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Renee By Waldo Chapter 1 - The Professor's scheme Chapter 2 - the earlobe response Chapter 3 - the other participants Warning - not for reading by minors. Story deals with Mind control and strong sexual themes. All rights reserved. This story may not be sold or distributed by anyone unless it is distributed free. Copyright must remain with the story. Renee By Waldo Chapter 1 - The Professor's scheme The golfball rolled slowly toward the cup, losing speed as it approached the cup on the uphill side off the eighteenth hole green. As it came closer to the sunken cup, the inertia of the slope affected the golfball's direction as it lost most of its rolling speed, so that the golfball began a gradual curving change of direction toward the cup. The ball touched the rim of the cup and began a rapid spin around the rim, going around the rim once before dropping in. Twenty-five feet away from the cup, the very enthused Joe Broyles looked and grinned a winner's broad smile at his golfing partner, Ken Boyd. The slightly perturbed Ken shoved his putter into his golfbag as he muttered "Beating me by only one stroke doesn't mean that you're the best." The almost completely bald Joe put his cigar back into his mouth and talked around the cigar as he declared "I could've done better earlier but I didn't want to make it such a skunk game over you. I wanted you to think that you really had a chance to beat me all along. Now it looks like you get the honor of driving our cart back to the Nineteenth Hole and you also get the honor of picking up the bar check." ****** Ten minutes later Joe and Ken were sitting at one of the small tables outside the club bar that overlooked a putting green. Several of the other tables were also occupied by golfers that were either celebrating their beautiful playing today or drowning their misery over the performance of their "equipment". Joe stirred his drink as he suggested "Feel like going out to Featherstone tomorrow? We haven't played that one in a couple of months." Ken negatively shook his head, followed by the response "I shouldn't have come here today. Karen is giving me a fit again. After I went to bed last night, she dressed up in one of her party dresses and went down to that teenybopper nightclub where she likes to go dancing with people her own age. I thought that after our last discussion on her late hour's partying without me; that she would quit hanging around bars and settle down to be a proper wife. I was very wrong. Anyhow, she didn't come home last night until about 4 a.m. and we had another screaming fight. I lost my temper again and called her a `fucking whore' because she called me an old stupid fool. It was a repeat of the typical argument that we've been having lately. Needless to say, we didn't resolve anything and only succeeded in pissing in each other off more. After our argument, she went running upstairs and locked herself into our main bedroom, forcing me to sleep in the guest bedroom again. She was still sleeping and the door to our bedroom was still locked when I left the house this morning. So I think that I need to stay home tomorrow and try to resolve some of our martial problems." Joe held his drink up to offer a toast, in the time-honored method used by friends as they share their individual miseries. After Ken clicked his whiskey glass against Joe's glass, Joe solemn word's demonstrated some of his pain "I know the problems that you're having with Karen because I'm also having the same type of problems with Renee. At first I thought that I was imagining things then I realized that she was really running around on me. I don't have any proof but I know that she's cheating on me. You and I are just two old fools - very rich old fools, but fools none-the-less, that married two beautiful women that are just a little too young to appreciate good men, much less appreciate us. We may not be lucky in love but we can brag that we're lucky in the stock market and at least one of us is always lucky at golf." "Fuck you! I can whip you any day of the week." Grumbled Ken as he swallowed a sip of his drink. Joe ignored Ken's good-natured response to his joke and lowered his voice an octave as he resumed his story "I think that Renee has a lover that's about her same age. About a month ago, she started acting very differently than the way she's acted the previous six months. She seemed more at ease with me the few times that we had sex and the rest of the time, she goes around the house happily singing and acting as if she just won the lottery. I think that she's lost her fear of me divorcing her and leaving her penniless. I know that she leaves the house right after I leave to go golfing with you and she returns just before I get back home. So I hired a private detective to follow her and to try to catch her in the act of fucking some young man. I know it's about over for our short and loveless marriage. She married me strictly for my money and I wanted a beautiful trophy wife. If you'd like to use my detective also, I'll give you his business card." Joe sat up straight in his chair, wrapping both hands around his glass, as he confessed "We're just two old rich fools. We had two good wives that were our age and who were women that we could trust because of our many years together. Women that suffered with us during our poor years and supported us while we worked our butts into the ground to get to be number one in our respective careers. And what do we do when we get financially independent? We dump them after we retire and marry two beautiful women that are almost young enough to be our grandchildren. In a lot of ways our new wives are very alike - both are in their early twenties, both have a fantastic body, both have extremely beautiful faces, and both of them treat us like shit. Prior to marrying Renee, I thought that she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Our few times in bed before our marriage were the best sex that I'd ever had in my whole life. Two weeks after our expensive tropical island honeymoon, the amount of sex that she permitted me was greatly reduced and the quality of it started going downhill fast. She's still as beautiful as before we married but it's an unreachable type of beauty if I can't sleep in the same bed with her. I own her body but she keeps it away from me. And worst of all, I can't possess her mind. We've not been married a year yet and my most frequent sexual partner during that time is my right hand." Ken shook his head to acknowledge his friend's generalizations "My new wife treats me the same fucking way. She broke up with her high school boyfriend immediately after I met her. I thought it was too fantastic to be true that a beautiful young woman dumped her equally young football-playing boyfriend for me - a sixty-year-old- fart that was eight years older than her own father. But I was so much in lust after her luscious body that I didn't care. I knew it wasn't real love on her part but hoped that she had a strong need to be with a mature man and that someday, there would be true love in her eyes for me. About a month after our marriage - which was only eighteen months ago - she began secretly seeing her old boyfriend again. They play tennis together just about every day and I know that he's been taking her back to his apartment to bang her ass on a frequent basis. As soon as my detective gives me enough photographic proof where I can build a good legal case, I'm going to divorce her beautiful ass. I know that it'll be almost as expensive a divorce as my divorce from that bitch Arlene but I can't put up with Karen's shenanigans any more. I need to look elsewhere to find myself a good wife to make my last few years pleasant." Joe struck a match to re-light his ever-constant cigar before asking, "Have you considered going back to Arlene? A week ago, I had dinner over at the kid's house and they surprised me by also having Cathy there at the same time. So I played the old `good friends' routine for my son's benefit and sat beside my ex-wife at the dinner table. Cathy told me that she and Arlene became real good buddies after our mutual divorce. And that Arlene was still very hurt by the way that you quickly dumped her for the younger Karen. You know the typical ex-wives bullshit. Anyhow I got the distinct impression that part of Cathy's planned discussion with me was to let me know that Arlene might be interested in a reconciliation with you. I told her that it was none of my business and that it was between the two of you." A big grin formed on Ken's face and he leaned back in his chair declaring in a fake southern accent "My former sweet little southern belle wants to get back with me? No fucking way that I'll ever be that stupid again. It was worth losing the twenty million dollars divorce settlement and my home to get rid of her. She's a damn control freak whose main goal in life was to ruin my life. While we were married, she spent every minute plotting how to get me to do this, or to do that. She's the reason for my success because she pushed me to work my balls off. I divorced her because I couldn't take anymore of her constant `honey, do this, do that' bullshit. The next time that you see your ex, tell her to tell Arlene to get fucked. I'll find some way to put up with Karen's whoring ways before I go back to Arlene." "Pardon me, but I couldn't help but overhear your discussion. May I be so bold to offer a solution to both of your problems?" asked the middle-aged distinguished-looking man sitting by himself at the next table. Ken's grin faded into a stoic face that a poker player would be proud to display. He stared at the man as he grumped "We're having a private discussion." The man's face lit up like a used-car salesman whose customers just declared `we are only looking'. Turning slightly in his chair so that he was facing the two golfers, he quietly said, "I understand that your discussion started out as a private discussion, but the closeness of our tables enabled me to hear enough to know that you have a problem. And it's a problem where I can help you. Give me only two quick minutes to explain one simple concept and then I'll walk away. If I haven't given you a solution to your problems in that time, then no one can help you and you can go ahead and divorce your wandering young wives. My solution will allow you to keep the young women and also spare you the expense of a costly divorce." Ken and Joe looked at each other, silently sending signals that each other understood. Joe nodded to the man as he looked at his watch "We'll give you three minutes or until we're finished with our drinks." The man stood up, pulled his chair over to their table, moving a small briefcase by his chair and placed his drink on their table before announcing "Since I only have a few seconds to explain my concept, I'll forgo the customary social discussions and get straight to the point. I'm Professor Jonas Sabin, formerly the chief researcher for Tetatronic. I quit them three years ago to do my own research project which I'm proud to quietly announce is now completed. My technical specialty is the study of human brainwaves. I study human brainwaves to see why a person thinks and acts the way that he does. My classified research at Tetaronic was under a military contract to develop the mechanism to influence enemy soldiers to voluntary lay down their arms in a combat situation. We weren't able to develop anything with that wide of an influence, but I did discover the clue that allowed me to develop my own means of individual thought manipulation. I possess the ability to modify a selected individual's thought patterns. In a nutshell, I can modify your young wives thinking so that they become the loving, caring wives that you thought you were