Good Medicine - Freshman YearChapter 9: Jos And Mik free porn video

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June 6, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio

After Vespers on Saturday, I spent a few minutes talking to Tasha.

“My dad isn’t sure karate is ‘ladylike’,” she said.

“The uniforms cover more than those nice dresses you wear during the Summer!”

“You noticed, Mike?” she asked with a soft laugh.

“If I may be «некультурный», yes, of course! It’s difficult to miss a pretty girl with a nice body!”

“Thank you! But do NOT say that around my dad! He’ll never let you see me again!”

“So the answer is ‘no’?”

“I think it’s the fighting,” she said with a smile, “not the uniforms.”

“Bummer,” I said.

“Could you come to dinner tomorrow?”

“Sure. Is it OK with your parents?”

“I already asked my mom. She said it was fine.”

“You remember I’m relatively hopeless in Russian.”

“Boys are hopeless in general!” she teased.

“And just what are we good for, then Tasha Vasilyevna?” I protested.

“Ask me Wednesday!” she said with a smile.

“I will. I need to go meet my friends.”

“Have fun! See you for dinner tomorrow!”

We said ‘goodbye’ and I went over to my mom and let her know I was invited to the Antonov’s house for dinner on Sunday. Once I had confirmation it was OK, I headed out to my car. As I left I saw my mom pushing Liz towards the front of the church for confession. That was NOT going to go well. I hoped Liz could keep it together long enough to not make my mom even angrier.

I needed to go to confession, and had planned to go right after Vespers, but I was so sure Mom would push Liz to confession that I decided to wait for Wednesday. That wasn’t going to be fun, either, but I could at least show that I’d taken what Father Herman would call positive steps. If he asked me about intent, well, then I’d be in trouble. I was still struggling with the whole concept of ‘pre-marital’ sex, and I knew what the church taught backwards and forwards. I just didn’t agree. I put that out of my mind because I didn’t want to be preoccupied with self-analysis when I picked up Emmy.

She’d warned me the previous night that I needed to come inside to pick her up now that we were ‘going together’ as her mom had put it, so I parked my car in the driveway and went up to the front door. I rang the bell and Mr. Nelson opened it and invited me in. I went into the living room and took my place on the couch next to Emmy and waited for the interrogation to begin.

“Tell us about these friends of yours, please,” Mr. Nelson said.

“I’ve known Jocelyn since kindergarten. She’s one of my two best friends. We’ve hung out together since she asked me to be her friend the very first day of school. She’s been dating Carl, her boyfriend for close to two years.”

“You two never dated?”

I shook my head, “We’re like brother and sister. The other friend is Dale. I’ve known him since second grade, and he’s my best guy friend. We play chess most Sundays and have hung out with Jocelyn since she and I met him in second grade. He’s been dating Stacey for about a year. Both Dale and Jocelyn are going to college.”

“And where do you usually go?”

“Always dinner, but it varies. A&W in Rutherford is our usual hangout. Dale can’t get enough root beer floats. After that, bowling, a movie, skating, either ice or roller, or mini golf.”

“And none of you have ever been in any trouble?”

“I haven’t even had a speeding ticket, despite having a sports car. Jocelyn has a lead foot, and has a couple of tickets, but Emmy will ride with me. Dale’s like me, no tickets. Otherwise, no drugs, no alcohol, and no smoking. That last one is why we only bowl once a month or so. None of us really like the smoke.”

“You and Emmy are seeing a lot of each other, and I’m a bit concerned about her getting so serious with a boy at fifteen.”

“Daaaaaddddd!” Emmy whined. “You promised!”

“Dear,” Emmy’s mom said to her husband, “We talked about this. You said she could date. She’s dating a nice, church-going, well-mannered young man who is going to be a doctor.”

“Well, I don’t like it!” he said.

I was in the middle of a ‘Family Feud‘ and Richard Dawson was nowhere in sight. The ONLY thing I could do was keep my mouth shut. Anything I said had the potential for causing trouble.

“Dear, we talked about this. You have two choices. Tell her she can’t date or let her go out with Mike. You already said she could go out with him.”

“If he touches her...” he growled.

Emmy ran from the room in tears. Her dad was doing his best to try to poison the well, but his problem was, and I was pretty sure his wife realized it, that if he tried to prevent Emmy from seeing me, she’d find a way, and we’d be doing what my sister and her boyfriend had been doing. The funny thing was, if he just left it alone, it could well be YEARS before Emmy was ready. I didn’t think so, but he was betting on the wrong horse, so to speak.

