La Corista Capitulo 4 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 4 Ya hab?an pasado varias semanas del incidente del restaurante y por suerte nadie en el gimnasio ni en el grupo hab?an reconocido a Daniel que ya se hab?a adaptado a su vida de mujer. Para evitar que a cada rato los hombres se le acercaran para pedirle su telfono (o algo mas), Julia le dio un anillo de plata liso que se parecia al que usan las mujers casadas. Arturo se hab?a convertido en un buen amigo de su versi?n femenina ya que realmente solo buscaba una amistad. Pedro ya les estaba empezando a dar un poco m?s de dinero pero no pod?a despilfarrar nada porque ten?a que usarlo para pagarle al Foniatra que lo meti? en este l?o al darle una voz de mujer El doctor iba a regresar la pr?xima semana ( despu?s de alargar a casi dos meses sus vacaciones). Por fin en cuanto recuperara as? voz todo volver?a a la normalidad (excepto por lo de su gran deuda) no m?s vestirse de mujer, ni maquillaje ni esconder su pene y test?culos entre sus piernas, no m?s hombres mir?ndole por la calle o en las fiestas tratando de conquistarla, aunque cuando la ve?an con Arturo nadie lo molestaba asi que cuando estaba con el se quitaba su anillo (por eso tambi?n le gustaba salir seguido con el). -Creo que su amistad es lo ?nico que voy a extra?ar de todo esto- Julia se acerc? a su hermano al verlo perdido en sus pensamientos-En que piensas ?- - Eh, ah...en lo mucho que me gustar?a usar unos pantalones de hombre- - Bueno tenemos que comprar comida para la semana, podemos pasar a la secci?n de ropa para hombre y ah? te puedes probar lo que quieras- Llegando a la tienda fue lo primero que hizo Daniel agarro varios pantalones y se meti? al probador despu?s de un rato salio decepcionado- Que pas? Dany?- - Ya me prob? en varios pantalones y no me quedan bien - - A lo mejor a lo mejor ese tipo de corte -Julia le trajo otros pantalones y por alguna raz?n tampoco se le ve?an bien. - Te ves raro se te ve muy ancho de cintura pero apretado en las caderas.Ahora pru?bate este-Daniel se puso el ?ltimo pantal?n le qued? muy bien, se ajustaba perfectamente su cintura sus caderas y sus piernas- mira me queda genial me siento tan c?modo que me lo voy a llevar!- - No creo que deber?as hacerlo- - Pero por qu??. Ya me prob? varios pantalones y s?lo ?ste me queda- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - Te queda muy bien porque es un pantal?n para mujer- - C?mo?- - Se lo di para jugar una broma pero bien que te queda creo que algo anda mal. no me hab?a dado cuenta porque nos vemos todos los d?as pero tu trasero est? m?s grande, tu cintura est? un poco m?s delgada y tus piernas est?n m?s torneadas- - S? pero eso es por el ejercicio la dieta!- - Daniel ese no es el cuerpo de un hombre que hace ejercicio, es el de una mujer que hace ejercicio!- Daniel se miro en un espejo y tuvo que darle a su hermana la raz?n Terminaron de hacer las compras y regresaron a casa. Lo primero que hizo Daniel fue ir a desnudarse a su cuarto para mirarse en el espejo. Se qued? solo en ropa interior sus piernas ya no eran flacas como antes est? bien torneadas y bien definidas por tanto ejercicio al igual que su trasero. Ahora Ten?a cintura y caderas sus brazos estaban delegados y estilizados. Su cara se ve?a menos angulada sus facciones se ve?an m?s redondeadas como las de una mujer incluso sus pesta?as se ve?an m?s largas y sus labios un poco m?s carnosos. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros. Su pelo se sent?a m?s delgado y hab?a crecido m?s r?pido y lo normal y ahora le llegaba abajo de los hombros - Maldici?n c?mo pas? esto enfrente de m? sin darme cuenta- - Todo bien?- - No, nada Est? bien! Porque cuando parece que todo se va a arreglar se pone peor?- - Mira con preocuparte hoy no se va a arreglar nada. Qu? tal si ma?ana vamos con un amigo que es doctor para ver si nos puede decir qu? es lo que te est? pasando?- - S?lo espero que no sea como el foniatra que me conseguiste!-Julia lo abraz? con ternura para consolarlo-, ya ya ya todo va estar bien Todo va a estar bien tranquilo Tranquilo ....- El d?a siguiente fueron a ver al m?dico y le contaron todo lo que le hab?a pasado Dani bien doctor les pidi? que le mostrar?n las medicinas que hab?an estado tomando y le pidi? a Daniel que se desnudar a . - Veamos pesar de que has hecho ejercicio de peso pero hubo una redistribuci?n de grasa en tu cuerpo que se fue a tus gl?teos, cara y pecho. Oye Julia c?mo es que no se dieron cuenta de todo esto s? es tan evidente sobre todo el aumento de tama?o sus pechos!- - Bueno es que como no estaba ejercitando los pectorales creemos que era s?lo grasa y como eso le ayudaba a simular que ten?as pechos junto con los rellenos pues lo vimos m?s como una ventaja.- - Ay Julia eres muy observadora para unas cosas es muy despistada para otras- -Entonces crees que puedas ayudarlo?