marrying." Joe's face lit up with a big grin around the cigar poking out of the corner of his mouth. Ken's impassive face revealed nothing as he commented "Brainwash our wives? Why would we want to do that? It's illegal and could backfire." Jonas leaned forward to stare straight into Ken's face "You would do it simply because you want a young wife and don't have the time or money to find another one. I know the two of you even though we've never met. I've seen your types too many times, not to recognize you. You're both rich men who were very successful in whatever business you were in. Then when you reached the pinnacle of your success, you retired, divorced your wives who had stayed with you all those long years and married young women. The young women were a means for you to hold onto your faded youth - a gorgeous trophy wife to walk proudly beside you at your club dinners and a woman with a beautiful body who would be your whore at night. Only now, you've discovered the truth - they married you for your money and are looking elsewhere for their cock. That's why you would do it." Joe removed the cigar from his mouth and used it as a pointer at Jonas "Do you really expect us to believe that you can change the way that our wives think and act? How much is this going to cost us? Get down to the bottom line." Jonas leaned back in his chair and softly said "I'm retired now and have more money than I know how to spend. So money isn't the driving force for me, but I have to charge something for my time and genius. I would be willing to provide this service to you for one million dollars per wife but you don't pay a cent until one year after acceptance of my final product. For one year you get to enjoy your new wives and to prove to yourselves that my technique works. As for what service I'm going to provide you, I'll give each of you the individual means to have absolute control over your wife's mental capabilities. You'll have the power to turn her into a dumb bimbo that can't get enough of your cock or turn her into the perfect Lady who dresses to please her husband or any mental combination that you desire. You'll have the power to convince her to re-shape her body as you desire it - bigger busts, nose job or whatever. Not only will she become the perfect lover that you desire her to be, but you can also make her into your personal servant and she'll enjoy taking care of you while also servicing you. Just think - you'll have the power to punish her for minor indiscretions by making her enjoy being fucked by your dog or whatever other punishment you desire." Ken looked at Joe before declaring to the Professor "I think that you're trying to con us. Your three minutes are up." Joe held up his hand "Wait a minute, Ken. Maybe there's something to what he's claiming. It might be to our benefit to check him out." A flash of anger covered Ken's face as he stared at his long-time friend's interested face. Ken's voice rose a few octaves as he deliberately declared "I feel a con set-up. I don't know what he's really up to or why I feel this way about him but until my fucking lawyer can get rid of Karen, I'm walking a very fine line. I don't want to give her shyster lawyer any ammunition to use against me." The Professor interjected "I see that you don't understand yet. If I'm successful, there won't be any need for a divorce." Ken stood up quickly as he threw a twenty on the table "I've heard enough of your bullshit. I'm going home so I can argue with my wife in private. It was nice meeting you, Professor. See you tomorrow Joe." Ken walked quickly away from the table without waiting for any response from either man. The Professor responded "I don't see how he became rich by being so bullheaded and unwilling to listen or to try a risk. Your friend's a fool and I wouldn't share my secret with him now if he came back to this table and personally gave me a public blowjob in front of his friends. I don't have to do this at all, but I enjoy the thrill of watching someone enjoy the fruits of my life-long labors. Why aren't you following your friend?" Joe swirled his sizzle stick around his glass as he answered "Because I'm not looking forward to going home today. And your story slightly amuses me. How does this brainwashing work? Do you stick her under a big hair-dryer looking machine or give her a bunch of drugs that turns her into a zombie?" The Professor reached into the briefcase beside his chair and removed a small jewelry case. He opened it to reveal a small plain diamond-mounted golden ring and a golden necklace with a matching diamond pendulant. He pointed at the expensive-looking jewelry as he leaned forward to explain the secret "These look like the real thing but they're really phony jewels. Each is a highly sophisticated receiver that's tuned to operate at a certain frequency. I give the woman - your wife - one of these receivers and as soon as she puts it on, I can begin influencing her thought patterns. The longer that she wears it, the more that I influence the way that she thinks and acts." Joe pointed his swizzle stick at the jewelry "What happens when she takes it off?" "Oh, nothing except that you can't control or reinforce her new thinking patterns then. And the longer that she goes without any mental reinforcement, the potential become greater that she'll soon revert back to her old thinking concepts. It takes about one year of constant reinforcement before the new thinking patterns become somewhat permanent for her." Joe inserted the tip of his swizzle stick into the ring and lifted it up so that he could examine it closer as he asked, "So it sounds like she needs to wear this forever. How do I send her instructions? I can't type and my secretary would get suspicious if I had to involve her typing skill in this type of project." The Professor responded by turning around so that Joe could see the back of his head. The Professor's fingers parted his thin hair to reveal a slender one-inch scar in the hairline at the base of his skull. Turning back around, the Professor said "It's such a simple medical procedure that you won't even notice it after a week of healing. A simple surgical slit into your hairline, then we install a very small transmitter into the base of your skull. That transmitter is tuned to the unique frequency used by the jewelry's receiver. Each transmitter and jewelry is on a different radio frequency so your transmitter won't work on your friend's wife and vice versa. The jewelry that you're currently looking at, will only work with my transceiver. I only have to look at the person wearing the jewelry that's tuned to my individual frequency and think what I want her to think. A few minutes later, she's behaving as I direct her to act." Joe let the swizzle stick drop the ring back into the case as he shuddered "No way that I'm allowing anyone to tamper with my brain." The Professor responded "So you'll let her screw over you and rob you of the millions of dollars that you've set aside for yourself. How many expensive divorces can you afford? Listen, I'm not telling you to have the surgery before you have the opportunity to see it at work. I'm only explaining how it works. I'm willing to act as your transmitter for a limited time while you examine it and see how it works with her. Take me back to your house, introduce me to your wife, give her the jewelry on and about ten minutes after she puts it on, I'll send her some suggestions to do whatever you want me to order her to do to you. Then I'll leave the two of you alone and check back in with you the following day. If you're satisfied that there's been a dramatic positive change to her personality so that she's more like what you desire her to be, then I'll be willing to do a little bit more tweaking to her personality for a week or two. Any longer than that won't work for me because I've got my own life to live and already have a stable of beautiful women who are my personal mental slaves. You'll have to decide then about getting your own transceiver and jewelry that works with your transceiver frequency because without the constant mental reinforcement, she'll soon revert back to her original thinking and personality. And you don't want her to turn back into her bitchy wife personality, do you?" Joe examined the ring, turning it with his swizzle stick, as he thought about the potential power that this could give him. The Professor leaned back in his chair, watching him and waiting for him to make a decision. After forty or fifty seconds of silence, Joe asked, "What's the range of the devices?" "I like to be no more than twenty to thirty feet away for the initial contact. After that, I can be as far away as one hundred feet." A cruel smile formed on Joe's face as he decided "Why don't you come home with me and meet my little wife?" Chapter 2 - the earlobe response The large Cadillac turned into the large private driveway, closely followed by the Professor's BMW. Joe and Renee lived in a very exclusive neighborhood and had one of those long curving driveways that circled in front of the large house's front door. Joe parked his car beside his wife's fire-engine red Corvette, which had been her wedding gift to herself - only it came from his checkbook. She bought it the day after they returned from their honeymoon without asking him if she could spend that much money. He was still so much in love with her at that time that he signed the papers just because she nibbled on his neck a little. As soon as the Professor shut his car door, he handed Joe the little jewelry case, reminding Joe "You've got to convince her to put on at least the ring or necklace and to wear it for about ten minutes in my presence. If she takes it off before I establish a solid mental contact with her, it won't work. Now have you decided on what personality traits that you want me to start modifying?" Joe's face formed a stern look. Moving his cigar to the corner of his mouth, he spoke around the cigar "Yeah, I want us to enjoy a better mutual sex life. I ain't had a blowjob since our honeymoon although she's promised me a couple of times if I would buy her something expensive. And I want her to stay at home like a good wife instead of running off to play tennis with her old boyfriend everyday." The Professor nodded to Joe as he planned their actions "I'll start trying to make contact as soon as she puts one of my jewelry items on. If she tries them both on, I'll be able to establish contact faster. My first series of commands will instruct her to remain with us. Then I'll tell her to relax and enjoy our company. I'll follow that up with instructions that she wear either the necklace or ring all of the time. Then I'll work upon modifying her sex life. I just can't give her a straight command to blow you but I have to use a series of mental instructions where she remembers how much fun it is to suck cock - it can be someone else's cock that she remembers. Then I'll have her transfer that enjoyment memory to her memories of the times when she's sucked your cock before. After I've got her where she's thinking good positive thoughts about sucking your cock, I'll stimulate her memory so that she'll feel a deep burning itch within her vagina tonight after she goes to bed. I'll have her play with herself a little and build a deeper itch, which I'll transfer to her mouth, then I'll tie in the pleasant memories of what it's like to suck your cock. Then she should be very willing to give you a blowjob. I'll add a command for her to pull on her right earlobe whenever she hears one of my commands, so we'll know that I'm getting through to her. As for the boyfriend, I'll give her some instructions to find something else to do tomorrow that doesn't involve him. I'll reinforce that particular command with a pleasant feeling so that when she declines