UnconqueredChapter 3 free porn video

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“I cannot believe you!” Ember paused and poked up with his hand, pushing aside one of the hanging drapes in the third of the pleasure rooms. June, who was looking increasingly irritated at the delay in their progress, tossed her head.

“What?” she sounded entirely unapologetic. “You’re the Unconquered, you’re going to live until you die.”

“I- what?” Ember looked down at her.

“Unconquered, like the Sun, are immortal. They live until they are killed by some monster or another. You’re going to get plenty of chances to fuck your Lunar Wife – but you won’t get any if we don’t get the Starshrike working in time. Or do you think that Jerin Kah is going to just sit on his laurels while a new Unconquered is up and about and his empire and emperor is in danger?” June’s tail snapped from side to side in irritation.

Ember tried to grapple with the mental idea of living forever. It refused to form – the same way that the idea of growing old and creaky refused to form. There was just the mental image of this moment. And, more accurately, the mental image of the most beautiful saris in the world, naked and quivering underneath him, their rump thrust into the air, ready for him to finally, at long last, lose his virginity. And not just to Korrine or one of the other pretty girls in Rataka village. No, he was going to lose his virginity as the Unconquered, the chosen hero of the age, to one of his Lunar ... Wives! Gods, it still felt weird to think of Chirp as a wife.

That mental image was why he scowled at June. “I think you still could have at least been a tiny bit more polite...” He paused, seeing her expression. “ ... I mean, you have to be at ... least ... once in...” He trailed off. “You’ve never been polite, ever, have you?”

“Oh, glorious Unconquered,” June said, her voice full of false supplication. “Do you think I’m being a mite rude because I think trying to get a millennia old ship out of drydock before we get murdered by an imbued knight of the Regency is slightly more important than you buttfucking your Lunar Wife?”

“Saris!” Ember thrust his finger at her.

“The incarnated pairing doesn’t care what their gender is!” June said, flinging up her hands. “The Third Unconquered was a girl, but she was still the husband to her five lunar wives. And half of them were men!”

“And you don’t see a problem with that?” Ember asked, stepping out of the room and opening the door to a chamber that looked as if it had been used for sparring practice. There was a dojo mat where he could make love to Chirp. There were some hanging targets that Chirp could cling to while he made love to them. There was a wall ... Chirp could totally get some against that wall. Ember blushed. Okay. Maybe he was a teeny bit distracted.

“Oh no, you may need to be slightly uncomfortable while wielding the unfathomable power of the Sun and Moon,” June said, then stepped over to one of the sleek, small doors that were mounted in the wall of the sparring room. She took hold of a small knob that thrust from the side of the door and swung the door open, her tail lashing out to wrap around the small bat that tried to flee from the tiny room the door was used to keep shut up tight. June flicked her tail and tossed Chirp at Ember, as if they were a skolsbol. Ember caught Chirp with both hands and held them close, nuzzling the top of their tiny, fluffy head.

“Now can we please get this ship going?” June asked.

“No,” Ember said, glaring at her. “You can head to the bridge and you can start to get ready. Do whatever you need to do to get this boat into the water without me – but I’m going to spend a little bit of time with my Lunar, hugging them and kissing them and making sure everything is all right. Got it?” As he spoke, he noticed a tiny flicker of golden light along his arms, small beads of flame along his knuckles. They winked out nearly as fast sparks flung from a fire – so fast that he half wondered if he had imagined it.

June stood still, her tail not even twitching. Then she let out a soft snort. “Wait, water? You think this ... you think the Starshrike is, like, a raft but nicer?” She laughed.

“Where else would a ship go?” Ember asked.

June just cackled – turning around and walking away.

The instant she was gone, Chirp glowed and grew. When the light had faded, Ember found himself nose to nose with his Lunar Wife, and his eyes were meeting their eyes. Soft ruby. Tiny gemstones. Ember felt his heart hammering in his breast and a nervous tremble shot along his arms to his palms as he gripped their skinny hips. Chirp smiled, ever so slightly. Their fangs glinted. Ember wanted to kiss each fang individually. Then lick their neck. Then he’d begin to nuzzle and lick his way along their throat to their chest, then start to play with their nipples and-

“Hey-” Chirp and Ember said at the same time. Ember blushed, then stepped backwards.

“Sorry, you-” they said in unison again. Ember closed his eyes and Chirp giggled, nervously.

“This is weird,” Chirp said.

“Yeah,” Ember said, nodding and opening one eye. “Uh, sorry about June.”

“Is she always like that?” Chirp asked, their brow furrowing.

“Some ... most ... yes, all the time, yes,” Ember said, chuckling. He licked his lips. “We should, uh, we should get to the bridge. This ship isn’t going to get itself ready by itself.” He nodded, then slowly looked down. His hand and Chirp’s hand were interlocked again – their fingers clasped. Chirp blushed, furiously.

“We should! And, maybe, get to know each other. More. I mean. Since y-you can’t love someone you just met,” Chirp said, their voice growing softer. Their eyes flicked down and to the side.

“Sure you can,” Ember said, hurriedly. “Like ... I once met this really cute, uh, bat saris. Who ... had lovely red eyes and...” He blushed as Chirp ducked their head forward, their hair tumbling forward to conceal their face. It didn’t quite conceal their huge, goofy smile. “And really sexy fangs. And a perfect butt.” Ember grinned as he heard Chirp’s giggle. He leaned in, kissing the top of their head. “But we should get to the bridge...”

“Yeah,” Chirp whispered. Their free hand was teasing along the hem of his pants.

“And do work...” Ember murmured into their hair. His lips traced down to their forehead, kissing Chirp’s pale skin, feeling the softness of them. Chirp’s hand pushed his leggings down, freeing his cock with a single quick shove. Their hand closed around the base of his red member and they crooned, wordlessly. Hungry. “And ... oh gods...” He moaned as Chirp began to gently pump their palm up and down his cock – their thumb teasing his foreskin gently.

Chirp shivered. “It’s really big.”