- - Mira la verdad es qu? no s? qu? tan fuertes sean los efectos de este medicamento Sigues teniendo erecciones?-Daniel se qued? pensando un momento... - La verdad creo que la ?ltima vez fue el mes pasado!- -! Bueno con eso y con los cambios que he visto en tu cuerpo y lo que ha pasado te voy a decir lo que creo que le pasa a tu hermano. Las pastillas que te tomaste todos los d?as son un dos en uno: contiene inhibidores de testosterona y una fuerte dosis de hormonas femeninas. Por los cambios que ha tenido un poco tiempo creo que lo que le inyect? conten?a una gran cantidad de hormonas femeninas- - Entonces s?lo debo dejar de tomar las pastillas y volver? a mi estado normal?- - Miren como no s? qu? tanto le puede afectar a tu voz, que por ser cantante es tu instrumento de trabajo... yo dir?a que mejor no lo hicieras hasta que hablen con el foniatra. Ya ?l les dir? que hacer y despu?s se pueden coordinar con un endocrin?logo qu? es un doctor especialista en las hormonas para que te d? un tratamiento que te regres? a la normalidad- Camino a casa Julia vio. as? hermano triste y cabisbajo-Ya Dany en unos d?as veremos al Foniatra y ver?s que r?pido vuelves a ser un hombre normal- En la noche como ya se hab?a vuelto costumbre Arturo y Danny se hablaban por tel?fono o se mensajeaban durante el dia.- Hola Dany, c?mo andas de trabajo este fin de semana?- -Desde el viernes en la tarde todo el fin de semana tenemos la agenda llena, pero el domingo estoy libre a las 9 de la noche- - Genial, quieren ir a una fiesta despu?s de que termines?- -Si, el lunes no voy a hacer nada as? que podemos desvelarnos hasta que t? quieras- -Bueno hablamos m?s tarde bye- -Oye Dany tu y Arturo se han vuelto muy cercanos verdad?- -Si, nos hemos hecho buenos amigos, porque?- -Y ya le dijiste que la pr?xima semana Daniela se va a ir para no regresar jam?s?- -No, pero no creo que sea necesario, solo somos amigos...-Julia le lanz? una mirada de enojo y desprobacion. -Esta bien, la verdad es que no c?mo despedirme de ?l, tengo miedo hacerlo sentir triste ...o solo y abandonado como lo hizo sentir su ex- -Pero no crees que lo vas a hacer sentir peor! A ver dime, c?mo te sentir?as si de repente un d?a Arturo desapareciera sin ninguna explicaci?n y no te volviera a contestar tus llamadas o mensajes?.- -Me sentir?a triste abandonado y rechazado...- -?l merece que le cuentes la verdad. No le digas que eres hombre pero si dile que Daniela se vas a ir y no vas a regresar.- -Entonces necesito que t? me ayudes porque no s? qu? decir- Dile m?s o menos la verdad, dile que te vas al extranjero qu? sali? una oportunidad para cambiar tu vida y que lo m?s probable es que no regreses- - Lo cual es cierto- - Piensa bien cuando se lo vas a decir- - Ma?ana vamos a ir a cenar creo que ser? el momento m?s adecuado para que si tengamos unos d?as para despedirnos-Y as? al d?a siguiente durante la cena despu?s de muchas dudas Dani agarr? valor y le dijo a Arturo- me voy a ir de viaje- - Genial te encarg? un souvenir- - Es que el problema es de que no voy a regresar...- - Pero por qu??- - Es que tengo otra vida, todo esto era S?lo por un par de meses, no esperaba conocer a un amigo tan bueno como t?- - Que t? te vayas no significa que no podemos seguir hablando- - La verdad es que con el tiempo se me va a complicar poder hablar contigo y lamentablemente a llegar un d?a que ya no voy a poder contestar tus llamadas y luego tus mensajes-Arturo recordo el anillo que casi siempre usaba Dany, pero que solo se lo quitaba cuando sal?an juntos -Eres casada verdad?- - Es complicado es lo ?nico que te puedo decir- - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo- -Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que me ha pasado- -No te pongas triste Danny, que te parece si la fiesta del domingo la convertimos en nuestra fiesta de despedida!- Danny sonri? con algunas l?grimas y le dio un tierno abrazo. - S?lo prom?teme que pase lo que pase si alg?n d?a necesitas que alguien te escuche por favor ll?mame ocupas alguien que te apoya o te defiendas sabes que puedes contar conmigo--Gracias Arturo, de estos dos meses, conocerte es lo ?nico bueno que ... El resto de la semana estuvo lleno de melancolia para Daniel. la pr?xima semana ver?a al Foniatra, le devolver?a su voz de hombre, dejar?a las pastillas y tambi?n la ropa de mujer. -Fueron una especie de vacaciones diferentes Julia- -Bueno estas son tus ?ltimas actuaciones como Daniela. As? que date gusto cantando todas las canciones con esa voz tipo Adele y Lana del Rey.- -Lo que ya quiero es a dejar usar tacones altos, y volver a orinar parado- -Bueno, como este es tu ?ltima semana que te parece hacer todas esas cosas que no te has animado a hacer como mujer?- -Y como que estas tramando Julia?....-