“Mike, would you go see Emmy?” her mom said. “Upstairs, first room on the left. I need to talk to my husband.”

“He is NOT to go in her room!” Mr. Nelson protested.

“Mike,” her mom said firmly, “stand in the door to her room, ask her to go out with you. Have her home by her midnight curfew.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I agreed.

I quickly left the room and heard an angry, hushed argument begin. I went up the stairs and looked into Emmy’s room. She was on her pink canopy bed and had her face buried in her pillow. She was sobbing.

“Emmy,” I said. “Will you go out with me? Your mom said it was OK.”

She kept sobbing, and I wanted to walk in and rub her shoulders, but I wasn’t going to do a THING that might cause more problems.

“Emmy,” I said. “Come on. Let’s go out. Please.”

She turned over and reached for a tissue and blew her nose. She got another one and dabbed her eyes, then got off the bed. I smiled at her and she followed me downstairs and out of the house. I opened the door to the Mustang and let her into the passenger seat, then shut the door and went around to the driver’s side and got in. I started the car, backed out of the driveway, and drove away at the speed limit, wanting to put distance between us and her dad.

“What the heck?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “He was fine until this afternoon.”

I tried to think about what might have changed, and I thought about one VERY important thing.

“Emmy, have you talked to Liz today?” I asked.

“No. I called and left a message. She hasn’t called back.”

“She’s grounded. She used the ‘F’ word with my mom.”

“What?! Why?”

“She told my mom to mind her f-ing business. About Liz having an secret boyfriend.”

“What are you talking about?” Emmy asked.

“You don’t need to cover for her. I know everything. Liz accidentally said something to me when she was upset, and my mom overheard.”

“Oh my God! What happened?”

“I told Liz she needed to grow up and she basically said that me saying that was funny because she’d already had sex. She realized what she said and covered her mouth and blushed. It was bad timing, because my mom heard her say that.”

“How bad is it?”

“Grounded until school starts for using the ‘F’ word, which is actually not as bad as it could have been. Some words are just NOT used in our house. I said that in Russian once. I think I can STILL taste the soap.”


“It got the point across. I’ve never done it again. But because Liz was sneaking around, Mom put her on what amounts to ‘double secret probation’ - 9:00pm curfew once she’s no longer grounded, and complete details of who she’s with and where she’s going. That’ll last a good long time, I’m sure. I’m going to try to get the grounding modified after Liz and I talk on Monday night.”

“Man. So your mom knows everything? That he’s twenty-four and married?”

I almost swerved off the road. Twenty-four was bad enough, though I’d decided to wait to talk to Liz more before doing anything. But married? Holy crap!

“I don’t think my mom knows any details,” I said evenly. “I knew how old he was.”

Emmy gasped, “Oh my God! Oh my God! Mike! Please, please don’t say anything. Liz will KILL me! I’ll do anything! Please!”

“Relax,” I said, trying to maintain my cool. “I’ll get that information from Liz directly. She promised to talk like we used to, which means she’ll tell me everything. But now I understand why she was so upset about us dating. You were her cover.”

“Oh no! Do your parents know THAT?”

“No. Liz covered for you. Because, believe it or not, she thinks we belong together. Wait! I wonder if my mom or dad called your parents to check up on whatever story Liz gave them.”

“My dad did suddenly freak out this afternoon. Everything was cool until about 2:00pm. They were just going to ask you about Jocelyn and Dale and their dates. Then all of a sudden, my dad started freaking out about us getting ‘too serious, too fast’. My mom didn’t flip out, though.”

“Your dad and my dad shoot darts at the same bar a couple of nights a month. They aren’t really friends, but they know each other, and my dad and his friends and your dad and his friends have a friendly competition. I wonder if my dad called your dad.”

“But why?”

“Because if Liz was sneaking around behind my parents’ backs, they might have been worried about you sneaking around. Or maybe they wanted to check whatever cover story Liz used. What cover story DID Liz use?”

“Usually the library. I could just do my homework while she was, uh, fooling around. Or school plays or concerts. We’d go and she’d leave. I could watch the play or concert with other friends. She’d come back before we were supposed to be picked up.”

“How did she meet this guy?” I asked.