“Thanks! Unconquered!” Ember choked out. He’d never felt someone other than, well, himself touch his cock. And his cock definitely had not been so large. The combination of both new facts wormed their way into his head and he marveled at the way that he felt the familiar pleasure and pressure of jerking himself off with the unexpected. He had no idea what Chirp’s hand was going to do – they tightened and adjusted their grip, and the strangeness of it made every moment a tense, wondering exploration. Chirp giggled as Ember moaned, their bodies pressing together as Chirp adjusted their grip to keep jerking Ember off.

“I like your big cock,” they whispered.

“Good to know,” Ember rasped into their hair. Chirp began to nuzzle and lick at Ember’s neck, their tongue darting out and away, as if they were worried about touching for too long. But with every fluttery little lick, Chirp pumped Ember’s cock faster and faster, their fingers tightening, their palm warm and soft and so perfect. Ember closed his eyes and clutched their back, drawing Chirp close to him as they whimpered quietly against his neck. He felt their fangs teasing along his skin, teasing. Teasing. Then Chirp made a tiny mrrr noise and bit him. It was a shocking, sudden penetration, and rather than a flare of pain, the only thing that struck Ember was the intense pleasure of it. His cock twitched and surged, his balls clenching so tightly that it nearly hurt. His cum spurted along Chirp’s forearm, soaking their skin up to the elbow as Chirp drank Ember’s blood with eager gulps.

Ember blinked a few times, wavering and wobbling.

Then Chirp jerked backwards with a squeak, their ears twitching up in alarm, the points quivering. They clapped their hands over their mouth, then gulped one last time.

“Uh ... I have questions?” Ember asked. He didn’t feel faint exactly. At least, not faint like he expected losing a great deal of blood would have left him. He felt more dizzy like he had just had the most amazing orgasm in his entire life. But Chirp turned to flee before Ember could ask a single question – but this time, Ember was ready for them. He reached out, caught their wrist, tugged them around, and pinned them up against the wall, their bodies pressed close together.

“Sorry!” Chirp squeaked.

“Chirp, it’s okay,” Ember said, panting. A thin line of blood spurted from one of the tiny puncture holes on his throat.

“I’ll never drink your blood again,” Chirp said, bobbing their head hurriedly. “It’s just, your neck! It was right there. And smelled so good. And then I was getting all ... intense and ... and it was instinct. Wild instinct!” They lapped at Ember’s neck, their tongue flicking along the holes they had left in his skin. The holes closed and Ember felt his dizziness fade slightly. Chirp, though, looked mortified. “I’ll never drink your blood again after that one last little lick!” They nodded. Then licked the smear of blood off Ember’s neck – a quick, moaning lick that left their red eyes rolling back into their head. “Mmmh! Auh! No!” They flung their head aside.

“Chirp!” Ember laughed. “Chirp, you can drink my blood. I mean, what do people even use blood for? I can totally spare, like, five, six ... gallons?”

“Uh, lots ... lots of important things, actually,” Chirp whispered. “Also, I think that’d be all of your blood, my Unconquered.”

“Pff!” Ember, like most young men who had just gotten their first handjob from a woman (or saris in this case), was feeling generous. Chirp, meanwhile, was surreptitiously lifting their cum splattered arm to their mouth to begin licking tentatively. The first lick made them moan softly, their eyes closing slowly as they licked their dripping, white smeared palm.

“Uh, I’ve heard girls say it tastes bad,” Ember said, slowly as Chirp licked each of their fingers clean, smacking their lips with satisfaction.

“Unconquered,” they said, which seemed as if it’d be a great explanation for most things in Ember’s life for the foreseeable future. At that moment, the floor decided to quake, rock, shake, and finally settle down to a consistent thrumming, as if the entire ship had started to buzz like a gong after it had been struck. Chirp, who had flung their arms wide to stay balanced, wrapped said arms around Ember’s shoulders, while Ember planted a palm against the wall to keep himself from skidding along the floor. His other hand tugged his pants up. Then squeezed Chirp’s butt. Which was entirely required, one hundred percent necessary.

“What was that?” Chirp whispered.

“Uh, I think June got the ship working,” Ember whispered back. “Come on.”

He slung Chirp into an easy carry – finding them quite a light weight. He wasn’t sure if it was because Chirp was the sexist twig that he had ever seen, or if it was because of his incredible Unconquered strength. Either way, it was easy to bound through the corridors, up the stairs, and into the bridge of the Starshrike. The first thing that Ember noticed, to his irritation, was June sitting in the golden throne that was earmarked for the Unconquered. Her leg was propped up on her knee and her tail laid over the armrest as she pressed her fingertips together, her lips skinned back into a wicked grin. Ember gently set Chirp down on the ruby chair, then stepped over to the golden throne.

“Ahem,” he said.

June rolled her head back. “Did you finish buttfucking your Lunar?” she asked, her voice laconic.

“Firstly,” Ember said, ticking the points off on his fingers. “There has to be a better term than buttfucking-”

“I think it’s kinda cute, actually,” Chirp whispered, softly.

“Secondly!” Ember said, louder. “No. It was a handjob.”

“How restrained,” June murmured, leaning expansively on the armrest.

“And thirdly,” Ember said. “That’s ... my chair.”

June pursed her lips, then stood casually up, with the grace that she exhibited in all things. She stepped past him, her tail prodding his chest. “You have some cum on your shirt,” she murmured. Ember looked down, scowled at the damp spot, and started rubbing. As he rubbed his shirt, June walked over to the chair that was decorated with the lapis gemstone and took her seat there, spinning the chair about as she did so to begin touching various controls on the desk that thrust out from below the large, curving window that looked over the sweep of the Starshrike.

“Question,” Chirp said, raising their hand. “Is each chair for a different Lunar ... wife?” They bit their lip, looking very cute.

“Yup,” June said. “Lapis handles flight and sensors, Ruby and Amethyst handle the weapons, Pearl the communications, and Agate handles the shields.” She tapped one last switch and, through the forward window, Ember could see the silvery metal of the drydock opening. He rubbed his palms together, excitement buzzing through him. Finally, this ship was going to- He blinked and jerked his head back around to look at June.

“Did you say flight?”

The Starshrike exploded out of the mouth of the Temple of the Third Unconquered with a scream of rent air and a streak of golden contrails.