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Jens Story Ch 4

About a week before we were due to start our Freshman year at the local state university I went up to the lake alone because Erika was at her aunt’s house. Danny said he only had to work a half day and would come up when he was done. I was sunbathing and watching some kids splash around in the lake when he arrived. When I noticed him coming down from the parking area I realized he had Steve with him. I was disappointed at the time because I had been looking forward to spending the day alone...

2 years ago
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Carnival Knowledge

After returning to New Jersey from my left coast finale, I moved into a trailer I shared with a buddy from high school. It was tight, but there was just enough room for my guitar, my blues records, and me. I bought an old BSA Gold Star 650 motorcycle and spent the beginning of 1980 traveling up and down the East Coast on the bike. You could always tell where I had last parked it by the oil stains on the pavement, but it ran well and more importantly, it looked damn cool. By summer I had...

2 years ago
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Fear of Flying

Preface- I am the editor/co-author on this story. Notlooking5 was the creator of the story and other author. It was her brain child. Credit where credit is due. I was flattered that she asked me to assist her on writing this erotic literary work of fiction dealing with FemDom and other realted topics. It is rather lengthy, so hope you have the patience to read it throuhly. Please enjoy! I can’t believe this is happening to me! How did I get in this humiliating position? After my arrival at JFK...

4 years ago
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Wartime Diary

I recently bought a box of old 78 jazz and swing records dating from the 1940s and 50s. As protection the records were seperated mainly by old newspapers, but I also came across what looked like an old school exercise book. I was about to toss it away with the newspapers, but it fell open and I saw that it was some sort of diary. An entry dated Sat. 26th August immediately caught my eye: 'On sofa with Mum. Me naked, she too except for knickers. Much kissing, etc. Sucked her tits, she wanked me....