“I’m not sure I should say anything more.”

“You’re right,” I said. “I’ll talk to Liz on Monday when I take her to dinner.”

“My dad is going to be impossible if he knows Liz was having sex,” Emmy sighed. “I guess I need to talk to my mom. I can truthfully say you’re the only boy I’ve ever kissed and that’s all we’ve done. Very GOOD kisses! But only kisses.”


“This stinks.”

“For all of us,” I agreed. “I’m not upset with Liz for having sex. Only she could decide when she was ready. I wasn’t even too bothered by it being an older guy, but the more I think about it, I probably should have been. She was only fourteen and he was ten years older. But married? I may have a use for my bolt-action .22.”

“Don’t do that, Mike! It won’t fix things and you’d be in jail!”

“Now there’s a thought,” I said. “I should turn the guy in. They could charge him with statutory rape which could put him in jail.”

“Don’t do that,” Emmy said quickly. “He has a little boy.”

“Oh, it just gets better and better!” I sighed. “Do you know this guy? No names, please.”

“I met him once. He’s a total hunk. Liz says he’s nice.”

“Do nice guys cheat on their wives?”

“Uh, no.”

We arrived at the A&W in Rutherford and I shut off the engine.

“Let’s drop this for the evening and have a good time, OK?”

“I’ll try,” she said, but her heart didn’t seem in it.

I leaned over and we shared a quick kiss, then we got out of the car and walked over to where Jocelyn, Carl, Stacey, and Dale were waiting. We all said ‘hello’ and then went to order our food. The dinner conversation was strained - Stacey wasn’t happy with me because of Carol, and Emmy was in a bad mood because of her dad and because of Liz. I wasn’t in the best of moods either. Both Jocelyn and Dale noticed - I could see it in their eyes - but they didn’t say anything.

“Roller skating,” Dale said when we finished dinner. “We haven’t been skating in over a month.”

Nobody objected, so we made our way in three cars to the roller rink. Once we had our skates, we skated around in pairs for a bit. My mood lightened, and Emmy seemed to be doing better.

“We usually trade off partners,” I said to Emmy as we skated hand in hand. “When we were little Dale and I used to take turns skating with Jocelyn. When we all started dating, we kept it up. Are you OK with skating with Dale and Carl? You know, holding their hands?”

“Sure. Holding hands is no big deal.”

“Cool. Thanks.”

“I’m the new person in the group, so I really can’t object.”

“You should if we do something that makes you uncomfortable.”

“You’ll keep me safe, Mike. I’m sure.”

I squeezed her hand and smiled. We skated in silence for another ten minutes until I saw Jocelyn and Carl by the rail. Dale, Stacey, Emmy, and I skated over. Jocelyn held out her hand to me and I took it. That put Emmy with Dale and Stacey with Carl.

“We’ve been doing this for thirteen years,” I laughed. “Since right after kindergarten started.”

“Man, that’s a long time,” Jocelyn said. “Except for my family, I’ve known you longer than anyone!”

“Except for some people at church, that’s true for me, too. Dale is only a couple of years behind in that regard.”

“So what’s with you and Emmy?”

“We like each other, but we’re not going steady. You know I had dinner with Tasha from church last Wednesday. I’m going to their house for dinner tomorrow.”

“She’s still not allowed to date? Isn’t she sixteen?”

“Not until August. She won’t be allowed to date in the normal sense,” I said. “She’ll be fixed up with someone and it’ll be like the dinners I’m having with her, or group things with church or family.”

“That is SO weird!”

“I agree, but she doesn’t seem unhappy.”

“So, you two are?”


“What happened with Carol?”

“Don’t ask.”

“Dale said he talked to you afterwards.”

“It’s all good. It all happened when I called to tell her I didn’t want to see her again.”

“She has a reputation.”

“I know, and that’s not the kind of girl I want, not even for THAT. What’s up with you and Carl?”

“Nothing. I mean, we’ll keep seeing each other until the beginning of August, I guess. I’m going to break it off with him a couple of weeks before we leave for college.”

“Does he know?”

“I think he does, but I didn’t say anything yet. It’s not like we’re THAT serious.”

I chuckled, “You’ve made that quite clear. Repeatedly!”

“He’s just not the right guy. It’s not like I’m a prude or anything, but I’m not going to put out for just any guy! And we’re going to be too far away to keep dating. So what would it be? Just a ‘goodbye fuck’? I don’t think so!”