meeting him tomorrow, she'll feel very good about her decision. I'll meet you at the nearby mall and follow you home tomorrow, where I'll reinforce those commands and add any other slight modifications that you desire." Joe clamped the cigar tightly between his teeth, slightly grunting as he accepted the Professor's comments. He mumbled "If this works, you're going to be a very rich man quickly." "And you're going to have a wife that you won't believe. Lead the way." Suggested the Professor. ****** They found Renee in the exercise room, doing aerobic exercises to a videotape. Joe opened the door, revealing a very sweaty young woman wearing a skin-tight leotard that clung to her youthful curves like a thin coat of latex paint painted on her body. Her thick, luxurious long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her sweating beautiful face was cleaned of any makeup - not that she needed it anyway to improve her Christy Brinkley type- looks. Her clinging leotard had a damp spot that trailed down the top of her heaving breasts, highlighting her very ample breasts tipped with two proud nipple nubbins that stretched the leotard. Her breasts were large and full, but not so large that they looked obscene. The leotard's lower seams were cut high to reveal two magnificent hips that looked good enough to be in the "Buns of Steel" video. The woman looked up when Joe opened the exercise room's door but continued her workout. She glanced at her husband without acknowledging his greeting and stared at the Professor for only a second before she gave the Professor the type of look that he interpreted as "so you're a friend of my husbands. Big fucking deal." She wrinkled her nose as if she smelled something dead and shook her head slightly as if she was perturbed at their intrusion into her exercise routine. Joe removed the cigar from his mouth and held it behind his back as if that simple motion could stop the noxious smell of his cigar from tainting the air. He mumbled in a low voice "She hates my cigars. Claims it gives me bad breath and stinks up the house." Without saying a word of greeting to either of the men, she turned her head back toward the video, providing the Professor a very simulating view of her body's well-endowed profile. Her curvy body wasn't the usual type of wife's body that most men had. It was the type of woman's body that most men dreamed about finding in their bed. Joe mumbled "Honey, we've got company. When you've finished working out down here, join us in the study. I've got something for you." She nodded her head slightly as she continued to concentrate on her workout video. Joe shut the door and let the Professor to the study. While Joe poured a couple of drinks, Professor Sabin wandered around the large, expensively decorated room, staring at the different pictures that decorated the wall. He paused in front of a studio photograph that showed Joe, a young man that bore a noticeable resemblance to Joe, and a middle-aged woman that could only be Joe's ex-wife. Pointing at the picture, he commented "Most women wouldn't allow husbands to display pictures of their ex-wives." "She allows me to keep it only because it's a good picture of the kid." Declared Joe as he handed the mixed drink to the Professor and waved to one of the chairs. Then he put out his cigar, knowing that Renee wouldn't stay long in the room if he continued smoking it. Before anyone could sit down, Renee strode into the room, still wearing the sweat-soaked leotard, but with a towel around her shoulders that hid her breasts. She walked straight to her guest, holding out her hand as she introduced herself "Renee Broyles. And you're..????" "Professor Jonas Sabin, but please call me Buddy. It's my favorite nickname." She smiled at him, revealing a glimpse of the Helen-of-Troy-like ageless beauty that men would go to war for, simply to get the fair maiden to smile at them as Renee was smiling to him. Her twinkling eyes collected his attention as she allowed her beauty to capture her guest's undivided attention. When she was satisfied that she had temporary enslaved her husband's friend, she turned and walked to the bar, knowing that the Professor couldn't do anything but stare at her perfect body. She bent over to open the small refrigerator, forcing the damp leotard to tightly reveal every square inch of her behind as the leotard squeezed tightly into the crevice of her ass cheeks. The leotard was something that shouldn't be worn in public by anyone with that beautiful of a body. Joe coughed politely to remind the Professor that he was staring too hard at Joe's wife's derriere. The Professor sat down in a chair; and watched as Renee walked back across the room and sat down across from the Professor. She crossed her legs demurely, opened her bottle of chilled water and asked "So how well do you know Joe, Buddy?" Joe answered for his `guest' with "Honey, he's a golfing friend. Before we get into any social chitchat, I want to give you something. What do you think of this?" He opened the jewelry case and displayed the contents. She lifted one hand and flicked a long ruby-red fingertip in a `come-here' motion. Like an obedient slave, Joe leaped to his feet and held the case closer to her so that she could see his gift. She looked at it, let a little smile form on her face, then softly said "Nice." in a somber tone that made it obvious that she wasn't really impressed with his gift. He held it closer as he suggested "Honey, try it on. I want to see what you look like." A frown appeared on her face, which quickly disappeared as she hesitantly accepted his request. She removed the ring and eased it onto a finger on her right hand. Then she pulled the towel from her neck, dropping the towel to the floor before she fastened the necklace around her neck. She stared at her husband and mumbled "very nice, dear. I like it." While Joe sat back down on his chair, she stared at the Professor who was having a difficult time looking at her face, instead of the body area where he really wanted to stare - her beautiful tits. His peripheral vision revealed just enough of that golden glimmer hanging down toward her sweat-coated cleavage, to distract him. With the towel removed from her shoulders and her nipples pressing hard against the leotard's thin fabric, it was difficult to keep from staring at her breasts. She knew how to use her body and what effect she was having on her guest. Smiling at him, she asked, "What do you think of my husband's gifts, Buddy?" For several seconds, he stared at her before responding "The necklace doesn't do justice to your beauty." She tilted her head slightly and one of her ruby-red fingernails slightly tugged on her right ear as she responded "Really? I wished my husband thought the same." Joe looked at the Professor. A light bead of sweat was forming on the Professor's forehead. Joe glanced back at his wife who was staring at the Professor as if something about the Professor intrigued her. She raised her hand again and another fingertip tugged on the same earlobe again. She asked "So who's the better golfer - you or my husband?" After ten seconds of silence, the Professor responded "Your husband is. I think it's because of his balls." She laughed vibrantly as she tugged on her ear again, laughing responding "The balls help, but it's the shaft that really does the work." Her face was all-aglow as if she was having a good time with a very old friend. Joe noticed that her legs were now slightly spread, offering the Professor a glimpse of her exposed inner thighs. She tugged on her ear again as she continued her double-entr?e comment "A man with a good shaft is the secret to a good game. And if the man knows how to use his shaft, he can have a much better game." She turned her head and smiled very friendly at her husband, as she absently-minded tugged on her ear again. The next twenty minutes were very unusual from Joe's perspective. His normally quiet and subdued wife was laughing and joking as if she was having the time of her life. She was smiling at him in a way that she hadn't smiled since their wedding. Every minute or two, she would lightly tug on her earlobe again which was the silent acknowledgment that she was receiving the Professor's mental commands. Suddenly the Professor announced that he had to leave. She stood up and put her arm around his waist, allowing the Professor to put his arm around her waist as if they were very old friends. Before Joe could object, she pulled Joe to her other side so that she was sandwiched between both men with their arms around her waist as they walked to the Front door. At the front door, she stood up on tiptoes and quickly pecked the Professor on the lips as she whispered "come back and see us". Turning to her husband, she offered him a quick peck on the cheek as she whispered "I'm going to go clean up." Both men stood transfixed as they watched her bounce up the stairs. As soon as she shut a door behind her, Joe softly declared "I don't know what you did, but that's the best that she's treated me in months. I sure hope that this works." The Professor nodded "It'll work. I think that you'll be surprised at how much she's already changed. I'll see you tomorrow." ****** An extremely happy Joe Broyles climbed behind the steering wheel of his Cadillac the following day. He was very reluctantly leaving the house because his wife who was still behaving like a blushing new bride was upstairs in their bedroom. As Joe waited for his car engine to warm up, he adjusted his crotch, trying to get his critical male balls in a more comfortable position. He'd had more sex in the last eighteen hours than he'd had in the last three months - four mind-blowing orgasms for him and twenty-three for Renee who almost lost count of her own climaxes. Renee had been like a teasing teenager as they ate dinner and then became very aggressive as they sat together in the study just talking to each other like a normal married couple - something that they hadn't done in months. As they talked, she moved closer to him and began gently touching him, teasing him, being slightly romantic, and treating him the loving way that she had treated him before they got married. She unbuttoned her blouse and let him play with her boobs as she rubbed his crotch and nibbled on his neck. After a few minutes of that, she became so aggressive that she pulled his trousers down and sucked him dry on the couch. As she sucked on him, she shuddered twice as if she was experiencing an orgasm just from servicing him, then had a tremendous shudder as they shared a mutual climax. After that very enjoyable treat from her, she'd slipped his trousers completely off and guided him by his cock up to the bed that they shared very infrequently over the last several months. She'd kept him awake and hard most of the night as she alternated sucking him and enticing him to fuck her. He very vividly remembered lying on his back while she straddled him. The dim flickering candlelight highlighted her blonde hair, her sweat-coated shapely naked Nordic body, and the gold necklace around her slender neck that was bouncing up and down as she rode his cock. She smiled at him and her smile told him that she was enjoying it as much as he was enjoying this infrequent togetherness. Then about four in the morning, she began winding down. Not the "I'm tired" type of winding down, but the "I don't think I want to do that any more" type of winding down. When they awoke at eleven a.m., she was friendlier than usual, but not as friendly or loving as she'd been the previous night. Joe recognized that the mental commands were probably wearing off and needed some more reinforcement. Snapping back from thinking about all the fun of the previous night, he drove his car down the driveway and used his car-phone to notify