The Starshrike flew, as June was more than willing to explain to a half awed, half terrified, half delighted Ember, by harnessing the magical powers of its engines and then creating a ‘river’ of mana beneath it. The mana was invisible and insubstantial, but the Starshrike could harness it to fling itself forward at incredible speeds. That was about how far she got into the explanation before Ember stopped understanding exactly what she was saying. And this was with June using her very slow, talking to babies voice.

Seeing that she was at the limit of his understanding, she tapped a few buttons. “Now, lets head back to Rataka,” she said. “You might want to tell your parents that you’ve been chosen by the Sun to remake the world in your image. Seems like something they might want to know.”

The Starshrike swung around, nose angling towards the distant horizon. Very faintly, Ember could see the towering shape of the swords that marked the edges of his village. But he could also see something else. He stood, slowly, and then shaded his forehead, narrowing his eyes. His body flickered with tiny embers of golden light as he exerted his power as the Unconquered – and the horizon became clear, as if it had been etched in stone.

Rising from around the swords was a thick pal of black smoke, spreading outwards into the unmistakable fan of a truly massive pyre. Ember felt his stomach turn slowly over. “June,” he whispered. “Top speed.”

June did not talk back. Not even a little. Instead, the Starshrike shot forward, slamming through the air with such speed that Ember was pitched back into his chair. As he sprawled there, Chirp reached out – and he took their hand, squeezing tightly. The forest that had taken him the better part of a day to traverse on horseback whipped by underneath them, while flocks of birds were scared into the air by the scream of the mana engines behind them. But then they were over the rice paddies, and over the village of Rataka itself.

The larger buildings were still burning. Many of the smaller ones had collapsed. And there were bodies in the streets – being picked over by strange, angular beings. Ember didn’t wait for June to bring the Starshrike down. Instead, acting on instinct, he sprinted for the door at the side of the bridge. Flinging it open, he leaped outwards into the biting, howling winds. His clothing billowed around him and a golden light flared around his body as he drifted down towards the ground – landing with a grunt before what had once been the village storehouse. The glow and the grunt of his impact both drew the attention of the figures.

They weren’t human. Even considering the diversity of humanity in the Land, these beings were clearly something else. They were tall and skinny and extremely pale. They had a few too many joints on each of their limbs and their fingernails were long and clawed and black. Their eyes were black all the way through and their teeth were glittering needles, while their mouths skinned backwards in huge, crescent shaped smiles. But it was none of these oddities that made Ember feel their inhumanity.

It was the smell.

The brassy, vitriolic scent.

“Demons,” he whispered.

“Got it one...” one of the smilers said, cocking its head – its voice was somewhere between a nasal whine and a screech. It kicked over the terrified looking corpse of a guard and then stood upon his chest. Its toenails were long as its fingernails, and they dug into the corpse’s ribs with a meaty crunch. “Viridai, Sixth Circle of the Vitriolic Depths, shard self of the Devourer, at your service, oh Unconquered.”

Viridai bowed and swept its arm wide.

Ember snarled, clenching his fists so hard he felt the knuckles creaking. Above him, the Starshrike was swinging around – seeking to find a safe place to land without knocking over any more buildings. “There’s only fifteen dead people here,” he said, his body trembling. “Where are the rest of my family? My friends!?” He stepped forward, glaring at Viridai.

“Do you think I’m afraid of you, Unconquered?” Viridai asked, crooning. “You kill me and my subshards, we simply reform in Hell. And you are not any the wiser as to where Knight Jerin Kah took-”

One second, Ember was standing about ten paces away from the demon. The next, he had closed his hand around Viridai’s throat and brought it swinging around and smashing into the ground. The impact was fierce enough to shake the ground and when the dust had cleared, Viridai was sprawled in a crater, its too long limbs twisted unnaturally. Which didn’t say much, considering how it had already looked unnatural. But Ember put his bare foot onto its chest and glared down at it.

“Are you really so mind bogglingly, universe shattering, Cycle endingly stupid that you think it’s a good idea ... a really good idea ... to fuck with an Unconquered after you kidnapped his family, his friends, and his entire fucking village?” Ember snarled. “I just learned that my previous incarnations completely altered how reincarnation works as a retirement plan for their bureaucrats! Now, where, in there, do you think a sixth circle sub-shard of a half rate malformed devil whose green flame is barely hot enough to scorch a flower fits in when it comes to threatening the Unconquered, chosen of the Sun, Toppler of Thrones?”

Ember leaned forward, putting more weight on his foot. “So...”

“Jerin Kah summoned zeno devils to take them to Nex-Ho, don’t hurt me!” Viridai screamed, lifting up their clawed hands.

Ember felt the intense urge to take this demon and twist it apart with his bare hands. But instead, he breathed in a slow, deep breath. This turned out to be a mistake, because the air stank with brass and smoke and the smell of blood. He still forced himself to step backwards and off Viridai’s chest. He turned to find June and Chirp, both of them having sprinted over from the Starshrike, gaping at him.

“Hot...” Chirp whispered.

June, though, was ... not looking turned on.

She was looking a tiny bit scared.

“H-Hey guys!” Ember said, trying to look casual and normal. It was hard, considering his whole body was glowing with rippling, glowing flames. “Just, uh, questioning this demon here, uh, nothing too it. Just normal, every day Emberish stuff. Heh.” He gulped.

“Ember!” Chirp pointed.

Ember turned in time to see Viridai and his fellows – each of them drawing up into a line – grinning wickedly at him.

“Let us see what the Unconquered’s essence tastes like. I’ve heard it’s delicious, my selves!” Viridai cackled and sprinted forward, its claws glittering fiercely. It slashed at Ember’s face. Ember, reacting with instinct, bent almost in half, the claws sweeping through the air with a whistling crack. Five glowing, greenish lines were traced in the air by that arc, smelling of ozone. Ember put a palm down on the ground, then shoved himself away – twisting in the air. He landed on the smoldering roof of the headwoman’s house, the thatch groaning and a flurry of sparks filling the air.

“Gave you a chance, buddy,” Ember said. He sprang backwards, sailing over the burning roof, and landing on the far side. He could hear the cackling of the demons – but he focused instead on his palms. He clapped them together, rubbed, then took hold of the foundation of the building. His shoulders trembled. His teeth clenched. And then he heard the ground creaking. Cracking. Crumbling. The whole building trembled as a spiderweb of black cracks appeared on the ground beneath his fingertips. The cracks spread further as he wrenched upwards, standing from a kneeling position. His arms trembled as he hefted the entirety of his headwoman’s house above his head. Plaster rained down. So did sparks and bits of thatch. One window flung open and a shattered collection of pottery came raining out.