I almost fell over laughing. I had NEVER heard Jocelyn use that word before. Ever.

“That was a bit out of character, Jos!” I said, using the name I’d called her in Kindergarten.

“You haven’t called me that in ages, Mik!” she said, using the name she’d invented for me at the same time.

“I never could get my tongue around ‘Jocelyn’ in Kindergarten!” I laughed.

“Or any time since,” she teased.

“Gee, thanks,” I said, deadpan.

“I haven’t forgotten what you said to me at graduation,” she said quietly.

“And I haven’t forgotten either,” I sighed.

“I was mean to say that about the motel room, and insensitive about saying it was like you were my brother. You really like me, don’t you?”

“I have since we were little,” I allowed. “But it was when I noticed that my best friend became a girl things kind of developed, so to speak.”

“I was ALWAYS a girl!” she laughed.

“When your secondary sex characteristics developed,” I said as clinically as I could.

“It sounds SO sweet when you say it that way,” she said sarcastically.

“OK. When you became a totally hot chick with a great body and nice breasts.”

“I’m not sure that’s much better,” she said, but she was laughing.

“That doesn’t mean it’s not true!” I protested.

“No, I guess it doesn’t. You want me? I mean, really want me?”

“Well, duh! Dale has known for years! I thought you did, too, but the whole ‘brother’ thing put you off. My mom suggested we were too close to date. That sounds really weird, I know, but what she meant was we were so close, we were beyond that. We had a super-close relationship and it wasn’t ‘like that’. I joked with my mom about asking you to marry me because I know you better than any other girl in the entire world. When I told her what you said, she said I should simply ‘cross you off the list’!”

Jocelyn laughed, “Your mom is always really practical and down-to-earth.”

“Most of the time, yes.”

“It’s just I never thought about you that way. You were just Mike. You were always there. You were like my shadow and my bodyguard. When I fell, you picked me up. When I had my heart broken, you comforted me.”

“And you’ve done the same for me, Jos. Since we were little.”

We skated in silence for a bit and I saw the other couples go to the rail. When I started to move that way, Jocelyn tugged my hand, so I kept skating.

“One more slow lap,” she said. “So I can tell you something.”

“What’s that?”

She took a deep breath, “When I break up with Carl, you and I should be each other’s first.”

“What?!” I gasped.

“Doesn’t it make sense? Are you closer to anyone? Even your family?”

“No, but...”

“Mike, I can’t think of a more perfect guy for my first time. I just missed that fact for years. Not seeing the forest for the trees, or whatever. I’m not promising it can lead anywhere because we’ll be so far away from each other, but we’ll regret it if we don’t. We both know it.”

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 26 Confrontation

September 6, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Mike!” Emmy squealed, launching herself into my arms when she opened the door. “Missed me?” I asked as I carefully spun around with her. “Yes! Let’s go! I’m STARVED!” I put her down and we walked to my car for the drive to Marie’s Diner. “How was your first week of school?” I asked. “Nothing changes. I mean, sure, I’m a Sophomore now, but otherwise it’s all the same. How about you?” “It’s a huge change, especially the amount of homework. I used to...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 24 New Routines Part I

August 29, 1981, Columbus, Ohio “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Despite spending two days screwing like bunny rabbits,” Jocelyn said with a smile, “I think you’re STILL afraid of sex. May I ask another question?” “I guess,” I sighed. “Why haven’t you and Emmy done it? Because of her? Or because of you?” I could give her the answer that immediately popped into my mind - that Emmy wasn’t sixteen and was under the age of consent. But I knew there was some truth to what Jocelyn said....

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 54 Final Exams

December 3, 1981, Rutherford, Ohio “Well that went south pretty quickly,” I said. “They’re playing hardball with you,” Mr. Winston said. “It was always a possibility, but I didn’t think they’d go that route; they didn’t with your dad or sister.” “But they did with my mom?” “Yes, for the same basic reason. I believe they are under heavy pressure from someone to charge you with something; anything. And unless I miss my guess, it’s likely Mrs. Laramy from Family Services. She is certain...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 67 Next Steps

March 15, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Is it OK if I interrupt?” Clarissa asked on Monday evening. “Sure,” I replied. “What’s up?” “I wanted to check on class schedules for the Fall. I’d like to take the same classes. It’ll help with our study group.” “Sure. Pete, Kurtis, Jason, excuse me for a bit.” Clarissa and I went to my room and sat down with the course catalog. “We need O-Chem, the second semester of cellular biology with lab, a humanities course, and a language course,” I said. “Do...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 69 Revelations