Ken's car-phone answering machine that he wouldn't be playing golf today. He parked his car just down the block from his house where he could sit and watch the traffic coming in or going out of his exclusive neighborhood. After four hours of silently smoking his cigar and watching and not seeing her car leave - or her boyfriend's car enter, he drove to the nearby mall where he met the Professor. Joe's smile was a mile wide as he got out of the car. He gave the Professor a hearty handshake as he exclaimed "I don't know how you did it, but if you can keep her this way, it's worth every penny." The Professor returned his smile "But I can't because I have other things to do. You need to have the transceiver implanted so you can control her." Joe's smile faded as he countered "What if I hire someone to take the implant?" Shaking his head negatively, the Professor answered "Who could you trust enough to take absolute control over your wife's thinking but yourself? Any normal man would soon be feeling such grandeur thoughts that he would find it difficult to keep from using that power for his own enrichment. What would you do, if you woke up one morning and she was gone from your bed - that she had left because she was nothing more than a willing mindless accomplice to her mentor? No, it's too much power to allow anyone else to have. I find it very difficult to keep from adding some commands to her for my personal enjoyment and if I spent too much time with her, I'll have to permit myself to ravish her. After all, I'm only human myself." They discussed the pros and cons of the mind control process a few more minutes then drove back to Joe's house, with the implant issue unresolved from Joe's perspective. Joe readily wanted the capability to control her but didn't want the surgery. The two men strolled through the house, looking for Renee and found her in the Exercise Room. When Joe opened the door this time, she acted very differently than she did the day before. Her face lit up with a big smile and she quit exercising immediately. She was wearing a two-piece candy-red bike-pants and very damp halter-top that displayed the perfection of her slender waist. A slight bruise was barely visible at the bottom of one pant's leg, revealing the reason for her choice of outfits today - there were bruises on her inner thighs from their strenuous lovemaking the previous night. As the day before when the Professor first saw her under similar circumstances, she was extremely beautiful, but today she seemed more alive and vibrant. She greeted her husband with a big arms-around-the-neck type of lingering lover's kiss as if she hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks, while the Professor waited patiently. When they finally separated, she was giggling slightly as if they had shared a secret while they kissed. Joe noticed that she absentmindedly tugged on her earlobe as she greeted the Professor with a vigorous handshake. She suggested that the Professor join them for dinner that the servants were already fixing and didn't take "no" for an answer from her guest. She pushed the men off to go to the study to fix some drinks while she showered and slipped `into something comfortable'. The two men followed their explicit direction and spent the next hour discussing some of the finer details of building commands and sending them to the receiver. Commands have to be given in an ever-increasing pattern and you can't just jump the receiver from point A to point B without having some smaller commands that support the point B thought process. As an example, you just can't command someone to change their mood from being sad to being happy. You have to suggest that they feel relaxed, that they need to forget about some of their troubles, that they feel good, that it's a beautiful day, that they feel like humming a happy song, that they feel like telling jokes and other small commands that support the basic "you're happy" command. The Professor explained that he had started sending Renee commands as soon as they entered the house. That he had told her that she would be happy to see her husband, that she had missed him during the day, and that she felt better now that he was home. Then he'd supplemented those commands with a desire for her to be friendly and to want to show off how attractive she could be. That she would want to be somewhat seductive and alluring tonight. That she would feel horny after being near Joe. That she would want Joe to relieve the deep burning desire that she would feel as the evening passed. As the Professor explained the process and what he was doing, Joe's face beamed in anticipation of her return. Both men were thoroughly involved in the discussion when the door opened to reveal Renee. Only she wasn't wearing casual clothes. She was dressed in an ankle-length black strapless evening gown that clung to her body like a second skin; the bodice being held up by some mysterious method. Her hair was perfectly brushed and her makeup applied for a night out on the town or a photo shoot for a magazine cover. Around her neck was the shining gold necklace and on her finger was the ring. Both of the men just stared at her as she spun around so that they could feast their eyes on her. She came into the room, smiling as she declared "I've spent the last several months just lounging around the house and I thought that tonight was an extremely good night to dress up a little, even if we're not going out anywhere tonight. I felt like fixing myself up and having the two best looking men in town as my dinner partners." A whiff of her delicate perfume reached them about two steps before she did. Smiling at the two men sitting on the barstools, she strode behind the bar, her high heels clicking on the floor. Grabbing the ice bucket, she leaned slightly forward exposing some deep cleavage as she added ice to the men's drinks. Then she pulled up a barstool on that side of the bar, leaning forward to expose her cleavage as she talked to the two men. Dinner was very pleasant mainly because Renee was feeling very vibrant and alive. As a result of her new and very pleasant vivacious attitude, she did most of the talking and frequently tugged on her earlobe to unconsciously let the Professor know that she got his latest command. After dinner, they adjourned back to the study. While the men relaxed in easy chairs, Renee fixed each of them a sniffer of Brandy, fulfilling her role as the perfect hostess. After giving the men their drinks, she went back behind the bar, returning with two new cigars, a cigar lighter and a cigar clipper. She gave one of the cigars to Buddy before sitting on Joe's lap as she held the other cigar in her mouth. She whispered in a slightly husky voice to her husband "I want to learn how to smoke one of these things. You enjoy them so much that I want to try one to see what it's like." Joe looked at the Professor who winked back as he tugged at his own earlobe as a clue to why she now liked his smelly cigars. Immediately understanding what the Professor had done to her former dislike for cigars, Joe showed her how to trim the end with the clipper, then lit the thick cigar for her. She twirled it around her mouth, getting some bright-red lipstick on the tip as she experienced the first couple of puffs. Laughing as she put the lipstick-coated cigar into her husband's mouth to share it with him, she cooed "Wow, those things are powerful. No wonder you like them! Not only does it have a kick to it, but it reminds me of one of my favorite things." Her hand drifted down his shirt toward his crotch. As her palm lightly rubbed his crotch through his trousers, her voice became husky as she whispered "It reminds me of your cock. It's so big, so round and hard. I like having your cock in my mouth." Twenty minutes later, a very aroused Joe Broyles asked his guest if they could continue their discussion tomorrow on the golf course. Part of the reason for the early dismissal was because Joe was very aroused. A very unabashed Renee had unbuttoned Joe's shirt and was playing with his nipples as she blew in his ear. At the same time, she was slightly undulating on his lap, rubbing her bottom against his lap. She had also pulled the front of her dress down, exposing her magnificent breasts and kept his hand rubbing her breasts, ignoring the obvious fact that they had company in the same room. Chapter 3 - the other participants Ken was waiting on the practice green for Joe. When Joe showed up with the man with the preposterous ideals, Ken fought the urge to go home without playing any golf. Then he noticed that Joe was laughing and acting as if he was a new man. Before Ken could say a word, Joe started telling him about the major changes in Renee. The three men stood there for several minutes and almost missed their tee-off time as they discussed the remarkable changes in Joe's wife over the last two nights. When Joe told Ken about lying on his back in bed the previous night, and a naked Renee was sitting on top of him, sharing a lipstick-coated cigar with him as they fucked, Ken almost called his good friend a liar. It was one thing for Joe to get some pussy from Renee every once in awhile, but it was quite another for Renee to forget about her lifelong aversion to cigars. The Professor let Joe do most of the talking and by the seventh hole, Ken was convinced that maybe there was something to the Professor's claims. By the eighteenth hole, Joe was convinced to give it a try and they had worked out a plan. Ken would go home and pick up Karen. Then they would join Joe, Renee and the Professor for dinner at Joe and Renee's house. The Professor would arrive early and work with Renee before the other couple showed up, reinforcing the commands that she needed for that night. Then he would command Renee to talk Karen into wearing some of her new jewelry - explicitly the ring and necklace. A very enthused Ken rushed home, feeling the enthusiasm that Joe exuberated from his new love life. Karen wasn't too happy with the dinner plans because she didn't really care for Joe or his smelly cigars but she liked Renee. So she changed into a dinner dress and got ready. Karen was a stunning tall redhead with a full figure that reminded everyone of the young Jane Russell. Where Renee was golden and Nordic, Karen was a smoldering flaming-red sexpot. Her looks and appearance as she walked, was enough for men to sometimes walk into objects because they were staring too hard at her. The cartoon character `Jessica Rabbit', could've taken some tips from Karen on how to enter and control a room. Upon arriving at Joe's house, Ken immediately noticed how Renee was so vibrant, which was unusual for her. The five people sat in the study as Renee laughed and buoyed everyone's attitude up with her almost constant chatter. Both husbands were watching Renee for the agreed signal - which was a tug of the left ear, followed by a tug of the right ear to indicate that she would do as commanded. After telling a hilarious, slightly naughty joke, Renee gave the two tugs, then asked Karen to come upstairs with her for "some girl-talk". As soon as they left the room, Ken declared "I can't believe the fantastic change in Renee's appearance and attitude. It's almost as if she had two personalities - one good and one bad. And we've been seeing only the bad personality for the last year. If you can make the same change to Karen, I'll sign up for the surgery tomorrow." After about ten minutes of the men joking around, the women returned with Karen now wearing the gold necklace and phony diamond ring which Renee had convinced Karen to try on and wear during dinner. Ken stared at the necklace and held back the smile that he was feeling. For the next ten minutes, it appeared that everyone was participating in idle chitchat. An experienced