The knot of demons gaped up at the shadow cast by the house.

Ember, his teeth drawn back into a fierce grin, stood just a bit taller, then brought the house whistling down onto the heads of the entire cadre.

The resounding crash that filled his ears made him wince. Splinters hazed the air and he lifted his arm to shield his face as the wood fragments and bits of plaster went flying. When the smoke had cleared, the house was burning even more fiercely now, the flames having been fanned by the motion and the stirring, the same way a poker could stir coals. A series of glowing, greenish sparks of light came floating out of the wreckage, making a soft woosh woosh noise as they darted about. Ember realized, suddenly, that they were the essences of Viridai and his shards. But before he could move, they shot over his head...

And then June, springing past him, swept a brass bottle through the air. When she landed, her tail plunged down and slammed a cork that was covered in holy mandalas into the bottle’s neck. She turned on her heel, tossed the bottle into the air, then caught it again in her other hand, grinning.

“Sixth circle,” she said, casually. “Minor facet of a demon’s personality – low powered, very specialized. But useful, none the less.”

“Whoa,” Ember whispered.

“Whoa!?” Chirp flung themselves onto his back, wrapping their arms around his shoulders. “You dropped a house on them!”

“Y-Yeah, but...” Ember blinked. “Holy crap, I dropped a house on them!” Then. “Holy crap I dropped the headwoman’s house on them, she’s gonna kill me!”

June snorted. “Someone’s gotta kill you eventually. But when it does happen, I suggest you pick someone more powerful and impressive than ‘middle aged fishwife.’ It’ll look a bit suspect if your next incarnation has to be told that you were punked out and killed by Pekka of all people.”

Ember wobbled, his knees having chosen that moment to turn to water. He sagged and soon, he was sitting on the ground, with Chirp’s legs wrapped around him, their arms tugging him into their lap. Though Chirp was skinny, Ember himself was also not exactly the most strapping example of manhood – so him sitting in their lap was far from impossible. And it felt pretty good to feel their cool fingers brushing through his hair. Ember tried to focus on what the demon had said – looking up at June as she slid the bottle into her backpack, where it clinked and clattered against others.

“The demon said that Jerin Kah summoned something called zeno devils-”

“Good,” June said, her voice quiet. “That will give us some time to train you up before you go after them.”

“What?” Ember blinked up at her. “Wait, what do you mean time? They’re heading for Nex-Ho, that place is only a few days away! We have to chase after them right now!”

June put her tail against his nose, preventing him from standing. “No,” she said. “A zeno devil is a sixth circle demon – facet of the Waste that Wends. They’re aspects of the concept of entropy, wasting time, and paradox.” She shook her head. “And thus, they have a single power ... but it’s a devilish one. If you chase after a zeno, you will always be halfway away from reaching them – no matter how fast you go. The only way to stop a zeno is to let it get somewhere ... then chase after it there and hope you get to it before it can fly again.”

Ember opened his mouth to argue. Then he closed it. “If you’re always decreasing the distance halfway, you’ll never reach it. Oh, that is mean.”

June looked mildly shocked that he had gotten it, but concealed it with a tiny toss of her head. “Come on. Lets bury the dead...” She sighed, softly. “If Rataka is ever going to come back, it should do so without hungry ghosts waiting around.”

None of them knew the words – but at the end of the day, Ember hoped that being laid to rest by the Unconquered himself would be enough to render most ghosts happy about their place. He was privately happy that he barely recognized each body that he had laid down. He’d have hated to bury Korrine, or Jagatai. Or ... his mind shied away from the mental image of burying his own father. Instead, he focused on the digging, on the gently laying to rest, and finally, the moment of silence. As they stood, the sun closed his eye and the world was plunged into the gentle light of Lapis and Amethyst. The purple and the blue mixed to create something somber, but not too chill and distant.

Once the silence had passed, June sighed. “All right. Lets get to training.”

“Well, I’m pretty badass already,” Ember said, grinning. “What more do I need?”

June rolled her eyes. “You beat an overconfident Knight and some sixth circle demons. If Jerin Kah had fought you seriously, then this might have been a very short incarnation.” She flicked her finger against his nose. Ember yelped and rubbed at it. “See? Can’t even dodge that.” She shook her head, frowning. “Each incarnation has a different strength to begin with. Yours, so far, seems to be ... being really strong.” She nodded and Ember flexed dramatically – which made Chirp giggle. “So, I think it makes the most sense to at least figure out how to use that strength properly.” She grinned. “How do you feel about learning martial arts, Ember?”

“Uh...” Ember blinked at her. “It ... I ... w-wait, don’t I need a sifu to learn martial arts?” his eyes widened. “Oh my gods! Are you a master of Dragon Talon style? Or ... Five Fold Devil Arts!?”

“No,” June said. “I’m a thaumaturge, do you know how hard it would be to learn thaumaturgey and martial arts?” She cut him off before he could even get a word out. “Very. But I also happen to know a retired sifu who can help you.”

“Wow,” Chirp said. “You know a lot of people and things for a teenager.”

“She’s two hundred years old, actually,” Ember said.

Chirp’s red eyes widened. “Whoa!”

“You know, uh, I’d prefer you not mention that to everyone we meet,” June said. “People get mad at devil-born enough already without adding jealousy and a desire to vivisect me to the mix.”

“Why would someone be je-” Ember shut himself up. “Right. But I can’t keep secrets from my Lunar.” He gestured to Chirp.

“Yes you can, you can do so exceedingly easily,” June said, her voice dry. “The Unconquered is the husband. The Lunar Wives-” She pursed her lips at Chirp’s little flinch. “The Lunar Wives and Saris are subordinated to their Unconquered. So, technically, you could tell Chirp to jump off a bridge without breaking a sweat.”

Ember looked aghast. “Yeah! Well, I won’t then!”

June regarded him. Then, her tail twitching, she smirked. “Good.”