March 27, 1982, McKinley, Ohio I was still thinking about Katy as I walked to the Quick Mart for my weekly shift on Saturday morning. There was no doubt in my mind that sooner, rather than later, Katy was going to ask me to ‘go all the way’ and I’d have a very big decision to make. When I’d mentioned going steady, she’d immediately thought about having sex. The linkage was just as clear as Tasha’s linkage between marital crowns and sex. If I decided to ‘go all the way’ with Katy, it would...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 21 An Error in Judgment

August 24, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Whoa!” I gasped. “It fits, Mike. And it explains everything that happened afterwards.” “Mom, Abby exhibits the same behavior. She basically offered to have sex with me when she said hello the first day, and Becky implied Abby has been doing that since she was twelve.” “Stay out of that Mike. That’s an issue for the van Dorns.” “Is it? Emmy told me that Abby was here earlier and that Liz and Abby were acting crazy so she left and went home.” “You think...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 23 Settling In

August 26, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Michael Peter Loucks,” I said. “Hi, Michael! Welcome to William Howard Taft!” the young woman sitting at the table marked ‘Dorm Check-In: H-M’ said. “Thanks.” She flipped through some envelopes in boxes and pulled one out. “The envelope contains your room key, student ID, dining hall card, parking sticker, a campus map, a set of dorm and campus rules, and a schedule of activities for the next five days. There are carts available on the first floor of your...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 34 Two Visits

October 3, 1981, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi, Mike.” “Hi, Mr. Mills. I was just going in to see Jocelyn.” “One of the staff psychologists would like to talk to you first.” “Me? Why?” “To talk to you about Jocelyn. I can’t force you to do it, Mike, but I think it would be a very good idea.” “When? I want to see Jocelyn today.” “If you go back down to the ground floor, there’s an outpatient clinic. Just go to the desk and ask for Doctor Henderson. She’s expecting you.” I turned and went to the...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 3 Our Last Summer

May 24, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I was up early on Sunday morning to head to Holy Transfiguration. As Head Acolyte, I was responsible for being at the church about ninety minutes before Matins so that I could refill and light all the oil lamps, replace the tapers in the candle box, sift the sand in front of the icon of the Theotokos to remove the candle stubs, and ensure that the nave was in proper order. When I arrived, I unlocked all the doors, adjusted the thermostat to cool the nave,...

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Wandas and Josies Gangbang Night

Wanda is a pure slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck anytime, anywhere and with anyone. She has been gang banged in every possible place and way with numerous different groups of guys. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and used like a sperm bank. Wanda and another slut friend, Josefina (Josie for short) went to a party...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Jan en Jos geven een massage

Reeds een tijdje droom ik een massage te ontvangen van Jan en Jos. Uiteindelijk is het zover.Ik mocht me gaan douchen. Ik vroeg zelf of ik handdoek om moest. Ik kon kiezen tussen handdoek of badjas.In de kamer ging ik zitten op tafel. In de ruimte zelf was sfeerverlichting die wisselde van kleur, rustige muziek, warm en een massagebed. Bed met een opening voor het hoofd.Ik mocht gaan liggen op buik. De handdoek werd meteen verwijderd. Zij waren naakt, met handdoek om.De massage begon. Meteen...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 56 Now I Understand

January 4, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “And so another semester begins,” I said when I met Angie at the elevators on Monday morning. “I saw your class schedule was basically the same.” “The only real change is I have the creative writing core requirement replacing the scientific writing class. I am so glad I chose to take those in the order I did - it made all the difference in the world for doing the lab reports.” “I’m not complaining! I ended up with an A in biology which I NEVER would have...