observer would've noticed that Renee was doing most of the talking, and supported by Joe as they engaged Karen in discussion. The Professor was staring at Karen and a light bead of sweat had formed on his forehead. After another one of Renee's off-color jokes, Karen laughed real hard as if it was the funniest joke that she'd ever heard and tugged on her earlobe. Five minutes later, she opened up and began telling some of her own stories, competing with Renee for the spotlight. Both women were laughing and showing that they were having a good time, while the men were watching Karen as she began tugging on her ear more frequently. By the time that it was time to go to the dining room, Karen was almost laughing constantly as if she was having a very good time and was holding her husband's hand as they walked. During dinner, Karen repeatedly tugged on her earlobes as she became more animated and allowed her vivacious personality to open up. By the time dinner was over, all five participants were dabbing their eyes to clear away the tears from where they were laughing so hard from the ribald humor that both women had kept contained for so long. When they returned to the study, both women pitched in to bring their men drinks, then sat beside them as they talked. Ken noticed that Karen kept rubbing her leg against his leg and they whispered to each other about how lovey-dovey Joe and Renee were acting. Then Renee lit a lipstick-coated cigar for Joe and laughed about how she used to "hate those damn things till I tried one". Renee turned on the stereo and Karen immediately asked Ken to dance with her. As the husband and wife slowed danced to the music, holding each other close, Renee climbed into Joe's lap and laid her head on his chest. They watched their guests slow dance, rubbing their bodies against each other, as the two hosts enjoyed sharing a cigar. As for the Professor, he had relaxed a lot after Karen began reacting correctly. As he'd told both men earlier in the day, you can only give so many commands at one time and have to spend a lot of time building the personality. When the dance was over, the Professor made his apologies for leaving so early and prepared to leave. Both women fussed over him as if he was the guest of honor, but as soon as he left, both women began sharing their full attention upon their husbands. Within twenty minutes Joe and Renee were in their bedroom while just down the hallway, Ken and Karen were undressing each other in the guest bedroom. ****** "I can't afford a million. Five hundred K is my best offer." Declared Ken as he sat at the same table with the Professor and Joe. An obvious hickey discoloration on his neck revealed the success of the commands that the Professor had left with Karen. The Professor shook his head negatively, before replying "If I start charging K-mart prices, then you get K-mart quality because it means that I've got to do more work to make the same money. If you don't have the money, then you've got to figure out some way to earn some more money." Ken leaned forward on the table and whispered "Is it possible to control two different people with the same implant?" The affirmative nod of the Professor's head resulted in Ken leaning forward closer and whispering in a very low voice "The reason that Joe and I don't have the money is the same - our ex-wives and their lawyers got it. What if we each get two sets of jewelry and use the second set on our ex-wives?" Joe's voice raised in volume as he declared "NO!" and hit the table with his fist to emphasis his decision. Ken looked around to see if anyone was listening, then whispered "Listen you smuck. You've got a fairly decent ex-wife. I've got Arlene and she can be the bitch from hell. It's worth it to me to just get the opportunity to pay Miss Control Freak back. I'd love to have her serving me like a dumb bimbo. I'll take her over to the football stadium and let the losing team fuck her as their punishment to do better the next time." Joe broke out laughing at his friend's suggestion. After a moment of laughter, he suggested "Maybe you're right. Having Cathy under my control means that I can get her to give me back some of my money while I can still have fun with her. Will it work on two different people?" The Professor formed a triangle with his fingertips and leaned back before replying "Yes and no. Because the two sets of jewelry have to be on the same frequency, then both wearers get the same series of commands. The only way that it'll work is if the two wearers are about three hundred feet apart whenever you send a command." Ken looked at Joe and nodded before holding his hand out to the Professor "Done! I accept the price if I get two transceivers." Joe removed the cigar from his mouth, declaring "Well, the worst thing that could happen, is that I get to liking my ex-wife after I transform her into my slave." ****** The next morning, both men told their wives that they were going to be gone all day to a distant golf course and left their respective houses early. They drove to a small clinic that the Professor maintained and undressed. After they signed all the legal papers consenting to the surgery and implantation, both men were put to sleep. It seemed like it was only a few seconds to them because they were asleep, but while they slept, the Professor installed a small electronic device at the base of each man's brain. After the Professor woke each of the men up, the Professor declared "Now it's time to experience first hand how your new implants really work. So that you can see the power of your devices, I've got your wives waiting outside. Let me bring the ladies in. I suggest that you start with an easy command. I've got both women fairly open to any sex commands now, so why don't you suggest a blowjob to start your control of them." Both women entered the recovery room and stood at the foot of their respective husband's bed. Pulling up his nightgown and exposing his cock, Ken looked at his statuesque redheaded young wife and concentrated on commanding her to give him a blowjob, while Joe's brow built up a light bead of sweat as he concentrated on the beautiful blonde Renee being completely under his control. After thirty seconds of waiting, both women eased into the narrow space between the two hospital beds, standing back-to-back as they stared at their husband's naked midsections. Then the women unexpectedly simultaneously turned around and began fumbling with the cock of the other woman's husband. Renee's delicate hand wrapped around Ken's cock and she began stroking it as she pulled it to her lips. At the same time, Karen's luscious lips were kissing Joe's cock. Both men were stunned at the unanticipated switch of their mates. Joe reacted by trying to stop Karen while Ken reacted by wrapping his hands in Renee's hair and forcing her head deeper into his crotch. Just as suddenly as they had pounced on the wrong husband's cock, both women pulled away from the men and burst out laughing. The Professor stepped to the foot of the bed as the women walked away from the two confused men. Clearing his throat, the Professor began "As you can see, your wives aren't really under your control. The jewelry that they're wearing, is real jewelry. They were just pretending that they were under your mental control." Joe gasped "Honey, what's going on?" Renee responded with a quick "It was only an act, Joe. I knew what I was supposed to do and how I was supposed to do it. I pretended to become the slut that you wanted. Yes, pretend. I almost gagged when I had to smoke your damn cigars. I didn't know which was worse - sucking your puny little cock or sharing a cigar with you as I pretended to be transformed into your love slave." Karen's husky voice joined in "And I did the same thing. Thank god that I didn't have to do it as long or as often as Renee had to do it." "What the fuck is going on here?" declared an angry Joe as he began climbing out of bed. The Professor didn't back up but simply said "It's an experiment to turn you into the love slaves that you intended to turn your wives into. While the jewelry doesn't really work, the implants in your skull do work." A look of anguish filled Ken's face and he dropped to his knees, grabbing his head. Joe collapsed in his bed, groaning as a similar thing happened to him. The Professor's calm voice continued "The implants in your skull can stimulate pain or pleasure. You'll be trained to accept your new position in life and to be the slaves of your new masters. I assure you that after a few months of pain or pleasure reinforcement, that you'll be absolutely happy with your new status in life and serving your new masters." Ken glared at Karen as he screamed "Why???" Karen responded simply "Because you were going to do it to me, you stupid fuckhead." Tears were streaming down Joe's cheek, as he implored to Renee "Don't do it to me. Don't make me into a slave. I wasn't going to do anything that would hurt you." A smile formed on Renee's lips as she whispered "Don't worry, honey. Everything's all worked out. I'm going to get a quick uncontested divorce and settle for half of your remaining money and property. Because it's uncontested, the lawyers won't get so much and I'll come out way ahead of where I'd been if we battled it out in court. As soon as the papers are signed and final in a week, I'll be gone. You'll never see me again." Ken slowly eased to his feet, his hoarse voice whispering "I don't understand. If you're leaving, why are we going to be trained for months? Who's our master?" The door opened, allowing Arlene and Cathy to enter the room. Both women were holding similar small devices in their hands, each with only two buttons labeled the same - marked PAIN and PLEASURE. Arlene smiled at her ex-husband and exuberantly declared "Honey, I'm back and we're going to have fun. The Professor has been working for us all along in our little con job to get you to allow him to install the transceivers in your brains. Right after our divorce, I needed some place to invest my money and when I discovered that the Professor's research project needed funding, I was more than glad to help him. As long as he helped me when he was finished with it. When we met with your new wives and offered to help them get rid of you without huge legal expenses, the four of us women became very good friends. Your new honey's were trying to figure out how to get rid of you two old farts and were very eager to participate in our little scheme. So they pretended to be under the Professor's control to lure you into this operation. Now that you've got the implant, you're under my control. Except for what I owe Renee and the Professor, everything that you own, now belongs to me - including you. I'm going to show you what it's like to be discarded after several years of faithful service." Cathy smiled at Joe, picking up from Arlene as she continued "Our kids are so happy that we've worked out our problems and that I'm moving back into the big house with you. Just think - we're going to be one happy family again. That is, after I've got rid of your bad habits such as that smelly cigar." She pressed the button marked PAIN and Joe curled up in agony as Cathy continued in the same soft voice "I'm going to keep pressing this button until I'm sure that you never want another cigar. Then we'll work on the way that you leave the commode seat up after you pee. And as we get rid of your other bad habits, we'll build new good habits. I'm willing to bet that you'll love to eat my sixty-year-old pussy by this time next week. I'm looking forward to living with the new Joe Broyles." The Professor, Renee, and Karen walked out of the recovery room, leaving the ex-wives alone so that they could begin to establish their new relationship with their ex-husbands. The End Waldo

