjoy! Soft music played lightly as we slowly moved across the dance floor. She softened and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist, and her body felt supple and sensual. She placed her head tenderly on my chest, and I buried my face in her fragrant hair. It felt tantalizing as her body moved in tandem with mine to the music. Curiosity of this unexpected warmth began to nibble at my thoughts. She certainly wasnt this...

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I couldn’t make it off the couch. You had a family matter to attend, so our chat was cut short after being filled with half-hidden expressions of desire and need. I did mange to slip in an, “I’m going to fuck myself tonight and think of you,” before signing off and I could tell it brought you a smile. So here I sat and pondered my situation. My panties were wet, my tits hard. Damn, I wanted you. You always set my mind ablaze with lust and love. Most times, love is at the forefront but not...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my wife to get home with whatever guy she picked up at the bar. My cock was hard in anticipation of watching my loving wife...

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Brian Guess WhatChapter 5

When we are together the next afternoon, Lyssa says, "Becca keeps wanting me to see her brother and she talks about you all the time. She's really wanting you. She says that now that she is having sex all the time, it's all she wants and when they make love she dreams that Tyler is you. You, Brian. What do you think of that? She's got the hots, for sure." "Yeah, but what about you? I love you, Lyss, and I love making love with you." "Well, we wouldn't have to stop. And, there's...

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Passed out in the Woods

We waited a bit and then followed him in. There was someone laying on the ground and Jake shushed us and waved us over. It was an older girl laying on her back. There were empty beer bottles around her and it was pretty clear she had sneaked in here to drink and had passed out. I whispered to Jake that we should get out of here but he said no. Then he reached down and shook her arm. I wondered what the heck he was doing but he just shook her again and said "Hey, wake up!". She...

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Parallel Dimensions

You don't know how you found this place, or what it is, but you're scared. You think hard, and remember... running. Opening a door and dashing into the room beyond. Then, nothing. You've just regained conciousness, and have found yourself in a circular room with many doors lining the walls. Most of the doors have engravings off pictures and text on them, which you haven't looked at too closely yet. Unfortunately, you cannot remember which door you came in through. You approach one of the...

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A husband catches his slut wife screwing a dwarf

I am a rep for a hardware wholesaler and my territory is a large and mainly rural area. I travel about half my time but manage to make it home every weekend. I stopped for lunch on my way to see my next client. I wasn’t feeling well and tried to get some soup into me but was having trouble getting it down. One minute I would feel hot and sweaty, the next as if a wind straight from the North Pole was blowing right through me. And to make matters worse I was sitting next to a table with...

2 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 27

I woke up after seven the next morning and realized that I had no idea what time we got home or went to bed last night. I had been more than a little drunk. I was so high that Gregg almost had to hold me down in the bed. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I didn't have one of those awful hangovers I've heard so much about. When Gregg woke up with a hangover half an hour later he explained that often, people getting drunk for the first time or two don't get hangovers. He smiled...

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Wishing It Was Real

A long time had passed. Feelings had changed. But everything has a way of coming full circle. Once upon a time, one or both of them had vowed to never let it happen again. It wasn’t what either of them planned, nor was it even what they desired. But when they were together, they fell back into the familiar patterns. They fell back into the rituals. It was too easy. It was an early morning reunion, almost one full year since they had seen each other. The rain softly fell onto the still car....

4 years ago
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Thank you to my Fuck Buddy

I have not had much of an adventurous sex life for most of my 50 years of life. That all changed over the last few months. My life became very interesting once I became involve with my next door neighbor. Tammy is a freak of a women that can't get enough sex. She is open to just about anything and even has picked out videos on XHamster, for our mutual pleasure, that she knows will really get me going. It is one of our sessions where she was at her freaky best I want to tell you about. I...

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Good Friends

Good Friends by Vallee (1994) As I approached the small medical facility owned by my good friend Jeff, I began to have doubts as to whether he could help me or not.. I mean, should I drag him into a situation that I have created? "Well. He's my only hope", I whispered to myself, as I walked through the door. As I entered the ultra-modern lobby, an attractive receptionist sat at her desk filing some sort of cards. As I approached, she looks up and said "May I help you sir?" I...

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My 2 AM Phone Call

It was about 2 AM when the phone rang. The voice on the other end simply said to get dressed. He told me exactly what to wear. Exactly. He wanted me in a black micro mini skirt, little black mesh top that barely came below my nipples, five inch platform heels, lots of junk jewelry and a bushy Vegas platinum blonde wig. He said to come to the Diamond Motel on the Gulf Freeway and then he hung up. I recognized his voice as the black man who I had met at a video store several years ago. I'd seen...