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Wanda and Josie Gangbang Night

Wanda and Josie Gangbang NightWanda is a pure slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck anytime, anywhere and with anyone. She has been gang banged in every possible place and way with numerous different groups of guys. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and used like a sperm bank.Wanda and another slut friend, Josefina...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 61 Fathers Sons and Daughters

February 14, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “How are things going, Mike?” Dad asked when I sat down on the stool in the corner of his workshop. “Good, now that all that stuff with Family Services is done. How have things been at home?” “Your mom and sister put on brave faces, but Liz is struggling.” “They both said her schoolwork was good and she seemed OK when I talked to her.” “She has good days and bad days. Doctor Newton says she’s struggling with her feelings for Paul.” “Paul?...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 73 Winding Down and Heating Up

April 30, 1982, Circleville, Ohio “Mom and Dad are out tonight,” Katy said. “Let’s cook together!” “Sure. What did you have in mind?” “Well, now that you have no restrictions because we don’t fast during the Paschal period, I was thinking two small filets, small lobster tails, and broccoli. Surf and turf, I guess.” “That sounds awesome!” I said, then smirked, “What about dessert?” Katy laughed softly, “I have some ideas!” “I bet!” I chuckled. “But we need to make sure we’re on the same...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 66 Second Base and a First Kiss

March 5, 1982, Circleville, Ohio “What became of that police investigation?” Mrs. Malenkov asked when I arrived at Katy’s house on Friday evening. “Nothing so far. They haven’t caught the rapist. The school added some security and started a service to walk girls to and from class or work after dark.” “Why did they check on you, specifically?” “The suspect has brown hair and is about 5’10” and I came into the dorm maybe an hour after it happened. At first they had reports it was a black...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 33 Play or Make Love

September 28, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Mike?” Nancy whispered. “Wake up! I need to eat breakfast so I can catch the bus!” “I’m awake,” I replied. I stretched and yawned and sat up. “Are you doing OK?” Nancy asked. “Much better after last night. That was just what I needed. Thanks.” “I think I’m calling Ripley’s,” Mrs. Landers laughed, coming into the room. “Teenage boy shows up and asks to spend the night with teenage girl. She agrees and gets permission from her mom. Boy desires only...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 55 The Holiday Season

December 21, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Mikey!” Liz squealed when I walked into the house on Monday evening. “Hi, Lizzy!” I said. She ran to me and we hugged lightly, then went into the living room where she had been sitting with my parents. “Welcome home, Mike,” Dad said. “How is Jocelyn?” “Pretty good. She has most of her range of motion back and they’re working to see if they can get her some more. Her bones have knit well, and she’s able to move around more freely.” “That’s good to...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 30 Rocks and Shoals

September 19, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Why are you sending me such mixed signals?” “Mixed signals?” Jocelyn and I were sitting on the couch, and she was cuddled next to me, at least as best she could, given her obvious discomfort from the injuries, catheter, and physical therapy. I had thought a lot after my talks with Doctor Hart, as well as my talks with Nancy. One thing I was seriously concerned about was getting more deeply involved with Nancy and messing things up with Jocelyn. I...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 27 After Effects

September 7, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio When I stopped home just before 8:00pm on my way back to McKinley, I found my dad alone, in the living room, sitting in his easy chair, drinking Scotch on the rocks. “Hi, Dad. Where’s Mom?” “Sleeping. She’s completely worn out by last night and today. I’m surprised you’re not.” “I’ll crash when I get back to my dorm. How did it go?” He held up his glass, “Third one. How do you think?” I slumped down onto the couch. “Not good,” I sighed. He took a...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 68 Melody Explains It All

March 23, 1982, McKinley, Ohio I had been extremely distracted during my drive from Circleville to McKinley, and was having real trouble concentrating on my review for O-Chem, and the guys noticed. “What’s bugging you?” Jason asked. “You seem like you’re on another planet.” “I know,” I agreed. “I’m having real trouble concentrating.” “That must have been a hell of a concert!” Pete laughed. “Of course, seeing my girlfriend wrap her lips around a saxophone might distract me, too!” “You’re...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 40 The Beast With Two Backs

October 12, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Well THAT stinks,” Nancy said on Tuesday afternoon. “What happens now?” “I don’t know yet. I talked to Doctor Norris this morning after my chem mid-term and he’s confident nothing will happen. The problem is, I’m sure I’ve made an enemy of the Dean, and any minor slip-up on my part is going to become a Federal case.” “But why you?” “I had the misfortune to draw someone who felt she could use the discrimination procedure to get something she couldn’t...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 46 Tears For Fears

November 8, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Do you want me to disappear?” Angie asked as we walked into the dorm after church. “Why? Emmy knows I’m dating you. She’s not jealous. You know she’s coming to visit and she knows you know. It would be REALLY dumb to invite her here otherwise, don’t you think?” “Guys have been known to do dumb things from time to time!” “Not ones who want you to stick around.” “You do remember I told you my High School boyfriend screwed a close friend of mine behind my...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 72 You Need To Grow Up