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My Girlfriends has a creampie pussy for the night

Ceri my sexy saucy girlfriend was having a night out with the girls. It had been a while since she has been out and she was looking forward to it. As in my previous story Ceri like’s to flirt around with my mates and other lads she finds hot. She love’s being touched up and I don’t mind her having a bit of fun now and again. We had a steaming threesome with a male college friend of mine a few years ago. Since then our sex life has been pretty normal.My good friend Dave was staying over our...

3 years ago
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It all started one Sunday

It all started one Sunday. The three of us sat in the living room watching the game. Myself, my roommate James, and hid buddy, Mark. James was sitting in his chair in the corner, his little personal space as he called it and I was on the couch with Mark. James got up and asked us if we wanted more beers and Mark nodded. When James left, I was caught up watching the replay of what happened in another game when I felt a hand slide down my leg. I looked at the hand and then followed it back...

1 year ago
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"And action," said the Director.There she is sitting on the couch again with her knees parted enough for me to see her sweet spot, her panty covered mound. I'd give my right nut for a closer look, for a sniff, a touch, and a taste of my sister's cunt, thought Jason sitting down in the chair across from his sister, while staring at all that his sister was showing. Gees, her panties are so transparent that I can see her pussy slit, he thought. She's such a sexy bitch. I'd love to do her right...

2 years ago
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My Cherokee Initiation

In Oklahoma are many tribes of Native Americans. Most were sent there by the American government to get them out of lands coveted by the white men in the 19th century. Some tribes had always lived there but most had been forced off their native lands in the eastern part of the young United States and sent to reservations in the so-called Indian Territory. And even then most of that land was later taken during the great Oklahoma land-rush. Still, many Native Americans still lived and did well in...

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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colors every two rows. What got me intrigued by it was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to...