The three of them stepped onto the Starshrike. There, June toggled some buttons that caused clouds to drift down and surround the vehicle – shrouding it from people on the ground. Once they were flying, they would look like nothing more than a particularly swift cloud – and if they flew as high as they possibly could, even that would be hard to determine. From the immense heights that they swept along at, the Land looked like a vast tapestry – a tapestry of forests, plains, rivers, and the glowing dots of cities. Looking through the window, Ember shook his head slowly.

“I can see why the Third Unconquered built this thing,” he said. “Though, how are we going to avoid drawing attention when we actually land the thing?”

“That is a spot of bother...” June muttered.

Same as Unconquered
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She looked absolutely ravishing. Now at the restaurant, the hostess brought us to our table. To my delight, she walked us up to a one-sided semi-circular booth where we would be sitting side by side. We were seated and we started to look at the other customers, they were the rich and we’ll off. I had enjoyed my weekend Friday evening displaying Janice’s body and a night of passion with her, a foursome on Saturday, today Sunday Jane had visited my house in the morning and I had an arousing...

1 year ago
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Doctor BrandleChapter 3

Back at his home Steve decided he would spend the morning finishing unpacking which he did. He also hung up some pictures on the wall. He was becoming comfortable with his new home and this small town living. It was almost noon when he was finished unpacking and he wondered about what he would do for the rest of the day. Since it was a nice sunny day and he had already done sufficient food and various household supplies shopping it was an easy decision to drive to his club and play a round...

1 year ago
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TitGro Bitch Food An Infomercial

###################################################################### ISEMENT // PAID ADVERTISEMENT // PAID ADVERTISEMENT // PAID ADVERTISE ###################################################################### TIT-GRO BITCH FOOD: AN INFOMERCIAL \\\\\\\\\\ by The Gimp //////////////// Is your sissy slut flat chested? Are the other Daddies and Masters and Mistresses snickering at you behind your back? It's rough, isn't it? Believe me, I...

1 year ago
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Vacation at the BeachChapter 10

Sam had spent two hours teaching her older sister all about Kegels and what to do with them. The noises she made as she practiced what Sam had taught her woke Rudy up. She snarled at him to go back to sleep. “You’ve had your turn, you little weasel,” she panted. Then she went back to work flexing her Kegels around my iron-hard penis, upon which she’d been perched for fifteen minutes. She’d already had two orgasms by then. It was amazing. She barely moved, but it felt like I was being...

1 year ago
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Little Olivia II

It was her idea to seduce me, but now that she was mine, I intended to enjoy her as much and as often as possible. I stood up, grabbed her by the hand and walked her to the shower in the master bedroom. I was taking her into my matrimonial bedroom, into the same shower I had fucked her mother many times before. While I turned on the water and adjusted the knobs for the right temperature, Olivia came up behind and put her arms around me, telling me that she loved me. I replied that I loved...

1 year ago
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For The Taking

My God has this ever been thrilling! I haven’t felt this much excitement about anyone in a very long time. That cute boy at work, the one I shared some serious mutual satisfaction with, he’s made me more horny than I can honestly ever recall. I walk around work all the time feeling a gentle moist warmth in my panties everyday and Tanner never seems to leave my mind.We still manage to text back and forth on a daily basis about random insignificant stuff and it is fun. We also play ‘Rhyme Time’...

First Time
1 year ago
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Mistress Caroline part 2 My Training Begins

It had started off as a normal meeting, or so I thought. Now I was under the control of a powerful and very forceful woman. I couldn´t understand why, but I was responding to her every whim and part of me was enjoying it, no matter how strange her requests were. Mistress Caroline snapped her leash onto my collar and said softly, ‘Get up J.’ ‘Yes ma´am,’ I replied as I got up and stood before her. She stood very close to me and looked me up and down, “I see my cock is resting, waiting for...

1 year ago
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My True Love Part 2

My True Love Part 2 By Razia Hello again to all ISS readers. Part 1 of this story was my first attempt to write anything. Hope you all liked it. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes and please don’t ask me for my real name and place through your mails. As you all know names and places have been changed in story for privacy reasons . your valuable suggestions and advises if any are surely appreciated. There was excitement in the air with Madhu’s arrival yesterday. We arranged for him in...

3 years ago
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Widows CompanionChapter 6

She had heard of women who did this, and had even heard some rough girls joking in the school toilet about it, but she had never expected to actually see someone doing such an obscenely wicked thing. The woman's mouth was stretched so wide Ellen wondered how she kept from choking on the huge penis, for her lips were locked on the thick shaft of male flesh as if they would never let go. The part exiting from her mouth was heavily ridged with blue veins. God, the young teenage blonde could...

3 years ago
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My Neighors Incest IV

Introduction: Story continues, just pretend the end of the last part never happened. Let me say this, the last section of part III was not good at all. I really didnt want to write it then, but everyone seemed to complain about the short cliff hanger in part II, so I felt pressure to give you more. If you will allow me, I will do that justice and continue. As always, if you didnt like the other stories, hit back, now! Before I begin, let me tell you where this story came from. Its actually...

4 years ago
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Arent you afraid P32

Before the realization, wakefulness, dawns on her. She is in the arms of Kylo Ren. She jumps, suddenly anxious. Heart pounding. When he feels her stir, he wraps his arms tighter. "Shhh…" he whispers in her ear. "You're okay." The fight in her is exhausted from the past few days and she relaxes against him. Feels him kiss her neck softly. Her body responds as he runs his hand down her side. She feels him begin to harden between her legs and feels her body respond instantly. She inhales...

2 years ago
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Barnabys Education

Anne brought the car carefully to a halt in Ralph’s and Georgina’s driveway. Unusually, Brian had agreed to take the passenger seat. Normally he preferred to drive whenever they went anywhere together as he was a better driver than a passenger. However it was New Year’s Day and he’d had quite a bit to drink during the early morning festivities and Anne had insisted that she should take the wheel. After all, he needed his licence for his job. Brian’s brother Ralph and his wife Georgina had...

3 years ago
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Vacation Road Trip

I was on a thirteen day vacation with my better half when I met a beautiful redhead that would change my life. We were traveling in our 31’ motorhome visiting South Dakota and Wyoming. We were staying in an RV park outside Yellowstone National Park in a small town. The wife decided to shop in this small town for souvenirs. We had been through four or five stores when we entered a really big store. A young store clerk asked us how we were doing and f she could help us find anything. “Life is...