Great and Holy Friday, April 16, 1982, McKinley, Ohio As Angie and I stood quietly waiting for the Lamentations service to begin late on Friday, I thought about the series of services which had brought us here - Bridegroom Matins on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evenings; Holy Unction on Wednesday evening; a Vesperal Divine Liturgy on Thursday morning celebrating the Last Supper, the Twelve Gospels service Thursday evening, celebrating the passion; the Royal Hours kept all day Friday; and...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 45 Derailed

November 2, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “I did not come here for a lecture,” I said firmly. “I did what I felt was in Liz’s best interest. Again. Dad said we needed to talk, and I’m willing to talk. I am NOT willing to listen to a lecture.” “You do not decide what is best for your sister,” Mom said. “That is for your father and me, as well as the professionals.” “And what is Dad’s opinion on this?” I asked. “That is not the point, Mike!” I sighed. We’d been going around in circles on the...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 16 The Joy of Sex

August 16, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio Liz threw her arms around me on Sunday morning when I walked out of my room. “Thank you! Thank you!” I hugged her tightly to me. “Mom let you out of ‘house arrest’?” “Yes. And I know you’re responsible. If you weren’t my brother, I’d kiss you!” “Just remember, you have to behave, because if you don’t...” “I know,” she sighed. “I’m on parole. Did Mom tell you that Paul agreed to plead guilty to one count of statutory rape and one count of oral sodomy...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 50 From Bad to Worse

November 23, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Monday morning, just after breakfast there was a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and went to open it. “Phil?” “Hi, Mike. Can we come in?” “We?” “This is Mrs. Laramy from Family Services.” “Hang on a second.” I went to the kitchen to get my dad, who followed me back to the foyer. “Hi, Phil,” Dad said. “What’s up?” “This is Mrs. Laramy from Family Services.” “Mr. Loucks? I have an order here to take custody of Elizabeth.” “What?!...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 6 Juggling Act

May 31, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Sunday morning as I dressed for church, I faced the true reality of what happened the previous night. My make-out sessions with April had, except on that single instance where I’d fondled her sweater-clad breast for more than a second or two, not gone far enough to be included in my confession. What had happened the previous night certainly had. I now faced effectively the same dilemma I would have faced had April and I gone to the motel after Prom. I...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 19 Several Dates

August 21, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, Mr. Mills called just after 6:00am to let me know that Jocelyn had gone into surgery, and that it would likely be mid-afternoon before he had any news. I thanked him and sat down at the table in the kitchen with a mug of tea I made and read the Rutherford Tribune. Nobody else was up, and I enjoyed the quiet for about an hour before my parents came into the kitchen. “Was that Jocelyn’s dad who called at 6:00am?” my dad asked. “Yes. I...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 60 Use by Date

February 13, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “I visited Ohio State yesterday,” Nancy said when we had a chance to chat on Saturday morning. “And?” “I’m pretty sure I’m going to Taft like we talked about because I can live at home. But the tour was cool and our tour guides were absolutely hysterical.” “Oh?” “Yeah. A guy and his fiancée. He’s a criminal justice major and wants to be a US Marshal. She’s in pre-law and wants to be a criminal defense lawyer. They told some of the funniest stories about...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 70 Sorting Things Out Part I

April 4, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Mishka!” Tasha squealed, hugging me tightly, but quickly releasing me because we were in the narthex of the church. “Hi, Tasha!” I said with a smile. She grabbed my hand and led me to the church hall where we got some food and coffee, then sat down by her parents. “Michael, how is school going?” Deacon Vasily asked. “All A’s so far, and I should finish the semester with a 4.0 average.” “Very good. And you’re attending church regularly?” “Yes. Every...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 32 Friends In Need

September 26, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “What?!” I gasped. “How is she?” “I don’t know, and that’s the God’s honest truth. Her dad called from Rutherford Hospital and asked me to call you. All he said was that they were working on her.” “I’m leaving in about three minutes. That’s what I’ll need to get dressed.” “What about Becky?” “I’ll bring her, I guess. I can’t imagine her parents are going to be in Rutherford.” “She’s there with you?” “Yes. Beat me up about that later! I’m on my way to...

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