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Cranberry Bog

Cranberry Bog One of my mother’s friends arranged for me to go to Cape Cod, Massachusetts to work for the summer. It didn’t pay much but mom insisted that it would be good for me. She said that it would teach me to become a better person. So just having turned sixteen years old I was off. The bus trip took close to twelve hours and was just about the most boring thing that had ever happened to me. Gretchen met me at the bus stop. She was there to pick me up. I wasn’t hard to find...

1 year ago
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A passion for motherinlaw

Note : This story is completely fictional! I’m Mason,26,and just got married to my beautiful wife Katrina,24. Katrina's mom, Jennifer, 51, is one hot mom! She's slightly plump with huge boobs and a big firm bulging ass to die for! Jennifer is not in good terms with her husband and they sleep in separate bedrooms. They have been doing this for the last 2 years. That means she’s deprieved of sex and she must have been craving for a cock for the past 2 years. Well, although my wife is pretty and...

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Tabassum Maam 8211 Part 2

Please read the first part to feel the essence. I reached her home after college and knocked on her door. I could hear her husband talking on the phone. I got tensed that she might have told her husband about it. I was so tensed that even my legs didn’t cooperate to run away as they trembled. As I prepared myself to run away, her husband opened the door and asked me who I was. I told him that I am ma’am’s student and he asked me to get in with a warm smile. He talked to me in a hurry and told...

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The Demerit System part 11

"Come in," Pete said. He was in his office Thursday afternoon when he heard a knock on the door. The door opened and Lana was there. She looked like she had just gotten back from something athletic. She was in sweat pants and a tight T short and her long black hair was in a pony tail. She stepped into the middle of the room as Pete turned his chair around and smiled.  "Hello, Lana. What can I do for you?" Lana took a deep breath and said, "I was out jogging just now and thinking. Thinking about...

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Coming Home Davis Brothers by robcub21 from Liter

(This story is a sequel to "Big Ben")*Benji Carter looked over at the clock for what must have been the tenth time this past hour. It was late Friday afternoon and his boyfriend Ben was due back any minute now and he was growing impatient. Benji wasn't particularly crazy about Ben's long hauls, but the pay differential made a big difference in his paycheck. Not that they were hurting for cash. After Benji's promotion several months back, they were able to live just a little more comfortably....

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Im Hot For You Part 1

You seem to be in your own little world as I watch you from the doorway. You are watching something on the computer screen and you seem to be aroused as I see you take your cock out of your pants and start stroking it. I just stand there and take in what you are doing. In my head I can clearly see me kneeling in front of you, softly and slowly licking and sucking on your cock. I’m getting turned on by thinking of the things I want to do to you and with you. My eyes seem to be glued to your...

Quickie Sex
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Romantic Me Chapter 1

A few months before I met Paula she had her breasts augmented. Even at her relatively young age, her back had borne more than their share of ‘useless weight,’ as she referred to them. I thought the surgery had improved her figure; the DDs were disproportioned to her smallish frame. Since her ‘liberation,’ she’d been very active with MMA classes and even joined a runner’s club. She loved her new C’s and we enjoyed watching her model her seemingly bottomless (no pun intended) collection...

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My Mother Pleasures My Friend 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Raman 19 years. I study in college. My dad works for a business man in Kerala and he remains out of home for most of the time. My mother Kiran 5’4 [32 30 34] used to work with him but she left the job 5 years ago. So this story is about my mother and my best friend Zubair. Zubair hails from a middle class family like mine. He is fair and of about 6 feet height and gym build. One day Zubair came home with some new clothes and he was in my room and trying the outfits. My mother was also...

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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 9 White Line Fever

I made it to the Pacific Ocean the second week of September and spent a couple days camped at Newport. I’d made my lifelong fantasy trip across the country. I needed to decide what to do next. I headed north on the Pacific Coast Highway, slowly making my way back to Seattle. I spent a weekend in the Siuslaw National Forest campground about a mile from the beach and since I was feeling a little isolated ever since Alice left, I decided to go to Church on Sunday. I do that every so often. I’m...

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The Night Billi The Filly Got Filleted

I walked from the car park into the small reception area and checked in. We'd provisionally booked the room earlier in the week so there was no problem securing it from the incredibly indifferent girl at the desk. I looked nervously at my watch. Christ, Barry would be here in an hour! I ran the bathwater and hurriedly slipped back out to car to collect the rest of my things. Elbowing my way back into the room I dumped the bags on the floor and checked the level of the bathwater to see how...

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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife 9

Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife - 9 Don Abdul ©2010 It was raining when they arrived Mumbai, but their limo driver was there to greet them with an umbrella that kept them dry as they climbed into their transport to their home for the next seven days. A very comfortable home it was too, for Rajiv Chopra, Andrews trusted business partner never did anything by halves. As always, Rajiv had insisted that Andrew and Lynda stay with him and Sunita his beautiful wife in their palatial mansion in the...


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