3 years ago
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My first experience with a girlhow I knew I was b

I always get requests for a story about how/when I knew I was bisexual, and my first experience with a girl. For a while I’ve put off the idea of writing a story about it, because I wasn’t sure if it was too personal or not, but I’ve decided I want to share my experience, so I hope you all like it! I don’t want to reveal any names so for the sake of this story, I’m going to refer to girls by different names. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------First...

2 years ago
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Married Young Lady From Bhubaneswar Needs Me

Please do mail me if you really enjoyed this story at We had just moved in to a new house, and the owners family welcomed us nicely. Although we preferred to stay away from the owners, but somehow this time we were not so lucky and our owners happened to stay by the side of our own house in the same compound. Although the family just had an old couple living with their young daughter in law, as their son who worked in Armed forces remained away from home most of the time. I was amazed to...

2 years ago
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Your secret Lover

Think about you tying your husband up in your room, putting on music, him seeing you dressed in those fishnets. He is laid back, naked, erect, and all tied up. You blindfold him, put on some music so it's nice and loud and suck his cock.You suck that cock good and tell him not to go anywhere you're going to get some things to tease him with. Him tied up at the wrists and ankles you leave.I'm sitting in your living...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Alice Merchesi Ginger Lovers And Friends

Ginger cutie Alice Merchesi is in a long-distance relationship with a guy she met at summer camp, and to keep her attention, she needs a little help from her dorky best friend. The guy suggests that they take some naughty photos to send him, but pretty soon he gets super turned on himself. After a few flicks, the horny guy shoots his shot, and Alice’s pussy starts to tingle. She kisses her lifelong bestie lovingly and lets him slide his dick inside her tight pussy. Then, they move to the bed...

2 years ago
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Getting And Giving Extra Portions From The Canteen

In part one of this story i had a hard and fast fucking session with the canteen manager.Part two involves the woman who took over the canteen when she left.She was lot older than the previous manager(late forties)but she had a hot ass which caught my eye.I had often seen her waiting at the bus stop when i left and one day as we left at the same time i asked her if she wanted a lift but she declined.The next day it was raining and i saw her at the bus stop getting wet as the glass was broken.I...

1 year ago
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Taxing Beauty

"Taxing Beauty" by Sally She never thought of her family as poor. They always had all they needed.They ate from the garden plot, played music every sundown, broke bread withfriends, and had family scattered throughout the countryside. No, she neverfelt poor, not until the prince and his men rode through town. Then, for the way her parents scrapped and bowed, she quickly learned thatthere were forced above her that made her humble. This made her angry at theprince, angry at her parents, angry at...

2 years ago
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Hola soy un tipo casado de 50 años, mi mujer tiene 40 años y creanme que es BELLÍSIMA, ambos somos muy altos, ella mide casi 1,80 mts, piernas larguísimas y hermosa, es muy mirada, cosa que a mi me enorgullece, siempre tuve yo la fantasía de saber que se sentía ver que otro hombre la disfrutara, pero obvio frente a mi.Yo nunca se lo propuse porque es un mina muy lejana a esas cosas, aunque no debe existir mujer sin esas fantasías, a mi nunca me toco el tema. Una noche fuimos a bailar, estaba...

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The Great Perskys Mysterious Box of Metafictional Magic

Conceived as a sequel to the 1977 short story "The Kugelmass Episode" by Woody Allen The Great Persky's Mysterious Box of Metafictional Magic by Pretzelgirl * * * * * Aunt Gladys has died. It wasn't any big deal, really. No one on this side of the family had been that close to her. She lived in the city, pretty much removed from the rest of us. And she had mainly kept to herself, living in a kooky old rundown apartment in...

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Joshua, was a quiet, attractive boy who lived with his biological aunt and his stepmother. His mother died at Joshua's birth and his dad remarried in 5 years. Unfortunately his dad died when he was eleven. His step mother was sad, and did not remarry. Right now his stepmother was on a business trip in Japan for six months leaving Joshua and his auntie Jennifer alone in the house.Jennifer moved in with Joshua and his stepmother when Joshua was 10 years old. She came from a quiet town to the city...

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Unexpected Fun With A Lady Boy

Hello friends my name is Rahul and today I am telling you a story that happened with me in the month of January. I am currently in Bangalore and have a good physique. This is a true story. I was at my aunt’s house during my vacations to attend my brother’s marriage. As in India its common after very marriage the shemales come to house for Shagun but when they arrived at our house no one was available except me and I didn’t know what to give to them. So I asked them to come some other time but...

3 years ago
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Sliders Pet

SLIDER'S PET By Valerie Hope "Long ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." Anonymous Bret Reed was not a rich man. He wasn't particularly poor, either - which meant that the current Republican administration in the White House had, in their benevolence, decided to place the tax burden of the entire country right on his white, male, aged 18-35 and single shoulders. He slaved away, day in and day out, to bring home some little bit...

1 year ago
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Amys Second Attack

Oh, and it's a story, as in not real. Constructive criticisms are always welcome. Amy’s second attack. He was a well built man, forty years old, well dressed, but not designer labels glaring out at you. He sat in his usual seat by the window in the restaurant, blankly looking out over the cityscape. The evening crowds of families, older folks and workers hustling to home and markets had died down. It was a cool, damp night; not the kind of night for venturing out unless for a...

3 years ago
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Hi there. I'm June Heller, 25, and I married Mark, my husband, last year after 4 years of courtship during college. My beautiful hunk of a husband and me were pretty loose and free sex wise and used to participate in frat orgies (his frat, mine and a few others) so it was quite clear that none of us was going to quit fucking around. We had discussed this when the subject of marriage started coming up and agreed that with just a few 'limits' we'll keep doing that. The first limit was to...

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A Christmas Gift From the Guys

Christmas day was finally here, I'm at my families Christmas celebration and all I can think about is getting home to find out what 'special gift' Bob has planned for the evening. We did what we always do, open presents first, it seems like everyone got twice as much as the years before. This day is going to take forever to get over! Mom forget to turn the oven back up after the pie got done, so the ham wasn't done cooking yet.What else was going to happen to make it even longer before I can...