1 year ago
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Smart Hose

Smart hose My mom says it's a good idea sometimes to write down stuff, even if nobody else sees it. She says it's a great way to get your thoughts organized, and boy do I need to do that, so here it goes. My life just got turned upside down, and I'm still processing. But I should begin at the beginning, as my English teacher says. My name is James Michael, I'm twelve, and I live in Sherwood Park, a small town just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Several years ago, I...

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Raped Degraded DaughterChapter 2

Jim Simmons pressed his daughter's body down on the bed. His big hands moved with lightning speed, empowered by his pent-up lust. One hand pulled the top of her dress down in front. The other shoved her dress up high on her flat belly. Then his glazed eyes devoured her cute little blue panties and matching bra. The bra was delightful, just two small triangles of filmy blue stuff. He could see Linda's nipples through the cups and her pussy through the light panties. Linda gasped as his gaze...

1 year ago
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Gaon ki holi

Dosto , I am Rohit 35 male from Jammu, slim & strong a football player and this is my first story, i am a fan of this site, and today i have decided to share my real experience. My e.mail address , last year my wife and kids decided to celebrate holi in their maternal place. So, i was left alone in my house for three days. Holi se ek din pehle mere friend sonu ne mujhe kaha ke tum akele ho aur yahan kya karoge chalo apne gaon me chal kar holi manate hain. Main ekdum se tyar ho gya aur usi din...

2 years ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chap 5

Leila was in full hoochie wardrobe. Red ankle strap vinyl high heels with pink Swarovski studded toes, red spandex short shorts, a belly ring and pink cross-heart halter top, her thick mane of black hair pinned up in a bun with three large red barrettes. Her eye shadow was a metallic fuchsia with violet streaks in the corners. She wore a gold thong, no bra and Ace had smeared butter on her tits, so the halter-top clung to her full breasts in a way that isolated them in some subtropic steamy...

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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 8

That first day out of Chapel Hill, with our nice, early start, we took it slow and easy on the Interstate, but still got all the way past Birmingham, Alabama before stopping for the night at a pleasant-looking RV Park outside Tuscaloosa. "Oh, look!" Tess said. "They've got a pool!" I hadn't seen the pool as we drove in, but I reminded Tess that it was mid-January and this was central Alabama, not south Florida. "No, no! It's an indoor pool!" she said. "This is great!" The last...

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Giving Willy a Ride

My wife is a slut and my daughter isn't! How's that for an opening sentence? There is a hell of a story behind those nine words and I'll have to ask you to bear with me while I try to organize my thoughts and the details that I have just learned and then try to transfer them to paper. Connie and I have been married now for over thirty years. We are both in our early fifties now, not too late, at least I hope, to make some things happen, but more on that later. Keep in mind as you read this...

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SonAmy sex story

We are pretty much a team now we have been working together for about 5 years now tails and knuckles are helping with missions by clearing the way and occasionally reparing and making new x-tornado's Amy and I Mostly focus on Dr. robotnik some may know him as Dr. Eggman but enough of the intoduction let's get to my story. It was a normal day And I was running down the field then I ran into someone "ohhhh amy? GOD ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN YOU :D" I said "OMG SONIC IT'S SO GOOD TO...

1 year ago
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Davids Life Book II Just Like Starting OverChapter 8 Spring Semester 1983

With the spring semester, which began on January 4th, David was once again taking the Ministry/Leadership course, rather than the standard Religious Education course. The rest of their classes remained the same, with the only other big change being they both landed spots, again, on the basketball teams. This time, Meri pursued a place on the Lady's Varsity team and made it. She was coming out of her shell more and more. David had advanced at this point to Cadet Ensign (C/ENS) and it looked...

4 years ago
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The Pinch Hit Bride Redux

In October 1997 while wading through a newsgroup I found a shard of a story called The Pinch Hit Bride. It was originally attributed to Miss Karen-Anne Brown. Much of the beginning was a mass of garbled text, big sections of the story seemed to be missing. As I read it, I saw something in that story. It seemed like a great skeleton to create something around, so I did. Flash forward to a few months ago. While poking around on Fictionmania I was reminded of the 'search by keyword...

2 years ago
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First time with dad Pt 2

As far as dad and I are concerned, it was obvious that he didn’t want to force me to do anything at that age, he knew about me and Chris and he must have thought there was a big difference somehow between me and Chris and me and him.Of-course, at that age I didn’t see it because if I loved someone as much as I did those two guys, then why couldn’t I do all I could to make them happy.But of-course now I see the dilemma he must have been in, he saw it very differently, it’s one thing for two...

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Saturday's weather was glorious. My wife was busy so I ventured out for a walk. Not far from home, there is a beautiful park so I headed there. I sat on a park bench for a few minutes, warming myself in the sun. I noticed a car in the parking lot. It appeared to be occupied by a man about my age. I got up and wandered around the perimeter of the park and wound up in the parking lot. The passenger car window lowered and the guy leans towards me and says "Lovely day isn't it?"I replied "yes it's...

2 years ago
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Kelly Ripa Halloween trick r treat

The group gathered in front of her on her porch and she saw it was four young men and three young women. One of the guys stepped forward and she asked trick or treat. Looking around he grinned and said both you’re the trick slut and our treat. Shocked she froze as the guys moved towards her pushing her back into her living room. The girls quickly gagged her and stripped her naked. Then the guys moved her to the bedroom binding her spread eagled on her king sized bed. The group of teenagers...

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Classmate Ki Chudai

Hi doston mera naam ramsagar hai aur ye meri pehli kahani hai.Baat tab ki hai jab me 18saal ka tha,merit ek classmate thi jiska naam shree(name shortened) tha.Wo dekne me jyada khoobsoorat nai this lekin ,bohot hi sexy thi boobs bade aur gaand ubhari hui thi.Me thik se to nahi bata sakta lekin uska figure kuch 28.30.32 tha ekdam patakha lagti thi. Jab wo chalti to uski gaand ekdam hilne lagti aur jab wo mere saamne aati to mera lund khada hone lagta.Lekin jyada log use pasand nahi large this...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 30 The Wives Story 03 The Best Laid Plans

I never thought that I would feel so uncomfortable being dressed. It was my first family breakfast with one huge exception. Erin was not here. After we asked her to leave, everyone went to bed and to sleep. I don’t know about anyone else, but I slept like crap. Being fully dressed in a kitchen full of naked girls and women didn’t feel nearly as wrong as having breakfast without my wife. The girls finished their breakfast and helped clean up. As soon as they finished, Blossom led the girls to...

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Lesbian school girls part 1

We had just walked in the door from a long day at school when Sarah asked me what I thought about Heather's story of her first lesbian experience. Her story had gotten me hot, although I had never considered sex with another girl. Sarah said that she was curious now, about what it would be like to have sex with a girl instead of a boy, and what exactly you do with another girl in bed. "Well, I guess first you undress each other, just like you would with a boy", I said. "Ok, why don't we try...

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Black Mans Guide To Power

The name is Kurt Brands. A six-foot-one, lean and ruggedly handsome young Black man living near the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I lead a life like no other. Let’s walk through some of my finest moments, shall we? I guarantee it shall be worth your while. There is so much fun to be had when you’re young, handsome and wealthy. And fun is exactly what this tale is about. I should also add that I’m one of those rare people blessedly born without the ability to feel remorse. Life has always...

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Maa ne Chodna Sikhaya

Yeh us samay ki bat hai jab mai 17 sal ka tha. Mai, maa aur pitaji k saath rehata tha. Pitaji ka readymade kapdo ka karobar hai aur wo aksar apne kam k silsile me dusare shehar tour par jate rahate hbai. Mai tab just 10th paas kar 11th mai college jane laga tha.Meri maa mujhko bahut chahatee thee, kunki mai unka akela beta tha. Meri maa bahut pyar se mera khayal rakhtee the aur mai humesha unke pas pas rahana pasand karta tha. Wo bahut hi sundar thee, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal...

4 years ago
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College Fantasy Comes True Decades Later

A bunch of us are at a party, having a good time and having a few drinks. At first you are a little uncomfortable looking me in the eye after the chats we have had, but after a few minutes, it actually becomes more enjoyable – knowing things about each other that others don’t know. Easy to make comments to each other to try to get a reaction, like the ultimate inside joke. A little later in the evening, you and I are talking and Susan shows up holding her wine glass, giving you a hug and...