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 40 A Man of Ideals

(Sanosuke and Kenshin are walking home from the market.) Sanosuke: It's been ten days since the Shinko school attack, and no sign that Raijuuta's coming. Maybe you beat 'em so easy he got scared. Kenshin: It wasn't easy. There were a lot of them, and the one with the twin blade was good. Sanosuke: That's what you say, but it doesn't sound like you mean it. Kenshin (reaching for the dojo door): You think so? Yahiko: Who's a shrimp, you cat-eyed bastard? Sanosuke: Ouch. Kenshin:...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom Conquest

So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...

2 years ago
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So I messaged a woman in her early 30’s on a dating app and she responded and said she was interested in meeting up so we arranged for me to come to her place to meet up. Her profile wasn’t too provocative but I could tell she was thick so I was very excited to meet her. She lived about an hour and a half away so I knew she was down to get dirty since most women won’t make a man drive that far for no reason. I got ready and headed to her place. When I pulled up her house was in a nice...

3 years ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 4

Jason’s mom asked, “What were you and Stephanie up to last night?” Surprised, Jason glanced up from his bowl of cereal and caught Mom and Dad sharing odd grins. Best to play dumb. “Mmm? What?” “While you were in the shower, I put a load of your clothes in the washing machine. The clothes you wore yesterday looked like you rolled around in the grass. If Stephanie looked the same, she might have some explaining to do.” Dad chuckled. “I teased her, and she chased me. We wrestled a little....

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Mia Seduced and Betrayed

There was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of pathetic excuses that didn't mean shit to me. I mean, there I was, with my make up all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just made for being pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going...

1 year ago
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Broken Fantasy Part 3

DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. *** Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur,...

2 years ago
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A Night Out with Jack

It had always turned me on, the thought of having a man drop a pill in my drink. Falling into his arms, unable to stop him from unbuttoning my dress. Slipping it off my shoulders, removing my bra and panties, and laying me on the bed. Lying there, unable to move as he spread my legs wide, sliding his hard cock deep into my vagina. Kissing my lips, down my neck, running his hot tongue over my hard nipples and sucking my breasts into his mouth as he thrusts into me. Paralyzed from the drugs, but...

1 year ago
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Library Girl Chapters 22 and 23

Chapter 22 -- An Unremarkable Trip for the Unmentionables Randall wasn't available to make the trip to pick up the donations the next day, and that was fine with Jimmie. He wanted to update Ms. Butler about Randall's involvement and confirm that she was alright with the two of them venturing out together. He also contacted Ms. Oberdorfer to arrange a mutually acceptable date and time for the pick-up. She assured him she wanted to be there to smooth the way because Jimmie wasn't...

1 year ago
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The Lab parts 115

Hi This is only the third story I've ever written. It's still incomplete, like the second story I wrote. There's not a lot of graphic sex in it, and it takes a while to get going. I hope you like it. I really have no idea whether I can write, which is probably why I do it so slowly, but I hope there's someone out there who gets something out of it. Feel free to archive or otherwise distribute, provided it (and this preamble) is unedited and no fee is charged for access. ...

3 years ago
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Changing Minds

Changing Minds by TGBear "You are such a slut." It was an old argument now. I tried not to rise to the bait, no matter which "button" she pushed. "I can't believe you're actually going out dressed like that. It's obscene." I looked across our bedroom at her, my face expressing my inability to understand what was pissing her off so much. "Are you trying to get laid? No, that's not right. How many times are you going to get fucked tonight?" "One less that you want." I...

1 year ago
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My Wife Caught Me

It was Saturday, mid-morning, I had just finished the grass and came in the house, Sandy, my wife of 10 years came down the stairs. “You done the grass already Jim?” she asked. “Yep, just going up to take a quick shower and sit out back for a while and enjoy the day now”, i responded. “Well Karen called just after you went out, she has two coupons from the spa downtown, four hours each one, she asked if I wanted to go with her and use the one, I jumped at the chance, she'll be here anytime now...

1 year ago
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Doing a Naughty NieceChapter 6

I was rapidly beginning to enjoy having Jessica living there at my house, whether it was a temporary arrangement or became something even more long-term. I'd harbored these longtime sexual fantasies about her and now I was more than realizing them. I'd seen Jessica grow up and mature into a sexy young woman, and now within a couple of days I'd had her suck my cock, let me fuck her several times and I'd even taken her cherry asshole. It turned out that both Jessica and I had numerous...