Group Sex
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The Boss Daughter

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, sex, secret, affair, hotel, party, Christmas, shower, office Summary: A salesman gets more acquainted with the boss' daughter at the company Christmas party. I had worked for Demasi appliances as a salesman for half a decade. It was a good job, good benefits, though the boss, Mr. Demasi was a bit of a dick. He ran the place and made sure everyone knew he was in charge. As long as you bowed your head to him at the right time you had little to...

1 year ago
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Plenty of fish in the lake And a little bait catc

The alarm buzz sounded too early in the morning, as it always did. Sam didn’t feel like getting out of the bed and go to the flower shop. Above all, he was reluctant to see Bruce so soon after their Truth or Dare game where it became obvious that Bruce had a crush on Sophocles. The little bear had difficulties to show his feelings and he knew it would hurt him to see Bruce now. But he needed the money and he knew that eventually he had to face Bruce and part of him wanted to see him too and…...

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Leg attraction

As I sat on the patio my thoughts were s**ttered in many directions. A warm summer breeze lifts my hair and delicately raises my skirt as it sheers past. I peered down at my tanned smooth thighs knowing they are once again taunting,... and well. It's now been two years since our canoe trip following my discovery of Michaels peculiar attention. I wanted to allow him time to mature which provided me plenty of time to seduce his mind. This certainly isn't something that one can just initiate but...

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caught babysitter

As a middle aged salesman and father of two, I rarely have time for dating. I usually get by on random hookups, but recently I experienced a drought. After a couple of rough months, I was dying for release. I arranged for the babysitter to watch my daughters and headed to the bars in a last ditch effort to get laid. Unfortunately, I suffered a night of strikeouts and returned in defeat. As soon as I got in the door, I headed straight for my living room. My plan was to promptly pay the...

1 year ago
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First Time Blow and Go Gay

It is my first time with another man, and it is supposed to be a simple blow and go. It starts out with his naked body on the bed, and with his legs spread. I am naked also as I crawl up onto the bed. His soft cock is lying sideways on his abdomen. I gently place my fingers under and around his cock. It is the first time I have touched another man's cock. I have to know what it feels like in my mouth. I am literally drawn to it as I lower my head down. I wrap my warm wet mouth around his soft...

3 years ago
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A Source of Warmth

They’d just wheeled him in on a bed at 4.50pm. Damn it, that means I’m working overtime on my own AGAIN. I grumbled as I looked at his profile on the clipboard. Hmm, thirty-five years old and still unmarried? He was evidently very successful, too - CEO of a fairly large IT company I’d heard about. I had to wonder what was going to happen to the company without him. I glanced down at him. He was lean and athletic, with his handsomely pale skin contrasted against his dark brown hair. ...

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Meeting James Ch 2

As he slowly guided me to the bed, I took in his scent, which was spread all over the sheets. He smelled so good. I was so happy to be sharing myself with him. James stood in front of me, hunger and desire burning off of him. I could feel it and I was pretty sure he could feel my lust for him as he slowly took off his shirt, throwing it to the floor and making no hesitations about taking off the rest. I watched as he undressed. Unzipping his jeans, taking off his socks, and finally settling...

2 years ago
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If I Only Knew 6

If I Only Knew (6) - by Rachael Free Jamie and Bev put their plan into action. Bev finally pulled back and cleared the tears from my face. "Come on Baby, let's do this. No time for tears, its time for retribution." I gave her a little smile as I sat up. Bev went to the telephone and called David saying that Bev and I wanted to see him at the bar in two hours. David would be a fun part of our dinner plans. We cleaned ourselves up from our latest love session and put on shorts...

1 year ago
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Manmoirs Ms Opposite Part 3

Aside from pure physical attraction and our profession, Kristy and I had absolutely nothing in-common. To me, it made our relationship perfect. We could talk shop and fuck each other's brains out. One problem I ran into was her constant changing of the rules. After our three-way with Tessa, we added one another to Facebook and exchanged numbers. We'd hook up every so often on the low. Now you may be thinking it was wrong for me to bang the best friend of my fuck buddy, but what was my fuck...

Straight Sex
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What Are Friends For0

***** "Mellissa," my mom called up the stairs. "Jenna is here to get you." "Ok mom," I called back down and grabbed my phone off the charger before bouncing down the stairs and skipping out the door. "Don't be out too late. And remember your father and I won't be here tomorrow or Sunday so you'll have to find your own food." My mom reminded me as I left. "Don't worry we'll be back later." I replied and hopped Jenna's new impala. Jenna is my best friend. We have...

1 year ago
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Small town Large Charge

I guess Dad started taking me to town with him to keep Mom off his case for stopping for a beer snd to chat with his old Cronies. The first few years were LOTS of fun. He'd let me run the Street(singlular) ,While he drank 6 or 9 beers and shot up three bucks worth of pool balls.I would stay in site of the bar and help him to the truck or Drive it home which ever I could talk him into. I learned to SMOOCHie and dry hump before I was 11 but no one could get a hand in my pants ot I'd break it off...

First Time
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Fiances taken

My penis aches with pleasure. When I drunkenly suggested to a group of female friends that I wanted my fianc?to be taken advantage of as she had taken advantage of me I had no idea they would be so willing, or the ideas they would have, some of which were even wilder than mine. One of them, probably Clara, had spiked her drink with rohypnol after several strong cocktails, after she had already had enough to start sending her to sleep. After finding out from a mutual friend that she been...

3 years ago
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Southern Belle

A Harlequin Romance Parody Daniel had been working out in the fields all day. The hot sun had taken its toll upon his fragile skin; his flesh now possessed a reddish tint. Sweat poured down his brow and glistened upon his massive chest. Realizing that it was not glistening enough, Daniel opened a bottle of oil and poured some into his hand. He lathered it onto his muscular front until he had achieved the proper shine. He paused as the ringing of the dinner bell stirred him from his labor. His...