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It is my final piano lesson before my recital on Sunday. This will will be the end of my piano lessons. I am not too sad about that. My piano teacher, Mrs. North, is at the hospital sitting by her sick aunt's bedside. She is terminally ill and has only a little while to live. Her husband, also an accomplished pianist and teacher, is subbing for her. He sits beside me on the bench. I run through my recital program. I can't help but notice as I glance down at the keys that he is wearing walking...

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Golden Mom

Golden Mom CHAPTER ONE Peggy looked around carefully. She had to piss, piss badly, and the house was too far away. She was one of those women who, when they had to piss, had to piss immediately. When she had to hold it in, she became acutely uncomfortable, and much to her embarrassment, had pissed into her pants at certain times. She was in the vegetable garden, and it would have been easy to piss if she had been wearing a dress. But she was wearing jeans, tight jeans....

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Intimated sexual story

The power of revenge, it can be crazy and yet the benefits sometimes are amazing…my little tale is about such a story of revenge, and sex…of course its about sex, would be posting on here if it was just about love. So our tale starts with me….Matt a cook at a nursing home, who is married to a bitch of a wife…who is stay at home worker. We live near the shore, and spending our days working. Her side job with her stay home job is baby sitting for military families. Most of the families pay up,...

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It Started With ChristmasChapter 14 And Heres A Hand

Katelyn and I walked into Johnny’s bar, hand in hand. Jessica saw us the moment we came through the door, gave a shriek of joy, and ran to us. Katie got the first hug, as I expected, and as was appropriate. But mine was longer, and was accompanied by a searing kiss on the lips. She led us over to the corner of the bar, where there was a reserved sign in front of two stools. I wiggled out of my coat, then helped Katie take hers off. Jess stepped back to take a look at her sister. “Wow!...

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A Good Neighbor

I love to masturbate. It isn’t a substitute for sex, it’s its own event. It’s a cleansing, rejuvenating gift I give myself, and it helps keep me sane, energized and motivated. It also gives me something to look forward to each day. But then, you know that from my previous stories. You also know I have a straight jacking-buddy named Mike. Because I love jacking-off, and because I also love men, it’s natural that I also love to jack with other men. I love being in the presence of men, I love...

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Unfaithful Sister 8211 Part I

Hi friends and followers of ISS this is my second story in here. This is a fantasy story about me and my cousin sister. I am Kumar from Chennai and and this happened when i was in my 12th grade she is my cousin sister and lives near by she was so close to me during those time we used to share all sorts of things even the websites in which i used to watch pron and she would consult with her friends and used to suggest me with good sites. But this was all like a good strong bond between a brother...

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Morning has broken

It was 8am on a summers morning I woke up and looked at my beautiful girlfriend laying fast asleep on her back' I slid my hand down onto her pussy and started to rub her clit with my finger,she slightly opened her legs and my finger slid right the way in she was soaking wet,her nipples went hard I lent over ad started to gently suck one flicking lightly with my tounge.I heard her groan with pleasure as I felt my cock getting stiffer as she moaned even more,she whispered fuck me im so horny i...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 60 From the Heart

May 1982, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning after Stephanie and I swam and ate breakfast, we picked up Bethany and Ed and did our shopping for the party. We went to K-Mart on Route 28 to get some decorations, as well as paper cups and plates and plastic silverware. Next we went to Fazio’s and bought all the groceries that we’d need. Finally, we stopped at UDF and picked up two gallons of ice cream. We headed back to my parents’ house and after we unloaded the car; I went to get Kara while...

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Sylvia talks about doing her mother

''That's when the thing started where I fucked my mom. And her boyfriend. And Judy. And Rachel. That is pretty personal, and I don't want to tell that story now. Maybe some other time.""That was insane. I think it was the time when I lost my mom. I thought it was going to be forever. My dad, too, when he found out, threw mom out of the house. It's for sure the point in my life when I started fucking everyone I knew and thought about whoring. Because, why not? I was the sluttiest little skank in...

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Godless and Faithless Chapter 6

He’d seen twisted trees, sickly grass, and muddy ground ever since leaving the miasma. Checking Axel’s pulse and breath, Rayner saw no improvement in his condition. As he rested among the cursed land, he took out his list. In only a short time it had gotten long and increasingly ambitious. But now he wanted to focus on the basics. The game-like system has several key differences from what he was familiar with back home. A review of what he had learned was in order. Attributes like speed,...

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Be Careful What Your Dreaming

A large part of this story is true. There is always some truth in all of my stories. This story has quite a lot more, than just a little truth in it. The story actually started the night my husband received a phone call from our long time friends George and Betty they had since moved away but were in the area, and wondered if they were welcome to come visit for awhile. They should have known better than to even call, they should know by now they were always welcome no matter when they showed...

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James the masseur

I enjoy providing my wife Jan with pleasurable surprises almost as much as she enjoys receiving them. Several times when I have noticed Jan having a bad week I have arranged for a masseuse to come to the house for a relaxing massage. Jan is relatively shy so I had always arranged for a female masseuse, but always fantasized watching a male rubbing her intoxicating, petite hard body. Jan always loved the massages so much and always rewarded me with a great night in bed for my thoughtfulness. I...

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Blueeyed NursesChapter 4

We laid there sated for a while, her on top of me. Not dozing exactly, but certainly relaxed, and we talked. I wanted to talk to her about my father but I thought she would probably prefer to talk about her daughter. “Tell me about Rosemary,” I opened. Maureen lifted her head off my breast where I had felt the pleasure of her breathing on my chest hairs and she looked at me with those lovely blue eyes. “What do you want to know?” “Everything.” “Well, Rosemary was born at eleven minutes...

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Rahul And Lithika And Their Dick And Vagina

Rahul 27years of age with muscled body, small tummy, energetic voice, strong arms any girl will get naked and open her bed room. Lithika 22years of conservative girl with of 34-24-32 of figure size with cute smile, with small dimple, gorgeous blue eyes, white skinny any boy will cum immediately by seeing her boobs, butts, especially butts. Nature joined these two people in the name of marriage, typical Indian wedding with all rituals ended in evening two hot virgins are waiting to explore...

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Babysitting Pays Part one

It all started when a 14 year old boy was low on funds, so he applied for a babysitter's job. After a few weeks of nothing, one familiy decided to take a chance with this one. All was well and everythign had gone according to plan, dinner by 6, medicinde by , bed by 8. The kid was very well behaved-for now.. Michael, the babysitter, was now a full time babysitter every wednesday, friday, and most weekends. Brooke, the nine year old babysitee, was now begining to feel a bit more...

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My Wife My Mommie part3

"Doctor I have just a few questions before we leave," Annsaid. "How does he feel at the moment? Will he ever be able to befunction as 'normal' male again? If I were to say "Tom's Home",what will happen?" Without knowing it Ann had said the magic words "Tom's Home"Immediately Tami became aware of his state of dress and tried tocover himself up. He looked down and saw that he was not only wet,but was dressed in only Pink rubber panties and WET diapers. Healso saw the pink pacifier in his...

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Coffee Estate Adventures

Here’s another one of my favorites from elsewhere. Enjoy!I never expected it to happen there. I mean, being the age that I was and all, I always expected that sort of thing to happen to me back home, in the US. Not in India. But there I was, a young lass at the age of 19, visiting relatives, and discovering that this wasn’t the India of my c***dhood. I was born in India, but my parents moved to the US when I was 6 months old, and we’ve lived there ever since. But we visited often, at first...

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Two Beats a Cheat Part Two

"She told me and..." she clicked on a cell phone and handed it to him with a picture of Jenny and Fred naked looking right back at him. "It's all over the internet."Andy sat back stunned, but what stunned him more was Fred was overweight by probably 75 pounds. They looked horrible and Fred's dick looked really small."I better go Jackie.""And do what? Confront her? Demand she end the affair and you two go to counseling?""Something. I can't just do nothing.""You can get even.""What do you mean...

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