2 years ago
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Friend Touched sleeping Wife

I have been waiting years for the opportunity, because my wife rarely drinks and never does d**gs, even head ache pills. I had to wait for the right moment.I had been teesing her for a couple of days masterbating her to nearly climax then stopping and i knew she was gagging for it.This Friday night we went out for a meal and she decided to have a few glasses of wine and a couple of rums, (quite unheard of).We got home and as soon as we walked through the front door, she was naked and laying...

1 year ago
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Part 4

I walked back into the house and mum greeted me with a kiss. She said where have you been. I said mum you need to sit down I have something to tell you. I have meet someone tonight she is called sue she is 48 and lives in the next town. The looks on mum`s face was sad she couldn't take it in. She said son do you not love me and more?  Yes, I do love you I love you so very much mum. Mum as all about her and what she did we chatted for a while. Mum said have you had sex with her, yet I said yes....

3 years ago
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Felicias Fascination

I called her “Fel” because her full name seemed awkward to me. Maybe it should have been “Feel” because that’s what she always wanted to do to my crotch after she discovered it. We were both sixteen and were the first serious romantic connection for each other. We found we delighted in these new feelings. As they developed, we naturally began to explore the mysteries of each other’s bodies. I had an older sister who coached me and Fel got some real good stimulation when she gave me access to...

3 years ago
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Hot Afternoon With You

Hi all ISS readers its been awhile since I last posted my story so here is a new one & I hope you like it. I just come back from the gym & enter the flat where I’m staying with you. I’m sweaty & my t-shirt is also a little wet & sticking to my body. I enter the place & head to the washroom as I wanna take a nice relaxing long bath. You told me that you’re going for swim so I expect I would be alone & can just relax after a heavy workout. I remove my t-shirt in the bathroom & look at my sweat...

1 year ago
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A Special Kind Of Wife Part 6

Saturday morning Jessica woke her husband up by taking his morning wood into her mouth. It wasn’t like she never started her day with a BJ, but she seemed more excited this morning than usual. After Jordan was awake, she climbed on top of him, taking him deep into her wetter than usual pussy, making noises it generally took her fifteen minutes to reach.“Squeeze my tits!” she demanded. “Fuck yes!” she called out when he did just that and then pinched her nipples.As she started grinding back and...

1 year ago
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My older sisterChapter 2

She came back down, in a sweatshirt and jeans, looking great. “How about, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER,” I suggested? “That sounds kind of scary, but the ad for it makes me think it might be fun to watch,” she said. “I could find something else, but it’s about to leave town. I’ll never get to see it with Lynn; she doesn’t like spine-tingling movies any more than you do. I was hoping to see it with her, so I could hold her when it gets real scary.” “Well, I don’t want you to miss seeing...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Victoria Lobov Morning Wood Before Work

Victoria married my dad recently, as far as stepmoms go – I have to say she is very supportive. I was laid off & have been trying to find work for weeks with no luck. I woke up to Victoria telling me I was going to be late for an interview. It wasn’t totally her fault when she puleld the covers off me & caught a glimpse of my semi-hard dick. She told me I couldn’t go to work like this & that I needed to focus to secure the job. She started stroking my cock slowly,...

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Another Night With Linda

Linda and I had been seeing each other for at least 7 or 8 months with a little time out while she dated someone else semi-seriously for a while. That didn't last, though. We usually saw each other on Saturday nights. I had tried to take her to dinner or to a show or something, but she really didn't want to go anywhere. As she once said, sitting on my couch sipping her Pinsch and water, "I'm right where I want to be." So it went. I cooked for her. Usually a steak, shrooms, potato or...

1 year ago
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UnendingChapter 7

A limo was waiting for us and we had reservations at the Westin at Times Square. There was some kind of traffic foul up so the trip from the airport to the hotel ended up taking more than an hour, but we were swept right through check-in and brought up to the two-bedroom suite in short order. The suite was nice, very nice. It had a great view of Time’s square, a plush lounging and sitting area, and two large, well-appointed rooms, each with a sumptuous private bath. We had two rooms on the...

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