1 year ago
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My old friend Judy gets her butthole punished one

Judy. She was a mostly platonic friend that I used to know. I met her when she started as the hostess at my favorite Mexican place about twenty three years ago. She was a very hot milf. Very hot. She was about 25 with a baby and on again off again boyfriend that I eventually became friends with. She had dark black, wavy hair. A sultry Italian look mixed with a generous dose of Jewish American Princess. She was trim, a petite five foot three and maybe ninty five pounds. Big, pendulous tits, with...

2 years ago
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Chapter 6 Assimilation

I counted eight tentacles in total coming through as they twisted in the air.  How many did the creature have?  That question and thought were quickly lost in the haze of arousal.  I leaned back slightly more hoping to present myself better.  The tentacles were already through the mirror and positioning themselves around me.  The soft hum of arousal coursed through my body as I looked at the mass of swirling black before me.  The tentacles began to trace paths along my body slowly creating...

Monster Sex
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Full Masti With Good Friend

Hi friends this is shlok again with new story…..Y meri second story hai yha jo ki abhi 6 din phele hi hui hai socha aap sabke sath share karu.. Y meri aur meri friend ki story hai jo mere hi sath padhti hai iss story ko padh kar agar koi b female (delhi ncr s) mujhse contact karna chahe toh mail me at waste na karte hue story mai aata hu.Mai student hu age 23 years aur noida mai rhta hu rent par 6 din phele ki y story h jab mai aapni clss ja rha tha toh raste mai humari faculty ka msg aaya ki...

2 years ago
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Deal or No Deal

My entire body lit up with soreness as I turned over to meet theharsh glint of sun poking through the morning sky. I grew concerned as my nails dragged into a pavement-like material underneath me as I stretched. My eyes flashed open and I quickly realized that I was not sitting in the comfortable confines of my bed, nevertheless in my house. I was underneath the giant football bleachers at my high school and naked! The frigid pavement pressed against my breasts while I lied there, sprawled out...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Sun Sand and Sex

When Amanda heard the caller’s voice, she instantly knew that this call was different. It was Sarah and she had a distinct level of excitement in her voice. And Amanda was equally excited because it was a call she never expected to get, but had hoped for.Amanda and Sarah had met that summer, while attending a teaching course at the local college. They had hit it off from hour one as they had similar careers as high school teachers and similar interests for women in their mid twenties. Plus...

4 years ago
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Just The Stranger8217s Things

Hello, sex story readers. It was a Friday night! I was dead tired due to the shifting scenes from Bhilai to Mumbai. I wanted a break. I wanted a drink. Moreover, I didn’t have any friends here, so I decided to go alone. I ended up at a club and since it was Friday night, it was fully packed! I went on to the bar table and ordered myself a drink and just looked here and there at others chilling and dancing and having a nice time, only till I saw a girl, not too short, long hair, bright face, and...

4 years ago
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Kaise Mujhe Mili Kajal Aunty

Hi, main ISS pe kafi kahaniyan padh chuka hun. Par mujhe ye fake lagti thi. Fir mere sath kuch aise hua ki socha share karu ki kaise mujhe aunty mili. Mujhe hamesha se auntiya aur bhabhiya pasand thi. Unme sex ka ek alag nasha aur bhuk hoti hai. Par mujhe lagta nahi tha ki meri ye wish kabhi puri nahi hogi. Kyuki mujhe nahi lagta hai koi married lady apne se kam umar ke ladke se chudegi. Maine fir bhi try karne ka socha maine Facebook pe married ladies ko friend request bhejna shuru kar diya....

3 years ago
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Marks Lucky Streak Chapter 1

This is first chapter in my erotica series: Mark's Lucky Streak! (As published under a previous name, oogleking.) As it is my first work, please keep your criticisms constructive, and enjoy! Ideas for part two -a work in progress- would be greatly appreciated either via comment or direct message. Bored. Mark was, to say the least, bored. He'd spent the majority of his summer playing video games in his room, - or "The Cave" as his mother had grown to call it - jacking off, working out, trying...

Straight Sex
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DeviantHardcore Abigail Mac Maddy O8217Reilly Sexy Domme Abigail Mac uses her good submissive Maddy OReilly

Maddy O’Reilly is such a good submissive for her mistress Abigail Mac. She stays bound up for her and loves to let Abigail do whatever she likes. Abigail loves to tease her and spends plenty of time playing with her body but never giving her exactly what she wants. After Abigail unties her she gives her a nice spanking until Maddy’s sexy ass is cherry red. Next Abigail sits her pussy down right on Maddy’s pretty face and grinds. She decides to reward Maddy for being a good girl and fingers and...

3 years ago
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Market Mein Number Diya

Hi, its Sameer mein Aurangabad se hu, meri umar 22 sal h m 5.6 ft ka gud luking handsome ladka hu, bat aaj s 6 month phle ki h, mri 2,3 gf reh chuki par jaldi hi m n brkup karliya mera rang gora h, land ka size 6 inch h, 3 inch mota h. Me dawa karta hu ye story padhe ke bad aap ki chut ka pani nikal jayega aur aap ki chut talmala jayegi mujse chudwane ke liye. Agar story me kch mistake huye to uske liye advance me sorry M jo kahni likhne jara hu ekdum sacchi h,.. Uss lady ka naam Madhu hai uska...

2 years ago
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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 2 Hot Daughterrsquos FutaMommy

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Autumn Holt I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn’t a man’s cum. That was a woman’s cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. The woman who fucked me, the futa as she called herself, was at my fourteen-year-old daughter’s door about to seduce her and fuck her. Given how easily that wonderful,...

2 years ago
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Without Love

Without love.   Part one   First time     With her knees clasped together, a finger touching her hard little nub through the fabric of her night dress while her hips gently rocked, Michelle discovered the satisfaction of masturbation, enjoyed the warmth of the glow it gave her after just a short while and the sleep it induced when she stopped. The sheets dampened and a light perfume of her sex.   It had been an accidental discovery, bathing her body, making sure her sex was clean. A...

1 year ago
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Doctor Doctor

Hello everyone.. I like to submit my true story which happened during my c***dhood days..My cousin sister had come for vacation from Vellore. She was 19 at that time and I was 18 just waiting for my results. She was into her second year nursing. Everybody at home went for work and we both were alone spending time with TV. We were very close since c***dhood and used to play a lot of games together as we were of the same age group. Those were enacting cooking with toys, shopkeeper selling,...

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